16 results on '"analiza varijanse"'
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ENZYMATIC analysis , *EXTRACTION (Chemistry) , *POLYSACCHARIDES , *RESPONSE surfaces (Statistics) , *CHEMICAL yield - Abstract
The process of ultrasonic-enhanced compound-enzymes-assisted extraction of polysaccharides from the fruit of Cornus officinalis was optimized by response surface methodology (RSM). The influence of three different factors on the yield of C. officinalis polysaccharides (COP) was studied. The results showed that the optimal conditions were extraction temperature 49.6 °C, ultrasound time 40.41 min, and ultrasound power 308.07 W. The experimental data obtained were fitted to a second-order polynomial equation using multiple regression analysis and were analyzed by analysis of variance (ANOVA). The 3-D response surface plot and the contour plot derived from the mathematical models were applied to determine the optimal conditions. Under modified conditions, the experimental yield of polysaccharides was 11.02±0.41%, which was well in agreement with the value predicted by the model. A good 1,1-diphenyl-2-picryldydrazyl (DPPH) radical scavenging activity of COP extracted by ultrasonic-enhanced compound-enzymes-assisted extraction was observed. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2015
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3. Experimental design of fuse link with ceramic alloy: Cracking problem.
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Şanyılmaz, Murat and Elevli, Sermin
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- Published
- 2014
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4. Varijabilnost visine biljke i prečnika glave kod novih hibridnih kombinacija suncokreta (Helianthus annuus L.).
- Author
Marinković, Radovan, Jocković, Milan, Jocić, Siniša, and Ćirić, Mihajlo
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SUNFLOWERS , *SPECIES hybridization , *PLANT physiology , *BREEDING , *PLANT growth , *GENOTYPE-environment interaction - Abstract
Plant height and head diameter of new hybrid combinations of sunflower were investigated. Tests were done under field conditions at experimental field of Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops in Rimski Šančevi. Significant differences were determined between genotypes observing the studied characters. Plant height ranged from 192.83 cm (OD 3369 x RHA-B-1) to 250.17 cm (L-48 x Snrf-583), head diameter ranged between 20.47 cm (UK-PA 45 x Snrf 583) and 24.53 cm (UK-PA 243 x RHA-B-1). Genotypes were grouped by cluster analysis. Four groups and two separate genotypes were found regarding plant height, and three genotypes and eight independent genotypes regarding head diameter. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2011
- Author
Marinković, Radovan and Marjanović-Jeromela, Ana
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SUNFLOWERS , *PLANT breeding , *SELECTION (Plant breeding) , *ADDITIVES , *ANALYSIS of variance - Abstract
The paper describes the practical application of triple test cross analysis. The method is illustrated using data for cotyledon area obtained by studying two inbred lines and their cross as well as 30 crosses between the inbreds and 10 randomly selected lines. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2009
- Author
Adis Puška, Selma Berbić, and Jasmin Stovrag
- Subjects
Kupovno odlučivanje potrošača ,demografske karakteristike potrošača ,faktorska analiza ,multivarijaciona analiza varijanse ,analiza varijanse - Abstract
U posljednje vrijeme se sve više pažnje pridaje izučavanju ponašanju potrošača. Kupovno odlučivanje je jedan od segmenata kod proučavanja ponašanja potrošača koji je bio predmet ovoga rada. U ovom radu se ispituje kako i na koji način demografske karakteristike potrošača utiču na kupovno odlučivanje. Ovdje se posmatra kupovno odlučivanje potrošača u procesu kupovine tehničkih proizvoda. Pod tehničkim proizvodima se podrazumijevala bijela tehnika, kompjuteri, televizori i sl. čija je cijena veća od 400 KM. Istraživanje je provedeno na području Sjeverne Bosne korištenjem namjernog prigodnog uzorka. Korišten je online anketni upitnik koji je distribuiran putem Facebook stranice informativnih portala na ovom području. Anketni upitnik je popunilo 201 ispitanik. Korištenih 17 tvrdnji vezanih za kupovno odlučivanje su faktorskom analizom grupisane u četiri faktora. Ispitivanje hipoteza je vršeno putem multivarijacione analize varijanse (MANOVA). Rezultati ove analize su pokazali da spol i visina primanja ispitanika utiču na kupovno odlučivanje kod potrošača, dok starosna dob, školska sprema i broj članova domaćinstva ne utiču na kupovno odlučivanje.
