Cows with a long economic use have strong constitution, good health, high milk yield and good reproductive function. However, when changing operating conditions, which are very different from the conditions of origin Schwyz cows, there is a change of adaptive responses. The aim was to establish economic and biological qualities Schwyz breed cows of different ecological origin in conditions of Ukrainian Steppe. Exterior and constitutional features studied in Schwyz of mature purebred cows on 2-3 month of lactation, exploited in the dairy industrial complex of "Ekaterynoslavskiy", near the town of Dnepr. Experimental animals were formed into three groups: in group I were selected cows (n = 17) of Sumy selection, which were controlled; in groups II and III Austrian cows for 15 goals in each groups. To characterize the exterior of cows using a measuring tape and measuring stick were carried out animal measurements, to characterize the constitutional features - calculated the indexes physique. These somatometric data indicate that purebred cows of Schwyz were quite tall, since the height at withers was slightly higher than 140 cm. At the same time, purebred cows of Austrian breeding II and III groups on this indicator almost identical and exceed on 2,51% (P <0,01) of their analogues I group of Sumy selection. For all experimental animals was characterized by a straight of line back, provides almost the same indicators of heights in the back and lower back. In Austrian cows groups II and III height of the back of almost 143 cm, which was close to an indicator of height at the withers. At the same time, Schwyz cows of Sumy selection I (control) group of the height of the back, too, corresponds to the value of height at the withers, and therefore inferior indicator II and III groups by 2,17% (P <0,05). The croup of all Schwyz animals sufficiently wide and long and, above all, the croup are straight. It is not revealed significant differences in the experimental cows in terms of depth and width of the chest, which, on average respectively 74,4-75,9 and 48,9- 49,9 cm. Girth thorax animals of different ecological origin is large enough and is 203,1-200,4 cm. Length of the body of these animals is not significantly different, and is 169-170,8 sm. It is found that the highest width of hip joints in cows of II group and amounts to 55,2 cm, whereas in cows of III group less on 4,55% (P <0,01) and 52,8 cm. The lowest value of the width of the back of the cows I (control) group and an average is 50,9 cm, which is inferior to the II and III groups, respectively, to 8,45 (P <0,001) and 3,73% (P <0,05). It is proved that the index of high limbs of Schwyz cows of different ecological origin is sufficient and in animals of II group was 48,2%, which exceeds the control (I) group of animals 4,15% (P <0,05). The index format of the experimental animal groups II and III are respectively is 117,7 and 118,8%. Thus in control (I) group it is 122%, that exceeds indicators of the animals of groups II and III, respectively, 3,52 and 2,62% (P <0,05). Austrian Schwyz cow II and III group are characterized by almost one indicator of pelvic-thoracic index, which is 90-90, 2% and in cows of the Sumy selection at the level of 92,4%. Thoracic index purebred of Schwyz livestock II group of the Austrian selection is 67, 1%, whereas analogues III group, which were heifers and adapted in the steppe zone of Ukraine in the autumn, this indicator does not exceed 64,4%. Experimental Schwyz breed cows behind compactness are relate more to the dairy type, as this index varies 117,4 - 120,3%. So somatometric indicators of Schwyz livestock of different ecological origin described as a well-consolidated breed with harmonious physique. By indices physique animals have a strong constitution with a good general state of the organism. Further studies will be used to establish communication between the strength constitution of Schwyz cows of different ecological origin and the level of implementation of the productive capacity, as well as the reproductive ability in a large industrial complex in the steppe zone of Ukraine. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]