18 results on '"help and support"'
Search Results
2. The power of coworkers in service innovation: the moderating role of social interaction.
- Author
Li, Yong-Quan and Liu, Chih-Hsing
- Subjects
SOCIAL interaction ,SOCIOLOGY of work ,BUSINESS success ,TECHNOLOGICAL innovations ,CONCEPTUAL models - Abstract
Service innovation is central to firms when explaining business success and competitiveness. However, little is known about how useful feedback and help/support from coworkers affect desirable innovation outcomes. This study draws on a conceptual model and theorizes that firms' support of useful feedback from coworkers and coworkers' help and support along with social interaction would achieve service innovation. In a sample of 382 employees from a large multinational firm, as hypothesized, employees with highly useful feedback and help/support from coworkers exhibited the highest level of firm service innovation. Moreover, managers can enhance this positive relationship by relying more on increased social interaction among employees for innovation performance. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2019
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- Subjects
parents of children with developmental disabilities ,stress ,help and support ,Special aspects of education ,LC8-6691 ,Medicine - Abstract
Parents’ reactions, in the moment when they find out that their child is with developmental disabilities, are absolutely individual. A lot of parents need months, while some of them need years to face the fact that their child is with developmental disabilities. The state and the crises that arise are very hard to be prevented, however they could be overcomed by a good professional help and support. The aim of this research is to examine the stress level that the parents of these children experience as well as the support that they receive by the family and the local community. Thirty one parents of children with intellectual disabilities, cerebral paralysis and visual impairment have been inquired. The questionnaire referred to the way of communication between professionals and parents, the stress level that they experienced because of their child and the support they received from their close family and other family members, their friends and the local community. For parents, the most stressful thing is the moment of finding out their child’s developmental disabilities. The biggest support they receive from their partners and parents.
- Published
- 2013
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4. Literature on social relations and caregiving
- Author
Torres, Sandra, author
- Published
- 2019
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5. Vzpostavljanje prilagojenega učnega okolja pri otroku z motnjo pozornosti s hiperaktivnostjo
- Author
Valančič, Ana and Lepičnik-Vodopivec, Jurka
- Subjects
triad of deficiencies ,attention deficit hyperactivity disorder ,motnja pozornosti s hiperaktivnostjo ,pomoč in podpora ,odkrivanje ,learning environment ,udc:376(043.2) ,detection ,učno okolje ,help and support ,triada primanjkljajev - Published
- 2020
6. Adolescents selling sex: Exposure to abuse, mental health, self-harm behaviour and the need for help and support-a study of a Swedish national sample.
- Author
Svensson, Frida, Fredlund, Cecilia, Svedin, Carl Göran, Priebe, Gisela, and Wadsby, Marie
- Subjects
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TEENAGERS , *CHILD abuse , *ATTEMPTED suicide , *SEX work , *SEX trafficking of minors - Abstract
Background: Selling sex is not uncommon among adolescents and we need to increase our knowledge of how this affects them. Aim: The aim of this study was to investigate adolescents who sell sex regarding sexual, mental and physical abuse, mental health as estimated by using the Hopkins Symptom Check List-25 (HSCL-25), self-harm behaviour and the adolescents' experience of receiving help and support. Methods: The study was carried out on a national representative sample of adolescents (mean age 18.3 years) in Swedish high schools in the final year of their 3-year programme. The study had 3498 participants and a response rate of 60.4%. Results: Of the adolescents, 1.5% stated that they had sold sexual services. The selling of sex was associated with a history of sexual, mental and physical abuse. Poorer mental health and a higher degree of self-harm behaviour were reported among the adolescents who had sold sex. Help and support was sought to a greater extent by adolescents who had sold sex but these adolescents were not as satisfied with this help and support as the other adolescents. Conclusions: Adolescents that sell sex are a group especially exposed to sexual, mental and physical abuse. They have poorer mental health and engage in more self-harm behaviour than other adolescents. They are in need of more help and support than other adolescents and it is reasonable to assert that more resources, research and attention should be directed to this group to provide better help and support in the future. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2013
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- Author
- Subjects
PARENTS of children with disabilities ,CHILDREN with developmental disabilities ,PSYCHOLOGICAL stress ,SOCIAL support ,QUESTIONNAIRES - Abstract
Parents' reactions, in the moment when they find out that their child is with developmental disabilities, are absolutely individual. A lot of parents need months, while some of them need years to face the fact that their child is with developmental disabilities. The state and the crises that arise are very hard to be prevented, however they could be overcomed by a good professional help and support. The aim of this research is to examine the stress level that the parents of these children experience as well as the support that they receive by the family and the local community. Thirty one parents of children with intellectual disabilities, cerebral paralysis and visual impairment have been inquired. The questionnaire referred to the way of communication between professionals and parents, the stress level that they experienced because of their child and the support they received from their close family and other family members, their friends and the local community. For parents, the most stressful thing is the moment of finding out their child's developmental disabilities. The biggest support they receive from their partners and parents. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2013
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8. The support of parents in old age by those born during 1945-1954: a European perspective.
