12 results on '"do Prado, Fernanda Dotti"'
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2. Neotropical freshwater fisheries : A dataset of occurrence and abundance of freshwater fishes in the Neotropics
- Author
Tonella, Lívia Helena, Ruaro, Renata, Daga, Vanessa Salete, Garcia, Diego Azevedo Zoccal, Vitorino, Oscar Barroso, Lobato-de Magalhães, Tatiana, dos Reis, Roberto Esser, Di Dario, Fabio, Petry, Ana Cristina, Mincarone, Michael Maia, de Assis Montag, Luciano Fogaça, Pompeu, Paulo Santos, Teixeira, Adonias Aphoena Martins, Carmassi, Alberto Luciano, Sánchez, Alberto J., Giraldo Pérez, Alejandro, Bono, Alessandra, Datovo, Aléssio, Flecker, Alexander S., Sanches, Alexandra, Godinho, Alexandre Lima, Matthiensen, Alexandre, Peressin, Alexandre, Hilsdorf, Alexandre Wagner Silva, Barufatti, Alexéia, Hirschmann, Alice, Jung, Aline, Cruz-Ramírez, Allan K., Braga Silva, Alline, Cunico, Almir Manoel, Saldanha Barbosa, Amanda, de Castro Barradas, Amauri, Rêgo, Ana Carolina Lacerda, Franco, Ana Clara Sampaio, Costa, Ana Paula Lula, Vidotto-Magnoni, Ana Paula, Ferreira, Anderson, Kassner Filho, Anderson, Nobile, André Batista, Magalhães, André Lincoln Barroso, da Silva, André Teixeira, Bialetzki, Andréa, dos Santos Maroclo Gomes, Andréa Cristina, Nobre, Andrezza Bellotto, Casimiro, Armando Cesar Rodrigues, Angulo Sibaja, Arturo, dos Santos, Arthur Alexandre Capelli, de Araújo, Átila Rodrigues, Frota, Augusto, Quirino, Bárbara Angélio, Ferreira, Beatriz Moreira, Albuquerque, Bianca Weiss, Meneses, Bruna Arbo, Oliveira, Brunno Tolentino, Torres Parahyba Campos, Bruno Augusto, Gonçalves, Bruno Bastos, Kubiak, Bruno Busnello, da Silveira Prudente, Bruno, de Araujo Passos Pacheco, Bruno Gorini, Nakagawa, Bruno Kazuo, do Nascimento, Bruno Tayar Marinho, Maia, Calebe, Cantagallo Devids, Camila, Rezende, Carla Ferreira, Muñoz-Mendoza, Carla, Peres, Carlos A., de Sousa Rodrigues Filho, Carlos Alberto, de Lucena, Carlos Alberto Santos, Fernandes, Carlos Alexandre, Kasper, Carlos Benhur, Donascimiento, Carlos, Emidio, Carmino, Carrillo-Moreno, Carolina, Machado, Carolina, Pera, Carolina, Hartmann, Caroline, Pringle, Catherine M., Leal, Cecília Gontijo, Jézéquel, Céline, Harrod, Chris, da Rosa, Clarissa Alves, Quezada-Romegialli, Claudio, Pott, Crisla Maciel, Larentis, Crislei, Nascimento, Cristiane A.S., da Silva Gonçalves, Cristina, da Cunha, Cristina Jaques, Pisicchio, Cristina Moreira, de Carvalho, Daniel Cardoso, Galiano, Daniel, Gomez-Uchida, Daniel, Santana, Daniel Oliveira, Salas Johnson, Daniel, Petsch, Danielle Katharine, de Freitas, Danielly Torres Hashiguti, Bailly, Dayani, Machado, Débora Ferreira, de Carvalho, Débora Reis, Topan, Dhyego Hamilton, Cañas-Rojas, Diego, da Silva, Diego, Freitas-Souza, Diogo, Lima-Júnior, Dilermando Pereira, Piscor, Diovani, Moraes, Djalma Pereira, Viana, Douglas, Caetano, Dyego Leonardo Ferraz, Gubiani, Éder André, Okada, Edson K., do Amaral, Eduardo Cazuni, Brambilla, Eduardo Meneguzzi, Cunha, Eduardo Ribeiro, Kashiwaqui, Elaine Antoniassi Luiz, Rocha, Elise Amador, Barp, Elisete Ana, da Costa Fraga, Elmary, D'Bastiani, Elvira, Zandonà, Eugenia, Dary, Eurizângela Pereira, Benedito, Evanilde, Barba-Macías, Everardo, Calvache Uvidia, Evelyn Vanessa, Fonseca, Fabiana Luques, Ferreira, Fabiane Silva, Lima, Fábio, Maffei, Fábio, Porto-Foresti, Fábio, Teresa, Fabrício Barreto, de Andrade Frehse, Fabrício, Oliveira, Fagner Júnior M., da Silva, Felipe Pessoa, de Lima, Felipe Pontieri, do Prado, Fernanda Dotti, Jerep, Fernando Camargo, Vieira, Fernando Emmanuel Gonçalves, Gertum Becker, Fernando, de Carvalho, Fernando Rogério, Ubaid, Flávio Kulaif, Teixeira, Francisco Keilo, Provenzano Rizzi, Francisco, Severo-Neto, Francisco, Villamarín, Francisco, de Mello, Franco Teixeira, Keppeler, Friedrich Wolfgang, de Avila Batista, Gabriel, de Menezes Yazbeck, Gabriel, Tesitore, Giancarlo, Salvador, Gilberto Nepomuceno, Soteroruda Brito, Gita Juan, Carmassi, Giulianna Rondineli, Kurchevski, Gregório, Goyenola, Guillermo, Pereira, Hasley Rodrigo, Alvez, Helen Jamille Fernandes Silva, do Prado, Helena Alves, Pinho, Henrique Ledo Lopes, Sousa, Híngara Leão, Bornatowski, Hugo, de Oliveira Barbosa, Hugo, Tobes, Ibon, de Paiva Affonso, Igor, Queiroz, Igor Raposo, Vila, Irma, Negrete, Iván Vinicio Jácome, Prado, Ivo Gavião, Vitule, Jean Ricardo Simões, Figueiredo-Filho, Jessé, Gonzalez, Jessica Antúnez, de Faria Falcão, Jéssica Caroline, Teixeira, Jéssica Vieira, Pincheira-Ulbrich, Jimmy, da Silva, Jislaine Cristina, de Araujo Filho, João Antonio, da Silva, João Fernando Marques, Genova, João Gabriel, Giovanelli, João Gabriel Ribeiro, Andriola, João Vitor Perin, Alves, Jonatas, Valdiviezo-Rivera, Jonathan, Brito, Jorge, Botero, Jorge