130 results on '"demogeografija"'
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2. Demogeographic Analysis of Gorski Kotar
- Author
Rak, Mihovil and Mišetić, Roko
- Subjects
Gorski kotar ,demografsko izumiranje ,depopulation ,Demogeography ,INTERDISCIPLINARNA PODRUČJA ZNANOSTI. Geografija ,INTERDISCIPLINARY AREAS OF KNOWLEDGE. Geography ,demographic extinction ,demogeografija ,depopulacija - Abstract
U ovom radu analizirat će se demogeografska obilježja i procese unutar Gorskog kotara, njihove uzroke te posljedice na promatrano područje. Gorski kotar nalazi se unutar Primorsko-goranske županije, a središte regije predstavlja grad Delnice. Gorski kotar pogođen je demografskim izumiranjem zbog svojih nepovoljnih fizičko-geografskih i društveno-geografskih uvjeta, koji su potakli iseljavanja iz Gorskog kotara još krajem 19. stoljeća. In this paper there will be an analysis of the demogeographic features and processes in Gorski Kotar, their causes, and consequences on the given area. Gorski Kotar is located in the Primorje-Gorski Kotar County, while the centre of the region is the city of Delnice. Gorski Kotar is affected by demographic extinction due to its unfavourable physical-geographical and socio-geographical conditions, which encouraged emigration from Gorski Kotar at the end of the 19th century.
- Published
- 2022
3. Population ageing in Đakovština
- Author
Levanić, Martina and Bašić, Ksenija
- Subjects
Đakovština ,INTERDISCIPLINARNA PODRUČJA ZNANOSTI. Geografija ,INTERDISCIPLINARY AREAS OF KNOWLEDGE. Geography ,stanovništvo ,demogeografija ,population ,population ageing ,demografsko starenje ,population geography - Abstract
Geografski prostor Đakovštine, već je početkom 1970-ih godina zahvaćen procesom starenja stanovništva. Taj izrazito nepovoljan proces, na ovom se području očituje povećanjem udjela starog stanovništva, feminizacijom starijih dobnih skupina, kao i sve većim utjecajem na daljnje smanjivanje rodnosti i iseljavanje mladog stanovništva. Prosječna dob stanovništva Đakovštine se u razdoblju 1971. – 2011. godine povećala s 31,0 na 39,4 godine te je očekivano daljnje povećanje. Međutim, treba razlikovati ravničarski i prigorski dio Đakovštine u kojima proces starenja nije uzeo jednak zamah. Naime, u prigorskoj je Đakovštini stanje mnogo nepovoljnije, dok je u ravničarskoj bolje od prosjeka Republike Hrvatske. Brojne su negativne posljedice starenja stanovništva, dok strategije, mjere i populacijska politika, koje bi ublažile iste, nisu još pronađene ili u potpunosti usavršene. The geographical area of Đakovo region was already affected by the population ageing in the early 1970s. This extremely unfavorable process is manifested in this area through an increase in the share of the elderly population, the feminization of older age groups, as well as an increasing impact on further declining birth rates and emigration of the young population. The average age of population of the Đakovština increased from 31.0 to 39.4 in a 40 year period between 1971 and 2011, and a further increase is expected. However, a distinction should be made between the plains and the hilly part of Đakovo, where the ageing process has not gained equal momentum. Namely, in the hilly part of Đakovština the situation is much more unfavorable, while in the plains part of Đakovština it is better than average of the Republic of Croatia. There are many negative consequences of population ageing, while strategies, measures and population policy that would mitigate them have not yet been found or fully improved.
- Published
- 2021
4. Nekateri geografski vidiki rodnostnega obnašanja na izbranih primerih (v Sloveniji)
- Author
Damir Josipovič
- Subjects
rodnostno obnašanje ,dejavniki rodnosti ,demogeografija ,demografija ,slovenija ,Geography (General) ,G1-922 - Abstract
Članek prikazuje primer aplikacije geografije pri proučevanju rodnostnega obnašanja. S pomočjo analize uradnih statističnih podatkov in analize z anketo zbranih podatkov smo primerjali tri območja v Sloveniji (Prekmurje, Zasavje, območje upravne enote Domžale), in sicer na področju urbanosti, reliefa in etničnosti. Ugotovitve kažejo na določene primerjalne prednosti in potencial geografskega pristopa k študiju rodnosti.
- Published
- 2002
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5. Beg možganov na primeru Hrvaške
- Author
Dobrijević, Vanja and Ilc Klun, Mojca
- Subjects
education ,Hrvaška ,Croatia ,beg možganov ,mednarodne migracije ,demogeography ,international migration ,demogeografija ,izobrazba ,brain drain - Abstract
Beg možganov je posebna oblika migracije, njeni predstavniki pa so visoko izobraženi posamezniki, ki se za selitev odločijo iz specifičnih razlogov (graditev kariere, nadaljevanje izobrazbe, ipd.). Z begom možganov lahko povežemo tudi procese kroženja možganov, izgube možganov in pridobitve možganov, tako kot procesa asimilacije, integracije in pojem multikulturnosti. Problematika bega možganov je prisotna v več državah, med drugim tudi na Hrvaškem. Hrvaška je tradicionalno emigracijska država s številčno diasporo po svetu, največ njenih predstavnikov danes živi v ZDA in Nemčiji. Prebivalstvo se je iz Hrvaške selilo v več valovih skozi zgodovino, beg možganov pa je proces, ki je v državi bolj opazen predvsem v zadnjih 30-ih letih. Beg možganov ima pozitivne in negativne posledice tako na državo imigracije kot na državo emigracije. Njegov vpliv se kaže predvsem v pomanjkanju visoko izobraženega strokovnega kadra in nazadovanju v gospodarskem razvoju. Beg možganov pa lahko postane tudi pozitiven proces, če se pretvori v kroženje možganov in izseljenci z matično državo sodelujejo ter delijo svoja novo pridobljena znanja in veščine iz tujine. Brain drain is a special form of migration. Its representatives are highly educated individuals who decide to move for specific reasons (career building, continuation of education, etc.). Brain drain can also be associated with the processes of brain circulation, brain waste and brain gain, as well as assimilation, integration and the concept of multiculturalism. The brain drain issue is present in several countries, including Croatia. Croatia is traditionally a country of emigration with a large diaspora around the world. Most of its representatives today live in the USA and Germany. Throughout the history, the population has migrated from Croatia in several waves. In the last 30 years, higher occurrence of brain drain can be noticed. Brain drain has positive and negative consequences for the country of immigration as well as the country of emigration. Its impact is mainly reflected in the lack of highly qualified professional staff and the regress of economy. Brain drain can also become a positive process if it turns into brain circulation and emigrants cooperate with their home country and share newly-acquired knowledge and skills they gained abroad.
- Published
- 2021
6. The Demographic Picture of the City of Karlovac as a Reflection of Economic Conditions after the Croatian War of Independence
- Author
Rajić, Matej and Spevec, Dubravka
- Subjects
economy ,sustainable development ,gospodarstvo ,City of Karlovac ,demogeografija ,INTERDISCIPLINARNA PODRUČJA ZNANOSTI. Geografija. Društvena geografija ,Grad Karlovac ,održivi razvoj ,INTERDISCIPLINARY AREAS OF KNOWLEDGE. Geography. Social Geography ,population geography - Abstract
Grad Karlovac se s vremenom razvio u jedan od važnijih regionalnih centara u Republici Hrvatskoj. Povoljna geografska obilježja osigurala su mu dinamičan demografski i gospodarski razvoj kroz povijest. No, kao i većina gradova u Hrvatskoj suočava se s procesom depopulacije i starenja stanovništva. Domovinski rat je te procese još više ubrzao, a osim toga na njih su utjecali i brojni drugi faktori. Cilj ovoga rada je preispitati utjecaj gospodarskog stanja na demografsku sliku Grada Karlovca. Pri tom je posebna pažnja posvećena razdoblju nakon Domovinskog rata i posljedicama koje je on ostavio. Rad ukazuje na potrebu povezivanja demografskih i gospodarskih strategija razvoja s ciljem održivog razvoja i revitalizacije karlovačkog područja. Sukladno tome, na kraju rada predložene su mjere kojima se takav razvoj može postići. Over time, Karlovac has developed into one of the most important regional centres in the Republic of Croatia. Favourable geographical features have ensured its dynamic demographic and economic development through history. However, like most cities in Croatia, it is faced with the depopulation and population aging processes. The Homeland War accelerated these processes, which were, in addition to that, affected by many other factors. The aim of this Thesis is to examine the impact of the economic situation on the demographic makeup of the City of Karlovac. In doing so, special attention is paid to the period after the Homeland War and the consequences the war left behind. The Thesis points to the need of connecting the demographic and economic development strategies with the aim of sustainable development and revitalization of the Karlovac area. Accordingly, at the end of the Thesis, a proposal of measures with which such development can be achieved is given.
- Published
- 2021
7. Demographic resources of Croatian border area along the border with Slovenia
- Author
Božić, Bojan and Spevec, Dubravka
- Subjects
demografski resursi ,pogranična područja ,demogeografija ,pogranično stanovništvo ,demographic resources ,INTERDISCIPLINARNA PODRUČJA ZNANOSTI. Geografija. Društvena geografija ,border regions ,border impacts ,INTERDISCIPLINARY AREAS OF KNOWLEDGE. Geography. Social Geography ,border population ,utjecaj granice ,population geography - Abstract
Rad analizira kvantitativna i kvalitativna demografska obilježja te potencijale pograničnih naselja Republike Hrvatske uz Slovensku granicu. Važnost demografskih resursa pri proučavanju prostornih struktura, veza, odnosa i sadržaja je u objedinjavanju brojnih pokazatelja koji uzimaju u obzir razne karakteristike stanovništva pograničnog prostora uz razvojne prilike i potencijale kako bi dobili širu sliku stanja i budućih razvojnih mogućnosti. Na temelju demografskih resursa naselja, promatraju se procesi, promjene, strukture i organizacija stanovništva te utjecaji koji raznim intenzitetom mijenjaju, razvijaju ili degradiraju prostor. Pogranični prostor predstavlja heterogeno područje velikih razlika i kontrasta sa brojnim čimbenicima, elementima i utjecajima gdje se isprepliću razni prostorni procesi koji svojim utjecajem na demografske resurse naselja imaju značajnu ulogu u formiranju prostorne slike. The Master Thesis is analysing quantitative and qualitative demographic features and the potentials of the Republic of Croatia’s border settlements along Slovenian border. While studying spatial structures, relations and content, the importance of demographic resources is in its unity of different indicators that take into consideration various properties and traits of the border population with its developmental opportunities and potentials in a way that gives a broader picture of future development. Based on a settlement’s demographic resources, numerous processes, transformations, structures and organization patterns are observed alongside influences which are with varying intensity changing, developing and degrading surrounding space. The border region is an example of heterogenic area containing considerable differences and contrasts with plenty of factors, elements and impacts where diverse spatial processes are intertwined and are forming and affecting a spatial picture of demographic resources.