- Published
- 2017
7. Primena matematičko statističkih metoda u istraživanju ponude i tražnje mesa
- Author
Dabetić, Slavica, Babović, Jovan, Carić, Marko, and Soleša, Dragan
- Subjects
analysis of variance ,Ponuda ,Supply ,analiza varijanse ,vremenske serije ,demand ,time series ,supply and demandelasticity ,meat ,tražnja ,korelacija ,correlation ,elastičnost ponude itražnje ,meso ,regresija ,regression ,livestock production ,stočarska proizvodnja - Abstract
Primena matematičko statističkih metoda u istraživanju ponude i tražnje mesa je od izuzetnog značaja za programiranje budućeg razvoja stočarstva, prerade mesa u visokofinalne proizvode i plasmana kvalitetnih proizvoda na domaćem i međnarodnom tržištu. U istraživanju je učinjen napor da se sistematizuju osnovne teorijske i analitičke postavke, koncepti i principi ponude i tražnje goveđeg, svinjskog, živinskog i ovčjeg mesa u Srbiji u periodu 2000- 2013. godine. Cilj istraživanja je da se izaberu i primene savremene matematičko-statističke metode neophodne u analizi obima, strukture i dinamike ponude i tražnje mesa i sagledanju uticaji pojedinih ekonomskih i demografskih faktora na proizvodnju i potrošnju mesa. U radu je primenjen kvantitativno-kvalitativni naučni metod istraživanja. U naučnom istraživanju, statističkoj obradi podataka, formulisanju i prezentovanju rezultata od opštih metoda korišćene su: deskriptivna statistika, funkcije ponude i tražnje, višestruka regresija, korelaciona analiza, jednofaktorska i trofaktorska analiza, faktorska analiza, ARIMA i ANOVA modeli. Polazna pretpostavka je da se primenom savremenih matematičko-statističkih metoda u istraživanju ponude i tražnje i faktora koji određuju ponudu i tražnju, može utvrditi obim, struktura, dinamika i elastičnost ponude i tražnje mesa, radi programiranja buduće proizvodnje i potrošnje mesa u Srbiji. U poslednjih deset godina, broj uslovnih grla stoke u Srbiji na 100 hektara poljoprivredne površine smanjen sa 34 na 27 uslovna grla. U zemljama EU na 100 ha poljoprivredne površine dolazi 98 uslovnih grla ili 3 puta više nego kod nas. Izučavani period karakterišu negativne stope rasta proizvodnje u govedarstvu i svinjarstvu, a proizvodnja u živinarstvu i ovčarstvu beleži minimalan rast. Prosečna godišnja stopa smanjenja broja grla u govedarstvu u Srbiji iznosi −2,36% i predstavlja najveću stopu smanjenja u stočarstvu. Proizvodnja svinja iznosi 3,5 milijona grla sa trendom smanjenja po godišnjoj stopi od 1,96%. Broj živine ima kontinuirani rast po stopi rasta od 1,09%. Broj ovaca je minimalno povećan po stopi rasta od 0,03 %. Neorganizovanost proizvođača u stočarskoj proizvodnji i preradi, dispariteti cena stočne hrane i stoke, neorganizavani otkup stočarskih proizvoda, problemi u finansiranju i naplati proizvoda, izostank adekvatnih podsticajnih ekonomskih mera iz agrarnog budžeta, liberalni uvoz i nedovoljne investicije uticali su na negativne tendencije u proizvodnji stoke i napuštanje proizvodnje, nisko korišćenje farmskih i preradnih kapaciteta, nisku produktivnost i konkurentnost, nepovoljna kretanja u spoljnoj trgovini i smanjenje potrošnje mesa po stanovniku. Srbija spada među zemlje sa malom potrošnjom mesa. Godišnja tržišna potrošnja goveđeg, svinjskog, živinskog i ovčijeg mesa iznosi 39 kilograma po stanovniku. Potrošač Srbije godišnje potroši 4,2 kg goveđeg, 16,6 kg svinjskog, 16,9 kg živinskog, 1,1 kg ovčijeg mesa i nekoliko kilograma ostalih mesa ili prerađevina. Bilans proizvodnje i potrošnje goveđeg i ovčijeg mesa je minimalno pozitivan, a svinjskog i živinskog negativan što se podmiruje sa uvozom. Dominantno učešće u ukupnoj potrošnji mesa ima svinjsko meso 53,2% i živinsko meso 27,1%. Učešće goveđeg mesa u potrošnji je 17,9% i ovčijeg mesa 1,8%. Faktori koji utiču na potrošnju mesa mnogobrojni su i različiti, a najvažniji su dohodak, cene i cene supstituta. Kvantitativna analiza se sastoji u grafičkom i matematičkom prikazu proizvodnje i potrošnje četiri kategorije mesa i odnosa prema činiocima koji determinišu ponudu i tražnju mesa. U radu su na osnovu raspoloživih statističkih podataka ilustrovani tendovi obima, strukture i dinamike stočarske proizvodnje i proizvodnje mesa, kao i pokazatelji cenovne elastičnosti ponude posmatranih kategorija mesa. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da se cenovne elastičnosti ponude mesa razlikuju kod posmatranih kategorija mesa. Sa ekonomskog gledišta prisutno je odsustvo zakonitosti između cene i ponude goveđeg i svinjskog mesa. Cenovna elastičnost ponude goveđeg i svinjskog mesa je negativna, što je posledica značajnog smanjenja proizvodnje broja stoke i obima proizvodnje mesa, visine graničnih troškova, čuvanja proizvoda za kasniju prodaju i sopstvene potrebe Imajući u vidu značaj mesa u ishrani stanovništva, analizirana je potrošnja mesa po domaćinstvu, što je od velikog značaja za ustanovljavanje veličine i pravca promena u kretanju potrošnje pod uticajem određenih činilaca. Kako je potrošnja preduslov proizvodnje značajna pažnja posvećena je razmatranju korelaciono-regresionih modela cenovne, dohodovne i unakrsne elastičnosti potrošnje mesa. Činioci tražnje su uzročno-posledično vezani sa drugim ekonomskim i neekonomskim faktorima. Istraživanje odnosa potrošnje i maloprodajnih cena mesa pokazuje da je tražnja neelastična, jer ispitivane vrste mesa imaju negativne cenovne koeficijente elastičnosti manje od 1,00. Proizilazi, da se sa povećanjem cene mesa za 1%, očekuje smanjenje potrošnje goveđeg mesa za 0,152%, svinjskog za 0,006%, živinskog za 0,748% i ovčijeg za 0,507%. Potrošnja živinskog mesa pokazuje najveći intezitet promena pri povećanju cene mesa. Istraživanje odnosa ukupne domaće potrošnje posmatranih kategorija mesa i visine bruto nacionalnog dohotka po stanovniku, pokazuje da je dohodovna elastičnost potrošnje goveđeg − 0,105, živinskog − 0,159 i ovćijeg mesa − 0,734, a potrošnje svinjskog mesa niska i pozitivna 0,085. Dohodovna elastičnost merena iz odnosa potrošnje mesa po domaćinstvu i prosečnog neto dohotka pokazuje da je elastičnost potrošnja goveđeg 0,179, svinjskog 0,011 i živinskog mesa 0,0137, niska i pozitivna. Dohodovna elastičnost potrošnje ovčijeg mesa je negativna i manja od 1,00, i pokazuje da se promenom neto dohotka od 1% očekuje smanjenje potrošnje ovčijeg mesa za 0,084%. Negativni koeficijenti dohodovne elastičnosti pokazuju da su u poslednjoj deceniji cene svih vrsta mesa povećane, a da je realni dohodak po stanovniku smanjen. U uslovima smanjenog realnog dohotka potrošači su se opredelili za kupovinu drugih prehrambenih proizvoda čiji je kvalitet lošiji i cena niža. Unakrsna elastičnost potrošnje goveđeg, živinskog i ovčijeg mesa u odnosu na cenu svinjskog mesa pokazuje da jednoprocentno povećanje cene svinjskog mesa utiče na povećanje potrošnje goveđeg mesa za 0,064%, živinskog za 0,101% i ovčijeg za 0,107%. Parcijalna zavisnost potrošnje goveđeg mesa u odnosu na cenu svinjskog mesa je pozitivna i slabog je intenziteta 0,016. Višefaktorskim modelom regresije ispitana je unakrsnaelastičnost sa isključenjem trend komponente. Na osnovu dobijenih vrednosti i pridruženog empirijskog nivoa značajnosti dohodovna elastičnost potrošnje svake kategorije mesa je pozitivna i statistički značajna. Trofaktorskom analizom varijanse razmatran je uticaj demografskih faktora na potrošnju mesa u tri vremenska perioda na skupu potrošača nosilaca domaćinstva. Razlike u potrošnji goveđeg mesa tokom različitih perioda uzrokovane su uticajem pola i starosnog doba. Utvrđeno je da nivo obrazovanja značajno utiče na potrošnju svinjskog mesa