Iván Sánchez, Liotta, Jorge, Ramirez, Jorge Luis, Marinho, Jorge Reppold, Birindelli, José Luís Olivan, Novaes, Jose Luis Costa, Hawes, Joseph E., Ribolli, Josiane, Rivadeneira, Juan Francisco, Schmitter-Soto, Juan Jacobo, Assis, Juliana Camara, da Silva, Juliana Paulo, dos Santos, Juliana Silveira, Wingert, Juliana, Wojciechowski, Juliana, Bogoni, Juliano André, Ferrer, Juliano, Solórzano, Julio César Jut, Sá-Oliveira, Júlio César, Vaini, Jussara Oliveira, Contreras Palma, Kamila, Orlandi Bonato, Karine, de Lima Pereira, Karla Dayane, dos Santos Sousa, Kassiano, Borja-Acosta, Kevin Giancarlo, Carneiro, Laís, Faria, Larissa, de Oliveira, Leonardo Brito, Resende, Leonardo Cardoso, da Silva Ingenito, Leonardo Ferreira, Oliveira Silva, Leonardo, Rodrigues, Leydiane Nunes, Guarderas-Flores, Lida, Martins, Lidiane, Tonini, Lorena, Braga, Lorrana Thaís Máximo Durville, Gomes, Louise Cristina, de Fries, Lucas, da Silva, Lucas Gonçalves, Jarduli, Lucas Ribeiro, Lima, Luciano Benedito, Gomes Fischer, Luciano, Wolff, Luciano Lazzarini, dos Santos, Luciano Neves, Bezerra, Luis Artur Valões, Sarmento Soares, Luisa Maria, Manna, Luisa Resende, Duboc, Luiz Fernando, dos Santos Ribas, Luiz Guilherme, Malabarba, Luiz Roberto, Brito, Marcelo Fulgêncio Guedes, Braga, Marcelo Rennó, de Almeida, Marcelo Silva, Sily, Maria Cecília, Barros, Maria Claudene, do Nascimento, Maria Histelle Sousa, de Souza Delapieve, Maria Laura, Piedade, Maria Teresa Fernandez, Tagliaferro, Marina, de Pinna, Mário Cesar Cardoso, Yánez-Muñoz, Mario H., Orsi, Mário Luís, da Rosa, Marlon Ferraz, Bastiani, Marlos, Stefani, Marta Severino, Buenaño-Carriel, Martha, Moreno, Martha Elena Valdez, de Carvalho, Mateus Moreira, Kütter, Mateus Tavares, Freitas, Matheus Oliveira, Cañas-Merino, Mauricio, Cetra, Mauricio, Herrera-Madrid, Mauricio, Petrucio, Mauricio Mello, Galetti, Mauro, Salcedo, Miguel Ángel, Pascual, Miguel, Ribeiro, Milton Cezar, Abelha, Milza Celi Fedatto, da Silva, Mônica Andrade, de Araujo, Mônica Pacheco, Dias, Murilo Sversut, Guimaraes Sales, Naiara, Benone, Naraiana Loureiro, Sartor, Natane, Fontoura, Nelson Ferreira, de Souza Trigueiro, Nicholas Silvestre, Álvarez-Pliego, Nicolás, Shibatta, Oscar Akio, Tedesco, Pablo A., Lehmann Albornoz, Pablo Cesar, Santos, Pablo Henrique Fernandes, Freitas, Pâmela Virgolino, Fagundes, Patricia Calegari, de Freitas, Patrícia Domingues, Mena-Valenzuela, Patricio, Tufiño, Paul, Catelani, Paula Araujo, Peixoto, Paula, Ilha, Paulo, de Aquino, Pedro De Podestà Uchôa, Gerhard, Pedro, Carvalho, Pedro Hollanda, Jiménez-Prado, Pedro, Galetti, Pedro Manoel, Borges, Pedro Paulino, Nitschke, Pedro Peixoto, Manoel, Pedro Sartori, Bernardes Perônico, Phamela, Soares, Philip Teles, Piana, Pitágoras Augusto, de Oliveira Cunha, Priscila, Plesley, Priscila, de Souza, Rafael Couto Rosa, Rosa, Rafael Rogério, El-Sabaawi, Rana W., Rodrigues, Raoni Rosa, Covain, Raphael, Loures, Raquel Coelho, Braga, Raul Rennó, Reginaldo, Ré, Bigorne, Rémy, Cassemiro Biagioni, Renata, Silvano, Renato Azevedo Matias, Dala-Corte, Renato Bolson, Martins, Renato Tavares, Rosa, Ricardo, Sartorello, Ricardo, de Almeida Nobre, Rodrigo, Bassar, Ronald D., Gurgel-Lourenço, Ronaldo César, Pinheiro, Ronaldo Fernando Martins, Carneiro, Ronaldo Leal, Florido, Rosa, Mazzoni, Rosana, Silva-Santos, Rosane, de Paula Santos, Rosiane, Delariva, Rosilene Luciana, Hartz, Sandra Maria, Brosse, Sebastien, Althoff, Sérgio Luiz, Nóbrega Marinho Furtado, Shaka, Lima-Junior, Sidnei Eduardo, Lustosa Costa, Silvia Yasmin, Arrolho, Solange, Auer, Sonya K., Bellay, Sybelle, de Fátima Ramos Guimarães, Taís, Francisco, Talitha Mayumi, Mantovano, Tatiane, Gomes, Tatyana, Ramos, Telton Pedro Anselmo, de Assis Volpi, Thaís, Emiliano, Thais Moura, Barbosa, Thiago Augusto Pedroso, Balbi, Thiago José, da Silva Campos, Thiago Nascimento, Silva, Thiago Teixeira, Occhi, Thiago Vinícius Trento, Garcia, Thiely Oliveira, da Silva Freitas, Tiago Magalhães, Begot, Tiago Octavio, da Silveira, Tony Leandro Rezende, Lopes, Ueslei, Schulz, Uwe Horst, Fagundes, Valéria, da Silva, Valéria Flávia Batista, Azevedo-Santos, Valter M., Ribeiro, Vanessa, Tibúrcio, Vanessa Graciele, de Almeida, Vera Lúcia Lescano, Isaac-Nahum, Victoria J., Abilhoa, Vinicius, Campos, Vinicius Farias, Kütter, Vinicius Tavares, de Mello Cionek, Vivian, Prodocimo, Viviane, Vicentin, Wagner, Martins, Waldney Pereira, de Moraes Pires, Walna Micaelle, da Graça, Weferson Júnio, Smith, Welber Senteio, Dáttilo, Wesley, Aguirre Maldonado, Windsor Efren, de Carvalho Rocha, Yuri Gomes Ponce, Súarez, Yzel Rondon, de Lucena, Zilda Margarete Seixas, Tonella, Lívia Helena, Ruaro, Renata, Daga, Vanessa Salete, Garcia, Diego Azevedo Zoccal, Vitorino, Oscar