V diplomski nalogi avtor proučuje problematiko izbrisa, razpada Jugoslavije in posledično nastanek Republike Slovenije. Slovenske oblasti so le nekaj mesecev po osamosvojitvi iz registra stalnih prebivalcev Republike Slovenije samovoljno, brez pravne podlage izbrisale 25.671 oseb. Žrtve izbrisa so bili državljani bivših republik SFRJ, ki niso zaprosili za državljanstvo Republike Slovenije po 40. členu Zakona o državljanstvu Republike Slovenije ali jim je bila izdana negativna odločba. Za te osebe so tako začele veljati določbe Zakona o tujcih. Praktično čez noč so ti ljudje postali tujci na ozemlju države, v kateri so živeli in delali velik del svojega življenja. Nekateri so bili v Sloveniji celo rojeni. Izbrisani so kaj kmalu postali predmet politične manipulacije. Vladajoče elite so problem izbrisanih s skrajno primitivno metodo komuniciranja izkoriščale za doseganje lastnih političnih ciljev. Sistematično kršenje človekovih pravic in temeljnih svoboščin jih niti malo ni zanimalo. Prvo resno opozorilo sta zakonodajna in izvršilna veja oblasti prejeli leta 1999, ko je Ustavno sodišče odločilo, da je Zakon o tujcih v neskladju z Ustavo Republike Slovenije. Ugotovilo je, da je bil izbris nezakonito dejanje državnih oblasti. Ustavno sodišče je v tej odločbi zakonodajalcu naložilo obveznost, da popravi nastale krivice. To je vsaj navidezno skušalo storiti, a ukrep ni šel v pričakovano smer. Zato je Ustavno sodišče leta 2003 sprejelo v odločanje Zakon o urejanju statusa državljanov drugih držav naslednic nekdanje SFRJ v Republiki Sloveniji, ki ga je razglasilo za protiustavnega, saj državljanom drugih republik nekdanje SFRJ, ki so bili 26. februarja 1992 izbrisani iz registra stalnega prebivalstva, od navedenega dne ni priznala stalnega prebivanja. Od takrat naprej smo bili priča še intenzivnejšim diskreditacijam izbrisanih, politična elita pa je postala za reševanje njihovega problema praktično nema. Vse do leta 2010, ko je Ministrstvo za notranje zadeve pod vodstvom takratne ministrice začelo s postopki za implementacijo odločbe Ustavnega sodišča iz leta 2003. Sistematsko kršenje človekovih pravic ni moglo dolgo ostati skrito pred očmi mednarodne javnosti. Opozorila o kršenju pravic izbrisanim so prihajala praktično iz vseh uglednih mednarodnih institucij, ki se ukvarjajo z zaščito človekovih pravic. Čedalje bolj so bili glasni očitki, da je Republika Slovenija izbrisanim kršila mnoge človekove pravice, ki so priznane tudi s pravnimi akti mednarodnega prava. V ta namen tudi avtor daje velik poudarek mednarodnopravnemu varstvu človekovih pravic. Največji preboj, ki je tlakoval pot sistemski ureditvi problematike izbrisanih, zagotovo predstavlja sodba Velikega senata Evropskega sodišča za človekove pravice v zadevi Kurić in drugi proti Sloveniji. Pritožnikom je s to sodbo bila priznana pravica do odškodnine zaradi izbrisa, ki je pred domačimi sodišči izbrisani verjetno ne bi nikoli dočakali. Poleg odškodnin je Evropsko sodišče za človekove pravice v sodbi od Republike Slovenije zahtevalo vzpostavitev sistemske rešitve problema izbrisanih z vzpostavitvijo odškodninske sheme. Problem izbrisanih še vse do današnjih dni ni v celoti rešen. Mnogo izbrisanih še danes čaka na pravično odpravo krivic. Odgovornost Vlade Republike Slovenije, da izpere trdovraten madež naše osamosvojitve in državnosti, je ogromna. Treba bo storiti vse, da si Republika Slovenija s pravično rešitvijo vsaj malo povrne izgubljen ugled in kredibilnost v mednarodni skupnosti. In this thesis, the author studies the problem of the "erasure", the dissolution of Yugoslavia and, as a consequence, the formation of the Republic of Slovenia. Only a few months after Slovenia gained independence, the Slovenian authorities had arbitrarily and without legal ground erased 25,671 persons from the Permanent Population Register of Republic of Slovenia. The victims of the "erasure" were citizens of former Republics of SFRY who did not apply for citizenship of the Republic of Slovenia under the Article 40 of the Citizenship of the Republic of Slovenia Act or whose application for citizenship was refused. The provisions of the Aliens Act became applicable for these people. Practically over night, these people became aliens within the territory of a country in which they had lived and worked for a great part of their lives. Some of them were even born in Slovenia. The "erased" soon became subject to political manipulation. For their own political goals, the ruling elites took advantage of the problem of the "erased" with an extremely primitive method of communication. The systematic violation of human rights and fundamental freedoms was the least of their concerns. The legislative and executive branches received the first serious warning in 1999 when the Constitutional Court decided that the Aliens Act was inconsistent with the Constitution of the Republic of Slovenia. The court established that the "erasure" was a wrongful act of state authority. In this Decision, the Constitutional Court obliged the legislature to correct this injustice. It appeared that they had tried to correct it however, this measure did not work as well as expected. Therefore, in 2003, the Constitutional Court decided on the Act Regulating the Legal Status of Citizens of Former Yugoslavia Living in the Republic of Slovenia, and declared this Act as unconstitutional, as it did not recognize the citizens of other Republics of the former SFRY who were removed from the register of permanent residents on 26 February 1992, permanent residence from the mentioned date. Since then, we had witnessed even more intensive discrediting of the "erased", and the political elite had become practically numb in finding a solution for this problem. Up until 2010, when the Ministry of Interior, under the authority of the then minister, began the processes of implementation of the Decision of the Constitutional Court from 2003. The systematic violation of human rights could not stay hidden from the eyes of international public for too long. Warnings about violation of the rights of the "erased" had started coming from practically all the respected international institutions dealing with defending human rights. The accusations that the Republic of Slovenia violated many human rights of the "erased", the rights which are recognized by the legal acts of the international law, became increasingly loud. To this end, the author of this thesis places heavy emphasis on the meaning of the international legal protection of human rights. The greatest breakthrough, which paved the way for regulatory framework of problems of the "erased", was definitely the ruling of the Grand Chamber of the European Court of Human Rights on the Kurić and Others v. Slovenia case. The complainants were given the right to compensation due to the "erasure" the "erased" would have probably never gotten this right before national courts. Beside these compensations, the European Court of Human Rights also demanded that the Republic of Slovenia creates a systematic solution of the problem of the "erased" by establishing a compensation scheme. To this day, the problem of the "erased" has not been fully resolved. A great number of the "erased" is still waiting for a rightful abolition of this injustice. The Government of the Republic of Slovenia has an immense responsibility to remove this stubborn stain on our independence and statehood. It will take every effort for the Republic of Slovenia to restore the lost reputation and credibility in the international community.