268 results on '"Zock, JP"'
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2. Meta-analyse van epidemiologische studies naar de relatie tussen beroepsmatige blootstelling aan chroom-6 en kanker van de mondholte, dunne darm, pancreas, prostaat en blaas
- Author
Zock, JP, Rijs, KJ, Peters, S, Vlaanderen, JJ, den Braver-Sewradj, SP, Zock, JP, Rijs, KJ, Peters, S, Vlaanderen, JJ, and den Braver-Sewradj, SP
- Abstract
RIVM rapport:Chroom-6 is een kankerverwekkende stof. Uit eerder onderzoek bleek dat er voldoende of beperkt bewijs is dat deze stof kanker in longen, neus, maag en strottenhoofd kan veroorzaken als mensen tijdens hun werk aan deze stof blootstaan. Voor vijf andere vormen van kanker was het beeld van een verband niet zo duidelijk. Het gaat om kanker van de mondholte, de dunne darm, de alvleesklier (pancreas), de prostaat en de urineblaas. Uitgebreid onderzoek van het RIVM laat nu zien dat er voor deze vijf vormen van kanker geen duidelijk verband is met blootstelling aan chroom-6 op het werk. Dit betekent dat er geen sprake is van voldoende of beperkt wetenschappelijk bewijs dat chroom-6 deze vormen van kanker kan veroorzaken bij mensen. Het RIVM heeft voor dit onderzoek alle nationale en internationale wetenschappelijke onderzoeken bij mensen verzameld over de vijf vormen van kanker en blootstelling aan chroom-6 op het werk. Hierbij is gekeken naar veel verschillende manieren waarop met chroom-6 is gewerkt. De nadruk lag hierbij op lassen, leerlooien, productie en gebruik van cement, en verchromen. Uit een groot aantal publicaties zijn 29 studies van goede kwaliteit geselecteerd en geanalyseerd. Dit is nog niet eerder zo uitgebreid gedaan. De resultaten voor kanker van de mondholte en van de dunne darm geven niet voldoende aanwijzingen voor een verband met een blootstelling aan chroom-6 op het werk. De resultaten voor kanker van de pancreas, prostaat en blaas bevestigen eerdere conclusies van internationale instanties. Daaruit bleek al dat enkele studies aanwijzingen vonden dat mensen deze drie vormen van kanker kunnen krijgen door blootstelling aan chroom-6 op het werk, maar alle studies tezamen lieten geen duidelijk verband zien., Chromium (VI) is a carcinogen. Previous studies have found sufficient or limited evidence that this substance may cause cancers of the lungs, nose, stomach and larynx when people are exposed to it in the course of their jobs. Such a clear relationship was not demonstrated for five other forms of cancer. The cancers in question affect the oral cavity, small intestine, pancreas, prostate and bladder. Extensive research conducted by RIVM has now shown that these five types of cancer have no clear link to occupational exposure to chromium (VI). This means there is neither sufficient nor limited scientific evidence to conclude that chromium (VI) can cause these types of cancer in humans. For this study, RIVM collected all national and international scientific research on human subjects involving the five aforementioned types of cancer and occupational exposure to chromium (VI). Although the research examined many different ways of working with chromium (VI), it focused on welding, tanning, manufacturing and using cement, and chrome-plating. From among a large number of existing publications, 29 high-quality studies were selected and analysed. This study is the most extensive of its kind ever conducted. The results in connection with cancers of the oral cavity and the small intestine did not provide enough evidence of a link with exposure to chromium (VI) at work. The findings for pancreatic, prostate and bladder cancers confirmed earlier conclusions by international bodies. While a handful of studies have found indications that people who are exposed to chromium (VI) at work may to develop the latter three types of cancer, the total volume of existing research does not reveal a clear connection.
- Published
- 2023
3. Verkenning van opties voor gezondheidsonderzoek rond windturbines
- Author
Zock, JP, Reedijk, M, van Kempen, E, and Devilee, J
- Subjects
RIVM rapport 2022-0041 - Abstract
Mensen die in de buurt van windturbines wonen, maken zich zorgen over hun gezondheid. Bijvoorbeeld over effecten van het geluid van de wieken of van de slagschaduw. Het RIVM heeft de mogelijkheden verkend voor onderzoek naar gezondheidseffecten van windturbines in Nederland. Hiervoor is de inbreng gebruikt van organisaties die bij dit onderwerp betrokken zijn, zoals organisaties van omwonenden, de GGD en provincies. Het onderzoek is in opdracht van het ministerie van Economische Zaken en Klimaat gedaan. Het ministerie zal op basis hiervan kiezen welk onderzoek wordt uitgezet. Het blijkt mogelijk en nuttig om gezondheidsonderzoek te doen. Keuzes voor de opzet ervan zijn afhankelijk van de vraag, en hoe snel een antwoord nodig is . Ook is op een rij gezet welk onderzoek nodig is voor de kennis die nog ontbreekt. Het RIVM heeft eerst de belangrijkste vragen in kaart gebracht: kunnen windturbines bij omwonenden gezondheidseffecten veroorzaken, en zo ja welke, hoe ontstaan deze, en hoeveel mensen hebben er last van. Per vraag is aangegeven met welke soorten onderzoek hij kan worden beantwoord en wat de voor- en nadelen daarvan zijn. Een van de onderzoeksmogelijkheden is om de gezondheid van een grote groep mensen meerdere jaren te volgen. Ook kan juist in de tijd worden teruggekeken of bepaalde gezondheidsklachten vaker voorkwamen in de omgeving van windturbines. Daarnaast is het mogelijk om een vast panel van mensen die dicht bij windturbines wonen, regelmatig te laten doorgeven of ze gezondheidsklachten hebben. Tot slot kan worden onderzocht of er samenhang is tussen een blootstelling en een gezondheidsprobleem op dat moment. Eerder onderzoek maakte al duidelijk dat bepaalde kennis nog ontbreekt over gezondheidseffecten. Hinder is een bewezen effect, maar voor andere effecten, zoals slaapverstoring, is niet genoeg wetenschappelijk bewijs. Ook is niet duidelijk hoe het specifieke geluid van windmolens bij omwonenden in kaart kan worden gebracht. Ten slotte is niet bekend bij welke geluidniveaus en op welke afstanden in Nederland gezondheidseffecten kunnen ontstaan.
- Published
- 2022
4. Haalbaarheid van onderzoek naar blootstelling aan bestrijdingsmiddelen en de gezondheid van omwonenden
- Author
Zock, JP, Janssen, NAH, Simões, M, Figueiredo, DM, and Huss, A
- Published
- 2022
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5. Occupational exposure to wood dust. A systematic review of the literature
- Author
Rijs, K, van Triel, J, Bos, J, Zock, JP, Bogers, R, Palmen, N, and Affourtit-van Driesten, F
- Subjects
RIVM rapport 2021-0146 ,complex mixtures ,respiratory tract diseases - Abstract
Employees can be exposed to wood dust while performing woodworking processes such as sawing and sanding. Such exposure is known to be associated with health problems. RIVM has carried out a review of the scientific literature on wood dust and occupational exposure to wood dust. The data has not been compared or interpreted by RIVM. The data was collected at the request of the Health Council. The Health Council will use this data to provide a recommendation to the Minister of Social Affairs and Employment on whether or not the health-based occupational exposure limit for wood dust needs to be adjusted. The review focused on various aspects including characteristics of wood dust as a result of wood processing and the mechanism and degree of exposure, as well as what is known about what happens in the body after exposure and what diseases and conditions people can develop as a result. Long-term exposure to wood dust can cause nasal cancer. It can also impair lung function, leading to difficulty breathing, and cause irritation of the eyes, nose, lungs, and skin.
- Published
- 2021
6. Verkenning haalbaarheid gezondheidsonderzoek werknemers Schiphol
- Author
Reedijk, M, Zock, JP, and Janssen, NAH
- Subjects
RIVM rapport 2021-0094 - Abstract
Het RIVM onderzoekt sinds 2017 mogelijke effecten van langdurige blootstelling aan ultrafijnstof op de gezondheid van omwonenden van Schiphol. Het ministerie van Infrastructuur & Waterstaat (IenW) heeft het RIVM gevraagd om te verkennen of het haalbaar is dit onderzoek uit te breiden naar mogelijke gezondheidseffecten bij mensen die op Schiphol in de buurt van de vliegtuigen werken. De aanleiding hiervoor is een motie in de Tweede Kamer. Het blijkt praktisch niet mogelijk om gezondheidseffecten bij de platformmedewerkers binnen de opzet van het onderzoek naar omwonenden te bestuderen. Hiervoor zijn onder andere administratieve gegevens nodig over de aard en werkomstandigheden van oudmedewerkers. Maar de administratie van de vele organisaties waar platformmedewerkers voor werken, is onvolledig of gaat niet ver genoeg terug in de tijd. De weinige gegevens die er wel zijn mogen maar beperkt worden gebruikt vanwege de Algemene Verordening Gegevensbescherming. Verder zijn er inhoudelijke verschillen met het onderzoek naar omwonenden. Naar verwachting staan platformmedewerkers tijdens hun werk aan hogere concentraties ultrafijnstof bloot dan omwonenden. Ook worden platformmedewerkers aan meer luchtvervuilende stoffen blootgesteld dan ultrafijnstof. Bijvoorbeeld via de dieselmotoremissies van bagagekarretjes en de uitstoot van vliegtuigmotoren. Dit vraagt om een bredere blik naar gezondheidseffecten bij platformmedewerkers dan alleen van ultrafijnstof. Een ander type gezondheidsonderzoek is wel mogelijk, namelijk onderzoek naar onder andere de long- en hartfunctie en bloed en urine bij medewerkers die er nu werken. De resultaten geven een indicatie maar geen zekerheid over ziekten die door een langdurige blootstelling aan ultrafijnstof kunnen ontstaan. Voorbeelden daarvan zijn beroerte, COPD, longkanker en aandoeningen van het zenuwstelsel. Het duurt jaren om met zekerheid te zeggen wat de effecten van een langdurige blootstelling aan ultrafijnstof op de gezondheid van huidige medewerkers zijn.
