12 results on '"arhivski fondovi"'
Search Results
- Author
Zaimović, Haris
- Subjects
HISTORICAL libraries ,MUNICIPAL government ,FINANCE ,ORGANIZATION ,POWER (Social sciences) - Abstract
Copyright of Contributions / Prilozi is the property of Institute for History, University of Sarajevo and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2018
- Author
BOŽIĆ-DRLJAČA, Vesna and KOZIĆ, Manuela
- Abstract
Copyright of Arhivska Praksa is the property of Arhiv Tuzlanskog kantona & Drustvo arhivskih zaposlenika TK and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2015
- Author
Januska, Tea Blagaic
- Subjects
- *
ARCHIVES collection management , *MUSEUMS , *MUSEUM techniques , *MUSEUM informatics , *ARCHIVES , *ARCHIVES relocation , *INFORMATION resources , *PUBLIC relations - Abstract
Archival materials, kept in the separate collection in the Museum of the City of Split, are as much varied as activities of the Museum itself, pervading into all fields of communal life: cultural, social, economical, artistic, and urbanistic. Materials belonging to the Archival Collection are devided into fonds and subcollections. Amongst them are present personal papers, those of significant individuals and families, but also institutional fonds, of different societies and organizations. They date from 14th till second half of the 20th century. Specificities of the Collection's position, inside the Museum as non-archival institution, are similar to all kindred institutions. They influence issues of collecting and acquring archives, same as those of their treatment, i.e. of arrangement and description of archives. Problems of the variety of approaches in the treatment of archival collections and its fonds and subcollections, typical for non-archival institutions, have not yet been solved, despite efforts tending to implement rules and principles of museological and archival profession. Mostly it is connected to the implementation of the principle of provenance typical for archival science, and of the description and treatment of individual documents characteristic for museology, which are two different practices. The most significant attributes of the Archival Collection in the Museum of the City of Split are wideness, diversity and fragmentation of contents. Archival materials have been acquired systematically from the very beginning of the Museum's existence, by redemptions and gifts, and this kind of activity has always been taken seriouosly. In that sense the Collection is of significant importance for the history of Split, but also of wider community. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2008
5. HR-HDA-1081 Sabor Socijalističke Republike Hrvatske 1945.-1982.: sumarni inventar
- Author
Bukvić, Nenad
- Subjects
Sabor Socijalističke Republike Hrvatske ,obavijesno pomagalo ,inventar ,arhivski fondovi - Abstract
Sumarni inventar arhivskog fonda HR-HDA-1081 Sabor Socijalističke Republike Hrvatske 1945.-1982., pohranjenog u Hrvatskome državnom arhivu. Inventar je izrađen sukladno međunarodnim normama ISAAR (CPF): Međunarodna norma arhivističkog normiranog zapisa za pravne i fizičke osobe te obitelji (2. izd., Zagreb, Hrvatski državni arhiv, 2006.) i ISAD (G): Opća međunarodna norma za opis arhivskoga gradiva (2. izd., Zagreb, Hrvatski državni arhiv, 2001.). Inventar je podijeljen u tri cjeline te sadrži: opis fonda, opis serija i podserija gradiva, te popis gradiva po tehničkim jedinicama.
