170 results on '"Zupan I"'
Search Results
2. Troubled Pasts in Europe: Strategies and Recommendations for Overcoming Challenging Historic Legacies
- Author
Rok Zupan?i?, Faris Ko?an, Kenneth Andresen, Katarzyna Bojarska, Ricardo Dacosta, Seamus Farrell, Anke Fiedler, Abit Hoxha, Nikandros Ioannidis, Niamh Kirk, Irene Martín Cortes, Dimitra L. Milioni, Dionysis Panos, Marta Paradés Martín, Tomasz Rawski, Vasiliki Triga, Tjaša Vu?ko, Rok Zupan?i?, Faris
- Published
- 2023
3. Let Them Rot: Antigone's Parallax
- Author
Alenka Zupan?i?, Alenka Zupančič
- Published
- 2023
4. Private M&A Comparative Guide
- Author
Zupan?i?, Luka
- Subjects
Business, international - Abstract
1 Deal structure 1.1 How are private M&A transactions typically structured in your jurisdiction? In terms of the structure of mergers and acquisitions, share deal acquisitions are the predominant structure [...]
- Published
- 2024
5. Che cosa è il sesso?
- Author
Alenka Zupan?i?, Alenka Zupan?i?, Alenka Zupančič
- Published
- 2018
6. PB1396 Successful Hip Replacements in a Glanzmann Thrombasthenia Patient with Anti-Platelet Antibodies and Platelet- Refractory Disease Using rFVIIa: A Case Report
- Author
Rener, K., primary, Skopec, B., additional, and Preloznik Zupan, I., additional
- Published
- 2023
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7. Ecological quality status of the Adriatic coastal waters evaluated by the organotin pollution biomonitoring
- Author
Erdelez, A., Furdek Turk, M., Štambuk, A., Župan, I., and Peharda, M.
- Published
- 2017
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8. Limits to the European Union's Normative Power in a Post-conflict Society: EULEX and Peacebuilding in Kosovo
- Author
Rok Zupan?i?, Nina Peji?, Rok Zupančič, Nina Pejič
- Published
- 2018
9. Treatment and outcome of 2904 CML patients from the EUTOS population-based registry
- Author
Hoffmann, V S, Baccarani, M, Hasford, J, Castagnetti, F, Di Raimondo, F, Casado, L F, Turkina, A, Zackova, D, Ossenkoppele, G, Zaritskey, A, Höglund, M, Simonsson, B, Indrak, K, Sninska, Z, Sacha, T, Clark, R, Bogdanovic, A, Hellmann, A, Griskevicius, L, Schubert-Fritschle, G, Sertic, D, Guilhot, J, Lejniece, S, Zupan, I, Burgstaller, S, Koskenvesa, P, Everaus, H, Costeas, P, Lindoerfer, D, Rosti, G, Saussele, S, Hochhaus, A, and Hehlmann, R
- Published
- 2017
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10. The EUTOS population-based registry: incidence and clinical characteristics of 2904 CML patients in 20 European Countries
- Author
Hoffmann, V S, Baccarani, M, Hasford, J, Lindoerfer, D, Burgstaller, S, Sertic, D, Costeas, P, Mayer, J, Indrak, K, Everaus, H, Koskenvesa, P, Guilhot, J, Schubert-Fritschle, G, Castagnetti, F, Di Raimondo, F, Lejniece, S, Griskevicius, L, Thielen, N, Sacha, T, Hellmann, A, Turkina, A G, Zaritskey, A, Bogdanovic, A, Sninska, Z, Zupan, I, Steegmann, J-L, Simonsson, B, Clark, R E, Covelli, A, Guidi, G, and Hehlmann, R
- Published
- 2015
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11. Zasnova orodja za na��rtovanje nizkonapetostnih omre��ij z velikim dele��em razpr��enih virov in pro��nostjo proizvodnje ter porabe elektri��ne energije
- Author
Pe��jak, Matej, Fournely, Chloe, Zupan��i��, Jernej, Medved, Tomi, Jereb, Borut, Ga��per Arta��, and Gubina, Andrej F.
- Subjects
Low voltage grid, flexibility, power flow simulations, distributed energy resources - Abstract
��� The low-voltage (LV) grid is changing rapidly and will be even more adapted and transformed with new distributed energy resources (DERs), storage systems, electric vehicles and heat pumps. All these changes create new challenges to the distribution system operators (DSOs) in charge of the grid, as the grid becomes more prone to undergo voltage violations and congestions. Flexibility services from local DERs can help the DSO to mitigate or to eliminate these problems. This paper proposes a design for a grid planning tool directed to the DSO. This tool simulates the power flow in the DSO's grid and defines weak nodes and buses in the grid. The tool also proposes simulation with the use of flexibility provision using a market approach. The main outcomes of the tool are recommendations of grid reinforcement with price estimations. The difficulty lies in the design of algorithms that assign the location of DER technologies adoption along the grid and which define the flexibility provision potential when a market approach is used, i.e. the flexibility solutions are not technically optimised. This paper defines the preliminary methodology used for the long-term grid planning tool in the Horizon 2020 project X-FLEX. The planning tool will be integrated into a broader toolset to be used by the grid operators for automatic control and observability of the network. The result is a tool with different modes to be used by DSOs that offer long-term grid planning with the possibility of assessing the value of flexibility services in terms of grid reinforcement costs. Povzetek ��� Nizkonapetostno omre��je se zelo hitro spreminja in se bo v prihodnje ��e dodatno prilagajalo in preoblikovalo z dodajanjem novih razpr��enih proizvodnih virov, hranilnikov elektri��ne energije, elektri��nih vozil in toplotnih ��rpalk. Te spremembe predstavljajo nove izzive za sistemske operaterje, saj v omre��ju obstaja ve��ja verjetnost zama��itev in kr��itev napetostnih kriterijev. Pro��nost na strani proizvodnje in/ali odjema elektri��ne energije lahko pripomore k omilitvi ali odpravi teh te��av. V tem delu je predstavljena zasnova orodja za na��rtovanje nizkonapetostnih omre��ij, ki operaterjem omre��ij omogo��a simulacije pretokov mo��i ter identifikacijo ��ibkih to��k. Orodje dodatno omogo��a simulacije pretokov mo��i, pri katerih je aktivacija pro��nosti proizvodnje in porabe elektri��ne energije izvedena na podlagi tr��nega pristopa, preko lokalnega elektroenergetskega trga. Rezultat modela, poleg rezultatov simulacij pretokov mo��i, je tudi predlog nadgradenj oziroma izbolj��av omre��ja skupaj z oceno stro��kov investicij. Med klju��ne dele priprave orodja sodi razvoj algoritmov za dodajanje naprav za zagotavljanje pro��nosti vzdol�� obstoje��ega omre��ja in dolo��itev profilov delovanja teh naprav v primeru, ko je za aktivacijo uporabljen tr��ni pristop in ne tehni��na optimizacija delovanja teh naprav. Razvoj orodja za na��rtovanje nizkonapetostnega omre��ja je del mednarodnega projekta X-FLEX pod okriljem okvirnega projekta Obzorje 2020 (Horizon 2020). Razvito orodje bo del ��ir��ega skupka orodij namenjenih sistemskim operaterjem omre��ij za samodejno kontrolo delovanja omre��ij in bo testirano na dveh pilotnih lokacijah v Sloveniji in Gr��iji. Kon��ni cilj je orodje za dolgoro��no na��rtovanje razvoja omre��ij z mo��nostjo ocene razpolo��ljive pro��nosti in oceno stro��kov nadgradenj omre��ja.
- Published
- 2022
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12. Pogoji za implementacijo orodja MARKETFLEX na lokalnem elektroenergetskem trgu
- Author
Fournely, Chlo��, Pe��jak, Matej, Zupan��i��, Jernej, Laki��, Edin, Medved, Tomi, Ildefonso, Beatriz, Jereb, Borut, Arta��, Ga��per, and Gubina, Andrej F.
- Subjects
Communication protocol ,Local electricity markets ,USEF/UFTP ,MARKETFLEX ,Flexibility of production and demand - Abstract
– This paper focuses on novel market mechanisms and the challenges that come with establishing them. Seven key points should be considered while establishing a local flexibility market: Local market formulation, timeframe, product definition, market objective function, clearing algorithm, DSO/TSO coordination scheme and the traffic light system. The latter serves as an interaction between the market and the grid operator. All the listed characteristics are considered in the development of the MARKETFLEX tool and are discussed in this paper. MARKETFLEX tool is one of the tools developed during the Horizon 2020 project X-FLEX. X-FLEX project is focused on developing a set of integrated and efficient solutions for optimal use of decentralized flexibility assets on both the generation and the demand side. The MARKETFLEX tool aims at enabling a fair distribution of network capacities of the low voltage (LV) and medium voltage (MV) grid via the local market. To successfully implement MARKTFLEX tool, it is essential to establish a communication protocol used for transmitting information between the MARKETFLEX tool and different market participants as aggregators and system operators (Distribution System Operators - DSOs and Transmission System Operators - TSOs to some extend). Different protocols related to power trading exists, but none on them covers all the information related to the MARKETFLEX tool. One of these protocols is also USEF/UFTP. USEF stands for Universal Smart Energy Framework and proposes common standards and tools to deliver and use energy. UFTP (USEF Flexibility Trading Protocol) is a subset of the USEF framework focusing of the trading flexibility between aggregators and DSO. To implement the MARKETFLEX tool some USEF/UFTP extensions need to be provided. These extensions are also described in this paper. Povzetek – V prispevku so predstavljeni novi tržni mehanizmi na lokalnem elektroenergetskem trgu in izzivi pri njihovi vpeljavi. Poudarek je na implementaciji orodja MARKETFLEX, katerega razvoj in izvedba sta del projekta X-FLEX v sklopu okvirnega projekta Obzorje 2020 (Horizon 2020). Projekt X-FLEX je usmerjen v razvoj nabora integriranih in učinkovitih rešitev za optimalno izrabo decentraliziranih virov za zagotavljanje prožnosti na strani proizvodnje in porabe električne energije. Za vzpostavitev lokalnega trga s prožnostjo je potrebno upoštevati sedem ključnih točk: formulacijo trga, časovni okvir, opredelitev produktov, cilje vzpostavitve trga, algoritem določitve klirinške cene, koordinacijsko shemo med sistemskim operaterjem distribucijskega in prenosnega omrežja ter sistem po principu delovanja semaforja. Slednji namreč služi kot interakcija med operaterjem omrežja in operaterjem trga. Cilj orodja MARKETFLEX je omogočiti pravično razdelitev omrežnih kapacitet na nizko in srednje-napetostnem nivoju preko lokalnega elektroenergetskega trga. Za uspešno implementacijo takšnega orodja je nujna vzpostavitev komunikacijskega protokola, ki se uporablja za prenos vseh relevantnih informacij med orodjem MARKETFLEX in ostalimi udeleženci trga, kot sta agregator in sistemski operater. Obstaja veliko različnih protokolov, ki se uporabljajo za prenos informacij povezanih s trgovanjem z električno energijo, in eden od teh je USEF/UFTP. USEF (angl. Universal Smart Energy Framework) je ogrodje katero določa univerzalne standarde in orodja za dobavo in izrabo energije. UFTP (USEF Flexibility Trading Protocol) je podskupina okvirja USEF, katera je osredotočena na trgovanje s prožnostjo med agregatorji in sistemskimi operaterji distribucijskih omrežij. Za implementacijo orodja MARKETFLEX so predlagane razširitve obstoječega protokola USEF/UFTP, katere so opisane v tem delu.
- Published
- 2022
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13. Efficacy (and safety) of vaccination against SARS-CoV-2 in cancer patients on active treatment
- Author
Zupan��i��, Tina and Kuhar Gra��i��, Cvetka
- Subjects
safety ,Neoplasms. Tumors. Oncology. Including cancer and carcinogens ,cancer patients ,cellular response ,vaccination against COVID-19 ,humoral response ,RC254-282 - Abstract
Since the COVID-19 pandemic, cancer patients have been recognized as a group with an increased risk of complications, if they become infected with the SARS-CoV-2 virus. However, they were not included in registrational trials for COVID-19 vaccines. In the last few months data from studies investigating the efficacy and safety of COVID-19 vaccines in cancer patients receiving systemic treatment have become available. It has been established that the efficacy (regarding humoral and cellular response) and safety of COVID-19 vaccines in solid cancer patients are comparable to that in healthy individuals. On the other side, humoral response is very low or even undeterminable in haematological patients, especially in those receiving anti-CD 20+ targeted therapy or Bruton kinase inhibitors. However, a cellular response is preserved and vaccination, including with a third dose, is reasonable. Cancer patients who were infected with SARS-CoV-2 and then vaccinated developed much better humoral response., Onkologija : a medical-scientific journal, Vol. 25 No. 2 (2021)
- Published
- 2021
14. Clinical Implementation of Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy—Regional Disparities across Selected ESC Member Countries
- Author
Hatala, R., Lunati, M., Calvi, V., Favale, S., Goncalvesová, E., Haim, M., Jovanovic, V., Kaczmarek, K., Kautzner, J., Merkely, B., Pokushalov, E., Revishvili, A., Theodorakis, G., Vatasescu, R., Zalevsky, V., Zupan, I., Vicini, I., and Corbucci, G.
- Published
- 2015
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15. Predictive values for CRT response: results from CLEAR Study
- Author
Goscinska-Bis, K., Zupan, I., Van Der, H., Anselme, F., Hartog, H., Block, M., Borri, A., and Padeletti, L.
- Published
- 2011
16. sj-pdf-1-eax-10.1177_21676968211046071 ��� Supplemental Material for A Cross-National Study of COVID-19 Impact and Future Possibilities Among Emerging Adults: The Mediating Role of Intolerance of Uncertainty
- Author
Lanz, Margherita, Sorgente, Angela, Vosylis, Rimantas, Fonseca, Gabriela, Lep, ��an, Li, Lijun, Zupan��i��, Maja, Crespo, Carla, Relvas, Ana Paula, and Serido, Joyce
- Subjects
FOS: Psychology ,170199 Psychology not elsewhere classified - Abstract
Supplemental Material, sj-pdf-1-eax-10.1177_21676968211046071 for A Cross-National Study of COVID-19 Impact and Future Possibilities Among Emerging Adults: The Mediating Role of Intolerance of Uncertainty by Margherita Lanz, Angela Sorgente, Rimantas Vosylis, Gabriela Fonseca, ��an Lep, Lijun Li, Maja Zupan��i��, Carla Crespo, Ana Paula Relvas and Joyce Serido in Emerging Adulthood
- Published
- 2021
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17. The proportion of different BCR-ABL1 transcript types in chronic myeloid leukemia. An international overview
- Author
Baccarani, M, Castagnetti, F, Gugliotta, G, Rosti, G, Soverini, S, Albeer, A, Pfirrmann, M, Bekadja, Ma, Entasoltan, B, Nachi, M, Elghandour, A, El Sorady, M, Abdelfattah, R, El Nahass, Y, Samra, M, Azzazi, M, Elsobki, E, Moussa, M, Fahmy, O, Mattar, M, Shehata, Azmy, Se, (Azmy, E, 9 ), Emad), Bolarinwa, (Bolarinwa, Ra, ( 10 ), Rahman A., Eid, (Eid, S, Samir)( 11, ), Khelif, (Khelif, A, Abderrhaim)( 11, ), Hached, (Hached, F, Farhat)( 11, ), Menif, (Menif, S, Samia)( 12, ), Rahman, (Rahman, H, Hafizur)( 13, ), Huang, (Huang, Xj, Xiaojun)(, 14, 15, ), Jiang, (Jiang, Q, Qian)(, 14, (Ye, Yx, Yuanxin)( 16, ), Zhu, (Zhu, Hl, Huanling)( 16, ), Chen, (Chen, Sn, Suning)( 17, ), Varma, (Varma, N, Neelam)( 18, ), Ganesan, (Ganesan, P, Prasanth)( 19, ), Gundeti, (Gundeti, S, Sadashivudu)( 20, ), Malhotra, (Malhotra, H, Hemant)( 21, ), Radhakrishnan, (Radhakrishnan, Vs, ( 22 ), Vivek S., Kumar, (Kumar, L, Lalit)( 23, ), Sharawat, (Sharawat, Sk, Surender Kumar)( 23, ), Seth, (Seth, T, Tulika)( 24, ), Ausekar, (Ausekar, Bv, ( 25 ), B. V., Balasubramanian, (Balasubramanian, P, Poonkuzhali)( 26, ), Poopak, (Poopak, B, Behzad)(, 27, 28, ), Inokuchi, (Inokuchi, K, Koiti)( 29, ), Kim, (Kim, Dw, Dong-Wook)( 30, ), Kindi, Al, S (Al Kindi, Salam)( 31, ), Mirasol, (Mirasol, A, Angelina)( 32, ), Qari, (Qari, M, Mohammed)( 33, ), Goh, (Goh, Yt, Yeow Tee)( 34, ), Shih, (Shih, Ly, Lee-Yung)(, 35, 36, ), Branford, (Branford, S, Susan)(, 37, 38, ), Lion, (Lion, T, Thomas)( 39, ), Valent, (Valent, P, Peter)( 40, ), Burgstaller, (Burgstaller, S, Sonja)( 41, ), Thaler, (Thaler, J, Joseph)( 41, ), Labar, (Labar, B, Boris)( 42, ), Zadro, (Zadro, R, Renata)( 42, ), Mayer, (Mayer, J, Jiri)(, 43, 44, ), Zackova, (Zackova, D, Daniela)(, 43, Faber, (Faber, E, Edgar)( 45, ), Pallisgaard, (Pallisgaard, N, Niels)( 46, ), Xavier-Mahon, (Xavier-Mahon, F, Francois)( 47, ), Lippert, (Lippert, E, Eric)( 48, ), Cayuela, (Cayuela, Jm, Jean Michel)( 49, ), Rea, (Rea, D, Delphine)( 49, ), Millot, (Millot, F, Frederic)( 50, ), Suttorp, (Suttorp, M, Meinolf)( 51, ), Hochhaus, (Hochhaus, A, Andreas)( 52, ), Niederwieser, (Niederwieser, D, Dietger)( 53, ), Saussele, (Saussele, S, Susanne)( 54, ), Haferlach, (Haferlach, T, Torsten)( 55, ), Jeromine, (Jeromine, S, Sabine)( 55, ), Panayiotidis, (Panayiotidis, P, Panayiotis)(, 56, 57, ), Conneally, (Conneally, E, Eibhlin)( 58, ), Langabeer, (Langabeer, S, Steve)( 58, ), Nagler, (Nagler, A, Arnon)(, 59, 60, ), Rupoli, (Rupoli, S, Serena)( 61, ), Santoro, (Santoro, N, Nicola)( 62, ), Albano, (Albano, F, Francesco)( 63, ), Castagnetti, (Castagnetti, F, Fausto), Ottaviani, (Ottaviani, E, Emanuela)(, 64, 65, ), Rambaldi, (Rambaldi, A, Alessandro)(, 66, 67, ), Stagno, (Stagno, F, Fabio)( 68, ), Molica, (Molica, S, Stefano)( 69, ), Biagiotti, (Biagiotti, C, Caterina)( 70, ), Scappini, (Scappini, B, Barbara)( 70, ), Lemoli, (Lemoli, R, Roberto)( 71, ), Iurlo, (Iurlo, A, Alessandra)(, 72, 73, ), Pungolino, (Pungolino, E, Ester)( 74, ), Menna, (Menna, G, Giuseppe), Pane, (Pane, F, Fabrizio)( 76, ), Gottardi, (Gottardi, E, Enrico)(, 77, 78, ), Rege-Cambrin, (Rege-Cambrin, G, Giovanna)(, 77, Binotto, (Binotto, G, Gianni)( 79, ), Putti, (Putti, Mc, Maria Caterina)( 80, ), Falzetti, (Falzetti, F, Franca)( 81, ), Visani, (Visani, G, Giuseppe)( 82, ), Galimberti, (Galimberti, S, Sara)( 83, ), Musto, (Musto, P, Pellegrino)( 84, ), Abruzzese, (Abruzzese, E, Elisabetta)( 85, ), Breccia, (Breccia, M, Massimo)( 86, ), Giona, (Giona, F, Fiorina)( 86, ), Chiusolo, (Chiusolo, P, Patrizia)( 87, ), Sica, (Sica, S, Simona)( 87, ), Fava, (Fava, C, Carmen)( 88, ), Ferrero, (Ferrero, D, Dario)( 88, ), Tiribelli, (Tiribelli, M, Mario)( 89, ), Bonifacio, (Bonifacio, M, Massimiliano)( 90, ), Griskevicius, (Griskevicius, L, Laimonas)( 91, ), Musteata, (Musteata, V, Vasile)( 92, ), Janssen, (Janssen, J, Jeroen)( 93, ), Prejzner, (Prejzner, W, Witold)( 94, ), Sacha, (Sacha, T, Tomasz)( 95, ), Waclaw, (Waclaw, J, Joanna)( 95, ), Almeida, (Almeida, Am, Antonio Medina)( 96, ), Kulikov, (Kulikov, S, Sergei)( 97, ), Turkina, (Turkina, A, Anna)( 97, ), Bogdanovic, (Bogdanovic, A, Andrija)( 98, ), Zupan, (Zupan, I, Irena)( 99, ), Marce, (Marce, S, Silvia)( 100, ), Cervantes, (Cervantes, F, Francisco)( 101, ), Steegmann, (Steegmann, Jl, Juan Luis)( 102, ), Kotlyarchuk, (Kotlyarchuk, K, Konstyantyn)( 103, ), Milner, (Milner, Bj, ( 104 ), Benedict J., Rose, (Rose, S, Susan)( 105, ), Clench, (Clench, T, Tim)( 106, ), Waits, (Waits, P, Paula)( 107, ), Austin, (Austin, S, Steve)( 108, ), Wickham, (Wickham, C, Caroline)( 109, ), Clark, (Clark, R, Richard)( 110, ), Apperley, (Apperley, J, Jane), Claudiani, (Claudiani, S, Simone)( 111, ), Foroni, (Foroni, L, Letizia)( 111, ), Szydlo, (Szydlo, R, Richard)( 111, ), Burt, (Burt, E, Emma)( 112, ), Bescoby, (Bescoby, R, Ruth)( 113, ), Cork, (Cork, L, Leanne)( 113, ), O'Brien, (O'Brien, S, Stephen)( 113, ), Green, (Green, B, Bethaney)( 114, ), Hawtree, (Hawtree, S, Sarah)( 114, ), Watson, (Watson, M, Mark)( 114, ), Bengio, (Bengio, Rm, Raquel Maria)( 115, ), Larripa, (Larripa, I, Irene)( 115, ), Pavlovsky, (Pavlovsky, C, Carolina)( 116, ), Moiraghi, (Moiraghi, B, Beatriz)( 117, ), Pinna, De, CAR (Requiao de Pinna, Cristiane Almeida)( 118, ), Magalhaes, GHR (Romani Magalhaes, Gustavo Henrique)( 119, ), Pagnano, (Pagnano, K, Katia)( 120, ), Funke, (Funke, V, Vaneuza)( 121, ), Tavares, (Tavares, Rs, Renato Sampaio)( 122, ), Prado, (Prado, A, Adriana)( 123, ), Azevedo, (Azevedo, Aa, Alita Andrade)( 124, ), Fogliatto, (Fogliatto, L, Laura)( 125, ), Bonecker, (Bonecker, S, Simone)( 126, ), Centrone, (Centrone, R, Renato)( 127, ), Moellman, (Moellman, A, Artur)( 128, ), Conchon, (Conchon, M, Monika)( 130, ), Centurion, (Centurion, Me, Maria Elida)( 131, ), (Prado, Ai, Ana-Ines)( 132, ), Lopez, (Lopez, Jl, ( 133 ), J. L., Petruzziello, (Petruzziello, F, Fara)( 75, ), Bendit, (Bendit, I, Israel), Baccarani M., Castagnetti F., Gugliotta G., Rosti G., Soverini S., Albeer A., and Pfirrmann M.