- Published
- 2021
7. Onderzoek naar blootstelling aan chroom-6 en arbeidsomstandigheden op Defensielocaties. Periode 1970-2015
- Author
Beerlage, MAM, Zock, JP, Rijs, KJ, Bogers, RP, Slootweg, J, and van Poll, R
- Subjects
RIVM rapport 2021-0066 - Abstract
Chroom-6 is een roestwerende stof en werd daarom toegevoegd aan sommige verf. In 2014 gaven veel (oud-)medewerkers aan bezorgd te zijn over hun gezondheid na berichten dat er bij Defensie was gewerkt met verf waar chroom-6 in zat. Het RIVM onderzoekt of er een samenhang kan zijn tussen gezondheidsklachten van medewerkers en een blootstelling aan verf met chroom-6. Het onderzoek begon op vijf locaties in Nederland waar Amerikaans legermaterieel werd onderhouden (POMS). Deze resultaten verschenen in 2018. Daarna is onderzoek gedaan naar alle locaties van Defensie die tussen 1970 en 2015 in gebruik waren. Het blijkt dat binnen de hele Defensieorganisatie medewerkers met chroom-6 in contact konden komen. Dus niet alleen de mensen die zelf het onderhoudswerk aan het legermaterieel deden, maar ook mensen die regelmatig in de werkplaatsen kwamen, zoals leidinggevenden, schoonmakers en anderen. Dit betekent dat niet alleen op basis van de functie van medewerkers kan worden bepaald of zij aan chroom-6 zijn blootgesteld. Op basis van de werkzaamheden kan worden beoordeeld of iemand ziek kan zijn geworden door blootstelling aan chroom-6. Mensen die in contact komen met chroom-6 hebben een grotere kans om bepaalde ziekten en aandoeningen te krijgen. Dat betekent niet dat iemand die in contact komt met de stof altijd deze ziekten krijgt. De kans is groter naarmate je meer, vaker of langer bent blootgesteld. Dat geldt vooral voor medewerkers die tijdens hun werk direct blootstonden aan chroom-6 en niet goed beschermd waren. Bijvoorbeeld als zij verflagen spoten of schuurden of aan het lassen of snijbranden waren. Net als op de POMS-locaties blijkt dat medewerkers ook op andere locaties niet altijd en overal genoeg waren beschermd tegen de blootstelling aan chroom-6. Beschermende maatregelen op de werkplek, zoals werkruimten afscheiden of afzuiginstallaties, werden niet altijd getroffen. Ook waren de persoonlijke beschermingsmiddelen, zoals stofmaskers, niet altijd aanwezig of effectief genoeg. In de loop van de jaren is hier bij Defensie meer aandacht voor gekomen, vooral vanaf de jaren negentig.
- Published
- 2021
8. Health survey on people living in the direct vicinity of agricultural plots: additional analyses
- Author
Simoes, M, Huss, A, Portengen, L, Vermeulen, R, Baliatsas, C, Dückers, M, Verheij, R, Janssen, N, Krijs, K, and Zock, JP
- Subjects
RIVM rapport 2020-0056 - Abstract
Mensen die binnen 250 meter van landbouwpercelen wonen waar bestrijdingsmiddelen worden gebruikt, hebben over het algemeen niet méér gezondheidsproblemen dan mensen met geen of weinig landbouwpercelen in de buurt. Deze conclusie komt overeen met de resultaten van een verkenning uit 2018. Hierin waren andere uitgangspunten gebruikt. Er zijn een paar uitzonderingen op dit algemene beeld uit de twee verkenningen. Het wonen dicht bij maisteelt lijkt samen te gaan met een grotere kans op overlijden aan luchtwegaandoeningen. Verder is dicht bij roulatieteelt granen/bieten/aardappelen mogelijk meer sterfte door leukemie en lijkt dicht bij graanteelt meer zelfdoding voor te komen. Met de beschikbare gegevens was het niet mogelijk om deze bevindingen te verklaren. Specifieker onderzoek is nodig om meer te weten te komen over de relatie tussen bestrijdingsmiddelen en de gezondheid van omwonenden. Als daartoe wordt overgegaan dan adviseren de onderzoekers om de blootstelling aan specifieke bestrijdingsmiddelen gedetailleerd in kaart te brengen. Centraal in dat onderzoek zouden dan kunnen staan COPD en andere gezondheidsproblemen die in de wetenschappelijke literatuur regelmatig naar voren komen, zoals leukemie, de ziekte van Parkinson en cognitieve effecten. Daarvoor is dan ook meer informatie nodig over individuele factoren die invloed hebben op de gezondheid, zoals leefstijl. Dit blijkt uit onderzoek van het RIVM, de Universiteit Utrecht en het Nivel. Het onderzoek is een aanvulling op onderzoek uit 2018 naar de gezondheid van omwonenden van landbouwpercelen voor bepaalde gewassen. De Gezondheidsraad gaat het kabinet adviseren welk vervolgonderzoek moet worden uitgevoerd. VWS heeft om deze aanvullende analyses gevraagd. Aanleiding was onderzoek uit 2019, gecoördineerd door het RIVM, naar de blootstelling van omwonenden van bloembollenvelden aan chemische bestrijdingsmiddelen. Daaruit bleek dat de concentraties bestrijdingsmiddelen in huisstof binnen 250 meter tot de bespoten bloembollenvelden weinig verschilden. Er waren meer verschillen ten opzichte van woningen op meer dan 500 meter van de bloembollenvelden.
- Published
- 2020
9. GGD-richtlijn medische milieukunde : Veehouderij en gezondheid
- Author
Nijdam, R, Dusseldorp, A, Elders-Meijerink, M, Jacobs, P, Maassen, CBM, van der Lelie, S, Pasnagel, M, van Strien, R, van de Waal, N, van de Weerdt, R, and Zock, JP
- Subjects
RIVM rapport 2020-0092 - Abstract
De aanwezigheid van intensieve veehouderij kan invloed hebben op de gezondheid van omwonenden. De GGD'en hebben de richtlijn 'Veehouderij en gezondheid' ontwikkeld zodat ze op dezelfde manier hierover kunnen adviseren. De coördinatie van de richtlijn ligt bij het RIVM. De richtlijn beschrijft de huidige kennis over veehouderij en gezondheid. Ook geeft de richtlijn input voor gezondheidskundige adviezen voor omwonenden in verschillende situaties. Denk aan de uitbreiding of vestiging van veehouderijbedrijven, of de gebiedsinrichting van het platteland. Er is veel gezondheidswinst te behalen wanneer goed wordt nagedacht over de ruimtelijke inrichting, dus bij het opstellen van omgevingsvisies en plannen. Daarom is de GGD bij voorkeur vroeg in dit proces betrokken. De GGD heeft twee uitgangspunten bij zijn adviezen. De eerste is voorzorg: wees terughoudend met het plaatsen van gevoelige bestemmingen en veehouderijen binnen 250 meter van elkaar (bij geitenhouderijen binnen 2 kilometer). Gevoelige bestemmingen zijn bijvoorbeeld woningen, scholen, en ziekenhuizen. Het tweede uitgangspunt is het streven om de uitstoot van geur, stof, endotoxinen (kleine stukjes bacteriën) en ammoniak van veehouderijen te verminderen.
- Published
- 2020
10. Prevalence of asthma-like symptoms with ageing: a European cohort study
- Author
Jarvis, DL, Newson, R, Janson, C, Corsico, A, Heinrich, J, Anto, JM, Abramson, M, Kirsten, A, Zock, JP, Bono, R, Demoly, P, Leynaert, B, Raherison, C, Pin, I, Gislason, T, Jogi, R, Schlunssen, V, Svanes, C, Watkins, J, Weyler, J, Pereira-Vega, A, Urrutia, I, Gullon, JA, Forsberg, B, Probst-Hensch, N, Boezen, HM, Martinez-Moratalla, J, Accordini, S, De Marco, R, Burney, P, and Medical Research Council (MRC)
- Subjects
Respiratory System ,1103 Clinical Sciences - Abstract
Background: Change in the prevalence of asthma-like symptoms in populations of ageing adults is likely to be influenced by smoking, asthma treatment and atopy. Methods: The European Community Respiratory Health Survey (ECRHS) collected information on prevalent asthma-like symptoms from representative samples of adults aged 20-44 years (29 centres in 13 European countries and Australia) at baseline and 10 and 20 years later (n=7844). Net changes in symptom prevalence were determined using generalised estimating equations (accounting for non-response through inverse probability weighting), followed by meta-analysis of centre level estimates. Findings: Over 20 years the prevalence of ‘wheeze’ and ‘wheeze in the absence of a cold’ decreased (-2.4% 95%CI -3.5 to -1.3%; -1.5% 95%CI -2.4 to -0.6%; respectively) but the prevalence of asthma attacks, use of asthma medication and hayfever/nasal allergies increased (0.6%, 95%CI 0.1 to 1.11; 3.6%, 95%CI 3.0 to 4.2; 2.7% 95%CI 1.7 to 3.7;). Changes were similar in the first ten years compared to the second ten years, except for hayfever/nasal allergies (increase seen in the first ten years only). Decreases in these wheeze-related symptoms were largely seen in the group who gave up smoking, and were seen in those who reported hayfever/nasal allergies at baseline. Interpretation: European adults born between 1946 and 1970 have, over the last 20 years, experienced less wheeze, although they were more likely to report asthma attacks, use of asthma medication and hayfever. Decrease in wheeze is largely attributable to smoking cessation, rather than improved treatment of asthma. It may also be influenced by reductions in atopy with ageing.
- Published
- 2017
11. Inhalation incidents and respiratory health: results from the European Community respiratory health survey
- Author
Mirabelli, Mc, Olivieri, Mario, Kromhout, H, Norbäck, D, Radon, K, Torén, K, van Sprundel, M, Villani, S, Zock, Jp, European Community Respiratory Health Survey, Risk Assessment of Toxic and Immunomodulatory Agents, and Dep IRAS
- Subjects
Adult ,Male ,medicine.medical_specialty ,respiratory health ,Respiratory Mucosa ,Article ,Occupational medicine ,Young Adult ,Epidemiology ,medicine ,Humans ,Longitudinal Studies ,Respiratory sounds ,Intensive care medicine ,Respiratory Sounds ,Asthma ,Inhalation exposure ,inhalation ,Inhalation Exposure ,Inhalation ,medicine.diagnostic_test ,business.industry ,Respiratory disease ,Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health ,accident ,Middle Aged ,medicine.disease ,Health Surveys ,respiratory tract diseases ,Europe ,Cough ,Bronchial hyperresponsiveness ,asthma ,epidemiology ,Emergency medicine ,Female ,Human medicine ,Bronchial Hyperreactivity ,business - Abstract
Background Inhalation incidents are an important cause of acute respiratory symptoms, but little is known about how these incidents affect chronic respiratory health. Methods We assessed reported inhalation incidents among 3,763 European Community Respiratory Health Survey (ECRHS) participants with and without cough, phlegm, asthma, wheezing or bronchial hyperresponsiveness. We then examined whether inhalation incidents during the 9-year ECRHS follow-up period were associated with a new onset of any of these respiratory outcomes among 2,809 participants who were free of all five outcomes at the time of the baseline ECRHS survey. Results Inhalation incidents were reported by 5% of participants, with higher percentages reported among individuals with asthma-related outcomes at the time of the baseline survey. Among participants without symptoms at baseline, our analyses generated non-statistically significant elevated estimates of the risk of cough, phlegm, asthma and wheezing and a non-statistically significant inverse estimate of the risk of bronchial hyperresponsiveness among participants who reported an inhalation incident compared to those without such an event reported. Discussion Our findings provide limited evidence of an association between inhalation incidents and asthma-related symptoms. These data could be affected by differences in the reporting of inhalation incidents according to symptom status at the time of the baseline survey; they should thus be interpreted with caution.