u podskupu potrošača ženskog pola starosti do 35 godina, i konstatovana je niža potrošnja kod srednjeobrazovanih i visokoobrazovanih potrošača. Značajan uticaj na potrošnju svinjskog mesa ima i starosna kategorija. Analizom je ustanovljeno da nivo obrazovanja ima statistički značajan uticaj na potrošnju živinskog mesa u ponovljenim ispitivanjima kod podskupova potrošača ženskog pola starosti do 35 godina. Uticaj godina starosti na potrošnju živinskog mesa ima statistički značaj u svim posmatranim periodima kod različitih grupa potrošača. Najveću potrošnju ove vrste mesa ostvaruju potrošači muškog pola starosti od 35 do 65 godina, a najmanju potrošači muškog pola starosti do 35 godina. Ispitivani faktor pol u dva perioda pokazuje veliki uticaj, na prosečnu potrošnju živinskog mesa. U analizi razlika u potrošnji ovčijeg mesa u svim ispitivanim periodima primenom ANOVA metode uticaji posmatranih demografskih faktora u različitim skupovima potrošača nisu statistički značajni u predviđanju potrošnje ovčijeg mesa. Na bazi vremenskih serija analiziran je uticaj sezone na potrošnju posmatranih kategorija mesa. Na osnovu analize kvartalne potrošnje mesa po domaćinstvu iz vremenskih serija putem (, , ) modela dokazano je da potrošnja goveđeg i živinskog mesa u određenom kvartalu zavisi od potrošnje iz prethodnog kvartala. Dobijena funkcija na osnovu modela pokazuje da je potrošnje goveđeg i živinskog mesa minimalno varijabilna i da sezonska komponenta nema uticaja na potrošnju mesa. Kod potrošnje svinjskog i ovčijeg mesa prisutna je sezonska komponenta. Potrošnja mesa zavisi od dohotka potrošača, cena i cena supstituta, preferencija potrošača, navika i tradicije potošača, verske pripadnosti, ukusa, kulture i obrazovanosti potrošča, socioekonomske strukture potrošača, razvijenosti finalnog asortimana u preradi, broja stanovnika i geogeafskog razmeštaja i ostalih faktora. Sprovedena istraživanja ponude i tražnje mesa u Srbiji predstavljaju osnov za definisanje ponude i tražnje mesa, predviđanje tražnje i za buduća istraživanja u Srbiji. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata istraživanja primenom matematičko-statističkih metoda moguće je predvideti i projektovati buduću ponudu i tražnju mesa, uz uvažavanje i ostalih faktora koji nisu obuhvaćeni funkcionalnom analizom. Postojeći negativni trendovi i niski pokazatelji cenovne, dohodovne i unakrsne elastičnosti u poroizvodnji i potrošnji mesa moraju biti eliminisani savremenom ekonomskom politikom u proizvodnji mesa radi povećanja ponude i izvoza, uz povećanje kupovne moći stanovništva i veće potrošnje mesa. U skladu sa predmetom, ciljem i hipotezom istraživanja potvrđena je moguća primena matematičko-statističkih metoda u definisanju ponude i tražnje mesa. Analitički su istraženi faktori koji deluju na ponudu i tražnju i definisani cenovni, dohodovni i unakrsni koeficijenti elastičnosti mesa i stvoreni statistički uslovi za predviđanje tražnje, pri čemu je potrebno uvažavati i druge eknomske i vanekonomske faktore koji determinišu ponudu i tražnju mesa. Potvrđena je hipoteza da primenom matematičko-statističkih metoda u istraživanju ponude i tražnje i faktora koji određuju ponudu i tražnju, moguće je utvrditi obim, strukturu, dinamiku i elastičnost ponude i tražnje mesa, radi programiranja buduće proizvodnje i potrošnje mesa u Srbiji. The application of mathematical and statistical methods in the research of supply and demand of meat is of great importance for the programming of the future development of livestock, meat processing into high value end products and placements of high-quality products on both domestic and international markets. In the research, an effort has been made to systematize the basic theoretical and analytical settings, concepts and principles of supply and demand of beef, pork, poultry and mutton in Serbia in the period from 2000 to 2013. The aim of the research is to select and apply modern mathematical and statistical methods required in the analysis of the scope, structure and dynamics of demand and supply of meat and examine the impact of certain economic and demographic factors on the production and consumption of meat. In this paper, the quantitative and qualitative scientific method of research has been applied. In the scientific research, statistical data processing, formulation and presentation of the results, the general methods that have been used are: descriptive statistics, functions of supply and demand, multiple regression, correlation analysis, one-factor and tri-factor analysis, factor analysis, ANOVA and ARIMA models. The initial assumption is that the application of modern mathematical and statistical methods in the research of supply and demand and factors that determine supply and demand, can determine scope, structure, dynamics and elasticity of demand and supply of meat for the sake of programming future production and meat consumption in Serbia. In the last ten years, the number of conditional head of cattle in Serbia on100 hectares of agricultural area has decreased from 34 to27 conditional head of cattle. In the EU countries, there are 98 heads of cattle per 100 ha of agricultural land or 3 times more than in our country. The studied period is characterized by negative growth rates of production in cattle breeding and pig breeding, and the production in poultry and sheep breeding records a minimum growth. The average annual rate of decrease in the number of heads in the cattle breeding industry in Serbia amounts to −2,36% and represents the highest rate of decrease in livestock breeding. The production of pigs amounts to 3,5 million of head of cattle with a decreasing trend at annual rate of 1,96%. The number of poultry has a continuous growth at a growth rate of 1,09%.The number of sheep has increased by a minimum growth rate of 0,03%. The lack of organization of the manufacturers in livestock production and processing, price disparities of fodder and livestock, not organized repurchase of the livestock products, problems in financing and charging for products, lack of adequate incentive economic measures from the agricultural budget, liberal import and insufficient investments have influenced negative tendencies in the production of livestock and abandonment of production, low use of farm and processing capacities, low productivity and competitiveness, unfavorable trends in foreign trade and decrease in meat consumption per capita. Serbia belongs to countries with low consumption of meat. The annual market consumption of beef, pork, poultry meat and mutton amounts to 39 kg per capita. A consumer in Serbia annually consumes 4,2 kg of beef, 16,6 kg of pork, 16,9 kg of poultry meat, 1,1 kg of mutton and several kilograms of other meat or meat products. The balance of production and consumption of beef and mutton is minimally positive and it is negative regarding pork and poultry meat which is to be settled with imports. Dominant share in the total consumption of meat has pork 53,2% and poultry meat 27,1%. The share of beef in meat consumption is 17,9% and 1,8% of mutton. Factors which affect the consumption of meat are numerous and diverse, but the most important are income, prices and prices of substitutes. Quantitative analysis consists of graphical and mathematical representation of production and consumption of four categories of meat and relations towards factors that determine supply and demand of meat. This paper has illustrated trends of scope, structure and dynamics of livestock production and meat production, on the basis of