- Published
- 2021
8. The New Emigrant Paradigm of Croatia
- Author
Balija, Monika and Šterc, Stjepan
- Subjects
razvoj ,revitalization ,population ,modeling ,iseljavanje ,INTERDISCIPLINARNA PODRUČJA ZNANOSTI. Geografija. Društvena geografija ,vanjska migracija ,external migration ,modeliranje ,revitalizacija ,demogeography ,demogeografija, stanovništvo, vanjska migracija, iseljavanje, modeliranje, revitaliazacija, razvoj ,udc:911(043.3) ,demogeografija ,stanovništvo ,emigration ,General geography. Science of geographical factors (systematic geography). Theoretical geography ,INTERDISCIPLINARY AREAS OF KNOWLEDGE. Geography. Social Geography ,Opća geografija. Sistematska geografija. Teorijska geografija ,development - Abstract
Demografska problematika suvremene Hrvatske zbog intenziviranja negativnih parametara i trendova sve više postaje ključno pitanje društvenog, gospodarskog i ukupnog razvoja. Ljudski se potencijal polako u svim koncepcijama prihvaća kao primarni stoga je njegovo razmatranje posebno važno za budućnost zemlje. Pored sada već dugotrajnog prirodnog pada stanovništva, silno se od ulaska Hrvatske u Europsku uniju ubrzalo iseljavanje i povećala negativna vanjska bilanca. Analitički su postupci u radu potvrdili kako se iseljavanjem mladog, obrazovanog i potencijalno reprodukcijskog stanovništva ugrožavaju gotovo svi temeljni sustavi u zemlji stoga razmatranje osnovnih zakonitosti vezanih uz iseljavanje i modeliranje migracija postaje ključno pitanje. Posebno kada se u tradicionalnoj iseljeničkoj zemlji kao što je Hrvatska pojave novi iseljenički obrasci koje je nužno razmotriti, korelirati i modelirati. Osnovni su ciljevi istraživanja stoga razmatranje zakonitosti hrvatskih iseljeničkih valova, novog iseljeničkog obrasca, emigracijskih utjecaja na osnovne sustave, budućih migracijskih kretanja te predlaganje mjera u funkciji zaustavljanja odlaska i povratka ranije iseljenih; jer svi su analitički postupci u radu potvrdili kako je hrvatsko iseljeništvo svojim potencijalom neosporni faktor ukupne revitalizacije RH. Due to the intensification of negative parameters and trends, the demographic problems of modern Croatia are increasingly becoming a key issue of social, economic and overall development. Human potential is slowly and safely accepted in the economic concepts as a primary so his consideration is especially important for the future of the country. In addition to the long-lasting natural decline, since Croatia's accession to the European Union emigration has accelerated sharply and the negative external balance has increased. Analytical procedures have confirmed that the emigration of young, educated and potentially reproductive population causes negativity in almost all major national systems, so consideration of the basic laws related to emigration becomes a key issue. Especially when in a traditional emigrant country like Croatia new emigrant patterns appear that need to be considered, correlated and modeled. Therefore, the laws of Croatian emigration waves, the new emigration pattern, emigration impact on basic systems, future migration movements and measures in the function of decelerating the emigration and stimulating return were discussed.
- Published
- 2020
9. Depopulation in Lika-Senj County
- Author
Kostelac, Leo and Bašić, Ksenija
- Subjects
depopulation ,Lika-Senj County ,demogeography ,INTERDISCIPLINARNA PODRUČJA ZNANOSTI. Geografija ,INTERDISCIPLINARY AREAS OF KNOWLEDGE. Geography ,Ličko-senjska županija ,demografsko ,demogeografija ,depopulacija ,demographic - Abstract
U ovom radu prikazat će se uzroci, intenzitet i posljedice depopulacije Ličko-senjske županije. Depopulacija je pojam kojim se označava negativno demografsko kretanje uzrokovano većom smrtnošću od rodnosti i/ili većom emigracijom od imigracije. Proces depopulacije u Ličko-senjskoj županiji pojavio se ranije nego u ostalim dijelovima Hrvatske, početkom 20. stoljeća (vrhunac broja stanovnika Ličko-senjska imala je 1900. godine, a od tada on konstantno opada) te je posljedica međusobnog utjecaja društveno-ekonomskih i fizičko-geografskih značajki tog kraja. Emigracija koja je bila prisutna kroz cijelo 20. stoljeće bila je popraćena s tri rata, čija će se uloga u depopulaciji ovog područja također istražiti. Važan element depopulacije je i nepovoljan razmještaj stanovništva, odnosno činjenica da u Ličko-senjskoj ne postoji hijerarhijski jači centar u urbanom sustavu koji bi privlačio stanovništvo. Gospić kao sjedište županije nema dovoljno razvijen stupanj centraliteta te se može smatrati tek subregionalnim središtem. In this paper the cause, intensity and consequences of depopulation in Lika-Senj County will be shown. Depopulation is a term used to denote the negative demographic trends caused by higher mortality than birth rate and / or higher emigration than immigration. The process of depopulation in Lika-Senj County emerged earlier than in other parts of Croatia, at the beginning of the 20th century (the peak of population in Lika-Senj County was in 1900 and since then the number has been constantly declining) and that is the consequence of the mutual influence of socio-economic and physical- geographical features of the area. Emigration that was present throughout 20th century was accompanied by the three wars whose role in depopulation of this area will also be investigated. An important element of depopulation is also unfavourable distribution of the population and the fact that there is no hierarchically stronger centre in the urban system that would attract the population. Gospić as the county headquarter does not have a sufficiently developed degree of centrality so it can only be considered as a subregional headquarter.
- Published
- 2020
10. Contemporary depopulation momentum of Vukovar-Srijem county
- Author
Kajić, Srećko and Bašić, Ksenija
- Subjects
Vukovar-Srijem county ,depopulation ,Vukovarsko-srijemska županija ,INTERDISCIPLINARNA PODRUČJA ZNANOSTI. Geografija. Društvena geografija ,depopulacija ,prirodni pad ,demografsko izumiranje ,demographic dying out ,ageing ,emigracija ,starenje ,demogeografija ,emigration ,natural decrease ,INTERDISCIPLINARY AREAS OF KNOWLEDGE. Geography. Social Geography ,population geography - Abstract
Uslijed rastuće stope iseljavanja stanovništva te sve negativnijeg prirodnog kretanja, Republika Hrvatska suočava se s intenzivnim gubitkom stanovništva koji je - naročito otvaranjem europskog tržišta rada 2013. godine - uzeo maha s obzirom da stope pada broja stanovnika postaju iz godine u godinu sve negativnije. Ipak, promatrajući regionalne razlike u demografskim procesima unutar Hrvatske, županija s najnegativnijim demografskim trendovima u proteklih nekoliko godina uvjerljivo je Vukovarsko-srijemska županija koja je, sudeći prema procjenama DZS-a, između 2013. i 2018. godine izgubila čak 12% svoga stanovništva (imajući na umu da je stvaran broj vjerojatno i nešto nepovoljniji). Podaci kao što je ovaj ukazuju kako s pravom možemo govoriti o svojevrsnom momentu depopulacije u najistočnijoj županiji Hrvatske koja postaje eklatantan primjer najgoreg tipa općeg kretanja stanovništva - izumiranja. Cilj ovog prvostupničkog rada bit će identificirati razmjere, prostorno-geografsku uvjetovanost te uzroke i posljedice depopulacije u Vukovarsko-srijemskoj županiji koristeći statističke podatke DZS-a i drugih relevantnih izvora, kao i demogeografsku literaturu koja se bavi ovim prostorom te navedenom problematikom. As a result of the rising rate of emigration, as well as the growing natural decrease, the Republic of Croatia is facing a severe loss of population which – especially after the inclusion in the European labour market in 2013 – intensified judging by the ever-increasing rates of depopulation. Even still, observation of the subregional differences within Croatia shows that the county with the most negative demographic trends in the past few years is the Vukovar-Srijem county which, according to estimates by the Croatian Bureau of Statistics, lost around 12% of its population between 2013 and 2018 (bearing in mind that the actual number is probably even more pessimistic). Such data demonstrate a depopulation momentum of sorts in the easternmost Croatian county which has come to exemplify the worst type of general population trends – dying out (E4). The goal of this undergraduate thesis is to identify the span, spatial interdependence, as well as causes and consequences of depopulation in Vukovar-Srijem county using statistical data from CBS and other relevant sources, as well as literature in population geography dealing with the given area and topic.