- Author
Ogg, Jim and Renaut, Sylvie
- Subjects
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CARE of aging parents , *FILIAL responsibility , *ADULT children of aging parents , *BABY boom generation , *FAMILY relationships of older people , *COHORT analysis - Abstract
In 2004 in Europe, more than two-thirds of those born during 1945–54 had a parent or parent-in-law alive, and the rates of co-residence with their ascendants ranged from less than four per cent in Sweden, Denmark and The Netherlands, to between 17 and 24 per cent in Italy, Spain and Greece. The proportions that had provided practical help to their parents during the previous 12 months had a north-south gradient, from approximately one-in-three in the northern countries to 15 per cent or less in the southern countries. In contrast, the proportions of the helpers that provided regular and almost daily help had an inverse pattern, being low in Sweden and Denmark and much higher in the south. Some of these differences may be attributable to variations among the countries in the interpretation of ‘help’. Help to elderly parents tends to be most associated with the gender of givers and receivers, the living arrangements, geographical proximity and needs of the parents, and the availability of adult children who can help. There is little evidence of a specific ‘baby-boomer generation’ effect on the probability of giving help. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2006
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9. Prispevek socialnega dela na poti okrevanja preživelih nasilja
- Author
Geršak, Sabina and Urek, Mojca
- Subjects
social worker relationship ,opolnomočenje ,nasilje nad ženskami ,empowerment ,podpora in pomoč ,violence against women ,center for social affairs ,center za socialno delo ,help and support ,odnos socialne delavke - Abstract
Nasilje v naši družbi še vedno predstavlja resen problem, eno izmed ključnih vlog reševanja problematike pa ima tudi socialno delo. Žrtve ob izkušnji nasilja potrebujejo ustrezno pomoč, ki pripomore k njihovem okrevanju. Teoretični del moje diplomske naloge je sestavljen iz definiranja in oblik nasilja, osredotočim se konkretno na nasilje v družini, pri čemer je najpogostejša oblika ravno nasilje nad ženskami. Razumevanje tega se ključno povezuje z razumevanjem neenakosti med spoloma, ki moškemu v družbi pripisuje dominanten položaj. Za razumevanje nasilja nad ženskami kot socialnega problema je pripomoglo ravno feministično socialno delo, ki je postavilo okvire za izvajanje socialnih dejavnosti, ki med drugim konkretno odgovarjajo na potrebe žensk, ki so preživele nasilje. Nadaljnje se v teoretičnem delu diplomske naloge posvetim zakonodaji s področja nasilja. V Sloveniji imajo, poleg drugih, ključno vlogo Zakon o socialnem varstvu, Kazenski zakonik in Zakon o preprečevanju nasilja v družini, ki opredeljuje tudi vlogo, naloge in sodelovanje različnih oblik pomoči, ki so na voljo žrtvam nasilja. Med te spada tudi center za socialno delo, ki v okviru svojih pristojnosti izvaja vse potrebno za zaščito žrtve, jo motivira za vključitev v pomoč in druge dejavnosti. Socialne delavke na centrih za socialno delo opravljajo pomoč posebej v okviru prve socialne pomoči in osebne pomoči. Proces pomoči osebam z izkušnjo nasilja se v socialnem delu začne s pogovorom, ki vključuje tudi druge koncepte socialnega dela. Pri podpori žrtve nasilja sta pomembna proces opolnomočenja in načrt varnosti, temelj pa je vzpostavitev odnosa, zato morajo socialne delavke pri svojem delu spretno uporabljati svoja znanja. Komunikacijske tehnike in spretnosti imajo velik pomen pri zagotavljanju podpore in pomoči, ki vodi do procesa okrevanja. Z izvajanjem kvalitativne raziskave sem pridobila tako strokovni kot uporabniški pogled na prakse dela z žrtvami nasilja, ključne ugotovitve pa se skladajo z uporabljeno literaturo. Žrtve nasilja prihajajo v stik s centri za socialno delo s samoiniciativnim iskanjem pomoči ali so povabljene na podlagi medinstitucionalnega sodelovanja. V okviru delovnega procesa je pomemben odnos socialne delavke, razumevanje položaja žrtve nasilja in posledično raziskovanje ustreznih možnosti na podlagi uporabniške pripravljenosti sprejema pomoči. Ob sodelovanju s socialnimi delavkami so informiranje, opolnomočenje in načrt varnosti ključni dejavniki, ki žrtvam nasilja pripomorejo na poti okrevanja. Izpostavljene so bile tudi pomanjkljivosti v sodelovanju in socialnega dela v procesih pomoči