1. Čisto srce kao uvjet gledanja Boga (Mt 5, 8)
- Author
Glasnović, Nikolina, Krasicki, Arkadiusz, and Ražov, Elvis
- Subjects
pure heart ,beatitudes ,svetost ,the holiness ,blaženstva ,Kraljevstvo Božje ,HUMANISTIČKE ZNANOSTI. Teologija. Biblijska teologija ,HUMANISTIC SCIENCES. Theology. Biblical Theology ,Kingdom of God ,čisto srce - Abstract
U ovom diplomskom radu istraživali smo blaženstvo „čistih srcem“ u Matejevom evanđelju. Cilj je bio pokazati zašto je baš čistoća srca jedan od Isusovih zahtjeva koji traži od svojih učenika kako bi postigli Kraljevstvo Božje, koristeći metodu sinteze i dedukciju. Rad je podijeljen na tri poglavlja. Kroz sva tri poglavlja se stupnjevito nastoji dati jedan teološki prikaz važnosti te samog značenja blaženstva „čistih srcem“. Matej je svoje Evanđelje napisao za svoju zajednicu, obraćene Židove na kršćanstvo, koja je prihvatila Isusa Krista kao Mesiju, a u kojemu se ostvarilo ispunjenje Božje volje. Krist je ispunio Mojsijev zakon i tako donio ljudima novi zakon ljubavi prema kojemu trebaju djelovati kako bi postigli Kraljevstvo Božje, a za koje je potrebno imati čisto srce. Naime, Matej ne želi da njegova zajednica samo izvanjski obdržava Zakon, već traži od njih da ga vrše, upućujući ih tako na njihovu nutrinu. Zato stavlja naglasak na čistoći srca, koju nam donosi u blaženstvima s kojima započinje Govor na gori, kao novom stavu prema Zakonu. Ukoliko je srce pokvareno, utoliko su pokvareni i njegovi odnosi prema Bogu, drugima i samome sebi. Isus Krist donosi blaženstva kao čestitku za ostvarenje Kraljevstva Božjega. On nam je svojim životom pokazao primjer potpune čistoće srca i zato nasljedujući ga u svakodnevnom životu, poput njega ćemo moći gledati Boga kako nam je i obećao već ovdje na zemlji do trenutka kada ćemo ga vidjeti onakva kakva jest. Sveci poput Augustina, Franje Asiškoga, Majke Terezije i Ivana Pavla II. svjedoci su važnosti blaženstva „čistih srcem“ koji su svojim primjerom života dokazali ostvarenje tog blaženstva. In this graduate thesis, we explored the beatitude of the "pure in heart" in Matthew's Gospel. The goal was to show why purity of heart is one of Jesus' demands on his disciples to attain the Kingdom of God, using the method of synthesis and deduction. The thesis is divided into three chapters. Throughout all three chapters, an attempt is made to give a theological representation of the importance and very meaning of the beatitude of the "pure in heart". Matthew wrote his Gospel for his community, the converted Jews to Christianity, who accepted Jesus Christ as the Messiah, and in whom the fulfillment of God's will was accomplished. Christ fulfilled the law of Moses and thus brought to men a new law of love according to which they must act in order to attain the Kingdom of God, for which it is necessary to have a pure heart. Namely, Matthew does not want his community to only externally observe the Law, but asks them to carry it out, thus directing them to their interior. That is why he emphasizes the purity of heart, which he brings to us in the beatitudes with which the Sermon on the Mount begins, as a new attitude towards the Law. If the heart is corrupt, so are its relationships with God, others, and itself corrupt. Jesus Christ brings the beatitudes as a congratulation for the realization of the Kingdom of God. He showed us with his life an example of complete purity of heart and therefore by following him in everyday life, like him we will be able to see God as he promised us already here on earth by the time we see him as he is. Saints such as Augustine, Francis of Assisi, Mother Teresa, and John Paul II. they are witnesses to the importance of the beatitude of the "pure in heart" who, by their example of life, have proved the realization of that beatitude.
- Published
- 2021