- Published
- 2009
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12. Lifetime Occupational Exposure to Dusts, Gases and Fumes Is Associated with Bronchitis Symptoms and Higher Diffusion Capacity in COPD Patients
- Author
Rodriguez, E, Ferrer, J, Zock, JP, Serra, I, Anto, JM, de Batlle, J, Kromhout, H, Vermeulen, R, Donaire-Gonzalez, D, Benet, M, Balcells, E, Monso, E, Gayete, A, Garcia-Aymerich, J, Guell, R, Gimenez, A, and PAC-COPD Study Grp
- Abstract
Background: Occupational exposure to dusts, gases and fumes has been associated with reduced FEV1 and sputum production in COPD patients. The effect of occupational exposure on other characteristics of COPD, especially those reflecting emphysema, has not been studied in these patients. Methods: We studied 338 patients hospitalized for a first exacerbation of COPD in 9 Spanish hospitals, obtaining full occupational history in a face-to-face interview; job codes were linked to a job exposure matrix for semi-quantitative estimation of exposure to mineral/biological dust, and gases/fumes for each job held. Patients underwent spirometry, diffusing capacity testing and analysis of gases in stable conditions. Quality of life, dyspnea and chronic bronchitis symptoms were determined with a questionnaire interview. A high-resolution CT scan was available in 133 patients. Results: 94% of the patients included were men, with a mean age of 68(8.5) years and a mean FEV1% predicted 52 (16). High exposure to gases or fumes was associated with chronic bronchitis, and exposure to mineral dust and gases/fumes was associated with higher scores for symptom perception in the St. George's questionnaire. No occupational agent was associated with a lower FEV1. High exposure to all occupational agents was associated with better lung diffusion capacity, in long-term quitters. In the subgroup with CT data, patients with emphysema had 18% lower DLCO compared to those without emphysema. Conclusions: In our cohort of COPD patients, high exposure to gases or fumes was associated with chronic bronchitis, and high exposure to all occupational agents was consistently associated with better diffusion capacity in long-term quitters.
- Published
- 2014
13. The relation between paracetamol use and asthma: a GA2LEN European case-control study
- Author
- Published
- 2008
14. Development of a job-task-exposure matrix to assess occupational exposure to disinfectants among US nurses
- Author
Quinot, C, primary, Dumas, O, additional, Henneberger, PK, additional, Varraso, R, additional, Wiley, AS, additional, Speizer, FE, additional, Goldberg, M, additional, Zock, JP, additional, Camargo, CA, additional, and Le Moual, N, additional
- Published
- 2016
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15. Respiratory health and endotoxin: associations and modification by CD14/-260 genotype
- Author
Bakolis, I, Doekes, G, Heinrich, J, Zock, Jp, Heederick, D, Kogevinas, M, Guerra, S, Norbäck, D, Ramasamy, A, Nevalainen, A, Svanes, C, Chen, Cm, Verlato, Giuseppe, Olivieri, Mario, Jarvis, D, on behalf of the Indoor group of the ECRHS, and the Work Package 10 group of HITEA
- Subjects
Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine ,Adult ,Male ,Vital capacity ,endotoxin ,Population ,CD14/-260 genotype ,IgE sensitization ,Adults ,lung function ,respiratory symptoms ,Coronacrisis-Taverne ,Lipopolysaccharide Receptors ,Beds ,Immunoglobulin E ,Bronchial Provocation Tests ,03 medical and health sciences ,0302 clinical medicine ,Forced Expiratory Volume ,Genotype ,Prevalence ,Medicine ,Humans ,030212 general & internal medicine ,Respiratory system ,education ,Lung ,Asthma ,education.field_of_study ,biology ,business.industry ,Respiratory disease ,gene-environment interaction ,Middle Aged ,medicine.disease ,Endotoxins ,medicine.anatomical_structure ,030228 respiratory system ,Immunology ,biology.protein ,Female ,Bronchial Hyperreactivity ,business - Abstract
Exposure to endotoxin has been associated with increased respiratory symptoms and decrements in lung function in occupational settings but little is known about the health effects of domestic exposure in adults. Here, we describe the association of respiratory disease, immunoglobulin (Ig)E sensitisation, bronchial reactivity and lung function with mattress endotoxin levels in adults, and determine whether these associations are modified by polymorphisms in CD14. Endotoxin levels in mattress dust from a population-based sample of 972 adults were measured. Associations were examined using generalised linear mixed models, adjusting for individual and household confounders. Effect modification of these associations by CD14/-260 (rs2569190) was assessed. Mattress endotoxin levels varied from 0.1 to 402.6 EU·mg(-1). Although there was no overall association of lung function with endotoxin exposure, there was evidence that the association of forced expiratory volume in 1 s and forced vital capacity with endotoxin was modified by CD14/-260 genotype (p-value for interaction 0.005 and 0.013, respectively). There was no evidence that symptoms, IgE sensitisation or bronchial reactivity were associated with mattress endotoxin levels. In this large epidemiological study of adults, there was no evidence that mattress endotoxin level was associated with respiratory symptoms or IgE sensitisation but the association of lung function with endotoxin levels may be modified by CD14 genotype.
- Published
- 2012
16. Geographical variation and the determinants of domestic endotoxin levels in mattress dust in Europe
- Author
Chen, Cm, Thiering, E, Doekes, G, Zock, Jp, Bakolis, I, Norback, D, Sunyer, J, Villani, S, Verlato, Giuseppe, Taubel, M, Jarvis, D, and Heinrich, J.
- Subjects
Summer temperature ,Geography ,Dust ,House dust ,Beds ,ECRHS ,Endotoxins ,Europe ,Endotoxin, House dust, Geographical variation, ECRHS, Summer temperature, Home characteristics ,Endotoxin ,Air Pollution, Indoor ,Housing ,Home characteristics ,Geographical variation - Abstract
Endotoxin exposures have manifold effects on human health. The geographical variation and determinants of domestic endotoxin levels in Europe have not yet been extensively described. To investigate the geographical variation and determinants of domestic endotoxin concentrations in mattress dust in Europe using data collected in the European Community Respiratory Health Survey follow-up (ECRHS II). Endotoxin levels were measured in mattress dust from 974 ECRHS II participants from 22 study centers using an immunoassay. Information on demographic, lifestyle, and housing characteristics of the participants was obtained in face-to-face interviews. The median endotoxin concentration in mattress dust ranged from 772 endotoxin units per gram (EU/g) dust in Reykjavik, Iceland, to 4806 EU/g in Turin, Italy. High average outdoor summer temperature of study center, cat or dog keeping, a high household crowding index, and visible damp patches in the bedroom were significantly associated with a higher endotoxin concentrations in mattress dust. There is a large variability in domestic endotoxin levels across Europe. Average outdoor summer temperature of study center, which explains only 10% of the variation in domestic endotoxin level by center, is the strongest meteorological determinant. The observed variation needs to be taken into account when evaluating the health effects of endotoxin exposures in international contexts.The incoherent observations of the health effects of endotoxin may be partly owing to the geographical heterogeneity of endotoxin exposure. Therefore, the observed variation should be considered in further studies. Measurements of indoor endotoxin are recommended as an indicator for the level of exposures of individual domestic environments.
- Published
- 2011
17. Reported Occupational Respiratory Diseases in Three Spanish Regions
- Author
Orriols, R, Isidro, I, Abu-Shams, K, Costa, R, Boldu, J, Rego, G, Zock, JP, Cortés I., and Enfermedades Resp Ocupacionales Y
- Subjects
registry system ,asbestos-related diseases ,pneumoconiosis ,occupational asthma ,surveillance system - Abstract
Background In 2002, a voluntary registry of occupational respiratory diseases was initiated in the test phase in Asturias, Catalonia, and Navarre (Spain). Based on data from the fully implemented voluntary registry, we assessed the differences in the incidence and characteristics of the diseases reported in the three regions studied and compared them with those notified to the compulsory official system. Methods Physicians whose daily practice includes patients with occupational respiratory diseases were invited to participate. Newly diagnosed cases occurring during 2003 in the work force of the three regions studied were reported on a notification form every 2 months. Data from the compulsory official notification system were obtained from statistics on work-related diseases for possible disability benefits. Results Five hundred thirty-three new cases, representing a cumulative incidence of 183.52 (168.27-199.78) per million workers per yew; were reported. The number of cases and the incidence, overall and for each disease, causes of the diseases, and the occupations varied considerably between regions. The number of cases reported to the voluntary system was more than threefold greater than the number reported to the compulsory official system. Conclusions The compulsory scheme for reporting occupational respiratory diseases is seriously under-reporting in the three Spanish regions studied. Our voluntary surveillance program, which showed considerable differences in the characteristics and incidence of these diseases among the regions, appears to be more effective. Am. J. Ind. Med. 53:922-930, 2010. (C) 2010 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