- Published
- 2020
- Author
Damir Josipovič
- Subjects
rodnostno obnašanje ,migracije ,priseljevanje v slovenijo ,geografski dejavniki rodnosti ,priselitve ,demografija ,demogeografija ,slovenija ,etničnost ,Colonies and colonization. Emigration and immigration. International migration ,JV1-9480 - Abstract
Članek predstavlja razvoj priseljevanja v Slovenijo po drugi svetovni vojni z vidika vplivov na raven rodnosti v Sloveniji. Analizira priseljevanje v Slovenijo in na podlagi primerjav rodnosti posameznih etničnih skupin v Sloveniji opredeljuje vlogo le-teh v skupni rodnosti v Sloveniji. Poudarek je na primerjavah rodnosti priseljenega prebivalstva napram večinskemu prebivalstvu v Sloveniji. Rezultati dajejo podlago za sklep, da priseljevanje v Slovenijo ni podaljšalo, oziroma zaustavilo demografskega prehoda v Sloveniji, kot se to pogosto domneva, pač pa je povzročilo, da so bile spremembe še izrazitejše. To lahko dokažemo z generacijskimi vrednostmi končnega potomstva, ki kažejo, da se je krivulja zniževanja končnega potomstva spuščala enakomerno in da glede na povečan obseg generacij, ki so se številčno od priseljevanja najbolj okrepile, v svojih starostnih skupinah niso povečale tudi končnega potomstva. Transverzalni podatki kažejo sovpadanje zastoja v upadanju celotne rodnosti z obdobji izdatnejšega priseljevanja v Slovenijo – to je v 1970. letih. Poglobljena analiza pa nam kaže, da je pri tem igral najpomembnejšo vlogo starostni efekt, ki ni bil v neposredni zvezi s priseljevanjem. Celotna rodnost se je ob stagnaciji v 1970. že v prvi polovici 1980. naglo znižala, kar je v nasprotju s takrat obstoječim trendom naglega povečevanja števila priseljencev. Nekateri avtorji so ugotavljali, da je v obdobju od konca 1960. let in 1970. let korelacija med rodnostjo in priseljevanjem negativna, v 1980. letih pa visoka in pozitivna. Ob tem je nujno potrebno opomniti, da situacije v 1980. ne moremo izvzemati iz celote, kajti arbitrarna odločitev o časovnem intervalu opazovanja močno vpliva na rezultate. Kako sicer pojasniti relativno visoko in skokovito povečanje migracijskega salda v »prvem« obdobju s splošnim nižanjem vrednosti celotne rodnosti v Sloveniji, ob hkratnem strmem upadanju in sovpadanju vrednosti celotne rodnosti in migracijskega salda? Situacije v 1980. letih torej ne gre posploševati na situacijo v 1970. To posploševanje inducira tezo, da se je z upadom priseljevanja znižala tudi rodnost. Taka teza je v popolni kontradikciji s situacijo v 1970., ko je priseljevanje skokovito naraščalo, rodnost pa je kljub temu padala. Integralno gledano je priseljevanje vplivalo dejansko na skrajšanje demografskega prehoda, oziroma je povzročilo strmejši prehod v drugo demografsko tranzicijo. Da priselitve dejansko niso mogle zaustaviti demografskega prehoda, je razvidno tudi iz podatkov o končnem potomstvu priseljenk. Le-to je, kot smo pokazali, v povprečju nižje od tistega pri Slovenkah. To pa pomeni ravno nasprotno, namreč da so priseljenke prispevale k hitremu upadanju transverzalnih vrednosti rodnosti v 1980. letih. Presojanje vplivov priseljevanja na potek demografskega prehoda preko celotne rodnosti je problematično iz več razlogov. Najpomembnejši je ta, da so transverzalni kazalniki pod močnim vplivom trenutnih dejavnikov, posebej še sprememb povprečne starosti mater ob rojstvu otrok. Vpliv teh sprememb je tako velik, da je lahko letna vrednost precenjena ali podcenjena tudi za več kot desetino. To pa je bistveno več, kot lahko na vrednosti celotne rodnosti vplivajo kvantitativne spremembe rodnostnega obnašanja, ki so po svoji naravi dolgoročne, in kar potrjujejo tudi longitudinalni kazalniki.
- Published
- 2006
12. Sintetični pokazatelj demografskih resursa: doprinos tipologiji hrvatskog prostora.
- Author
Nejašmić, Ivo and Mišetić, Roko
- Subjects
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DEMOGRAPHIC research , *ECONOMIC indicators , *EDUCATIONAL attainment , *POPULATION policy - Abstract
The purpose of this paper is to work out a synthetic indicator, which would help in identification, evaluation and comparison of demographic resources. The secondary aim is to form a spatial unit typology in the Republic of Croatia according to the synthetic indicator's value. The synthetic indicator has been named demographic resources index (ider ). It consists of two basic components: demographic index (idem ) and education index (io ). Population size is included in the calculation, specifically as a corrective in the form of a coefficient (k). The first index-component consists of eleven variables. It includes a general direction of demographic changes in the past period, the most important indicators of demographic potential and the synthetic indicator of the population natural change and age structure. The second index-component consists of four variables. It includes the characteristics of the population's attained level of education, as well as indications of the most educated contingent's future proportions. Based on the obtained values of the synthetic indicator, a typology of Croatian territorial units has been formed with six types of demographic resources, and their basic characteristics have been determined. The synthetic indicator of demographic resources has turned out to be relevant and applicable on all levels of Croatian territorial units. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2010
- Author
Topole, Maja
- Subjects
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TOURISM , *DEMOGRAPHIC change , *MOUNTAIN soils , *LAND use , *LAND settlement , *ECONOMIC development , *CULTURAL property , *WORLD War II - Abstract
This article examines the demographically threatened region of the local community of Jurklošter in the southeastern part of the Alpine Sava Hills (Posavsko hribovje), part of the municipality of Laško. It draws attention to the natural and social conditions in the region after the Second World War, which led to the steady depopulation of the area. The paper presents the characteristics of the geographical location, settlement, settlements, population and land use, and economic development. It emphasizes the significance of the exceptional natural and cultural heritage as bases for strengthening the role of tourism and recreation, which along with some complementary activities could help reverse negative population trends and provide new sources of income. It deals primarily with natural and cultural motives as important components of the tourism potential of the region. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2009
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14. Prostorne značajke nataliteta u Hrvatskoj.
- Author
Nejašmić, Ivo, Bašić, Ksenija, and Toskić, Aleksandar
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BIRTH rate , *DEMOGRAPHIC anthropology , *HUMAN geography , *POPULATION statistics , *FERTILITY , *HUMAN fertility statistics - Abstract
The paper deals with regional characteristics of birth rates in Croatia on different territorial levels: from individual townships and municipalities to counties and larger areas, such as Pannonian and Karst regions (further divided into the islands, the seashore and the inland). The analysis is based on the average birth rates for a three-year period (2001-2003). In order to eliminate the influence of differences in the age composition of population, standardized birth rates are being calculated. Entire female population of Croatia has been chosen for standard population. In all counties and larger regional entities the process of regional homogenization at low birth rates level is prominent. However, a certain polarization of birth rates in hypothetical conditions of a standardized age composition was determined. One pole is located in Bukovica and Dalmatinska Zagora - the area of hypothetically the highest fertility, and the other one is in Istria and around Rijeka - the area of hypothetically the lowest fertility. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2008
- Subjects
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- Published
- 2008
- Author
Josipovič, Damir
- Subjects
Copyright of Treaties & Documents / Razprave in Gradivo is the property of Institut za Narodnostna Vprasanja and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2007
17. Demogeografski aspekt promjene obitelji i braka u Hrvatskoj
- Author
Majstorić, Ivan and Zupanc, Ivan
- Subjects
obitelj ,family ,geografija, demogeografija, obitelj, brak, nupcijalitet, divorcijalitet, Hrvatska ,brak ,Croatia ,INTERDISCIPLINARNA PODRUČJA ZNANOSTI. Geografija ,Hrvatska ,INTERDISCIPLINARY AREAS OF KNOWLEDGE. Geography ,geography ,geografija ,demogeografija ,nuptiality ,nupcijalitet ,divortiality ,divorcijalitet ,marriage ,population geography - Abstract
Obitelj i brak doživljavaju brojne promjene. Pojedinci sve rjeđe i sve kasnije stupaju u brak te su sve češći razvodi braka. Također, postalo je uobičajeno živjeti u izvanbračnoj zajednici, pa se sve više djece rađa izvan braka. Sve to posljedica je sveukupnih društvenih procesa. Procesi sekularizacije, demokratizacije i individualizacije, kako ističu neki autori, trajno su promijenili odnos pojedinca prema braku, obitelji i imanju djece. Najdalje u tom pogledu su otišle razvijene liberalne zemlje Zapadne i Sjeverne Europe. Kada je u pitanju Hrvatska, obitelji i brak su još uvijek jako važne društvene institucije, pa se u Hrvatskoj u braku rađa većina djece. Međutim, rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da se sklapa sve manje brakova, da je sve manje obitelji, da su one sve manje, kao i da je sve više razvoda, i to na razini svih županija. Stoga su buduća ukupna kretanja stanovništva u Hrvatskoj izravno povezana sa promjenama obitelji i braka. Zbog svega toga neophodno je provoditi pronatalitetnu populacijsku politiku i obiteljsku politiku kako bi se dugoročno osigurala povoljna obiteljska klima, i time uvjeti za buduće pozitivne trendove u kretanju stanovništva. Families and marriages are undergoing many changes. Individuals marry less and later, and divorce is becoming more common. Also, it has become common to live in cohabitation so more and more children are born out of marriage. All of this is a consequence of complex social processes. The processes of secularization, democratization and individualization, as some authors point out, have permanently changed the individual's opinion of marriage, family and childbearing. The furthest in this regard are developed liberal countries of Western and Northern Europe. When it comes to Croatia, family and marriage are still very important social communities. Fact that most children are born in marriage confirmed this. However, research has confirmed that in majority counties are less marriages, as well as families. To contrast, there is more divorces. Therefore, future population processes in Croatia are directly related to changes in family and marriage. For all previous reasons, it is necessary to implement a pronatalist and family policies in order to ensure a favorable family environment in the long term, and thus the conditions for future positive trends in population development.
