1. Preizkus psihofizičnih sposobnosti in privilegij zoper samoobtožbo
- Author
Majhenič, Žana and Gorkič, Primož
- Subjects
hitri postopek o prekršku ,privilege against self-incrimination ,violation of traffic rules ,misdemeanour ,protection of privilege against self-incrimination ,fast procedure on misdemeanour ,ZPrCP ,kršitev cestno prometnih pravil ,test psihofizičnih stanj ,španski kazenski sistem ,varstvo privilegija zoper samoobtožbo ,test of psychophysical conditions ,Spanish penal system ,prekršek ,privilegij zoper samoobtožbo - Abstract
Zaključno delo je osredotočeno na preizkus testa psihofizičnih stanj v prekrškovnih postopkih, zlasti tistih, storjenih s kršitvijo cestnoprometnih pravil in problematiko zagotavljanja ustreznih procesnih jamstev, predvsem privilegija zoper samoobtožbo. Kolikšna so pooblastila prekrškovnih organov za poseg v človekove pravice v omenjenih postopkih, kakšna je naša veljavna ureditev in kakšne so sankcije v primeru neustreznega obravnavanja ter po drugi strani, kakšne sankcije zadenejo kršitelja v primeru zavrnitve omenjenega testa. Tovrstno sankcioniranje je z vidika človekovih pravic lahko sporno, saj sankcija sili storilce, da opravijo preizkus in priznajo krivdo, kar pa bi lahko bilo v nasprotju z ustavno zagotovljenim privilegijem zoper samoobtožbo. Drugi del zaključnega dela sem namenila španskemu kazenskemu sistemu, na podlagi katerega je nastala tudi ideja za pisanje o opisanem problemu. Kakšna je njihova pravna ureditev in kako se tamkajšnja sodišča soočajo z njim. V končni primerjavi obeh sistemov sem med njima poskusila zajeti čim več razlik in podobnosti ter opozoriti na pomembne prednosti in slabosti tako enega kot drugega in s pomočjo tega v zaključku izpeljati ustrezne rešitve za reševanje opisanega problema v prihodnosti. This thesis focuses on the test of psychophysical abilities in criminal and misdemeanour proceedings, especially those committed in violation of traffic rules and the issue of providing appropriate procedural guarantees, mainly the privilege against self-incrimination. The core of the thesis is aimed at the following issues: what are the powers of misdemeanour authorities to interfere with human rights in mentioned proceedings what is our current regulation of ensuring road safety what are the sanctions in case of improper treatment and, on the other hand, what sanctions are imposed on the offender in case of refusal to submit to the test. In this case sanctioning can be controversial from a human rights perspective, as the sanction forces the offenders to take the test and plead guilty, which could be a violation of the privilege against self-incrimination. The second part of my thesis is devoted to the Spanish penal system that inspired me to explore this problem. I was analysing their legal framework and how the Spanish courts deal with the above-mentioned issues. In the final comparison, I tried to identify as many differences and similarities between the Slovenian and Spanish system as possible and point out the important advantages and disadvantages of both. In conclusion I seek to propose appropriate solutions to solve the described problems in the future.
- Published
- 2021