žrtvam nasilja nasploh, ki so pripomogle k razvijanju predlogov za izboljšanje prakse dela na tem področju. Na neodzivnost, pomanjkanje evalvacije po določenem času pomembno vpliva pomanjkanje časa za pomoč, s katerim se srečujejo socialne delavke ob razpetosti med uporabniki in opravljanjem več nalog. Z boljšo lokalno pokritostjo drugih oblik pomoči bi se situacija bistveno spremenila tako za žrtve nasilja kot tudi socialne delavke. Predlagam tudi dodatna, redna izobraževanja in srečanja strokovnih delavcev na tem področju, ki lahko pomembno vplivajo na izvajanje dobre prakse. Hkrati predlagam vsem žrtvam nasilja, ki so pripravljene podeliti svoje mnenje in morebitne spremembe, da to storijo v okviru oblik pomoči, ki se ukvarjajo s tem področjem, saj lahko tako pomembno vplivajo na spreminjanje prakse. Violence remains a serious problem in our society and among others, social work has the key role in solving the problem. For helping victims of violence to recover, appropriate help is needed. The theoretical part of my graduation thesis consists of defining violence and naming the forms of violence, focusing specifically on domestic violence, with the most common form being exactly violence against women. Crucial for understanding this, is understanding of gender inequalities in order of male dominance in our society. For understanding violence against women as a social problem. It was precisely feminist social work that provided the framework for the implementation of social activities, which specifically respond to the needs of women who lived experience of violence. Further in the theoretical part of thesis, I devote myself to legislation in the field of violence. In Slovenia, among others, the key role in legislation has the Social Protection Act, the Penal Code and the Family Violence Prevention Act, which also defines the role, tasks and cooperation of various forms of assistance available for victims of violence. They include the center for social affairs, which, within the framework of its competencies, implements all the necessary steps to protect the victim, motivates her to engage in assistance and other activities. Social workers provide assistance specifically in the framework of first social aid and personal assistance. The process of helping victims of violence in social work starts with a conversation that includes other concepts of social work. Significant in supporting the victim of violence is the process of empowerment and a plan of security, the basic of which is the establishment of relationship, that is why social workers must use their knowledge skillfully through their work. Communication techniques and skills are of great importance in providing support and assistance, which leads to the process of recovery. By carrying out qualitative research, I gained both professional and user-oriented views of the practices of working with victims of violence, and the key findings are coherent with the literature used. Victims of violence come in contact with center for social affairs through self-initiative search for help, or are invited on the basics of interinstitutional cooperation. The social worker's attitude, understanding the situation of the victims of violence and consequently, exploring the suitable options based on the user's willingness to receive help, are very important in the work process. In cooperating with social workers, information, empowerment and a security plan are the key factors that contribute to the path of recovery of violence survivors. Shortcomings in the cooperation with social work were also highlighted. They contribute to the development proposals to improve the practice of work in this field. To the absence of a response, the lack of evaluation after a certain period of time, significally affects the lack of time for help encountered by social workers, which are performing multiple tasks throughout work. With better local coverage of the various forms of assistance, the situation would change substantially both for the victims of violence and the social workers. I also propose additional, regular training and meetings of professional staff in this field, which can significally influence the implementation of good practice. At the same time, I propose to all victims of violence, who are willing to give their opinion and possible changes, in order to do so within the forms of assistance which exist, as the users can have significant impact on changing the practice.
