36 results on '"Yrjö Pessi"'
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2. Some results of measurements at the Leteensuo experimental station relating to the temperatures of air and soil and to the humidity of air in the summer of 1958
- Author
Yrjö Pessi and Mauri Takala
- Subjects
Agriculture ,Agriculture (General) ,S1-972 - Published
- 1959
3. The temperature of peat soil at Leteensuo
- Author
Yrjö Pessi
- Subjects
Agriculture ,Agriculture (General) ,S1-972 - Abstract
The soil temperature at depths of 20, 50 and 100 cm has been higher in the summertime in the cultivated fen soil at Leteensuo than in cultivated Sphagnum peat soil, while the latter again had higher temperatures than Sphagnum bog in its natural state. There is a remarkable difference in soil temperature between two bogs of different geographical location, namely, Leteensuo and Pelsonsuo. At Leteensuo, which lies in the southern part of Finland, the soil begins to warm up at a much earlier date than at Pelsonsuo and the soil temperature is higher. The effective soil temperature (referred to +5°C) at 20 cm depth is nearly twice as high as at Pelsonsuo; at a greater depth it is even three times as high.
- Published
- 1962
4. Points to be considered in the establishment of long-term field trials
- Author
Yrjö Pessi
- Subjects
Agriculture ,Agriculture (General) ,S1-972 - Abstract
On the basis of the experience gained in the long-term field tests at the Experimental Station of Leteensuo, some of the factors have been examined which have to be taken into consideration when tests of this kind are established. It is noted that in the course of time the soil may become increasingly inhomogeneous, e.g. owing to sludge brought in by inundations, and owing to the wear of the peat on cultivated peat land. An initial shaping of the soil surface is essential in the case of cultivated peat lands because non-uniform settling of the soil may occur in the course of time in the test area. The soil surface of the different test members may also settle in different degrees, depending on the treatment involved in the test. Because of soil transportation from one test plot to another, caused by the tilling operations, the location and shape of the test plots are of significance in long-term tests intended to clarify questions associated with soil characteristics.
- Published
- 1964
5. Pystysuorasta lämpötilan jakaantumisesta maan pinnasta ylöspäin ja sen merkityksestä hallantorjunnassa
- Author
Yrjö Pessi
- Subjects
Agriculture ,Agriculture (General) ,S1-972 - Published
- 1955
6. Syysviljojen talvituhosienien torjunta PCNB:llä
- Author
Yrjö Pessi, Mikko Ylänen, O. E. Savas, M. Nieminen, Auvo Leskelä, and Jorma Syvälahti
- Subjects
Agriculture ,Agriculture (General) ,S1-972 - Abstract
Tehdyissä kokeissa vuosina 1966—69 on Kotkaniemen koetilalla Vihdissä saatu PCNB-käsittelyllä useimmiten huomattavia sadonlisäyksiä rukiilla ja syysvehnällä. Alustavat kokeet osoittavat, että 50 %:sen PCNB-ruiskutejauheen, joka sisältää täyteaineena ammoniumsulfaattia, levitys alkutalven löyhälle lumelle tai sijoitus lumen läpi rivilannoituskoneella lannoitteeseen sekoitettuna maan pinnalle, antaa yhtä hyviä tuloksia kuin ennen lumen tuloa tapahtunut levityskin.
- Published
- 1970
7. Some features in the Finnish climate affecting cereal harvesting
- Author
Yrjö Pessi
- Subjects
Agriculture ,Agriculture (General) ,S1-972 - Abstract
On the basis of the present results the inference can be drawn that in Finland weather-induced prerequisites for a lowering of the moisture content of cereals to the desirable level for combine harvesting are the better the earlier the cereals ripen. Weather conditions in which sprouting in the ear is possible occur most commonly during August and September. They are commonest in Helsinki during the period between August 20th and September 10th, although they are not decisively less prevalent at any other time during these months. In more northerly locations weather conditions conducive to sprouting in the ear are rare in the second half of September.
- Published
- 1965
8. The effect of claying carried out in 1923 upon the thermal conditions in cultivated Sphagnum peat soil in the summer of 1959
- Author
Yrjö Pessi
- Subjects
Agriculture ,Agriculture (General) ,S1-972 - Abstract
In the present investigation the significance of claying of cultivated Sphagnum bog was studied from the point of view of the thermal conditions in the soil after a long period. The investigation was carried out when 36 years had passed since clay had been applied to the test area. The results have shown that the claying has caused differences of about 1°C in soil temperature in summer as compared to unclayed soil.
- Published
- 1960
9. The ash content of the plough layer of peat lands cultivated by different methods
- Author
Yrjö Pessi
- Subjects
Agriculture ,Agriculture (General) ,S1-972 - Abstract
The results of this investigation justify the conclusion that the ash content of peat increases under cultivation through the effects of the administered fertilizers and soil improving agents. The ash content is increased in a particularly remarkable degree by addition of mineral soil as a soil improving agent. The ash content in the plough layer of cultivated peat lands which had received an addition of mineral soil as long as 37 years ago was found to be quite high. This would seem to indicate a prolonged effect of mineral soil on the properties of the plough layer. The increase of the ash content in the plough layer of cultivated peat land is obviously one of the factors responsible for the phenomenon that long-term cultivation of peat land slowly deprives the peat of its original character.