Barroso, Lobato-de Magalhães, Tatiana, dos Reis, Roberto Esser, Di Dario, Fabio, Petry, Ana Cristina, Mincarone, Michael Maia, de Assis Montag, Luciano Fogaça, Pompeu, Paulo Santos, Teixeira, Adonias Aphoena Martins, Carmassi, Alberto Luciano, Sánchez, Alberto J., Giraldo Pérez, Alejandro, Bono, Alessandra, Datovo, Aléssio, Flecker, Alexander S., Sanches, Alexandra, Godinho, Alexandre Lima, Matthiensen, Alexandre, Peressin, Alexandre, Hilsdorf, Alexandre Wagner Silva, Barufatti, Alexéia, Hirschmann, Alice, Jung, Aline, Cruz-Ramírez, Allan K., Braga Silva, Alline, Cunico, Almir Manoel, Saldanha Barbosa, Amanda, de Castro Barradas, Amauri, Rêgo, Ana Carolina Lacerda, Franco, Ana Clara Sampaio, Costa, Ana Paula Lula, Vidotto-Magnoni, Ana Paula, Ferreira, Anderson, Kassner Filho, Anderson, Nobile, André Batista, Magalhães, André Lincoln Barroso, da Silva, André Teixeira, Bialetzki, Andréa, dos Santos Maroclo Gomes, Andréa Cristina, Nobre, Andrezza Bellotto, Casimiro, Armando Cesar Rodrigues, Angulo Sibaja, Arturo, dos Santos, Arthur Alexandre Capelli, de Araújo, Átila Rodrigues, Frota, Augusto, Quirino, Bárbara Angélio, Ferreira, Beatriz Moreira, Albuquerque, Bianca Weiss, Meneses, Bruna Arbo, Oliveira, Brunno Tolentino, Torres Parahyba Campos, Bruno Augusto, Gonçalves, Bruno Bastos, Kubiak, Bruno Busnello, da Silveira Prudente, Bruno, de Araujo Passos Pacheco, Bruno Gorini, Nakagawa, Bruno Kazuo, do Nascimento, Bruno Tayar Marinho, Maia, Calebe, Cantagallo Devids, Camila, Rezende, Carla Ferreira, Muñoz-Mendoza, Carla, Peres, Carlos A., de Sousa Rodrigues Filho, Carlos Alberto, de Lucena, Carlos Alberto Santos, Fernandes, Carlos Alexandre, Kasper, Carlos Benhur, Donascimiento, Carlos, Emidio, Carmino, Carrillo-Moreno, Carolina, Machado, Carolina, Pera, Carolina, Hartmann, Caroline, Pringle, Catherine M., Leal, Cecília Gontijo, Jézéquel, Céline, Harrod, Chris, da Rosa, Clarissa Alves, Quezada-Romegialli, Claudio, Pott, Crisla Maciel, Larentis, Crislei, Nascimento, Cristiane A.S., da Silva Gonçalves, Cristina, da Cunha, Cristina Jaques, Pisicchio, Cristina Moreira, de Carvalho, Daniel Cardoso, Galiano, Daniel, Gomez-Uchida, Daniel, Santana, Daniel Oliveira, Salas Johnson, Daniel, Petsch, Danielle Katharine, de Freitas, Danielly Torres Hashiguti, Bailly, Dayani, Machado, Débora Ferreira, de Carvalho, Débora Reis, Topan, Dhyego Hamilton, Cañas-Rojas, Diego, da Silva, Diego, Freitas-Souza, Diogo, Lima-Júnior, Dilermando Pereira, Piscor, Diovani, Moraes, Djalma Pereira, Viana, Douglas, Caetano, Dyego Leonardo Ferraz, Gubiani, Éder André, Okada, Edson K., do Amaral, Eduardo Cazuni, Brambilla, Eduardo Meneguzzi, Cunha, Eduardo Ribeiro, Kashiwaqui, Elaine Antoniassi Luiz, Rocha, Elise Amador, Barp, Elisete Ana, da Costa Fraga, Elmary, D'Bastiani, Elvira, Zandonà, Eugenia, Dary, Eurizângela Pereira, Benedito, Evanilde, Barba-Macías, Everardo, Calvache Uvidia, Evelyn Vanessa, Fonseca, Fabiana Luques, Ferreira, Fabiane Silva, Lima, Fábio, Maffei, Fábio, Porto-Foresti, Fábio, Teresa, Fabrício Barreto, de Andrade Frehse, Fabrício, Oliveira, Fagner Júnior M., da Silva, Felipe Pessoa, de Lima, Felipe Pontieri, do Prado, Fernanda Dotti, Jerep, Fernando Camargo, Vieira, Fernando Emmanuel Gonçalves, Gertum Becker, Fernando, de Carvalho, Fernando Rogério, Ubaid, Flávio Kulaif, Teixeira, Francisco Keilo, Provenzano Rizzi, Francisco, Severo-Neto, Francisco, Villamarín, Francisco, de Mello, Franco Teixeira, Keppeler, Friedrich Wolfgang, de Avila Batista, Gabriel, de Menezes Yazbeck, Gabriel, Tesitore, Giancarlo, Salvador, Gilberto Nepomuceno, Soteroruda Brito, Gita Juan, Carmassi, Giulianna Rondineli, Kurchevski, Gregório, Goyenola, Guillermo, Pereira, Hasley Rodrigo, Alvez, Helen Jamille Fernandes Silva, do Prado, Helena Alves, Pinho, Henrique Ledo Lopes, Sousa, Híngara Leão, Bornatowski, Hugo, de Oliveira Barbosa, Hugo, Tobes, Ibon, de Paiva Affonso, Igor, Queiroz, Igor Raposo, Vila, Irma, Negrete, Iván Vinicio Jácome, Prado, Ivo Gavião, Vitule, Jean Ricardo Simões, Figueiredo-Filho, Jessé, Gonzalez, Jessica Antúnez, de Faria Falcão, Jéssica Caroline, Teixeira, Jéssica Vieira, Pincheira-Ulbrich, Jimmy, da Silva, Jislaine Cristina, de Araujo Filho, João Antonio, da Silva, João Fernando Marques, Genova, João Gabriel, Giovanelli, João Gabriel Ribeiro, Andriola, João Vitor Perin, Alves, Jonatas, Valdiviezo-Rivera, Jonathan, Brito, Jorge, Botero, Jorge Iván Sánchez, Liotta, Jorge, Ramirez, Jorge Luis, Marinho, Jorge Reppold, Birindelli, José Luís Olivan, Novaes, Jose Luis Costa, Hawes, Joseph E., Ribolli, Josiane, Rivadeneira, Juan Francisco, Schmitter-Soto, Juan Jacobo, Assis, Juliana Camara, da Silva, Juliana Paulo, dos Santos, Juliana