available statistical data, as well as indicators of price elasticity of supply of the observed categories of meat. The results of the research show that the price elasticity of the supply of meat varies with the observed categories of meat. From the economic point of view, the absence of rules regarding the price and the supply of beef and pork is present. Price elasticity of supply of beef and pork is negative, which is a consequence of a significant decrease in the number of livestock production and scope of meat production, the amount of marginal costs, storage of products for subsequent sale and their own needs. Bearing in mind the importance of meat in the nourishment of population, the consumption of meat per household has been analyzed, which is of great importance for establishing the magnitude and direction of changes in the movement of consumption under the influence of certain factors. As the consumption is a precondition for production, a significant attention is given to understanding of the correlation and regression model of price, income and cross-elasticity of meat consumption. Demand factors are cause-and-effect related to other economic and non-economic factors. The study of the relations between consumption and retail prices of meat indicates that demand is inelastic because the types of meat that have been examined have negative coefficient of price elasticity, less than 1,00. Consequently, with the increase of meat prices by 1%, the decrease is expected in consumption of beef by 0,152%, pork by 0,006%, poultry meat by 0,748% and mutton by 0,507%. The consumption of poultry meat shows the highest intensity of changes upon the increase of meat prices. The study of the relations between the total domestic consumption of the observed categories of meat and the amount of the gross national income per capita, shows that the income elasticity of consumption of beef amounts to − 0,105, poultry − 0,159 and mutton − 0,734, while the consumption of pork is low and positive 0,085. The income elasticity measured by the relations between consumption of meat per household and the average net income, shows that the elasticity of consumption of beef 0,179, pork 0,011 and poultry meat 0,0137 is low and positive. The income elasticity of demand for mutton is negative and less than 1,00 and shows that the change in net income of 1% is expected to decrease the consumption of mutton up to 0,084%. The negative income elasticity coefficients show that in the last decade the prices of all types of meat have increased, and the real income per capita has decreased. In the period of decreased real income, consumers have opted to purchase other food products whose quality is worse and the price is lower. The cross-elasticity of consumption of beef, poultry and mutton, in relation to the price of pork, shows that one percentage of increase in the price of pork affects the increase in consumption of beef 0,064%, poultry meat 0,101% and mutton 0,107%. Partial dependence on consumption of beef in relation to the price of pork is positive and of low intensity 0,016. Cross elasticity has been examined by multi-factorial regression model, with exclusion of the trend component. On the basis of the obtained values and the associated empirical level of significance, the income elasticity of consumption of each category of meat is positive and statistically significant. The impact of demographic factors on meat consumption in a set of consumers that are heads of households at three time periods has been examined by tri-factor analysis of variance. Differences in the consumption of beef during the different periods are caused by the influence of gender and age. It has been found that the level of education significantly affects the consumption of pork in a subset of consumers of female gender, age to 35 years, and lower consumption has been found at consumers with secondary and higher education. A significant impact on the consumption of pork has an age category. The analysis has found that the level of education has a statistically significant impact on the consumption of poultry meat in repeated studies in subsets of consumers of female gender under the age of 35 years. The influence of age on the consumption of poultry meat has a statistical significance in all observed periods in different groups of consumers. The highest consumption of this type of meat is achieved by male consumers aged 35 to 65 years of age, and the lowest by male consumers aged up to 35 years of age. The examined factor gender shows a great impact on the average consumption of poultry meat at two time periods. In the analysis of the differences in the consumption of mutton at all studied periods, by applying ANOVA methods, the impacts of the observed demographic factors in different sets of consumers are not statistically significant in predicting the consumption of mutton. On the basis of time-series, the influence of the season on meat consumption in the observed categories has been analyzed. Based on the analysis of quarterly meat consumption per household from the time series by (, , ) model, it has been proven that consumption of beef and poultry in a particular quarter depends on the consumption from the previous quarter. The obtained function on the basis of model shows that the consumption of beef and poultry is minimally variable and that the seasonal component has no effect on the consumption of meat. As for consumption of pork and mutton, a seasonal component is present. Meat consumption depends on the income of consumers, prices and prices of substitutes, consumer preferences, habits and traditions of consumers, religious affiliation, taste, culture and education of the of consumers, socio-economic structure of consumers, the development of the final product range in the processing, population, geographical distribution and other factors. The conducted researches of supply and demand of meat in Serbia represent a basis for defining supply and demand of meat, predicting the demand and a basis for future researches in Serbia. Based on the received results of the researches and by applying mathematical and statistical methods, it is possible to predict and design future supply and demand of meat, with acknowledgment of other factors that are not included in the functional analysis. Current negative trends and low indicators of price, income and cross-elasticity in the production and consumption of meat must be eliminated by contemporary economic policy in meat production in order to increase the supply and exports, with an increase in the purchasing power of the population and greater consumption of meat. In accordance with the subject, aim and hypothesis of the research, the possible application of mathematical and statistical methods in defining supply and demand of meat has been confirmed. The factors that affect supply and demand are analytically examined, and price, income and cross-elasticity coefficients of meat are defined, and statistical conditions for predicting the demand are created, whereby it is necessary to acknowledge other economic and non-economic factors that determine supply and demand of meat. The hypothesis has been confirmed that, by the application of mathematical and statistical methods in the study of supply and demand and factors that determine supply and demand, it is possible to determine the scope, structure, dynamics and elasticity of supply and demand of meat for the sake of programming future production and consumption of meat in Serbia.