- Published
- 1961
10. Results from a soil improvement and fertilizing test on fen land at Leteensuo
- Author
Yrjö Pessi
- Subjects
Agriculture ,Agriculture (General) ,S1-972 - Abstract
Clay and sand, used as soil improving agents, have increased the hay crops as well as the cereal crops. When the fertilization contained phosphates only, the increases in crop yield produced by the soil improvement were quite high. In this case clay developed a higher effect than sand. In connection with phosphate plus potassium fertilization both kinds of mineral soil were approximately equal in value, but their effect fell considerably below that of phosphate fertilization alone. These agents have thus a remarkable potassium fertilizing effect. However, potassium fertilization was not able to account for the entire crop yield-increasing effect of mineral soil. The highest increases in crop yield per unit of mineral soil addition were obtained with the mineral soil quantity of 100 m3 per hectare. The addition of mineral soil has a prolonged effect since the effect has not decreased in the 30 years since the latest soil improving treatment in this test. Phosphate and potassium fertilization are both necessary. For spring cereals and for the annual top dress fertilization of hay meadows the superphosphate quantity of 200—300 kg per hectare is adequate. The requirement of potassium fertilizer varies according to the quantity of soil improving agents and their quality. In all circumstances 200 kg 50 % potassium salt per hectare seems to be a sufficient potassium fertilization for the plants considered in this test. A slightly higher quantity is thought to be necessary for the top dress fertilization of hay meadows without soil improving agents.
- Published
- 1961
11. Fertilization of Sphagnum bogs, on the basis of certain field experiments at Leteensuo
- Author
Yrjö Pessi
- Subjects
Agriculture ,Agriculture (General) ,S1-972 - Abstract
The present investigation is an account of the results from two fertilizing experiments established on Sphagnum bog at the Experimental Station of Leteensuo. The experiments were carried out in 1923 and 1934. The following conclusions can be drawn from the results. Most important in significance among the different nutrients is nitrogen, phosphorus ranging next, and potassium last. Potassium could even cause a reduction in the crop yields. The effect of liming was evident in the form of increased hay crops, whereas the grain yields of oats were reduced by it. Liming has improved the effect of phosphorus particularly in the case of hay. The results also seem to indicate that the relation between potassium and calcium has significance in regard to the reduction of crop yield caused by potassium. Remarkable crop yield increases were obtained by nitrogen fertilizing. The hay crops and the grain and straw crops of oats increased almost linearly with the addition of nitrogen, in the form of calcium nitrate, in quantities up to 90 kg N per hectare. Quantities in excess of this caused hardly any further increase in the crops. The said quantity is suitable for cover manuring of hay meadows, but the most advisable quantity for cereals is thought to be 45—60 kg N per hectare, so that lodging of the crops might be avoided. Nitrogen fertilization does not essentially affect the quality of the grain crops of cereals; on the other hand nitrogen promoted the retention of timothy in the meadow when nitrogen was used in quantities up to 90 kg per hectare. Stable manure increased the crops. This effect was most distinctly evident in the grain and straw crops of oats. The effect of stable manure was still present 15 years after the most recent addition of stable manure.
- Published
- 1960
12. The pH-reaction of the peat in long-term soil improvement and fertilizing trials at the Leteensuo experimental station
- Author
Yrjö Pessi
- Subjects
Agriculture ,Agriculture (General) ,S1-972 - Abstract
The investigation is a report on the pH-reaction in the plough layer of the soil improvement and fertilizing tests carried on at the Experimental Station of Leteensuo during several decades. The tests were located on two areas with a peat layer consisting of Sphagnum peat with pH 3.3, derived from S. fuscum moss in one case, and of forest sedge peat with pH 4.1 in the other. The clay and sand employed as soil improving agents had pH 5.9 and 4.4, respectively. The effect of liming has proved to be relatively prolonged on Sphagnum bog as well as on fen soil. In the test with different rates of lime addition on Sphagnum bog, the pH value was found to increase linearly with the lime quantity. Addition of mineral soil has produced a remarkable increase in pH. Its effect, too, has been highly prolonged. In spite of their different inherent reactions, the sand and clay have exerted largely similar effects on the pH value of the plough layer. Stable manure possesses an effect resulting in an increase of the pH value and this value is also increased by calcium nitrate fertilization, whereas fertilizing with potassium salt and with superphosphate or fine-ground rock phosphate did not affect the reaction of the peat in any noteworthy and distinct degree.
- Published
- 1962
13. Klormekvatin (CCC) vaikutuksesta viljakasvien satoon ja kasvutapaan
- Author
Yrjö Pessi, Mikko Ylänen, and Auvo Leskelä
- Subjects
Agriculture ,Agriculture (General) ,S1-972 - Abstract
Klormekvatti-käsittelyllä (CCC) on Kotkaniemen koetilan olosuhteissa voitu lyhentää ja vahvistaa syysviljojen, kevätvehnän, monitahoisen ohran ja kauran kortta, mikä ilmenee lakoontumisen pienenemisenä. Pyrittäessä voimaperäisellä lannoituksella korkeaan satotasoon, on tällä seikalla huomattava käytännöllinen merkitys useimmilla tutkituista lajikkeista. Aineiston vähäisyyden takia ei päätelmiä voida tehdä Ruso-vehnän ja Pendek-kauran osalta. Suurimmat sadonlisäykset on saatu kevätvehnällä, sitten ovat olleet järjestyksessä ruis ja ohra syysvehnän jäädessä viimeiseksi. Syysviljoilla kevätkäsittely on ollut tehokkaampi kuin syyskäsittely. Kaikilla viljoilla on korsi lyhentynyt sitä enemmän, mitä myöhemmin keväällä käsittely on suoritettu. Ottaen huomioon sadonlisäykset ja muut käytännön näkökohdat, on etusijalle asetettava se ajankohta, jolloin rikkakasvien ruiskutukset suoritetaan. Yleisenä piirteenä on todettavissa, että klormekvatti-käsittely lisää satoa eniten silloin kun kasvuolosuhteet sallivat korkean satotason muodostumisen. Myös sadon laatu paranee tällöin sen ansiosta. Epäedullisissa kasvuoloissa sadonlisäykset jäävät vähäisemmiksi ja sadot saattavat jopa alentua. Tämän vuoksi lannoituksen voimaperäisyyden ja maan muun kunnon huomioonottaminen on tarpeellista klormekvattikäsittelyn yhteydessä mm. käyttömäärien kohdalla.
