112 results on '"Wolvetang E"'
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2. Discovery of widespread transcription initiation at microsatellites predictable by sequence-based deep neural network
- Author
Grapotte M., Saraswat M., Bessiere C., Menichelli C., Ramilowski J. A., Severin J., Hayashizaki Y., Itoh M., Tagami M., Murata M., Kojima-Ishiyama M., Noma S., Noguchi S., Kasukawa T., Hasegawa A., Suzuki H., Nishiyori-Sueki H., Frith M. C., Abugessaisa I., Aitken S., Aken B. L., Alam I., Alam T., Alasiri R., Alhendi A. M. N., Alinejad-Rokny H., Alvarez M. J., Andersson R., Arakawa T., Araki M., Arbel T., Archer J., Archibald A. L., Arner E., Arner P., Asai K., Ashoor H., Astrom G., Babina M., Baillie J. K., Bajic V. B., Bajpai A., Baker S., Baldarelli R. M., Balic A., Bansal M., Batagov A. O., Batzoglou S., Beckhouse A. G., Beltrami A. P., Beltrami C. A., Bertin N., Bhattacharya S., Bickel P. J., Blake J. A., Blanchette M., Bodega B., Bonetti A., Bono H., Bornholdt J., Bttcher M., Bougouffa S., Boyd M., Breda J., Brombacher F., Brown J. B., Bult C. J., Burroughs A. M., Burt D. W., Busch A., Caglio G., Califano A., Cameron C. J., Cannistraci C. V., Carbone A., Carlisle A. J., Carninci P., Carter K. W., Cesselli D., Chang J. -C., Chen J. C., Chen Y., Chierici M., Christodoulou J., Ciani Y., Clark E. L., Coskun M., Dalby M., Dalla E., Daub C. O., Davis C. A., de Hoon M. J. L., de Rie D., Denisenko E., Deplancke B., Detmar M., Deviatiiarov R., Di Bernardo D., Diehl A. D., Dieterich L. C., Dimont E., Djebali S., Dohi T., Dostie J., Drablos F., Edge A. S. B., Edinger M., Ehrlund A., Ekwall K., Elofsson A., Endoh M., Enomoto H., Enomoto S., Faghihi M., Fagiolini M., Farach-Carson M. C., Faulkner G. J., Favorov A., Fernandes A. M., Ferrai C., Forrest A. R. R., Forrester L. M., Forsberg M., Fort A., Francescatto M., Freeman T. C., Frith M., Fukuda S., Funayama M., Furlanello C., Furuno M., Furusawa C., Gao H., Gazova I., Gebhard C., Geier F., Geijtenbeek T. B. H., Ghosh S., Ghosheh Y., Gingeras T. R., Gojobori T., Goldberg T., Goldowitz D., Gough J., Greco D., Gruber A. J., Guhl S., Guigo R., Guler R., Gusev O., Gustincich S., Ha T. J., Haberle V., Hale P., Hallstrom B. M., Hamada M., Handoko L., Hara M., Harbers M., Harrow J., Harshbarger J., Hase T., Hashimoto K., Hatano T., Hattori N., Hayashi R., Herlyn M., Hettne K., Heutink P., Hide W., Hitchens K. J., Sui S. H., 't Hoen P. A. C., Hon C. C., Hori F., Horie M., Horimoto K., Horton P., Hou R., Huang E., Huang Y., Hugues R., Hume D., Ienasescu H., Iida K., Ikawa T., Ikemura T., Ikeo K., Inoue N., Ishizu Y., Ito Y., Ivshina A. V., Jankovic B. R., Jenjaroenpun P., Johnson R., Jorgensen M., Jorjani H., Joshi A., Jurman G., Kaczkowski B., Kai C., Kaida K., Kajiyama K., Kaliyaperumal R., Kaminuma E., Kanaya T., Kaneda H., Kapranov P., Kasianov A. S., Katayama T., Kato S., Kawaguchi S., Kawai J., Kawaji H., Kawamoto H., Kawamura Y. I., Kawasaki S., Kawashima T., Kempfle J. S., Kenna T. J., Kere J., Khachigian L., Kiryu H., Kishima M., Kitajima H., Kitamura T., Kitano H., Klaric E., Klepper K., Klinken S. P., Kloppmann E., Knox A. J., Kodama Y., Kogo Y., Kojima M., Kojima S., Komatsu N., Komiyama H., Kono T., Koseki H., Koyasu S., Kratz A., Kukalev A., Kulakovskiy I., Kundaje A., Kunikata H., Kuo R., Kuo T., Kuraku S., Kuznetsov V. A., Kwon T. J., Larouche M., Lassmann T., Law A., Le-Cao K. -A., Lecellier C. -H., Lee W., Lenhard B., Lennartsson A., Li K., Li R., Lilje B., Lipovich L., Lizio M., Lopez G., Magi S., Mak G. K., Makeev V., Manabe R., Mandai M., Mar J., Maruyama K., Maruyama T., Mason E., Mathelier A., Matsuda H., Medvedeva Y. A., Meehan T. F., Mejhert N., Meynert A., Mikami N., Minoda A., Miura H., Miyagi Y., Miyawaki A., Mizuno Y., Morikawa H., Morimoto M., Morioka M., Morishita S., Moro K., Motakis E., Motohashi H., Mukarram A. K., Mummery C. L., Mungall C. J., Murakawa Y., Muramatsu M., Nagasaka K., Nagase T., Nakachi Y., Nakahara F., Nakai K., Nakamura K., Nakamura Y., Nakazawa T., Nason G. P., Nepal C., Nguyen Q. H., Nielsen L. K., Nishida K., Nishiguchi K. M., Nishiyori H., Nitta K., Notredame C., Ogishima S., Ohkura N., Ohno H., Ohshima M., Ohtsu T., Okada Y., Okada-Hatakeyama M., Okazaki Y., Oksvold P., Orlando V., Ow G. S., Ozturk M., Pachkov M., Paparountas T., Parihar S. P., Park S. -J., Pascarella G., Passier R., Persson H., Philippens I. H., Piazza S., Plessy C., Pombo A., Ponten F., Poulain S., Poulsen T. M., Pradhan S., Prezioso C., Pridans C., Qin X. -Y., Quackenbush J., Rackham O., Ramilowski J., Ravasi T., Rehli M., Rennie S., Rito T., Rizzu P., Robert C., Roos M., Rost B., Roudnicky F., Roy R., Rye M. B., Sachenkova O., Saetrom P., Sai H., Saiki S., Saito M., Saito A., Sakaguchi S., Sakai M., Sakaue S., Sakaue-Sawano A., Sandelin A., Sano H., Sasamoto Y., Sato H., Saxena A., Saya H., Schafferhans A., Schmeier S., Schmidl C., Schmocker D., Schneider C., Schueler M., Schultes E. A., Schulze-Tanzil G., Semple C. A., Seno S., Seo W., Sese J., Sheng G., Shi J., Shimoni Y., Shin J. W., SimonSanchez J., Sivertsson A., Sjostedt E., Soderhall C., Laurent G. S., Stoiber M. H., Sugiyama D., Summers K. M., Suzuki A. M., Suzuki K., Suzuki M., Suzuki N., Suzuki T., Swanson D. J., Swoboda R. K., Taguchi A., Takahashi H., Takahashi M., Takamochi K., Takeda S., Takenaka Y., Tam K. T., Tanaka H., Tanaka R., Tanaka Y., Tang D., Taniuchi I., Tanzer A., Tarui H., Taylor M. S., Terada A., Terao Y., Testa A. C., Thomas M., Thongjuea S., Tomii K., Triglia E. T., Toyoda H., Tsang H. G., Tsujikawa M., Uhlen M., Valen E., van de Wetering M., van Nimwegen E., Velmeshev D., Verardo R., Vitezic M., Vitting-Seerup K., von Feilitzen K., Voolstra C. R., Vorontsov I. E., Wahlestedt C., Wasserman W. W., Watanabe K., Watanabe S., Wells C. A., Winteringham L. N., Wolvetang E., Yabukami H., Yagi K., Yamada T., Yamaguchi Y., Yamamoto M., Yamamoto Y., Yamanaka Y., Yano K., Yasuzawa K., Yatsuka Y., Yo M., Yokokura S., Yoneda M., Yoshida E., Yoshida Y., Yoshihara M., Young R., Young R. S., Yu N. Y., Yumoto N., Zabierowski S. E., Zhang P. G., Zucchelli S., Zwahlen M., Chatelain C., Brehelin L., Grapotte, M., Saraswat, M., Bessiere, C., Menichelli, C., Ramilowski, J. A., Severin, J., Hayashizaki, Y., Itoh, M., Tagami, M., Murata, M., Kojima-Ishiyama, M., Noma, S., Noguchi, S., Kasukawa, T., Hasegawa, A., Suzuki, H., Nishiyori-Sueki, H., Frith, M. C., Abugessaisa, I., Aitken, S., Aken, B. L., Alam, I., Alam, T., Alasiri, R., Alhendi, A. M. N., Alinejad-Rokny, H., Alvarez, M. J., Andersson, R., Arakawa, T., Araki, M., Arbel, T., Archer, J., Archibald, A. L., Arner, E., Arner, P., Asai, K., Ashoor, H., Astrom, G., Babina, M., Baillie, J. K., Bajic, V. B., Bajpai, A., Baker, S., Baldarelli, R. M., Balic, A., Bansal, M., Batagov, A. O., Batzoglou, S., Beckhouse, A. G., Beltrami, A. P., Beltrami, C. A., Bertin, N., Bhattacharya, S., Bickel, P. J., Blake, J. A., Blanchette, M., Bodega, B., Bonetti, A., Bono, H., Bornholdt, J., Bttcher, M., Bougouffa, S., Boyd, M., Breda, J., Brombacher, F., Brown, J. B., Bult, C. J., Burroughs, A. M., Burt, D. W., Busch, A., Caglio, G., Califano, A., Cameron, C. J., Cannistraci, C. V., Carbone, A., Carlisle, A. J., Carninci, P., Carter, K. W., Cesselli, D., Chang, J. -C., Chen, J. C., Chen, Y., Chierici, M., Christodoulou, J., Ciani, Y., Clark, E. L., Coskun, M., Dalby, M., Dalla, E., Daub, C. O., Davis, C. A., de Hoon, M. J. L., de Rie, D., Denisenko, E., Deplancke, B., Detmar, M., Deviatiiarov, R., Di Bernardo, D., Diehl, A. D., Dieterich, L. C., Dimont, E., Djebali, S., Dohi, T., Dostie, J., Drablos, F., Edge, A. S. B., Edinger, M., Ehrlund, A., Ekwall, K., Elofsson, A., Endoh, M., Enomoto, H., Enomoto, S., Faghihi, M., Fagiolini, M., Farach-Carson, M. C., Faulkner, G. J., Favorov, A., Fernandes, A. M., Ferrai, C., Forrest, A. R. R., Forrester, L. M., Forsberg, M., Fort, A., Francescatto, M., Freeman, T. C., Frith, M., Fukuda, S., Funayama, M., Furlanello, C., Furuno, M., Furusawa, C., Gao, H., Gazova, I., Gebhard, C., Geier, F., Geijtenbeek, T. B. H., Ghosh, S., Ghosheh, Y., Gingeras, T. R., Gojobori, T., Goldberg, T., Goldowitz, D., Gough, J., Greco, D., Gruber, A. J., Guhl, S., Guigo, R., Guler, R., Gusev, O., Gustincich, S., Ha, T. J., Haberle, V., Hale, P., Hallstrom, B. M., Hamada, M., Handoko, L., Hara, M., Harbers, M., Harrow, J., Harshbarger, J., Hase, T., Hashimoto, K., Hatano, T., Hattori, N., Hayashi, R., Herlyn, M., Hettne, K., Heutink, P., Hide, W., Hitchens, K. J., Sui, S. H., 't Hoen, P. A. C., Hon, C. C., Hori, F., Horie, M., Horimoto, K., Horton, P., Hou, R., Huang, E., Huang, Y., Hugues, R., Hume, D., Ienasescu, H., Iida, K., Ikawa, T., Ikemura, T., Ikeo, K., Inoue, N., Ishizu, Y., Ito, Y., Ivshina, A. V., Jankovic, B. R., Jenjaroenpun, P., Johnson, R., Jorgensen, M., Jorjani, H., Joshi, A., Jurman, G., Kaczkowski, B., Kai, C., Kaida, K., Kajiyama, K., Kaliyaperumal, R., Kaminuma, E., Kanaya, T., Kaneda, H., Kapranov, P., Kasianov, A. S., Katayama, T., Kato, S., Kawaguchi, S., Kawai, J., Kawaji, H., Kawamoto, H., Kawamura, Y. I., Kawasaki, S., Kawashima, T., Kempfle, J. S., Kenna, T. J., Kere, J., Khachigian, L., Kiryu, H., Kishima, M., Kitajima, H., Kitamura, T., Kitano, H., Klaric, E., Klepper, K., Klinken, S. P., Kloppmann, E., Knox, A. J., Kodama, Y., Kogo, Y., Kojima, M., Kojima, S., Komatsu, N., Komiyama, H., Kono, T., Koseki, H., Koyasu, S., Kratz, A., Kukalev, A., Kulakovskiy, I., Kundaje, A., Kunikata, H., Kuo, R., Kuo, T., Kuraku, S., Kuznetsov, V. A., Kwon, T. J., Larouche, M., Lassmann, T., Law, A., Le-Cao, K. -A., Lecellier, C. -H., Lee, W., Lenhard, B., Lennartsson, A., Li, K., Li, R., Lilje, B., Lipovich, L., Lizio, M., Lopez, G., Magi, S., Mak, G. K., Makeev, V., Manabe, R., Mandai, M., Mar, J., Maruyama, K., Maruyama, T., Mason, E., Mathelier, A., Matsuda, H., Medvedeva, Y. A., Meehan, T. F., Mejhert, N., Meynert, A., Mikami, N., Minoda, A., Miura, H., Miyagi, Y., Miyawaki, A., Mizuno, Y., Morikawa, H., Morimoto, M., Morioka, M., Morishita, S., Moro, K., Motakis, E., Motohashi, H., Mukarram, A. K., Mummery, C. L., Mungall, C. J., Murakawa, Y., Muramatsu, M., Nagasaka, K., Nagase, T., Nakachi, Y., Nakahara, F., Nakai, K., Nakamura, K., Nakamura, Y., Nakazawa, T., Nason, G. P., Nepal, C., Nguyen, Q. H., Nielsen, L. K., Nishida, K., Nishiguchi, K. M., Nishiyori, H., Nitta, K., Notredame, C., Ogishima, S., Ohkura, N., Ohno, H., Ohshima, M., Ohtsu, T., Okada, Y., Okada-Hatakeyama, M., Okazaki, Y., Oksvold, P., Orlando, V., Ow, G. S., Ozturk, M., Pachkov, M., Paparountas, T., Parihar, S. P., Park, S. -J., Pascarella, G., Passier, R., Persson, H., Philippens, I. H., Piazza, S., Plessy, C., Pombo, A., Ponten, F., Poulain, S., Poulsen, T. M., Pradhan, S., Prezioso, C., Pridans, C., Qin, X. -Y., Quackenbush, J., Rackham, O., Ramilowski, J., Ravasi, T., Rehli, M., Rennie, S., Rito, T., Rizzu, P., Robert, C., Roos, M., Rost, B., Roudnicky, F., Roy, R., Rye, M. B., Sachenkova, O., Saetrom, P., Sai, H., Saiki, S., Saito, M., Saito, A., Sakaguchi, S., Sakai, M., Sakaue, S., Sakaue-Sawano, A., Sandelin, A., Sano, H., Sasamoto, Y., Sato, H., Saxena, A., Saya, H., Schafferhans, A., Schmeier, S., Schmidl, C., Schmocker, D., Schneider, C., Schueler, M., Schultes, E. A., Schulze-Tanzil, G., Semple, C. A., Seno, S., Seo, W., Sese, J., Sheng, G., Shi, J., Shimoni, Y., Shin, J. W., Simonsanchez, J., Sivertsson, A., Sjostedt, E., Soderhall, C., Laurent, G. S., Stoiber, M. H., Sugiyama, D., Summers, K. M., Suzuki, A. M., Suzuki, K., Suzuki, M., Suzuki, N., Suzuki, T., Swanson, D. J., Swoboda, R. K., Taguchi, A., Takahashi, H., Takahashi, M., Takamochi, K., Takeda, S., Takenaka, Y., Tam, K. T., Tanaka, H., Tanaka, R., Tanaka, Y., Tang, D., Taniuchi, I., Tanzer, A., Tarui, H., Taylor, M. S., Terada, A., Terao, Y., Testa, A. C., Thomas, M., Thongjuea, S., Tomii, K., Triglia, E. T., Toyoda, H., Tsang, H. G., Tsujikawa, M., Uhlen, M., Valen, E., van de Wetering, M., van Nimwegen, E., Velmeshev, D., Verardo, R., Vitezic, M., Vitting-Seerup, K., von Feilitzen, K., Voolstra, C. R., Vorontsov, I. E., Wahlestedt, C., Wasserman, W. W., Watanabe, K., Watanabe, S., Wells, C. A., Winteringham, L. N., Wolvetang, E., Yabukami, H., Yagi, K., Yamada, T., Yamaguchi, Y., Yamamoto, M., Yamamoto, Y., Yamanaka, Y., Yano, K., Yasuzawa, K., Yatsuka, Y., Yo, M., Yokokura, S., Yoneda, M., Yoshida, E., Yoshida, Y., Yoshihara, M., Young, R., Young, R. S., Yu, N. Y., Yumoto, N., Zabierowski, S. E., Zhang, P. G., Zucchelli, S., Zwahlen, M., Chatelain, C., Brehelin, L., Institute of Biotechnology, Biosciences, Institut de Génétique Moléculaire de Montpellier (IGMM), Université de Montpellier (UM)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Institut de Biologie Computationnelle (IBC), Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique (Inria)-Université de Montpellier (UM)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-Institut National de Recherche pour l’Agriculture, l’Alimentation et l’Environnement (INRAE), Méthodes et Algorithmes pour la Bioinformatique (MAB), Laboratoire d'Informatique de Robotique et de Microélectronique de Montpellier (LIRMM), Université de Montpellier (UM)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-Université de Montpellier (UM)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), RIKEN Center for Integrative Medical Sciences [Yokohama] (RIKEN IMS), RIKEN - Institute of Physical and Chemical Research [Japon] (RIKEN), National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), SANOFI Recherche, University of British Columbia (UBC), Experimental Immunology, Infectious diseases, AII - Infectious diseases, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-Université de Montpellier (UM), Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-Université de Montpellier (UM)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-Université de Montpellier (UM), and Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-Institut National de Recherche pour l’Agriculture, l’Alimentation et l’Environnement (INRAE)-Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique (Inria)-Université de Montpellier (UM)
- Subjects
0301 basic medicine ,General Physics and Astronomy ,Genome ,Mice ,0302 clinical medicine ,Transcription (biology) ,Promoter Regions, Genetic ,Transcription Initiation, Genetic ,0303 health sciences ,Multidisciplinary ,1184 Genetics, developmental biology, physiology ,High-Throughput Nucleotide Sequencing ,Neurodegenerative Diseases ,222 Other engineering and technologies ,Genomics ,[SDV.BIBS]Life Sciences [q-bio]/Quantitative Methods [q-bio.QM] ,humanities ,Enhancer Elements, Genetic ,Microsatellite Repeat ,Transcription Initiation Site ,Sequence motif ,Transcription Initiation ,Human ,Enhancer Elements ,Neural Networks ,Science ,610 Medicine & health ,Computational biology ,Biology ,Article ,General Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology ,Promoter Regions ,03 medical and health sciences ,Computer ,Deep Learning ,Tandem repeat ,Genetic ,Clinical Research ,[SDV.BBM.GTP]Life Sciences [q-bio]/Biochemistry, Molecular Biology/Genomics [q-bio.GN] ,Machine learning ,Genetics ,Animals ,Humans ,Polymorphism ,Enhancer ,Transcriptomics ,Gene ,A549 Cell ,030304 developmental biology ,Polymorphism, Genetic ,Neurodegenerative Disease ,Base Sequence ,Animal ,Genome, Human ,Human Genome ,Computational Biology ,Promoter ,General Chemistry ,113 Computer and information sciences ,Cap analysis gene expression ,030104 developmental biology ,[SDV.GEN.GH]Life Sciences [q-bio]/Genetics/Human genetics ,Cardiovascular and Metabolic Diseases ,A549 Cells ,Minion ,Generic health relevance ,3111 Biomedicine ,Neural Networks, Computer ,610 Medizin und Gesundheit ,030217 neurology & neurosurgery ,FANTOM consortium ,Microsatellite Repeats - Abstract
Using the Cap Analysis of Gene Expression (CAGE) technology, the FANTOM5 consortium provided one of the most comprehensive maps of transcription start sites (TSSs) in several species. Strikingly, ~72% of them could not be assigned to a specific gene and initiate at unconventional regions, outside promoters or enhancers. Here, we probe these unassigned TSSs and show that, in all species studied, a significant fraction of CAGE peaks initiate at microsatellites, also called short tandem repeats (STRs). To confirm this transcription, we develop Cap Trap RNA-seq, a technology which combines cap trapping and long read MinION sequencing. We train sequence-based deep learning models able to predict CAGE signal at STRs with high accuracy. These models unveil the importance of STR surrounding sequences not only to distinguish STR classes, but also to predict the level of transcription initiation. Importantly, genetic variants linked to human diseases are preferentially found at STRs with high transcription initiation level, supporting the biological and clinical relevance of transcription initiation at STRs. Together, our results extend the repertoire of non-coding transcription associated with DNA tandem repeats and complexify STR polymorphism., Nature Communications, 12 (1), ISSN:2041-1723
- Published
- 2020
3. hESC Adaptation, Selection and Stability
- Author
Grandela, C. and Wolvetang, E.
- Published
- 2007
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4. Mesenchymal stromal cells from the amniochorionic membrane of human term placenta: potential cell sources for knee cartilage tissue engineering: OP-050
- Author
Jaramillo-Ferrada, P, Wolvetang, E, and Cooper-White, J
- Published
- 2011
5. Increase of plasma membrane oxidoreductase activity is not correlated with the production of extracellular Superoxide radicals in human Namalwa cells
- Author
Larm, J. A., Wolvetang, E. J., Vaillant, F., Martinus, R. D., Lawen, A., and Linnane, A. W.
- Published
- 1995
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6. Expression pattern of the aspartyl-tRNA synthetase DARS in the human brain
- Author
Fröhlich, D, Suchowerska, AK, Voss, C, He, R, Wolvetang, E, Von Jonquieres, G, Simons, C, Fath, T, Housley, GD, Klugmann, M, Fröhlich, D, Suchowerska, AK, Voss, C, He, R, Wolvetang, E, Von Jonquieres, G, Simons, C, Fath, T, Housley, GD, and Klugmann, M
- Abstract
Translation of mRNA into protein is an evolutionarily conserved, fundamental process of life. A prerequisite for translation is the accurate charging of tRNAs with their cognate amino acids, a reaction catalyzed by specific aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases. One of these enzymes is the aspartyl-tRNA synthetase DARS, which pairs aspartate with its corresponding tRNA. Missense mutations of the gene encoding DARS result in the leukodystrophy hypomyelination with brainstem and spinal cord involvement and leg spasticity (HBSL) with a distinct pattern of hypomyelination, motor abnormalities, and cognitive impairment. A thorough understanding of the DARS expression domains in the central nervous system is essential for the development of targeted therapies to treat HBSL. Here, we analyzed endogenous DARS expression on the mRNA and protein level in different brain regions and cell types of human post mortem brain tissue as well as in human stem cell derived neurons, oligodendrocytes, and astrocytes. DARS expression is significantly enriched in the cerebellum, a region affected in HBSL patients and important for motor control. Although obligatorily expressed in all cells, DARS shows a distinct expression pattern with enrichment in neurons but only low abundance in oligodendrocytes, astrocytes, and microglia. Our results reveal little homogeneity across the different cell types, largely matching previously published data in the murine brain. This human gene expression study will significantly contribute to the understanding of DARS gene function and HBSL pathology and will be instrumental for future development of animal models and targeted therapies. In particular, we anticipate high benefit from a gene replacement approach in neurons of HBSL mouse models, given the abundant endogenous DARS expression in this lineage cell.
- Published
- 2018
7. Modelling ischemia-reperfusion injury (IRI) in vitro using metabolically matured induced pluripotent stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes
- Author
Hidalgo, A, Glass, N, Ovchinnikov, D, Yang, S-K, Zhang, X, Mazzone, S, Chen, C, Wolvetang, E, Cooper-White, J, Hidalgo, A, Glass, N, Ovchinnikov, D, Yang, S-K, Zhang, X, Mazzone, S, Chen, C, Wolvetang, E, and Cooper-White, J
- Abstract
Coronary intervention following ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) is the treatment of choice for reducing cardiomyocyte death but paradoxically leads to reperfusion injury. Pharmacological post-conditioning is an attractive approach to minimize Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury (IRI), but candidate drugs identified in IRI animal models have performed poorly in human clinical trials, highlighting the need for a human cell-based model of IRI. In this work, we show that when we imposed sequential hypoxia and reoxygenation episodes [mimicking the ischemia (I) and reperfusion (R) events] to immature human pluripotent stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes (hPSC-CMs), they display significant hypoxia resistance and minimal cell death (∼5%). Metabolic maturation of hPSC-CMs for 8 days substantially increased their sensitivity to changes in oxygen concentration and led to up to ∼30% cell death post-hypoxia and reoxygenation. To mimic the known transient changes in the interstitial tissue microenvironment during an IRI event in vivo, we tested a new in vitro IRI model protocol that required glucose availability and lowering of media pH during the ischemic episode, resulting in a significant increase in cell death in vitro (∼60%). Finally, we confirm that in this new physiologically matched IRI in vitro model, pharmacological post-conditioning reduces reperfusion-induced hPSC-CM cell death by 50%. Our results indicate that in recapitulating key aspects of an in vivo IRI event, our in vitro model can serve as a useful method for the study of IRI and the validation and screening of human specific pharmacological post-conditioning drug candidates.
- Published
- 2018
8. Data Descriptor: FANTOM5 CAGE profiles of human and mouse samples
- Author
Noguchi, S, Arakawa, T, Fukuda, S, Furuno, M, Hasegawa, A, Hori, F, Ishikawa-Kato, S, Kaida, K, Kaiho, A, Kanamori-Katayama, M, Kawashima, T, Kojima, M, Kubosaki, A, Manabe, R-I, Murata, M, Nagao-Sato, S, Nakazato, K, Ninomiya, N, Nishiyori-Sueki, H, Noma, S, Saijyo, E, Saka, A, Sakai, M, Simon, C, Suzuki, N, Tagami, M, Watanabe, S, Yoshida, S, Arner, P, Axton, RA, Babina, M, Baillie, JK, Barnett, TC, Beckhouse, AG, Blumenthal, A, Bodega, B, Bonetti, A, Briggs, J, Brombacher, F, Carlisle, AJ, Clevers, HC, Davis, CA, Detmar, M, Dohi, T, Edge, ASB, Edinger, M, Ehrlund, A, Ekwall, K, Endoh, M, Enomoto, H, Eslami, A, Fagiolini, M, Fairbairn, L, Farach-Carson, MC, Faulkner, GJ, Ferrai, C, Fisher, ME, Forrester, LM, Fujita, R, Furusawa, J-I, Geijtenbeek, TB, Gingeras, T, Goldowitz, D, Guhl, S, Guler, R, Gustincich, S, Ha, TJ, Hamaguchi, M, Hara, M, Hasegawa, Y, Herlyn, M, Heutink, P, Hitchens, KJ, Hume, DA, Ikawa, T, Ishizu, Y, Kai, C, Kawamoto, H, Kawamura, YI, Kempfle, JS, Kenna, TJ, Kere, J, Khachigian, LM, Kitamura, T, Klein, S, Klinken, SP, Knox, AJ, Kojima, S, Koseki, H, Koyasu, S, Lee, W, Lennartsson, A, Mackay-sim, A, Mejhert, N, Mizuno, Y, Morikawa, H, Morimoto, M, Moro, K, Morris, KJ, Motohashi, H, Mummery, CL, Nakachi, Y, Nakahara, F, Nakamura, T, Nakamura, Y, Nozaki, T, Ogishima, S, Ohkura, N, Ohno, H, Ohshima, M, Okada-Hatakeyama, M, Okazaki, Y, Orlando, V, Ovchinnikov, DA, Passier, R, Patrikakis, M, Pombo, A, Pradhan-Bhatt, S, Qin, X-Y, Rehli, M, Rizzu, P, Roy, S, Sajantila, A, Sakaguchi, S, Sato, H, Satoh, H, Savvi, S, Saxena, A, Schmidl, C, Schneider, C, Schulze-Tanzil, GG, Schwegmann, A, Sheng, G, Shin, JW, Sugiyama, D, Sugiyama, T, Summers, KM, Takahashi, N, Takai, J, Tanaka, H, Tatsukawa, H, Tomoiu, A, Toyoda, H, van de Wetering, M, van den Berg, LM, Verardo, R, Vijayan, D, Wells, CA, Winteringham, LN, Wolvetang, E, Yamaguchi, Y, Yamamoto, M, Yanagi-Mizuochi, C, Yoneda, M, Yonekura, Y, Zhang, PG, Zucchelli, S, Abugessaisa, I, Arner, E, Harshbarger, J, Kondo, A, Lassmann, T, Lizio, M, Sahin, S, Sengstag, T, Severin, J, Shimoji, H, Suzuki, M, Suzuki, H, Kawai, J, Kondo, N, Itoh, M, Daub, CO, Kasukawa, T, Kawaji, H, Carninci, P, Forrest, ARR, Hayashizaki, Y, Noguchi, S, Arakawa, T, Fukuda, S, Furuno, M, Hasegawa, A, Hori, F, Ishikawa-Kato, S, Kaida, K, Kaiho, A, Kanamori-Katayama, M, Kawashima, T, Kojima, M, Kubosaki, A, Manabe, R-I, Murata, M, Nagao-Sato, S, Nakazato, K, Ninomiya, N, Nishiyori-Sueki, H, Noma, S, Saijyo, E, Saka, A, Sakai, M, Simon, C, Suzuki, N, Tagami, M, Watanabe, S, Yoshida, S, Arner, P, Axton, RA, Babina, M, Baillie, JK, Barnett, TC, Beckhouse, AG, Blumenthal, A, Bodega, B, Bonetti, A, Briggs, J, Brombacher, F, Carlisle, AJ, Clevers, HC, Davis, CA, Detmar, M, Dohi, T, Edge, ASB, Edinger, M, Ehrlund, A, Ekwall, K, Endoh, M, Enomoto, H, Eslami, A, Fagiolini, M, Fairbairn, L, Farach-Carson, MC, Faulkner, GJ, Ferrai, C, Fisher, ME, Forrester, LM, Fujita, R, Furusawa, J-I, Geijtenbeek, TB, Gingeras, T, Goldowitz, D, Guhl, S, Guler, R, Gustincich, S, Ha, TJ, Hamaguchi, M, Hara, M, Hasegawa, Y, Herlyn, M, Heutink, P, Hitchens, KJ, Hume, DA, Ikawa, T, Ishizu, Y, Kai, C, Kawamoto, H, Kawamura, YI, Kempfle, JS, Kenna, TJ, Kere, J, Khachigian, LM, Kitamura, T, Klein, S, Klinken, SP, Knox, AJ, Kojima, S, Koseki, H, Koyasu, S, Lee, W, Lennartsson, A, Mackay-sim, A, Mejhert, N, Mizuno, Y, Morikawa, H, Morimoto, M, Moro, K, Morris, KJ, Motohashi, H, Mummery, CL, Nakachi, Y, Nakahara, F, Nakamura, T, Nakamura, Y, Nozaki, T, Ogishima, S, Ohkura, N, Ohno, H, Ohshima, M, Okada-Hatakeyama, M, Okazaki, Y, Orlando, V, Ovchinnikov, DA, Passier, R, Patrikakis, M, Pombo, A, Pradhan-Bhatt, S, Qin, X-Y, Rehli, M, Rizzu, P, Roy, S, Sajantila, A, Sakaguchi, S, Sato, H, Satoh, H, Savvi, S, Saxena, A, Schmidl, C, Schneider, C, Schulze-Tanzil, GG, Schwegmann, A, Sheng, G, Shin, JW, Sugiyama, D, Sugiyama, T, Summers, KM, Takahashi, N, Takai, J, Tanaka, H, Tatsukawa, H, Tomoiu, A, Toyoda, H, van de Wetering, M, van den Berg, LM, Verardo, R, Vijayan, D, Wells, CA, Winteringham, LN, Wolvetang, E, Yamaguchi, Y, Yamamoto, M, Yanagi-Mizuochi, C, Yoneda, M, Yonekura, Y, Zhang, PG, Zucchelli, S, Abugessaisa, I, Arner, E, Harshbarger, J, Kondo, A, Lassmann, T, Lizio, M, Sahin, S, Sengstag, T, Severin, J, Shimoji, H, Suzuki, M, Suzuki, H, Kawai, J, Kondo, N, Itoh, M, Daub, CO, Kasukawa, T, Kawaji, H, Carninci, P, Forrest, ARR, and Hayashizaki, Y
- Abstract
In the FANTOM5 project, transcription initiation events across the human and mouse genomes were mapped at a single base-pair resolution and their frequencies were monitored by CAGE (Cap Analysis of Gene Expression) coupled with single-molecule sequencing. Approximately three thousands of samples, consisting of a variety of primary cells, tissues, cell lines, and time series samples during cell activation and development, were subjected to a uniform pipeline of CAGE data production. The analysis pipeline started by measuring RNA extracts to assess their quality, and continued to CAGE library production by using a robotic or a manual workflow, single molecule sequencing, and computational processing to generate frequencies of transcription initiation. Resulting data represents the consequence of transcriptional regulation in each analyzed state of mammalian cells. Non-overlapping peaks over the CAGE profiles, approximately 200,000 and 150,000 peaks for the human and mouse genomes, were identified and annotated to provide precise location of known promoters as well as novel ones, and to quantify their activities.
- Published
- 2017
9. Erratum to: Guidelines for the use and interpretation of assays for monitoring autophagy (3rd edition) (Autophagy, 12, 1, 1-222, 10.1080/15548627.2015.1100356
- Author
Klionsky, D. J., Abdelmohsen, K., Abe, A., Abedin, M. J., Abeliovich, H., Arozena, A. A., Adachi, H., Adams, C. M., Adams, P. D., Adeli, K., Adhihetty, P. J., Adler, S. G., Agam, G., Agarwal, R., Aghi, M. K., Agnello, M., Agostinis, P., Aguilar, P. V., Aguirre-Ghiso, J., Airoldi, E. M., Ait-Si-Ali, S., Akematsu, T., Akporiaye, E. T., Al-Rubeai, M., Albaiceta, G. M., Albanese, C., Albani, D., Albert, M. L., Aldudo, J., Algül, H., Alirezaei, M., Alloza, I., Almasan, A., Almonte-Beceril, M., Alnemri, E. S., Alonso, C., Altan-Bonnet, N., Altieri, D. C., Alvarez, S., Alvarez-Erviti, L., Alves, S., Amadoro, G., Amano, A., Amantini, C., Ambrosio, S., Amelio, I., Amer, A. O., Amessou, M., Amon, A., An, Z., Anania, F. A., Andersen, S. U., Andley, U. P., Andreadi, C. K., Andrieu-Abadie, N., Anel, A., Ann, D. K., Anoopkumar-Dukie, S., Antonioli, M., Aoki, H., Apostolova, N., Aquila, S., Aquilano, K., Araki, K., Arama, E., Aranda, A., Araya, J., Arcaro, A., Arias, E., Arimoto, H., Ariosa, A. R., Armstrong, J. L., Arnould, T., Arsov, I., Asanuma, K., Askanas, V., Asselin, E., Atarashi, R., Atherton, S. S., Atkin, J. D., Attardi, L. D., Auberger, P., Auburger, G., Aurelian, L., Autelli, R., Avagliano, L., Avantaggiati, M. L., Avrahami, L., Azad, N., Awale, S., Bachetti, T., Backer, J. M., Bae, D. -H., Bae, J. -S., Bae, O. -N., Bae, S. H., Baehrecke, E. H., Baek, S. -H., Baghdiguian, S., Bagniewska-Zadworna, A., Bai, H., Bai, J., Bai, X. -Y., Bailly, Y., Balaji, K. N., Balduini, W., Ballabio, A., Balzan, R., Banerjee, R., Bánhegyi, G., Bao, H., Barbeau, B., Barrachina, M. D., Barreiro, E., Bartel, B., Bartolomé, A., Bassham, D. C., Bassi, M. T., Bast, R. C., J, R., Basu, A., Batista, M. T., Batoko, H., Battino, M., Bauckman, K., Baumgarner, B. L., Bayer, K. U., Beale, R., Beaulieu, J. -F., Beck, G. R., Becker, C., Beckham, J. D., Bédard, P. -A., Bednarski, P. J., Begley, T. J., Behl, C., Behrends, C., Behrens, G. M. N., Behrns, K. E., Bejarano, E., Belaid, A., Belleudi, F., Bénard, G., Berchem, G., Bergamaschi, D., Bergami, M., Berkhout, B., Berliocchi, L., Bernard, A., Bernard, M., Bernassola, F., Bertolotti, A., Bess, A. S., Besteiro, S., Bettuzzi, S., Bhalla, S., Bhattacharyya, S., Bhutia, S. K., Biagosch, C., Bianchi, M. W., Biard-Piechaczyk, M., Billes, V., Bincoletto, C., Bingol, B., Bird, S. W., Bitoun, M., Bjedov, I., Blackstone, C., Blanc, L., Blanco, G. A., Blomhoff, H. K., Boada-Romero, E., Böckler, S., Boes, M., Boesze-Battaglia, K., Boise, L. H., Bolino, A., Boman, A., Bonaldo, P., Bordi, M., Bosch, J., Botana, L. M., Botti, J., Bou, G., Bouché, M., Bouchecareilh, M., Boucher, M. -J., Boulton, M. E., Bouret, S. G., Boya, P., Boyer-Guittaut, M., Bozhkov, P. V., Brady, N., Braga, V. M. M., Brancolini, C., Braus, G. H., Bravo-San-Pedro, J. M., Brennan, L. A., Bresnick, E. H., Brest, P., Bridges, D., Bringer, M. -A., Brini, M., Brito, G. C., Brodin, B., Brookes, P. S., Brown, E. J., Brown, K., Broxmeyer, H. E., Bruhat, A., Brum, P. C., Brumell, J. H., Brunetti-Pierri, N., Bryson-Richardson, R. J., Buch, S., Buchan, A. M., Budak, H., Bulavin, D. V., Bultman, S. J., Bultynck, G., Bumbasirevic, V., Burelle, Y., Burke, R. E., Burmeister, M., Bütikofer, P., Caberlotto, L., Cadwell, K., Cahova, M., Cai, D., Cai, J., Cai, Q., Calatayud, S., Camougrand, N., Campanella, M., Campbell, G. R., Campbell, M., Campello, S., Candau, R., Caniggia, I., Cantoni, L., Cao, L., Caplan, A. B., Caraglia, M., Cardinali, C., Cardoso, S. M., Carew, J. S., Carleton, L. A., Carlin, C. R., Carloni, S., Carlsson, S. R., Carmona-Gutierrez, D., Carneiro, L. A. M., Carnevali, O., Carra, S., Carrier, A., Carroll, B., Casas, C., Casas, J., Cassinelli, G., Castets, P., Castro-Obregon, S., Cavallini, G., Ceccherini, I., Cecconi, F., Cederbaum, A. I., Ceña, V., Cenci, S., Cerella, C., Cervia, D., Cetrullo, S., Chaachouay, H., Chae, H. -J., Chagin, A. S., Chai, C. -Y., Chakrabarti, G., Chamilos, G., Chan, E. Y. W., Chan, M. T. V., Chandra, D., Chandra, P., Chang, C. -P., Chang, R. C. -C., Chang, T. Y., Chatham, J. C., Chatterjee, S., Chauhan, S., Che, Y., Cheetham, M. E., Cheluvappa, R., Chen, C. -J., Chen, G., Chen, G. -C., Chen, H., Chen, J. W., Chen, J. -K., Chen, M., Chen, P., Chen, Q., Chen, S. -D., Chen, S., Chen, S. S. -L., Chen, W., Chen, W. -J., Chen, W. Q., Chen, X., Chen, Y. -H., Chen, Y. -G., Chen, Y., Chen, Y. -J., Chen, Y. -Q., Chen, Z., Cheng, A., Cheng, C. H. K., Cheng, H., Cheong, H., Cherry, S., Chesney, J., Cheung, C. H. A., Chevet, E., Chi, H. C., Chi, S. -G., Chiacchiera, F., Chiang, H. -L., Chiarelli, R., Chiariello, M., Chieppa, M., Chin, L. -S., Chiong, M., Chiu, G. N. C., Cho, D. -H., Cho, S. -G., Cho, W. C., Cho, Y. -Y., Cho, Y. -S., Choi, A. M. K., Choi, E. -J., Choi, E. -K., Choi, J., Choi, M. E., Choi, S. -I., Chou, T. -F., Chouaib, S., Choubey, D., Choubey, V., Chow, K. -C., Chowdhury, K., Chu, C. T., Chuang, T. -H., Chun, T., Chung, H., Chung, T., Chung, Y. -L., Chwae, Y. -J., Cianfanelli, V., Ciarcia, R., Ciechomska, I. A., Ciriolo, M. R., Cirone, M., Claerhout, S., Clague, M. J., Cl� ria, J., Clarke, P. G. H., Clarke, R., Clementi, E., Cleyrat, C., Cnop, M., Coccia, E. M., Cocco, T., Codogno, P., Coers, J., Cohen, E. E. W., Colecchia, D., Coletto, L., Coll, N. S., Colucci-Guyon, E., Comincini, S., Condello, M., Cook, K. L., Coombs, G. H., Cooper, C. D., Cooper, J. M., Coppens, I., Corasaniti, M. T., Corazzari, M., Corbalan, R., Corcelle-Termeau, E., Cordero, M. D., Corral-Ramos, C., Corti, O., Cossarizza, A., Costelli, P., Costes, S., Cotman, S. L., Coto-Montes, A., Cottet, S., Couve, E., Covey, L. R., Cowart, L. A., Cox, J. S., Coxon, F. P., Coyne, C. B., Cragg, M. S., Craven, R. J., Crepaldi, T., Crespo, J. L., Criollo, A., Crippa, V., Cruz, M. T., Cuervo, A. M., Cuezva, J. M., Cui, T., Cutillas, P. R., Czaja, M. J., Czyzyk-Krzeska, M. F., Dagda, R. K., Dahmen, U., Dai, C., Dai, W., Dai, Y., Dalby, K. N., Valle, L. D., Dalmasso, G., D'Amelio, M., Damme, M., Darfeuille-Michaud, A., Dargemont, C., Darley-Usmar, V. M., Dasarathy, S., Dasgupta, B., Dash, S., Dass, C. R., Davey, H. M., Davids, L. M., Dávila, D., Davis, R. J., Dawson, T. M., Dawson, V. L., Daza, P., de Belleroche, J., de Figueiredo, P., de Figueiredo, R. C. B. Q., de la Fuente, J., De Martino, L., De Matteis, A., De Meyer, G. R. Y., De Milito, A., De Santi, M., de Souza, W., De Tata, V., De Zio, D., Debnath, J., Dechant, R., Decuypere, J. -P., Deegan, S., Dehay, B., Del Bello, B., Del Re, D. P., Delage-Mourroux, R., Delbridge, L. M. D., Deldicque, L., Delorme-Axford, E., Deng, Y., Dengjel, J., Denizot, M., Dent, P., Der, C. J., Deretic, V., Derrien, B., Deutsch, E., Devarenne, T. P., Devenish, R. J., Di Bartolomeo, S., Di Daniele, N., Di Domenico, F., Di Nardo, A., Di Paola, S., Di Pietro, A., Di Renzo, L., Di Antonio, A., Díaz-Araya, G., Díaz-Laviada, I., Diaz-Meco, M. T., Diaz-Nido, J., Dickey, C. A., Dickson, R. C., Diederich, M., Digard, P., Dikic, I., Dinesh-Kumar, S. P., Ding, C., Ding, W. -X., Ding, Z., Dini, L., Distler, J. H. W., Diwan, A., Djavaheri-Mergny, M., Dmytruk, K., Dobson, R. C. J., Doetsch, V., Dokladny, K., Dokudovskaya, S., Donadelli, M., Dong, X. C., Dong, X., Dong, Z., Donohue, T. M., Donohue-Jr, T. M., Doran, K. S., D'Orazi, G., Dorn, G. W., Dosenko, V., Dridi, S., Drucker, L., Du, J., L. -L., Du, Du, L., du