Silveira, Wingert, Juliana, Wojciechowski, Juliana, Bogoni, Juliano André, Ferrer, Juliano, Solórzano, Julio César Jut, Sá-Oliveira, Júlio César, Vaini, Jussara Oliveira, Contreras Palma, Kamila, Orlandi Bonato, Karine, de Lima Pereira, Karla Dayane, dos Santos Sousa, Kassiano, Borja-Acosta, Kevin Giancarlo, Carneiro, Laís, Faria, Larissa, de Oliveira, Leonardo Brito, Resende, Leonardo Cardoso, da Silva Ingenito, Leonardo Ferreira, Oliveira Silva, Leonardo, Rodrigues, Leydiane Nunes, Guarderas-Flores, Lida, Martins, Lidiane, Tonini, Lorena, Braga, Lorrana Thaís Máximo Durville, Gomes, Louise Cristina, de Fries, Lucas, da Silva, Lucas Gonçalves, Jarduli, Lucas Ribeiro, Lima, Luciano Benedito, Gomes Fischer, Luciano, Wolff, Luciano Lazzarini, dos Santos, Luciano Neves, Bezerra, Luis Artur Valões, Sarmento Soares, Luisa Maria, Manna, Luisa Resende, Duboc, Luiz Fernando, dos Santos Ribas, Luiz Guilherme, Malabarba, Luiz Roberto, Brito, Marcelo Fulgêncio Guedes, Braga, Marcelo Rennó, de Almeida, Marcelo Silva, Sily, Maria Cecília, Barros, Maria Claudene, do Nascimento, Maria Histelle Sousa, de Souza Delapieve, Maria Laura, Piedade, Maria Teresa Fernandez, Tagliaferro, Marina, de Pinna, Mário Cesar Cardoso, Yánez-Muñoz, Mario H., Orsi, Mário Luís, da Rosa, Marlon Ferraz, Bastiani, Marlos, Stefani, Marta Severino, Buenaño-Carriel, Martha, Moreno, Martha Elena Valdez, de Carvalho, Mateus Moreira, Kütter, Mateus Tavares, Freitas, Matheus Oliveira, Cañas-Merino, Mauricio, Cetra, Mauricio, Herrera-Madrid, Mauricio, Petrucio, Mauricio Mello, Galetti, Mauro, Salcedo, Miguel Ángel, Pascual, Miguel, Ribeiro, Milton Cezar, Abelha, Milza Celi Fedatto, da Silva, Mônica Andrade, de Araujo, Mônica Pacheco, Dias, Murilo Sversut, Guimaraes Sales, Naiara, Benone, Naraiana Loureiro, Sartor, Natane, Fontoura, Nelson Ferreira, de Souza Trigueiro, Nicholas Silvestre, Álvarez-Pliego, Nicolás, Shibatta, Oscar Akio, Tedesco, Pablo A., Lehmann Albornoz, Pablo Cesar, Santos, Pablo Henrique Fernandes, Freitas, Pâmela Virgolino, Fagundes, Patricia Calegari, de Freitas, Patrícia Domingues, Mena-Valenzuela, Patricio, Tufiño, Paul, Catelani, Paula Araujo, Peixoto, Paula, Ilha, Paulo, de Aquino, Pedro De Podestà Uchôa, Gerhard, Pedro, Carvalho, Pedro Hollanda, Jiménez-Prado, Pedro, Galetti, Pedro Manoel, Borges, Pedro Paulino, Nitschke, Pedro Peixoto, Manoel, Pedro Sartori, Bernardes Perônico, Phamela, Soares, Philip Teles, Piana, Pitágoras Augusto, de Oliveira Cunha, Priscila, Plesley, Priscila, de Souza, Rafael Couto Rosa, Rosa, Rafael Rogério, El-Sabaawi, Rana W., Rodrigues, Raoni Rosa, Covain, Raphael, Loures, Raquel Coelho, Braga, Raul Rennó, Reginaldo, Ré, Bigorne, Rémy, Cassemiro Biagioni, Renata, Silvano, Renato Azevedo Matias, Dala-Corte, Renato Bolson, Martins, Renato Tavares, Rosa, Ricardo, Sartorello, Ricardo, de Almeida Nobre, Rodrigo, Bassar, Ronald D., Gurgel-Lourenço, Ronaldo César, Pinheiro, Ronaldo Fernando Martins, Carneiro, Ronaldo Leal, Florido, Rosa, Mazzoni, Rosana, Silva-Santos, Rosane, de Paula Santos, Rosiane, Delariva, Rosilene Luciana, Hartz, Sandra Maria, Brosse, Sebastien, Althoff, Sérgio Luiz, Nóbrega Marinho Furtado, Shaka, Lima-Junior, Sidnei Eduardo, Lustosa Costa, Silvia Yasmin, Arrolho, Solange, Auer, Sonya K., Bellay, Sybelle, de Fátima Ramos Guimarães, Taís, Francisco, Talitha Mayumi, Mantovano, Tatiane, Gomes, Tatyana, Ramos, Telton Pedro Anselmo, de Assis Volpi, Thaís, Emiliano, Thais Moura, Barbosa, Thiago Augusto Pedroso, Balbi, Thiago José, da Silva Campos, Thiago Nascimento, Silva, Thiago Teixeira, Occhi, Thiago Vinícius Trento, Garcia, Thiely Oliveira, da Silva Freitas, Tiago Magalhães, Begot, Tiago Octavio, da Silveira, Tony Leandro Rezende, Lopes, Ueslei, Schulz, Uwe Horst, Fagundes, Valéria, da Silva, Valéria Flávia Batista, Azevedo-Santos, Valter M., Ribeiro, Vanessa, Tibúrcio, Vanessa Graciele, de Almeida, Vera Lúcia Lescano, Isaac-Nahum, Victoria J., Abilhoa, Vinicius, Campos, Vinicius Farias, Kütter, Vinicius Tavares, de Mello Cionek, Vivian, Prodocimo, Viviane, Vicentin, Wagner, Martins, Waldney Pereira, de Moraes Pires, Walna Micaelle, da Graça, Weferson Júnio, Smith, Welber Senteio, Dáttilo, Wesley, Aguirre Maldonado, Windsor Efren, de Carvalho Rocha, Yuri Gomes Ponce, Súarez, Yzel Rondon, and de Lucena, Zilda Margarete Seixas
- Abstract