- Subjects
Male ,0301 basic medicine ,Cancer Research ,bcr-abl ,Fusion Proteins, bcr-abl ,Global Health ,0302 clinical medicine ,hemic and lymphatic diseases ,80 and over ,Odds Ratio ,Prevalence ,Age Factor ,Chronic ,Young adult ,Child ,MOLECULAR RESPONSE ,Leukemic ,Aged, 80 and over ,Leukemia ,Hematology ,Gene Expression Regulation, Leukemic ,CHRONIC MYELOGENOUS LEUKEMIA ,Age Factors ,Myeloid leukemia ,Middle Aged ,Oncology ,Child, Preschool ,030220 oncology & carcinogenesis ,Female ,Life Sciences & Biomedicine ,Human ,Adult ,Transcriptional Activation ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Adolescent ,Immunology ,IMATINIB MESYLATE ,DENDRITIC CELLS ,CML PATIENTS ,Young Adult ,03 medical and health sciences ,Myelogenous ,Leukemia, Myelogenous, Chronic, BCR-ABL Positive ,Internal medicine ,medicine ,Humans ,1112 Oncology and Carcinogenesis ,BCR/ABL TRANSCRIPT ,Preschool ,CYTOGENETIC RESPONSE ,Aged ,Science & Technology ,CHRONIC-PHASE ,business.industry ,Infant, Newborn ,Fusion Proteins ,ABL FUSION PROTEINS ,P190 BCR-ABL ,Infant ,1103 Clinical Sciences ,Odds ratio ,Newborn ,medicine.disease ,International BCR-ABL Study Group ,Settore MED/15 - MALATTIE DEL SANGUE ,030104 developmental biology ,Imatinib mesylate ,Gene Expression Regulation ,BCR-ABL Positive ,business ,Chronic myelogenous leukemia - Abstract
There are different BCR-ABL1 fusion genes that are translated into proteins that are different from each other, yet all leukemogenic, causing chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) or acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Their frequency has never been systematically investigated. In a series of 45503 newly diagnosed CML patients reported from 45 countries, it was found that the proportion of e13a2 (also known as b2a2) and of e14a2 (also known as b3a2), including the cases co-expressing e14a2 and e13a2, was 37.9% and 62.1%, respectively. The proportion of these two transcripts was correlated with gender, e13a2 being more frequent in males (39.2%) than in females (36.2%), was correlated with age, decreasing from 39.6% in children and adolescents down to 31.6% in patients ≥ 80 years old, and was not constant worldwide. Other, rare transcripts were reported in 666/34561 patients (1.93%). The proportion of rare transcripts was associatedwith gender (2.27% in females and 1.69% in males) and with age (from 1.79% in children and adolescents up to 3.84% in patients ≥ 80 years old). These data show that the differences in proportion are not by chance. This is important, as the transcript type is a variable that is suspected to be of prognostic importance for response to treatment, outcome of treatment, and rate of treatment-free remission.
- Published
- 2019
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18. Histological Effects of Low Atrazine Concentration on Zebra Mussel (Dreissena polymorpha Pallas)
- Author
Zupan, I. and Kalafatić, M.
- Published
- 2003
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- Author
Zizek, D., Tasic, J., Jan, M., Frljak, S., Cvijic, M., and Zupan, I.
- Published
- 2011
20. P508Biventricular pacing versus His bundle pacing after atrioventricular node ablation in heart failure patients with permanent atrial fibrillation and narrow QRS
- Author
Zizek, D, primary, Antolic, B, additional, Zavrl-Dzananovic, D, additional, Klemen, L, additional, Jan, M, additional, Zupan Meznar, A, additional, Breskvar Kac, U D, additional, Stublar, J, additional, Zupan, I, additional, and Sinkovec, M, additional
- Published
- 2020
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21. Noninvasive monitoring of rejection therapy based on intramyocardial electrograms after orthotopic heart transplantation. Initial experience with 14 cases
- Author
Zupan, I., Vrtovec, B., Breskvar, U.D., and Gabrijelčič, T.
- Published
- 2005
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22. EHRA White Paper: knowledge gaps in arrhythmia management-status 2019
- Author
Goette, A., Auricchio, A., Boriani, G., Braunschweig, F., Terradellas, J.B., Burri, H., Camm, A.J., Crijns, H., Dagres, N., Deharo, J.C., Dobrev, D., Hatala, R., Hindricks, G., Hohnloser, S.H., Leclercq, C., Lewalter, T., Lip, G.Y.H., Merino, J.L., Mont, L., Prinzen, F., Proclemer, A., Purerfellner, H., Savelieva, I., Schilling, R., Steffel, J., Gelder, I.C. van, Zeppenfeld, K., Zupan, I., Heidbuchel, H., Boveda, S., Defaye, P., Brignole, M., Chun, J., Ramos, J.M.G., Fauchier, L., Svendsen, J.H., Traykov, V.B., Heinzel, F.R., ESC Sci Document Grp, Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, Center for Computational Medicine in Cardiology [Lugano], Università della Svizzera italiana = University of Italian Switzerland (USI), Università degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia, University of Geneva [Switzerland], Hôpital de la Timone [CHU - APHM] (TIMONE), Goethe-University Frankfurt am Main, Service de cardiologie et maladies vasculaires [Rennes] = Cardiac, Thoracic, and Vascular Surgery [Rennes], CHU Pontchaillou [Rennes], Laboratoire Traitement du Signal et de l'Image (LTSI), Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale (INSERM)-Université de Rennes 1 (UR1), Université de Rennes (UNIV-RENNES)-Université de Rennes (UNIV-RENNES), Cardiology Department, Thorax Clinic Institute, Hospital Cliınic, Institut d'Investigacions Biomèdiques [Barcelona], Universitat de Barcelona (UB), Department of Physiology [Maastricht], Maastricht University [Maastricht], Universiteit Antwerpen [Antwerpen], RS: CARIM - R2.01 - Clinical atrial fibrillation, Cardiologie, MUMC+: MA Cardiologie (9), RS: Carim - H01 Clinical atrial fibrillation, Fysiologie, RS: CARIM - R2 - Cardiac function and failure, RS: Carim - H06 Electro mechanics, Clinical sciences, Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg = Otto-von-Guericke University [Magdeburg] (OVGU), Università degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia = University of Modena and Reggio Emilia (UNIMORE), Université de Genève = University of Geneva (UNIGE), Université de Rennes (UR)-Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale (INSERM), Universiteit Antwerpen = University of Antwerpen [Antwerpen], Cardiovascular Centre (CVC), and ESC Sci Document Grp
- Subjects
Biomedical Research ,IMPLANTABLE CARDIOVERTER-DEFIBRILLATOR ,medicine.medical_treatment ,Medizin ,Management of atrial fibrillation ,RHYTHM SOCIETY HRS ,White Paper ,Heart failure ,030204 cardiovascular system & hematology ,Sudden death ,03 medical and health sciences ,0302 clinical medicine ,White paper ,Ventricular tachycardia ablation ,AIAC ITALIAN ASSOCIATION ,Physiology (medical) ,PERSISTENT ATRIAL-FIBRILLATION ,Tachycardia ,medicine ,Humans ,Organizational Objectives ,030212 general & internal medicine ,PULMONARY VEIN ISOLATION ,Societies, Medical ,EXPERT CONSENSUS STATEMENT ,European Heart Rhythm Association ,CATHETER ABLATION ,ddc:616 ,Medical education ,CARDIAC-RESYNCHRONIZATION THERAPY ,VENTRICULAR-TACHYCARDIA ABLATION ,business.industry ,Arrhythmia ,Fibrillation ,Cardiac arrhythmia ,Arrhythmias, Cardiac ,Subject (documents) ,Implantable cardioverter-defibrillator ,ATRIOVENTRICULAR NODE ABLATION ,3. Good health ,Heart Rhythm ,Europe ,Arrhythmias, Cardiac/therapy ,[SDV.IB]Life Sciences [q-bio]/Bioengineering ,Human medicine ,business ,Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine - Abstract
Clinicians accept that there are many unknowns when we make diagnostic and therapeutic decisions. Acceptance of uncertainty is essential for the pursuit of the profession: bedside decisions must often be made on the basis of incomplete evidence. Over the years, physicians sometimes even do not realize anymore which the fundamental gaps in our knowledge are. As clinical scientists, however, we have to halt and consider what we do not know yet, and how we can move forward addressing those unknowns. The European Heart Rhythm Association (EHRA) believes that scanning the field of arrhythmia / cardiac electrophysiology to identify knowledge gaps which are not yet the subject of organized research, should be undertaken on a regular basis. Such a review (White Paper) should concentrate on research which is feasible, realistic, and clinically relevant, and should not deal with futuristic aspirations. It fits with the EHRA mission that these White Papers should be shared on a global basis in order to foster collaborative and needed research which will ultimately lead to better care for our patients. The present EHRA White Paper summarizes knowledge gaps in the management of atrial fibrillation, ventricular tachycardia/sudden death and heart failure.
- Published
- 2019
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23. Thalidomide therapy for refractory chronic lymphocytic leukaemia after allogeneic stem cell transplantation
- Author
Pretnar, J. and Preloznik Zupan, I.
- Published
- 2006
24. Splenectomy as first immunosuppressive treatment option for refractory autoimmune cytopenias after allogeneic HSCT
- Author
Zupan, I. Preloznik, Pretnar, J., Zver, S., Prentice, H. G., and Cernelc, P.
- Published
- 2005
25. Tracking a mass mortality outbreak of pen shell Pinna nobilis populations: A collaborative effort of scientists and citizens
- Author
Cabanellas-Reboredo, Miguel, Vázquez-Luis, Maite, Mourre, Baptiste, Álvarez, Elvira, Deudero, Salud, Amores, Ángel, Addis, Piero, Ballesteros, Enric, Barrajón, Agustín, Coppa, S., García-March, José R., Giacobbe, Salvatore, Giménez Casalduero, F., Hadjioannou, Louis, Jiménez-Gutiérrez, Santiago, Katsanevakis, Stelios, Kersting, D. K., Mačić, Vesna, Mavrič, Borut, Patti, F. P., Planes, S., Prado, Patricia, Sánchez, Jordi, Tena-Medialdea, José, De Vaugelas, J., Vicente, Nardo, Belkhamssa, F. Z., Zupan, I., Hendriks, Iris E., Cabanellas-Reboredo, Miguel, Vázquez-Luis, Maite, Mourre, Baptiste, Álvarez, Elvira, Deudero, Salud, Amores, Ángel, Addis, Piero, Ballesteros, Enric, Barrajón, Agustín, Coppa, S., García-March, José R., Giacobbe, Salvatore, Giménez Casalduero, F., Hadjioannou, Louis, Jiménez-Gutiérrez, Santiago, Katsanevakis, Stelios, Kersting, D. K., Mačić, Vesna, Mavrič, Borut, Patti, F. P., Planes, S., Prado, Patricia, Sánchez, Jordi, Tena-Medialdea, José, De Vaugelas, J., Vicente, Nardo, Belkhamssa, F. Z., Zupan, I., and Hendriks, Iris E.
- Abstract
A mass mortality event is devastating the populations of the endemic bivalve Pinna nobilis in the Mediterranean Sea from early autumn 2016. A newly described Haplosporidian endoparasite (Haplosporidium pinnae) is the most probable cause of this ecological catastrophe placing one of the largest bivalves of the world on the brink of extinction. As a pivotal step towards Pinna nobilis conservation, this contribution combines scientists and citizens’ data to address the fast- and vastdispersion and prevalence outbreaks of the pathogen. Therefore, the potential role of currents on parasite expansion was addressed by means of drift simulations of virtual particles in a high-resolution regional currents model. A generalized additive model was implemented to test if environmental factors could modulate the infection of Pinna nobilis populations. The results strongly suggest that the parasite has probably dispersed regionally by surface currents, and that the disease expression seems to be closely related to temperatures above 13.5 °C and to a salinity range between 36.5–39.7 psu. The most likely spread of the disease along the Mediterranean basin associated with scattered survival spots and very few survivors (potentially resistant individuals), point to a challenging scenario for conservation of the emblematic Pinna nobilis, which will require fast and strategic management measures and should make use of the essential role citizen science projects can play.
- Published
- 2019
26. Aspergillus infection in immunocompromised patients
- Author
Koselj-Kajtna, M, Kandus, A, Rott, T, Zver, S, Zupan, I, Koselj, M, and Bren, A
- Published
- 2001
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27. Tracking the dispersion of a pathogen causing mass mortality in the pen shell Pinna nobilis
- Author
Cabanellas-Reboredo, Miguel, Vázquez-Luis, Maite, Mourre, Baptiste, Álvarez, Elvira, Deudero Company, María de la Salud, Amores, Ángel, Addis, Piero, Ballesteros, Enric, Barrajón, A., Coppa, S., García-March, José R., Giacobbe, S., Giménez Casalduero, F., Hadjuoannou, L., Jiménez-Gutiérrez, S. V., Katsanevakis, Stelios, Kersting, D. K., Mačić, Vesna, Mavric, B., Patti, F. P., Planes, S., Prado, Patricia, Sánchez, J., Tena-Medialdea, J., De Vaugelas, J., Vicente, N., Belkhamssa, F. Z., Zupan, I., and Hendricks, I. E.
- Subjects
education - Published
- 2018
28. Guidelines for the management of atrial fibrillation The Task Force for the Management of Atrial Fibrillation of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC)
- Author
Camm AJ, Kirchhof P, Lip GY, Schotten U, Savelieva I, Ernst S, Van Gelder IC, Al Attar N, Hindricks G, Prendergast B, Heidbuchel H, Alfieri O, Angelini A, Atar D, Colonna P, De Caterina R, De Sutter J, Goette A, Gorenek B, Heldal M, Hohloser SH, Kolh P, Le Heuzey JY, Ponikowski P, Rutten FH, Vahanian A, Auricchio A, Bax J, Ceconi C, Dean V, Filippatos G, Funck Brentano C, Hobbs R, Kearney P, McDonagh T, Popescu BA, Reiner Z, Sechtem U, Sirnes PA, Tendera M, Vardas PE, Widimsky P, Agladze V, Aliot E, Balabanski T, Blomstrom Lundqvist C, Capucci A, Crijns H, Dahlöf B, Folliguet T, Glikson M, Goethals M, Gulba DC, Ho SY, Klautz RJ, Kose S, McMurray J, PERRONE FILARDI, PASQUALE, Raatikainen P, Salvador MJ, Schalij MJ, Shpektor A, Sousa J, Stepinska J, Uuetoa H, Zamorano JL, Zupan I, European Heart Rhythm Association, European Association for Cardio Thoracic Surgery, ESC Committee for Practice Guidelines, Document Reviewers, Camm, Aj, Kirchhof, P, Lip, Gy, Schotten, U, Savelieva, I, Ernst, S, Van Gelder, Ic, Al Attar, N, Hindricks, G, Prendergast, B, Heidbuchel, H, Alfieri, O, Angelini, A, Atar, D, Colonna, P, De Caterina, R, De Sutter, J, Goette, A, Gorenek, B, Heldal, M, Hohloser, Sh, Kolh, P, Le Heuzey, Jy, Ponikowski, P, Rutten, Fh, Vahanian, A, Auricchio, A, Bax, J, Ceconi, C, Dean, V, Filippatos, G, Funck Brentano, C, Hobbs, R, Kearney, P, Mcdonagh, T, Popescu, Ba, Reiner, Z, Sechtem, U, Sirnes, Pa, Tendera, M, Vardas, Pe, Widimsky, P, Agladze, V, Aliot, E, Balabanski, T, Blomstrom Lundqvist, C, Capucci, A, Crijns, H, Dahlöf, B, Folliguet, T, Glikson, M, Goethals, M, Gulba, Dc, Ho, Sy, Klautz, Rj, Kose, S, Mcmurray, J, PERRONE FILARDI, Pasquale, Raatikainen, P, Salvador, Mj, Schalij, Mj, Shpektor, A, Sousa, J, Stepinska, J, Uuetoa, H, Zamorano, Jl, Zupan, I, European Heart Rhythm, Association, European Association for Cardio Thoracic, Surgery, ESC Committee for Practice, Guideline, Document, Reviewers, Alfieri, Ottavio, Ponikowski, P., Fysiologie, Cardiologie, RS: CARIM School for Cardiovascular Diseases, Camm, A. J, Lip, G, Van Gelder, I. C, Hohloser, S. H, and Le Heuzey, J. Y.