- Published
- 2019
18. Problematika staranja prebivalstva v slovenskih občinah s poudarkom na občini Osilnica
- Author
Purkat, Gašper and Krevs, Marko
- Subjects
staranje prebivalstva ,depopulation ,Osilnica ,Slovenia ,udc:911.3:314(497.4Osilnica) ,demogeografija ,Slovenija ,population ageing ,zaključne seminarske naloge ,depopulacija ,geografske diplome ,population geography - Published
- 2018
19. Land-use changes in Zagreb County after 1980
- Author
Labović, Morana and Spevec, Dubravka
- Subjects
INTERDISCIPLINARNA PODRUČJA ZNANOSTI. Geografija ,način korištenja zemljišta ,INTERDISCIPLINARY AREAS OF KNOWLEDGE. Geography ,demogeografija ,land use ,Zagreb County ,suburbanizacija ,Zagrebačka županija ,suburbanization ,population geography - Abstract
Zagrebačka županija od 1980. godine doživjela je velike promjene u svojoj ekonomskoj, gospodarskoj i demografskoj strukturi. Industrijalizacijom i razvojem gospodarskih djelatnosti Zagreb privlači radnu snagu koja doseljava i u njegovu okolicu. Stalnim doseljavanjem iz drugih krajeva Hrvatske, broj stanovnika Zagrebačke županije iz popisa u popis sve više raste. Usporedno s time, stanovništvo se sve manje bavi poljoprivredom ili je u potpunosti napušta. Širenjem procesa suburbanizacije i sve jačom deagrarizacijom dolazi do socioekonomske, fizionomske i morfološke preobrazbe Zagrebačke županije. Tema diplomskog rada je analiza promjene načina korištenja zemljišta u Zagrebačkoj županiji primjenom GIS alata i podataka iz CORINE land cover programa. U radu su analizirani tipovi promjena načina korištenja zemljišta te faktori i procesi koji su doveli do tih promjena. Sve promjene koje su se dogodile u načinu korištenja zemljišta u skladu su s promjenama koje se događaju u okolici velikih gradova. Since 1980 the Zagreb County has experienced major changes in its economy and demography structure. Developed industry and economic activities attracted worforce from other regions, so people started to migrate in Zagreb's region and it caused constant population growth of the County. At the same time, population working in agriculture is declining. The processes of suburbanization and deagrarization caused socioeconomic, physiognomic and morphological transformation of Zagreb County. The theme of the thesis is the analysis of land use changes in the Zagreb County using GIS tools and data from the CORINE land cover program. The thesis analyzes the types of land use changes. Also, the thesis analyzes the factors and processes that have caused land use changes in the County. All land use changes determined in Zagreb County are also occurring in other regions of big cities.
- Published
- 2018
20. Demogeographic features of Požega-Slavonia County
- Author
Marukić, Mario and Bašić, Ksenija
- Subjects
depopulation ,Požeško-slavonska županija ,INTERDISCIPLINARNA PODRUČJA ZNANOSTI. Geografija ,Population ,INTERDISCIPLINARY AREAS OF KNOWLEDGE. Geography ,stanovništvo ,demogeografija ,emigracija ,emigration ,depopulacija ,population geography ,Požega-Slavonia county - Abstract
Požeško-slavonska županija spada u red najslabije naseljenih hrvatskih županija. Županiju u suvremenim demografskim kretanjima karakterizira depopulacija koja je uvjetovana negativnim prirodnim kretanjem te izrazitom emigracijom stanovništva iz županije. Domovinski rat je uvelike utjecao na demografsku sliku županije te odredio određene uvjete za buduće kretanje stanovništva čime je otpočela nova faza demografskog razvoja. Stanovništvo županije na samome početku rata je brojilo oko 100 000 stanovnika da bi taj broj pao na svega 78 000 prema popisu iz 2011. godine. Stanovništvo županije karakterizira starenje te se udio starijih dobnih skupina povećava dok se mlađe dobne skupine „gube“ niskom stopom nataliteta i emigracijom. Županija je neravnomjerno naseljena, te se tako većina stanovništva nalazi na požeškom području dok su zapadni dijelovi županije izrazito rijetko naseljeni. Trenutačni demografski problemi županije uvjetovani su lošom prometnom povezanošću, ekonomskim stanjem, lošim provođenjem pronatalitetne politike te brojnim drugim faktorima. The Požega-Slavonia County is among the less inhabited Croatian counties. The county in contemporary demographic trends is characterized by depopulation which is conditioned by negative natural change and by the strong emigration. The Homeland War has greatly influenced the demographic picture of the county and set certain conditions for future population trends, thus starting a new phase of demographic development. The population of the county at the very beginning of the war was a counter of about 100,000 inhabitants, to fall to only 78,000 according to the 2011 census. The population of the county is characterized by aging and the share of older age groups increases as younger age groups "vanish" by the low birth rate and emigration. The county is unevenly inhabited, and so most of the population is in the Požega region, while the western parts of the county are sparsely inhabited. The current demographic problems of the county are conditioned by poor traffic connections, poor economic conditions, bad policy implementation and numerous other factors.
- Published
- 2018
21. Population changes of the City of Šibenik after 1961
- Author
Lučev, Toni and Orešić, Danijel
- Subjects
Demogeografija ,settlements ,depopulation ,Demogeography ,INTERDISCIPLINARNA PODRUČJA ZNANOSTI. Geografija ,population census ,INTERDISCIPLINARY AREAS OF KNOWLEDGE. Geography ,changes ,naselja ,depopulacija ,promjene ,popis stanovništva - Abstract
Ovaj rad se bavi demogeografskim promjenama u Gradu Šibeniku koje se prate od Popisa 1961. do Popisa 2011., te se istražuju zakonitosti promjena u samom gradskom naselju i ostalim naseljima koja pripadaju administrativnom području Grada. Došlo je do pada broja stanovnika, uz izrazito negativnu stopu prirodnog kretanja, koju prati regresivni tip dobne strukture, te promjena ekonomskog sastava stanovništva, iz mješovitog u izrazito tercijarni tip stanovništva. Te promjene su izrazitije i nepovoljnije izvan samog gradskog naselja. Pojava depopulacije obilježava gotovo sva naselja Grada, te je izražen neodrživ odnos mladog i starog stanovništva izražen vrlo nepovoljnim indeksom starosti. Potrebne su jezgrovite i odlučne promjene u borbi protiv depopulacije. This paper deals with demographic changes in the City of Šibenik followed by the Census of 1961 to the 2011 Census, and explores the legality of changes in the town and other settlements belonging to the administrative area of the City. There has been a decrease in the number of inhabitants, with an extremely negative rate of natural movement, followed by the regressive type of age structure, and the change of the economic composition of the population, from mixed to a particularly tertiary type of population. These changes are more pronounced and unfavorable beyond the urban settlement itself. The phenomenon of depopulation is characterized by virtually all towns and cities, and the unsatisfactory relationship between the young and the old population is expressed by a very unfavorable age index. There is a need for radical and decisive change in the fight against depopulation.
- Published
- 2018
22. The educational structure of the population in the city of Maribor
- Author
Horvat, Uroš
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udc:911.3:314 ,education ,sestava prebivalstva ,mestno prebivalstvo ,Slovenia ,human geography ,demogeografija ,izobrazbena sestava ,geografija naselij ,Slovenija ,družbena geografija ,Maribor ,population geography - Abstract
Avtor v uvodu analizira izobrazbeno sestavo prebivalstva v večjih slovenskih mestih in jo primerja s sestavo v mestu Maribor, ki je drugo največje univerzitetno mesto v Sloveniji. Ugotavlja, da sodi Maribor med mesta z najvišjim deležem prebivalstva z doseženo terciarno izobrazbo v Sloveniji, vendar pa je v mestu še vedno z nadpovprečnim deležem zastopano prebivalstva s srednješolsko izobrazbo, kar je posledica intenzivnega razvoja industrijske dejavnosti v preteklih desetletjih. V nadaljevanju analizira razmere v posameznih delih mesta in ugotovi pomembne razlike med posameznimi deli mesta. Območje na levem bregu Drave izkazuje višji delež prebivalstva s terciarno izobrazbo, medtem ko območja na desnem bregu, zlasti na območjih starejše pozidave iz 50., 60. in 70. let 20. stoletja ter ob starejših industrijskih conah, izkazujejo višji delež prebivalstva z osnovnošolsko izobrazbo. In the introduction, the author analyzes the educational structure of the population (by educational attainment level) in the larger Slovene towns, and compares it with the structure in Maribor, which is the second largest university town in Slovenia. He finds that Maribor is among the cities with the highest percentage of population with a tertiary education in Slovenia, but the population with a secondary education is still above the average, which is a result of the intensive development of industrial activity in the past decades. Continuing, he analyzes the situation in individual parts of the city of Maribor, and finds important differences between the individual parts of the city. The area on the left bank of the Drava River shows a higher proportion of population with tertiary education, while the areas on the right bank, especially the areas with older buildings constructed in the fifties, sixties, and seventies, and the areas around the older industrial zones show a higher proportion of population with primary education.
- Published
- 2018
23. Ageing of the population in the city of Maribor
- Author
Horvat, Uroš
- Subjects
staranje prebivalstva ,Slovenia ,human geography ,age structure ,population ageing ,družbena geografija ,udc:911.3:314 ,sestava prebivalstva ,mestno prebivalstvo ,demogeografija ,geografija naselij ,Slovenija ,Maribor ,population geography - Abstract
Avtor v uvodu analizira starostno sestavo prebivalstva v večjih slovenskih mestih in jo primerja s sestavo v mestu Maribor. Ugotavlja, da Maribor izkazuje najvišji delež starejšega prebivalstva in najvišji indeks staranja. V nadaljevanju analizira demografske razmere v 38 krajevnih skupnostih v mestu v obdobju med letoma 1981 in 2015. Ugotavlja, da se proces staranja razlikuje po posameznih delih mesta. V začetnem obdobju so bile najbolj neugodne razmere v starejšem delu mesta na levem bregu reke Drave, v zadnjem desetletju pa je staranje prebivalstva bolj izrazito v starejših t. im. delavskih stanovanjskih soseskah na desnem bregu, kamor se je mesto širilo v 60., 70. in 80. letih 20. stoletja in se je v njih vselila starostno dokaj homogena populacija. Na drugi strani se znotraj mesta kažejo ugodne demografske razmere v tistih območjih, v katerih je prišlo do sanacije in revitalizacije. In the introduction, the author analyzed the age composition of the population in larger Slovene towns and compares it with the composition in the city of Maribor. He noted that Maribor has the highest share of the older population, and the highest aging index. Further is analyzed the demographic situation in 38 local communities in the city between 1981 and 2015. It’s noted that the aging process varies in different parts of the city. In the initial period, the most unfavorable conditions were in the older part of the city on the left bank of the Drava River. During the demographic changes in the last decade, the aging of the population was more intensive in older so-called workers’ residential neighborhoods in the southern part of the town (on the right bank), where the city expanded in the 60s, 70s and 80s of the 20th century. In them a relatively age-homogeneous population was moved in at the time. On the other hand, the current situation within the older part of the city also shows favorable demographic conditions in those areas where reconstructions and revitalization occurred.
