154 results on '"de Toro, Javier"'
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2. Enfoque organizativo y clínico de la osteoporosis en reumatología: encuesta y consenso OP-SER-Excellence
- Author
Naranjo, Antonio, Aguado, Pilar, de Toro, Javier, Toledo, M. Dolores, González, Teresa, Rosas, José, Campos Fernández, Cristina, and Gavilan, Diana
- Published
- 2021
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3. Estrategia terapéutica en el tratamiento tópico de la ictiosis: propuesta de nuevas formulaciones magistrales, su aplicación clínica y repercusión en las actividades de la vida diaria
- Author
de-Toro, Javier, Batalla, Ana, González Freire, Lara, de-Toro, Javier, Batalla, Ana, and González Freire, Lara
- Abstract
[Resumo]: As ictiosis, un conxunto diverso de trastornos cutáneos considerados enfermidades raras, presentan desafíos significativos en canto ao enfoque médico, debido á falta de tratamentos específicos. Neste contexto, o enfoque terapéutico dirixiuse cara ao con-trol sintomático. Sen embargo, esta condición non só afecta á pel, senón que tamén ten un impacto considerable na calidade de vida dos doentes, influíndo na súa saúde xeral, actividades diarias e relacións interpersoais.Esta tese céntrase en levar a cabo e avaliar fórmulas maxistrais individualizadas co fin de mellorar os síntomas das ictiosis minimizando os efectos secundarios do tratamen-to. Ademais, analizamos o impacto, tanto da enfermidade como do tratamento, na calidade de vida dos doentes.Desarrollamos seis formulas maxistrais que cumpriron cos requisitos establecidos pola lexislación vixente e levouse a cabo un estudio observacional descritivo dos seis doen-tes tratados con estas formulacións. Os resultados revelaron unha melloría obxectiva das lesións, así como boa tolerancia e adherencia ao tratamento. Ademais, observa-mos unha mellora significativa na calidade de vida dos doentes incluídos neste estudio.En conclusión, as fórmulas maxistrais realizadas demostraron eficacia no tratamento sintomático das ictiosis, e xeneran un impacto positivo na calidade de vida dos doentes., [Resumen]: Las ictiosis, un conjunto diverso de trastornos cutáneos considerados enfermedades raras, presentan desafíos significativos en cuanto al abordaje médico, debido a la falta de tratamientos específicos. En este contexto, el enfoque terapéutico se ha dirigido hacia el control sintomático. Sin embargo, esta condición no solo afecta a la piel, sino que también tiene un impacto considerable en la calidad de vida de los pacientes, influyendo en su salud general, actividades diarias y relaciones interpersonales.Esta tesis se centra en desarrollar y evaluar fórmulas magistrales individualizadas con el fin de mejorar los síntomas de las ictiosis minimizando los efectos adversos del tratamiento. Además, analizamos el impacto, tanto de la enfermedad como del tratamiento, en la calidad de vida de los pacientes.Desarrollamos seis fórmulas magistrales que cumplieron con los requisitos establecidos por la legislación vigente. Realizamos un estudio observacional descriptivo de los seis pacientes tratados con estas fórmulas. Los resultados revelaron una mejoría objetiva de las lesiones, así como buena tolerancia y adherencia al tratamiento. Además, observamos una mejora significativa en la calidad de vida de los pacientes incluidos en este estudio.En conclusión, las fórmulas magistrales desarrolladas demostraron eficacia en el tratamiento sintomático de las ictiosis, y generan un impacto positivo en la calidad de vida de los pacientes., [Resumen]: Ichthyosis, a diverse set of skin disorders considered rare diseases, result in significant challenges in terms of the medical approach, due to the lack of specific treatments. In this context, the therapeutic approach has been directed towards symptomatic man-agement. Nonetheless, this condition not only affects the skin, but also has a consider-able impact on the quality of life of patients, influencing their general health, daily ac-tivities and interpersonal relationships.The main focus of this thesis is to develop and evaluate individualised compoundings for the purpose of improving the symptoms of ichthyosis while minimising side effects. In addition, we analyse the impact of both the pathology and the treatment on the quality of life of patients.Six compoundings that complied with the requirements established by current legisla-tion were developed and a descriptive observational study of the six patients treated with these compoundings was carried out. The results revealed an objective improve-ment of the lesions, as well as good tolerance and adherence to treatment. Further-more, a significant improvement in the quality of life of the patients included in this study was observed.In conclusion, the developed compoundings have been shown to be effective in the symptomatic treatment of ichthyosis, generating a positive impact on the quality of life of patients.
- Published
- 2024
4. Estudio de prevalencia del control lipídico de los pacientes del área sanitaria de A Coruña y Cee
- Author
de-Toro, Javier, Soto-González, Alfonso, Suárez-García, Patricia, de-Toro, Javier, Soto-González, Alfonso, and Suárez-García, Patricia
- Abstract
[Resumo]: A enfermidade cardiovascular (ECV) é unha das principais causas de mortalidade en todo o mundo, responsable de millóns de mortes ao ano (1, 2). Ademais, esta patoloxía contribúe significativamente á morbilidade, aumenta a frecuencia de hospitalizacións eleva a unha incapacidade prolongada, poñendo de manifesto a urxente necesidade da súa prevención. O presente estudo observacional descritivo retrospectivo céntrase nunhacohorte de 305 pacientes maiores de 45 anos, diagnosticados de diabetes mellitus (DM)e clasificados como de alto risco cardiovascular (RCV), que non experimentaron eventoscardiovasculares previos, pertencentes á área sanitaria de A Coruña e Cee. O obxectivo deste traballo é analizar en detalle a mostra seleccionada, identificar subgrupos especialmente susceptibles a intervencións, avaliar o grao de cumprimento dos obxectivos terapéuticos establecidos e examinar a idoneidade na prescrición de estatinas,todo iso de acordo coas recomendacións da Directiva 2021. Guía ESC. , co fin último deidentificar problemas e propoñer solucións viables.A metodoloxía empregada incluíu, nunha fase inicial, unha análise descritiva dos niveisde colesterol LDL e non HDL, seguida dunha fase comparativa que examinou asvariacións destes parámetros en función do sexo e da idade mediante un modelo lineal xeral univariado. Ademais, avaliáronse as discrepancias relacionadas coa prescrición deestatinas. Os resultados revelan que unha parte importante da poboación estudada nonalcanza os obxectivos terapéuticos recomendados, e que a prescrición de hipolipemiantes dista moito de ser óptima, non chegando a todos os pacientes que se beneficiarían do seuuso.A investigación identificou diversos problemas na práctica clínica diaria da atención primaria que contribúen a estes resultados subóptimos. A partir deste diagnóstico propóñense estratexias de intervención dirixidas a mellorar a prevención primaria de ECVnesta poboación de alto risco, facendo fincapé na importancia dunha p, [Resumen]: La enfermedad cardiovascular (ECV) constituye una de las principales causas de mortalidad a nivel mundial, es responsable de millones de defunciones anuales(1, 2). Además, esta patología contribuye significativamente a la morbilidad, incrementa la frecuencia de hospitalizaciones y conduce a una discapacidad prolongada, resaltando la imperiosa necesidad de su prevención. El presente estudio descriptivo observación al retrospectivo se enfoca en una cohorte de 305 pacientes mayores de 45 años,diagnosticados con diabetes mellitus (DM) y clasificados como de alto riesgo cardiovascular (RCV), quienes no han experimentado eventos cardiovasculares previos,pertenecientes al área sanitaria de A Coruña y Cee. Este trabajo tiene por objetivo analizar detalladamente la muestra seleccionada, identificar subgrupos particularmente susceptibles a intervenciones, evaluar el grado de cumplimiento de los objetivos terapéuticos establecidos y examinar la adecuación en la prescripción de estatinas, todo ello en concordancia con las recomendaciones de la Guía ESC 2021, con el fin último deidentificar problemáticas y proponer soluciones viables. La metodología empleada incluyó, en una fase inicial, un análisis descriptivo delos niveles de colesterol LDL y no HDL, seguido de una fase comparativa que examinó las variaciones de estos parámetros en función del género y la edad a través de un modelo lineal general univariante. Adicionalmente, se evaluaron las discrepancias relacionadas con la prescripción de estatinas. Los hallazgos revelan que una proporción significativa de la población estudiada no alcanza los objetivos terapéuticos recomendados, y que la prescripción de agentes hipolipemiantes dista de ser óptima, no alcanzando la totalidad de los pacientes que se beneficiarían de su uso. La investigación ha permitido identificar diversas problemáticas en la práctica clínica diaria de la atención primaria que contribuyen a estos resultados subóptimos. A partir de este diagnóstico, [Abstract]: Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is one of the leading causes of mortalityworldwide, accounting for millions of deaths annually (1, 2). Moreover, this pathologycontributes significantly to morbidity, increases the frequency of hospitalizations, andleads to prolonged disability, highlighting the imperative need for its prevention. Thepresent retrospective observational descriptive study focuses on a cohort of 305 patientsover 45 years of age, diagnosed with diabetes mellitus (DM) and classified as highcardiovascular risk (CVR), who have not experienced previous cardiovascular events,belonging to the health area of A Coruña and Cee. The aim of this study was to analyzethe selected sample in detail, identify subgroups particularly susceptible to interventions,evaluate the degree of compliance with the established therapeutic objectives, andexamine the adequacy of statin prescription, all in accordance with the recommendationsof the ESC 2021 guidelines, with the aim of identifying problems and proposing viablesolutions.The methodology employed included, in an initial phase, a descriptive analysis ofLDL and non-HDL cholesterol levels, followed by a comparative phase that examinedvariations in these parameters as a function of gender and age through a general univariatelinear model. Additionally, discrepancies related to statin prescription were assessed. Thefindings reveal that a significant proportion of the population studied does not reach therecommended therapeutic targets, and that the prescription of lipid-lowering agents is farfrom optimal, not reaching all the patients who would benefit from their use.The research has identified several problems in daily clinical practice in primarycare that contribute to these suboptimal outcomes. Based on this diagnosis, intervention strategies aimed at improving primary prevention of CVD in this high-risk population are proposed, emphasizing the importance of adequate and personalized prescription of lipidloweringtreat
- Published
- 2024
5. Perceptions of Patients With Rheumatic Diseases Treated With Subcutaneous Biologicals on Their Level of Information: RHEU-LIFE Survey
- Author
de Toro, Javier, Cea-Calvo, Luis, Battle, Enrique, Carmona, Loreto, Arteaga, María J., Fernández, Sabela, and González, Carlos M.