- Subjects
Lung Diseases ,Male ,Rate control ,Heart Valve Diseases ,Management of atrial fibrillation ,Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme Inhibitors ,Comorbidity ,Upstream therapy ,Hyperthyroidism ,law.invention ,Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy ,Electrocardiography ,Ventricular Dysfunction, Left ,Postoperative Complications ,Atrial fibrillation European Society of Cardiology Guidelines Anticoagulation Rate control Rhythm control Upstream therapy Pulmonary vein isolation Left atrial ablation randomized controlled-trial congestive-heart-failure parkinson-white-syndrome cardiac resynchronization therapy angiotensin-converting enzyme polyunsaturated fatty-acids antiarrhythmic-drug therapy long-term survival radiofrequency catheter ablation placebo-controlled trial ,Randomized controlled trial ,Heart Rate ,Pregnancy ,Recurrence ,law ,Prevalence ,Secondary Prevention ,Medicine ,Angioplasty, Balloon, Coronary ,Precision Medicine ,Mineralocorticoid Receptor Antagonists ,Middle Aged ,Congestive-Heart-Failure ,Left atrial ablation ,Primary Prevention ,Stroke ,Catheter Ablation ,Cardiology ,Female ,Rhythm control ,Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine ,Risk assessment ,Anti-Arrhythmia Agents ,Sports ,Radiofrequency Catheter Ablation ,Adult ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Point-of-Care Systems ,Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme ,Antiarrhythmic-Drug Therapy ,Placebo-Controlled Trial ,Electric Countershock ,MEDLINE ,Hemorrhage ,Guidelines ,Parkinson-White-Syndrome ,Risk Assessment ,Pulmonary vein isolation ,European Society of Cardiology ,Anticoagulation ,Fibrinolytic Agents ,Thromboembolism ,Internal medicine ,Diabetes Mellitus ,Humans ,Polyunsaturated Fatty-Acids ,International Normalized Ratio ,Acute Coronary Syndrome ,Randomized Controlled-Trial ,Long-Term Survival ,Aged ,Heart Failure ,Intraoperative Care ,business.industry ,Conflict of interest ,Anticoagulants ,Evidence-based medicine ,Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic ,Precision medicine ,Atrial fibrillation ,Athletes ,CHA2DS2–VASc score ,Quality of Life ,Wolff-Parkinson-White Syndrome ,Hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA Reductase Inhibitors ,business ,Platelet Aggregation Inhibitors - Abstract
Guidelines summarize and evaluate all currently available evidence on a particular issue with the aim of assisting physicians in selecting the best management strategy for an individual patient suffering from a given condition, taking into account the impact on outcome, as well as the risk–benefit ratio of particular diagnostic or therapeutic means. Guidelines are no substitutes for textbooks. The legal implications of medical guidelines have been discussed previously. A large number of Guidelines have been issued in recent years by the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) as well as by other societies and organizations. Because of the impact on clinical practice, quality criteria for development of guidelines have been established in order to make all decisions transparent to the user. The recommendations for formulating and issuing ESC Guidelines can be found on the ESC Web Site (http://www.escardio.org/guidelines-surveys/esc-guidelines/about/Pages/rules-writing.aspx). In brief, experts in the field are selected and undertake a comprehensive review of the published evidence for management and/or prevention of a given condition. A critical evaluation of diagnostic and therapeutic procedures is performed, including assessment of the risk–benefit ratio. Estimates of expected health outcomes for larger societies are included, where data exist. The level of evidence and the strength of recommendation of particular treatment options are weighed and graded according to pre-defined scales, as outlined in Tables 1 and 2 . View this table: Table 1 Classes of recommendations View this table: Table 2 Levels of evidence The experts of the writing panels have provided disclosure statements of all relationships they may have that might be perceived as real or potential sources of conflicts of interest. These disclosure forms are kept on file at the European Heart House, headquarters of the ESC. Any changes in conflict of interest that arise during the writing period must be notified to the ESC. The Task Force report received its entire financial support from …
- Published
- 2010
29. Napredno vodenje sistemskih shranjevalnikov elektrike v distribucijskem omre��ju
- Author
Zupan��i�� Jernej, Arta�� Ga��per, Laki��, Edin, Medved, Tomi, and Gubina Andrej F
- Subjects
Electrical energy storage technologies, distribution network, peak shaving functionality - Abstract
Increased share of Distributed Renewable Energy Sources (DRES) in the low voltage distribution networks brings the additional solutions and challenges in operation and control of the system. Due to popularity of the DRES, their increased share transformed classic radial configuration of the network towards smart grid oriented situation, with possibility of the reverse power flows. Surplus of locally produced electricity and unpredictable nature of production due to weather conditions, presents additional challenges and problems of the maintaining the power quality parameters within defined limits. An alternative to classic grid reinforcement measures are available, for example, a local installation of a storage unit in the system. In proposed paper key grid challenges, which occur in distribution systems and could be mitigated with implementation of storage, are described. A multileveled structure of control strategy is proposed, where each level is responsible for separate part of the control strategy. Several use cases of storage implementation are described. The main focus of the paper is the issue of reverse power flows in the distribution network. For the designated demonstration site of residential rural network, a peak demand control, which combines peak shifting and peak shaving activities is described and evaluated through the simulations. Based on analysis of yearly measurements and weather forecast for day ahead interval, the algorithm determines threshold levels, where storage starts operating and charges energy from the surplus of local generation and discharges when necessary., This is a conference paper, presented on CIGRE-CIRED Slovenian conference 22. - 24. of May 2017, Maribor, Slovenia
- Published
- 2017
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30. Prognosis, disease progression, and treatment of atrial fibrillation patients during 1 year: follow-up of the Euro Heart Survey on Atrial Fibrillation
- Author
Nieuwlaat R., Prins M. H., Le Heuzey J. -Y., Vardas P. E., Aliot E., Santini M., Cobbe S. M., Widdershoven J. W. M. G., Baur L. H., Levy S., Crijns H. J. G. M., Olsson B., Breithardt G., Manini M., Bramley C., Laforest V., Taylor C., Del Gaiso S., Huber K., De Backer G., Sirakova V., Cerbak R., Thayssen P., Lehto S., Blanc J. -J., Delahaye F., Kobulia B., Zeymer U., Cokkinos D., Karlocai K., Graham I., Shelley E., Behar S., Maggioni A., Goncalves L., Grabauskiene V., Asmussen I., Deckers J., Stepinska J., Mareev V., Vasiljevic Z., Riecansky I., Kenda M. F., Alonso A., Lopez-Sendon J. L., Rosengren A., Buser P., Okay T., Sychov O., Fox K., Schofield P., Simoons M., Wood D., Battler A., Boersma E., Komajda M., Andresen D., McGregor K., Mulder B., Priori S., Ryden L., Vahanian A., Wijns W., Sanofi-Aventis, Grigoryan S. V., Apetyan I., Aroyan S., Camm A. J., Azarapetyan L., Anvari A., Gottsauner-Wolf M., Pfaffenberger S., Aydinkoc K., Kalla K., Penka M., Drexel H., Langer P., Pierard L. A., Davies W., Legrand V., Blommaert D., Schroeder E., Mancini I., Geelen P., Brugada P., De Zutter M., Vrints C., Vercammen M., Morissens M., Capucci A., Borisov B., Petrov V. A., Marinova M., Assen A., Goudev R., Peychev Y., Stoyanovsky V., Stoynev E., Kranjcevic S., Moutiris J., Ioannides M., Evequoz D., Spacilova J., Novak M., Eisenberger M., Mullerova J., Kautzner J., Riedlbauchova L., Petru` J., Taborsky M., Cappelen H., Sharaf Y. A., Ibrahim B. S. S., Tammam K., Saad A., Elghawaby H., Sherif H. Z., Farouk H., Mielke A., Engelen M., Kirchhof P., Zimmermann P., Aviles F. F., Rubio J., Malpartida F., Corona M., Sanchez L. T., Miguel J., Herrera L., Quesada A., Garcia A. J. M., Gonzalez C. S., Juango M. S. A., Berjon-Reyero J., Alegret J. M., Fernandez J. M. C., Carrascosa C., Romero R. A. F., Lara M. G., Sendon J. L. L., de Diego J. J. G., Martin L. S., Irurita M., Guttierez N. H., Rubio J. R. S., Antorrena I., Paves A. B., Salvador A., Orriach M. D., Garcia A. A., Epelde F., Martinez V. B., Sanchez A. B., Galvez C. P., Rivero R. F., Madrid A. H., Baron-Esquivias G., Peinado R., Guindal J. A. G., Vera T. R., Fernandez E. L., Gayan R., Garcia J., Bodegas A., Lopez J. T., Florez J. M., Cabezas C. L., de Castroviejo E. V. R., Bellido J. M., Ruiz M. E., Savolainen K., Nieminen M., Toivonen L., Syvanne M., Pietila M., Galley D., Beltra C., Gay A., Daubert J. C., Lecocq G., Poulain C., Cleland J. G. F. C., Shelton R., Choudhury A., Abuladze G., Jashi I., Tsiavou A., Giamouzis G., Dagres N., Kostopoulou A., Tsoutsanis D., Stefanadis C., Latsios G., Vogiatzis I., Gotsis A., Bozia P., Karakiriou M., Koulouris S., Parissis J., Kostakis G., Kouris N., Kontogianni D., Athanasios K., Douras A., Tsanakis T., Marketou M., Patsourakos N., Czopf L., Halmosi R., Preda I., Csoti E., Badics A., Strasberg B., Freedberg N. A., Katz A., Zalzstein E., Grosbard A., Goldhammer E., Nahir M., Epstein M., Vider I., Luria D., Mandelzweig L., Aloisi B., Cavallaro A., Antonielli E., Doronzo B., Pancaldo D., Mazzola C., Buontempi L., Calvi V., Giuffrida G., Figlia A., Ippolito F., Gelmini G. -P., Gaibazzi N., Ziacchi V., De Tommasi F., Lombardi F., Fiorentini C., Terranova P., Maiolino P., Albunni M., Pinna-Pintor P., Fumagalli S., Masotti G., Boncinelli L., Rossi D., Santoro G. M., Fioranelli M., Naccarella F., Maranga S. S., Lepera G., Bresciani B., Seragnoli E., Forti M. C., Cortina V., Baciarello G., Cicconetti P., Lax A., Vitali F., Igidbashian D., Scarpino L., Terrazzino S., Tavazzi L., Cantu F., Pentimalli F., Novo S., Coppola G., Zingarini G., Ambrozio G., Moruzzi P., Callegari S., Saccomanno G., Russo P., Carbonieri E., Paino A., Zanetta M., Barducci E., Cemin R., Rauhe W., Pitscheider W., Meloni M., Marchi S. M., Di Gennaro M., Calcagno S., Squaratti P., Quartili F., Bertocchi P., De Martini M., Mantovani G., Komorovsky R., Desideri A., Celegon L., Tarantini L., Catania G., Lucci D., Bianchini F., Puodziukynas A., Kavoliuniene A., Barauskiene V., Aidietis A., Barysiene J., Vysniauskas V., Zukauskiene I., Kazakeviciene N., Georgievska-Ismail L., Poposka L., Vataman E., Grosu A. A., op Reimer W. S., de Swart E., Lenzen M., Jansen C., Brons R., Tebbe H., van Hoogenhuyze D. C. A., Veerhoek M. J., Kamps M., Haan D., van Rijn N., Bootsma A., van den A., Fransen H., Eurlings L., Meeder J., De Boer M. J., Winter J., Broers H., Werter C., Bijl M., Versluis S., Milkowska M., Wozakowska-Kaplon B., Janion M., Lepska L., Swiatecka G., Kokowicz P., Cybulski J., Gorecki A., Szulc M., Rekosz J., Manczak R., Wnuk-Wojnar A. -M., Trusz-Gluza M., Rybicka-Musialik A., Myszor J., Szpajer M., Cymerman K., Sadowski J., Sniezek-Maciejewska M., Ciesla-Dul M., Gorkiewicz-Kot I., Grodzicki T., Rewiuk K., Kubik L., Lewit J., de Sousa J. M. F. R., Ferreira R., Freitas A., Morais J. C. A., Pires R., Gomes M. J. V., Gago P., Candeias R. A. C., Nunes L., Sa J. V. M., Ventura M., de Oliveira M., Alves L. B., Bostaca I., Olariu C. T., Dan G. A., Dan A., Podoleanu C., Frigy A., Georgescu G. I. M., Arsenescu C., Statescu C., Sascau R., Dimitrascu D. L., Rancea R., Shubik Y. V., Duplyakov D., Shalak M., Danielyan M., Galyavich A., Zakirova V., Hatala R., Kaliska G., Kmec J., Zupan I., Tasie` J., Vokac D., Edvardsson N., Poci D., Gamra H., Denguir H., Sepetoglu A., Arat-Ozkan A., Orynchak M., Paliy E., Vakalyuk I., Malidze D., Prog R., Yabluchansky M. I., Makienko N. V., Potpara T., Knezevic S., Randjelovic M., Nieuwlaat R., Prins M.H., Le Heuzey J.-Y., Vardas P.E., Aliot E., Santini M., Cobbe S.M., Widdershoven J.W.M.G., Baur L.H., Levy S., Crijns H.J.G.M., Olsson B., Breithardt G., Manini M., Bramley C., Laforest V., Taylor C., Del Gaiso S., Huber K., De Backer G., Sirakova V., Cerbak R., Thayssen P., Lehto S., Blanc J.-J., Delahaye F., Kobulia B., Zeymer U., Cokkinos D., Karlocai K., Graham I., Shelley E., Behar S., Maggioni A., Goncalves L., Grabauskiene V., Asmussen I., Deckers J., Stepinska J., Mareev V., Vasiljevic Z., Riecansky I., Kenda M.F., Alonso A., Lopez-Sendon J.L., Rosengren A., Buser P., Okay T., Sychov O., Fox K., Schofield P., Simoons M., Wood D., Battler A., Boersma E., Komajda M., Andresen D., McGregor K., Mulder B., Priori S., Ryden L., Vahanian A., Wijns W., Sanofi-Aventi, Grigoryan S.V., Apetyan I., Aroyan S., Camm A.J., Azarapetyan L., Anvari A., Gottsauner-Wolf M., Pfaffenberger S., Aydinkoc K., Kalla K., Penka M., Drexel H., Langer P., Pierard L.A., Davies W., Legrand V., Blommaert D., Schroeder E., Mancini I., Geelen P., Brugada P., De Zutter M., Vrints C., Vercammen M., Morissens M., Capucci A., Borisov B., Petrov V.A., Marinova M., Assen A., Goudev R., Peychev Y., Stoyanovsky V., Stoynev E., Kranjcevic S., Moutiris J., Ioannides M., Evequoz D., Spacilova J., Novak M., Eisenberger M., Mullerova J., Kautzner J., Riedlbauchova L., Petru` J., Taborsky M., Cappelen H., Sharaf Y.A., Ibrahim B.S.S., Tammam K., Saad A., Elghawaby H., Sherif H.Z., Farouk H., Mielke A., Engelen M., Kirchhof P., Zimmermann P., Aviles F.F., Rubio J., Malpartida F., Corona M., Sanchez L.T., Miguel J., Herrera L., Quesada A., Garcia A.J.M., Gonzalez C.S., Juango M.S.A., Berjon-Reyero J., Alegret J.M., Fernandez J.M.C., Carrascosa C., Romero R.A.F., Lara M.G., Sendon J.L.L., de Diego J.J.G., Martin L.S., Irurita M., Guttierez N.H., Rubio J.R.S., Antorrena I., Paves A.B., Salvador A., Orriach M.D., Garcia A.A., Epelde F., Martinez V.B., Sanchez A.B., Galvez C.P., Rivero R.F., Madrid A.H., Baron-Esquivias G., Peinado R., Guindal J.A.G., Vera T.R., Fernandez E.L., Gayan R., Garcia J., Bodegas A., Lopez J.T., Florez J.M., Cabezas C.L., de Castroviejo E.V.R., Bellido J.M., Ruiz M.E., Savolainen K., Nieminen M., Toivonen L., Syvanne M., Pietila M., Galley D., Beltra C., Gay A., Daubert J.C., Lecocq G., Poulain C., Cleland J.G.F.C., Shelton R., Choudhury A., Abuladze G., Jashi I., Tsiavou A., Giamouzis G., Dagres N., Kostopoulou A., Tsoutsanis D., Stefanadis C., Latsios G., Vogiatzis I., Gotsis A., Bozia P., Karakiriou M., Koulouris S., Parissis J., Kostakis G., Kouris N., Kontogianni D., Athanasios K., Douras A., Tsanakis T., Marketou M., Patsourakos N., Czopf L., Halmosi R., Preda I., Csoti E., Badics A., Strasberg B., Freedberg N.A., Katz A., Zalzstein E., Grosbard A., Goldhammer E., Nahir M., Epstein M., Vider I., Luria D., Mandelzweig L., Aloisi B., Cavallaro A., Antonielli E., Doronzo B., Pancaldo D., Mazzola C., Buontempi L., Calvi V., Giuffrida G., Figlia A., Ippolito F., Gelmini G.-P., Gaibazzi N., Ziacchi V., De Tommasi F., Lombardi F., Fiorentini C., Terranova P., Maiolino P., Albunni M., Pinna-Pintor P., Fumagalli S., Masotti G., Boncinelli L., Rossi D., Santoro G.M., Fioranelli M., Naccarella F., Maranga S.S., Lepera G., Bresciani B., Seragnoli E., Forti M.C., Cortina V., Baciarello G., Cicconetti P., Lax A., Vitali F., Igidbashian D., Scarpino L., Terrazzino S., Tavazzi L., Cantu F., Pentimalli F., Novo S., Coppola G., Zingarini G., Ambrozio G., Moruzzi P., Callegari S., Saccomanno G., Russo P., Carbonieri E., Paino A., Zanetta M., Barducci E., Cemin R., Rauhe W., Pitscheider W., Meloni M., Marchi S.M., Di Gennaro M., Calcagno S., Squaratti P., Quartili F., Bertocchi P., De Martini M., Mantovani G., Komorovsky R., Desideri A., Celegon L., Tarantini L., Catania G., Lucci D., Bianchini F., Puodziukynas A., Kavoliuniene A., Barauskiene V., Aidietis A., Barysiene J., Vysniauskas V., Zukauskiene I., Kazakeviciene N., Georgievska-Ismail L., Poposka L., Vataman E., Grosu A.A., op Reimer W.S., de Swart E., Lenzen M., Jansen C., Brons R., Tebbe H., van Hoogenhuyze D.C.A., Veerhoek M.J., Kamps M., Haan D., van Rijn N., Bootsma A., van den A., Fransen H., Eurlings L., Meeder J., De Boer M.J., Winter J., Broers H., Werter C., Bijl M., Versluis S., Milkowska M., Wozakowska-Kaplon B., Janion M., Lepska L., Swiatecka G., Kokowicz P., Cybulski J., Gorecki A., Szulc M., Rekosz J., Manczak R., Wnuk-Wojnar A.-M., Trusz-Gluza M., Rybicka-Musialik A., Myszor J., Szpajer M., Cymerman K., Sadowski J., Sniezek-Maciejewska M., Ciesla-Dul M., Gorkiewicz-Kot I., Grodzicki T., Rewiuk K., Kubik L., Lewit J., de Sousa J.M.F.R., Ferreira R., Freitas A., Morais J.C.A., Pires R., Gomes M.J.V., Gago P., Candeias R.A.C., Nunes L., Sa J.V.M., Ventura M., de Oliveira M., Alves L.B., Bostaca I., Olariu C.T., Dan G.A., Dan A., Podoleanu C., Frigy A., Georgescu G.I.M., Arsenescu C., Statescu C., Sascau R., Dimitrascu D.L., Rancea R., Shubik Y.V., Duplyakov D., Shalak M., Danielyan M., Galyavich A., Zakirova V., Hatala R., Kaliska G., Kmec J., Zupan I., Tasie` J., Vokac D., Edvardsson N., Poci D., Gamra H., Denguir H., Sepetoglu A., Arat-Ozkan A., Orynchak M., Paliy E., Vakalyuk I., Malidze D., Prog R., Yabluchansky M.I., Makienko N.V., Potpara T., Knezevic S., and Randjelovic M.
- Subjects
Male ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Rate control ,Heart Diseases ,Heart disease ,Prognosi ,Hemorrhage ,Risk Assessment ,Anticoagulation ,Electrocardiography ,Internal medicine ,Atrial Fibrillation ,Humans ,Medicine ,Sinus rhythm ,Prospective Studies ,Mortality ,Prospective cohort study ,Stroke ,Survival rate ,Aged ,Progression ,medicine.diagnostic_test ,business.industry ,Anticoagulant ,Anticoagulants ,Atrial fibrillation ,Prognosis ,medicine.disease ,Management ,Survival Rate ,Prospective Studie ,Heart Disease ,Treatment Outcome ,Heart failure ,Disease Progression ,Cardiology ,Rhythm control ,Female ,Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine ,business ,Human - Abstract
Aims: To gain insight in the prognosis and treatment of atrial fibrillation (AF) patients during 1-year follow-up in the Euro Heart Survey (EHS) on AF. Methods and results: The EHS enrolled 5333 AF patients in 2003-2004. One-year follow-up data were available for 80%. Of first detected AF patients, 46% did not have a recurrence during 1 year, paroxysmal AF largely remained paroxysmal AF (80%), and 30% of persistent AF progressed to permanent AF. Many treatment changes occurred since baseline. Oral anticoagulation was started in 19% and discontinued in 16% of all patients. Of patients initially on rhythm control 27% did not receive rhythm control during follow-up, whereas 15% of patients initially on rate control received rhythm control. Mortality was highest in permanent AF (8.2%), but also substantial in first detected AF (5.7%). In multivariable analysis, sinus rhythm at baseline was associated with lower mortality, but no significant effect was observed regarding the application of either rhythm or rate control. Conclusion: The EHS on AF provides unique prospective observational data on AF progression, long-term treatment, prognosis, and determinants of adverse outcome of the total clinical spectrum of AF in a European cardiology-based patient cohort. © The Author 2008.
- Published
- 2008
- Full Text
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31. Antithrombotic treatment in real-life atrial fibrillation patients: a report from the Euro Heart Survey on Atrial Fibrillation
- Author
Nieuwlaat R., Capucci A., Lip G. Y. H., Olsson S. B., Prins M. H., Nieman F. H., Lopez-Sendon J., Vardas P. E., Aliot E., Santini M., Crijns H. J. G. M., Andresen D., Camm A. J., Davies W., Levy S., Breithardt G., Cobbe S., Le Heuzey J. -Y., Manini M., Bramley C., Laforest V., Taylor C., Del Gaiso S., Huber K., De Backer G., Sirakova V., Cerbak R., Thayssen P., Lehto S., Blanc J. -J., Delahaye F., Kobulia B., Zeymer U., Cokkinos D., Karlocai K., Graham I., Shelley E., Behar S., Maggioni A., Goncalves L., Grabauskiene V., Asmussen I., Deckers J., Stepinska J., Mareev V., Vasiljevic Z., Riecansky I., Kenda M. F., Alonso A., Rosengren A., Buser P., Okay T., Sychov O., Fox K., Schofield P., Simoons M., Wood D., Battler A., Boersma E., Komajda M., McGregor K., Mulder B., Priori S., Ryden L., Vahanian A., Wijns W., Sanofi-Aventis, Grigoryan S. V., Apetyan I., Aroyan S., Azarapetyan L., Anvari A., Gottsauner-Wolf M., Pfaffenberger S., Aydinkoc K., Kalla K., Penka M., Drexel H., Langer P., Pierard L. A., Legrand V., Blommaert D., Schroeder E., Mancini I., Geelen P., Brugada P., De Zutter M., Vrints C., Vercammen M., Morissens M., Borisov B., Petrov V. A., Marinova M., Assen A., Goudev R., Peychev Y., Stoyanovsky V., Stoynev E., Kranjcevic S., Moutiris J., Ioannides M., Evequoz D., Spacilova J., Novak M., Eisenberger M., Mullerova J., Kautzner J., Riedlbauchova L., Petru` J., Taborsky M., Cappelen H., Sharaf Y. A., Ibrahim B. S. S., Tammam K., Saad A., Elghawaby H., Sherif H. Z., Farouk H., Mielke A., Engelen M., Kirchhof P., Zimmermann P., Aviles F. F., Rubio J., Malpartida F., Corona M., Sanchez L. T., Miguel J., Herrera L., Quesada A., Garcia A. J. M., Gonzalez C. S., Juango M. S. A., Berjon-Reyero J., Alegret J. M., Fernandez J. M. C., Carrascosa C., Romero R. A. F., Lara M. G., Sendon J. L. L., de Diego J. J. G., Martin L. S., Irurita M., Guttierez N. H., Rubio J. R. S., Antorrena I., Paves A. B., Salvador A., Orriach M. D., Garcia A. A., Epelde F., Martinez V. B., Sanchez A. B., Galvez C. P., Rivero R. F., Madrid A. H., Baron-Esquivias G., Peinado R., Guindal J. A. G., Vera T. R., Fernandez E. L., Gayan R., Garcia J., Bodegas A., Lopez J. T., Florez J. M., Cabezas C. L., de Castroviejo E. V. R., Bellido J. M., Ruiz M. E., Savolainen K., Nieminen M., Toivonen L., Syvanne M., Pietila M., Galley D., Beltra C., Gay A., Daubert J. C., Lecocq G., Poulain C., Cleland J. G. F. C., Shelton R., Choudhury A., Abuladze G., Jashi I., Tsiavou A., Giamouzis G., Dagres N., Kostopoulou A., Tsoutsanis D., Stefanadis C., Latsios G., Vogiatzis I., Gotsis A., Bozia P., Karakiriou M., Koulouris S., Parissis J., Kostakis G., Kouris N., Kontogianni D., Athanasios K., Douras A., Tsanakis T., Marketou M., Patsourakos N., Czopf L., Halmosi R., Preda I., Csoti E., Badics A., Strasberg B., Freedberg N. A., Katz A., Zalzstein E., Grosbard A., Goldhammer E., Nahir M., Epstein M., Vider I., Luria D., Mandelzweig L., Aloisi B., Cavallaro A., Antonielli E., Doronzo B., Pancaldo D., Mazzola C., Buontempi L., Calvi V., Giuffrida G., Figlia A., Ippolito F., Gelmini G. -P., Gaibazzi N., Ziacchi V., De Tommasi F., Lombardi F., Fiorentini C., Terranova P., Maiolino P., Albunni M., Pinna-Pintor P., Fumagalli S., Masotti G., Boncinelli L., Rossi D., Santoro G. M., Fioranelli M., Naccarella F., Maranga S. S., Lepera G., Bresciani B., Seragnoli E., Forti M. C., Cortina V., Baciarello G., Cicconetti P., Lax A., Vitali F., Igidbashian D., Scarpino L., Terrazzino S., Tavazzi L., Cantu F., Pentimalli F., Novo S., Coppola G., Zingarini G., Ambrozio G., Moruzzi P., Callegari S., Saccomanno G., Russo P., Carbonieri E., Paino A., Zanetta M., Barducci E., Cemin R., Rauhe W., Pitscheider W., Meloni M., Marchi S. M., Di Gennaro M., Calcagno S., Squaratti P., Quartili F., Bertocchi P., De Martini M., Mantovani G., Komorovsky R., Desideri A., Celegon L., Tarantini L., Catania G., Lucci D., Bianchini F., Puodziukynas A., Kavoliuniene A., Barauskiene V., Aidietis A., Barysiene J., Vysniauskas V., Zukauskiene I., Kazakeviciene N., Georgievska-Ismail L., Poposka L., Vataman E., Grosu A. A., op Reimer W. S., de Swart E., Lenzen M., Jansen C., Brons R., Tebbe H., van Hoogenhuyze D. C. A., Veerhoek M. J., Kamps M., Haan D., van Rijn N., Bootsma A., Baur L., van den A., Fransen H., Eurlings L., Meeder J., De Boer M. J., Winter J., Broers H., Werter C., Bijl M., Versluis S., Milkowska M., Wozakowska-Kaplon B., Janion M., Lepska L., Swiatecka G., Kokowicz P., Cybulski J., Gorecki A., Szulc M., Rekosz J., Manczak R., Wnuk-Wojnar A. -M., Trusz-Gluza M., Rybicka-Musialik A., Myszor J., Szpajer M., Cymerman K., Sadowski J., Sniezek-Maciejewska M., Ciesla-Dul M., Gorkiewicz-Kot I., Grodzicki T., Rewiuk K., Kubik L., Lewit J., de Sousa J. M. F. R., Ferreira R., Freitas A., Morais J. C. A., Pires R., Gomes M. J. V., Gago P., Candeias R. A. C., Nunes L., Sa J. V. M., Ventura M., de Oliveira M., Alves L. B., Bostaca I., Olariu C. T., Dan G. A., Dan A., Podoleanu C., Frigy A., Georgescu G. I. M., Arsenescu C., Statescu C., Sascau R., Dimitrascu D. L., Rancea R., Shubik Y. V., Duplyakov D., Shalak M., Danielyan M., Galyavich A., Zakirova V., Hatala R., Kaliska G., Kmec J., Zupan I., Tasie` J., Vokac D., Edvardsson N., Poci D., Gamra H., Denguir H., Sepetoglu A., Arat-Ozkan A., Orynchak M., Paliy E., Vakalyuk I., Malidze D., Prog R., Yabluchansky M. I., Makienko N. V., Potpara T., Knezevic S., Randjelovic M., Nieuwlaat R., Capucci A., Lip G.Y.H., Olsson S.B., Prins M.H., Nieman F.H., Lopez-Sendon J., Vardas P.E., Aliot E., Santini M., Crijns H.J.G.M., Andresen D., Camm A.J., Davies W., Levy S., Breithardt G., Cobbe S., Le Heuzey J.