- Published
- 2010
18. Eaaci position paper: irritant-induced asthma.
- Author
UCL - SSS/IREC/PNEU - Pôle de Pneumologie, ORL et Dermatologie, UCL - (MGD) Service de pneumologie, Vandenplas, Olivier, Wiszniewska, M, Raulf, M, de Blay, F, van Wijk, R Gerth, Moscato, G, Nemery, B, Pala, G, Quirce, S, Sastre, J, Schlünssen, V, Sigsgaard, T, Siracusa, A, Tarlo, Sm, van Kampen, V, Zock, Jp, Walusiak-Skorupa, J, UCL - SSS/IREC/PNEU - Pôle de Pneumologie, ORL et Dermatologie, UCL - (MGD) Service de pneumologie, Vandenplas, Olivier, Wiszniewska, M, Raulf, M, de Blay, F, van Wijk, R Gerth, Moscato, G, Nemery, B, Pala, G, Quirce, S, Sastre, J, Schlünssen, V, Sigsgaard, T, Siracusa, A, Tarlo, Sm, van Kampen, V, Zock, Jp, and Walusiak-Skorupa, J
- Abstract
The term irritant-induced (occupational) asthma (IIA) has been used to denote various clinical forms of asthma related to irritant exposure at work. The causal relationship between irritant exposure(s) and the development of asthma can be substantiated by the temporal association between the onset of asthma symptoms and a single or multiple high-level exposure(s) to irritants, whereas this relationship can only be inferred from epidemiological data for workers chronically exposed to moderate levels of irritants. Accordingly, the following clinical phenotypes should be distinguished within the wide spectrum of irritant-related asthma: 1) definite IIA, i.e. acute-onset IIA characterized by the rapid onset of asthma within a few hours after a single exposure to very high levels of irritant substances; 2) probable IIA, i.e. asthma that develops in workers with multiple symptomatic high-level exposures to irritants; and 3) possible IIA, i.e. asthma occurring with a delayed onset after chronic exposure to moderate levels of irritants. This document prepared by a panel of experts summarizes our current knowledge on the diagnostic approach, epidemiology, pathophysiology, and management of the various phenotypes of IIA. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
- Published
- 2014
19. An international prospective general population based study of respiratory work disability
- Author
Toren, K, Zock, Jp, Kogevinas, M, Plana, E, Sunyer, J, Radon, K, Jarvis, D, Kromhout, H, D’Errico, A, Payo, F, Anto´, Jm, List of Principal Investigators, Blanc P. D., Australia: Melbourne, Senior Scientific T. e. a. m., Belgium: South Antwerp, Antwerp, City, Estonia:, Tartu, France:, Paris, Grenoble, Germany:, Erfurt, Iceland, Italy:, Turin, Verona, Pavia, The, Netherlands, Norway:, Bergen, Spain:, Barcelona, Huelva, Albacete, Galdakao, Oviedo, Sweden: Uppsala, Goteborg, Umea, Switzerland:, Basel, United, Kingdom, Norwich, Ipswich, Usa:, Portland, Romano, Canzio, Brussino, Luisa, Bucca, Caterina, and Rolla, Giovanni
- Subjects
Adult ,Male ,Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Population ,General Population Cohort ,Occupational safety and health ,Young Adult ,03 medical and health sciences ,0302 clinical medicine ,Risk Factors ,Occupational Exposure ,Environmental health ,medicine ,Humans ,Disabled Persons ,RESPIRATORY WORK DISABILITY ,Prospective Studies ,030212 general & internal medicine ,Prospective cohort study ,education ,education.field_of_study ,business.industry ,Incidence (epidemiology) ,Smoking ,Hazard ratio ,Dust ,Respiration Disorders ,Asthma ,3. Good health ,Occupational Diseases ,030228 respiratory system ,Cohort ,Physical therapy ,Female ,business ,Follow-Up Studies ,Cohort study - Abstract
Background: Previous cross-sectional studies have shown that job change due to breathing problems at the workplace (respiratory work disability) is common among adults of working age. That research indicated that occupational exposure to gases, dust and fumes was associated with job change due to breathing problems, although causal inferences have been tempered by the cross-sectional nature of previously available data. There is a need for general population-based prospective studies to assess the incidence of respiratory work disability and to delineate better the roles of potential predictors of respiratory work disability. Methods: A prospective general population cohort study was performed in 25 centres in 11 European countries and one centre in the USA. A longitudinal analysis was undertaken of the European Community Respiratory Health Survey including all participants employed at any point since the baseline survey, 6659 subjects randomly sampled and 779 subjects comprising all subjects reporting physician-diagnosed asthma. The main outcome measure was new-onset respiratory work disability, defined as a reported job change during follow-up attributed to breathing problems. Exposure to dusts (biological or mineral), gases or fumes during follow-up was recorded using a job-exposure matrix. Cox proportional hazard regression modelling was used to analyse such exposure as a predictor of time until job change due to breathing problems. Results: The incidence rate of respiratory work disability was 1.2/1000 person-years of observation in the random sample (95% CI 1.0 to 1.5) and 5.7/1000 person-years in the asthma cohort (95% CI 4.1 to 7.8). In the random population sample, as well as in the asthma cohort, high occupational exposure to biological dust, mineral dust or gases or fumes predicted increased risk of respiratory work disability. In the random sample, sex was not associated with increased risk of work disability while, in the asthma cohort, female sex was associated with an increased disability risk (hazard ratio 2.8, 95% CI 1.3 to 5.9). Conclusions: Respiratory work disability is common overall. It is associated with workplace exposures that could be controlled through preventive measures.
- Published
- 2009
20. Domestic use of hypochlorite bleach, atopic sensitization, and respiratory symptoms in adults
- Author
Zock, Jp, Plana, E, Anto´, Jm, Benke, G, Blanc, Pd, Carosso, A, Dahlman H€oglund, A, Heinrich, J, Jarvis, D, Kromhout, H, Lillienberg, L, Mirabelli, Mc, Norba, D, Olivieri, M, Ponzio, M, Radon, K, Soon, A, van Sprundel, A, Sunyer, Y, Svanes, C, Tore´, K, Verlato, G, Villani, S, PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATORS AND SENIOR SCIENTIFIC TEAM : Belgium: South Antwerp, Kogevinas M., France: Paris, Antwerp C. i. t. y. Estonia: T. a. r. t. u., Italy: Turin, G. r. e. n. o. b. l. e. Germany: E. r. f. u. r. t., Verona, Spain:barcelona, P. a. v. i. a. Norway: B. e. r. g. e. n., Huelva, Albacete, Galdakao, Sweden: Uppsala, O. v. i. e. d. o., G€oteborg, United Kingdom: Norwich, U. m. e. a. Switzerland: B. a. s. e. l., Ipswich, Romano, Canzio, Brussino, Luisa, Bucca, Caterina, Rolla, Giovanni, Risk Assessment of Toxic and Immunomodulatory Agents, and Dep IRAS
- Subjects
Adult ,Male ,Allergy ,Hypoclorite ,Bleach ,genetic structures ,atopy ,respiratory symptoms ,Immunology ,Respiratory Tract Diseases ,Immunoglobulin E ,hypochlorite bleach ,household ,allergy ,respiratory ,Atopy ,Environmental health ,Surveys and Questionnaires ,medicine ,Hypersensitivity ,Immunology and Allergy ,Animals ,Humans ,Sensitization ,Environmental Restoration and Remediation ,House dust mite ,biology ,business.industry ,Household Products ,Odds ratio ,Allergens ,biology.organism_classification ,medicine.disease ,Hypochlorous Acid ,medicine.anatomical_structure ,Logistic Models ,Bronchial hyperresponsiveness ,Air Pollution, Indoor ,Multivariate Analysis ,biology.protein ,Cats ,Female ,Human medicine ,business ,Follow-Up Studies - Abstract
Background: Professional use of hypochlorite (bleach) has been associated with respiratory symptoms. Bleach is capable of inactivating allergens, and there are indications that its domestic use may reduce the risk of allergies in children. Objective: To study the associations between household use of bleach and atopic sensitization, allergic diseases, and respiratory health status in adults. Methods: We identified 3626 participants of the European Community Respiratory Health Survey 11 in 10 countries who did the cleaning in their homes and for whom data on specific serum IgE to 4 environmental allergens were available. Frequency of bleach use and information on respiratory symptoms were obtained in face-to-face interviews. House dust mite and cat allergens in mattress dust were measured in a subsample. Associations between the frequency of bleach use and health outcomes were evaluated by using multivariable mixed logistic regression analyses. Results: The use of bleach was associated with less atopic sensitization (odds ratio [OR], 0.75; 95% CI, 0.63-0.89). This association was apparent for specific IgE to both indoor (cat) and outdoor (grass) allergens, and was consistent in various subgroups, including those without any history of respiratory problems (OR, 0.85). Dose-response relationships (P
- Published
- 2009
21. Exposure to substances in the workplace and new-onset asthma: an international prospective population-based study (ECRHS-II)
- Author
Kogevinas, M, Zock, Jp, Jarvis, D, Kromhout, H, Lillienberg, L, Plana, E, Radon, K, Torén, K, Alliksoo, A, Benke, G, Blanc, Pd, Dahlman Hoglund, A, D’Errico, A, Héry, M, Kennedy, S, Kunzli, N, Leynaert, B, Mirabelli, Mc, Muniozguren, N, Norbäck, D, Olivieri, M, Payo, F, Villani, S, van Sprundel, M, Urrutia, I, Wieslander, G, Sunyer, J, Principal investigators, Antó J. M., senior scientific team: Australia, Belgium—p, Vermeire, Weyler, J., Van Sprundel, M., Nelen, V., Estonia—R Jogi, A. Soon, France—f, Neukirch, Leynaert, B., Liard, R., Pin, M. Zureik—I., Ferran Quentin, J., Germany—j, Heinrich, Wjst, M., Frye, C., Meyer, I., Iceland—t, Gislason, Italy—m, Bugiani, Piccioni, P., Carosso, A., Arossa, W., Caria, E., Castiglioni, G., Migliore, E., Romano, Canzio, Fabbro, D., Ciccone, G., Magnani, C., Dalmasso, P., Bono, Roberto, Gigli, G., Giraudo, A., Brussino, Luisa, Bucca, Caterina, Rolla, Giovanni, Verlato, G., Zanolin, E., Accordini, S., Poli, A., Lo Cascio, V., Ferrari, M., The Netherlands—J Schouten, Norway, Antó, Spain J. M., Sunyer, J., Kogevinas, M., Zock, J. P., Basagana, X., Jaen, A., Maldonado, F. Burgos—J., Pereira, A., Martinez Moratalla Rovira, J. L. Sanchez—J., Muniozguren, E. Almar—N., Payo, I. Urritia—F., Sweden—c, Janson, Boman, G., Norback, D., Toren, M. Gunnbjornsdottir—K., Lillienberg, L., Dahlman Höglund, A., Norrman, R. Sundberg—E., Soderberg, M., Franklin, K., Lundback, B., Forsberg, B., Nystrom, L., Switzerland—n, Künzli, Dibbert, B., Hazenkamp, M., Brutsche, M., Ackermann Liebrich, U., United Kingdom—P Burney, Chinn, S., Jarvis, D. Jarvis—D., Harrison, B., Jarvis, —d, Hall, R., Seaton, D., Usa—m, Osborne, Buist, S., Vollmer, W., and Johnson, L.