Toit, A., Dua, P., Duan, L., Duann, P., Dubey, V. K., Duchen, M. R., Duchosal, M. A., Duez, H., Dugail, I., Dumit, V. I., Duncan, M. C., Dunlop, E. A., Dunn, W. A., Dupont, N., Dupuis, L., Durán, R. V., Durcan, T. M., Duvezin-Caubet, S., Duvvuri, U., Eapen, V., Ebrahimi-Fakhari, D., Echard, A., Eckhart, L., Edelstein, C. L., Edinger, A. L., Eichinger, L., Eisenberg, T., Eisenberg-Lerner, A., Eissa, N. T., El-Deiry, W. S., El-Khoury, V., Elazar, Z., Eldar-Finkelman, H., Elliott, C. J. H., Emanuele, E., Emmenegger, U., Engedal, N., Engelbrecht, A. -M., Engelender, S., Enserink, J. M., Erdmann, R., Erenpreisa, J., Eri, R., Eriksen, J. L., Erman, A., Escalante, R., Eskelinen, E. -L., Espert, L., Esteban-Martínez, L., Evans, T. J., Fabri, M., Fabrias, G., Fabrizi, C., Facchiano, A., Færgeman, N. J., Faggioni, A., Fairlie, W. D., Fan, C., Fan, D., Fan, J., Fang, S., Fanto, M., Fanzani, A., Farkas, T., Faure, M., Favier, F. B., Fearnhead, H., Federici, M., Fei, E., Felizardo, T. C., Feng, H., Feng, Y., Ferguson, T. A., Fernández, Á. F., Fernandez-Barrena, M. G., Fernandez-Checa, J. C., Fernández-López, A., Fernandez-Zapico, M. E., Feron, O., Ferraro, E., Ferreira-Halder, C. V., Fesus, L., Feuer, R., Fiesel, F. C., Filippi-Chiela, E. C., Filomeni, G., Fimia, G. M., Fingert, J. H., Finkbeiner, S., Finkel, T., Fiorito, F., Fisher, P. B., Flajolet, M., Flamigni, F., Florey, O., Florio, S., Floto, R. A., Folini, M., Follo, C., Fon, E. A., Fornai, F., Fortunato, F., Fraldi, A., Franco, R., Francois, A., François, A., Frankel, L. B., Fraser, I. D. C., Frey, N., Freyssenet, D. G., Frezza, C., Friedman, S. L., Frigo, D. E., Fu, D., Fuentes, J. M., Fueyo, J., Fujitani, Y., Fujiwara, Y., Fujiya, M., Fukuda, M., Fulda, S., Fusco, C., Gabryel, B., Gaestel, M., Gailly, P., Gajewska, M., Galadari, S., Galili, G., Galindo, I., Galindo, M. F., Galliciotti, G., Galluzzi, L., Galy, V., Gammoh, N., Gandy, S., Ganesan, A. K., Ganesan, S., Ganley, I. G., Gannagé, M., Gao, F. -B., Gao, F., Gao, J. -X., Nannig, L. G., Véscovi, E. G., Garcia-Macía, M., Garcia-Ruiz, C., Garg, A. D., Garg, P. K., Gargini, R., Gassen, N. C., Gatica, D., Gatti, E., Gavard, J., Gavathiotis, E., Ge, L., Ge, P., Ge, S., Gean, P. -W., Gelmetti, V., Genazzani, A. A., Geng, J., Genschik, P., Gerner, L., Gestwicki, J. E., Gewirtz, D. A., Ghavami, S., Ghigo, E., Ghosh, D., Giammarioli, A. M., Giampieri, F., Giampietri, C., Giatromanolaki, A., Gibbings, D. J., Gibellini, L., Gibson, S. B., Ginet, V., Giordano, A., Giorgini, F., Giovannetti, E., Girardin, S. E., Gispert, S., Giuliano, S., Gladson, C. L., Glavic, A., Gleave, M., Godefroy, N., Gogal, R. M., Gokulan, K., Goldman, G. H., Goletti, D., Goligorsky, M. S., Gomes, A. V., Gomes, L. C., Gomez, H., Gomez-Manzano, C., Gómez-Sánchez, R., Gonçalves, D. A. P., Goncu, E., Gong, Q., Gongora, C., Gonzalez, C. B., Gonzalez-Alegre, P., Gonzalez-Cabo, P., González-Polo, R. A., Goping, I. S., Gorbea, C., Gorbunov, N. V., Goring, D. R., Gorman, A. M., Gorski, S. M., Goruppi, S., Goto-Yamada, S., Gotor, C., Gottlieb, R. A., Gozes, I., Gozuacik, D., Graba, Y., Graef, M., Granato, G. E., Grant, G. D., Grant, S., Gravina, G. L., Green, D. R., Greenhough, A., Greenwood, M. T., Grimaldi, B., Gros, F., Grose, C., Groulx, J. -F., Gruber, F., Grumati, P., Grune, T., Guan, J. -L., Guan, K. -L., Guerra, B., Guillen, C., Gulshan, K., Gunst, J., Guo, C., Guo, L., Guo, M., Guo, W., Guo, X. -G., Gust, A. A., Gustafsson, Å. B., Gutierrez, E., Gutierrez, M. G., Gwak, H. -S., Haas, A., Haber, J. E., Hadano, S., Hagedorn, M., Hahn, D. R., Halayko, A. J., Hamacher-Brady, A., Hamada, K., Hamai, A., Hamann, A., Hamasaki, M., Hamer, I., Hamid, Q., Hammond, E. M., Han, F., Han, W., Handa, J. T., Hanover, J. A., Hansen, M., Harada, M., Harhaji-Trajkovic, L., Harper, J. W., Harrath, A. H., Harris, A. L., Harris, J., Hasler, U., Hasselblatt, P., Hasui, K., Hawley, R. G., Hawley, T. S., He, C., C. Y., He, He, F., He, G., R. -R., He, X. -H., He, Y. -W., He, Y. -Y., He, Heath, J. K., Hébert, M. -J., Heinzen, R. A., Helgason, G. V., Hensel, M., Henske, E. P., Her, C., Herman, P. K., Hernández, A., Hernandez, C., Hernández-Tiedra, S., Hetz, C., Hiesinger, P. R., Higaki, K., Hilfiker, S., Hill, B. G., Hill, J. A., Hill, W. D., Hino, K., Hofius, D., Hofman, P., Höglinger, G. U., Höhfeld, J., Holz, M. K., Hong, Y., Hood, D. A., Hoozemans, J. J. M., Hoppe, T., Hsu, C., Hsu, C. -Y., Hsu, L. -C., Hu, D., Hu, G., H. -M., Hu, Hu, H., M. C., Hu, Y. -C., Hu, Z. -W., Hu, Hua, F., Hua, Y., Huang, C., Huang, H. -L., Huang, K. -H., Huang, K. -Y., Huang, S., Huang, W. -P., Huang, Y. -R., Huang, Y., Huber, T. B., Huebbe, P., Huh, W. -K., Hulmi, J. J., Hur, G. M., Hurley, J. H., Husak, Z., Hussain, S. N. A., Hussain, S., Hwang, J. J., Hwang, S., Hwang, T. I. S., Ichihara, A., Imai, Y., Imbriano, C., Inomata, M., Into, T., Iovane, V., Iovanna, J. L., Iozzo, R. V., N. Y., Ip, Irazoqui, J. E., Iribarren, P., Isaka, Y., Isakovic, A. J., Ischiropoulos, H., Isenberg, J. S., Ishaq, M., Ishida, H., Ishii, I., Ishmael, J. E., Isidoro, C., Isobe, K. -I., Isono, E., Issazadeh-Navikas, S., Itahana, K., Itakura, E., Ivanov, A. I., Iyer, A. K. V., Izquierdo, J. M., Izumi, Y., Izzo, V., Jäättelä, M., Jaber, N., Jackson, D. J., Jackson, W. T., Jacob, T. G., Jacques, T. S., Jagannath, C., Jain, A., Jana, N. R., Jang, B. K., Jani, A., Janji, B., Jannig, P. R., Jansson, P. J., Jean, S., Jendrach, M., Jeon, J. -H., Jessen, N., Jeung, E. -B., Jia, K., Jia, L., Jiang, H., Jiang, L., Jiang, T., Jiang, X., Jiang, Y., Jiménez, A., Jin, C., Jin, H., Jin, L., Jin, M., Jin, S., Jinwal, U. K., E. -K., Jo, Johansen, T., Johnson, D. E., Johnson, G. V. W., Johnson, J. D., Jonasch, E., Jones, C., Joosten, L. A. B., Jordan, J., Joseph, A. -M., Joseph, B., Joubert, A. M., Ju, D., Ju, J., Juan, H. -F., Juenemann, K., Juhász, G., Jung, H. S., Jung, J. U., Jung, Y. -K., Jungbluth, H., Justice, M. J., Jutten, B., Kaakoush, N. O., Kaarniranta, K., Kaasik, A., Kabuta, T., Kaeffer, B., Kågedal, K., Kahana, A., Kajimura, S., Kakhlon, O., Kalia, M., Kalvakolanu, D. V., Kamada, Y., Kambas, K., Kaminskyy, V. O., Kampinga, H. H., Kandouz, M., Kang, C., Kang, R., Kang, T. -C., Kanki, T., Kanneganti, T. -D., Kanno, H., Kanthasamy, A. G., Kantorow, M., Kaparakis-Liaskos, M., Kapuy, O., Karantza, V., Karim, M. R., Karmakar, P., Kaser, A., Kaushik, S., Kawula, T., Kaynar, A. M., P. -Y., Ke, Z. -J., Ke, Kehrl, J. H., Keller, K. E., Kemper, J. K., Kenworthy, A. K., Kepp, O., Kern, A., Kesari, S., Kessel, D., Ketteler, R., Kettelhut, I. C., Khambu, B., Khan, M. M., Khandelwal, V. K. M., Khare, S., Kiang, J. G., Kiger, A. A., Kihara, A., Kim, A. L., Kim, C. H., Kim, D. R., Kim, D. -H., Kim, E. K., Kim, H. Y., Kim, H. -R., Kim, J. -S., Kim, J. H., Kim, J. C., Kim, K. W., Kim, M. D., Kim, M. -M., Kim, P. K., Kim, S. W., Kim, S. -Y., Kim, Y. -S., Kim, Y., Kimchi, A., Kimmelman, A. C., Kimura, T., King, J. S., Kirkegaard, K., Kirkin, V., Kirshenbaum, L. A., Kishi, S., Kitajima, Y., Kitamoto, K., Kitaoka, Y., Kitazato, K., Kley, R. A., Klimecki, W. T., Klinkenberg, M., Klucken, J., Knævelsrud, H., Knecht, E., Knuppertz, L., J. -L., Ko, Kobayashi, S., Koch, J. C., Koechlin-Ramonatxo, C., Koenig, U., Koh, Y. H., Köhler, K., Kohlwein, S. D., Koike, M., Komatsu, M., Kominami, E., Kong, D., Kong, H. J., Konstantakou, E. G., Kopp, B. T., Korcsmaros, T., Korhonen, L., Korolchuk, V. I., Koshkina, N. V., Kou, Y., Koukourakis, M. I., Koumenis, C., Kovács, A. L., Kovács, T., Kovacs, W. J., Koya, D., Kraft, C., Krainc, D., Kramer, H., Kravic-Stevovic, T., Krek, W., Kretz-Remy, C., Krick, R., Krishnamurthy, M., Kriston-Vizi, J., Kroemer, G., Kruer, M. C., Kruger, R., Ktistakis, N. T., Kuchitsu, K., Kuhn, C., Kumar, A. P., Kumar, A., Kumar, D., Kumar, R., Kumar, S., Kundu, M., Kung, H. -J., Kuno, A., Kuo, S. -H., Kuret, J., Kurz, T., Kwok, T., Kwon, T. K., Kwon, Y. T., Kyrmizi, I., La Spada, A. R., Lafont, F., Lahm, T., Lakkaraju, A., Lam, T., Lamark, T., Lancel, S., Landowski, T. H., Lane, D. J. R., Lane, J. D., Lanzi, C., Lapaquette, P., Lapierre, L. R., Laporte, J., Laukkarinen, J., Laurie, G. W., Lavandero, S., Lavie, L., Lavoie, M. J., Law, B. Y. K., Law, H. K. -W., Law, K. B., Layfield, R., Lazo, P. A., Le Cam, L., Le Roch, K. G., Le Stunff, H., Leardkamolkarn, V., Lecuit, M., Lee, B. -H., Lee, C. -H., Lee, E. F., Lee, G. M., Lee, H. -J., Lee, H., Lee, J. K., Lee, J., Lee, J. -H., Lee, J. H., Lee, M., Lee, M. -S., Lee, P. J., Lee, S. W., Lee, S. -J., Lee, S. Y., Lee, S. H., Lee, S. S., Lee, S., Lee, Y. -R., Lee, Y. J., Lee, Y. H., Leeuwenburgh, C., Lefort, S., Legouis, R., Lei, J., Lei, Q. -Y., Leib, D. A., Leibowitz, G., Lekli, I., Lemaire, S. D., Lemasters, J. J., Lemberg, M. K., Lemoine, A., Leng, S., Lenz, G., Lenzi, P., Lerman, L. O., Barbato, D. L., Leu, J. I. J., Leung, H. Y., Levine, B., Lewis, P. A., Lezoualch, F., Li, C., Li, F., F. -J., Li, Li, J., Li, K., Li, L., Li, M., Li, Q., Li, R., Li, S., Li, W., Li, X., Li, Y., Lian, J., Liang, C., Liang, Q., Liao, Y., Liberal, J., Liberski, P. P., Lie, P., Lieberman, A. P., Lim, H. J., Lim, K. -L., Lim, K., Lima, R. T., Lin, C. -S., Lin, C. -F., Lin, F., Lin, F. -C., Lin, K., Lin, K. -H., Lin, P. -H., Lin, T., Lin, W. -W., Lin, Y. -S., Lin, Y., Linden, R., Lindholm, D., Lindqvist, L. M., Lingor, P., Linkermann, A., Liotta, L. A., Lipinski, M. M., Lira, V. A., Lisanti, M. P., Liton, P. B., Liu, B., Liu, C., Liu, C. -F., Liu, F., Liu, H. -J., Liu, J., Liu, J. -J., Liu, J. -L., Liu, K., Liu, L., Liu, Q., Liu, R. -Y., Liu, S., Liu, W., Liu, X. -D., Liu, X., Liu, X. -H., Liu, Y., Liu, Z., Liuzzi, J. P., Lizard, G., Ljujic, M., Lodhi, I. J., Logue, S. E., Lokeshwar, B. L., Long, Y. C., Lonial, S., Loos, B., López-Otín, C., López-Vicario, C., Lorente, M., Lorenzi, P. L., Lõrincz, P., Los, M., Lotze, M. T., Lovat, P. E., Lu, B., Lu, J., Lu, Q., S. -M., Lu, Lu, S., Lu, Y., Luciano, F., Luckhart, S., Lucocq, J. M., Ludovico, P., Lugea, A., Lukacs, N. W., Lum, J. J., Lund, A. H., Luo, H., Luo, J., Luo, S., Luparello, C., Lyons, T., Ma, J., Ma, Y., Ma, Z., Machado, J., Machado-Santelli, G. M., Macian, F., Macintosh, G. C., Mackeigan, J. P., Macleod, K. F., Macmicking, J. D., MacMillan-Crow, L. A., Madeo, F., Madesh, M., Madrigal-Matute, J., Maeda, A., Maeda, T., Maegawa, G., Maellaro, E., Maes, H., Magariños, M., Maiese, K., Maiti, T. K., Maiuri, L., Maiuri, M. C., Maki, C. G., Malli, R., Malorni, W., Maloyan, A., Mami-Chouaib, F., Man, N., Mancias, J. D., Mandelkow, E. -M., Mandell, M. A., Manfredi, A. A., Manié, S. N., Manzoni, C., Mao, K., Mao, Z., Mao, Z. -W., Marambaud, P., Marconi, A. M., Marelja, Z., Marfe, G., Margeta, M., Margittai, E., Mari, M., Mariani, F. V., Marin, C., Marinelli, S., Mariño, G., Markovic, I., Marquez, R., Martelli, A. M., Martens, S., Martin, K. R., Martin, S. J., Martin, S., Martin-Acebes, M. A., Martín-Sanz, P., Martinand-Mari, C., Martinet, W., Martinez, J., Martinez-Lopez, N., Martinez-Outschoorn, U., Martínez-Velázquez, M., Martinez-Vicente, M., Martins, W. K., Mashima, H., Mastrianni, J. A., Matarese, G., Matarrese, P., Mateo, R., Matoba, S., Matsumoto, N., Matsushita, T., Matsuura, A., Matsuzawa, T., Mattson, M. P., Matus, S., Maugeri, N., Mauvezin, C., Mayer, A., Maysinger, D., Mazzolini, G. D., Mcbrayer, M. K., Mccall, K., Mccormick, C., Mcinerney, G. M., Mciver, S. C., Mckenna, S., Mcmahon, J. J., Mcneish, I. A., Mechta-Grigoriou, F., Medema, J. P., Medina, D. L., Megyeri, K., Mehrpour, M., Mehta, J. L., Mei, Y., Meier, U. -C., Meijer, A. J., Meléndez, A., Melino, G., Melino, S., de Melo, E. J. T., Mena, M. A., Meneghini, M. D., Menendez, J. A., Menezes, R., Meng, L., Meng, L. -H., Meng, S., Menghini, R., Menko, A. S., Menna-Barreto, R. F. S., Menon, M. B., Meraz-Ríos, M. A., Merla, G., Merlini, L., Merlot, A. M., Meryk, A., Meschini, S., Meyer, J. N., M. -T., Mi, Miao, C. -Y., Micale, L., Michaeli, S., Michiels, C., Migliaccio, A. R., Mihailidou, A. S., Mijaljica, D., Mikoshiba, K., Milan, E., Miller-Fleming, L., Mills, G. B., Mills, I. G., Minakaki, G., Minassian, B. A., Ming, X. -F., Minibayeva, F., Minina, E. A., Mintern, J. D., Minucci, S., Miranda-Vizuete, A., Mitchell, C. H., Miyamoto, S., Miyazawa, K., Mizushima, N., Mnich, K., Mograbi, B., Mohseni, S., Moita, L. F., Molinari, M., Møller, A. B., Mollereau, B., Mollinedo, F., Mongillo, M., Monick, M. M., Montagnaro, S., Montell, C., Moore, D. J., Moore, M. N., Mora-Rodriguez, R., Moreira, P. I., Morel, E., Morelli, M. B., Moreno, S., Morgan, M. J., Moris, A., Moriyasu, Y., Morrison, J. L., Morrison, L. A., Morselli, E., Moscat, J., Moseley, P. L., Mostowy, S., Motori, E., Mottet, D., Mottram, J. C., Moussa, C. E. -H., Mpakou, V. E., Mukhtar, H., Levy, J. M. M., Muller, S., Muñoz-Moreno, R., Muñoz-Pinedo, C., Münz, C., Murphy, M. E., Murray, J. T., Murthy, A., Mysorekar, I. U., Nabi, I. R., Nabissi, M., Nader, G. A., Nagahara, Y., Nagai, Y., Nagata, K., Nagelkerke, A., Nagy, P., Naidu, S. R., Nair, S., Nakano, H., Nakatogawa, H., Nanjundan, M., Napolitano, G., Naqvi, N. I., Nardacci, R., Narendra, D. P., Narita, M., Nascimbeni, A. C., Natarajan, R., Navegantes, L. C., Nawrocki, S. T., Nazarko, T. Y., Nazarko, V. Y., Neill, T., Neri, L. M., Netea, M. G., Netea-Maier, R. T., Neves, B. M., Ney, P. A., Nezis, I. P., Nguyen, H. T. T., Nguyen, H. P., Nicot, A. -S., Nilsen, H., Nilsson, P., Nishimura, M., Nishino, I., Niso-Santano, M., Niu, H., Nixon, R. A., Njar, V. C. O., Noda, T., Noegel, A. A., Nolte, E. M., Norberg, E., Norga, K. K., Noureini, S. K., Notomi, S., Notterpek, L., Nowikovsky, K., Nukina, N., Nürnberger, T., O'Donnell, V. B., O'Donovan, T., O'Dwyer, P. J., Oehme, I., Oeste, C. L., Ogawa, M., Ogretmen, B., Ogura, Y., Y. J., Oh, Ohmuraya, M., Ohshima, T., Ojha, R., Okamoto, K., Okazaki, T., Oliver, F. J., Ollinger, K., Olsson, S., Orban, D. P., Ordonez, P., Orhon, I., Orosz, L., O'Rourke, E. J., Orozco, H., Ortega, A. L., Ortona, E., Osellame, L. D., Oshima, J., Oshima, S., Osiewacz, H. D., Otomo, T., Otsu, K., J. -H. J., Ou, Outeiro, T. F., Ouyang, D. -Y., Ouyang, H., Overholtzer, M., Ozbun, M. A., Ozdinler, P. H., Ozpolat, B., Pacelli, C., Paganetti, P., Page, G., Pages, G., Pagnini, U., Pajak, B., Pak, S. C., Pakos-Zebrucka, K., Pakpour, N., Palková, Z., Palladino, F., Pallauf, K., Pallet, N., Palmieri, M., Paludan, S. R., Palumbo, C., Palumbo, S., Pampliega, O., Pan, H., Pan, W., Panaretakis, T., Pandey, A., Pantazopoulou, A., Papackova, Z., Papademetrio, D. L., Papassideri, I., Papini, A., Parajuli, N., Pardo, J., Parekh, V. V., Parenti, G., Park, J. -I., Park, J., Park, O. K., Parker, R., Parlato, R., Parys, J. B., Parzych, K. R., Pasquet, J. -M., Pasquier, B., Pasumarthi, K. B. S., Patterson, C., Pattingre, S., Pattison, S., Pause, A., Pavenstädt, H., Pavone, F., Pedrozo, Z., Peña, F. J., Peñalva, M. A., Pende, M., Peng, J., Penna, F., Penninger, J. M., Pensalfini, A., Pepe, S., Pereira, G. J. S., Pereira, P. C., de la Cruz, V. P., Pérez-Pérez, M. E., Pérez-Rodríguez, D., Pérez-Sala, D., Perier, C., Perl, A., Perlmutter, D. H., Perrotta, I., Pervaiz, S., Pesonen, M., Pessin, J. E., Peters, G. J., Petersen, M., Petrache, I., Petrof, B. J., Petrovski, G., Phang, J. M., Piacentini, M., Pierdominici, M., Pierre, P., Pierrefite-Carle, V., Pietrocola, F., Pimentel-Muiños, F. X., Pinar, M., Pineda, B., Pinkas-Kramarski, R., Pinti, M., Pinton, P., Piperdi, B., Piret, J. M., Platanias, L. C., Platta, H. W., Plowey, E. D., Pöggeler, S., Poirot, M., Polčic, P., Poletti, A., Poon, A. H., Popelka, H., Popova, B., Poprawa, I., Poulose, S. M., Poulton, J., Powers, S. K., Powers, T., Pozuelo-Rubio, M., Prak, K., Prange, R., Prescott, M., Priault, M., Prince, S., Proia, R. L., Proikas-Cezanne, T., Prokisch, H., Promponas, V. J., Przyklenk, K., Puertollano, R., Pugazhenthi, S., Puglielli, L., Pujol, A., Puyal, J., Pyeon, D., Qi, X., Qian, W. -B., Qin, Z. -H., Qiu, Y., Qu, Z., Quadrilatero, J., Quinn, F., Raben, N., Rabinowich, H., Radogna, F., Ragusa, M. J., Rahmani, M., Raina, K., Ramanadham, S., Ramesh, R., Rami, A., Randall-Demllo, S., Randow, F., Rao, H., Rao, V. A., Rasmussen, B. B., Rasse, T. M., Ratovitski, E. A., Rautou, P. -E., Ray, S. K., Razani, B., Reed, B. H., Reggiori, F., Rehm, M., Reichert, A. S., Rein, T., Reiner, D. J., Reits, E., Ren, J., Ren, X., Renna, M., Reusch, J. E. B., Revuelta, J. L., Reyes, L., Rezaie, A. R., Richards, R. I., Richardson, R., Richetta, C., Riehle, M. A., Rihn, B. H., Rikihisa, Y., Riley, B. E., Rimbach, G., Rippo, M. R., Ritis, K., Rizzi, F., Rizzo, E., Roach, P. J., Robbins, J., Roberge, M., Roca, G., Roccheri, M. C., Rocha, S., Rodrigues, C. M. P., Rodríguez, C. I., de Cordoba, S. R., Rodriguez-Muela, N., Roelofs, J., Rogov, V. V., Rohn, T. T., Rohrer, B., Romanelli, D., Romani, L., Romano, P. S., Roncero, M. I. G., Rosa, J. L., Rosello, A., Rosen, K. V., Rosenstiel, P., Rost-Roszkowska, M., Roth, K. A., Roué, G., Rouis, M., Rouschop, K. M., Ruan, D. T., Ruano, D., Rubinsztein, D. C., Rucker, E. B., Iii, Rudich, A., Rudolf, E., Rudolf, R., Ruegg, M. A., Ruiz-Roldan, C., Ruparelia, A. A., Rusmini, P., Russ, D. W., Russo, G. L., Russo, G., Russo, R., Rusten, T. E., Ryabovol, V., Ryan, K. M., Ryter, S. W., Sabatini, D. M., Sacher, M., Sachse, C., Sack, M. N., Sadoshima, J., Saftig, P., Sagi-Eisenberg, R., Sahni, S., Saikumar, P., Saito, T., Saitoh, T., Sakakura, K., Sakoh-Nakatogawa, M., Sakuraba, Y., Salazar-Roa, M., Salomoni, P., Saluja, A. K., Salvaterra, P. M., Salvioli, R., Samali, A., Sanchez, A. M. J., Sánchez-Alcázar, J. A., Sanchez-Prieto, R., Sandri, M., Sanjuan, M. A., Santaguida, S., Santambrogio, L., Santoni, G., Dos Santos, C. N., Saran, S., Sardiello, M., Sargent, G., Sarkar, P., Sarkar, S., Sarrias, M. R., Sarwal, M. M., Sasakawa, C., Sasaki, M., Sass, M., Sato, K., Sato, M., Satriano, J., Savaraj, N., Saveljeva, S., Schaefer, L., Schaible, U. E., Scharl, M., Schatzl, H. M., Schekman, R., Scheper, W., Schiavi, A., Schipper, H. M., Schmeisser, H., Schmidt, J., Schmitz, I., Schneider, B. E., Schneider, E. M., Schneider, J. L., Schon, E. A., Schönenberger, M. J., Schönthal, A. H., Schorderet, D. F., Schröder, B., Schuck, S., Schulze, R. J., Schwarten, M., Schwarz, T. L., Sciarretta, S., Scotto, K., Scovassi, A. I., Screaton, R. A., Screen, M., Seca, H., Sedej, S., Segatori, L., Segev, N., Seglen, P. O., Seguí-Simarro, J. M., Segura-Aguilar, J., Seiliez, I., Seki, E., Sell, C., Semenkovich, C. F., Semenza, G. L., Sen, U., Serra, A. L., Serrano-Puebla, A., Sesaki, H., Setoguchi, T., Settembre, C., Shacka, J. J., Shajahan-Haq, A. N., Shapiro, I. M., Sharma, S., She, H., Shen, C. -K. J., Shen, C. -C., Shen, H. -M., Shen, S., Shen, W., Sheng, R., Sheng, X., Sheng, Z. -H., Shepherd, T. G., Shi, J., Shi, Q., Shi, Y., Shibutani, S., Shibuya, K., Shidoji, Y., Shieh, J. -J., Shih, C. -M., Shimada, Y., Shimizu, S., Shin, D. W., Shinohara, M. L., Shintani, M., Shintani, T., Shioi, T., Shirabe, K., Shiri-Sverdlov, R., Shirihai, O., Shore, G. C., Shu, C. -W., Shukla, D., Sibirny, A. A., Sica, V., Sigurdson, C. J., Sigurdsson, E. M., Sijwali, P. S., Sikorska, B., Silveira, W. A., Silvente-Poirot, S., Silverman, G. A., Simak, J., Simmet, T., Simon, A. K., Simon, H. -U., Simone, C., Simons, M., Simonsen, A., Singh, R., Singh, S. V., Singh, S. K., Sinha, D., Sinha, S., Sinicrope, F. A., Sirko, A., Sirohi, K., Sishi, B. J. N., Sittler, A., Siu, P. M., Sivridis, E., Skwarska, A., Slack, R., Slaninová, I., Slavov, N., Smaili, S. S., Smalley, K. S. M., Smith, D. R., Soenen, S. J., Soleimanpour, S. A., Solhaug, A., Somasundaram, K., Son, J. H., Sonawane, A., Song, C., Song, F., Song, H. K., Song, J. -X., Song, W., Soo, K. Y., Sood, A. K., Soong, T. W., Soontornniyomkij, V., Sorice, M., Sotgia, F., Soto-Pantoja, D. R., Sotthibundhu, A., Sousa, M. J., Spaink, H. P., Span, P. N., Spang, A., Sparks, J. D., Speck, P. G., Spector, S. A., Spies, C. D., Springer, W., Clair, D. S., Stacchiotti, A., Staels, B., Stang, M. T., Starczynowski, D. T., Starokadomskyy, P., Steegborn, C., Steele, J. W., Stefanis, L., Steffan, J., Stellrecht, C. M., Stenmark, H., Stepkowski, T. M., Stern, S. T., Stevens, C., Stockwell, B. R., Stoka, V., Storchova, Z., Stork, B., Stratoulias, V., Stravopodis, D. J., Strnad, P., Strohecker, A. M., Ström, A. -L., Stromhaug, P., Stulik, J., Y. -X., Su, Su, Z., Subauste, C. S., Subramaniam, S., Sue, C. M., Suh, S. W., Sui, X., Sukseree, S., Sulzer, D., Sun, F. -L., Sun, J., Sun, S. -Y., Sun, Y., Sundaramoorthy, V., Sung, J., Suzuki, H., Suzuki, K., Suzuki, N., Suzuki, T., Suzuki, Y. J., Swanson, M. S., Swanton, C., Swärd, K., Swarup, G., Sweeney, S. T., Sylvester, P. W., Szatmari, Z., Szegezdi, E., Szlosarek, P. W., Taegtmeyer, H., Tafani, M., Taillebourg, E., Tait, S. W. G., Takacs-Vellai, K., Takahashi, Y., Takáts, S., Takemura, G., Takigawa, N., Talbot, N. J., Tamagno, E., Tamburini, J., Tan, C. -P., Tan, L., Tan, M. L., Tan, M., Tan, Y. -J., Tanaka, K., Tanaka, M., Tang, D., Tang, G., Tanida, I., Tanji, K., Tannous, B. A., Tapia, J. A., Tasset-Cuevas, I., Tatar, M., Tavassoly, I., Tavernarakis, N., Taylor, A., Taylor, G. S., Taylor, G. A., Taylor, J. P., Taylor, M. J., Tchetina, E. V., Tee, A. R., Teixeira-Clerc, F., Telang, S., Tencomnao, T., Teng, B. -B., Teng, R. -J., Terro, F., Tettamanti, G., Theiss, A. L., Theron, A. E., Thomas, K. J., Thomé, M. P., Thomes, P. G., Thorburn, A., Thorner, J., Thum, T., Thumm, M., Thurston, T. L. M., Tian, L., Till, A., Ting, J. P. -Y., Ting, J. P. Y., Titorenko, V. I., Toker, L., Toldo, S., Tooze, S. A., Topisirovic, I., Torgersen, M. L., Torosantucci, L., Torriglia, A., Torrisi, M. R., Tournier, C., Towns, R., Trajkovic, V., Travassos, L. H., Triola, G., Tripathi, D. N., Trisciuoglio, D., Troncoso, R., Trougakos, I. P., Truttmann, A. C., Tsai, K. -J., Tschan, M. P., Tseng, Y. -H., Tsukuba, T., Tsung, A., Tsvetkov, A. S., Tu, S., Tuan, H. -Y., Tucci, M., Tumbarello, D. A., Turk, B., Turk, V., Turner, R. F. B., Tveita, A. A., Tyagi, S. C., Ubukata, M., Uchiyama, Y., Udelnow, A., Ueno, T., Umekawa, M., Umemiya-Shirafuji, R., Underwood, B. R., Ungermann, C., Ureshino, R. P., Ushioda, R., Uversky, V. N., Uzcátegui, N. L., Vaccari, T., Vaccaro, M. I., Váchová, L., Vakifahmetoglu-Norberg, H., Valdor, R., Valente, E. M., Vallette, F., Valverde, A. M., Van den Berghe, G., Van Den Bosch, L., van den Brink, G. R., van der Goot, F. G., van der Klei, I. J., van der Laan, L. J. W., van Doorn, W. G., van Egmond, M., van Golen, K. L., Van Kaer, L., Campagne, M. L., Vandenabeele, P., Vandenberghe, W., Vanhorebeek, I., Varela-Nieto, I., Vasconcelos, M. H., Vasko, R., Vavvas, D. G., Vega-Naredo, I., Velasco, G., Velentzas, A. D., Velentzas, P. D., Vellai, T., Vellenga, E., Vendelbo, M. H., Venkatachalam, K., Ventura, N., Ventura, S., Veras, P. S. T., Verdier, M., Vertessy, B. G., Viale, A., Vidal, M., Vieira, H. L. A., Vierstra, R. D., Vigneswaran, N., Vij, N., Vila, M., Villar, M., Villar, V. H., Villarroya, J., Vindis, C., Viola, G., Viscomi, M. T., Vitale, G., Vogl, D. T., Voitsekhovskaja, O. V., von Haefen, C., von Schwarzenberg, K., Voth, D. E., Vouret-Craviari, V., Vuori, K., Vyas, J. M., Waeber, C., Walker, C. L., Walker, M. J., Walter, J., Wan, L., Wan, X., Wang, B., Wang, C., Wang, C. -Y., Wang, D., Wang, F., Wang, G., Wang, H. -J., Wang, H., Wang, H. -G., Wang, H. -D., Wang, J., Wang, M., Wang, M. -Q., Wang, P. -Y., Wang, P., Wang, R. C., Wang, S., Wang, T. -F., Wang, X., Wang, X. -J., Wang, X. -W., Wang, Y., Wang, Y. -J., Wang, Y. T., Wang, Z. -N., Wappner, P., Ward, C., Ward, D. M. V., Warnes, G., Watada, H., Watanabe, Y., Watase, K., Weaver, T. E., Weekes, C. D., Wei, J., Weide, T., Weihl, C. C., Weindl, G., Weis, S. N., Wen, L., Wen, X., Wen, Y., Westermann, B., Weyand, C. M., White, A. R., White, E., Whitton, J. L., Whitworth, A. J., Wiels, J., Wild, F., Wildenberg, M. E., Wileman, T., Wilkinson, D. S., Wilkinson, S., Willbold, D., Williams, C., Williams, K., Williamson, P. R., Winklhofer, K. F., Witkin, S. S., Wohlgemuth, S. E., Wollert, T., Wolvetang, E. J., Wong, E., Wong, G. W., Wong, R. W., Wong, V. K. W., Woodcock, E. A., Wright, K. L., Wu, C., Wu, D., G. S., Wu, Wu, J., Wu, M., Wu, S., W. K. K., Wu, Wu, Y., Wu, Z., Xavier, C. P. R., Xavier, R. J., Xia, G. -X., Xia, T., Xia, W., Xia, Y., Xiao, H., Xiao, J., Xiao, S., Xiao, W., Xie, C. -M., Xie, Z., Xilouri, M., Xiong, Y., Xu, C., Xu, F., Xu, H., Xu, J., Xu, L., Xu, X., Xu, Y., Z. -X., Xu, Xu, Z., Xue, Y., Yamada, T., Yamamoto, A., Yamanaka, K., Yamashina, S., Yamashiro, S., Yan, B., Yan, X., Yan, Z., Yanagi, Y., Yang, D. -S., Yang, J. -M., Yang, L., Yang, M., Yang, P. -M., Yang, P., Yang, Q., Yang, W., Yang, W. Y., Yang, X., Yang, Y., Yang, Z., Yao, M. -C., Yao, P. J., Yao, X., Yao, Z., Yasui, L. S., Ye, M., Yedvobnick, B., Yeganeh, B., Yeh, E. S., Yeyati, P. L., Yi, F., Yi, L., Yin, X. -M., Yip, C. K., Yoo, Y. -M., Yoo, Y. H., Yoon, S. -Y., Yoshida, K. -I., Yoshimori, T., Young, K. H., Yu, H., J. J., Yu, J. -T., Yu, Yu, J., Yu, L., W. H., Yu, X. -F., Yu, Yu, Z., Yuan, J., Yuan, Z. -M., Yue, B. Y. J. T., Yue, J., Yue, Z., Zacks, D. N., Zacksenhaus, E., Zaffaroni, N., Zaglia, T., Zakeri, Z., Zecchini, V., Zeng, J., Zeng, M., Zeng, Q., Zervos, A. S., Zhang, D. D., Zhang, F., Zhang, G., Zhang, G. -C., Zhang, H., Zhang, J., Zhang, J. -P., Zhang, L., Zhang, M. -Y., Zhang, X., Zhang, X. D., Zhang, Y., Zhao, M., Zhao, W. -L., Zhao, X., Zhao, Y. G., Zhao, Y., Zhao, Y. -X., Zhao, Z., Zhao, Z. J., Zheng, D., Zheng, X. -L., Zheng, X., Zhivotovsky, B., Zhong, Q., Zhou, G. -Z., Zhou, G., Zhou, H., Zhou, S. -F., Zhou, X. -J., Zhu, H., Zhu, W. -G., Zhu, W., Zhu, X. -F., Zhu, Y., Zhuang, S. -M., Zhuang, X., Ziparo, E., Zois, C. E., Zoladek, T., Zong, W. -X., Zorzano, A., Zughaier, S. M., Klionsky, Daniel J., Abdelmohsen, Kotb, Abe, Akihisa, Abedin, Md Joynal, Abeliovich, Hagai, Arozena, Abraham Acevedo, Adachi, Hiroaki, Adams, Christopher M., Adams, Peter D., Adeli, Khosrow, Adhihetty, Peter J., Adler, Sharon G., Agam, Galila, Agarwal, Rajesh, Aghi, Manish K., Agnello, Maria, Agostinis, Patrizia, Aguilar, Patricia V., Aguirre-Ghiso, Julio, Airoldi, Edoardo M., Ait-Si-Ali, Slimane, Akematsu, Takahiko, Akporiaye, Emmanuel T., Al-Rubeai, Mohamed, Albaiceta, Guillermo M., Albanese, Chri, Albani, Diego, Albert, Matthew L., Aldudo, Jesu, Algül, Hana, Alirezaei, Mehrdad, Alloza, Iraide, Almasan, Alexandru, Almonte-Beceril, Maylin, Alnemri, Emad S., Alonso, Covadonga, Altan-Bonnet, Nihal, Altieri, Dario C., Alvarez, Silvia, Alvarez-Erviti, Lydia, Alves, Sandro, Amadoro, Giuseppina, Amano, Atsuo, Amantini, Consuelo, Ambrosio, Santiago, Amelio, Ivano, Amer, Amal O., Amessou, Mohamed, Amon, Angelika, An, Zhenyi, Anania, Frank A., Andersen, Stig U., Andley, Usha P., Andreadi, Catherine K., Andrieu-Abadie, Nathalie, Anel, Alberto, Ann, David K., Anoopkumar-Dukie, Shailendra, Antonioli, Manuela, Aoki, Hiroshi, Apostolova, Nadezda, Aquila, Saveria, Aquilano, Katia, Araki, Koichi, Arama, Eli, Aranda, Agustin, Araya, Jun, Arcaro, Alexandre, Arias, Esperanza, Arimoto, Hirokazu, Ariosa, Aileen R., Armstrong, Jane L., Arnould, Thierry, Arsov, Ivica, Asanuma, Katsuhiko, Askanas, Valerie, Asselin, Eric, Atarashi, Ryuichiro, Atherton, Sally S., Atkin, Julie D., Attardi, Laura D., Auberger, Patrick, Auburger, Georg, Aurelian, Laure, Autelli, Riccardo, Avagliano, Laura, Avantaggiati, Maria Laura, Avrahami, Limor, Azad, Neelam, Awale, Suresh, Bachetti, Tiziana, Backer, Jonathan M., Bae, Dong-Hun, Bae, Jae-Sung, Bae, Ok-Nam, Bae, Soo Han, Baehrecke, Eric H., Baek, Seung-Hoon, Baghdiguian, Stephen, Bagniewska-Zadworna, Agnieszka, Bai, Hua, Bai, Jie, Bai, Xue-Yuan, Bailly, Yannick, Balaji, Kithiganahalli Narayanaswamy, Balduini, Walter, Ballabio, Andrea, Balzan, Rena, Banerjee, Rajkumar, Bánhegyi, Gábor, Bao, Haijun, Barbeau, Benoit, Barrachina, Maria D., Barreiro, Esther, Bartel, Bonnie, Bartolomé, Alberto, Bassham, Diane C., Bassi, Maria Teresa, Bast, Robert C., Basu, Alakananda, Batista, Maria Teresa, Batoko, Henri, Battino, Maurizio, Bauckman, Kyle, Baumgarner, Bradley L., Bayer, K. Ulrich, Beale, Rupert, Beaulieu, Jean-Françoi, Beck, George R., Becker, Christoph, Beckham, J. David, Bédard, Pierre-André, Bednarski, Patrick J., Begley, Thomas J., Behl, Christian, Behrends, Christian, Behrens, Georg M. N., Behrns, Kevin E., Bejarano, Eloy, Belaid, Amine, Belleudi, Francesca, Bénard, Giovanni, Berchem, Guy, Bergamaschi, Daniele, Bergami, Matteo, Berkhout, Ben, Berliocchi, Laura, Bernard, Amélie, Bernard, Monique, Bernassola, Francesca, Bertolotti, Anne, Bess, Amanda S., Besteiro, Sébastien, Bettuzzi, Saverio, Bhalla, Savita, Bhattacharyya, Shalmoli, Bhutia, Sujit K., Biagosch, Caroline, Bianchi, Michele Wolfe, Biard-Piechaczyk, Martine, Billes, Viktor, Bincoletto, Claudia, Bingol, Bari, Bird, Sara W., Bitoun, Marc, Bjedov, Ivana, Blackstone, Craig, Blanc, Lionel, Blanco, Guillermo A., Blomhoff, Heidi Kiil, Boada-Romero, Emilio, Böckler, Stefan, Boes, Marianne, Boesze-Battaglia, Kathleen, Boise, Lawrence H., Bolino, Alessandra, Boman, Andrea, Bonaldo, Paolo, Bordi, Matteo, Bosch, Jürgen, Botana, Luis M., Botti, Joelle, Bou, German, Bouché, Marina, Bouchecareilh, Marion, Boucher, Marie-Josée, Boulton, Michael E., Bouret, Sebastien G., Boya, Patricia, Boyer-Guittaut, Michaël, Bozhkov, Peter V., Brady, Nathan, Braga, Vania M.M., Brancolini, Claudio, Braus, Gerhard H., Bravosan-Pedro, José M., Brennan, Lisa A., Bresnick, Emery H., Brest, Patrick, Bridges, Dave, Bringer, Marie-Agnè, Brini, Marisa, Brito, Glauber C., Brodin, Bertha, Brookes, Paul S., Brown, Eric J., Brown, Karen, Broxmeyer, Hal E., Bruhat, Alain, Brum, Patricia Chakur, Brumell, John H., Brunetti-Pierri, Nicola, Bryson-Richardson, Robert J., Buch, Shilpa, Buchan, Alastair M., Budak, Hikmet, Bulavin, Dmitry V., Bultman, Scott J., Bultynck, Geert, Bumbasirevic, Vladimir, Burelle, Yan, Burke, Robert E., Burmeister, Margit, Bütikofer, Peter, Caberlotto, Laura, Cadwell, Ken, Cahova, Monika, Cai, Dongsheng, Cai, Jingjing, Cai, Qian, Calatayud, Sara, Camougrand, Nadine, Campanella, Michelangelo, Campbell, Grant R., Campbell, Matthew, Campello, Silvia, Candau, Robin, Caniggia, Isabella, Cantoni, Lavinia, Cao, Lizhi, Caplan, Allan B., Caraglia, Michele, Cardinali, Claudio, Cardoso, Sandra Morai, Carew, Jennifer S., Carleton, Laura A., Carlin, Cathleen R., Carloni, Silvia, Carlsson, Sven R., Carmona-Gutierrez, Didac, Carneiro, Leticia A.M., Carnevali, Oliana, Carra, Serena, Carrier, Alice, Carroll, Bernadette, Casas, Caty, Casas, Josefina, Cassinelli, Giuliana, Castets, Perrine, Castro-Obregon, Susana, Cavallini, Gabriella, Ceccherini, Isabella, Cecconi, Francesco, Cederbaum, Arthur I., Ceña, Valentín, Cenci, Simone, Cerella, Claudia, Cervia, Davide, Cetrullo, Silvia, Chaachouay, Hassan, Chae, Han-Jung, Chagin, Andrei S., Chai, Chee-Yin, Chakrabarti, Gopal, Chamilos, Georgio, Chan, Edmond Y.W., Chan, Matthew T.V., Chandra, Dhyan, Chandra, Pallavi, Chang, Chih-Peng, Chang, Raymond Chuen-Chung, Chang, Ta Yuan, Chatham, John C., Chatterjee, Saurabh, Chauhan, Santosh, Che, Yongsheng, Cheetham, Michael E., Cheluvappa, Rajkumar, Chen, Chun-Jung, Chen, Gang, Chen, Guang-Chao, Chen, Guoqiang, Chen, Hongzhuan, Chen, Jeff W., Chen, Jian-Kang, Chen, Min, Chen, Mingzhou, Chen, Peiwen, Chen, Qi, Chen, Quan, Chen, Shang-Der, Chen, Si, Chen, Steve S.-L., Chen, Wei, Chen, Wei-Jung, Chen, Wen Qiang, Chen, Wenli, Chen, Xiangmei, Chen, Yau-Hung, Chen, Ye-Guang, Chen, Yin, Chen, Yingyu, Chen, Yongshun, Chen, Yu-Jen, Chen, Yue-Qin, Chen, Yujie, Chen, Zhen, Chen, Zhong, Cheng, Alan, Cheng, Christopher H.K., Cheng, Hua, Cheong, Heesun, Cherry, Sara, Chesney, Jason, Cheung, Chun Hei Antonio, Chevet, Eric, Chi, Hsiang Cheng, Chi, Sung-Gil, Chiacchiera, Fulvio, Chiang, Hui-Ling, Chiarelli, Roberto, Chiariello, Mario, Chieppa, Marcello, Chin, Lih-Shen, Chiong, Mario, Chiu, Gigi N.C., Cho, Dong-Hyung, Cho, Ssang-Goo, Cho, William C., Cho, Yong-Yeon, Cho, Young-Seok, Choi, Augustine M.K., Choi, Eui-Ju, Choi, Eun-Kyoung, Choi, Jayoung, Choi, Mary E., Choi, Seung-Il, Chou, Tsui-Fen, Chouaib, Salem, Choubey, Divaker, Choubey, Vinay, Chow, Kuan-Chih, Chowdhury, Kamal, Chu, Charleen T., Chuang, Tsung-Hsien, Chun, Taehoon, Chung, Hyewon, Chung, Taijoon, Chung, Yuen-Li, Chwae, Yong-Joon, Cianfanelli, Valentina, Ciarcia, Roberto, Ciechomska, Iwona A., Ciriolo, Maria Rosa, Cirone, Mara, Claerhout, Sofie, Clague, Michael J., Cl� ria, Joan, Clarke, Peter G.H., Clarke, Robert, Clementi, Emilio, Cleyrat, Cédric, Cnop, Miriam, Coccia, Eliana M., Cocco, Tiziana, Codogno, Patrice, Coers, Jörn, Cohen, Ezra E.W., Colecchia, David, Coletto, Luisa, Coll, Núria S., Colucci-Guyon, Emma, Comincini, Sergio, Condello, Maria, Cook, Katherine L., Coombs, Graham H., Cooper, Cynthia D., Cooper, J. Mark, Coppens, Isabelle, Corasaniti, Maria Tiziana, Corazzari, Marco, Corbalan, Ramon, Corcelle-Termeau, Elisabeth, Cordero, Mario D., Corral-Ramos, Cristina, Corti, Olga, Cossarizza, Andrea, Costelli, Paola, Costes, Safia, Cotman, Susan L., Coto-Montes, Ana, Cottet, Sandra, Couve, Eduardo, Covey, Lori R., Cowart, L. Ashley, Cox, Jeffery S., Coxon, Fraser P., Coyne, Carolyn B., Cragg, Mark S., Craven, Rolf J., Crepaldi, Tiziana, Crespo, Jose L., Criollo, Alfredo, Crippa, Valeria, Cruz, Maria Teresa, Cuervo, Ana Maria, Cuezva, Jose M., Cui, Taixing, Cutillas, Pedro R., Czaja, Mark J., Czyzyk-Krzeska, Maria F., Dagda, Ruben K., Dahmen, Uta, Dai, Chunsun, Dai, Wenjie, Dai, Yun, Dalby, Kevin N., Valle, Luisa Dalla, Dalmasso, Guillaume, D'amelio, Marcello, Damme, Marku, Darfeuille-Michaud, Arlette, Dargemont, Catherine, Darley-Usmar, Victor M., Dasarathy, Srinivasan, Dasgupta, Biplab, Dash, Srikanta, Dass, Crispin R., Davey, Hazel Marie, Davids, Lester M., Dávila, David, Davis, Roger J., Dawson, Ted M., Dawson, Valina L., Daza, Paula, de Belleroche, Jackie, de Figueiredo, Paul, de Figueiredo, Regina Celia Bressan Queiroz, de la Fuente, José, De Martino, Luisa, De Matteis, Antonella, De Meyer, Guido R.Y., De Milito, Angelo, De Santi, Mauro, de Souza, Wanderley, De Tata, Vincenzo, De Zio, Daniela, Debnath, Jayanta, Dechant, Reinhard, Decuypere, Jean-Paul, Deegan, Shane, Dehay, Benjamin, Del Bello, Barbara, Del Re, Dominic P., Delage-Mourroux, Régi, Delbridge, Lea M.D., Deldicque, Louise, Delorme-Axford, Elizabeth, Deng, Yizhen, Dengjel, Joern, Denizot, Melanie, Dent, Paul, Der, Channing J., Deretic, Vojo, Derrien, Benoît, Deutsch, Eric, Devarenne, Timothy P., Devenish, Rodney J., Di Bartolomeo, Sabrina, Di Daniele, Nicola, Di Domenico, Fabio, Di Nardo, Alessia, Di Paola, Simone, Di Pietro, Antonio, Di Renzo, Livia, Di Antonio, Aaron, Díaz-Araya, Guillermo, Díaz-Laviada, Ine, Diaz-Meco, Maria T., Diaz-Nido, Javier, Dickey, Chad A., Dickson, Robert C., Diederich, Marc, Digard, Paul, Dikic, Ivan, Dinesh-Kumar, Savithrama P., Ding, Chan, Ding, Wen-Xing, Ding, Zufeng, Dini, Luciana, Distler, Jörg H.W., Diwan, Abhinav, Djavaheri-Mergny, Mojgan, Dmytruk, Kostyantyn, Dobson, Renwick C.J., Doetsch, Volker, Dokladny, Karol, Dokudovskaya, Svetlana, Donadelli, Massimo, Dong, X. Charlie, Dong, Xiaonan, Dong, Zheng, Donohue, Terrence M., Donohue-Jr, Terrence M., Doran, Kelly S., D'orazi, Gabriella, Dorn, Gerald W., Dosenko, Victor, Dridi, Sami, Drucker, Liat, Du, Jie, Du, Li-Lin, Du, Lihuan, du Toit, André, Dua, Priyamvada, Duan, Lei, Duann, Pu, Dubey, Vikash Kumar, Duchen, Michael R., Duchosal, Michel A., Duez, Helene, Dugail, Isabelle, Dumit, Verónica I., Duncan, Mara C., Dunlop, Elaine A., Dunn, William A., Dupont, Nicola, Dupuis, Luc, Durán, Raúl V., Durcan, Thomas M., Duvezin-Caubet, Stéphane, Duvvuri, Umamaheswar, Eapen, Vinay, Ebrahimi-Fakhari, Dariu, Echard, Arnaud, Eckhart, Leopold, Edelstein, Charles L., Edinger, Aimee L., Eichinger, Ludwig, Eisenberg, Tobia, Eisenberg-Lerner, Avital, Eissa, N. Tony, El-Deiry, Wafik S., El-Khoury, Victoria, Elazar, Zvulun, Eldar-Finkelman, Hagit, Elliott, Chris J.H., Emanuele, Enzo, Emmenegger, Urban, Engedal, Nikolai, Engelbrecht, Anna-Mart, Engelender, Simone, Enserink, Jorrit M., Erdmann, Ralf, Erenpreisa, Jekaterina, Eri, Rajaraman, Eriksen, Jason L., Erman, Andreja, Escalante, Ricardo, Eskelinen, Eeva-Liisa, Espert, Lucile, Esteban-Martínez, Lorena, Evans, Thomas J., Fabri, Mario, Fabrias, Gemma, Fabrizi, Cinzia, Facchiano, Antonio, Færgeman, Nils J., Faggioni, Alberto, Fairlie, W. Dougla, Fan, Chunhai, Fan, Daping, Fan, Jie, Fang, Shengyun, Fanto, Manoli, Fanzani, Alessandro, Farkas, Thoma, Faure, Mathia, Favier, Francois B., Fearnhead, Howard, Federici, Massimo, Fei, Erkang, Felizardo, Tania C., Feng, Hua, Feng, Yibin, Feng, Yuchen, Ferguson, Thomas A., Fernández, Álvaro F., Fernandez-Barrena, Maite G., Fernandez-Checa, Jose C., Fernández-López, Arsenio, Fernandez-Zapico, Martin E., Feron, Olivier, Ferraro, Elisabetta, Ferreira-Halder, Carmen Veríssima, Fesus, Laszlo, Feuer, Ralph, Fiesel, Fabienne C., Filippi-Chiela, Eduardo C., Filomeni, Giuseppe, Fimia, Gian Maria, Fingert, John H., Finkbeiner, Steven, Finkel, Toren, Fiorito, Filomena, Fisher, Paul B., Flajolet, Marc, Flamigni, Flavio, Florey, Oliver, Florio, Salvatore, Floto, R. Andre, Folini, Marco, Follo, Carlo, Fon, Edward A., Fornai, Francesco, Fortunato, Franco, Fraldi, Alessandro, Franco, Rodrigo, Francois, Arnaud, François, Aurélie, Frankel, Lisa B., Fraser, Iain D.C., Frey, Norbert, Freyssenet, Damien G., Frezza, Christian, Friedman, Scott L., Frigo, Daniel E., Fu, Dongxu, Fuentes, José M., Fueyo, Juan, Fujitani, Yoshio, Fujiwara, Yuuki, Fujiya, Mikihiro, Fukuda, Mitsunori, Fulda, Simone, Fusco, Carmela, Gabryel, Bozena, Gaestel, Matthia, Gailly, Philippe, Gajewska, Malgorzata, Galadari, Sehamuddin, Galili, Gad, Galindo, Inmaculada, Galindo, Maria