Predmet istraživanja u okviru ove doktorske disertacije jeste model logistike primorskih turistickih podrucja, koja predstavljaju poseban i jedinstven turisticki prostor sa vecim brojem gradova i više manjih turistickih mjesta. Karakteristika ovih podrucja, jeste da su ona u svom razvoju dominantno inkorporirala istorijisku komponentu, sa svim karakteristikama u pogledu: (i) bliske povezanosti sa vodnom površinom, (ii) zbijenih gradskih jezgara sa koncentracijom generatora logistickih aktivnosti u okviru istih, (iii) uskih jednosmernih ulica sa otežanom realizacijom teretnog transporta, (iv) zagušenja na prilaznim putevima u odredenim vremenskim intervalima, (v) dominantne zastupljenosti drumskog vida saobracaja u dopremi robe, (vi) želje da se nade adekvatan model snabdijevanja gradskog jezgara i turistickih naselja, a da to ne naruši kvalitet turisticke ponude i ambijenta. Istraživanje relacije: geografski prostor profil logistike klasterizacija (zoning) mrežna struktura logistickih centara lokacijsko-alokacijski problem optimizacija procesa snabdijevanja predstavlja osnovu modeliranja u disertaciji. Shodno tome, razvijen je novi originalni integrisani model logistike turisticko regiona - MoLoTuRe, za koga je primjenom kombinatorne optimizacije definisana optimizaciona procedura Dynamic multiechelon, multiitem locating problem with heterogenous fleet – DYMEMULP. Model predstavlja multidimenzionalni konceptualni model razvoja turistickog regiona u cilju postizanja vecih ekonomskih, prostornih, tehnicko – tehnoloških i ekoloških efekata. Isti povezuje sistemsku, transportnu, organizacionu i informaticku koncepciju. Kod razvoja modela imao se u vidu zadatak koji isti treba da ostvari, a to je, optimalno i savremeno povezivanje više funkcija: tranzit, skladištenje i snabdijevanje regiona, u jedan funkcionalni model, koji treba da inkorporira strategije i koncepcije logistike (JIT, outsourcing, 3PL, 4PL,...). Osnovna karakteristika ovakvog modela logistike jeste, primjena logistickih principa u povezivanju privrednih, tranzitnih i snabdevackih funkcija turistickih regiona i orijentacija na ocuvanje životne sredine, nareduciranje teretnog transporta, na preraspodjelu robnog transporta izmedu drumskog i vodnog vida transporta i stvaranje sistema koji ce integrisati, koordinisati i kontrolisati robne tokove i sisteme, u cilju razvoja više sfere usluge turistickih podrucja. U uslovima prisutne ekspanzije logistickih aktivnosti u turistickim podrucjima, i sve veceg prostornog ogranicenja u okviru istog, kreiranje kooperativnog modela distribucije predstavlja jedno od mogucih održivih rešenja. U težnji da se eliminiše sve što je nepotrebno u procesu realizacije logistickih tokova, nametnula se ideja unapredenja postojecih distributivnih sistemskih rešenja, kako bi krajnji rezultat bio razvoj win - win situacija svih ucesnika u logistickom lancu. Nova distributivna rešenja zasnovana na kooperaciji drumskog i vodnog sistema transporta, mogu uticati na stvaranje niza pozitivnih efekata: (i) smanjenje ukupnih troškova logistike turistickih subjekata, (ii) povecanje fleksibilnosti, pouzdanosti i kvaliteta u snabdijevanju objekata, (iii) smanjenje zagušenosti saobracaja, (iv) smanjenje ekološkog zagadenja, (v) kreiranje više sfvere turisticke usluge, (vi) povecanje stepena bezbjednosti, itd. The subject of research within this PhD thesis, is the logistic model on seaside tourist areas, which presents special and unique tourist space with a large number of cities and several smaller tourist localities. Characteristic of these areas is that they, within their devepolment, predominantly incorporated hystorical component in all its characteristics, more precisely: (i) close connection with water area, (ii) thick city nucleus with high concentration of logistic activity generators within the same, (iii) narrow one-way streets with difficult realization of cargo transport, (iv) congestions on approach roads in specific time intervals, (v) predominant road transportation in delivery of goods, (vi) desire to find appropriate model of supply to city nucleus and trourist settlements, in a way not to disturb the quality of tourist offer and ambient. Research of relations: geographical space profile of logistics clustering (zoning) network structure of logistic centers location-allocation problem optimization of delivery process represents the basis of modeling in the thesis. In accordance with that, a new original integrated model of logistics for tourist regions - MoLoTuRe has been developed, for which, through application of combinatorial optimization, a optimization procedure Dynamic multiechelon, multiitem locating problem with heterogenous fleet – DYMEMULP has been defined. The model itself presents a multidimensional conceptual model of development of tourist region aiming at reaching bigger economic, spatial, technical – technological and envronmental effects. It is connecting systematic, transport, organizational and informatics concepts. At model development, the objective that needs to be reached has been borne in mind, i.e. optimal and modern connection of several functions, such as: transit, storage, and supply of regions, within one functional model which also needs to ncorporate logistic strategies and concepts (JIT, outsourcing, 3PL, 4PL, ...). Basic characteristic of this logistic model is implementation of logistic principles in connecting economic, transit and supply functions of tourist regions and orientation towards environmental protection, reduction of transport of goods, redistribution of transport of goods between road and water means of transport and creation of the system that will integrate, coordinate and control goods flows and systems, aiming at development of a higher sphere of services in tourist regions. In circumstances of existing expansion of logistic activities in tourist regions, as well as constantly increasing spatial limits within the same, creation of a cooperative model of distribution represents one of possible sustainalbe solutions. With the aim to eliminate everything that is unnecessary in the process of realization of logistic flows, the idea of improving existing distribution system solutions has been imposed, having as final result development of win – win situations for all participants in logistic chain. New distribution solutions based on cooperation between road and water systems of transport, may have an influence on making the series of positive effects: (i) reduction of overall costs of logistics for tourist subjects, (ii) increase of flexibility, reliability, and quality in supplying objects, (iii) reduction of traffic congestions, (iv) reduction of environmental pollution, (v) creation of a higher sphere of tourist service, (vi) increase of sefety level, etc.