- Subjects
- 2007
22. Berufsbedingte Rhinitis im Rahmen des European Community Respiratory Health Survey (ECRHS)
- Author
Gerhardinger, U, Zock, JP, Kogevinas, M, Plana Hortoneda, E, Heinrich, J, Held, L, and Radon, K
- Subjects
ddc: 610 - Published
- 2005
23. Housing characteristics, reported mold exposure, and asthma in the European Community Respiratory Health Survey
- Author
Zock, Jp, Jarvis, D, Luczynska, C, Sunyer, J, Burney, P, Burney, on behalf of the European Community Respiratory Health S. u. r. v. e. y. Principal participants of the ECRHS study Coordinating Center: P., Chinn, S., Luczynska, C., Jarvis, D., Lai, E., Australia: M. Abramson, J. Kutin, Belgium: P. Vermeire, F. van Bastelaer, Nielsen, Denmark: N., Jogi, Estonia: R., Bousquet, France: J., Neukirch, F., Liard, R., Pin, I., Pison, C., Taytard, A., Germany: H. Magnussen, D. Nowak, H. E. Wichmann, J. Heinrich, Iceland: T. Gislason, D. Gislason, Chowgule, India: R., Prichard, Ireland: J., Allwright, S., Macleod, D., Bugiani, Italy: M., Bucca, Caterina, Romano, Canzio, de Marco, R., Lo Cascio, V., Campello, C., Marinoni, A., Cerveri, I., Casali, L., The Netherlands: B. Rijcken, A. Kremer, New Zealand: J. Crane, S. Lewis, Gulsvik, Norway: A., Omenaas, E., Svanes, C., Antó, Spain: J., Sunyer, J., Soriano, J., Tobías, A., Roca, J., Kogevinas, M., Muniozguren, N., Ramos González, J., Capelastegui, A., Martinez Moratalla, J., Almar, E., Maldonado, J., Pereira, A., Sánchez, J., Payo, F., Huerta, I., Boman, Sweden: G., Janson, C., Björnsson, E., Rosenhall, L., Norrman, E., Lundback, B., Lindholm, N., Plaschke, P., Ackermann Liebrich, Switzerland: U., Künzli, N., Perruchoud, A., Burr, United Kingdom: M., Layzqll, J., Hall, R., Harrison, B., Stark, J., Buist, United States: S., Vollmer, W., and Osborne, M.
- Subjects
- 2002
24. Occupation, chronic bronchitis, and lung function in young adults - An international study
- Author
Zock, JP, Sunyer, J, Kogevinas, M, Kromhout, H, Burney, P, Anto, JM, and University of Groningen
- Subjects
We studied the relationship between occupational exposures, chronic bronchitis, and lung function in a general population survey in 14 industrialized countries, including 13,253 men and women aged 20 to 44 yr. We studied associations between occupational group, occupational exposures, bronchitis symptoms (cough and phlegm production for at least 3 mo each year), FEV1, and nonspecific bronchial responsiveness (NSBR) separately in lifetime nonsmokers, cigarette smokers, and ex-smokers. Occupational exposure to vapors, gas, dust, or fumes, estimated with a job exposure matrix (JEM), was associated with chronic bronchitis among current smokers only (prevalence ratio (PR): 1.2 to 1.7). The interaction of occupational exposure with smelting, however, was not statistically significant (p > 0.1). Self-reported exposure was related to chronic bronchitis in all smoking groups. An increased risk for chronic bronchitis was found in agricultural, textile, paper, wood, chemical, and food processing workers, being more pronounced in smokers. Lung function and NSBR were not clearly related to occupational exposures. Findings were similar for asthmatic and nonasthmatic subjects. in conclusion, occupational exposures contributed to the occurrence of chronic (industrial) bronchitis in young adults. Fixed airflow limitation was not evident, probably due to the relatively young age of this population.
- Published
- 2001
25. Early Life Working Group of the European Respiratory Health Survey
- Author
Svanes, C, Zock, JP, Anto, j, Dharmages, S, Norbäck, D, Svanes, C, Zock, JP, Anto, j, Dharmages, S, and Norbäck, D
- Published
- 2006
26. Genome-Wide Interaction Study on occupational hazards and asthma, the European Community Respiratory Health Survey (ECRHS)
- Author
Kogevinas, M, primary, Espinosa, A, additional, Gonzalez, JR, additional, Bustamante, M, additional, Zock, JP, additional, Bouzigon, E, additional, and Jarvis, D, additional
- Published
- 2011
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- Author
- Subjects
A measuring system is described for the determination of oxygen consumption (V-O2) and carbon dioxide production (V-CO2) in swimming rats. V-O2 and V-CO2 were measured by means of an O-2-analyzer (Ametek S3A) and a mass spectrometer (Balzers QMG 511), respectively, combined with a gas flow meter. The measurements were made in a 5-1 metabolic chamber on top of a swimming pool in which a water flow of 0.22 mis was maintained. The rats were fitted with an indwelling catheter with its tip at the entrance of the right atrium for the repeated determination of energy substrate and hormone concentrations, before, during, and after swimming. The inaccuracy of the V-O2, and V-CO2, measurements was 0.18% and 0.31% of the reading, respectively; the Imprecision was 2.15% and 2.59%. This high accuracy and precision of the system was attained by measuring room air for 20 s after each 100 s of measuring air from the metabolic chamber, and by using demineralized water in the swimming pool. V-O2, during steady-state swimming was 1.89 +/- 0.06 mmol/kg . min (ca. 60% V-O2max), indicating moderate exercise. Respiratory quotient (RQ), during steady-state exercise, was 0.80 +/- 0.01. V-O2, and RQ resulted in rates for carbohydrate and fat utilization of 15.6 +/- 0.8 and 15.1 +/- 0.7 mg/kg . min, respectively.
- Published
- 1994
- Author
ZOCK, JP, Vaupel, P, Zander, R, and Bruley, DF
- Published
- 1994
- Author
ZOCK, JP, Vaupel, P, Zander, R, and Bruley, DF
- Published
- 1994
30. House dust mite allergen in bedroom floor dust and respiratory health of children with asthmatic symptoms
- Author
Zock, JP, primary, Brunekreef, B, additional, Hazebroek-Kampschreur, AA, additional, and Roosjen, CW, additional
- Published
- 1994
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31. Persistent respiratory symptoms in clean-up workers 5 years after the Prestige oil spill.
- Author
Zock JP, Rodríguez-Trigo G, Rodríguez-Rodríguez E, Espinosa A, Pozo-Rodríguez F, Gómez F, Fuster C, Castaño-Vinyals G, Antó JM, and Barberà JA
- Abstract
Objectives Fishermen who had participated in clean-up activities of the Prestige oil spill showed an excess risk of respiratory symptoms 1-2 years later, but the long-term persistence of these health effects is unclear. The aim of this study was to evaluate the persistence of these respiratory symptoms 5 years after clean-up work. Methods Subgroups of 501 fishermen who had been exposed to clean-up work and 177 non-exposed individuals were re-interviewed by telephone in 2008, including the same symptom questions as in the initial survey. Associations between participation in clean-up work and respiratory symptoms were assessed using log-binomial and multinomial regression analyses adjusting for sex, age and smoking. Results Information from 466 exposed (93%) and 156 non-exposed (88%) fishermen was obtained. The prevalence of lower respiratory tract symptoms (including wheeze, shortness of breath, cough and phlegm) had slightly decreased in both groups, but remained higher among the exposed (RR 1.4, 95% CI 1.1 to 1.9). The risk of having persistent respiratory symptoms (reported both at baseline and at follow-up) increased with the degree of exposure: RR ratio 1.7 (95% CI 0.9 to 3.1) and 3.3 (95% CI 1.8 to 6.2) for moderately and highly exposed, respectively, when compared with those without any symptoms. Findings for nasal symptoms and for respiratory medication usage were similar. Conclusions Participation in clean-up activities of oil spills may result in respiratory symptoms that persist up to 5 years after exposure. Guidelines for preventive measures and a continued surveillance of clean-up workers of oil spills are necessary. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2012
32. A workforce-based study of occupational exposures and asthma symptoms in cleaning workers.
- Author
Vizcaya D, Mirabelli MC, Antó JM, Orriols R, Burgos F, Arjona L, and Zock JP
- Abstract
Objectives To study associations between use of cleaning products and asthma symptoms in cleaning workers. Methods Information on respiratory symptoms, history of asthma, workplaces, use of cleaning products and acute inhalation incidents were obtained through a self-administered questionnaire. 917 employees of 37 cleaning companies in Barcelona were studied. 761 (83%) were current cleaners, 86 (9%) former cleaners and 70 (8%) had never worked as cleaners. Multivariable logistic regression analyses were used to evaluate the associations between specific exposures among current cleaners and wheeze without having a cold, chronic cough and current asthma. Associations with an asthma symptom score were also studied using negative binomial regression analyses to report mean ratios. Results After adjusting for sex, age, nationality and smoking status, the prevalence of current asthma was non-significantly higher among current (OR 1.9; 95% CI 0.5 to 7.8) and former cleaners (OR 1.9; CI 0.6 to 5.5) than in never cleaners. Cleaners working in hospitals during the last year had a significantly increased prevalence of wheeze, current asthma and a 1.8 (95% CI 1.2 to 2.8) times higher mean asthma score. Use of hydrochloric acid was strongly associated with asthma score (mean ratio 1.7; 95% CI 1.1 to 2.6). Use of ammonia, degreasers, multiple purpose products and waxes was also associated with asthma score. Conclusions Cleaning work in places with high demand for disinfection, high cleaning standards and use of cleaning products containing respiratory irritants is associated with higher risk of asthma symptoms. This suggests irritants have an important role in cleaning-related asthma. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2011