- Published
- 2019
10. Usposobljenost socialnih delavcev in delavk centra za socialno delo Celje za ravnanje na področju samomorilnosti
- Author
Medved, Urša and Urek, Mojca
- Subjects
education ,social work ,pomoč in podpora ,samomorilni proces ,socialno delo ,suicide process ,working relation ,vrste samomora ,samomor ,delovni odnos ,help and support ,methods of suicide ,izobraževanja ,suicide - Abstract
Znanje in spretnosti za ravnanje z ljudmi, ki kažejo samomorilska nagnjenja, s svojci ljudi, ki so storili samomor ali ljudmi z neuspelim poskusom samomora, sta zaradi pogostosti pojava pomembna za prav vsakega posameznika. Še posebej pomembna sta za socialne delavce in delavke, saj je samomorilnost glede na statistične podatke problematičen in pogost pojav v Sloveniji. S samomorilnostjo se srečujejo ljudje, zaposleni v strokah socialnih služb in zdravstva, pri čemer je zelo pomembno, da socialni delavci hitro zaznajo, da gre za delo na področju samomorilnosti, in znajo reagirati, saj je zdravstvo pri tem pogosto prisotno takrat, ko je že skoraj prepozno. V prvem delu diplome se bom osredotočila na pregled teorije o samomoru, opisala bom oblike in različne vrste samomora in njihove skupne značilnosti. Nato se bom dotaknila tudi oblik pomoči in vloge socialnih delavcev in delavk pri delu s samomorilno ogroženimi uporabniki ter kje so na tem področju še vidni primanjkljaji. V drugem delu diplome bom predstavila ugotovitve svoje raziskave, ki govori predvsem o tem, koliko se socialni delavci in delavke zaposleni na petih enotah Centra za socialno delo Celje srečujejo s samomorilno ogroženimi uporabniki in njihovimi svojci, kako v takih primerih reagirajo ter kakšne metode in načine ravnanja pri tem uporabljajo. Predstavila bom tudi, ali so jih obstoječa izobraževanja dovolj opremila za ravnanje na področju samomorilnosti in kaj na tem področju še potrebujejo. Knowledge and skills for treating people who show suicidal tendencies, with relatives of people who have committed suicide or people with an unsuccessful suicide attempt, are because of the frequency of phenomenon, important for every single individual. They are especially important for social workers, since suicide is according to the statistical data, a problematic and frequent phenomenon in Slovenia. People who are employed in social services and health care are faced with suicide on everyday basis, which is why it is very important that they perceive they are dealing with suicide and react as quickly as possible, as health care may start being present when it is almost too late. In the first part of my diploma work, I will concentrate on examining the theory of suicide, describing the forms and various types of suicide and their common characteristics. Then I will focus on the forms of assistance and the role of social workers in dealing with potential suicides and pay attention to where there are still deficiencies in this area. In the second part of the diploma, I will present the findings of my research, which mainly deals with the extent to which social workers employed in five units of the Center for Social Work Celje face potential suicides and their relatives, how they react in such cases, and what methods and way of handling they use. I will also present my view if the existing education has adequately qualified them to deal with suicide and what they still need in this area.
- Published
- 2019
11. Quality of the life of elderly after the death of their life partner
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- Subjects
death of the life partner ,help and support ,pomoc a podpora ,grieve ,truchlení ,old age ,quality of the life ,kvalita života ,úmrtí životního partnera ,stáří - Abstract
A Bachelor thesis addresses the quality of the life of the retiree after the death of their life partner. The thesis is divided into 2 parts a theoretical part and an empirical part. The theoretical part deals with terms which are related to the topic of the bachelor thesis. The first chapter describes an old age as a stage of life, changes which are connected with the old age and special needs of the old people. The second chapter is focused on the quality of the life, its evaluation and dimensions. The third chapter is focused on the death of the life partner and aspects of the loss. A process of a grieve and determinants of a grieve are described in the fourth chapter. The last chapter is focused on a support and help for survivors and it also describes informal and formal methods of help. The goal of the project was to find out the problems of the retiree after the death of their life partner and how to help them. The goal of the thesis is to answer given research questions. The first research question is focused on an existence of a gender difference between areas of the life which are affected by the loss of the life partner. The second research question explores if the retiree can come to terms with the loss if given proper and individual support. In the empirical part of the bachelor thesis is used a method of qualitative research in the form of a narrative conversation. The research complex is made up of 6 communication partners whose life partner died. The results are analyzed with the help of an open coding. The research shows that there is no significant difference in the spheres of life affected by the loss of the life partner between men and women. First of all, both, men and women struggle with worsening health conditions. Common problem is also a limited contact with their social environment. As for the methods of support that help the retiree to come to terms, it is informal help from their family and also formal help related to their worsening health - medical help.