- Published
- 2012
6. Arhivska zbirka u muzeju grada Splita
- Author
Tea Blagaić Januška
- Subjects
archives ,archival collection ,archival fonds ,non-archival institutions ,museum ,museum’s object ,arhivsko gradivo ,arhivska zbirka ,arhivski fondovi ,ne-arhivske ustanove ,muzej ,muzejski predmet - Abstract
U radu se prikazuje arhivska zbirka unutar muzeja grada Splita, odnosno arhivsko gradivo unutar jedne ne-arhivske ustanove. Sabiranje, obrada i inventarizacija poštuje zatečene klasifikacije i usuglašava ih sa međunarodnim normama za opis arhivskog gradiva ISAD(G) i ISAAR(CPF). Prikazana je sadržajna struktura arhivskih fondova i podzbirki Arhivske zbirke Muzeja grada Splita. Konačno, u radu se ukazuje na probleme koji se javljaju pri obradi arhivskog gradiva u ne-arhiskim ustanovama: prikazuju se razlike, ali i sličnosti muzeja i arhiva, odnosno muzejskog predmeta i arhivskog gradiva., Archival materials, kept in the separate collection in the Museum of the City of Split, are as much varied as activities of the Museum itself, pervading into all fields of communal life: cultural, social, economical, artistic, and urbanistic. Materials belonging to the Archival Collection are devided into fonds and subcollections. Amongst them are present personal papers, those of significant individuals and families, but also institutional fonds, of different societies and organizations. They date from 14th till second half of the 20th century. Specificities of the Collection's position, inside the Museum as non-archival institution, are similar to all kindred institutions. They influence issues of collecting and acquring archives, same as those of their treatment, i.e. of arrangement and description of archives. Problems of the variety of approaches in the treatment of archival collections and its fonds and subcollections, typical for non-archival institutions, have not yet been solved, despite efforts tending to implement rules and principles of museological and archival profession. Mostly it is connected to the implementation of the principle of provenance typical for archival science, and of the description and treatment of individual documents characteristic for museology, which are two different practices. The most significant attributes of the Archival Collection in the Museum of the City of Split are wideness, diversity and fragmentation of contents. Archival materials have been acquired systematically from the very beginning of the Museum's existence, by redemptions and gifts, and this kind of activity has always been taken seriouosly. In that sense the Collection is of significant importance for the history of Split, but also of wider community.
- Published
- 2008
7. Vodič kroz arhivske fondove i zbirke Hrvatskog državnog arhiva [Elektronička građa]
- Author
Ćosić, Stjepan and Lemić, Vlatka
- Subjects
Hrvatski državni arhiv ,arhivski fondovi ,vodič ,Hrvatska - Abstract
Vodič kroz arhivske fondove i zbirke Hrvatskog državnog arhiva donosi pregled arhivskoga gradiva Hrvatskog državnog arhiva, središnje i matične arhivske ustanove u Hrvatskoj, sa stanjem u rujnu 2007. godine. Sadrži podatke o 1.830 arhivskih fondova i zbirki, s oko 23.500 dužnih metara gradiva nastalog od 10. i 11. stoljeća do danas. Fondovi predstavljaju zasebne cjeline gradiva nastale djelovanjem jednoga stvaratelja, a zbirke su skupine dokumenata nastale prema interesima sabiratelja ili prema zajedničkim karakteristikama dotičnoga gradiva (karte, planovi, fotografije, grafike, pečati, grbovi i sl.). Hrvatski državni arhiv prikuplja i čuva dokumentaciju koja je nastala djelovanjem središnjih tijela državne uprave, javnih ustanova i drugih institucija koje su djelovale na čitavom ili znatnijem dijelu Hrvatske. Stoga većinu gradiva Hrvatskog državnog arhiva čine fondovi središnjih tijela državne uprave čiju djelatnost možemo kroz sačuvano gotovo kontinuirano pratiti još od 16. ili 17. stoljeća. Cijeneći ulogu i značaj koje su imali u pojedinim razdobljima i događajima u javnome životu, arhiv prikuplja i dokumentaciju nastalu djelovanjem istaknutih pojedinaca, obitelji i privatnih organizacija. Na taj način može se dati potpuniji i slojevitiji prikaz različitih područja djelatnosti i pojava u društvenom životu, koji možda ne bi bili primjereno zastupljeni i dokumentirani u gradivu javne provenijencije.