33. Health changes in fishermen 2 years after clean-up of the Prestige oil spill.
- Author
Rodríguez-Trigo G, Zock JP, Pozo-Rodríguez F, Gómez FP, Monyarch G, Bouso L, Coll MD, Verea H, Antó JM, Fuster C, Barberà JA, and SEPAR-Prestige Study Group
- Abstract
BACKGROUND: In 2002, the oil tanker Prestige spilled more than 67,000 tons of bunker oil, heavily contaminating the coast of northwestern Spain. OBJECTIVE: To assess respiratory effects and chromosomal damage in clean-up workers of the oil spill 2 years after the exposure. DESIGN: Cross-sectional study. SETTING: Fishermen cooperatives in coastal villages. PARTICIPANTS: Local fishermen who were highly exposed (n = 501) or not exposed (n = 177) to oil 2 years after the spill. MEASUREMENTS: Respiratory symptoms; forced spirometry; methacholine challenge; markers of oxidative stress (8-isoprostane), airway inflammation (interleukins, tumor necrosis factor-[alpha], and interferon-[gamma]), and growth factor activity in exhaled breath condensate; and chromosomal lesions and structural alterations in circulating lymphocytes. RESULTS: Compared with nonexposed participants, persons exposed to oil were at increased risk for lower respiratory tract symptoms (risk difference, 8.0 [95% CI, 1.1 to 14.8]). Lung function did not significantly differ between the groups. Among nonsmoking participants, exposed individuals had higher exhaled 8-isoprostane levels than nonexposed individuals (geometric mean ratio, 2.5 [CI, 1.7 to 3.7]), and exposed individuals with lower respiratory tract symptoms had higher 8-isoprostane levels than those of exposed individuals without symptoms. Exposed nonsmoking participants also had higher levels of exhaled vascular endothelial growth factor (risk difference, 44.8 [CI, 27.9 to 61.6]) and basic fibroblast growth factor (risk difference, 16.0 [CI, 3.5 to 28.6]). A higher proportion of exposed participants had structural chromosomal alterations (risk difference, 27.4 [CI, 10.0 to 44.8]), predominantly unbalanced alterations. The risk for elevated levels of exhaled 8-isoprostane, vascular endothelial growth factor, and basic fibroblast growth factor and structural chromosomal alterations seemed to increase with intensity of exposure to clean-up work. LIMITATIONS: The clinical significance of exhaled biomarkers and chromosomal findings are uncertain. The association between oil exposure and the observed changes may not be causal. The findings may not apply to spills involving other types of oil or to different populations of oil spill workers. CONCLUSION: Participation in clean-up of a major oil spill was associated with persistent respiratory symptoms, elevated markers of airway injury in breath condensate, and chromosomal damage. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2010
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34. Occupational exposures and asthma in health-care workers: comparison of self-reports with a workplace-specific job exposure matrix.
- Author
Delclos GL, Gimeno D, Arif AA, Benavides FG, and Zock JP
- Abstract
The authors compared self-reported occupational exposures with a workplace-specific job exposure matrix (JEM) in a 2004 survey of Texas health-care professionals (n = 3,650), by asthma status. Sensitivity, specificity, chance-corrected (kappa) and chance-independent (phi) agreement, and associations of self-reported exposures with asthma were compared with those for the JEM. Among asthmatics, the median sensitivity of self-reported exposures was 74% (range, 53-90); specificity was 64% (range, 27-74). For nonasthmatics, median sensitivity was 67% (range, 40-88) and specificity was 70% (range, 33-82). Sensitivity was higher among asthmatics for exposures involving perceptible odors. Specificity was higher among nonasthmatics for instrument cleaning and exposure to adhesives/solvents. Asthmatics showed better agreement with the JEM for patient-care-related cleaning (phi = 0.51 vs. 0.40); there was little difference for other exposures. In all cases, confidence intervals overlapped. Prevalence ratios were higher with self-reported exposures than with the JEM; differences were greatest for cleaning products, adhesives/solvents, and gases/vapors. However, confidence intervals overlapped with those obtained using the JEM. In asthma studies, differential reporting bias by health status should be taken into consideration. Findings favor using externally developed methods of exposure classification, although information gleaned from examining distributions of exposure self-reports, particularly among nondiseased persons, can provide useful information for improving the reliability of exposure ascertainment. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2009
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35. Impact of occupational exposure on severity of COPD.
- Author
Rodríguez E, Ferrer J, Martí S, Zock JP, Plana E, Morell F, Rodríguez, Esther, Ferrer, Jaume, Martí, Sergi, Zock, Jan-Paul, Plana, Estel, and Morell, Ferran
- Abstract
Background: The relationship between occupational exposures and COPD has been analyzed in population-based and occupational cohort studies. However, the influence of these exposures on the clinical characteristics of COPD is not well known. The aim of this study was to analyze the impact of occupational exposures on respiratory symptoms, lung function, and employment status in a series of COPD patients.Methods: We conducted a cross-sectional study of 185 male COPD patients. Patients underwent baseline spirometry and answered a questionnaire that included information on respiratory symptoms, hospitalizations for COPD, smoking habits, current employment status, and lifetime occupational history. Exposure to biological dust, mineral dust, and gases and fumes was assessed using an ad hoc job exposure matrix.Results: Having worked in a job with high exposure to mineral dust or to any dusts, gas, or fumes was associated with an FEV(1) of < 30% predicted (mineral dust: relative risk ratio, 11; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.4 to 95; dusts, gas, or fumes: relative risk ratio, 6.9; 95% CI, 1.1 to 45). High exposure to biological dust was associated with chronic sputum production (odds ratio [OR], 4.3; 95% CI, 1.6 to 12), dyspnea (OR, 2.7; 95% CI, 1.1 to 6.7), and work inactivity (OR, 2.4; 95% CI, 1.4 to 4.2). High exposure to dusts, gas, or fumes was associated with sputum production (OR, 2.8; 95% CI, 1.2 to 6.7) and dyspnea (OR, 1.2; 95% CI, 1.1 to 1.4).Conclusions: Occupational exposures are independently associated with the severity of airflow limitation, respiratory symptoms, and work inactivity in patients with COPD. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]- Published
- 2008
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36. A population-based study on welding exposures at work and respiratory symptoms.
- Author
Lillienberg L, Zock JP, Kromhout H, Plana E, Jarvis D, Torén K, and Kogevinas M
- Published
- 2008
37. The use of household cleaning sprays and adult asthma: an international longitudinal study.
- Author
Zock JP, Plana E, Jarvis D, Antó JM, Kromhout H, Kennedy SM, Künzli N, Villani S, Olivieri M, Torén K, Radon K, Sunyer J, Dahlman-Hoglund A, Norbäck D, Kogevinas M, Zock, Jan-Paul, Plana, Estel, Jarvis, Deborah, Antó, Josep M, and Kromhout, Hans
- Abstract
Rationale: Cleaning work and professional use of certain cleaning products have been associated with asthma, but respiratory effects of nonprofessional home cleaning have rarely been studied.Objectives: To investigate the risk of new-onset asthma in relation to the use of common household cleaners.Methods: Within the follow-up of the European Community Respiratory Health Survey in 10 countries, we identified 3,503 persons doing the cleaning in their homes and who were free of asthma at baseline. Frequency of use of 15 types of cleaning products was obtained in a face-to-face interview at follow-up. We studied the incidence of asthma defined as physician diagnosis and as symptoms or medication usage at follow-up. Associations between asthma and the use of cleaning products were evaluated using multivariable Cox proportional hazards or log-binomial regression analysis.Measurements and Main Results: The use of cleaning sprays at least weekly (42% of participants) was associated with the incidence of asthma symptoms or medication (relative risk [RR], 1.49; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.12-1.99) and wheeze (RR, 1.39; 95% CI, 1.06-1.80). The incidence of physician-diagnosed asthma was higher among those using sprays at least 4 days per week (RR, 2.11; 95% CI, 1.15-3.89). These associations were consistent for subgroups and not modified by atopy. Dose-response relationships (P < 0.05) were apparent for the frequency of use and the number of different sprays. Risks were predominantly found for the commonly used glass-cleaning, furniture, and air-refreshing sprays. Cleaning products not applied in spray form were not associated with asthma.Conclusions: Frequent use of common household cleaning sprays may be an important risk factor for adult asthma. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]- Published
- 2007
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38. Exposure to substances in the workplace and new-onset asthma: an international prospective population-based study (ECRHS-II)
- Author
Kogevinas M, Zock JP, Jarvis D, Kromhout H, Lillienberg L, Plana E, Radon K, Torén K, Alliksoo A, Benke G, Blanc PD, Dahlman-Hoglund A, D'Errico A, Héry M, Kennedy S, Kunzli N, Leynaert B, Mirabelli MC, Muniozguren N, and Norbäck D
- Published
- 2007
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39. Lung function decline, chronic bronchitis, and occupational exposures in young adults.
- Author
Sunyer J, Zock JP, Kromhout H, Garcia-Esteban R, Radon K, Jarvis D, Toren K, Künzli N, Norbäck D, d'Errico A, Urrutia I, Payo F, Olivieri M, Villani S, Van Sprundel M, Antó JM, Kogevinas M, and Occupational Group of the European Community Respiratory Health Survey
- Abstract
Rationale: Occupational exposures to vapors, gas, dust, or fumes have been shown to be a risk factor of airway obstruction in cross-sectional studies in the general population.Objectives: Our aim was to study the relationships between specific occupations and occupational exposures during a 9-yr follow-up period and changes in lung function and symptoms of chronic bronchitis.Methods: Subjects from the general population aged 20 to 45 yr were randomly selected in 1991-1993 within the European Community Respiratory Health Survey. Follow-up took place from 1998 to 2002 among 4,079 males and 4,461 females in 27 study centers. A total of 3,202 men and 3,279 women twice completed lung function measurements. Job history during follow-up was linked to a job exposure matrix and consequently translated into cumulative exposure estimates.Main Results: Individuals exposed to dusts, gases, and fumes during the period of follow-up did not have a steeper decline of FEV[1] than did individuals with consistently white-collar occupations without occupational exposures (relative change among men and women, + 1.4 and-3.1 ml/yr, respectively; p > 0.2), nor an increase of prevalence or incidence of airway obstruction defined as an FEV[1]/FVC ratio of less than 0.7. The incidence of chronic phlegm increased in men exposed to mineral dust (relative risk, 1.94 [1.29-2.91]) and gases and fumes (relative risk, 1.53 [0.99-2.36]), which was not modified by smoking.Conclusion: Occupational exposures to dusts, gases, and fumes occurring during the 1990s are associated with incidence of chronic bronchitis, although these did not impair lung function in a population of relatively young age. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2005
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40. Health effects of oil spills: lessons from the Prestige.