- Published
- 2018
12. Application of the interaction pattern, support and training to the user in the design of a video game supported on smartphones
- Author
Filigrana, Leandro, Solano, Andrés, and Collazos, César A.
- Subjects
lcsh:Computer engineering. Computer hardware ,Tecnologías de la información y las comunicaciones ,Patrones de interacción ,Investigaciones ,Videogames ,Technology development ,lcsh:TK7885-7895 ,Information and communication technologies ,Soporte y ayuda ,Investigations ,Ingeniería de sistemas ,Facilidad de operación y control ,lcsh:QA75.5-76.95 ,Systems engineering ,Videojuegos ,Easy tooperation and control ,Help and support ,Interaction patterns ,Desarrollo de tecnología ,Ciencia de los computadores ,Innovaciones tecnológicas ,Computer science ,ICT's ,Smartphones ,TIC´s ,Technological innovations ,lcsh:Electronic computers. Computer science - Abstract
Actualmente existe una gran variedad de patrones de interacción, los cuales plantean soluciones que no resultan sencillas de implementar, puesto que la información de cómo deben ser aplicados es limitada. A pesar de que la estructura de cada patrón contiene mínimo la descripción del problema, contexto y solución, en ocasiones los diseñadores requieren información adicional a la que este suministra para llevar a cabo su implementación. Por esta razón, el presente artículo describe de forma explícita la creación, forma de uso e implementación y evaluación de un patrón de interacción enfocado en solucionar problemas comunes de soporte y ayuda al usuario. Esto con el propósito de guiar a diseñadores de interacción de videojuegos en el uso del patrón sobre entornos de videojuegos soportados en Smartphones, buscando obtener una aplicación adecuada del mismo. Nowadays, there are a variety of interaction patterns, which proposes solutions that are not easy to implement, because the information about your application is limited. Although the structure of each pattern contains at least the problem description, context and solution, several times the interaction designers whowant to use them, require additional information to do this implementation. For that reason, this paper explicitly describes the creation, implementation and evaluation of an interaction pattern focused on solving common problems of support and helps to user. This in order to guiding the interaction designers of videogames supported in Smartphones to obtain a proper application of this pattern.
- Published
- 2016
- Author
Daniela Dimitrova Radojichikj and Natasha Chichevska Jovanova
- Subjects
lcsh:LC8-6691 ,lcsh:Special aspects of education ,lcsh:R ,Visual impairment ,lcsh:Medicine ,Education ,Stress level ,Local community ,Developmental psychology ,stress ,Psychiatry and Mental health ,Stress (linguistics) ,Cerebral paralysis ,Developmental and Educational Psychology ,medicine ,parents of children with developmental disabilities, stress, help and support ,help and support ,medicine.symptom ,Psychology ,parents of children with developmental disabilities - Abstract
Parents’ reactions, in the moment when they find out that their child is with developmental disabilities, are absolutely individual. A lot of parents need months, while some of them need years to face the fact that their child is with developmental disabilities. The state and the crises that arise are very hard to be prevented, however they could be overcomed by a good professional help and support. The aim of this research is to examine the stress level that the parents of these children experience as well as the support that they receive by the family and the local community. Thirty one parents of children with intellectual disabilities, cerebral paralysis and visual impairment have been inquired. The questionnaire referred to the way of communication between professionals and parents, the stress level that they experienced because of their child and the support they received from their close family and other family members, their friends and the local community. For parents, the most stressful thing is the moment of finding out their child’s developmental disabilities. The biggest support they receive from their partners and parents.
