224 results on '"bjelovar"'
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- Author
Bojan Dimitrijević
- Subjects
yugoslav people’s army ,croatia ,bjelovar ,1991 ,265. mechanized brigade ,32. corps of yugoslav people’s army ,colonel rajko kovačević ,major milan tepić ,“bedenik” ,History of Eastern Europe ,DJK1-77 - Abstract
The article provides the overview of events on 29th September 1991 when the Croatian forces captured the Yugoslav People’s Army (JNA) garrison in city of Bjelovar in Western Slavonia. The garrison was manned by the members of the 265th Mechanized Brigade and few miscellaneous units. In the large-scale operation launched by Croatian forces, most of the JNA units belonging to the 32nd Corps with HQ in Varaždin, were captured between 15 and 22 September. The garrison in Bjelovar remained as the last one, surrounded by the Croatian forces in the same period. In the morning of 29th September the JNA units at several locations in Bjelovar were attacked. Three minor objects were easily captured. On the contrary at large ammunition storage at “Bedenik”, JNA units resisted until it was prevailed by the Croatian forces. When they entered the storage, Captain Tepić activated explosive producing huge explosion and damage to the wider area, killing himself and several of the Croatian troops. After the whole day of fighting around the barracks in Bjelovar, and after the continuing of the resistance was impossible, the commander of brigade Colonel Kovačević decided to surrender its troops to the Croatian forces. They already managed to enter into the parts of the compound. After the surrender, Croatian forces executed Kovačević and two of his aides, and six reserve members of the unit few days later. Around 60 officers, NCOs and over 330 conscripts were captured and held in captivity until mid-November. Captured quantities of tanks, armoured fighting vehicles, artillery pieces and other smaller armament and equipment was immediately used to improve the inventory of the Croatian forces at the other frontlines against the JNA forces.
- Published
- 2023
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3. Dr. Emilija Holik (1906. - 1942.) -- tragična sudbina jedne bjelovarske liječnice.
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CONCENTRATION camps , *WAR , *EDUCATIONAL sociology , *ARCHIVAL materials , *WOMEN'S education , *WORLD War II , *ANTI-fascist movements - Abstract
Based on original archival material, newspaper texts and relevant literature, the authors investigate the life path of Dr. Emilija Holik, a doctor from Bjelovar who in the second half of the 1930s became a communist (during her studies in Zagreb) and as such worked for the Partisans movement during the Second World War. Dr. Holik studied at the Faculty of Medicine in Zagreb and got her first job in Bjelovar at the Banovina Hospital of that time. In Bjelovar, she was involved in communist activities before the war, especially through the "Society for Education of Women" of which she was the president. With the collapse of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia in the April War of 1941 and the founding of the NDH (Independent State of Croatia), Dr. Holik, as a communist, interfered with the new Ustasha authorities and soon ended up in the Danica concentration camp near Koprivnica. After she was released from it, in September 1941, at the intervention of her father and other prominent people from Bjelovar, Dr. Holik returned to her workplace. Despite having lived through difficult days in the camp, she returns to her communist ideas and continues to support the Partisan movement by founding the Committee for Red Aid, together with other staff of the Bjelovar hospital, especially Dr. Svetozar Begić, who collects money and material resources for the Partisans. In addition, Dr. Holik and his colleagues in the Bjelovar hospital provide treatment for wounded Partisans under false names, and also help in hiding in the hospital premises together with other doctors who were persecuted by the Ustasha regime - Jews, Serbs, anti-fascist Croats and others. Her activities were discovered in September 1942, and she was arrested and shot in Vojnović, Bjelovar, on October 13 of the same year. Her name was well known in Bjelovar because the main medical centre there was named after her from the 1960s to 1994. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2022
4. Bjelovarska pobuna u Aprilskom ratu 1941. godine
- Author
Marko Miletić
- Subjects
bjelovar ,pobuna ,kraljevina jugoslavija ,aprilski rat ,nezavisna država hrvatska ,slavonska divizija ,History of Eastern Europe ,DJK1-77 - Abstract
U članku se na osnovu neobjavljene arhivske građe iz Vojnog arhiva u Beogradu, objavljenih izvora koji se čuvaju u hrvatskim arhivima, relevantne memoarske i istoriografske literature, prikazuje atmosfera u društvu Kraljevine Jugoslavije, s naglaskom na Bjelovar. Posebna pažnja je posvećena analizi izvođenja mobilizacije jedinica Slavonske divizije i rekonstrukciji toka pobune njenih pešadijskih pukova u vreme Aprilskog rata 1941. godine.
- Published
- 2020
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5. Rimsko ruralno naselje Lug kod Bjelovara.
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ARCHAEOLOGICAL excavations , *CITIES & towns , *ARCHAEOLOGICAL finds , *ROMANS - Abstract
Numerous accidental finds in the vicinity of the town of Bjelovar, and also in the area of the town itself, indicated the existence of Roman archaeological sites. The confirmation for this arrived in the form of rescue archaeological research during the construction of the eastern bypass road around the city of Bjelovar in 2017, when the site was discovered at the position called Lug. It was ascertained that this is a larger roman rural settlement, which according to the findings, dates between the 1st and 4th century AD. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2021
6. Squaring Accounts with the Enemies of the People
- Author
Horvatić, Jan and Goldstein, Ivo
- Subjects
ustaše ,Vojni sud ,Komisija za utvrđivanje ratnih zločina okupatora i njegovih pomagača ,Bjelovar ,ratni zločini ,HUMANISTIČKE ZNANOSTI. Povijest. Hrvatska i svjetska moderna i suvremena povijest ,Obračun s narodnim neprijateljem ,presude ,Okružni sud ,HUMANISTIC SCIENCES. History. Croatian and World Modern and Contemporary History - Abstract
U godinama prije izbijanja Drugog svjetskog rata ustaše su u Bjelovaru započeli sa svojim djelovanjem. Pod njihovim vodstvom i propagandom pokrenut je Bjelovarski ustanak koji je, iako usamljen događaj, dobio na važnosti u ustaškoj mitologiji. Nakon uspostave vlasti, NDH je odmah pokrenula teror nad stanovništvom započevši s masakrom u Gudovcu. Kroz slijedeće godine do kraja rata provodili su najgore vrste zločina nad Srbima, Židovima, Romima te svim Hrvatima koji su im pružali otpor, a posebice komunistima. U takvom zločinačkom djelovanju imali su punu potporu njemačkih okupacijskih snaga. Kraj vladavine NDH ostavio je za sobom ljudska stradanja na do tada nezamislivoj razini. Zbog takve ogromne količine počinjenih ratnih zločina, Narodnooslobodilački pokret je već tijekom rata morao razmatrati na koji način se obračunati s „narodnim neprijateljima“. Zajedno sa Saveznicima, Jugoslavija je imala potrebu i obvezu da procesuira ratne zločince. Oslobođenjem bjelovarskog kraja od NDH obračun se ponekad događao i van bilo kakvih sudskih procesa. Unutar zakonodavnih okvira suđenja su provodili Vojni sud i Okružni sud. Kako bi se nad zločincima provela pravda, a ne osveta, nova vlast je sustavno unaprjeđivala zakonodavni sustav. Donošeni su novi zakonski okviri s jasnim propisima i demokratskim načelima suđenja. Osnovane su Komisije koje su trebale prikupiti dokaze o počinjenim zločinima i njihovim naredbodavcima. Na bjelovarskom području Vojni i Okružni sud su imali stotine slučajeva ratnih zločinaca. U kaosu rata, Vojni sud je imao najviše slučajeva no kazne koje je izdavao su bile relativno blage te su pomilovanja bila česta, unatoč nedostatcima samog postupka. Na suđenjima Okružnog suda su se pak provodili temeljiti postupci koji su bili pravedniji i u skladu sa svim propisanim normama. Kako bi se rad oba suda mogao detaljnije promotriti u zadnja dva poglavlja je predočeno 20 specifičnih slučajeva. Na njima je vidljivo na koji način su podizane optužnice i donošene presude, kakve su bile obrane optuženika, dodijeljene kazne i konačno presude Vrhovnog suda ukoliko je slučaj to zahtijevao. In the years before World War II the Ustaše had already begun with their activities in Bjelovar. Under their leadership and propaganda, the Bjelovar Revolt started which, although a lone event, would gain significance in the Ustaše mythology. Immediately after gaining power the NDH started a campaign of terror on the local populace, beginning with the massacre at Gudovac. In the following years and up until the end of the war, the Ustaše committed the worst atrocities against Serbs, Jews, Roma peoples and all Croats who resisted them, especially the communists. In their criminal behavior they had the full support of the German occupying forces. When the reign of NDH ended, it left behind the destruction of human life on an unprecedented scale. Because of the enormous amount of war crimes they committed, the People’s Liberation Movement had no other choice but to start planning for the eventual “squaring of accounts” with the “enemies of the people”. Along with other Allies, Jugoslavija had both a need and an obligation to process war criminals. When the Bjelovar area was freed, the confrontation of these criminals sometimes happened outside any lawful procedures. Meanwhile, the Millitary court and the local County court held processes inside sets of newly formed laws. To make sure that these war criminals would receive justice, and not simple revenge, the new government constantly kept improving legislation. New laws with clear procedures and democratic principles were passed. Commissions were being set up with the goal to gather evidence of war crimes and those who committed them. In the Bjelovar area, both the Millitary and County courts had hundreds of cases. In the wartime chaos, the Military court had the most cases, but their verdicts were relatively mild and pardons were frequent despite the fact that the proceedings had their shortcomings. The County court had much more detailed proceedings and was far more just and in accordance with regulations. For the purpose of a more detailed look into the very proceedings at these two courts, the last two chapters present 20 cases. By examining them it can be clearly seen in which way were indictments raised, verdicts delivered, what the accused presented in their defense, what kind of punishments were assigned and finally, the verdicts of the Supreme court if the case called for one.
- Published
- 2023
7. Obilježja gradova Vojne krajine u 18. stoljeću
- Author
Vidović, Iva
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Vojna krajina ,18. stoljeće ,prostorni razvoj ,Kostajnica ,Glina ,Petrinja ,Bjelovar - Abstract
U izlaganju se donosi pregled obilježja prostornog razvoja gradova hrvatskog povijesnog prostora koji su u 18. stoljeću bili dio vojnokrajiškog uređenja.
- Published
- 2023
8. Inmates of the prison camp in Velika Pisanica treated in the hospital of Bjelovar (1945—1946)
- Author
Dubravko Habek
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prison camp ,velika pisanica ,bjelovar ,hospital ,morbidity ,death ,Social Sciences ,History (General) ,D1-2009 - Abstract
On the basis of unexplored archive data the paper gave information on the ill and deceased inmates of the Prison Camp in Velika Pisanica, a place in the vicinity of Bjelovar. The research found 84 ill or wounded inmates both male and female and children who were sent for treatment to the District hospital of Bjelovar and were there during summer of 1945. Treatments had different outcomes, e. g. full cure, improved condition, uncured condition or death. On the basis of living conditions in the camps morbidity is connected to diseases such as infectious diseases (typhoid, dysentery, tuberculosis, diphtheria), venereal diseases (endometriosis, syphilis), inflammatory diseases (abscesses, phlegmon), abortions with death because of sepsis and premature births, typical for camp conditions. According to the data we got four camp inmates died in the mentioned period. Three of them were women who died of infections and sepsis and one man who died of heart disease and inanition. Since the accurate number of camp inmates, ill, gone and deceased in the Prison camp of Velika Pisanica during and after the Second World War has not been researched and defined yet this paper is a contribution for further research in defining the living conditions, morbidity and death of the imprisoned in the Prison Camp in Velika Pisanica.
