13 results on '"Yugoslav Radical Union"'
Search Results
2. Belgrade students and political organizations 1935-1941
- Author
Bondžić Dragomir M. and Ristanović Rade D.
- Subjects
kingdom of yugoslavia ,belgrade ,students ,ideology ,demonstrations ,communists ,serbian culture club ,democratic part ,zbor ,yugoslav radical union ,slovenski jug ,History of scholarship and learning. The humanities ,AZ20-999 - Abstract
During the period between two world wars a dynamic political life took place among the students of the University of Belgrade. The University gathered thousands, close to 10,000 young people on the night of the outbreak of World War II. This attracted political parties to form student political organizations among Belgrade students and to propagate the political and ideological views they supported. Among the political organizations that were present at the University of Belgrade, especially during the second half of the 1930s, were: the Communist Party of Yugoslavia and the League of Communist Youth of Yugoslavia, the Democratic Student Club, the Youth Section of the Serbian Cultural Club, the Student Club of the Yugoslav Radical Union Slovenski Jug and the Youth Organization Zbor. Of all these organizations, the greatest influence during the 1930s was exerted by the Communists, who, although illegal, persecuted and few in number, formed an extensive network of cells at the faculties, and zealously, organized and aggressively acted among the student population. Insisting on a radical solution to the existing general political and socio-economic problems, as well as university and student issues, attracted a large number of Belgrade students to the communist student movement, who took part in numerous demonstrations, strikes and incidents. The ideological-political platform and forms of action of other political organizations at the University, primarily national and right oriented, were largely directed against the influence and actions of communist students. After the outbreak of World War II and the signing of the Ribbentrop-Molotov Pact in 1939, the mutual relations of political organizations at the University became significantly strained. Opposing organizations of Belgrade student youth fought a verbal war on the night of the outbreak of the Second World War on the territory of Yugoslavia, but also often real street battles, in which all the irreconcilability and sharpness of conflicting ideologies of wider political organizations they represented were manifested. It will soon turn out that it was just a preparation for serious, armed and bloody conflicts during the civil war that broke out as part of World War II.
- Published
- 2020
3. Albanian and Turkish National Minorities in the Yugoslav Radical Union's Local Policy
- Author
Dušan, Fundić, Dušan, Fundić, Dušan, Fundić, and Dušan, Fundić
- Abstract
In this paper, I aim to show the main currents in the attitude of the ruling Yugoslav Radical Union and the Albanian and Turkish minorities toward the central objective of the ruling party, or to be more precise, its Serbian-dominated part, to establish prevalence in the region they considered to be “Southern Serbia”.
- Published
- 2023
4. “Being capable or incapable of governing a great Yugoslavia”: The Serbian Right Wing and the Ideologies of Yugoslavism (1934–1941)
- Author
Fundić, Dušan, Fundić, Dušan, Fundić, Dušan, and Fundić, Dušan
- Abstract
The paper explores the ideological frameworks and political practices concerning the idea of Yugoslavism in the ranks of the heterogeneous movements covered by the umbrella term of the Serbian right wing. It is important to note that, for a significant number of political parties, movements and individuals, the attribute “Serbian” is used to reflect their regional origin and ethnic characteristics commonly associated with belonging to the Serbian community, as well as the vague distinction between the terms Serbdom and Yugoslavdom in the interwar period.
- Published
- 2022
5. An Uncomfortable Relationship: the Serbian Right Wing and National Minorities (1934–1941)
- Author
Fundić, Dušan, Fundić, Dušan, Fundić, Dušan, and Fundić, Dušan
- Abstract
This paper will focus on the minorities that played an important role in the politics of Serbian right-wing parties and will therefore not take into consideration, for instance, the Czechoslovakian community, which, as a Slavic ethnic group, was not seen with a negative bias or as a cause of concern. Special emphasis will be placed on the “northern” and “southern” minorities divided according to their geographic distribution in Yugoslavia. The first group included the Germans, Hungarians and Romanians, and the second the Albanians and the small Turkish community. The concluding part of the paper, dedicated to the period 1939-1941, will take a look at the political radicalization in Yugoslavia and the shift in the status of minorities, focusing on the Jews, who began to be seen as “different” and a national minority as late as 1940. As for political parties in Yugoslavia, the paper will focus on the Yugoslav Radical Union as the ruling party from 1935 to 1941 and the Yugoslav People’s M...