- Published
- 1970
14. Ilman lämpötilan mittaamisesta erilaisia säteilysuojuksia käyttäen
- Author
Yrjö Pessi
- Subjects
Agriculture ,Agriculture (General) ,S1-972 - Published
- 1954
15. The effect of nitrogen fertilization on the humification of the peat in cultivated Sphagnum bogs
- Author
Yrjö Pessi
- Subjects
Agriculture ,Agriculture (General) ,S1-972 - Abstract
The paper is a report on the volume weights of the ash-free, dry peat on the cultivated Sphagnum bog at Leteensuo found in connection with different degrees of nitrogen fertilization. The volume weight attained higher values under nitrogen fertilization than in the treatments with mere potassium and phosphate fertilization. As the volume weight of peat also increases with increasing humification, the conclusion was drawn from the results that nitrogen fertilization has favoured the humification of Sphagnum peat.
- Published
- 1962
16. The significance of nitrogen mobilization with respect to the development of barley
- Author
Yrjö Pessi and Mauri Takala
- Subjects
Agriculture ,Agriculture (General) ,S1-972 - Abstract
In the investigation has been stated, that up to time of coming into ear the barley had developed at nearly the same rate on the Sphagnum bog and the fen, which are differing distinctly with respect to nitrogen mobilization. However, the period development from the coming into ear to the ripening was nine days shorter on the Sphagnum bog than on the fen site. The temperature of air as well as soil had been largely the same on both sites during the period of development, from the coming into ear to the ripening. It appears likely, therefore, that the longer duration of this period on the fen site would account for the different mobilization of nitrogen.
- Published
- 1959
17. Mutasuon kalkituskokeiden tuloksia Leteensuolta
- Author
Yrjö Pessi
- Subjects
Agriculture ,Agriculture (General) ,S1-972 - Published
- 1959
18. Results of tests made with placement fertilization on the Kotkaniemi experimental farm
- Author
Yrjö Pessi, Mikko Ylänen, Auvo Leskelä, and Jorma Syvälahti
- Subjects
Agriculture ,Agriculture (General) ,S1-972 - Abstract
On the basis of the results of the tests made on clay soils and on soils containing clay the following conclusions can be drawn: Among different nutrients the placement of nitrogen proved to be the most important. Placement of nutrients in rows at a depth of about 8—10 cm gave considerable increases in crop yield compared with ordinary broadcasting. In the two tests where fertilizer and seed were sown in the same row, the crop yield was of the same size as in the case where they were sown separately. Ripening was delayed, however. When fertilizer and seed were sown with separate machines and the fertilizer was placed closer than 10 cm to the seed, urea did not prove as good as nitrochalk.
- Published
- 1970
19. The use of fog and smoke in frost defence
- Author
Yrjö Pessi
- Subjects
Agriculture ,Agriculture (General) ,S1-972 - Published
- 1956
20. The effect of claying upon the settling of the soil surface on cultivated Sphagnum bogs
- Author
Yrjö Pessi
- Subjects
Agriculture ,Agriculture (General) ,S1-972 - Abstract
The present investigation concerns a Sphagnum bog area that has been under cultivation for 35 years. According to the results, the effect of the claying during this time has been the settling of the surface of the soil on an average 12.5 cm more than in unclayed bog.
- Published
- 1960
21. Autumn and winter application of nitrogen fertilizers on clay soils
- Author
Yrjö Pessi, Mikko Ylänen, Auvo Leskelä, and Jorma Syvälahti
- Subjects
Agriculture ,Agriculture (General) ,S1-972 - Abstract
In order to examine the application time of nitrogen given to cereals, several tests have been arranged on the Kotkaniemi Experimental Farm at Vihti ever since 1965. The tests have been carried out on solid clay soils, where the leaching of nitrogen has been expected to be slow. In spring cereals the autumn application of nitrogen in November on frozen soil has given a good crop yield. The protein content of the crop in the plots where nitrogen was given in autumn was lower than in those where the spreading took place in spring. As for winter wheat, application in December has given the best average crop yields but the decline of the protein content is to be considered a disadvantage. In rye, spring fertilization has given the best average crop yield. There has, however, clearly been less lodging in autumn applications than in plots where the nitrogen was spread in the spring. Regarding nitrogen fertilization of autumn sown plants the usual custom in Finland is to give nitrogen in autumn for growth during the autumn and in the spring for the coming growing season. However, as low rainfall is typical ofthe Finnish spring, the effect of nitrogen given by broadcasting in early summer is slow, especially on solid soils like clay. As for spring cereals, the fertilizer placement at a depth of 8 to 10 cms has given distinctly better results than broadcasting and the usual mixing into the soil (Elonen 1967, Larpes 1966 and 1968, Nieminen 1967, Pessi 1970). The difference in the growth intensity has most clearly been evident in the early development of cereals. Simultaneously it has become clear that the placement of nitrogen has been of the greatest importance (Pessi 1970). As during winter in Finland the soil is usually frozen and covered with snow, no noteworthy leaching of nutrients takes place. On the basis of the results and observations mentioned above the question are as to what it would mean in practice in solid soils if the nitrogen was spread already before snowfall or on the snow, when the water from the melting snow would in spring cause the nitrogen to penetrate the soil. For this purpose tests were started on the Kotkaniemi Experimental Farm of Rikkihappo Oy in autumn 1965.