- Published
- 2015
9. Sociodemografski faktori prilagodbe na umirovljenje kod starijih osoba u Bjelovaru
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Želimir Bertić, Mirjana Telebuh, and Gordana Grozdek Čovčić
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Atchley's model ,Bjelovar ,adjustment ,sociodemographic factors ,elderly persons ,retirement ,Multidisciplinary ,History and Philosophy of Science ,Atchleyev model ,prilagodba ,sociodemografski faktori ,starije osobe ,umirovljenje ,Social Sciences (miscellaneous) - Abstract
Zbog sve većeg i kontinuiranog povećanja starijeg stanovništva, povećava se i broj umirovljenika. Proces prilagodbe na umirovljenje zahtijeva planiranje, a to može potrajati nekoliko godina i uključivati određene faze kroz koje će pojedi nac proći. Ovim istraživanjem želimo pomoći boljem razumijevanju načina na koji odlazak u mirovinu percipiraju starije osobe prema sociodemografskim karakteristikama te pokušati prepoznati neke čimbenike koji su povezani s uspješnom ili neuspješnom prilagodbom na umirovljenje. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 186 osoba oba spola s područja Bjelovara starijih od 65 godina koje žive u vlastitom kućanstvu i institucijama. Konstruiran je upitnik s općim podacima te je korišten Upitnik MIR za utvrđivanje razlika u prilagodbi na umirovljenje prema Atchleyevu modelu (2004.). Dobiveni rezultati ukazuju na to da najbolju prilagodbu na umirovljenje iskazuju ispitanici prema sljedećim sociodemografskim karakteristikama: 1) prema bračnom statusu, ispitanici koji su u bračnoj ili izvanbračnoj zajednici, 2) prema načinu stanovanja, ispitanici koji žive sa supružnikom ili partnerom i oni koji žive s obitelji i ostalim članovima, 3) prema mjestu stanovanja, oni koji žive u vlastitom kućanstvu., Continuous increase in senior population is logically accompanied by an increase in the number of retired persons. The retirement adjustment process includes planning and adaptation, which may last up to several years and encompass certain phases an individual ought to pass through. This research aims at achieving a better understanding of the manner in which elderly persons perceive retirement according to sociodemographic characteristics, and at recognising certain factors that are linked with either successful or unsuccessful retirement adjustment. The research involved 186 persons of both sexes, over 65 years of age, from the Bjelovar area, living in their own household or in institutions. A general information questionnaire was drafted, and the MIR Questionnaire for defining differences in the adjustment to retirement according to Atchley's model (2004) was used. The best adjustment to retirement have shown respondents with the following sociodemographic characteristics: 1) according to marital status, persons either married or in civil partnership; 2) according to living arrangements, persons living with their spouse or partner, and those living with their family and other family members; 3) according to place of stay, persons living in their own household.
- Published
- 2021
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10. The State Archives in Bjelovar : from its foundation to present day
- Author
Zadro, Petar, Stančić, Hrvoje, and Ivanović, Jozo
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arhiv ,Bjelovar ,povijesni razvoj ,archival materials ,archive ,SOCIAL SCIENCES. Information and Communication Sciences. Archives and Documentation Studies ,DRUŠTVENE ZNANOSTI. Informacijske i komunikacijske znanosti. Arhivistika i dokumentalistika ,ustroj ,arhivsko gradivo ,structure ,historical development - Abstract
Ovaj rad proučava povijest i razvoj Državnog arhiva u Bjelovaru koji počinje s radom 1961. godine pod nazivom Historijski arhiv u Bjelovaru. Odluku o njegovom osnivanju donosi Narodni odbor kotara Bjelovar u lipnju 1961. godine nakon usuglašavanja s Narodnim odborima kotareva Križevci i Daruvar. Prva odluka o teritorijalnoj nadležnosti arhiva donesena je 1963. godine. Zbog promjena društveno-političkog sustava početkom 1990-ih, Arhiv mijenja naziv u Povijesni arhiv u Bjelovaru. Donošenjem novog zakona 1997. godine Arhiv dobiva naziv Državni arhiv u Bjelovaru koji je zadržao do danas. Arhiv je 2000. godine započeo projekt izgradnje novog arhivskog spremišta. Izgradnja je započela 2002. godine, a dovršena je 2004. godine. Do zadnje promjene nadležnosti Arhiva dolazi 2008. godine osnivanjem novih arhiva u Križevcima i Virovitici. U posebnom poglavlju se nalazi cjelovit prikaz organizacije i raspodjele rada Državnog arhiva u Bjelovaru, a posebno su naglašeni rad i zadaće Odjela za sređivanje i opis arhivskog gradiva, te Službe za zaštitu arhivskog i dokumentarnog gradiva izvan arhiva. U ovom radu je također obrađena i akvizicijska politika arhiva prema kojoj Arhiv po službenoj dužnosti preuzima arhivsko i dokumentarno gradivo nastalo radom državnih tijela, ustanova, javnih poduzeća i drugih javnih službi čija se djelatnost obavlja na području nadležnosti Državnog arhiva u Bjelovaru. U završnom dijelu rada su opisane usluge koje arhiv pruža korisnicima i zajednici. This thesis explores the history and development of the State Archives in Bjelovar which begins its work in 1961. under the name Historical (hrv. Historijski) Archives in Bjelovar. The National District Committee of Bjelovar, after an agreement with the National District Committees of Križevci and Daruvar, has made a decision to establish the Archive in June 1961. The first decision on the territorial jurisdiction of the Archive was made in 1963. Due to changes in the socio-political system in the early 1990s, the Archives changed its name to the Historical (hrv. Povijesni) Archives in Bjelovar. By adopting the new law in 1997, the Archive changed its name to the State Archives in Bjelovar, which it has retained to this day. In the year 2000, the Archive initiated the project of building a new archive repository. Construction began in 2002 and finished in 2004. The last jurisdictional change occurred in 2008 with the establishment of new archives in Križevci and Virovitica. A complete chapter provides a focused view of the organization and distribution of work of the State Archives in Bjelovar, with particular emphasis on the work and tasks of the Department of arrangement and description of archival materials, as well as the Service for protection of archival and registry materials outside the archives. This thesis also discusses the acquisition policy of the archives, according to which the Archive takes over ex officio archival and registry materials created by the work of state bodies, institutions, public companies and other public services whose activities are carried out within the jurisdiction of the State Archives in Bjelovar. The final section describes the services that the Archive provides to its users and the community.
- Published
- 2022
11. 'Tjednik bjelovarsko-križevački' (weekly journal): the importance of periodicals for the research in local history
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Zorka Renić and Tatjana Kreštan
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Tjednik bjelovarsko-križevački ,Bjelovar ,Bjelovar-Bilogora District ,periodicals ,Auxiliary sciences of history ,Bibliography. Library science. Information resources - Abstract
The history of printing and book publication in Bjelovar-Bilogorje District has not been sufficiently studied and evaluated. The few published papers on this topic represent only a scant review of the matter and provide no explanation as to the role of the periodicals, in particular journals and newspapers, in the overall development of the town of Bjelovar and the District. It strikes one as particularly odd how little writing has been devoted to the first Bjelovar weekly newspaper, Tjednik bjelovarsko-križevački. Our paper is an overview of the facts on the beginning of its publication, the makeup of the editorial board and the editors in chief, the contents, genres, columns, circulation, distribution, popularisation and layout. The range of topics covered, the overall atmosphere and the wide scope of the social life covered by the newspaper shed light on its influence on the development of literacy and the culture of reading, and on its role in the cultural, educational and political life of the town and the region in the late 19th and early 20th century. A special reason for writing this text resides in the fact that in the absence of other source material Tjednik bjelovarsko-križevački is an important tool in the study of the local history. The chief study sources were the complete annual editions of Tjednik stored in the National University Library. Bibliographic sources and material were consulted regarding the development of printing and the publication of periodicals. The theoretical starting points were found in the works of Josip Horvat, Božidar Novak, Srećko Lipovčan, Ivanka Kuić, Ivo Perić, Vjekoslav Maštrović and others. The paper utilises the historic and comparative methods, and the methods of compilation, description, analysis and synthesis. The first regionally distributed weeklies were commonly published by local printers with businesses set up in the district centres. An enormous breakthrough in the development of publishing and printing in Bjelovar was made by Adolf Kolesar whose printing outfit opened in 1885. Soon after the outfit opened for business, he started publishing the first newspaper bearing the title Tjednik bjelovarsko-križevački: newspaper for education, economy, social and public life. The first issue came out 1 November 1890, marking the beginning of the development of periodicals in Bjelovar and the District. Adolf Kolesar furnished the technical base for the onset of newspaper publishing in Bjelovar, but the major creators of the content of Tjednik were the long-standing members of the editorial board and reputed columnists, Professor Gustav Fleischer, and solicitor and politician Milan Rojc. Literature, so far published on this matter, stresses that Tjednik ranked among the best regional papers of its time. The paper started out by publishing only the news, curios, items of educational and didactic content, reviews, short stories, sports news and advertisements. Its ambition was to cover matters of interest and reach the readers of the entire Bjelovar-Križevci District, but it had no particular political ambitions. In 1907 the owner and the editorial board changed and the paper became a political bulletin for the Croatian-Serbian coalition, with greater emphasis on the state, political, communal, social and economic matters, important in the life of the District. The last issue came out 30 August 1919, after which date the name was changed to Demokratski glas and the publication became the bulletin for the Yugoslav Democratic Party. In 1924 the paper resumed the old name, Tjednik, but survived only a short time. The research for this paper was greatly impeded by a scantiness of sources, as there are only very few copies of Tjednik preserved in the State Archives and the Bjelovar Town Museum, whereas the Petar Preradović Library in Bjelovar does not own a single copy. Furthermore, there was the matter of reliability of the information found in literature, as it is sometimes incomplete or only partially accurate. The article aims to shed some light on the social and political role of Tjednik and on its information and communication aspects. The study of the contents of Tjednik provided in this article hopes to facilitate further research in the history of the town and the District. Keywords:Tjednik bjelovarsko-križevački; Bjelovar; Bjelovar-Bilogora District; periodicals
- Published
- 2009
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12. Maria Theresa and Health Reforms in Bjelovar
- Author
Dubravko Habek
- Subjects
Multidisciplinary ,History and Philosophy of Science ,Bjelovar ,Maria Theresa ,history of medicine ,Varaždin Generalate ,health reforms ,Maria Theresia ,povijest medicine ,Varaždinski generalat ,zdravstvene reforme ,Social Sciences (miscellaneous) - Abstract
Marijaterezijanska politika zdravstvenih reformi i pozitivne demografije diljem dunavske monarhije, pa tako i u Bjelovaru, koji je carica Maria Theresia dala izgraditi u središtu Varaždinskoga generalata 1756. godine, sačinjavala je ozakonjenje školovanja zdravstvenih profesija, osnivanje bolnica i ksenodohija putem javnozdravstvenih i brojnih komunitetskih propisa, koji su bili ključni temelj kasnijih zdravstvenih zakona i propisa. U Bjelovaru do osnivanja grada nije postojala organizirana i profesionalna zdravstvena skrb, no od početka osnivanja grada provodila se zakonska zdravstvena regulativa u svim sastavnicama: osnovana je prva bolnica u gradu koja u kontinuitetu djeluje do danas; osnovane su satnijske sanitetske stanice s kirurzima i satnijskm primaljama diljem Generalata; osnovane su prve ljekarne; osnovani su ksenodohiji (lazareti) izvan grada kao svojevrsne karantene; u gradu i okolici službovali su brojni školovani zdravstveni djelatnici reguliranih profesija: liječnici (doktori medicine), viši i niži kirurzi, ljekarnici, primalje, liječnički pomoćnici i bolničari. Geografski položaj Varaždinskoga generalata i Bjelovara, daleko od aktivnih ratišta i habsburško-osmanske granice, osiguravao je uz implementaciju javnozdravstvenih uredbi ipak mirnije javno zdravlje i razvoj zdravstvene skrbi i medicine na koje se moglo utjecati centraliziranim pristupom s bečkoga dvora druge polovice 18. stoljeća., The subject matter is Maria Theresa's policy oriented towards health reforms and positive demography across the Danube Monarchy, which included Bjelovar, a city that Empress Maria Theresa had built in the very centre of the Varaždin Generalate in 1756. This policy consisted of the legalization of medical experts’ education, and the establishment of hospitals and xenodochia based on legal acts covering public health issues, and numerous community regulations. These documents were the key fundament of the later legal health regulations. Before the founding of the city of Bjelovar, there existed no organized or professional healthcare. However, after the founding of the city, legal health regulations were implemented in all components. The first hospital in the city, which still operates today, was established; company sanitary stations with surgeons and company midwives were formed across the Generalate; the first pharmacies were opened; xenodochia (lazarettos) were established in the outskirts of the city as quarantines of a kind; many educated health workers of regulated professions were active in the city and its surroundings: medical doctors (doctors of medicine), junior and senior surgeons, pharmacists, midwives, medical assistants, and nurses. The geographical position of the Varaždin Generalate and Bjelovar, far from active battlefields and the Habsburg-Ottoman border, ensured – thanks to the implementation of regulations covering public health issues – safer public health and the development of healthcare and medicine. The centralized approach of the Viennese court in the second half of the 18th century exercised influence in this respect.