- Published
- 2007
8. Pregled arhivskih fondova i zbirki Republike Hrvatske. Rad na prikupljanju i obradi podataka
- Author
Vida Pavliček
- Subjects
archival finding aids ,general guide for archival holdings ,archival institutions ,owners of archival materials outside archives service ,archives ,fonds ,archival collections ,arhivska obavijesna pomagala ,pregled arhivskih fondova i zbirki ,arhivi ,imatelji arhivskoga gradiva izvan arhiva ,arhivsko gradivo ,arhivski fondovi ,arhivske zbirke - Abstract
U radu se prikazuje metodologija rada na prikupljanju i obradi podataka za publikaciju Pregled arhivskih fondova i zbirki Republike Hrvatske. Donose se i osnovna stručna pitanja i postupci obrade prikupljenih podataka kao i teorijska i praktična pitanja koja pred istraživače, ali i arhivske djelatnike postavlja izrada ove vrste obavijesnoga pomagala koja daje osnovne podatke o arhivskim fondovima i zbirkama (naziv, godine djelovanja stvaratelja, godine sačuvanoga gradiva, količine sačuvanog gradiva i izrađena obavijesna pomagala). Posebna se pozornost pridaje problematici oblikovanja arhivskih fondova i razredbenom sustavu cjelokupnoga arhivskoga gradiva na temelju povijesne periodizacije i funkcija stvaratelja arhivskoga gradiva. Prikazana je sadržajna struktura Pregleda arhivskih fondova i zbirki s obzirom na vrste djelatnosti i vrste gradiva koje prikazuju pojedini fondovi i zbirke te količinski odnos iskaza arhivskih fondova i zbirki po pojedinim cjelinama u novom i prethodnom Pregledu arhivskih fondova i zbirki. Konačno, u radu se prikazuju i problemi koji su iskrsli u obradi podataka arhivskoga gradiva koje se čuva u nearhivskim ustanovama (knjižnice, muzeji, crkvene institucije, zavodi i dr.)., General guide for archival fonds and collections in Republic of Croatia is in contemporary Croatian archives service obligatory finding aid, which provides basic data on archival holdings in Republic of Croatia in custody of archival, but also of non-archival institutions. Structure of data on archival holdings (title of fonds or collections, dates of creator’s existence, span dates and quantity of archival materials in the unit, existing finding aids) in Guide from 2006 follow data structure from the edition made in 1984, which was the first one of that kind in Croatia, but then in frames of those days Yugoslavia. At the same time processing and structure of data are harmonized with elements of international standards ISAD(G) and ISAAR(CPF). The way in which the fonds are created is compatible with principles described in Guidelines on criteria and procedures for fonds and collections creation (Preporuka o uvjetima i načinu oblikovanja arhivskoga fonda i zbirke), published in 1985. Archival holdings of Croatian State Archives (CSA) and of 13 regional state archives are presented, same as holdings from 187 non-archival institutions, like Croatian Academy of Science and Art, National and University Library in Zagreb, faculty and other libraries, science institutes, museums, religious institutions. In 15.937 archival fonds and collections archival materials originate from the end of 10th to the end of 20th century, even to the beginning of 21st century. Guide gives answers and suggestions for particular issues: fonds creation, creation of authority records, creation of fonds register numbers. The number of embraced fonds and collections and exhaustivity of their description makes Guide a kind of »cadastre« of archival cultural heritage and basic archival finding aid to researchers and other users, but also to archivists and others working in archives service.