- Published
- 2019
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6. Percepciones de los pacientes con enfermedades reumáticas tratados con biológicos subcutáneos sobre su nivel de información. Encuesta RHEU-LIFE
- Author
de Toro, Javier, Cea-Calvo, Luis, Battle, Enrique, Carmona, Loreto, Arteaga, María J., Fernández, Sabela, and González, Carlos M.
- Published
- 2019
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7. The Influence of Patient Experience with Healthcare on the Health-Related Quality of Life of People Living with HIV: An Observational Cross-Sectional Survey
- Author
Fuster-RuizdeApodaca, María J., Sánchez-Vega, Nuria, Galindo, María J., Marín-Jimenez, Ignacio, de Toro, Javier, Orozco-Beltrán, Domingo, Cotarelo, Manuel, and López, Juan Carlos
- Published
- 2019
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8. Healthcare Experience and their Relationship with Demographic, Disease and Healthcare-Related Variables: A Cross-Sectional Survey of Patients with Chronic Diseases Using the IEXPAC Scale
- Author
Orozco-Beltrán, Domingo, de Toro, Javier, Galindo, María J., Marín-Jiménez, Ignacio, Casellas, Francesc, Fuster-RuizdeApodaca, María J., García-Vivar, María L., Hormigo-Pozo, Antonio, Guilabert, Mercedes, Sánchez-Vega, Nuria, Fernández, Gonzalo, and Cea-Calvo, Luis
- Published
- 2019
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9. The Experience With Health Care of Patients With Inflammatory Arthritis: A Cross-sectional Survey Using the Instrument to Evaluate the Experience of Patients With Chronic Diseases
- Author
de Toro, Javier, Cea-Calvo, Luis, García-Vivar, María L., Pantoja, Lucía, Lerín-Lozano, Cristina, García-Díaz, Silvia, Galindo, María J., Marín-Jiménez, Ignacio, Fernández, Sabela, Mestre, Yvonne, and Orozco-Beltrán, Domingo
- Published
- 2019
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10. Influence of mesenchymal stem cell-derived extracellular vesicles in vitro and their role in ageing
- Author
Fafián-Labora, Juan, Morente-López, Miriam, Sánchez-Dopico, María José, Arntz, Onno J., van de Loo, Fons A. J., De Toro, Javier, and Arufe, María C.
- Published
- 2020
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11. Biomedical Applications of the Biopolymer Poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyvalerate) (PHBV): Drug Encapsulation and Scaffold Fabrication
- Author
Rodríguez-Cendal, Ana Isabel, Gómez-Seoane, Iván, De-Toro, Javier, Fuentes Boquete, Isaac Manuel, Señarís, José, Díaz-Prado, Silvia, Rodríguez-Cendal, Ana Isabel, Gómez-Seoane, Iván, De-Toro, Javier, Fuentes Boquete, Isaac Manuel, Señarís, José, and Díaz-Prado, Silvia
- Abstract
[Abstract] Poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyvalerate) (PHBV) is a biodegradable and biocompatible biopolymer that has gained popularity in the field of biomedicine. This review provides an overview of recent advances and potential applications of PHBV, with special emphasis on drug encapsulation and scaffold construction. PHBV has shown to be a versatile platform for drug delivery, offering controlled release, enhanced therapeutic efficacy, and reduced side effects. The encapsulation of various drugs, such as anticancer agents, antibiotics, and anti-inflammatory drugs, in PHBV nanoparticles or microspheres has been extensively investigated, demonstrating enhanced drug stability, prolonged release kinetics, and increased bioavailability. Additionally, PHBV has been used as a scaffold material for tissue engineering applications, such as bone, cartilage, and skin regeneration. The incorporation of PHBV into scaffolds has been shown to improve mechanical properties, biocompatibility, and cellular interactions, making them suitable for tissue engineering constructs. This review highlights the potential of PHBV in drug encapsulation and scaffold fabrication, showing its promising role in advancing biomedical applications.
- Published
- 2023
12. Real-world effectiveness and safety of SDZ ETN, an etanercept biosimilar, in patients with rheumatic diseases: final results from multi-country COMPACT study
- Author
Schmalzing, Marc, Kellner, Herbert, Askari, Ayman, De-Toro, Javier, Vázquez Pérez-Coleman, Julio César, Foti, Rosario, Jeka, Slawomir, Haraoui, Boulos, Allanore, Yannick, Peichl, Peter, Oehri, Martin, Rahman, Masiur, Furlan, Fabricio, Romero, Elisa, Hachaichi, Sohaib, Both, Charlotte, Brueckmann, Ines, Sheeran, Tom, Schmalzing, Marc, Kellner, Herbert, Askari, Ayman, De-Toro, Javier, Vázquez Pérez-Coleman, Julio César, Foti, Rosario, Jeka, Slawomir, Haraoui, Boulos, Allanore, Yannick, Peichl, Peter, Oehri, Martin, Rahman, Masiur, Furlan, Fabricio, Romero, Elisa, Hachaichi, Sohaib, Both, Charlotte, Brueckmann, Ines, and Sheeran, Tom
- Abstract
[Abstract] Introduction: COMPACT, a non-interventional study, evaluated the persistence, effectiveness, safety and patient-reported outcomes (PROs) in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA), axial-spondyloarthritis (axSpA) or psoriatic arthritis (PsA) treated with SDZ ETN (etanercept [ETN] biosimilar) in Europe and Canada. Methods: Patients (aged ≥ 18 years) who have been treated with SDZ ETN were categorised on the basis of prior treatment status (groups A-D): patients in clinical remission or with low disease activity under treatment with reference ETN or biosimilar ETN and switched to SDZ ETN; patients who received non-ETN targeted therapies and switched to SDZ ETN; biologic-naïve patients who started SDZ ETN after conventional therapy failure; or disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drug (DMARD)-naïve patients with RA considered suitable for treatment initiation with a biologic and started on treatment with SDZ ETN. The primary endpoint was drug persistence, defined as time from study enrolment until discontinuation of SDZ ETN treatment. Results: Of the 1466 patients recruited, 844 (57.6%) had RA, 334 (22.8%) had axSpA and 288 (19.6%) had PsA. Patients had an ongoing SDZ ETN treatment at the time of enrolment for an observed average of 138 days (range 1-841); 22.7% of patients discontinued SDZ ETN through 12 months of study observation. Overall, all the patients receiving SDZ ETN showed good treatment persistence at 12 months with discontinuation rates of 15.2%, 25.7% and 27.8% in groups A, B and C, respectively. Across all patient groups, no major differences were observed in the disease activity and PRO scores between baseline and month 12. Injection-site reactions were low across the treatment groups. Conclusion: These results support the effectiveness and safety of SDZ ETN treatment in patients with RA, axSpA or PsA in real-life conditions. The treatment persistence rates observed were consistent with previously published reports of patients treated with refere
- Published
- 2023
13. Enhancing physical activity programs for diabetic patients at high and very high cardiovascular risk
- Author
Suárez-García, Patricia, Saavedra-García, Miguel A., Soto-González, Alfonso, Fernández-Romero, Juan J., De-Toro, Javier, Suárez-García, Patricia, Saavedra-García, Miguel A., Soto-González, Alfonso, Fernández-Romero, Juan J., and De-Toro, Javier
- Abstract
[Abstract] This study aimed to identify the populations most susceptible to cardiovascular risks, aligning with the 2021 ESC guidelines. Additionally, this study aimed to evaluate statin prescriptions to determine suitable candidates for tailored physical activity (PA) programs, geared towards risk reduction risk reduction. This retrospective observational descriptive study encompassing 305 participants aged 45 and above without cardiovascular events at the outset, involved detailed analyses across various variables. The initial phase involved descriptive analyses of LDL and non-HDL cholesterol levels. The subsequent phase focused on comparing these cholesterol levels based on gender and age utilizing a general univariate linear model. The study also explored disparities linked to statin prescriptions. A notable finding was that a significant majority of the subjects (67.9%) did not meet the target LDL and non-HDL levels (65.2%). Despite investigating the impact of physical activity on cholesterol values, no significant differences or associations were uncovered between those practicing PA and those who were not. Intriguingly, patients not prescribed statins exhibited higher LDL (106.24±25.16) and non-HDL (134.06±25.83) averages. Comparatively, those prescribed medium-potency statins (81.89±27.13) and high- potency statins (107.49± ± 35.03) for non-HDL demonstrated lower values. Contrary to expectations, the claimed physical activity of this patient cohort did not influence cholesterol improvement. Thus, there is an imperative need to design physical activity programs targeting at-risk populations, accompanied by a suitable prescription to ensure program adherence. This dual approach aims to enhance patient health and optimize cholesterol levels, complementing pharmacological prescriptions. In light of current literature and the study's outcomes, there exists a considerable gap in achieving anticipated targets, primarily owing to inadequate statin prescriptions. Con
- Published
- 2023
14. The Teaching of Rheumatology at the University. The Journey From Teacher Based to Student-centered Learning
- Author
Naranjo, Antonio, de Toro, Javier, and Nolla, Joan M.