- Published
- 2022
13. The Establishment and Function of the Cordon Sanitaire
- Author
Ostojčić, Nikola
- Subjects
Bjelovar ,Maria Theresa ,18th century ,Cordon Sanitaire ,Military Border ,Marija Terezija ,18. stoljeće ,Sanitarni kordon ,Vojna krajina - Abstract
Vladavine Marije Terezije obilježena je brojnim reformama i iskoracima koji će se osjetiti u narednim stoljećima. Kao i Bjelovar, Sanitarni kordon će nakon njezina dolaska na vlast 1740. biti jasnije formiran mnogim reformama od koje se najviše ističe ona iz Općeg zdravstvenog pravilnika 1770. godine. Bjelovar je nastao kao jedan od odgovora na reorganizaciju Vojne krajine, a početak osnivanja Sanitarnoga kordona vezan je uza sve češće pojave kuge na habsburškome prostoru koje je trebao spriječiti. Za razliku od Bjelovara, Sanitarni kordon će prestati postojati razvojačenjem Vojne krajine, no njegovo postojanje i razvoj je, kao i ono Bjelovara, bilo jedno do simbola reorganizacije Vojne krajine i cijeloga 18. stoljeća., Numerous reforms and breakthroughs, which were truly felt in the coming centuries, marked Maria Theresa's rule. The Cordon Sanitaire, same as Bjelovar, became – thanks to numerous reforms – better organized after her coming to the throne in 1740. The basis for the most prominent among these reforms was the 1770 General Healthcare Book of Rules (Opći zdravstveni pravilnik). Bjelovar was founded as one of the responses to the reorganization of the Military Border, whereas the Cordon Sanitaire was initially established as response to repeated occurrences of the plague in the Habsburg territory, since this situation needed a solution. Unlike Bjelovar, the Cordon Sanitaire ceased to exist after the demilitarization of the Military Border. Nevertheless, its existence and development, same as Bjelovar's, remains one of the symbols of the reorganization of the Military Border and the 18th century in general.
- Published
- 2022
14. Head Surgeon Johann Bönisch and the Letter to his Wife Julia from the Battlefield in 1849
- Author
Dubravko Habek and Ivana Horbec
- Subjects
Bjelovar ,19th century ,Ivan Bönisch ,head surgeon ,personal letters ,history ,Multidisciplinary ,History and Philosophy of Science ,19. stoljeće ,natkirurg ,osobna pisma ,povijest ,Social Sciences (miscellaneous) - Abstract
U radu prikazujemo profesionalne i privatne podatke o nadkirurgu Johannu (Ivanu) Bönischu, koji je službovao u Bjelovaru kao bolnički kirurg i kotarski liječnik – nadkirurg sa stalnom službom u objema bjelovarskim pukovnijama, isprva Đurđevačkoj, a potom i Križevačkoj. U radu se donosi cjelovit prijevod njegova pisma supruzi Juliji s njemačkoga jezika, pisano 1849. godine na srijemskome ratištu gdje je službovao kao bataljunski kirurg. Pismo literarnim emotivnim izričajem nudi informacije o vojnosanitetskim i vojnim okolnostima na bojištima sredine 19. stoljeća., The paper presents professional and personal information on head surgeon Johann (Ivan) Bönisch, who was active in Bjelovar as hospital surgeon and district physician. He worked as head surgeon with permanent office in both regiments belonging to Bjelovar – first in Đurđevac, and later in Križevci. The paper includes the integral letter Bönisch sent to his wife Julia in translation from the German language. The letter was written in 1849 in the Sirmium battlefield, where he worked as battalion surgeon. Using emotional literary expression, he offers information on army activities, and sanitary and military circumstances in battlefields in the mid-19th century
- Published
- 2022
15. Poznato o nepoznatom Mili Petranoviću.
- Author
Renić, Zorka and Gatalica, Tina
- Subjects
Copyright of Napredak is the property of Croatian Pedagogical-Literary Society and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2017
16. Dizajn turističkog vodiča: Od kave do pete
- Author
Slobodnjak, Tena and Kuduz, Igor
- Subjects
kafići ,fotografija ,Bjelovar ,vodič ,dizajn vodiča ,FIELD OF ART. Design ,karte ,UMJETNIČKO PODRUČJE. Dizajn - Abstract
Ovo je rad koji se bavi temom turističkog vodiča kroz Bjelovar. Posljednjih godina Bjelovar je počeo stjecati titulu grada kafića. Prošećete li kroz grad postat će vam potpuno jasno kako je do toga došlo. Kroz rad ćemo predstaviti povijest grada i titula koje je nekad nosio te pojave kafića. Ove informacije će nam biti ključne za izradu i razumijevanje turističkog vodiča. Proći ćemo kroz kratku povijest turističkih vodiča i fotografije te reći nešto o izradi karata. Opisat ćemo proces izrade od promišljanja o fotografiji i konceptu do dizajna same knjige. Cilj ovog rada je prikaz stanja u gradu kroz moderniji turistički vodič.
- Published
- 2021
17. Expression of levels of spatial identities according to odonyms of the city of Bjelovar
- Author
Petrik, Eva and Fuerst-Bjeliš, Borna
- Subjects
political regimes ,Odonyms ,Bjelovar ,prostorni identitet, hodonim, Bjelovar, preimenovanje ulica, politički režimi ,spacial identity ,renaming streets ,INTERDISCIPLINARNA PODRUČJA ZNANOSTI. Geografija ,preimenovanje ulica ,INTERDISCIPLINARY AREAS OF KNOWLEDGE. Geography ,prostorni identitet ,politički režimi ,hodonim - Abstract
Prostorni identitet često je rezultat historijskogeografskih, ekonomskih, prirodnih i drugih čimbenika koju djeluju na specifično iskustvo stanovništva područja. . Izraženi regionalni prostorni identitet znači i veću povezanost te vrijednost pojedinih kulturnih i prirodnih resursa regije. Ključnu ulogu pri oblikovanju kolektivnog identiteta ima subjektivno strukturiranje prostora koje se izražava kroz imenovanje određenih lokacija i njihovih karakteristika te korištenjem simbolike u materijalnom i/ili apstraktnom smislu. U radu su istraženi hodonimi grada Bjelovara te su iz njih iščitane razine prostornih identiteta. Cilj je dokazati da slabije definirane regije imaju manje izražen regionalni prostorni identitet kroz analizu naziva ulica i trgova u Bjelovaru. Analizirani su hodonimi kroz povijest grada te mijenjanje naziva ulica u gradskoj jezgri pod utjecajem političkih promjena. Spatial identity is often the result of historical - geographical, economic, natural and other factors that affect the specific experience of the area 's population. . A pronounced regional spatial identity also means greater connection and the value of individual cultural and natural resources of the region. The key role in shaping the collective identity is played by the subjective structuring of space, which is expressed through the naming of certain locations and their characteristics and the use of symbolism in the material and / or abstract sense. The paper investigates the odonyms of the city of Bjelovar and the levels of spatial identities are read from them. The aim is to prove that less defined regions have a less pronounced regional spatial identity through the analysis of the names of streets and squares in Bjelovar. Walking through the history of the city and changing the names of streets in the city center under the influence of political changes were analyzed as well.
- Published
- 2021
18. Prostorni identitet kao pokretačka snaga razvoja turizma: komparativna analiza regija Bjelovara i Čakovca.
- Author
Marković, Izidora and Fuerst-Bjeliš, Borna
- Subjects
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TOURISM management , *NATURAL resources , *INVESTMENTS , *COMPARATIVE studies , *CULTURAL landscapes - Abstract
The expressed regional identity of the local community will also mean greater attachment, and that the value of cultural and natural resources as well as intangible assets, through proper management and investment, have the capability of becoming a major tourist attraction. Heritage reflects the stability, continuity of settlement, the tradition of the cultural landscape and the lifestyle, and is therefore an important part of the traditional identity. Cultural heritage is a resource recognized by tourists, which actually creates a link between identity and the perceptions of residents and tourists. With proper presentation and promotion, spatial identity is one of the most important intangible tourism resources having a very high potential in building unique tourism products. The focus of this paper is the identification of an individual with the spatial identity of a region and investigation of the effects on the sustainable development of tourism, based on a case study of Bjelovar and Čakovec. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2015
- Author
Habek, Dubravko
- Abstract
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- Published
- 2015
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20. 'Srbe treba na neki način zastrašiti'. Miniranje civilnih objekata na području Bjelovara 1991. - 1995
- Author
Vukobratović, Nikola
- Subjects
amoralne zajednice ,Domovinski rat ,međuetničko nasilje ,Srbi u Hrvatskoj ,Bjelovar - Abstract
Intenzivno međuetničko nasilje protiv civila jedna je od osnovnih karakteristika ratova 1990-ih na području bivše Jugoslavije. Pored zločina počinjenih prilikom provođenja vojnih operacija, primjeri međuetničkog nasilja uključuju i različite oblike postupanja prema etničkim Drugima u područjima koja nisu izravno zahvaćena ratom. U ovom radu autor uzima kampanju miniranja civilnih objekata na području Bjelovara kao studiju slučaja. U njemu se po prvi puta pokušavaju historiografski rekonstruirati pojedini događaji, na temelju sudske, policijske i druge dokumentacije, te izjava svjedoka. Primjenjujući koncept amoralne zajednice Mile Dragojević, autor nastoji razjasniti motive i logiku ovog tipa međuetničkog nasilja.
- Published
- 2021
21. Rimsko ruralno naselje Lug kod Bjelovara
- Author
Ožanić Roguljić, Ivana, Drpić, Jere, and Nodilo, Helena
- Subjects
antika ,rimsko selo ,južna Pannonia ,Bjelovar ,Lug ,ruralno naselje ,antiquity ,Roman village ,southern Pannonia ,rural settlement - Abstract
Brojni slučajni nalazi u okolici grada Bjelovara, ali i na prostoru samog grada upućivali su na postojanje rimskodobnih arheoloških lokaliteta. Potvrda je stigla u vidu zaštitnih arheoloških istraživanja prilikom gradnje istočne obilaznice grada Bjelovara 2017. godine, kada je lokalitet otkriven na položaju Lug. Utvrđeno je da je riječ o većem jednoslojnom antičkom ruralnom naselju, koji se prema pronađenim nalazima datira u period od 2. do 4. stoljeća., Numerous accidental finds in the vicinity of the town of Bjelovar, and also in the area of the town itself, indicated the existence of Roman archaeological sites. The confirmation for this arrived in the form of rescue archaeological research during the construction of the eastern bypass road around the city of Bjelovar in 2017, when the site was discovered at the position called Lug. It was ascertained that this is a larger roman rural settlement, which according to the findings, dates between the 1st and 4th century AD.