- Author
Zock JP, Rodríguez-Trigo G, Pozo-Rodríguez F, and Barberà JA
- Published
- 2011
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- Author
- Published
- 1987
- Author
Zock, JP
- Published
- 1985
- Author
ZOCK, JP and University of Groningen
- Published
- 1987
44. GA(2)LEN (Global Allergy and Asthma European Network) addresses the allergy and asthma 'epidemic'
- Author
Peter H. Howarth, Ewa Nizankowska-Mogilnicka, Holger J. Schünemann, A Szczecklik, Marek L. Kowalski, Philippe-Jean Bousquet, Peter Burney, Katja Radon, N Auvergne, Erkka Valovirta, G. Lenzen, Nikolaos G. Papadopoulos, Paul Van Cauwenberge, M. Salapatas, Bert Brunekreef, Mark Gjomarkaj, Josep M. Antó, Tari Haahtela, T. Zuberbier, G.W. Canonica, J. Ring, Ana Todo-Bom, Jan Lötvall, Elina Toskala, Karin C. Lødrup-Carlsen, Cezmi A. Akdis, Claus Bachert, J Mullol, W. J. Fokkens, Francine Kauffmann, J P Zock, K-H. Carlsen, Jean Bousquet, Magnus Wickman, Sergio Bonini, Carsten Bindslev-Jensen, E. von Mutius, AII - Amsterdam institute for Infection and Immunity, Ear, Nose and Throat, Bousquet, J, Burney, Pg, Zuberbier, T, Cauwenberge, Pv, Akdis, Ca, BINDSLEV JENSEN, C, Bonini, Sergio, Fokkens, Wj, Kauffmann, F, Kowalski, Ml, LODRUP CARLSEN, K, Mullol, J, NIZANKOWSKA MOGILNICKA, E, Papadopoulos, N, Toskala, E, Wickman, M, Anto, J, Auvergne, N, Bachert, C, Bousquet, Pj, Brunekreef, B, Canonica, Gw, Carlsen, Kh, Gjomarkaj, M, Haahtela, T, Howarth, P, Lenzen, G, Lotvall, J, Radon, K, Ring, J, Salapatas, M, Schünemann, Hj, Szczecklik, A, TODO BOM, A, Valovirta, E, VON MUTIUS, E, Zock, Jp, Risk Assessment of Toxic and Immunomodulatory Agents, and Dep IRAS
- Subjects
Male ,Economic growth ,Allergy ,media_common.quotation_subject ,International Cooperation ,Immunology ,Globality ,03 medical and health sciences ,0302 clinical medicine ,Sex Factors ,Excellence ,medicine ,Hypersensitivity ,Immunology and Allergy ,Network of excellence ,media_common.cataloged_instance ,Humans ,European union ,Cooperative Behavior ,Program Development ,030304 developmental biology ,media_common ,Asthma ,0303 health sciences ,Clinical Trials as Topic ,business.industry ,Environmental exposure ,Environmental Exposure ,Allergens ,medicine.disease ,3. Good health ,Europe ,030228 respiratory system ,European Research Area ,Female ,business - Abstract
Udgivelsesdato: 2009-Jul Allergic diseases represent a major health problem in Europe. They are increasing in prevalence, severity and costs. The Global Allergy and Asthma European Network (GA(2)LEN), a Sixth EU Framework Program for Research and Technological Development (FP6) Network of Excellence, was created in 2005 as a vehicle to ensure excellence in research bringing together research and clinical institutions to combat fragmentation in the European research area and to tackle allergy in its globality. The Global Allergy and Asthma European Network has benefited greatly from the voluntary efforts of researchers who are strongly committed to this model of pan-European collaboration. The network was organized in order to increase networking for scientific projects in allergy and asthma around Europe and to make GA(2)LEN the world leader in the field. Besides these activities, research has also been carried out and the first papers are being published. Achievements of the Global Allergy and Asthma European Network can be grouped as follows: (i) those for a durable infrastructure built up during the project phase, (ii) those which are project-related and based on these novel infrastructures, and (iii) the development and implementation of guidelines. The major achievements of GA(2)LEN are reported in this paper.
- Published
- 2009
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45. A case-control study of the relation between plasma selenium and asthma in European populations:a GAL2EN project
- Author
P, Burney, J, Potts, J, Makowska, M, Kowalski, J, Phillips, L, Gnatiuc, S, Shaheen, G, Joos, P, Van Cauwenberge, T, van Zele, K, Verbruggen, Y, van Durme, I, Derudder, S, Wohrl, J, Godnic-Cvar, B, Salameh, L, Skadhauge, G, Thomsen, T, Zuberbier, K C, Bergmann, L, Heinzerling, H, Renz, N, Al-Fakhri, B, Kosche, A, Hildenberg, N G, Papadopoulos, P, Xepapadaki, K, Zannikos, M, Gjomarkaj, A, Bruno, E, Pace, S, Bonini, M, Bresciani, C, Gramiccioni, W, Fokkens, E J M, Weersink, K-H, Carlsen, E, Bakkeheim, C, Loureiro, C M, Villanueva, C, Sanjuas, J-P, Zock, B, Lundback, C, Janson, Burney, P, Potts, J, Makowska, J, Kowalski, M, Phillips, J, Gnatiuc, L, Shaheen, S, Joos, G, VAN CAUWENBERGE, P, VAN ZELE, T, Verbruggen, K, VAN DURME, Y, Derudder, I, Wohrl, S, GODNIC CVAR, J, Salameh, B, Skadhauge, L, Thomsen, G, Zuberbier, T, Bergmann, Kc, Heinzerling, L, Renz, H, AL FAKHRI, N, Kosche, B, Hildenberg, A, Papadopoulos, Ng, Xepapadaki, P, Zannikos, K, Gjomarkaj, M, Bruno, A, Pace, E, Bonini, Sergio, Bresciani, M, Gramiccioni, C, Fokkens, W, Weersink, Ej, Carlsen, Kh, Bakkeheim, E, Loureiro, C, Villanueva, Cm, Sanjuas, C, Zock, Jp, Lundback, B, Janson, C., Amsterdam institute for Infection and Immunity, Ear, Nose and Throat, and Pulmonology
- Subjects
Adult ,Male ,Risk ,Adolescent ,Smoking ,Nutritional Requirements ,Confounding Factors, Epidemiologic ,Middle Aged ,Confounding Factors (Epidemiology) ,Severity of Illness Index ,Asthma ,Europe ,Selenium ,Logistic Models ,Case-Control Studies ,Dietary Supplements ,Confidence Intervals ,Odds Ratio ,Prevalence ,Humans ,Female ,Child - Abstract
Udgivelsesdato: July BACKGROUND: There is evidence that selenium levels are relatively low in Europe and may be falling. Low levels of selenium or low activity of some of the enzymes dependent on selenium have been associated with asthma. METHODS: The GA(2)LEN network has organized a multicentre case-control study in Europe to assess the relation of plasma selenium to asthma. The network compared 569 cases in 14 European centres with a diagnosis of asthma and reporting asthma symptoms in the last 12 months with 576 controls from the same centres with no diagnosis of asthma and no asthmatic symptoms in the last 12 months. RESULTS: All cases and controls were selected from the same population defined by age and place of residence. Mean plasma selenium concentrations among the controls ranged from 116.3 microg/l in Palermo to 67.7 microg/l in Vienna and 56.1 microg/l among the children in Oslo. Random effects meta-analysis of the results from the centres showed no overall association between asthma and plasma selenium [odds ratio (OR)/10 microg/l increase in plasma selenium: 1.04; 95% confidence interval (CI): 0.89-1.21] though there was a significantly protective effect in Lodz (OR: 0.48; 95% CI: 0.29-0.78) and a marginally significant adverse effect in Amsterdam (OR: 1.68; 95% CI: 0.98-2.90) and Ghent (OR: 1.35; 95% CI: 1.03-1.77). CONCLUSION: This study does not support a role for selenium in protection against asthma, but effect modification and confounding cannot be ruled out.
- Published
- 2008
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- Author
J, Bousquet, W, Fokkens, P, Burney, S R, Durham, C, Bachert, C A, Akdis, G W, Canonica, S-E, Dahlen, T, Zuberbier, T, Bieber, S, Bonini, P J, Bousquet, J L, Brozek, L-O, Cardell, R, Crameri, A, Custovic, P, Demoly, R G, van Wijk, M, Gjomarkaj, C, Holland, P, Howarth, M, Humbert, S L, Johnston, F, Kauffmann, M L, Kowalski, B, Lambrecht, S, Lehmann, B, Leynaert, K, Lodrup-Carlsen, J, Mullol, B, Niggemann, E, Nizankowska-Mogilnicka, N, Papadopoulos, G, Passalacqua, H J, Schünemann, H-U, Simon, A, Todo-Bom, E, Toskala, R, Valenta, M, Wickman, J P, Zock, Bousquet, J, Fokkens, W, Burney, P, Durham, Sr, Bachert, C, Akdis, Ca, Canonica, Gw, Dahlen, Se, Zuberbier, T, Bieber, T, Bonini, Sergio, Bousquet, Pj, Brozek, Jl, Cardell, Lo, Crameri, R, Custovic, A, Demoly, P, VAN WIJK, Rg, Gjomarkaj, M, Holland, C, Howarth, P, Humbert, M, Johnston, Sl, Kauffmann, F, Kowalski, Ml, Lambrecht, B, Lehmann, S, Leynaert, B, LODRUP CARLSEN, K, Mullol, J, Niggemann, B, NIZANKOWSKA MOGILNICKA, E, Papadopoulos, N, Passalacqua, G, Schünemann, Hj, Simon, Hu, TODO BOM, A, Toskala, E, Valenta, R, Wickman, M, Zock, Jp, Institut de génétique humaine (IGH), Université de Montpellier (UM)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Internal Medicine, Pulmonary Medicine, and University of Zurich
- Subjects
Proteomics ,2403 Immunology ,[SDV.GEN]Life Sciences [q-bio]/Genetics ,Anti-Inflammatory Agents, Non-Steroidal ,Disease Management ,Autoimmunity ,610 Medicine & health ,Comorbidity ,Dendritic Cells ,Genomics ,Immunoglobulin E ,T-Lymphocytes, Regulatory ,Immunity, Innate ,Cohort Studies ,Europe ,Phenotype ,10183 Swiss Institute of Allergy and Asthma Research ,Surveys and Questionnaires ,Prevalence ,2723 Immunology and Allergy ,Humans ,Sinusitis ,ComputingMilieux_MISCELLANEOUS ,Rhinitis - Abstract
Nonallergic rhinitis (NAR) can be defined as a chronic nasal inflammation which is not caused by systemic IgE-dependent mechanisms. It is common and probably affects far more than 200 million people worldwide. Both children and adults are affected. However, its exact prevalence is unknown and its phenotypes need to be evaluated using appropriate methods to better understand its pathophysiology, diagnosis and management. It is important to differentiate between infectious rhinitis, allergic/NAR and chronic rhinosinusitis, as management differs for each of these cases. Characterization of the phenotype, mechanisms and management of NAR represents one of the major unmet needs in allergic and nonallergic diseases. Studies on children and adults are required in order to appreciate the prevalence, phenotype, severity and co-morbidities of NAR. These studies should compare allergic and NAR and consider different age group populations including elderly subjects. Mechanistic studies should be carried out to better understand the disease(s) and risk factors and to guide towards an improved diagnosis and therapy. These studies need to take the heterogeneity of NAR into account. It is likely that neuronal mechanisms, T cells, innate immunity and possibly auto-immune responses all play a role in NAR and may also contribute to the symptoms of allergic rhinitis.
