Themens, David R., Elvidge, Sean, McCaffrey, Anthony, Jayachandran, P. T., Coster, Anthea, Varney, Roger H., Galkin, Ivan, Goodwin, Lindsay V., Watson, Chris, Maguire, Sophie, Kavanagh, Andrew J., Zhang, Shun‐Rong, Goncharenko, Larisa, Bhatt, Asti, Dorrian, Gareth, Groves, Keith, Wood, Alan G., and Reid, Ben
The high latitude ionospheric evolution of the May 10‐11, 2024, geomagnetic storm is investigated in terms of Total Electron Content and contextualized with Incoherent Scatter Radar and ionosonde observations. Substantial plasma lifting is observed within the initial Storm Enhanced Density plume with ionospheric peak heights increasing by 150–300 km, reaching levels of up to 630 km. Scintillation is observed within the cusp during the initial expansion phase of the storm, spreading across the auroral oval thereafter. Patch transport into the polar cap produces broad regions of scintillation that are rapidly cleared from the region after a strong Interplanetary Magnetic Field reversal at 2230UT. Strong heating and composition changes result in the complete absence of the F2‐layer on the eleventh, suffocating high latitude convection from dense plasma necessary for Tongue of Ionization and patch formation, ultimately resulting in a suppression of polar cap scintillation on the eleventh. Plain Language Summary: The intense geomagnetic storm of May 2024 caused a plethora of different responses within the Earth's ionosphere. In the early phases of the storm, the auroral oval quickly expands to upper midlatitudes and induces strong variations in Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) phase measurements. Concurrently, midlatitude plasma is repeatedly lifted by 100–300 km on timescales of about an hour resulting in enhanced plasma densities. This intensified and lifted plasma is then drawn into the polar cap inducing variations in GNSS amplitude and phase. As the storm evolves, heating drives mixing of the thermosphere and causes an extreme depletion in ionospheric plasma. After 24 hr, despite severe geomagnetic conditions persisting, the depleted plasma environment results in only relatively weak plasma transport into the polar cap and significantly reduced impacts on GNSS. Key Points: Plasma lifting during the storm caused midlatitude displacements of ionospheric peak height by as much as 300 km over the course of 1 hourSporadic‐E is observed at the sub‐auroral convective boundary edge of the storm‐enhanced density with strong plasma drift shears presentSevere depletion of electron density at mid and high latitudes significantly reduced the impact of subsequent geomagnetic activity on GNSS [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]