- Published
- 1971
22. The volume weight of the organic matter in the plough layer of peat lands cultivated by different methods
- Author
Yrjö Pessi
- Subjects
Agriculture ,Agriculture (General) ,S1-972 - Abstract
The investigation is a report of the results from determinations of the volume weight of the organic matter in the plough layer of cultivated peat lands. They are believed to justify the following conclusions. As a consequence of continued cultivation through several decades, the volume weight of the organic matter in the plough layer increases. Owing to the fact that cultivation also adds plant residues and root substance to the soil of the plough layer, this increase cannot be positively attributed to the favourable effect of the cultivation measures on the humification of the peat alone, though this effect is certainly thought to be at least partially responsible. The increase of the volume weight is also thought to be one of the reasons why peat lands in the course of continued cultivation gradually evolve a closer resemblance to humus soil. The cultivation methods influence the change in volume weight of the organic matter. Fertilizing, liming and addition of mineral soil for soil improvement usually produce an increase in the volume weight.
- Published
- 1961
23. Fen fertilization with potash in the light of tests at Leteensuo experimental station
- Author
Yrjö Pessi
- Subjects
Agriculture ,Agriculture (General) ,S1-972 - Abstract
On the fen area of the Experimental Station of Leteensuo, with a peat layer consisting of forest sedge peat, potassium fertilization produced a considerable increase of the hay crop yield on the clayed as well as the unclayed bog, when phosphate fertilization had been added. However, clay displayed a considerable potassium fertilizing effect and also other effects, which probably cannot be reproduced by fertilization. The effect of potassium fertilization on the summer cereal crop yield was different in different tests. In two of them, potassium fertilization increased the grain yield but not in the third. The results obtained in this latter instance are thought to have been influenced by the addition of mud through the action of floods. Potassium fertilization had remarkably increased the root crop yields. When phosphate fertilization had not been added, the effect of potassium fertilization was small asa rule. There was no marked difference between the effects of potassium salt and potassium sulphate, although it should be noted that the tests did not contain any treatments with potatoes as the experimental crops, which might show up this difference most clearly.
- Published
- 1960
24. On the influence of plant cover upon soil temperature
- Author
Yrjö Pessi
- Subjects
Agriculture ,Agriculture (General) ,S1-972 - Published
- 1957
25. Fertilizing experiments with anhydrous ammonia at Kotkaniemi
- Author
Yrjö Pessi, Jorma Syvälahti, Auvo Leskelä, and Mikko Ylänen
- Subjects
Agriculture ,Agriculture (General) ,S1-972 - Abstract
On spring cereals and in fertilization in connection with the sowing of winter cereals the effectiveness of ammonia is comparable to that of calcium ammonium nitrate. In tests that were arranged at Rikkihappo Oy’s experimental farm Kotkaniemi it was established that anhydrous ammonia given in connection with spring cereal fertilization and autumn cereal earthing is equal to CAN in effect. 16 tests were carried out during a period of five years using placement fertilization the soil being silty clay in most cases. Differences did not occur in the grain yield, the 1000-grain number hl-weight or in the protein content of the grain crop. Urea proved to be less effective than the two other fertilizers.
- Published
- 1971
26. The Role of Firms in Technological Change — A Company View
- Author
Yrjö Pessi
- Subjects
business.industry ,Technological change ,media_common.quotation_subject ,Oil refinery ,Chemical industry ,Venture capital ,Innovation system ,Independence ,Market economy ,Commerce ,Wood processing ,Market orientation ,business ,media_common - Abstract
Some important background factors were instrumental in the shaping up of the industrial structures in Finland. The wood processing industry, the central sector of our industry, was founded on the basis and availability of domestic raw material. The first years of our national independence saw the beginnings of our basic chemical industry to serve the needs of the young nation and somewhat later the birth of the oil refining and petrochemical industries. Finnish industry developed actively and largely in response to domestic demand and after WWII also to shoulder and carry through the required war reparations.
- Published
- 1994
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27. Syysviljojen talvituhosienien torjunta PCNB:llä
- Author
Mikko Ylänen, O. E. Savas, Yrjö Pessi, Jorma Syvälahti, Auvo Leskelä, and M. Nieminen
- Subjects
lcsh:Agriculture ,lcsh:S ,Articles ,lcsh:Agriculture (General) ,lcsh:S1-972 ,Food Science - Abstract
Tehdyissä kokeissa vuosina 1966—69 on Kotkaniemen koetilalla Vihdissä saatu PCNB-käsittelyllä useimmiten huomattavia sadonlisäyksiä rukiilla ja syysvehnällä. Alustavat kokeet osoittavat, että 50 %:sen PCNB-ruiskutejauheen, joka sisältää täyteaineena ammoniumsulfaattia, levitys alkutalven löyhälle lumelle tai sijoitus lumen läpi rivilannoituskoneella lannoitteeseen sekoitettuna maan pinnalle, antaa yhtä hyviä tuloksia kuin ennen lumen tuloa tapahtunut levityskin., In the tests on the Kotkaniemi Experimental Farm at Vihti in 1966—69 PCNB-treatments in most cases gave considerable increases in grain yields of rye and winter wheat. In addition to customary treatments, research has been carried out the possibility of reducing the loss of PCNB in rains in the autumn by using a fixing material. The results of the tests are negative, however. The spreading of 50 % PCNB-spray powder, containing ammonium sulphate as filling material, on the loose snow or the placement of PCNB with a fertilizer under the snow in early winter has in the preliminary tests given as good results as spreading before the fall of snow. The results indicate that the time of the PCNB-treatment may safely be postponed to a later date than is customary at present.