- Published
- 2021
22. Identity, Suffering, Memory and Assimilation of Serbs in the Area of Grubišno Polje and Bjelovar
- Author
Filip Škiljan
- Subjects
Grubišno Polje ,Bjelovar ,Bilogora ,identity ,assimilation ,Serbs ,orthodox religion ,identitet ,asimilacija ,Srbi ,pravoslavna vjeroispovijest - Abstract
Autor na temelju usmenih iskaza prikupljenih na terenu na području Bilogore između Bjelovara i Grubišnog Polja i objavljene literature, donosi informacije o nekim bitnim identitetskim obilježjima Srba koji žive na tom području (običaji oko rođenja djeteta, vjenčanja, smrti, o vjerskim običajima i krsnim slavama). Potom istražuje koji su faktori utjecali u socijalističkom razdoblju na povećanu asimilaciju Srba (antifašistička borba i sjećanje na nju, jugoslavenstvo, ateizacija i slično). Posebno se bavi sjećanjima na prošli, Domovinski rat (1991. — 1995.) i na stradanja stanovništva Grubišnog Polja i bjelovarskog kraja u tome ratu., Author based this article on oral testimonies collected in the area of Bilogora between Bjelovar and Grubišno Polje and on published literature. In the article, the author provides information on the customs of childbirth, weddings, deaths, religious customs, and then deals with the elements that influenced assimilation in socialism (anti-fascist struggle and its memory, Yugoslavism, atheism of Serbs, etc.). He especially deals with memories of the past, the Homeland War (1991 — 1995) and the suffering of the population of Grubišno Polje and the Bjelovar region in that war.
- Published
- 2021
23. Bjelovar u vrtlogu marijaterezijanskih reformi
- Author
Buczynski, Alexander
- Subjects
Habsburška Monarhija ,Vojna krajina ,Varaždinski generalat ,Bjelovar ,vojni komunitet ,stožerno mjesto ,krajiške pukovnije ,Marija Terezija ,Josip II - Abstract
Svrha i ciljevi reorganizacija Marije Terezije i Josipa II. bili su: eliminacija utjecaja unutrašnjo-austrijskih staleža i osiguranje prevlasti Beča, ograničenje autonomije krajišnika (određene privilegije su ostale, npr. vjerska sloboda za pravoslavne krajišnike), pretvorba „iregularnih” krajišnika u „regularne” (‘light’ verzija: laka pješadija), izjednačenje dotadašnjih različitih vojnokrajiških uređenja, te uspostava djelotvorne ravnoteže između vojnih i poljoprivrednih obveza krajišnika.
- Published
- 2021
- Author
Habek, Dubravko
- Subjects
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BROTHELS , *PUBLIC health , *ARCHITECTONICIDAE , *SEXUALLY transmitted diseases , *ENDEMIC diseases ,20TH century medical history - Abstract
The work is related to the existence of three Bjelovar Bordellos of early 20th century with epidemic/endemic existence of venereal disease, despite the then public health and police regulations. Conditions during the opening of the new bordello in Bjelovar in 1913 with architectonic pictures and reasons to close all three Bordellos. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2015
- Author
- Abstract
Copyright of HUM: Journal of the Faculty of Arts at the University of Mostar is the property of University of Mostar, Faculty of Arts and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2015
26. A quantitative study of Bjelovar high school learners' anxiety in German language classrooms
- Author
Ježovita, Martino and Lütze-Miculinić, Marija
- Subjects
HUMANISTIČKE ZNANOSTI. Filologija. Germanistika ,Untersuchung ,DaF-Unterricht ,Bjelovar ,Deutschlernen ,Angst ,HUMANISTIC SCIENCES. Philology. German Studies ,FLCAS - Abstract
Die vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Angst beim Deutschlernen im DaF-Unterricht. Um das Niveau der unterrichtsbezogenen Fremdsprachenangst zu messen und zu erfahren, in welcher Phase des Lernens und Gebrauchs der deutschen Sprache die Angst am meisten zum Ausdruck kommt, wurde nach Klassen (April 2018) ein dreiteiliger Fragebogen angewendet. Dieser Fragebogen wurde an 246 Mittelschüler in Bjelovar verteilt, die als repräsentativ für die kroatischen Mittelschüler angesehen werden können, da sie sich aus verschiedenen Schulen, Klassen und Lernstufen zusammensetzten. Wie in der Untersuchung ermittelt werden konnte, ist die unterrichtsbezogene FSA bei den Mittelschülern in Bjelovar vorhanden und messbar. Das höchste Niveau der Angst wurde bei den Zweitklässlern gemessen, während die Erstklässler den niedrigsten Intensitätsgrad der Angst aufweisen. Bei den meisten Schülern wurde der höchste Angstgrad in der Eingangsphase nachgewiesen. Die dargestellte Untersuchung hat gezeigt, dass die Ergebnisse der FLCAS und die Ergebnisse des Fragebogens von MacIntyre & Gardner miteinander stark korrelieren.
- Published
- 2020
27. Profesionalizam u bjelovarskom ratnom tisku
- Author
Babić, Vjeran and Najbar Agičić, Magdalena
- Subjects
Bjelovar ,etika ,novinarstvo ,rat ,profesionalizam ,DRUŠTVENE ZNANOSTI. Informacijske i komunikacijske znanosti ,SOCIAL SCIENCES. Information and Communication Sciences - Abstract
Rad govori o novinama koje su tijekom Domovinskog rata djelovale u gradu Bjelovaru. To su čak tri naslova: BjeloWARac, Vihor i 55. Pažnja se prvenstveno posvećuje razini profesionalizma u bjelovarskim ratnim novinama u smislu poštivanja temeljnih novinarskih pravila i načela kao što su nepristranost, etičnost i istinitost kao najvažnija novinarska pravila. Rad započinje teorijskim dijelom o novinarskoj etici ratnog novinarstva koji za cilj ima uvesti čitatelja u osnovna novinarska načela u mirnodopskom i ratnom novinarstvu kako bi se olakšala analiza bjelovarskih ratnih novina kasnije u radu. Također, u radu se nalaze i dijelovi koji govore o samom Domovinskom ratu koji predstavlja kontekst stvaranja ratnih novina te dijelovi o Domovinskom ratu u Bjelovaru u sklopu kojeg se čitatelja upoznaje s nastankom i djelovanjem 105. brigade hrvatske vojske Bjelovar i 55. samostalnog bataljuna Bjelovar. Važnost 55. samostalnog bataljuna i 105. brigade leži u činjenici da su obje te vojne jedinice imale svoje ratne novine koje su predmet istraživanja u radu. Bjelovarske ratne novine 55, BjeloWARac i Vihor svake su analizirane kroz 3 dijela rada: opisni dio u kojem se opisuje vrijeme izlaženja, format i ostale osnovne informacije, sadržajni dio koji se bavi analizom objavljenog sadržaja i svrstavanjem tekstova u novinarske žanrove i jezični dio u kojemu se analizira stil pisanja članaka, a primarno se odnosi na korištenje tada popularnog medijskog rječnika.
- Published
- 2020
28. Priča o tri grada: utjecaj politike na medije u Virovitici, Koprivnici i Bjelovaru
- Author
Cvitić, Katarina and Radej Miličić, Irena
- Subjects
mediji ,Koprivnica ,politika ,Bjelovar ,sloboda ,Virovitica ,DRUŠTVENE ZNANOSTI. Informacijske i komunikacijske znanosti ,SOCIAL SCIENCES. Information and Communication Sciences ,nasilje - Abstract
Ovaj diplomski rad čine dva dijela – teorijski i istraživački. Prvi dio bavi se teorijom koja nastoji prikazati odnos medija i politike općenito, utjecaj politike na medije i na koje se sve načine politika „pakira“ i plasira u medije. U poglavlju „Nasilje nad medijima“ nastojalo se ukazati na vjerojatno najveći i najznačajniji doprinos društvu koji mediji i ljudi koji rade u njima mogu ponuditi, svoje zdravlje ili u nekim slučajevima i život. Riječ je o novinarima koji su imali glavnu ulogu u razotkrivanju opasnih, štetnih i nečasnih djela; to su primjeri ljudi nad kojima su počinjeni razni zločini jer u svome radu nisu imali dovoljnu slobodu niti potrebnu zaštitu. U posljednjih deset godina u svijetu su ubijena 702 novinara.1 Novinari koji prate oružane sukobe ili su svoj rad posvetili razotkrivanju korupcijskih afera, izloženi su najvećem riziku. Istraživački dio s razlogom se nalazi na drugom mjestu. Rad ukazuje na to kako se obrasci opisani u teoriji i praksi lokalnih medija koji su predmet ovog rada, uglavnom podudaraju. Istraživanje obuhvaća medije iz tri zemljopisno vrlo bliska, ali po političkoj i medijskoj klimi vrlo različita grada kontinentalne Hrvatske: Virovitice, Koprivnice i Bjelovara. Navedeni su svi mediji (novine, portali, radijske i televizijske stanice) koji djeluju na područjima ovih gradova te je provedena analiza kako izvještavaju o lokalnim temama i koliki utjecaj politika ima na njihov medijski sadržaj. Za sva tri grada iznesene su teme koje trenutno zauzimaju važan dio nacionalnog medijskog prostora.
- Published
- 2020
29. Kvaliteta života mladih u Bjelovaru
- Author
Jurina, Helena and Tonković, Željka
- Subjects
education ,Bjelovar ,okoliš ,kvaliteta života ,satisfaction ,obrazovanje ,SOCIAL SCIENCES. Sociology ,young people ,zaposlenje ,quality of life ,DRUŠTVENE ZNANOSTI. Sociologija ,employment ,zadovoljstvo ,environment ,mladi - Abstract
Rad donosi rezultate anketnog istraživanja zadovoljstva kvalitetom života među mladima u gradu Bjelovaru. Polazeći od istraživanja kvalitete urbanog života te istraživanja kvalitete života u Hrvatskoj, ovo je istraživanje fokusirano na zadovoljstvo kvalitetom života među mladima u gradu Bjelovaru koji predstavlja karakterističan manji grad u kojemu se javljaju problemi nemogućnosti zaposlenja i tercijarnog obrazovanja te ostanka. Provedenom online anketom na uzorku od 251 ispitanika u dobi od 15 do 35 godina s prebivalištem u Bjelovaru pokušala se ustanoviti razina zadovoljstva kvalitetom života u tri aspekta: okolišni, sociokulturni i gospodarski. S obzirom na stvarne podatke o kulturi, gospodarstvu i okolišu koji vrijede za Bjelovar, polazna pretpostavka istraživanja je bila ta da će zadovoljstvo mladih biti najviše u okolišnom aspektu kvalitete života te najniže u gospodarskom aspektu kvalitete života. Rezultati istraživanja potvrdili su navedenu pretpostavku te je ustanovljeno kako postoje statistički značajne razlike u zadovoljstvu gospodarskim aspektom kvalitete života s obzirom na spol ispitanika/ica te kako postoje statistički značajne razlike u zadovoljstvu gospodarskim i sociokulturnim aspektom kvalitete života kod ispitanika s obzirom na radni status. Ovim istraživanjem pokazano je kako su mladi u Bjelovaru iznimno nezadovoljni mogućnostima zaposlenja, tercijarnog obrazovanja i povođenja slobodnog vremena. Dakle, rezultati ukazuju na to da grad Bjelovar nije dovoljno prilagođen mladima te se treba dalje strateški razvijati kako bi mogao zadovoljiti potrebe mladih građana i tako ih zadržati da ostanu. This research brings results of satisfaction with quality of life among young people in Bjelovar. Starting with researches of quality of urban life and of quality of life in Croatia, this research is focused on satisfaction with quality of life among young people in Bjelovar. Bjelovar represents characteristic small town in which are seen problems in inability of finding job, inability pusuing higher education and staying. Conducted online survey based on a sample of 251 respondents between 15 and 35 years of age and with residence in Bjelovar tried to discover a level of satisfaction in three different aspects of quality of life: environmental, sociocultual and economic. Taken real data on culture, economics and envionment which are relevant for Bjelovar, research assumed that the satistaction among young people will be the highest in environmental aspect and that the lowest will be in economic aspect of quality of life. Results of conducted research confirmed stated hypothesis and established that significant statistic difference exists in satisfaction with economic aspect of quality of life when it comes to sex and that significant statistic difference exists in satisfation with sociocultural and economic aspect when it comes to working status of respondents. This research showed that young people in Bjelovar are very dissatisfied when it comes to ability of finding employment, pursueing higher education and spending free time. Those results show that Bjelovar is not adapted enough for young people and that the city must work on strategic development so that it can satisfy the needs of young people and keep them to stay.