F., Galliciotti, Giovanna, Galluzzi, Lorenzo, Galluzzi, Luca, Galy, Vincent, Gammoh, Noor, Gandy, Sam, Ganesan, Anand K., Ganesan, Swamynathan, Ganley, Ian G., Gannagé, Monique, Gao, Fen-Biao, Gao, Feng, Gao, Jian-Xin, Nannig, Lorena García, Véscovi, Eleonora García, Garcia-Macía, Marina, Garcia-Ruiz, Carmen, Garg, Abhishek D., Garg, Pramod Kumar, Gargini, Ricardo, Gassen, Nils Christian, Gatica, Damián, Gatti, Evelina, Gavard, Julie, Gavathiotis, Evripidi, Ge, Liang, Ge, Pengfei, Ge, Shengfang, Gean, Po-Wu, Gelmetti, Vania, Genazzani, Armando A., Geng, Jiefei, Genschik, Pascal, Gerner, Lisa, Gestwicki, Jason E., Gewirtz, David A., Ghavami, Saeid, Ghigo, Eric, Ghosh, Debabrata, Giammarioli, Anna Maria, Giampieri, Francesca, Giampietri, Claudia, Giatromanolaki, Alexandra, Gibbings, Derrick J., Gibellini, Lara, Gibson, Spencer B., Ginet, Vanessa, Giordano, Antonio, Giorgini, Flaviano, Giovannetti, Elisa, Girardin, Stephen E., Gispert, Suzana, Giuliano, Sandy, Gladson, Candece L., Glavic, Alvaro, Gleave, Martin, Godefroy, Nelly, Gogal, Robert M., Gokulan, Kuppan, Goldman, Gustavo H., Goletti, Delia, Goligorsky, Michael S., Gomes, Aldrin V., Gomes, Ligia C., Gomez, Hernando, Gomez-Manzano, Candelaria, Gómez-Sánchez, Rubén, Gonçalves, Dawit A.P., Goncu, Ebru, Gong, Qingqiu, Gongora, Céline, Gonzalez, Carlos B., Gonzalez-Alegre, Pedro, Gonzalez-Cabo, Pilar, González-Polo, Rosa Ana, Goping, Ing Swie, Gorbea, Carlo, Gorbunov, Nikolai V., Goring, Daphne R., Gorman, Adrienne M., Gorski, Sharon M., Goruppi, Sandro, Goto-Yamada, Shino, Gotor, Cecilia, Gottlieb, Roberta A., Gozes, Illana, Gozuacik, Devrim, Graba, Yacine, Graef, Martin, Granato, Giovanna E., Grant, Gary Dean, Grant, Steven, Gravina, Giovanni Luca, Green, Douglas R., Greenhough, Alexander, Greenwood, Michael T., Grimaldi, Benedetto, Gros, Frédéric, Grose, Charle, Groulx, Jean-Francoi, Gruber, Florian, Grumati, Paolo, Grune, Tilman, Guan, Jun-Lin, Guan, Kun-Liang, Guerra, Barbara, Guillen, Carlo, Gulshan, Kailash, Gunst, Jan, Guo, Chuanyong, Guo, Lei, Guo, Ming, Guo, Wenjie, Guo, Xu-Guang, Gust, Andrea A., Gustafsson, Åsa B., Gutierrez, Elaine, Gutierrez, Maximiliano G., Gwak, Ho-Shin, Haas, Albert, Haber, James E., Hadano, Shinji, Hagedorn, Monica, Hahn, David R., Halayko, Andrew J., Hamacher-Brady, Anne, Hamada, Kozo, Hamai, Ahmed, Hamann, Andrea, Hamasaki, Maho, Hamer, Isabelle, Hamid, Qutayba, Hammond, Ester M., Han, Feng, Han, Weidong, Handa, James T., Hanover, John A., Hansen, Malene, Harada, Masaru, Harhaji-Trajkovic, Ljubica, Harper, J. Wade, Harrath, Abdel Halim, Harris, Adrian L., Harris, Jame, Hasler, Udo, Hasselblatt, Peter, Hasui, Kazuhisa, Hawley, Robert G., Hawley, Teresa S., He, Congcong, He, Cynthia Y., He, Fengtian, He, Gu, He, Rong-Rong, He, Xian-Hui, He, You-Wen, He, Yu-Ying, Heath, Joan K., Hébert, Marie-Josée, Heinzen, Robert A., Helgason, Gudmundur Vignir, Hensel, Michael, Henske, Elizabeth P., Her, Chengtao, Herman, Paul K., Hernández, Agustín, Hernandez, Carlo, Hernández-Tiedra, Sonia, Hetz, Claudio, Hiesinger, P. Robin, Higaki, Katsumi, Hilfiker, Sabine, Hill, Bradford G., Hill, Joseph A., Hill, William D., Hino, Keisuke, Hofius, Daniel, Hofman, Paul, Höglinger, Günter U., Höhfeld, Jörg, Holz, Marina K., Hong, Yonggeun, Hood, David A., Hoozemans, Jeroen J.M., Hoppe, Thorsten, Hsu, Chin, Hsu, Chin-Yuan, Hsu, Li-Chung, Hu, Dong, Hu, Guochang, Hu, Hong-Ming, Hu, Hongbo, Hu, Ming Chang, Hu, Yu-Chen, Hu, Zhuo-Wei, Hua, Fang, Hua, Ya, Huang, Canhua, Huang, Huey-Lan, Huang, Kuo-How, Huang, Kuo-Yang, Huang, Shile, Huang, Shiqian, Huang, Wei-Pang, Huang, Yi-Ran, Huang, Yong, Huang, Yunfei, Huber, Tobias B., Huebbe, Patricia, Huh, Won-Ki, Hulmi, Juha J., Hur, Gang Min, Hurley, James H., Husak, Zvenyslava, Hussain, Sabah N.A., Hussain, Salik, Hwang, Jung Jin, Hwang, Seungmin, Hwang, Thomas I.S., Ichihara, Atsuhiro, Imai, Yuzuru, Imbriano, Carol, Inomata, Megumi, Into, Takeshi, Iovane, Valentina, Iovanna, Juan L., Iozzo, Renato V., Ip, Nancy Y., Irazoqui, Javier E., Iribarren, Pablo, Isaka, Yoshitaka, Isakovic, Aleksandra J., Ischiropoulos, Harry, Isenberg, Jeffrey S., Ishaq, Mohammad, Ishida, Hiroyuki, Ishii, Isao, Ishmael, Jane E., Isidoro, Ciro, Isobe, Ken-Ichi, Isono, Erika, Issazadeh-Navikas, Shohreh, Itahana, Koji, Itakura, Eisuke, Ivanov, Andrei I., Iyer, Anand Krishnan V., Izquierdo, José M., Izumi, Yotaro, Izzo, Valentina, Jäättelä, Marja, Jaber, Nadia, Jackson, Daniel John, Jackson, William T., Jacob, Tony George, Jacques, Thomas S., Jagannath, Chinnaswamy, Jain, Ashish, Jana, Nihar Ranjan, Jang, Byoung Kuk, Jani, Alkesh, Janji, Bassam, Jannig, Paulo Roberto, Jansson, Patric J., Jean, Steve, Jendrach, Marina, Jeon, Ju-Hong, Jessen, Niel, Jeung, Eui-Bae, Jia, Kailiang, Jia, Lijun, Jiang, Hong, Jiang, Hongchi, Jiang, Liwen, Jiang, Teng, Jiang, Xiaoyan, Jiang, Xuejun, Jiang, Ying, Jiang, Yongjun, Jiménez, Alberto, Jin, Cheng, Jin, Hongchuan, Jin, Lei, Jin, Meiyan, Jin, Shengkan, Jinwal, Umesh Kumar, Jo, Eun-Kyeong, Johansen, Terje, Johnson, Daniel E., Johnson, Gail V.W., Johnson, James D., Jonasch, Eric, Jones, Chri, Joosten, Leo A.B., Jordan, Joaquin, Joseph, Anna-Maria, Joseph, Bertrand, Joubert, Annie M., Ju, Dianwen, Ju, Jingfang, Juan, Hsueh-Fen, Juenemann, Katrin, Juhász, Gábor, Jung, Hye Seung, Jung, Jae U., Jung, Yong-Keun, Jungbluth, Heinz, Justice, Matthew J., Jutten, Barry, Kaakoush, Nadeem O., Kaarniranta, Kai, Kaasik, Allen, Kabuta, Tomohiro, Kaeffer, Bertrand, Kågedal, Katarina, Kahana, Alon, Kajimura, Shingo, Kakhlon, Or, Kalia, Manjula, Kalvakolanu, Dhan V., Kamada, Yoshiaki, Kambas, Konstantino, Kaminskyy, Vitaliy O., Kampinga, Harm H., Kandouz, Mustapha, Kang, Chanhee, Kang, Rui, Kang, Tae-Cheon, Kanki, Tomotake, Kanneganti, Thirumala-Devi, Kanno, Haruo, Kanthasamy, Anumantha G., Kantorow, Marc, Kaparakis-Liaskos, Maria, Kapuy, Orsolya, Karantza, Vassiliki, Karim, Md Razaul, Karmakar, Parimal, Kaser, Arthur, Kaushik, Susmita, Kawula, Thoma, Kaynar, A. Murat, Ke, Po-Yuan, Ke, Zun-Ji, Kehrl, John H., Keller, Kate E., Kemper, Jongsook Kim, Kenworthy, Anne K., Kepp, Oliver, Kern, Andrea, Kesari, Santosh, Kessel, David, Ketteler, Robin, Kettelhut, Isis do Carmo, Khambu, Bilon, Khan, Muzamil Majid, Khandelwal, Vinoth K.M., Khare, Sangeeta, Kiang, Juliann G., Kiger, Amy A., Kihara, Akio, Kim, Arianna L., Kim, Cheol Hyeon, Kim, Deok Ryong, Kim, Do-Hyung, Kim, Eung Kweon, Kim, Hye Young, Kim, Hyung-Ryong, Kim, Jae-Sung, Kim, Jeong Hun, Kim, Jin Cheon, Kim, Jin Hyoung, Kim, Kwang Woon, Kim, Michael D., Kim, Moon-Moo, Kim, Peter K., Kim, Seong Who, Kim, Soo-Youl, Kim, Yong-Sun, Kim, Yonghyun, Kimchi, Adi, Kimmelman, Alec C., Kimura, Tomonori, King, Jason S., Kirkegaard, Karla, Kirkin, Vladimir, Kirshenbaum, Lorrie A., Kishi, Shuji, Kitajima, Yasuo, Kitamoto, Katsuhiko, Kitaoka, Yasushi, Kitazato, Kaio, Kley, Rudolf A., Klimecki, Walter T., Klinkenberg, Michael, Klucken, Jochen, Knævelsrud, Helene, Knecht, Erwin, Knuppertz, Laura, Ko, Jiunn-Liang, Kobayashi, Satoru, Koch, Jan C., Koechlin-Ramonatxo, Christelle, Koenig, Ulrich, Koh, Young Ho, Köhler, Katja, Kohlwein, Sepp D., Koike, Masato, Komatsu, Masaaki, Kominami, Eiki, Kong, Dexin, Kong, Hee Jeong, Konstantakou, Eumorphia G., Kopp, Benjamin T., Korcsmaros, Tama, Korhonen, Laura, Korolchuk, Viktor I., Koshkina, Nadya V., Kou, Yanjun, Koukourakis, Michael I., Koumenis, Constantino, Kovács, Attila L., Kovács, Tibor, Kovacs, Werner J., Koya, Daisuke, Kraft, Claudine, Krainc, Dimitri, Kramer, Helmut, Kravic-Stevovic, Tamara, Krek, Wilhelm, Kretz-Remy, Carole, Krick, Roswitha, Krishnamurthy, Malathi, Kriston-Vizi, Jano, Kroemer, Guido, Kruer, Michael C., Kruger, Rejko, Ktistakis, Nicholas T., Kuchitsu, Kazuyuki, Kuhn, Christian, Kumar, Addanki Pratap, Kumar, Anuj, Kumar, Ashok, Kumar, Deepak, Kumar, Dhiraj, Kumar, Rakesh, Kumar, Sharad, Kundu, Mondira, Kung, Hsing-Jien, Kuno, Atsushi, Kuo, Sheng-Han, Kuret, Jeff, Kurz, Tino, Kwok, Terry, Kwon, Taeg Kyu, Kwon, Yong Tae, Kyrmizi, Irene, La Spada, Albert R., Lafont, Frank, Lahm, Tim, Lakkaraju, Aparna, Lam, Truong, Lamark, Trond, Lancel, Steve, Landowski, Terry H., Lane, Darius J.R., Lane, Jon D., Lanzi, Cinzia, Lapaquette, Pierre, Lapierre, Louis R., Laporte, Jocelyn, Laukkarinen, Johanna, Laurie, Gordon W., Lavandero, Sergio, Lavie, Lena, Lavoie, Matthew J., Law, Betty Yuen Kwan, Law, Helen Ka-Wai, Law, Kelsey B., Layfield, Robert, Lazo, Pedro A., Le Cam, Laurent, Le Roch, Karine G., Le Stunff, Hervé, Leardkamolkarn, Vijittra, Lecuit, Marc, Lee, Byung-Hoon, Lee, Che-Hsin, Lee, Erinna F., Lee, Gyun Min, Lee, He-Jin, Lee, Hsinyu, Lee, Jae Keun, Lee, Jongdae, Lee, Ju-Hyun, Lee, Jun Hee, Lee, Michael, Lee, Myung-Shik, Lee, Patty J., Lee, Sam W., Lee, Seung-Jae, Lee, Shiow-Ju, Lee, Stella Y., Lee, Sug Hyung, Lee, Sung Sik, Lee, Sung-Joon, Lee, Sunhee, Lee, Ying-Ray, Lee, Yong J., Lee, Young H., Leeuwenburgh, Christiaan, Lefort, Sylvain, Legouis, Renaud, Lei, Jinzhi, Lei, Qun-Ying, Leib, David A., Leibowitz, Gil, Lekli, Istvan, Lemaire, Stéphane D., Lemasters, John J., Lemberg, Marius K., Lemoine, Antoinette, Leng, Shuilong, Lenz, Guido, Lenzi, Paola, Lerman, Lilach O., Barbato, Daniele Lettieri, Leu, Julia I. Ju, Leung, Hing Y., Levine, Beth, Lewis, Patrick A., Lezoualch, Frank, Li, Chi, Li, Faqiang, Li, Feng-Jun, Li, Jun, Li, Ke, Li, Lian, Li, Min, Li, Qiang, Li, Rui, Li, Sheng, Li, Wei, Li, Xiaotao, Li, Yumin, Lian, Jiqin, Liang, Chengyu, Liang, Qiangrong, Liao, Yulin, Liberal, Joana, Liberski, Pawel P., Lie, Pearl, Lieberman, Andrew P., Lim, Hyunjung Jade, Lim, Kah-Leong, Lim, Kyu, Lima, Raquel T., Lin, Chang-Shen, Lin, Chiou-Feng, Lin, Fang, Lin, Fangming, Lin, Fu-Cheng, Lin, Kui, Lin, Kwang-Huei, Lin, Pei-Hui, Lin, Tianwei, Lin, Wan-Wan, Lin, Yee-Shin, Lin, Yong, Linden, Rafael, Lindholm, Dan, Lindqvist, Lisa M., Lingor, Paul, Linkermann, Andrea, Liotta, Lance A., Lipinski, Marta M., Lira, Vitor A., Lisanti, Michael P., Liton, Paloma B., Liu, Bo, Liu, Chong, Liu, Chun-Feng, Liu, Fei, Liu, Hung-Jen, Liu, Jianxun, Liu, Jing-Jing, Liu, Jing-Lan, Liu, Ke, Liu, Leyuan, Liu, Liang, Liu, Quentin, Liu, Rong-Yu, Liu, Shiming, Liu, Shuwen, Liu, Wei, Liu, Xian-De, Liu, Xiangguo, Liu, Xiao-Hong, Liu, Xinfeng, Liu, Xu, Liu, Xueqin, Liu, Yang, Liu, Yule, Liu, Zexian, Liu, Zhe, Liuzzi, Juan P., Lizard, Gérard, Ljujic, Mila, Lodhi, Irfan J., Logue, Susan E., Lokeshwar, Bal L., Long, Yun Chau, Lonial, Sagar, Loos, Benjamin, López-Otín, Carlo, López-Vicario, Cristina, Lorente, Mar, Lorenzi, Philip L., Lõrincz, Péter, Los, Marek, Lotze, Michael T., Lovat, Penny E., Lu, Binfeng, Lu, Bo, Lu, Jiahong, Lu, Qing, Lu, She-Min, Lu, Shuyan, Lu, Yingying, Luciano, Frédéric, Luckhart, Shirley, Lucocq, John Milton, Ludovico, Paula, Lugea, Aurelia, Lukacs, Nicholas W., Lum, Julian J., Lund, Anders H., Luo, Honglin, Luo, Jia, Luo, Shouqing, Luparello, Claudio, Lyons, Timothy, Ma, Jianjie, Ma, Yi, Ma, Yong, Ma, Zhenyi, Machado, Juliano, Machado-Santelli, Glaucia M., Macian, Fernando, MacIntosh, Gustavo C., MacKeigan, Jeffrey P., Macleod, Kay F., MacMicking, John D., MacMillan-Crow, Lee Ann, Madeo, Frank, Madesh, Muniswamy, Madrigal-Matute, Julio, Maeda, Akiko, Maeda, Tatsuya, Maegawa, Gustavo, Maellaro, Emilia, Maes, Hannelore, Magariños, Marta, Maiese, Kenneth, Maiti, Tapas K., Maiuri, Luigi, Maiuri, Maria Chiara, Maki, Carl G., Malli, Roland, Malorni, Walter, Maloyan, Alina, Mami-Chouaib, Fathia, Man, Na, Mancias, Joseph D., Mandelkow, Eva-Maria, Mandell, Michael A., Manfredi, Angelo A., Manié, Serge N., Manzoni, Claudia, Mao, Kai, Mao, Zixu, Mao, Zong-Wan, Marambaud, Philippe, Marconi, Anna Maria, Marelja, Zvonimir, Marfe, Gabriella, Margeta, Marta, Margittai, Eva, Mari, Muriel, Mariani, Francesca V., Marin, Concepcio, Marinelli, Sara, Mariño, Guillermo, Markovic, Ivanka, Marquez, Rebecca, Martelli, Alberto M., Martens, Sascha, Martin, Katie R., Martin, Seamus J., Martin, Shaun, Martin-Acebes, Miguel A., Martín-Sanz, Paloma, Martinand-Mari, Camille, Martinet, Wim, Martinez, Jennifer, Martinez-Lopez, Nuria, Martinez-Outschoorn, Ubaldo, Martínez-Velázquez, Moisé, Martinez-Vicente, Marta, Martins, Waleska Kerllen, Mashima, Hirosato, Mastrianni, James A., Matarese, Giuseppe, Matarrese, Paola, Mateo, Roberto, Matoba, Satoaki, Matsumoto, Naomichi, Matsushita, Takehiko, Matsuura, Akira, Matsuzawa, Takeshi, Mattson, Mark P., Matus, Soledad, Maugeri, Norma, Mauvezin, Caroline, Mayer, Andrea, Maysinger, Dusica, Mazzolini, Guillermo D., McBrayer, Mary Kate, McCall, Kimberly, McCormick, Craig, McInerney, Gerald M., McIver, Skye C., McKenna, Sharon, McMahon, John J., McNeish, Iain A., Mechta-Grigoriou, Fatima, Medema, Jan Paul, Medina, Diego L., Megyeri, Klara, Mehrpour, Maryam, Mehta, Jawahar L., Mei, Yide, Meier, Ute-Christiane, Meijer, Alfred J., Meléndez, Alicia, Melino, Gerry, Melino, Sonia, de Melo, Edesio Jose Tenorio, Mena, Maria A., Meneghini, Marc D., Menendez, Javier A., Menezes, Regina, Meng, Liesu, Meng, Ling-Hua, Meng, Songshu, Menghini, Rossella, Menko, A. Sue, Menna-Barreto, Rubem F.S., Menon, Manoj B., Meraz-Ríos, Marco A., Merla, Giuseppe, Merlini, Luciano, Merlot, Angelica M., Meryk, Andrea, Meschini, Stefania, Meyer, Joel N., Mi, Man-Tian, Miao, Chao-Yu, Micale, Lucia, Michaeli, Simon, Michiels, Carine, Migliaccio, Anna Rita, Mihailidou, Anastasia Susie, Mijaljica, Dalibor, Mikoshiba, Katsuhiko, Milan, Enrico, Miller-Fleming, Leonor, Mills, Gordon B., Mills, Ian G., Minakaki, Georgia, Minassian, Berge A., Ming, Xiu-Fen, Minibayeva, Farida, Minina, Elena A., Mintern, Justine D., Minucci, Saverio, Miranda-Vizuete, Antonio, Mitchell, Claire H., Miyamoto, Shigeki, Miyazawa, Keisuke, Mizushima, Noboru, Mnich, Katarzyna, Mograbi, Baharia, Mohseni, Simin, Moita, Luis Ferreira, Molinari, Marco, Molinari, Maurizio, Møller, Andreas Buch, Mollereau, Bertrand, Mollinedo, Faustino, Mongillo, Marco, Monick, Martha M., Montagnaro, Serena, Montell, Craig, Moore, Darren J., Moore, Michael N., Mora-Rodriguez, Rodrigo, Moreira, Paula I., Morel, Etienne, Morelli, Maria Beatrice, Moreno, Sandra, Morgan, Michael J., Moris, Arnaud, Moriyasu, Yuji, Morrison, Janna L., Morrison, Lynda A., Morselli, Eugenia, Moscat, Jorge, Moseley, Pope L., Mostowy, Serge, Motori, Elisa, Mottet, Deni, Mottram, Jeremy C., Moussa, Charbel E.-H., Mpakou, Vassiliki E., Mukhtar, Hasan, Levy, Jean M. Mulcahy, Muller, Sylviane, Muñoz-Moreno, Raquel, Muñoz-Pinedo, Cristina, Münz, Christian, Murphy, Maureen E., Murray, James T., Murthy, Aditya, Mysorekar, Indira U., Nabi, Ivan R., Nabissi, Massimo, Nader, Gustavo A., Nagahara, Yukitoshi, Nagai, Yoshitaka, Nagata, Kazuhiro, Nagelkerke, Anika, Nagy, Péter, Naidu, Samisubbu R., Nair, Sreejayan, Nakano, Hiroyasu, Nakatogawa, Hitoshi, Nanjundan, Meera, Napolitano, Gennaro, Naqvi, Naweed I., Nardacci, Roberta, Narendra, Derek P., Narita, Masashi, Nascimbeni, Anna Chiara, Natarajan, Ramesh, Navegantes, Luiz C., Nawrocki, Steffan T., Nazarko, Taras Y., Nazarko, Volodymyr Y., Neill, Thoma, Neri, Luca M., Netea, Mihai G., Netea-Maier, Romana T., Neves, Bruno M., Ney, Paul A., Nezis, Ioannis P., Nguyen, Hang T.T., Nguyen, Huu Phuc, Nicot, Anne-Sophie, Nilsen, Hilde, Nilsson, Per, Nishimura, Mikio, Nishino, Ichizo, Niso-Santano, Mireia, Niu, Hua, Nixon, Ralph A., Njar, Vincent C.O., Noda, Takeshi, Noegel, Angelika A., Nolte, Elsie Magdalena, Norberg, Erik, Norga, Koenraad K., Noureini, Sakineh Kazemi, Notomi, Shoji, Notterpek, Lucia, Nowikovsky, Karin, Nukina, Nobuyuki, Nürnberger, Thorsten, O'donnell, Valerie B., O'donovan, Tracey, O'dwyer, Peter J., Oehme, Ina, Oeste, Clara L., Ogawa, Michinaga, Ogretmen, Besim, Ogura, Yuji, Oh, Young J., Ohmuraya, Masaki, Ohshima, Takayuki, Ojha, Rani, Okamoto, Koji, Okazaki, Toshiro, Oliver, F. Javier, Ollinger, Karin, Olsson, Stefan, Orban, Daniel P., Ordonez, Paulina, Orhon, Idil, Orosz, Laszlo, O'rourke, Eyleen J., Orozco, Helena, Ortega, Angel L., Ortona, Elena, Osellame, Laura D., Oshima, Junko, Oshima, Shigeru, Osiewacz, Heinz D., Otomo, Takanobu, Otsu, Kinya, Ou, Jing-Hsiung Jame, Outeiro, Tiago F., Ouyang, Dong-Yun, Ouyang, Hongjiao, Overholtzer, Michael, Ozbun, Michelle A., Ozdinler, P. Hande, Ozpolat, Bulent, Pacelli, Consiglia, Paganetti, Paolo, Page, Guyléne, Pages, Gille, Pagnini, Ugo, Pajak, Beata, Pak, Stephen C., Pakos-Zebrucka, Karolina, Pakpour, Nazzy, Palková, Zdena, Palladino, Francesca, Pallauf, Kathrin, Pallet, Nicola, Palmieri, Marta, Paludan, Søren R., Palumbo, Camilla, Palumbo, Silvia, Pampliega, Olatz, Pan, Hongming, Pan, Wei, Panaretakis, Theochari, Pandey, Aseem, Pantazopoulou, Areti, Papackova, Zuzana, Papademetrio, Daniela L., Papassideri, Issidora, Papini, Alessio, Parajuli, Nirmala, Pardo, Julian, Parekh, Vrajesh V., Parenti, Giancarlo, Park, Jong-In, Park, Junsoo, Park, Ohkmae K., Parker, Roy, Parlato, Rosanna, Parys, Jan B., Parzych, Katherine R., Pasquet, Jean-Max, Pasquier, Benoit, Pasumarthi, Kishore B.S., Patschan, Daniel, Pattingre, Sophie, Pattison, Scott, Pause, Arnim, Pavenstädt, Hermann, Pavone, Flaminia, Pedrozo, Zully, Peña, Fernando J., Peñalva, Miguel A., Pende, Mario, Peng, Jianxin, Penna, Fabio, Penninger, Josef M., Pensalfini, Anna, Pepe, Salvatore, Pereira, Gustavo J.S., Pereira, Paulo C., de la Cruz, Verónica Pérez, Pérez-Pérez, María Esther, Pérez-Rodríguez, Diego, Pérez-Sala, Dolore, Perier, Celine, Perl, Andra, Perlmutter, David H., Perrotta, Ida, Pervaiz, Shazib, Pesonen, Maija, Pessin, Jeffrey E., Peters, Godefridus J., Petersen, Morten, Petrache, Irina, Petrof, Basil J., Petrovski, Goran, Phang, James M., Piacentini, Mauro, Pierdominici, Marina, Pierre, Philippe, Pierrefite-Carle, Valérie, Pietrocola, Federico, Pimentel-Muiños, Felipe X., Pinar, Mario, Pineda, Benjamin, Pinkas-Kramarski, Ronit, Pinti, Marcello, Pinton, Paolo, Piperdi, Bilal, Piret, James M., Platanias, Leonidas C., Platta, Harald W., Plowey, Edward D., Pöggeler, Stefanie, Poirot, Marc, Polčic, Peter, Poletti, Angelo, Poon, Audrey H., Popelka, Hana, Popova, Blagovesta, Poprawa, Izabela, Poulose, Shibu M., Poulton, Joanna, Powers, Scott K., Powers, Ted, Pozuelo-Rubio, Mercede, Prak, Krisna, Prange, Reinhild, Prescott, Mark, Priault, Muriel, Prince, Sharon, Proia, Richard L., Proikas-Cezanne, Tassula, Prokisch, Holger, Promponas, Vasilis J., Przyklenk, Karin, Puertollano, Rosa, Pugazhenthi, Subbiah, Puglielli, Luigi, Pujol, Aurora, Puyal, Julien, Pyeon, Dohun, Qi, Xin, Qian, Wen-Bin, Qin, Zheng-Hong, Qiu, Yu, Qu, Ziwei, Quadrilatero, Joe, Quinn, Frederick, Raben, Nina, Rabinowich, Hannah, Radogna, Flavia, Ragusa, Michael J., Rahmani, Mohamed, Raina, Komal, Ramanadham, Sasanka, Ramesh, Rajagopal, Rami, Abdelhaq, Randall-Demllo, Sarron, Randow, Felix, Rao, Hai, Rao, V. Ashutosh, Rasmussen, Blake B., Rasse, Tobias M., Ratovitski, Edward A., Rautou, Pierre-Emmanuel, Ray, Swapan K., Razani, Babak, Reed, Bruce H., Reggiori, Fulvio, Rehm, Marku, Reichert, Andreas S., Rein, Theo, Reiner, David J., Reits, Eric, Ren, Jun, Ren, Xingcong, Renna, Maurizio, Reusch, Jane E.B., Revuelta, Jose L., Reyes, Leticia, Rezaie, Alireza R., Richards, Robert I., Richardson, Des R., Richetta, Clémence, Riehle, Michael A., Rihn, Bertrand H., Rikihisa, Yasuko, Riley, Brigit E., Rimbach, Gerald, Rippo, Maria Rita, Ritis, Konstantino, Rizzi, Federica, Rizzo, Elizete, Roach, Peter J., Robbins, Jeffrey, Roberge, Michel, Roca, Gabriela, Roccheri, Maria Carmela, Rocha, Sonia, Rodrigues, Cecilia M.P., Rodríguez, Clara I., de Cordoba, Santiago Rodriguez, Rodriguez-Muela, Natalia, Roelofs, Jeroen, Rogov, Vladimir V., Rohn, Troy T., Rohrer, Bärbel, Romanelli, Davide, Romani, Luigina, Romano, Patricia Silvia, Roncero, M. Isabel G., Rosa, Jose Lui, Rosello, Alicia, Rosen, Kirill V., Rosenstiel, Philip, Rost-Roszkowska, Magdalena, Roth, Kevin A., Roué, Gael, Rouis, Mustapha, Rouschop, Kasper M., Ruan, Daniel T., Ruano, Diego, Rubinsztein, David C., Rucker, Edmund B., Rudich, Assaf, Rudolf, Emil, Rudolf, Ruediger, Ruegg, Markus A., Ruiz-Roldan, Carmen, Ruparelia, Avnika Ashok, Rusmini, Paola, Russ, David W., Russo, Gian Luigi, Russo, Giuseppe, Russo, Rossella, Rusten, Tor Erik, Ryabovol, Victoria, Ryan, Kevin M., Ryter, Stefan W., Sabatini, David M., Sacher, Michael, Sachse, Carsten, Sack, Michael N., Sadoshima, Junichi, Saftig, Paul, Sagi-Eisenberg, Ronit, Sahni, Sumit, Saikumar, Pothana, Saito, Tsunenori, Saitoh, Tatsuya, Sakakura, Koichi, Sakoh-Nakatogawa, Machiko, Sakuraba, Yasuhito, Salazar-Roa, María, Salomoni, Paolo, Saluja, Ashok K., Salvaterra, Paul M., Salvioli, Rosa, Samali, Afshin, Sanchez, Anthony M.J., Sánchez-Alcázar, José A., Sanchez-Prieto, Ricardo, Sandri, Marco, Sanjuan, Miguel A., Santaguida, Stefano, Santambrogio, Laura, Santoni, Giorgio, Dos Santos, Claudia Nune, Saran, Shweta, Sardiello, Marco, Sargent, Graeme, Sarkar, Pallabi, Sarkar, Sovan, Sarrias, Maria Rosa, Sarwal, Minnie M., Sasakawa, Chihiro, Sasaki, Motoko, Sass, Miklo, Sato, Ken, Sato, Miyuki, Satriano, Joseph, Savaraj, Niramol, Saveljeva, Svetlana, Schaefer, Liliana, Schaible, Ulrich E., Scharl, Michael, Schatzl, Hermann M., Schekman, Randy, Scheper, Wiep, Schiavi, Alfonso, Schipper, Hyman M., Schmeisser, Hana, Schmidt, Jen, Schmitz, Ingo, Schneider, Bianca E., Schneider, E. Marion, Schneider, Jaime L., Schon, Eric A., Schönenberger, Miriam J., Schönthal, Axel H., Schorderet, Daniel F., Schröder, Bernd, Schuck, Sebastian, Schulze, Ryan J., Schwarten, Melanie, Schwarz, Thomas L., Sciarretta, Sebastiano, Scotto, Kathleen, Scovassi, A. Ivana, Screaton, Robert A., Screen, Mark, Seca, Hugo, Sedej, Simon, Segatori, Laura, Segev, Nava, Seglen, Per O., Seguí-Simarro, Jose M., Segura-Aguilar, Juan, Seiliez, Iban, Seki, Ekihiro, Sell, Christian, Semenkovich, Clay F., Semenza, Gregg L., Sen, Utpal, Serra, Andreas L., Serrano-Puebla, Ana, Sesaki, Hiromi, Setoguchi, Takao, Settembre, Carmine, Shacka, John J., Shajahan-Haq, Ayesha N., Shapiro, Irving M., Sharma, Shweta, She, Hua, Shen, C.-K. Jame, Shen, Chiung-Chyi, Shen, Han-Ming, Shen, Sanbing, Shen, Weili, Sheng, Rui, Sheng, Xianyong, Sheng, Zu-Hang, Shepherd, Trevor G., Shi, Junyan, Shi, Qiang, Shi, Qinghua, Shi, Yuguang, Shibutani, Shusaku, Shibuya, Kenichi, Shidoji, Yoshihiro, Shieh, Jeng-Jer, Shih, Chwen-Ming, Shimada, Yohta, Shimizu, Shigeomi, Shin, Dong Wook, Shinohara, Mari L., Shintani, Michiko, Shintani, Takahiro, Shioi, Tetsuo, Shirabe, Ken, Shiri-Sverdlov, Ronit, Shirihai, Orian, Shore, Gordon C., Shu, Chih-Wen, Shukla, Deepak, Sibirny, Andriy A., Sica, Valentina, Sigurdson, Christina J., Sigurdsson, Einar M., Sijwali, Puran Singh, Sikorska, Beata, Silveira, Wilian A., Silvente-Poirot, Sandrine, Silverman, Gary A., Simak, Jan, Simmet, Thoma, Simon, Anna Katharina, Simon, Hans-Uwe, Simone, Cristiano, Simons, Matia, Simonsen, Anne, Singh, Rajat, Singh, Shivendra V., Singh, Shrawan K., Sinha, Debasish, Sinha, Sangita, Sinicrope, Frank A., Sirko, Agnieszka, Sirohi, Kapil, Sishi, Balindiwe J.N., Sittler, Annie, Siu, Parco M., Sivridis, Efthimio, Skwarska, Anna, Slack, Ruth, Slaninová, Iva, Slavov, Nikolai, Smaili, Soraya S., Smalley, Keiran S.M., Smith, Duncan R., Soenen, Stefaan J., Soleimanpour, Scott A., Solhaug, Anita, Somasundaram, Kumaravel, Son, Jin H., Sonawane, Avinash, Song, Chunjuan, Song, Fuyong, Song, Hyun Kyu, Song, Ju-Xian, Song, Wei, Soo, Kai Y., Sood, Anil K., Soong, Tuck Wah, Soontornniyomkij, Virawudh, Sorice, Maurizio, Sotgia, Federica, Soto-Pantoja, David R., Sotthibundhu, Areechun, Sousa, Maria João, Spaink, Herman P., Span, Paul N., Spang, Anne, Sparks, Janet D., Speck, Peter G., Spector, Stephen A., Spies, Claudia D., Springer, Wolfdieter, Clair, Daret St, Stacchiotti, Alessandra, Staels, Bart, Stang, Michael T., Starczynowski, Daniel T., Starokadomskyy, Petro, Steegborn, Clemen, Steele, John W., Stefanis, Leonida, Steffan, Joan, Stellrecht, Christine M., Stenmark, Harald, Stepkowski, Tomasz M., Stern, Stęphan T., Stevens, Craig, Stockwell, Brent R., Stoka, Veronika, Storchova, Zuzana, Stork, Björn, Stratoulias, Vassili, Stravopodis, Dimitrios J., Strnad, Pavel, Strohecker, Anne Marie, Ström, Anna-Lena, Stromhaug, Per, Stulik, Jiri, Su, Yu-Xiong, Su, Zhaoliang, Subauste, Carlos S., Subramaniam, Srinivasa, Sue, Carolyn M., Suh, Sang Won, Sui, Xinbing, Sukseree, Supawadee, Sulzer, David, Sun, Fang-Lin, Sun, Jiaren, Sun, Jun, Sun, Shi-Yong, Sun, Yang, Sun, Yi, Sun, Yingjie, Sundaramoorthy, Vinod, Sung, Joseph, Suzuki, Hidekazu, Suzuki, Kuninori, Suzuki, Naoki, Suzuki, Tadashi, Suzuki, Yuichiro J., Swanson, Michele S., Swanton, Charle, Swärd, Karl, Swarup, Ghanshyam, Sweeney, Sean T., Sylvester, Paul W., Szatmari, Zsuzsanna, Szegezdi, Eva, Szlosarek, Peter W., Taegtmeyer, Heinrich, Tafani, Marco, Taillebourg, Emmanuel, Tait, Stephen W.G., Takacs-Vellai, Krisztina, Takahashi, Yoshinori, Takáts, Szabolc, Takemura, Genzou, Takigawa, Nagio, Talbot, Nicholas J., Tamagno, Elena, Tamburini, Jerome, Tan, Cai-Ping, Tan, Lan, Tan, Mei Lan, Tan, Ming, Tan, Yee-Joo, Tanaka, Keiji, Tanaka, Masaki, Tang, Daolin, Tang, Dingzhong, Tang, Guomei, Tanida, Isei, Tanji, Kunikazu, Tannous, Bakhos A., Tapia, Jose A., Tasset-Cuevas, Inmaculada, Tatar, Marc, Tavassoly, Iman, Tavernarakis, Nektario, Taylor, Allen, Taylor, Graham S., Taylor, Gregory A., Taylor, J. Paul, Taylor, Mark J., Tchetina, Elena V., Tee, Andrew R., Teixeira-Clerc, Fatima, Telang, Sucheta, Tencomnao, Tewin, Teng, Ba-Bie, Teng, Ru-Jeng, Terro, Faraj, Tettamanti, Gianluca, Theiss, Arianne L., Theron, Anne E., Thomas, Kelly Jean, Thomé, Marcos P., Thomes, Paul G., Thorburn, Andrew, Thorner, Jeremy, Thum, Thoma, Thumm, Michael, Thurston, Teresa L.M., Tian, Ling, Till, Andrea, Ting, Jenny Pan-Yun, Ting, Jenny Pan Yun, Titorenko, Vladimir I., Toker, Lilach, Toldo, Stefano, Tooze, Sharon A., Topisirovic, Ivan, Torgersen, Maria Lyngaa, Torosantucci, Liliana, Torriglia, Alicia, Torrisi, Maria Rosaria, Tournier, Cathy, Towns, Roberto, Trajkovic, Vladimir, Travassos, Leonardo H., Triola, Gemma, Tripathi, Durga Nand, Trisciuoglio, Daniela, Troncoso, Rodrigo, Trougakos, Ioannis P., Truttmann, Anita C., Tsai, Kuen-Jer, Tschan, Mario P., Tseng, Yi-Hsin, Tsukuba, Takayuki, Tsung, Allan, Tsvetkov, Andrey S., Tu, Shuiping, Tuan, Hsing-Yu, Tucci, Marco, Tumbarello, David A., Turk, Bori, Turk, Vito, Turner, Robin F.B., Tveita, Anders A., Tyagi, Suresh C., Ubukata, Makoto, Uchiyama, Yasuo, Udelnow, Andrej, Ueno, Takashi, Umekawa, Midori, Umemiya-Shirafuji, Rika, Underwood, Benjamin R., Ungermann, Christian, Ureshino, Rodrigo P., Ushioda, Ryo, Uversky, Vladimir N., Uzcátegui, Néstor L., Vaccari, Thoma, Vaccaro, Maria I., Váchová, Libuše, Vakifahmetoglu-Norberg, Helin, Valdor, Rut, Valente, Enza Maria, Vallette, Francoi, Valverde, Angela M., Van den Berghe, Greet, Van Den Bosch, Ludo, van den Brink, Gijs R., van der Goot, F. Gisou, van der Klei, Ida J., van der Laan, Luc J.W., van Doorn, Wouter G., van Egmond, Marjolein, van Golen, Kenneth L., Van Kaer, Luc, Campagne, Menno van Lookeren, Vandenabeele, Peter, Vandenberghe, Wim, Vanhorebeek, Ilse, Varela-Nieto, Isabel, Vasconcelos, M. Helena, Vasko, Radovan, Vavvas, Demetrios G., Vega-Naredo, Ignacio, Velasco, Guillermo, Velentzas, Athanassios D., Velentzas, Panagiotis D., Vellai, Tibor, Vellenga, Edo, Vendelbo, Mikkel Holm, Venkatachalam, Kartik, Ventura, Natascia, Ventura, Salvador, Veras, Patrícia S.T., Verdier, Mireille, Vertessy, Beata G., Viale, Andrea, Vidal, Michel, Vieira, Helena L.A., Vierstra, Richard D., Vigneswaran, Nadarajah, Vij, Neeraj, Vila, Miquel, Villar, Margarita, Villar, Victor H., Villarroya, Joan, Vindis, Cécile, Viola, Giampietro, Viscomi, Maria Teresa, Vitale, Giovanni, Vogl, Dan T., Voitsekhovskaja, Olga V., von Haefen, Clarissa, von Schwarzenberg, Karin, Voth, Daniel E., Vouret-Craviari, Valérie, Vuori, Kristina, Vyas, Jatin M., Waeber, Christian, Walker, Cheryl Lyn, Walker, Mark J., Walter, Jochen, Wan, Lei, Wan, Xiangbo, Wang, Bo, Wang, Caihong, Wang, Chao-Yung, Wang, Chengshu, Wang, Chenran, Wang, Chuangui, Wang, Dong, Wang, Fen, Wang, Fuxin, Wang, Guanghui, Wang, Hai-Jie, Wang, Haichao, Wang, Hong-Gang, Wang, Hongmin, Wang, Horng-Dar, Wang, Jing, Wang, Junjun, Wang, Mei, Wang, Mei-Qing, Wang, Pei-Yu, Wang, Peng, Wang, Richard C., Wang, Shuo, Wang, Ting-Fang, Wang, Xian, Wang, Xiao-Jia, Wang, Xiao-Wei, Wang, Xin, Wang, Xuejun, Wang, Yan, Wang, Yanming, Wang, Ying, Wang, Ying-Jan, Wang, Yipeng, Wang, Yu, Wang, Yu Tian, Wang, Yuqing, Wang, Zhi-Nong, Wappner, Pablo, Ward, Carl, Ward, Diane McVey, Warnes, Gary, Watada, Hirotaka, Watanabe, Yoshihisa, Watase, Kei, Weaver, Timothy E., Weekes, Colin D., Wei, Jiwu, Weide, Thoma, Weihl, Conrad C., Weindl, Günther, Weis, Simone Nardin, Wen, Longping, Wen, Xin, Wen, Yunfei, Westermann, Benedikt, Weyand, Cornelia M., White, Anthony R., White, Eileen, Whitton, J. Lindsay, Whitworth, Alexander J., Wiels, Joëlle, Wild, Franziska, Wildenberg, Manon E., Wileman, Tom, Wilkinson, Deepti Sriniva, Wilkinson, Simon, Willbold, Dieter, Williams, Chri, Williams, Katherine, Williamson, Peter R., Winklhofer, Konstanze F., Witkin, Steven S., Wohlgemuth, Stephanie E., Wollert, Thoma, Wolvetang, Ernst J., Wong, Esther, Wong, G. William, Wong, Richard W., Wong, Vincent Kam Wai, Woodcock, Elizabeth A., Wright, Karen L., Wu, Chunlai, Wu, Defeng, Wu, Gen Sheng, Wu, Jian, Wu, Junfang, Wu, Mian, Wu, Min, Wu, Shengzhou, Wu, William K.K., Wu, Yaohua, Wu, Zhenlong, Xavier, Cristina P.R., Xavier, Ramnik J., Xia, Gui-Xian, Xia, Tian, Xia, Weiliang, Xia, Yong, Xiao, Hengyi, Xiao, Jian, Xiao, Shi, Xiao, Wuhan, Xie, Chuan-Ming, Xie, Zhiping, Xie, Zhonglin, Xilouri, Maria, Xiong, Yuyan, Xu, Chuanshan, Xu, Congfeng, Xu, Feng, Xu, Haoxing, Xu, Hongwei, Xu, Jian, Xu, Jianzhen, Xu, Jinxian, Xu, Liang, Xu, Xiaolei, Xu, Yangqing, Xu, Ye, Xu, Zhi-Xiang, Xu, Ziheng, Xue, Yu, Yamada, Takahiro, Yamamoto, Ai, Yamanaka, Koji, Yamashina, Shunhei, Yamashiro, Shigeko, Yan, Bing, Yan, Bo, Yan, Xianghua, Yan, Zhen, Yanagi, Yasuo, Yang, Dun-Sheng, Yang, Jin-Ming, Yang, Liu, Yang, Minghua, Yang, Pei-Ming, Yang, Peixin, Yang, Qian, Yang, Wannian, Yang, Wei Yuan, Yang, Xuesong, Yang, Yi, Yang, Ying, Yang, Zhifen, Yang, Zhihong, Yao, Meng-Chao, Yao, Pamela J., Yao, Xiaofeng, Yao, Zhenyu, Yao, Zhiyuan, Yasui, Linda S., Ye, Mingxiang, Yedvobnick, Barry, Yeganeh, Behzad, Yeh, Elizabeth S., Yeyati, Patricia L., Yi, Fan, Yi, Long, Yin, Xiao-Ming, Yip, Calvin K., Yoo, Yeong-Min, Yoo, Young Hyun, Yoon, Seung-Yong, Yoshida, Ken-Ichi, Yoshimori, Tamotsu, Young, Ken H., Yu, Huixin, Yu, Jane J., Yu, Jin-Tai, Yu, Jun, Yu, Li, Yu, W. Haung, Yu, Xiao-Fang, Yu, Zhengping, Yuan, Junying, Yuan, Zhi-Min, Yue, Beatrice Y.J.T., Yue, Jianbo, Yue, Zhenyu, Zacks, David N., Zacksenhaus, Eldad, Zaffaroni, Nadia, Zaglia, Tania, Zakeri, Zahra, Zecchini, Vincent, Zeng, Jinsheng, Zeng, Min, Zeng, Qi, Zervos, Antonis S., Zhang, Donna D., Zhang, Fan, Zhang, Guo, Zhang, Guo-Chang, Zhang, Hao, Zhang, Hong, Zhang, Hongbing, Zhang, Jian, Zhang, Jiangwei, Zhang, Jianhua, Zhang, Jing-Pu, Zhang, Li, Zhang, Lin, Zhang, Long, Zhang, Ming-Yong, Zhang, Xiangnan, Zhang, Xu Dong, Zhang, Yan, Zhang, Yang, Zhang, Yanjin, Zhang, Yingmei, Zhang, Yunjiao, Zhao, Mei, Zhao, Wei-Li, Zhao, Xiaonan, Zhao, Yan G., Zhao, Ying, Zhao, Yongchao, Zhao, Yu-Xia, Zhao, Zhendong, Zhao, Zhizhuang J., Zheng, Dexian, Zheng, Xi-Long, Zheng, Xiaoxiang, Zhivotovsky, Bori, Zhong, Qing, Zhou, Guang-Zhou, Zhou, Guofei, Zhou, Huiping, Zhou, Shu-Feng, Zhou, Xu-Jie, Zhu, Hongxin, Zhu, Hua, Zhu, Wei-Guo, Zhu, Wenhua, Zhu, Xiao-Feng, Zhu, Yuhua, Zhuang, Shi-Mei, Zhuang, Xiaohong, Ziparo, Elio, Zois, Christos E., Zoladek, Teresa, Zong, Wei-Xing, Zorzano, Antonio, and Zughaier, Susu M.
- Subjects
Molecular Biology ,Cell Biology ,Settore BIO/06 - Anatomia Comparata E Citologia - Abstract
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- Published
- 2016
10. The statistical geometry of transcriptome divergence in cell-type evolution and cancer
- Author
Liang, C, Alam, I, Albanese, D, Altschuler, G, Andersson, R, Arakawa, T, Archer, J, Arner, E, Arner, P, Babina, M, Baillie, K, Bajic, V, Baker, S, Balic, A, Balwierz, P, Beckhouse, A, Bertin, N, Blake, Ja, Blumenthal, A, Bodega, B, Bonetti, A, Briggs, J, Brombacher, F, Burroughs, M, Califano, A, Cannistraci, C, Carbajo, D, Carninci, P, Chen, Yang, Chierici, M, Ciani, Y, Clevers, H, Dalla, Emiliano, Daub, C, Davis, C, De Hoon, M, De Lima Morais, D, Dermar, M, Diehl, A, Dimont, E, Dohl, T, Drabros, F, Edge, A, Edinger, M, Ekwall, K, Endoh, M, Enomoto, H, Fagiolini, M, Fairbairn, L, Fang, H, Farach Carson, Mc, Faulkner, G, Favorov, A, Fisher, M, Forrest, A, Francescatto, M, Freeman, T, Frith, M, Fujita, R, Fukuda, S, Furlanello, C, Furuno, M, Furusawa, J, Geijtenbeek, Tb, Gibson, A, Gingeras, T, Goldowithz, D, Gough, J, Guhl, S, Guler, R, Gustincich, Stefano, Ha, T, Haberle, V, Hamaguchi, M, Hara, M, Harbers, M, Harshbarger, J, Hasegawa, A, Hasegawa, Y, Hashimoto, T, Hayashizaki, Y, Herlyn, M, Heutink, P, Hide, W, Hitchens, K, Ho Sui, S, Hofmann, O, Hoof, I, Hori, F, Hume, D, Huminiecki, L, Iida, K, Ikawa, T, Ishizu, Y, Itoh, M, Jankovic, B, Jia, H, Jorgensen, M, Joshi, A, Jurman, G, Kaczkowski, B, Kai, C, Kaida, K, Kaiho, A, Kajiyama, K, Kanamori Katayama, M, Kasianov, A, Kasukawa, T, Katayama, S, Kato Ishikawa, S, Kawaguchi, S, Kawai, J, Kawaji, H, Kawamoto, H, Kawamura, Y, Kawashima, T, Kempfle, J, Kenna, T, Kere, J, Khachigian, L, Kitamura, T, Klinken, P, Knox, A, Kojima, M, Kojima, S, Kondo, N, Koseki, H, Koyasu, S, Krampitz, S, Kubosaki, A, Kulakovskiy, I, Kwon, At, Laros, J, Lassmann, T, Lenhard, B, Lennartsson, A, Li, K, Lilji, B, Lipovich, L, Lizio, M, Mackay Sim, A, Makeev, V, Manabe, R, Mar, J, Marchand, B, Mathelier, A, Medvedeva, Y, Meehan, Tf, Mejhert, N, Meynert, A, Mizuno, Y, Morikawa, H, Morimoto, M, Moro, K, Motakis, E, Motohashi, H, Mummery, C, Mungall, Cj, Murata, M, Nagao Sato, S, Nakachi, Y, Nakahara, F, Nakamura, T, Nakamura, Y, Nakazato, K, Ninomiya Fukuda, N, Nishiyori Sueki, H, Noma, S, Nozaki, T, Ogishima, S, Ohkura, N, Ohmiya, H, Ohno, H, Ohshima, M, Okada Hatakeyama, M, Okazaki, Y, Orlando, V, Ovchinnikov, D, Pain, A, Passier, R, Persson, H, Piazza, Silvano, Plessy, C, Pradhan Bhatt, S, Prendergast, J, Rackham, O, Ramilowski, J, Rashid, M, Ravasi, T, Rehli, M, Rizzu, P, Roncador, M, Roy, S, Rye, M, Saijyo, E, Sajantila, A, Saka, A, Sakaguchi, S, Sakai, M, Sandelin, A, Sato, H, Satoh, H, Suzana, S, Alka, S, Schaefer, U, Schmeier, S, Schmidl, C, Schneider, C, Schultes, Ea, Schulze Tanzil, G, Schwegmann, A, Semple, C, Sengstag, T, Severin, J, Sheng, G, Shimoji, H, Shimoni, Y, Shin, J, Simon, C, Sugiyama, D, Sugiyama, T, Summers, K, Suzuki, H, Suzuki, M, Suzuki, N, Swoboda, R, Hoen P, T, Tagami, M, Takahashi, N, Takai, J, Tanaka, H, Tatsukawa, H, Tatum, Z, Taylor, M, Thompson, M, Toyoda, H, Toyoda, T, Valen, E, Van De Wetering, M, Van Den Berg, L, Van Nimwegen, E, Verardo, R, Vijayan, D, Vitezic, M, Vorontzov, I, Wasserman, W, Watanabe, S, Wells, C, Winteringham, L, Wolvetang, E, Wood, Ej, Yamaguchi, Y, Yamamoto, M, Yoneda, M, Yonekura, Y, Yoshida, Shin'Ichirou, Young, R, Zabierowski, Se, Zhang, P, Zhao, X, Zucchelli, Silvia, Forrest, Ar, Wagner, Gp, Hubrecht Institute for Developmental Biology and Stem Cell Research, AII - Amsterdam institute for Infection and Immunity, Infectious diseases, and Experimental Immunology
- Subjects
Cell type ,General Physics and Astronomy ,rna-seq data ,phylogenetic networks ,Biology ,ENCODE ,General Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology ,Divergence ,Transcriptome ,Models ,Settore BIO/13 - Biologia Applicata ,Neoplasms ,Humans ,Genetics ,Models, Statistical ,Multidisciplinary ,Statistical model ,General Chemistry ,Statistical ,Biological Evolution ,Body plan ,Tree structure ,Evolutionary biology ,Cancer cell - Abstract
In evolution, body plan complexity increases due to an increase in the number of individualized cell types. Yet, there is very little understanding of the mechanisms that produce this form of organismal complexity. One model for the origin of novel cell types is the sister cell-type model. According to this model, each cell type arises together with a sister cell type through specialization from an ancestral cell type. A key prediction of the sister cell-type model is that gene expression profiles of cell types exhibit tree structure. Here we present a statistical model for detecting tree structure in transcriptomic data and apply it to transcriptomes from ENCODE and FANTOM5. We show that transcriptomes of normal cells harbour substantial amounts of hierarchical structure. In contrast, cancer cell lines have less tree structure, suggesting that the emergence of cancer cells follows different principles from that of evolutionary cell-type origination.