- Published
- 1970
28. On the Influence of Bog draining upon Thermal Conditions in the Soil and in the Air Near the Ground
- Author
Yrjö Pessi
- Subjects
geography ,geography.geographical_feature_category ,Thermal ,General Engineering ,General Earth and Planetary Sciences ,Environmental science ,Soil science ,Bog ,General Environmental Science - Published
- 1958
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29. Results of tests made with placement fertilization on the Kotkaniemi experimental farm
- Author
Auvo Leskelä, Mikko Ylänen, Yrjö Pessi, and Jorma Syvälahti
- Subjects
lcsh:Agriculture ,Animal science ,Human fertilization ,lcsh:S ,Environmental science ,lcsh:Agriculture (General) ,lcsh:S1-972 ,Food Science - Abstract
On the basis of the results of the tests made on clay soils and on soils containing clay the following conclusions can be drawn: Among different nutrients the placement of nitrogen proved to be the most important. Placement of nutrients in rows at a depth of about 8—10 cm gave considerable increases in crop yield compared with ordinary broadcasting. In the two tests where fertilizer and seed were sown in the same row, the crop yield was of the same size as in the case where they were sown separately. Ripening was delayed, however. When fertilizer and seed were sown with separate machines and the fertilizer was placed closer than 10 cm to the seed, urea did not prove as good as nitrochalk.
- Published
- 1970
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30. Autumn and winter application of nitrogen fertilizers on clay soils
- Author
Jorma Syvälahti, Mikko Ylänen, Yrjö Pessi, and Auvo Leskelä
- Subjects
lcsh:Agriculture ,chemistry ,Agronomy ,Soil water ,lcsh:S ,Environmental science ,chemistry.chemical_element ,lcsh:Agriculture (General) ,lcsh:S1-972 ,Nitrogen ,Food Science - Abstract
In order to examine the application time of nitrogen given to cereals, several tests have been arranged on the Kotkaniemi Experimental Farm at Vihti ever since 1965. The tests have been carried out on solid clay soils, where the leaching of nitrogen has been expected to be slow. In spring cereals the autumn application of nitrogen in November on frozen soil has given a good crop yield. The protein content of the crop in the plots where nitrogen was given in autumn was lower than in those where the spreading took place in spring. As for winter wheat, application in December has given the best average crop yields but the decline of the protein content is to be considered a disadvantage. In rye, spring fertilization has given the best average crop yield. There has, however, clearly been less lodging in autumn applications than in plots where the nitrogen was spread in the spring. Regarding nitrogen fertilization of autumn sown plants the usual custom in Finland is to give nitrogen in autumn for growth during the autumn and in the spring for the coming growing season. However, as low rainfall is typical ofthe Finnish spring, the effect of nitrogen given by broadcasting in early summer is slow, especially on solid soils like clay. As for spring cereals, the fertilizer placement at a depth of 8 to 10 cms has given distinctly better results than broadcasting and the usual mixing into the soil (Elonen 1967, Larpes 1966 and 1968, Nieminen 1967, Pessi 1970). The difference in the growth intensity has most clearly been evident in the early development of cereals. Simultaneously it has become clear that the placement of nitrogen has been of the greatest importance (Pessi 1970). As during winter in Finland the soil is usually frozen and covered with snow, no noteworthy leaching of nutrients takes place. On the basis of the results and observations mentioned above the question are as to what it would mean in practice in solid soils if the nitrogen was spread already before snowfall or on the snow, when the water from the melting snow would in spring cause the nitrogen to penetrate the soil. For this purpose tests were started on the Kotkaniemi Experimental Farm of Rikkihappo Oy in autumn 1965.