- Published
- 2018
24. Housing care of the elderly people in Slovenia: homes for the elderly and owner
- Author
Kerbler, Boštjan Kefo
- Subjects
homes for the elderly ,staranje prebivalstva ,domovi za starejše ,elderly people ,gerontology ,Slovenia ,demogeografija ,udc:911.3:314.18(497.4) ,Slovenija ,starejši ljudje ,geography - Abstract
Zaradi staranja prebivalstva je problematika ustreznega stanovanjskega varstva prebivalstva za starejše vse bolj pereča. V Sloveniji je za starejše ljudi na voljo več oblik bivanj za starejše, med katerimi smo se v članku osredotočili na dve, ki sta v Sloveniji najbolj razširjeni, in sicer na domove za starejše in lastniško zasedena stanovanja. Predstavljene so njune značilnosti, kritično so analizirali problemi obeh oblik stanovanjskega varstva in podane so rešitve teh problemov. Članek temelji na analizi relevantne literature, statističnih podatkov in rezultatov znanstvenih raziskav o obravnavani temi. Skozi razpravo prinaša nova spoznanja o možnostih zagotavljanje primerne stopnje stanovanjskega varstva starejšega prebivalstva v Sloveniji v prihodnje. Ageing of population raises many problems concerning adequate housing for the elderly. In Slovenia there are several residential types for the elderly and among them the article focuses on two, which are most widespread, homes for the elderly and owner-occupied dwellings. Their characteristics are presented, the problems are critically analyzed and the solutions for them are stated. The article is based on an analysis of relevant sources and scholarly literature, as well as results of scientific researches on this topic. Through its discussion the article reflects new ideas about the possibilities of providing an adequate level of housing care of the elderly people in Slovenia in the future.
- Published
- 2018
25. Geografska marginalnost v Sloveniji z vidika prebivalstvenih kazalnikov
- Author
Pelc, Stanko
- Subjects
economic geography ,geografija ,ekonomska geografija ,marginality ,Slovenia ,demogeografija ,Slovenija ,udc:911.3:005.44(497.4) ,marginalnost ,geography ,globalization ,population geography ,globalizacija - Abstract
We start the paper with a terminological discussion about globalization and geographical marginality. Then we present an analysis that intends to find out whether the demographic data at municipal level can reveal us marginal regions (municipalities). We divided all municipalities according to their centrality into the group of predominantly central and predominantly peripheral. We calculated 5 demographic indicators and according to the average value defined municipalities that were essentially different (potentially marginal). The analysis shows that demographic indicators are not reliable and not an appropriate tool for the definition of marginal regions. Z geografsko marginalnostjo se ukvarja ena od komisij Mednarodne geografske zveze. V zadnjem času je posebna pozornost namenjena omenjeni problematiki v kontekstu globalizacije. V zvezi s tem procesom so mnenja deljena. Pogosto se beseda uporablja za označevanje vsega negativnega, kar se povezuje s procesi vse tesnejše kapitalske povezanosti sveta, kakor tudi s širjenjem neke enovite potrošniške kulture širom sveta. Globalizacija pa nima nujno zgolj škodljivih posledic. Dreher (2006) je ugotovil, da se države, ki so bolj globalizirane (vpete v svetovne gospodarske in politične razmere), uspešneje gospodarsko razvijajo. Sicer lahko rečemo, da je globalizacija proces, ki sega zelo daleč v preteklost, pomeni pa večanje povezanosti različnih delov sveta. Ta je z naglim razvojem prometnih sredstev v 20. stoletju in z neslutenim razvojem komunikacijskih sredstev (svetovno medmrežje) v zadnjih desetletjih izjemno napredovala. Svet je danes globalna vas, v kateri tokovi kapitala, širjenje idej in vzorov praktično ne poznajo meja. Danes logika kapitalističnega profita proizvodnjo čedalje pogosteje usmerja v območja s ceneno delovno silo in s tem povzroča brezposelnost tam, od koder se proizvodnja seli, hkrati pa novozaposlene postavlja v bolj ali manj brezpraven položaj neusmiljeno izkoriščane delovne sile. Na ta način ene in druge potiska na rob družbe in jih družbeno marginalizira. Seveda prisotnost posameznih marginalnih skupin prebivalstva na nekem območju še ne pomeni, da gre za geografsko marginalnost regije, kjer se nahajajo. Nasploh je pojem geografske marginalnosti težko opredeljiv in obstajajo številna različna pojmovanja. Po eni strani gre za poseben pristop do problematike območij z gospodarskimi, družbenimi in političnimi težavami, ki so do te mere zaostrene, da ta območja bistveno odstopaja od preostanka nekega širšega območja, ki mu to območje pripada. To odstopanje je v skladu z nekaterimi pojmovanji tako veliko, da tako območje sploh ni več sestavni del širšega območja, kamor bi po geografskem položaju sodilo, temveč je od njega ločeno. V tem primeru lahko govorimo o ločenem območju ali „izolatu”. V skladu z drugim konceptom lahko opredeljujemo geografsko marginalnost z vidika gospodarskih značilnosti, pri čemer se naslonimo na središčno-obrobni model (Centre- Periphery). Marginalna območja so del obrobja (periferije), a jih ne moremo enačiti z obrobjem. Na 1. sliki je prikazana možnost razlikovanja na podlagi stopnje tržne vključenosti in stopnje razvitosti proizvodnih sil. V primeru, da je nizka le ena od navedenih, gre za obrobje (periferijo), če sta nizki obe pa za marginalno območje. Postavljanje meja med tem kaj je dovolj nizko za opredelitev marginalnosti, je seveda bolj ali manj subjektivno. Marginalnost lahko pojmujemo tudi na podlagi koncepta „osrednjega toka” (mainstream). Tekom časa osrednji družbeni tok, znotraj katerega se gibljejo življenjske poti večine pripadnikov, spreminja smer. Tako lahko nek posameznik, ne da bi bistveno spreminjal svojo življenjsko pot, del te prebije znotraj, del pa zunaj osrednjega toka. V času, ko je v marginalnem položaju (zunaj osrednjega toka), se po določenih bistvenih značilnostih pomembno razlikuje od pripadnikov družbe, ki so znotraj osrednjega toka. To se sklada tudi z izvirnim pomenom besede marginalen (npr.: napisan na robu strani v knjigi ali rokopisu). Beseda torej označuje nekaj, kar je bistveno drugačno od sosedstva, a je na nek način s tem sosedstvom vendarle povezano. Zato v tem primeru ne moremo govoriti o popolni ločenosti kot v primeru „izolata”. Za slovenske razmere lahko že na podlagi poznavanja temeljnih geografskih značilnosti trdimo, da marginalnih območij v smislu „izolata” v Sloveniji ni. Predpostavljali pa smo, da so posamezna območja, ki kažejo določeno stopnjo marginalnosti. Zanimalo nas je, če dosegljivi prebivalstveni podatki omogočajo ugotavljanje marginalnosti slovenskih občin. Občine kot analitične prostorske enote smo uporabili, ker so to najmanjše prostorske enote, ki jih lahko opredelimo kot jedrne (nodalne) regije, za katere lahko dobimo še dovolj uporabne prebivalstvene podatke. Težave pri analitičnem delu z njimi so posledica izjemno velikih razlik v velikosti. Te se z drobljenjem občin le še povečujejo. Občine smo razdelili na osrednje in obrobne glede na to ali je njihovo središče mesto (statistična opredelitev SURS), oziroma ali je v polurni izohroni (vožnja z osebnim avtom) enega od dvanajstih središč statističnih regij. Občine smo glede na izbranih 5 prebivalstvenih kazalnikov razvrščali v tri skupine, glede na odstopanje od povprečja. Mejni vrednosti sta bili en standardni odklon pod in nad aritmetično sredino. Predpostavka je bila, da tolikšno odstopanje v smeri, ki pomeni neugoden odklon od povprečja (npr. pri starostnem indeksu je to navzgor) pomeni, da imamo opravka s prebivalstveno posledico marginalnosti. Razdelitev občin glede na naravni prirast (oz. upad), starostni indeks in delež prebivalcev z visoko izobrazbo so pokazali zelo visoko verjetnost povezanosti z našo delitvijo občin na osrednje in obrobne. nasprotno pa pri stopnji selitvene rasti (upada) in pri deležu vzdrževanih testiranje s Hi-kvadrat testom ni potrdilo velike verjetnosti odvisnosti. Izračunali smo tudi preprost količnik marginalnosti, katerega vrednost je v razponu med 1 in -1, pri čemer 1 pomeni, da preučevana enota v vseh izračunanih kazalnikih v neugodni smeri za več kot en standardni odklon odstopa od povprečja. Izkazalo se je, da občin, ki bi bile vsaj blizu vrednosti 1 ni. To pomeni, da pri istih občinah posamezni kazalniki kažejo značilnosti, ki bi bile lahko povezane z marginalnostjo, drugi pa ne, ali pa kažejo celo nasprotno. Za povrh se je izkazalo, da občine z najvišjim količnikom po naši opredelitvi vse po vrsti sodijo med osrednje. Prebivalstveni kazalniki tako po našem mnenju vsaj za slovenske razmere niso primerni za opredeljevanje marginalnosti in marginalnih območij. Očitno je namreč, da so neugodne prebivalstvene značilnosti prisotne tako v osrednjih kot v obrobnih območjih in obratno in po naši presoji tudi niso nujno posledica marginalnosti v gospodarskem, družbenem (političnem) ali kulturnem smislu.