- Published
- 2015
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15. La enseñanza de la reumatología en la universidad. La travesía desde el aprendizaje basado en el profesor al centrado en el alumno
- Author
Naranjo, Antonio, de Toro, Javier, and Nolla, Joan M.
- Published
- 2015
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16. What Do Rheumatology Residents Think of Their Training? A Survey of the National Rheumatology Commission
- Author
Andreu, José Luis, García Castro, Marta, Usón, Jacqueline, Jover, Juan Ángel, Millán, Isabel, Cáliz, Rafael, De Toro, Javier, Díaz, Federico, Guañabens, Nuria, Olivé, Alejandro, Talaverano, Sigrid, and Trujillo, Elisa
- Published
- 2012
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17. ¿Qué opinan los residentes de reumatología sobre su formación? Una encuesta de la Comisión Nacional de Reumatología
- Author
Andreu, José Luis, García Castro, Marta, Usón, Jacqueline, Jover, Juan Ángel, Millán, Isabel, Cáliz, Rafael, De Toro, Javier, Díaz, Federico, Guañabens, Nuria, Olivé, Alejandro, Talaverano, Sigrid, and Trujillo, Elisa
- Published
- 2012
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18. Therapy free of cells vs human mesenchymal stem cells from umbilical cord stroma to treat the inflammation in OA
- Author
Morente-López, Miriam, Mato-Basalo, Rocío, Lucio-Gallego, Sergio, Silva-Fernández, Lucía, González-Rodríguez, Alba, De-Toro, Javier, Fafián Labora, Juan Antonio, Arufe, M.C., Morente-López, Miriam, Mato-Basalo, Rocío, Lucio-Gallego, Sergio, Silva-Fernández, Lucía, González-Rodríguez, Alba, De-Toro, Javier, Fafián Labora, Juan Antonio, and Arufe, M.C.
- Abstract
[Abstract] Osteoarthritis (OA) is closely linked to the increase in the number of senescent cells in joint tissues, and the senescence-associated secretory phenotype (SASP) is implicated in cartilage degradation. In the last decade, extracellular vesicles (EV) in combination with the use of miRNAs to modify post-transcriptional expressions of multiple genes have shown their utility in new therapies to treat inflammatory diseases. This work delves into the anti-inflammatory effect of extracellular vesicles derived from mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) previously modified to inhibit the expression of miR-21. We compare the efficacy of two treatments, MSC with their miR-21 inhibited through lentiviral transfection and their EV, against inflammation in a new OA animal model. The modified MSC and their EV were intraperitoneally injected in an OA animal model twice. One month after treatment, we checked which therapy was the most effective to reduce inflammation compared with animals untreated. Treated OA model sera were analyzed for cytokines and chemokines. Subsequently, different organs were analyzed to validate the results obtained. EV were the most effective treatment to reduce chemokines and cytokines in serum of OA animals as well as SASP, in their organs checked by proteomic and genomic techniques, compared with MSC alone in a statistically significant way. In conclusion, MSC-miR-21--derived EV showed a higher therapeutic potential in comparison with MSCs-miR-21-. They ameliorate the systemic inflammation through inactivation of ERK1/2 pathway in OA in vivo model. Workflow of the realization of the animal model of OA by injecting cells into the joint cavity of the left knee of the animals, which produces an increase in serum cytokines and chemokines in the animals in addition to the increase in SASP and markers of inflammation. Inhibition of miR-21 in MSCs, from the stroma of the human umbilical cord, by lentivirus and extraction of their EVs by ultracentrifugation. F
- Published
- 2022
19. Action mechanisms of small extracellular vesicles in inflammaging
- Author
Mato Basalo, Rocío, Lucio-Gallego, Sergio, Alarcón-Veleiro, Carmen, Sacristán-Santos, Marta, Miranda Quintana, María del Pilar, Morente López, Miriam, De-Toro, Javier, Silva-Fernández, Lucía, González-Rodríguez, Alba, Arufe, M.C., Fafián Labora, Juan Antonio, Mato Basalo, Rocío, Lucio-Gallego, Sergio, Alarcón-Veleiro, Carmen, Sacristán-Santos, Marta, Miranda Quintana, María del Pilar, Morente López, Miriam, De-Toro, Javier, Silva-Fernández, Lucía, González-Rodríguez, Alba, Arufe, M.C., and Fafián Labora, Juan Antonio
- Abstract
[Abstract] The accumulation process of proinflammatory components in the body due to aging influences intercellular communication and is known as inflammaging. This biological mechanism relates the development of inflammation to the aging process. Recently, it has been reported that small extracellular vesicles (sEVs) are mediators in the transmission of paracrine senescence involved in inflammatory aging. For this reason, their components, as well as mechanisms of action of sEVs, are relevant to develop a new therapy called senodrugs (senolytics and senomorphic) that regulates the intercellular communication of inflammaging. In this review, we include the most recent and relevant studies on the role of sEVs in the inflammatory aging process and in age-related diseases such as cancer and type 2 diabetes.