- Published
- 2007
9. Uprava 1945-1952. godine: Problemi poznavanja ustroja, identifikacije stvaratelja i oblikovanje fondova
- Author
Rajka Bućin
- Subjects
arhivski fondovi ,obrada fondova ,arhivistička metodologija ,1941-1952 ,records group ,processing of archival fonds ,archival methodology ,1945-1952 - Abstract
Članak je posvećen metodološkim problemima u obradi fondova. Autorica ističe temeljnu važnost koju za razgraničenje odnosno oblikovanje fondova, kao i za njihov kasniji opis, ima poznavanje institucija. Misli se pri tome na poznavanje cjelokupne strukture uprave jednoga razdoblja, ali i poznavanje pojedinačnih stvaratelja, sa što preciznije utvrđenim nadležnostima, promjenama naziva i sl. Problemi na koje se pri tome može naići pokazani su na isječku povijesti uprave iz razdoblja 1945-1952. godine. Obrađeno razdoblje obilježeno je velikim brojem upravnih promjena, ali i neredovitim objavljivanjem podataka o njima u službenim glasilima, prije svega Narodnim novinama NRH, te nepreciznošću informacija koje se odatle mogu crpiti. Rekonstruirana je povijest tijela nadležnih za upravljanje državnim privrednim poduzećima za promet i otkup prehrambenih namirnica, te prehrambene industrije, poglavito glavnih i generalnih direkcija, kao AOR-a (administrativno-operativnih rukovodilaca) u tim područjima. Funkcija administrativno-operativnog rukovođenja, kojom je vertikalno definiran čitav niz tijela, tretirana je kao jedan od ključnih kriterija za oblikovanje fondova., The article is preoccupied with methodological problems in the treatment of archives, being focused on the significance which the knowledge of history of institutions has in the arrangement and description of public administration archives. Inside the recognized administrative period, we must be familiar with governemental structure as a whole, knowing all the institutions typieal for the time, same as data on them individually - on their mandates, changes of names, ete. - primary because of their signifieance in fonds creating deeisions, but not less in further arrangement and deseription endeavors. Concious of the utmost importance which such data have archivists usually use offieial journals to follow and reconstruct changes of institutions in the past. A suceess of such efforts failed in the ease of 1945-1952 government. The administration of the time was so concentrated on the changes of particular agencies mandates, ttying to reach more effectiveness in the system, that didn't save energy for publishing information on the executed changes in the Official Gazette of the People's Republic of Croatia on the regularly basis or even at all, or didn't consider it important. Diplomatic analysis ofcarchival documents (belonging to the period) demonstrates that administration wasn't quick enough not only to follow organizational changes - i. e. agencies unifications or separations or splitting of their mandates in all possible ways - publishing data on them, but even missed to echange the official seals on time. It makes a review of existing agencies very unclear and hard to follow, especially that of so called administrative-operative governors (AOG: in Croatian AOR, administrativno operativni rukovodilac), which were the underministerial agencies dealing with "state companies of republic importance". The reconstructed history and development of such agencies - namely of main and general directorates of People's Republic of Croatia in the field of provisiong, food trade and food industry – based on sporadic ministerial decisions on them, together with content and diplomatic analysis of archival documents, demonstrates how hard tracking of them is. The article finishes analysing administrative-operative governing function as an important element which defines position of these agencies vertically, and helps to make fonds creating decisions, respecting changes of agencies activity fields and names, and tracking their relationships with superordinated bodies, preserving so the provenance of documents and their context.
- Published
- 2002
10. Arhivski fondovi iz oblasti gospodarstva u Državnom arhivu u Sisku
- Author
Nela Kušanić
- Subjects
arhivski fondovi ,gospodarstvo ,Državni arhiv u Sisku ,archival fonds ,economy ,State Archives in Sisak - Abstract
Autorica u ovom radu daje pregled arhivskih fondova iz oblasti gospodarstva koji su u vlasništvu Državnog arhiva u Sisku, s pokušajem valorizacije svake pojedine cjeline. Prateći postojeću klasifikaciju fondova iznosi osnovne podatke o stvarateljima, ali i dijelovima opisanih arhivskih cjelina koji se nalaze u drugim ustanovama., This paper presents an overview of archival fonds relating to economy that are situated in the State Archives in Sisak. The overview is based on fonds classification scheme that is in use in the archival service in Croatia. The subject of further analysis in this paper is a group of fonds marked as Economy and Banking. That group of fonds is divided into three subgroups depending on time of creation of each particular fonds. G.l. Period until 1945. G.2. Period of socialist economy 1945-1990 G.3. Period after 1990. Fonds from each period are furthermore separated into smaller groups. The groups consist of fonds beginning to the same field of economy (such as banking, industry, mining, printing). There are 150 fonds in amount of 113 linear metres of archiva1 materials in the depot of the State Archives in Sisak. From that information it is obvious that we are dealing with small archival fonds. Small fragmentary preserved fonds are main characteristic of State Archives in Sisak. The main reason for this situation is that organized preservation of Archival materials in Sisak area started in 1960-s. From each group of the fonds the author points out the most interesting fonds and for each provenance group he gives us basic information about fonds origin and characteristics of the fonds. The author also evaluates fonds and gives information about fragments of archival records which are situated in other institutions.
