10 results on '"daily regime"'
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- Author
Bašková, Martina, Kopčáková, Jaroslava, and Baška, Tibor
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CHI-squared test ,OBESITY ,QUESTIONNAIRES ,RESEARCH funding ,STATISTICAL sampling ,BODY mass index ,CROSS-sectional method ,PHYSICAL activity ,DESCRIPTIVE statistics - Abstract
Aim: The article analyzes breakfast-skipping, excessive screen-based activities (two or more hours a day), and insufficient physical activity in relation to body mass index and family affluence in 13–15 year-old girls in Slovakia. Design: Crosssectional study. Methods: Health Behavior in School Aged Children (HBSC), an internationally standardized cross-sectional questionnaire study was conducted in 2014, in Slovakia. The representative sample consisted of 3,077 adolescent girls aged 13–15 years. Results: Overweight and obesity was found in 6.2%, and 4.0% of respondents, respectively. The majority (55.0%) of girls admitted skipping breakfast, and 83.6% reported excessive screen-based activities regardless of family affluence. Daily physical activities were two times more common in girls with normal weight compared with those who were obese (18.6% vs. 9.1%). Conclusion: Insufficient physical activity and excessive screen-based activities are common in adolescent girls, and are, therefore, crucial factors to focus on in the prevention of obesity, especially after pregnancy. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2017
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- Subjects
concentration ,тест Тулуз-Пьерона ,students ,daily regime ,Pearson linear correlation coefficient ,Toulouse-Pierre test ,студенты ,спортсмены ,Google Forms ,концентрация внимания ,социальные сети и мессенджеры ,athletes ,режим дня ,линейный коэффициент корреляции Пирсона ,social networks and messengers - Abstract
This article presents a study on the relationship of concentration and daily regimeamong students of the Ural State University of Physical Education in conditions of combinedphysical and mental loads. As an argument of relevance, studies of doctors, psychophysiologists, andeducators are given. The purpose of the research is to study the characteristics of concentration instudent athletes depending on the organization of the daily regimen. A psychophysiological studywas conducted in the 2018–2019 academic year. 99 students took part in the survey, the average agewas 19.19 ± 0.15 years, of different levels of sports qualification (masters of sports — 7, candidatesfor masters of sports — 19, 1 category — 15, 2 category — 13, 3 category — 6).The results of the proof test — the Toulouse-Pierre test were the basis for the distribution ofstudents. Five groups showed accuracy indicators for express methodology: 62.62 % showed highaccuracy, 22.22 % good, 10.11 % normal, 4.04 % low accuracy and 1.01 % pathology.For studing the influence of the day regimen on attention stability, we studied the time allottedto social networks and instant messengers and night sleep on weekdays, the analysis was carried outaccording to the results of a widespread survey using Google Forms. In the researching group, 27.28 %of student athletes spend more than six hours a day on social networks and messengers, 36.36 %of respondents indicated 4–5 hours, 2–3–34.34 %, and 2.02 % — less one hour. The linear Pearsoncorrelation coefficient was r = –0.023. 12.12 % of students noted that night sleep lasts 3–5 hours, 41.41 % on weekdays sleep 5–7 hours,44.45 % — 7–9 hours, 2.02 % of respondents indicated that they have a night sleep more than 9 hours,the linear Pearson correlation coefficient was r = 0.13.Students-athletes who showed low results in the accuracy of the Toulouse-Pierre test are includedin additional psychophysiological studies as part of student health monitoring conducted at theOlympic Sports Research Institute.The research will be continued in the aspect of studying the effect of immersion in the media onthe duration of night sleep, as well as the development of recommendations for correcting the regimeof the day, taking into account all the features of training at a university of physical education, В данной статье представлено исследование по изучению взаимосвязи кон-центрации внимания и режима дня у студентов Уральского государственного университетафизической культуры, в условиях сочетанных физических и умственных нагрузок. В качествеаргумента актуальности приведены исследования врачей, психофизиологов, педагогов. Цельисследования заключается в изучении особенностей концентрации внимания у студентов-спортсменов в зависимости организации режима дня. Психофизиологическое исследованиебыло проведено в 2018–2019 учебном году. В изыскании приняли участие 99 студентов, сред-ний возраст составил 19,19±0,15 года, разного уровня спортивной квалификации (мастеровспорта — 7, кандидатов в мастера спорта — 19, 1 разряд — 15, 2 разряд — 13, 3 разряд — 6).