- Published
- 2020
30. 'Za Boga i cara'. Bjelovarčani i stanovnici Bjelovarsko-križevačke županije u Varaždinskoj 16. pješačkoj pukovniji na Balkanskom bojištu 1914. godine
- Author
Filip Katanić
- Subjects
Multidisciplinary ,History and Philosophy of Science ,Austro-ugarska vojska ,Balkansko bojište ,Bjelovar ,Bjelovarsko-križevačka županija ,16. pješačka pukovnija ,16th Infantry Regiment ,Bjelovar-Križevci County ,Balkan front ,1914 ,Austro-Hungarian Army ,Social Sciences (miscellaneous) - Abstract
Rad na osnovi izvornog arhivskog gradiva, objavljenih arhivskih izvora, literature i periodike prikazuje ratni put pripadnika Varaždinske 16. pješačke pukovnije Carske i kraljevske austro-ugarske vojske koja se popunjavala s područja grada Bjelovara i Bjelovarsko-križevačke županije na Balkanskom bojištu 1914. godine. Ova je pukovnija sudjelovala u glavnim borbenim djelovanjima u sastavu 5. austro-ugarske vojske koja je imala glavnu ofenzivnu zadaću u austro-ugarskoj ofenzivi na Kraljevinu Srbiju u ljeto i jesen 1914. godine. Cilj ovoga rada je znanstvena obrada ove teme, jer su dosad ovi događaji uglavnom bili poznati iz memoarske literature, publicistike i pisanja onodobnog tiska. Stoga se u ovome radu nastoji utvrditi točan broj poginulih, ranjenih, nestalih i zarobljenih Bjelovarčana i stanovnika županije u 16. pješačkoj pukovniji i u prilogu donosi popis ranjenih i poginulih., This paper presents a study of archival material regarding the participation of inhabitants of Bjelovar and the Bjelovar-Križevci County in the Varaždin 16th Infantry Regiment of the Imperial and Royal Austro-Hungarian Army on the Balkan front in 1914. Though the recruitment area of this regiment covered the town of Bjelovar and the Bjelovar-Križevci County, the name had been kept for traditional reasons, owing to the regiments’ long history dating back to 1538, while the regiment itself was founded in 1703. The regiment was initially deployed within the 5th Austro-Hungarian army, it was the main strike force in the attack on Serbia in 1914, and remained within formation during the entire campaign. Further on, the paper analyzes the course of the main operations and the conduct of operations by the 16th Infantry Regiment in the battles of Cer, Kolubara and Ljig. The 5th army, as well as the entire Austro-Hungarian army forces, suffered enormous losses in the Balkans, while the 16th Regiment lost 122 officers and 4,133 men. The regiment’s diary reveals the number of reinforcement the Regiment received during 1914; the records show that 32 officers and 2,841 soldiers joined the ranks. However, the military records kept at the Bjelovar State Archive for the year 1914 have revealed insurmountable losses to the town of Bjelovar and the county. Only 59 recruits were listed, out of which only 32 declared fit for service. Amid these numbers, 24 were eligible for regular army, and 8 for Domobranstvo (Austrian Landwehr, Hungarian Honvéd, second line territorial defence units). In conclusion, the complete losses of 4,762 men in their prime affected the town of Bjelovar and the county considerably. For 289 of them, the records hold information about their status in the combat forces on the Balkan front in 1914. This list is presented in the attachment below.
- Published
- 2019
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31. Maternalni pomor u porođaju i babinju u Bjelovaru i okolici u 19. stoljeću
- Author
Dubravko Habek
- Subjects
Bjelovar ,massive maternal dying ,obstetrics ,history ,midwifery ,Multidisciplinary ,History and Philosophy of Science ,maternalni pomor ,porodništvo ,povijest ,primaljstvo ,Social Sciences (miscellaneous) - Abstract
Maternalni pomor tijekom 19. stoljeća u Bjelovaru i okolnim selima bio je povezan s nestručnim domicilnim porođajima te zdravstvenom neprosvijećenošću, posebice u ruralnim naseljima, usprkos ustrojenoj zdravstvenoj skrbi i zaštiti materinstva u pojedinim selima Varaždinskoga generalata i kasnije Bjelovarsko- križevačke županije. Zamjetan je manji maternalni pomor u gradu Bjelovaru, gdje je postojala ustrojena primaljska skrb od početka postojanja grada uz bolničku službu liječnika, kirurga i magistara porodništva. Visok maternalni pomor (trudnica, rodilja i babinjača), posebice domicilni, pratio je još veći pomor novorođenčadi, što je bio golem javnozdravstveni problem. Iz matica umrlih bjelovarske župe i okolnih župa razaznaje se pomor mladih žena s najčešće upisanim uzrokom smrti: in partu, in puerperio, dok se u bjelovarskoj Bolnici spominju smrti s definiranim uzrokom smrti (npr. ruptura uteri, sepsis, hydrops)., Massive maternal dying during the 19th century in Bjelovar and the surrounding villages was connected with non-professional domicile childbirths and ignorance in connection with healthcare, particularly in rural settlements, despite the existence of organised healthcare and maternity protection in some of the villages in the Varaždin Military District, and later the Bjelovar-Križevci County. Maternal dying of a lesser scale had since the founding of the town of Bjelovar been recorded there; the town had an organised midwifery care including hospital medical service, surgeons and masters of obstetrics. The high rate of maternal dying (expecting mothers, parturient women, and women in confinement), particularly domicile, was accompanied by an even larger massive dying of the new-borns, which created a huge public healthcare problem. The registries of death of the Bjelovar County and the surrounding counties hold record of a massive dying of young women mainly due to the cause of death being in partu, in puerperio. In the Bjelovar hospital, deaths with defined causes (e.g. ruptura uteri, sepsis, hydrops) were recorded.
- Published
- 2019
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32. Obrtnici kao temelj privrede u gradovima Bjelovarsko-bilogorske županije od ukinuća cehova do 1941. godine
- Author
Mira Kolar-Dimitrijević
- Subjects
Multidisciplinary ,History and Philosophy of Science ,Bjelovar ,gradovi oko Bjelovara ,obrtnici ,Obrtni zakon 1884 ,Zakon o radnjama 1932 ,Social Sciences (miscellaneous) ,towns surrounding Bjelovar ,craftspeople ,1884 Crafts Act ,1932 Trades Act - Abstract
Obrtnici su znatno doprinosili gospodarskom razvoju Bjelovara i gradova u okviru današnje malene, a nekad velike Bjelovarsko-križevačke županije. Budući da je sjedište Varaždinske vojne krajine, koja je prva započela s razvojačenjem 1871. g., bilo u Bjelovaru, to su Bjelovar i njegovi gradovi Koprivnica i Križevci, a na prijelazu stoljeća i Daruvar imali najveće koristi od privrednog razvoja. Obrtnici su pratili taj privredni razvoj od 1871. do 1941. g. svojom mnogostrukom djelatnošću. Ograničen na proizvodnju obiteljskog karaktera rad obrtnika bio je vrlo nesiguran i kratak i bez udruživanja ne bi se mogao ni održati jer se od doba Khuena Héderváryja obrtu posvećivala malo pažnje u korist industrije i trgovaca. Obrtnici su poslovali po istom – hrvatskim obrtnicima nepodesnom – Obrtnom zakonu od 1884. do 1931. g., a onda su opet po Zakonu o radnjama od 1932. g. morali promijeniti čak i ime svog posla te su se zvali zanatlije i bili udruženi u Zanatskoj komori u Zagrebu i Osijeku, odnosno Zanatskoj komori Jugoslavije. Obrtnici Bjelovara i gradova Daruvar, Grubišno Polje, Garešnica i Čazma imali su sličnu povijest a otvarali su svoje radnje za potrebe lokalnih stanovnika, ali je samo grad Bjelovar imao obrtnike gotovo svih struka već 1891. g. udovoljavajući i potrebama ostalih manjih trgovišta i općina pa i pripadajućih gradova, osim Koprivnice i Križevaca, koji su bili u županiji do 1918. g., ali su se razvijali paralelno s Bjelovarom zbog svojeg položaja na pruzi. Obrtnici su naslijedili u ranom kapitalizmu cehove i preuzeli njihovu ulogu između trgovine i industrije. No u razvijenom monopolističkom kapitalizmu oni su postali višak jer se tipizirana roba proizvedena u tvornicama prodaje u velikim trgovinama te su obrtnici postali višak koji je eventualno školovao stručnu radnu snagu za trgovine i tvornice. Propast obrtnika bila je ucrtana u samu bit njihovih propisa i ovisna o uredbama koje je donosio režim., In the past, craftspeople contributed to a great extent to the economic development of Bjelovar and the towns in the today small, but once rather large county, which included wider areas of Bjelovar and Križevci. Since Bjelovar was the centre of the Varaždin Military Border, which first started with the demilitarisation in 1871, Bjelovar and its accompanying towns of Koprivnica and Križevci, as well as Daruvar at the turn of the century, benefited the most from economic development. Craftspeople were through their multifold activities a part of this development in the period 1871–1941. Limited to family business, livelihood from crafts was very insecure and of brief duration. Without joining in an association, they could not have survived at all, since as of the rule of Khuen Héderváry, the attitude towards craftpeople was rather inferior in comparison with industry and tradespeople. In the period 1884–1931, Croatian craftspeople had to operate pursuant to the Crafts Act, which was infavourable to them. Subsequently, as of 1932, pursuant to the Trades Act of that year, they even had to change the name of their profession to tradespeople. They were joined within the Chamber of Trades in Zagreb and Osijek, or rather within Yugoslav Chamber of Trades. Though craftspeople from Bjelovar, Daruvar, Grubišno Polje, Garešnica and Čazma shared a similar history and opened their shops to meet the needs of the local population, it was only the town of Bjelovar that as early as in 1891 had craftspeople of nearly all professions. It thereby met the needs of other smaller fair centres, municipalities, and towns as well, except for Koprivnica and Križevci, which were included in the county until 1918, but developed parallel with Bjelovar thanks to their position on the railway line. In early capitalism, craftspeople succeeded the guilds and took over their role in between trade and industry. However, in developed monopolistic capitalism, they became a surplus, as standardised goods produced in factories were sold by wholesale. Craftspeople thus became a surplus that only educated workpower for shops and factories. The ruin of craftspeople had been cut to the very core of the regulations and dependent on executive orders of the regime.
- Published
- 2019
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- Author
Habek, Dubravko and Fureš, Rajko
- Abstract
The new main military hospital building in Bjelovar, built in 1900-1901, was designed to provide full medical services to its patients, as it had patient rooms for soldiers and officers, doctor's office, a pharmacy, a laboratory, a kitchen with a dining room, toilet facilities, and storage for food and firewood in the basement. The building's right wing accommodated regimental doctors on the ground floor. The first floor had patient rooms with sanitary facilities and rooms for paramedics. In the hospital park there was a separate building for infectious diseases, auxiliary buildings, a disinfection facility, and a mortuary. For 35 years before World War 2, it had functioned as a military hospital with brief intervals when it provided services to the general public and outpatients. During the War it resumed its primary function and continued providing health care for the military until it was demolished in the late 1970s. This article is a contribution to the existing literature about military health care in Croatia, as there have been no earlier records about the Bjelovar hospital. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2014
34. „Dolje madjarski hrvatski sabor, dolje madjaroni” Narodni pokret 1903./1904. godine na području grada Bjelovara i Bjelovarsko-križevačke županije.