- Published
- 2002
11. Specijalizirani arhivi
- Author
Ornata Tadin
- Subjects
specijalizirani arhivi ,arhivski fondovi ,zbirke arhivskoga gradiva - Abstract
Danas smo s jedne strane suočeni s proizvodnjom nepreglednog broja informacija, a s druge, u velikoj mjeri upravo pod zastrašujućim pritiskom količine tih informacija, sa sve većom profesionalizacijom arhivske struke i nastojanjem da se pronađu što djelotvorniji načini za upravljanje i odabir ’pravih’ informacija za budućnost. Imajući u vidu ograničenja koja nam nameće sadašnja gospodarska situacija u Hrvatskoj, zatim nestanak društvenoga vlasništva i sve snažniju privatizaciju na svim područjima, bilo bi važno snažnije potaknuti osnivanje ili uređenje specijaliziranih i/ili ’kućnih’ arhiva na onim područjima koja arhivska služba sa svojim sadašnjim prostornim i ljudskim kapacitetima ne uspijeva savladati na zadovoljavajući način. Takve se potrebe javljaju na području gospodarstva, zdravstva, znanosti i obrazovanja, javnih medija. To nikako ne bi trebalo značiti slabljenje arhivske mreže i nadzora nad cjelinom arhivskoga gradiva u nastajanju. Specijalizirane arhive treba učiniti sastavnicom jedinstvene mreže arhiva.
- Published
- 2001
12. Digitalna obrada podataka u funkciji zaštite arhivskih fondova? Zaključno izvješće radne skupine Njemačke udruge za znanstvena istraživanja
- Author
Marianne Dörr and Hartmut Weber
- Subjects
mikrofilmiranje ,digitalna obrada ,zaštita gradiva ,arhivski fondovi ,Verfilmung ,Digitalisierung ,Bestandserhaltung ,Archivbestände - Abstract
Ovo je izvješće prikaz rezultata istraživanja radne skupine Njemačke udruge za naučna istraživanja o prednostima i nedostacima tehnologija mikrofilmiranja i digitalizacije u zaštiti arhivskoga gradiva te njihovoj međusobnoj kompatibilnosti. Njemačka je udruga za naučna istraživanja, inače nadležna za pitanja zaštite arhivskoga gradiva, reagirala na činjenicu da su informacijske tehnologije sve prisutnije na području na kojem tradicionalno mikrofilm ima prioritetno značenje. Radna je skupina oformljena u studenom 1995. g. pod predsjedanjem dr. Hartmuta Webera (Landesarchivdirektion Baden-Württemberg, Stuttgart), danas predsjednika Njemačkog saveznog arhiva (Bundesarchiv), a u njezinom su radu sudjelovali arhivisti, knjižničari i informatičari. Izvješće, izrađeno u ljeto 1996. g., sadrži tehničke i organizacijske smjernice za projekte mikrofilmiranja i digitalizacije arhivskoga gradiva, posebno u odnosu na ekonomičnost radnoga postupka, jer u pitanju su javne financije, a s napomenom o njihovoj privremenosti s obzirom na brzi razvoj informacijskih tehnologija. Vrednovanje testova mikrofilmiranja i digitalizacije provedenih na standardiziranim materijalima i u raznim kombinacijama (izrada digitalnih snimaka već mikrofilmiranog gradiva, izrada mikrofilma iz digitalnih snimaka, digitalno skeniranje gradiva), pokazalo je da je prednost mikrofilma u njegovoj kvaliteti i cijeni, jer na ekonomičnost digitalizacije utječu troškovi migracija sa zastarjelih na novije tehnologije te nezadovoljavajući rezultati u kvaliteti izrađenih digitalnih snimaka. Velika je prednost digitalizacije u brzini pretraživanja i pristupu gradivu na