- Published
- 2015
11. Correction: AarF Domain Containing Kinase 3 (ADCK3) mutant cells display signs of oxidative stress, defects in mitochondrial homeostasis and lysosomal accumulation
- Author
Cullen, JK, Abdul Murad, N, Yeo, A, McKenzie, Matthew, Ward, M, Chong, KL, Schieber, NL, Parton, RG, Lim, YC, Wolvetang, E, Maghzal, GJ, Stocker, R, Lavin, MF, Cullen, JK, Abdul Murad, N, Yeo, A, McKenzie, Matthew, Ward, M, Chong, KL, Schieber, NL, Parton, RG, Lim, YC, Wolvetang, E, Maghzal, GJ, Stocker, R, and Lavin, MF
- Published
- 2016
12. Differential roles of epigenetic changes and Foxp3 expression in regulatory T cell-specific transcriptional regulation
- Author
Morikawa, H, Ohkura, N, Vandenbon, A, Itoh, M, Nagao Sato, S, Kawaji, H, Lassmann, T, Carninci, P, Hayashizaki, Y, Forrest, Ar, Standley, Dm, Date, H, Sakaguchi, S, FANTOM Consortium (Forrest AR, Rehli, M, Baillie, Jk, de Hoon MJ, Haberle, V, Kulakovskiy, Iv, Lizio, M, Andersson, R, Mungall, Cj, Meehan, Tf, Schmeier, S, Bertin, N, Jørgensen, M, Dimont, E, Arner, E, Schmidl, C, Schaefer, U, Medvedeva, Ya, Plessy, C, Vitezic, M, Severin, J, Semple, Ca, Ishizu, Y, Francescatto, M, Alam, I, Albanese, D, Altschuler, Gm, Archer, Ja, Arner, P, Babina, M, Baker, S, Balwierz, Pj, Beckhouse, Ag, Pradhan Bhatt, S, Blake, Ja, Blumenthal, A, Bodega, B, Bonetti, A, Briggs, J, Brombacher, F, Burroughs, Am, Califano, A, Cannistraci, Cv, Carbajo, D, Chen, Y, Chierici, M, Ciani, Y, Clevers, Hc, Dalla, E, Davis, Ca, Deplancke, B, Detmar, M, Diehl, Ad, Dohi, T, Drabløs, F, Edge, As, Edinger, M, Ekwall, K, Endoh, M, Enomoto, H, Fagiolini, M, Fairbairn, L, Fang, H, Farach Carson MC, Faulkner, Gj, Favorov, Av, Fisher, Me, Frith, Mc, Fujita, R, Fukuda, S, Furlanello, C, Furuno, M, Furusawa, J, Geijtenbeek, Tb, Gibson, A, Gingeras, T, Goldowitz, D, Gough, J, Guhl, S, Guler, R, Gustincich, Stefano, Ha, Tj, Hamaguchi, M, Hara, M, Harbers, M, Harshbarger, J, Hasegawa, A, Hasegawa, Y, Hashimoto, T, Herlyn, M, Hitchens, Kj, Ho Sui SJ, Hofmann, Om, Hoof, I, Hori, F, Huminiecki, L, Iida, K, Ikawa, T, Jankovic, Br, Jia, H, Joshi, A, Jurman, G, Kaczkowski, B, Kai, C, Kaida, K, Kaiho, A, Kajiyama, K, Kanamori Katayama, M, Kasianov, As, Kasukawa, T, Katayama, S, Kato, S, Kawaguchi, S, Kawamoto, H, Kawamura, Yi, Kawashima, T, Kempfle, Js, Kenna, Tj, Kere, J, Khachigian, Lm, Kitamura, T, Klinken, Sp, Knox, Aj, Kojima, M, Kojima, S, Kondo, N, Koseki, H, Koyasu, S, Krampitz, S, Kubosaki, A, Kwon, At, Laros, Jf, Lee, W, Lennartsson, A, Li, K, Lilje, B, Lipovich, L, Mackay Sim, A, Manabe, R, Mar, Jc, Marchand, B, Mathelier, A, Mejhert, N, Meynert, A, Mizuno, Y, Morais, Da, Morimoto, M, Moro, K, Motakis, E, Motohashi, H, Mummery, Cl, Murata, M, Nakachi, Y, Nakahara, F, Nakamura, T, Nakamura, Y, Nakazato, K, van Nimwegen, E, Ninomiya, N, Nishiyori, H, Noma, S, Nozaki, T, Ogishima, S, Ohmiya, H, Ohno, H, Ohshima, M, Okada Hatakeyama, M, Okazaki, Y, Orlando, V, Ovchinnikov, Da, Pain, A, Passier, R, Patrikakis, M, Persson, H, Piazza, S, Prendergast, Jg, Rackham, Oj, Ramilowski, Ja, Rashid, M, Ravasi, T, Rizzu, P, Roncador, M, Roy, S, Rye, Mb, Saijyo, E, Sajantila, A, Saka, A, Sakai, M, Sato, H, Satoh, H, Savvi, S, Saxena, A, Schneider, C, Schultes, Ea, Schulze Tanzil GG, Schwegmann, A, Sengstag, T, Sheng, G, Shimoji, H, Shimoni, Y, Shin, Jw, Simon, C, Sugiyama, D, Sugiyama, T, Suzuki, M, Swoboda, Rk, 't Hoen PA, Tagami, M, Takahashi, N, Takai, J, Tanaka, H, Tatsukawa, H, Tatum, Z, Thompson, M, Toyoda, H, Toyoda, T, Valen, E, van de Wetering, M, van den Berg LM, Verardo, R, Vijayan, D, Vorontsov, Ie, Wasserman, Ww, Watanabe, S, Wells, Ca, Winteringham, Ln, Wolvetang, E, Wood, Ej, Yamaguchi, Y, Yamamoto, M, Yoneda, M, Yonekura, Y, Yoshida, S, Zabierowski, Se, Zhang, Pg, Zhao, X, Zucchelli, S, Summers, Km, Suzuki, H, Daub, Co, Kawai, J, Heutink, P, Hide, W, Freeman, Tc, Lenhard, B, Bajic, Vb, Taylor, Ms, Makeev, Vj, Sandelin, A, Hume, Da, Hayashizaki, Y., AII - Amsterdam institute for Infection and Immunity, Infectious diseases, Experimental Immunology, and Hubrecht Institute for Developmental Biology and Stem Cell Research
- Subjects
Transcription, Genetic ,Regulatory T cell ,T-Lymphocytes ,Down-Regulation ,chemical and pharmacologic phenomena ,Biology ,Inbred C57BL ,T-Lymphocytes, Regulatory ,Epigenesis, Genetic ,Mice ,Genetic ,Settore BIO/13 - Biologia Applicata ,medicine ,Transcriptional regulation ,Animals ,Epigenetics ,Gene ,Inbred BALB C ,Genetics ,Regulation of gene expression ,Mice, Inbred BALB C ,Multidisciplinary ,Binding Sites ,FOXP3 ,hemic and immune systems ,Forkhead Transcription Factors ,DNA Methylation ,Biological Sciences ,Regulatory ,Cap analysis gene expression ,Mice, Inbred C57BL ,medicine.anatomical_structure ,Gene Expression Regulation ,DNA methylation ,Transcription ,Epigenesis - Abstract
Naturally occurring regulatory T (Treg) cells, which specifically express the transcription factor forkhead box P3 (Foxp3), are engaged in the maintenance of immunological self-tolerance and homeostasis. By transcriptional start site cluster analysis, we assessed here how genome-wide patterns of DNA methylation or Foxp3 binding sites were associated with Treg-specific gene expression. We found that Treg-specific DNA hypomethylated regions were closely associated with Treg up-regulated transcriptional start site clusters, whereas Foxp3 binding regions had no significant correlation with either up- or down-regulated clusters in nonactivated Treg cells. However, in activated Treg cells, Foxp3 binding regions showed a strong correlation with down-regulated clusters. In accordance with these findings, the above two features of activation-dependent gene regulation in Treg cells tend to occur at different locations in the genome. The results collectively indicate that Treg-specific DNA hypomethylation is instrumental in gene up-regulation in steady state Treg cells, whereas Foxp3 down-regulates the expression of its target genes in activated Treg cells. Thus, the two events seem to play distinct but complementary roles in Treg-specific gene expression.
- Published
- 2014
13. A protocol for the identification and validation of novel genetic causes of kidney disease
- Author
Mallett, A, Patel, C, Maier, B, McGaughran, J, Gabbett, M, Takasato, M, Cameron, A, Trnka, P, Alexander, SI, Rangan, G, Tchan, MC, Caruana, G, John, G, Quinlan, C, McCarthy, HJ, Hyland, V, Hoy, WE, Wolvetang, E, Taft, R, Simons, C, Healy, H, Little, M, Mallett, A, Patel, C, Maier, B, McGaughran, J, Gabbett, M, Takasato, M, Cameron, A, Trnka, P, Alexander, SI, Rangan, G, Tchan, MC, Caruana, G, John, G, Quinlan, C, McCarthy, HJ, Hyland, V, Hoy, WE, Wolvetang, E, Taft, R, Simons, C, Healy, H, and Little, M
- Abstract
BACKGROUND: Genetic renal diseases (GRD) are a heterogeneous and incompletely understood group of disorders accounting for approximately 10 % of those diagnosed with kidney disease. The advent of Next Generation sequencing and new approaches to disease modelling may allow the identification and validation of novel genetic variants in patients with previously incompletely explained or understood GRD. METHODS/DESIGN: This study will recruit participants in families/trios from a multidisciplinary sub-specialty Renal Genetics Clinic where known genetic causes of GRD have been excluded or where genetic testing is not available. After informed patient consent, whole exome and/or genome sequencing will be performed with bioinformatics analysis undertaken using a customised variant assessment tool. A rigorous process for participant data management will be undertaken. Novel genetic findings will be validated using patient-derived induced pluripotent stem cells via differentiation to renal and relevant extra-renal tissue phenotypes in vitro. A process for managing the risk of incidental findings and the return of study results to participants has been developed. DISCUSSION: This investigator-initiated approach brings together experts in nephrology, clinical and molecular genetics, pathology and developmental biology to discover and validate novel genetic causes for patients in Australia affected by GRD without a known genetic aetiology or pathobiology.
- Published
- 2015
14. Gene Expression Variability as a Unifying Element of the Pluripotency Network
- Author
Mason, EA, Mar, JC, Laslett, AL, Pera, MF, Quackenbush, J, Wolvetang, E, Wells, CA, Mason, EA, Mar, JC, Laslett, AL, Pera, MF, Quackenbush, J, Wolvetang, E, and Wells, CA
- Abstract
Heterogeneity is a hallmark of stem cell populations, in part due to the molecular differences between cells undergoing self-renewal and those poised to differentiate. We examined phenotypic and molecular heterogeneity in pluripotent stem cell populations, using public gene expression data sets. A high degree of concordance was observed between global gene expression variability and the reported heterogeneity of different human pluripotent lines. Network analysis demonstrated that low-variability genes were the most highly connected, suggesting that these are the most stable elements of the gene regulatory network and are under the highest regulatory constraints. Known drivers of pluripotency were among these, with lowest expression variability of POU5F1 in cells with the highest capacity for self-renewal. Variability of gene expression provides a reliable measure of phenotypic and molecular heterogeneity and predicts those genes with the highest degree of regulatory constraint within the pluripotency network.
- Published
- 2014
15. Regulation of p53 by macrophage migration inhibitory factor in inflammatory arthritis.
- Author
Wolvetang E., Morand E.F., Hutchinson P., David J.R., Leech M., Bucala R., Lacey D., Xue J.R., Santos L., Wolvetang E., Morand E.F., Hutchinson P., David J.R., Leech M., Bucala R., Lacey D., Xue J.R., and Santos L.
- Abstract
Objective. To study the capacity of macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF) to regulate proliferation, apoptosis, and p53 in an animal model of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and in fibroblast-like synoviocytes (FLS) from humans with RA. Methods. Antigen-induced arthritis (AIA) was induced in MIF-/- mice and littermate controls. FLS were obtained from patients with RA. Western blotting and immunohistochemistry were used to measure p53 in cells and tissues. Apoptosis was detected in cells by flow cytometry using TUNEL and annexin V/propidium iodide labeling. Apoptosis in tissue was detected using TUNEL. Proliferation was assessed in cultured cells and tissue by 3H-thymidine incorporation and Ki-67 immunostaining, respectively. Results. MIF inhibited p53 expression in human RA FLS. Levels of p53 were correspondingly increased in MIF-/- mouse tissues and cells. Spontaneous and sodium nitroprusside-induced apoptosis were significantly increased in MIF-/- cells. In vitro exposure of FLS to MIF reduced apoptosis and significantly induced FLS proliferation. Synoviocyte proliferation in MIF-/-mice was correspondingly reduced. A decrease in the severity of AIA in MIF-/- mice was associated with an increase in p53 and apoptosis in synovium. Evidence of in situ proliferation was scant in this model, and no difference in in situ proliferation was detectable in MIF-/- mice compared with wild-type mice. Conclusion. These results indicate a role for MIF in the regulation of p53 expression and p53-mediated events in the inflamed synovium and support the hypothesis that MIF is of critical importance in the pathogenesis of RA.
- Published
- 2012
16. Characterization of monoclonal antibodies specific to the transcription factor ETS-2 protein.
- Author
Wolvetang E., Sanij E., Scott B., Wilson T., Xu D., Hertzog P., Wolvetang E., Sanij E., Scott B., Wilson T., Xu D., and Hertzog P.
- Abstract
ETS-2 is a member of the ETS family of transcription factors. ETS-2 was initially characterized as a nuclear oncogene and has been shown to play a role in regulation of apoptosis and cell cycle progression. Members of the ETS family display high sequence homology, thus, there is considerable controversy concerning the specificity of existing ETS-2 polyclonal antibodies that have been used to define ETS-2 function. We therefore embarked on the production of ETS-2 specific monoclonal antibodies. In this report, we describe the production and characterization of six antibodies and the localization of their target epitopes to distinct domains of the ETS-2 protein. Four antibodies are ETS-2 specific and two antibodies cross-react with ETS-1, an ETS family member with the highest amino acid sequence homology to ETS-2. This report provides a comprehensive evaluation of ETS-2 specific monoclonal antibodies verified using ETS-2 null cells. These antibodies can be used for EMSA, Western blotting, immunoprecipitation and immunofluorescence staining experiments. Collectively, these reagents are invaluable molecular tools that should help better understand the biological function of ETS-2. © 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
- Published
- 2012
17. Autophagy in human embryonic stem cells
- Author
Tra, T, Gong, L, Kao, LP, Li, XL, Grandela, C, Devenish, RJ, Wolvetang, E, Prescott, M, Tra, T, Gong, L, Kao, LP, Li, XL, Grandela, C, Devenish, RJ, Wolvetang, E, and Prescott, M
- Abstract
Autophagy (macroautophagy) is a degradative process that involves the sequestration of cytosolic material including organelles into double membrane vesicles termed autophagosomes for delivery to the lysosome. Autophagy is essential for preimplantation development of mouse embryos and cavitation of embryoid bodies. The precise roles of autophagy during early human embryonic development, remain however largely uncharacterized. Since human embryonic stem cells constitute a unique model system to study early human embryogenesis we investigated the occurrence of autophagy in human embryonic stem cells. We have, using lentiviral transduction, established multiple human embryonic stem cell lines that stably express GFP-LC3, a fluorescent marker for the autophagosome. Each cell line displays both a normal karyotype and pluripotency as indicated by the presence of cell types representative of the three germlayers in derived teratomas. GFP expression and labelling of autophagosomes is retained after differentiation. Baseline levels of autophagy detected in cultured undifferentiated hESC were increased or decreased in the presence of rapamycin and wortmannin, respectively. Interestingly, autophagy was upregulated in hESCs induced to undergo differentiation by treatment with type I TGF-beta receptor inhibitor SB431542 or removal of MEF secreted maintenance factors. In conclusion we have established hESCs capable of reporting macroautophagy and identify a novel link between autophagy and early differentiation events in hESC. © 2011 Tra et al.
- Published
- 2011
18. Will Brain Cells Derived From Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells or Directly Converted From Somatic Cells (iNs) Be Useful for Schizophrenia Research?
- Author
Filippich, C., primary, Wolvetang, E. J., additional, and Mowry, B. J., additional
- Published
- 2013
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19. The long non-coding RNA Gomafu is acutely regulated in response to neuronal activation and involved in schizophrenia-associated alternative splicing
- Author
Barry, G, primary, Briggs, J A, additional, Vanichkina, D P, additional, Poth, E M, additional, Beveridge, N J, additional, Ratnu, V S, additional, Nayler, S P, additional, Nones, K, additional, Hu, J, additional, Bredy, T W, additional, Nakagawa, S, additional, Rigo, F, additional, Taft, R J, additional, Cairns, M J, additional, Blackshaw, S, additional, Wolvetang, E J, additional, and Mattick, J S, additional
- Published
- 2013
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20. Epstein-Barr virus LMP1 blocks p16INK4a-RB pathway by promoting nuclear export of E2F4/5
- Author
Ohtani, N, Brennan, P, Gaubatz, S, Sanij, E, Hertzog, P, Wolvetang, E, Ghysdael, J, Rowe, M, Hara, E, Ohtani, N, Brennan, P, Gaubatz, S, Sanij, E, Hertzog, P, Wolvetang, E, Ghysdael, J, Rowe, M, and Hara, E
- Abstract
The p16INK4a-RB pathway plays a critical role in preventing inappropriate cell proliferation and is often targeted by viral oncoproteins during immortalization. Latent membrane protein 1 (LMP1) of Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) is often present in EBV-associated proliferative diseases and is critical for the immortalizing and transforming activity of EBV. Unlike other DNA tumor virus oncoproteins, which possess immortalizing activity, LMP1 does not bind to retinoblastoma tumor suppressor protein, but instead blocks the expression of p16INK4a tumor suppressor gene. However, it has been unclear how LMP1 represses the p16INK4a gene expression. Here, we report that LMP1 promotes the CRM1-dependent nuclear export of Ets2, which is an important transcription factor for p16INK4a gene expression, thereby reducing the level of p16INK4a expression. We further demonstrate that LMP1 also blocks the function of E2F4 and E2F5 (E2F4/5) transcription factors through promoting their nuclear export in a CRM1-dependent manner. As E2F4/5 are essential downstream mediators for a p16INK4a-induced cell cycle arrest, these results indicate that the action of LMP1 on nuclear export has two effects on the p16INK4a-RB pathway: (1) repression of p16INK4a expression and (2) blocking the downstream mediator of the p16INK4a-RB pathway. These results reveal a novel activity of LMP1 and increase an understanding of how viral oncoproteins perturb the p16INK4a-RB pathway.
- Published
- 2003
21. Ets-2 Is Induced by Oxidative Stress and Sensitizes Cells to H2O2-Induced Apoptosis: Implications for Down's Syndrome
- Author
Sanij, E., Hatzistavrou, T., Hertzog, P., Kola, I., and Wolvetang, E. J.
- Abstract
An elevated production of hydrogen peroxide mediates the increased rate of apoptosis of cells derived from individuals with Down's syndrome. The mechanism via which this occurs is unknown. Here we show that Ets-2, a transcription factor located on human chromosome 21 and already overexpressed in multiple tissues in Down syndrome (DS, trisomy 21), is induced by low concentrations of hydrogen peroxide. Moreover, cells with an imbalance in the antioxidant enzymes SOD-1/GPX-1, such as occurs in DS through the overexpression of the chromosome 21 gene SOD-1, also results in increased Ets-2 expression. The increase in Ets-2 expression is dependent on mRNA transcription. Importantly, we further demonstrate that 3T3 fibroblasts that overexpress Ets-2 are sensitized to hydrogen peroxide-induced apoptosis. These data implicate Ets-2 in the regulation of oxidant-induced apoptosis and provide a possible rationale for both the (5- to 7-) fold increase in Ets-2 protein level in DS tissues, above the expected gene dosage of 1.5-fold, and the elevated rate of apoptosis in DS cells.
- Published
- 2001
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22. Full-factorial analysis of soluble factors maintaining human embryonic stem cells with a multiplexed microbioreactor array
- Author
Drew Titmarsh, Doran, M., Wolvetang, E., and Cooper-White, J.
23. Erratum: Ets-2 is induced by oxidative stress and sensitizes cells to H2O2-induced apoptosis: Implications for down's syndrome, (Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications (2001) 287:4 (1003-1008))
- Author
Sanij, E., Hatzistavrou, T., Paul Hertzog, Kola, I., and Wolvetang, E. J.
24. Guidelines for the use and interpretation of assays for monitoring autophagy (3rd edition)
- Author
Daniel J. Klionsky, Kotb Abdelmohsen, Akihisa Abe, Md Joynal Abedin, Hagai Abeliovich, Abraham Acevedo Arozena, Hiroaki Adachi, Christopher M. Adams, Peter D. Adams, Khosrow Adeli, Peter J. Adhihetty, Sharon G. Adler, Galila Agam, Rajesh Agarwal, Manish K. Aghi, Maria Agnello, Patrizia Agostinis, Patricia V. Aguilar, Julio Aguirre Ghiso, Edoardo M. Airoldi, Slimane Ait Si Ali, Takahiko Akematsu, Emmanuel T. Akporiaye, Mohamed Al Rubeai, Guillermo M. Albaiceta, Chris Albanese, Diego Albani, Matthew L. Albert, Jesus Aldudo, Hana Algül, Mehrdad Alirezaei, Iraide Alloza, Alexandru Almasan, Maylin Almonte Beceril, Emad S. Alnemri, Covadonga Alonso, Nihal Altan Bonnet, Dario C. Altieri, Silvia Alvarez, Lydia Alvarez Erviti, Sandro Alves, Giuseppina Amadoro, Atsuo Amano, Consuelo Amantini, Santiago Ambrosio, Ivano Amelio, Amal O. Amer, Mohamed Amessou, Angelika Amon, Zhenyi An, Frank A. Anania, Stig U. Andersen, Usha P. Andley, Catherine K. Andreadi, Nathalie Andrieu Abadie, Alberto Anel, David K. Ann, Shailendra Anoopkumar Dukie, Manuela Antonioli, Hiroshi Aoki, Nadezda Apostolova, Saveria Aquila, Katia Aquilano, Koichi Araki, Eli Arama, Agustin Aranda, Jun Araya, Alexandre Arcaro, Esperanza Arias, Hirokazu Arimoto, Aileen R. Ariosa, Jane L. Armstrong, Thierry Arnould, Ivica Arsov, Katsuhiko Asanuma, Valerie Askanas, Eric Asselin, Ryuichiro Atarashi, Sally S. Atherton, Julie D. Atkin, Laura D. Attardi, Patrick Auberger, Georg Auburger, Laure Aurelian, Riccardo Autelli, Laura Avagliano, Maria Laura Avantaggiati, Limor Avrahami, Suresh Awale, Neelam Azad, Tiziana Bachetti, Jonathan M. Backer, Dong Hun Bae, Jae sung Bae, Ok Nam Bae, Soo Han Bae, Eric H. Baehrecke, Seung Hoon Baek, Stephen Baghdiguian, Agnieszka Bagniewska Zadworna, Hua Bai, Jie Bai, Xue Yuan Bai, Yannick Bailly, Kithiganahalli Narayanaswamy Balaji, Walter Balduini, Andrea Ballabio, Rena Balzan, Rajkumar Banerjee, Gábor Bánhegyi, Haijun Bao, Benoit Barbeau, Maria D. Barrachina, Esther Barreiro, Bonnie Bartel, Alberto Bartolomé, Diane C. Bassham, Maria Teresa Bassi, Robert C. Bast Jr, Alakananda Basu, Maria Teresa Batista, Henri Batoko, Maurizio Battino, Kyle Bauckman, Bradley L. Baumgarner, K. Ulrich Bayer, Rupert Beale, Jean François Beaulieu, George R. Beck Jr, Christoph Becker, J. David Beckham, Pierre André Bédard, Patrick J. Bednarski, Thomas J. Begley, Christian Behl, Christian Behrends, Georg MN Behrens, Kevin E. Behrns, Eloy Bejarano, Amine Belaid, Francesca Belleudi, Giovanni Bénard, Guy Berchem, Daniele Bergamaschi, Matteo Bergami, Ben Berkhout, Laura Berliocchi, Amélie Bernard, Monique Bernard, Francesca Bernassola, Anne Bertolotti, Amanda S. Bess, Sébastien Besteiro, Saverio Bettuzzi, Savita Bhalla, Shalmoli Bhattacharyya, Sujit K. Bhutia, Caroline Biagosch, Michele Wolfe Bianchi, Martine Biard Piechaczyk, Viktor Billes, Claudia Bincoletto, Baris Bingol, Sara W. Bird, Marc Bitoun, Ivana Bjedov, Craig Blackstone, Lionel Blanc, Guillermo A. Blanco, Heidi Kiil Blomhoff, Emilio Boada Romero, Stefan Böckler, Marianne Boes, Kathleen Boesze Battaglia, Lawrence H. Boise, Alessandra Bolino, Andrea Boman, Paolo Bonaldo, Matteo Bordi, Jürgen Bosch, Luis M. Botana, Joelle Botti, German Bou, Marina Bouché, Marion Bouchecareilh, Marie Josée Boucher, Michael E. Boulton, Sebastien G. Bouret, Patricia Boya, Michaël Boyer Guittaut, Peter V. Bozhkov, Nathan Brady, Vania MM Braga, Claudio Brancolini, Gerhard H. Braus, José M. Bravo San Pedro, Lisa A. Brennan, Emery H. Bresnick, Patrick Brest, Dave Bridges, MarieAgnès Bringer, Marisa Brini, Glauber C. Brito, Bertha Brodin, Paul S. Brookes, Eric J. Brown, Karen Brown, Hal E. Broxmeyer, Alain Bruhat, Patricia Chakur Brum, John H. Brumell, Nicola Brunetti Pierri, Robert J. Bryson Richardson, Shilpa Buch, Alastair M. Buchan, Hikmet Budak, Dmitry V. Bulavin, Scott J. Bultman, Geert Bultynck, Vladimir Bumbasirevic, Yan Burelle, Robert E. Burke, Margit Burmeister, Peter Bütikofer, Laura Caberlotto, Ken Cadwell, Monika Cahova, Dongsheng Cai, Jingjing Cai, Qian Cai, Sara Calatayud, Nadine Camougrand, Michelangelo Campanella, Grant R. Campbell, Matthew Campbell, Silvia Campello, Robin Candau, Isabella Caniggia, Lavinia Cantoni, Lizhi Cao, Allan B. Caplan, Michele Caraglia, Claudio Cardinali, Sandra Morais Cardoso, Jennifer S. Carew, Laura A. Carleton, Cathleen R. Carlin, Silvia Carloni, Sven R. Carlsson, Didac Carmona Gutierrez, Leticia AM Carneiro, Oliana Carnevali, Serena Carra, Alice Carrier, Bernadette Carroll, Caty Casas, Josefina Casas, Giuliana Cassinelli, Perrine Castets, Susana Castro Obregon, Gabriella Cavallini, Isabella Ceccherini, Francesco Cecconi, Arthur I. Cederbaum, Valentín Ceña, Simone Cenci, Claudia Cerella, Davide Cervia, CETRULLO, SILVIA, Hassan Chaachouay, Han Jung Chae, Andrei S. Chagin, Chee Yin Chai, Gopal Chakrabarti, Georgios Chamilos, Edmond YW Chan, Matthew TV Chan, Dhyan Chandra, Pallavi Chandra, Chih Peng Chang, Raymond Chuen Chung Chang, Ta Yuan Chang, John C. Chatham, Saurabh Chatterjee, Santosh Chauhan, Yongsheng Che, Michael E. Cheetham, Rajkumar Cheluvappa, Chun Jung Chen, Gang Chen, Guang Chao Chen, Guoqiang Chen, Hongzhuan Chen, Jeff W. Chen, Jian Kang Chen, Min Chen, Mingzhou Chen, Peiwen Chen, Qi Chen, Quan Chen, Shang Der Chen, Si Chen, Steve S. L. Chen, Wei Chen, Wei Jung Chen, Wen Qiang Chen, Wenli Chen, Xiangmei Chen, Yau Hung Chen, Ye Guang Chen, Yin Chen, Yingyu Chen, Yongshun Chen, Yu Jen Chen, Yue Qin Chen, Yujie Chen, Zhen Chen, Zhong Chen, Alan Cheng, Christopher HK Cheng, Hua Cheng, Heesun Cheong, Sara Cherry, Jason Chesney, Chun Hei Antonio Cheung, Eric Chevet, Hsiang Cheng Chi, Sung Gil Chi, Fulvio Chiacchiera, Hui Ling Chiang, Roberto Chiarelli, Mario Chiariello, Marcello Chieppa, Lih Shen Chin, Mario Chiong, Gigi NC Chiu, Dong Hyung Cho, Ssang Goo Cho, William C. Cho, Yong Yeon Cho, Young Seok Cho, Augustine MK Choi, Eui Ju Choi, Eun Kyoung Choi, Jayoung Choi, Mary E. Choi, Seung Il Choi, Tsui Fen Chou, Salem Chouaib, Divaker Choubey, Vinay Choubey, Kuan Chih Chow, Kamal Chowdhury, Charleen T. Chu, Tsung Hsien Chuang, Taehoon Chun, Hyewon Chung, Taijoon Chung, Yuen Li Chung, Yong Joon Chwae, Valentina Cianfanelli, Roberto Ciarcia, Iwona A. Ciechomska, Maria Rosa Ciriolo, Mara Cirone, Sofie Claerhout, Michael J. Clague, Joan Clària, Peter GH Clarke, Robert Clarke, Emilio Clementi, Cédric Cleyrat, Miriam Cnop, Eliana M. Coccia, Tiziana Cocco, Patrice Codogno, Jörn Coers, Ezra EW Cohen, David Colecchia, Luisa Coletto, Núria S. Coll, Emma Colucci Guyon, Sergio Comincini, Maria Condello, Katherine L. Cook, Graham H. Coombs, Cynthia D. Cooper, J. Mark Cooper, Isabelle Coppens, Maria Tiziana Corasaniti, Marco Corazzari, Ramon Corbalan, Elisabeth Corcelle Termeau, Mario D. Cordero, Cristina Corral Ramos, Olga Corti, Andrea Cossarizza, Paola Costelli, Safia Costes, Susan L. Cotman, Ana Coto Montes, Sandra Cottet, Eduardo Couve, Lori R. Covey, L. Ashley Cowart, Jeffery S. Cox, Fraser P. Coxon, Carolyn B. Coyne, Mark S. Cragg, Rolf J. Craven, Tiziana Crepaldi, Jose L. Crespo, Alfredo Criollo, Valeria Crippa, Maria Teresa Cruz, Ana Maria Cuervo, Jose M. Cuezva, Taixing Cui, Pedro R. Cutillas, Mark J. Czaja, Maria F. Czyzyk Krzeska, Ruben K. Dagda, Uta Dahmen, Chunsun Dai, Wenjie Dai, Yun Dai, Kevin N. Dalby, Luisa Dalla Valle, Guillaume Dalmasso, Marcello D'Amelio, Markus Damme, Arlette Darfeuille Michaud, Catherine Dargemont, Victor M. Darley Usmar, Srinivasan Dasarathy, Biplab Dasgupta, Srikanta Dash, Crispin R. Dass, Hazel Marie Davey, Lester M. Davids, David Dávila, Roger J. Davis, Ted M. Dawson, Valina L. Dawson, Paula Daza, Jackie de Belleroche, Paul de Figueiredo, Regina Celia Bressan Queiroz de Figueiredo, José de la Fuente, Luisa De Martino, Antonella De Matteis, Guido RY De Meyer, Angelo De Milito, Mauro De Santi, Wanderley de Souza, Vincenzo De Tata, Daniela De Zio, Jayanta Debnath, Reinhard Dechant, Jean Paul Decuypere, Shane Deegan, Benjamin Dehay, Barbara Del Bello, Dominic P. Del Re, Régis Delage Mourroux, Lea MD Delbridge, Louise Deldicque, Elizabeth Delorme Axford, Yizhen Deng, Joern Dengjel, Melanie Denizot, Paul Dent, Channing J. Der, Vojo Deretic, Benoît Derrien, Eric Deutsch, Timothy P. Devarenne, Rodney J. Devenish, Sabrina Di Bartolomeo, Nicola Di Daniele, Fabio Di Domenico, Alessia Di Nardo, Simone Di Paola, Antonio Di Pietro, Livia Di Renzo, Aaron DiAntonio, Guillermo Díaz Araya, Ines Díaz Laviada, Maria T. Diaz Meco, Javier Diaz Nido, Chad A. Dickey, Robert C. Dickson, Marc Diederich, Paul Digard, Ivan Dikic, Savithrama P. Dinesh Kumar, Chan Ding, Wen Xing Ding, Zufeng Ding, Luciana Dini, Jörg HW Distler, Abhinav Diwan, Mojgan Djavaheri Mergny, Kostyantyn Dmytruk, Renwick CJ Dobson, Volker Doetsch, Karol Dokladny, Svetlana Dokudovskaya, Massimo Donadelli, X. Charlie Dong, Xiaonan Dong, Zheng Dong, Terrence M. Donohue Jr, Kelly S. Doran, Gabriella D'Orazi, Gerald W. Dorn II, Victor Dosenko, Sami Dridi, Liat Drucker, Jie Du, Li Lin Du, Lihuan Du, André du Toit, Priyamvada Dua, Lei Duan, Pu Duann, Vikash Kumar Dubey, Michael R. Duchen, Michel A. Duchosal, Helene Duez, Isabelle Dugail, Verónica I. Dumit, Mara C. Duncan, Elaine A. Dunlop, William A. Dunn Jr, Nicolas Dupont, Luc Dupuis, Raúl V. Durán, Thomas M. Durcan, Stéphane Duvezin Caubet, Umamaheswar Duvvuri, Vinay Eapen, Darius Ebrahimi Fakhari, Arnaud Echard, Leopold Eckhart, Charles L. Edelstein, Aimee L. Edinger, Ludwig Eichinger, Tobias Eisenberg, Avital Eisenberg Lerner, N. Tony Eissa, Wafik S. El Deiry, Victoria El Khoury, Zvulun Elazar, Hagit Eldar Finkelman, Chris JH Elliott, Enzo Emanuele, Urban Emmenegger, Nikolai Engedal, Anna Mart Engelbrecht, Simone Engelender, Jorrit M. Enserink, Ralf Erdmann, Jekaterina Erenpreisa, Rajaraman Eri, Jason L. Eriksen, Andreja Erman, Ricardo Escalante, Eeva Liisa Eskelinen, Lucile Espert, Lorena Esteban Martínez, Thomas J. Evans, Mario Fabri, Gemma Fabrias, Cinzia Fabrizi, Antonio Facchiano, Nils J. Færgeman, Alberto Faggioni, W. Douglas Fairlie, Chunhai Fan, Daping Fan, Jie Fan, Shengyun Fang, Manolis Fanto, Alessandro Fanzani, Thomas Farkas, Mathias Faure, Francois B. Favier, Howard Fearnhead, Massimo Federici, Erkang Fei, Tania C. Felizardo, Hua Feng, Yibin Feng, Yuchen Feng, Thomas A. Ferguson, Álvaro F. Fernández, Maite G. Fernandez Barrena, Jose C. Fernandez Checa, Arsenio Fernández López, Martin E. Fernandez Zapico, Olivier Feron, Elisabetta Ferraro, Carmen Veríssima Ferreira Halder, Laszlo Fesus, Ralph Feuer, Fabienne C. Fiesel, Eduardo C. Filippi Chiela, Giuseppe Filomeni, Gian Maria Fimia, John H. Fingert, Steven Finkbeiner, Toren Finkel, Filomena Fiorito, Paul B. Fisher, Marc Flajolet, FLAMIGNI, FLAVIO, Oliver Florey, Salvatore Florio, R. Andres Floto, Marco Folini, Carlo Follo, Edward A. Fon, Francesco Fornai, Franco Fortunato, Alessandro Fraldi, Rodrigo Franco, Arnaud Francois, Aurélie François, Lisa B. Frankel, Iain DC Fraser, Norbert Frey, Damien G. Freyssenet, Christian Frezza, Scott L. Friedman, Daniel E. Frigo, Dongxu Fu, José M. Fuentes, Juan Fueyo, Yoshio Fujitani, Yuuki Fujiwara, Mikihiro Fujiya, Mitsunori Fukuda, Simone Fulda, Carmela Fusco, Bozena Gabryel, Matthias Gaestel, Philippe Gailly, Malgorzata Gajewska, Sehamuddin Galadari, Gad Galili, Inmaculada Galindo, Maria F. Galindo, Giovanna Galliciotti, Lorenzo Galluzzi, Luca Galluzzi, Vincent Galy, Noor Gammoh, Sam Gandy, Anand K. Ganesan, Swamynathan Ganesan, Ian G. Ganley, Monique Gannagé, Fen Biao Gao, Feng Gao, Jian Xin Gao, Lorena García Nannig, Eleonora García Véscovi, Marina Garcia Macía, Carmen Garcia Ruiz, Abhishek D. Garg, Pramod Kumar Garg, Ricardo Gargini, Nils Christian Gassen, Damián Gatica, Evelina Gatti, Julie Gavard, Evripidis Gavathiotis, Liang Ge, Pengfei Ge, Shengfang Ge, Po Wu Gean, Vania Gelmetti, Armando A. Genazzani, Jiefei Geng, Pascal Genschik, Lisa Gerner, Jason E. Gestwicki, David A. Gewirtz, Saeid Ghavami, Eric Ghigo, Debabrata Ghosh, Anna Maria Giammarioli, Francesca Giampieri, Claudia Giampietri, Alexandra Giatromanolaki, Derrick J. Gibbings, Lara Gibellini, Spencer B. Gibson, Vanessa Ginet, Antonio Giordano, Flaviano Giorgini, Elisa Giovannetti, Stephen E. Girardin, Suzana Gispert, Sandy Giuliano, Candece L. Gladson, Alvaro Glavic, Martin Gleave, Nelly Godefroy, Robert M. Gogal Jr, Kuppan Gokulan, Gustavo H. Goldman, Delia Goletti, Michael S. Goligorsky, Aldrin V. Gomes, Ligia C. Gomes, Hernando Gomez, Candelaria Gomez Manzano, Rubén Gómez Sánchez, Dawit AP Gonçalves, Ebru Goncu, Qingqiu Gong, Céline Gongora, Carlos B. Gonzalez, Pedro Gonzalez Alegre, Pilar Gonzalez Cabo, Rosa Ana González Polo, Ing Swie Goping, Carlos Gorbea, Nikolai V. Gorbunov, Daphne R. Goring, Adrienne M. Gorman, Sharon M. Gorski, Sandro Goruppi, Shino Goto Yamada, Cecilia Gotor, Roberta A. Gottlieb, Illana Gozes, Devrim Gozuacik, Yacine Graba, Martin Graef, Giovanna E. Granato, Gary Dean Grant, Steven Grant, Giovanni Luca Gravina, Douglas R. Green, Alexander Greenhough, Michael T. Greenwood, Benedetto Grimaldi, Frédéric Gros, Charles Grose, Jean Francois Groulx, Florian Gruber, Paolo Grumati, Tilman Grune, Jun Lin Guan, Kun Liang Guan, Barbara Guerra, Carlos Guillen, Kailash Gulshan, Jan Gunst, Chuanyong Guo, Lei Guo, Ming Guo, Wenjie Guo, Xu Guang Guo, Andrea A. Gust, Åsa B. Gustafsson, Elaine Gutierrez, Maximiliano G. Gutierrez, Ho Shin Gwak, Albert Haas, James E. Haber, Shinji Hadano, Monica Hagedorn, David R. Hahn, Andrew J. Halayko, Anne Hamacher Brady, Kozo Hamada, Ahmed Hamai, Andrea Hamann, Maho Hamasaki, Isabelle Hamer, Qutayba Hamid, Ester M. Hammond, Feng Han, Weidong Han, James T. Handa, John A. Hanover, Malene Hansen, Masaru Harada, Ljubica Harhaji Trajkovic, J. Wade Harper, Abdel Halim Harrath, Adrian L. Harris, James Harris, Udo Hasler, Peter Hasselblatt, Kazuhisa Hasui, Robert G. Hawley, Teresa S. Hawley, Congcong He, Cynthia Y. He, Fengtian He, Gu He, Rong Rong He, Xian Hui He, You Wen He, Yu Ying He, Joan K. Heath, Marie Josée Hébert, Robert A. Heinzen, Gudmundur Vignir Helgason, Michael Hensel, Elizabeth P. Henske, Chengtao Her, Paul K. Herman, Agustín Hernández, Carlos Hernandez, Sonia Hernández Tiedra, Claudio Hetz, P. Robin Hiesinger, Katsumi Higaki, Sabine Hilfiker, Bradford G. Hill, Joseph A. Hill, William D. Hill, Keisuke Hino, Daniel Hofius, Paul Hofman, Günter U. Höglinger, Jörg Höhfeld, Marina K. Holz, Yonggeun Hong, David A. Hood, Jeroen JM Hoozemans, Thorsten Hoppe, Chin Hsu, Chin Yuan Hsu, Li Chung Hsu, Dong Hu, Guochang Hu, Hong Ming Hu, Hongbo Hu, Ming Chang Hu, Yu Chen Hu, Zhuo Wei Hu, Fang Hua, Ya Hua, Canhua Huang, Huey Lan Huang, Kuo How Huang, Kuo Yang Huang, Shile Huang, Shiqian Huang, Wei Pang Huang, Yi Ran Huang, Yong Huang, Yunfei Huang, Tobias B. Huber, Patricia Huebbe, Won Ki Huh, Juha J. Hulmi, Gang Min Hur, James H. Hurley, Zvenyslava Husak, Sabah NA Hussain, Salik Hussain, Jung Jin Hwang, Seungmin Hwang, Thomas IS Hwang, Atsuhiro Ichihara, Yuzuru Imai, Carol Imbriano, Megumi Inomata, Takeshi Into, Valentina Iovane, Juan L. Iovanna, Renato V. Iozzo, Nancy Y. Ip, Javier E. Irazoqui, Pablo Iribarren, Yoshitaka Isaka, Aleksandra J. Isakovic, Harry Ischiropoulos, Jeffrey S. Isenberg, Mohammad Ishaq, Hiroyuki Ishida, Isao Ishii, Jane E. Ishmael, Ciro Isidoro, Ken ichi Isobe, Erika Isono, Shohreh Issazadeh Navikas, Koji Itahana, Eisuke Itakura, Andrei I. Ivanov, Anand Krishnan V. Iyer, José M. Izquierdo, Yotaro Izumi, Valentina Izzo, Marja Jäättelä, Nadia Jaber, Daniel John Jackson, William T. Jackson, Tony George Jacob, Thomas S. Jacques, Chinnaswamy Jagannath, Ashish Jain, Nihar Ranjan Jana, Byoung Kuk Jang, Alkesh Jani, Bassam Janji, Paulo Roberto Jannig, Patric J. Jansson, Steve Jean, Marina Jendrach, Ju Hong Jeon, Niels Jessen, Eui Bae Jeung, Kailiang Jia, Lijun Jia, Hong Jiang, Hongchi Jiang, Liwen Jiang, Teng Jiang, Xiaoyan Jiang, Xuejun Jiang, Ying Jiang, Yongjun Jiang, Alberto Jiménez, Cheng Jin, Hongchuan Jin, Lei Jin, Meiyan Jin, Shengkan Jin, Umesh Kumar Jinwal, Eun Kyeong Jo, Terje Johansen, Daniel E. Johnson, Gail VW Johnson, James D. Johnson, Eric Jonasch, Chris Jones, Leo AB Joosten, Joaquin Jordan, Anna Maria Joseph, Bertrand Joseph, Annie M. Joubert, Dianwen Ju, Jingfang Ju, Hsueh Fen Juan, Katrin Juenemann, Gábor Juhász, Hye Seung Jung, Jae U. Jung, Yong Keun Jung, Heinz Jungbluth, Matthew J. Justice, Barry Jutten, Nadeem O. Kaakoush, Kai Kaarniranta, Allen Kaasik, Tomohiro Kabuta, Bertrand Kaeffer, Katarina Kågedal, Alon Kahana, Shingo Kajimura, Or Kakhlon, Manjula Kalia, Dhan V. Kalvakolanu, Yoshiaki Kamada, Konstantinos Kambas, Vitaliy O. Kaminskyy, Harm H. Kampinga, Mustapha Kandouz, Chanhee Kang, Rui Kang, Tae Cheon Kang, Tomotake Kanki, Thirumala Devi Kanneganti, Haruo Kanno, Anumantha G. Kanthasamy, Marc Kantorow, Maria Kaparakis Liaskos, Orsolya Kapuy, Vassiliki Karantza, Md Razaul Karim, Parimal Karmakar, Arthur Kaser, Susmita Kaushik, Thomas Kawula, A. Murat Kaynar, Po Yuan Ke, Zun Ji Ke, John H. Kehrl, Kate E. Keller, Jongsook Kim Kemper, Anne K. Kenworthy, Oliver Kepp, Andreas Kern, Santosh Kesari, David Kessel, Robin Ketteler, Isis do Carmo Kettelhut, Bilon Khambu, Muzamil Majid Khan, Vinoth KM Khandelwal, Sangeeta Khare, Juliann G. Kiang, Amy A. Kiger, Akio Kihara, Arianna L. Kim, Cheol Hyeon Kim, Deok Ryong Kim, Do Hyung Kim, Eung Kweon Kim, Hye Young Kim, Hyung Ryong Kim, Jae Sung Kim, Jeong Hun Kim, Jin Cheon Kim, Jin Hyoung Kim, Kwang Woon Kim, Michael D. Kim, Moon Moo Kim, Peter K. Kim, Seong Who Kim, Soo Youl Kim, Yong Sun Kim, Yonghyun Kim, Adi Kimchi, Alec C. Kimmelman, Tomonori Kimura, Jason S. King, Karla