- Published
- 2016
8. Primena matematičko statističkih metoda u istraživanju ponude i tražnje mesa
- Author
Babović, Jovan, Carić, Marko, Soleša, Dragan, Dabetić, Slavica, Babović, Jovan, Carić, Marko, Soleša, Dragan, and Dabetić, Slavica
- Abstract
Primena matematičko statističkih metoda u istraživanju ponude i tražnje mesa je od izuzetnog značaja za programiranje budućeg razvoja stočarstva, prerade mesa u visokofinalne proizvode i plasmana kvalitetnih proizvoda na domaćem i međnarodnom tržištu. U istraživanju je učinjen napor da se sistematizuju osnovne teorijske i analitičke postavke, koncepti i principi ponude i tražnje goveđeg, svinjskog, živinskog i ovčjeg mesa u Srbiji u periodu 2000- 2013. godine. Cilj istraživanja je da se izaberu i primene savremene matematičko-statističke metode neophodne u analizi obima, strukture i dinamike ponude i tražnje mesa i sagledanju uticaji pojedinih ekonomskih i demografskih faktora na proizvodnju i potrošnju mesa. U radu je primenjen kvantitativno-kvalitativni naučni metod istraživanja. U naučnom istraživanju, statističkoj obradi podataka, formulisanju i prezentovanju rezultata od opštih metoda korišćene su: deskriptivna statistika, funkcije ponude i tražnje, višestruka regresija, korelaciona analiza, jednofaktorska i trofaktorska analiza, faktorska analiza, ARIMA i ANOVA modeli. Polazna pretpostavka je da se primenom savremenih matematičko-statističkih metoda u istraživanju ponude i tražnje i faktora koji određuju ponudu i tražnju, može utvrditi obim, struktura, dinamika i elastičnost ponude i tražnje mesa, radi programiranja buduće proizvodnje i potrošnje mesa u Srbiji. U poslednjih deset godina, broj uslovnih grla stoke u Srbiji na 100 hektara poljoprivredne površine smanjen sa 34 na 27 uslovna grla. U zemljama EU na 100 ha poljoprivredne površine dolazi 98 uslovnih grla ili 3 puta više nego kod nas. Izučavani period karakterišu negativne stope rasta proizvodnje u govedarstvu i svinjarstvu, a proizvodnja u živinarstvu i ovčarstvu beleži minimalan rast. Prosečna godišnja stopa smanjenja broja grla u govedarstvu u Srbiji iznosi −2,36% i predstavlja najveću stopu smanjenja u stočarstvu. Proizvodnja svinja iznosi 3,5 milijona grla sa trendom smanjenja po godišnjoj stopi o, The application of mathematical and statistical methods in the research of supply and demand of meat is of great importance for the programming of the future development of livestock, meat processing into high value end products and placements of high-quality products on both domestic and international markets. In the research, an effort has been made to systematize the basic theoretical and analytical settings, concepts and principles of supply and demand of beef, pork, poultry and mutton in Serbia in the period from 2000 to 2013. The aim of the research is to select and apply modern mathematical and statistical methods required in the analysis of the scope, structure and dynamics of demand and supply of meat and examine the impact of certain economic and demographic factors on the production and consumption of meat. In this paper, the quantitative and qualitative scientific method of research has been applied. In the scientific research, statistical data processing, formulation and presentation of the results, the general methods that have been used are: descriptive statistics, functions of supply and demand, multiple regression, correlation analysis, one-factor and tri-factor analysis, factor analysis, ANOVA and ARIMA models. The initial assumption is that the application of modern mathematical and statistical methods in the research of supply and demand and factors that determine supply and demand, can determine scope, structure, dynamics and elasticity of demand and supply of meat for the sake of programming future production and meat consumption in Serbia. In the last ten years, the number of conditional head of cattle in Serbia on100 hectares of agricultural area has decreased from 34 to27 conditional head of cattle. In the EU countries, there are 98 heads of cattle per 100 ha of agricultural land or 3 times more than in our country. The studied period is characterized by negative growth rates of production in cattle breeding and pig breeding, and the product
- Published
- 2016
9. Istraživanje novih modela simulacije procesa konzerviranja voća sušenjem
- Author
Karić, Marina, Brkić, Miladin, Janić, Todor, and Đaković, Damir
- Subjects
funkcija cilja ,planiranje eksperimenta ,jabuka [Ključne reči] ,Ključne reči: jabuka, kondenzaciono sušenje, kinetikasušenja, matematički model, planiranje eksperimenta,analiza varijanse, statistička analiza, uticajni faktori,funkcija cilja ,kondenzaciono sušenje ,kinetikasušenja ,analiza varijanse ,statistička analiza ,uticajni faktori ,matematički model - Abstract
U radu se na osnovu eksperimentalnih podataka analizira konvektivno sušenje jedne sortejabuke u laboratorijskoj šaržnoj kondenzacionoj sušari vlastite konstrukcije. Istražuju se uticajprocesnih parametara na kinetiku sušenja i kvalitet sušenih proizvoda. U tu svrhu izabrana je širokorasprostranjena sorta „crveni delišes“, rezana na kolutove, početne relativne vlage oko 87% sušena nakonačnu oko 7,5 - 8,5 %.Relevantnost pojedinih faktora i njihov uticaj na vreme trajanja procesa i parametre kvalitetasušenih proizvoda određivani su metodom planiranog eksperimenta.Cilj primene procedure faktorskih planova eksperimrenta je dobijanje matematičkih modela igrafičkih prikaza uticaja procesnih parametara na promenu merenog svojstva.Temperatura vazduha menjala se od 40 do 600C, uz brzinu strujanja od 1 do 2 m/s i relativnuvlažnost vazduha od 55 do 75%. Utvrđene su krive kinetike sušenja a kvalitet sušenih jabuka ispitanje instrumentalnom analizom i ocenom potrošača o prihvatljivosti proizvoda. Dobijeni su sušeniproizvodi visokog kvaliteta. Regresionom analizom eksperimentalnih podataka dobijeni sumatematički modeli koji opisuju zavisnost izlaznih veličina od procesnih parametara koji definišurežim sušenja. Izlazne veličine