- Published
- 1971
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31. Klormekvatin (CCC) vaikutuksesta viljakasvien satoon ja kasvutapaan
- Author
Auvo Leskelä, Yrjö Pessi, and Mikko Ylänen
- Subjects
lcsh:Agriculture ,lcsh:S ,Articles ,lcsh:Agriculture (General) ,lcsh:S1-972 ,Food Science - Abstract
Klormekvatti-käsittelyllä (CCC) on Kotkaniemen koetilan olosuhteissa voitu lyhentää ja vahvistaa syysviljojen, kevätvehnän, monitahoisen ohran ja kauran kortta, mikä ilmenee lakoontumisen pienenemisenä. Pyrittäessä voimaperäisellä lannoituksella korkeaan satotasoon, on tällä seikalla huomattava käytännöllinen merkitys useimmilla tutkituista lajikkeista. Aineiston vähäisyyden takia ei päätelmiä voida tehdä Ruso-vehnän ja Pendek-kauran osalta. Suurimmat sadonlisäykset on saatu kevätvehnällä, sitten ovat olleet järjestyksessä ruis ja ohra syysvehnän jäädessä viimeiseksi. Syysviljoilla kevätkäsittely on ollut tehokkaampi kuin syyskäsittely. Kaikilla viljoilla on korsi lyhentynyt sitä enemmän, mitä myöhemmin keväällä käsittely on suoritettu. Ottaen huomioon sadonlisäykset ja muut käytännön näkökohdat, on etusijalle asetettava se ajankohta, jolloin rikkakasvien ruiskutukset suoritetaan. Yleisenä piirteenä on todettavissa, että klormekvatti-käsittely lisää satoa eniten silloin kun kasvuolosuhteet sallivat korkean satotason muodostumisen. Myös sadon laatu paranee tällöin sen ansiosta. Epäedullisissa kasvuoloissa sadonlisäykset jäävät vähäisemmiksi ja sadot saattavat jopa alentua. Tämän vuoksi lannoituksen voimaperäisyyden ja maan muun kunnon huomioonottaminen on tarpeellista klormekvattikäsittelyn yhteydessä mm. käyttömäärien kohdalla., At the Kotkaniemi Experimental Farm at Vihti it has been possible to shorten and strengthen the straw of winter cereals, spring wheat, four- and six-row barley, and oats by using Chlormequat (CCC) which has resulted in a decrease in lodging. The greatest increase in the grain yield was achieved with spring wheat, the following in order were rye, barley, and winter wheat. The treatment did not wholly eliminate the lodging of rye but it did prevent the rye from lodging before blooming. Results achieved with treatment of winter wheat with Chlormequat varied each year. The straw of barley and oats was also distinctly shorter and in some cases even an increase in grain yield could be noticed. The later the spring treatment, the more the straws of cereals shortened. In practice, however, preference has to be given to the time point of weed control when attention is paid to increase in grain yield and to other viewpoints. In favourable growth conditions and under heavy fertilization, the increase in the grain yield caused by Chlormequat treatment is at its greatest. In unfavourable conditions the increases in grain yield are small and the grain yield may even decrease.
- Published
- 1970
32. Typen mobilisaation merkityksestä ohran kehitykseen
- Author
Mauri Takala and Yrjö Pessi
- Subjects
lcsh:Agriculture ,Mobilization ,Agronomy ,Chemistry ,lcsh:S ,food and beverages ,chemistry.chemical_element ,Articles ,lcsh:Agriculture (General) ,lcsh:S1-972 ,Nitrogen ,Food Science - Abstract
In the investigation has been stated, that up to time of coming into ear the barley had developed at nearly the same rate on the Sphagnum bog and the fen, which are differing distinctly with respect to nitrogen mobilization. However, the period development from the coming into ear to the ripening was nine days shorter on the Sphagnum bog than on the fen site. The temperature of air as well as soil had been largely the same on both sites during the period of development, from the coming into ear to the ripening. It appears likely, therefore, that the longer duration of this period on the fen site would account for the different mobilization of nitrogen., Tutkimukset on suoritettu siten, että samanaikaisesti on koekasvi kylvetty kahdelle, typen mobilisaation puolesta erityisen selvästi toisistaan poikkeavalle kasvupaikalle. Lisäksi on mitattu ilman ja maan lämpötila molemmissa paikoissa sekä tehty havainnot kasvin eri kehitysasteista, nimittäin orastumisesta, tähkälletulosta ja tuleentumisesta. Toisen kasvupaikan muokkauskerros on ollut metsäsaraturvetta, jossa typen mobilisaatio on siksi runsasta, että typpilannoitusta ei tarvitse käyttää. Toisen kasvupaikan kasvualusta on ollut taas Sp. fuscum-sammaleesta muodostunutta rahkaturvetta, jossa typen mobilisaatio on erittäin vähäinen. Lannoituksena annettiin mutasuolla 300 kg superfosfaattia ja 150 kg 50-%-kalisuolaa hehtaarille. Rahkasuolle annettiin näiden lannoitteiden lisäksi 200 kg Oulunsalpietaria hehtaarille. Lajikkeena oli Pirkka-ohra. Ilman ja maan lämpötilan mittaustapa on selostettu aikaisemmin (ks. kirjallisuusviittaus s. 248). Taulukossa 1 esitetään ohran eri kehitysvaiheet sekä taulukossa 2 ilman ja maan lämpötila. Niistä ilmenee, että ohra on kehittynyt tähkälletuloon saakka molemmissa kasvupaikoissa lähes yhtä nopeasti, joskin rahkasuolla hieman hitaammin. Kehitysvaihe tähkälletulosta tuleentumiseen on rahkasuolla ollut kuitenkin 9 päivää lyhyempi kuin mutasuolla. Lämpötila-arvoista ilmenee, että ohran hitaampi alkukehitys rahkasuolla lienee johtunut maan alhaisemmasta lämpötilasta. Toisaalta sekä ilman että maan lämpötila on ollut viimeisen kehitysvaiheen aikana, siis tähkälletulon ja tuleentumisen välillä, jokseenkin sama molemmissa kasvupaikoissa. Mainitun kehitysvaiheen muodostuminen mutasuolla 9 päivää pitemmäksi kuin rahkasuolla johtunee näin ollen typen mobilisaation erilaisuudesta kasvupaikkojen kesken. Kun typpitilanne rahkasuossa kasvukauden aikana lienee lähinnä sellainen, että kasveille käyttökelpoisen typen määrä on annetun lannoituksen ja vähäisen typen mobilisaation johdosta kasvukauden alussa ehkä mutasuon typpitilannetta vastaava, vähenee typen määrä syksyä kohti kasvien käyttäessä sitä. Sen sijaan rautasuossa typen mobilisaation ansiosta käyttökelpoisen typen määrä lisääntynee syksyä kohti, mistä on seurauksena tuleentumisen viivästyminen. Maan kosteusolojen mahdollinen eroavuus eri turvelajien kesken ei liene aiheuttanut mainittua eroa tuleentumisajankohdassa, sillä mm. elokuussa satoi 47 mm, eikä kuivuus vaivannut kasvustoja.
