Novejša dognanja na področju empatije in narcisizma poročajo o zmanjšanju prisotnosti empatije, hkrati pa je moč zaslediti porast narcisizma, kar je zlasti opazno pri študentih. Te ugotovitve pa niso problematične samo za posameznike, temveč tudi za celotno kulturo. Namen raziskave je torej preučiti empatijo in narcisizem (tako odkriti kot prikriti) ter njuno povezanost pri študentih psihologije in medicine. Zanimalo nas je, katere demografske lastnosti napovedujejo empatijo in narcisizem ter ali se pojavljajo razlike med skupinama študentov psihologije in medicine. Prav tako smo raziskali, kakšno vlogo nosita odkriti in prikriti narcisizem pri napovedovanju empatije – tudi kognitivne in emocionalne empatije. Na koncu nas je zanimala še teža smeri študija pri empatiji in odkritem narcisizmu na vzorcu vseh študentov, ki je zajemal tako študente psihologije in medicine kot tudi študente ostalih smeri. Končni vzorec je zajemal 323 študentov, od tega je bilo 236 študentov psihologije in medicine. Podatke smo pridobili z apliciranjem testne baterije, ki je vsebovala demografski del, vprašalnik empatije Indeks medosebne odzivnosti IRI, Vprašalnik (odkritega) narcisizma NPI in Lestvico hipersenzitivnega (prikritega) narcisizma HSNS. S statističnimi analizami smo najprej podrobneje proučili vzorec študentov psihologije in medicine, kasneje pa še celoten vzorec. Hipoteze, ki smo jih oblikovali na podlagi preteklih raziskav, smo preverjali s pomočjo regresijskih analiz in t–testom. Rezultati na vzorcu študentov psihologije in medicine so pokazali, da imajo ženske višje izraženo empatijo v primerjavi z moškimi. Hkrati pa imajo študentje z nižje izraženim odkritim narcisizmom in višje izraženim prikritim narcisizmom višje izraženo empatijo. Enako se je izkazalo tudi za emocionalno in kognitivno empatijo, le pri slednji se prikriti narcisizem ni izkazal kot statistično pomemben napovednik. Nadalje se je pokazalo, da imajo moški višje izražen odkriti narcisizem v primerjavi z ženskami, in da študentje psihologije izkazujejo višjo raven empatije v primerjavi s študenti medicine. Na vzorcu vseh študentov pa smo ugotovili, da imajo študentje psihologije in medicine višje izraženo empatijo v primerjavi z ostalimi študenti, ki niso toliko usmerjeni na delo z ljudmi. Omenjeni rezultati opozarjajo na pomembnost proučevanja empatije in narcisizma ter nakazujejo na morebitne intervencije, ki bi bile potrebne za povečanje empatije in zmanjšanje narcisizma pri študentih. Recent findings in the field of empathy and narcissism, report a reduction in the presence of empathy, and at the same time it is possible to see an increase in narcissism, which is particularly noticeable among students. These findings are not only problematic for individuals, but also for the whole culture. The purpose of the research is to study empathy and narcissism (both overt and covert) and their connection with students of psychology and medicine. We were interested in what demographic characteristics predict empathy and narcissism, and whether there are differences between groups of students of psychology and medicine. We also explored the role of overt and covert narcissism in predicting empathy - including cognitive and emotional empathy. In the end, we were also interested in the difficulty of study in empathy and narcissism on a sample of all students, which included students of psychology and medicine, as well as students of other fields. The final sample consisted of 323 students, of which 236 were students of psychology and medicine. The data was obtained by applying a test battery containing the demographic part, the empathy questionnaire Interpersonal Reactivity Indeks (IRI), the (overt) Narcissistic Personality Inventory (NPI) and the Hypersensitive (covert) Narcissism Scale (HSNS). With statistical analyses, we first studied in more detail the sample of students of psychology and medicine, and later the entire sample. Hypotheses, which were developed on the basis of past research, were checked using regression analysis and t-test. The results of a sample of students of psychology and medicine showed that women have higher empathy in comparison to men. Concurrently, students with lover overt narcissism and higher covert narcissism were shown to have higher empathy. The same results were observed with emotional and cognitive empathy, but only in the latter, covert narcissism has not proved to be a statically important predictor. Furthermore, the results showed that men have higher overt narcissism comparing to women, and that students of psychology show higher level of empathy in comparison to students of medicine. On a sample of all students, students of psychology and medicine therefore have higher empathy compared to other students, who are not as focused on working with people. These results point to the importance of studying empathy and narcissism, and point to possible interventions that would be needed to increase empathy and reduce narcissism among students.