- Published
- 2015
14. Bortförande av barn : ur några drabbade föräldrars perspektiv
- Author
Netzler, Charlotte
- Subjects
parental abduction ,kvarlämnad förälder ,olovligt bortförande och kvarhållande av barn ,parental kidnapping ,left-behind parent ,help and support ,bortförande av barn ,stöd och hjälp ,family abduction - Abstract
Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka några föräldrars upplevelser kring bortförandet av deras barn och hur stöd och hjälp från samhället upplevs. Tidigare forskning pekar på att kvarlämnade föräldrar drabbas svårt av ett bortförande då det orsakar emotionell stress. En del av forskningen som inriktar sig på riskfaktorer och kännetecken för bortföranden visar att bortföranden ofta äger rum i samband med vårdnadstvister och föregås av hot. Kvarlämnade föräldrar drabbas också ekonomiskt av ett bortförande. Forskning tyder också på att det finns brister i stöd och hjälp för drabbade föräldrar. Denna forskning utgår från en internationell kontext och myndigheter i engelskspråkiga länder. Då antalet bortföranden fortsätter att öka i Sverige finns anledning att uppmärksamma och studera frågan då det finns väldigt lite svensk forskning om bortförande av barn. Studien genomfördes med hjälp av intervjuer med fem föräldrar som drabbats av ett bortförande, där den andra föräldern bortfört barnet till utlandet. Intervjumaterialet har bearbetats genom en kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Aaron Antonovskys teori KASAM – Känsla av sammanhang, utgör studiens teoretiska referensram.Studiens resultat visade att föräldrarna upplevde bortförandet som en kris. Majoriteten av föräldrarna hade upplevt varningssignaler med bland annat hot från den bortförande föräldern innan bortförandet. Föräldrarna upplevde även skuldkänslor relaterat till detta. De reagerade på olika sätt på bortförandet. Reaktionerna innebar bland annat sömnsvårigheter, oro, chock, panik, ångest, sorg och saknad. Vidare visar resultatet att föräldrarna upplevde att svenska myndigheter inte gjorde tillräckligt för att hjälpa dem. Bortförandet innebar stora ekonomiska kostnader de själva fick betala och de efterfrågade även bättre psykosocialt stöd. Slutsatsen är att föräldrarna upplevde bortförandet som en kris som de kände sig maktlösa i då de upplevde att de inte fick det stöd och den hjälp de behövde från det svenska samhället. This bachelor thesis aims to investigate a few parents' experiences of the parental abduction of their children and how they experience support and help from society. Previous research indicates that left-behind parents experience emotional stress and that the abduction of their children can be traumatic. Parts of the existing research focouses on risk factors and shows that parental abductions often occur in connection to a child-custody case, and with threats from the other parent. The abductions affect the left-behind parents' economic well-being. Research about parental support and authority responses also indicates that support needs to be extended and improve. This research was conducted in international contexts and related to authorities in the English-speaking world. Because of the increasing cases of parental abduction in Sweden, and that little research has been conducted about the left-behind parents' experinces in Sweden, there is a reason to investigate this in this bachelor thesis. Interviews have been carried out with five parents whose children have been abducted by the other parent to another country. The theoretical framework of the study is Aaron Antonovsky's theory Sense of Coherence (SOC). The analysis suggests that the parents experienced that the abduction of their children was a life crisis. The majority of the parents had seen alarming signs, and gotten threats from the other parent before the abduction. These findings confirmed previous research. The parents experienced feelings of guilt related to the alarming signs. The parents also felt powerless and stated that the Swedish authoritys, and society, did not do enough to help them.
- Published
- 2013
15. Mothers as distance learners: A phenomenology
- Author
Fahy, Patrick (Centre for Distance Education, Athabasca University), Filax, Gloria (Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies, Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences, Athabasca University), Blodgett-Griffin, Cynthia (Centre for Distance Education, Athabasca University), Zaugg, Crystal, Fahy, Patrick (Centre for Distance Education, Athabasca University), Filax, Gloria (Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies, Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences, Athabasca University), Blodgett-Griffin, Cynthia (Centre for Distance Education, Athabasca University), and Zaugg, Crystal
- Abstract
This transcendental phenomenological study examined the social phenomenon of five mothers who are distance learners. The participants’ stories and interview responses were analyzed for major themes or concepts using the process of successive approximation through which six main themes were identified, namely: collaborative group work and forums; help and support; the necessity of flexibility; organization; persistence; and personal versus professional life., 2014-05
- Published
- 2014