- Published
- 2008
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47. A Qualitative Assessment of Changes in Occupational Exposures Among Healthcare Facility Workers.
- Author
Gimeno Ruiz de Porras D, Patel J, Conway S, Pompeii L, Mitchell LE, Carson A, Whitehead LW, Han I, Zock JP, Henneberger PK, Patel R, De Los Reyes J, and Delclos GL
- Abstract
Adult-onset asthma, notably prevalent among healthcare professionals, especially nurses, is often attributed to occupational factors such as exposure to cleaning agents. Studies consistently underscore the substantial role of such exposure in work-related asthma among hospital staff. We aimed to (a) identify and characterize current practices in cleaning and aerosolized medication administration; (b) assess changes in practices since a similar 2003 study of Texas healthcare workers; and (c) identify factors contributing to diverse exposures within healthcare job categories. We conducted focus groups with 38 participants in 6 healthcare settings, analyzing current practices, changes since 2003, and factors contributing to exposure diversity. We used a three-step approach for data analysis, including sociodemographic characterization, a scissor-and-sort technique for exposure description, and qualitative content analysis. Participants were primarily healthcare providers (76%) and housekeepers/cleaners (11%) who reported exposure to aerosolized medications, cleaning products, adhesives, and solvents. Participants reported transitioning from cleaning practices to new formulas with reduced odors and shifting from spray cleansers to wipes. Personal protective equipment (PPE) used during cleaning tasks varied, with training differing among job categories. Aerosolized medication administration varied among facilities, with reported medication types and protocol changes over time. The results emphasized the significance of maintaining uniform protection, disseminating knowledge, and consistently adhering to PPE protocols in the healthcare environment. Addressing the identified gaps in comprehension and potential sources of exposure variability requires additional focus on occupational health and safety initiatives., Competing Interests: Conflict of InterestThe author(s) declared no potential conflicts of interest with respect to the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article.
- Published
- 2024
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48. Occupational Exposures, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease and Tomographic Findings in the Spanish Population.
- Author
Loeb E, Zock JP, Miravitlles M, Rodríguez E, Kromhout H, Vermeulen R, Soler-Cataluña JJ, Soriano JB, García-Río F, de Lucas P, Alfageme I, Casanova C, González-Moro JR, Ancochea J, Cosío BG, and Ferrer Sancho J
- Abstract
Self-reported occupational exposure was previously associated with COPD in the Spanish population. This study aimed to analyse the relationship between occupational exposure to various chemical and biological agents, COPD, emphysema, and the bronchial wall area, which was determined by lung computed tomography (CT) in 226 individuals with COPD and 300 individuals without COPD. Lifetime occupational exposures were assessed using the ALOHA(+) job exposure matrix, and CT and spirometry were also performed. COPD was associated with high exposure to vapours, gases, dust and fumes (VGDF) (OR 2.25 95% CI 1.19-4.22), biological dust (OR 3.01 95% CI 1.22-7.45), gases/fumes (OR 2.49 95% CI 1.20-5.17) and with exposure to various types of solvents. High exposure to gases/fumes, chlorinated solvents and metals (coefficient 8.65 95% CI 1.21-16.09, 11.91 95%CI 0.46- 23.36, 14.45 95% CI 4.42-24.49, respectively) and low exposure to aromatic solvents (coefficient 8.43 95% CI 1.16-15.70) were associated with a low 15th percentile of lung density indicating emphysema. We conclude that occupational exposure to several specific agents is associated with COPD and emphysema in the Spanish population.
- Published
- 2024
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49. Urinary concentrations of phthalate/DINCH metabolites and body mass index among European children and adolescents in the HBM4EU Aligned Studies: A cross-sectional multi-country study.
- Author
Desalegn A, Schillemans T, Papadopoulou E, Sakhi AK, Haug LS, Henriette Caspersen I, Rodriguez-Carrillo A, Remy S, Schoeters G, Covaci A, Laeremans M, Fernández MF, Pedraza-Diaz S, Kold Jensen T, Frederiksen H, Åkesson A, Cox B, Cynthia D'Cruz S, Rambaud L, Riou M, Kolossa-Gehring M, Gerofke A, Murawski A, Vogel N, Gabriel C, Karakitsios S, Papaioannou N, Sarigiannis D, Barbone F, Rosolen V, Lignell S, Karin Lindroos A, Snoj Tratnik J, Stajnko A, Kosjek T, Tkalec Ž, Fabelova L, Palkovicova Murinova L, Kolena B, Wimmerova S, Szigeti T, Középesy S, van den Brand A, Zock JP, Janasik B, Wasowicz W, De Decker A, De Henauw S, Govarts E, and Iszatt N
- Subjects
- Humans, Adolescent, Child, Europe, Cross-Sectional Studies, Male, Female, Biological Monitoring, Phthalic Acids urine, Body Mass Index, Environmental Pollutants urine, Environmental Pollutants metabolism, Environmental Exposure analysis
- Abstract
Background: Phthalates are ubiquitous in the environment. Despite short half-lives, chronic exposure can lead to endocrine disruption. The safety of phthalate substitute DINCH is unclear., Objective: To evaluate associations between urinary concentrations of phthalate/DINCH metabolites and body mass index (BMI) z-score among children and adolescents., Method: We used Human Biomonitoring for Europe Aligned Studies data from 2876 children (12 studies, 6-12 years, 2014-2021) and 2499 adolescents (10 studies, 12-18 years, 2014-2021) with up to 14 phthalate/DINCH urinary metabolites. We used multilevel linear regression to assess associations between phthalate/DINCH concentrations and BMI z-scores, testing effect modification by sex. In a subset, Bayesian kernel machine regression (BKMR) and quantile-based g-computation assessed important predictors and mixture effects., Results: In children, we found few associations in single pollutant models and no interactions by sex (p-interaction > 0.1). BKMR detected no relevant exposures (posterior inclusion probabilities, PIPs < 0.25), nor joint mixture effect. In adolescent single pollutant analysis, mono-ethyl phthalate (MEP) concentrations were associated with higher BMI z-score in males (β = 0.08, 95 % CI: 0.001,0.15, per interquartile range increase in ln-transformed concentrations, p-interaction = 0.06). Conversely, mono-isobutyl phthalate (MiBP) was associated with a lower BMI z-score in both sexes (β = -0.13, 95 % CI: -0.19, -0.07, p-interaction = 0.74), as was sum of di(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (∑DEHP) metabolites in females only (β = -0.08, 95 % CI: -0.14, -0.02, p-interaction = 0.01). In BKMR, higher BMI z-scores were predicted by MEP (PIP=0.90) and MBzP (PIP=0.84) in males. Lower BMI z-scores were predicted by MiBP (PIP=0.999), OH-MIDP (PIP=0.88) and OH-MINCH (PIP=0.72) in both sexes, less robustly by DEHP (PIP=0.61) in females. In quantile g-computation, the overall mixture effect was null for males, and trended negative for females (β = -0.11, 95 % CI: -0.25, 0.03, per joint exposure quantile)., Conclusion: In this large Europe-wide study, we found age/sex-specific differences between phthalate metabolites and BMI z-score, stronger in adolescents. Longitudinal studies with repeated phthalate measurements are needed., Competing Interests: Declaration of competing interest The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence the work reported in this paper., (Copyright © 2024 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.. All rights reserved.)
- Published
- 2024
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50. Association between occupational exposure and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and respiratory symptoms in the Spanish population.
- Author
Loeb E, Zock JP, Miravitlles M, Rodríguez E, Soler-Cataluña JJ, Soriano JB, García-Río F, de Lucas P, Alfageme I, Casanova C, Rodríguez González-Moro JM, Ancochea J, Cosío BG, and Ferrer Sancho J
- Subjects
- Humans, Female, Middle Aged, Aged, Male, Cross-Sectional Studies, Gases, Spirometry, Dust, Risk Factors, Pulmonary Disease, Chronic Obstructive epidemiology, Pulmonary Disease, Chronic Obstructive etiology, Pulmonary Disease, Chronic Obstructive diagnosis, Occupational Exposure adverse effects, Occupational Diseases epidemiology, Occupational Diseases etiology
- Abstract
Introduction: The aim of this study was to analyze the impact of occupational exposure on chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and respiratory symptoms in the general Spanish population., Methods: This was a study nested in the Spanish EPISCAN II cross-sectional epidemiological study that included participants who had completed a structured questionnaire on their occupational history, a questionnaire on respiratory symptoms, and forced spirometry. The data were analyzed using Chi-square and Student's t tests and adjusted models of multiple linear regression and logistic regression., Results: We studied 7502 subjects, 51.1% women, with a mean age of 60±11 years. Overall, 53.2% reported some respiratory symptoms, 7.9% had respiratory symptoms during their work activity, 54.2% were or had been smokers, and 11.3% (851 subjects) met COPD criteria on spirometry. A total of 3056 subjects (40.7%) reported exposure to vapors, gases, dust or fumes (VGDF); occupational exposure to VGDF was independently associated with the presence of COPD (OR 1.22, 95% CI: 1.03-1.44), respiratory symptoms (OR 1.45, 95%: CI 1.30-1.61), and respiratory symptoms at work (OR 4.69, 95% CI: 3.82-5.77), with a population attributable fraction for COPD of 8.2%., Conclusions: Occupational exposure is associated with a higher risk of COPD and respiratory symptoms in the Spanish population. These results highlight the need to follow strict prevention measures to protect the respiratory health of workers., (Copyright © 2023 SEPAR. Published by Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.)
- Published
- 2024
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