Endophytic fungi were isolated from Phoebe bournei (Hemsl.) Yang, and their diversity and antimicrobial and plantgrowth-promoting activities were investigated. Of the 389 isolated endophytic fungi, 88.90% belonged to phylum Ascomycota and 11.10% to phylum Basidiomycota. The isolates were grouped into four taxonomic classes, 11 orders, 30 genera, and 45 species based on internal transcribed spacer sequencing and morphologic analysis. The host showed a strong affinity for the genera Diaporthe and Phyllosticta. The diversity of the fungi was highest in autumn, followed by spring and summer, and was lowest in winter. The fungi exhibited notable tissue specificity in P. bournei, and the species richness and diversity were highest in the root across all seasons. Five isolates showed antimicrobial activity against eight plant pathogens and reduced the incidence of leaf spot disease in P. bournei. Additionally, nine biocontrol isolates showed plant-growth-promoting activity, with five significantly promoting P. bournei seedling growth. This is the first report on the endophytic fungi of P. bournei and their potential applicability to plant disease control and growth promotion. Key words: Phoebe bournei, endophytic fungus, fungal diversity, antifungal activity, plant growth promotion. Des champignons endophytes ont ete isoles chez Phoebe bournei (Hemsl.) Yang et leur diversite ainsi que leurs proprietes antimicrobiennes et leur capacite a promouvoir la croissance ont ete etudiees. Des 389 champignons endophytes qui ont ete isoles, 88,90 % appartenaient au phylum Ascomycota et 11,10 % au phylum Basidiomycota. Les isolats ont ete regroupes dans quatre classes taxonomiques, 11 ordres, 30 genres et 45 especes sur la base du sequencage des espaceurs internes transcrits et de l'analyse morphologique. L'hote avait une forte affinite pour les genres Diaporthe et Phyllosticta. La diversite des champignons etait plus grande a l'automne, suivi du printemps et de l'ete, et plus faible durant l'hiver. Les champignons avaient une specificite notable pour certains tissus de P. bournei et la diversite ainsi que la richesse en especes etaient les plus elevees dans les racines peu importe la saison. Cinq isolats avaient des proprietes antimicrobiennes contre huit phytopathogenes et reduisaient l'incidence de la tache de feuilles chez P. bournei. De plus, neuf isolats pouvant agir comme agents de controle biologique avaient la capacite de promouvoir la croissance et cinq d'entre eux favorisaient la croissance des semis de P. bournei. Il s'agit de la premiere etude portant sur les champignons endophytes de P. bournei et de la possibilite de les utiliser pour lutter contre les maladies et promouvoir la croissance des plantes. [Traduit par la Redaction] Mots-cles: Phoebe bournei, champignon endophyte, diversite fongique, propriete antifongique, promotion de la croissance des plantes., Introduction Endophytic fungi inhabit plants at different points in their life cycle without causing any disease symptoms (Aly et al. 2010). In natural ecosystems, plants live symbiotically with endophytes, which [...]