-Y., Manini M., Bramley C., Laforest V., Taylor C., Del Gaiso S., Huber K., De Backer G., Sirakova V., Cerbak R., Thayssen P., Lehto S., Blanc J.-J., Delahaye F., Kobulia B., Zeymer U., Cokkinos D., Karlocai K., Graham I., Shelley E., Behar S., Maggioni A., Goncalves L., Grabauskiene V., Asmussen I., Deckers J., Stepinska J., Mareev V., Vasiljevic Z., Riecansky I., Kenda M.F., Alonso A., Rosengren A., Buser P., Okay T., Sychov O., Fox K., Schofield P., Simoons M., Wood D., Battler A., Boersma E., Komajda M., McGregor K., Mulder B., Priori S., Ryden L., Vahanian A., Wijns W., Sanofi-Aventi, Grigoryan S.V., Apetyan I., Aroyan S., Azarapetyan L., Anvari A., Gottsauner-Wolf M., Pfaffenberger S., Aydinkoc K., Kalla K., Penka M., Drexel H., Langer P., Pierard L.A., Legrand V., Blommaert D., Schroeder E., Mancini I., Geelen P., Brugada P., De Zutter M., Vrints C., Vercammen M., Morissens M., Borisov B., Petrov V.A., Marinova M., Assen A., Goudev R., Peychev Y., Stoyanovsky V., Stoynev E., Kranjcevic S., Moutiris J., Ioannides M., Evequoz D., Spacilova J., Novak M., Eisenberger M., Mullerova J., Kautzner J., Riedlbauchova L., Petru` J., Taborsky M., Cappelen H., Sharaf Y.A., Ibrahim B.S.S., Tammam K., Saad A., Elghawaby H., Sherif H.Z., Farouk H., Mielke A., Engelen M., Kirchhof P., Zimmermann P., Aviles F.F., Rubio J., Malpartida F., Corona M., Sanchez L.T., Miguel J., Herrera L., Quesada A., Garcia A.J.M., Gonzalez C.S., Juango M.S.A., Berjon-Reyero J., Alegret J.M., Fernandez J.M.C., Carrascosa C., Romero R.A.F., Lara M.G., Sendon J.L.L., de Diego J.J.G., Martin L.S., Irurita M., Guttierez N.H., Rubio J.R.S., Antorrena I., Paves A.B., Salvador A., Orriach M.D., Garcia A.A., Epelde F., Martinez V.B., Sanchez A.B., Galvez C.P., Rivero R.F., Madrid A.H., Baron-Esquivias G., Peinado R., Guindal J.A.G., Vera T.R., Fernandez E.L., Gayan R., Garcia J., Bodegas A., Lopez J.T., Florez J.M., Cabezas C.L., de Castroviejo E.V.R., Bellido J.M., Ruiz M.E., Savolainen K., Nieminen M., Toivonen L., Syvanne M., Pietila M., Galley D., Beltra C., Gay A., Daubert J.C., Lecocq G., Poulain C., Cleland J.G.F.C., Shelton R., Choudhury A., Abuladze G., Jashi I., Tsiavou A., Giamouzis G., Dagres N., Kostopoulou A., Tsoutsanis D., Stefanadis C., Latsios G., Vogiatzis I., Gotsis A., Bozia P., Karakiriou M., Koulouris S., Parissis J., Kostakis G., Kouris N., Kontogianni D., Athanasios K., Douras A., Tsanakis T., Marketou M., Patsourakos N., Czopf L., Halmosi R., Preda I., Csoti E., Badics A., Strasberg B., Freedberg N.A., Katz A., Zalzstein E., Grosbard A., Goldhammer E., Nahir M., Epstein M., Vider I., Luria D., Mandelzweig L., Aloisi B., Cavallaro A., Antonielli E., Doronzo B., Pancaldo D., Mazzola C., Buontempi L., Calvi V., Giuffrida G., Figlia A., Ippolito F., Gelmini G.-P., Gaibazzi N., Ziacchi V., De Tommasi F., Lombardi F., Fiorentini C., Terranova P., Maiolino P., Albunni M., Pinna-Pintor P., Fumagalli S., Masotti G., Boncinelli L., Rossi D., Santoro G.M., Fioranelli M., Naccarella F., Maranga S.S., Lepera G., Bresciani B., Seragnoli E., Forti M.C., Cortina V., Baciarello G., Cicconetti P., Lax A., Vitali F., Igidbashian D., Scarpino L., Terrazzino S., Tavazzi L., Cantu F., Pentimalli F., Novo S., Coppola G., Zingarini G., Ambrozio G., Moruzzi P., Callegari S., Saccomanno G., Russo P., Carbonieri E., Paino A., Zanetta M., Barducci E., Cemin R., Rauhe W., Pitscheider W., Meloni M., Marchi S.M., Di Gennaro M., Calcagno S., Squaratti P., Quartili F., Bertocchi P., De Martini M., Mantovani G., Komorovsky R., Desideri A., Celegon L., Tarantini L., Catania G., Lucci D., Bianchini F., Puodziukynas A., Kavoliuniene A., Barauskiene V., Aidietis A., Barysiene J., Vysniauskas V., Zukauskiene I., Kazakeviciene N., Georgievska-Ismail L., Poposka L., Vataman E., Grosu A.A., op Reimer W.S., de Swart E., Lenzen M., Jansen C., Brons R., Tebbe H., van Hoogenhuyze D.C.A., Veerhoek M.J., Kamps M., Haan D., van Rijn N., Bootsma A., Baur L., van den A., Fransen H., Eurlings L., Meeder J., De Boer M.J., Winter J., Broers H., Werter C., Bijl M., Versluis S., Milkowska M., Wozakowska-Kaplon B., Janion M., Lepska L., Swiatecka G., Kokowicz P., Cybulski J., Gorecki A., Szulc M., Rekosz J., Manczak R., Wnuk-Wojnar A.-M., Trusz-Gluza M., Rybicka-Musialik A., Myszor J., Szpajer M., Cymerman K., Sadowski J., Sniezek-Maciejewska M., Ciesla-Dul M., Gorkiewicz-Kot I., Grodzicki T., Rewiuk K., Kubik L., Lewit J., de Sousa J.M.F.R., Ferreira R., Freitas A., Morais J.C.A., Pires R., Gomes M.J.V., Gago P., Candeias R.A.C., Nunes L., Sa J.V.M., Ventura M., de Oliveira M., Alves L.B., Bostaca I., Olariu C.T., Dan G.A., Dan A., Podoleanu C., Frigy A., Georgescu G.I.M., Arsenescu C., Statescu C., Sascau R., Dimitrascu D.L., Rancea R., Shubik Y.V., Duplyakov D., Shalak M., Danielyan M., Galyavich A., Zakirova V., Hatala R., Kaliska G., Kmec J., Zupan I., Tasie` J., Vokac D., Edvardsson N., Poci D., Gamra H., Denguir H., Sepetoglu A., Arat-Ozkan A., Orynchak M., Paliy E., Vakalyuk I., Malidze D., Prog R., Yabluchansky M.I., Makienko N.V., Potpara T., Knezevic S., and Randjelovic M.
- Subjects
Adult ,Male ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Oral anticoagulation ,Guideline ,Risk Assessment ,Electrocardiography ,Fibrinolytic Agents ,Risk Factors ,Drug Combination ,Antithrombotic ,medicine ,Humans ,Outpatient clinic ,Risk factor ,Multivariate Analysi ,Stroke ,Risk stratification ,Aged ,Antithrombotic therapy ,Fibrinolytic Agent ,Framingham Risk Score ,business.industry ,Risk Factor ,Atrial fibrillation ,Middle Aged ,medicine.disease ,Drug Combinations ,Multivariate Analysis ,Practice Guidelines as Topic ,Emergency medicine ,Physical therapy ,Female ,Guideline Adherence ,Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine ,business ,Cardioversions ,Risk assessment ,Human - Abstract
Aims To describe guideline adherence and application of different stroke risk stratification schemes regarding antithrombotic therapy in real-life atrial fibrillation (AF) patients and to assess which factors influence antithrombotic management decisions. Methods and results The Euro Heart Survey enrolled 5333 AF patients in 35 countries, in 2003 and 2004. Prescription of antithrombotic drugs, especially oral anticoagulation (OAC), was hardly tailored to the patient's stroke risk profile as indicated by the joint guidelines of the American College of Cardiology, American Heart Association, and the European Society of Cardiology, ACCP guidelines, or CHADS2 and Framingham risk scores. In multivariable analysis, only a limited number of the well-known stroke risk factors triggered OAC prescription. In contrast, less relevant factors, of which clinical type of AF and availability of an OAC monitoring outpatient clinic were the most marked, played a significant role in OAC prescription. Electrical cardioversions and catheter ablations clearly triggered OAC prescription, whereas pharmacological cardioversions even in the presence of stroke risk factors did not. Conclusion Antithrombotic therapy in AF is hardly tailored to the patient's stroke risk profile. Factors other than well-known stroke risk factors were significantly involved in antithrombotic management decisions. To facilitate this tailored treatment, guideline writers and physician educators should focus on providing one uniform and easy to use stroke risk stratification scheme.
- Published
- 2006
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32. P1946Longitudinal changes in ventricular repolarization in patients with CRT and its relation to ventricular tachyarrhythmias
- Author
Cvijic, M, primary, Antolic, B, additional, Klemen, L, additional, and Zupan, I, additional
- Published
- 2018
- Full Text
- View/download PDF
33. Micro-elemination of hepatitis C among patients with congenital bleeding disorders in Slovenia
- Author
Maticic, M., primary, Lekše, A., additional, Kozinc, M., additional, Dolničar, M.B., additional, Andoljšek, D., additional, Preložnik Zupan, I., additional, Faganel, B., additional, Poljak, M., additional, and Lazarus, J., additional
- Published
- 2018
- Full Text
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34. Narcisismo y búsqueda estratégica del emparejamiento a corto plazo a través de las culturas: Enlaces omnipresentes a través de 11 regiones mundiales del Proyecto de la descripción de la sexualidad internacional 2
- Author
Schmitt, D.P., Alcalay, L., Allik, J., Alves, I.C.B., Anderson, C.A., Angelini, A.L., Zupan?i?, A., and MÜ
- Subjects
Cross-Cultural Psychology ,Narcissism ,Sexuality ,Personality - Abstract
Previous studies have documented links between sub-clinical narcissism and the active pursuit of short-term mating strategies (e.g., unrestricted sociosexuality, marital infidelity, mate poaching). Nearly all of these investigations have relied solely on samples from Western cultures. In the current study, responses from a cross-cultural survey of 30,470 people across 53 nations spanning 11 world regions (North America, Central/South America, Northern Europe, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, Southern Europe, Middle East, Africa, Oceania, Southeast Asia, and East Asia) were used to evaluate whether narcissism (as measured by the Narcissistic Personality Inventory; NPI) was universally associated with short-term mating. Results revealed narcissism scores (including two broad factors and seven traditional facets as measured by the NPI) were functionally equivalent across cultures, reliably associating with key sexual outcomes (e.g., more active pursuit of short-term mating, intimate partner violence, and sexual aggression) and sex-related personality traits (e.g., higher extraversion and openness to experience). Whereas some features of personality (e.g., subjective well-being) were universally associated with socially adaptive facets of Narcissism (e.g., self-sufficiency), most indicators of short-term mating (e.g., unrestricted sociosexuality and marital infidelity) were universally associated with the socially maladaptive facets of narcissism (e.g., exploitativeness). Discussion addresses limitations of these cross-culturally universal findings and presents suggestions for future research into revealing the precise psychological features of narcissism that facilitate the strategic pursuit of short-term mating. © 2017, Faculty of Arts and Sciences in Rijeka. All rights reserved.
- Published
- 2017
35. Anthelmintic effect of three tannin-rich Mediterranean shrubs in naturally infected sheep
- Author
Saric, T., Rogosic, J., Zupan, I., Beck, R., Bosnic, S., Sikic, Z., Skobic, D., and Tkalcic, S.
- Published
- 2015
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36. A novel user-friendly score (HAS-BLED) to assess 1-year risk of major bleeding in patients with atrial fibrillation: The euro heart survey
- Author
Pisters R., Lane D. A., Nieuwlaat R., De Vos C. B., Crijns H. J. G. M., Lip G. Y. H., Andresen D., Camm A. J., Davies W., Capucci A., Levy S., Olsson B., Aliot E., Breithardt G., Cobbe S., Le Heuzey J. -Y., Santini M., Vardas P., Manini M., Bramley C., Laforest V., Taylor C., Del Gaiso S., Huber K., De Backer G., Sirakova V., Cerbak R., Thayssen P., Lehto S., Blanc J. -J., Delahaye F., Kobulia B., Zeymer U., Cokkinos D., Karlocai K., Graham I., Shelley E., Behar S., Maggioni A., Goncalves L., Grabauskiene V., Asmussen I., Deckers J., Stepinska J., Mareev V., Vasiljevic Z., Riecansky I., Kenda M. F., Alonso A., Lopez-Sendon J. L., Rosengren A., Buser P., Okay T., Sychov O., Fox K., Schofield P., Simoons M., Wood D., Battler A., Boersma E., Komajda M., McGregor K., Mulder B., Priori S., Ryden L., Vahanian A., Wijns W., Sanofi-Aventis, Grigoryan S. V., Apetyan I., Aroyan S., Azarapetyan L., Anvari A., Gottsauner-Wolf M., Pfaffenberger S., Aydinkoc K., Kalla K., Penka M., Drexel H., Langer P., Pierard L. A., Legrand V., Blommaert D., Schroeder E., Mancini I., Geelen P., Brugada P., De Zutter M., Vrints C., Vercammen M., Morissens M., Borisov B., Petrov V. A., Marinova M., Assen A., Goudev R., Peychev Y., Stoyanovsky V., Stoynev E., Kranjcevic S., Moutiris J., Ioannides M., Evequoz D., Spacilova J., Novak M., Eisenberger M., Mullerova J., Kautzner J., Riedlbauchova L., Petru` J., Taborsky M., Cappelen H., Sharaf Y. A., Ibrahim B. S. S., Tammam K., Saad A., Elghawaby H., Sherif H. Z., Farouk H., Mielke A., Engelen M., Kirchhof P., Zimmermann P., Aviles F. F., Rubio J., Malpartida F., Corona M., Sanchez L. T., Miguel J., Herrera L., Quesada A., Garcia A. J. M., Gonzalez C. S., Juango M. S. A., Berjon-Reyero J., Alegret J. M., Fernandez J. M. C., Carrascosa C., Romero R. A. F., Lara M. G., Sendon J. L. L., de Diego J. J. G., Martin L. S., Irurita M., Guttierez N. H., Rubio J. R. S., Antorrena I., Paves A. B., Salvador A., Orriach M. D., Garcia A. A., Epelde F., Martinez V. B., Sanchez A. B., Galvez C. P., Rivero R. F., Madrid A. H., Baron-Esquivias G., Peinado R., Guindal J. A. G., Vera T. R., Fernandez E. L., Gayan R., Garcia J., Bodegas A., Lopez J. T., Florez J. M., Cabezas C. L., de Castroviejo E. V. R., Bellido J. M., Ruiz M. E., Savolainen K., Nieminen M., Toivonen L., Syvanne M., Pietila M., Galley D., Beltra C., Gay A., Daubert J. C., Lecocq G., Poulain C., Cleland J. G. F. C., Shelton R., Choudhury A., Abuladze G., Jashi I., Tsiavou A., Giamouzis G., Dagres N., Kostopoulou A., Tsoutsanis D., Stefanadis C., Latsios G., Vogiatzis I., Gotsis A., Bozia P., Karakiriou M., Koulouris S., Parissis J., Kostakis G., Kouris N., Kontogianni D., Athanasios K., Douras A., Tsanakis T., Marketou M., Patsourakos N., Czopf L., Halmosi R., Preda I., Csoti E., Badics A., Strasberg B., Freedberg N. A., Katz A., Zalzstein E., Grosbard A., Goldhammer E., Nahir M., Epstein M., Vider I., Luria D., Mandelzweig L., Aloisi B., Cavallaro A., Antonielli E., Doronzo B., Pancaldo D., Mazzola C., Buontempi L., Calvi V., Giuffrida G., Figlia A., Ippolito F., Gelmini G. -P., Gaibazzi N., Ziacchi V., De Tommasi F., Lombardi F., Fiorentini C., Terranova P., Maiolino P., Albunni M., Pinna-Pintor P., Fumagalli S., Masotti G., Boncinelli L., Rossi D., Santoro G. M., Fioranelli M., Naccarella F., Maranga S. S., Lepera G., Bresciani B., Seragnoli E., Forti M. C., Cortina V., Baciarello G., Cicconetti P., Lax A., Vitali F., Igidbashian D., Scarpino L., Terrazzino S., Tavazzi L., Cantu F., Pentimalli F., Novo S., Coppola G., Zingarini G., Ambrozio G., Moruzzi P., Callegari S., Saccomanno G., Russo P., Carbonieri E., Paino A., Zanetta M., Barducci E., Cemin R., Rauhe W., Pitscheider W., Meloni M., Marchi S. M., Di Gennaro M., Calcagno S., Squaratti P., Quartili F., Bertocchi P., De Martini M., Mantovani G., Komorovsky R., Desideri A., Celegon L., Tarantini L., Catania G., Lucci D., Bianchini F., Puodziukynas A., Kavoliuniene A., Barauskiene V., Aidietis A., Barysiene J., Vysniauskas V., Zukauskiene I., Kazakeviciene N., Georgievska-Ismail L., Poposka L., Vataman E., Grosu A. A., op Reimer W. S., de Swart E., Lenzen M., Jansen C., Brons R., Tebbe H., van Hoogenhuyze D. C. A., Veerhoek M. J., Kamps M., Haan D., van Rijn N., Bootsma A., Baur L., van den A., Fransen H., Eurlings L., Meeder J., De Boer M. J., Winter J., Broers H., Werter C., Bijl M., Versluis S., Milkowska M., Wozakowska-Kaplon B., Janion M., Lepska L., Swiatecka G., Kokowicz P., Cybulski J., Gorecki A., Szulc M., Rekosz J., Manczak R., Wnuk-Wojnar A. -M., Trusz-Gluza M., Rybicka-Musialik A., Myszor J., Szpajer M., Cymerman K., Sadowski J., Sniezek-Maciejewska M., Ciesla-Dul M., Gorkiewicz-Kot I., Grodzicki T., Rewiuk K., Kubik L., Lewit J., de Sousa J. M. F. R., Ferreira R., Freitas A., Morais J. C. A., Pires R., Gomes M. J. V., Gago P., Candeias R. A. C., Nunes L., Sa J. V. M., Ventura M., de Oliveira M., Alves L. B., Bostaca I., Olariu C. T., Dan G. A., Dan A., Podoleanu C., Frigy A., Georgescu G. I. M., Arsenescu C., Statescu C., Sascau R., Dimitrascu D. L., Rancea R., Shubik Y. V., Duplyakov D., Shalak M., Danielyan M., Galyavich A., Zakirova V., Hatala R., Kaliska G., Kmec J., Zupan I., Tasie` J., Vokac D., Edvardsson N., Poci D., Gamra H., Denguir H., Sepetoglu A., Arat-Ozkan A., Orynchak M., Paliy E., Vakalyuk I., Malidze D., Prog R., Yabluchansky M. I., Makienko N. V., Potpara T., Knezevic S., Randjelovic M., Pisters R., Lane D.A., Nieuwlaat R., De Vos C.B., Crijns H.J.G.M., Lip G.Y.H., Andresen D., Camm A.J., Davies W., Capucci A., Levy S., Olsson B., Aliot E., Breithardt G., Cobbe S., Le Heuzey J.-Y., Santini M., Vardas P., Manini M., Bramley C., Laforest V., Taylor C., Del Gaiso S., Huber K., De Backer G., Sirakova V., Cerbak R., Thayssen P., Lehto S., Blanc J.-J., Delahaye F., Kobulia B., Zeymer U., Cokkinos D., Karlocai K., Graham I., Shelley E., Behar S., Maggioni A., Goncalves L., Grabauskiene V., Asmussen I., Deckers J., Stepinska J., Mareev V., Vasiljevic Z., Riecansky I., Kenda M.F., Alonso A., Lopez-Sendon J.L., Rosengren A., Buser P., Okay T., Sychov O., Fox K., Schofield P., Simoons M., Wood D., Battler A., Boersma E., Komajda M., McGregor K., Mulder B., Priori S., Ryden L., Vahanian A., Wijns W., Sanofi-Aventi, Grigoryan S.V., Apetyan I., Aroyan S., Azarapetyan L., Anvari A., Gottsauner-Wolf M., Pfaffenberger S., Aydinkoc K., Kalla K., Penka M., Drexel H., Langer P., Pierard L.A., Legrand V., Blommaert D., Schroeder E., Mancini I., Geelen P., Brugada P., De Zutter M., Vrints C., Vercammen M., Morissens M., Borisov B., Petrov V.A., Marinova M., Assen A., Goudev R., Peychev Y., Stoyanovsky V., Stoynev E., Kranjcevic S., Moutiris J., Ioannides M., Evequoz D., Spacilova J., Novak M., Eisenberger M., Mullerova J., Kautzner J., Riedlbauchova L., Petru` J., Taborsky M., Cappelen H., Sharaf Y.A., Ibrahim B.S.S., Tammam K., Saad A., Elghawaby H., Sherif H.Z., Farouk H., Mielke A., Engelen M., Kirchhof P., Zimmermann P., Aviles F.F., Rubio J., Malpartida F., Corona M., Sanchez L.T., Miguel J., Herrera L., Quesada A., Garcia A.J.M., Gonzalez C.S., Juango M.S.A., Berjon-Reyero J., Alegret J.M., Fernandez J.M.C., Carrascosa C., Romero R.A.F., Lara M.G., Sendon J.L.L., de Diego J.J.G., Martin L.S., Irurita M., Guttierez N.H., Rubio J.R.S., Antorrena I., Paves A.B., Salvador A., Orriach M.D., Garcia A.A., Epelde F., Martinez V.B., Sanchez A.B., Galvez C.P., Rivero R.F., Madrid A.H., Baron-Esquivias G., Peinado R., Guindal J.A.G., Vera T.R., Fernandez E.L., Gayan R., Garcia J., Bodegas A., Lopez J.T., Florez J.M., Cabezas C.L., de Castroviejo E.V.R., Bellido J.M., Ruiz M.E., Savolainen K., Nieminen M., Toivonen L., Syvanne M., Pietila M., Galley D., Beltra C., Gay A., Daubert J.C., Lecocq G., Poulain C., Cleland J.G.F.C., Shelton R., Choudhury A., Abuladze G., Jashi I., Tsiavou A., Giamouzis G., Dagres N., Kostopoulou A., Tsoutsanis D., Stefanadis C., Latsios G., Vogiatzis I., Gotsis A., Bozia P., Karakiriou M., Koulouris S., Parissis J., Kostakis G., Kouris N., Kontogianni D., Athanasios K., Douras A., Tsanakis T., Marketou M., Patsourakos N., Czopf L., Halmosi R., Preda I., Csoti E., Badics A., Strasberg B., Freedberg N.A., Katz A., Zalzstein E., Grosbard A., Goldhammer E., Nahir M., Epstein M., Vider I., Luria D., Mandelzweig L., Aloisi B., Cavallaro A., Antonielli E., Doronzo B., Pancaldo D., Mazzola C., Buontempi L., Calvi V., Giuffrida G., Figlia A., Ippolito F., Gelmini G.-P., Gaibazzi N., Ziacchi V., De Tommasi F., Lombardi F., Fiorentini C., Terranova P., Maiolino P., Albunni M., Pinna-Pintor P., Fumagalli S., Masotti G., Boncinelli L., Rossi D., Santoro G.M., Fioranelli M., Naccarella F., Maranga S.S., Lepera G., Bresciani B., Seragnoli E., Forti M.C., Cortina V., Baciarello G., Cicconetti P., Lax A., Vitali F., Igidbashian D., Scarpino L., Terrazzino S., Tavazzi L., Cantu F., Pentimalli F., Novo S., Coppola G., Zingarini G., Ambrozio G., Moruzzi P., Callegari S., Saccomanno G., Russo P., Carbonieri E., Paino A., Zanetta M., Barducci E., Cemin R., Rauhe W., Pitscheider W., Meloni M., Marchi S.M., Di Gennaro M., Calcagno S., Squaratti P., Quartili F., Bertocchi P., De Martini M., Mantovani G., Komorovsky R., Desideri A., Celegon L., Tarantini L., Catania G., Lucci D., Bianchini F., Puodziukynas A., Kavoliuniene A., Barauskiene V., Aidietis A., Barysiene J., Vysniauskas V., Zukauskiene I., Kazakeviciene N., Georgievska-Ismail L., Poposka L., Vataman E., Grosu A.A., op Reimer W.S., de Swart E., Lenzen M., Jansen C., Brons R., Tebbe H., van Hoogenhuyze D.C.A., Veerhoek M.J., Kamps M., Haan D., van Rijn N., Bootsma A., Baur L., van den A., Fransen H., Eurlings L., Meeder J., De Boer M.J., Winter J., Broers H., Werter C., Bijl M., Versluis S., Milkowska M., Wozakowska-Kaplon B., Janion M., Lepska L., Swiatecka G., Kokowicz P., Cybulski J., Gorecki A., Szulc M., Rekosz J., Manczak R., Wnuk-Wojnar A.-M., Trusz-Gluza M., Rybicka-Musialik A., Myszor J., Szpajer M., Cymerman K., Sadowski J., Sniezek-Maciejewska M., Ciesla-Dul M., Gorkiewicz-Kot I., Grodzicki T., Rewiuk K., Kubik L., Lewit J., de Sousa J.M.F.R., Ferreira R., Freitas A., Morais J.C.A., Pires R., Gomes M.J.V., Gago P., Candeias R.A.C., Nunes L., Sa J.V.M., Ventura M., de Oliveira M., Alves L.B., Bostaca I., Olariu C.T., Dan G.A., Dan A., Podoleanu C., Frigy A., Georgescu G.I.M., Arsenescu C., Statescu C., Sascau R., Dimitrascu D.L., Rancea R., Shubik Y.V., Duplyakov D., Shalak M., Danielyan M., Galyavich A., Zakirova V., Hatala R., Kaliska G., Kmec J., Zupan I., Tasie` J., Vokac D., Edvardsson N., Poci D., Gamra H., Denguir H., Sepetoglu A., Arat-Ozkan A., Orynchak M., Paliy E., Vakalyuk I., Malidze D., Prog R., Yabluchansky M.I., Makienko N.V., Potpara T., Knezevic S., and Randjelovic M.
