10 results on '"de Frias Lopez, Ricardo"'
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2. Resilient properties of binary granular mixtures: A numerical investigation
- Author
de Frias Lopez, Ricardo, Ekblad, Jonas, and Silfwerbrand, Johan
- Published
- 2016
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3. A discrete element material model including particle degradation suitable for rockfill embankments
- Author
de Frias Lopez, Ricardo, Larsson, Stefan, and Silfwerbrand, Johan
- Published
- 2019
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4. DEM Modelling of Unbound Granular Materials for Transport Infrastructures : On soil fabric and rockfill embankments
- Author
de Frias Lopez, Ricardo
- Subjects
stenfylld bank ,styvhet ,granular materials ,rockfill embankment ,Diskreta elementmetoden ,skelettstruktur ,soil fabric ,Geotechnical Engineering ,particle degradation ,Discrete element method ,Geoteknik ,resilient modulus ,permanent deformation ,particle-scale behaviour ,verkningssätt på partikelnivå ,nedbrytning ,grusmaterial - Abstract
Unbound granular materials (UGM) are widely used as load-bearing layers and for embankment construction within transport infrastructures. These play a significant role on operation and maintenance of transportation systems. However, pavement and railway engineering still today rely heavily on empirical models based on macroscopic observations. This approach results in limited knowledge on the fundamentals at particle scale dictating the macroscopic response of the material. In this sense, the discrete element method (DEM) presents a numerical alternative to study the behaviour of discrete systems with explicit consideration of processes at particulate level. Additionally, it allows obtaining information at particulate level in a way that cannot be matched by traditional laboratory testing. All of this, in turn, can result in greater micromechanical insight.This thesis aims at contributing to the body of knowledge of the fundamentals of granular matter. UGM for transport infrastructures are studied by means of DEM in order to gain insight on their response under cyclic loading. Two main issues are considered: (1) soil fabric and its effect on the performance of coarse-fine mixtures and (2) modelling of high rockfill railway embankments. Among the main contributions of this research there is the establishing of a unified soil fabric classification system based exclusively on force transmission considerations that furthermore correlates with performance. In particular, fabrics characterized by a strong interaction between the coarse and fine fractions resulted in improved performance. A soil fabric type with a potential for instability was also identified. Regarding embankments, DEM modelling shows that traffic induced settlements accumulate on the top layers and therefore seem to be unaffected by embankment height above a certain value. A marked influence of degradation, even considering its nearly negligible magnitude, was observed, largely resulting in increased settlements. Grus i form av krossat bergmaterial används i stor utsträckning som obundna bär- och förstärkningslager inom transportinfrastrukturen och spelar där en viktig roll för drift och underhåll. Områden såsom väg- och järnvägsbyggnad bygger emellertid fortfarande väsentligen på empiriskt baserade modeller till stor del grundlagda på makroskopiska observationer. Denna metod resulterar i begränsad kunskap om de fundamentala mekanismerna på partikelnivå (d.v.s. enskilda gruskorn) som styr det makroskopiska verkningssättet. Mot denna bakgrund utgör den s.k. diskreta elementmetoden (DEM) ett numeriskt alternativ för att studera verkningssätt hos diskreta system där man explicit beaktar mekanismerna på partikelnivå. Dessutom gör DEM det möjligt att få information på partikelnivå på ett sätt som inte kan matchas med traditionella laboratorieförsök. Allt detta kan i sin tur resultera i större mikromekanisk insikt. Denna avhandling syftar till att bidra till kunskapen om grunderna för grusmaterialets verkningssätt. Obundna grusmaterial studeras med hjälp av DEM-modellering för att belysa verkningssätt under cyklisk belastning. Två huvudämnen beaktas: (1) skelettsstruktur och dess påverkan på verkningssättet för blandningar av fina och grova partiklar (2) DEMmodellering av höga järnvägsbankar. Bland de huvudsakliga forskningsbidragen är upprättande av ett enhetligt klassificeringssystem vad gäller skelettstruktur i grusmaterialet med enbart hänsynstagande till kraftöverföring som dessutom överensstämmer med grusmaterialets verkningssätt. I synnerhet observerades att skelettstrukturer som kännetecknas av en stark interaktion mellan grova och fina fraktioner resulterade i högre styvhet och mindre permanenta deformationer. Dessutom identifierades en typ av skelettstruktur med potential för instabilitet. Vad gäller järnvägsbankar visar DEM-modellering att trafikorsakade sättningar utvecklas främst på det översta lagret och därför inte påverkas av bankhöjden över ett visst värde. En väsentlig påverkan av nedbrytning, även med tanke på dess nästan försumbar storlek, observerades, vilket i hög grad resulterade i större sättningar. QC 20200518
- Published
- 2020
5. DEM model for high-speed railway embankments
- Author
de Frias Lopez, Ricardo, Olsson, Erik, Elaguine, Denis, Larsson, Stefan, de Frias Lopez, Ricardo, Olsson, Erik, Elaguine, Denis, and Larsson, Stefan
- Abstract
QC 20201019
- Published
- 2018
6. Granular Materials for Transport Infrastructures : Mechanical performance of coarse–fine mixtures for unbound layers through DEM analysis
- Author
de Frias Lopez, Ricardo
- Subjects