The Neotropical region hosts 4225 freshwater fish species, ranking first among the world's most diverse regions for freshwater fishes. Our NEOTROPICAL FRESHWATER FISHES data set is the first to produce a large-scale Neotropical freshwater fish inventory, covering the entire Neotropical region from Mexico and the Caribbean in the north to the southern limits in Argentina, Paraguay, Chile, and Uruguay. We compiled 185,787 distribution records, with unique georeferenced coordinates, for the 4225 species, represented by occurrence and abundance data. The number of species for the most numerous orders are as follows: Characiformes (1289), Siluriformes (1384), Cichliformes (354), Cyprinodontiformes (245), and Gymnotiformes (135). The most recorded species was the characid Astyanax fasciatus (4696 records). We registered 116,802 distribution records for native species, compared to 1802 distribution records for nonnative species. The main aim of the NEOTROPICAL FRESHWATER FISHES data set was to make these occurrence and abundance data accessible for international researchers to develop ecological and macroecological studies, from local to regional scales, with focal fish species, families, or orders. We anticipate that the NEOTROPICAL FRESHWATER FISHES data set will be valuable for studies on a wide range of ecological processes, such as trophic cascades, fishery pressure, the effects of habitat loss and fragmentation, and the impacts of species invasion and climate change. There are no copyright restrictions on the data, and please cite this data paper when using the data in publications.
- Published
- 2023
3. Hybridization and genetic introgression patterns between two South American catfish along their sympatric distribution range
- Author
do Prado, Fernanda Dotti, Fernandez-Cebrián, Raquel, Hashimoto, Diogo Teruo, Senhorini, José Augusto, Foresti, Fausto, Martínez, Paulino, and Porto-Foresti, Fábio
- Published
- 2017
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4. Use of Molecular Genetic Methods to Reduce the Risk of Incorrect Identification of Fish Strains in Brazilian Aquaculture
- Author
Deoclécio da Silva, Luana Maria, primary, do Prado, Fernanda Dotti, additional, Hashimoto, Diogo Teruo, additional, Senhorini, José Augusto, additional, Foresti, Fausto, additional, and Porto-Foresti, Fabio, additional
- Published
- 2021
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5. Parallel evolution and adaptation to environmental factors in a marine flatfish:Implications for fisheries and aquaculture management of the turbot (Scophthalmus maximus)
- Author
do Prado, Fernanda Dotti, Vera, Manuel, Hermida, Miguel, Bouza, Carmen, Pardo, Belén G., Vilas, Román, Blanco, Andrés, Fernández, Carlos, Maroso, Francesco, Maes, Gregory E., Turan, Cemal, Volckaert, Filip A.M., Taggart, John B., Carr, Adrian, Ogden, Rob, Nielsen, Einar Eg, Martínez, Paulino, do Prado, Fernanda Dotti, Vera, Manuel, Hermida, Miguel, Bouza, Carmen, Pardo, Belén G., Vilas, Román, Blanco, Andrés, Fernández, Carlos, Maroso, Francesco, Maes, Gregory E., Turan, Cemal, Volckaert, Filip A.M., Taggart, John B., Carr, Adrian, Ogden, Rob, Nielsen, Einar Eg, and Martínez, Paulino
- Abstract
Unraveling adaptive genetic variation represents, in addition to the estimate of population demographic parameters, a cornerstone for the management of aquatic natural living resources, which, in turn, represent the raw material for breeding programs. The turbot (Scophthalmus maximus) is a marine flatfish of high commercial value living on the European continental shelf. While wild populations are declining, aquaculture is flourishing in southern Europe. We evaluated the genetic structure of turbot throughout its natural distribution range (672 individuals; 20 populations) by analyzing allele frequency data from 755 single nucleotide polymorphism discovered and genotyped by double-digest RAD sequencing. The species was structured into four main regions: Baltic Sea, Atlantic Ocean, Adriatic Sea, and Black Sea, with subtle differentiation apparent at the distribution margins of the Atlantic region. Genetic diversity and effective population size estimates were highest in the Atlantic populations, the area of greatest occurrence, while turbot from other regions showed lower levels, reflecting geographical isolation and reduced abundance. Divergent selection was detected within and between the Atlantic Ocean and Baltic Sea regions, and also when comparing these two regions with the Black Sea. Evidence of parallel evolution was detected between the two low salinity regions, the Baltic and Black seas. Correlation between genetic and environmental variation indicated that temperature and salinity were probably the main environmental drivers of selection. Mining around the four genomic regions consistently inferred to be under selection identified candidate genes related to osmoregulation, growth, and resistance to diseases. The new insights are useful for the management of turbot fisheries and aquaculture by providing the baseline for evaluating the consequences of turbot releases from restocking and farming.