- Published
- 2022
20. Formation of specialists in rheumatology: Accreditation criteria
- Author
Olivé, Alejandro, Ángel Jover, Juan, Cáliz, Rafael, Díaz, Federico, García-Castro, Marta, Guanyabens, Nuria, Talaverano, Sigrid, de Toro, Javier, Trujillo, Elisa, Usón, Jacqueline, and Andreu, Jose Luis
- Published
- 2010
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21. Criterios de acreditación para la formación de especialistas de reumatología
- Author
Olivé, Alejandro, Ángel Jover, Juan, Cáliz, Rafael, Díaz, Federico, García-Castro, Marta, Guanyabens, Nuria, Talaverano, Sigrid, de Toro, Javier, Trujillo, Elisa, Usón, Jacqueline, and Andreu, Jose Luis
- Published
- 2010
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22. Diplomacia deportiva, una disciplina por desarrollar
- Author
Sobrino de Toro, Javier, primary
- Published
- 2021
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23. Healthcare experience among patients with type 2 diabetes: A cross-sectional survey using the IEXPAC tool
- Author
Orozco-Beltrán, Domingo, Artola-Menéndez, Sara, Hormigo-Pozo, Antonio, Cararach-Salami, Daniel, Alonso-Jerez, José Luis, Álvaro-Grande, Epifanio, Villalibre-Arias, Covadonga, De-Toro, Javier, Galindo-Puerto, María José, Marín-Jiménez, Ignacio, Gómez-García, Antón, Ledesma-Rodríguez, Rocío, Fernández, Gonzalo, Ferreira de Campos, Karine, Orozco-Beltrán, Domingo, Artola-Menéndez, Sara, Hormigo-Pozo, Antonio, Cararach-Salami, Daniel, Alonso-Jerez, José Luis, Álvaro-Grande, Epifanio, Villalibre-Arias, Covadonga, De-Toro, Javier, Galindo-Puerto, María José, Marín-Jiménez, Ignacio, Gómez-García, Antón, Ledesma-Rodríguez, Rocío, Fernández, Gonzalo, and Ferreira de Campos, Karine
- Abstract
[Abstract] Aim: To assess the experience with health care among patients with type 2 diabetes (T2DM) and to evaluate patients' demographic variables and healthcare-related characteristics which may affect their experience. Methods: A cross-sectional survey was delivered to T2DM adults. Patient experiences were assessed with the 'Instrument for Evaluation of the Experience of Chronic Patients' (IEXPAC) questionnaire, a validated 12-item survey, which describes patient experience within the last 6 months (items 1-11) and hospitalization in the last 3 years (item 12), with possible scores ranging from 0 (worst) to 10 (best experience). Results: A total of 451 T2DM patients responded to the survey (response rate 72.3%; mean age 69.5 ± 10.1 years, 67.8% men). The mean overall IEXPAC score was 5.92 ± 1.80. Mean scores were higher for productive interactions (7.92 ± 2.15) and self-management (7.08 ± 2.27) than for new relational model (1.72 ± 2.01). Only 32.8% of patients who had been hospitalized in the past 3 years reported having received a follow-up call or visit after discharge. Multivariate analyses identified that regular follow-up by the same physician and follow-up by a nurse were associated with a better patient experience. Continuity of healthcare score was higher only in those patients requiring help from others. Conclusions: The areas of T2DM care which may need to be addressed to ensure better patient experience are use of the Internet, new technologies and social resources for patient information and interaction with healthcare professionals, closer follow-up after hospitalization, and a comprehensive multidisciplinary approach with regular follow-up by the same physician and a nurse.
- Published
- 2021
24. High-Throughput Screen Detects Calcium Signaling Dysfunction in Hutchinson-Gilford Progeria Syndrome
- Author
Fafián Labora, Juan Antonio, Morente López, Miriam, De-Toro, Javier, Arufe, M.C., Fafián Labora, Juan Antonio, Morente López, Miriam, De-Toro, Javier, and Arufe, M.C.
- Abstract
[Abstract] Hutchinson–Gilford progeria syndrome (HGPS) is a deadly childhood disorder, which is considered a very rare disease. It is caused by an autosomal dominant mutation on the LMNA gene, and it is characterized by accelerated aging. Human cell lines from HGPS patients and healthy parental controls were studied in parallel using next-generation sequencing (NGS) to unravel new non-previously altered molecular pathways. Nine hundred and eleven transcripts were differentially expressed when comparing healthy versus HGPS cell lines from a total of 21,872 transcripts; ITPR1, ITPR3, CACNA2D1, and CAMK2N1 stood out among them due to their links with calcium signaling, and these were validated by Western blot analysis. It was observed that the basal concentration of intracellular Ca2+ was statistically higher in HGPS cell lines compared to healthy ones. The relationship between genes involved in Ca2+ signaling and mitochondria-associated membranes (MAM) was demonstrated through cytosolic calcium handling by means of an automated fluorescent plate reading system (FlexStation 3, Molecular Devices), and apoptosis and mitochondrial ROS production were examined by means of flow cytometry analysis. Altogether, our data suggest that the Ca2+ signaling pathway is altered in HGPS at least in part due to the overproduction of reactive oxygen species (ROS). Our results unravel a new therapeutic window for the treatment of this rare disease and open new strategies to study pathologies involving both accelerated and healthy aging.
- Published
- 2021
25. The Experience With Health Care of Patients With Inflammatory Arthritis: A Cross-sectional Survey Using the Instrument to Evaluate the Experience of Patients With Chronic Diseases
- Author
De-Toro, Javier, Cea-Calvo, Luis, García-Vivar, María L., Pantoja, Lucía, Lerín-Lozano, Cristina, García-Díaz, Silvia, Galindo, María J., Marín-Jiménez, Ignacio, Fernández, Sabela, Mestre, Yvonne, Orozco-Beltrán, Domingo, De-Toro, Javier, Cea-Calvo, Luis, García-Vivar, María L., Pantoja, Lucía, Lerín-Lozano, Cristina, García-Díaz, Silvia, Galindo, María J., Marín-Jiménez, Ignacio, Fernández, Sabela, Mestre, Yvonne, and Orozco-Beltrán, Domingo
- Abstract
[Abstract] Background: Patients' experience with health care is becoming a key component for the provision of a patient-centered health care model. The aim of this study was to assess the experience with health care of patients with inflammatory arthritis and patient- and health care-related factors. Methods: Patients responded to an anonymous survey provided by their treating clinical teams. The survey comprised the validated 12-item IEXPAC (Instrument to Evaluate the EXperience of PAtients with Chronic diseases) tool and demographic variables and health care-related characteristics that may affect patients' experience. Results: A total of 359 of 625 surveys were returned (response rate, 57.4%). Overall, patient responses were positive (>60% gave "always/mostly" answers) for statements assessing the interaction between patients and health care professionals or patient self-management following health care professional guidance. However, positive patient responses for items regarding patient interaction with the health care system via the internet or with other patients were less than 13%. Only 25.6% of patients who had been hospitalized reported receiving a follow-up call or visit following discharge. In the bivariate analysis, experience scores were higher (better experience) in men, those seen by fewer specialists or by the same physician, and in patients treated with a fewer number of drugs or with subcutaneous/intravenous drugs. Multivariate analyses identified regular follow-up by the same physician and treatment with subcutaneous/intravenous drugs as variables associated with a better patient experience. Conclusions: This study identifies areas of care for patients with inflammatory arthritis with the potential to improve patients' experience and highlights the importance of patient-physician relationships and comprehensive patient care.
- Published
- 2021
26. Different Associations of Intentional and Non-Intentional Non-Adherence Behaviors with Patient Experience with Healthcare and Patient Beliefs in Medications: A Survey of Patients with Chronic Conditions
- Author
Cea-Calvo, Luis, primary, Marín-Jiménez, Ignacio, additional, de Toro, Javier, additional, Fuster-RuizdeApodaca, María J, additional, Fernández, Gonzalo, additional, Sánchez-Vega, Nuria, additional, and Orozco-Beltrán, Domingo, additional
- Published
- 2020
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27. Patients' perceptions on shared decision making during prescription of subcutaneous biological drug treatments for inflammatory arthritis: The RHEU‐LIFE survey
- Author
de Toro, Javier, primary, González, Carlos M., additional, Cea‐Calvo, Luis, additional, Arteaga, María J., additional, Fernández, Sabela, additional, Carmona, Loreto, additional, and Otón, Teresa, additional
- Published
- 2020
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28. Blood RNA sequencing reveals immunological processes associated with the response to abatacept in rheumatoid arthritis
- Author
Julià, Antonio, López Lasanta, María, Gómez, Antonio, Sanmartí, Raimon, Marras, Carlos, Pina Salvador, José Manuel, Romero Yuste, Susana, Veiga Cabello, Raúl María, Navarro, Pilar, Moragues Pastor, Carme, Martínez Pardo, Silvia, De-Toro, Javier, Sánchez, Amalia, Cerda, Dacia, Prada, Alejandro, Erra, Alba, Monfort, Jordi, Urruticoechea-Arana, Ana, Palau, Núria, Lastra, Raquel M., Tortosa, Raúl, Pluma Sanjurjo, Andrea, and Marsal, Sara
- Abstract
- Published
- 2019
29. The experience of inflammatory bowel disease patients with healthcare
- Author
Marín-Jiménez, Ignacio, Casellas, Francesc, Cortés, Xavier, García-Sepulcre, Mariana F., Juliá, Berta, Cea-Calvo, Luis, Soto, Nadia, Navarro-Correal, Ester, Saldaña, Roberto, de Toro, Javier, Galindo, María J., and Orozco-Beltrán, Domingo
- Subjects
Adult ,Male ,Self-Management ,Observational Study ,healthcare ,Professional-Patient Relations ,Middle Aged ,Inflammatory Bowel Diseases ,Long-Term Care ,Cross-Sectional Studies ,inflammatory bowel disease ,Patient Satisfaction ,Surveys and Questionnaires ,Chronic Disease ,ComputingMethodologies_DOCUMENTANDTEXTPROCESSING ,Linear Models ,Humans ,Female ,IEXPAC instrument ,Research Article ,Quality of Health Care - Abstract
Supplemental Digital Content is available in the text, To assess inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) patients’ experience of chronic illness care and the relationship with demographic and healthcare-related characteristics. This cross-sectional survey used the Instrument to Evaluate the EXperience of PAtients with Chronic diseases (IEXPAC) questionnaire to identify parameters associated with a better healthcare experience for IBD patients. IEXPAC questionnaire responses are grouped into 3 factors - productive interactions, new relational model, and patient self-management, scoring from 0 (worst) to 10 (best experience). Scores were analyzed by bivariate comparisons and multiple linear regression models. Surveys were returned by 341 of 575 patients (59.3%, mean age 46.8 (12.9) years, 48.2% women). Mean (SD) IEXPAC score was 5.9 (2.0); scores were higher for the productive interactions (7.7) and patient self-management factors (6.7) and much lower for the new relational model factor (2.2). Follow-up by a nurse, being seen by the same physician, and being treated with a lower number of medicines were associated with higher (better) overall patient experience score, and higher productive interactions and self-management factor scores. A higher productive interactions score was also associated with patients receiving medication subcutaneously or intravenously. Higher new relational model scores were associated with follow-up by a nurse, affiliation to a patients’ association, receiving help from others for healthcare, a lower number of medicines and a higher educational level. In patients with IBD, a better overall patient experience was associated with follow-up by a nurse, being seen by the same physician, and being treated with a lower number of medicines.