styvhet ,Infrastrukturteknik ,granular materials ,skelettstruktur ,soil fabric ,diskreta elementmetoden ,binära blandningar ,Geotechnical Engineering ,kraftöverföring ,Infrastructure Engineering ,gap-graded mixtures ,Geoteknik ,resilient modulus ,force distribution ,permanent deformation ,particle-scale behaviour ,verkningssätt på partikelnivå ,discrete element method ,grusmaterial - Abstract
Granular materials are widely used as unbound layers within the infrastructure system playing a significant role on performance and maintenance. However, fields like pavement and railway engineering still heavily rely on empirically-based models owing to the complex behaviour of these materials, which partly stems from their discrete nature. In this sense, the discrete element method (DEM) presents a numerical alternative to study the behaviour of discrete systems with explicit consideration of the processes at particulate level governing the macroscopic response. This thesis aims at providing micromechanical insight into the effect of different particle sizes on the load-bearing structure of granular materials and its influence on the resilient modulus and permanent deformation response, both of which are greatly influenced by the stress level. In order to accomplish this, binary mixtures of elastic spheres under axisymmetric stress are studied using DEM as the simplest expression for gap-graded materials, which in turn also can be seen as a simplification of more complex mixtures. First, the effect of the fines content on the force transmission at contact level was studied. Results were used to define a soil fabric classification system where the roles of the coarse and fine fractions were defined and quantified in terms of force transmission. A behavioural correspondence between numerical mixtures and granular materials was established, where the mixtures were able to reproduce some of the most significant features regarding the resilient modulus and permanent strain dependency on stress level for granular materials. A good correlation between soil fabric and performance was also found. Generally, higher resilient modulus and lower deformation values were observed for interactive fabrics, whereas the opposite held for instable fabrics. Mixtures of elastic spheres are far from granular materials, where numerous additional factors should be considered. Nevertheless, it is the author’s belief that this work provides insight into the soil fabric structure and its effect on the macroscopic response of granular materials. Grus i form av krossat bergmaterial används i stor utsträckning som obundna bär- och förstärkningslager inom tranportinfrastrukturen och spelar där en viktig roll för verkningsätt, drift och underhåll. Det finns emellertid begränsad kunskap om de fundamentala mekanismerna på partikelnivå (d.v.s. enskilda gruskorn), mekanismer som styr det makromekaniska verkningssättet. Områden såsom väg- och järnvägsbyggnad bygger fortfarande väsentligen på empiriskta baserade modeller p.g.a. dessa materials komplexa uppträdande under belastning. Denna komplexitet beror delvis på den diskreta naturen hos problemet vilket innebär att traditionell matematisk modellering som vore materialen homogena och kontinuerliga, blir inadekvat. Mot denna bakgrund utgör den s.k. diskreta elementmetoden (DEM) ett numeriskt alternativ för att studera verkningssätt hos diskreta system där man explicit beaktar mekanismerna på partikelnivå. Denna avhandling, som baseras på tre vetenskapliga bidrag, syftar till att ge mikromekaniska insikter vad gäller effekten av olika partikelstorlekar på bärförmågan hos grusmateral och dess inverkan på styvhet och motstånd mot permanenta deformationer. Båda dessa parametrar påverkas kraftigt av spänningsnivån och kan studeras genom triaxialförsök. För att undersöka detta studerades med hjälp av DEM binära blandningar av elastiska kulor – den enklaste modellen av grusmaterial med språng i fördelningskurvan – som utsattes för axialsymmetrisk belastning. Denna modell kan i sin tur ses som en förenkling av mer komplexa blandningar. Inledningsvis studerades effekten av finpartikelinnehållet på partikelkontakternas kraftöverföring. Resultaten användes för att klassificera olika typer av skelettstrukturer i grusmaterialet där den finare och den grövre fraktionens roller kvantifierades med utgångspunkt från kraftöverföringen i stället för från det makromekaniska verkningssättet. Resultaten visade en korrelation vad gäller verkningssättet mellan numeriska blandningar och grusmaterial, där de numeriska blandningarna kunde reproducera några av grusmaterials viktigaste kännetecken vad gäller spänningsberoendet för styvheten vid avlastning och motståndet mot permanent deformation. Vidare visades att styvheten kunde bestämmas ur första belastningscykeln vilket underlättar att övervinna de begränsningar avseende beräkningstid som annars förknippas med DEM. God överensstämmelse mellan grusmaterialets skelettstruktur och verkningssätt kunde också observeras. Generellt observerades högre styvhet och mindre permanenta deformationer för interaktiva skelettstrukturer medan det motsatta gällde för instabila strukturer. Numeriska blandningar av elastiska kulor är långt från verkliga grusmaterial, för vilka ett stort antal ytterligare faktorer måste beaktas. Icke desto mindre är det författarens övertygelse att detta arbete ger insikter i grusmaterialets skelettstruktur och dess effekter på det makromekaniska verkningssättet hos grusmaterial. QC 20161116
- Published
- 2016
7. Force transmission and soil fabric of binary granular mixtures
- Author
de Frias Lopez, Ricardo, Silfwerbrand, Johan, Jelagin, Denis, Birgisson, Björn, de Frias Lopez, Ricardo, Silfwerbrand, Johan, Jelagin, Denis, and Birgisson, Björn
- Abstract
