Nabava v podjetju je tista, ki mu daje priložnost za odpiranje in širitev na trg. Posledično ima to zelo pomemben strateški vpliv na razvoj gospodarstva. Pomembno je, da vsako podjetje nabavlja zalogo materiala od najugodnejših dobaviteljev. V teoretičnem delu diplomskega projekta je na podlagi različnih strokovnih virov natančneje opredeljen pojem nabava in vse kar je povezano z nabavo. Predstavljene so podrobnosti procesa nabave ter kako poteka nabava v sodelovanju z ostalimi poslovnimi funkcijami. V praktičnem delu diplomskega projekta je predstavljeno nabavno poslovanje v podjetju Ocean Orchids d. o. o., ki se ukvarja s proizvodnjo in prodajo tropskih orhidej Phalaenopsis. Opisana je vizija in strategija podjetja, njegova organizacijska struktura ter trajnostne prakse. Among the key factors enabling a company to create and expand markets in acquisition. It plays a strategic role in economic development and central to the functioning of each company as it ensures a timely, cost efficient, and steady supply of raw materials, intermediate products, and services from the best possible providers. In today’s globalised economy, supply plays a crucial role in the competitiveness of every company. Rational and effective decision making by the management, both in acquisition and in general, is imperative to ensure a successful future for the company. In the practical section, I assess the acquisition processes of the Slovenian company Ocean Orchids d. o. o. Its business model is built around growing and selling moth orchids (Phanalenopsis). First I discuss several defining characteristics of the company such as its strategic vison, organisational structure, and sustainability practices. The aim of my research is to determine whether the acquisition model of Ocean Orchids is effective by company from the internal perspective as well as in terms of the relationship with the Dutch supplier. Based on this analysis, I aim to provide a list of potential improvements that will enhance the acquisition performance of Ocean Orchids.