- Published
- 2019
30. Different Associations of Intentional and Non-Intentional Non-Adherence Behaviors with Patient Experience with Healthcare and Patient Beliefs in Medications: A Survey of Patients with Chronic Conditions
- Author
Cea-Calvo,Luis, MarÃn-Jiménez,Ignacio, de Toro,Javier, Fuster-RuizdeApodaca,MarÃa J, Fernández,Gonzalo, Sánchez-Vega,Nuria, Orozco-Beltrán,Domingo, Cea-Calvo,Luis, MarÃn-Jiménez,Ignacio, de Toro,Javier, Fuster-RuizdeApodaca,MarÃa J, Fernández,Gonzalo, Sánchez-Vega,Nuria, and Orozco-Beltrán,Domingo
- Abstract
Luis Cea-Calvo,1 Ignacio Marín-Jiménez,2 Javier de Toro,3 María J Fuster-RuizdeApodaca,4,5 Gonzalo Fernández,1 Nuria Sánchez-Vega,1 Domingo Orozco-Beltrán6 1Medical Affairs Department, MSD Spain, Madrid, Spain; 2IBD Unit, Gastroenterology Department, Clinical Research Institute Gregorio Marañón (IiSGM), Gregorio Marañón University Hospital, Madrid, Spain; 3Rheumatology Department, A Coruña University Hospital, A Coruña, Spain; 4SEISIDA (Spanish AIDS Multidisciplinary Society), Madrid, Spain; 5Department of Social and Organizational Psychology, Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED), Madrid, Spain; 6Clinical Medicine Department, Miguel Hernandez University, San Juan de Alicante, SpainCorrespondence: Luis Cea-CalvoMedical Affairs Department, MSD Spain, Josefa Valcárcel 38, Madrid 28027, SpainTel +34 913210740Email luis.cea@merck.comPurpose: To investigate relationships between intentional and non-intentional non-adherence behaviors and patient experience with healthcare and beliefs in medications.Patients and Methods: This is a post hoc analysis of a cross-sectional anonymous survey distributed between May and September 2017 to patients with rheumatic disease, inflammatory bowel disease, HIV infection or diabetes mellitus from outpatient and primary care clinics in Spain. Patients answered five questions about non-adherence behaviors and completed questionnaires on their experience with healthcare (IEXPAC: Instrument to Evaluate the EXperience of PAtients with Chronic diseases) and beliefs about medicines (BMQ: Beliefs About Medicines Questionnaire).Results: Among 1530 respondents, 53% showed ≥ 1 non-adherence behavior; 35% had ≥ 1 non-intentional non-adherence behavior, and 33% had ≥ 1 intentional non-adherence behavior. Patients with HIV infection had the lowest frequency of inten
- Published
- 2020
31. There is something you must see: breaking down the remission concept in rheumatoid arthritis from a rheumatologist's perspective
- Author
Acebes, Carlos, Andreu, José Luis, Balsa, Alejandro, Batlle, Enrique, De-Toro, Javier, García Llorente, Francisco, Hernández Miguel, María Victoria, Fernández-Gutiérrez, Benjamín, Hidalgo-Calleja, Cristina, Mayordomo, Lucía, Naredo, Esperanza, Narváez, Javier, Fernández Ortiz, Ana María, Pablos, José L., Pérez-Sandoval, Trinidad, Rodríguez-Lozano, Carlos, Sánchez-Pernaute, Olga, Usón, Jacqueline, Negrón, José Bernardo, Loza, Estíbaliz, Carmona, Loreto, Gómez Castro, Susana, Montoro Álvarez, María, Acebes, Carlos, Andreu, José Luis, Balsa, Alejandro, Batlle, Enrique, De-Toro, Javier, García Llorente, Francisco, Hernández Miguel, María Victoria, Fernández-Gutiérrez, Benjamín, Hidalgo-Calleja, Cristina, Mayordomo, Lucía, Naredo, Esperanza, Narváez, Javier, Fernández Ortiz, Ana María, Pablos, José L., Pérez-Sandoval, Trinidad, Rodríguez-Lozano, Carlos, Sánchez-Pernaute, Olga, Usón, Jacqueline, Negrón, José Bernardo, Loza, Estíbaliz, Carmona, Loreto, Gómez Castro, Susana, and Montoro Álvarez, María
- Abstract
[Abstract] Objectives: To explore the remission concept in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and the implications of the existing definitions when applied to clinical practice among rheumatologists with different profiles. Methods: A qualitative study through focus groups was conducted. Three focus groups were organised from February to March 2016. Each group was composed of rheumatologists with extensive clinical experience with different profiles; experts in basic research (RBR), experts in imaging techniques research (RIR), and experts in clinical research (RCR). The data was collected with audio recording. Verbatim transcriptions of the audio files were made, and a subsequent reflexive thematic analysis assisted by ATLAS.ti (GmbH, Berlin, v. 7) software was performed. Results: From the reflexive thematic analysis, three main themes were generated: (1) remission limitations, (2) instruments or measures to assess remission, and (3) a new definition of remission. Rheumatologists mentioned frequently that the following variables should be considered when developing a new remission definition: inflammatory activity, calprotectin, psychological variables, sex, disease stage, and sociocultural factors. Contrary to what could be expected, all groups acknowledged that their research field could contribute with domains for a gold standard remission instrument, but not in a hierarchical arrangement of importance. The dissonance existing in the entire remission evaluation process was outlined: remission in clinical practice versus remission in clinical trials, remission following the American College of Rheumatology (ACR)/European League Against Rheumatism (EULAR) Boolean versus Musculoskeletal Ultrasound (US) remission, and remission from the rheumatologist's point of view versus the patient's point of view. Conclusions: Currently, rheumatologists would not accept a domain as more important than others in remission. Our suggestion is, not to generate a universal definition of remi
- Published
- 2020
32. Different associations of intentional and non-intentional non-adherence behaviors with patient experience with healthcare and patient beliefs in medications: a survey of patients with chronic conditions
- Author
Cea-Calvo, Luis, Marín-Jiménez, Ignacio, De-Toro, Javier, Fuster-RuizdeApodaca, María J., Fernández, Gonzalo, Sánchez-Vega, Nuria, Orozco-Beltrán, Domingo, Cea-Calvo, Luis, Marín-Jiménez, Ignacio, De-Toro, Javier, Fuster-RuizdeApodaca, María J., Fernández, Gonzalo, Sánchez-Vega, Nuria, and Orozco-Beltrán, Domingo
- Abstract
[Abstract] Purpose: To investigate relationships between intentional and non-intentional non-adherence behaviors and patient experience with healthcare and beliefs in medications. Patients and methods: This is a post hoc analysis of a cross-sectional anonymous survey distributed between May and September 2017 to patients with rheumatic disease, inflammatory bowel disease, HIV infection or diabetes mellitus from outpatient and primary care clinics in Spain. Patients answered five questions about non-adherence behaviors and completed questionnaires on their experience with healthcare (IEXPAC: Instrument to Evaluate the EXperience of PAtients with Chronic diseases) and beliefs about medicines (BMQ: Beliefs About Medicines Questionnaire). Results: Among 1530 respondents, 53% showed ≥1 non-adherence behavior; 35% had ≥1 non-intentional non-adherence behavior, and 33% had ≥1 intentional non-adherence behavior. Patients with HIV infection had the lowest frequency of intentional non-adherence behaviors. Non-intentional non-adherence was associated with patient beliefs (inversely with BMQ overall score) and patient experiences (inversely with IEXPAC Factor 3 sub-score, self-management). Intentional non-adherence was strongly associated with beliefs scores (directly with BMQ concerns and inversely with BMQ necessity sub-score) and inversely associated with HIV infection. Conclusion: The different associations of intentional and non-intentional non-adherence behaviors found in this study help to understand how patient experiences and beliefs influence medical non-adherence, and in the development of strategies for reducing non-adherence.