16. When social services puts their heads in the sand : A study that highlights the help and support interventions for older victims may look like in Sweden´s municipalities
- Author
Anklev, Marie and Björklind, Eva
- Subjects
Socialt arbete ,social services law ,socialtjänstlagen ,äldre ,ansvar ,hjälp och stödinsatser ,socialnämnd ,elderly ,social services ,socialtjänst ,Social work ,victims of crime ,brottsoffer ,responsibility ,help and support ,social welfare - Published
- 2010
17. När socialtjänsten stoppar huvudet i sanden : En studie som belyser hur hjälp och stödinsatser för äldre brottsoffer kan se ut i Sveriges kommuner
- Author
Anklev, Marie, Björklind, Eva, Anklev, Marie, and Björklind, Eva
- Published
- 2010
18. Intérêt de la clientèle d’un programme de méthadone quant aux services offerts par un groupe de pairs aidants
- Author
Michel Perreault, Marie-Christine Héroux, Isabelle Tremblay, Pierre Lauzon, Noé Djawn White, and Guy-Pierre Lévesque
- Subjects
préférences de traitement ,peer influence ,Social Sciences and Humanities ,low-threshold methadone program ,treatment preferences ,Applied Mathematics ,General Mathematics ,pairs aidants ,peer helper ,methadone treatment ,traitement à la méthadone ,aide et soutien ,groupe d’entraide ,programme de méthadone à exigences peu élevées ,compañeros de apoyo ,preferencias de tratamiento ,tratamiento de metadona ,Sciences Humaines et Sociales ,peer help ,influencia de los pares ,help and support ,influence des pairs ,ayuda y apoyo ,programa de metadona de baja exigencia - Abstract
L’étude porte sur l’intérêt de la clientèle d’un programme de méthadone à exigences peu élevées pour des activités de soutien offertes par des pairs aidants (PA). Des entrevues semi-dirigées ont été menées auprès de 25 clients de Relais-Méthadone à l’admission et après trois mois afin de connaître leur intérêt à participer à des activités organisées par des PA de Méta d’Âme, un groupe d’entraide du centre-sud de Montréal. En dépit du fait que les services paraissaient pertinents pour cette clientèle marginalisée, un intérêt modéré a été manifesté pour les services de PA, alors que peu de clients ont participé à l’activité d’initiation qui leur était proposée. Après trois mois, seulement six des 25 clients invités à participer aux activités y avaient pris part. Le principal intérêt exprimé chez les clients réside dans la possibilité de recevoir de l’aide et du soutien de la part des PA, bien que certains craignent l’influence négative de PA qui n’auraient pas complètement cessé leur consommation. Ces résultats démontrent l’importance d’étudier les préférences des personnes en traitement à la méthadone en ce qui a trait aux modalités de traitement, et plus particulièrement pour ce qui est de l’implication de PA dans les services qu’elles reçoivent., This study investigates the interest shown by clients of a low-threshold methadone program in activities organized by a peer help group in the South-centre region of Montreal. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 25 new clients in a methadone program, at the admission, and three months later, in order to identify the elements which favor or hinder attendance of peer-helper resources. Although peer-helpers’ support services and activities appear to be suitable for this clientele, the results revealed that clients express only moderate interest in the resource. For example, after three months, only six of 25 study participants were attending peer help group activities. Despite the fact that some participants expressed an interest in receiving help and support from peers, others feared being influenced by those who were still consuming. These results demonstrate the importance of conducting research on the preferences of methadone treatment clientele, to determine the grounds under which they would want peer helpers involved in their treatment, and to determine the most appropriate way to deliver these services., El estudio se refiere al interés de la clientela de un programa de metadona de baja exigencia por las actividades de sostén ofrecidas por un grupo de compañeros de apoyo. Se realizaron entrevistas semi dirigidas con 25 clientes de Relais-Méthadone, en el momento de la admisión y luego de tres meses de tratamiento, con el fin de conocer su interés por la participación en actividades organizadas por los compañeros de apoyo de Méta d’Âme, un grupo de asistencia mutua del sur de Montreal. A pesar del hecho de que los servicios parecían pertinentes para esta clientela marginalizada, la misma manifestó un interés moderado por los servicios de los compañeros de apoyo, ya que pocos clientes participaron en la actividad de iniciación que se les propuso. Luego de tres meses, solamente seis de los 25 clientes invitados a participar lo habían hecho. El interés principal que expresaron fue la posibilidad de recibir ayuda y sostén por parte de los compañeros de apoyo, aunque hay quienes temen la influencia negativa de los compañeros que no han cesado completamente el consumo de drogas. Estos resultados demuestran la importancia de estudiar las preferencias de las personas bajo tratamiento con metadona en lo que respecta a las modalidades de tratamiento y, en particular, a la implicación de los compañeros de apoyo en los servicios que dichas personas reciben.
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