1. Simulacija prehoda iz delavniške v celično proizvodnjo
- Author
Kotnik, Benjamin and Kušar, Janez
- Subjects
information flow ,udc:658.5.018.2:005.52(043.2) ,delavniška proizvodnja ,cell production ,internal transport ,material flow ,simulation ,simulacija ,materialni tok ,celična proizvodnja ,workshop production ,informacijski tok ,notranji transport - Abstract
Vodstvo podjetja se je zaradi velikega porasta naročil odločilo za postopno razširitev proizvodnih kapacitet. V prvi fazi se bo zgradil nov objekt, ki je lokacijsko umeščen na mesto, kjer je bilo do sedaj medfazno skladišče, to pa se bo premestilo na skrajni konec podjetja. V ta namen smo v okviru magistrskega dela popisali obstoječe stanje s pomočjo simulacijskega modela in ga primerjali s stanjem po premestitvi. Ugotovili smo, da premestitev podaljša transportno pot in ne vpliva na produktivnost proizvodnje. Model obstoječe proizvodnje smo preoblikovali iz delavniške v celično razmestitev in na osnovi simulacijskih rezultatov izračunali ekonomsko upravičenost. Due to the large increase in orders, the company's management decided to gradually expand production capacity. In the first phase, a new facility will be built, which is located in the place where the interphase warehouse was until now, and it will be moved to the far end of the company. For this purpose, as part of the master's thesis, we described the existing situation with the help of a simulation model and compared it with the situation after relocation. We found out that the relocation lengthens of the transportation route does not affect the production productivity. We converted the existing production model from a workshop to a cell deployment and calculated the economic justification based on the simulation results.
- Published
- 2022