Farmacevtska industrija velja za uspešno ter zaradi prisotnosti multinacionalk za vplivno panogo, ki vpliva na državne vlade in izraža svojo moč vpliva na zunanje dejavnike okolja. Kljub velikosti in moči podjetij je farmacevtski trg dojemljiv na spremembe globalnega okolja. Spremembe, ki se odvijajo v zunanjem okolju podjetja, vplivajo na organizacijo in delovanje podjetja. Boljše je poznavanje zunanjih dejavnikov, ki imajo vpliv, hitreje in bolje se lahko podjetje nanje odzove ter ohrani uspešno poslovanje ali izkoristi nove priložnosti na trgu. V teoretičnem delu diplomskega seminarja so opredeljena teoretična izhodišča poslovnega okolja ter PEST in PESTEL analize, ki so eno od orodij za analiziranje dejavnikov zunanjega okolja. Natančno so opisane vrste okolja in njihovi elementi, ki vplivajo na podjetje. S pomočjo PESTEL analize smo analizirali dejavnike zunanjega poslovnega okolja podjetja Krka, d. d. Analizirani so tisti dejavniki zunanjega okolja, ki imajo pomemben vpliv na poslovanje podjetja. Z izvedbo PESTEL analize smo ugotovili, da predstavljajo za podjetje naraščajočo nevarnost naslednji dejavniki: stabilnost vlade, kupna moč prebivalstva in brezposelnost. Padajočo nevarnost predstavljajo dejavniki vladne politike za spodbujanje gospodarstva, reforma zdravstva, zahteve delničarjev, gospodarska rast, obseg proizvodnje oz. dodana vrednost, stopnja tveganja revščine, razpoložljivi dohodek gospodinjstev, zakonodaja v Sloveniji kot tudi v EU. Naraščajoče priložnosti v okviru analiziranih socialnih dejavnikov predstavljajo starostna meja in vzorci vedenja potrošnikov ter spremembe zakonodaje kot eden izmed političnih dejavnikov. Absolutno prednost in priložnost podjetja pa predstavljajo okoljski in tehnološki dejavniki: vlaganja v raziskave in razvoj, integriran sistem kakovosti, razvoj izdelkov, intelektualna lastnina, ekološki predpisi, zelene tehnologije in trajnostni razvoj. Farmacevtsko podjetje Krka, d. d., uspešno obvladuje zunanje dejavnike okolja, kar bo konkurenčna prednost tudi v prihodnje. The pharmaceutical industry is regarded as being successful as well as, because of the presence of multinational corporations, an influential industry that has an influence in the government and expresses it’s influential power on external environmental factors. Despite the size and power of pharmaceutical companies, the pharmaceutical market is still sensitive to changes in the global environment. Changes taking place in the company’s external environment have an adverse effect on the company’s organization and operation. The better the company’s knowledge of external factors, which affect it, the faster and better the company can respond to them as well as maintain a successful business or exploit new opportunities on the market. The theoretical part of the thesis defines the theoretical foundations of the business environment as well as the PEST and PESTEL analysis, which are one of the tools for analysing the factors of the external environment. It also accurately describes the types of environments, and their elements, which have an effect on the company. With the help of the PESTEL analysis, we analysed the factors of the external business environment of the company: Krka d.d.. Analysed are the environment’s external factors that have an important influence on the business of the company. With the implementation of PESTEL analysis, we found that the stability of the government, the buying power of the consumers and unemployment pose a rising risk to the company. The decreasing risk factors are represented by the government policy to stimulate the economy, health reforms, shareholder’s requirements, economic growth, range of output, also known as, added value, level of poverty risk, the disposable income of households and the legislation in Slovenia and in the EU. Growing opportunities presented within the frame of analysed social factors are the age limit and consumer behavioural patterns as well as changes in legislation as one of political factors. The absolute advantage and opportunity of the company are represented by environmental and technological factors: investment in research and development, an integrated quality system, product development, intellectual property, ecological requirements, “green” technologies and sustainable development. The pharmaceutical company Krka d.d. successfully manages the external environmental factors, which is a competitive advantage also in the future.