U ovom radu donosimo obred priprave darova kojim započinje drugi dio svete mise, euharistijska služba. Tema je obrađena najprije kroz biblijski aspekt, potom kroz povijesni aspekt, pa praktično-liturgijski aspekt te na posljetku i kroz aspekt današnjih obreda koja je još uvijek pod velikim utjecajem Drugog vatikanskog koncila. Iz biblijskog aspekta ukratko otkrivamo mentalitet starozavjetnog doba, ondašnje shvaćanje žrtve te proročke opomene krivog shvaćanja i pristupa, dok u Novom zavjetu otkrivamo sam izvor obreda u izvještajima s Posljednje večere kao i ostvarenje duhovne žrtve o kojoj su govorili starozavjetni proroci, a sve to po Isusu Kristu. U povijesnom dijelu otkrivamo kako se obred razvijao kroz razdoblje prve Crkve, u sljedećih 15 stoljeća, što je novoga Tridentski koncil donio sa misalom pape Pija V. te kako je Drugi vatikanski koncil pojednostavio dotadašnji obred misalom Pavla VI. stavljajući naglasak više na duhovni pristup. Praktično-liturgijski aspekt donosi pojedinosti u obredu i njihova pojašnjenja, posebno obrađuje svu potrebnu materiju za obred, a potom i forme, tj. molitve obreda. Na posljetku se osvrćemo na nauk Drugog vatikanskog koncila koji je posebno naglašavao sudjelovanje u obredu sužrtvovanjem s Kristom, odnosno, prepuštanje vlastitog života volji Božjoj kao pravo bogoštovlje o kojem su govorili još starozavjetni proroci. In this thesis, we will write about the preparation of the gifts, which is the initial part of the liturgy of the Eucharist. We have approached this topic through a few different aspects: the biblical aspect, the historical aspect, the practical-liturgical aspect, and finally the aspect of contemporary rites that are still under a great influence of the Second Vatican Council. The biblical aspect will briefly cover the mentality of the Old Testament times, people’s understanding of the sacrifice and the prophetic warnings of misunderstanding and misinterpreting, while in the New Testament we learn about the source of the rite through the reports from the Last Supper, as well as the realization of the spiritual sacrifice which the Old Testament prophets talked about, all of it according to Jesus Christ. The historical aspect will cover the development of the rite through the period of the first Church, then over the period of the next 15 centuries, it will cover the innovations brought about by the Council of Trident and the Missal of pope Pius V., as well as show how the Second Vatican Council simplified the former rite through the Missal of Paul VI, which emphasizes the spiritual approach. The practical-liturgical aspect will cover the details of the rite, as well as explanations of its part, it will cover all of the necessary material for the rite, and finally the form of the rite, or more precisely the prayer of the ceremony. Finally, we will write about doctrine of the Second Vatican Council which puts a great emphasis on participation in the rite by co-sacrifice with Christ, or more precisely, surrender of your life to God’s will as a sign of real worship, as written about by the prophets of the Old Testament.