The effect of fines content on force transmission and fabric development of gap-graded mixtures under triaxial compression has been studied using the discrete-element method. Results were used to define load-bearing soil fabrics where the relative contributions of coarse and fine components are explicitly quantified in terms of force transmission. Comparison with previous findings suggests that lower particle size ratios result in higher interaction between components. A potential for instability was detected for underfilled fabrics in agreement with recent findings. It was also found that the threshold fines content provides an accurate macroscopic estimation of the transition between underfilled and overfilled fabrics., QC 20160721
- Published
- 2016
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8. A Numerical Study on the Permanent Deformation of Gap-Graded Granular Mixtures
- Author
de Frias Lopez, Ricardo, Ekblad, Jonas, Silfwerbrand, Johan, de Frias Lopez, Ricardo, Ekblad, Jonas, and Silfwerbrand, Johan
- Abstract
Permanent deformation accumulation of unbound granular layers under traffic plays a critical role in the performance and need for maintenance of pavements and railway structures. In this paper, the discrete element method is used to study the permanent strain behaviour of binary mixtures of elastic spheres, as an idealization of gap-graded mixtures, under triaxial monotonic loading. The effects of stress level and soil fabric structure, based on a recently proposed classification system founded on micromechanical considerations, are assessed by subjecting mixtures with varying fines contents to different stress levels. Additionally, mixtures are loaded to static failure to study the dependency of the permanent strains on the closeness of the applied stress to failure stress, in accordance with existing empirical models. Numerical results are also compared with the experimentally determined behaviour of granular materials. The findings indicate that numerical mixtures are able to reproduce some of the most significant features observed in laboratory tests on granular materials, further encouraging the use of numerical simulations to enhance the understanding of granular media behaviour. Additionally, a good correlation between fabric structure and performance is obtained, giving additional support to the use of the studied fabric classification system for performance characterization., QC 20160419
- Published
- 2016
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9. A 3D finite beam element for the modelling of composite wind turbine wings
- Author
De Frias Lopez, Ricardo
- Subjects
Civil Engineering ,Samhällsbyggnadsteknik - Abstract
The main purpose of this thesis is to develop a 3D beam element in order to model wind turbine wings made of composite materials. The proposed element is partly based on the formulation of the classical beam element of constant cross-section without shear deformation (Euler-Bernoulli) and including Saint-Venant torsional effects for isotropic materials, similarly to the one presented in Batoz & Dhatt (1990, pp.147-190). The main novelty consists in the addition of the coupling between axial and bending with torsional effects that may arise when using composite materials. PreComp, a free access code developed by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) to provide structural properties for composite blades, is used to obtain the section properties for the beam element. Its performance is assessed, showing its inaccuracy especially when calculating torsional related constants when webs are present in the cross-section. Shell models of constant cross-section cantilever blades are developed to assess the performance of the beam elements, including or not coupling terms. Natural frequencies and displacements under static loads are compared for different study cases of increasing complexity. For fiber-reinforced materials, elements with coupling terms show good agreement with the shell model, especially for the dynamic problem. Elements without coupling terms are unable to capture the dynamic behavior, as these terms seem to have a higher effect on the results when compared to the static case (especially the FT term).
- Published
- 2013
10. Discrete element modelling of rockfill railway embankments
- Author
de Frias Lopez, Ricardo, Larsson, Stefan, Silfwerbrand, Johan, de Frias Lopez, Ricardo, Larsson, Stefan, and Silfwerbrand, Johan
- Abstract
Uncertainty on the development of settlements due to traffic loading exists within railway embankments, playing a potentially critical role in maintenance for slab-track configurations. A previously developed model for large constructions of unbound stone-based materials has been implemented for modelling rockfill embankments. Particles are represented by simple breakable tetrahedral clumps of spheres with four asperities each. Both corner breakage and particle splitting are allowed and differentiated depending on contact geometry. Embankments with heights ranging between 2 to 10 m are generated by successive dumping and compaction of layers of clumps on top of each other, mimicking the construction of real embankments. Cyclic loading of the embankments representing railway traffic, for both breakable and unbreakable assemblies, was carried out. No clear influence of embankment height on settlements was observed, as these accumulate on the top layers independently of the number of layers below. A clear effect of degradation was observed, largely resulting in increased settlements. Regarding the resilient response, a linear stiffening effect of embankment height was observed with a minor influence of breakage. Results at particle level were proven useful in explaining the observed behaviour. The key contribution is showing that it is possible to model high rockfill embankments under a large number of loading cycles and furthermore including degradation, something not attempted to date., QC 20200610
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