- Published
- 2018
6. First Description of supernumerary Chromosomes in Ictalurus punctatus Rafinesque 1818 Reveals Active Ribosomal Genes in the B Complement
- Author
do Prado, Fernanda Dotti, primary, Daniel, Sandro Natal, additional, Penitente, Manolo, additional, Hashimoto, Diogo Teruo, additional, Foresti, Fausto, additional, and Porto-Foresti, Fábio, additional
- Published
- 2016
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7. Hybridization and genetic introgression patterns between two South American catfish along their sympatric distribution range
- Author
do Prado, Fernanda Dotti, primary, Fernandez-Cebrián, Raquel, additional, Hashimoto, Diogo Teruo, additional, Senhorini, José Augusto, additional, Foresti, Fausto, additional, Martínez, Paulino, additional, and Porto-Foresti, Fábio, additional
- Published
- 2016
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8. Parallel evolution and adaptation to environmental factors in a marine flatfish: Implications for fisheries and aquaculture management of the turbot (Scophthalmus maximus).
- Author
do Prado, Fernanda Dotti, Vera, Manuel, Hermida, Miguel, Bouza, Carmen, Pardo, Belén G., Vilas, Román, Blanco, Andrés, Fernández, Carlos, Maroso, Francesco, Maes, Gregory E., Turan, Cemal, Volckaert, Filip A. M., Taggart, John B., Carr, Adrian, Ogden, Rob, Nielsen, Einar Eg, The Aquatrace Consortium, and Martínez, Paulino
- Subjects
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MARINE resources conservation , *FLATFISHES , *WILDLIFE conservation , *BIODIVERSITY , *PSETTA maxima , *REPRODUCTION - Abstract
Abstract: Unraveling adaptive genetic variation represents, in addition to the estimate of population demographic parameters, a cornerstone for the management of aquatic natural living resources, which, in turn, represent the raw material for breeding programs. The turbot (Scophthalmus maximus) is a marine flatfish of high commercial value living on the European continental shelf. While wild populations are declining, aquaculture is flourishing in southern Europe. We evaluated the genetic structure of turbot throughout its natural distribution range (672 individuals; 20 populations) by analyzing allele frequency data from 755 single nucleotide polymorphism discovered and genotyped by double‐digest RAD sequencing. The species was structured into four main regions: Baltic Sea, Atlantic Ocean, Adriatic Sea, and Black Sea, with subtle differentiation apparent at the distribution margins of the Atlantic region. Genetic diversity and effective population size estimates were highest in the Atlantic populations, the area of greatest occurrence, while turbot from other regions showed lower levels, reflecting geographical isolation and reduced abundance. Divergent selection was detected within and between the Atlantic Ocean and Baltic Sea regions, and also when comparing these two regions with the Black Sea. Evidence of parallel evolution was detected between the two low salinity regions, the Baltic and Black seas. Correlation between genetic and environmental variation indicated that temperature and salinity were probably the main environmental drivers of selection. Mining around the four genomic regions consistently inferred to be under selection identified candidate genes related to osmoregulation, growth, and resistance to diseases. The new insights are useful for the management of turbot fisheries and aquaculture by providing the baseline for evaluating the consequences of turbot releases from restocking and farming. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2018
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9. Molecular identification of hybrids between Neotropical catfish species Pseudoplatystoma corruscans and Pseudoplatystoma reticulatum
- Author
do Prado, Fernanda Dotti, primary, Hashimoto, Diogo Teruo, additional, Mendonça, Fernando Fernandes, additional, Senhorini, José Augusto, additional, Foresti, Fausto, additional, and Porto-Foresti, Fábio, additional
- Published
- 2011
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10. NEOTROPICAL FRESHWATER FISHES: A dataset of occurrence and abundance of freshwater fishes in the Neotropics.