- Published
- 2022
6. The Serbian Right-Wing Parties and Intellectuals in the Kingdom of Yugoslavia, 1934-1941
- Abstract
This edited volume embarks on an in-depth analysis of the main features of the political ideology and activities of the Serbian right wing from the assassination of King Alexander Karadjordjević in October 1934 to the Kingdom of Yugoslavia's destruction in April 1941 during the Second World War. This is a period that constitutes a distinctive era in Yugoslav history, which also coincides with the Europe-wide rise of right-wing extremism, a congruence that justifies the chosen time-frame. More specifically, it examines the ruling Yugoslav Radical Union (JRZ) under both its presidents, Milan Stojadinović and Dragiša Cvetković, Stojadinović's Serbian Radical Party (SRS), Dimitrije Ljotić's ZBOR and Svetislav Hodjera's Yugoslav People's Party (Borbaši), with special reference to the influential theories from fascism studies. In addition, there is also a selection of prominent intellectuals, eminent writers and clerics, whose outlook and activities informed, to a certain degree, the political climate of right-wing politics in Serbia/Yugoslavia. Scrutinizing their work and publicly aired views might provide more nuanced and distinctive insights into the complex reality of right-wing attitudes than those obtained from studying political parties and government agencies.
- Published
- 2022
7. The Serbian Right-Wing Parties and Intellectuals in the Kingdom of Yugoslavia, 1934-1941
- Author
Bakić, Dragan
- Subjects
Dimitrije Ljotić ,Dragiša Cvetković ,national minorities ,Yugoslav People's Party (Borbaši) ,fascistization ,Djoko Slijepčević ,Milan Stojadinović ,ZBOR ,right-wing nationalism ,Stanislav Krakov ,Svetosavlje (Saint Savaness) ,Yugoslavism ,Serbian Radical Party ,Yugoslav Radical Union ,Svetislav Hodjera ,Justin Popović ,Miloš Crnjanski ,Nikolaj Velimirović ,Dimitrije Najdanović ,Vladimir Velmar-Janković ,Dragiša Vasić - Abstract
This edited volume embarks on an in-depth analysis of the main features of the political ideology and activities of the Serbian right wing from the assassination of King Alexander Karadjordjević in October 1934 to the Kingdom of Yugoslavia's destruction in April 1941 during the Second World War. This is a period that constitutes a distinctive era in Yugoslav history, which also coincides with the Europe-wide rise of right-wing extremism, a congruence that justifies the chosen time-frame. More specifically, it examines the ruling Yugoslav Radical Union (JRZ) under both its presidents, Milan Stojadinović and Dragiša Cvetković, Stojadinović's Serbian Radical Party (SRS), Dimitrije Ljotić's ZBOR and Svetislav Hodjera's Yugoslav People's Party (Borbaši), with special reference to the influential theories from fascism studies. In addition, there is also a selection of prominent intellectuals, eminent writers and clerics, whose outlook and activities informed, to a certain degree, the political climate of right-wing politics in Serbia/Yugoslavia. Scrutinizing their work and publicly aired views might provide more nuanced and distinctive insights into the complex reality of right-wing attitudes than those obtained from studying political parties and government agencies.
- Published
- 2022
8. Položaj Slovencev v drugi polovici tridesetih let v Kraljevini Jugoslaviji.
- Author
- Abstract
The present article was written during the postgraduate study of History in the Department of History at the Faculty of Arts of the University of Ljubljana and when researching for the dissertation titled The Drava Banovina in the Second Half of the 1930s in the Kingdom of Yugoslavia (1935-1941) at the Faculty of Arts of the University of Maribor, at the History Department - field of study History after 1918 (part-time study). In the article, I analyzed the period of so-called Banate Administration in Slovenian area of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia in all its segments and historical circumstances in the second half of the 1930s, including efforts to establish Banates of Slovenia which started to emerge intensively in the last quarter of 1939. The influence of Slovenia and Slovenians in the Kingdom of Yugoslavia are clearly evident from the statistics and analyses of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Kingdom Yugoslavia on diplomatic and consular representatives of the Kingdom which is preserved in the Archives of Yugoslavia in the collection of Milan Stojadinovič (AJ 37 Collection). [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2016
9. "Spahina" Islamska vjerska zajednica. Izmedu obnove vakufske autonomije i stranackog nadzora 1935.-1938.