- Subjects
Male ,Fibrinolytic Agent ,Prognosi ,Incidence ,Platelet Aggregation Inhibitor ,Risk Factor ,Hemorrhage ,Risk Assessment ,Follow-Up Studie ,Europe ,Stroke ,Prospective Studie ,Population Surveillance ,Atrial Fibrillation ,Female ,Aged ,Human - Abstract
Objective: Despite extensive use of oral anticoagulation (OAC) in patients with atrial fibrillation (AF) and the increased bleeding risk associated with such OAC use, no handy quantification tool for assessing this risk exists. We aimed to develop a practical risk score to estimate the 1-year risk for major bleeding (intracranial, hospitalization, hemoglobin decrease >2 g/L, and/or transfusion) in a cohort of real-world patients with AF. Methods: Based on 3,978 patients in the Euro Heart Survey on AF with complete follow-up, all univariate bleeding risk factors in this cohort were used in a multivariate analysis along with historical bleeding risk factors. A new bleeding risk score termed HAS-BLED (Hypertension, Abnormal renal/liver function, Stroke, Bleeding history or predisposition, Labile international normalized ratio, Elderly (> 65 years), Drugs/alcohol concomitantly) was calculated, incorporating risk factors from the derivation cohort. Results: Fifty-three (1.5%) major bleeds occurred during 1-year follow-up. The annual bleeding rate increased with increasing risk factors. The predictive accuracy in the overall population using significant risk factors in the derivation cohort (C statistic 0.72) was consistent when applied in several subgroups. Application of the new bleeding risk score (HAS-BLED) gave similar C statistics except where patients were receiving antiplatelet agents alone or no antithrombotic therapy, with C statistics of 0.91 and 0.85, respectively. Conclusion: This simple, novel bleeding risk score (HAS-BLED) provides a practical tool to assess the individual bleeding risk of real-world patients with AF, potentially supporting clinical decision making regarding antithrombotic therapy in patients with AF. © 2010 American College of Chest Physicians.
- Published
- 2010
37. Refining clinical risk stratification for predicting stroke and thromboembolism in atrial fibrillation using a novel risk factor-based approach: The Euro Heart Survey on atrial fibrillation
- Author
Lip G. Y. H., Nieuwlaat R., Pisters R., Lane D. A., Crijns H. J. G. M., Andresen D., Camm A. J., Davies W., Capucci A., Levy S., Breithardt G., Cobbe S., Le Heuzey J. -Y., Santini M., Vardas P., Manini M., Bramley C., Laforest V., Taylor C., Del Gaiso S., Huber K., De Backer G., Sirakova V., Cerbak R., Thayssen P., Lehto S., Blanc J. -J., Delahaye F., Kobulia B., Zeymer U., Cokkinos D., Karlocai K., Graham I., Shelley E., Behar S., Maggioni A., Goncalves L., Grabauskiene V., Asmussen I., Deckers J., Stepinska J., Mareev V., Vasiljevic Z., Riecansky I., Kenda M. F., Alonso A., Lopez-Sendon J. L., Rosengren A., Buser P., Okay T., Sychov O., Fox K., Schofield P., Simoons M., Wood D., Battler A., Boersma E., Komajda M., McGregor K., Mulder B., Priori S., Ryden L., Vahanian A., Wijns W., Sanofi-Aventis, Grigoryan S. V., Apetyan I., Aroyan S., Azarapetyan L., Anvari A., Gottsauner-Wolf M., Pfaffenberger S., Aydinkoc K., Kalla K., Penka M., Drexel H., Langer P., Pierard L. A., Legrand V., Blommaert D., Schroeder E., Mancini I., Geelen P., Brugada P., De Zutter M., Vrints C., Vercammen M., Morissens M., Borisov B., Petrov V. A., Marinova M., Assen A., Goudev R., Peychev Y., Stoyanovsky V., Stoynev E., Kranjcevic S., Moutiris J., Ioannides M., Evequoz D., Spacilova J., Novak M., Eisenberger M., Mullerova J., Kautzner J., Riedlbauchova L., Petru` J., Taborsky M., Cappelen H., Sharaf Y. A., Ibrahim B. S. S., Tammam K., Saad A., Elghawaby H., Sherif H. Z., Farouk H., Mielke A., Engelen M., Kirchhof P., Zimmermann P., Aviles F. F., Rubio J., Malpartida F., Corona M., Sanchez L. T., Miguel J., Herrera L., Quesada A., Garcia A. J. M., Gonzalez C. S., Juango M. S. A., Berjon-Reyero J., Alegret J. M., Fernandez J. M. C., Carrascosa C., Romero R. A. F., Lara M. G., Sendon J. L. L., de Diego J. J. G., Martin L. S., Irurita M., Guttierez N. H., Rubio J. R. S., Antorrena I., Paves A. B., Salvador A., Orriach M. D., Garcia A. A., Epelde F., Martinez V. B., Sanchez A. B., Galvez C. P., Rivero R. F., Madrid A. H., Baron-Esquivias G., Peinado R., Guindal J. A. G., Vera T. R., Fernandez E. L., Gayan R., Garcia J., Bodegas A., Lopez J. T., Florez J. M., Cabezas C. L., de Castroviejo E. V. R., Bellido J. M., Ruiz M. E., Savolainen K., Nieminen M., Toivonen L., Syvanne M., Pietila M., Galley D., Beltra C., Gay A., Daubert J. C., Lecocq G., Poulain C., Cleland J. G. F. C., Shelton R., Choudhury A., Abuladze G., Jashi I., Tsiavou A., Giamouzis G., Dagres N., Kostopoulou A., Tsoutsanis D., Stefanadis C., Latsios G., Vogiatzis I., Gotsis A., Bozia P., Karakiriou M., Koulouris S., Parissis J., Kostakis G., Kouris N., Kontogianni D., Athanasios K., Douras A., Tsanakis T., Marketou M., Patsourakos N., Czopf L., Halmosi R., Preda I., Csoti E., Badics A., Strasberg B., Freedberg N. A., Katz A., Zalzstein E., Grosbard A., Goldhammer E., Nahir M., Epstein M., Vider I., Luria D., Mandelzweig L., Aloisi B., Cavallaro A., Antonielli E., Doronzo B., Pancaldo D., Mazzola C., Buontempi L., Calvi V., Giuffrida G., Figlia A., Ippolito F., Gelmini G. -P., Gaibazzi N., Ziacchi V., De Tommasi F., Lombardi F., Fiorentini C., Terranova P., Maiolino P., Albunni M., Pinna-Pintor P., Fumagalli S., Masotti G., Boncinelli L., Rossi D., Santoro G. M., Fioranelli M., Naccarella F., Maranga S. S., Lepera G., Bresciani B., Seragnoli E., Forti M. C., Cortina V., Baciarello G., Cicconetti P., Lax A., Vitali F., Igidbashian D., Scarpino L., Terrazzino S., Tavazzi L., Cantu F., Pentimalli F., Novo S., Coppola G., Zingarini G., Ambrozio G., Moruzzi P., Callegari S., Saccomanno G., Russo P., Carbonieri E., Paino A., Zanetta M., Barducci E., Cemin R., Rauhe W., Pitscheider W., Meloni M., Marchi S. M., Di Gennaro M., Calcagno S., Squaratti P., Quartili F., Bertocchi P., De Martini M., Mantovani G., Komorovsky R., Desideri A., Celegon L., Tarantini L., Catania G., Lucci D., Bianchini F., Puodziukynas A., Kavoliuniene A., Barauskiene V., Aidietis A., Barysiene J., Vysniauskas V., Zukauskiene I., Kazakeviciene N., Georgievska-Ismail L., Poposka L., Vataman E., Grosu A. A., op Reimer W. S., de Swart E., Lenzen M., Jansen C., Brons R., Tebbe H., van Hoogenhuyze D. C. A., Veerhoek M. J., Kamps M., Haan D., van Rijn N., Bootsma A., Baur L., van den A., Fransen H., Eurlings L., Meeder J., De Boer M. J., Winter J., Broers H., Werter C., Bijl M., Versluis S., Milkowska M., Wozakowska-Kaplon B., Janion M., Lepska L., Swiatecka G., Kokowicz P., Cybulski J., Gorecki A., Szulc M., Rekosz J., Manczak R., Wnuk-Wojnar A. -M., Trusz-Gluza M., Rybicka-Musialik A., Myszor J., Szpajer M., Cymerman K., Sadowski J., Sniezek-Maciejewska M., Ciesla-Dul M., Gorkiewicz-Kot I., Grodzicki T., Rewiuk K., Kubik L., Lewit J., de Sousa J. M. F. R., Ferreira R., Freitas A., Morais J. C. A., Pires R., Gomes M. J. V., Gago P., Candeias R. A. C., Nunes L., Sa J. V. M., Ventura M., de Oliveira M., Alves L. B., Bostaca I., Olariu C. T., Dan G. A., Dan A., Podoleanu C., Frigy A., Georgescu G. I. M., Arsenescu C., Statescu C., Sascau R., Dimitrascu D. L., Rancea R., Shubik Y. V., Duplyakov D., Shalak M., Danielyan M., Galyavich A., Zakirova V., Hatala R., Kaliska G., Kmec J., Zupan I., Tasie` J., Vokac D., Edvardsson N., Poci D., Gamra H., Denguir H., Sepetoglu A., Arat-Ozkan A., Orynchak M., Paliy E., Vakalyuk I., Malidze D., Prog R., Yabluchansky M. I., Makienko N. V., Potpara T., Knezevic S., Randjelovic M., Lip G.Y.H., Nieuwlaat R., Pisters R., Lane D.A., Crijns H.J.G.M., Andresen D., Camm A.J., Davies W., Capucci A., Levy S., Breithardt G., Cobbe S., Le Heuzey J.-Y., Santini M., Vardas P., Manini M., Bramley C., Laforest V., Taylor C., Del Gaiso S., Huber K., De Backer G., Sirakova V., Cerbak R., Thayssen P., Lehto S., Blanc J.-J., Delahaye F., Kobulia B., Zeymer U., Cokkinos D., Karlocai K., Graham I., Shelley E., Behar S., Maggioni A., Goncalves L., Grabauskiene V., Asmussen I., Deckers J., Stepinska J., Mareev V., Vasiljevic Z., Riecansky I., Kenda M.F., Alonso A., Lopez-Sendon J.L., Rosengren A., Buser P., Okay T., Sychov O., Fox K., Schofield P., Simoons M., Wood D., Battler A., Boersma E., Komajda M., McGregor K., Mulder B., Priori S., Ryden L., Vahanian A., Wijns W., Sanofi-Aventi, Grigoryan S.V., Apetyan I., Aroyan S., Azarapetyan L., Anvari A., Gottsauner-Wolf M., Pfaffenberger S., Aydinkoc K., Kalla K., Penka M., Drexel H., Langer P., Pierard L.A., Legrand V., Blommaert D., Schroeder E., Mancini I., Geelen P., Brugada P., De Zutter M., Vrints C., Vercammen M., Morissens M., Borisov B., Petrov V.A., Marinova M., Assen A., Goudev R., Peychev Y., Stoyanovsky V., Stoynev E., Kranjcevic S., Moutiris J., Ioannides M., Evequoz D., Spacilova J., Novak M., Eisenberger M., Mullerova J., Kautzner J., Riedlbauchova L., Petru` J., Taborsky M., Cappelen H., Sharaf Y.A., Ibrahim B.S.S., Tammam K., Saad A., Elghawaby H., Sherif H.Z., Farouk H., Mielke A., Engelen M., Kirchhof P., Zimmermann P., Aviles F.F., Rubio J., Malpartida F., Corona M., Sanchez L.T., Miguel J., Herrera L., Quesada A., Garcia A.J.M., Gonzalez C.S., Juango M.S.A., Berjon-Reyero J., Alegret J.M., Fernandez J.M.C., Carrascosa C., Romero R.A.F., Lara M.G., Sendon J.L.L., de Diego J.J.G., Martin L.S., Irurita M., Guttierez N.H., Rubio J.R.S., Antorrena I., Paves A.B., Salvador A., Orriach M.D., Garcia A.A., Epelde F., Martinez V.B., Sanchez A.B., Galvez C.P., Rivero R.F., Madrid A.H., Baron-Esquivias G., Peinado R., Guindal J.A.G., Vera T.R., Fernandez E.L., Gayan R., Garcia J., Bodegas A., Lopez J.T., Florez J.M., Cabezas C.L., de Castroviejo E.V.R., Bellido J.M., Ruiz M.E., Savolainen K., Nieminen M., Toivonen L., Syvanne M., Pietila M., Galley D., Beltra C., Gay A., Daubert J.C., Lecocq G., Poulain C., Cleland J.G.F.C., Shelton R., Choudhury A., Abuladze G., Jashi I., Tsiavou A., Giamouzis G., Dagres N., Kostopoulou A., Tsoutsanis D., Stefanadis C., Latsios G., Vogiatzis I., Gotsis A., Bozia P., Karakiriou M., Koulouris S., Parissis J., Kostakis G., Kouris N., Kontogianni D., Athanasios K., Douras A., Tsanakis T., Marketou M., Patsourakos N., Czopf L., Halmosi R., Preda I., Csoti E., Badics A., Strasberg B., Freedberg N.A., Katz A., Zalzstein E., Grosbard A., Goldhammer E., Nahir M., Epstein M., Vider I., Luria D., Mandelzweig L., Aloisi B., Cavallaro A., Antonielli E., Doronzo B., Pancaldo D., Mazzola C., Buontempi L., Calvi V., Giuffrida G., Figlia A., Ippolito F., Gelmini G.-P., Gaibazzi N., Ziacchi V., De Tommasi F., Lombardi F., Fiorentini C., Terranova P., Maiolino P., Albunni M., Pinna-Pintor P., Fumagalli S., Masotti G., Boncinelli L., Rossi D., Santoro G.M., Fioranelli M., Naccarella F., Maranga S.S., Lepera G., Bresciani B., Seragnoli E., Forti M.C., Cortina V., Baciarello G., Cicconetti P., Lax A., Vitali F., Igidbashian D., Scarpino L., Terrazzino S., Tavazzi L., Cantu F., Pentimalli F., Novo S., Coppola G., Zingarini G., Ambrozio G., Moruzzi P., Callegari S., Saccomanno G., Russo P., Carbonieri E., Paino A., Zanetta M., Barducci E., Cemin R., Rauhe W., Pitscheider W., Meloni M., Marchi S.M., Di Gennaro M., Calcagno S., Squaratti P., Quartili F., Bertocchi P., De Martini M., Mantovani G., Komorovsky R., Desideri A., Celegon L., Tarantini L., Catania G., Lucci D., Bianchini F., Puodziukynas A., Kavoliuniene A., Barauskiene V., Aidietis A., Barysiene J., Vysniauskas V., Zukauskiene I., Kazakeviciene N., Georgievska-Ismail L., Poposka L., Vataman E., Grosu A.A., op Reimer W.S., de Swart E., Lenzen M., Jansen C., Brons R., Tebbe H., van Hoogenhuyze D.C.A., Veerhoek M.J., Kamps M., Haan D., van Rijn N., Bootsma A., Baur L., van den A., Fransen H., Eurlings L., Meeder J., De Boer M.J., Winter J., Broers H., Werter C., Bijl M., Versluis S., Milkowska M., Wozakowska-Kaplon B., Janion M., Lepska L., Swiatecka G., Kokowicz P., Cybulski J., Gorecki A., Szulc M., Rekosz J., Manczak R., Wnuk-Wojnar A.-M., Trusz-Gluza M., Rybicka-Musialik A., Myszor J., Szpajer M., Cymerman K., Sadowski J., Sniezek-Maciejewska M., Ciesla-Dul M., Gorkiewicz-Kot I., Grodzicki T., Rewiuk K., Kubik L., Lewit J., de Sousa J.M.F.R., Ferreira R., Freitas A., Morais J.C.A., Pires R., Gomes M.J.V., Gago P., Candeias R.A.C., Nunes L., Sa J.V.M., Ventura M., de Oliveira M., Alves L.B., Bostaca I., Olariu C.T., Dan G.A., Dan A., Podoleanu C., Frigy A., Georgescu G.I.M., Arsenescu C., Statescu C., Sascau R., Dimitrascu D.L., Rancea R., Shubik Y.V., Duplyakov D., Shalak M., Danielyan M., Galyavich A., Zakirova V., Hatala R., Kaliska G., Kmec J., Zupan I., Tasie` J., Vokac D., Edvardsson N., Poci D., Gamra H., Denguir H., Sepetoglu A., Arat-Ozkan A., Orynchak M., Paliy E., Vakalyuk I., Malidze D., Prog R., Yabluchansky M.I., Makienko N.V., Potpara T., Knezevic S., and Randjelovic M.
- Subjects
Male ,Prognosi ,Incidence ,Risk Factor ,Reproducibility of Result ,Risk Assessment ,Follow-Up Studie ,Europe ,Stroke ,Retrospective Studie ,Population Surveillance ,Thromboembolism ,Atrial Fibrillation ,Female ,Aged ,Human - Abstract
Background: Contemporary clinical risk stratification schemata for predicting stroke and thromboembolism (TE) in patients with atrial fibrillation (AF) are largely derived from risk factors identified from trial cohorts. Thus, many potential risk factors have not been included. Methods: We refined the 2006 Birmingham/National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) stroke risk stratification schema into a risk factor-based approach by reclassifying and/or incorporating additional new risk factors where relevant. This schema was then compared with existing stroke risk stratification schema in a real-world cohort of patients with AF (n = 1,084) from the Euro Heart Survey for AF. Results: Risk categorization differed widely between the different schemes compared. Patients classified as high risk ranged from 10.2% with the Framingham schema to 75.7% with the Birmingham 2009 schema. The classic CHADS 2 (Congestive heart failure, Hypertension, Age > 75, Diabetes, prior Stroke/transient ischemic attack) schema categorized the largest proportion (61.9%) into the intermediate-risk strata, whereas the Birmingham 2009 schema classified 15.1% into this category. The Birmingham 2009 schema classified only 9.2% as low risk, whereas the Framingham scheme categorized 48.3% as low risk. Calculated C-statistics suggested modest predictive value of all schema for TE. The Birmingham 2009 schema fared marginally better (C-statistic, 0.606) than CHADS 2 . However, those classified as low risk by the Birmingham 2009 and NICE schema were truly low risk with no TE events recorded, whereas TE events occurred in 1.4% of low-risk CHADS 2 subjects. When expressed as a scoring system, the Birmingham 2009 schema (CHA 2 DS 2 -VASc acronym) showed an increase in TE rate with increasing scores ( P value for trend = .003). Conclusion: Our novel, simple stroke risk stratification schema, based on a risk factor approach, provides some improvement in predictive value for TE over the CHADS 2 schema, with low event rates in low-risk subjects and the classification of only a small proportion of subjects into the intermediate-risk category. This schema could improve our approach to stroke risk stratification in patients with AF. © 2010 American College of Chest Physicians.
- Published
- 2010
- Author
Hoffmann, V. S., Baccarani, M., Hasford, J., Lindoerfer, D., Burgstaller, S., Sertic, D., Costeas, P., Mayer, J., Indrak, K., Everaus, H., Koskenvesa, P., Guilhot, J., Schubert-Fritschle, G., Castagnetti, F., Di Raimondo, F., Lejniece, S., Griskevicius, L., Thielen, N., Sacha, T., Hellmann, A., Turkina, A., Zaritskey, A., Andrija Bogdanovic, Sninska, Z., Zupan, I., Steegmann, J. -L, Simonsson, B., Clark, R., and Hehlmann, R.