- Published
- 1959
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33. Viljasadon kivennäisainepitoisuuksista ja lannoituksen vaikutuksesta niihin
- Author
Yrjö Pessi, Jorma Syvälahti, Mikko Ylänen, and Esko Saari
- Subjects
lcsh:Agriculture ,Human fertilization ,Mineral ,Agronomy ,Chemistry ,digestive, oral, and skin physiology ,lcsh:S ,Grain yield ,food and beverages ,Articles ,lcsh:Agriculture (General) ,lcsh:S1-972 ,Food Science - Abstract
This investigation examines the mineral content of cereal grain yields and the effect of NPK-fertilization on this content. The NPK-fertilization and the increased yield level thus obtained have not essentially affected the mineral contents of cereal grain. Among different kinds of cereals the mineral content of oats is in most cases the highest and that of rye and winter wheat the lowest. None of the different kinds of fertilizers gave clear differences in the mineral content of barley grain., Kotkaniemen koetilalla ja Leteensuon koeasemalla järjestettyjen eri viljojen lannoituskokeiden jyväsadoista on analysoitu 14 alkuaineen pitoisuudet. Kauran pitoisuudet ovat olleet useimmissa tapauksissa korkeimmat ja rukiin sekä syysvehnän alhaisimmat. NPK-lannoitus ei ole oleellisesti muuttanut hivenainepitoisuuksia satotason huomattavasta noususta huolimatta.
- Published
- 1974
34. Mutasuon maanparannus- ja lannoituskokeen tuloksia Leteensuolta
- Author
Yrjö Pessi
- Subjects
lcsh:Agriculture ,Agronomy ,lcsh:S ,Environmental science ,food and beverages ,Articles ,lcsh:Agriculture (General) ,complex mixtures ,lcsh:S1-972 ,Food Science ,Test (assessment) - Abstract
Clay and sand, used as soil improving agents, have increased the hay crops as well as the cereal crops. When the fertilization contained phosphates only, the increases in crop yield produced by the soil improvement were quite high. In this case clay developed a higher effect than sand. In connection with phosphate plus potassium fertilization both kinds of mineral soil were approximately equal in value, but their effect fell considerably below that of phosphate fertilization alone. These agents have thus a remarkable potassium fertilizing effect. However, potassium fertilization was not able to account for the entire crop yield-increasing effect of mineral soil. The highest increases in crop yield per unit of mineral soil addition were obtained with the mineral soil quantity of 100 m3 per hectare. The addition of mineral soil has a prolonged effect since the effect has not decreased in the 30 years since the latest soil improving treatment in this test. Phosphate and potassium fertilization are both necessary. For spring cereals and for the annual top dress fertilization of hay meadows the superphosphate quantity of 200—300 kg per hectare is adequate. The requirement of potassium fertilizer varies according to the quantity of soil improving agents and their quality. In all circumstances 200 kg 50 % potassium salt per hectare seems to be a sufficient potassium fertilization for the plants considered in this test. A slightly higher quantity is thought to be necessary for the top dress fertilization of hay meadows without soil improving agents., Maanparannusaineena käytetty savi ja hiekka ovat lisänneet sekä heinä- että viljasatoja. Kun lannoituksena on ollut vain fosfaattilannoitus, ovat maanparannuksen aiheuttamat sadonlisäykset olleet suuria. Tällöin saven vaikutus on ollut suurempi kuin hiekan. Fosfaattikalilannoituksen yhteydessä molemmat kivennäismaat ovat olleet jokseenkin samanveroisia. Niiden vaikutus ei ole ollut kuitenkaan läheskään yhtä suuri kuin pelkän fosfaattilannoituksen yhteydessä. Niillä, ja varsinkin savella on siis huomattava kalilannoitusvaikutus. Kalilannoitus ei ole kuitenkaan täysin korvannut kivennäismaan satoalisäävää vaikutusta. Lisättyä kivennäismaayksikköä kohti on saatu suurimmat sadonlisäykset maanparannusmäärällä 100 m3/ha. Kivennäismaan vaikutusaika on pitkä. Vaikutus ei ole vähentynyt 30 vuoden kuluessa, mikä aika on kulunut viimeisestä maanparannuskäsittelystä. Sekä fosfaatti- että kalilannoitus ovat tarpeellisia. Kevätviljoille ja nurmen vuotuiseen pintalannoitukseen on superfosfaattimäärä 200–300 kg/ha riittävä. Kalilannoituksen tarve vaihtelee käytetyn maanparannusaineen määrästä ja laadusta johtuen. Kaikissa olosuhteissa lienee mainituille kasveille riittävä kalilannoitus 200 kg/ha 50-prosenttista kalisuolaa. Nurmen pintalannoitukseen ilman maanparannusainetta tarvittaneen vähän enemmän.