- Author
Tonella LH, Ruaro R, Daga VS, Garcia DAZ, Vitorino OB Júnior, Lobato-de Magalhães T, Dos Reis RE, Di Dario F, Petry AC, Mincarone MM, de Assis Montag LF, Pompeu PS, Teixeira AAM, Carmassi AL, Sánchez AJ, Giraldo Pérez A, Bono A, Datovo A, Flecker AS, Sanches A, Godinho AL, Matthiensen A, Peressin A, Hilsdorf AWS, Barufatti A, Hirschmann A, Jung A, Cruz-Ramírez AK, Braga Silva A, Cunico AM, Saldanha Barbosa A, de Castro Barradas A, Rêgo ACL, Franco ACS, Costa APL, Vidotto-Magnoni AP, Ferreira A, Kassner Filho A, Nobile AB, Magalhães ALB, da Silva AT, Bialetzki A, Dos Santos Maroclo Gomes AC, Nobre AB, Casimiro ACR, Angulo Sibaja A, Dos Santos AAC, de Araújo ÁR, Frota A, Quirino BA, Ferreira BM, Albuquerque BW, Meneses BA, Oliveira BT, Torres Parahyba Campos BA, Gonçalves BB, Kubiak BB, da Silveira Prudente B, de Araujo Passos Pacheco BG, Nakagawa BK, do Nascimento BTM, Maia C, Cantagallo Devids C, Rezende CF, Muñoz-Mendoza C, Peres CA, de Sousa Rodrigues Filho CA, de Lucena CAS, Fernandes CA, Kasper CB, Donascimiento C, Emidio C Júnior, Carrillo-Moreno C, Machado C, Pera C, Hartmann C, Pringle CM, Leal CG, Jézéquel C, Harrod C, da Rosa CA, Quezada-Romegialli C, Pott CM, Larentis C, Nascimento CAS, da Silva Gonçalves C, da Cunha CJ, Pisicchio CM, de Carvalho DC, Galiano D, Gomez-Uchida D, Santana DO, Salas Johnson D, Petsch DK, de Freitas DTH, Bailly D, Machado DF, de Carvalho DR, Topan DH, Cañas-Rojas D, da Silva D, Freitas-Souza D, Lima-Júnior DP, Piscor D, Moraes DP, Viana D, Caetano DLF, Gubiani ÉA, Okada EK, do Amaral EC, Brambilla EM, Cunha ER, Kashiwaqui EAL, Rocha EA, Barp EA, da Costa Fraga E, D'Bastiani E, Zandonà E, Dary EP, Benedito E, Barba-Macías E, Calvache Uvidia EV, Fonseca FL, Ferreira FS, Lima F, Maffei F, Porto-Foresti F, Teresa FB, de Andrade Frehse F, Oliveira FJM, da Silva FP, de Lima FP, do Prado FD, Jerep FC, Vieira FEG, Gertum Becker F, de Carvalho FR, Ubaid FK, Teixeira FK, Provenzano Rizzi F, Severo-Neto F, Villamarín F, de Mello FT, Keppeler FW, de Avila Batista G, de Menezes Yazbeck G, Tesitore G, Salvador GN, Soteroruda Brito GJ, Carmassi GR, Kurchevski G, Goyenola G, Pereira HR, Alvez HJFS, do Prado HA, Pinho HLL, Sousa HL, Bornatowski H, de Oliveira Barbosa H, Tobes I, de Paiva Affonso I, Queiroz IR, Vila I, Negrete IVJ, Prado IG, Vitule JRS, Figueiredo-Filho J, Gonzalez JA, de Faria Falcão JC, Teixeira JV, Pincheira-Ulbrich J, da Silva JC, de Araujo Filho JA, da Silva JFM, Genova JG, Giovanelli JGR, Andriola JVP, Alves J, Valdiviezo-Rivera J, Brito J, Botero JIS, Liotta J, Ramirez JL, Marinho JR, Birindelli JLO, Novaes JLC, Hawes JE, Ribolli J, Rivadeneira JF, Schmitter-Soto JJ, Assis JC, da Silva JP, Dos Santos JS, Wingert J, Wojciechowski J, Bogoni JA, Ferrer J, Solórzano JCJ, Sá-Oliveira JC, Vaini JO, Contreras Palma K, Orlandi Bonato K, de Lima Pereira KD, Dos Santos Sousa K, Borja-Acosta KG, Carneiro L, Faria L, de Oliveira LB, Resende LC, da Silva Ingenito LF, Oliveira Silva L, Rodrigues LN, Guarderas-Flores L, Martins L, Tonini L, Braga LTMD, Gomes LC, de Fries L, da Silva LG, Jarduli LR, Lima LB, Gomes Fischer L, Wolff LL, Dos Santos LN, Bezerra LAV, Sarmento Soares LM, Manna LR, Duboc LF, Dos Santos Ribas LG, Malabarba LR, Brito MFG, Braga MR, de Almeida MS, Sily MC, Barros MC, do Nascimento MHS, de Souza Delapieve ML, Piedade MTF, Tagliaferro M, de Pinna MCC, Yánez-Muñoz MH, Orsi ML, da Rosa MF, Bastiani M, Stefani MS, Buenaño-Carriel M, Moreno MEV, de Carvalho MM, Kütter MT, Freitas MO, Cañas-Merino M, Cetra M, Herrera-Madrid M, Petrucio MM, Galetti M, Salcedo MÁ, Pascual M, Ribeiro MC, Abelha MCF, da Silva MA, de Araujo MP, Dias MS, Guimaraes Sales N, Benone NL, Sartor N, Fontoura NF, de Souza Trigueiro NS, Álvarez-Pliego N, Shibatta OA, Tedesco PA, Lehmann Albornoz PC, Santos PHF, Freitas PV, Fagundes PC, de Freitas PD, Mena-Valenzuela P, Tufiño P, Catelani PA, Peixoto P, Ilha P, de Aquino PPU, Gerhard P, Carvalho PH, Jiménez-Prado P, Galetti PM Jr, Borges PP, Nitschke PP, Manoel PS, Bernardes Perônico P, Soares PT, Piana PA, de Oliveira Cunha P, Plesley P, de Souza RCR, Rosa RR, El-Sabaawi RW, Rodrigues RR, Covain R, Loures RC, Braga RR, Ré R, Bigorne R, Cassemiro Biagioni R, Silvano RAM, Dala-Corte RB, Martins RT, Rosa R, Sartorello R, de Almeida Nobre R, Bassar RD, Gurgel-Lourenço RC, Pinheiro RFM, Carneiro RL, Florido R, Mazzoni R, Silva-Santos R, de Paula Santos R, Delariva RL, Hartz SM, Brosse S, Althoff SL, Nóbrega Marinho Furtado S, Lima-Junior SE, Lustosa Costa SY, Arrolho S, Auer SK, Bellay S, de Fátima Ramos Guimarães T, Francisco TM, Mantovano T, Gomes T, Ramos TPA, de Assis Volpi T, Emiliano TM, Barbosa TAP, Balbi TJ, da Silva Campos TN, Silva TT, Occhi TVT, Garcia TO, da Silva Freitas TM, Begot TO, da Silveira TLR, Lopes U, Schulz UH, Fagundes V, da Silva VFB, Azevedo-Santos VM, Ribeiro V, Tibúrcio VG, de Almeida VLL, Isaac-Nahum VJ, Abilhoa V, Campos VF, Kütter VT, de Mello Cionek V, Prodocimo V, Vicentin W, Martins WP, de Moraes Pires WM, da Graça WJ, Smith WS, Dáttilo W, Aguirre Maldonado WE, de Carvalho Rocha YGP, Súarez YR, and de Lucena ZMS
- Subjects
- Animals, Ecosystem, Mexico, Caribbean Region, Biodiversity, Fishes, Fresh Water
- Abstract