- Author
Hasanbegovic, Zlatko
- Subjects
MUSLIMS in non-Islamic countries ,ULAMA ,RELIGION - Abstract
Based mostly on unpublished archival material, the paper analyzes and interprets the circumstances within the Islamic religious community in the Kingdom of Yugoslavia following the 1935 parliamentary elections and the entry of Mehmed Spaho and the Yugoslav Radical Union. By means of Stojadinovic's concession to Spaho, religious, educational and Waqf autonomy of the Islamic community, that was restricted during the dictatorship introduced in 1929, was once again established. The autonomy was renewed by giving the Muslim members within the Yugoslav Radical Union control over institutions of Islamic religious communities, and by introduction a previously unknown form of laicism that considerably limited the influence of ulema in religious and Waqf activities. This led to a conflict between some of the ulema and Spaho's supporters, which marked the social life of the Muslims and influenced political and party relations. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2010
10. The Drava Banovina in the Second Half of the 1930s and their situation in the Kingdom of Yugoslavia (1935–1941)
- Author
Šmid, Gašper and Friš, Darko
- Subjects
banski svet ,The Banovina of Croatia ,Ban's assembley ,banovina Slovenija ,autonomy ,Kraljevina Jugoslavija ,avtonomija ,domestic policy ,banovina Hrvaška ,udc:94(497.4)"1935/1941"(043.3) ,The Banovina of Slovenia ,Dravska banovina 1935–1941 ,Kingdom of Yugoslavia ,notranja politika ,political parties ,Yugoslav Radical Union ,politične stranke ,history 1935–1941 ,Jugoslovanska radikalna zajednica ,The Drava Banovina 1935–1941 - Abstract
V doktorski disertaciji z naslovom Dravska banovina v drugi polovici tridesetih let in vpliv Slovencev v Kraljevini Jugoslaviji (1935–1941) je predstavljen položaj Dravske banovine v političnem, ekonomskem, socialnem, narodnostnem in diplomatskem vidiku od vstopa nekdanje Slovenske ljudske stranke v vlado pa do začetka druge svetovne vojne na slovenskem ozemlju, ki je bilo vključeno v Kraljevino Jugoslavijo. To je čas zaostrenih mednarodno-političnih razmer v Evropi, ki so jih vzpostavile totalitaristične ideje fašizma, nacizma in komunizma. Podobno zaostreno stanje je bilo zaradi nacionalnih trenj in ideoloških spopadov tudi v Kraljevini Jugoslaviji in posledično tudi v Sloveniji. Banski svet Dravske banovine je bil v tem času nezadovoljen z zgolj posvetovalno funkcijo in je želel pridobiti čim večjo avtonomijo, zlasti v finančnem okviru, ki bi pripeljala do t. i. Banovine Slovenije, federativne upravno enote pod vodstvom bana, z lastnimi pristojnostmi v gospodarstvu, šolstvu, socialnih in notranjih zadevah ter financah, ki bi bile omejene samo na njeno ozemlje. Stanje oziroma vpliv Dravske banovine in Slovencev v Kraljevini Jugoslaviji je bilo ugotovljeno iz statistike in analiz o diplomatsko-konzularnih predstavnikih, zapisanih v arhivskem gradivu Ministrstva za zunanje zadeve Kraljevine Jugoslavije, ki ga hranijo v Arhivu Jugoslavije v zbirki AJ 37 dr. Milana Stojadinovića. V takratni Jugoslaviji so namreč vse odločitve nastajale, se usklajevale in potrjevale v centru, in sicer v Beogradu. V poglavju o nemški manjšini na Kočevskem je bila potrjena takratna situacija, predstavljene pa so bile tudi nove ugotovitve o življenju in sobivanju Slovencev s predstavniki nemške manjšine v zadnjih letih pred drugo svetovno vojno. Pričujoče delo je nastalo na podlagi arhivskega gradiva, ki ga hranita Arhiv Republike Slovenije v Ljubljani in Arhiv Jugoslavije v Beogradu, s pomočjo uradnih listov, časopisnega gradiva ter znanstvene in strokovne literature. This doctoral dissertation, entitled The Drava banovina in the second half of the 1930s in the Kingdom of Yugoslavia (1935–1941), presents the political, economic, social, national and diplomatic aspects of the Drava banovina from