Досліджено топоніми Млієва, пов’язану з ними церковну історію ХІХ - ХХ століть. Висвітлено яке місце, роль і значення, яке займав Мліїв у контексті краєзнавства України.Святкування 250-річчя мученицького подвигу св. Даниїла Мліївського було не лише суто церковною подією, але набуло державного значення, передусім привернуто увагу обласних дер- жавних структур з метою подальшого патріотичного виховання молоді, громадян. Святкування події 11 серпня 2016 р. вплине і на Україну. Вказа- но відомих особистостей села і краю, які підтримують православну цер- кву, освіту, й займаються наукою і волонтерством. Мліївські Успенська і Троїцька церкви входили до Володимирського братства. У ХІХ ст. брат- ство приділяло увагу розвитку української освіти в краї та опіці мліївсь- ких бідних, немічних, вдів, сиріт та інш. категорій постраждалого насе- лення у роки Першої світової війни, In the article it was examined Mliev toponyms and connected with them church history of XIX – XX centuries. It was determined Mliev place, role and importance within the context of Ukraine local history. The 250th anniversary celebrating of Mliev St. Daniel martyrdom feat was not purely ecclesiastical event, but it also gained national importance, above all it attracted regional state structures attention regarding further patriotic education of youth; citizens. August 11, 2016 celebration will affect Ukraine. It was pointed out well-known figures of the village and the region, which support the Orthodox Church, education, and also practice science and volunteering. Mliev Uspensky and Trinity churches belonged to Vladimir fraternity. In the XIX century the fraternity paid attention to the Ukrainian education and to caring and protection of the poor, weak, widows and other affected groups of people in Mliev during the First World War. On archival material base it was reproduced events of 1776. Parishioners of Mliev Uspensky and Trinity churches in 1776 strongly resisted gentry. This year, at the beginning of Lent Trinity and Uspensky churches have been forcibly made Uniates. Parishioners protected the church from Vassil Hdeshitskyi priest which joined to Uniates. The Archpriest reproached Orthodox faith. Mliev people were preparing to defend the church. From Uspensky church it was taken chasubles, clothing, books, and church’s vessels. They were put into the hutch and locked. Uspensky Church headman Danilo Kushnir brought and rehid sanctuary – cup for communion, in order it would not be got by the Uniates. Hdeshitskyi priest threatened Kushnir and wrote unfair accusations. He sent this paper to his father – Smila archpriest Opanas Hdeshitskyi. Danilo Kushnir was arrested and beheaded in Vilshaka. When hands burned, the executioner cut off his head and hing it on stick and nailed with a big nail, his body was burned. Thus Danilo Kushnir died on 29th of July by an Old and on 11th of August 1766 by a New Style. It is strange that in autumn 2016 Vilshanka people did not want the execution monument of Danilo Kushnir (sketches of Cherkassy and Kanev Metropolitan Sophroniia) was in Vilshanka on the historic place. Vilshanka peaple believe that it is not theirs. It was decided to establish a monument near Horodyshche Vorontsov St. Michael Church. Kushnir death stirred the heart in Ukraine and Europe. In response to the bullying appeared different movements, and in the spring of 1768 began Koliyivshchyna which was investigated by mliev historian, teacher-methodologist, organizer and national museum of the history of the village head P.M. Kryzhanivskyi. Prokop Mihajlovich was helped in items, books, materials, photo for museum, household items collecting by his high school students of Mliev (rural school of early XX century). It was investigated a great number of village toponyms. At the corner of Vissoke Zagrebellya or in Low streets near the Vilshanka River is Kushnir homestead. Prospects of Mliev and Hrodysche researches will bring desirable results for the local history of the village and Ukraine.