Kirkegaard, Vladimir Kirkin, Lorrie A. Kirshenbaum, Shuji Kishi, Yasuo Kitajima, Katsuhiko Kitamoto, Yasushi Kitaoka, Kaio Kitazato, Rudolf A. Kley, Walter T. Klimecki, Michael Klinkenberg, Jochen Klucken, Helene Knævelsrud, Erwin Knecht, Laura Knuppertz, Jiunn Liang Ko, Satoru Kobayashi, Jan C. Koch, Christelle Koechlin Ramonatxo, Ulrich Koenig, Young Ho Koh, Katja Köhler, Sepp D. Kohlwein, Masato Koike, Masaaki Komatsu, Eiki Kominami, Dexin Kong, Hee Jeong Kong, Eumorphia G. Konstantakou, Benjamin T. Kopp, Tamas Korcsmaros, Laura Korhonen, Viktor I. Korolchuk, Nadya V. Koshkina, Yanjun Kou, Michael I. Koukourakis, Constantinos Koumenis, Attila L. Kovács, Tibor Kovács, Werner J. Kovacs, Daisuke Koya, Claudine Kraft, Dimitri Krainc, Helmut Kramer, Tamara Kravic Stevovic, Wilhelm Krek, Carole Kretz Remy, Roswitha Krick, Malathi Krishnamurthy, Janos Kriston Vizi, Guido Kroemer, Michael C. Kruer, Rejko Kruger, Nicholas T. Ktistakis, Kazuyuki Kuchitsu, Christian Kuhn, Addanki Pratap Kumar, Anuj Kumar, Ashok Kumar, Deepak Kumar, Dhiraj Kumar, Rakesh Kumar, Sharad Kumar, Mondira Kundu, Hsing Jien Kung, Atsushi Kuno, Sheng Han Kuo, Jeff Kuret, Tino Kurz, Terry Kwok, Taeg Kyu Kwon, Yong Tae Kwon, Irene Kyrmizi, Albert R. La Spada, Frank Lafont, Tim Lahm, Aparna Lakkaraju, Truong Lam, Trond Lamark, Steve Lancel, Terry H. Landowski, Darius JR Lane, Jon D. Lane, Cinzia Lanzi, Pierre Lapaquette, Louis R. Lapierre, Jocelyn Laporte, Johanna Laukkarinen, Gordon W. Laurie, Sergio Lavandero, Lena Lavie, Matthew J. LaVoie, Betty Yuen Kwan Law, Helen Ka wai Law, Kelsey B. Law, Robert Layfield, Pedro A. Lazo, Laurent Le Cam, Karine G. Le Roch, Hervé Le Stunff, Vijittra Leardkamolkarn, Marc Lecuit, Byung Hoon Lee, Che Hsin Lee, Erinna F. Lee, Gyun Min Lee, He Jin Lee, Hsinyu Lee, Jae Keun Lee, Jongdae Lee, Juhyun Lee, Jun Hee Lee, Michael Lee, Myung Shik Lee, Patty J. Lee, Sam W. Lee, Seung Jae Lee, Shiow Ju Lee, Stella Y. Lee, Sug Hyung Lee, Sung Sik Lee, Sung Joon Lee, Sunhee Lee, Ying Ray Lee, Yong J. Lee, Young H. Lee, Christiaan Leeuwenburgh, Sylvain Lefort, Renaud Legouis, Jinzhi Lei, Qun Ying Lei, David A. Leib, Gil Leibowitz, Istvan Lekli, Stéphane D. Lemaire, John J. Lemasters, Marius K. Lemberg, Antoinette Lemoine, Shuilong Leng, Guido Lenz, Paola Lenzi, Lilach O. Lerman, Daniele Lettieri Barbato, Julia I. Ju Leu, Hing Y. Leung, Beth Levine, Patrick A. Lewis, Frank Lezoualc'h, Chi Li, Faqiang Li, Feng Jun Li, Jun Li, Ke Li, Lian Li, Min Li, Qiang Li, Rui Li, Sheng Li, Wei Li, Xiaotao Li, Yumin Li, Jiqin Lian, Chengyu Liang, Qiangrong Liang, Yulin Liao, Joana Liberal, Pawel P. Liberski, Pearl Lie, Andrew P. Lieberman, Hyunjung Jade Lim, Kah Leong Lim, Kyu Lim, Raquel T. Lima, Chang Shen Lin, Chiou Feng Lin, Fang Lin, Fangming Lin, Fu Cheng Lin, Kui Lin, Kwang Huei Lin, Pei Hui Lin, Tianwei Lin, Wan Wan Lin, Yee Shin Lin, Yong Lin, Rafael Linden, Dan Lindholm, Lisa M. Lindqvist, Paul Lingor, Andreas Linkermann, Lance A. Liotta, Marta M. Lipinski, Vitor A. Lira, Michael P. Lisanti, Paloma B. Liton, Bo Liu, Chong Liu, Chun Feng Liu, Fei Liu, Hung Jen Liu, Jianxun Liu, Jing Jing Liu, Jing Lan Liu, Ke Liu, Leyuan Liu, Liang Liu, Quentin Liu, Rong Yu Liu, Shiming Liu, Shuwen Liu, Wei Liu, Xian De Liu, Xiangguo Liu, Xiao Hong Liu, Xinfeng Liu, Xu Liu, Xueqin Liu, Yang Liu, Yule Liu, Zexian Liu, Zhe Liu, Juan P. Liuzzi, Gérard Lizard, Mila Ljujic, Irfan J. Lodhi, Susan E. Logue, Bal L. Lokeshwar, Yun Chau Long, Sagar Lonial, Benjamin Loos, Carlos López Otín, Cristina López Vicario, Mar Lorente, Philip L. Lorenzi, Péter Lõrincz, Marek Los, Michael T. Lotze, Penny E. Lovat, Binfeng Lu, Bo Lu, Jiahong Lu, Qing Lu, She Min Lu, Shuyan Lu, Yingying Lu, Frédéric Luciano, Shirley Luckhart, John Milton Lucocq, Paula Ludovico, Aurelia Lugea, Nicholas W. Lukacs, Julian J. Lum, Anders H. Lund, Honglin Luo, Jia Luo, Shouqing Luo, Claudio Luparello, Timothy Lyons, Jianjie Ma, Yi Ma, Yong Ma, Zhenyi Ma, Juliano Machado, Glaucia M. Machado Santelli, Fernando Macian, Gustavo C. MacIntosh, Jeffrey P. MacKeigan, Kay F. Macleod, John D. MacMicking, Lee Ann MacMillan Crow, Frank Madeo, Muniswamy Madesh, Julio Madrigal Matute, Akiko Maeda, Tatsuya Maeda, Gustavo Maegawa, Emilia Maellaro, Hannelore Maes, Marta Magariños, Kenneth Maiese, Tapas K. Maiti, Luigi Maiuri, Maria Chiara Maiuri, Carl G. Maki, Roland Malli, Walter Malorni, Alina Maloyan, Fathia Mami Chouaib, Na Man, Joseph D. Mancias, Eva Maria Mandelkow, Michael A. Mandell, Angelo A. Manfredi, Serge N. Manié, Claudia Manzoni, Kai Mao, Zixu Mao, Zong Wan Mao, Philippe Marambaud, Anna Maria Marconi, Zvonimir Marelja, Gabriella Marfe, Marta Margeta, Eva Margittai, Muriel Mari, Francesca V. Mariani, Concepcio Marin, Sara Marinelli, Guillermo Mariño, Ivanka Markovic, Rebecca Marquez, MARTELLI, ALBERTO MARIA, Sascha Martens, Katie R. Martin, Seamus J. Martin, Shaun Martin, Miguel A. Martin Acebes, Paloma Martín Sanz, Camille Martinand Mari, Wim Martinet, Jennifer Martinez, Nuria Martinez Lopez, Ubaldo Martinez Outschoorn, Moisés Martínez Velázquez, Marta Martinez Vicente, Waleska Kerllen Martins, Hirosato Mashima, James A. Mastrianni, Giuseppe Matarese, Paola Matarrese, Roberto Mateo, Satoaki Matoba, Naomichi Matsumoto, Takehiko Matsushita, Akira Matsuura, Takeshi Matsuzawa, Mark P. Mattson, Soledad Matus, Norma Maugeri, Caroline Mauvezin, Andreas Mayer, Dusica Maysinger, Guillermo D. Mazzolini, Mary Kate McBrayer, Kimberly McCall, Craig McCormick, Gerald M. McInerney, Skye C. McIver, Sharon McKenna, John J. McMahon, Iain A. McNeish, Fatima Mechta Grigoriou, Jan Paul Medema, Diego L. Medina, Klara Megyeri, Maryam Mehrpour, Jawahar L. Mehta, Yide Mei, Ute Christiane Meier, Alfred J. Meijer, Alicia Meléndez, Gerry Melino, Sonia Melino, Edesio Jose Tenorio de Melo, Maria A. Mena, Marc D. Meneghini, Javier A. Menendez, Regina Menezes, Liesu Meng, Ling hua Meng, Songshu Meng, Rossella Menghini, A. Sue Menko, Rubem FS Menna Barreto, Manoj B. Menon, Marco A. Meraz Ríos, Giuseppe Merla, Luciano Merlini, Angelica M. Merlot, Andreas Meryk, Stefania Meschini, Joel N. Meyer, Man tian Mi, Chao Yu Miao, Lucia Micale, Simon Michaeli, Carine Michiels, FRANCO MIGLIACCIO, ANNA RITA, Anastasia Susie Mihailidou, Dalibor Mijaljica, Katsuhiko Mikoshiba, Enrico Milan, Leonor Miller Fleming, Gordon B. Mills, Ian G. Mills, Georgia Minakaki, Berge A. Minassian, Xiu Fen Ming, Farida Minibayeva, Elena A. Minina, Justine D. Mintern, Saverio Minucci, Antonio Miranda Vizuete, Claire H. Mitchell, Shigeki Miyamoto, Keisuke Miyazawa, Noboru Mizushima, Katarzyna Mnich, Baharia Mograbi, Simin Mohseni, Luis Ferreira Moita, Marco Molinari, Maurizio Molinari, Andreas Buch Møller, Bertrand Mollereau, Faustino Mollinedo, Marco Mongillo, Martha M. Monick, Serena Montagnaro, Craig Montell, Darren J. Moore, Michael N. Moore, Rodrigo Mora Rodriguez, Paula I. Moreira, Etienne Morel, Maria Beatrice Morelli, Sandra Moreno, Michael J. Morgan, Arnaud Moris, Yuji Moriyasu, Janna L. Morrison, Lynda A. Morrison, Eugenia Morselli, Jorge Moscat, Pope L. Moseley, Serge Mostowy, Elisa Motori, Denis Mottet, Jeremy C. Mottram, Charbel E. H. Moussa, Vassiliki E. Mpakou, Hasan Mukhtar, Jean M. Mulcahy Levy, Sylviane Muller, Raquel Muñoz Moreno, Cristina Muñoz Pinedo, Christian Münz, Maureen E. Murphy, James T. Murray, Aditya Murthy, Indira U. Mysorekar, Ivan R. Nabi, Massimo Nabissi, Gustavo A. Nader, Yukitoshi Nagahara, Yoshitaka Nagai, Kazuhiro Nagata, Anika Nagelkerke, Péter Nagy, Samisubbu R. Naidu, Sreejayan Nair, Hiroyasu Nakano, Hitoshi Nakatogawa, Meera Nanjundan, Gennaro Napolitano, Naweed I. Naqvi, Roberta Nardacci, Derek P. Narendra, Masashi Narita, Anna Chiara Nascimbeni, Ramesh Natarajan, Luiz C. Navegantes, Steffan T. Nawrocki, Taras Y. Nazarko, Volodymyr Y. Nazarko, Thomas Neill, Luca M. Neri, Mihai G. Netea, Romana T. Netea Maier, Bruno M. Neves, Paul A. Ney, Ioannis P. Nezis, Hang TT Nguyen, Huu Phuc Nguyen, Anne Sophie Nicot, Hilde Nilsen, Per Nilsson, Mikio Nishimura, Ichizo Nishino, Mireia Niso Santano, Hua Niu, Ralph A. Nixon, Vincent CO Njar, Takeshi Noda, Angelika A. Noegel, Elsie Magdalena Nolte, Erik Norberg, Koenraad K. Norga, Sakineh Kazemi Noureini, Shoji Notomi, Lucia Notterpek, Karin Nowikovsky, Nobuyuki Nukina, Thorsten Nürnberger, Valerie B. O'Donnell, Tracey O'Donovan, Peter J. O'Dwyer, Ina Oehme, Clara L. Oeste, Michinaga Ogawa, Besim Ogretmen, Yuji Ogura, Young J. Oh, Masaki Ohmuraya, Takayuki Ohshima, Rani Ojha, Koji Okamoto, Toshiro Okazaki, F. Javier Oliver, Karin Ollinger, Stefan Olsson, Daniel P. Orban, Paulina Ordonez, Idil Orhon, Laszlo Orosz, Eyleen J. O'Rourke, Helena Orozco, Angel L. Ortega, Elena Ortona, Laura D. Osellame, Junko Oshima, Shigeru Oshima, Heinz D. Osiewacz, Takanobu Otomo, Kinya Otsu, Jing hsiung James Ou, Tiago F. Outeiro, Dong yun Ouyang, Hongjiao Ouyang, Michael Overholtzer, Michelle A. Ozbun, P. Hande Ozdinler, Bulent Ozpolat, Consiglia Pacelli, Paolo Paganetti, Guylène Page, Gilles Pages, Ugo Pagnini, Beata Pajak, Stephen C. Pak, Karolina Pakos Zebrucka, Nazzy Pakpour, Zdena Palková, Francesca Palladino, Kathrin Pallauf, Nicolas Pallet, Marta Palmieri, Søren R. Paludan, Camilla Palumbo, Silvia Palumbo, Olatz Pampliega, Hongming Pan, Wei Pan, Theocharis Panaretakis, Aseem Pandey, Areti Pantazopoulou, Zuzana Papackova, Daniela L. Papademetrio, Issidora Papassideri, Alessio Papini, Nirmala Parajuli, Julian Pardo, Vrajesh V. Parekh, Giancarlo Parenti, Jong In Park, Junsoo Park, Ohkmae K. Park, Roy Parker, Rosanna Parlato, Jan B. Parys, Katherine R. Parzych, Jean Max Pasquet, Benoit Pasquier, Kishore BS Pasumarthi, Daniel Patschan, Cam Patterson, Sophie Pattingre, Scott Pattison, Arnim Pause, Hermann Pavenstädt, Flaminia Pavone, Zully Pedrozo, Fernando J. Peña, Miguel A. Peñalva, Mario Pende, Jianxin Peng, Fabio Penna, Josef M. Penninger, Anna Pensalfini, Salvatore Pepe, Gustavo JS Pereira, Paulo C. Pereira, Verónica Pérez de la Cruz, María Esther Pérez Pérez, Diego Pérez Rodríguez, Dolores Pérez Sala, Celine Perier, Andras Perl, David H. Perlmutter, Ida Perrotta, Shazib Pervaiz, Maija Pesonen, Jeffrey E. Pessin, Godefridus J. Peters, Morten Petersen, Irina Petrache, Basil J. Petrof, Goran Petrovski, James M. Phang, Mauro Piacentini, Marina Pierdominici, Philippe Pierre, Valérie Pierrefite Carle, Federico Pietrocola, Felipe X. Pimentel Muiños, Mario Pinar, Benjamin Pineda, Ronit Pinkas Kramarski, Marcello Pinti, Paolo Pinton, Bilal Piperdi, James M. Piret, Leonidas C. Platanias, Harald W. Platta, Edward D. Plowey, Stefanie Pöggeler, Marc Poirot, Peter Polčic, Angelo Poletti, Audrey H. Poon, Hana Popelka, Blagovesta Popova, Izabela Poprawa, Shibu M. Poulose, Joanna Poulton, Scott K. Powers, Ted Powers, Mercedes Pozuelo Rubio, Krisna Prak, Reinhild Prange, Mark Prescott, Muriel Priault, Sharon Prince, Richard L. Proia, Tassula Proikas Cezanne, Holger Prokisch, Vasilis J. Promponas, Karin Przyklenk, Rosa Puertollano, Subbiah Pugazhenthi, Luigi Puglielli, Aurora Pujol, Julien Puyal, Dohun Pyeon, Xin Qi, Wen bin Qian, Zheng Hong Qin, Yu Qiu, Ziwei Qu, Joe Quadrilatero, Frederick Quinn, Nina Raben, Hannah Rabinowich, Flavia Radogna, Michael J. Ragusa, Mohamed Rahmani, Komal Raina, Sasanka Ramanadham, Rajagopal Ramesh, Abdelhaq Rami, Sarron Randall Demllo, Felix Randow, Hai Rao, V. Ashutosh Rao, Blake B. Rasmussen, Tobias M. Rasse, Edward A. Ratovitski, Pierre Emmanuel Rautou, Swapan K. Ray, Babak Razani, Bruce H. Reed, Fulvio Reggiori, Markus Rehm, Andreas S. Reichert, Theo Rein, David J. Reiner, Eric Reits, Jun Ren, Xingcong Ren, Maurizio Renna, Jane EB Reusch, Jose L. Revuelta, Leticia Reyes, Alireza R. Rezaie, Robert I. Richards, Des R. Richardson, Clémence Richetta, Michael A. Riehle, Bertrand H. Rihn, Yasuko Rikihisa, Brigit E. Riley, Gerald Rimbach, Maria Rita Rippo, Konstantinos Ritis, Federica Rizzi, Elizete Rizzo, Peter J. Roach, Jeffrey Robbins, Michel Roberge, Gabriela Roca, Maria Carmela Roccheri, Sonia Rocha, Cecilia MP Rodrigues, Clara I. Rodríguez, Santiago Rodriguez de Cordoba, Natalia Rodriguez Muela, Jeroen Roelofs, Vladimir V. Rogov, Troy T. Rohn, Bärbel Rohrer, Davide Romanelli, Luigina Romani, Patricia Silvia Romano, M. Isabel G. Roncero, Jose Luis Rosa, Alicia Rosello, Kirill V. Rosen, Philip Rosenstiel, Magdalena Rost Roszkowska, Kevin A. Roth, Gael Roué, Mustapha Rouis, Kasper M. Rouschop, Daniel T. Ruan, Diego Ruano, David C. Rubinsztein, Edmund B. Rucker III, Assaf Rudich, Emil Rudolf, Ruediger Rudolf, Markus A. Ruegg, Carmen Ruiz Roldan, Avnika Ashok Ruparelia, Paola Rusmini, David W. Russ, Gian Luigi Russo, Giuseppe Russo, Rossella Russo, Tor Erik Rusten, Victoria Ryabovol, Kevin M. Ryan, Stefan W. Ryter, David M. Sabatini, Michael Sacher, Carsten Sachse, Michael N. Sack, Junichi Sadoshima, Paul Saftig, Ronit Sagi Eisenberg, Sumit Sahni, Pothana Saikumar, Tsunenori Saito, Tatsuya Saitoh, Koichi Sakakura, Machiko Sakoh Nakatogawa, Yasuhito Sakuraba, María Salazar Roa, Paolo Salomoni, Ashok K. Saluja, Paul M. Salvaterra, Rosa Salvioli, Afshin Samali, Anthony MJ Sanchez, José A. Sánchez Alcázar, Ricardo Sanchez Prieto, Marco Sandri, Miguel A. Sanjuan, Stefano Santaguida, Laura Santambrogio, Giorgio Santoni, Claudia Nunes dos Santos, Shweta Saran, Marco Sardiello, Graeme Sargent, Pallabi Sarkar, Sovan Sarkar, Maria Rosa Sarrias, Minnie M. Sarwal, Chihiro Sasakawa, Motoko Sasaki, Miklos Sass, Ken Sato, Miyuki Sato, Joseph Satriano, Niramol Savaraj, Svetlana Saveljeva, Liliana Schaefer, Ulrich E. Schaible, Michael Scharl, Hermann M. Schatzl, Randy Schekman, Wiep Scheper, Alfonso Schiavi, Hyman M. Schipper, Hana Schmeisser, Jens Schmidt, Ingo Schmitz, Bianca E. Schneider, E. Marion Schneider, Jaime L. Schneider, Eric A. Schon, Miriam J. Schönenberger, Axel H. Schönthal, Daniel F. Schorderet, Bernd Schröder, Sebastian Schuck, Ryan J. Schulze, Melanie Schwarten, Thomas L. Schwarz, Sebastiano Sciarretta, Kathleen Scotto, A. Ivana Scovassi, Robert A. Screaton, Mark Screen, Hugo Seca, Simon Sedej, Laura Segatori, Nava Segev, Per O. Seglen, Jose M. Seguí Simarro, Juan Segura Aguilar, Ekihiro Seki, Iban Seiliez, Christian Sell, Clay F. Semenkovich, Gregg L. Semenza, Utpal Sen, Andreas L. Serra, Ana Serrano Puebla, Hiromi Sesaki, Takao Setoguchi, Carmine Settembre, John J. Shacka, Ayesha N. Shajahan Haq, Irving M. Shapiro, Shweta Sharma, Hua She, C. K. James Shen, Chiung Chyi Shen, Han Ming Shen, Sanbing Shen, Weili Shen, Rui Sheng, Xianyong Sheng, Zu Hang Sheng, Trevor G. Shepherd, Junyan Shi, Qiang Shi, Qinghua Shi, Yuguang Shi, Shusaku Shibutani, Kenichi Shibuya, Yoshihiro Shidoji, Jeng Jer Shieh, Chwen Ming Shih, Yohta Shimada, Shigeomi Shimizu, Dong Wook Shin, Mari L. Shinohara, Michiko Shintani, Takahiro Shintani, Tetsuo Shioi, Ken Shirabe, Ronit Shiri Sverdlov, Orian Shirihai, Gordon C. Shore, Chih Wen Shu, Deepak Shukla, Andriy A. Sibirny, Valentina Sica, Christina J. Sigurdson, Einar M. Sigurdsson, Puran Singh Sijwali, Beata Sikorska, Wilian A. Silveira, Sandrine Silvente Poirot, Gary A. Silverman, Jan Simak, Thomas Simmet, Anna Katharina Simon, Hans Uwe Simon, Cristiano Simone, Matias Simons, Anne Simonsen, Rajat Singh, Shivendra V. Singh, Shrawan K. Singh, Debasish Sinha, Sangita Sinha, Frank A. Sinicrope, Agnieszka Sirko, Kapil Sirohi, Balindiwe JN Sishi, Annie Sittler, Parco M. Siu, Efthimios Sivridis, Anna Skwarska, Ruth Slack, Iva Slaninová, Nikolai Slavov, Soraya S. Smaili, Keiran SM Smalley, Duncan R. Smith, Stefaan J. Soenen, Scott A. Soleimanpour, Anita Solhaug, Kumaravel Somasundaram, Jin H. Son, Avinash Sonawane, Chunjuan Song, Fuyong Song, Hyun Kyu Song, Ju Xian Song, Wei Song, Kai Y. Soo, Anil K. Sood, Tuck Wah Soong, Virawudh Soontornniyomkij, Maurizio Sorice, Federica Sotgia, David R. Soto Pantoja, Areechun Sotthibundhu, Maria João Sousa, Herman P. Spaink, Paul N. Span, Anne Spang, Janet D. Sparks, Peter G. Speck, Stephen A. Spector, Claudia D. Spies, Wolfdieter Springer, Daret St Clair, Alessandra Stacchiotti, Bart Staels, Michael T. Stang, Daniel T. Starczynowski, Petro Starokadomskyy, Clemens Steegborn, John W. Steele, Leonidas Stefanis, Joan Steffan, Christine M. Stellrecht, Harald Stenmark, Tomasz M. Stepkowski, Stęphan T. Stern, Craig Stevens, Brent R. Stockwell, Veronika Stoka, Zuzana Storchova, Björn Stork, Vassilis Stratoulias, Dimitrios J. Stravopodis, Pavel Strnad, Anne Marie Strohecker, Anna Lena Ström, Per Stromhaug, Jiri Stulik, Yu Xiong Su, Zhaoliang Su, Carlos S. Subauste, Srinivasa Subramaniam, Carolyn M. Sue, Sang Won Suh, Xinbing Sui, Supawadee Sukseree, David Sulzer, Fang Lin Sun, Jiaren Sun, Jun Sun, Shi Yong Sun, Yang Sun, Yi Sun, Yingjie Sun, Vinod Sundaramoorthy, Joseph Sung, Hidekazu Suzuki, Kuninori Suzuki, Naoki Suzuki, Tadashi Suzuki, Yuichiro J. Suzuki, Michele S. Swanson, Charles Swanton, Karl Swärd, Ghanshyam Swarup, Sean T. Sweeney, Paul W. Sylvester, Zsuzsanna Szatmari, Eva Szegezdi, Peter W. Szlosarek, Heinrich Taegtmeyer, Marco Tafani, Emmanuel Taillebourg, Stephen WG Tait, Krisztina Takacs Vellai, Yoshinori Takahashi, Szabolcs Takáts, Genzou Takemura, Nagio Takigawa, Nicholas J. Talbot, Elena Tamagno, Jerome Tamburini, Cai Ping Tan, Lan Tan, Mei Lan Tan, Ming Tan, Yee Joo Tan, Keiji Tanaka, Masaki Tanaka, Daolin Tang, Dingzhong Tang, Guomei Tang, Isei Tanida, Kunikazu Tanji, Bakhos A. Tannous, Jose A. Tapia, Inmaculada Tasset Cuevas, Marc Tatar, Iman Tavassoly, Nektarios Tavernarakis, Allen Taylor, Graham S. Taylor, Gregory A. Taylor, J. Paul Taylor, Mark J. Taylor, Elena V. Tchetina, Andrew R. Tee, Fatima Teixeira Clerc, Sucheta Telang, Tewin Tencomnao, Ba Bie Teng, Ru Jeng Teng, Faraj Terro, Gianluca Tettamanti, Arianne L. Theiss, Anne E. Theron, Kelly Jean Thomas, Marcos P. Thomé, Paul G. Thomes, Andrew Thorburn, Jeremy Thorner, Thomas Thum, Michael Thumm, Teresa LM Thurston, Ling Tian, Andreas Till, Jenny Pan yun Ting, Vladimir I. Titorenko, Lilach Toker, Stefano Toldo, Sharon A. Tooze, Ivan Topisirovic, Maria Lyngaas Torgersen, Liliana Torosantucci, Alicia Torriglia, Maria Rosaria Torrisi, Cathy Tournier, Roberto Towns, Vladimir Trajkovic, Leonardo H. Travassos, Gemma Triola, Durga Nand Tripathi, Daniela Trisciuoglio, Rodrigo Troncoso, Ioannis P. Trougakos, Anita C. Truttmann, Kuen Jer Tsai, Mario P. Tschan, Yi Hsin Tseng, Takayuki Tsukuba, Allan Tsung, Andrey S. Tsvetkov, Shuiping Tu, Hsing Yu Tuan, Marco Tucci, David A. Tumbarello, Boris Turk, Vito Turk, Robin FB Turner, Anders A. Tveita, Suresh C. Tyagi, Makoto Ubukata, Yasuo Uchiyama, Andrej Udelnow, Takashi Ueno, Midori Umekawa, Rika Umemiya Shirafuji, Benjamin R. Underwood, Christian Ungermann, Rodrigo P. Ureshino, Ryo Ushioda, Vladimir N. Uversky, Néstor L. Uzcátegui, Thomas Vaccari, Maria I. Vaccaro, Libuše Váchová, Helin Vakifahmetoglu Norberg, Rut Valdor, Enza Maria Valente, Francois Vallette, Angela M. Valverde, Greet Van den Berghe, Ludo Van Den Bosch, Gijs R. van den Brink, F. Gisou van der Goot, Ida J. van der Klei, Luc JW van der Laan, Wouter G. van Doorn, Marjolein van Egmond, Kenneth L. van Golen, Luc Van Kaer, Menno van Lookeren Campagne, Peter Vandenabeele, Wim Vandenberghe, Ilse Vanhorebeek, Isabel Varela Nieto, M. Helena Vasconcelos, Radovan Vasko, Demetrios G. Vavvas, Ignacio Vega Naredo, Guillermo Velasco, Athanassios D. Velentzas, Panagiotis D. Velentzas, Tibor Vellai, Edo Vellenga, Mikkel Holm Vendelbo, Kartik Venkatachalam, Natascia Ventura, Salvador Ventura, Patrícia ST Veras, Mireille Verdier, Beata G. Vertessy, Andrea Viale, Michel Vidal, Helena LA Vieira, Richard D. Vierstra, Nadarajah Vigneswaran, Neeraj Vij, Miquel Vila, Margarita Villar, Victor H. Villar, Joan Villarroya, Cécile Vindis, Giampietro Viola, Maria Teresa Viscomi, Giovanni Vitale, Dan T. Vogl, Olga V. Voitsekhovskaja, Clarissa von Haefen, Karin von Schwarzenberg, Daniel E. Voth, Valérie Vouret Craviari, Kristina Vuori, Jatin M. Vyas, Christian Waeber, Cheryl Lyn Walker, Mark J. Walker, Jochen Walter, Lei Wan, Xiangbo Wan, Bo Wang, Caihong Wang, Chao Yung Wang, Chengshu Wang, Chenran Wang, Chuangui Wang, Dong Wang, Fen Wang, Fuxin Wang, Guanghui Wang, Hai jie Wang, Haichao Wang, Hong Gang Wang, Hongmin Wang, Horng Dar Wang, Jing Wang, Junjun Wang, Mei Wang, Mei Qing Wang, Pei Yu Wang, Peng Wang, Richard C. Wang, Shuo Wang, Ting Fang Wang, Xian Wang, Xiao jia Wang, Xiao Wei Wang, Xin Wang, Xuejun Wang, Yan Wang, Yanming Wang, Ying Wang, Ying Jan Wang, Yipeng Wang, Yu Wang, Yu Tian Wang, Yuqing Wang, Zhi Nong Wang, Pablo Wappner, Carl Ward, Diane McVey Ward, Gary Warnes, Hirotaka Watada, Yoshihisa Watanabe, Kei Watase, Timothy E. 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Zhao, Dexian Zheng, Xi Long Zheng, Xiaoxiang Zheng, Boris Zhivotovsky, Qing Zhong, Guang Zhou Zhou, Guofei Zhou, Huiping Zhou, Shu Feng Zhou, Xu jie Zhou, Hongxin Zhu, Hua Zhu, Wei Guo Zhu, Wenhua Zhu, Xiao Feng Zhu, Yuhua Zhu, Shi Mei Zhuang, Xiaohong Zhuang, Elio Ziparo, Christos E. Zois, Teresa Zoladek, Wei Xing Zong, Antonio Zorzano, Susu M. Zughaier, Life Sciences Institute and Department of Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology and Biological Chemistry, University of Michigan [Ann Arbor], University of Michigan System-University of Michigan System, Tokyo Medical University, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem (HUJ), Mammalian Genetics Unit, Medical Research Council Harwell, University of Occupational and Environmental Health School of Medicine, Partenaires INRAE, University of Toronto, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev (BGU), University of Colorado [Boulder], Cell Death Research & Therapy (CDRT) Lab, Université Catholique de Louvain = Catholic University of Louvain (UCL), University of Vienna [Vienna], Conway Institute of Biomolecular and Biomedical Research and School of Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering, University College Dublin [Dublin] (UCD), Georgetown University, Candiolo Cancer Institute (IRCCS), Centro de Investigacion Biomédica en Red sobre Enfermedades Neurodegenerativas (CIBERNED), Instituto de Salud Carlos III [Madrid] (ISC), Ikerbasque - Basque Foundation for Science, Cleveland Clinic, Sidney Kimmel Cancer Center, Jefferson (Philadelphia University + Thomas Jefferson University), Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA), Department of Clinical Neurosciences, University College of London [London] (UCL)-Institute of Neurology, Thérapie génique, Génomique et Epigénomique (U 1169), Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives (CEA)-Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale (INSERM)-Université Paris-Saclay, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR), Osaka University, Department of Experimental Medicine and Public Health, University of Camerino, University of Barcelona, Institut Universitaire d'Hématologie (IUH), Université Paris Diderot - Paris 7 (UPD7), Génomique Fonctionnelle des Tumeurs Solides (U1162), Université Paris 13 (UP13)-Université Paris Diderot - Paris 7 (UPD7)-Université Paris Descartes - Paris 5 (UPD5)-Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale (INSERM), Université Paris Descartes - Paris 5 (UPD5), Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale (INSERM), Department of Physics, Technical University of Denmark [Lyngby] (DTU), University of Zaragoza - Universidad de Zaragoza [Zaragoza], Department of Pharmaco-Biology, Università della Calabria [Arcavacata di Rende] (Unical), Fondation Universitaire Notre Dame de la Paix (FUNDP), Facultés Universitaires Notre Dame de la Paix (FUNDP), USC Neuromuscular Center, Department of Neurology, University of Southern California (USC), Physiopathologie de la survie et de la mort cellulaire et infection virale, Université Nice Sophia Antipolis (... - 2019) (UNS), COMUE Université Côte d'Azur (2015 - 2019) (COMUE UCA)-COMUE Université Côte d'Azur (2015 - 2019) (COMUE UCA)-IFR50-Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale (INSERM)-Université Côte d'Azur (UCA), Giannina Gaslini Institute, Institut des Sciences de l'Evolution de Montpellier (UMR ISEM), École pratique des hautes études (EPHE), Université Paris sciences et lettres (PSL)-Université Paris sciences et lettres (PSL)-Université de Montpellier (UM)-Centre de Coopération Internationale en Recherche Agronomique pour le Développement (Cirad)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-Institut de recherche pour le développement [IRD] : UR226, Inner Mongolia Agricultural University (IMAU), Politecnico di Milano [Milan] (POLIMI), Department of Civil, Geological, and Mining Engineering, École Polytechnique de Montréal (EPM)-NSERC Industrial Chair on Drinking Water, Institut de Recherche sur le Cancer et le Vieillissement (IRCAN), COMUE Université Côte d'Azur (2015 - 2019) (COMUE UCA)-COMUE Université Côte d'Azur (2015 - 2019) (COMUE UCA)-Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale (INSERM)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-Université Côte d'Azur (UCA), Department of Molecular Medicine, Institut Pasteur, Fondation Cenci Bolognetti - Istituto Pasteur Italia, Fondazione Cenci Bolognetti, Réseau International des Instituts Pasteur (RIIP)-Réseau International des Instituts Pasteur (RIIP)-Università degli Studi di Roma 'La Sapienza' = Sapienza University [Rome], Physiopathologie du système nerveux central - Institut François Magendie, Université Bordeaux Segalen - Bordeaux 2-IFR8-Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale (INSERM), Laboratory of Experimental Virology - Department of Medical Microbiology [Amsterdam, The Netherlands], Academic Medical Center - Academisch Medisch Centrum [Amsterdam] (AMC), University of Amsterdam [Amsterdam] (UvA)-University of Amsterdam [Amsterdam] (UvA)-Center for Infection and Immunity Amsterdam - CINIMA [Amsterdam, The Netherlands], Centre de résonance magnétique biologique et médicale (CRMBM), Aix Marseille Université (AMU)-Assistance Publique - Hôpitaux de Marseille (APHM)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Dynamique des interactions membranaires normales et pathologiques (DIMNP), Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-Université de Montpellier (UM)-Université Montpellier 2 - Sciences et Techniques (UM2)-Université Montpellier 1 (UM1), Department of Internal Medicine, Hospital Universitario Infanta Sofía, Celullar and Molecular Medicine, Infection bactérienne, inflammation, et carcinogenèse digestive, University of Edinburgh, Unité de Nutrition Humaine (UNH), Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA)-Université d'Auvergne - Clermont-Ferrand I (UdA)-Clermont Université, Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences, Sabanci University [Istanbul], University of Science and Technology Beijing [Beijing] (USTB), Centre for Computational and Systems Biology (COSBI), Sun Yat-Sen University [Guangzhou] (SYSU), Dynamique Musculaire et Métabolisme (DMEM), Université de Montpellier (UM)-Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA), CAS Institute of Oceanology (IOCAS), Chinese Academy of Sciences [Beijing] (CAS), Polytechnic University of Marche, Centre de Recherche en Cancérologie de Marseille (CRCM), Aix Marseille Université (AMU)-Institut Paoli-Calmettes, Fédération nationale des Centres de lutte contre le Cancer (FNCLCC)-Fédération nationale des Centres de lutte contre le Cancer (FNCLCC)-Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale (INSERM)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Cell Biology, Physiology and Immunology, Department of Experimental Oncology and Molecular Medicine, Fondazione IRCCS Istituto Nazionale dei Tumori, University of Pisa - Università di Pisa, Dulbecco Telethon Institute/Department of Biology, Fondation de Recherche Cancer et Sang - Hôpital Kirchberg, China University of Petroleum, Unilever R&D, University of Queensland [Brisbane], University of Minnesota [Twin Cities] (UMN), University of Minnesota System, Laboratoire de Génie des Procédés et Matériaux - EA 4038 (LGPM), CentraleSupélec, Institute for Advanced Study [Tsinghua], Tsinghua University [Beijing] (THU), Nanayang Technological University (NTU), Nanayang Technological University, Institute of Microelectronics [Beijing] (IMETU), Laboratoire de photonique et de nanostructures (LPN), Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Institut de biologie moléculaire des plantes (IBMP), Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-Université de Strasbourg (UNISTRA), Northwestern Polytechnical University [Xi'an] (NPU), University of Pennsylvania [Philadelphia], City University of Hong Kong (CityU), Department of Mathematics [Berkeley], University of California [Berkeley], University of California-University of California, ZJU-ENS Joint Laboratory of Medicinal Chemistry, Zhejiang University, University of Cincinnati (UC), Réponses immunes : régulation et développement, Université Paris Diderot - Paris 7 (UPD7)-Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale (INSERM), The University of New Mexico [Albuquerque], Centre de Recherche de l'Institut du Cerveau et de la Moelle épinière (CRICM), Université Pierre et Marie Curie - Paris 6 (UPMC)-Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale (INSERM)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Dipartimento di Scienze Biomediche, Università degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia (UNIMORE), Department of Experimental Medicine and Oncology, University of Turin, Institut de Génomique Fonctionnelle (IGF), Université de Montpellier (UM)-Université Montpellier 1 (UM1)-Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale (INSERM)-Université Montpellier 2 - Sciences et Techniques (UM2)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), CNV, University of Valparaiso, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne - UFR d'Arts plastiques et sciences de l'art (UP1 UFR04), Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (UP1), Department of General, Visceral and Vascular Surgery [Jena], Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, Récepteurs nucléaires, maladies cardiovasculaires et diabète - U 1011 (RNMCD), Institut Pasteur de Lille, Réseau International des Instituts Pasteur (RIIP)-Réseau International des Instituts Pasteur (RIIP)-Université de Lille-Centre Hospitalier Régional Universitaire [Lille] (CHRU Lille)-Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale (INSERM), Réseau International des Instituts Pasteur (RIIP), Macrophages et Développement de l’Immunité, Institut Pasteur [Paris]-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Immunobiologie des Cellules Dendritiques, Institut Pasteur [Paris]-Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale (INSERM), Centre d'infectiologie Necker-Pasteur [CHU Necker], Institut Pasteur [Paris]-CHU Necker - Enfants Malades [AP-HP], Assistance publique - Hôpitaux de Paris (AP-HP) (AP-HP)-Assistance publique - Hôpitaux de Paris (AP-HP) (AP-HP), Institut Pasteur [Paris], Trafic membranaire et Division cellulaire - Membrane Traffic and Cell Division, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-Institut Pasteur [Paris], Cibles thérapeutiques, formulation et expertise pré-clinique du médicament (CITHEFOR), Université de Lorraine (UL), This work was supported in part by the National Institutes of Health, including Public Health Service grant GM053396 to D.J.K. Due to space and other limitations, it is not possible to include all other sources of financial support., In a rapidly expanding and highly dynamic field such as autophagy, it is possible that some authors who should have been included on this article have been missed. D.J.K. extends his apologies to researchers in the field of autophagy who, due to oversight or any other reason, could not be included on this article. I also note that two of our colleagues on this manuscript have passed away: Arlette Darfeuille-Michaud and Wouter van Doorn., Life Sciences Institute [Ann Arbor, MI, USA], Laboratoire de Biogenèse Membranaire, CNRS UMR 5200, Université de Bordeaux, INRA Bordeaux Aquitaine, Villenave d'Ornon, France., Amelio, Ivano [0000-0002-9126-5391], Beale, Rupert [0000-0002-6705-8560], Floto, Andres [0000-0002-2188-5659], Frezza, Christian [0000-0002-3293-7397], Ktistakis, Nicholas [0000-0001-9397-2914], Melino, Gerry [0000-0001-9428-5972], Narita, Masashi [0000-0001-7764-577X], Rubinsztein, David [0000-0001-5002-5263], Underwood, Benjamin [0000-0003-3427-9487], Whitworth, Alex [0000-0002-1154-6629], Apollo - University of Cambridge Repository, Université Catholique de Louvain, Facultés Universitaires Notre-Dame de la Paix, Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale (INSERM)-IFR50-Université Nice Sophia Antipolis (... - 2019) (UNS), Université Côte d'Azur (UCA)-Université Côte d'Azur (UCA), Centre de Coopération Internationale en Recherche Agronomique pour le Développement (Cirad)-École pratique des hautes études (EPHE)-Université de Montpellier (UM)-Institut de recherche pour le développement [IRD] : UR226-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale (INSERM)-Université Nice Sophia Antipolis (... - 2019) (UNS), Department of Clinical and Molecular Medicine, Réseau International des Instituts Pasteur (RIIP)-Réseau International des Instituts Pasteur (RIIP)-Università degli Studi di Roma 'La Sapienza' [Rome], Université Montpellier 1 (UM1)-Université Montpellier 2 - Sciences et Techniques (UM2)-Université de Montpellier (UM)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Université Côte d'Azur (UCA)-Université Côte d'Azur (UCA)-IFR50-Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale (INSERM), Unité de Nutrition Humaine - Clermont Auvergne (UNH), Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA)-Université Clermont Auvergne (UCA), Sun Yat-Sen University (SYSU), Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale (INSERM)-Institut Paoli-Calmettes, Fédération nationale des Centres de lutte contre le Cancer (FNCLCC)-Fédération nationale des Centres de lutte contre le Cancer (FNCLCC)-Aix Marseille Université (AMU), University of Minnesota [Twin Cities], Tsinghua University [Beijing], Université de Strasbourg (UNISTRA)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Université Panthéon-Sorbonne - UFR d'Arts plastiques et sciences de l'art (UP1 UFR04), Université Panthéon-Sorbonne (UP1), Récepteurs nucléaires, maladies cardiovasculaires et diabète (EGID), Université de Lille, Droit et Santé-Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale (INSERM)-Institut Pasteur de Lille, Réseau International des Instituts Pasteur (RIIP)-Réseau International des Instituts Pasteur (RIIP)-Centre Hospitalier Régional Universitaire [Lille] (CHRU Lille), CHU Necker - Enfants Malades [AP-HP], Trafic membranaire et Division cellulaire, Institut de Biologie du Développement de Marseille (IBDM), Aix Marseille Université (AMU)-Collège de France (CdF)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Klionsky, D., Abdelmohsen, K., Abe, A., Abedin, M., Abeliovich, H., Acevedo Arozena, A., Adachi, H., Adams, C., Adams, P., Adeli, K., Adhihetty, P., Adler, S., Agam, G., Agarwal, R., Aghi, M., Agnello, M., Agostinis, P., Aguilar, P., Aguirre-Ghiso, J., Airoldi, E., Ait-Si-Ali, S., Akematsu, T., Akporiaye, E., Al-Rubeai, M., Albaiceta, G., Albanese, C., Albani, D., Albert, M., Aldudo, J., Algül, H., Alirezaei, M., Alloza, I., Almasan, A., Almonte-Beceril, M., Alnemri, E., Alonso, C., Altan-Bonnet, N., Altieri, D., Alvarez, S., Alvarez-Erviti, L., Alves, S., Amadoro, G., Amano, A., Amantini, C., Ambrosio, S., Amelio, I., Amer, A., Amessou, M., Amon, A., An, Z., Anania, F., Andersen, S., Andley, U., Andreadi, C., Andrieu-Abadie, N., Anel, A., Ann, D., Anoopkumar-Dukie, S., Antonioli, M., Aoki, H., Apostolova, N., Aquila, S., Aquilano, K., Araki, K., Arama, E., Aranda, A., Araya, J., Arcaro, A., Arias, E., Arimoto, H., Ariosa, A., Armstrong, J., Arnould, T., Arsov, I., Asanuma, K., Askanas, V., Asselin, E., Atarashi, R., Atherton, S., Atkin, J., Attardi, L., Auberger, P., Auburger, G., Aurelian, L., Autelli, R., Avagliano, L., Avantaggiati, M., Avrahami, L., Awale, S., Azad, N., Bachetti, T., Backer, J., Bae, D., Bae, J., Bae, O., Bae, S., Baehrecke, E., Baek, S., Baghdiguian, S., Bagniewska-Zadworna, A., Bai, H., Bai, J., Bai, X., Bailly, Y., Balaji, K., Balduini, W., Ballabio, A., Balzan, R., Banerjee, R., Bánhegyi, G., Bao, H., Barbeau, B., Barrachina, M., Barreiro, E., Bartel, B., Bartolomé, A., Bassham, D., Bassi, M., Bast, R., Basu, A., Batista, M., Batoko, H., Battino, M., Bauckman, K., Baumgarner, B., Bayer, K., Beale, R., Beaulieu, J., Beck, G., Becker, C., Beckham, J., Bédard, P., Bednarski, P., Begley, T., Behl, C., Behrends, C., Behrens, G., Behrns, K., Bejarano, E., Belaid, A., Belleudi, F., Bénard, G., Berchem, G., Bergamaschi, D., Bergami, M., Berkhout, B., Berliocchi, L., Bernard, A., Bernard, M., Bernassola, F., Bertolotti, A., Bess, A., Besteiro, S., Bettuzzi, S., Bhalla, S., Bhattacharyya, S., Bhutia, S., Biagosch, C., Bianchi, M., Biard-Piechaczyk, M., Billes, V., Bincoletto, C., Bingol, B., Bird, S., Bitoun, M., Bjedov, I., Blackstone, C., Blanc, L., Blanco, G., Blomhoff, H., Boada-Romero, E., Böckler, S., Boes, M., Boesze-Battaglia, K., Boise, L., Bolino, A., Boman, A., Bonaldo, P., Bordi, M., Bosch, J., Botana, L., Botti, J., Bou, G., Bouché, M., Bouchecareilh, M., Boucher, M., Boulton, M., Bouret, S., Boya, P., Boyer-Guittaut, M., Bozhkov, P., Brady, N., Braga, V., Brancolini, C., Braus, G., Bravo-San