the moment the former Slovenian People's Party entered the government and to the beginning of World War II on the Slovenian territory, which belonged to the Kingdom of Yugoslavia. That period was marked by political tensions across Europe which were generated by totalitarian ideas of Fascism, Nazism and Communism. The situation was quite similar in the Kingdom of Yugoslavia and consequently in Slovenia due to national tension and ideological differences. At that time the Ban's Council was rather dissatisfied with having a consultative role and worked towards gaining more autonomy, especially financial autonomy. That would lead to the establishment of a Slovenian banovina, a federative administrative unit led by the ban and which had its own authority over the economy, education, social and home affairs, and finance within its territory. The influence of the Drava banovina on the Slovenians and their situation in the Kingdom of Yugoslavia was established on the basis of statistics and analyses of diplomatic and consular representatives found in archival records of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia, which are being kept in Dr Milan Stojadinović's collection (AJ 37). At the time all the decisions in Yugoslavia were made, harmonised and confirmed in Belgrade, the centre. The chapter discussing the German minority in the area of Kočevje confirms that. It also discusses the new findings about the life of Slovenians and their co-habitation with the German minority in the last few years before World War II. This dissertation was based on archival records kept by the Archives of the Republic of Slovenia in Ljubljana and the Archives of Yugoslavia in Belgrade, official gazettes, newspapers as well as scientific and scholarly literature.
- Published
- 2018
11. Operation of the catholic camp in Celje between 1935 - 1941
- Author
Bratina, Andrej and Friš, Darko
- Subjects
katoliški tabor ,Catholic camp ,camps ,JRZ ,Farmers' association ,udc:329(497.4Celje)"1935/1941"(043.2) ,Celje ,politično življenje ,volitve ,tabori ,Yugoslav Radical Union ,political life ,elections ,Kmečka zveza - Abstract
Čas od smrti kralja Aleksandra, leta 1935, do začetka druge svetovne vojne v Jugoslaviji, leta 1941, je bil čas postopne demokratizacije političnega življenja, oživela pa so tudi različna društva in organizacije. Te spremembe so se odražale tudi v Celju, kjer se je v tem času organizirala nova vsedržavna stranka JRZ za celjski okraj, katere del je bila tudi vodilna katoliška stranka v Dravski banovini, Koroščeva SLS. Med leti 1935–1941 so v Celju oživela tudi številna katoliška društva in organizacije. V tem času je bilo za Celje značilno pestro politično življenje, predvsem organiziranje nove stranke JRZ, prav tako pa so bili za ta čas značilni katoliški tabori fantov in mož ter zbori in tabori Kmečke zveze. Med leti 1935–1941 so potekale tudi volitve v narodno skupščino, prve so bile leta 1935, druge pa leta 1938. The period from the death of King Alexander in 1935 to the beginning of World War II in Yugoslavia in 1941was the period of gradual democratisation of political life. Many societies and organisations also came to life. These changes were also present in Celje, where a new nationwide political party, Yugoslav Radical Union, for the district of Celje was being organized at that time. The leading “Catholic” party, Slovene People’s party led by Korošec, in Drava Banovina was also a part of it. Between 1935 and 1941 many Catholic societies and organisations came to life. A diverse political life was typical for Celje in this time, especially in organisation of a new political party Yugoslav Radical Union, as well as “Catholic camps of boys and men”, conventions and camps of Farmers’ association. Yugoslav parliamentary elections were held between 1935 and 1941. The first elections were held in 1935 and the second elections in 1938.