Результаты корректурной пробы — теста Тулуз-Пьерона явились основой для распреде-ления студентов. Показатели точности выполнения экспресс-методики выявили пять групп:у 62,62 % — высокая точность, у 22,22 % — хорошая, у 10,11 % выявлена норма, у 4,04 % — сла-бая точность и у 1,01 % — патология.Для изучения влияния режима дня на устойчивость внимания изучалось время, отведен-ное на социальные сети и мессенджеры и на ночной сон в будни, анализ осуществлялся по ре-зультату распространенного опроса при помощи Google Forms. В исследуемой группе 27,28 %студентов-спортсменов тратят более шести часов в день на социальные сети и мессенджеры,36,36 % респондентов указали 4–5 часов, 2–3 часа — 34,34 %, и 2,02 % — менее одного часа. Ли-нейный коэффициент корреляции Пирсона составил r= –0,023.12,12 % студентов отметили, что ночной сон длится 3–5 часов, 41,41 % в будни спят 5–7 ча-сов, 44,45 % — 7–9 часов, 2,02 % респондентов указали, что ночной сон у них более 9 часов, ли-нейный коэффициент корреляции Пирсона составил r=0,13.Студенты-спортсмены, показавшие низкие результаты по точности выполнения теста Ту-луз-Пьерона, включены в дополнительные психофизиологические исследования в рамках мо-ниторинга здоровья студентов, проводимого в НИИ Олимпийского спорта.Исследование будет продолжено в аспекте изучения влияния погруженности в медиапро-странство на продолжительность ночного сна, а также разработка рекомендаций по коррек-ции режима дня с учетом всех особенностей обучения в вузе физической культуры
- Published
- 2019
- Subjects
тест Тулуз-Пьерона ,athletes ,students ,students, athletes, daily regime, attention span, Toulouse-Pieron test ,attention span ,режим дня ,daily regime ,студенты ,устойчивость внимания ,Toulouse-Pieron test ,спортсмены ,Google Forms - Abstract
В данной статье представлено исследование по изучению взаимосвязи устойчивости внимания и режима дня у студентов вуза физической культуры, в условиях сочетанных физических и умственных нагрузок. В качестве аргумента актуальности приведены исследования психофизиологов и педагогов. Цель исследования: изучение влияния режима дня на устойчивость внимания у студентов. Результаты корректурной пробы – теста Тулуз-Пьерона явились основой для дифференцировки студентов. Для изучения влияния режима дня на устойчивость внимания изучалось время, отведенное на ночной сон и прогулку, а также количество тренировок, анализ осуществлялся по результату проведенного анкетирования при помощи Google Forms. Психофизиологическое исследование было проведено в 2018 – 2019 учебном году. В изыскании приняли участие 58 студентов, средний возраст составил 18,0±0,5 лет, разного уровня спортивного мастерства (мастеров спорта – 2, кандидатов в мастера спорта – 7, 1 разряд – 5, 2 разряд – 5, 3 разряд – 3) Уральского государственного университета физической культуры. Средние значения устойчивости внимания составили 1,08±0,09 усл.ед.. Анализ анкетных вопросов, позволил выявить группу риска по параметрам режима дня, а именно 68,97% студентов на ночной сон тратят меньше 7 часов в будни, и 31,03%. – в выходной. Прогулки у 17,24% в будни и 13,79% в выходной составляют 30 минут и менее. 55,17% и 37,94% тренируются один раз в день (в будни и выходной соответственно), 37,94% студентов, не тренируют. У данной группы средние значения устойчивости внимания составили 0,70±0,16 усл.ед. Они включены в дополнительные психофизиологические исследования в рамках мониторинга здоровья студентов, проводимого в НИИ Олимпийского спорта. Исследование будет продолжено в аспекте изучения влияния погруженности в медиапространство на свойства внимания студентов, расширение спектра психофизиологических методов, а также разработка и рекомендаций по коррекции режима дня с учетом всех особенностей обучения в вузе физической культуры, This article presents a study on the relationship between the stability of attention and the mode of the day for students of the university of physical culture, in conditions of combined physical and mental stress. As an argument of relevance, studies of psychophysiologists and educators are given. Objective: to study the effect of the daily routine on the sustainability of students' attention. The results of the proofreading test – the Toulouse-Pieron test were the basis for the differentiation of students. To study the effect of day regimen on attention span, we studied the time allotted for night sleep and walks, as well as the number of