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- Abstract
The author investigates in chronological order the National Movement of 1903/1904 in the territory of the Bjelovar-Križevci County and the city of Bjelovar, which was marked by unrests, political demonstrations, street conflicts, riots and protest assemblies throughout Croatia. The city of Bjelovar and the territory of the Bjelovar-Križevci County were hit by a wave of discontent caused by the failure to implement the regulations of the Croatian-Hungarian Settlement. The discontent in the county was predominantly of social nature and was mostly encouraged by future peasant leader Stjepan Radić' associates who agitated against Unionist party members (pejoratively called mađaroni) and magyarization in the northern part of the Bjelovar-Križevci County and around the city of Bjelovar (representing the contours of the future Croatian People's Peasant Party). Because of that the territory of the County was plagued by unrests in the revolutionary 1903/1904 period, which was bloody and had many human casualties (the Kunovec rebellion). The unity of Croats and Serbs was especially present in the territory of the County in that period. A small opposition group under the leadership of attorney Milan Rojc and pharmacist Ivan Werklein did not actively partake in the Movement, but they organized a big public assembly in Bjelovar on the 29 December 1903 where a number of speakers (including Stjepan Radić) voiced the reasons behind the dissatisfaction of the common people in Croatia. The assembly encouraged the peasant masses around Bjelovar and they started to express more freely their demands towards local administrative bodies under the governance of the Union party members (especially towards the Đurđevac and Križevci property municipalities). [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2013
35. Diagnoses of Suicidum and Tentamen Suicidi in The Registers of Patients of The Kingdom of Yugoslavia's Banovina Public General Hospital in Bjelovar from 1931-1940.
- Author
Sklebar, Duska, Vrabec-Matkovic, Dragica, Catipovic, Marija, and Sklebar, Ivan
- Subjects
SUICIDE statistics ,PUBLIC hospitals ,MEDICAL ethics ,EPIDEMIOLOGY ,SUICIDAL behavior ,RETROSPECTIVE studies - Abstract
Copyright of Collegium Antropologicum is the property of Croatian Anthropological Society and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2012
36. Mađari kao neprijatelji: rad Zemaljske komisije za utvrđivanje zločina okupatora i njihovih pomagača primjer: kotar Bjelovar.
- Author
Ravančić, Martina Grahek
- Abstract
Copyright of Journal of Contemporary History / Časopis za Suvremenu Povijest is the property of Croatia Institute for History and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2012
37. Uloga Češke obeci Bjelovar u očuvanju tradicija Čeha i doprinos kulturnom životu bjelovarskog kraja
- Author
Zane, Iva
- Subjects
Češka obec ,tradicijska glazba i ples ,Bjelovar ,kultura ,folklor ,nacionalna manjina - Abstract
U ovom radu prikazana je tradicija Čeha od njihovog dolaska na područje današnje Bjelovarsko- bilogorske županije, te je istražena povijest društva Češka obec Bjelovar s posebnim naglaskom na njen doprinos kulturnom i prosvjetnom razvitku grada uz čuvanje i širenje tradicije češke nacionalne manjine. Uz to, rad opisuje nošnje koje Obec trenutno koristi te objašnjava što se unutar društva shvaća kao češka narodna nošnja i nudi usporedbu s izvornim nošnjama. Rad sadrži i popis čeških društava na području Bjelovarsko-bilogorske županije i prikaz Dožinky, najvažnije manifestacije hrvatskih Čeha. S obzirom da su notni materijali raspršeni, neorganizirani i djelomično nepoznati, u rad sam uvrstila opis i popis čeških pjesama koje su nastale na području Hrvatske i koje se i danas izvode u mjestima oko Daruvara, popis pjesama koje se pjevaju u Češkom dječjem vrtiću u Daruvaru i popis pjesama koje su se sačuvale i danas se izvode u pojedinim sekcijama Obeci. Na kraju je tema prikazana u metodičkoj obradi za nastavu glazbene kulture i umjetnosti. Osim što nadopunjuje prethodno postojeću literaturu o češkoj zajednici na području Bjelovara novim saznanjima i kazivanjima, želja mi je ovim radom promovirati i očuvati tradicije češke nacionalne manjine u Hrvatskoj, te potaknuti mlade da se priključe KUD-ovima jer su oni jamac da će se tradicija prenijeti dalje.
- Published
- 2020
38. The Economy of Bjelovar (1945–1990/2020): Challenges and Changes in Industrial Development – Example of three Companies (Koestlin; Tomo Vinković; Sirela)
- Author
Željko Karaula
- Subjects
Multidisciplinary ,History and Philosophy of Science ,Bjelovar ,gospodarstvo ,Sirela ,Koestlin ,Tomo Vinković ,tranzicija ,Social Sciences (miscellaneous) ,economy ,transition - Abstract
Ovaj rad pruža kratak pogled na bjelovarsku industriju socijalističkog razdoblja (1945.–1990.) s ciljem i težištem da se nakon toga objasni i prikaže kriza socijalističkog modela upravljanja krajem 1980-ih godina i gospodarska tranzicija triju velikih bjelovarskih poduzeća toga razdoblja (Koestlin, Tomo Vinković, Sirela) u nove privatno-tržišne oblike poslovanja nakon raspada Jugoslavije i stvaranja samostalne hrvatske države. Sva tri poduzeća teško su prolazila tu fazu, s time da su dva opstala u novim uvjetima, a jedno je propalo. Izbor navedenih poduzeća kao primjer bjelovarske gospodarske tranzicije u ovom radu bio je parcijalan, te zaključci ne mogu govoriti uime cjelokupnoga bjelovarskog gospodarstva socijalističkog razdoblja, od kojega većina ipak nije preživjela hrvatski model „doba gospodarske tranzicije“., This paper offers a brief survey of the industry in Bjelovar during the socialist period (1945–1990), with the aim of and focus on explaining and presenting the crisis of the socialist model of government in the late 1980s and the economic transition of three major companies in Bjelovar active in this period (Koestlin; Tomo Vinković; Sirela) to new, private-market businesses following the downfall of Yugoslavia and after the formation of the independent Croatian state. This phase was a difficult one for all three companies; the result was that two of them have survived in the new circumstances, whilst one has not. The choice of the subject companies in this paper as examples of the economic transition of Bjelovar has been partial, so that the conclusions may not be applied to the entire economy of Bjelovar in the socialist period, which has, to the most part, not managed to survive the Croatian model of the economic transition era.
- Published
- 2020
39. Zahvala autorima Sestrinski glasnik/nursing Journal 2018 godina thanking to authors Sestrinski glasnik/nursing Journal year 2018
- Author
Višnja Vičić Hudorović
- Subjects
Abou Aldan Damjan ,Koprivnica ,Croatia Aleksić Barbara ,Dubrovnik ,Croatia Baborsky Zlatka ,Zagreb ,Croatia Balić Marijana ,Split ,Croatia Benčić Ivanka ,Croatia Bišćan Josipa ,Croatia Bošnjaković Edin ,Croatia Brdarević Marija ,Croatia Brković Hana ,Croatia Budimir Anita ,Croatia Busančić Snježana ,Croatia Curić Ivo ,Mostar ,Bosnia and Herzegovina Cvitanović Zdravko ,Croatia Demšer Martina ,Croatia Dragija Diana ,Croatia Franković Sandra ,Croatia Galešić Željka ,Croatia Glavaš Tanja ,Augsburg ,Deutschland Jarmanović Ivana ,Croatia Jonjić Danijela ,Croatia Jurišić Danijela ,Croatia Jupek Ivana ,Croatia Jurinec Božica ,Bedekovčina ,Croatia Gudelj-Velaga Ivana ,Croatia Kiralj Rudolf ,Bjelovar ,Croatia Konjevoda Suzana ,Croatia Kozina Blaženka ,Croatia Kralj Zvonimir ,Croatia Kralj Škoc Vesna ,Croatia Latif Ayesha ,Mansehra ,Pakistan Lešević Barbara ,Croatia Lubina Ana ,Croatia Ljevak Ivona ,Bosnia and Herzegovina Matuško Leona ,Croatia Markić Dean ,Rijeka ,Croatia Matulović Irena ,Croatia Matuško Leona ,Croatia Miloslavić Maris ,Croatia Milić Marija ,Croatia Miličević Jasminka ,Croatia Mrkonjić Ružica ,Croatia Pavlović Marko ,Bosnia and Herzegovina Pauker Kristina ,Croatia Pintar Renata ,Croatia Prka Ana Marija ,Croatia Puharić Zrinka ,Croatia Režić Slađana ,Croatia Ristić Jadranka ,Croatia Romić Marko ,Bosnia and Herzegovina Rukavina Marina ,Croatia Sambolec Mario ,Croatia Savović Ana ,Croatia Sekondo Deniza ,Croatia Sidra Aziz ,Pakistan Stojčić Živko ,Croatia Strčić Nada ,Croatia Šare Sonja ,Croatia Šimunović Maria ,Croatia Šilje Marija ,Croatia Škugor Tina ,Croatia Šljuka Mario ,Croatia Trubelja Martin ,Varaždin ,Croatia Vičić Hudorović Višnja ,Croatia Zubatović Đunđenac Iva ,Croatia Železnik Danica ,Slovenj Gradec ,Slovenia Žulec Mirna ,Croatia Žunić Hrvojka ,Croati - Abstract
Abou Aldan Damjan, Koprivnica, Croatia Aleksić Barbara, Dubrovnik, Croatia Baborsky Zlatka, Zagreb, Croatia Balić Marijana, Split, Croatia Benčić Ivanka, Zagreb, Croatia Bišćan Josipa, Zagreb, Croatia Bošnjaković Edin, Dubrovnik, Croatia Brdarević Marija, Zagreb, Croatia Brković Hana, Dubrovnik, Croatia Budimir Anita, Dubrovnik, Croatia Busančić Snježana, Dubrovnik, Croatia Curić Ivo , Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina Cvitanović Zdravko, Dubrovnik, Croatia Demšer Martina, Zagreb, Croatia Dragija Diana, Zagreb, Croatia Franković Sandra, Zagreb, Croatia Galešić Željka, Koprivnica, Croatia Glavaš Tanja, Augsburg, Deutschland Jarmanović Ivana, Dubrovnik, Croatia Jonjić Danijela, Zagreb, Croatia Jurišić Danijela, Zagreb, Croatia Jupek Ivana, Dubrovnik, Croatia Jurinec Božica, Bedekovčina, Croatia Gudelj-Velaga Ivana, Dubrovnik, Croatia Kiralj Rudolf, Bjelovar, Croatia Konjevoda Suzana, Zagreb, Croatia Kozina Blaženka, Zagreb, Croatia Kralj Zvonimir, Zagreb, Croatia Kralj Škoc Vesna, Zagreb, Croatia Latif Ayesha, Mansehra, Pakistan Lešević Barbara, Dubrovnik, Croatia Lubina Ana, Dubrovnik, Croatia Ljevak Ivona, Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina Matuško Leona, Dubrovnik, Croatia Markić Dean, Rijeka, Croatia Matulović Irena, Dubrovnik, Croatia Matuško Leona, Dubrovnik, Croatia Miloslavić Maris, Dubrovnik, Croatia Milić Marija, Dubrovnik, Croatia Miličević Jasminka, Zagreb, Croatia Miloslavić Maris, Dubrovnik, Croatia Mrkonjić Ružica, Zagreb, Croatia Pavlović Marko, Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina Pauker Kristina, Zagreb, Croatia Pintar Renata, Bjelovar, Croatia Prka Ana Marija, Zagreb, Croatia Puharić Zrinka, Bjelovar, Croatia Režić Slađana, Zagreb, Croatia Ristić Jadranka, Zagreb, Croatia Romić Marko, Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina Rukavina Marina, Zagreb, Croatia Sambolec Mario, Bedekovčina, Croatia Savović Ana, Zagreb, Croatia Sekondo Deniza, Dubrovnik, Croatia Sidra Aziz, Mansehra, Pakistan Stojčić Živko, Bjelovar, Croatia Strčić Nada, Rijeka, Croatia Šare Sonja, Zagreb, Croatia Šimunović Maria, Dubrovnik, Croatia Šilje Marija, Dubrovnik, Croatia Škugor Tina, Dubrovnik, Croatia Šljuka Mario, Dubrovnik, Croatia Trubelja Martin, Varaždin, Croatia Vičić Hudorović Višnja, Zagreb, Croatia Zubatović Đunđenac Iva, Zagreb, Croatia Železnik Danica, Slovenj Gradec, Slovenia Žulec Mirna, Bjelovar, Croatia Žunić Hrvojka, Dubrovnik, Croati
- Published
- 2019
40. Thematic Guide through the Holdings of Civil Service, Judiciary and Army until 1941 – Sources for the History of the Town of Bjelovar
- Author
Krivić Lekić, Martina
- Subjects
archive ,army ,administration ,Bjelovar ,guide ,holdings ,judiciary ,arhiv ,fond ,pravosuđe ,uprava ,vodič ,vojska - Abstract
Arhivski vodiči nerijetko su vrlo opsežni jer obuhvaćaju cjelokupni fundus pojedinog arhiva, stoga su nepregledni, a za pojedine istraživače čak i obeshrabrujući. U ovom radu prikazani su fondovi nastali radom javne uprave, pravosuđa i Vojne krajine u razdoblju od postanka grada Bjelovara do 1941. godine, a odnose se na grad Bjelovar. Forma tematskog vodiča odabrana je kako bi na jednome mjestu bilo moguće izdvojiti ono najstarije i najfragmentiranije gradivo koje se odnosi na upravno-pravni život grada. Takav pristup ostavio je prostor za detaljno popisivanje arhivskih jedinica svih fondova. Kako bi na jednome mjestu bili popisani svi izvori za povijest grada, detektirani su i popisani svi fondovi arhivskoga gradiva s bjelovarskog područja koje čuvaju baštinske ustanove u Republici Hrvatskoj – Hrvatski državni arhiv, Državni arhiv u Bjelovaru i Gradski muzej u Bjelovaru. Prikazani fondovi sadrže najviše konkretnih informacija o razvoju grada, funkcioniranju ustanova i organizaciji života u gradu. Cilj je rada približiti arhivsko gradivo svim potencijalnim istraživačima povijesti Bjelovara., Archival guides are frequently very lengthy, since they comprise the complete holdings of an individual archive; they are therefore disorganised, and to some researchers even discouraging. This paper presents the holdings collected in the course of operation of civil service, judiciary and the Military Border in the period from the founding of the town of Bjelovar to 1941, and relating to the town of Bjelovar. The thematic guide form has been chosen in order to present the oldest and the most fragmented materials that relate to the legal and administrative life of the town in one single place. Thanks to this type of approach, detailed listing of archive units in all the holdings was made possible. In order to unite all the sources of the history of the town, a list was composed including all the archive material holdings from the Bjelovar area, kept at the following Croatian heritage institutions: Croatian State Archive, State Archive in Bjelovar, and the Bjelovar Town Museum. The subject holdings include an abundance of concrete information on the town’s development, the functioning of institutions and the organization of life in the town. The objective of the paper is to familiarize all the potential researchers of the history of Bjelovar with this archive material.