- Published
- 2015
39. Diabetes known or newly detected, but not impaired glucose regulation, has a negative influence on 1-year outcome in patients with coronary artery disease: a report from the Euro Heart Survey on diabetes and the heart
- Author
Lenzen M., Ryden L., Ohrvik J., Bartnik M., Malmberg K., Scholte Op Reimer W., Simoons M. L., Andresen D., Camm A. J., Davies W., Capucci A., Levy S., Olsson B., Aliot E., Breithardt G., Cobbe S., Le Heuzey J. -Y., Santini M., Vardas P., Manini M., Bramley C., Laforest V., Taylor C., Del Gaiso S., Huber K., De Backer G., Sirakova V., Cerbak R., Thayssen P., Lehto S., Blanc J. -J., Delahaye F., Kobulia B., Zeymer U., Cokkinos D., Karlocai K., Graham I., Shelley E., Behar S., Maggioni A., Goncalves L., Grabauskiene V., Asmussen I., Deckers J., Stepinska J., Mareev V., Vasiljevic Z., Riecansky I., Kenda M. F., Alonso A., Lopez-Sendon J. L., Rosengren A., Buser P., Okay T., Sychov O., Fox K., Schofield P., Wood D., Battler A., Boersma E., Komajda M., McGregor K., Mulder B., Priori S., Vahanian A., Wijns W., Sanofi-Aventis, Grigoryan S. V., Apetyan I., Aroyan S., Azarapetyan L., Anvari A., Gottsauner-Wolf M., Pfaffenberger S., Aydinkoc K., Kalla K., Penka M., Drexel H., Langer P., Pierard L. A., Legrand V., Blommaert D., Schroeder E., Mancini I., Geelen P., Brugada P., De Zutter M., Vrints C., Vercammen M., Morissens M., Borisov B., Petrov V. A., Marinova M., Assen A., Goudev R., Peychev Y., Stoyanovsky V., Stoynev E., Kranjcevic S., Moutiris J., Ioannides M., Evequoz D., Spacilova J., Novak M., Eisenberger M., Mullerova J., Kautzner J., Riedlbauchova L., Petru` J., Taborsky M., Cappelen H., Sharaf Y. A., Ibrahim B. S. S., Tammam K., Saad A., Elghawaby H., Sherif H. Z., Farouk H., Mielke A., Engelen M., Kirchhof P., Zimmermann P., Aviles F. F., Rubio J., Malpartida F., Corona M., Sanchez L. T., Miguel J., Herrera L., Quesada A., Garcia A. J. M., Gonzalez C. S., Juango M. S. A., Berjon-Reyero J., Alegret J. M., Fernandez J. M. C., Carrascosa C., Romero R. A. F., Lara M. G., Sendon J. L. L., de Diego J. J. G., Martin L. S., Irurita M., Guttierez N. H., Rubio J. R. S., Antorrena I., Paves A. B., Salvador A., Orriach M. D., Garcia A. A., Epelde F., Martinez V. B., Sanchez A. B., Galvez C. P., Rivero R. F., Madrid A. H., Baron-Esquivias G., Peinado R., Guindal J. A. G., Vera T. R., Fernandez E. L., Gayan R., Garcia J., Bodegas A., Lopez J. T., Florez J. M., Cabezas C. L., de Castroviejo E. V. R., Bellido J. M., Ruiz M. E., Savolainen K., Nieminen M., Toivonen L., Syvanne M., Pietila M., Galley D., Beltra C., Gay A., Daubert J. C., Lecocq G., Poulain C., Cleland J. G. F. C., Shelton R., Choudhury A., Abuladze G., Jashi I., Tsiavou A., Giamouzis G., Dagres N., Kostopoulou A., Tsoutsanis D., Stefanadis C., Latsios G., Vogiatzis I., Gotsis A., Bozia P., Karakiriou M., Koulouris S., Parissis J., Kostakis G., Kouris N., Kontogianni D., Athanasios K., Douras A., Tsanakis T., Marketou M., Patsourakos N., Czopf L., Halmosi R., Preda I., Csoti E., Badics A., Strasberg B., Freedberg N. A., Katz A., Zalzstein E., Grosbard A., Goldhammer E., Nahir M., Epstein M., Vider I., Luria D., Mandelzweig L., Aloisi B., Cavallaro A., Antonielli E., Doronzo B., Pancaldo D., Mazzola C., Buontempi L., Calvi V., Giuffrida G., Figlia A., Ippolito F., Gelmini G. -P., Gaibazzi N., Ziacchi V., De Tommasi F., Lombardi F., Fiorentini C., Terranova P., Maiolino P., Albunni M., Pinna-Pintor P., Fumagalli S., Masotti G., Boncinelli L., Rossi D., Santoro G. M., Fioranelli M., Naccarella F., Maranga S. S., Lepera G., Bresciani B., Seragnoli E., Forti M. C., Cortina V., Baciarello G., Cicconetti P., Lax A., Vitali F., Igidbashian D., Scarpino L., Terrazzino S., Tavazzi L., Cantu F., Pentimalli F., Novo S., Coppola G., Zingarini G., Ambrozio G., Moruzzi P., Callegari S., Saccomanno G., Russo P., Carbonieri E., Paino A., Zanetta M., Barducci E., Cemin R., Rauhe W., Pitscheider W., Meloni M., Marchi S. M., Di Gennaro M., Calcagno S., Squaratti P., Quartili F., Bertocchi P., De Martini M., Mantovani G., Komorovsky R., Desideri A., Celegon L., Tarantini L., Catania G., Lucci D., Bianchini F., Puodziukynas A., Kavoliuniene A., Barauskiene V., Aidietis A., Barysiene J., Vysniauskas V., Zukauskiene I., Kazakeviciene N., Georgievska-Ismail L., Poposka L., Vataman E., Grosu A. A., de Swart E., Jansen C., Brons R., Tebbe H., van Hoogenhuyze D. C. A., Veerhoek M. J., Kamps M., Haan D., van Rijn N., Bootsma A., Baur L., van den A., Fransen H., Eurlings L., Meeder J., De Boer M. J., Winter J., Broers H., Werter C., Bijl M., Versluis S., Milkowska M., Wozakowska-Kaplon B., Janion M., Lepska L., Swiatecka G., Kokowicz P., Cybulski J., Gorecki A., Szulc M., Rekosz J., Manczak R., Wnuk-Wojnar A. -M., Trusz-Gluza M., Rybicka-Musialik A., Myszor J., Szpajer M., Cymerman K., Sadowski J., Sniezek-Maciejewska M., Ciesla-Dul M., Gorkiewicz-Kot I., Grodzicki T., Rewiuk K., Kubik L., Lewit J., de Sousa J. M. F. R., Ferreira R., Freitas A., Morais J. C. A., Pires R., Gomes M. J. V., Gago P., Candeias R. A. C., Nunes L., Sa J. V. M., Ventura M., de Oliveira M., Alves L. B., Bostaca I., Olariu C. T., Dan G. A., Dan A., Podoleanu C., Frigy A., Georgescu G. I. M., Arsenescu C., Statescu C., Sascau R., Dimitrascu D. L., Rancea R., Shubik Y. V., Duplyakov D., Shalak M., Danielyan M., Galyavich A., Zakirova V., Hatala R., Kaliska G., Kmec J., Zupan I., Tasie` J., Vokac D., Edvardsson N., Poci D., Gamra H., Denguir H., Sepetoglu A., Arat-Ozkan A., Orynchak M., Paliy E., Vakalyuk I., Malidze D., Prog R., Yabluchansky M. I., Makienko N. V., Potpara T., Knezevic S., Randjelovic M., Lenzen M., Ryden L., Ohrvik J., Bartnik M., Malmberg K., Scholte Op Reimer W., Simoons M.L., Andresen D., Camm A.J., Davies W., Capucci A., Levy S., Olsson B., Aliot E., Breithardt G., Cobbe S., Le Heuzey J.-Y., Santini M., Vardas P., Manini M., Bramley C., Laforest V., Taylor C., Del Gaiso S., Huber K., De Backer G., Sirakova V., Cerbak R., Thayssen P., Lehto S., Blanc J.-J., Delahaye F., Kobulia B., Zeymer U., Cokkinos D., Karlocai K., Graham I., Shelley E., Behar S., Maggioni A., Goncalves L., Grabauskiene V., Asmussen I., Deckers J., Stepinska J., Mareev V., Vasiljevic Z., Riecansky I., Kenda M.F., Alonso A., Lopez-Sendon J.L., Rosengren A., Buser P., Okay T., Sychov O., Fox K., Schofield P., Wood D., Battler A., Boersma E., Komajda M., McGregor K., Mulder B., Priori S., Vahanian A., Wijns W., Sanofi-Aventi, Grigoryan S.V., Apetyan I., Aroyan S., Azarapetyan L., Anvari A., Gottsauner-Wolf M., Pfaffenberger S., Aydinkoc K., Kalla K., Penka M., Drexel H., Langer P., Pierard L.A., Legrand V., Blommaert D., Schroeder E., Mancini I., Geelen P., Brugada P., De Zutter M., Vrints C., Vercammen M., Morissens M., Borisov B., Petrov V.A., Marinova M., Assen A., Goudev R., Peychev Y., Stoyanovsky V., Stoynev E., Kranjcevic S., Moutiris J., Ioannides M., Evequoz D., Spacilova J., Novak M., Eisenberger M., Mullerova J., Kautzner J., Riedlbauchova L., Petru` J., Taborsky M., Cappelen H., Sharaf Y.A., Ibrahim B.S.S., Tammam K., Saad A., Elghawaby H., Sherif H.Z., Farouk H., Mielke A., Engelen M., Kirchhof P., Zimmermann P., Aviles F.F., Rubio J., Malpartida F., Corona M., Sanchez L.T., Miguel J., Herrera L., Quesada A., Garcia A.J.M., Gonzalez C.S., Juango M.S.A., Berjon-Reyero J., Alegret J.M., Fernandez J.M.C., Carrascosa C., Romero R.A.F., Lara M.G., Sendon J.L.L., de Diego J.J.G., Martin L.S., Irurita M., Guttierez N.H., Rubio J.R.S., Antorrena I., Paves A.B., Salvador A., Orriach M.D., Garcia A.A., Epelde F., Martinez V.B., Sanchez A.B., Galvez C.P., Rivero R.F., Madrid A.H., Baron-Esquivias G., Peinado R., Guindal J.A.G., Vera T.R., Fernandez E.L., Gayan R., Garcia J., Bodegas A., Lopez J.T., Florez J.M., Cabezas C.L., de Castroviejo E.V.R., Bellido J.M., Ruiz M.E., Savolainen K., Nieminen M., Toivonen L., Syvanne M., Pietila M., Galley D., Beltra C., Gay A., Daubert J.C., Lecocq G., Poulain C., Cleland J.G.F.C., Shelton R., Choudhury A., Abuladze G., Jashi I., Tsiavou A., Giamouzis G., Dagres N., Kostopoulou A., Tsoutsanis D., Stefanadis C., Latsios G., Vogiatzis I., Gotsis A., Bozia P., Karakiriou M., Koulouris S., Parissis J., Kostakis G., Kouris N., Kontogianni D., Athanasios K., Douras A., Tsanakis T., Marketou M., Patsourakos N., Czopf L., Halmosi R., Preda I., Csoti E., Badics A., Strasberg B., Freedberg N.A., Katz A., Zalzstein E., Grosbard A., Goldhammer E., Nahir M., Epstein M., Vider I., Luria D., Mandelzweig L., Aloisi B., Cavallaro A., Antonielli E., Doronzo B., Pancaldo D., Mazzola C., Buontempi L., Calvi V., Giuffrida G., Figlia A., Ippolito F., Gelmini G.-P., Gaibazzi N., Ziacchi V., De Tommasi F., Lombardi F., Fiorentini C., Terranova P., Maiolino P., Albunni M., Pinna-Pintor P., Fumagalli S., Masotti G., Boncinelli L., Rossi D., Santoro G.M., Fioranelli M., Naccarella F., Maranga S.S., Lepera G., Bresciani B., Seragnoli E., Forti M.C., Cortina V., Baciarello G., Cicconetti P., Lax A., Vitali F., Igidbashian D., Scarpino L., Terrazzino S., Tavazzi L., Cantu F., Pentimalli F., Novo S., Coppola G., Zingarini G., Ambrozio G., Moruzzi P., Callegari S., Saccomanno G., Russo P., Carbonieri E., Paino A., Zanetta M., Barducci E., Cemin R., Rauhe W., Pitscheider W., Meloni M., Marchi S.M., Di Gennaro M., Calcagno S., Squaratti P., Quartili F., Bertocchi P., De Martini M., Mantovani G., Komorovsky R., Desideri A., Celegon L., Tarantini L., Catania G., Lucci D., Bianchini F., Puodziukynas A., Kavoliuniene A., Barauskiene V., Aidietis A., Barysiene J., Vysniauskas V., Zukauskiene I., Kazakeviciene N., Georgievska-Ismail L., Poposka L., Vataman E., Grosu A.A., de Swart E., Jansen C., Brons R., Tebbe H., van Hoogenhuyze D.C.A., Veerhoek M.J., Kamps M., Haan D., van Rijn N., Bootsma A., Baur L., van den A., Fransen H., Eurlings L., Meeder J., De Boer M.J., Winter J., Broers H., Werter C., Bijl M., Versluis S., Milkowska M., Wozakowska-Kaplon B., Janion M., Lepska L., Swiatecka G., Kokowicz P., Cybulski J., Gorecki A., Szulc M., Rekosz J., Manczak R., Wnuk-Wojnar A.-M., Trusz-Gluza M., Rybicka-Musialik A., Myszor J., Szpajer M., Cymerman K., Sadowski J., Sniezek-Maciejewska M., Ciesla-Dul M., Gorkiewicz-Kot I., Grodzicki T., Rewiuk K., Kubik L., Lewit J., de Sousa J.M.F.R., Ferreira R., Freitas A., Morais J.C.A., Pires R., Gomes M.J.V., Gago P., Candeias R.A.C., Nunes L., Sa J.V.M., Ventura M., de Oliveira M., Alves L.B., Bostaca I., Olariu C.T., Dan G.A., Dan A., Podoleanu C., Frigy A., Georgescu G.I.M., Arsenescu C., Statescu C., Sascau R., Dimitrascu D.L., Rancea R., Shubik Y.V., Duplyakov D., Shalak M., Danielyan M., Galyavich A., Zakirova V., Hatala R., Kaliska G., Kmec J., Zupan I., Tasie` J., Vokac D., Edvardsson N., Poci D., Gamra H., Denguir H., Sepetoglu A., Arat-Ozkan A., Orynchak M., Paliy E., Vakalyuk I., Malidze D., Prog R., Yabluchansky M.I., Makienko N.V., Potpara T., Knezevic S., Randjelovic M., and Cardiology
- Subjects
Blood Glucose ,Male ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Diabetic Angiopathie ,Prognosi ,Impaired glucose regulation ,Euro Heart Survey ,Myocardial Infarction ,Coronary Artery Disease ,Diabete ,Follow-Up Studie ,Coronary artery disease ,Impaired glucose tolerance ,SDG 3 - Good Health and Well-being ,Internal medicine ,Diabetes mellitus ,medicine ,Humans ,Survival analysis ,Aged ,business.industry ,Hazard ratio ,Middle Aged ,medicine.disease ,Impaired fasting glucose ,Prognosis ,Survival Analysis ,Stroke ,Endocrinology ,Blood sugar regulation ,Female ,Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine ,business ,Complication ,Diabetic Angiopathies ,Human ,Follow-Up Studies - Abstract
Aims: Although diabetes is known to be a major contributor to cardiovascular diseases, as well as an independent predictor for adverse outcomes in patients with coronary artery disease (CAD), information on the prognosis of patients with CAD and newly diagnosed diabetes or impaired glucose regulation (IGR) is scarce. The objective of this study was to explore 1-year outcome in relation to different glucometabolic states of patients participating in the Euro Heart Survey on diabetes and the heart. Methods and results: In 4676 out of 4961 patients, information on the relation between 1-year outcome and glucometabolic state, which was based on oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) or fasting glucose plasma, was available. A normal glucose metabolism was identified in 947 patients, IGR (impaired fasting glucose or impaired glucose tolerance) in 1116 patients, and diabetes in 1877 patients of whom 1425 were previously diagnosed and 452 newly diagnosed. In total, 736 patients could not be classified, as no OGTT or fasting plasma glucose was performed. Previously recognized and newly detected diabetes was associated with an increased risk of 1-year mortality when compared with patients with normal glucose regulation [hazard ratio (HR) 2.4, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.5-3.8 and HR 2.0, 95% CI 1.1-3.6, respectively)]. IGR, however, could not be identified as an independent predictor for 1-year mortality (HR 1.1, 95% CI 0.6-1.9). Conclusion: This study confirmed that patients with CAD and known diabetes are at high risk for mortality and cardiovascular events and demonstrated that patients with newly diagnosed diabetes are at intermediate risk for adverse outcomes. IGR, however, could not be identified as an independent predictor for adverse outcomes during the 1-year follow-up period. © The European Society of Cardiology 2006. All rights reserved.
