Gliding during night without electric power is an efficient method to enhance endurance performance of solar aircrafts. The properties of maximum gliding endurance path are studied in this paper. The problem is formulated as an optimization problem about maximum endurance can be sustained by certain potential energy storage with dynamic equations and aerodynamic parameter constrains. The optimal gliding path is generated based on gauss pseudo-spectral method. In order to analyse relationship between altitude, velocity of solar UAVs and its endurance performance, the lift coefficient in interval of [0.4, 1.2] and flight envelopes between 0~30km are investigated. Results show that broad range of lift coefficient can improve solar aircrafts- long endurance performance, and it is possible for a solar aircraft to achieve the aim of long endurance during whole night just by potential energy storage., {"references":["Guo, Z., Chen, X. K., and Hou, Z. X., \"Development of a Solar Electric\nPowered UAV for Long Endurance Flight,\" presented at the 11th AIAA\nAviation Technology, Integration, and Operations Conference, Virginia\nBeach, 2011.","Shiau, J. K., Ma, D. M., and Chiu, C. W., \"Optimal Sizing and Cruise\nSpeed Determination for a Solar-Powered Airplane,\" Journal of Aircraft,\nVol. 47, No. 2, 2010, pp. 622~629,","Rapinett, A., \"Zephyr: A High Altitude Long Endurance Unmanned Air\nVehicle,\" Doctor, Department of Physics, University of Surrey, 2009.","Noll, T. E., Ishmeal, S. D., and Henwood, B., \"Technical Findings,\nLessions Learned, and Recommendations Resulting from the Helios\nPrototype Vehicle Mishap,\" UAV Design Process/Design Crieria for\nStructures, 2007, pp. 3.4-1~3.4-18,","(2011). Zephyr high altitude long endurance unmanned aerial vehicle.\nAvailable:","Noth, A., Siegwart, R., and Engel, W., \"Design of Solar Powered\nAirplanes for Continuous Flight,\" Aircraft and Spacecraft\nSystems:Design, Modeling and Control, 2007,","Yu, D. R. and LV, X. W., \"Configurations analysis for\nhigh-altitude/long-endurance airship,\" Aircraft Engineering and\nAerospace Technology, Vol. 82, No. 1, 2010, pp. 48~59,","Noth, A., Engel, M. W., and Siegwart, R., \"Flying Solo and Solar to\nMars-Global Design of a solar Autonomous Airplane,\" IEEE Robotics &\nAutomation Magazine, Vol. 1070-9932, 2006, pp. 44~52,","Chin, C. K., \"Extending the endurance, missions and capabilities of most\nUAVs using advanced flexible/ridged solar cells and new high power\ndensity batteries technology,\" Doctor, NAVAL POSTGRADUATE\nSCHOOL, Monterey, California, 2011.\n[10] Sachs, G., Lenz, J., and Holzapfel, F., \"Unlimited Endurance\nPerformance of Solar UAVs with Minimal or Zero Electric Energy\nStorage,\" presented at the AIAA Guidance, Navigation and Control\nConference, Chicago Illinois, 2009.\n[11] Zhao, Y. J., \"Optimal patterns of glider dynamic soaring,\" OPTIMAL\nCONTROL APPLICATIONS AND METHODS, Vol. 25, 2004, pp.\n67~89,\n[12] Shiau, J. K., et al., \"Design of a Solar Power Management System for an\nExperimental UAV,\" IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AEROSPACE AND\nELECTRONIC SYSTEMS, Vol. 45, No. 4, 2009, pp. 1350~1360,\n[13] Altman, A., \"A Parametric Study on Design Variables Effecting HALE\nUAV Aircraft Design for a Conventional Configuration,\" presented at the\nAIAA's 1st Technical Conference and Workshop on UAV, Portsmouth,\nVirginia, 2002.\n[14] Goraij, Z., \"Dynamics of a high altitude long endurance UAV,\"\n[15] Sun, Y. and Zhang, M. R., \"Optimal Reentry Range Trajectory of\nHypersonic Vehicle by Gauss Pseudospectral Method,\" in The 2nd\nInternational Conference on Intelligent Control and Information\nProcessing, Vol, 2011.\n[16] Guo, T. D., Jiang, F. H., and Li, J. F., \"Homotopic approach and\npseudospectral method applied jointly to low thrust trajectory\noptimization,\" Acta Astronautica, Vol. 71, 2012, pp. 38~50,\n[17] Tian, B. L. and Zong, Q., \"Optimal guidance for reentry vehicles based on\nindirect Legendre pseudospectral method,\" Acta Astronautica, Vol. 68,\n2011, pp. 1176~1184,\n[18] Rao, A. V., Benson, D., and Huntington, G. T., A MATLAB software for\nsolving Multiple-Phase Optimal Control Problem Using Pseudospectral\nMethods: University of Florida Gainesville, 2010.\n[19] Simons, M., Model Aircraft Aerodynamic: London:Special interest\nmodel books.Ltd., 1999."]}