- Published
- 2016
12. Djelovanje Jugoslavenske radikalne zajednice u doba Banovine Hrvatske (1939–1941)
- Author
Regan, Krešimir
- Subjects
Yugoslav Radical Union ,the Banovina of Croatia ,the movement »Serbs, unite!« ,the Great Serbian ideology ,federalism ,Unitarianism ,Milan Stojadinović ,Dragiša Cvetković ,Jugoslavenska radikalna zajednica ,Banovina Hrvatska ,pokret »Srbi na okup« ,velikosrpska ideologija ,federalizam ,unitarizam - Abstract
Jugoslavenska radikalna zajednica (JRZ) je od 1935. do 1941. bila vladajuća stranka Kraljevine Jugoslavije. Do 1939. godine njezin rad temeljio se na unitarističkoj, a u razdoblju 1939–1941. na federalističkoj jugoslavenskoj ideologiji. Promjena ideologije uvjetovala je neformalni raspad JRZ-a na slovensku, muslimansku i srpsku frakciju, a ubrzo i raspad srpske frakcije na pristaše federalnoga uređenja Jugoslavije te na pristaše stvaranja velike Srbije., Since 1935 until 1941, the Yugoslav Radical Union party (JRZ) was the ruling party of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia. Until 1939 its activity was based on the ideology of a Unitarian, and during the period 1939-1941 on the ideology of a federal Yugoslavia. The change of ideology caused an unofficial breakup of the JRZ to the Slovene, Muslim and Serbian factions, and was soon followed by the partition of the Serbian faction to the supporters of the federal organisation of Yugoslavia and the supporters of establishing the Great Serbia.
- Published
- 2007
13. Idejnopolitični značaj SLS od leta 1935 do začetka vojne leta 1941
- Author
Vidovič Miklavčič, Anka
- Subjects
Slovene People's Party ,corporativism ,Slovenia ,National Council ,Tripartite Pact ,JRZ ,Narodni svet ,Catholic Action ,Katoliška akcija ,Yugoslav Radical Union ,antikomunizem ,Catholic movement ,katoliško gibanje ,trojni pakt ,Slovenija ,Slovenska ljudska stranka ,korporatvizem ,anti-communism ,Jugoslovanska radikalna zajednica - Abstract
The paper presents the ideological and political shifting in the Slovene section of the Yugoslav Radical Union (YRU) in the latter part of the 1930's. The section assumed its original name 'the Slovene People's Party' (SPP) after the 1941 March putsch. It also indicates the influences behind the ideo-political orientation of the SPP which was closely connected with the Catholic movement. After Dr Anton Korošec joined the Stojadinović government in 1935, a network of the YRU organizations was set up in Dravska banovina, accompanied by the formation and renewal of numerous Roman Catholic organizations. Many of these became 'auxiliary forces' of Catholic Action which, inspired by Papal encyclicals, were supposed to pave the way for Catholic renewal and a corporative (organic) society. After the April breakdown, divisions arose in the SPP and, to an even greater extent, in the Catholic camp. Among the reasons were the authoritarianism of the Party and of the Catholic right wing, inadequate methods of the implementation of the Catholic renewal and ideas, the rejection of political pluralism as well as the seeking of protection of the Italian occupier after the collapse of the State in 1941., Prikaz zajema jugoslovanski del Slovenije v času druge polovice tridesetih let, ko se nakazujejo idejni in politični premiki slovenskega dela JRZ, ki se je po marčnem puču 1941 spet imenovala SLS. Avtorica oriše vse pomemne silnice, ki so krojile idejnopolitično naravnanost SLS v tesni povezanosti s katoliškim gibanjem, s središčno vlogo Katoliške akcije (KA). Po vstopu dr. A. Korošca v Stojadinovićevo vlado (1935) je v Dravski banovini bila hitro zgrajena mreža organizacij JRZ, obenem pa so se živahno obnavljale ali na novo ustanavljale številne katoliške organizacije. Mnoge od teh so postale "pomožne sile" KA, ki so na podlagi papaških okrožnic (Quadragesimo anno in Divini Redemptoris ) utirale pot katoliški obnovi in misli o stanovsko urejeni družbi. Ob tem so zavračali liberalno demokracijo, marksizem, boljševizem in ljudskofrontno povezovanje ter napovedali idejni boj proti komunizmu. Ob aprilskem zlomu je SLS oz. katoliški tabor bil dokaj neenoten, med vzroki so bili avtoritarnost stranke in katoliške desnice, neustrezna taktika in metoda uveljavljanja katoliške obnove in stanovske ideje, zavračanje politične pluralnosti in ob razsulu države aprila 1941 tudi iskanje zaščite pod okupatorji.
- Published
- 2001
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