workouts, the analysis was carried out based on the result of a survey using Google Forms. A psychophysiological study was conducted in the 2018 – 2019 academic year. 58 students took part in the survey, the average age was 18.0 ± 0.5 years, different levels of sportsmanship (masters of sports – 2, candidates for the master of sports – 7, 1 category – 5, 2 categories – 5, 3 categories – 3 ) Ural State University of Physical Education. The average values of sustainability of attention were 1.08 ± 0.09 conditional units. Analysis of questionnaires made it possible to identify the risk group by the parameters of the day regimen, namely 68.97% of students spend at night for less than 7 hours on weekdays, and 31, 03%. – on a weekend. Walks at 17.24% on weekdays and 13.79% on weekends are 30 minutes or less. 55.17% and 37.94% train once a day (on weekdays and weekends, respectively), 37.94% of students do not train. In this group, the average values of attention span amounted to 0.70 ± 0.16 conditional units. They are included in additional psychophysiological studies within the framework of monitoring the health of students conducted at the Research Institute of Olympic Sport. The study will be continued in the aspect of studying the influence of immersion in the media space on the properties of students' attention, expanding the range of psychophysiological methods, as well as the development and recommendations for correcting the day regimen taking into account all the features of training in high school physical culture
- Published
- 2019
5. The Usage of Information Technology for Evaluation of Animal Welfare.
- Author
Smutný, Luboš, Smutná, Šárka, Kindlová, Jana, Šoch, Miloslav, Zábranský, Luboš, Šimková, Anna, Švejdová, Kateřina, and Čermák, Bohuslav
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RABBIT breeding , *INFORMATION technology , *ANIMAL welfare , *SCIENTIFIC knowledge , *RESOURCE management , *SOCIAL contact - Abstract
This study aimed to assess the welfare of farmed rabbits in two facilities using different housing situations: indoor and outdoor cages. The welfare parameters assessed were extrapolated from the actual scientific knowledge and based on the five freedoms. The calculated prevalence of several welfare problems recorded by direct animal assessment was higher in the rabbits kept in indoor cages than outdoors, including very thin body condition (5.1% indoors, 0% outdoors), pododermatitis (15.4% indoors, 7.5% outdoors), coughing/sneezing (21.8% indoors, 5.7% outdoors) and fear or aggression during the human arm contact test (33.3% and 7.7% indoors vs. 28.3% and 3.8% outdoors, respectively). Yet, some of the problems may be related to poor resource management on the farms, such as the absence of bedding (16.7% indoors, 0% outdoors) or dirty cage floor (80% indoors, 17% outdoors). One of the welfare problems recorded in both of the farms was the individual housing of all adult rabbits, without possibility for social contact. According to our results, the welfare of the rabbits housed in outdoor cages during the winter was better, as the prevalence of the welfare problems was lower in these than in the rabbits housed in indoor cages in the same season. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2013
- Subjects
режим дня ,состояние здоровья ,образ жизни ,daily regime ,physical activity ,физическая активность ,health ,the adaptation process ,рациональное питание ,Lifestyle ,процесс адаптации ,balanced diet - Abstract
В статье приведены результаты исследования состояния здоровья, образа жизни и особенностей физической активности студентов младших курсов медицинского института. Установлено, что увеличивается количество юношей и девушек с хроническими заболеваниями, с заболеваниями двух и более систем организма. Выявлено, что каждый третий обучающийся употребляет алкогольные напитки, каждый пятый – курит. В режиме дня студентов отмечаются существенные нарушения. Большая часть опрошенных молодых людей испытывает дефицит сна, не соблюдает режим питания. Среди основных причин этих нарушений указано влияние большого объема учебной нагрузки., The article presents the results of a study of health, lifestyle and features of physical activity of undergraduate students of medical institute. Increasing number of young people with chronic diseases and diseases of more then two systems of the body was found. It was revealed that every third student drinks alcohol, every fifth student smokes. In the mode of day of students there are significant violations. Most of them experienced sleep deficit and did not comply with the diet. Students pointed to a large amount of the teaching load as a cause of these violations.