- Published
- 2019
41. Bjelovar: od vojne utvrde do danas
- Author
Štauber, Anamarija and Bertoša, Slaven
- Subjects
vojska ,Bjelovar ,army ,povijest ,history ,HUMANISTIČKE ZNANOSTI. Povijest umjetnosti ,HUMANISTIC SCIENCES. History of Art - Abstract
Bjelovar je središte tradicionalne poljoprivredne regije, prepoznatljivo i zanimljivo kulturno i turističko odredište Bjelovarsko-bilogorske županije te grad kompleksne i bogate povijesti. Bjelovar obilježavaju tri riječi: sjecište, središte i vojska. Zbog njegovog idealnog položaja, sjecišta prometnih putova i granice osmanlijsko-austrijskih sukoba carica Marija Terezija odlučila je 1756. na mjestu današnjeg Bjelovara podignuti vojnu utvrdu. Središte Bjelovara i danas je sjecište prometnih putova u smjerovima istok-zapad i sjever-jug. Bjelovar je bio vojno središte Varaždinskog generalata, Bjelovarske županije, Bjelovarsko-križevačke županije, a danas je središte Bjelovarsko-bilogorske županije te Bjelovarsko-križevačke biskupije. Kroz povijest Bjelovar je bio vojna utvrda, vojno središte i vojni grad. Metafora za prikaz razvoja grada Bjelovara je njegov trg. Prostor Trga Eugena Kvaternika najprije je bio pašnjak, zatim vojno vježbalište pa tek onda gradski trg. Mijene koje su ga pratile mogu se primijeniti na razvoj grada Bjelovara, od vojne utvrde do modernističkog urbanog središta. Bjelovar is the centre of a traditionally agricultural region, an interesting and distinctive cultural and tourist destination in Croatia's Bjelovar-Bilogora County, and a town that boasts a complex and rich history. Bjelovar is defined by three concepts: intersection, centre and the military. Due to its ideal position, being the point of intersection of roads and located at the very border between Ottoman and Austrian conflicts, in the year 1756 Empress Maria Theresa decided to have a military fortification erected in the place where Bjelovar stands now. To this day the centre of Bjelovar remains an intersection of routes running from east to west and north to south. Bjelovar was the military centre of the Varaždin Generalate, Bjelovar County, Bjelovar-Križevci County, and today it is the centre of the Bjelovar-Bilogora County and the Diocese of Bjelovar-Križevci. Through its history Bjelovar was a military fort, military centre and military town. A metaphor for the development of the town of Bjelovar is its main sqare. The present Eugen Kvaternik Square was originally a pasture, was then turned into a military training ground, and finally became a town square. The changes this square has undergone can be applied to the development of the town of Bjelovar, from a military fort to a modern urban settlement.
- Published
- 2018
42. Spatial identity as a driving force in tourism development: Comparative analysis of the Bjelovar and Čakovec regions
- Author
Borna Fuerst-Bjeliš and Izidora Marković
- Subjects
prostorni identitet ,tradicija ,održivi turizam ,turističke atrakcije ,percepcija ,Bjelovar ,Čakovec ,Geography ,Geography, Planning and Development ,Local population ,spatial identity ,tradition ,sustainable tourism ,tourism attractions ,perception ,Humanities ,Earth-Surface Processes - Abstract
Izraženi prostorni identitet lokalne zajednice znači i veću povezanost i vrijednost pojedinih kulturnih i prirodnih resursa te nematerijalne baštine, koji se tako, pravilnim upravljanjem i ulaganjima, mogu transformirati u značajnu turističku atrakciju. Baština odražava stabilnost razvoja, kontinuiranu naseljenost i tradiciju kulturnoga krajobraza i kulture života te je stoga važan dio tradicijskog identiteta. Kulturna baština resurs je koji prepoznaju i turisti, pa može stvoriti vezu između identiteta i percepcije rezidenata i turista. Stoga je prostorni identitet jedan od najvažnijih nematerijalnih resursa, koji uz pravilnu prezentaciju i promociju ima značajan potencijal u izgradnji jedinstvenih turističkih proizvoda. Cilj istraživanja je utvrđivanje izraženosti identifikacije ispitanika s identitetom regije te uspostavljanje mogućih veza i utjecaja regionalnog identiteta na održivi razvoj turizma na primjeru Bjelovara i Čakovca., The expressed regional identity of the local community will also mean greater attachment, and that the value of cultural and natural resources as well as intangible assets, through proper management and investment, have the capability of becoming a major tourist attraction. Heritage reflects the stability, continuity of settlement, the tradition of the cultural landscape and the lifestyle, and is therefore an important part of the traditional identity. Cultural heritage is a resource recognized by tourists, which actually creates a link between identity and the perceptions of residents and tourists. With proper presentation and promotion, spatial identity is one of the most important intangible tourism resources having a very high potential in building unique tourism products. The focus of this paper is the identification of an individual with the spatial identity of a region and investigation of the effects on the sustainable development of tourism, based on a case study of Bjelovar and Čakovec.
- Published
- 2015
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43. The difficulties in legitimizing the rule of CPC in the Bjelovar county after the end of World War II
- Author
Tomislav Faletar
- Subjects
Bjelovar ,the end of the war ,elections ,communists ,single-party dictature ,kraja rata ,izbori ,komunisti ,jednostranačka diktatura - Abstract
U radu se problematiziraju političke i društvene okolnosti u Kotaru Bjelovar neposredno nakon završetka Drugog svjetskog rata u kojima Komunistička partija Hrvatske Kotarskog komiteta Bjelovar nastoji zadobiti legitimacijski temelj i učvrstiti vlast. Osnovna je namjera rada pokazati da je KPH u Kotaru Bjelovar u sredini koja je prije početka, u vrijeme i nakon završetka rata bila čvrsto vezana za političko, gospodarsko i kulturno djelovanje bivše Hrvatske seljačke stranke (HSS) imala teškoće u uspostavljanju i učvršćivanju svoje vlasti., This paper questions the political and social circumstances in the Bjelovar county immediately after the end of World War II in which the Communist Party of Croatia (hrv. KPH), Bjelovar Committee attempted to gain legitimization and confirm rule. The basic intention of the paper is to show that the CPC had difficulties in the setup and affirmation of its rule in the Bjelovar county, an area which was connected firmly to the political, economic, and cultural work of the former Croatian Folks Party before, during, and after the war.
- Published
- 2018
44. Jedan dokument o zločinu u Gudovcu 28. travnja 1941. za vrijeme NDH
- Author
Karaula, Željko
- Subjects
zločin ,Gudovac ,ustaše ,Bjelovar ,1941 - Abstract
Dokument govori o zločinu koji se dogodio u selu Gudovac 28. travnja 1941. godine. U njemu se problematizira broj ubijenih pravoslavnih Srba, koji do sada nije bio točno utvrđen u historiografiji.
- Published
- 2018
45. Djelovanje 105. brigade HV-a na ratištu u Bosanskoj posavini
- Author
Karaula, Željko and Miroslav, Akmadža
- Subjects
105. brigada ,Bjelovar ,Bosanska posavina ,rat - Abstract
Rad govori o ratnom putu 105. brigade iz Bjelovara (odnosno Taktičke grupe 105) na ratištu u Bosanskoj posavini.
