We describe an optical diagnostics module and the instrumental and methodological features of ultrahigh vac- uum experiments investigating the optical characteristics of condensed media in the short-wavelength (hν ~ 3.5-25 eV) range of the spectrum of probing synchrotron radiation. We give a brief presentation of the re- sults of an experimental determination of the spectral dependence of the luminescence quantum yield and the luminescence excitation spectrum of ablatable polymer dielectrics on the Kurchatov synchrotron radiation source at values of the probing radiation power density (I0 ~ 10 12 photons/cm 2 ⋅sec) that are below threshold for extended surface vaporization and a surface temperature of the condensed targets equal to 77-300 K. Introduction. In photonic power systems with high power density (optical accelerators and plasmatrons, laser plasma injectors, thermionic plasma optical converters, etc.) (1-3), plasma active media, including optical ablation media, at high temperatures (Te ~ 1-5 eV), are a source of broadband short-wavelength radiation with maximum in- tensities in the UV (UVC) and vacuum UV (VUV) regions of the spectrum. The temperature of the structural ele- ments of such power systems in the cycle for different pulsed periodic conditions may vary from cryogenic to phase transition temperatures. Therefore to calculate the heat and mass exchange characteristics, here we need data on the spectral reflection and absorption coefficients, the luminescence quantum yield for the structural materials in the UV- VUV regions of the spectrum over a broad temperature range, taking into account the technologically attainable level of surface treatment. As we know, measurement of the optical characteristics of condensed media in the vacuum UV region of the spectrum presents significant experimental complications, first of all due to the lack of sufficiently bright (at least 1 μW/mrad 2 ⋅nm) and broadband radiation sources in this region of the spectrum and secondly due to the need to make precision measurements under vacuum. Spectroscopy studies of condensed media in the vacuum UV region of the spectrum are conducted mainly using gas-discharge sources with a line emission spectrum, which limits the experimen- tal options in this spectral range both with respect to the number of available frequencies and with respect to the spectral brightness of the probing sources (2, 3). Using synchrotron radiation helps solve this problem. The high spec- tral density, the continuous (from the IR to the x-ray region) emission spectrum, the sharp directionality, and the high degree of polarization, the possibility for accurate determination of the spectral and energy characteristics of the source of probing radiation enable efficient use of synchrotron emitters as a working tool in optics and metrology with the maximum degree of monochromatization of short-wavelength radiation for existing vacuum UV monochromators. The goal of this work was to analyze the instrumental and methodological features of study under ultrahigh vacuum of luminescence excitation spectra and luminescence quantum yield of polymers over a broad range of photon energies for UV-VUV radiation and over a broad temperature range.