Pedro, J., Brennan, L., Bresnick, E., Brest, P., Bridges, D., Bringer, M., Brini, M., Brito, G., Brodin, B., Brookes, P., Brown, E., Brown, K., Broxmeyer, H., Bruhat, A., Brum, P., Brumell, J., Brunetti-Pierri, N., Bryson-Richardson, R., Buch, S., Buchan, A., Budak, H., Bulavin, D., Bultman, S., Bultynck, G., Bumbasirevic, V., Burelle, Y., Burke, R., Burmeister, M., Bütikofer, P., Caberlotto, L., Cadwell, K., Cahova, M., Cai, D., Cai, J., Cai, Q., Calatayud, S., Camougrand, N., Campanella, M., Campbell, G., Campbell, M., Campello, S., Candau, R., Caniggia, I., Cantoni, L., Cao, L., Caplan, A., Caraglia, M., Cardinali, C., Cardoso, S., Carew, J., Carleton, L., Carlin, C., Carloni, S., Carlsson, S., Carmona-Gutierrez, D., Carneiro, L., Carnevali, O., Carra, S., Carrier, A., Carroll, B., Casas, C., Casas, J., Cassinelli, G., Castets, P., Castro-Obregon, S., Cavallini, G., Ceccherini, I., Cecconi, F., Cederbaum, A., Ceña, V., Cenci, S., Cerella, C., Cervia, D., Cetrullo, S., Chaachouay, H., Chae, H., Chagin, A., Chai, C., Chakrabarti, G., Chamilos, G., Chan, E., Chan, M., Chandra, D., Chandra, P., Chang, C., Chang, R., Chang, T., Chatham, J., Chatterjee, S., Chauhan, S., Che, Y., Cheetham, M., Cheluvappa, R., Chen, C., Chen, G., Chen, H., Chen, J., Chen, M., Chen, P., Chen, Q., Chen, S., Chen, W., Chen, X., Chen, Y., Chen, Z., Cheng, A., Cheng, C., Cheng, H., Cheong, H., Cherry, S., Chesney, J., Cheung, C., Chevet, E., Chi, H., Chi, S., Chiacchiera, F., Chiang, H., Chiarelli, R., Chiariello, M., Chieppa, M., Chin, L., Chiong, M., Chiu, G., Cho, D., Cho, S., Cho, W., Cho, Y., Choi, A., Choi, E., Choi, J., Choi, M., Choi, S., Chou, T., Chouaib, S., Choubey, D., Choubey, V., Chow, K., Chowdhury, K., Chu, C., Chuang, T., Chun, T., Chung, H., Chung, T., Chung, Y., Chwae, Y., Cianfanelli, V., Ciarcia, R., Ciechomska, I., Ciriolo, M., Cirone, M., Claerhout, S., Clague, M., Clària, J., Clarke, P., Clarke, R., Clementi, E., Cleyrat, C., Cnop, M., Coccia, E., Cocco, T., Codogno, P., Coers, J., Cohen, E., Colecchia, D., Coletto, L., Coll, N., Colucci-Guyon, E., Comincini, S., Condello, M., Cook, K., Coombs, G., Cooper, C., Cooper, J., Coppens, I., Corasaniti, M., Corazzari, M., Corbalan, R., Corcelle-Termeau, E., Cordero, M., Corral-Ramos, C., Corti, O., Cossarizza, A., Costelli, P., Costes, S., Cotman, S., Coto-Montes, A., Cottet, S., Couve, E., Covey, L., Cowart, L., Cox, J., Coxon, F., Coyne, C., Cragg, M., Craven, R., Crepaldi, T., Crespo, J., Criollo, A., Crippa, V., Cruz, M., Cuervo, A., Cuezva, J., Cui, T., Cutillas, P., Czaja, M., Czyzyk-Krzeska, M., Dagda, R., Dahmen, U., Dai, C., Dai, W., Dai, Y., Dalby, K., Dalla Valle, L., Dalmasso, G., D'Amelio, M., Damme, M., Darfeuille-Michaud, A., Dargemont, C., Darley-Usmar, V., Dasarathy, S., Dasgupta, B., Dash, S., Dass, C., Davey, H., Davids, L., Dávila, D., Davis, R., Dawson, T., Dawson, V., Daza, P., de Belleroche, J., de Figueiredo, P., de Figueiredo, R., de la Fuente, J., De Martino, L., De Matteis, A., De Meyer, G., De Milito, A., De Santi, M., de Souza, W., De Tata, V., De Zio, D., Debnath, J., Dechant, R., Decuypere, J., Deegan, S., Dehay, B., Del Bello, B., Del Re, D., Delage-Mourroux, R., Delbridge, L., Deldicque, L., Delorme-Axford, E., Deng, Y., Dengjel, J., Denizot, M., Dent, P., Der, C., Deretic, V., Derrien, B., Deutsch, E., Devarenne, T., Devenish, R., Di Bartolomeo, S., Di Daniele, N., Di Domenico, F., Di Nardo, A., Di Paola, S., Di Pietro, A., Di Renzo, L., Diantonio, A., Díaz-Araya, G., Díaz-Laviada, I., Diaz-Meco, M., Diaz-Nido, J., Dickey, C., Dickson, R., Diederich, M., Digard, P., Dikic, I., Dinesh-Kumar, S., Ding, C., Ding, W., Ding, Z., Dini, L., Distler, J., Diwan, A., Djavaheri-Mergny, M., Dmytruk, K., Dobson, R., Doetsch, V., Dokladny, K., Dokudovskaya, S., Donadelli, M., Dong, X., Dong, Z., Donohue, T., Doran, K., D'Orazi, G., Dorn, G., Dosenko, V., Dridi, S., Drucker, L., Du, J., Du, L., du Toit, A., Dua, P., Duan, L., Duann, P., Dubey, V., Duchen, M., Duchosal, M., Duez, H., Dugail, I., Dumit, V., Duncan, M., Dunlop, E., Dunn, W., Dupont, N., Dupuis, L., Durán, R., Durcan, T., Duvezin-Caubet, S., Duvvuri, U., Eapen, V., Ebrahimi-Fakhari, D., Echard, A., Eckhart, L., Edelstein, C., Edinger, A., Eichinger, L., Eisenberg, T., Eisenberg-Lerner, A., Eissa, N., El-Deiry, W., El-Khoury, V., Elazar, Z., Eldar-Finkelman, H., Elliott, C., Emanuele, E., Emmenegger, U., Engedal, N., Engelbrecht, A., Engelender, S., Enserink, J., Erdmann, R., Erenpreisa, J., Eri, R., Eriksen, J., Erman, A., Escalante, R., Eskelinen, E., Espert, L., Esteban-Martínez, L., Evans, T., Fabri, M., Fabrias, G., Fabrizi, C., Facchiano, A., Færgeman, N., Faggioni, A., Fairlie, W., Fan, C., Fan, D., Fan, J., Fang, S., Fanto, M., Fanzani, A., Farkas, T., Faure, M., Favier, F., Fearnhead, H., Federici, M., Fei, E., Felizardo, T., Feng, H., Feng, Y., Ferguson, T., Fernández, Á., Fernandez-Barrena, M., Fernandez-Checa, J., Fernández-López, A., Fernandez-Zapico, M., Feron, O., Ferraro, E., Ferreira-Halder, C., Fesus, L., Feuer, R., Fiesel, F., Filippi-Chiela, E., Filomeni, G., Fimia, G., Fingert, J., Finkbeiner, S., Finkel, T., Fiorito, F., Fisher, P., Flajolet, M., Flamigni, F., Florey, O., Florio, S., Floto, R., Folini, M., Follo, C., Fon, E., Fornai, F., Fortunato, F., Fraldi, A., Franco, R., Francois, A., François, A., Frankel, L., Fraser, I., Frey, N., Freyssenet, D., Frezza, C., Friedman, S., Frigo, D., Fu, D., Fuentes, J., Fueyo, J., Fujitani, Y., Fujiwara, Y., Fujiya, M., Fukuda, M., Fulda, S., Fusco, C., Gabryel, B., Gaestel, M., Gailly, P., Gajewska, M., Galadari, S., Galili, G., Galindo, I., Galindo, M., Galliciotti, G., Galluzzi, L., Galy, V., Gammoh, N., Gandy, S., Ganesan, A., Ganesan, S., Ganley, I., Gannagé, M., Gao, F., Gao, J., García Nannig, L., García Véscovi, E., Garcia-Macía, M., Garcia-Ruiz, C., Garg, A., Garg, P., Gargini, R., Gassen, N., Gatica, D., Gatti, E., Gavard, J., Gavathiotis, E., Ge, L., Ge, P., Ge, S., Gean, P., Gelmetti, V., Genazzani, A., Geng, J., Genschik, P., Gerner, L., Gestwicki, J., Gewirtz, D., Ghavami, S., Ghigo, E., Ghosh, D., Giammarioli, A., Giampieri, F., Giampietri, C., Giatromanolaki, A., Gibbings, D., Gibellini, L., Gibson, S., Ginet, V., Giordano, A., Giorgini, F., Giovannetti, E., Girardin, S., Gispert, S., Giuliano, S., Gladson, C., Glavic, A., Gleave, M., Godefroy, N., Gogal, R., Gokulan, K., Goldman, G., Goletti, D., Goligorsky, M., Gomes, A., Gomes, L., Gomez, H., Gomez-Manzano, C., Gómez-Sánchez, R., Gonçalves, D., Goncu, E., Gong, Q., Gongora, C., Gonzalez, C., Gonzalez-Alegre, P., Gonzalez-Cabo, P., González-Polo, R., Goping, I., Gorbea, C., Gorbunov, N., Goring, D., Gorman, A., Gorski, S., Goruppi, S., Goto-Yamada, S., Gotor, C., Gottlieb, R., Gozes, I., Gozuacik, D., Graba, Y., Graef, M., Granato, G., Grant, G., Grant, S., Gravina, G., Green, D., Greenhough, A., Greenwood, M., Grimaldi, B., Gros, F., Grose, C., Groulx, J., Gruber, F., Grumati, P., Grune, T., Guan, J., Guan, K., Guerra, B., Guillen, C., Gulshan, K., Gunst, J., Guo, C., Guo, L., Guo, M., Guo, W., Guo, X., Gust, A., Gustafsson, Å., Gutierrez, E., Gutierrez, M., Gwak, H., Haas, A., Haber, J., Hadano, S., Hagedorn, M., Hahn, D., Halayko, A., Hamacher-Brady, A., Hamada, K., Hamai, A., Hamann, A., Hamasaki, M., Hamer, I., Hamid, Q., Hammond, E., Han, F., Han, W., Handa, J., Hanover, J., Hansen, M., Harada, M., Harhaji-Trajkovic, L., Harper, J., Harrath, A., Harris, A., Harris, J., Hasler, U., Hasselblatt, P., Hasui, K., Hawley, R., Hawley, T., He, C., He, F., He, G., He, R., He, X., He, Y., Heath, J., Hébert, M., Heinzen, R., Helgason, G., Hensel, M., Henske, E., Her, C., Herman, P., Hernández, A., Hernandez, C., Hernández-Tiedra, S., Hetz, C., Hiesinger, P., Higaki, K., Hilfiker, S., Hill, B., Hill, J., Hill, W., Hino, K., Hofius, D., Hofman, P., Höglinger, G., Höhfeld, J., Holz, M., Hong, Y., Hood, D., Hoozemans, J., Hoppe, T., Hsu, C., Hsu, L., Hu, D., Hu, G., Hu, H., Hu, M., Hu, Y., Hu, Z., Hua, F., Hua, Y., Huang, C., Huang, H., Huang, K., Huang, S., Huang, W., Huang, Y., Huber, T., Huebbe, P., Huh, W., Hulmi, J., Hur, G., Hurley, J., Husak, Z., Hussain, S., Hwang, J., Hwang, S., Hwang, T., Ichihara, A., Imai, Y., Imbriano, C., Inomata, M., Into, T., Iovane, V., Iovanna, J., Iozzo, R., Ip, N., Irazoqui, J., Iribarren, P., Isaka, Y., Isakovic, A., Ischiropoulos, H., Isenberg, J., Ishaq, M., Ishida, H., Ishii, I., Ishmael, J., Isidoro, C., Isobe, K., Isono, E., Issazadeh-Navikas, S., Itahana, K., Itakura, E., Ivanov, A., Iyer, A., Izquierdo, J., Izumi, Y., Izzo, V., Jäättelä, M., Jaber, N., Jackson, D., Jackson, W., Jacob, T., Jacques, T., Jagannath, C., Jain, A., Jana, N., Jang, B., Jani, A., Janji, B., Jannig, P., Jansson, P., Jean, S., Jendrach, M., Jeon, J., Jessen, N., Jeung, E., Jia, K., Jia, L., Jiang, H., Jiang, L., Jiang, T., Jiang, X., Jiang, Y., Jiménez, A., Jin, C., Jin, H., Jin, L., Jin, M., Jin, S., Jinwal, U., Jo, E., Johansen, T., Johnson, D., Johnson, G., Johnson, J., Jonasch, E., Jones, C., Joosten, L., Jordan, J., Joseph, A., Joseph, B., Joubert, A., Ju, D., Ju, J., Juan, H., Juenemann, K., Juhász, G., Jung, H., Jung, J., Jung, Y., Jungbluth, H., Justice, M., Jutten, B., Kaakoush, N., Kaarniranta, K., Kaasik, A., Kabuta, T., Kaeffer, B., Kågedal, K., Kahana, A., Kajimura, S., Kakhlon, O., Kalia, M., Kalvakolanu, D., Kamada, Y., Kambas, K., Kaminskyy, V., Kampinga, H., Kandouz, M., Kang, C., Kang, R., Kang, T., Kanki, T., Kanneganti, T., Kanno, H., Kanthasamy, A., Kantorow, M., Kaparakis-Liaskos, M., Kapuy, O., Karantza, V., Karim, M., Karmakar, P., Kaser, A., Kaushik, S., Kawula, T., Kaynar, A., Ke, P., Ke, Z., Kehrl, J., Keller, K., Kemper, J., Kenworthy, A., Kepp, O., Kern, A., Kesari, S., Kessel, D., Ketteler, R., Kettelhut, I., Khambu, B., Khan, M., Khandelwal, V., Khare, S., Kiang, J., Kiger, A., Kihara, A., Kim, A., Kim, C., Kim, D., Kim, E., Kim, H., Kim, J., Kim, K., Kim, M., Kim, P., Kim, S., Kim, Y., Kimchi, A., Kimmelman, A., Kimura, T., King, J., Kirkegaard, K., Kirkin, V., Kirshenbaum, L., Kishi, S., Kitajima, Y., Kitamoto, K., Kitaoka, Y., Kitazato, K., Kley, R., Klimecki, W., Klinkenberg, M., Klucken, J., Knævelsrud, H., Knecht, E., Knuppertz, L., Ko, J., Kobayashi, S., Koch, J., Koechlin-Ramonatxo, C., Koenig, U., Koh, Y., Köhler, K., Kohlwein, S., Koike, M., Komatsu, M., Kominami, E., Kong, D., Kong, H., Konstantakou, E., Kopp, B., Korcsmaros, T., Korhonen, L., Korolchuk, V., Koshkina, N., Kou, Y., Koukourakis, M., Koumenis, C., Kovács, A., Kovács, T., Kovacs, W., Koya, D., Kraft, C., Krainc, D., Kramer, H., Kravic-Stevovic, T., Krek, W., Kretz-Remy, C., Krick, R., Krishnamurthy, M., Kriston-Vizi, J., Kroemer, G., Kruer, M., Kruger, R., Ktistakis, N., Kuchitsu, K., Kuhn, C., Kumar, A., Kumar, D., Kumar, R., Kumar, S., Kundu, M., Kung, H., Kuno, A., Kuo, S., Kuret, J., Kurz, T., Kwok, T., Kwon, T., Kwon, Y., Kyrmizi, I., La Spada, A., Lafont, F., Lahm, T., Lakkaraju, A., Lam, T., Lamark, T., Lancel, S., Landowski, T., Lane, D., Lane, J., Lanzi, C., Lapaquette, P., Lapierre, L., Laporte, J., Laukkarinen, J., Laurie, G., Lavandero, S., Lavie, L., Lavoie, M., Law, B., Law, H., Law, K., Layfield, R., Lazo, P., Le Cam, L., Le Roch, K., Le Stunff, H., Leardkamolkarn, V., Lecuit, M., Lee, B., Lee, C., Lee, E., Lee, G., Lee, H., Lee, J., Lee, M., Lee, P., Lee, S., Lee, Y., Leeuwenburgh, C., Lefort, S., Legouis, R., Lei, J., Lei, Q., Leib, D., Leibowitz, G., Lekli, I., Lemaire, S., Lemasters, J., Lemberg, M., Lemoine, A., Leng, S., Lenz, G., Lenzi, P., Lerman, L., Lettieri Barbato, D., Leu, J., Leung, H., Levine, B., Lewis, P., Lezoualc'H, F., Li, C., Li, F., Li, J., Li, K., Li, L., Li, M., Li, Q., Li, R., Li, S., Li, W., Li, X., Li, Y., Lian, J., Liang, C., Liang, Q., Liao, Y., Liberal, J., Liberski, P., Lie, P., Lieberman, A., Lim, H., Lim, K., Lima, R., Lin, C., Lin, F., Lin, K., Lin, P., Lin, T., Lin, W., Lin, Y., Linden, R., Lindholm, D., Lindqvist, L., Lingor, P., Linkermann, A., Liotta, L., Lipinski, M., Lira, V., Lisanti, M., Liton, P., Liu, B., Liu, C., Liu, F., Liu, H., Liu, J., Liu, K., Liu, L., Liu, Q., Liu, R., Liu, S., Liu, W., Liu, X., Liu, Y., Liu, Z., Liuzzi, J., Lizard, G., Ljujic, M., Lodhi, I., Logue, S., Lokeshwar, B., Long, Y., Lonial, S., Loos, B., López-Otín, C., López-Vicario, C., Lorente, M., Lorenzi, P., Lõrincz, P., Los, M., Lotze, M., Lovat, P., Lu, B., Lu, J., Lu, Q., Lu, S., Lu, Y., Luciano, F., Luckhart, S., Lucocq, J., Ludovico, P., Lugea, A., Lukacs, N., Lum, J., Lund, A., Luo, H., Luo, J., Luo, S., Luparello, C., Lyons, T., Ma, J., Ma, Y., Ma, Z., Machado, J., Machado-Santelli, G., Macian, F., Macintosh, G., Mackeigan, J., Macleod, K., Macmicking, J., MacMillan-Crow, L., Madeo, F., Madesh, M., Madrigal-Matute, J., Maeda, A., Maeda, T., Maegawa, G., Maellaro, E., Maes, H., Magariños, M., Maiese, K., Maiti, T., Maiuri, L., Maiuri, M., Maki, C., Malli, R., Malorni, W., Maloyan, A., Mami-Chouaib, F., Man, N., Mancias, J., Mandelkow, E., Mandell, M., Manfredi, A., Manié, S., Manzoni, C., Mao, K., Mao, Z., Marambaud, P., Marconi, A., Marelja, Z., Marfe, G., Margeta, M., Margittai, E., Mari, M., Mariani, F., Marin, C., Marinelli, S., Mariño, G., Markovic, I., Marquez, R., Martelli, A., Martens, S., Martin, K., Martin, S., Martin-Acebes, M., Martín-Sanz, P., Martinand-Mari, C., Martinet, W., Martinez, J., Martinez-Lopez, N., Martinez-Outschoorn, U., Martínez-Velázquez, M., Martinez-Vicente, M., Martins, W., Mashima, H., Mastrianni, J., Matarese, G., Matarrese, P., Mateo, R., Matoba, S., Matsumoto, N., Matsushita, T., Matsuura, A., Matsuzawa, T., Mattson, M., Matus, S., Maugeri, N., Mauvezin, C., Mayer, A., Maysinger, D., Mazzolini, G., Mcbrayer, M., Mccall, K., Mccormick, C., Mcinerney, G., Mciver, S., Mckenna, S., Mcmahon, J., Mcneish, I., Mechta-Grigoriou, F., Medema, J., Medina, D., Megyeri, K., Mehrpour, M., Mehta, J., Mei, Y., Meier, U., Meijer, A., Meléndez, A., Melino, G., Melino, S., de Melo, E., Mena, M., Meneghini, M., Menendez, J., Menezes, R., Meng, L., Meng, S., Menghini, R., Menko, A., Menna-Barreto, R., Menon, M., Meraz-Ríos, M., Merla, G., Merlini, L., Merlot, A., Meryk, A., Meschini, S., Meyer, J., Mi, M., Miao, C., Micale, L., Michaeli, S., Michiels, C., Migliaccio, A., Mihailidou, A., Mijaljica, D., Mikoshiba, K., Milan, E., Miller-Fleming, L., Mills, G., Mills, I., Minakaki, G., Minassian, B., Ming, X., Minibayeva, F., Minina, E., Mintern, J., Minucci, S., Miranda-Vizuete, A., Mitchell, C., Miyamoto, S., Miyazawa, K., Mizushima, N., Mnich, K., Mograbi, B., Mohseni, S., Moita, L., Molinari, M., Møller, A., Mollereau, B., Mollinedo, F., Mongillo, M., Monick, M., Montagnaro, S., Montell, C., Moore, D., Moore, M., Mora-Rodriguez, R., Moreira, P., Morel, E., Morelli, M., Moreno, S., Morgan, M., Moris, A., Moriyasu, Y., Morrison, J., Morrison, L., Morselli, E., Moscat, J., Moseley, P., Mostowy, S., Motori, E., Mottet, D., Mottram, J., Moussa, C., Mpakou, V., Mukhtar, H., Mulcahy Levy, J., Muller, S., Muñoz-Moreno, R., Muñoz-Pinedo, C., Münz, C., Murphy, M., Murray, J., Murthy, A., Mysorekar, I., Nabi, I., Nabissi, M., Nader, G., Nagahara, Y., Nagai, Y., Nagata, K., Nagelkerke, A., Nagy, P., Naidu, S., Nair, S., Nakano, H., Nakatogawa, H., Nanjundan, M., Napolitano, G., Naqvi, N., Nardacci, R., Narendra, D., Narita, M., Nascimbeni, A., Natarajan, R., Navegantes, L., Nawrocki, S., Nazarko, T., Nazarko, V., Neill, T., Neri, L., Netea, M., Netea-Maier, R., Neves, B., Ney, P., Nezis, I., Nguyen, H., Nicot, A., Nilsen, H., Nilsson, P., Nishimura, M., Nishino, I., Niso-Santano, M., Niu, H., Nixon, R., Njar, V., Noda, T., Noegel, A., Nolte, E., Norberg, E., Norga, K., Noureini, S., Notomi, S., Notterpek, L., Nowikovsky, K., Nukina, N., Nürnberger, T., O'Donnell, V., O'Donovan, T., O'Dwyer, P., Oehme, I., Oeste, C., Ogawa, M., Ogretmen, B., Ogura, Y., Oh, Y., Ohmuraya, M., Ohshima, T., Ojha, R., Okamoto, K., Okazaki, T., Oliver, F., Ollinger, K., Olsson, S., Orban, D., Ordonez, P., Orhon, I., Orosz, L., O'Rourke, E., Orozco, H., Ortega, A., Ortona, E., Osellame, L., Oshima, J., Oshima, S., Osiewacz, H., Otomo, T., Otsu, K., Ou, J., Outeiro, T., Ouyang, D., Ouyang, H., Overholtzer, M., Ozbun, M., Ozdinler, P., Ozpolat, B., Pacelli, C., Paganetti, P., Page, G., Pages, G., Pagnini, U., Pajak, B., Pak, S., Pakos-Zebrucka, K., Pakpour, N., Palková, Z., Palladino, F., Pallauf, K., Pallet, N., Palmieri, M., Paludan, S., Palumbo, C., Palumbo, S., Pampliega, O., Pan, H., Pan, W., Panaretakis, T., Pandey, A., Pantazopoulou, A., Papackova, Z., Papademetrio, D., Papassideri, I., Papini, A., Parajuli, N., Pardo, J., Parekh, V., Parenti, G., Park, J., Park, O., Parker, R., Parlato, R., Parys, J., Parzych, K., Pasquet, J., Pasquier, B., Pasumarthi, K., Patschan, D., Patterson, C., Pattingre, S., Pattison, S., Pause, A., Pavenstädt, H., Pavone, F., Pedrozo, Z., Peña, F., Peñalva, M., Pende, M., Peng, J., Penna, F., Penninger, J., Pensalfini, A., Pepe, S., Pereira, G., Pereira, P., Pérez-de la Cruz, V., Pérez-Pérez, M., Pérez-Rodríguez, D., Pérez-Sala, D., Perier, C., Perl, A., Perlmutter, D., Perrotta, I., Pervaiz, S., Pesonen, M., Pessin, J., Peters, G., Petersen, M., Petrache, I., Petrof, B., Petrovski, G., Phang, J., Piacentini, M., Pierdominici, M., Pierre, P., Pierrefite-Carle, V., Pietrocola, F., Pimentel-Muiños, F., Pinar, M., Pineda, B., Pinkas-Kramarski, R., Pinti, M., Pinton, P., Piperdi, B., Piret, J., Platanias, L., Platta, H., Plowey, E., Pöggeler, S., Poirot, M., Polčic, P., Poletti, A., Poon, A., Popelka, H., Popova, B., Poprawa, I., Poulose, S., Poulton, J., Powers, S., Powers, T., Pozuelo-Rubio, M., Prak, K., Prange, R., Prescott, M., Priault, M., Prince, S., Proia, R., Proikas-Cezanne, T., Prokisch, H., Promponas, V., Przyklenk, K., Puertollano, R., Pugazhenthi, S., Puglielli, L., Pujol, A., Puyal, J., Pyeon, D., Qi, X., Qian, W., Qin, Z., Qiu, Y., Qu, Z., Quadrilatero, J., Quinn, F., Raben, N., Rabinowich, H., Radogna, F., Ragusa, M., Rahmani, M., Raina, K., Ramanadham, S., Ramesh, R., Rami, A., Randall-Demllo, S., Randow, F., Rao, H., Rao, V., Rasmussen, B., Rasse, T., Ratovitski, E., Rautou, P., Ray, S., Razani, B., Reed, B., Reggiori, F., Rehm, M., Reichert, A., Rein, T., Reiner, D., Reits, E., Ren, J., Ren, X., Renna, M., Reusch, J., Revuelta, J., Reyes, L., Rezaie, A., Richards, R., Richardson, D., Richetta, C., Riehle, M., Rihn, B., Rikihisa, Y., Riley, B., Rimbach, G., Rippo, M., Ritis, K., Rizzi, F., Rizzo, E., Roach, P., Robbins, J., Roberge, M., Roca, G., Roccheri, M., Rocha, S., Rodrigues, C., Rodríguez, C., de Cordoba, S., Rodriguez-Muela, N., Roelofs, J., Rogov, V., Rohn, T., Rohrer, B., Romanelli, D., Romani, L., Romano, P., Roncero, M., Rosa, J., Rosello, A., Rosen, K., Rosenstiel, P., Rost-Roszkowska, M., Roth, K., Roué, G., Rouis, M., Rouschop, K., Ruan, D., Ruano, D., Rubinsztein, D., Rucker, E., Rudich, A., Rudolf, E., Rudolf, R., Ruegg, M., Ruiz-Roldan, C., Ruparelia, A., Rusmini, P., Russ, D., Russo, G., Russo, R., Rusten, T., Ryabovol, V., Ryan, K., Ryter, S., Sabatini, D., Sacher, M., Sachse, C., Sack, M., Sadoshima, J., Saftig, P., Sagi-Eisenberg, R., Sahni, S., Saikumar, P., Saito, T., Saitoh, T., Sakakura, K., Sakoh-Nakatogawa, M., Sakuraba, Y., Salazar-Roa, M., Salomoni, P., Saluja, A., Salvaterra, P., Salvioli, R., Samali, A., Sanchez, A., Sánchez-Alcázar, J., Sanchez-Prieto, R., Sandri, M., Sanjuan, M., Santaguida, S., Santambrogio, L., Santoni, G., Dos Santos, C., Saran, S., Sardiello, M., Sargent, G., Sarkar, P., Sarkar, S., Sarrias, M., Sarwal, M., Sasakawa, C., Sasaki, M., Sass, M., Sato, K., Sato, M., Satriano, J., Savaraj, N., Saveljeva, S., Schaefer, L., Schaible, U., Scharl, M., Schatzl, H., Schekman, R., Scheper, W., Schiavi, A., Schipper, H., Schmeisser, H., Schmidt, J., Schmitz, I., Schneider, B., Schneider, E., Schneider, J., Schon, E., Schönenberger, M., Schönthal, A., Schorderet, D., Schröder, B., Schuck, S., Schulze, R., Schwarten, M., Schwarz, T., Sciarretta, S., Scotto, K., Scovassi, A., Screaton, R., Screen, M., Seca, H., Sedej, S., Segatori, L., Segev, N., Seglen, P., Seguí-Simarro, J., Segura-Aguilar, J., Seki, E., Sell, C., Selliez, I., Semenkovich, C., Semenza, G., Sen, U., Serra, A., Serrano-Puebla, A., Sesaki, H., Setoguchi, T., Settembre, C., Shacka, J., Shajahan-Haq, A., Shapiro, I., Sharma, S., She, H., Shen, C., Shen, H., Shen, S., Shen, W., Sheng, R., Sheng, X., Sheng, Z., Shepherd, T., Shi, J., Shi, Q., Shi, Y., Shibutani, S., Shibuya, K., Shidoji, Y., Shieh, J., Shih, C., Shimada, Y., Shimizu, S., Shin, D., Shinohara, M., Shintani, M., Shintani, T., Shioi, T., Shirabe, K., Shiri-Sverdlov, R., Shirihai, O., Shore, G., Shu, C., Shukla, D., Sibirny, A., Sica, V., Sigurdson, C., Sigurdsson, E., Sijwali, P., Sikorska, B., Silveira, W., Silvente-Poirot, S., Silverman, G., Simak, J., Simmet, T., Simon, A., Simon, H., Simone, C., Simons, M., Simonsen, A., Singh, R., Singh, S., Sinha, D., Sinha, S., Sinicrope, F., Sirko, A., Sirohi, K., Sishi, B., Sittler, A., Siu, P., Sivridis, E., Skwarska, A., Slack, R., Slaninová, I., Slavov, N., Smaili, S., Smalley, K., Smith, D., Soenen, S., Soleimanpour, S., Solhaug, A., Somasundaram, K., Son, J., Sonawane, A., Song, C., Song, F., Song, H., Song, J., Song, W., Soo, K., Sood, A., Soong, T., Soontornniyomkij, V., Sorice, M., Sotgia, F., Soto-Pantoja, D., Sotthibundhu, A., Sousa, M., Spaink, H., Span, P., Spang, A., Sparks, J., Speck, P., Spector, S., Spies, C., Springer, W., Clair, D., Stacchiotti, A., Staels, B., Stang, M., Starczynowski, D., Starokadomskyy, P., Steegborn, C., Steele, J., Stefanis, L., Steffan, J., Stellrecht, C., Stenmark, H., Stepkowski, T., Stern, S., Stevens, C., Stockwell, B., Stoka, V., Storchova, Z., Stork, B., Stratoulias, V., Stravopodis, D., Strnad, P., Strohecker, A., Ström, A., Stromhaug, P., Stulik, J., Su, Y., Su, Z., Subauste, C., Subramaniam, S., Sue, C., Suh, S., Sui, X., Sukseree, S., Sulzer, D., Sun, F., Sun, J., Sun, S., Sun, Y., Sundaramoorthy, V., Sung, J., Suzuki, H., Suzuki, K., Suzuki, N., Suzuki, T., Suzuki, Y., Swanson, M., Swanton, C., Swärd, K., Swarup, G., Sweeney, S., Sylvester, P., Szatmari, Z., Szegezdi, E., Szlosarek, P., Taegtmeyer, H., Tafani, M., Taillebourg, E., Tait, S., Takacs-Vellai, K., Takahashi, Y., Takáts, S., Takemura, G., Takigawa, N., Talbot, N., Tamagno, E., Tamburini, J., Tan, C., Tan, L., Tan, M., Tan, Y., Tanaka, K., Tanaka, M., Tang, D., Tang, G., Tanida, I., Tanji, K., Tannous, B., Tapia, J., Tasset-Cuevas, I., Tatar, M., Tavassoly, I., Tavernarakis, N., Taylor, A., Taylor, G., Taylor, J., Taylor, M., Tchetina, E., Tee, A., Teixeira-Clerc, F., Telang, S., Tencomnao, T., Teng, B., Teng, R., Terro, F., Tettamanti, G., Theiss, A., Theron, A., Thomas, K., Thomé, M., Thomes, P., Thorburn, A., Thorner, J., Thum, T., Thumm, M., Thurston, T., Tian, L., Till, A., Ting, J., Titorenko, V., Toker, L., Toldo, S., Tooze, S., Topisirovic, I., Torgersen, M., Torosantucci, L., Torriglia, A., Torrisi, M., Tournier, C., Towns, R., Trajkovic, V., Travassos, L., Triola, G., Tripathi, D., Trisciuoglio, D., Troncoso, R., Trougakos, I., Truttmann, A., Tsai, K., Tschan, M., Tseng, Y., Tsukuba, T., Tsung, A., Tsvetkov, A., Tu, S., Tuan, H., Tucci, M., Tumbarello, D., Turk, B., Turk, V., Turner, R., Tveita, A., Tyagi, S., Ubukata, M., Uchiyama, Y., Udelnow, A., Ueno, T., Umekawa, M., Umemiya-Shirafuji, R., Underwood, B., Ungermann, C., Ureshino, R., Ushioda, R., Uversky, V., Uzcátegui, N., Vaccari, T., Vaccaro, M., Váchová, L., Vakifahmetoglu-Norberg, H., Valdor, R., Valente, E., Vallette, F., Valverde, A., Van den Berghe, G., Van Den Bosch, L., van den Brink, G., van der Goot, F., van der Klei, I., van der Laan, L., van Doorn, W., van Egmond, M., van Golen, K., Van Kaer, L., van Lookeren Campagne, M., Vandenabeele, P., Vandenberghe, W., Vanhorebeek, I., Varela-Nieto, I., Vasconcelos, M., Vasko, R., Vavvas, D., Vega-Naredo, I., Velasco, G., Velentzas, A., Velentzas, P., Vellai, T., Vellenga, E., Vendelbo, M., Venkatachalam, K., Ventura, N., Ventura, S., Veras, P., Verdier, M., Vertessy, B., Viale, A., Vidal, M., Vieira, H., Vierstra, R., Vigneswaran, N., Vij, N., Vila, M., Villar, M., Villar, V., Villarroya, J., Vindis, C., Viola, G., Viscomi, M., Vitale, G., Vogl, D., Voitsekhovskaja, O., von Haefen, C., von Schwarzenberg, K., Voth, D., Vouret-Craviari, V., Vuori, K., Vyas, J., Waeber, C., Walker, C., Walker, M., Walter, J., Wan, L., Wan, X., Wang, B., Wang, C., Wang, D., Wang, F., Wang, G., Wang, H., Wang, J., Wang, M., Wang, P., Wang, R., Wang, S., Wang, T., Wang, X., Wang, Y., Wang, Z., Wappner, P., Ward, C., Ward, D., Warnes, G., Watada, H., Watanabe, Y., Watase, K., Weaver, T., Weekes, C., Wei, J., Weide, T., Weihl, C., Weindl, G., Weis, S., Wen, L., Wen, X., Wen, Y., Westermann, B., Weyand, C., White, A., White, E., Whitton, J., Whitworth, A., Wiels, J., Wild, F., Wildenberg, M., Wileman, T., Wilkinson, D., Wilkinson, S., Willbold, D., Williams, C., Williams, K., Williamson, P., Winklhofer, K., Witkin, S., Wohlgemuth, S., Wollert, T., Wolvetang, E., Wong, E., Wong, G., Wong, R., Wong, V., Woodcock, E., Wright, K., Wu, C., Wu, D., Wu, G., Wu, J., Wu, M., Wu, S., Wu, W., Wu, Y., Wu, Z., Xavier, C., Xavier, R., Xia, G., Xia, T., Xia, W., Xia, Y., Xiao, H., Xiao, J., Xiao, S., Xiao, W., Xie, C., Xie, Z., Xilouri, M., Xiong, Y., Xu, C., Xu, F., Xu, H., Xu, J., Xu, L., Xu, X., Xu, Y., Xu, Z., Xue, Y., Yamada, T., Yamamoto, A., Yamanaka, K., Yamashina, S., Yamashiro, S., Yan, B., Yan, X., Yan, Z., Yanagi, Y., Yang, D., Yang, J., Yang, L., Yang, M., Yang, P., Yang, Q., Yang, W., Yang, X., Yang, Y., Yang, Z., Yao, M., Yao, P., Yao, X., Yao, Z., Yasui, L., Ye, M., Yedvobnick, B., Yeganeh, B., Yeh, E., Yeyati, P., Yi, F., Yi, L., Yin, X., Yip, C., Yoo, Y., Yoon, S., Yoshida, K., Yoshimori, T., Young, K., Yu, H., Yu, J., Yu, L., Yu, W., Yu, X., Yu, Z., Yuan, J., Yuan, Z., Yue, B., Yue, J., Yue, Z., Zacks, D., Zacksenhaus, E., Zaffaroni, N., Zaglia, T., Zakeri, Z., Zecchini, V., Zeng, J., Zeng, M., Zeng, Q., Zervos, A., Zhang, D., Zhang, F., Zhang, G., Zhang, H., Zhang, J., Zhang, L., Zhang, M., Zhang, X., Zhang, Y., Zhao, M., Zhao, W., Zhao, X., Zhao, Y., Zhao, Z., Zheng, D., Zheng, X., Zhivotovsky, B., Zhong, Q., Zhou, G., Zhou, H., Zhou, S., Zhou, X., Zhu, H., Zhu, W., Zhu, X., Zhu, Y., Zhuang, S., Zhuang, X., Ziparo, E., Zois, C., Zoladek, T., Zong, W., Zorzano, A., Zughaier, S., Klionsky, Daniel J, Abdelmohsen, Kotb, Abe, Akihisa, Abedin, Md Joynal, Abeliovich, Hagai, Acevedo Arozena, Abraham, Adachi, Hiroaki, Adams, Christopher M, Adams, Peter D, Adeli, Khosrow, Adhihetty, Peter J, Adler, Sharon G, Agam, Galila, Agarwal, Rajesh, Aghi, Manish K, Agnello, Maria, Agostinis, Patrizia, Aguilar, Patricia V, Aguirre Ghiso, Julio, Airoldi, Edoardo M, Ait Si Ali, Slimane, Akematsu, Takahiko, Akporiaye, Emmanuel T, Al Rubeai, Mohamed, Albaiceta, Guillermo M, Albanese, Chri, Albani, Diego, Albert, Matthew L, Aldudo, Jesu, Algül, Hana, Alirezaei, Mehrdad, Alloza, Iraide, Almasan, Alexandru, Almonte Beceril, Maylin, Alnemri, Emad S, Alonso, Covadonga, Altan Bonnet, Nihal, Altieri, Dario C, Alvarez, Silvia, Alvarez Erviti, Lydia, Alves, Sandro, Amadoro, Giuseppina, Amano, Atsuo, Amantini, Consuelo, Ambrosio, Santiago, Amelio, Ivano, Amer, Amal O, Amessou, Mohamed, Amon, Angelika, An, Zhenyi, Anania, Frank A, Andersen, Stig U, Andley, Usha P, Andreadi, Catherine K, Andrieu Abadie, Nathalie, Anel, Alberto, Ann, David K, Anoopkumar Dukie, Shailendra, Antonioli, Manuela, Aoki, Hiroshi, Apostolova, Nadezda, Aquila, Saveria, Aquilano, Katia, Araki, Koichi, Arama, Eli, Aranda, Agustin, Araya, Jun, Arcaro, Alexandre, Arias, Esperanza, Arimoto, Hirokazu, Ariosa, Aileen R, Armstrong, Jane L, Arnould, Thierry, Arsov, Ivica, Asanuma, Katsuhiko, Askanas, Valerie, Asselin, Eric, Atarashi, Ryuichiro, Atherton, Sally S, Atkin, Julie D, Attardi, Laura D, Auberger, Patrick, Auburger, Georg, Aurelian, Laure, Autelli, Riccardo, Avagliano, Laura, Avantaggiati, Maria Laura, Avrahami, Limor, Awale, Suresh, Azad, Neelam, Bachetti, Tiziana, Backer, Jonathan M, Bae, Dong Hun, Bae, Jae Sung, Bae, Ok Nam, Bae, Soo Han, Baehrecke, Eric H, Baek, Seung Hoon, Baghdiguian, Stephen, Bagniewska Zadworna, Agnieszka, Bai, Hua, Bai, Jie, Bai, Xue Yuan, Bailly, Yannick, Balaji, Kithiganahalli Narayanaswamy, Balduini, Walter, Ballabio, Andrea, Balzan, Rena, Banerjee, Rajkumar, Bánhegyi, Gábor, Bao, Haijun, Barbeau, Benoit, Barrachina, Maria D, Barreiro, Esther, Bartel, Bonnie, Bartolomé, Alberto, Bassham, Diane C, Bassi, Maria Teresa, Bast, Robert C, Basu, Alakananda, Batista, Maria Teresa, Batoko, Henri, Battino, Maurizio, Bauckman, Kyle, Baumgarner, Bradley L, Bayer, K. Ulrich, Beale, Rupert, Beaulieu, Jean Françoi, Beck, George R, Becker, Christoph, Beckham, J. David, Bédard, Pierre André, Bednarski, Patrick J, Begley, Thomas J, Behl, Christian, Behrends, Christian, Behrens, Georg Mn, Behrns, Kevin E, Bejarano, Eloy, Belaid, Amine, Belleudi, Francesca, Bénard, Giovanni, Berchem, Guy, Bergamaschi, Daniele, Bergami, Matteo, Berkhout, Ben, Berliocchi, Laura, Bernard, Amélie, Bernard, Monique, Bernassola, Francesca, Bertolotti, Anne, Bess, Amanda S, Besteiro, Sébastien, Bettuzzi, Saverio, Bhalla, Savita, Bhattacharyya, Shalmoli, Bhutia, Sujit K, Biagosch, Caroline, Bianchi, Michele Wolfe, Biard Piechaczyk, Martine, Billes, Viktor, Bincoletto, Claudia, Bingol, Bari, Bird, Sara W, Bitoun, Marc, Bjedov, Ivana, Blackstone, Craig, Blanc, Lionel, Blanco, Guillermo A, Blomhoff, Heidi Kiil, Boada Romero, Emilio, Böckler, Stefan, Boes, Marianne, Boesze Battaglia, Kathleen, Boise, Lawrence H, Bolino, Alessandra, Boman, Andrea, Bonaldo, Paolo, Bordi, Matteo, Bosch, Jürgen, Botana, Luis M, Botti, Joelle, Bou, German, Bouché, Marina, Bouchecareilh, Marion, Boucher, Marie Josée, Boulton, Michael E, Bouret, Sebastien G, Boya, Patricia, Boyer Guittaut, Michaël, Bozhkov, Peter V, Brady, Nathan, Braga, Vania Mm, Brancolini, Claudio, Braus, Gerhard H, Bravo San Pedro, José M, Brennan, Lisa A, Bresnick, Emery H, Brest, Patrick, Bridges, Dave, Bringer, Marie Agnè, Brini, Marisa, Brito, Glauber C, Brodin, Bertha, Brookes, Paul S, Brown, Eric J, Brown, Karen, Broxmeyer, Hal E, Bruhat, Alain, Brum, Patricia Chakur, Brumell, John H, BRUNETTI PIERRI, Nicola, Bryson Richardson, Robert J, Buch, Shilpa, Buchan, Alastair M, Budak, Hikmet, Bulavin, Dmitry V, Bultman, Scott J, Bultynck, Geert, Bumbasirevic, Vladimir, Burelle, Yan, Burke, Robert E, Burmeister, Margit, Bütikofer, Peter, Caberlotto, Laura, Cadwell, Ken, Cahova, Monika, Cai, Dongsheng, Cai, Jingjing, Cai, Qian, Calatayud, Sara, Camougrand, Nadine, Campanella, Michelangelo, Campbell, Grant R, Campbell, Matthew, Campello, Silvia, Candau, Robin, Caniggia, Isabella, Cantoni, Lavinia, Cao, Lizhi, Caplan, Allan B, Caraglia, Michele, Cardinali, Claudio, Cardoso, Sandra Morai, Carew, Jennifer S, Carleton, Laura A, Carlin, Cathleen R, Carloni, Silvia, Carlsson, Sven R, Carmona Gutierrez, Didac, Carneiro, Leticia Am, Carnevali, Oliana, Carra, Serena, Carrier, Alice, Carroll, Bernadette, Casas, Caty, Casas, Josefina, Cassinelli, Giuliana, Castets, Perrine, Castro Obregon, Susana, Cavallini, Gabriella, Ceccherini, Isabella, Cecconi, Francesco, Cederbaum, Arthur I, Ceña, Valentín, Cenci, Simone, Cerella, Claudia, Cervia, Davide, Cetrullo, Silvia, Chaachouay, Hassan, Chae, Han Jung, Chagin, Andrei S, Chai, Chee Yin, Chakrabarti, Gopal, Chamilos, Georgio, Chan, Edmond Yw, Chan, Matthew Tv, Chandra, Dhyan, Chandra, Pallavi, Chang, Chih Peng, Chang, Raymond Chuen Chung, Chang, Ta Yuan, Chatham, John C, Chatterjee, Saurabh, Chauhan, Santosh, Che, Yongsheng, Cheetham, Michael E, Cheluvappa, Rajkumar, Chen, Chun Jung, Chen, Gang, Chen, Guang Chao, Chen, Guoqiang, Chen, Hongzhuan, Chen, Jeff W, Chen, Jian Kang, Chen, Min, Chen, Mingzhou, Chen, Peiwen, Chen, Qi, Chen, Quan, Chen, Shang Der, Chen, Si, Chen, Steve S. L, Chen, Wei, Chen, Wei Jung, Chen, Wen Qiang, Chen, Wenli, Chen, Xiangmei, Chen, Yau Hung, Chen, Ye Guang, Chen, Yin, Chen, Yingyu, Chen, Yongshun, Chen, Yu Jen, Chen, Yue Qin, Chen, Yujie, Chen, Zhen, Chen, Zhong, Cheng, Alan, Cheng, Christopher Hk, Cheng, Hua, Cheong, Heesun, Cherry, Sara, Chesney, Jason, Cheung, Chun Hei Antonio, Chevet, Eric, Chi, Hsiang Cheng, Chi, Sung Gil, Chiacchiera, Fulvio, Chiang, Hui Ling, Chiarelli, Roberto, Chiariello, Mario, Chieppa, Marcello, Chin, Lih Shen, Chiong, Mario, Chiu, Gigi Nc, Cho, Dong Hyung, Cho, Ssang Goo, Cho, William C, Cho, Yong Yeon, Cho, Young Seok, Choi, Augustine Mk, Choi, Eui Ju, Choi, Eun Kyoung, Choi, Jayoung, Choi, Mary E, Choi, Seung Il, Chou, Tsui Fen, Chouaib, Salem, Choubey, Divaker, Choubey, Vinay, Chow, Kuan Chih, Chowdhury, Kamal, Chu, Charleen T, Chuang, Tsung Hsien, Chun, Taehoon, Chung, Hyewon, Chung, Taijoon, Chung, Yuen Li, Chwae, Yong Joon, Cianfanelli, Valentina, Ciarcia, Roberto, Ciechomska, Iwona A, Ciriolo, Maria Rosa, Cirone, Mara, Claerhout, Sofie, Clague, Michael J, Clària, Joan, Clarke, Peter Gh, Clarke, Robert, Clementi, Emilio, Cleyrat, Cédric, Cnop, Miriam, Coccia, Eliana M, Cocco, Tiziana, Codogno, Patrice, Coers, Jörn, Cohen, Ezra Ew, Colecchia, David, Coletto, Luisa, Coll, Núria S, Colucci Guyon, Emma, Comincini, Sergio, Condello, Maria, Cook, Katherine L, Coombs, Graham H, Cooper, Cynthia D, Cooper, J. Mark, Coppens, Isabelle, Corasaniti, Maria Tiziana, Corazzari, Marco, Corbalan, Ramon, Corcelle Termeau, Elisabeth, Cordero, Mario D, Corral Ramos, Cristina, Corti, Olga, Cossarizza, Andrea, Costelli, Paola, Costes, Safia, Cotman, Susan L, Coto Montes, Ana, Cottet, Sandra, Couve, Eduardo, Covey, Lori R, Cowart, L. Ashley, Cox, Jeffery S, Coxon, Fraser P, Coyne, Carolyn B, Cragg, Mark S, Craven, Rolf J, Crepaldi, Tiziana, Crespo, Jose L, Criollo, Alfredo, Crippa, Valeria, Cruz, Maria Teresa, Cuervo, Ana Maria, Cuezva, Jose M, Cui, Taixing, Cutillas, Pedro R, Czaja, Mark J, Czyzyk Krzeska, Maria F, Dagda, Ruben K, Dahmen, Uta, Dai, Chunsun, Dai, Wenjie, Dai, Yun, Dalby, Kevin N, Dalla Valle, Luisa, Dalmasso, Guillaume, D'Amelio, Marcello, Damme, Marku, Darfeuille Michaud, Arlette, Dargemont, Catherine, Darley Usmar, Victor M, Dasarathy, Srinivasan, Dasgupta, Biplab, Dash, Srikanta, Dass, Crispin R, Davey, Hazel Marie, Davids, Lester M, Dávila, David, Davis, Roger J, Dawson, Ted M, Dawson, Valina L, Daza, Paula, de Belleroche, Jackie, de Figueiredo, Paul, de Figueiredo, Regina Celia Bressan Queiroz, de la Fuente, José, DE MARTINO, Luisa, De Matteis, Antonella, De Meyer, Guido Ry, De Milito, Angelo, De Santi, Mauro, de Souza, Wanderley, De Tata, Vincenzo, De Zio, Daniela, Debnath, Jayanta, Dechant, Reinhard, Decuypere, Jean Paul, Deegan, Shane, Dehay, Benjamin, Del Bello, Barbara, Del Re, Dominic P, Delage Mourroux, Régi, Delbridge, Lea Md, Deldicque, Louise, Delorme Axford, Elizabeth, Deng, Yizhen, Dengjel, Joern, Denizot, Melanie, Dent, Paul, Der, Channing J, Deretic, Vojo, Derrien, Benoît, Deutsch, Eric, Devarenne, Timothy P, Devenish, Rodney J, Di Bartolomeo, Sabrina, Di Daniele, Nicola, Di Domenico, Fabio, Di Nardo, Alessia, Di Paola, Simone, Di Pietro, Antonio, Di Renzo, Livia, Diantonio, Aaron, Díaz Araya, Guillermo, Díaz Laviada, Ine, Diaz Meco, Maria T, Diaz Nido, Javier, Dickey, Chad A, Dickson, Robert C, Diederich, Marc, Digard, Paul, Dikic, Ivan, Dinesh Kumar, Savithrama P, Ding, Chan, Ding, Wen Xing, Ding, Zufeng, Dini, Luciana, Distler, Jörg Hw, Diwan, Abhinav, Djavaheri Mergny, Mojgan, Dmytruk, Kostyantyn, Dobson, Renwick Cj, Doetsch, Volker, Dokladny, Karol, Dokudovskaya, Svetlana, Donadelli, Massimo, Dong, X. Charlie, Dong, Xiaonan, Dong, Zheng, Donohue, Terrence M, Doran, Kelly S, D'Orazi, Gabriella, Dorn, Gerald W, Dosenko, Victor, Dridi, Sami, Drucker, Liat, Du, Jie, Du, Li Lin, Du, Lihuan, du Toit, André, Dua, Priyamvada, Duan, Lei, Duann, Pu, Dubey, Vikash Kumar, Duchen, Michael R, Duchosal, Michel A, Duez, Helene, Dugail, Isabelle, Dumit, Verónica I, Duncan, Mara C, Dunlop, Elaine A, Dunn, William A, Dupont, Nicola, Dupuis, Luc, Durán, Raúl V, Durcan, Thomas M, Duvezin Caubet, Stéphane, Duvvuri, Umamaheswar, Eapen, Vinay, Ebrahimi Fakhari, Dariu, Echard, Arnaud, Eckhart, Leopold, Edelstein, Charles L, Edinger, Aimee L, Eichinger, Ludwig, Eisenberg, Tobia, Eisenberg Lerner, Avital, Eissa, N. Tony, El Deiry, Wafik S, El Khoury, Victoria, Elazar, Zvulun, Eldar Finkelman, Hagit, Elliott, Chris Jh, Emanuele, Enzo, Emmenegger, Urban, Engedal, Nikolai, Engelbrecht, Anna Mart, Engelender, Simone, Enserink, Jorrit M, Erdmann, Ralf, Erenpreisa, Jekaterina, Eri, Rajaraman, Eriksen, Jason L, Erman, Andreja, Escalante, Ricardo, Eskelinen, Eeva Liisa, Espert, Lucile, Esteban Martínez, Lorena, Evans, Thomas J, Fabri, Mario, Fabrias, Gemma, Fabrizi, Cinzia, Facchiano, Antonio, Færgeman, Nils J, Faggioni, Alberto, Fairlie, W. Dougla, Fan, Chunhai, Fan, Daping, Fan, Jie, Fang, Shengyun, Fanto, Manoli, Fanzani, Alessandro, Farkas, Thoma, Faure, Mathia, Favier, Francois