The Neotropical region hosts 4225 freshwater fish species, ranking first among the world's most diverse regions for freshwater fishes. Our NEOTROPICAL FRESHWATER FISHES data set is the first to produce a large-scale Neotropical freshwater fish inventory, covering the entire Neotropical region from Mexico and the Caribbean in the north to the southern limits in Argentina, Paraguay, Chile, and Uruguay. We compiled 185,787 distribution records, with unique georeferenced coordinates, for the 4225 species, represented by occurrence and abundance data. The number of species for the most numerous orders are as follows: Characiformes (1289), Siluriformes (1384), Cichliformes (354), Cyprinodontiformes (245), and Gymnotiformes (135). The most recorded species was the characid Astyanax fasciatus (4696 records). We registered 116,802 distribution records for native species, compared to 1802 distribution records for nonnative species. The main aim of the NEOTROPICAL FRESHWATER FISHES data set was to make these occurrence and abundance data accessible for international researchers to develop ecological and macroecological studies, from local to regional scales, with focal fish species, families, or orders. We anticipate that the NEOTROPICAL FRESHWATER FISHES data set will be valuable for studies on a wide range of ecological processes, such as trophic cascades, fishery pressure, the effects of habitat loss and fragmentation, and the impacts of species invasion and climate change. There are no copyright restrictions on the data, and please cite this data paper when using the data in publications., (© 2022 The Ecological Society of America.)
- Published
- 2023
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11. First Description of supernumerary Chromosomes in Ictaluruspunctatus Rafinesque 1818 Reveals Active Ribosomal Genes in the B Complement.
- Author
do Prado FD, Daniel SN, Penitente M, Hashimoto DT, Foresti F, and Porto-Foresti F
- Subjects
- Animals, Chromosome Banding, In Situ Hybridization, Fluorescence, Catfishes genetics, Gene Expression Regulation physiology, Karyotype, RNA, Ribosomal, 18S genetics
- Abstract
The North American channel catfish Ictalurus punctatus Rafinesque 1818 is cultivated in the United States, Asia and Brazilian fish farms, and also utilized as a model species in aquaculture and genetic studies. In this work, cytogenetic analysis of . punctatus from Brazilian aquaculture revealed for the first time the presence of extra elements (supernumerary or B chromosomes) in this species. These elements were characterized as dot-like micro B chromosomes and were found in three individuals (varying from 0 to 1) and in one individual with higher incidence per cell (varying from 0 to 5; mean number of Bs per cell = 2.01). More specific cytogenetic techniques in this individual revealed 58 A chromosomes (standard complement) containing heterochromatic bands in the centromeric regions, a single Ag-NOR in a subtelocentric pair (also positive for 18S rDNA using the FISH technique) and multiple 5S rDNA clusters in three different subtelocentric chromosomes. Four B chromosomes were entirely Ag-NOR positive (also fully heterochromatic) and three presented 18S rDNA clusters by FISH. The occurrence of Ag-NOR and 18S ribosomal genes in both A and B chromosome complements may indicate an intraspecific origin for these extra chromosomes. Additionally, the terminal location of 18S ribosomal clusters in the Ag-NOR-bearing chromosomes and the presence of active NOR in the B chromosomes suggested that breakage events may be related to a possible recent origin of these extra elements. We suggest this data may be useful as cytogenetic information for future elucidation of the composition, origin and evolution of extra chromosomes in fishes.
- Published
- 2016
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12. Cytogenetic characterization of F1, F2 and backcross hybrids of the Neotropical catfish species Pseudoplatystoma corruscans and Pseudoplatystoma reticulatum (Pimelodidae, Siluriformes).
- Author
do Prado FD, Nunes TL, Senhorini JA, Bortolozzi J, Foresti F, and Porto-Foresti F
- Abstract
The cytogenetic characteristics of Pseudoplatystoma corruscans and Pseudoplatystoma reticulatum and their F1, F2 and backcross hybrids were assessed by using chromosome banding techniques. The diploid number of 56 chromosomes was constant in all species and lineages, with a karyotypic formula containing 20 metacentric, 12 submetacentric, 12 subtelocentric and 12 acrocentric chromosomes. Nucleolar organizer regions (NORs) were identified in two subtelocentric chromosomes in the parents and hybrids, with partial nucleolar dominance in F1 and F2 specimens. Heterochromatic blocks were detected in the terminal and centromeric regions of some chromosomes in all individuals. For parental and hybrid lineages, 18S ribosomal clusters corresponding to NORs and 5S ribosomal genes were identified in distinct pairs of chromosomes. The striking conservation in the chromosomal macrostructure of the parental species may account for the fertility of their F1 hybrids. Similarly, the lack of marked alterations in the chromosomal structure of the F1 hybrids could account for the maintenance of these features in post-F1 lineages.
- Published
- 2012
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