- Published
- 2006
40. Gender-related differences in presentation, treatment, and outcome of patients with atrial fibrillation in Europe: a report from the Euro Heart Survey on Atrial Fibrillation
- Author
Dagres N., Nieuwlaat R., Vardas P. E., Andresen D., Levy S., Cobbe S., Kremastinos D. Th., Breithardt G., Cokkinos D. V., Crijns H. J. G. M., Camm A. J., Davies W., Capucci A., Olsson B., Aliot E., Le Heuzey J. -Y., Santini M., Manini M., Bramley C., Laforest V., Taylor C., Del Gaiso S., Huber K., De Backer G., Sirakova V., Cerbak R., Thayssen P., Lehto S., Blanc J. -J., Delahaye F., Kobulia B., Zeymer U., Karlocai K., Graham I., Shelley E., Behar S., Maggioni A., Goncalves L., Grabauskiene V., Asmussen I., Deckers J., Stepinska J., Mareev V., Vasiljevic Z., Riecansky I., Kenda M. F., Alonso A., Lopez-Sendon J. L., Rosengren A., Buser P., Okay T., Sychov O., Fox K., Schofield P., Simoons M., Wood D., Battler A., Boersma E., Komajda M., McGregor K., Mulder B., Priori S., Ryden L., Vahanian A., Wijns W., Sanofi-Aventis, Grigoryan S. V., Apetyan I., Aroyan S., Azarapetyan L., Anvari A., Gottsauner-Wolf M., Pfaffenberger S., Aydinkoc K., Kalla K., Penka M., Drexel H., Langer P., Pierard L. A., Legrand V., Blommaert D., Schroeder E., Mancini I., Geelen P., Brugada P., De Zutter M., Vrints C., Vercammen M., Morissens M., Borisov B., Petrov V. A., Marinova M., Assen A., Goudev R., Peychev Y., Stoyanovsky V., Stoynev E., Kranjcevic S., Moutiris J., Ioannides M., Evequoz D., Spacilova J., Novak M., Eisenberger M., Mullerova J., Kautzner J., Riedlbauchova L., Petru` J., Taborsky M., Cappelen H., Sharaf Y. A., Ibrahim B. S. S., Tammam K., Saad A., Elghawaby H., Sherif H. Z., Farouk H., Mielke A., Engelen M., Kirchhof P., Zimmermann P., Aviles F. F., Rubio J., Malpartida F., Corona M., Sanchez L. T., Miguel J., Herrera L., Quesada A., Garcia A. J. M., Gonzalez C. S., Juango M. S. A., Berjon-Reyero J., Alegret J. M., Fernandez J. M. C., Carrascosa C., Romero R. A. F., Lara M. G., Sendon J. L. L., de Diego J. J. G., Martin L. S., Irurita M., Guttierez N. H., Rubio J. R. S., Antorrena I., Paves A. B., Salvador A., Orriach M. D., Garcia A. A., Epelde F., Martinez V. B., Sanchez A. B., Galvez C. P., Rivero R. F., Madrid A. H., Baron-Esquivias G., Peinado R., Guindal J. A. G., Vera T. R., Fernandez E. L., Gayan R., Garcia J., Bodegas A., Lopez J. T., Florez J. M., Cabezas C. L., de Castroviejo E. V. R., Bellido J. M., Ruiz M. E., Savolainen K., Nieminen M., Toivonen L., Syvanne M., Pietila M., Galley D., Beltra C., Gay A., Daubert J. C., Lecocq G., Poulain C., Cleland J. G. F. C., Shelton R., Choudhury A., Abuladze G., Jashi I., Tsiavou A., Giamouzis G., Kostopoulou A., Tsoutsanis D., Stefanadis C., Latsios G., Vogiatzis I., Gotsis A., Bozia P., Karakiriou M., Koulouris S., Parissis J., Kostakis G., Kouris N., Kontogianni D., Athanasios K., Douras A., Tsanakis T., Marketou M., Patsourakos N., Czopf L., Halmosi R., Preda I., Csoti E., Badics A., Strasberg B., Freedberg N. A., Katz A., Zalzstein E., Grosbard A., Goldhammer E., Nahir M., Epstein M., Vider I., Luria D., Mandelzweig L., Aloisi B., Cavallaro A., Antonielli E., Doronzo B., Pancaldo D., Mazzola C., Buontempi L., Calvi V., Giuffrida G., Figlia A., Ippolito F., Gelmini G. -P., Gaibazzi N., Ziacchi V., De Tommasi F., Lombardi F., Fiorentini C., Terranova P., Maiolino P., Albunni M., Pinna-Pintor P., Fumagalli S., Masotti G., Boncinelli L., Rossi D., Santoro G. M., Fioranelli M., Naccarella F., Maranga S. S., Lepera G., Bresciani B., Seragnoli E., Forti M. C., Cortina V., Baciarello G., Cicconetti P., Lax A., Vitali F., Igidbashian D., Scarpino L., Terrazzino S., Tavazzi L., Cantu F., Pentimalli F., Novo S., Coppola G., Zingarini G., Ambrozio G., Moruzzi P., Callegari S., Saccomanno G., Russo P., Carbonieri E., Paino A., Zanetta M., Barducci E., Cemin R., Rauhe W., Pitscheider W., Meloni M., Marchi S. M., Di Gennaro M., Calcagno S., Squaratti P., Quartili F., Bertocchi P., De Martini M., Mantovani G., Komorovsky R., Desideri A., Celegon L., Tarantini L., Catania G., Lucci D., Bianchini F., Puodziukynas A., Kavoliuniene A., Barauskiene V., Aidietis A., Barysiene J., Vysniauskas V., Zukauskiene I., Kazakeviciene N., Georgievska-Ismail L., Poposka L., Vataman E., Grosu A. A., op Reimer W. S., de Swart E., Lenzen M., Jansen C., Brons R., Tebbe H., van Hoogenhuyze D. C. A., Veerhoek M. J., Kamps M., Haan D., van Rijn N., Bootsma A., Baur L., van den A., Fransen H., Eurlings L., Meeder J., De Boer M. J., Winter J., Broers H., Werter C., Bijl M., Versluis S., Milkowska M., Wozakowska-Kaplon B., Janion M., Lepska L., Swiatecka G., Kokowicz P., Cybulski J., Gorecki A., Szulc M., Rekosz J., Manczak R., Wnuk-Wojnar A. -M., Trusz-Gluza M., Rybicka-Musialik A., Myszor J., Szpajer M., Cymerman K., Sadowski J., Sniezek-Maciejewska M., Ciesla-Dul M., Gorkiewicz-Kot I., Grodzicki T., Rewiuk K., Kubik L., Lewit J., de Sousa J. M. F. R., Ferreira R., Freitas A., Morais J. C. A., Pires R., Gomes M. J. V., Gago P., Candeias R. A. C., Nunes L., Sa J. V. M., Ventura M., de Oliveira M., Alves L. B., Bostaca I., Olariu C. T., Dan G. A., Dan A., Podoleanu C., Frigy A., Georgescu G. I. M., Arsenescu C., Statescu C., Sascau R., Dimitrascu D. L., Rancea R., Shubik Y. V., Duplyakov D., Shalak M., Danielyan M., Galyavich A., Zakirova V., Hatala R., Kaliska G., Kmec J., Zupan I., Tasie` J., Vokac D., Edvardsson N., Poci D., Gamra H., Denguir H., Sepetoglu A., Arat-Ozkan A., Orynchak M., Paliy E., Vakalyuk I., Malidze D., Prog R., Yabluchansky M. I., Makienko N. V., Potpara T., Knezevic S., Randjelovic M., Dagres N., Nieuwlaat R., Vardas P.E., Andresen D., Levy S., Cobbe S., Kremastinos D.Th., Breithardt G., Cokkinos D.V., Crijns H.J.G.M., Camm A.J., Davies W., Capucci A., Olsson B., Aliot E., Le Heuzey J.-Y., Santini M., Manini M., Bramley C., Laforest V., Taylor C., Del Gaiso S., Huber K., De Backer G., Sirakova V., Cerbak R., Thayssen P., Lehto S., Blanc J.-J., Delahaye F., Kobulia B., Zeymer U., Karlocai K., Graham I., Shelley E., Behar S., Maggioni A., Goncalves L., Grabauskiene V., Asmussen I., Deckers J., Stepinska J., Mareev V., Vasiljevic Z., Riecansky I., Kenda M.F., Alonso A., Lopez-Sendon J.L., Rosengren A., Buser P., Okay T., Sychov O., Fox K., Schofield P., Simoons M., Wood D., Battler A., Boersma E., Komajda M., McGregor K., Mulder B., Priori S., Ryden L., Vahanian A., Wijns W., Sanofi-Aventi, Grigoryan S.V., Apetyan I., Aroyan S., Azarapetyan L., Anvari A., Gottsauner-Wolf M., Pfaffenberger S., Aydinkoc K., Kalla K., Penka M., Drexel H., Langer P., Pierard L.A., Legrand V., Blommaert D., Schroeder E., Mancini I., Geelen P., Brugada P., De Zutter M., Vrints C., Vercammen M., Morissens M., Borisov B., Petrov V.A., Marinova M., Assen A., Goudev R., Peychev Y., Stoyanovsky V., Stoynev E., Kranjcevic S., Moutiris J., Ioannides M., Evequoz D., Spacilova J., Novak M., Eisenberger M., Mullerova J., Kautzner J., Riedlbauchova L., Petru` J., Taborsky M., Cappelen H., Sharaf Y.A., Ibrahim B.S.S., Tammam K., Saad A., Elghawaby H., Sherif H.Z., Farouk H., Mielke A., Engelen M., Kirchhof P., Zimmermann P., Aviles F.F., Rubio J., Malpartida F., Corona M., Sanchez L.T., Miguel J., Herrera L., Quesada A., Garcia A.J.M., Gonzalez C.S., Juango M.S.A., Berjon-Reyero J., Alegret J.M., Fernandez J.M.C., Carrascosa C., Romero R.A.F., Lara M.G., Sendon J.L.L., de Diego J.J.G., Martin L.S., Irurita M., Guttierez N.H., Rubio J.R.S., Antorrena I., Paves A.B., Salvador A., Orriach M.D., Garcia A.A., Epelde F., Martinez V.B., Sanchez A.B., Galvez C.P., Rivero R.F., Madrid A.H., Baron-Esquivias G., Peinado R., Guindal J.A.G., Vera T.R., Fernandez E.L., Gayan R., Garcia J., Bodegas A., Lopez J.T., Florez J.M., Cabezas C.L., de Castroviejo E.V.R., Bellido J.M., Ruiz M.E., Savolainen K., Nieminen M., Toivonen L., Syvanne M., Pietila M., Galley D., Beltra C., Gay A., Daubert J.C., Lecocq G., Poulain C., Cleland J.G.F.C., Shelton R., Choudhury A., Abuladze G., Jashi I., Tsiavou A., Giamouzis G., Kostopoulou A., Tsoutsanis D., Stefanadis C., Latsios G., Vogiatzis I., Gotsis A., Bozia P., Karakiriou M., Koulouris S., Parissis J., Kostakis G., Kouris N., Kontogianni D., Athanasios K., Douras A., Tsanakis T., Marketou M., Patsourakos N., Czopf L., Halmosi R., Preda I., Csoti E., Badics A., Strasberg B., Freedberg N.A., Katz A., Zalzstein E., Grosbard A., Goldhammer E., Nahir M., Epstein M., Vider I., Luria D., Mandelzweig L., Aloisi B., Cavallaro A., Antonielli E., Doronzo B., Pancaldo D., Mazzola C., Buontempi L., Calvi V., Giuffrida G., Figlia A., Ippolito F., Gelmini G.-P., Gaibazzi N., Ziacchi V., De Tommasi F., Lombardi F., Fiorentini C., Terranova P., Maiolino P., Albunni M., Pinna-Pintor P., Fumagalli S., Masotti G., Boncinelli L., Rossi D., Santoro G.M., Fioranelli M., Naccarella F., Maranga S.S., Lepera G., Bresciani B., Seragnoli E., Forti M.C., Cortina V., Baciarello G., Cicconetti P., Lax A., Vitali F., Igidbashian D., Scarpino L., Terrazzino S., Tavazzi L., Cantu F., Pentimalli F., Novo S., Coppola G., Zingarini G., Ambrozio G., Moruzzi P., Callegari S., Saccomanno G., Russo P., Carbonieri E., Paino A., Zanetta M., Barducci E., Cemin R., Rauhe W., Pitscheider W., Meloni M., Marchi S.M., Di Gennaro M., Calcagno S., Squaratti P., Quartili F., Bertocchi P., De Martini M., Mantovani G., Komorovsky R., Desideri A., Celegon L., Tarantini L., Catania G., Lucci D., Bianchini F., Puodziukynas A., Kavoliuniene A., Barauskiene V., Aidietis A., Barysiene J., Vysniauskas V., Zukauskiene I., Kazakeviciene N., Georgievska-Ismail L., Poposka L., Vataman E., Grosu A.A., op Reimer W.S., de Swart E., Lenzen M., Jansen C., Brons R., Tebbe H., van Hoogenhuyze D.C.A., Veerhoek M.J., Kamps M., Haan D., van Rijn N., Bootsma A., Baur L., van den A., Fransen H., Eurlings L., Meeder J., De Boer M.J., Winter J., Broers H., Werter C., Bijl M., Versluis S., Milkowska M., Wozakowska-Kaplon B., Janion M., Lepska L., Swiatecka G., Kokowicz P., Cybulski J., Gorecki A., Szulc M., Rekosz J., Manczak R., Wnuk-Wojnar A.-M., Trusz-Gluza M., Rybicka-Musialik A., Myszor J., Szpajer M., Cymerman K., Sadowski J., Sniezek-Maciejewska M., Ciesla-Dul M., Gorkiewicz-Kot I., Grodzicki T., Rewiuk K., Kubik L., Lewit J., de Sousa J.M.F.R., Ferreira R., Freitas A., Morais J.C.A., Pires R., Gomes M.J.V., Gago P., Candeias R.A.C., Nunes L., Sa J.V.M., Ventura M., de Oliveira M., Alves L.B., Bostaca I., Olariu C.T., Dan G.A., Dan A., Podoleanu C., Frigy A., Georgescu G.I.M., Arsenescu C., Statescu C., Sascau R., Dimitrascu D.L., Rancea R., Shubik Y.V., Duplyakov D., Shalak M., Danielyan M., Galyavich A., Zakirova V., Hatala R., Kaliska G., Kmec J., Zupan I., Tasie` J., Vokac D., Edvardsson N., Poci D., Gamra H., Denguir H., Sepetoglu A., Arat-Ozkan A., Orynchak M., Paliy E., Vakalyuk I., Malidze D., Prog R., Yabluchansky M.I., Makienko N.V., Potpara T., Knezevic S., and Randjelovic M.
- Subjects
Aged, 80 and over ,Heart Failure ,Male ,Health Status ,Health Survey ,Middle Aged ,Health Surveys ,Follow-Up Studie ,Health Statu ,Europe ,Stroke ,Sex Factors ,Treatment Outcome ,Atrial Fibrillation ,Quality of Life ,Humans ,Female ,Human ,Aged ,Follow-Up Studies - Abstract
Objectives: This study sought to investigate gender-related differences in patients with atrial fibrillation (AF) in Europe. Background: Gender-related differences may play a significant role in AF. Methods: We analyzed the data of 5,333 patients (42% female) enrolled in the Euro Heart Survey on Atrial Fibrillation. Results: Compared with men, the women were older, had a lower quality of life (QoL), had more comorbidities, more often had heart failure (HF) with preserved left ventricular systolic function (18% vs. 7%, p < 0.001), and less often had HF with systolic dysfunction (17% vs. 26%, p < 0.001). Among patients with typical AF symptoms (56% of women, 49% of men), there was no gender-related difference in the choice of rate or rhythm control. Among patients with atypical or no symptoms (44% of women, 51% of men), women less frequently underwent rhythm control (39% vs. 51%, p < 0.001) than did men. Women underwent less electrical cardioversion (22% vs. 28%, p < 0.001). Prescription of oral anticoagulants was identical (65%) in both genders. One-year outcome was similar except that women had a higher chance for stroke (odds ratio 1.83 in multivariable regression analysis, p = 0.019). Conclusions: Women with AF had more comorbidities, more HF with preserved systolic function, and a lower QoL than men. In the large group with atypical or no symptoms, women were treated appropriately more conservatively with less rhythm control than men. Women had a higher chance for stroke. Long-term QoL changes and other morbidities and mortality were similar. © 2007 American College of Cardiology Foundation.
- Published
- 2006
41. Treatment and outcome of 2904 CML patients from the EUTOS population-based registry
- Author
Hoffmann, V S, primary, Baccarani, M, additional, Hasford, J, additional, Castagnetti, F, additional, Di Raimondo, F, additional, Casado, L F, additional, Turkina, A, additional, Zackova, D, additional, Ossenkoppele, G, additional, Zaritskey, A, additional, Höglund, M, additional, Simonsson, B, additional, Indrak, K, additional, Sninska, Z, additional, Sacha, T, additional, Clark, R, additional, Bogdanovic, A, additional, Hellmann, A, additional, Griskevicius, L, additional, Schubert-Fritschle, G, additional, Sertic, D, additional, Guilhot, J, additional, Lejniece, S, additional, Zupan, I, additional, Burgstaller, S, additional, Koskenvesa, P, additional, Everaus, H, additional, Costeas, P, additional, Lindoerfer, D, additional, Rosti, G, additional, Saussele, S, additional, Hochhaus, A, additional, and Hehlmann, R, additional
- Published
- 2016
- Full Text
- View/download PDF
42. Atrial fibrillation management: A prospective survey in ESC Member Countries - The Euro Heart Survey on atrial fibrillation
- Author
Nieuwlaat R., Capucci A., Camm A. J., Olsson S. B., Andresen D., Davies D. W., Cobbe S., Breithardt G., Le Heuzey J. -Y., Prins M. H., Levy S., Crijns H. J. G. M., Aliot E., Santini M., Vardas P., Manini M., Bramley C., Laforest V., Taylor C., Del Gaiso S., Huber K., De Backer G., Sirakova V., Cerbak R., Thayssen P., Lehto S., Blanc J. -J., Delahaye F., Kobulia B., Zeymer U., Cokkinos D., Karlocai K., Graham I., Shelley E., Behar S., Maggioni A., Grabauskiene V., Deckers J., Asmussen I., Stepinska J., Goncalves L., Mareev V., Vasiljevic Z., Riecansky I., Kenda M. F., Alonso A., Lopez-Sendon J. L., Rosengren A., Buser P., Okay T., Sychov O., Fox K., Schofield P., Simoons M., Wood D., Battler A., Boersma E., Komajda M., McGregor K., Mulder B., Priori S., Ryden L., Tavazzi L., Vahanian A., Wijns W., Grigoryan S. V., Apetyan I., Aroyan S., Azarapetyan L., Anvari A., Gottsauner-Wolf M., Pfaffenberger S., Aydinkoc K., Kalla K., Penka M., Drexel H., Langer P., Pierard L. A., Legrand V., Blommaert D., Schroeder E., Mancini I., Geelen P., Brugada P., De Zutter M., Vrints C., Vercammen M., Morissens M., Borisov B. B., Petrov V. A., Alexandrova M. M., Goudev A. R., Peychev Y., Stoyanovsky V., Stoynev E., Kranjcevic S., Moutiris J., Ioannides M., Evequoz D., Spacilova J., Novak M., Eisenberger M., Mullerova J., Kautzner J., Riedlbauchova L., Petru J., Taborsky M., Cappelen H., Sharaf Y. A., Ibrahim B. S. S., Tammam K., Saad A., Elghawaby H., Sherif H. Z., Farouk H., Mielke A., Engelen M., Kirchhof P., Zimmermann P., Aviles F. F., Rubio J., Malpartida F., Corona M., Sanchez L. T., Herrera J. M. L., Quesada A., Munoz Garcia A. J., Gonzalez C. S., Juango M. S. A., Berjon-Reyero J., Alegret J. M., Fernandez J. M. C., Rosillo C. C., Romero A. F., Lara M. G., Lopez Sendon J. L., De Diego J. J. G., Martin L. S., Irurita M., Guttierez N. H., Rubio J. R. S., Antorrena I., Paves A. B., Salvador A., Orriach M. D., Garcia A. A., Epelde F., Martinez V. B., Sanchez A. B., Galvez C. P., Rivero R. F., Madrid A. H., Baron-Esquivias G., Peinado R., Guindal J. A. G., Vera T. R., Fernandez E. L., Gayan R., Garcia J., Bodegas A., Lopez J. T., Florez J. M., Cabezas C. L., De Castroviejo E. V. R., Bellido J. M., Ruiz M. E., Savolainen K., Nieminen M., Toivonen L., Syvanne M., Pietila M., Galley D., Beltra C., Gay A., Daubert J. C., Lecocq G., Poulain C., Cleland J. G. F. C., Shelton R., Lip G. Y. H., Choudhury A., Abuladze G., Jashi I., Cokkinos D. V., Tsiavou A., Giamouzis G., Dagres N., Kostopoulou A., Domproglou Tsoutsanis, Stefanadis Ch., Latsios G., Vogiatzis I., Gotsis A., Bozia P., Karakiriou M., Koulouris S., Parissis J., Kostakis G., Kouris N., Kontogianni D., Athanasios K., Douras A., Tsanakis T., Marketou M., Patsourakos N., Czopf L., Halmosi R., Preda I., Csoti E., Badics A., Strasberg B., Freedberg N. A., Katz A., Zalzstein E., Grosbard A., Goldhammer E., Nahir M., Epstein M., Vider I., Luria D., Mandelzweig L., Aloisi B., Cavallaro A., Antonielli E., Doronzo B., Pancaldo D., Mazzola C., Buontempi L., Calvi V., Giuffrida G., Figlia A., Ippolito F., Gelmini G. -P., Gaibazzi N., Ziacchi V., De Tommasi F., Lombardi F., Fiorentini C., Terranova P., Maiolino P., Albunni M., Pinna-Pintor P., Fumagalli S., Masotti G., Boncinelli L., Rossi D., Santoro G. M., Fioranelli M., Naccarella F., Maranga S. S., Lepera G., Bresciani B., Seragnoli E., Forti M. C., Cortina V., Baciarello G., Cicconetti P., Lax A., Vitali F., Igidbashian D., Scarpino L., Terrazzino S., Cantu F., Pentimalli F., Novo S., Coppola G., Zingarini G., Ambrozio G., Moruzzi P., Callegari S., Saccomanno G., Russo P., Carbonieri E., Paino A., Zanetta M., Barducci E., Cemin R., Rauhe W., Pitscheider W., Meloni M., Marchi S. M., Di Gennaro M., Calcagno S., Squaratti P., Quartili F., Bertocchi P., De Martini M., Mantovani G., Komorovsky R., Desideri A., Celegon L., Tarantini L., Catania G., Lucci D., Bianchini F., Puodziukynas A., Kavoliuniene A., Barauskiene V., Aidietis A., Barysiene J., Vysniauskas V., Zukauskiene I., Kazakeviciene N., Georgievska-Ismail L., Poposka L., Vataman E., Grosu A. A., Scholte Op Reimer W., De Swart E., Lenzen M., Jansen C., Brons R., Tebbe H., Van Hoogenhuyze D. C. A., Veerhoek M. J., Kamps M., Haan D., Van Rijn N., Bootsma A., Baur L., Van Den Dool A., Fransen H., Eurlings L., Meeder J., De Boer M. J., Winter J., Broers H., Werter C., Bijl M., Versluis S., Milkowska M., Wozakowska-Kaplon B., Janion M., Lepska L., Swiatecka G., Kokowicz P., Cybulski J., Gorecki A., Szulc M., Rekosz J., Manczak R., Wnuk-Wojnar A. -M., Trusz-Gluza M., Rybicka-Musialik A., Myszor J., Szpajer M., Cymerman K., Sadowski J., Sniezek-Maciejewska M., Ciesla-Dul M., Gorkiewicz-Kot I., Grodzicki T., Rewiuk K., Kubik L., Lewit J., De Sousa J. M. F. R., Ferreira R., Freitas A., Morais J. C. A., Pires R., Veloso Gomes M. J., Gago P., Candeias R. A. C., Nunes L., Miranda Sa J. V., Ventura M., De Oliveira M., Alves L. B., Bostaca I., Olariu C. T., Dan G. A., Dan A., Podoleanu C., Frigy A., Georgescu G. I. M., Arsenescu C., Statescu C., Sascau R., Dimitrascu D. L., Rancea R., Shubik Y. V., Duplyakov D., Shalak M., Danielyan M., Galyavich A., Zakirova V., Hatala R., Kaliska G., Kmec J., Zupan I., Tasie J., Vokac D., Edvardsson N., Poci D., Gamra H., Denguir H., Sepetoglu A., Arat-Ozkan A., Orynchak M., Paliy E., Vakalyuk I., Malidze D., Prog R., Yabluchansky M. I., Makienko N. V., Potpara T., Knezevic S., Randjelovic M., Nieuwlaat R., Capucci A., Camm A.J., Olsson S.B., Andresen D., Davies D.W., Cobbe S., Breithardt G., Le Heuzey J.-Y., Prins M.H., Levy S., Crijns H.J.G.M., Aliot E., Santini M., Vardas P., Manini M., Bramley C., Laforest V., Taylor C., Del Gaiso S., Huber K., De Backer G., Sirakova V., Cerbak R., Thayssen P., Lehto S., Blanc J.-J., Delahaye F., Kobulia B., Zeymer U., Cokkinos D., Karlocai K., Graham I., Shelley E., Behar S., Maggioni A., Grabauskiene V., Deckers J., Asmussen I., Stepinska J., Goncalves L., Mareev V., Vasiljevic Z., Riecansky I., Kenda M.F., Alonso A., Lopez-Sendon J.L., Rosengren A., Buser P., Okay T., Sychov O., Fox K., Schofield P., Simoons M., Wood D., Battler A., Boersma E., Komajda M., McGregor K., Mulder B., Priori S., Ryden L., Tavazzi L., Vahanian A., Wijns W., Grigoryan S.V., Apetyan I., Aroyan S., Azarapetyan L., Anvari A., Gottsauner-Wolf M., Pfaffenberger S., Aydinkoc K., Kalla K., Penka M., Drexel H., Langer P., Pierard L.A., Legrand V., Blommaert D., Schroeder E., Mancini I., Geelen P., Brugada P., De Zutter M., Vrints C., Vercammen M., Morissens M., Borisov B.B., Petrov V.A., Alexandrova M.M., Goudev A.R., Peychev Y., Stoyanovsky V., Stoynev E., Kranjcevic S., Moutiris J., Ioannides M., Evequoz D., Spacilova J., Novak M., Eisenberger M., Mullerova J., Kautzner J., Riedlbauchova L., Petru J., Taborsky M., Cappelen H., Sharaf Y.A., Ibrahim B.S.S., Tammam K., Saad A., Elghawaby H., Sherif H.Z., Farouk H., Mielke A., Engelen M., Kirchhof P., Zimmermann P., Aviles F.F., Rubio J., Malpartida F., Corona M., Sanchez L.T., Herrera J.M.L., Quesada A., Munoz Garcia A.J., Gonzalez C.S., Juango M.S.A., Berjon-Reyero J., Alegret J.M., Fernandez J.M.C., Rosillo C.C., Romero A.F., Lara M.G., Lopez Sendon J.L., De Diego J.J.G., Martin L.S., Irurita M., Guttierez N.H., Rubio J.R.S., Antorrena I., Paves A.B., Salvador A., Orriach M.D., Garcia A.A., Epelde F., Martinez V.B., Sanchez A.B., Galvez C.P., Rivero R.F., Madrid A.H., Baron-Esquivias G., Peinado R., Guindal J.A.G., Vera T.R., Fernandez E.L., Gayan R., Garcia J., Bodegas A., Lopez J.T., Florez J.M., Cabezas C.L., De Castroviejo E.V.R., Bellido J.M., Ruiz M.E., Savolainen K., Nieminen M., Toivonen L., Syvanne M., Pietila M., Galley D., Beltra C., Gay A., Daubert J.C., Lecocq G., Poulain C., Cleland J.G.F.C., Shelton R., Lip G.Y.H., Choudhury A., Abuladze G., Jashi I., Cokkinos D.V., Tsiavou A., Giamouzis G., Dagres N., Kostopoulou A., Domproglou, Tsoutsani, Stefanadis Ch., Latsios G., Vogiatzis I., Gotsis A., Bozia P., Karakiriou M., Koulouris S., Parissis J., Kostakis G., Kouris N., Kontogianni D., Athanasios K., Douras A., Tsanakis T., Marketou M., Patsourakos N., Czopf L., Halmosi R., Preda I., Csoti E., Badics A., Strasberg B., Freedberg N.A., Katz A., Zalzstein E., Grosbard A., Goldhammer E., Nahir M., Epstein M., Vider I., Luria D., Mandelzweig L., Aloisi B., Cavallaro A., Antonielli E., Doronzo B., Pancaldo D., Mazzola C., Buontempi L., Calvi V., Giuffrida G., Figlia A., Ippolito F., Gelmini G.-P., Gaibazzi N., Ziacchi V., De Tommasi F., Lombardi F., Fiorentini C., Terranova P., Maiolino P., Albunni M., Pinna-Pintor P., Fumagalli S., Masotti G., Boncinelli L., Rossi D., Santoro G.M., Fioranelli M., Naccarella F., Maranga S.S., Lepera G., Bresciani B., Seragnoli E., Forti M.C., Cortina V., Baciarello G., Cicconetti P., Lax A., Vitali F., Igidbashian D., Scarpino L., Terrazzino S., Cantu F., Pentimalli F., Novo S., Coppola G., Zingarini G., Ambrozio G., Moruzzi P., Callegari S., Saccomanno G., Russo P., Carbonieri E., Paino A., Zanetta M., Barducci E., Cemin R., Rauhe W., Pitscheider W., Meloni M., Marchi S.M., Di Gennaro M., Calcagno S., Squaratti P., Quartili F., Bertocchi P., De Martini M., Mantovani G., Komorovsky R., Desideri A., Celegon L., Tarantini L., Catania G., Lucci D., Bianchini F., Puodziukynas A., Kavoliuniene A., Barauskiene V., Aidietis A., Barysiene J., Vysniauskas V., Zukauskiene I., Kazakeviciene N., Georgievska-Ismail L., Poposka L., Vataman E., Grosu A.A., Scholte Op Reimer W., De Swart E., Lenzen M., Jansen C., Brons R., Tebbe H., Van Hoogenhuyze D.C.A., Veerhoek M.J., Kamps M., Haan D., Van Rijn N., Bootsma A., Baur L., Van Den Dool A., Fransen H., Eurlings L., Meeder J., De Boer M.J., Winter J., Broers H., Werter C., Bijl M., Versluis S., Milkowska M., Wozakowska-Kaplon B., Janion M., Lepska L., Swiatecka G., Kokowicz P., Cybulski J., Gorecki A., Szulc M., Rekosz J., Manczak R., Wnuk-Wojnar A.-M., Trusz-Gluza M., Rybicka-Musialik A., Myszor J., Szpajer M., Cymerman K., Sadowski J., Sniezek-Maciejewska M., Ciesla-Dul M., Gorkiewicz-Kot I., Grodzicki T., Rewiuk K., Kubik L., Lewit J., De Sousa J.M.F.R., Ferreira R., Freitas A., Morais J.C.A., Pires R., Veloso Gomes M.J., Gago P., Candeias R.A.C., Nunes L., Miranda Sa J.V., Ventura M., De Oliveira M., Alves L.B., Bostaca I., Olariu C.T., Dan G.A., Dan A., Podoleanu C., Frigy A., Georgescu G.I.M., Arsenescu C., Statescu C., Sascau R., Dimitrascu D.L., Rancea R., Shubik Y.V., Duplyakov D., Shalak M., Danielyan M., Galyavich A., Zakirova V., Hatala R., Kaliska G., Kmec J., Zupan I., Tasie J., Vokac D., Edvardsson N., Poci D., Gamra H., Denguir H., Sepetoglu A., Arat-Ozkan A., Orynchak M., Paliy E., Vakalyuk I., Malidze D., Prog R., Yabluchansky M.I., Makienko N.V., Potpara T., Knezevic S., and Randjelovic M.
