In this study, hydrogels consisted of polyvinyl alcohol, propylene glycol and β-glucan were developed by radiation technique for wound dressing. The prepared hydrogels were characterized by examining of physical properties such as gel fraction and absorption ratio. The gel fraction and absorption ratio were dependent on the crosslinking density. On observing the wound healing of rat skin, the resulting hydrogels accelerated the wound healing comparing to cotton gauze. Therefore, the PVA/propylene glycol/β-glucan blended hydrogels can greatly accelerate the healing without causing irritation., {"references":["H. J. Gwon, Y. M. Lim, Y. C. Nho, J. W. Shim, I. K. Kwon, H. N. Chang,\nand S. E. Kim, \"New route for synthesizing poly(ethylene glycol)-acrylic Acid hydrogels using ╬│-irradiation for drug delivery carriers\", Biotech.\nBioproc. Eng., vol. 15, pp. 392-399, 2010.","N. A. Peppas and E. W. Merrill, \"Differential scanning calorimetry of\ncrystallized PVA hydrogels\", J. Appl. Polym. Sci., vol. 20, no. 6, pp.\n1457−1465, 1976.","G. D. Winter, \"Formation of the scab and the rate of epithelization of\nsuperficial wounds in the skin of the young domestic pig\". Nature, vol.\n193, pp. 293-294, 1962.","H. J. Gwon, Y. M. Lim, Y. C. Nho, and S. H. Baik, \"Humectants effect on\naqueous fluids absorption of ╬│-irradiated PVA hydrogel followed by\nfreeze thawing\", Radiat. Phys. Chem., vol. 79, pp. 650-653, 2010.","J. M. Rosiak, \"Radiation formation of hydrogels for drug delivery\", J.\nControl. Release, vol. 31, pp. 9−19, 1994.","C. M. Hassan, J. E. Stewart, and N. A. Peppas, \"Diffusional\ncharacteristics of freeze/thawed PVA hydrogels: applications to protein\ncontrolled release from multilaminate devices,\" Europ. J. Pharm.\nBiopharm., vol. 49, pp. 161−166, 2000.","H. Matsuyama, M. Teramoto, and H. Urano, \"Analysis of solute diffusion\nin poly(vinyl alcohol) hydrogel membrane\", J. Membrane Sci., vol. 126,\npp. 151−160, 1997.","K. Burczak, T. Fujisato, M. Hatada, and Y. Ikada, \"Protein permeation\nthrough poly(vinyl alcohol) hydrogels membranes\", Biomaterials, vol. 15,\nno. 3, pp. 231−238, 1994.","A. Hoelgaarda and B. Mollgaarda, \"Dermal drug delivery: Improvement\nby choice of vehicle or drug derivative\", J. Control. Release, vol. 2, pp.\n111-120, 1985.\n[10] J. M. Rosiak, \"Radiation formation of hydrogels for drug delivery\", J.\nControl. Release, vol. 31, pp. 9−19, 1994.\n[11] A. T. Borchers, C. L. Keen, and M. E. Gershwin, \"Mushrooms, tumors,\nand immunity: An update\", Exp. Biol. Med. Vol. 229, pp. 393−406, 2004.\n[12] S. B. Lee, H. W. Jeon, Y. W. Lee, Y. M. Lee, K. W. Song, M. H. Park, Y.\nS. Nam, and H. C. Ahn, \"Bio-artificial skin composed of gelatin and (1\nÔåÆ 3), (1ÔåÆ 6)-beta-glucan\", Biomaterials, vol. 24, no. 14, pp. 2503-2511,2003.\n[13] J. M. Rosiak and P. Ulanski, \"Synthesis of hydrogels by irradiation of\npolymers in aqueous solution\", Radiat. Phys. Chem., vol. 55, pp.\n139−151, 1999.\n[14] Y. Xiaomin, L. Qi, C. Xiliang, and Z. Zhiyong, \"Investigation on the\nformation mechanisms of hydrogels made by combination of ╬│-ray\nirradiation and freeze-thawing\", J. Appl. Polym. Sci., vol. 108, pp. 1365-1372, 2008."]}