- Published
- 2018
26. Vpliv smučarskih skokov na turizem in prebivalstvo v občini Kranjska Gora
- Author
Križaj, Urban and Cigale, Dejan
- Subjects
turistična geografija ,ski jumping ,Slovenia ,geography of tourism ,demogeografija ,udc:911.3:338.48(497.4) ,zaključne seminarske naloge ,geografske diplome ,Kranjska Gora ,smučarski skoki ,Planica ,population geography - Published
- 2018
27. Socialnogeografska analiza romskega naselja Lokve
- Author
Jerman, Jerca and Zupančič, Jernej
- Subjects
Roma ,udc:911.3:323.15(=214.58)(497.4Lokve pri Črnomlju) ,Slovenia ,demogeografija ,Bela krajina ,geografija naselij ,Romi ,settlement geography ,zaključne seminarske naloge ,Lokve pri Črnomlju ,geografske diplome ,population geography - Published
- 2018
28. Kurdi v Iranu
- Author
Slavič, Andreja and Zupančič, Jernej
- Subjects
politična geografija ,Kurdi ,Asia ,Iran ,Kurds ,political geography ,geografske diplome ,udc:911.3:323.11(55) ,demogeografija ,ethnicity ,zaključne seminarske naloge ,Jugozahodna Azija ,narodna sestava ,population geography - Published
- 2018
29. Organiziranost srbske skupnosti v Sloveniji
- Author
Vukajlović, Nataša and Zupančič, Jernej
- Subjects
bolonjska magistrska dela ,national minorities ,Srbi ,Slovenia ,Serbs ,demogeografija ,narodne manjšine ,priseljenci ,Slovenija ,udc:911.3:314.15(497.4) ,geografske diplome ,magistrska dela ,population geography - Published
- 2018
30. Analiza promjena i načina korištenja zemljišta na području Grada Labina u posljednjih 50 godina
- Author
Vragović, Vera and Spevec, Dubravka
- Subjects
izgrađeno zemljište ,INTERDISCIPLINARNA PODRUČJA ZNANOSTI. Geografija ,način korištenja zemljišta ,INTERDISCIPLINARY AREAS OF KNOWLEDGE. Geography ,demogeografija ,land use ,urbanization ,način korištenja zemljišta, izgrađeno zemljište, urbanizacija, suburbanizacija, demogeografija ,built-up area ,suburbanizacija ,urbanizacija ,suburbanization ,population geography - Abstract
Grad Labin je u posljednjih 50 godina doživio brojne promjene u teritorijalnom ustrojstvu, gospodarstvu te posljedično i u demografskoj strukturi. Zajedno sa intenzivnim procesom urbanizacije, koji je zahvatio čitavu Hrvatsku 1960-ih godina, te su se promjene direktno i indirektno odrazile na njegovom prostornom razvoju. Tema ovog diplomskog rada je analiza utjecaja tih promjena na načine korištenja zemljišta, s naglaskom na rast zastupljenosti umjetnog, izgrađenog zemljišta na prostoru Grada Labina u razdoblju od 1968. do 2011. godine. Očekuje se da će rezultati ovoga istraživanja omogućiti bolje razumijevanje problematike i potencijala analiziranog područja te da će donijeti korisne spoznaje u domeni prostornog planiranja. In the last 50 years, the City of Labin has experienced numerous changes in territorial organization, economy and consequently, in the demographic structure. Along with the intense urbanization, which has affected the whole territory of Croatia in the 1960s, these changes have reflected, directly and indirectly, on its spatial development. The topic of this master thesis is an analysis of the impact of these changes on the land use, with an emphasis on the urban expansion in the City of Labin in the period from 1968 to 2011. The results of this research are expected to enable a better understanding of the issues and potentials of this area and also, give useful insights for futher spatial planning.
- Published
- 2018
31. Demogeografski razvoj hrvatskog pograničja 2001. – 2011
- Author
Ivan Zupanc
- Subjects
pograničje ,Hrvatska ,demogeografija ,stanovništvo ,depopulacija ,starenje ,Political science ,borderland ,Croatia ,population geography ,population ,depopulation ,ageing - Abstract
Rad se bavi demografskim procesima u hrvatskome pograničnom području tijekom posljednjega međupopisnog razdoblja 2001. – 2011. Pristup analizi je demogeografski, stoga je naglasak na prostornoj analizi demografskih podataka. Pogranično područje izdvojeno je na temelju jedinica lokalne samouprave (JLS), tj. općina i gradova koji dotiču granicu. Demogeografski pristup izdvojio je tri razine analize: pograničje u cjelini, općine/gradovi koji izlaze na granicu te pogranična naselja, unutar kojih su posebno razmatrana najuža pogranična naselja koja neposredno dotiču granicu. Ukupno kretanje stanovništva analizirano je na svim razinama, a kod pograničja u cjelini te JLS-a razmatrane su i komponente (prirodno i mehaničko kretanje). Analiza sastavnica pokazala je kako se ukupna depopulacija javlja pod dominantnim utjecajem iseljavanja, tj. negativnoga migracijskog salda. U pograničnom pojasu naselja depopulacija je također temeljni demografski proces koji je zahvatio 72,3% naselja, a u najužem pojasu broj stanovnika smanjio se za 8,6%, dok je depopuliralo 77,1% naselja. Dobna struktura ne pokazuje izrazitije znakove starenja pograničja u cjelini od ostalog dijela Hrvatske, no ipak se starenje intenziviralo, pa se u 115 JLS-a indeks starosti povećao, dok se koeficijent starosti povećao u 86 JLS-a. Glavni je uzrok smanjenje mladog stanovništva. Iako su se broj i udio samačkih kućanstava u pograničnom pojasu povećali, nešto su manji no uostalom dijelu Hrvatske. S druge strane, struktura samačkih kućanstava prema dobi pokazala je da gotovo dvije trećine samačkih kućanstava pograničja čine članovi u dobi 60 i više godina, što je iznad državnog prosjeka i dijela Hrvatske izvan pograničja., The paper deals with the population processes in the Croatian border area in the last period between the 2001 and 2011 censuses from a perspective of population geography. The emphasis is put on the two main processes – depopulation and population ageing. For this population geography analysis, borderland was defined on the basis of local self-government units (municipalities and towns). As a criterion, the immediate contact of each unit with the border was used. Based on such a criterion, 128 administrative units were extracted, with a total of 1877 settlements. Finally, the narrowest borderland was defined according to 599 settlements touching the outer state border. The research was based on the results of the 2001 and 2011 censuses and on the data gathered from vital statistics (data on live births and deaths). In order to compare the data of the two censuses, the principle of the constancy of boundaries at the level of municipalities and towns was ensured, meaning that all boundary changes were harmonised. The main strategy was to use the same spatial coverage and constant boundaries between municipalities or towns (as units of local government) as well as between settlements. An estimate was made for two municipalities and twelve settlements. The analysis was performed on three spatial levels: 1) the borderland as a whole, 2) 128 municipalities and cities, 3) 1877 settlements. In addition, the nearest part of the border area was defined by 599 settlements along the border. The Croatian border area extends to 15,538.8 square kilometres making up 27.5% of the Croatian land territory, and in 2011 it was occupied by 685,913 inhabitants (16.0% of the state). The entire Croatian borderland was depopulated in the period observed with a loss of 7.1% of the inhabitants. Losses of population were higher than in the rest of Croatia (2.7%) and in Croatia as a whole (3.4%). The main component of population decline was net migration (in – out migration) which affected the depopulation with 62.2%, while the second component was natural decrease with 37.8%. In Croatia as a whole and in the part outside the borderland, both components impacted the population decline, but their ratio was different. The population of whole Croatia declined in the same period due to natural decrease with an impact of 62.3%; while in the part of Croatia outside the border area the same component had an impact of 75.0%. Out of a total of 556 municipalities and towns of Croatia (according to the 2011 census), 128 units of local self-government (23.0%) are in the border zone. There are 39 municipalities/towns sharing a border with the Republic of Slovenia, 26 with Hungary, 12 with the Republic of Serbia, 54 with Bosnia and Herzegovina and 1 with Montenegro. Depopulation was a fundamental demographic process in most municipalities/towns. During the period considered, 108 municipalities and towns (84.4%) were affected. Component analysis suggests that natural decrease affected up to 110 units (18 units had a natural increase). At the same time, a negative net migration was achieved in 99 municipalities and towns (in 28 it was positive and in 1 it was zero). As with the borderland as a whole, the main cause of depopulation was emigration (negative net migration). Most of the municipalities/towns depopulated (86) shared a negative migration balance (a leading component in 49 units) and natural decrease (dominant in 37 units). In 12 units, total depopulation was caused exclusively by negative net migration (higher than natural increase), and in 10 units depopulation occurred as a result of natural decrease (the net migration was positive or zero). In municipalities and towns with population growth, the main generator was a positive net migration. Out of 6756 settlements of the Republic of Croatia in 2011, 1877 or 27.8% were in the border zone. As part of the legacy of the past, the settlement structure of the frontier is such that small settlements prevail. The category of settlements with up to 100 inhabitants covers as many as 50.2% of settlements (39.3% of such settlements in whole Croatia). Among them, the most numerous is the category with 1–49 persons (34.8% of all settlements), occupied by only 2.0% of borderland inhabitants. In the category including 50–100 inhabitants, there were 15.5% settlements while the one including 101–200 inhabitants there were 15.6%. As many as 72.3% of settlements (1357) witnessed a reduced number of residents in 2001–2011, and 26 “died out” in the same period. The number of inhabitants increased in 403 settlements, 11 were repopulated (since in 2001 there had been no inhabitants), and in 45 settlements the number of inhabitants stagnated. There were 35 settlements in the two censuses (the so-called “dead villages”), so with 26 new ones, their number grew from 46 to 61 (40.7% out of 150 non-resident settlements in the Republic of Croatia). In the example of the