koje se prate (odzivi) i označavaju stanje sistema su: vreme trajanjaprocesa sušenja, sadržaj ukupnih kiselina izražene kao jabučna i sadržaj ukupnih šećera.Na osnovu matematičkog modela provešće se detaljna parametarska analiza istraživanogprocesa, uticaj pojedine ulazne veličine na sam proces i omogućiti predviđanje svojstava sušenogproizvoda u različitim kombinacijama procesnih parametara.Rezultati istraživanja potvrđuju da se povećanjem temperature i smanjenjem relativnevlažnosti agensa sušenja (vazduha) značajno smanjuje vreme procesa sušenja kolutova jabuke. Nasadržaj ukupnih kiselina dobijen je značajan uticaj brzine srujanja vazduha, interakcije brzinestrujanja i temperature, temperature i relativne vlažnosti vazduha.Očekujemo da će rezultati ovih istraživanja proizvesti dovoljno dobre matematičke modeleza dobijanje kvalitetnih sušenih proizvoda koji će se moći primeniti kao osnova za optimizaciju iupravljanje procesima sušenja u poluindustrijskim i industrijskim razmerama.Značaj predloženog istraživanja je, uz očekivani naučni doprinos, dobijanje sušenihproizvoda ciljanih svojstava, uvažavajući kriterijum očuvanja kvaliteta, očuvanja energije i zaštiteokoline., The thesis analyzes, on the basis of experimental data, convective drying of a sort of apple ina laboratory batch condensation drying plant designed especially for the laboratory researches. Theinfluence of process parameters on drying kinetics and quality of dried products is examined. For thispurpose a widespread sort of apple called „Red Delicious“ is chosen. It is cut into slices with thestarting and final moisture being about 87% and 7,5-8,5%, respectively.The relevance of certain factors and their effect on the duration of the process and parametersof the quality of dried products is determined by the method of planned experiment.The procedure of factor plans of the experiment is applied in order to obtain mathematicalmodels and graphical illustrations of the influences of process parameters on the change of measuredcharacteristic.Air temperature varies from 40 to 60ºC, while the flow speed is from 1 to 2 m/s and relativemoisture of air is in the range from 55 to 75%. The curves of drying speed are identified and thequality of dried apples is tested by instrumental analysis and consumers’ evaluation on the productacceptability. The obtained dried products are of high quality. Regression analysis of experimentaldata results in mathematical models describing dependance of output values on process parameterswhich define drying mode. Output values (responses) which are monitored and which represent thestate of the system are: duration of drying process, content of total acids expressed as malic acid andcontent of total sugars.On the basis of mathematical model, a detailed parameter analysis of the process is carriedout as well as the influence of individual input value on the process itself and it will provide theprediction of characteristics of dried products in various combinations of process parameters.Research results confirm that the increase of temperature and decrease of relative moisture ofdrying agents (air) significantly reduce the process of drying apple slices. The content of total acids issignificantly influenced by the speeds of air flow, interaction of flow speed and temperature,temperature and relative air moisture.The results of the research work are expected to produce mathematical models which aregood enough to achieve high quality dried products which can be applied as a basis for optimizationand control of drying processes in semi-industrial and industrial scopes.In addition to expected scientific achievement, the presented research is significant forobtaining dried products having defined qualities with regard to criteria of quality preservation,energy conservation and environment protection.
- Published
- 2014
10. Variability of plant height and head diameter in new hybrid combinations of sunflower
- Author
Milan Jocković, Mihajlo Ćirić, Siniša Jocić, and Radovan Marinković
- Subjects
0106 biological sciences ,analysis of variance ,sunflower ,klaster analiza ,lcsh:Biotechnology ,Soil Science ,analiza varijanse ,Plant Science ,Horticulture ,Biology ,Vegetable crops ,lcsh:Plant culture ,01 natural sciences ,Biochemistry ,03 medical and health sciences ,lcsh:TP248.13-248.65 ,Genetics ,lcsh:SB1-1110 ,Hybrid ,2. Zero hunger ,0303 health sciences ,suncokret ,030305 genetics & heredity ,Sunflower ,Agronomy ,Plant morphology ,Head (vessel) ,Agronomy and Crop Science ,010606 plant biology & botany ,Biotechnology ,Field conditions ,cluster analysis - Abstract
Plant height and head diameter of new hybrid combinations of sunflower were investigated. Tests were done under field conditions at experimental field of Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops in Rimski Šančevi. Significant differences were determined between genotypes observing the studied characters. Plant height ranged from 192.83 cm (OD 3369 x RHA-B-1) to 250.17 cm (L-48 x Snrf-583), head diameter ranged between 20.47 cm (UK-PA 45 x Snrf 583) and 24.53 cm (UK-PA 243 x RHA-B-1). Genotypes were grouped by cluster analysis. Four groups and two separate genotypes were found regarding plant height, and three genotypes and eight independent genotypes regarding head diameter. Proučavana je visina biljke i prečnik glave kod 30 novih hibridnih kombinacija suncokreta. Ispitivanja su obavljena u poljskim uslovima na oglednom polju Instituta za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo na Rimskim Šančevima. Utvrđene su značajne razlike između genotipova u pogledu ispitivanih svojstava. Visina biljaka se kretala od 192,83 cm (OD 3369 x RHA-B-1) do 250,17 cm (L-48 x Snrf-583), a prečnik glave između 20,47 cm (UK-PA 45 x Snrf 583) i 24,53 cm (UK-PA 243 x RHA-B-1). Grupisanje genotipova prema sličnosti urađeno je klaster analizom. Kod visine biljaka konstatovane su četiri grupe i dva zasebna genotipa, a kod prečnika glave tri grupe i osam nezavisnih genotipova.