- Published
- 2018
46. Civilni i vojni život u Bjelovarskoj općini za vrijeme Domovinskog rata (1990.-1992.)
- Author
Kukec, Marko and Duda, Igor
- Subjects
Domovinski rat ,Bjelovar ,HUMANISTIČKE ZNANOSTI. Povijest. Hrvatska i svjetska moderna i suvremena povijest ,višestranački izbori ,West Slavonia ,zapadna Slavonija ,multiparty elections ,Croatian Homeland War ,HUMANISTIC SCIENCES. History. Croatian and World Modern and Contemporary History - Abstract
Početak devedesetih u bjelovarskoj općini dao je pozitivne vibracije za širenje demokracije. Dokaz tome je osnivanje političkih stranaka i pripreme za prve slobodne višestranačke izbore u Hrvatskoj. Takva situacija, posebno zbog kretanja u smjeru osamostaljivanja Hrvatske, nije odgovarala vodećima u SDS-u i dijelu hrvatskih Srba. Prva pobuna dogodila se u Pakracu tijekom ožujka 1991. godine nakon zauzimanja policijske stanice i razoružavanja policajaca hrvatske nacionalnosti u policijskoj postaji Pakrac od strane pobunjenika. U vremenu od 1990. do 1992. godine bjelovarsko gospodarstvo je zapalo u probleme koje su imali i ostali krajevi Hrvatske. Problemi su: pad proizvodnje, pad standarda, nezaposlenost, pad izvoza, privatizacija, komasacija zemljišta, migracije, izbjeglice i inflacija. Cijeli mjesec kolovoz 1991. je bio, u čitavoj Hrvatskoj pa i na području bjelovarske općine, vrlo dramatičan. Nedugo zatim započelo je osvajanje vojarni JNA koje su čuvale naoružanje neophodno za obranu hrvatskih teritorija. U rujnu 1991. jedinice TO Bjelovar i SJPU „Omege“ Bjelovar uspješno su osvojile vojarnu „Božidar Adžija“ u Bjelovaru. Od rujna 1991. do siječnja 1992. godine vodile su se stalne bitke na prvoj liniji fronte oko Pakraca, Lipika, Grubišnog Polja, Velikog Grđevca, Daruvara i ostalih graničnih mjesta. Civilno stanovništvo ugroženih područja kao izbjeglice odlaze preko Bjelovara prama Zagrebu. Početkom listopada 1991. počele su pripreme Operativne zone Bjelovar za čišćenje grubišnopoljske općine i Bilogore od pobunjenika odnosno operacija „Otkos-10“. Akcija je bila uspješna te su završetkom 1991. počele pripreme za potpisivanje pravog primirja. Hrvatsko vodstvo uspjelo je dogovoriti prekid vatre na svim bojištima u Hrvatskoj i omogućiti dolazak snaga UNPROFOR-a kako bi na miran način sukobe priveli kraju. Early nineties in the Bjelovar municipality had positive impact on the spread of democracy. Political parties were created and there were preparations for the first multi-party parliamentary elections. However, the Serb Democratic Party leadership and part of Croatian Serbs were not in approval of such situation, especially because of Croatian inclination towards independence. The first rebellion took place in Pakrac in March 1991 when separatists took over the police station and disarmed Croatian police officers. Between 1990 and 1992, the Bjelovar economy was experiencing issues like the rest of Croatia. Some of them were: production drop, falling living standards, unemployment, exports drop, privatization, land reparcelling, migrations, refugees and inflation. Throughout the Bjelovar municipality and the rest of Croatia, the entire August 1991 was very dramatic. Soon after, the battle of the barracks began as they were full of armaments necessary for the defense of Croatia. In September 1991, units of the Territorial Defense Bjelovar and the SJPU „Omege“ Bjelovar managed to take over the „Božidar Adžija“ barracks in Bjelovar. From September 1991 until January 1992, there were constant battles on the first line around Pakrac, Lipik, Grubišno Polje, Veliki Grđevac, Daruvar and other border areas. The civilian population of vulnerable areas fled through Bjelovar to Zagreb as refugees. At the beginning of October 1991, the Bjelovar Operational Zone preparations for the cleaning of the Grubišno Polje municipality and Bilogora from the separatists commenced. The operation was known as „Otkos-10“. It was successful and by the end of 1991 there was groundwork for the signing of the ceasefire agreement. The Croatian leadership was able to arrange the cessation of fire on all battlefields and enable the arrival of the UNPROFOR forces to end the conflicts a calm way.
- Published
- 2017
47. Pismo Vjekoslava Fleischera (Vjekoslava Mesarića) Ljudevitu Gaju iz Bjelovara 1847
- Author
Karaula, Željko
- Subjects
ilirski pokret ,Bjelovar ,Vojna krajina ,Vjekoslav Mesarić - Abstract
Prilog za istraživanje ilirskog pokreta u Bjelovaru.
- Published
- 2017
48. Poznato o nepoznatom Mili Petranoviću
- Author
Zorka Renić and Tina Gatalica
- Subjects
Mile Petranović ,Bjelovar ,Gimnazija Bjelovar ,opismenjivanje - Abstract
Gimnazijski profesor Mile Petranović bio je aktivni sudionik i kreator društvenog i kulturnog života u Bjelovaru krajem 19. i početkom 20. stoljeća. Svestrano obrazovan, u svom je spisateljskom radu bio usmjeren na opismenjivanje i obrazovanje širokih narodnih masa. Posebno je isticao ulogu hrvatske književnosti i povijesti u njegovanju narodnoga jezika i domoljublja.
- Published
- 2017
49. Otvorenje izložbe 'Od pera do satelita – Bjelovar na katastarskim kartama' i 21. godišnja skupština Udruge geodeta Bjelovarsko-Bilogorske županije
- Author
Ćurković, Dragan
- Subjects
izložba ,Bjelovar ,udruga geodeta - Abstract
U radu je dan prikaz izložbe „Od pera do satelita – Bjelovar na katastarskim kartama“ i 21. godišnje skupštine Udruge geodeta Bjelovarsko-Bilogorske županije.
- Published
- 2017
50. 'Tjednik bjelovarsko-križevački' (weekly journal): the importance of periodicals for the research in local history
- Author
Tatjana Kreštan and Zorka Renić
- Subjects
Local history ,Bjelovar ,business.industry ,media_common.quotation_subject ,periodicals ,Library science ,Democracy ,Literacy ,lcsh:Auxiliary sciences of history ,lcsh:Z ,Newspaper ,lcsh:Bibliography. Library science. Information resources ,Tjednik bjelovarsko-križevački ,Politics ,State (polity) ,Publishing ,Reading (process) ,lcsh:C ,Sociology ,business ,Bjelovar-Bilogora District ,media_common - Abstract
Povijest tiskarstva, nakladništva i knjižarstva Bjelovarsko-bilogorske županije nije dovoljno istražena i vrednovana. Nekoliko stručnih radova o toj temi ne donosi iscrpan i sustavan pregled, kao niti obrazloženje uloge periodičkih publikacija, posebice časopisa i novina, u cjelokupnom razvoju grada Bjelovara i županije. Posebno je čudno što se vrlo malo pisalo o prvim bjelovarskim novinama — „Tjedniku bjelovarsko-križevačkom”. Rad donosi pregled činjenica vezanih uz početak izlaženja lista, sastav uredništva i glavne urednike, sadržaj lista, publicističke žanrove, rubrike, nakladu, distribuciju, popularizaciju i grafički dizajn. S obzirom na raspon tema, ukupnost zbivanja i širok dijapazon društvenog života koji je list pratio, pokušava se objasniti njegov utjecaj na razvoj pismenosti i kulturu čitanja, kao i ulogu u kulturnom, prosvjetnom i političkom životu grada i regije s kraja 19. i početka 20. stoljeća. Poticaj pisanju rada jest i činjenica da je „Tjednik bjelovarsko-križevački”, u nedostatku izvorne građe, važan izvor za istraživanje lokalne povijesti. Glavni izvor za proučavanje bili su primjerci „Tjednika”, čija su cijela godišta sačuvana u NSK-u. Konzultirani su bibliografski izvori i građa koja govori o razvoju tiskarstva i periodičkih publikacija. Teorijska polazišta bili su radovi Josipa Horvata, Božidara Novaka, Srećka Lipovčana, Ivanke Kuić, Ive Perića, Vjekoslava Maštrovića i dr. U radu su korištene povijesna i komparativna metoda, metoda kompilacije, metoda deskripcije, analiza i sinteza. Prve pokrajinske tjednike obično su izdavali lokalni tiskari u središtima županija. Golem pomak u razvoju nakladništva i tiskarstva u Bjelovaru napravio je Adolf Kolesar, koji je svoju tiskaru osnovao 1885. godine. Uskoro kreće i s izdavanjem prvih novina pod nazivom „Tjednik bjelovarsko-križevački: list za pouku, gospodarstvo, društveni i javni život”. Prvi broj „Tjednika” izišao je 1. studenoga 1890. godine i predstavlja početak razvoja periodike u Bjelovaru i županiji. Adolf Kolesar dao je tehničku osnovu za početak novinskog nakladništva u Bjelovaru, a najveći utjecaj na sadržaj „Tjednika” imali su dugogodišnji članovi uredništva i uvodničari profesor Gustav Fleischer te odvjetnik i političar Milan Rojc. U dosadašnjim radovima uglavnom se ističe da je „Tjednik” bio među najboljim pokrajinskim glasilima svoga vremena. List u početku donosi samo vijesti, novosti, zanimljivosti, pouku, kritiku, pripovijetke, sport i oglase, u želji da obuhvati cijelu Bjelovarsko-križevačku županiju i bez posebnih političkih ambicija. No mijenjajući vlasnika i uredništvo, list od 1907. izlazi kao političko glasilo Hrvatsko-srpske koalicije, te se veća pažnja pridaje državnim, političkim, komunalnim, socijalnim i gospodarskim problemima županije. Zadnji broj lista izašao je 30. kolovoza 1919. i nakon toga mijenja naziv u „Demokratski glas”, postajući glasilom Jugoslavenske demokratske stranke. Godine 1924. list ponovno vraća stari naziv „Tjednik”, ali je opstao vrlo kratko vrijeme. Ograničenja pri istraživanju odnose se na otežanu dostupnost građe jer je „Tjednik” u Državnom arhivu i Gradskom muzeju Bjelovar sačuvan tek fragmentarno, dok Narodna knjižnica „Petar Preradović” u Bjelovaru ne posjeduje niti jedan primjerak lista. Također se pojavio i problem pouzdanosti podataka navedenih u literaturi, koji su mjestimice bili nepotpuni ili tek djelomice točni. Cilj je rada pridonijeti rasvjetljavanju uloge „Tjednika” sa sociološko-politološkog te informacijsko-komunikacijskog aspekta. Uvid u sadržaj „Tjednika” koji rad donosi olakšat će daljnja istraživanja povijesti grada i županije., The history of printing and book publication in Bjelovar-Bilogorje District has not been sufficiently studied and evaluated. The few published papers on this topic represent only a scant review of the matter and provide no explanation as to the role of the periodicals, in particular journals and newspapers, in the overall development of the town of Bjelovar and the District. It strikes one as particularly odd how little writing has been devoted to the first Bjelovar weekly newspaper, Tjednik bjelovarsko-križevački. Our paper is an overview of the facts on the beginning of its publication, the makeup of the editorial board and the editors in chief, the contents, genres, columns, circulation, distribution, popularisation and layout. The range of topics covered, the overall atmosphere and the wide scope of the social life covered by the newspaper shed light on its influence on the development of literacy and the culture of reading, and on its role in the cultural, educational and political life of the town and the region in the late 19th and early 20th century. A special reason for writing this text resides in the fact that in the absence of other source material Tjednik bjelovarsko-križevački is an important tool in the study of the local history. The chief study sources were the complete annual editions of Tjednik stored in the National University Library. Bibliographic sources and material were consulted regarding the development of printing and the publication of periodicals. The theoretical starting points were found in the works of Josip Horvat, Božidar Novak, Srećko Lipovčan, Ivanka Kuić, Ivo Perić, Vjekoslav Maštrović and others. The paper utilises the historic and comparative methods, and the methods of compilation, description, analysis and synthesis. The first regionally distributed weeklies were commonly published by local printers with businesses set up in the district centres. An enormous breakthrough in the development of publishing and printing in Bjelovar was made by Adolf Kolesar whose printing outfit opened in 1885. Soon after the outfit opened for business, he started publishing the first newspaper bearing the title Tjednik bjelovarsko-križevački: newspaper for education, economy, social and public life. The first issue came out 1 November 1890, marking the beginning of the development of periodicals in Bjelovar and the District. Adolf Kolesar furnished the technical base for the onset of newspaper publishing in Bjelovar, but the major creators of the content of Tjednik were the long-standing members of the editorial board and reputed columnists, Professor Gustav Fleischer, and solicitor and politician Milan Rojc. Literature, so far published on this matter, stresses that Tjednik ranked among the best regional papers of its time. The paper started out by publishing only the news, curios, items of educational and didactic content, reviews, short stories, sports news and advertisements. Its ambition was to cover matters of interest and reach the readers of the entire Bjelovar-Križevci District, but it had no particular political ambitions. In 1907 the owner and the editorial board changed and the paper became a political bulletin for the Croatian-Serbian coalition, with greater emphasis on the state, political, communal, social and economic matters, important in the life of the District. The last issue came out 30 August 1919, after which date the name was changed to Demokratski glas and the publication became the bulletin for the Yugoslav Democratic Party. In 1924 the paper resumed the old name, Tjednik, but survived only a short time. The research for this paper was greatly impeded by a scantiness of sources, as there are only very few copies of Tjednik preserved in the State Archives and the Bjelovar Town Museum, whereas the Petar Preradović Library in Bjelovar does not own a single copy. Furthermore, there was the matter of reliability of the information found in literature, as it is sometimes incomplete or only partially accurate. The article aims to shed some light on the social and political role of Tjednik and on its information and communication aspects. The study of the contents of Tjednik provided in this article hopes to facilitate further research in the history of the town and the District. Keywords:Tjednik bjelovarsko-križevački; Bjelovar; Bjelovar-Bilogora District; periodicals
- Published
- 2009
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