Croatian borderland, the rule has been confirmed that a settlement is less likely to become even smaller. In the five smallest categories, the index of change increased in line with the size of the category. Thus, while the smallest settlements (1–49) had a decrease of -14.6%, the decrease amounted to -12.6% in the category of 50–100 inhabitants, -11.9% in the one with 101–200 inhabitants, -9.4% in the category including 201–500 inhabitants and -6.0% in the category with 501–1000 inhabitants. In direct vicinity of the Croatian border, there are 559 settlements; 256 at the border with the Republic of Slovenia, 54 at the border with Hungary, 28 at the border with the Republic of Serbia, 218 at the border with Bosnia and Herzegovina and 7 at the border with Montenegro. Out of all units analysed, this area witnessed the most intense depopulation, amounting 8.6% (from 339.594 people in 2001 to 306.983 in 2011). Of the 559 settlements in this area just below the border, 431 were depopulated (77.1%), 3 remained without population, 102 recorded an increase (18.2%), 4 were repopulated, 10 stagnated and 9 were without a resident in the two consecutive censuses (the so-called “dead villages”). In addition to the Croatian–Hungarian, Croatian–Serbian and Croatian–Bosnian-and-Herzegovinian border, the longest continuous depopulation zone extends to 103 settlements. The number of inhabitants in that area decreased by 13.0%. The ageing process was slower in the border area of Croatia, as the 2011 ageing index increased to 108.9 (by 20.3), while in the area outside the borderland it increased to 116.3 (by 25.1). At the same time, the index value for the whole Croatia increased by 24.3 (90.7 → 115.0). According to the second indicator (age coefficient), the share of elderly people in the total population increased in the border zone from 22.0% to 24.0% and in the rest of Croatia from 21.4% to 24.1%. At the same time, the share of young people decreased from 24.8% to 22.0%, and from 23.5% to 20.7%, respectively. The ageing of population in the borderland is primarily a result of the decrease in the number and share of the young population (0–19). Their total number in ten years was relatively reduced by 17.5%, while the number of elderly people increased by 1.5% at the same time. The process of young population decrease is slower in the rest of Croatia (-14.3%), but on the other hand, the number of the old population increases considerably faster than in the borderland (+ 9.3%). What is also typical of the Croatian border area is a later feminisation of the old age. Here it begins from the 60–64 contingent, while in the rest of Croatia it is present in the age group of 40–44, and in Croatia as a whole from the age of 45–49. At the beginning of the period analysed, according to the 2001 census, in 57 municipalities/towns the old population outnumbered the young, so that in only ten years their number increased to 87. Even in 115 municipalities and towns, the ageing index had increased by 2011, and in only 13 it had declined. The main cause of index increase at this level was also the depopulation of the young. Namely, in 76 municipalities/towns, the index increased due to the simultaneous depopulation of the young and the old, with the number of young people decreasing at a higher rate than the old, while in 20 municipalities/towns the rate of decrease of the young population is higher than the rate of increase of the old population. The depopulation of the young contingent occurred in as many as 122 units (95.3%), while the number of young people increased in only 6 municipalities/towns. At the same time, the age coefficient increased in 86 municipalities/towns, and decreased in 42 by reducing the age coefficient in all 13 units in which the ageing index decreased. At the whole border area level, the share of single households increased by slightly less than a quarter (2011 = 23.3%, 2001 = 20.8%), and their share in the total number of households is smaller than in Croatia in general (24.6%) and in the part of Croatia which is not in the border zone (24.8%). As the total number of single-person households increased by 4295, it can be concluded that a growing number of persons live alone. According to the 2011 census, 53.826 inhabitants or 7.8% lived in a single-person household. The structure of single-person households by sex suggests that they predominantly consist of elderly women (60.5%). Although the share of single-person households in the border area is somewhat smaller than in the rest of the state, nearly two-thirds (65.4%) of single-person households comprise the older-age population (60 and more) which is much more than in the remaining part of Croatia outside the border area (58.9%) or than the state average (59.9%). If this contingent is broken down into five-year age groups, the most numerous are those aged 75–79 (22.5% of households aged 60+ and 14.7% of all single-person households), followed by 70–74 years (21.3% and 13.9%). The research has confirmed that the Croatian borderland is one of the priority problem areas to be approached with special attention. Therefore, such analyses should contribute to the planning of spatial development, within which the long-term policy of population planning should include pronatalist and immigration measures and discouragement of emigration. Stabilisation of settlements and population of the Croatian borderland should be the goal and means of a more balanced development of Croatia.
- Published
- 2018
32. Geografski učinki prebivalstvenega in prostorskega razvoja Lagosa
- Author
Zakovšek, Simon and Vintar Mally, Katja
- Subjects
Nigerija ,mesta ,Lagos ,regionalni razvoj ,demogeografija ,udc:911.3(669.1) ,zaključne seminarske naloge ,geografske diplome ,Afrika ,sonaravni razvoj - Published
- 2017
33. Vpliv neoliberalne politike na prebivalstvo Čila
- Author
Jurkošek, Katarina, Vogrinc, Jože, and Špes, Metka
- Subjects
Čile ,gospodarski razvoj ,demogeografija ,udc:911.3:314(83) ,zaključne seminarske naloge ,geografske diplome ,Južna Amerika - Published
- 2017
34. Contemporary Demo-Geographic Development of the Milna Municipality after 2001
- Author
Mijić, Tomislav and Šterc, Stjepan
- Subjects
tipovi općeg kretanja stanovništva ,demografske strukture stanovništva ,island of Brač ,types of general population trend ,demogeography ,INTERDISCIPLINARNA PODRUČJA ZNANOSTI. Geografija ,Milna ,otok Brač ,demographic structures of the population ,INTERDISCIPLINARY AREAS OF KNOWLEDGE. Geography ,demogeografija - Abstract
Cilj ovog istraživanja je sagledavanje suvremenih demogeografskih kretanja i općeg stanja u općini Milna na otoku Braču između dva posljednja provedena popisa stanovništva: 2001. i 2011. godine. Analiza će obuhvatiti osnovna demogeografska obilježja općine Milna i tri statistički naselja od koje se sastoji općina: Milna, Ložišća i Bobovišća. Razradom prirodnog i mehaničkog kretanja stanovništva te biološkim sastavom stanovništva uvidjet će se izrazito nepovoljno demografsko stanje u općini Milna koje je znatno ispod prosjeka Republike Hrvatske i otoka Brača. Jedina demografska pozitivnost je useljavanje stanovništva u općinu zabilježeno između 2001. i 2011. godine. Mogućnosti revitalizacije su razmjerno skromne. The aim of this study is to examine recent demo-geographic trends and the general situation in the municipality of Milna on the island of Brač, between the last two censuses: 2001 and 2011. The analysis will cover the basic demo-geographic details of the municipality of Milna and of the three statistical settlements, which make up this municipality: Milna, Ložišća and Bobovišća. By examining the development of the population's natural and mechanical movement and the population's biological composition it will be possible to envision the extremely unfavourable demographic situation in the municipality of Milna, which is significantly below the average of the Republic of Croatia and of the island of Brač. The only demographic positive trend has been population immigration, into the municipality between 2001 and 2011. The possibilities of revitalisation are relatively modest.
- Published
- 2017
35. Primerjava izbranih množičnih selitev v Evropi v obdobju 1880-2015
- Author
Plazar, Anja and Krevs, Marko
- Subjects
Europe ,bolonjska magistrska dela ,Evropa ,migracije ,mednarodne migracije ,international migration ,demogeografija ,migration ,udc:314.15(4) ,geografske diplome ,magistrska dela ,population geography - Published
- 2017
36. Demographic development of Bistra municipality
- Author
Drviš, Mirta and Šterc, Stjepan
- Subjects
općina Bistra ,demography ,demografske promjene ,INTERDISCIPLINARNA PODRUČJA ZNANOSTI. Geografija ,INTERDISCIPLINARY AREAS OF KNOWLEDGE. Geography ,municipality of Bistra ,demogeografija ,stanovništvo ,population ,demographic development - Abstract
Općina Bistra jedna je od rijetkih općina koja je u posljednjih nekoliko međupopisnih razdoblja zabilježila porast broja stanovnika. Uzroci pozitivne demografske slike bit će prikazani kroz demogeografsku analizu najvažnijih sastavnica stanovništva. Analizirano je ukupno, prirodno kretanje, razmještaj stanovništva, prostorna pokretljivost stanovništva te sastav stanovništva. Sadašnje demogeografsko stanje općine utvrđeno je korištenjem statističkih podataka prilikom izrade statističkih pokazatelja te korištenjem GIS alata u prstornom prikazu pojedinih rezultata. U radu će biti prikazani demogeografski resursi i potencijali koji bi trebali pozitivno utjecati na daljnji razvoj stanovništva općine. Bistra municipality is one of the few municipalities that has recently recorded an increase in population. Causes of the positive demographic development will be displayed throughout demographic analysis of the most important components of the population. There has been analyzed total and natural movement, population distribution, geographical mobility of the population and the composition of the population. Present demographic state of the municipality was determined by using statistical data while creating statistical indicators and by using GIS tools in the spatial presentation of certain results. This paper will present demographic resources and potentials that should have a positive impact on the further development of the population.