fizičkoj udaljenosti korisnika., Dcr fur die Fragen von Bcstandscrhaltungsprogrammen zustandigc UnterausschuB dcr Deutschen Forschungsgemenischaft hat hinsichtlich der groBen Fortschritte in der Entwicklung der Netz und Datentechnik im Bereich dcr bildlichen Ubcrtragung der Dokumentc in den letzten zehn Jahren, die Formicrung einer Arbeitsgruppe im November 1995 angeregt, die sich im direkten Vergleich vor allem mit Vorteilen und Nachteilen, sowie mit Qualitätsanforderungen, Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der Verfilmungs und Digitalisierungstechnologie in der Funktion des Schutzes von Archivalienbeständen auseinandersetzen sollte. Eine besondere Herausforderung stellte die Ermittlung der Möglichkeiten im Bereich der Digitalisierung von Mikrofilm aufnahmen dar. Um das bedrohte Archivgut vor endogenem Papicrzcrfall und anderen Schadensursachen zu schützen, hat die Verfilmung von Archivbeständen schon seit Jahrzehnten Priorität in Bcstandscrhaltungsprogrammen, jetzt wollte man Formen und Grenzen neuer Technologien erforschen. An diesem Forschungsprojekt unter Vorsitz von Dr. Hartmut Weber (Lande-sarchivdirektion Baden-Württemberg, Stuttgart), heute der Präsident des Bundesarchivs (Koblenz), haben zusammengearbeitet: Prof. Dr. Hans Bohrmann (Institut für Zeitungsforschung, Dortmund), Werner Clausnitzcr (MS-Mikrofilm Optical Disc GmbH, Wuppertal), Dr. Marianne Dörr (Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, München), Dipl. Kf,. Martin Fock-Althaus (SRZ Satz-Rechen. Zentrum, Berlin), Dipl. Ing. Hartmut Haux (Zcutsche! GmbH, Tübingen), Leo Otte (Classen-Papcrtronics KG-Convcrtronics, Essen), Dr. Hartmut Strop (Dr. Strop Consulting, Ahrensburg). Die standardisierten Testmaterialen wurden verfilmt und digitalisiert, wobei man in seiner Arbeit den technischen Stand der Digitalisicrung vom Mikrofilm und die wcchselsciteigc Kompabilität von Mikrofilmen und digitalen bildlichen Über¬tragungen (Konversionsformen) berücksichtigte. Die Testergebnisse sprachen deutlich aus den Gründen der Qualität und Wirtschaftlichkeit für den Mikrofilm als Aufnahme- und Speichermedium. Die Arbeitsgruppe formulierte die Mindestanforderungen an die Qualität der Verfilmung und Digitalisierung (Material, Bildqualität, schwarz-weiße Filme und bitonale Digitalisicrung, Digitalisierung vom FarbMikrofilm, Hard und Softwareausstattung, Datensicherheit), und obwohl die digitale Form eine rasche und ortsunabhängige Verfügbarkeit bietet, die Ergebnisse der Digitalisierung in Hinsicht auf die Bildqualität und Wirtschaftlichkeit (Migration digitaler Konversionsformen damit sie lesbar bleiben), lassen zu wünschen übrig. Nach wie vor empfiehlt sich die Verfilmung gefähredeter Bestände auf der Basis der vorhandenen Mikrofilme. Die Forschungsarbeit wurde im Sommer 1996 abgeschlossen und der Abschlußbericht mit dem Titel "Digitalisierung gefährdeten Bibliothcks-und Archivguts" unter Zustimmung aller Mitglieder der Arbeitsgruppe erarbeitet. Die Autoren haben darauf hingewiesen, daß die schnelle Weiterentwicklung der Technik in diesem Bereich keine langfristig gültige Erkenntnisse zuläßt.
- Published
- 2000
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