- Published
- 2020
33. Patients' perceptions on shared decision making during prescription of subcutaneous biological drug treatments for inflammatory arthritis: the RHEU-LIFE survey
- Author
De-Toro, Javier, González, Carlos M., Cea-Calvo, Luis, Arteaga, María J., Fernández, Sabela, Carmona, Loreto, Otón, Teresa, De-Toro, Javier, González, Carlos M., Cea-Calvo, Luis, Arteaga, María J., Fernández, Sabela, Carmona, Loreto, and Otón, Teresa
- Abstract
[Abstract] Objectives: The aim of this study was to explore the preferences of patients with rheumatic diseases and their perceived experience regarding participation in shared decision making (SDM) when they were prescribed a subcutaneous (SC) biological drug. Methods: A printed survey was handed to 1,000 patients with inflammatory rheumatic diseases treated with SC biological drug. The survey included closed questions about preferences regarding decision making and about patients' experience when they were prescribed an SC biological drug. Descriptive statistics were performed with stratification by patient profiles, using chi-square for comparisons between groups. Results: A total of 592 surveys were received (response rate 59.2%, mean age 51.7 years, 57.6% women). Some 28.2% of patients reported preferring to take part in treatment selection, a percentage that was higher in younger patients, in those with higher academic degree and in those who search information in sources different to that of health care professionals. Over half of patients (56.3%) perceived that the rheumatologist considered their opinion when prescribing an SC biological drug, a percentage higher in younger people. Only in 40.8% of cases did the patients' preference match their perception of their participation in the process. No differences were observed by sex, disease or number of biologics. Conclusions: Patients with inflammatory rheumatic diseases want information about their treatments but mostly leave the prescription decision to the rheumatologist. Younger people, or those with higher academic degree, more often want to participate in the SDM. There are discrepancies between patient preferences and perceptions of this process.
- Published
- 2020
34. Is myofascial release therapy cost-effective when compared with manual therapy to treat workers’ mechanical neck pains?
- Author
Rodríguez Fuentes, Iván, De-Toro, Javier, Rodríguez Fuentes, Gustavo, Oliveira, Iris Machado de, Meijide-Faílde, Rosa, Fuentes Boquete, Isaac Manuel, Rodríguez Fuentes, Iván, De-Toro, Javier, Rodríguez Fuentes, Gustavo, Oliveira, Iris Machado de, Meijide-Faílde, Rosa, and Fuentes Boquete, Isaac Manuel
- Abstract
[Abstract] Objective: The aim of this study was to do a cost-benefit analysis of myofascial release therapy (MRT) compared to manual therapy (MT) for treating occupational mechanical neck pain. Methods: Variables regarding the outcomes of the intervention were intensity of neck pain, cervical disability, quality of life, craniovertebral angle, and ranges of cervical motion. Costs were assessed based on a social perspective using diary costs. Between-groups differences in average cost, cost-effectiveness, and cost-utility ratios were assessed using bootstrap parametric techniques. The economic cost-benefit evaluation was with regard to an experimental parallel group study design. There were 59 participants. Results: Myofascial released therapy showed significant improvement over MT for cervical mobility (side bending, rotation, and craniovertebral angle). The total cost of MRT was approximately 20% less ( $519.81; 95% confidence interval, $1193.67 to $100.31) than that of MT, although this was not statistically significant. Cost-effectiveness and cost-utility ratios showed that MRT could be associated with lower economic costs. Conclusion: With probabilities of 93.9% and 95.8%, MRT seems to be cost-effective for treating mechanical neck pain without the need to add any additional cost to obtain a better clinical benefit. Consequently, we believe it could be included in the clinical practice guidelines of different Spanish health care institutions.
- Published
- 2020
35. A Comparative Study of Doppler Ultrasound Against Temporal Artery Biopsy in the Diagnosis of Giant Cell Arteritis
- Author
González Porto, Sara Alicia, Silva-Díaz, María T., Reguera Arias, Ana, Pombo-Otero, Jorge, González Rodríguez, Alba, Valero Gasalla, Javier, De-Toro, Javier, González Porto, Sara Alicia, Silva-Díaz, María T., Reguera Arias, Ana, Pombo-Otero, Jorge, González Rodríguez, Alba, Valero Gasalla, Javier, and De-Toro, Javier
- Abstract
[Abstract] Background. Giant cell arteritis (GCA) is a vasculitis that affects medium- and large-sized arteries. Temporal artery biopsy is the gold standard for diagnosis. In view of the high demand for temporal biopsies, the purpose of this study is to evaluate the usefulness of Doppler ultrasonography in patients with suspected giant cell arteritis, to determine its sensitivity and specificity as a diagnostic test and to determine whether it would be possible to substitute biopsy for ultrasonography. Materials and methods. A prospective study was undertaken including 57 patients from February 2015 to July 2016, who have undergone both ultrasonography and temporal biopsy. Results. A total of 57 patients were included, 3 of whom died during the follow-up, and a patient was excluded from the study when she refused to have the biopsy. Another 21 patients were diagnosed with GCA by a rheumatologist after a minimum of 6 months of follow-up and 22 patients had positive ultrasonography, 8 of whom were diagnosed with GCA and 4 with polymyalgia rheumatica. In our study, the sensitivity of ultrasonography was 42.6%, and the specificity was 65.7%. A total of 19 patients had a positive biopsy, all of them were diagnosed with GCA. In our study, the sensitivity of the biopsy was 73.7% and the specificity was 100%. Conclusions. In view of the data from our study, the usefulness of ultrasonography is questionable, and research about the role of ultrasonography in this disease should be further studied., [Resumen] Introducción. La arteritis de células gigantes (ACG) es una vasculitis que afecta a arterias de mediano y gran calibre. La biopsia de la arteria temporal es la técnica diagnóstica de elección. Atendiendo a la demanda asistencial que supone, pretendemos evaluar la utilidad de la ecografía Doppler en los pacientes con sospecha de ACG, su sensibilidad y especificidad como prueba diagnóstica y si puede suplir a la biopsia. Materiales y métodos. Se ha realizado un estudio prospectivo de 57 pacientes entre febrero de 2015 y julio de 2016, que han sido diagnosticados con exploración mediante ecografía Doppler y biopsia de arteria temporal. Resultados. Fueron incluidos 57 pacientes, de los cuales 3 fallecieron durante el seguimiento y una paciente fue excluida del estudio al negarse a la biopsia. Otros 21 pacientes fueron diagnosticados de ACG por un especialista reumatólogo tras un mínimo de 6 meses de seguimiento. Presentaron ecografía positiva 22 pacientes, de los cuales 8 fueron diagnosticados de ACG y 4 de polimialgia reumática. En nuestro estudio, la sensibilidad de la ecografía es del 42.6% y la especificidad es del 65.7%. Otros 19 pacientes presentaron biopsia positiva: todos ellos fueron diagnosticados de ACG. La biopsia presentóuna sensibilidad de un 73.7% y una especificidad de un 100%. Conclusiones. Según nuestro estudio, la utilidad de la ecografía es limitada y son necesarias nuevas investigaciones para determinar su papel en esta entidad.
- Published
- 2020
36. Generation and characterization of human induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) from hand osteoarthritis patient-derived fibroblasts
- Author
Castro Viñuelas, Rocío, Sanjurjo-Rodríguez, Clara, Piñeiro-Ramil, María, Hermida Gómez, Tamara, Rodríguez-Fernández, Silvia, Oreiro, Natividad, De-Toro, Javier, Fuentes Boquete, Isaac Manuel, Blanco García, Francisco J, Díaz-Prado, Silvia, Castro Viñuelas, Rocío, Sanjurjo-Rodríguez, Clara, Piñeiro-Ramil, María, Hermida Gómez, Tamara, Rodríguez-Fernández, Silvia, Oreiro, Natividad, De-Toro, Javier, Fuentes Boquete, Isaac Manuel, Blanco García, Francisco J, and Díaz-Prado, Silvia
- Abstract
[Abstract] Knowledge and research results about hand osteoarthritis (hOA) are limited due to the lack of samples and animal models of the disease. Here, we report the generation of two induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC)-lines from patients with radiographic hOA. Furthermore, we wondered whether these iPSC-lines carried single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) within genes that have been associated with hOA. Finally, we performed chondrogenic differentiation of the iPSCs in order to prove their usefulness as cellular models of the disease. We performed a non-integrative reprogramming of dermal fibroblasts obtained from two patients with radiographic rhizarthrosis and non-erosive hOA by introducing the transcriptional factors Oct4, Sox2, Klf4 and c-Myc using Sendai virus. After reprogramming, embryonic stem cell-like colonies emerged in culture, which fulfilled all the criteria to be considered iPSCs. Both iPSC-lines carried variants associated with hOA in the four studied genes and showed differences in their chondrogenic capacity when compared with a healthy control iPSC-line. To our knowledge this is the first time that the generation of iPSC-lines from patients with rhizarthrosis and non-erosive hOA is reported. The obtained iPSC-lines might enable us to model the disease in vitro, and to deeper study both the molecular and cellular mechanisms underlying hOA.