- Published
- 2016
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7. Optimization of relaxation regime in nursery school
- Author
Kučerová, Lenka, Zvírotský, Michal, and Linková, Marie
- Subjects
rodina ,spánek ,odpočinkové činnosti ,family ,dítě předškolního věku ,relaxing activities ,režim dne ,daily regime ,nursery school ,mateřská škola ,učitel mateřské školy ,preschool age child ,kindergarten teacher ,sleep - Abstract
This thesis is focused on relaxation regime in the life of pre-school kids in their family and in nursery school. In theoretical part child's needs and rights, evolution of motivation, emotionally-moral evolution and socialization of children in the given age group are defined. In the next part aims and conditions of contemporary nursery school its daily regime, rhythm and rituals are described. This work also deals with the work of a teacher and his competences. The following part is dedicated to contemporary family, its educational styles and current relationship between school and family. In the final part of the theoretical part sleep and relaxation and its importance as well as sleep malfunctions are described. Practical part is aimed at relaxation regime in families of the children and in nursery school. Through questionnaires state of relaxation regime in families and in two classes of nursery school was established. After implementing organizational and material suggestions in two classes of nursery school impact of these innovations on happiness of children and view of teachers of these changes was evaluated after six months. The result of the survey shows what influence on quality of relaxation regime in nursery school organizational and material changes have and how are teachers capable...
- Published
- 2015
8. Pediatric patients with enuresis and their social integration
- Author
Fremutová, Martina, Eislerová, Iva, and Marková, Eva
- Subjects
rodina ,poruchy močení ,Children patient ,family ,Dětský pacient ,režimová opatření ,enuresis nocturna ,socioekonomický vliv prostředí ,motivace ,socioeconomical influence of the environment ,daily régime ,problems with bedwetting ,sebevědomí dítěte ,motivation ,childs' self-esteem - Abstract
This bachelor's thesis is dealing with enuresis and its history, pathogenesis, diagnosis and therapy of this entity. It is a theoreticaly-empirical thesis. The main aim of my thesis is to describe the psychological and social impacts (participating in freetime activities, overnight stay outside of home) of enuresis on enuretic children compared with the healthy population. The other question asked was, whether occurrence of enuresis is dependent on the socioeconomic status of the family and whether the enuretic children are more punished compared with healthy kids. For the empirical part of the thesis I chose the quantitative method of research, in the form of anonymous questionnaire. Sixty children (30 enuretic and 30 healthy, and their parents) who were treated at the outpatient and inpatient pediatric clinic in Prague participated in the study. The questionnaires were given out to four groups, enuretic children and a group of healthy children without enuretic symptoms, and parents of both groups respectively. The research did not confirm a lower self-esteem in enuretic children, which is in contrast with some of the literature cited. Our results have confirmed a tendency in lesser participation in social activities outside home compared with the heathy children (29% in enuretics vs. 55% in...
