Cilj ovog istraživanja je otkriti kako su transrodne osobe reprezentirane na medijskom portalu u 2019. godini. Kao metoda istraživanja korištena je kvalitativna analiza sadržaja te se uzorak sastojao od 22 članka objavljena u periodu od 1.1.2019 godine do 31.12.2019. godine. Analiza je obuhvaćala sve segmente članaka – naslove, tekst i fotografije. Kvalitativnom analizom željelo se dublje protumačiti korištene riječi, fraze i fotografije kako bi se saznalo kako neki segmenti mogu reprezentirati transrodne osobe na specifičan način. Na početku rada objašnjeni su teorijski pojmovi vezani uz transrodnost – poput transfobije, seksualne orijentacije i pojma LGBT. Nakon teorijskog okvira, slijedi šest pogavlja u kojima se analiziralo slike, tekstove i naslove. Rezultati istraživanja su pokazali da su transrodne osobe reprezentirane pornografizirano, stereotipizirano, ponekad neobično i drugačije od ostalih. Sama tema transrodnosti na ovome portalu nije česta tema o kojoj se izvještava – to može pokazati činjenica da je napisano samo 22 članka u periodu od godine dama. Na naglasku su teme iz područja lifestylea i ljubavnog života transrodnih osoba, dok su crna kronika i sport zanemarene. Događaji o kojima se izvještavalo u člancima su većinom iz stranih zemalja, dok se o domaćin događajima izvještavalo vrlo malo – to može poslati krivu poruku i ostaviti dojam kako transrodnost ni ne postoji kod nas. Velik broj sadržaja i tema graniči s vulgarnim te pornografizirana. Ovakva reprezentacija mogla bi predstavljati veliki problem i otežati izjednačavanje i prihvaćanje transrodnih osoba u društvu, sukladno tome nužno je više edukacije novinara i više osvješćivanja o važnosti ove teme u medijima., The main goal of this research is to find out how were the transgender persons represented on news portal in year 2019. Research method used in this research was qualitative content analysis and the pattern of the research was consisted of 22 articles published in the period of 1.1.2019. to 31.12.2019. The analysis included all segments of the articles - titles, text and photos. Qualitative analysis was used to get the deeper interpretation of used words, phrases and photographs to find out how some segments can represent transgender people in a specific way. At the beginning of the thesis, theoretical concepts related to transgenderism are explained - such as transphobia, sexual orientation and the concept of LGBT. After the theoretical framework, six chapters follow in which images, texts and titles are analyzed. The results of the research showed that transgender people are represented in a pornographed way, stereotyped, sometimes unusual and different from others. The very topic of transgenderism on this portal is not a frequently reported topic - this can be shown by the fact that only 22 articles have been written in a period of one year. The emphasis is on topics from the field of lifestyle and love life of transgender people, while the black chronicle and sports are neglected. The events that have been reported are mostly from foreign countries, while there is very little reporting about the domestic events - this can send the wrong message and give the impression that transgenderism does not even exist in our country. A lot of content and topics border on vulgar and pornographic. Such representation could be a big problem and make it difficult to equalize and accept transgender people in society and in accordance to that more education of journalists and more awareness of the importance of this topic in the media is necessary.