This paper presents a simulation and mathematical model of stand-alone solar-wind-diesel based hybrid energy system (HES). A power management system is designed for multiple energy resources in a stand-alone hybrid energy system. Both Solar photovoltaic and wind energy conversion system consists of maximum power point tracking (MPPT), voltage regulation, and basic power electronic interfaces. An additional diesel generator is included to support and improve the reliability of stand-alone system when renewable energy sources are not available. A power management strategy is introduced to distribute the generated power among resistive load banks. The frequency regulation is developed with conventional phase locked loop (PLL) system. The power management algorithm was applied in Matlab®/Simulink® to simulate the results., {"references":["J.M. Yang, K.W.E. Cheng, J. Wu, P. Dong and B. Wang, \"The Study of the Energy Management System based on Fuzzy Control for Distributed Hybrid Wind-Solar Power System,\" Proc. of First International Conference on Power Electronics Systems and Applications, pp. 113-117, Nov. 2004.","Y. Zhu, F. Zhuo and H. Shi, \"Power Management Strategy Research for a Photovoltaic-Hybrid Energy Storage System,\" IEEE ECCE Asia Downunder, pp. 842-848, June 2013.","C. Wang, J. Li, C.M. Colson, \"Power Management of a stand-alone Hybrid Wind-microturbine Distributed Generation System,\" IEEE Power Electronic and Machines in Wind Applications, pp. 1-7, June 2009.","W. Chen, H.Shen, B. Shu, H. Qin and T. Deng, \"Evaluation of performance of MPPT devices in PV systems with storage batteries,\" Renewable Energy, vol.32, no.9, pp. 1611-1622, July 2007.","T. Salmi, M. Bouzguenda, A. Gastli and A. Masmoudi, \"Matlab/Simulink based modeling of solar photovoltaic cell,\" International Journal of Renewable Energy Research, vol.2, no.2, pp. 213-218, Feb. 2012.","M.A. Islam, A. Merabet, R. Beguenane and H. Ibrahim, \"Modeling Solar Photovoltaic Cell and Simulated Performance Analysis of a 250W PV Module,\"IEEE Electrical Power & Energy Conference, pp. 1-6, Aug. 2013.","Canadian Solar, \"CS6P 240/245/250/255/260M,\" CS6P-250M Datasheet, 2013. (Online). Available:","S. Kebaili and A. Betka, \"Design and Simulation of Stand Alone Photovoltaic Systems,\" WSEAS Transactions on Power Systems, vol.6, no.4, pp. 89-99, Oct. 2011.","L. Qin and X. Lu., \"Matlab/Simulink-based Research on Maximum Power Point Tracking of Photovoltaic Generation,\" Physics Procedia, vol. 24, pp. 10-18, 2012.\n[10]\tD.P. Hohm and M.E. Ropp, \"Comparative study of maximum power point tracking algorithms,\" Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications, vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 47-62, 2003.\n[11]\tS. Heier, \"Grid Integration of Wind Energy Conversion Systems,\" New York: Wiley, 1998.\n[12]\tM. Zhou, G. Bao and Y. Gong, \"Maximum Power Point Tracking Strategy for Direct Driven PMSG,\"2011 IEEE Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference (APPEEC), pp. 1-4, 2011.\n[13]\tA. Merabet, V. Rajasekaran, A. McMullin, Hussein Ibrahim, Rachid Beguenane and J.S. Thongam, \"Nonlinear Model Predictive Controller with State Observer for Speed Sensorless Induction Generator –Wind Turbine Systems,\" Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part I: Journal of Systems and Control Engineering, vol.227, no.2, pp. 198-213. 2013.\n[14]\tL.N. Hannett, F.P de Mlello, G.H. Tylinski and W.H. Becker, \"Validation of Nuclear Plant Auxiliary Power Supply by Test,\"IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems, vol.9, pp. 3068-3074, 1982.\n[15]\tK.E. Yeager and J.R. Willis, \"Modeling of Emergency Diesel Generators in an 800 Megawatt Nuclear Power Plant,\" IEEE Transcations on Energy Conversion, vol.8, no.3, pp. 433-441, 1993."]}