B, Fearnhead, Howard, Federici, Massimo, Fei, Erkang, Felizardo, Tania C, Feng, Hua, Feng, Yibin, Feng, Yuchen, Ferguson, Thomas A, Fernández, Álvaro F, Fernandez Barrena, Maite G, Fernandez Checa, Jose C, Fernández López, Arsenio, Fernandez Zapico, Martin E, Feron, Olivier, Ferraro, Elisabetta, Ferreira Halder, Carmen Veríssima, Fesus, Laszlo, Feuer, Ralph, Fiesel, Fabienne C, Filippi Chiela, Eduardo C, Filomeni, Giuseppe, Fimia, Gian Maria, Fingert, John H, Finkbeiner, Steven, Finkel, Toren, Fiorito, Filomena, Fisher, Paul B, Flajolet, Marc, Flamigni, Flavio, Florey, Oliver, Florio, Salvatore, Floto, R. Andre, Folini, Marco, Follo, Carlo, Fon, Edward A, Fornai, Francesco, Fortunato, Franco, Fraldi, Alessandro, Franco, Rodrigo, Francois, Arnaud, François, Aurélie, Frankel, Lisa B, Fraser, Iain Dc, Frey, Norbert, Freyssenet, Damien G, Frezza, Christian, Friedman, Scott L, Frigo, Daniel E, Fu, Dongxu, Fuentes, José M, Fueyo, Juan, Fujitani, Yoshio, Fujiwara, Yuuki, Fujiya, Mikihiro, Fukuda, Mitsunori, Fulda, Simone, Fusco, Carmela, Gabryel, Bozena, Gaestel, Matthia, Gailly, Philippe, Gajewska, Malgorzata, Galadari, Sehamuddin, Galili, Gad, Galindo, Inmaculada, Galindo, Maria F, Galliciotti, Giovanna, Galluzzi, Lorenzo, Galluzzi, Luca, Galy, Vincent, Gammoh, Noor, Gandy, Sam, Ganesan, Anand K, Ganesan, Swamynathan, Ganley, Ian G, Gannagé, Monique, Gao, Fen Biao, Gao, Feng, Gao, Jian Xin, García Nannig, Lorena, García Véscovi, Eleonora, Garcia Macía, Marina, Garcia Ruiz, Carmen, Garg, Abhishek D, Garg, Pramod Kumar, Gargini, Ricardo, Gassen, Nils Christian, Gatica, Damián, Gatti, Evelina, Gavard, Julie, Gavathiotis, Evripidi, Ge, Liang, Ge, Pengfei, Ge, Shengfang, Gean, Po Wu, Gelmetti, Vania, Genazzani, Armando A, Geng, Jiefei, Genschik, Pascal, Gerner, Lisa, Gestwicki, Jason E, Gewirtz, David A, Ghavami, Saeid, Ghigo, Eric, Ghosh, Debabrata, Giammarioli, Anna Maria, Giampieri, Francesca, Giampietri, Claudia, Giatromanolaki, Alexandra, Gibbings, Derrick J, Gibellini, Lara, Gibson, Spencer B, Ginet, Vanessa, Giordano, Antonio, Giorgini, Flaviano, Giovannetti, Elisa, Girardin, Stephen E, Gispert, Suzana, Giuliano, Sandy, Gladson, Candece L, Glavic, Alvaro, Gleave, Martin, Godefroy, Nelly, Gogal, Robert M, Gokulan, Kuppan, Goldman, Gustavo H, Goletti, Delia, Goligorsky, Michael S, Gomes, Aldrin V, Gomes, Ligia C, Gomez, Hernando, Gomez Manzano, Candelaria, Gómez Sánchez, Rubén, Gonçalves, Dawit Ap, Goncu, Ebru, Gong, Qingqiu, Gongora, Céline, Gonzalez, Carlos B, Gonzalez Alegre, Pedro, Gonzalez Cabo, Pilar, González Polo, Rosa Ana, Goping, Ing Swie, Gorbea, Carlo, Gorbunov, Nikolai V, Goring, Daphne R, Gorman, Adrienne M, Gorski, Sharon M, Goruppi, Sandro, Goto Yamada, Shino, Gotor, Cecilia, Gottlieb, Roberta A, Gozes, Illana, Gozuacik, Devrim, Graba, Yacine, Graef, Martin, Granato, Giovanna E, Grant, Gary Dean, Grant, Steven, Gravina, Giovanni Luca, Green, Douglas R, Greenhough, Alexander, Greenwood, Michael T, Grimaldi, Benedetto, Gros, Frédéric, Grose, Charle, Groulx, Jean Francoi, Gruber, Florian, Grumati, Paolo, Grune, Tilman, Guan, Jun Lin, Guan, Kun Liang, Guerra, Barbara, Guillen, Carlo, Gulshan, Kailash, Gunst, Jan, Guo, Chuanyong, Guo, Lei, Guo, Ming, Guo, Wenjie, Guo, Xu Guang, Gust, Andrea A, Gustafsson, Åsa B, Gutierrez, Elaine, Gutierrez, Maximiliano G, Gwak, Ho Shin, Haas, Albert, Haber, James E, Hadano, Shinji, Hagedorn, Monica, Hahn, David R, Halayko, Andrew J, Hamacher Brady, Anne, Hamada, Kozo, Hamai, Ahmed, Hamann, Andrea, Hamasaki, Maho, Hamer, Isabelle, Hamid, Qutayba, Hammond, Ester M, Han, Feng, Han, Weidong, Handa, James T, Hanover, John A, Hansen, Malene, Harada, Masaru, Harhaji Trajkovic, Ljubica, Harper, J. Wade, Harrath, Abdel Halim, Harris, Adrian L, Harris, Jame, Hasler, Udo, Hasselblatt, Peter, Hasui, Kazuhisa, Hawley, Robert G, Hawley, Teresa S, He, Congcong, He, Cynthia Y, He, Fengtian, He, Gu, He, Rong Rong, He, Xian Hui, He, You Wen, He, Yu Ying, Heath, Joan K, Hébert, Marie Josée, Heinzen, Robert A, Helgason, Gudmundur Vignir, Hensel, Michael, Henske, Elizabeth P, Her, Chengtao, Herman, Paul K, Hernández, Agustín, Hernandez, Carlo, Hernández Tiedra, Sonia, Hetz, Claudio, Hiesinger, P. Robin, Higaki, Katsumi, Hilfiker, Sabine, Hill, Bradford G, Hill, Joseph A, Hill, William D, Hino, Keisuke, Hofius, Daniel, Hofman, Paul, Höglinger, Günter U, Höhfeld, Jörg, Holz, Marina K, Hong, Yonggeun, Hood, David A, Hoozemans, Jeroen Jm, Hoppe, Thorsten, Hsu, Chin, Hsu, Chin Yuan, Hsu, Li Chung, Hu, Dong, Hu, Guochang, Hu, Hong Ming, Hu, Hongbo, Hu, Ming Chang, Hu, Yu Chen, Hu, Zhuo Wei, Hua, Fang, Hua, Ya, Huang, Canhua, Huang, Huey Lan, Huang, Kuo How, Huang, Kuo Yang, Huang, Shile, Huang, Shiqian, Huang, Wei Pang, Huang, Yi Ran, Huang, Yong, Huang, Yunfei, Huber, Tobias B, Huebbe, Patricia, Huh, Won Ki, Hulmi, Juha J, Hur, Gang Min, Hurley, James H, Husak, Zvenyslava, Hussain, Sabah Na, Hussain, Salik, Hwang, Jung Jin, Hwang, Seungmin, Hwang, Thomas I, Ichihara, Atsuhiro, Imai, Yuzuru, Imbriano, Carol, Inomata, Megumi, Into, Takeshi, Iovane, Valentina, Iovanna, Juan L, Iozzo, Renato V, Ip, Nancy Y, Irazoqui, Javier E, Iribarren, Pablo, Isaka, Yoshitaka, Isakovic, Aleksandra J, Ischiropoulos, Harry, Isenberg, Jeffrey S, Ishaq, Mohammad, Ishida, Hiroyuki, Ishii, Isao, Ishmael, Jane E, Isidoro, Ciro, Isobe, Ken Ichi, Isono, Erika, Issazadeh Navikas, Shohreh, Itahana, Koji, Itakura, Eisuke, Ivanov, Andrei I, Iyer, Anand Krishnan V, Izquierdo, José M, Izumi, Yotaro, Izzo, Valentina, Jäättelä, Marja, Jaber, Nadia, Jackson, Daniel John, Jackson, William T, Jacob, Tony George, Jacques, Thomas S, Jagannath, Chinnaswamy, Jain, Ashish, Jana, Nihar Ranjan, Jang, Byoung Kuk, Jani, Alkesh, Janji, Bassam, Jannig, Paulo Roberto, Jansson, Patric J, Jean, Steve, Jendrach, Marina, Jeon, Ju Hong, Jessen, Niel, Jeung, Eui Bae, Jia, Kailiang, Jia, Lijun, Jiang, Hong, Jiang, Hongchi, Jiang, Liwen, Jiang, Teng, Jiang, Xiaoyan, Jiang, Xuejun, Jiang, Ying, Jiang, Yongjun, Jiménez, Alberto, Jin, Cheng, Jin, Hongchuan, Jin, Lei, Jin, Meiyan, Jin, Shengkan, Jinwal, Umesh Kumar, Jo, Eun Kyeong, Johansen, Terje, Johnson, Daniel E, Johnson, Gail Vw, Johnson, James D, Jonasch, Eric, Jones, Chri, Joosten, Leo Ab, Jordan, Joaquin, Joseph, Anna Maria, Joseph, Bertrand, Joubert, Annie M, Ju, Dianwen, Ju, Jingfang, Juan, Hsueh Fen, Juenemann, Katrin, Juhász, Gábor, Jung, Hye Seung, Jung, Jae U, Jung, Yong Keun, Jungbluth, Heinz, Justice, Matthew J, Jutten, Barry, Kaakoush, Nadeem O, Kaarniranta, Kai, Kaasik, Allen, Kabuta, Tomohiro, Kaeffer, Bertrand, Kågedal, Katarina, Kahana, Alon, Kajimura, Shingo, Kakhlon, Or, Kalia, Manjula, Kalvakolanu, Dhan V, Kamada, Yoshiaki, Kambas, Konstantino, Kaminskyy, Vitaliy O, Kampinga, Harm H, Kandouz, Mustapha, Kang, Chanhee, Kang, Rui, Kang, Tae Cheon, Kanki, Tomotake, Kanneganti, Thirumala Devi, Kanno, Haruo, Kanthasamy, Anumantha G, Kantorow, Marc, Kaparakis Liaskos, Maria, Kapuy, Orsolya, Karantza, Vassiliki, Karim, Md Razaul, Karmakar, Parimal, Kaser, Arthur, Kaushik, Susmita, Kawula, Thoma, Kaynar, A. Murat, Ke, Po Yuan, Ke, Zun Ji, Kehrl, John H, Keller, Kate E, Kemper, Jongsook Kim, Kenworthy, Anne K, Kepp, Oliver, Kern, Andrea, Kesari, Santosh, Kessel, David, Ketteler, Robin, Kettelhut, Isis do Carmo, Khambu, Bilon, Khan, Muzamil Majid, Khandelwal, Vinoth Km, Khare, Sangeeta, Kiang, Juliann G, Kiger, Amy A, Kihara, Akio, Kim, Arianna L, Kim, Cheol Hyeon, Kim, Deok Ryong, Kim, Do Hyung, Kim, Eung Kweon, Kim, Hye Young, Kim, Hyung Ryong, Kim, Jae Sung, Kim, Jeong Hun, Kim, Jin Cheon, Kim, Jin Hyoung, Kim, Kwang Woon, Kim, Michael D, Kim, Moon Moo, Kim, Peter K, Kim, Seong Who, Kim, Soo Youl, Kim, Yong Sun, Kim, Yonghyun, Kimchi, Adi, Kimmelman, Alec C, Kimura, Tomonori, King, Jason S, Kirkegaard, Karla, Kirkin, Vladimir, Kirshenbaum, Lorrie A, Kishi, Shuji, Kitajima, Yasuo, Kitamoto, Katsuhiko, Kitaoka, Yasushi, Kitazato, Kaio, Kley, Rudolf A, Klimecki, Walter T, Klinkenberg, Michael, Klucken, Jochen, Knævelsrud, Helene, Knecht, Erwin, Knuppertz, Laura, Ko, Jiunn Liang, Kobayashi, Satoru, Koch, Jan C, Koechlin Ramonatxo, Christelle, Koenig, Ulrich, Koh, Young Ho, Köhler, Katja, Kohlwein, Sepp D, Koike, Masato, Komatsu, Masaaki, Kominami, Eiki, Kong, Dexin, Kong, Hee Jeong, Konstantakou, Eumorphia G, Kopp, Benjamin T, Korcsmaros, Tama, Korhonen, Laura, Korolchuk, Viktor I, Koshkina, Nadya V, Kou, Yanjun, Koukourakis, Michael I, Koumenis, Constantino, Kovács, Attila L, Kovács, Tibor, Kovacs, Werner J, Koya, Daisuke, Kraft, Claudine, Krainc, Dimitri, Kramer, Helmut, Kravic Stevovic, Tamara, Krek, Wilhelm, Kretz Remy, Carole, Krick, Roswitha, Krishnamurthy, Malathi, Kriston Vizi, Jano, Kroemer, Guido, Kruer, Michael C, Kruger, Rejko, Ktistakis, Nicholas T, Kuchitsu, Kazuyuki, Kuhn, Christian, Kumar, Addanki Pratap, Kumar, Anuj, Kumar, Ashok, Kumar, Deepak, Kumar, Dhiraj, Kumar, Rakesh, Kumar, Sharad, Kundu, Mondira, Kung, Hsing Jien, Kuno, Atsushi, Kuo, Sheng Han, Kuret, Jeff, Kurz, Tino, Kwok, Terry, Kwon, Taeg Kyu, Kwon, Yong Tae, Kyrmizi, Irene, La Spada, Albert R, Lafont, Frank, Lahm, Tim, Lakkaraju, Aparna, Lam, Truong, Lamark, Trond, Lancel, Steve, Landowski, Terry H, Lane, Darius J. R, Lane, Jon D, Lanzi, Cinzia, Lapaquette, Pierre, Lapierre, Louis R, Laporte, Jocelyn, Laukkarinen, Johanna, Laurie, Gordon W, Lavandero, Sergio, Lavie, Lena, Lavoie, Matthew J, Law, Betty Yuen Kwan, Law, Helen Ka Wai, Law, Kelsey B, Layfield, Robert, Lazo, Pedro A, Le Cam, Laurent, Le Roch, Karine G, Le Stunff, Hervé, Leardkamolkarn, Vijittra, Lecuit, Marc, Lee, Byung Hoon, Lee, Che Hsin, Lee, Erinna F, Lee, Gyun Min, Lee, He Jin, Lee, Hsinyu, Lee, Jae Keun, Lee, Jongdae, Lee, Ju Hyun, Lee, Jun Hee, Lee, Michael, Lee, Myung Shik, Lee, Patty J, Lee, Sam W, Lee, Seung Jae, Lee, Shiow Ju, Lee, Stella Y, Lee, Sug Hyung, Lee, Sung Sik, Lee, Sung Joon, Lee, Sunhee, Lee, Ying Ray, Lee, Yong J, Lee, Young H, Leeuwenburgh, Christiaan, Lefort, Sylvain, Legouis, Renaud, Lei, Jinzhi, Lei, Qun Ying, Leib, David A, Leibowitz, Gil, Lekli, Istvan, Lemaire, Stéphane D, Lemasters, John J, Lemberg, Marius K, Lemoine, Antoinette, Leng, Shuilong, Lenz, Guido, Lenzi, Paola, Lerman, Lilach O, Lettieri Barbato, Daniele, Leu, Julia I. Ju, Leung, Hing Y, Levine, Beth, Lewis, Patrick A, Lezoualc'H, Frank, Li, Chi, Li, Faqiang, Li, Feng Jun, Li, Jun, Li, Ke, Li, Lian, Li, Min, Li, Qiang, Li, Rui, Li, Sheng, Li, Wei, Li, Xiaotao, Li, Yumin, Lian, Jiqin, Liang, Chengyu, Liang, Qiangrong, Liao, Yulin, Liberal, Joana, Liberski, Pawel P, Lie, Pearl, Lieberman, Andrew P, Lim, Hyunjung Jade, Lim, Kah Leong, Lim, Kyu, Lima, Raquel T, Lin, Chang Shen, Lin, Chiou Feng, Lin, Fang, Lin, Fangming, Lin, Fu Cheng, Lin, Kui, Lin, Kwang Huei, Lin, Pei Hui, Lin, Tianwei, Lin, Wan Wan, Lin, Yee Shin, Lin, Yong, Linden, Rafael, Lindholm, Dan, Lindqvist, Lisa M, Lingor, Paul, Linkermann, Andrea, Liotta, Lance A, Lipinski, Marta M, Lira, Vitor A, Lisanti, Michael P, Liton, Paloma B, Liu, Bo, Liu, Chong, Liu, Chun Feng, Liu, Fei, Liu, Hung Jen, Liu, Jianxun, Liu, Jing Jing, Liu, Jing Lan, Liu, Ke, Liu, Leyuan, Liu, Liang, Liu, Quentin, Liu, Rong Yu, Liu, Shiming, Liu, Shuwen, Liu, Wei, Liu, Xian De, Liu, Xiangguo, Liu, Xiao Hong, Liu, Xinfeng, Liu, Xu, Liu, Xueqin, Liu, Yang, Liu, Yule, Liu, Zexian, Liu, Zhe, Liuzzi, Juan P, Lizard, Gérard, Ljujic, Mila, Lodhi, Irfan J, Logue, Susan E, Lokeshwar, Bal L, Long, Yun Chau, Lonial, Sagar, Loos, Benjamin, López Otín, Carlo, López Vicario, Cristina, Lorente, Mar, Lorenzi, Philip L, Lõrincz, Péter, Los, Marek, Lotze, Michael T, Lovat, Penny E, Lu, Binfeng, Lu, Bo, Lu, Jiahong, Lu, Qing, Lu, She Min, Lu, Shuyan, Lu, Yingying, Luciano, Frédéric, Luckhart, Shirley, Lucocq, John Milton, Ludovico, Paula, Lugea, Aurelia, Lukacs, Nicholas W, Lum, Julian J, Lund, Anders H, Luo, Honglin, Luo, Jia, Luo, Shouqing, Luparello, Claudio, Lyons, Timothy, Ma, Jianjie, Ma, Yi, Ma, Yong, Ma, Zhenyi, Machado, Juliano, Machado Santelli, Glaucia M, Macian, Fernando, Macintosh, Gustavo C, Mackeigan, Jeffrey P, Macleod, Kay F, Macmicking, John D, MacMillan Crow, Lee Ann, Madeo, Frank, Madesh, Muniswamy, Madrigal Matute, Julio, Maeda, Akiko, Maeda, Tatsuya, Maegawa, Gustavo, Maellaro, Emilia, Maes, Hannelore, Magariños, Marta, Maiese, Kenneth, Maiti, Tapas K, Maiuri, Luigi, Maiuri, MARIA CHIARA, Maki, Carl G, Malli, Roland, Malorni, Walter, Maloyan, Alina, Mami Chouaib, Fathia, Man, Na, Mancias, Joseph D, Mandelkow, Eva Maria, Mandell, Michael A, Manfredi, Angelo A, Manié, Serge N, Manzoni, Claudia, Mao, Kai, Mao, Zixu, Mao, Zong Wan, Marambaud, Philippe, Marconi, Anna Maria, Marelja, Zvonimir, Marfe, Gabriella, Margeta, Marta, Margittai, Eva, Mari, Muriel, Mariani, Francesca V, Marin, Concepcio, Marinelli, Sara, Mariño, Guillermo, Markovic, Ivanka, Marquez, Rebecca, Martelli, Alberto M, Martens, Sascha, Martin, Katie R, Martin, Seamus J, Martin, Shaun, Martin Acebes, Miguel A, Martín Sanz, Paloma, Martinand Mari, Camille, Martinet, Wim, Martinez, Jennifer, Martinez Lopez, Nuria, Martinez Outschoorn, Ubaldo, Martínez Velázquez, Moisé, Martinez Vicente, Marta, Martins, Waleska Kerllen, Mashima, Hirosato, Mastrianni, James A, Matarese, Giuseppe, Matarrese, Paola, Mateo, Roberto, Matoba, Satoaki, Matsumoto, Naomichi, Matsushita, Takehiko, Matsuura, Akira, Matsuzawa, Takeshi, Mattson, Mark P, Matus, Soledad, Maugeri, Norma, Mauvezin, Caroline, Mayer, Andrea, Maysinger, Dusica, Mazzolini, Guillermo D, Mcbrayer, Mary Kate, Mccall, Kimberly, Mccormick, Craig, Mcinerney, Gerald M, Mciver, Skye C, Mckenna, Sharon, Mcmahon, John J, Mcneish, Iain A, Mechta Grigoriou, Fatima, Medema, Jan Paul, Medina, Diego L, Megyeri, Klara, Mehrpour, Maryam, Mehta, Jawahar L, Mei, Yide, Meier, Ute Christiane, Meijer, Alfred J, Meléndez, Alicia, Melino, Gerry, Melino, Sonia, de Melo, Edesio Jose Tenorio, Mena, Maria A, Meneghini, Marc D, Menendez, Javier A, Menezes, Regina, Meng, Liesu, Meng, Ling Hua, Meng, Songshu, Menghini, Rossella, Menko, A. Sue, Menna Barreto, Rubem F, Menon, Manoj B, Meraz Ríos, Marco A, Merla, Giuseppe, Merlini, Luciano, Merlot, Angelica M, Meryk, Andrea, Meschini, Stefania, Meyer, Joel N, Mi, Man Tian, Miao, Chao Yu, Micale, Lucia, Michaeli, Simon, Michiels, Carine, Migliaccio, Anna Rita, Mihailidou, Anastasia Susie, Mijaljica, Dalibor, Mikoshiba, Katsuhiko, Milan, Enrico, Miller Fleming, Leonor, Mills, Gordon B, Mills, Ian G, Minakaki, Georgia, Minassian, Berge A, Ming, Xiu Fen, Minibayeva, Farida, Minina, Elena A, Mintern, Justine D, Minucci, Saverio, Miranda Vizuete, Antonio, Mitchell, Claire H, Miyamoto, Shigeki, Miyazawa, Keisuke, Mizushima, Noboru, Mnich, Katarzyna, Mograbi, Baharia, Mohseni, Simin, Moita, Luis Ferreira, Molinari, Marco, Molinari, Maurizio, Møller, Andreas Buch, Mollereau, Bertrand, Mollinedo, Faustino, Mongillo, Marco, Monick, Martha M, Montagnaro, Serena, Montell, Craig, Moore, Darren J, Moore, Michael N, Mora Rodriguez, Rodrigo, Moreira, Paula I, Morel, Etienne, Morelli, Maria Beatrice, Moreno, Sandra, Morgan, Michael J, Moris, Arnaud, Moriyasu, Yuji, Morrison, Janna L, Morrison, Lynda A, Morselli, Eugenia, Moscat, Jorge, Moseley, Pope L, Mostowy, Serge, Motori, Elisa, Mottet, Deni, Mottram, Jeremy C, Moussa, Charbel E. H, Mpakou, Vassiliki E, Mukhtar, Hasan, Mulcahy Levy, Jean M, Muller, Sylviane, Muñoz Moreno, Raquel, Muñoz Pinedo, Cristina, Münz, Christian, Murphy, Maureen E, Murray, James T, Murthy, Aditya, Mysorekar, Indira U, Nabi, Ivan R, Nabissi, Massimo, Nader, Gustavo A, Nagahara, Yukitoshi, Nagai, Yoshitaka, Nagata, Kazuhiro, Nagelkerke, Anika, Nagy, Péter, Naidu, Samisubbu R, Nair, Sreejayan, Nakano, Hiroyasu, Nakatogawa, Hitoshi, Nanjundan, Meera, Napolitano, Gennaro, Naqvi, Naweed I, Nardacci, Roberta, Narendra, Derek P, Narita, Masashi, Nascimbeni, Anna Chiara, Natarajan, Ramesh, Navegantes, Luiz C, Nawrocki, Steffan T, Nazarko, Taras Y, Nazarko, Volodymyr Y, Neill, Thoma, Neri, Luca M, Netea, Mihai G, Netea Maier, Romana T, Neves, Bruno M, Ney, Paul A, Nezis, Ioannis P, Nguyen, Hang Tt, Nguyen, Huu Phuc, Nicot, Anne Sophie, Nilsen, Hilde, Nilsson, Per, Nishimura, Mikio, Nishino, Ichizo, Niso Santano, Mireia, Niu, Hua, Nixon, Ralph A, Njar, Vincent Co, Noda, Takeshi, Noegel, Angelika A, Nolte, Elsie Magdalena, Norberg, Erik, Norga, Koenraad K, Noureini, Sakineh Kazemi, Notomi, Shoji, Notterpek, Lucia, Nowikovsky, Karin, Nukina, Nobuyuki, Nürnberger, Thorsten, O'Donnell, Valerie B, O'Donovan, Tracey, O'Dwyer, Peter J, Oehme, Ina, Oeste, Clara L, Ogawa, Michinaga, Ogretmen, Besim, Ogura, Yuji, Oh, Young J, Ohmuraya, Masaki, Ohshima, Takayuki, Ojha, Rani, Okamoto, Koji, Okazaki, Toshiro, Oliver, F. Javier, Ollinger, Karin, Olsson, Stefan, Orban, Daniel P, Ordonez, Paulina, Orhon, Idil, Orosz, Laszlo, O'Rourke, Eyleen J, Orozco, Helena, Ortega, Angel L, Ortona, Elena, Osellame, Laura D, Oshima, Junko, Oshima, Shigeru, Osiewacz, Heinz D, Otomo, Takanobu, Otsu, Kinya, Ou, Jing Hsiung Jame, Outeiro, Tiago F, Ouyang, Dong Yun, Ouyang, Hongjiao, Overholtzer, Michael, Ozbun, Michelle A, Ozdinler, P. Hande, Ozpolat, Bulent, Pacelli, Consiglia, Paganetti, Paolo, Page, Guylène, Pages, Gille, Pagnini, Ugo, Pajak, Beata, Pak, Stephen C, Pakos Zebrucka, Karolina, Pakpour, Nazzy, Palková, Zdena, Palladino, Francesca, Pallauf, Kathrin, Pallet, Nicola, Palmieri, Marta, Paludan, Søren R, Palumbo, Camilla, Palumbo, Silvia, Pampliega, Olatz, Pan, Hongming, Pan, Wei, Panaretakis, Theochari, Pandey, Aseem, Pantazopoulou, Areti, Papackova, Zuzana, Papademetrio, Daniela L, Papassideri, Issidora, Papini, Alessio, Parajuli, Nirmala, Pardo, Julian, Parekh, Vrajesh V, Parenti, Giancarlo, Park, Jong In, Park, Junsoo, Park, Ohkmae K, Parker, Roy, Parlato, Rosanna, Parys, Jan B, Parzych, Katherine R, Pasquet, Jean Max, Pasquier, Benoit, Pasumarthi, Kishore B, Patschan, Daniel, Patterson, Cam, Pattingre, Sophie, Pattison, Scott, Pause, Arnim, Pavenstädt, Hermann, Pavone, Flaminia, Pedrozo, Zully, Peña, Fernando J, Peñalva, Miguel A, Pende, Mario, Peng, Jianxin, Penna, Fabio, Penninger, Josef M, Pensalfini, Anna, Pepe, Salvatore, Pereira, Gustavo J, Pereira, Paulo C, Pérez de la Cruz, Verónica, Pérez Pérez, María Esther, Pérez Rodríguez, Diego, Pérez Sala, Dolore, Perier, Celine, Perl, Andra, Perlmutter, David H, Perrotta, Ida, Pervaiz, Shazib, Pesonen, Maija, Pessin, Jeffrey E, Peters, Godefridus J, Petersen, Morten, Petrache, Irina, Petrof, Basil J, Petrovski, Goran, Phang, James M, Piacentini, Mauro, Pierdominici, Marina, Pierre, Philippe, Pierrefite Carle, Valérie, Pietrocola, Federico, Pimentel Muiños, Felipe X, Pinar, Mario, Pineda, Benjamin, Pinkas Kramarski, Ronit, Pinti, Marcello, Pinton, Paolo, Piperdi, Bilal, Piret, James M, Platanias, Leonidas C, Platta, Harald W, Plowey, Edward D, Pöggeler, Stefanie, Poirot, Marc, Polčic, Peter, Poletti, Angelo, Poon, Audrey H, Popelka, Hana, Popova, Blagovesta, Poprawa, Izabela, Poulose, Shibu M, Poulton, Joanna, Powers, Scott K, Powers, Ted, Pozuelo Rubio, Mercede, Prak, Krisna, Prange, Reinhild, Prescott, Mark, Priault, Muriel, Prince, Sharon, Proia, Richard L, Proikas Cezanne, Tassula, Prokisch, Holger, Promponas, Vasilis J, Przyklenk, Karin, Puertollano, Rosa, Pugazhenthi, Subbiah, Puglielli, Luigi, Pujol, Aurora, Puyal, Julien, Pyeon, Dohun, Qi, Xin, Qian, Wen Bin, Qin, Zheng Hong, Qiu, Yu, Qu, Ziwei, Quadrilatero, Joe, Quinn, Frederick, Raben, Nina, Rabinowich, Hannah, Radogna, Flavia, Ragusa, Michael J, Rahmani, Mohamed, Raina, Komal, Ramanadham, Sasanka, Ramesh, Rajagopal, Rami, Abdelhaq, Randall Demllo, Sarron, Randow, Felix, Rao, Hai, Rao, V. Ashutosh, Rasmussen, Blake B, Rasse, Tobias M, Ratovitski, Edward A, Rautou, Pierre Emmanuel, Ray, Swapan K, Razani, Babak, Reed, Bruce H, Reggiori, Fulvio, Rehm, Marku, Reichert, Andreas S, Rein, Theo, Reiner, David J, Reits, Eric, Ren, Jun, Ren, Xingcong, Renna, Maurizio, Reusch, Jane Eb, Revuelta, Jose L, Reyes, Leticia, Rezaie, Alireza R, Richards, Robert I, Richardson, Des R, Richetta, Clémence, Riehle, Michael A, Rihn, Bertrand H, Rikihisa, Yasuko, Riley, Brigit E, Rimbach, Gerald, Rippo, Maria Rita, Ritis, Konstantino, Rizzi, Federica, Rizzo, Elizete, Roach, Peter J, Robbins, Jeffrey, Roberge, Michel, Roca, Gabriela, Roccheri, Maria Carmela, Rocha, Sonia, Rodrigues, Cecilia Mp, Rodríguez, Clara I, de Cordoba, Santiago Rodriguez, Rodriguez Muela, Natalia, Roelofs, Jeroen, Rogov, Vladimir V, Rohn, Troy T, Rohrer, Bärbel, Romanelli, Davide, Romani, Luigina, Romano, Patricia Silvia, Roncero, M. Isabel G, Rosa, Jose Lui, Rosello, Alicia, Rosen, Kirill V, Rosenstiel, Philip, Rost Roszkowska, Magdalena, Roth, Kevin A, Roué, Gael, Rouis, Mustapha, Rouschop, Kasper M, Ruan, Daniel T, Ruano, Diego, Rubinsztein, David C, Rucker, Edmund B, Rudich, Assaf, Rudolf, Emil, Rudolf, Ruediger, Ruegg, Markus A, Ruiz Roldan, Carmen, Ruparelia, Avnika Ashok, Rusmini, Paola, Russ, David W, Russo, Gian Luigi, Russo, Giuseppe, Russo, Rossella, Rusten, Tor Erik, Ryabovol, Victoria, Ryan, Kevin M, Ryter, Stefan W, Sabatini, David M, Sacher, Michael, Sachse, Carsten, Sack, Michael N, Sadoshima, Junichi, Saftig, Paul, Sagi Eisenberg, Ronit, Sahni, Sumit, Saikumar, Pothana, Saito, Tsunenori, Saitoh, Tatsuya, Sakakura, Koichi, Sakoh Nakatogawa, Machiko, Sakuraba, Yasuhito, Salazar Roa, María, Salomoni, Paolo, Saluja, Ashok K, Salvaterra, Paul M, Salvioli, Rosa, Samali, Afshin, Sanchez, Anthony Mj, Sánchez Alcázar, José A, Sanchez Prieto, Ricardo, Sandri, Marco, Sanjuan, Miguel A, Santaguida, Stefano, Santambrogio, Laura, Santoni, Giorgio, Dos Santos, Claudia Nune, Saran, Shweta, Sardiello, Marco, Sargent, Graeme, Sarkar, Pallabi, Sarkar, Sovan, Sarrias, Maria Rosa, Sarwal, Minnie M, Sasakawa, Chihiro, Sasaki, Motoko, Sass, Miklo, Sato, Ken, Sato, Miyuki, Satriano, Joseph, Savaraj, Niramol, Saveljeva, Svetlana, Schaefer, Liliana, Schaible, Ulrich E, Scharl, Michael, Schatzl, Hermann M, Schekman, Randy, Scheper, Wiep, Schiavi, Alfonso, Schipper, Hyman M, Schmeisser, Hana, Schmidt, Jen, Schmitz, Ingo, Schneider, Bianca E, Schneider, E. Marion, Schneider, Jaime L, Schon, Eric A, Schönenberger, Miriam J, Schönthal, Axel H, Schorderet, Daniel F, Schröder, Bernd, Schuck, Sebastian, Schulze, Ryan J, Schwarten, Melanie, Schwarz, Thomas L, Sciarretta, Sebastiano, Scotto, Kathleen, Scovassi, A. Ivana, Screaton, Robert A, Screen, Mark, Seca, Hugo, Sedej, Simon, Segatori, Laura, Segev, Nava, Seglen, Per O, Seguí Simarro, Jose M, Segura Aguilar, Juan, Seki, Ekihiro, Sell, Christian, Seiliez, Iban, Semenkovich, Clay F, Semenza, Gregg L, Sen, Utpal, Serra, Andreas L, Serrano Puebla, Ana, Sesaki, Hiromi, Setoguchi, Takao, Settembre, Carmine, Shacka, John J, Shajahan Haq, Ayesha N, Shapiro, Irving M, Sharma, Shweta, She, Hua, Shen, C. K. Jame, Shen, Chiung Chyi, Shen, Han Ming, Shen, Sanbing, Shen, Weili, Sheng, Rui, Sheng, Xianyong, Sheng, Zu Hang, Shepherd, Trevor G, Shi, Junyan, Shi, Qiang, Shi, Qinghua, Shi, Yuguang, Shibutani, Shusaku, Shibuya, Kenichi, Shidoji, Yoshihiro, Shieh, Jeng Jer, Shih, Chwen Ming, Shimada, Yohta, Shimizu, Shigeomi, Shin, Dong Wook, Shinohara, Mari L, Shintani, Michiko, Shintani, Takahiro, Shioi, Tetsuo, Shirabe, Ken, Shiri Sverdlov, Ronit, Shirihai, Orian, Shore, Gordon C, Shu, Chih Wen, Shukla, Deepak, Sibirny, Andriy A, Sica, Valentina, Sigurdson, Christina J, Sigurdsson, Einar M, Sijwali, Puran Singh, Sikorska, Beata, Silveira, Wilian A, Silvente Poirot, Sandrine, Silverman, Gary A, Simak, Jan, Simmet, Thoma, Simon, Anna Katharina, Simon, Hans Uwe, Simone, Cristiano, Simons, Matia, Simonsen, Anne, Singh, Rajat, Singh, Shivendra V, Singh, Shrawan K, Sinha, Debasish, Sinha, Sangita, Sinicrope, Frank A, Sirko, Agnieszka, Sirohi, Kapil, Sishi, Balindiwe Jn, Sittler, Annie, Siu, Parco M, Sivridis, Efthimio, Skwarska, Anna, Slack, Ruth, Slaninová, Iva, Slavov, Nikolai, Smaili, Soraya S, Smalley, Keiran Sm, Smith, Duncan R, Soenen, Stefaan J, Soleimanpour, Scott A, Solhaug, Anita, Somasundaram, Kumaravel, Son, Jin H, Sonawane, Avinash, Song, Chunjuan, Song, Fuyong, Song, Hyun Kyu, Song, Ju Xian, Song, Wei, Soo, Kai Y, Sood, Anil K, Soong, Tuck Wah, Soontornniyomkij, Virawudh, Sorice, Maurizio, Sotgia, Federica, Soto Pantoja, David R, Sotthibundhu, Areechun, Sousa, Maria João, Spaink, Herman P, Span, Paul N, Spang, Anne, Sparks, Janet D, Speck, Peter G, Spector, Stephen A, Spies, Claudia D, Springer, Wolfdieter, Clair, Daret St, Stacchiotti, Alessandra, Staels, Bart, Stang, Michael T, Starczynowski, Daniel T, Starokadomskyy, Petro, Steegborn, Clemen, Steele, John W, Stefanis, Leonida, Steffan, Joan, Stellrecht, Christine M, Stenmark, Harald, Stepkowski, Tomasz M, Stern, Stęphan T, Stevens, Craig, Stockwell, Brent R, Stoka, Veronika, Storchova, Zuzana, Stork, Björn, Stratoulias, Vassili, Stravopodis, Dimitrios J, Strnad, Pavel, Strohecker, Anne Marie, Ström, Anna Lena, Stromhaug, Per, Stulik, Jiri, Su, Yu Xiong, Su, Zhaoliang, Subauste, Carlos S, Subramaniam, Srinivasa, Sue, Carolyn M, Suh, Sang Won, Sui, Xinbing, Sukseree, Supawadee, Sulzer, David, Sun, Fang Lin, Sun, Jiaren, Sun, Jun, Sun, Shi Yong, Sun, Yang, Sun, Yi, Sun, Yingjie, Sundaramoorthy, Vinod, Sung, Joseph, Suzuki, Hidekazu, Suzuki, Kuninori, Suzuki, Naoki, Suzuki, Tadashi, Suzuki, Yuichiro J, Swanson, Michele S, Swanton, Charle, Swärd, Karl, Swarup, Ghanshyam, Sweeney, Sean T, Sylvester, Paul W, Szatmari, Zsuzsanna, Szegezdi, Eva, Szlosarek, Peter W, Taegtmeyer, Heinrich, Tafani, Marco, Taillebourg, Emmanuel, Tait, Stephen Wg, Takacs Vellai, Krisztina, Takahashi, Yoshinori, Takáts, Szabolc, Takemura, Genzou, Takigawa, Nagio, Talbot, Nicholas J, Tamagno, Elena, Tamburini, Jerome, Tan, Cai Ping, Tan, Lan, Tan, Mei Lan, Tan, Ming, Tan, Yee Joo, Tanaka, Keiji, Tanaka, Masaki, Tang, Daolin, Tang, Dingzhong, Tang, Guomei, Tanida, Isei, Tanji, Kunikazu, Tannous, Bakhos A, Tapia, Jose A, Tasset Cuevas, Inmaculada, Tatar, Marc, Tavassoly, Iman, Tavernarakis, Nektario, Taylor, Allen, Taylor, Graham S, Taylor, Gregory A, Taylor, J. Paul, Taylor, Mark J, Tchetina, Elena V, Tee, Andrew R, Teixeira Clerc, Fatima, Telang, Sucheta, Tencomnao, Tewin, Teng, Ba Bie, Teng, Ru Jeng, Terro, Faraj, Tettamanti, Gianluca, Theiss, Arianne L, Theron, Anne E, Thomas, Kelly Jean, Thomé, Marcos P, Thomes, Paul G, Thorburn, Andrew, Thorner, Jeremy, Thum, Thoma, Thumm, Michael, Thurston, Teresa Lm, Tian, Ling, Till, Andrea, Ting, Jenny Pan Yun, Titorenko, Vladimir I, Toker, Lilach, Toldo, Stefano, Tooze, Sharon A, Topisirovic, Ivan, Torgersen, Maria Lyngaa, Torosantucci, Liliana, Torriglia, Alicia, Torrisi, Maria Rosaria, Tournier, Cathy, Towns, Roberto, Trajkovic, Vladimir, Travassos, Leonardo H, Triola, Gemma, Tripathi, Durga Nand, Trisciuoglio, Daniela, Troncoso, Rodrigo, Trougakos, Ioannis P, Truttmann, Anita C, Tsai, Kuen Jer, Tschan, Mario P, Tseng, Yi Hsin, Tsukuba, Takayuki, Tsung, Allan, Tsvetkov, Andrey S, Tu, Shuiping, Tuan, Hsing Yu, Tucci, Marco, Tumbarello, David A, Turk, Bori, Turk, Vito, Turner, Robin Fb, Tveita, Anders A, Tyagi, Suresh C, Ubukata, Makoto, Uchiyama, Yasuo, Udelnow, Andrej, Ueno, Takashi, Umekawa, Midori, Umemiya Shirafuji, Rika, Underwood, Benjamin R, Ungermann, Christian, Ureshino, Rodrigo P, Ushioda, Ryo, Uversky, Vladimir N, Uzcátegui, Néstor L, Vaccari, Thoma, Vaccaro, Maria I, Váchová, Libuše, Vakifahmetoglu Norberg, Helin, Valdor, Rut, Valente, Enza Maria, Vallette, Francoi, Valverde, Angela M, Van den Berghe, Greet, Van Den Bosch, Ludo, van den Brink, Gijs R, van der Goot, F. Gisou, van der Klei, Ida J, van der Laan, Luc Jw, van Doorn, Wouter G, van Egmond, Marjolein, van Golen, Kenneth L, Van Kaer, Luc, van Lookeren Campagne, Menno, Vandenabeele, Peter, Vandenberghe, Wim, Vanhorebeek, Ilse, Varela Nieto, Isabel, Vasconcelos, M. Helena, Vasko, Radovan, Vavvas, Demetrios G, Vega Naredo, Ignacio, Velasco, Guillermo, Velentzas, Athanassios D, Velentzas, Panagiotis D, Vellai, Tibor, Vellenga, Edo, Vendelbo, Mikkel Holm, Venkatachalam, Kartik, Ventura, Natascia, Ventura, Salvador, Veras, Patrícia St, Verdier, Mireille, Vertessy, Beata G, Viale, Andrea, Vidal, Michel, Vieira, Helena L. A, Vierstra, Richard D, Vigneswaran, Nadarajah, Vij, Neeraj, Vila, Miquel, Villar, Margarita, Villar, Victor H, Villarroya, Joan, Vindis, Cécile, Viola, Giampietro, Viscomi, Maria Teresa, Vitale, Giovanni, Vogl, Dan T, Voitsekhovskaja, Olga V, von Haefen, Clarissa, von Schwarzenberg, Karin, Voth, Daniel E, Vouret Craviari, Valérie, Vuori, Kristina, Vyas, Jatin M, Waeber, Christian, Walker, Cheryl Lyn, Walker, Mark J, Walter, Jochen, Wan, Lei, Wan, Xiangbo, Wang, Bo, Wang, Caihong, Wang, Chao Yung, Wang, Chengshu, Wang, Chenran, Wang, Chuangui, Wang, Dong, Wang, Fen, Wang, Fuxin, Wang, Guanghui, Wang, Hai Jie, Wang, Haichao, Wang, Hong Gang, Wang, Hongmin, Wang, Horng Dar, Wang, Jing, Wang, Junjun, Wang, Mei, Wang, Mei Qing, Wang, Pei Yu, Wang, Peng, Wang, Richard C, Wang, Shuo, Wang, Ting Fang, Wang, Xian, Wang, Xiao Jia, Wang, Xiao Wei, Wang, Xin, Wang, Xuejun, Wang, Yan, Wang, Yanming, Wang, Ying, Wang, Ying Jan, Wang, Yipeng, Wang, Yu, Wang, Yu Tian, Wang, Yuqing, Wang, Zhi Nong, Wappner, Pablo, Ward, Carl, Ward, Diane McVey, Warnes, Gary, Watada, Hirotaka, Watanabe, Yoshihisa, Watase, Kei, Weaver, Timothy E, Weekes, Colin D, Wei, Jiwu, Weide, Thoma, Weihl, Conrad C, Weindl, Günther, Weis, Simone Nardin, Wen, Longping, Wen, Xin, Wen, Yunfei, Westermann, Benedikt, Weyand, Cornelia M, White, Anthony R, White, Eileen, Whitton, J. Lindsay, Whitworth, Alexander J, Wiels, Joëlle, Wild, Franziska, Wildenberg, Manon E, Wileman, Tom, Wilkinson, Deepti Sriniva, Wilkinson, Simon, Willbold, Dieter, Williams, Chri, Williams, Katherine, Williamson, Peter R, Winklhofer, Konstanze F, Witkin, Steven S, Wohlgemuth, Stephanie E, Wollert, Thoma, Wolvetang, Ernst J, Wong, Esther, Wong, G. William, Wong, Richard W, Wong, Vincent Kam Wai, Woodcock, Elizabeth A, Wright, Karen L, Wu, Chunlai, Wu, Defeng, Wu, Gen Sheng, Wu, Jian, Wu, Junfang, Wu, Mian, Wu, Min, Wu, Shengzhou, Wu, William Kk, Wu, Yaohua, Wu, Zhenlong, Xavier, Cristina Pr, Xavier, Ramnik J, Xia, Gui Xian, Xia, Tian, Xia, Weiliang, Xia, Yong, Xiao, Hengyi, Xiao, Jian, Xiao, Shi, Xiao, Wuhan, Xie, Chuan Ming, Xie, Zhiping, Xie, Zhonglin, Xilouri, Maria, Xiong, Yuyan, Xu, Chuanshan, Xu, Congfeng, Xu, Feng, Xu, Haoxing, Xu, Hongwei, Xu, Jian, Xu, Jianzhen, Xu, Jinxian, Xu, Liang, Xu, Xiaolei, Xu, Yangqing, Xu, Ye, Xu, Zhi Xiang, Xu, Ziheng, Xue, Yu, Yamada, Takahiro, Yamamoto, Ai, Yamanaka, Koji, Yamashina, Shunhei, Yamashiro, Shigeko, Yan, Bing, Yan, Bo, Yan, Xianghua, Yan, Zhen, Yanagi, Yasuo, Yang, Dun Sheng, Yang, Jin Ming, Yang, Liu, Yang, Minghua, Yang, Pei Ming, Yang, Peixin, Yang, Qian, Yang, Wannian, Yang, Wei Yuan, Yang, Xuesong, Yang, Yi, Yang, Ying, Yang, Zhifen, Yang, Zhihong, Yao, Meng Chao, Yao, Pamela J, Yao, Xiaofeng, Yao, Zhenyu, Yao, Zhiyuan, Yasui, Linda S, Ye, Mingxiang, Yedvobnick, Barry, Yeganeh, Behzad, Yeh, Elizabeth S, Yeyati, Patricia L, Yi, Fan, Yi, Long, Yin, Xiao Ming, Yip, Calvin K, Yoo, Yeong Min, Yoo, Young Hyun, Yoon, Seung Yong, Yoshida, Ken Ichi, Yoshimori, Tamotsu, Young, Ken H, Yu, Huixin, Yu, Jane J, Yu, Jin Tai, Yu, Jun, Yu, Li, Yu, W. Haung, Yu, Xiao Fang, Yu, Zhengping, Yuan, Junying, Yuan, Zhi Min, Yue, Beatrice Yjt, Yue, Jianbo, Yue, Zhenyu, Zacks, David N, Zacksenhaus, Eldad, Zaffaroni, Nadia, Zaglia, Tania, Zakeri, Zahra, Zecchini, Vincent, Zeng, Jinsheng, Zeng, Min, Zeng, Qi, Zervos, Antonis S, Zhang, Donna D, Zhang, Fan, Zhang, Guo, Zhang, Guo Chang, Zhang, Hao, Zhang, Hong, Zhang, Hongbing, Zhang, Jian, Zhang, Jiangwei, Zhang, Jianhua, Zhang, Jing Pu, Zhang, Li, Zhang, Lin, Zhang, Long, Zhang, Ming Yong, Zhang, Xiangnan, Zhang, Xu Dong, Zhang, Yan, Zhang, Yang, Zhang, Yanjin, Zhang, Yingmei, Zhang, Yunjiao, Zhao, Mei, Zhao, Wei Li, Zhao, Xiaonan, Zhao, Yan G, Zhao, Ying, Zhao, Yongchao, Zhao, Yu Xia, Zhao, Zhendong, Zhao, Zhizhuang J, Zheng, Dexian, Zheng, Xi Long, Zheng, Xiaoxiang, Zhivotovsky, Bori, Zhong, Qing, Zhou, Guang Zhou, Zhou, Guofei, Zhou, Huiping, Zhou, Shu Feng, Zhou, Xu Jie, Zhu, Hongxin, Zhu, Hua, Zhu, Wei Guo, Zhu, Wenhua, Zhu, Xiao Feng, Zhu, Yuhua, Zhuang, Shi Mei, Zhuang, Xiaohong, Ziparo, Elio, Zois, Christos E, Zoladek, Teresa, Zong, Wei Xing, Zorzano, Antonio, Zughaier, Susu M., MEDINA SANABRIA, Diego Luis, RS: GROW - R2 - Basic and Translational Cancer Biology, RS: NUTRIM - R2 - Gut-liver homeostasis, Molecular Genetics, Beeldvorming, Genetica & Celbiologie, Medical oncology laboratory, CCA - Target Discovery & Preclinial Therapy Development, Pathology, Amsterdam Neuroscience - Cellular & Molecular Mechanisms, CCA - Clinical Therapy Development, Human genetics, Surgery, Molecular cell biology and Immunology, Klionsky, Dj, Abdelmohsen, K, Abe, A, Abedin, Mj, Abeliovich, H, Acevedo Arozena, A, Adachi, H, Adams, Cm, Adams, Pd, Adeli, K, Adhihetty, Pj, Adler, Sg, Agam, G, Agarwal, R, Aghi, Mk, Agnello, M, Agostinis, P, Aguilar, Pv, Aguirre Ghiso, J, Airoldi, Em, Ait Si Ali, S, Akematsu, T, Akporiaye, Et, Al Rubeai, M, Albaiceta, Gm, Albanese, C, Albani, D, Albert, Ml, Aldudo, J, Algül, H, Alirezaei, M, Alloza, I, Almasan, A, Almonte Beceril, M, Alnemri, E, Alonso, C, Altan Bonnet, N, Altieri, Dc, Alvarez, S, Alvarez Erviti, L, Alves, S, Amadoro, G, Amano, A, Amantini, C, Ambrosio, S, Amelio, I, Amer, Ao, Amessou, M, Amon, A, An, Z, Anania, Fa, Andersen, Su, Andley, Up, Andreadi, Ck, Andrieu Abadie, N, Anel, A, Ann, Dk, Anoopkumar Dukie, S, Antonioli, M, Aoki, H, Apostolova, N, Aquila, S, Aquilano, K, Araki, K, Arama, E, Aranda, A, Araya, J, Arcaro, A, Arias, E, Arimoto, H, Ariosa, Ar, Armstrong, Jl, Arnould, T, Arsov, I, Asanuma, K, Askanas, V, Asselin, E, Atarashi, R, Atherton, S, Atkin, Jd, Attardi, Ld, Auberger, P, Auburger, G, Aurelian, L, Autelli, R, Avagliano, L, Avantaggiati, Ml, Avrahami, L, Awale, S, Azad, N, Bachetti, T, Backer, Jm, Bae, Dh, Bae, J, Bae, On, Bae, Sh, Baehrecke, Eh, Baek, Sh, Baghdiguian, S, Bagniewska Zadworna, A, Bai, H, Bai, J, Bai, Xy, Bailly, Y, Balaji, Kn, Balduini, W, Ballabio, A, Balzan, R, Banerjee, R, Bánhegyi, G, Bao, H, Barbeau, B, Barrachina, Md, Barreiro, E, Bartel, B, Bartolomé, A, Bassham, Dc, Bassi, Mt, Bast RC, Jr, Basu, A, Batista, Mt, Batoko, H, Battino, M, Bauckman, K, Baumgarner, Bl, Bayer, Ku, Beale, R, Beaulieu, Jf, Beck GR, Jr, Becker, C, Beckham, Jd, Bédard, Pa, Bednarski, Pj, Begley, Tj, Behl, C, Behrends, C, Behrens, Gm, Behrns, Ke, Bejarano, E, Belaid, A, Belleudi, F, Bénard, G, Berchem, G, Bergamaschi, D, Bergami, M, Berkhout, B, Berliocchi, L, Bernard, A, Bernard, M, Bernassola, F, Bertolotti, A, Bess, A, Besteiro, S, Bettuzzi, S, Bhalla, S, Bhattacharyya, S, Bhutia, Sk, Biagosch, C, Bianchi, Mw, Biard Piechaczyk, M, Billes, V, Bincoletto, C, Bingol, B, Bird, Sw, Bitoun, M, Bjedov, I, Blackstone, C, Blanc, L, Blanco, Ga, Blomhoff, Hk, Boada Romero, E, Böckler, S, Boes, M, Boesze Battaglia, K, Boise, Lh, Bolino, A, Boman, A, Bonaldo, P, Bordi, M, Bosch, J, Botana, Lm, Botti, J, Bou, G, Bouché, M, Bouchecareilh, M, Boucher, Mj, Boulton, Me, Bouret, Sg, Boya, P, Boyer Guittaut, M, Bozhkov, Pv, Brady, N, Braga, Vm, Brancolini, C, Braus, Gh, Bravo San Pedro, Jm, Brennan, La, Bresnick, Eh, Brest, P, Bridges, D, Bringer, Ma, Brini, M, Brito, Gc, Brodin, B, Brookes, P, Brown, Ej, Brown, K, Broxmeyer, He, Bruhat, A, Brum, Pc, Brumell, Jh, Brunetti Pierri, N, Bryson Richardson, Rj, Buch, S, Buchan, Am, Budak, H, Bulavin, Dv, Bultman, Sj, Bultynck, G, Bumbasirevic, V, Burelle, Y, Burke, Re, Burmeister, M, Bütikofer, P, Caberlotto, L, Cadwell, K, Cahova, M, Cai, D, Cai, J, Cai, Q, Calatayud, S, Camougrand, N, Campanella, M, Campbell, Gr, Campbell, M, Campello, S, Candau, R, Caniggia, I, Cantoni, L, Cao, L, Caplan, Ab, Caraglia, M, Cardinali, C, Cardoso, Sm, Carew, J, Carleton, La, Carlin, Cr, Carloni, S, Carlsson, Sr, Carmona Gutierrez, D, Carneiro, La, Carnevali, O, Carra, S, Carrier, A, Carroll, B, Casas, C, Casas, J, Cassinelli, G, Castets, P, Castro Obregon, S, Cavallini, G, Ceccherini, I, Cecconi, F, Cederbaum, Ai, Ceña, V, Cenci, S, Cerella, C, Cervia, D, Cetrullo, S, Chaachouay, H, Chae, Hj, Chagin, A, Chai, Cy, Chakrabarti, G, Chamilos, G, Chan, Ey, Chan, Mt, Chandra, D, Chandra, P, Chang, Cp, Chang, Rc, Chang, Ty, Chatham, Jc, Chatterjee, S, Chauhan, S, Che, Y, Cheetham, Me, Cheluvappa, R, Chen, Cj, Chen, G, Chen, Gc, Chen, H, Chen, Jw, Chen, Jk, Chen, M, Chen, P, Chen, Q, Chen, Sd, Chen, S, Chen, W, Chen, Wj, Chen, Wq, Chen, X, Chen, Yh, Chen, Yg, Chen, Y, Chen, Yj, Chen, Yq, Chen, Z, Cheng, A, Cheng, Ch, Cheng, H, Cheong, H, Cherry, S, Chesney, J, Cheung, Ch, Chevet, E, Chi, Hc, Chi, Sg, Chiacchiera, F, Chiang, Hl, Chiarelli, R, Chiariello, M, Chieppa, M, Chin, L, Chiong, M, Chiu, Gn, Cho, Dh, Cho, Sg, Cho, Wc, Cho, Yy, Cho, Y, Choi, Am, Choi, Ej, Choi, Ek, Choi, J, Choi, Me, Choi, Si, Chou, Tf, Chouaib, S, Choubey, D, Choubey, V, Chow, Kc, Chowdhury, K, Chu, Ct, Chuang, Th, Chun, T, Chung, H, Chung, T, Chung, Yl, Chwae, Yj, Cianfanelli, V, Ciarcia, R, Ciechomska, Ia, Ciriolo, Mr, Cirone, M, Claerhout, S, Clague, Mj, Clària, J, Clarke, Pg, Clarke, R, Clementi, E, Cleyrat, C, Cnop, M, Coccia, Em, Cocco, T, Codogno, P, Coers, J, Cohen, Ee, Colecchia, D, Coletto, L, Coll, N, Colucci