- Published
- 2011
11. Istraživanje novih modela simulacije procesa konzerviranja voća sušenjem
- Author
Brkić, Miladin, Janić, Todor, Đaković, Damir, Karić, Marina, Brkić, Miladin, Janić, Todor, Đaković, Damir, and Karić, Marina
- Abstract
U radu se na osnovu eksperimentalnih podataka analizira konvektivno sušenje jedne sorte jabuke u laboratorijskoj šaržnoj kondenzacionoj sušari vlastite konstrukcije. Istražuju se uticaj procesnih parametara na kinetiku sušenja i kvalitet sušenih proizvoda. U tu svrhu izabrana je široko rasprostranjena sorta „crveni delišes“, rezana na kolutove, početne relativne vlage oko 87% sušena na konačnu oko 7,5 - 8,5 %. Relevantnost pojedinih faktora i njihov uticaj na vreme trajanja procesa i parametre kvaliteta sušenih proizvoda određivani su metodom planiranog eksperimenta. Cilj primene procedure faktorskih planova eksperimrenta je dobijanje matematičkih modela i grafičkih prikaza uticaja procesnih parametara na promenu merenog svojstva. Temperatura vazduha menjala se od 40 do 600C, uz brzinu strujanja od 1 do 2 m/s i relativnu vlažnost vazduha od 55 do 75%. Utvrđene su krive kinetike sušenja a kvalitet sušenih jabuka ispitan je instrumentalnom analizom i ocenom potrošača o prihvatljivosti proizvoda. Dobijeni su sušeni proizvodi visokog kvaliteta. Regresionom analizom eksperimentalnih podataka dobijeni su matematički modeli koji opisuju zavisnost izlaznih veličina od procesnih parametara koji definišu režim sušenja. Izlazne veličine koje se prate (odzivi) i označavaju stanje sistema su: vreme trajanja procesa sušenja, sadržaj ukupnih kiselina izražene kao jabučna i sadržaj ukupnih šećera. Na osnovu matematičkog modela provešće se detaljna parametarska analiza istraživanog procesa, uticaj pojedine ulazne veličine na sam proces i omogućiti predviđanje svojstava sušenog proizvoda u različitim kombinacijama procesnih parametara. Rezultati istraživanja potvrđuju da se povećanjem temperature i smanjenjem relativne vlažnosti agensa sušenja (vazduha) značajno smanjuje vreme procesa sušenja kolutova jabuke. Na sadržaj ukupnih kiselina dobijen je značajan uticaj brzine srujanja vazduha, interakcije brzine strujanja i temperature, temperature i relativne vlažnosti vazduha. Očekujemo, The thesis analyzes, on the basis of experimental data, convective drying of a sort of apple in a laboratory batch condensation drying plant designed especially for the laboratory researches. The influence of process parameters on drying kinetics and quality of dried products is examined. For this purpose a widespread sort of apple called „Red Delicious“ is chosen. It is cut into slices with the starting and final moisture being about 87% and 7,5-8,5%, respectively. The relevance of certain factors and their effect on the duration of the process and parameters of the quality of dried products is determined by the method of planned experiment. The procedure of factor plans of the experiment is applied in order to obtain mathematical models and graphical illustrations of the influences of process parameters on the change of measured characteristic. Air temperature varies from 40 to 60ºC, while the flow speed is from 1 to 2 m/s and relative moisture of air is in the range from 55 to 75%. The curves of drying speed are identified and the quality of dried apples is tested by instrumental analysis and consumers’ evaluation on the product acceptability. The obtained dried products are of high quality. Regression analysis of experimental data results in mathematical models describing dependance of output values on process parameters which define drying mode. Output values (responses) which are monitored and which represent the state of the system are: duration of drying process, content of total acids expressed as malic acid and content of total sugars. On the basis of mathematical model, a detailed parameter analysis of the process is carried out as well as the influence of individual input value on the process itself and it will provide the prediction of characteristics of dried products in various combinations of process parameters. Research results confirm that the increase of temperature and decrease of relative moisture of drying agents (air) significantly reduce the
- Published
- 2014
12. Use of triple test cross analysis in sunflower (H. annuus L.)
- Author
Marinković, Radovan and Marjanović-Jeromela, Ana
- Subjects
dominacija ,additive ,analysis of variance ,eksperiment III ,analiza varijanse ,dominance ,experiment III ,aditivnost - Abstract
The paper describes the practical application of triple test cross analysis. The method is illustrated using data for cotyledon area obtained by studying two inbred lines and their cross as well as 30 crosses between the inbreeds and 10 randomly selected lines. U radu je prikazan praktičan postupak analiza testa trostrukog ukrštanja. Za ilustraciju metode uzeti su podaci za površinu kotiledona od genetičkog materijala koji se sastojao od dve inbred linije, njihovog ukrštanja i 30 ukrštanja koja su nastala u ukrštanjima inbred linija kao i njihovog ukrštanja sa deset slučajno odabranih linija.