- Published
- 2017
37. Brezposelnost mladih v Evropski uniji s poudarkom na primerjavi med Obalno-kraško statistično regijo in Tržaško pokrajino
- Author
Kraljić, Sandra and Krevs, Marko
- Subjects
economic geography ,ekonomska geografija ,Slovenia ,unemployment rate ,čezmejno sodelovanje ,geografske diplome ,diplomska dela ,Italy ,brezposelnost ,Italija ,transborder cooperation ,demogeografija ,udc:911.3:331.56(497.4+450) ,Slovenija ,population geography - Published
- 2016
38. Geografija Ličko-senjske županije
- Author
Fabina, Tihomir and Rebernik, Dejan
- Subjects
Hrvaška ,gospodarske dejavnosti ,udc:913(497.562) ,demogeografija ,Lika ,regional geography ,economic activity ,geografske diplome ,Gospić ,diplomska dela ,regionalna geografija ,population geography - Published
- 2016
39. Žumberški etnični otok na južni strani Gorjancev
- Author
Strehovec, Mirko, Krevs, Marko, and Zalta, Anja
- Subjects
Croatia ,Žumberk ,geografske diplome ,diplomska dela ,Hrvaška ,national identity ,demogeografija ,ethnicity ,narodna identiteta ,obmejne regije ,border regions ,udc:323.15(497.5) ,narodna sestava ,population geography - Published
- 2016
40. Geografski vidiki mobilnosti in oskrbe starejšega prebivalstva v občini Žetale
- Author
Kmetec, Tina and Rebernik, Dejan
- Subjects
staranje prebivalstva ,care for the elderly ,rural areas ,Slovenia ,udc:911.3:314(497.4) ,oskrba starejših ljudi ,population ageing ,geografske diplome ,Haloze ,podeželje ,demogeografija ,Slovenija ,zaključne seminarske naloge ,population geography - Published
- 2016
41. Geografski vidiki kakovosti življenja avstralskih staroselcev
- Author
Lipar, Boštjan and Resnik Planinc, Tatjana
- Subjects
avstralski staroselci ,Australia ,demogeografija ,Avstralija ,udc:911.3:314(94) ,zaključne seminarske naloge ,australian indigenous people ,geografske diplome ,population geography - Published
- 2016
42. Slovenska diaspora v Torontu
- Author
Dermastija, Barbara and Resnik Planinc, Tatjana
- Subjects
Canada ,udc:314.151.3(=163.6)(71) ,slovenski izseljenci ,Toronto ,migration ,geografske diplome ,magistrska dela ,bolonjska magistrska dela ,Kanada ,migracije ,Slovene emigrants ,demogeografija ,izseljenci ,population geography - Published
- 2016
43. Spatial polarisation: a path to the factors of demographic collapse in Croatia
- Author
Krpan, Lucija and Šterc, Stjepan
- Subjects
demografski razvoj ,prostorna polarizacija ,demografski slom ,demographic collapse ,depopulation ,demogeography ,INTERDISCIPLINARNA PODRUČJA ZNANOSTI. Geografija ,INTERDISCIPLINARY AREAS OF KNOWLEDGE. Geography ,demogeografija ,demographic development ,depopulacja ,spatial polarisation - Abstract
Predmet ovog istraživanja je intenzitet i obuhvat prostorne polarizacije Republike Hrvatske te njezina korelacija s demografskim procesima u njihovoj kvalitativnoj i prostorno/regionalnoj komponenti. Središte istraživanja biti će analiza demogeografskih procesa i pokazatelja važnih za kompletnu slike disparitetnog gospodarskog i demografskog stanja Hrvatske, vidljivog kroz nepravilnu prostornu i hijerarhijsku mrežu naselja i naseljenosti te u ekonomsko-funkcionalnoj organizaciji prostora. Za takav tematski okvir biti će analizirani dosadašnji trendovi kretanja stanovništva, njihovi uzroci i posljedice, posebice suvremeni trendovi. Kroz analizu demografskih procesa i njihovih pokazatelja definirat će se pojam „demografskog sloma“ kao kritičnog trenutka u demografskom razvoju stanovništva te postaviti kvalitativni model kojim se demografski slom određuje i rangira u dvije razine. The subject of this research is intensity and range of spatial polarisation of Republic of Croatia and its correlation with demographic processes through their qualitative and spatial/regional components. At the centre of this research stands the analysis of demo-geographic processes and indicators that are important for completement of the image of the disparital economic and demographic state Croatia is in: visible through irregular spatial and hierarchical settlement and population networks as well as the economic and functional organization of space. For this thematic framework, the trends of population movement, causes and repercussions of those trends, especially contemporary ones, will be analyzed. Through the analysis of demographic processes, the notion of „demographic breakdown“ will be defined, as a critical moment in demographic development of a certain part of the population. The qualitative model which defines „demographic breakdown“ and ranks it through two levels will be also constructed.
- Published
- 2016
44. A Synthetic Indicator of Demographic Resources: Contribution to the Typology of Croatian State Territory
- Author
Roko Mišetić and Ivo Nejašmić
- Subjects
Croatian ,Geography ,Geography, Planning and Development ,language ,demografski resursi ,tipologija prostora (geografija) ,prostorni razmještaj stanovništva ,demogeografija ,Hrvatska ,Humanities ,demographic resources ,spatial typology (geography) ,spatial distribution of population ,demogeography ,Croatia ,language.human_language ,Earth-Surface Processes ,Demography - Abstract
Svrha ovoga rada jest izrada sintetičnog pokazatelja pomoću kojeg bi se olakšalo identificiranje, vrednovanje i usporedba demografskih resursa. Sekundarni je cilj da se prema vrijednosti sintetičnog pokazatelja oblikuje tipologija prostornih jedinica u Republici Hrvatskoj. Sintetični pokazatelj nazvan je indeks demografskih resursa (ider ). Čine ga dvije osnovne sastavnice: demografski indeks (idem ) i indeks obrazovanosti (io ). Demografska masa uključena je u izračun, i to kao korektiv u obliku koeficijenta (k). Prvu sastavnicu indeksa čini jedanaest varijabli. Sadržava opći smjer demografskih promjena u prošlom razdoblju, najvažnije indikatore demografskog potencijala te sintetični pokazatelj prirodnoga kretanja i dobnog sastava stanovništva. Drugu sastavnicu indeksa čine četiri varijable. Sadržava obilježja dosegnutog stupnja obrazovanosti stanovništva te naznake budućih proporcija najobrazovanijega kontingenta. Na temelju dobivenih vrijednosti sintetičnog pokazatelja oblikovana je tipologija hrvatskih prostornih jedinica sa šest tipova demografskih resursa te su određena njihova temeljna obilježja. Sintetični pokazatelj demografskih resursa pokazao se relevantnim i primjenjivim na svim razinama hrvatskih prostornih jedinica., The purpose of this paper is to work out a synthetic indicator, which would help in identification, evaluation and comparison of demographic resources. The secondary aim is to form a spatial unit typology in the Republic of Croatia according to the synthetic indicator’s value. The synthetic indicator has been named demographic resources index (ider ). It consists of two basic components: demographic index (idem ) and education index (io ). Population size is included in the calculation, specifically as a corrective in the form of a coefficient (k). The first index-component consists of eleven variables. It includes a general direction of demographic changes in the past period, the most important indicators of demographic potential and the synthetic indicator of the population natural change and age structure. The second index component consists of four variables. It includes the characteristics of the population’s attained level of education, as well as indications of the most educated contingent’s future proportions. Based on the obtained values of the synthetic indicator, a typology of Croatian territorial units has been formed with six types of demographic resources, and their basic characteristics have been determined. The synthetic indicator of demographic resources has turned out to be relevant and applicable on all levels of Croatian territorial units.
- Published
- 2010
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45. Population development in the city of Maribor in the years between 1981 and 2002
- Author
Horvat, Uroš
- Subjects
demografski razvoj ,selitve ,demography ,natality ,nataliteta ,migrations ,demografija ,demogeografija ,smrtnost ,demographic development ,mortality ,Maribor ,udc:911.3(497.4 Maribor)"1981/2002":314.18 - Abstract
V prispevku so prikazane značilnosti prebivalstvenega razvoja v mestu Maribor med letoma 1981 in 2002. Razvoj je sledil glavnim razvojnim tendencam v drugih večjih mestih v Sloveniji, vendar je bila v obravnavanem obdobju depopulacija najbolj intenzivna prav v Mariboru. V zadnjih letih trend zmanjševanja števila prebivalstva v Mariboru kaže na letno stopnjo zmanjšanja za okoli 1,2 %. Maribor ima med večjimi mesti v Sloveniji tudi najvišji delež starega prebivalstva in najvišji starostni indeks. Zaradi vpliva različnih socialnih in ekonomskih dejavnikov se demografske razmere razlikujejo po posameznih delih mesta. The article discusses the characteristics of the population growth in the city of Maribor between 1981 and 2002. The development basically followed the tendencies of other larger Slovene cities. However, the process of depopulation was most intensive in Maribor. In the recent years the tendencies of decrease in the number of inhabitants in Maribor indicate the annual rate of 1.2 %. Maribor has also, compared to other larger cities, the highest age index of population. Due to the influence of various social and economic factors, the demographic circumstances differ from one part of the city to another.
- Published
- 2015
46. Razvoj migracijskih procesov zaradi podnebnih sprememb v regijah z nizko obalo
- Author
Kočar, Jurij and Zupančič, Jernej
- Subjects
udc:551.583:314.15(043.3) ,varstvo okolja ,naravne nesreče ,podnebne spremembe ,climate change ,geografija ,migracije ,natural disasters ,doktorske disertacije ,demogeografija ,migration ,klimatogeografija ,environmental protection - Published
- 2015
47. Izseljevanje iz Berova
- Author
Trenchovska, Aleksandra and Zupančič, Jernej
- Subjects
izseljevanje ,migracije ,demogeografija ,Berovo ,emigration ,zaključne seminarske naloge ,Makedonija ,migration ,udc:91:314.15(497.7) ,geografske diplome ,Macedonia ,population geography - Published
- 2015
48. Socialnogeografska analiza romske mestne naselbine v Celju
- Author
Kramar, Tjaša and Zupančič, Jernej
- Subjects
Celje ,Slovenia ,udc:314.15(=214.58)(497.4Celje) ,demogeografija ,ethnicity ,Romi ,Slovenija ,zaključne seminarske naloge ,Romanies ,geografske diplome ,narodna sestava ,population geography - Published
- 2015
49. Razvoj poselitve v občini Kamnik
- Author
Poravne, Maja and Kušar, Simon
- Subjects
poselitev ,regionalno planiranje ,Slovenia ,udc:314:711(497.4Kamnik) ,regional development ,geografske diplome ,settlement ,prostorsko planiranje ,demogeografija ,Slovenija ,zaključne seminarske naloge ,spatial planning ,Kamnik ,population geography - Published
- 2015
50. Srbske enklave na Kosovu
- Author
Plazar, Anja and Zupančič, Jernej
- Subjects
politična geografija ,udc:91:323.11(=163.41)(497.115) ,Kosovo ,Srbi ,Serbs ,demogeografija ,ethnicity ,zaključne seminarske naloge ,political geography ,geografske diplome ,narodna sestava ,population geography - Published
- 2015
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