- Published
- 2020
37. Influence of mesenchymal stem cell-derived extracellular vesicles in vitro and their tole in ageing
- Author
Fafián Labora, Juan Antonio, Morente-López, Miriam, Sánchez-Dopico, María José, Arntz, O.J., Van de Loo, F.J., De-Toro, Javier, Arufe, M.C., Fafián Labora, Juan Antonio, Morente-López, Miriam, Sánchez-Dopico, María José, Arntz, O.J., Van de Loo, F.J., De-Toro, Javier, and Arufe, M.C.
- Abstract
[Abstract] Introduction: This study assessed whether mesenchymal stem cell (MSC)-derived extracellular vesicles influenced ageing and pluripotency markers in cell cultures where they are added. Methods: MSC-derived extracellular vesicles from old and young rat bone marrows were isolated by ultracentrifugation and were characterised by western blotting, nanoparticle tracking analysis (NTA) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). They were added to young and old MSC cultures. Real-time quantitative reverse transcription polymerase chain reactions and western blot analysis were performed to check the markers of ageing (vinculin and lamin A), pluripotency markers (Nanog and Oct4) and components of the mTOR signalling pathway (Rictor, Raptor, AKT and mTOR) in these cell populations. Subsequently, microRNA (miR)-188-3p expression was transiently inhibited in young MSCs to demonstrate the influence of mTOR2 on MSC ageing. Results: Incubation with young MSC-derived extracellular vesicles decreased the levels of ageing markers and components of the mTOR pathway and increased the pluripotency markers from old MSC populations. By contrast, incubation of young MSCs with old MSC-derived extracellular vesicles generated the reverse effects. Inhibition of miR-188-3p expression in young MSCs produced extracellular vesicles that when incubated with old MSCs produced an increase in the levels of Rictor, as well as a decrease of phosphor-AKT, as indicated by a significant decrease in beta-galactosidase staining. Conclusions: MSC-derived extracellular vesicles affected the behaviour of MSC cultures, based on their composition, which could be modified in vitro. These experiments represented the basis for the development of new therapies against ageing-associated diseases using MSC-derived extracellular vesicles.
- Published
- 2020
38. Establishment of human induced pluripotent stem cell-lines (IPSC) for in vitro modelling hand ostheoarthritis
- Author
Castro Viñuelas, Rocío, Sanjurjo-Rodríguez, Clara, Piñeiro-Ramil, María, Hermida Gómez, Tamara, Fuentes Boquete, Isaac Manuel, De-Toro, Javier, Blanco García, Francisco J, and Díaz-Prado, Silvia
- Abstract
Resumen Instituto de Salud Carlos III; PI17/02197
- Published
- 2019
39. Generation of osteoarthritic mesenchymal stromal cell lines
- Author
Piñeiro-Ramil, María, Castro Viñuelas, Rocío, Sanjurjo-Rodríguez, Clara, Rodríguez-Fernández, Silvia, Hermida Gómez, Tamara, De-Toro, Javier, Blanco García, Francisco J, Fuentes Boquete, Isaac Manuel, and Díaz-Prado, Silvia
- Abstract
Resumen Xunta de Galicia; R2016/036 Xunta de Galicia; R2014/050 Xunta de Galicia; CN2012/142 Xunta de Gaicia; GPC2014/048 Instituto de salud Carlos III; PI17/02197
- Published
- 2019
40. I ICWM: Role of Microbiota in Clinical manifestation and treatment of Rheumatic Diseases.Dr. J. Toro
- Author
de Toro, Javier, primary
- Published
- 2019
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41. Association between non-adherence behaviors, patients’ experience with healthcare and beliefs in medications: a survey of patients with different chronic conditions
- Author
Cea-Calvo, Luis, primary, Marín-Jiménez, Ignacio, additional, de Toro, Javier, additional, Fuster-RuizdeApodaca, María J., additional, Fernández, Gonzalo, additional, Sánchez-Vega, Nuria, additional, and Orozco-Beltrán, Domingo, additional
- Published
- 2019
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42. Perceptions of patients with rheumatic diseases on the impact on daily life and satisfaction with their medications: RHEU-LIFE, a survey to patients treated with subcutaneous biological products [Corrigendum]
- Author
González, Carlos M, primary, Carmona, Loreto, additional, de Toro, Javier, additional, Batlle-Gualda, Enrique, additional, Torralba Gómez-Portillo, Antonio I, additional, Arteaga, María J, additional, and Cea-Calvo, Luis, additional
- Published
- 2019
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43. Perceptions of patients with rheumatic diseases on the impact on daily life and satisfaction with their medications: RHEU-LIFE, a survey to patients treated with subcutaneous biological products [Corrigendum]
- Author
González,Carlos M, Carmona,Loreto, de Toro,Javier, Batlle-Gualda,Enrique, Torralba Gómez-Portillo,Antonio I, Arteaga,MarÃa J, Cea-Calvo,Luis, González,Carlos M, Carmona,Loreto, de Toro,Javier, Batlle-Gualda,Enrique, Torralba Gómez-Portillo,Antonio I, Arteaga,MarÃa J, and Cea-Calvo,Luis
- Abstract
Perceptions of patients with rheumatic diseases on the impact on daily life and satisfaction with their medications: RHEU-LIFE, a survey to patients treated with subcutaneous biological products [Corrigendum] González CM, Carmona L, de Toro J, et al. Patient Prefer Adherence. 2017;11:1243–1252.On page 1245, Results; Response rate and sample description section, the second sentence “The mean age of the respondents was 41.7 years (SD 13.1), and 57.6% of them were females” should read “The mean age of the respondents was 51.7 years (SD 13.1), and 57.6% of them were females”.Read the original article
- Published
- 2019
44. Adherence to synthetic disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs in rheumatoid arthritis: results of the OBSERVAR study
- Author
Juan Mas, Antonio, Castañeda, Santos, Cantero Santamaría, José I., Baquero, José L., De-Toro, Javier, Juan Mas, Antonio, Castañeda, Santos, Cantero Santamaría, José I., Baquero, José L., and De-Toro, Javier
- Abstract
[Abstract] Background: Treatment compliance with disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARD) is essential to achieve the therapeutic goals in rheumatoid arthritis (RA). However, despite the need for good compliance, there is evidence that patients with RA frequently fail to use DMARD for the control of RA. Thus, the main objective of the OBSERVAR study is to evaluate the reasons for the lack of therapeutic adherence to synthetic DMARD in these patients. Patients and methods: A Delphi process involving 18 randomly selected Spanish rheumatologists determined the level of agreement with 66 causes of noncompliance selected from the literature in relation to synthetic DMARD in RA. Results: The reasons for noncompliance were consistent in 75.7%, although 3 reasons (4.5%) were highly consistent: 1) not knowing what to do in the case of an adverse event with DMARD; 2) not having undergone adherence screening by health personnel for early detection of "noncompliant patients"; and 3) not having undergone interventions or strategies that improve adherence. Conclusion: In order to improve adherence to RA treatment with synthetic DMARD, the patient should be adequately informed of each new treatment introduced, the patient's compliance profile should be incorporated into the clinical routine and the patient's motivation for therapeutic compliance be reinforced through the methods available to us., [Resumen] Introducción. La cumplimentación del tratamiento modificador de la enfermedad es esencial para alcanzar los objetivos terapéuticos en la artritis reumatoide (AR). Sin embargo, y a pesar de la necesidad de una buena adherencia, existe evidencia de que muchos pacientes con AR no cumplen adecuadamente con la prescripción del tratamiento indicado con fármacos moduladores de la enfermedad de acción lenta (FAME) sintéticos o convencionales. Conscientes de la importancia de este hecho, el estudio sobre observancia terapéutica en AR (estudio OBSERVAR) tiene como objetivo principal valorar los motivos de la falta de adherencia terapéutica a los FAME sintéticos en estos pacientes. Pacientes y métodos. Mediante un proceso Delphi entre 18 reumatólogos españoles seleccionados aleatoriamente se determinó el grado de acuerdo con 66 causas de incumplimiento seleccionadas de la bibliografía, en relación con los FAME sintéticos en la AR. Resultados. Los motivos de incumplimiento fueron consistentes en el 75,7%, si bien 3 razones (4,5%) destacaron como muy consistentes: 1) desconocer qué hacer cuando se sufre un acontecimiento adverso con el FAME; 2) no llevar a cabo métodos de cribado de la adherencia por el personal sanitario para detectar a los «pacientes incumplidores» de forma temprana y 3) no aplicar intervenciones o estrategias que mejoren la adherencia terapéutica. Conclusión. Para mejorar la adherencia al tratamiento de la AR con FAME sintéticos se debe informar al paciente de cada tratamiento nuevo introducido, incorporar el perfil de cumplimiento del paciente en la rutina clínica, y reforzar la motivación del paciente al cumplimiento terapéutico mediante los métodos a nuestro alcance.
