El presente trabajo busca examinar la manera como la educación en los años cincuenta del siglo XX, fundamentada a partir de la enseñanza de la historia patria, la educación cívica y la religión, en el municipio de Puebloviejo (hoy Aquitania, en Boyacá), incidió en la conformación de la sociedad, durante los años de la violencia, 1946-1965. Esto es, durante el periodo de los gobiernos conservadores de Ospina Pérez y Laureano Gómez, la dictadura de Rojas Pinilla y las dos primeras administraciones del Frente Nacional. Así, se considera al sistema educativo, a partir de la enseñanza de las tres disciplinas mencionadas, como fundamento de la conformación social, política y económica de un municipio de Boyacá (aun cuando el sistema educativo redundaría en el ámbito nacional), y que contribuiría a legitimar un orden social existente: la desigualdad social y económica, mediante los postulados de la historia, la educación cívica y la religión. Para ello, se parte del análisis de la sociedad del Puebloviejo de los años ochentas, caracterizada por un extremo individualismo, aun entre miembros de la sociedad anteriormente excluidos. Ese individualismo estaría dado por el auge económico del monocultivo de la cebolla larga, introducido a mediados de la década de los años sesenta, el cual contribuyó “liberar” a gran parte de la sociedad que permanecía sujeta a los patrones, sin remuneración salarial durante los años cincuenta. Esta distinción individualista conllevó una amplia diferenciación social y económica, cuyo origen se advertiría en la desigual distribución y tenencia de la tierra, donde una minoría ostentaba grandes propiedades, mientras la mayoría carecía de ésta o disponía de pequeñas propiedades. Aun más, la característica primaria en la tenencia de la tierra de una importante fracción de la sociedad se hizo patente en el minifundio, el cual, con el cambio en la producción agrícola en los años sesenta, se expresaría en el alto valor de la tierra, así como en los conflictos que surgirían por el corrimiento de linderos. En tal virtud, se parte de hacer un análisis del presente para indagar en el pasado sus orígenes, como parece desprenderse de la propuesta de investigación histórica de Josep Fontana. Al mismo tiempo, la pretensión del trabajo es la de partir del examen de una realidad nacional para llegar a una realidad local, pues se deduce que el sistema educativo imperante en la época de estudio cubría la totalidad del país, y que redundaría en la concepción de la realidad de un grupo social específico. Por tanto, el trabajo se inscribe en el ámbito de la historia de la educación, no ajena de la ideología política ni de los conflictos sociales y religiosos, los cuales influyen en la conformación social, económica y cultural de un pueblo. En este sentido, el trabajo recurre al método histórico, en investigación, a la vez que emplea algunas fuentes orales para corroborar y confrontar algunos datos bibliográficos. Abstract. The purpose of the current work is to examine how education in the fifties of the twentieth century, based on the teaching of homeland history, civic education and religion, in the municipality of Puebloviejo (today Aquitania, in Boyacá), affected the conformation of society, during the years of violence, 1946-1965. That is, during the period of Ospina Perez’ and Laureano Gómez’ conservative governments, Rojas Pinilla’s dictatorship and the two first National Front administrations. Thus, the educational system, based on the teaching of the three disciplines mentioned above, is considered the foundation of the social, political and economic conformation of a municipality of Boyacá (even though the educational system would be national), and that would contribute to legitimize an existing social order: social and economic inequality, through the postulates of history, civic education and religion. To do this, we start with the analysis of the Puebloviejo society in the 1980s, characterized by extreme individualism, even among previously excluded members of society. This individualism would be due to the economic boom of the spring onion monoculture, introduced in the mid- 1960s, which contributed to “release” a large part of the society which remained subject to the bosses, without salary remuneration during the fifties. This individualistic distinction entailed a wide social and economic differentiation, whose origin would be noticed in the unequal distribution and possession of land, where a minority boasted great properties, while most of the people lacked of land or had small properties. Moreover, the primary characteristic of the land possession of an important fraction of society was evident in the minifundio (small plots), which would be expressed in the high value of the land, with the change of the agricultural production in the 1960s, as well as in the conflicts that would arise by the landslide. In this way, the starting point is the analysis of the present to investigate its origins in the past, as it can be deduced from Josep Fontana’s historical research proposal. At the same time, the pretension of this work is to start from the examination of a national reality to reach a local one, since it is inferred that the educational system which prevailed in the time of the study covered the entire country, and would redound to the conception of the reality by a specific social group. Therefore, the work is part of education history, connected to political ideology and social and religious conflicts, which influence the social, economic and cultural conformation of a town. In this sense, the work uses the historical method in research, while using some oral sources to corroborate and confront some bibliographic data. Following these presuppositions, and taking into account that the education of the fifties influenced the conception of the world (and even the cultural conformation), of society, starting with the teaching of fatherland history, Civic education and religion, displacing the community values acquired during the Liberal governments of the 1930s, and generating gradually an intolerant society, is the manner to seek how this process was implemented. In this direction, the work is divided into four parts, which look for the answer to the question raised a a guide of this work: in the period of Violence (1946-1965) how political and religious ideology affected the school and its educational programs, contributing to the transformation and conformation of the present society of the municipality of Aquitaine, in the basin of the Lake of Tota, Boyacá? Thus, the three initial chapters attempt to warn and show the process of formation of an intolerant society, which would take place at the national level and reach the local one, which are in this case the towns of Boyacá. That process would begin in the full Liberal Republic, through the attack to the clergy, the intelligentsia and the conservative party, in Laureano Gómez' leading voice, to the constitutional reform of 1936. This process should also be reinforced through the educational system that became confessional based on the educational counter-reform of 1948 and 1950, which sought to increase the hours of homeland history, civic education and religion in education, and whose contents were imbued of exclusion and intolerance. The hard attack that the liberal government faced during the sixteen years of administration by conservatism and clergy, as well as the confessional educational Counter-reformation, led to the fragmentation and ideological polarization of society, whose differences would be expressed in violence, with a probable balance of more than three hundred thousand victims. To conclude it can be said that the four parts that make up this work have as a purpose to explain how the educational system of the 1950s helped to the formation of an intolerant society, while contributing to legitimize a social and economic inequality in the towns of Boyacá. In that sense, the school did not release, but subdued the society at the expense of interests which were diluted among political ideology, religious beliefs and economic interests of a minority. Maestría