- Published
- 1961
35. Viljeltyjen turvemaiden muokkauskerroksen tuhkapitoisuudesta
- Author
Yrjö Pessi
- Subjects
business.product_category ,Peat ,lcsh:S ,Articles ,complex mixtures ,lcsh:S1-972 ,Plough ,lcsh:Agriculture ,Agronomy ,Environmental science ,lcsh:Agriculture (General) ,business ,Layer (electronics) ,Food Science - Abstract
The results of this investigation justify the conclusion that the ash content of peat increases under cultivation through the effects of the administered fertilizers and soil improving agents. The ash content is increased in a particularly remarkable degree by addition of mineral soil as a soil improving agent. The ash content in the plough layer of cultivated peat lands which had received an addition of mineral soil as long as 37 years ago was found to be quite high. This would seem to indicate a prolonged effect of mineral soil on the properties of the plough layer. The increase of the ash content in the plough layer of cultivated peat land is obviously one of the factors responsible for the phenomenon that long-term cultivation of peat land slowly deprives the peat of its original character., Viljeltyjen turvemaiden muokkauskerroksen tuhkapitoisuutta on tutkittu Leteensuon, Tohmajärven ja Pohjois-Pohjanmaan koeaseman pitkäaikaisista maanparannus- ja lannoituskokeista. Tuloksista voidaan päätellä, että turpeen tuhkapitoisuus lisääntyy viljelyn yhteydessä käytettyjen lannoitteiden ja maanparannusaineiden vaikutuksesta. Erityisen huomattavasti tuhkapitoisuutta lisää kivennäismaan käyttö maanparannusaineena. Kun kivennäismaata oli lisätty 37 vuotta aikaisemmin, osoittautui muokkauskerroksen tuhkapitoisuus yhä edelleen suureksi. Tämä viittaisi kivennäismaan pitkäaikaiseen vaikutukseen suoviljelyksen maanparannusaineena. Viljeltyjen turvemaiden muokkauskerroksen tuhkapitoisuuden lisääntyminen on ilmeisesti eräs syy siihen, että kauan viljellyt suoviljelykset menettävät aikaa myöten alkuperäisen luonteensa ja muuttuvat vähitellen multamaita muistuttaviksi.
- Published
- 1961
36. Rahkasuon lannoitus eräiden Leteensuon kokeiden perusteella
- Author
Yrjö Pessi
- Subjects
geography ,geography.geographical_feature_category ,Farmyard manure ,Peat ,biology ,fungi ,lcsh:S ,food and beverages ,Wetland ,Articles ,biology.organism_classification ,Sphagnum ,lcsh:S1-972 ,lcsh:Agriculture ,Human fertilization ,Agronomy ,Environmental science ,lcsh:Agriculture (General) ,Bog ,Food Science - Abstract
The present investigation is an account of the results from two fertilizing experiments established on Sphagnum bog at the Experimental Station of Leteensuo. The experiments were carried out in 1923 and 1934. The following conclusions can be drawn from the results. Most important in significance among the different nutrients is nitrogen, phosphorus ranging next, and potassium last. Potassium could even cause a reduction in the crop yields. The effect of liming was evident in the form of increased hay crops, whereas the grain yields of oats were reduced by it. Liming has improved the effect of phosphorus particularly in the case of hay. The results also seem to indicate that the relation between potassium and calcium has significance in regard to the reduction of crop yield caused by potassium. Remarkable crop yield increases were obtained by nitrogen fertilizing. The hay crops and the grain and straw crops of oats increased almost linearly with the addition of nitrogen, in the form of calcium nitrate, in quantities up to 90 kg N per hectare. Quantities in excess of this caused hardly any further increase in the crops. The said quantity is suitable for cover manuring of hay meadows, but the most advisable quantity for cereals is thought to be 45—60 kg N per hectare, so that lodging of the crops might be avoided. Nitrogen fertilization does not essentially affect the quality of the grain crops of cereals; on the other hand nitrogen promoted the retention of timothy in the meadow when nitrogen was used in quantities up to 90 kg per hectare. Stable manure increased the crops. This effect was most distinctly evident in the grain and straw crops of oats. The effect of stable manure was still present 15 years after the most recent addition of stable manure., Tutkimuksessa on selostettu Leteensuon koeaseman rahkasuolle perustettujen lannoituskokeiden tuloksia. Koealueen turve on vähän maatunutta, Sphagnum fuscum rahkaturvetta. Koealueelle on lisätty savea maanparannusaineeksi 300 m3/ha. Seuraavat päätelmät voidaan esittää. Eri ravinteista on tärkein merkitys typellä, sitten fosforilla ja viimeksi kalilla. Kalilannoitus on jopa saattanut alentaa satoja. Kalkituksen vaikutus on ilmennyt siten, että heinäsadot ovat sen vaikutuksesta lisääntyneet, mutta kauran jyväsadot alentuneet. Kalkitus on parantanut fosfaattilannoituksen vaikutusta erityisesti heinällä. Tulokset viittaisivat myös siihen, että kalin ja kalkin suhteella on merkitystä kalin vaikutuksen kannalta. Typpilannoituksella on saatu huomattavat sadonlisäykset. Heinäsadot sekä kauran jyvä- ja olkisadot ovat nousseet lähes suoraviivaisesti lisättäessä typpeä kalkkisalpietarin muodossa aina 90 kg N/ha. Tätä suurempi määrä ei ole juuri lisännyt satoja. Heinänurmen pintalannoitukseksi mainittu määrä soveltuu, mutta viljalle lienee suositeltavin 45–60 kg N/ha lakoviljan välttämiseksi. Viljan jyväsadon laatuun ei typpilannoituksella liene sanottavaa merkitystä, mutta timotein säilymistä nurmessa on typpilannoitus edistänyt käytettäessä typpeä aina 90 kg/ha. Karjanlanta on lisännyt satoja. Selvimmin tämä vaikutus on esiintynyt kauran jyvä- ja olkisadoissa. Karjanlannan vaikutus on ilmennyt vielä 15 vuoden kuluttua viimeisestä karjanlannan lisäyksestä.
- Published
- 1960
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