This journal, which provides abstracts of its articles primarily in Spanish and a couple in English, contains studies (estudios) and notes (notas), as well as relevant book reviews (recensiones). Studies in this issue (No. 4, 2003) are: "Estrategias de Ensenanza para la Educacion Civica y Ciudadana en el Siglo XXI" (Teaching Strategies for Civic and Citizenship Education in the 21st Century) (Murray Print), which contends that a challenge for European civic educators will be to employ active, engaging teaching strategies which involve their students; "Del Relativismo Cultural al Etnocentrismo (y Vuelta)" (Of Cultural Relativism and Ethnocentrism) (Francisco Altarejos Masota and Antonio A. Moya Garcia-Montoto), which argues that ethnocentrism can actually be a consequence of a radical cultural relativism; "La Fuerza Desculturizadora de la Globalizacion" (The 'Deculturizing' Force of Globalization) (Alejandro Llano), which contends that globalization demands a profound evaluation of the foundations of international relations not only regarding economic aspects but also relating to the fields of culture and education; "Formacion del Profesorado en Pedagogia Intercultural: Contenidos Actitudinales" (Formation of Professors in Intercultural Pedagogy) (Rafaela Garcia Lopez), which states that teachers need to maintain a welcoming environment for multicultural students and receive institutional and social support; "Desarrollo Local, Educacion e Identidad Cultural" (Local Development, Education and Cultural Identity) (Gabriela Orduna Allegrini), which finds that education can play a crucial role in promoting the value of a cultural identity that is compatible with fostering equitable local development; and "La Educacion entre la Multiculturalidad y la Interculturalidad" (Education between Multiculturalism and Interculturalism) (Aurora Bernal), which states that multicultural education and intercultural education respond to different theories about notions such as human nature, the individual, sociability, and identity. Notes in this issue are: "La Interculturalidad y la Dignidad de la Persona. Mas Alla del Modelo Critico" (Interculturalism and the Dignity of the Person. Beyond the Critical Model.) (Andres Jimenez Abad), which notes that student diversity is a potential source of enrichment and examines different views of cultural models;"Dimensions of Intercultural Education in the Twenty-First Century" (Ruth Breeze), which states that the multicultural society is already a fact, and the challenge is to find ways of promoting intercultural education in practice; "La Familia como Escenario para Transgredir el Racismo" (The Family as the Scenario for Getting Past Racism) (Enric Prats Gil), which describes the family in the present plural and democratic context and proposes several suggestions about the family as the place for learning and management of values; "La Etica de la Atencion al Otro como Condicion para el Dialogo Intercultural y la Calidad de Vida" (The Ethics of the Attention of the Other as a Condition for Intercultural Dialogue and the Quality of Life) (Miguel Angel Rodriguez Rodriguez), which analyzes the causes of migratory movements and then deals with caring ethics as a condition for an effective quality of life for people; "Claves para el Estudio Historico de la Gestacion de una Europa Intercultural" (Keys to an Historic Study of the Gestation of an Intercultural Europe) (Javier Vergara), which analyzes multiculturalism and interculturalism within the context of the process of the development of Europe; and "Tacit Knowing, Moral Development and Pluralism: Thoughts on Mentoring, Judgment and Reform" (Stefania Jha), which states that the epistemology of tacit knowing in the ethics of mentoring is meant to be grounding for intelligent action. (BT)