- Published
- 2009
13. Characteristics of selected sour cherry clones in cultivar Montmorency
- Author
Fotirić, Milica
- Subjects
Montmorensi ,morfološke osobine ,klonska selekcija ,analiza varijanse ,višnja - Abstract
The cultivar Montmorency belongs to the group of old cultivars, and it is prone to mutations due to a long-term growing. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out positive clonal selection in order to select genotypes with improved characteristics. Based on differences in phonological phases, habit, leaf, fruit and organoleptic characteristics, twelve genotypes, potential clones of cultivar Montmorency, were sekected from commercial orchard of PKB "Voćarske plantaže" Boleč. The aim of this study was to examine selected clones and to establish differences among them, based on the analysis of variance and the individual LSD-test. Based on analysis of variance for properties such as pollen germination, fruit, stone, fruit stem and leaf characteristics, and very significant differences between investigated clones, years of investigation and the clone x year interaction were established. Obtained results distinguish the clone 14 can, because it had the largest fruits and the largest leaf surface. . Sorta višnje Montmorensi spada u stare sorte, koja je usled dugogodišnjeg gajenja podložna mutacijama, pa je neophodno izvršiti pozitivnu klonsku selekciju kako bi se izdvojili genotipovi sa poboljšanim osobinama. Na bazi razlika u fenološkim fazama, habitusu, listu, plodu i organoleptičkim osobinama, iz proizvodnog zasada PKB "Voćarske plantaže" Boleč, kraj Beograda, selekcionisano je 12 genotipova, potencijanih klonova sorte Montmorensi. Cilj ovog rada bio je da se izdvojeni klonovi prouče i da se metodom analize varijanse i pojedinačnim LSD-testom utvrde značajnosti razlika između ispitivanih klonova. Na osnovu rezultata analize varijanse za klijavost polena, osobine ploda, peteljke ploda, koštice i lista, utvrđene su veoma signifikantne razlike između ispitivanih klonova, godina ispitivanja i interakcije klon x godina. Prema dobijenim rezultatima može se izdvojiti klon 14 koji je imao najkrupniji plod i najveću površinu lista. .
- Published
- 2007
14. Variability of plant height and head diameter in new hybrid combinations of sunflower
- Author
Marinković, Radovan, Marinković, Radovan, Jocković, Milan, Jocić, Siniša, Ćirić, Mihajlo, Marinković, Radovan, Marinković, Radovan, Jocković, Milan, Jocić, Siniša, and Ćirić, Mihajlo
- Abstract
Plant height and head diameter of new hybrid combinations of sunflower were investigated. Tests were done under field conditions at experimental field of Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops in Rimski Šančevi. Significant differences were determined between genotypes observing the studied characters. Plant height ranged from 192.83 cm (OD 3369 x RHA-B-1) to 250.17 cm (L-48 x Snrf-583), head diameter ranged between 20.47 cm (UK-PA 45 x Snrf 583) and 24.53 cm (UK-PA 243 x RHA-B-1). Genotypes were grouped by cluster analysis. Four groups and two separate genotypes were found regarding plant height, and three genotypes and eight independent genotypes regarding head diameter., Proučavana je visina biljke i prečnik glave kod 30 novih hibridnih kombinacija suncokreta. Ispitivanja su obavljena u poljskim uslovima na oglednom polju Instituta za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo na Rimskim Šančevima. Utvrđene su značajne razlike između genotipova u pogledu ispitivanih svojstava. Visina biljaka se kretala od 192,83 cm (OD 3369 x RHA-B-1) do 250,17 cm (L-48 x Snrf-583), a prečnik glave između 20,47 cm (UK-PA 45 x Snrf 583) i 24,53 cm (UK-PA 243 x RHA-B-1). Grupisanje genotipova prema sličnosti urađeno je klaster analizom. Kod visine biljaka konstatovane su četiri grupe i dva zasebna genotipa, a kod prečnika glave tri grupe i osam nezavisnih genotipova.
- Published
- 2011
15. Grain yield stability among maize hybrids of different fao maturity groups
- Author
Ivanović, Mile, Vasić, Nenad, and Bekavac, Goran
- Subjects
analysis of variance ,kukuruz ,analiza varijanse ,fenotipska plastičnost ,maize ,phenotypic plasticity - Abstract
In this paper we investigated stability (phenotypic plasticity) for grain yield among different FAO maturity groups of maize hybrids (FAO 400 to 700). Twenty five hybrids in each maturity group were tested in a randomized complete block design at six different locations in 2002. The proportion of the location + hybrid x location interaction sum of squares on the total sum of squares within each FAO group were used for evaluation of phenotypic plasticity. The better performance of yield stability and approximately the same yield potential of the ten top yielded hybrids of the FAO 400 and FAO 500 groups versus FAO 600 and FAO 700 ones, are recommended that groups of hybrids for a commercial production. U ovom radu proučavana je fenotipska plastičnost za prinos zrna hibrida kukuruza različitih FAO grupa zrenja (400 do 700). Korišćeni su rezultati predkomisijskih ogleda sa 6 različitih lokaliteta u 2002. godini. Procena fenotipske plastičnosti vršena je na osnovu proporcije zbira sume kvadrata ANOV-a lokaliteta i interakcije hibrid x lokalitet, u ukupnoj sumi kvadrata za svaku FAO grupu zrenja. Veća fenotipska plastičnost i približno podjednak prinos zrna (t/ha) hibrida FAO grupa zrenja 400 i 500, u odnosu na grupe zrenja 600 i 700 favorizuju ove hibride za komercijalnu proizvodnju.
- Published
- 2003
16. The morphological characteristics of top female handballers
- Author
Gustav Bala and Dušan Popmihajlov
- Subjects
rukomet ,sportski, vrhunski ,žene ,morfološke karakteristike ,faktorska analiza ,analiza varijanse ,handball ,top athletes ,women ,morphological characteristics ,factor analysis ,variance analysis - Abstract
Utvrđena je najvažnija morfološka karakteristika vrhunskih rukometašica (jugoslavenskih reprezentativki) izražena longitudinalna dimenzionalnost skeleta., The study involved a sample of 66 Yugoslav female handballers that were representatives of the I and II leagues and the state team. The sample was used to determine the latent dimensions from the group of 12 anthropometric variables. The results of the study show that the longitudinal dimensionality of the skeleton is significantly expressed in top handballers (Yugoslav representation) as opposed to the two other groups. The morphological characteristics such as the subcutaneous fat tissue and the volume and mass of the body are not statistically significant in any of the groups.
- Published
- 1988
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