- Published
- 2014
9. Weekly Iron Folate Supplementation in Adolescent Girls – An Effective Nutritional Measure for the Management of Iron Deficiency Anaemia
- Author
Raghvendra Gumashta and Mohan Joshi
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IDA: Iron Deficiency Anaemia ,Pediatrics ,Urban Population ,daily regime ,DIFS: Daily Iron Folic Acid Supplementation ,ADR: Adverse Drug Reaction ,Severity of Illness Index ,law.invention ,Hemoglobins ,Randomized controlled trial ,law ,Poverty Areas ,Medicine ,education.field_of_study ,Anemia, Iron-Deficiency ,MRP: Maximum Retail Price ,Articles ,General Medicine ,Iron deficiency ,Treatment Outcome ,Vitamin B Complex ,Female ,Health education ,MMR: Maternal Mortality Rate ,medicine.drug ,medicine.medical_specialty ,SES: Socio Economic Status ,Adolescent ,Anemia ,weekly regime ,Iron ,Population ,India ,WIFS: Weekly Iron Folic Acid Supplementation ,compliance ,Drug Administration Schedule ,Albendazole ,Folic Acid ,Severity of illness ,iron folate ,IFA: Iron and Folic Acid/Iron Folate ,Humans ,education ,ASHA: Accredited Social Health Activist ,anaemia ,business.industry ,medicine.disease ,Abdominal Pain ,SE: Side Effects ,‘UHTC’: Urban Health and Training Centre ,Hb: Haemoglobin ,Dietary Supplements ,Patient Compliance ,business ,NIN: National Institute of Nutrition ,Adverse drug reaction - Abstract
Introduction: Nutritional anaemia in India is common morbidity seen in late adolescent and young female population. There are many conflicting opinions regarding dosage of iron folic acid supplementation for managing this simple nutritional deficiency disorder. Hence, this ‘Randomized Controlled Trial’ was undertaken in adolescent girls suffering from Iron Deficiency Anaemia visiting ‘Urban Health and Training Centre’ situated in urban slum area. The aim of this study was to assess the (a) Impact of weekly iron folic acid supplementation in comparison with daily iron supplementation for the management of Iron Deficiency Anaemia in adolescent girls visiting ‘Urban Health and Training Centre’; (b) Adverse drug reaction profile in ‘Weekly Iron Folic Acid Supplementation’ and ‘Daily Iron Folic Acid Supplementation’ regimes; (c) Compliance profile for ‘Weekly Iron Folic Acid Supplementation’ and ‘Daily Iron Folic Acid Supplementation’ regimes in adolescent girls. Methods and Material: Randomized controlled trial was conducted in adolescent girls visiting ‘Urban Health and Training Centre’ during the study period June, 2011 to October, 2012. The 120 anaemic (Haemoglobin < 12 gm%) adolescent girls (10-19 years) were distributed randomly by block randomization in two groups; one receiving daily Iron and Folic Acid supplementation and in other group receiving weekly Iron and Folic Acid supplementation for 3 months. All the study subjects were given de-worming (Albendazole 400 mg) and required health education separately. Both the groups were monitored for Haemoglobin estimation, compliance and adverse drug reactions, if any. Open-Epi Statistical Software was used for data analysis. Results: The mean age of study subjects in ‘Daily Iron and Folic Acid Supplementation’ and ‘Weekly Iron and Folic Acid Supplementation’ group was 13.48 and 13.55 years respectively. Their mean pre intervention Haemoglobin was 10.1±1.1 gm/dl and 10.4±1.1 gm/dl respectively. The mean rise in Haemoglobin after lean period of 1 month in respective groups was almost equal i.e. 1.0±0.7 gm/dl and 1.0±0.8 gm/dl. Adverse Drug Reactions were 8.3% in weekly regime as compared to 13.35% in daily regime, abdominal pain being the commonest adverse drug reaction seen. The compliance calculated as mean of unconsumed ‘Iron and Folic Acid’ tablets was 6.1±10.98 in ‘Daily Iron Folic Acid Supplementation’ group, while it was 1.3±3.15 in ‘Weekly Iron Folic Acid Supplementation’ group (p=0.0012), making weekly regime more promising than daily regime with better treatment compliance. Conclusions: Weekly supplementation of ‘Iron and Folic Acid’ in ‘Iron Deficiency Anaemia’ patients is as good as daily supplementation with added benefits of less adverse reactions and better compliance.
- Published
- 2013
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10. The daily regime of the preschool child after returning home from kindergarten, from the teachers' point of view
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dítě předškolního věku ,rituály ,extracurricular activities ,denní režim ,rituals ,daily regime ,volný čas ,leisure time ,mimoškolní aktivity ,preschool child - Abstract
The aim of this bachelor work is to map the daily regime of a child as soon as she leaves the nursery school from the teacher?s point of view. The work contains two parts: theoretical and practical. The theoretical part follows the specifications of preschool period and the children needs at this age. Then it deals with the daily regime and its main components and possible risks. It also touches the topic of different activities and education out of the nursery school. The practical part brings results of qualitative researches where I tried to find out any nursery school teachers? opinions the about the children?s daily regime and free time activities out of school. The research was made by interviews with 28 nursery school teachers. The outcome of the research is most children according to the teachers at least partly keep the daily regime. Teachers see the weaknesses in the field of active move which is very rare while watching TV is highly above the recommended limit.
- Published
- 2013
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