Faced with this situation, a general awareness has led to the creation of an international day against drug abuse and trafficking on June 26. Several international and regional conventions are working together to develop strategies and policies to fight this scourge. The aim of this study is to look for the prevalence and associated factors of drug use in schools in the city of Ouagadougou in 2019. This study used a descriptive and analytical cross-sectional study using a self-administered questionnaire administered to students in schools in the city of Ouagadougou who were present during the survey in March 2019. The collection tool was a self-administered questionnaire inspired by the WHO guide on school health surveillance in the Burkinabe context, which had been previously tested. Kobocollect software was used to collect the data. Data processing and analysis were carried out using STATA version 15.1 software. The variable of interest was drug use. 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