- Subjects
Adult ,Heart Failure ,Male ,Rate control ,Risk Factor ,Cardiology ,Coronary Artery Disease ,Guideline ,Middle Aged ,Atrial fibrillation ,Europe ,Stroke ,Anticoagulation ,Prospective Studie ,Anti-Arrhythmia Agent ,Echocardiography ,Hypertension ,Practice Guidelines as Topic ,Rhythm control ,Female ,Societies, Medical ,Aged ,Human - Abstract
Aims To describe atrial fibrillation (AF) management in member countries of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) and to verify cardiology practices against guidelines. Methods and results Among 182 hospitals in 35 countries, 5333 ambulant and hospitalized AF patients were enrolled, in 2003 and 2004. AF was primary or secondary diagnosis, and was confirmed on ECG in the preceding 12 months. Clinical type of AF was reported to be first detected in 978, paroxysmal in 1517, persistent in 1167, and permanent in 1547 patients. Concomitant diseases were present in 90% of all patients, causing risk factors for stroke to be also highly prevalent (86%). As many as 69% of patients were symptomatic at the time of the survey; among asymptomatic patients, 54% were previously experienced symptoms. Oral anticoagulation was prescribed in 67 and 49% of eligible and ineligible patients, respectively. A rhythm control strategy was applied in 67% of currently symptomatic patients and in 44% of patients who never experienced symptoms. Conclusion This survey provides a unique snapshot of current AF management in ESC member countries. Discordance between guidelines and practice was found regarding several issues on stroke prevention and antiarrhythmic therapy.
- Published
- 2005
43. THU-146 - Micro-elemination of hepatitis C among patients with congenital bleeding disorders in Slovenia
- Author
Maticic, M., Lekše, A., Kozinc, M., Dolničar, M.B., Andoljšek, D., Preložnik Zupan, I., Faganel, B., Poljak, M., and Lazarus, J.
- Published
- 2018
- Full Text
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44. The EUTOS population-based registry : incidence and clinical characteristics of 2904 CML patients in 20 European Countries
- Author
Hoffmann, V. S., Baccarani, M., Hasford, J., Lindoerfer, D., Burgstaller, S., Sertic, D., Costeas, P., Mayer, J., Indrak, K., Everaus, H., Koskenvesa, P., Guilhot, J., Schubert-Fritschle, G., Castagnetti, F., Di Raimondo, F., Lejniece, S., Griskevicius, L., Thielen, N., Sacha, T., Hellmann, A., Turkina, A. G., Zaritskey, A., Bogdanovic, A., Sninska, Z., Zupan, I., Steegmann, J-L, Simonsson, Bengt, Clark, R. E., Covelli, A., Guidi, G., Hehlmann, R., Hoffmann, V. S., Baccarani, M., Hasford, J., Lindoerfer, D., Burgstaller, S., Sertic, D., Costeas, P., Mayer, J., Indrak, K., Everaus, H., Koskenvesa, P., Guilhot, J., Schubert-Fritschle, G., Castagnetti, F., Di Raimondo, F., Lejniece, S., Griskevicius, L., Thielen, N., Sacha, T., Hellmann, A., Turkina, A. G., Zaritskey, A., Bogdanovic, A., Sninska, Z., Zupan, I., Steegmann, J-L, Simonsson, Bengt, Clark, R. E., Covelli, A., Guidi, G., and Hehlmann, R.
- Abstract
This population-based registry was designed to provide robust and updated information on the characteristics and the epidemiology of chronic myeloid leukemia (CML). All cases of newly diagnosed Philadelphia positive, BCR-ABL1+ CML that occurred in a sample of 92.5 million adults living in 20 European countries, were registered over a median period of 39 months. 94.3% of the 2904 CML patients were diagnosed in chronic phase (CP). Median age was 56 years. 55.5% of patients had comorbidities, mainly cardiovascular (41.9%). High-risk patients were 24.7% by Sokal, 10.8% by EURO, and 11.8% by EUTOS risk scores. The raw incidence increased with age from 0.39/100 000/year in people 20-29 years old to 1.52 in those >70 years old, and showed a maximum of 1.39 in Italy and a minimum of 0.69 in Poland (all countries together: 0.99). The proportion of Sokal and Euro score high-risk patients seen in many countries indicates that trial patients were not a positive selection. Thus from a clinical point of view the results of most trials can be generalized to most countries. The incidences observed among European countries did not differ substantially. The estimated number of new CML cases per year in Europe is about 6370.
- Published
- 2015
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45. Guidelines for the management of atrial fibrillation: the Task Force for theManagement of Atrial Fibrillation of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC)
- Author
EUROPEAN HEART RHYTHM ASSOCIATION, EUROPEAN ASSOCIATION FOR CARDIO THORACIC, Surgery, Camm, Aj, Kirchhof, P, Lip, Gy, Schotten, U, Savelieva, I, Ernst, S, Van, Gelder, Ic, AL ATTAR, N, Hindricks, G, Prendergast, B, Heidbuchel, H, Alfieri, O, Angelini, Annalisa, Atar, D, Colonna, P, DE CATERINA, R, DE SUTTER, J, Goette, A, Gorenek, B, Heldal, M, Hohloser, Sh, Kolh, P, LE HEUZEY JY, Ponikowski, P, Rutten, Fh, Esc, COMMITTEE FOR PRACTICE GUIDELINES, Vahanian, A, Auricchio, A, Bax, J, Ceconi, C, Dean, V, Filippatos, G, FUNCK BRENTANO, C, Hobbs, R, Kearney, P, Mcdonagh, T, Popescu, Ba, Reiner, Z, Sechtem, U, Sirnes, Pa, Tendera, M, Vardas, Pe, Widimsky, P, Document, Reviewers, Agladze, V, Aliot, E, Balabanski, T, BLOMSTROM LUNDQVIST, C, Capucci, A, Crijns, H, Dahlã–f, B, Folliguet, T, Glikson, M, Goethals, M, Gulba, Dc, Sy, Ho, Klautz, Rj, Kose, S, Mcmurray, J, PERRONE FILARDI, P, Raatikainen, P, Salvador, Mj, Schalij, Mj, Shpektor, A, Sousa, J, Stepinska, J, Uuetoa, H, Zamorano, Jl, and Zupan, I.
- Published
- 2010
46. Gender-Related Differences in Presentation, Treatment, and Outcome of Patients With Atrial Fibrillation in Europe. A Report From the Euro Heart Survey on Atrial Fibrillation
- Author
Dagres, N. Nieuwlaat, R. Vardas, P.E. Andresen, D. Lévy, S. Cobbe, S. Kremastinos, D.Th. Breithardt, G. Cokkinos, D.V. Crijns, H.J.G.M. Camm, A.J. Davies, W. Capucci, A. Olsson, B. Aliot, E. Le Heuzey, J.-Y. Santini, M. Manini, M. Bramley, C. Laforest, V. Taylor, C. Del Gaiso, S. Huber, K. De Backer, G. Sirakova, V. Cerbak, R. Thayssen, P. Lehto, S. Blanc, J.-J. Delahaye, F. Kobulia, B. Zeymer, U. Karlocai, K. Graham, I. Shelley, E. Behar, S. Maggioni, A. Gonc¸alves, L. Grabauskiene, V. Asmussen, I. Deckers, J. Stepinska, J. Mareev, V. Vasiljevic, Z. Riecansky, I. Kenda, M.F. Alonso, A. Lopez-Sendon, J.L. Rosengren, A. Buser, P. Okay, T. Sychov, O. Fox, K. Schofield, P. Simoons, M. Wood, D. Battler, A. Boersma, E. Fox, K. Komajda, M. McGregor, K. Mulder, B. Priori, S. Ryde´n, L. Vahanian, A. Wijns, W. Sanofi-Aventis Grigoryan, S.V. Apetyan, I. Aroyan, S. Azarapetyan, L. Anvari, A. Gottsauner-Wolf, M. Pfaffenberger, S. Aydinkoc, K. Kalla, K. Penka, M. Drexel, H. Langer, P. Pierard, L.A. Legrand, V. Blommaert, D. Schroeder, E. Mancini, I. Geelen, P. Brugada, P. De Zutter, M. Vrints, C. Vercammen, M. Morissens, M. Borisov, B. Petrov, V.A. Marinova, M. Assen, A. Goudev, R. Peychev, Y. Stoyanovsky, V. Stoynev, E. Kranjcevic, S. Moutiris, J. Ioannides, M. Evequoz, D. Spacilova, J. Novak, M. Eisenberger, M. Mullerova, J. Kautzner, J. Riedlbauchova, L. Petru`, J. Taborsky, M. Cappelen, H. Sharaf, Y.A. Ibrahim, B.S.S. Tammam, K. Saad, A. Elghawaby, H. Sherif, H.Z. Farouk, H. Mielke, A. Engelen, M. Kirchhof, P. Zimmermann, P. Aviles, F.F. Rubio, J. Malpartida, F. Corona, M. Sanchez, L.T. Miguel, J. Herrera, L. Quesada, A. Garcia, A.J.M. Gonzalez, C.S. Juango, M.S.A. Berjon-Reyero, J. Alegret, J.M. Fernandez, J.M.C. Carrascosa, C. Romero, R.A.F. Lara, M.G. Sendon, J.L.L. de Diego, J.J.G. Martin, L.S. Irurita, M. Guttierez, N.H. Rubio, J.R.S. Antorrena, I. Paves, A.B. Salvador, A. Orriach, M.D. Garcia, A.A. Epelde, F. Martinez, V.B. Sanchez, A.B. Galvez, C.P. Rivero, R.F. Madrid, A.H. Baron-Esquivias, G. Peinado, R. Guindal, J.A.G. Vera, T.R. Fernandez, E.L. Gayan, R. Garcia, J. Bodegas, A. Lopez, J.T. Florez, J.M. Cabezas, C.L. de Castroviejo, E.V.R. Bellido, J.M. Ruiz, M.E. Savolainen, K. Nieminen, M. Toivonen, L. Syvanne, M. Pietila, M. Galley, D. Beltra, C. Gay, A. Daubert, J.C. Lecocq, G. Poulain, C. Cleland, J.G.F.C. Shelton, R. Choudhury, A. Abuladze, G. Jashi, I. Tsiavou, A. Giamouzis, G. Kostopoulou, A. Tsoutsanis, D. Stefanadis, C. Latsios, G. Vogiatzis, I. Gotsis, A. Bozia, P. Karakiriou, M. Koulouris, S. Parissis, J. Kostakis, G. Kouris, N. Kontogianni, D. Athanasios, K. Douras, A. Tsanakis, T. Marketou, M. Patsourakos, N. Czopf, L. Halmosi, R. Pre´da, I. Csoti, E. Badics, A. Strasberg, B. Freedberg, N.A. Katz, A. Zalzstein, E. Grosbard, A. Goldhammer, E. Nahir, M. Epstein, M. Vider, I. Luria, D. Mandelzweig, L. Aloisi, B. Cavallaro, A. Antonielli, E. Doronzo, B. Pancaldo, D. Mazzola, C. Buontempi, L. Calvi, V. Giuffrida, G. Figlia, A. Ippolito, F. Gelmini, G.-P. Gaibazzi, N. Ziacchi, V. De Tommasi, F. Lombardi, F. Fiorentini, C. Terranova, P. Maiolino, P. Albunni, M. Pinna-Pintor, P. Fumagalli, S. Masotti, G. Boncinelli, L. Rossi, D. Santoro, G.M. Fioranelli, M. Naccarella, F. Maranga, S.S. Lepera, G. Bresciani, B. Seragnoli, E. Forti, M.C. Cortina, V. Baciarello, G. Cicconetti, P. Lax, A. Vitali, F. Igidbashian, D. Scarpino, L. Terrazzino, S. Tavazzi, L. Cantu, F. Pentimalli, F. Novo, S. Coppola, G. Zingarini, G. Ambrozio, G. Moruzzi, P. Callegari, S. Saccomanno, G. Russo, P. Carbonieri, E. Paino, A. Zanetta, M. Barducci, E. Cemin, R. Rauhe, W. Pitscheider, W. Meloni, M. Marchi, S.M. Di Gennaro, M. Calcagno, S. Squaratti, P. Quartili, F. Bertocchi, P. De Martini, M. Mantovani, G. Komorovsky, R. Desideri, A. Celegon, L. Tarantini, L. Catania, G. Lucci, D. Bianchini, F. Puodziukynas, A. Kavoliuniene, A. Barauskiene, V. Aidietis, A. Barysiene, J. Vysniauskas, V. Zukauskiene, I. Kazakeviciene, N. Georgievska-Ismail, L. Poposka, L. Vataman, E. Grosu, A.A. op Reimer, W.S. de Swart, E. Lenzen, M. Jansen, C. Brons, R. Tebbe, H. van Hoogenhuyze, D.C.A. Veerhoek, M.J. Kamps, M. Haan, D. van Rijn, N. Bootsma, A. Baur, L. van den, A. Fransen, H. Eurlings, L. Meeder, J. De Boer, M.J. Winter, J. Broers, H. Werter, C. Bijl, M. Versluis, S. Milkowska, M. Wozakowska-Kaplon, B. Janion, M. Lepska, L. Swiatecka, G. Kokowicz, P. Cybulski, J. Gorecki, A. Szulc, M. Rekosz, J. Manczak, R. Wnuk-Wojnar, A.-M. Trusz-Gluza, M. Rybicka-Musialik, A. Myszor, J. Szpajer, M. Cymerman, K. Sadowski, J. Sniezek-Maciejewska, M. Ciesla-Dul, M. Gorkiewicz-Kot, I. Grodzicki, T. Rewiuk, K. Kubik, L. Lewit, J. de Sousa, J.M.F.R. Ferreira, R. Freitas, A. Morais, J.C.A. Pires, R. Gomes, M.J.V. Gago, P. Candeias, R.A.C. Nunes, L. Sa, J.V.M. Ventura, M. de Oliveira, M. Alves, L.B. Bostaca, I. Olariu, C.T. Dan, G.A. Dan, A. Podoleanu, C. Frigy, A. Georgescu, G.I.M. Arsenescu, C. Statescu, C. Sascau, R. Dimitrascu, D.L. Rancea, R. Shubik, Y.V. Duplyakov, D. Shalak, M. Danielyan, M. Galyavich, A. Zakirova, V. Hatala, R. Kaliska, G. Kmec, J. Zupan, I. Tasie`, J. Vokac, D. Edvardsson, N. Poci, D. Gamra, H. Denguir, H. Sepetoglu, A. Arat-Ozkan, A. Orynchak, M. Paliy, E. Vakalyuk, I. Malidze, D. Prog, R. Yabluchansky, M.I. Makienko, N.V. Potpara, T. Knezevic, S. Randjelovic, M.
- Abstract
Objectives: This study sought to investigate gender-related differences in patients with atrial fibrillation (AF) in Europe. Background: Gender-related differences may play a significant role in AF. Methods: We analyzed the data of 5,333 patients (42% female) enrolled in the Euro Heart Survey on Atrial Fibrillation. Results: Compared with men, the women were older, had a lower quality of life (QoL), had more comorbidities, more often had heart failure (HF) with preserved left ventricular systolic function (18% vs. 7%, p < 0.001), and less often had HF with systolic dysfunction (17% vs. 26%, p < 0.001). Among patients with typical AF symptoms (56% of women, 49% of men), there was no gender-related difference in the choice of rate or rhythm control. Among patients with atypical or no symptoms (44% of women, 51% of men), women less frequently underwent rhythm control (39% vs. 51%, p < 0.001) than did men. Women underwent less electrical cardioversion (22% vs. 28%, p < 0.001). Prescription of oral anticoagulants was identical (65%) in both genders. One-year outcome was similar except that women had a higher chance for stroke (odds ratio 1.83 in multivariable regression analysis, p = 0.019). Conclusions: Women with AF had more comorbidities, more HF with preserved systolic function, and a lower QoL than men. In the large group with atypical or no symptoms, women were treated appropriately more conservatively with less rhythm control than men. Women had a higher chance for stroke. Long-term QoL changes and other morbidities and mortality were similar. © 2007 American College of Cardiology Foundation.
- Published
- 2007
47. Karyological Analysis of Two Allopatric Populations of Planarian Polycelis felina (Daly.) in Croatia
- Author
Kalafatić, M., Kopjar, N., Zrna, G., Zupan, I., Kovačević, G., and Damjan Franjević
- Subjects
Planarian (Polycelis felina daly.) ,karyological analysis ,neoblasts - Abstract
The results of preliminary investigations of two geographically distant and morphologically slightly different Polycelis felina (Daly.) populations from central Croatia are reported. The results have shown that individuals of both populations are diploids, with the same chromosome numbers in their neoblasts (2n=18). Their karyotipes were composed of nine chromosome pairs, three of them are metacentric and the other six are submetacentric. Statistical evalution of data indicated that both populations of Polycelis felina (Daly.) despite minor differences observed between them, belong to the same karyolgical biotype.
- Published
- 2004
48. The Eutos Population-Based Registry : Evaluation of Baseline Characteristics and First Treatment Choices Of 2983 Newly Diagnosed Chronic Myeloid Leukemia (Cml) Patients from 20 European Countries
- Author
Lindoerfer, D., Hoffmann, V. S., Rosti, G., Castagnetti, F., Saussele, S., Guilhot, J., Simonsson, Bengt, Steegmann, J. L., Mayer, J., Indrak, K., Turkina, A. G., Zaritskey, A., Labar, B., Zupan, I. P., Thielen, N., Clark, R. E., Thaler, J., Melanthiou, F., Everaus, H., Porkka, K., Bogdanovic, A. D., Schubert-Fritschle, G., Panagiotidis, P., Masszi, T., Lejniece, S., Griskevicius, L., Hellmann, A., Prejzner, W., Sacha, T., Almeida, A., Dyagil, I., Colita, A., Mihaylov, G., Hehlmann, R., Hasford, J., Baccarani, M., Lindoerfer, D., Hoffmann, V. S., Rosti, G., Castagnetti, F., Saussele, S., Guilhot, J., Simonsson, Bengt, Steegmann, J. L., Mayer, J., Indrak, K., Turkina, A. G., Zaritskey, A., Labar, B., Zupan, I. P., Thielen, N., Clark, R. E., Thaler, J., Melanthiou, F., Everaus, H., Porkka, K., Bogdanovic, A. D., Schubert-Fritschle, G., Panagiotidis, P., Masszi, T., Lejniece, S., Griskevicius, L., Hellmann, A., Prejzner, W., Sacha, T., Almeida, A., Dyagil, I., Colita, A., Mihaylov, G., Hehlmann, R., Hasford, J., and Baccarani, M.
- Published
- 2014
49. The Eutos Population Based Registry - Incidences of CML Across Europe
- Author
Hoffmann, V., Lindoerfer, D., Thaler, J., Labar, B., Melanthiou, F., Mayer, J., Everaus, H., Porkka, K., Guillhot, J., Schubert-Fritschle, G., Castagnetti, F., Lejniece, S., Griskevicius, L., Thielen, N., Hellmann, A., Turkina, A., Zaritskey, A., Bogdanovic, A. D., Indrak, K., Zupan, I. P., Casado, L. F., Simonsson, Bengt, Clark, R. E., Hehlmann, R., Hasford, J., Baccarani, M., Hoffmann, V., Lindoerfer, D., Thaler, J., Labar, B., Melanthiou, F., Mayer, J., Everaus, H., Porkka, K., Guillhot, J., Schubert-Fritschle, G., Castagnetti, F., Lejniece, S., Griskevicius, L., Thielen, N., Hellmann, A., Turkina, A., Zaritskey, A., Bogdanovic, A. D., Indrak, K., Zupan, I. P., Casado, L. F., Simonsson, Bengt, Clark, R. E., Hehlmann, R., Hasford, J., and Baccarani, M.
- Published
- 2014
50. Clinical Implementation of Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy—Regional Disparities across Selected ESC Member Countries
- Author
Hatala, R., primary, Lunati, M., additional, Calvi, V., additional, Favale, S., additional, Goncalvesová, E., additional, Haim, M., additional, Jovanovic, V., additional, Kaczmarek, K., additional, Kautzner, J., additional, Merkely, B., additional, Pokushalov, E., additional, Revishvili, A., additional, Theodorakis, G., additional, Vatasescu, R., additional, Zalevsky, V., additional, Zupan, I., additional, Vicini, I., additional, and Corbucci, G., additional
- Published
- 2014
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