Marketing počiva na razmjeni dobara ili usluga između dva različita subjekta, odnosno njegov osnovni cilj zadovoljenje je ljudskih potreba pružanjem različitih proizvoda ili usluga, uz istodobno ostvarivanje profita za subjekt koji takve proizvode ili usluge pružaju. Kroz povijest marketing je imao nekoliko razvojnih etapa, počevši od ranog 20. stoljeća i industrijske revolucije, pa sve do 21. stoljeća i njegove neprofitne uloge u kontekstu društvenih djelatnosti. Marketing je od samih početaka industrije videoigara bio ključan za promociju njezinih proizvoda. Bez kvalitetnog marketinga prodaja videoigara ne bi bila ni približno uspješna kao što trenutno jest. Dodirnu točku između marketinga i inovacija u industriji videoigara predstavlja E3 izložba, najveća i najpopularnija izložba u industriji. Inovacije u videoigrama započela je tvrtka Nintendo 1980-ih godina, njezinim stopama nastavili su Sony i Microsoft, a danas vrhunac svih tehnoloških inovacija predstavlja tehnologija virtualne i proširene stvarnosti. U ovom završnom radu, pod naslovom „Marketing i inovacije u industriji videoigara“, prikazati će se i objasniti važnost utjecaja marketinga na industriju videoigara, kao i veza između marketinga i inovacija koje su se dogodile u industriji videoigara u proteklih 40 godina. Navesti će se i objasniti najvažnije inovacije koje su obilježile industriju videoigara, kao i njihov utjecaj na izum tehnologije virtualne stvarnosti i njezina potencijalna važnost za budući napredak na područjima različitih ljudskih djelatnosti. Marketing is based on the exchange of goods or services between two different entities, that is, its main goal is to meet human needs by providing different products or services, while making a profit for the entity that provides such products or services. Throughout history, marketing has had several stages of development, starting in the early 20th century and the industrial revolution, all the way to the 21st century and its non-profit role in the context of social activities. From the very beginning of the video game industry, marketing has been crucial in promotion of its products. Without quality marketing, video game sales would not be nearly as successful as they currently are. The point in which marketing and innovations in the video game industry meet is the E3 exhibition, the largest and most popular exhibition in the industry. Video game innovations were started by the company called Nintendo in the 1980s, while Sony and Microsoft followed in their footsteps, and today, the pinnacle of all technological innovations is the technology of virtual and augmented reality. In this final paper, titled “Marketing and Innovations in the Video Game Industry”, the importance of the impact of marketing on the video game industry, as well as the relationship between marketing and innovations that has occurred in the video game industry over the past 40 years will be presented and explained. The most important innovations that left its mark on the video game industry will be listed and explained, as well as their impact on the invention of virtual reality technology and its potential importance for the future advancement of various areas of human activities.