- Author
ZUPANČIČ, MIRAN and Benčina, Jože
- Subjects
kohezijski sklad ,financial perspective 2007-2013 ,okoljska infrastruktura ,Cohesion fund ,environmental infrastructure ,posredniški organ ,intermediary body ,finančna perspektiva 2007–2013 ,first level control ,prvostopenjska kontrola - Abstract
S pomočjo ESI skladov izvaja Unija svoja prizadevanja za njeno ekonomsko, teritorialno in socialno kohezijo. Pri izvajanju te politike nasploh in pri izvajanju posameznih projektov pa lahko pride do goljufij ali drugih namernih ali nenamernih nepravilnosti. Raziskovalni izziv magistrskega dela je celovita ocena kontrol kohezijskih okoljskih projektov, s poudarkom na oceni prvostopenjskih kontrol, ki jo izvajajo posredniška telesa in so tudi najbolj obsežna. Posredniško telo namreč izvaja 100 % administrativno kontrolo, kar pomeni, da pregleda vse dokumente, povezane z določeno operacijo. Namen magistrskega dela je predstaviti postopke kontrol kohezijskih projektov in preveriti, ali kontrole zajemajo vsa tveganja za nepravilnosti. Prvi cilj magistrskega dela je bil preučiti, kako so v Sloveniji kontrolirani kohezijski projekti. Drugi cilj je bil raziskati, pri kakšnem deležu kohezijskih projektov kontrolni organi ugotovijo nepravilnosti in kakšni so najpogostejši razlogi zanje. Tretji cilj pa je bil identificirati nekatere nepravilnosti in s tem deležnikom v postopkih vodenja in kontrole kohezijskih projektov dati usmeritve, kako se tem nepravilnostim izogniti. Ugotovitve v magistrskem delu so pokazale, da so kohezijski okoljski projekti v Republiki Sloveniji kontrolirani skladno s predpisi ter da zajemajo večino tveganj, ki obstajajo pri izvedbi javnih naročil. Kontrole, predvsem prvostopenjske, na katerih je poudarek v magistrskem delu, dosegajo cilj preprečevanja in odkrivanja nepravilnosti ob hkratnem spoštovanju rokov in planiranih stroškov. Avtor pa v smislu priprave na finančno perspektivo 2021-2027 predlaga razmislek o racionalizaciji kohezijske politike ter s tem tudi povečanja njene izkoriščenosti. With the assistance of the ESI Funds, the Union addresses its efforts for its economic, territorial and social cohesion. However, fraudulent practices or other intentional or unintentional misconduct may occur during the implementation of this policy in general or during individual projects. The research challenge of the master's thesis is a comprehensive assessment of the controls of Cohesion environmental projects, with an emphasis on the evaluation of first-level controls carried out by the intermediate bodies. This control is also the most comprehensive, due the intermediary bodies performs a 100 % administrative control. It means that they examine all the documents related to the particular operation. The purpose of this thesis is to present the procedures of this control and to check, if they cover all risks for irregularities. The first goal of the Master thesis was to examine how cohesion projects are controlled in Slovenia. The second goal was to investigate how often authorities detect irregularities and what kind of irregularities are the most common. The third goal was to identify some irregularities, and thus to give stakeholders guidance on how to avoid these irregularities. The findings of the thesis have shown that Cohesion environmental projects in the Republic of Slovenia are controlled in accordance with the regulations and that they cover most of the risks that exist in the performance of public procurement. Controls of the Cohesion fund, especially the first level control, where emphasis is placed in this thesis, achieve the goal of preventing and detecting irregularities, while respecting deadlines and planned costs. In the context of the preparation for the 2021-2027 financial perspective, the author proposes more attention on the rationalization of cohesion policy, and thus the increase the benefits.
- Published
- 2019