- Published
- 2019
45. Association between non-adherence behaviors, patients’ experience with healthcare and beliefs in medications: a survey of patients with different chronic conditions
- Author
Cea-Calvo, Luis, Marín-Jiménez, Ignacio, De-Toro, Javier, Fuster-RuizdeApodaca, María J., Fernández, Gonzalo, Sánchez-Vega, Nuria, Orozco-Beltrán, Domingo, Cea-Calvo, Luis, Marín-Jiménez, Ignacio, De-Toro, Javier, Fuster-RuizdeApodaca, María J., Fernández, Gonzalo, Sánchez-Vega, Nuria, and Orozco-Beltrán, Domingo
- Abstract
[Abstract] Objective: The objective of the current work was to assess the frequency of non-adherence behaviors and potential association with patients' experience with healthcare and beliefs in medicines self-reported by patients with four different chronic conditions.Methods: Patients responded anonymously to a survey comprising five non-adherence behaviors (based on physician and patient input), an assessment of patients' experience with healthcare using the validated Instrument to Evaluate the EXperience of PAtients with Chronic diseases (IEXPAC), and a validated Spanish version of the Beliefs about Medicines Questionnaire (BMQ). Associations of non-adherence behavior were analyzed using logistic regression models.Results: Of 1530 respondents, 53.1% reported ≥1 non-adherence behavior. Non-adherence rates were 59.8% in diabetes mellitus (DM), 56.0% in rheumatic disease, 55.6% in inflammatory bowel disease, and 42.8% in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection patients (p < .001). IEXPAC and BMQ scores were higher in adherent vs. non-adherent patients. In multivariate analysis, non-adherence behavior was strongly associated with lower overall BMQ, lower BMQ Necessity scores and higher BMQ Concerns scores (p < .001 for all), and with a lower IEXPAC self-management score (p = .007), but not with the overall IEXPAC score. Non-adherence was more frequent in DM patients compared with HIV infection patients (p < .001).Conclusions: Patients' beliefs in medicines-a lower perception for the necessity of medication, and higher concerns in taking medication-and low patient self-management experience score were associated with non-adherence behavior. These are modifiable aspects that need to be addressed to increase medication adherence in chronic disease.
- Published
- 2019
46. The experience of inflammatory bowel disease patients with healthcare: a survey with the IEXPAC instrument
- Author
Marín-Jiménez, Ignacio, Casellas, Francesc, Cortés, Xavier, García-Sepulcre, Mariana, Juliá, Berta, Cea-Calvo, Luis, Soto, Nadia, Navarro-Correal, Ester, Saldaña, Roberto, De-Toro, Javier, Galindo, María J., Orozco-Beltrán, Domingo, Marín-Jiménez, Ignacio, Casellas, Francesc, Cortés, Xavier, García-Sepulcre, Mariana, Juliá, Berta, Cea-Calvo, Luis, Soto, Nadia, Navarro-Correal, Ester, Saldaña, Roberto, De-Toro, Javier, Galindo, María J., and Orozco-Beltrán, Domingo
- Abstract
[Abstract] To assess inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) patients' experience of chronic illness care and the relationship with demographic and healthcare-related characteristics.This cross-sectional survey used the Instrument to Evaluate the EXperience of PAtients with Chronic diseases (IEXPAC) questionnaire to identify parameters associated with a better healthcare experience for IBD patients. IEXPAC questionnaire responses are grouped into 3 factors - productive interactions, new relational model, and patient self-management, scoring from 0 (worst) to 10 (best experience). Scores were analyzed by bivariate comparisons and multiple linear regression models.Surveys were returned by 341 of 575 patients (59.3%, mean age 46.8 (12.9) years, 48.2% women). Mean (SD) IEXPAC score was 5.9 (2.0); scores were higher for the productive interactions (7.7) and patient self-management factors (6.7) and much lower for the new relational model factor (2.2). Follow-up by a nurse, being seen by the same physician, and being treated with a lower number of medicines were associated with higher (better) overall patient experience score, and higher productive interactions and self-management factor scores. A higher productive interactions score was also associated with patients receiving medication subcutaneously or intravenously. Higher new relational model scores were associated with follow-up by a nurse, affiliation to a patients' association, receiving help from others for healthcare, a lower number of medicines and a higher educational level.In patients with IBD, a better overall patient experience was associated with follow-up by a nurse, being seen by the same physician, and being treated with a lower number of medicines.
- Published
- 2019
47. The Experience With Health Care of Patients With Inflammatory Arthritis: A Cross-sectional Survey Using the Instrument to Evaluate the Experience of Patients With Chronic Diseases.
- Author
de Toro, Javier, Cea-Calvo, Luis, García-Vivar, María L., Pantoja, Lucía, Lerín-Lozano, Cristina, García-Díaz, Silvia, Galindo, María J., Marín-Jiménez, Ignacio, Fernández, Sabela, Mestre, Yvonne, and Orozco-Beltrán, Domingo
- Published
- 2021
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- Author
- Published
- 2021
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49. Association between non-adherence behaviors, patients' experience with healthcare and beliefs in medications: a survey of patients with different chronic conditions.
- Author
Cea-Calvo, Luis, Marín-Jiménez, Ignacio, de Toro, Javier, Fuster-RuizdeApodaca, María J., Fernández, Gonzalo, Sánchez-Vega, Nuria, and Orozco-Beltrán, Domingo
- Subjects
CHRONIC diseases ,HIV-positive persons ,PATIENT compliance ,PATIENT surveys ,INFLAMMATORY bowel diseases ,HEALTH care reminder systems ,HIV infections ,RESEARCH ,SELF-evaluation ,CROSS-sectional method ,RESEARCH methodology ,DIABETES ,EVALUATION research ,MEDICAL cooperation ,COMPARATIVE studies ,DRUGS ,QUESTIONNAIRES ,LOGISTIC regression analysis - Abstract
Objective: The objective of the current work was to assess the frequency of non-adherence behaviors and potential association with patients' experience with healthcare and beliefs in medicines self-reported by patients with four different chronic conditions.Methods: Patients responded anonymously to a survey comprising five non-adherence behaviors (based on physician and patient input), an assessment of patients' experience with healthcare using the validated Instrument to Evaluate the EXperience of PAtients with Chronic diseases (IEXPAC), and a validated Spanish version of the Beliefs about Medicines Questionnaire (BMQ). Associations of non-adherence behavior were analyzed using logistic regression models.Results: Of 1530 respondents, 53.1% reported ≥1 non-adherence behavior. Non-adherence rates were 59.8% in diabetes mellitus (DM), 56.0% in rheumatic disease, 55.6% in inflammatory bowel disease, and 42.8% in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection patients (p < .001). IEXPAC and BMQ scores were higher in adherent vs. non-adherent patients. In multivariate analysis, non-adherence behavior was strongly associated with lower overall BMQ, lower BMQ Necessity scores and higher BMQ Concerns scores (p < .001 for all), and with a lower IEXPAC self-management score (p = .007), but not with the overall IEXPAC score. Non-adherence was more frequent in DM patients compared with HIV infection patients (p < .001).Conclusions: Patients' beliefs in medicines-a lower perception for the necessity of medication, and higher concerns in taking medication-and low patient self-management experience score were associated with non-adherence behavior. These are modifiable aspects that need to be addressed to increase medication adherence in chronic disease. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2020
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50. Healthcare Experience and their Relationship with Demographic, Disease and Healthcare-Related Variables: A Cross-Sectional Survey of Patients with Chronic Diseases Using the IEXPAC Scale
- Author
Orozco-Beltrán, Domingo, primary, de Toro, Javier, additional, Galindo, María J., additional, Marín-Jiménez, Ignacio, additional, Casellas, Francesc, additional, Fuster-RuizdeApodaca, María J., additional, García-Vivar, María L., additional, Hormigo-Pozo, Antonio, additional, Guilabert, Mercedes, additional, Sánchez-Vega, Nuria, additional, Fernández, Gonzalo, additional, and Cea-Calvo, Luis, additional
- Published
- 2018
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