Guyon, E, Comincini, S, Condello, M, Cook, Kl, Coombs, Gh, Cooper, Cd, Cooper, Jm, Coppens, I, Corasaniti, Mt, Corazzari, M, Corbalan, R, Corcelle Termeau, E, Cordero, Md, Corral Ramos, C, Corti, O, Cossarizza, A, Costelli, P, Costes, S, Cotman, Sl, Coto Montes, A, Cottet, S, Couve, E, Covey, Lr, Cowart, La, Cox, J, Coxon, Fp, Coyne, Cb, Cragg, M, Craven, Rj, Crepaldi, T, Crespo, Jl, Criollo, A, Crippa, V, Cruz, Mt, Cuervo, Am, Cuezva, Jm, Cui, T, Cutillas, Pr, Czaja, Mj, Czyzyk Krzeska, Mf, Dagda, Rk, Dahmen, U, Dai, C, Dai, W, Dai, Y, Dalby, Kn, Dalla Valle, L, Dalmasso, G, D'Amelio, M, Damme, M, Darfeuille Michaud, A, Dargemont, C, Darley Usmar, Vm, Dasarathy, S, Dasgupta, B, Dash, S, Dass, Cr, Davey, Hm, Davids, Lm, Dávila, D, Davis, Rj, Dawson, Tm, Dawson, Vl, Daza, P, de Belleroche, J, de Figueiredo, P, de Figueiredo, Rc, de la Fuente, J, De Martino, L, De Matteis, A, De Meyer, Gr, De Milito, A, De Santi, M, de Souza, W, De Tata, V, De Zio, D, Debnath, J, Dechant, R, Decuypere, Jp, Deegan, S, Dehay, B, Del Bello, B, Del Re, Dp, Delage Mourroux, R, Delbridge, Lm, Deldicque, L, Delorme Axford, E, Deng, Y, Dengjel, J, Denizot, M, Dent, P, Der, Cj, Deretic, V, Derrien, B, Deutsch, E, Devarenne, Tp, Devenish, Rj, Di Bartolomeo, S, Di Daniele, N, Di Domenico, F, Di Nardo, A, Di Paola, S, Di Pietro, A, Di Renzo, L, Diantonio, A, Díaz Araya, G, Díaz Laviada, I, Diaz Meco, Mt, Diaz Nido, J, Dickey, Ca, Dickson, Rc, Diederich, M, Digard, P, Dikic, I, Dinesh Kumar, Sp, Ding, C, Ding, Wx, Ding, Z, Distler, Jh, Diwan, A, Djavaheri Mergny, M, Dmytruk, K, Dobson, Rc, Doetsch, V, Dokladny, K, Dokudovskaya, S, Donadelli, M, Dong, Xc, Dong, X, Dong, Z, Donohue TM, Jr, Doran, K, D'Orazi, G, Dorn GW, 2nd, Dosenko, V, Dridi, S, Drucker, L, Du, J, Du, Ll, Du, L, du Toit, A, Dua, P, Duan, L, Duann, P, Dubey, Vk, Duchen, Mr, Duchosal, Ma, Duez, H, Dugail, I, Dumit, Vi, Duncan, Mc, Dunlop, Ea, Dunn WA, Jr, Dupont, N, Dupuis, L, Durán, Rv, Durcan, Tm, Duvezin Caubet, S, Duvvuri, U, Eapen, V, Ebrahimi Fakhari, D, Echard, A, Eckhart, L, Edelstein, Cl, Edinger, Al, Eichinger, L, Eisenberg, T, Eisenberg Lerner, A, Eissa, Nt, El Deiry, W, El Khoury, V, Elazar, Z, Eldar Finkelman, H, Elliott, Cj, Emanuele, E, Emmenegger, U, Engedal, N, Engelbrecht, Am, Engelender, S, Enserink, Jm, Erdmann, R, Erenpreisa, J, Eri, R, Eriksen, Jl, Erman, A, Escalante, R, Eskelinen, El, Espert, L, Esteban Martínez, L, Evans, Tj, Fabri, M, Fabrias, G, Fabrizi, C, Facchiano, A, Færgeman, Nj, Faggioni, A, Fairlie, Wd, Fan, C, Fan, D, Fan, J, Fang, S, Fanto, M, Fanzani, A, Farkas, T, Faure, M, Favier, Fb, Fearnhead, H, Federici, M, Fei, E, Felizardo, Tc, Feng, H, Feng, Y, Ferguson, Ta, Fernández, Áf, Fernandez Barrena, Mg, Fernandez Checa, Jc, Fernández López, A, Fernandez Zapico, Me, Feron, O, Ferraro, E, Ferreira Halder, Cv, Fesus, L, Feuer, R, Fiesel, Fc, Filippi Chiela, Ec, Filomeni, G, Fingert, Jh, Finkbeiner, S, Finkel, T, Fiorito, F, Fisher, Pb, Flajolet, M, Flamigni, F, Florey, O, Florio, S, Floto, Ra, Folini, M, Follo, C, Fon, Ea, Fornai, F, Fortunato, F, Fraldi, A, Franco, R, Francois, A, François, A, Frankel, Lb, Fraser, Id, Frey, N, Freyssenet, Dg, Frezza, C, Friedman, Sl, Frigo, De, Fu, D, Fuentes, Jm, Fueyo, J, Fujitani, Y, Fujiwara, Y, Fujiya, M, Fukuda, M, Fulda, S, Fusco, C, Gabryel, B, Gaestel, M, Gailly, P, Gajewska, M, Galadari, S, Galili, G, Galindo, I, Galindo, Mf, Galliciotti, G, Galluzzi, L, Galy, V, Gammoh, N, Gandy, S, Ganesan, Ak, Ganesan, S, Ganley, Ig, Gannagé, M, Gao, Fb, Gao, F, Gao, Jx, García Nannig, L, García Véscovi, E, Garcia Macía, M, Garcia Ruiz, C, Garg, Ad, Garg, Pk, Gargini, R, Gassen, Nc, Gatica, D, Gatti, E, Gavard, J, Gavathiotis, E, Ge, L, Ge, P, Ge, S, Gean, Pw, Gelmetti, V, Genazzani, Aa, Geng, J, Genschik, P, Gerner, L, Gestwicki, Je, Gewirtz, Da, Ghavami, S, Ghigo, E, Ghosh, D, Giammarioli, Am, Giampieri, F, Giampietri, C, Giatromanolaki, A, Gibbings, Dj, Gibellini, L, Gibson, Sb, Ginet, V, Giordano, A, Giorgini, F, Giovannetti, E, Girardin, Se, Gispert, S, Giuliano, S, Gladson, Cl, Glavic, A, Gleave, M, Godefroy, N, Gogal RM, Jr, Gokulan, K, Goldman, Gh, Goletti, D, Goligorsky, M, Gomes, Av, Gomes, Lc, Gomez, H, Gomez Manzano, C, Gómez Sánchez, R, Gonçalves, Da, Goncu, E, Gong, Q, Gongora, C, Gonzalez, Cb, Gonzalez Alegre, P, Gonzalez Cabo, P, González Polo, Ra, Goping, I, Gorbea, C, Gorbunov, Nv, Goring, Dr, Gorman, Am, Gorski, Sm, Goruppi, S, Goto Yamada, S, Gotor, C, Gottlieb, Ra, Gozes, I, Gozuacik, D, Graba, Y, Graef, M, Granato, Ge, Grant, Gd, Grant, S, Gravina, Gl, Green, Dr, Greenhough, A, Greenwood, Mt, Grimaldi, B, Gros, F, Grose, C, Groulx, Jf, Gruber, F, Grumati, P, Grune, T, Guan, Jl, Guan, Kl, Guerra, B, Guillen, C, Gulshan, K, Gunst, J, Guo, C, Guo, L, Guo, M, Guo, W, Guo, Xg, Gust, Aa, Gustafsson, Åb, Gutierrez, E, Gutierrez, Mg, Gwak, H, Haas, A, Haber, Je, Hadano, S, Hagedorn, M, Hahn, Dr, Halayko, Aj, Hamacher Brady, A, Hamada, K, Hamai, A, Hamann, A, Hamasaki, M, Hamer, I, Hamid, Q, Hammond, Em, Han, F, Han, W, Handa, Jt, Hanover, Ja, Hansen, M, Harada, M, Harhaji Trajkovic, L, Harper, Jw, Harrath, Ah, Harris, Al, Harris, J, Hasler, U, Hasselblatt, P, Hasui, K, Hawley, Rg, Hawley, T, He, C, He, Cy, He, F, He, G, He, Rr, He, Xh, He, Yw, He, Yy, Heath, Jk, Hébert, Mj, Heinzen, Ra, Helgason, Gv, Hensel, M, Henske, Ep, Her, C, Herman, Pk, Hernández, A, Hernandez, C, Hernández Tiedra, S, Hetz, C, Hiesinger, Pr, Higaki, K, Hilfiker, S, Hill, Bg, Hill, Ja, Hill, Wd, Hino, K, Hofius, D, Hofman, P, Höglinger, Gu, Höhfeld, J, Holz, Mk, Hong, Y, Hood, Da, Hoozemans, Jj, Hoppe, T, Hsu, C, Hsu, Cy, Hsu, Lc, Hu, D, Hu, G, Hu, Hm, Hu, H, Hu, Mc, Hu, Yc, Hu, Zw, Hua, F, Hua, Y, Huang, C, Huang, Hl, Huang, Kh, Huang, Ky, Huang, S, Huang, Wp, Huang, Yr, Huang, Y, Huber, Tb, Huebbe, P, Huh, Wk, Hulmi, Jj, Hur, Gm, Hurley, Jh, Husak, Z, Hussain, Sn, Hussain, S, Hwang, Jj, Hwang, S, Hwang, Ti, Ichihara, A, Imai, Y, Imbriano, C, Inomata, M, Into, T, Iovane, V, Iovanna, Jl, Iozzo, Rv, Ip, Ny, Irazoqui, Je, Iribarren, P, Isaka, Y, Isakovic, Aj, Ischiropoulos, H, Isenberg, J, Ishaq, M, Ishida, H, Ishii, I, Ishmael, Je, Isidoro, C, Isobe, Ki, Isono, E, Issazadeh Navikas, S, Itahana, K, Itakura, E, Ivanov, Ai, Iyer, Ak, Izquierdo, Jm, Izumi, Y, Izzo, V, Jäättelä, M, Jaber, N, Jackson, Dj, Jackson, Wt, Jacob, Tg, Jacques, T, Jagannath, C, Jain, A, Jana, Nr, Jang, Bk, Jani, A, Janji, B, Jannig, Pr, Jansson, Pj, Jean, S, Jendrach, M, Jeon, Jh, Jessen, N, Jeung, Eb, Jia, K, Jia, L, Jiang, H, Jiang, L, Jiang, T, Jiang, X, Jiang, Y, Jiménez, A, Jin, C, Jin, H, Jin, L, Jin, M, Jin, S, Jinwal, Uk, Jo, Ek, Johansen, T, Johnson, De, Johnson, Gv, Johnson, Jd, Jonasch, E, Jones, C, Joosten, La, Jordan, J, Joseph, Am, Joseph, B, Joubert, Am, Ju, D, Ju, J, Juan, Hf, Juenemann, K, Juhász, G, Jung, H, Jung, Ju, Jung, Yk, Jungbluth, H, Justice, Mj, Jutten, B, Kaakoush, No, Kaarniranta, K, Kaasik, A, Kabuta, T, Kaeffer, B, Kågedal, K, Kahana, A, Kajimura, S, Kakhlon, O, Kalia, M, Kalvakolanu, Dv, Kamada, Y, Kambas, K, Kaminskyy, Vo, Kampinga, Hh, Kandouz, M, Kang, C, Kang, R, Kang, Tc, Kanki, T, Kanneganti, Td, Kanno, H, Kanthasamy, Ag, Kantorow, M, Kaparakis Liaskos, M, Kapuy, O, Karantza, V, Karim, Mr, Karmakar, P, Kaser, A, Kaushik, S, Kawula, T, Kaynar, Am, Ke, Py, Ke, Zj, Kehrl, Jh, Keller, Ke, Kemper, Jk, Kenworthy, Ak, Kepp, O, Kern, A, Kesari, S, Kessel, D, Ketteler, R, Kettelhut, Id, Khambu, B, Khan, Mm, Khandelwal, Vk, Khare, S, Kiang, Jg, Kiger, Aa, Kihara, A, Kim, Al, Kim, Ch, Kim, Dr, Kim, Dh, Kim, Ek, Kim, Hy, Kim, Hr, Kim, J, Kim, Jh, Kim, Jc, Kim, Kw, Kim, Md, Kim, Mm, Kim, Pk, Kim, Sw, Kim, Sy, Kim, Y, Kimchi, A, Kimmelman, Ac, Kimura, T, King, J, Kirkegaard, K, Kirkin, V, Kirshenbaum, La, Kishi, S, Kitajima, Y, Kitamoto, K, Kitaoka, Y, Kitazato, K, Kley, Ra, Klimecki, Wt, Klinkenberg, M, Klucken, J, Knævelsrud, H, Knecht, E, Knuppertz, L, Ko, Jl, Kobayashi, S, Koch, Jc, Koechlin Ramonatxo, C, Koenig, U, Koh, Yh, Köhler, K, Kohlwein, Sd, Koike, M, Komatsu, M, Kominami, E, Kong, D, Kong, Hj, Konstantakou, Eg, Kopp, Bt, Korcsmaros, T, Korhonen, L, Korolchuk, Vi, Koshkina, Nv, Kou, Y, Koukourakis, Mi, Koumenis, C, Kovács, Al, Kovács, T, Kovacs, Wj, Koya, D, Kraft, C, Krainc, D, Kramer, H, Kravic Stevovic, T, Krek, W, Kretz Remy, C, Krick, R, Krishnamurthy, M, Kriston Vizi, J, Kroemer, G, Kruer, Mc, Kruger, R, Ktistakis, Nt, Kuchitsu, K, Kuhn, C, Kumar, Ap, Kumar, A, Kumar, D, Kumar, R, Kumar, S, Kundu, M, Kung, Hj, Kuno, A, Kuo, Sh, Kuret, J, Kurz, T, Kwok, T, Kwon, Tk, Kwon, Yt, Kyrmizi, I, La Spada, Ar, Lafont, F, Lahm, T, Lakkaraju, A, Lam, T, Lamark, T, Lancel, S, Landowski, Th, Lane, Dj, Lane, Jd, Lanzi, C, Lapaquette, P, Lapierre, Lr, Laporte, J, Laukkarinen, J, Laurie, Gw, Lavandero, S, Lavie, L, Lavoie, Mj, Law, By, Law, Hk, Law, Kb, Layfield, R, Lazo, Pa, Le Cam, L, Le Roch, Kg, Le Stunff, H, Leardkamolkarn, V, Lecuit, M, Lee, Bh, Lee, Ch, Lee, Ef, Lee, Gm, Lee, Hj, Lee, H, Lee, Jk, Lee, J, Lee, Jh, Lee, M, Lee, Pj, Lee, Sw, Lee, Sj, Lee, Sy, Lee, Sh, Lee, S, Lee, Yr, Lee, Yj, Lee, Yh, Leeuwenburgh, C, Lefort, S, Legouis, R, Lei, J, Lei, Qy, Leib, Da, Leibowitz, G, Lekli, I, Lemaire, Sd, Lemasters, Jj, Lemberg, Mk, Lemoine, A, Leng, S, Lenz, G, Lenzi, P, Lerman, Lo, Lettieri Barbato, D, Leu, Ji, Leung, Hy, Levine, B, Lewis, Pa, Lezoualc'H, F, Li, C, Li, F, Li, Fj, Li, J, Li, K, Li, L, Li, M, Li, Q, Li, R, Li, S, Li, W, Li, X, Li, Y, Lian, J, Liang, C, Liang, Q, Liao, Y, Liberal, J, Liberski, Pp, Lie, P, Lieberman, Ap, Lim, Hj, Lim, Kl, Lim, K, Lima, Rt, Lin, C, Lin, Cf, Lin, F, Lin, Fc, Lin, K, Lin, Kh, Lin, Ph, Lin, T, Lin, Ww, Lin, Y, Linden, R, Lindholm, D, Lindqvist, Lm, Lingor, P, Linkermann, A, Liotta, La, Lipinski, Mm, Lira, Va, Lisanti, Mp, Liton, Pb, Liu, B, Liu, C, Liu, Cf, Liu, F, Liu, Hj, Liu, J, Liu, Jj, Liu, Jl, Liu, K, Liu, L, Liu, Q, Liu, Ry, Liu, S, Liu, W, Liu, Xd, Liu, X, Liu, Xh, Liu, Y, Liu, Z, Liuzzi, Jp, Lizard, G, Ljujic, M, Lodhi, Ij, Logue, Se, Lokeshwar, Bl, Long, Yc, Lonial, S, Loos, B, López Otín, C, López Vicario, C, Lorente, M, Lorenzi, Pl, Lõrincz, P, Los, M, Lotze, Mt, Lovat, Pe, Lu, B, Lu, J, Lu, Q, Lu, Sm, Lu, S, Lu, Y, Luciano, F, Luckhart, S, Lucocq, Jm, Ludovico, P, Lugea, A, Lukacs, Nw, Lum, Jj, Lund, Ah, Luo, H, Luo, J, Luo, S, Luparello, C, Lyons, T, Ma, J, Ma, Y, Ma, Z, Machado, J, Machado Santelli, Gm, Macian, F, Macintosh, Gc, Mackeigan, Jp, Macleod, Kf, Macmicking, Jd, MacMillan Crow, La, Madeo, F, Madesh, M, Madrigal Matute, J, Maeda, A, Maeda, T, Maegawa, G, Maellaro, E, Maes, H, Magariños, M, Maiese, K, Maiti, Tk, Maiuri, L, Maiuri, Mc, Maki, Cg, Malli, R, Malorni, W, Maloyan, A, Mami Chouaib, F, Man, N, Mancias, Jd, Mandelkow, Em, Mandell, Ma, Manfredi, Aa, Manié, Sn, Manzoni, C, Mao, K, Mao, Z, Mao, Zw, Marambaud, P, Marconi, Am, Marelja, Z, Marfe, G, Margeta, M, Margittai, E, Mari, M, Mariani, Fv, Marin, C, Marinelli, S, Mariño, G, Markovic, I, Marquez, R, Martelli, Am, Martens, S, Martin, Kr, Martin, Sj, Martin, S, Martin Acebes, Ma, Martín Sanz, P, Martinand Mari, C, Martinet, W, Martinez, J, Martinez Lopez, N, Martinez Outschoorn, U, Martínez Velázquez, M, Martinez Vicente, M, Martins, Wk, Mashima, H, Mastrianni, Ja, Matarese, G, Matarrese, P, Mateo, R, Matoba, S, Matsumoto, N, Matsushita, T, Matsuura, A, Matsuzawa, T, Mattson, Mp, Matus, S, Maugeri, N, Mauvezin, C, Mayer, A, Maysinger, D, Mazzolini, Gd, Mcbrayer, Mk, Mccall, K, Mccormick, C, Mcinerney, Gm, Mciver, Sc, Mckenna, S, Mcmahon, Jj, Mcneish, Ia, Mechta Grigoriou, F, Medema, Jp, Medina, Dl, Megyeri, K, Mehrpour, M, Mehta, Jl, Mei, Y, Meier, Uc, Meijer, Aj, Meléndez, A, Melino, G, Melino, S, de Melo, Ej, Mena, Ma, Meneghini, Md, Menendez, Ja, Menezes, R, Meng, L, Meng, Lh, Meng, S, Menghini, R, Menko, A, Menna Barreto, Rf, Menon, Mb, Meraz Ríos, Ma, Merla, G, Merlini, L, Merlot, Am, Meryk, A, Meschini, S, Meyer, Jn, Mi, Mt, Miao, Cy, Micale, L, Michaeli, S, Michiels, C, Migliaccio, Ar, Mihailidou, A, Mijaljica, D, Mikoshiba, K, Milan, E, Miller Fleming, L, Mills, Gb, Mills, Ig, Minakaki, G, Minassian, Ba, Ming, Xf, Minibayeva, F, Minina, Ea, Mintern, Jd, Minucci, S, Miranda Vizuete, A, Mitchell, Ch, Miyamoto, S, Miyazawa, K, Mizushima, N, Mnich, K, Mograbi, B, Mohseni, S, Moita, Lf, Molinari, M, Møller, Ab, Mollereau, B, Mollinedo, F, Mongillo, M, Monick, Mm, Montagnaro, S, Montell, C, Moore, Dj, Moore, Mn, Mora Rodriguez, R, Moreira, Pi, Morel, E, Morelli, Mb, Moreno, S, Morgan, Mj, Moris, A, Moriyasu, Y, Morrison, Jl, Morrison, La, Morselli, E, Moscat, J, Moseley, Pl, Mostowy, S, Motori, E, Mottet, D, Mottram, Jc, Moussa, Ce, Mpakou, Ve, Mukhtar, H, Mulcahy Levy, Jm, Muller, S, Muñoz Moreno, R, Muñoz Pinedo, C, Münz, C, Murphy, Me, Murray, Jt, Murthy, A, Mysorekar, Iu, Nabi, Ir, Nabissi, M, Nader, Ga, Nagahara, Y, Nagai, Y, Nagata, K, Nagelkerke, A, Nagy, P, Naidu, Sr, Nair, S, Nakano, H, Nakatogawa, H, Nanjundan, M, Napolitano, G, Naqvi, Ni, Nardacci, R, Narendra, Dp, Narita, M, Nascimbeni, Ac, Natarajan, R, Navegantes, Lc, Nawrocki, St, Nazarko, Ty, Nazarko, Vy, Neill, T, Neri, Lm, Netea, Mg, Netea Maier, Rt, Neves, Bm, Ney, Pa, Nezis, Ip, Nguyen, Ht, Nguyen, Hp, Nicot, A, Nilsen, H, Nilsson, P, Nishimura, M, Nishino, I, Niso Santano, M, Niu, H, Nixon, Ra, Njar, Vc, Noda, T, Noegel, Aa, Nolte, Em, Norberg, E, Norga, Kk, Noureini, Sk, Notomi, S, Notterpek, L, Nowikovsky, K, Nukina, N, Nürnberger, T, O'Donnell, Vb, O'Donovan, T, O'Dwyer, Pj, Oehme, I, Oeste, Cl, Ogawa, M, Ogretmen, B, Ogura, Y, Oh, Yj, Ohmuraya, M, Ohshima, T, Ojha, R, Okamoto, K, Okazaki, T, Oliver, Fj, Ollinger, K, Olsson, S, Orban, Dp, Ordonez, P, Orhon, I, Orosz, L, O'Rourke, Ej, Orozco, H, Ortega, Al, Ortona, E, Osellame, Ld, Oshima, J, Oshima, S, Osiewacz, Hd, Otomo, T, Otsu, K, Ou, Jj, Outeiro, Tf, Ouyang, Dy, Ouyang, H, Overholtzer, M, Ozbun, Ma, Ozdinler, Ph, Ozpolat, B, Pacelli, C, Paganetti, P, Page, G, Pages, G, Pagnini, U, Pajak, B, Pak, Sc, Pakos Zebrucka, K, Pakpour, N, Palková, Z, Palladino, F, Pallauf, K, Pallet, N, Palmieri, M, Paludan, Sr, Palumbo, C, Palumbo, S, Pampliega, O, Pan, H, Pan, W, Panaretakis, T, Pandey, A, Pantazopoulou, A, Papackova, Z, Papademetrio, Dl, Papassideri, I, Papini, A, Parajuli, N, Pardo, J, Parekh, Vv, Parenti, G, Park, Ji, Park, J, Park, Ok, Parker, R, Parlato, R, Parys, Jb, Parzych, Kr, Pasquet, Jm, Pasquier, B, Pasumarthi, Kb, Patschan, D, Patterson, C, Pattingre, S, Pattison, S, Pause, A, Pavenstädt, H, Pavone, F, Pedrozo, Z, Peña, Fj, Peñalva, Ma, Pende, M, Peng, J, Penna, F, Penninger, Jm, Pensalfini, A, Pepe, S, Pereira, Gj, Pereira, Pc, Pérez de la Cruz, V, Pérez Pérez, Me, Pérez Rodríguez, D, Pérez Sala, D, Perier, C, Perl, A, Perlmutter, Dh, Perrotta, I, Pervaiz, S, Pesonen, M, Pessin, Je, Peters, Gj, Petersen, M, Petrache, I, Petrof, Bj, Petrovski, G, Phang, Jm, Piacentini, M, Pierdominici, M, Pierre, P, Pierrefite Carle, V, Pietrocola, F, Pimentel Muiños, Fx, Pinar, M, Pineda, B, Pinkas Kramarski, R, Pinti, M, Pinton, P, Piperdi, B, Piret, Jm, Platanias, Lc, Platta, Hw, Plowey, Ed, Pöggeler, S, Poirot, M, Polčic, P, Poletti, A, Poon, Ah, Popelka, H, Popova, B, Poprawa, I, Poulose, Sm, Poulton, J, Powers, Sk, Powers, T, Pozuelo Rubio, M, Prak, K, Prange, R, Prescott, M, Priault, M, Prince, S, Proia, Rl, Proikas Cezanne, T, Prokisch, H, Promponas, Vj, Przyklenk, K, Puertollano, R, Pugazhenthi, S, Puglielli, L, Pujol, A, Puyal, J, Pyeon, D, Qi, X, Qian, Wb, Qin, Zh, Qiu, Y, Qu, Z, Quadrilatero, J, Quinn, F, Raben, N, Rabinowich, H, Radogna, F, Ragusa, Mj, Rahmani, M, Raina, K, Ramanadham, S, Ramesh, R, Rami, A, Randall Demllo, S, Randow, F, Rao, H, Rao, Va, Rasmussen, Bb, Rasse, Tm, Ratovitski, Ea, Rautou, Pe, Ray, Sk, Razani, B, Reed, Bh, Reggiori, F, Rehm, M, Reichert, A, Rein, T, Reiner, Dj, Reits, E, Ren, J, Ren, X, Renna, M, Reusch, Je, Revuelta, Jl, Reyes, L, Rezaie, Ar, Richards, Ri, Richardson, Dr, Richetta, C, Riehle, Ma, Rihn, Bh, Rikihisa, Y, Riley, Be, Rimbach, G, Rippo, Mr, Ritis, K, Rizzi, F, Rizzo, E, Roach, Pj, Robbins, J, Roberge, M, Roca, G, Roccheri, Mc, Rocha, S, Rodrigues, Cm, Rodríguez, Ci, de Cordoba, Sr, Rodriguez Muela, N, Roelofs, J, Rogov, Vv, Rohn, Tt, Rohrer, B, Romanelli, D, Romani, L, Romano, P, Roncero, Mi, Rosa, Jl, Rosello, A, Rosen, Kv, Rosenstiel, P, Rost Roszkowska, M, Roth, Ka, Roué, G, Rouis, M, Rouschop, Km, Ruan, Dt, Ruano, D, Rubinsztein, Dc, Rucker EB, 3rd, Rudich, A, Rudolf, E, Rudolf, R, Ruegg, Ma, Ruiz Roldan, C, Ruparelia, Aa, Rusmini, P, Russ, Dw, Russo, Gl, Russo, G, Russo, R, Rusten, Te, Ryabovol, V, Ryan, Km, Ryter, Sw, Sabatini, Dm, Sacher, M, Sachse, C, Sack, Mn, Sadoshima, J, Saftig, P, Sagi Eisenberg, R, Sahni, S, Saikumar, P, Saito, T, Saitoh, T, Sakakura, K, Sakoh Nakatogawa, M, Sakuraba, Y, Salazar Roa, M, Salomoni, P, Saluja, Ak, Salvaterra, Pm, Salvioli, R, Samali, A, Sanchez, Am, Sánchez Alcázar, Ja, Sanchez Prieto, R, Sandri, M, Sanjuan, Ma, Santaguida, S, Santambrogio, L, Santoni, G, Dos Santos, Cn, Saran, S, Sardiello, M, Sargent, G, Sarkar, P, Sarkar, S, Sarrias, Mr, Sarwal, Mm, Sasakawa, C, Sasaki, M, Sass, M, Sato, K, Sato, M, Satriano, J, Savaraj, N, Saveljeva, S, Schaefer, L, Schaible, Ue, Scharl, M, Schatzl, Hm, Schekman, R, Scheper, W, Schiavi, A, Schipper, Hm, Schmeisser, H, Schmidt, J, Schmitz, I, Schneider, Be, Schneider, Em, Schneider, Jl, Schon, Ea, Schönenberger, Mj, Schönthal, Ah, Schorderet, Df, Schröder, B, Schuck, S, Schulze, Rj, Schwarten, M, Schwarz, Tl, Sciarretta, S, Scotto, K, Scovassi, Ai, Screaton, Ra, Screen, M, Seca, H, Sedej, S, Segatori, L, Segev, N, Seglen, Po, Seguí Simarro, Jm, Segura Aguilar, J, Seki, E, Sell, C, Selliez, I, Semenkovich, Cf, Semenza, Gl, Sen, U, Serra, Al, Serrano Puebla, A, Sesaki, H, Setoguchi, T, Settembre, C, Shacka, Jj, Shajahan Haq, An, Shapiro, Im, Sharma, S, She, H, Shen, Cj, Shen, Cc, Shen, Hm, Shen, S, Shen, W, Sheng, R, Sheng, X, Sheng, Zh, Shepherd, Tg, Shi, J, Shi, Q, Shi, Y, Shibutani, S, Shibuya, K, Shidoji, Y, Shieh, Jj, Shih, Cm, Shimada, Y, Shimizu, S, Shin, Dw, Shinohara, Ml, Shintani, M, Shintani, T, Shioi, T, Shirabe, K, Shiri Sverdlov, R, Shirihai, O, Shore, Gc, Shu, Cw, Shukla, D, Sibirny, Aa, Sica, V, Sigurdson, Cj, Sigurdsson, Em, Sijwali, P, Sikorska, B, Silveira, Wa, Silvente Poirot, S, Silverman, Ga, Simak, J, Simmet, T, Simon, Ak, Simon, Hu, Simone, C, Simons, M, Simonsen, A, Singh, R, Singh, Sv, Singh, Sk, Sinha, D, Sinha, S, Sinicrope, Fa, Sirko, A, Sirohi, K, Sishi, Bj, Sittler, A, Siu, Pm, Sivridis, E, Skwarska, A, Slack, R, Slaninová, I, Slavov, N, Smaili, S, Smalley, K, Smith, Dr, Soenen, Sj, Soleimanpour, Sa, Solhaug, A, Somasundaram, K, Son, Jh, Sonawane, A, Song, C, Song, F, Song, Hk, Song, Jx, Song, W, Soo, Ky, Sood, Ak, Soong, Tw, Soontornniyomkij, V, Sorice, M, Sotgia, F, Soto Pantoja, Dr, Sotthibundhu, A, Sousa, Mj, Spaink, Hp, Span, Pn, Spang, A, Sparks, Jd, Speck, Pg, Spector, Sa, Spies, Cd, Springer, W, Clair, D, Stacchiotti, A, Staels, B, Stang, Mt, Starczynowski, Dt, Starokadomskyy, P, Steegborn, C, Steele, Jw, Stefanis, L, Steffan, J, Stellrecht, Cm, Stenmark, H, Stepkowski, Tm, Stern, St, Stevens, C, Stockwell, Br, Stoka, V, Storchova, Z, Stork, B, Stratoulias, V, Stravopodis, Dj, Strnad, P, Strohecker, Am, Ström, Al, Stromhaug, P, Stulik, J, Su, Yx, Su, Z, Subauste, C, Subramaniam, S, Sue, Cm, Suh, Sw, Sui, X, Sukseree, S, Sulzer, D, Sun, Fl, Sun, J, Sun, Sy, Sun, Y, Sundaramoorthy, V, Sung, J, Suzuki, H, Suzuki, K, Suzuki, N, Suzuki, T, Suzuki, Yj, Swanson, M, Swanton, C, Swärd, K, Swarup, G, Sweeney, St, Sylvester, Pw, Szatmari, Z, Szegezdi, E, Szlosarek, Pw, Taegtmeyer, H, Tafani, M, Taillebourg, E, Tait, Sw, Takacs Vellai, K, Takahashi, Y, Takáts, S, Takemura, G, Takigawa, N, Talbot, Nj, Tamagno, E, Tamburini, J, Tan, Cp, Tan, L, Tan, Ml, Tan, M, Tan, Yj, Tanaka, K, Tanaka, M, Tang, D, Tang, G, Tanida, I, Tanji, K, Tannous, Ba, Tapia, Ja, Tasset Cuevas, I, Tatar, M, Tavassoly, I, Tavernarakis, N, Taylor, A, Taylor, G, Taylor, Ga, Taylor, Jp, Taylor, Mj, Tchetina, Ev, Tee, Ar, Teixeira Clerc, F, Telang, S, Tencomnao, T, Teng, Bb, Teng, Rj, Terro, F, Tettamanti, G, Theiss, Al, Theron, Ae, Thomas, Kj, Thomé, Mp, Thomes, Pg, Thorburn, A, Thorner, J, Thum, T, Thumm, M, Thurston, Tl, Tian, L, Till, A, Ting, Jp, Titorenko, Vi, Toker, L, Toldo, S, Tooze, Sa, Topisirovic, I, Torgersen, Ml, Torosantucci, L, Torriglia, A, Torrisi, Mr, Tournier, C, Towns, R, Trajkovic, V, Travassos, Lh, Triola, G, Tripathi, Dn, Trisciuoglio, D, Troncoso, R, Trougakos, Ip, Truttmann, Ac, Tsai, Kj, Tschan, Mp, Tseng, Yh, Tsukuba, T, Tsung, A, Tsvetkov, A, Tu, S, Tuan, Hy, Tucci, M, Tumbarello, Da, Turk, B, Turk, V, Turner, Rf, Tveita, Aa, Tyagi, Sc, Ubukata, M, Uchiyama, Y, Udelnow, A, Ueno, T, Umekawa, M, Umemiya Shirafuji, R, Underwood, Br, Ungermann, C, Ureshino, Rp, Ushioda, R, Uversky, Vn, Uzcátegui, Nl, Vaccari, T, Vaccaro, Mi, Váchová, L, Vakifahmetoglu Norberg, H, Valdor, R, Valente, Em, Vallette, F, Valverde, Am, Van den Berghe, G, Van Den Bosch, L, van den Brink, Gr, van der Goot, Fg, van der Klei, Ij, van der Laan, Lj, van Doorn, Wg, van Egmond, M, van Golen, Kl, Van Kaer, L, van Lookeren Campagne, M, Vandenabeele, P, Vandenberghe, W, Vanhorebeek, I, Varela Nieto, I, Vasconcelos, Mh, Vasko, R, Vavvas, Dg, Vega Naredo, I, Velasco, G, Velentzas, Ad, Velentzas, Pd, Vellai, T, Vellenga, E, Vendelbo, Mh, Venkatachalam, K, Ventura, N, Ventura, S, Veras, P, Verdier, M, Vertessy, Bg, Viale, A, Vidal, M, Vieira, H, Vierstra, Rd, Vigneswaran, N, Vij, N, Vila, M, Villar, M, Villar, Vh, Villarroya, J, Vindis, C, Viola, G, Viscomi, Mt, Vitale, G, Vogl, Dt, Voitsekhovskaja, Ov, von Haefen, C, von Schwarzenberg, K, Voth, De, Vouret Craviari, V, Vuori, K, Vyas, Jm, Waeber, C, Walker, Cl, Walker, Mj, Walter, J, Wan, L, Wan, X, Wang, B, Wang, C, Wang, Cy, Wang, D, Wang, F, Wang, G, Wang, Hj, Wang, H, Wang, Hg, Wang, Hd, Wang, J, Wang, M, Wang, Mq, Wang, Py, Wang, P, Wang, Rc, Wang, S, Wang, Tf, Wang, X, Wang, Xj, Wang, Xw, Wang, Y, Wang, Yj, Wang, Yt, Wang, Zn, Wappner, P, Ward, C, Ward, Dm, Warnes, G, Watada, H, Watanabe, Y, Watase, K, Weaver, Te, Weekes, Cd, Wei, J, Weide, T, Weihl, Cc, Weindl, G, Weis, Sn, Wen, L, Wen, X, Wen, Y, Westermann, B, Weyand, Cm, White, Ar, White, E, Whitton, Jl, Whitworth, Aj, Wiels, J, Wild, F, Wildenberg, Me, Wileman, T, Wilkinson, D, Wilkinson, S, Willbold, D, Williams, C, Williams, K, Williamson, Pr, Winklhofer, Kf, Witkin, S, Wohlgemuth, Se, Wollert, T, Wolvetang, Ej, Wong, E, Wong, Gw, Wong, Rw, Wong, Vk, Woodcock, Ea, Wright, Kl, Wu, C, Wu, D, Wu, G, Wu, J, Wu, M, Wu, S, Wu, Wk, Wu, Y, Wu, Z, Xavier, Cp, Xavier, Rj, Xia, Gx, Xia, T, Xia, W, Xia, Y, Xiao, H, Xiao, J, Xiao, S, Xiao, W, Xie, Cm, Xie, Z, Xilouri, M, Xiong, Y, Xu, C, Xu, F, Xu, H, Xu, J, Xu, L, Xu, X, Xu, Y, Xu, Zx, Xu, Z, Xue, Y, Yamada, T, Yamamoto, A, Yamanaka, K, Yamashina, S, Yamashiro, S, Yan, B, Yan, X, Yan, Z, Yanagi, Y, Yang, D, Yang, Jm, Yang, L, Yang, M, Yang, Pm, Yang, P, Yang, Q, Yang, W, Yang, Wy, Yang, X, Yang, Y, Yang, Z, Yao, Mc, Yao, Pj, Yao, X, Yao, Z, Yasui, L, Ye, M, Yedvobnick, B, Yeganeh, B, Yeh, E, Yeyati, Pl, Yi, F, Yi, L, Yin, Xm, Yip, Ck, Yoo, Ym, Yoo, Yh, Yoon, Sy, Yoshida, Ki, Yoshimori, T, Young, Kh, Yu, H, Yu, Jj, Yu, Jt, Yu, J, Yu, L, Yu, Wh, Yu, Xf, Yu, Z, Yuan, J, Yuan, Zm, Yue, By, Yue, J, Yue, Z, Zacks, Dn, Zacksenhaus, E, Zaffaroni, N, Zaglia, T, Zakeri, Z, Zecchini, V, Zeng, J, Zeng, M, Zeng, Q, Zervos, A, Zhang, Dd, Zhang, F, Zhang, G, Zhang, Gc, Zhang, H, Zhang, J, Zhang, Jp, Zhang, L, Zhang, My, Zhang, X, Zhang, Xd, Zhang, Y, Zhao, M, Zhao, Wl, Zhao, X, Zhao, Yg, Zhao, Y, Zhao, Yx, Zhao, Z, Zhao, Zj, Zheng, D, Zheng, Xl, Zheng, X, Zhivotovsky, B, Zhong, Q, Zhou, Gz, Zhou, G, Zhou, H, Zhou, Sf, Zhou, Xj, Zhu, H, Zhu, Wg, Zhu, W, Zhu, Xf, Zhu, Y, Zhuang, Sm, Zhuang, X, Ziparo, E, Zois, Ce, Zoladek, T, Zong, Wx, Zorzano, A, Zughaier, Sm, AII - Amsterdam institute for Infection and Immunity, Medical Microbiology and Infection Prevention, Other departments, CCA -Cancer Center Amsterdam, Center of Experimental and Molecular Medicine, Radiotherapy, AGEM - Amsterdam Gastroenterology Endocrinology Metabolism, Medical Biochemistry, ANS - Cellular & Molecular Mechanisms, Cell Biology and Histology, Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Tytgat Institute for Liver and Intestinal Research, Daniel J Klionsky, Kotb Abdelmohsen, Akihisa Abe, Md Joynal Abedin, Hagai Abeliovich, Abraham Acevedo Arozena, Hiroaki Adachi, Christopher M Adam, Peter D Adam, Khosrow Adeli, Peter J Adhihetty, Sharon G Adler, Galila Agam, Rajesh Agarwal, Manish K Aghi, Maria Agnello, Patrizia Agostini, Patricia V Aguilar, Julio Aguirre-Ghiso, Edoardo M Airoldi, Slimane Ait-Si-Ali, Takahiko Akematsu, Emmanuel T Akporiaye, Mohamed Al-Rubeai, Guillermo M Albaiceta, Chris Albanese, Diego Albani, Matthew L Albert, Jesus Aldudo, Hana Algül, Mehrdad Alirezaei, Iraide Alloza, Alexandru Almasan, Maylin Almonte-Beceril, Emad S Alnemri, Covadonga Alonso, Nihal Altan-Bonnet, Dario C Altieri, Silvia Alvarez, Lydia Alvarez- Erviti, Sandro Alve, Giuseppina Amadoro, Atsuo Amano, Consuelo Amantini, Santiago Ambrosio, Ivano Amelio, Amal O Amer, Mohamed Amessou, Angelika Amon, Zhenyi An, Frank A Anania, Stig U Andersen, Usha P Andley, Catherine K Andreadi, Nathalie Andrieu- Abadie, Alberto Anel, David K Ann, Shailendra Anoopkumar-Dukie, Manuela Antonioli, Hiroshi Aoki, Nadezda Apostolova, Saveria Aquila, Katia Aquilano, Koichi Araki, Eli Arama, Agustin Aranda, Jun Araya, Alexandre Arcaro, Esperanza Aria, Hirokazu Arimoto, Aileen R Ariosa, Jane L Armstrong, Thierry Arnould, Ivica Arsov, Katsuhiko Asanuma, Valerie Askana, Eric Asselin, Ryuichiro Atarashi, Sally S Atherton, Julie D Atkin, Laura D Attardi, Patrick Auberger, Georg Auburger, Laure Aurelian, Riccardo Autelli, Laura Avagliano, Maria Laura Avantaggiati, Limor Avrahami, Suresh Awale, Neelam Azad, Tiziana Bachetti, Jonathan M Backer, Dong- Hun Bae, Jae-sung Bae, Ok-Nam Bae, Soo Han Bae, Eric H Baehrecke, Seung-Hoon Baek, Stephen Baghdiguian, Agnieszka Bagniewska-Zadworna, Hua Bai, Jie Bai, Xue-Yuan Bai, Yannick Bailly, Kithiganahalli Narayanaswamy Balaji, Walter Balduini, Andrea Ballabio, Rena Balzan, Rajkumar Banerjee, Gábor Bánhegyi, Haijun Bao, Benoit Barbeau, Maria D Barrachina, Esther Barreiro, Bonnie Bartel, Alberto Bartolomé, Diane C Bassham, Maria Teresa Bassi, Robert C Bast Jr, Alakananda Basu, Maria Teresa Batista, Henri Batoko, Maurizio Battino, Kyle Bauckman, Bradley L Baumgarner, K Ulrich Bayer, Rupert Beale, Jean-François Beaulieu, George R. Beck Jr, Christoph Becker, J David Beckham, Pierre-André Bédard, Patrick J Bednarski, Thomas J Begley, Christian Behl, Christian Behrend, Georg MN Behren, Kevin E Behrn, Eloy Bejarano, Amine Belaid, Francesca Belleudi, Giovanni Bénard, Guy Berchem, Daniele Bergamaschi, Matteo Bergami, Ben Berkhout, Laura Berliocchi, Amélie Bernard, Monique Bernard, Francesca Bernassola, Anne Bertolotti, Amanda S Be, Sébastien Besteiro, Saverio Bettuzzi, Savita Bhalla, Shalmoli Bhattacharyya, Sujit K Bhutia, Caroline Biagosch, Michele Wolfe Bianchi, Martine Biard-Piechaczyk, Viktor Bille, Claudia Bincoletto, Baris Bingol, Sara W Bird, Marc Bitoun, Ivana Bjedov, Craig Blackstone, Lionel Blanc, Guillermo A Blanco, Heidi Kiil Blomhoff, Emilio Boada-Romero, Stefan Böckler, Marianne Boe, Kathleen Boesze-Battaglia, Lawrence H Boise, Alessandra Bolino, Andrea Boman, Paolo Bonaldo, Matteo Bordi, Jürgen Bosch, Luis M Botana, Joelle Botti, German Bou, Marina Bouché, Marion Bouchecareilh, Marie- Josée Boucher, Michael E Boulton, Sebastien G Bouret, Patricia Boya, Michaël Boyer-Guittaut, Peter V Bozhkov, Nathan Brady, Vania MM Braga, Claudio Brancolini, Gerhard H Brau, José M Bravo-San Pedro, Lisa A Brennan, Emery H Bresnick, Patrick Brest, Dave Bridge, MarieAgnès Bringer, Marisa Brini, Glauber C Brito, Bertha Brodin, Paul S Brooke, Eric J Brown, Karen Brown, Hal E Broxmeyer, Alain Bruhat, Patricia Chakur Brum, John H Brumell, Nicola Brunetti-Pierri, Robert J Bryson-Richardson, Shilpa Buch, Alastair M Buchan, Hikmet Budak, Dmitry V Bulavin, Scott J Bultman, Geert Bultynck, Vladimir Bumbasirevic, Yan Burelle, Robert E Burke, Margit Burmeister, Peter Bütikofer, Laura Caberlotto, Ken Cadwell, Monika Cahova, Dongsheng Cai, Jingjing Cai, Qian Cai, Sara Calatayud, Nadine Camougrand, Michelangelo Campanella, Grant R Campbell, Matthew Campbell, Silvia Campello, Robin Candau, Isabella Caniggia, Lavinia Cantoni, Lizhi Cao, Allan B Caplan, Michele Caraglia, Claudio Cardinali, Sandra Morais Cardoso, Jennifer S Carew, Laura A Carleton, Cathleen R Carlin, Silvia Carloni, Sven R Carlsson, Didac Carmona-Gutierrez, Leticia AM Carneiro, Oliana Carnevali, Serena Carra, Alice Carrier, Bernadette Carroll, Caty Casa, Josefina Casa, Giuliana Cassinelli, Perrine Castet, Susana Castro-Obregon, Gabriella Cavallini, Isabella Ceccherini, Francesco Cecconi, Arthur I Cederbaum, Valentín Ceña, Simone Cenci, Claudia Cerella, Davide Cervia, Silvia Cetrullo, Hassan Chaachouay, Han-Jung Chae, Andrei S Chagin, Chee-Yin Chai, Gopal Chakrabarti, Georgios Chamilo, Edmond YW Chan, Matthew TV Chan, Dhyan Chandra, Pallavi Chandra, Chih-Peng Chang, Raymond Chuen-Chung Chang, Ta Yuan Chang, John C Chatham, Saurabh Chatterjee, Santosh Chauhan, Yongsheng Che, Michael E Cheetham, Rajkumar Cheluvappa, Chun-Jung Chen, Gang Chen, Guang-Chao Chen, Guoqiang Chen, Hongzhuan Chen, Jeff W Chen, Jian-Kang Chen, Min Chen, Mingzhou Chen, Peiwen Chen, Qi Chen, Quan Chen, Shang- Der Chen, Si Chen, Steve S-L Chen, Wei Chen, Wei-Jung Chen, Wen Qiang Chen, Wenli Chen, Xiangmei Chen, Yau-Hung Chen, Ye-Guang Chen, Yin Chen, Yingyu Chen, Yongshun Chen, Yu- Jen Chen, Yue-Qin Chen, Yujie Chen, Zhen Chen, Zhong Chen, Alan Cheng, Christopher HK Cheng, Hua Cheng, Heesun Cheong, Sara Cherry, Jason Chesney, Chun Hei Antonio Cheung, Eric Chevet, Hsiang Cheng Chi, Sung-Gil Chi, Fulvio Chiacchiera, Hui-Ling Chiang, Roberto Chiarelli, Mario Chiariello, Marcello Chieppa, Lih-Shen Chin, Mario Chiong, Gigi NC Chiu, Dong-Hyung Cho, Ssang-Goo Cho, William C Cho, Yong-Yeon Cho, Young-Seok Cho, Augustine MK Choi, Eui-Ju Choi, Eun-Kyoung Choi, Jayoung Choi, Mary E Choi, Seung-Il Choi, Tsui-Fen Chou, Salem Chouaib, Divaker Choubey, Vinay Choubey, Kuan-Chih Chow, Kamal Chowdhury, Charleen T Chu, Tsung-Hsien Chuang, Taehoon Chun, Hyewon Chung, Taijoon Chung, Yuen-Li Chung, Yong-Joon Chwae, Valentina Cianfanelli, Roberto Ciarcia, Iwona A Ciechomska, Maria Rosa Ciriolo, Mara Cirone, Sofie Claerhout, Michael J Clague, Joan Clària, Peter GH Clarke, Robert Clarke, Emilio Clementi, Cédric Cleyrat, Miriam Cnop, Eliana M Coccia, Tiziana Cocco, Patrice Codogno, Jörn Coer, Ezra EW Cohen, David Colecchia, Luisa Coletto, Núria S Coll, Emma Colucci-Guyon, Sergio Comincini, Maria Condello, Katherine L Cook, Graham H Coomb, Cynthia D Cooper, J Mark Cooper, Isabelle Coppen, Maria Tiziana Corasaniti, Marco Corazzari, Ramon Corbalan, Elisabeth Corcelle-Termeau, Mario D Cordero, Cristina Corral-Ramo, Olga Corti, Andrea Cossarizza, Paola Costelli, Safia Coste, Susan L Cotman, Ana Coto-Monte, Sandra Cottet, Eduardo Couve, Lori R Covey, L Ashley Cowart, Jeffery S Cox, Fraser P Coxon, Carolyn B Coyne, Mark S Cragg, Rolf J Craven, Tiziana Crepaldi, Jose L Crespo, Alfredo Criollo, Valeria Crippa, Maria Teresa Cruz, Ana Maria Cuervo, Jose M Cuezva, Taixing Cui, Pedro R Cutilla, Mark J Czaja, Maria F Czyzyk-Krzeska, Ruben K Dagda, Uta Dahmen, Chunsun Dai, Wenjie Dai, Yun Dai, Kevin N Dalby, Luisa Dalla Valle, Guillaume Dalmasso, Marcello D'Amelio, Markus Damme, Arlette Darfeuille-Michaud, Catherine Dargemont, Victor M Darley-Usmar, Srinivasan Dasarathy, Biplab Dasgupta, Srikanta Dash, Crispin R Da, Hazel Marie Davey, Lester M David, David Dávila, Roger J Davi, Ted M Dawson, Valina L Dawson, Paula Daza, Jackie de Belleroche, Paul de Figueiredo, Regina Celia Bressan Queiroz de Figueiredo, José de la Fuente, Luisa De Martino, Antonella De Mattei, Guido RY De Meyer, Angelo De Milito, Mauro De Santi, Wanderley de Souza, Vincenzo De Tata, Daniela De Zio, Jayanta Debnath, Reinhard Dechant, Jean-Paul Decuypere, Shane Deegan, Benjamin Dehay, Barbara Del Bello, Dominic P Del Re, Régis Delage-Mourroux, Lea MD Delbridge, Louise Deldicque, Elizabeth Delorme-Axford, Yizhen Deng, Joern Dengjel, Melanie Denizot, Paul Dent, Channing J Der, Vojo Deretic, Benoît Derrien, Eric Deutsch, Timothy P Devarenne, Rodney J Devenish, Sabrina Di Bartolomeo, Nicola Di Daniele, Fabio Di Domenico, Alessia Di Nardo, Simone Di Paola, Antonio Di Pietro, Livia Di Renzo, Aaron DiAntonio, Guillermo Díaz-Araya, Ines Díaz-Laviada, Maria T Diaz-Meco, Javier Diaz-Nido, Chad A Dickey, Robert C Dickson, Marc Diederich, Paul Digard, Ivan Dikic, Savithrama P Dinesh-Kumar, Chan Ding, Wen-Xing Ding, Zufeng Ding, Luciana Dini, Jörg HW Distler, Abhinav Diwan, Mojgan Djavaheri-Mergny, Kostyantyn Dmytruk, Renwick CJ Dobson, Volker Doetsch, Karol Dokladny, Svetlana Dokudovskaya, Massimo Donadelli, X Charlie Dong, Xiaonan Dong, Zheng Dong, Terrence M Donohue Jr, Kelly S Doran, Gabriella D'Orazi, Gerald W Dorn II, Victor Dosenko, Sami Dridi, Liat Drucker, Jie Du, Li-Lin Du, Lihuan Du, André du Toit, Priyamvada Dua, Lei Duan, Pu Duann, Vikash Kumar Dubey, Michael R Duchen, Michel A Duchosal, Helene Duez, Isabelle Dugail, Verónica I Dumit, Mara C Duncan, Elaine A Dunlop, William A Dunn Jr, Nicolas Dupont, Luc Dupui, Raúl V Durán, Thomas M Durcan, Stéphane Duvezin-Caubet, Umamaheswar Duvvuri, Vinay Eapen, Darius Ebrahimi-Fakhari, Arnaud Echard, Leopold Eckhart, Charles L Edelstein, Aimee L Edinger, Ludwig Eichinger, Tobias Eisenberg, Avital Eisenberg-Lerner, N Tony Eissa, Wafik S El-Deiry, Victoria El-Khoury, Zvulun Elazar, Hagit Eldar-Finkelman, Chris JH Elliott, Enzo Emanuele, Urban Emmenegger, Nikolai Engedal, Anna-Mart Engelbrecht, Simone Engelender, Jorrit M Enserink, Ralf Erdmann, Jekaterina Erenpreisa, Rajaraman Eri, Jason L Eriksen, Andreja Erman, Ricardo Escalante, Eeva- Liisa Eskelinen, Lucile Espert, Lorena Esteban-Martínez, Thomas J Evan, Mario Fabri, Gemma Fabria, Cinzia Fabrizi, Antonio Facchiano, Nils J Færgeman, Alberto Faggioni, W Douglas Fairlie, Chunhai Fan, Daping Fan, Jie Fan, Shengyun Fang, Manolis Fanto, Alessandro Fanzani, Thomas Farka, Mathias Faure, Francois B Favier, Howard Fearnhead, Massimo Federici, Erkang Fei, Tania C Felizardo, Hua Feng, Yibin Feng, Yuchen Feng, Thomas A Ferguson, Álvaro F Fernández, Maite G Fernandez-Barrena, Jose C Fernandez-Checa, Arsenio Fernández-López, Martin E Fernandez-Zapico, Olivier Feron, Elisabetta Ferraro, Carmen Veríssima Ferreira-Halder, Laszlo Fesu, Ralph Feuer, Fabienne C Fiesel, Eduardo C Filippi-Chiela, Giuseppe Filomeni, Gian Maria Fimia, John H Fingert, Steven Finkbeiner, Toren Finkel, Filomena Fiorito, Paul B Fisher, Marc Flajolet, Flavio Flamigni, Oliver Florey, Salvatore Florio, R Andres Floto, Marco Folini, Carlo Follo, Edward A Fon, Francesco Fornai, Franco Fortunato, Alessandro Fraldi, Rodrigo Franco, Arnaud Francoi, Aurélie Françoi, Lisa B Frankel, Iain DC Fraser, Norbert Frey, Damien G Freyssenet, Christian Frezza, Scott L Friedman, Daniel E Frigo, Dongxu Fu, José M Fuente, Juan Fueyo, Yoshio Fujitani, Yuuki Fujiwara, Mikihiro Fujiya, Mitsunori Fukuda, Simone Fulda, Carmela Fusco, Bozena Gabryel, Matthias Gaestel, Philippe Gailly, Malgorzata Gajewska, Sehamuddin Galadari, Gad Galili, Inmaculada Galindo, Maria F Galindo, Giovanna Galliciotti, Lorenzo Galluzzi, Luca Galluzzi, Vincent Galy, Noor Gammoh, Sam Gandy, Anand K Ganesan, Swamynathan Ganesan, Ian G Ganley, Monique Gannagé, Fen-Biao Gao, Feng Gao, Jian-Xin Gao, Lorena García Nannig, Eleonora García Véscovi, Marina Garcia-Macía, Carmen Garcia- Ruiz, Abhishek D Garg, Pramod Kumar Garg, Ricardo Gargini, Nils Christian Gassen, Damián Gatica, Evelina Gatti, Julie Gavard, Evripidis Gavathioti, Liang Ge, Pengfei Ge, Shengfang Ge, Po-Wu Gean, Vania Gelmetti, Armando A Genazzani, Jiefei Geng, Pascal Genschik, Lisa Gerner, Jason E Gestwicki, David A Gewirtz, Saeid Ghavami, Eric Ghigo, Debabrata Ghosh, Anna Maria Giammarioli, Francesca Giampieri, Claudia Giampietri, Alexandra Giatromanolaki, Derrick J Gibbing, Lara Gibellini, Spencer B Gibson, Vanessa Ginet, Antonio Giordano, Flaviano Giorgini, Elisa Giovannetti, Stephen E Girardin, Suzana Gispert, Sandy Giuliano, Candece L Gladson, Alvaro Glavic, Martin Gleave, Nelly Godefroy, Robert M Gogal Jr, Kuppan Gokulan, Gustavo H Goldman, Delia Goletti, Michael S Goligorsky, Aldrin V Gome, Ligia C Gome, Hernando Gomez, Candelaria Gomez-Manzano, Rubén Gómez-Sánchez, Dawit AP Gonçalve, Ebru Goncu, Qingqiu Gong, Céline Gongora, Carlos B Gonzalez, Pedro Gonzalez-Alegre, Pilar Gonzalez-Cabo, Rosa Ana González-Polo, Ing Swie Goping, Carlos Gorbea, Nikolai V Gorbunov, Daphne R Goring, Adrienne M Gorman, Sharon M Gorski, Sandro Goruppi, Shino Goto- Yamada, Cecilia Gotor, Roberta A Gottlieb, Illana Goze, Devrim Gozuacik, Yacine Graba, Martin Graef, Giovanna E Granato, Gary Dean Grant, Steven Grant, Giovanni Luca Gravina, Douglas R Green, Alexander Greenhough, Michael T Greenwood, Benedetto Grimaldi, Frédéric Gro, Charles Grose, Jean-Francois Groulx, Florian Gruber, Paolo Grumati, Tilman Grune, Jun-Lin Guan, Kun-Liang Guan, Barbara Guerra, Carlos Guillen, Kailash Gulshan, Jan Gunst, Chuanyong Guo, Lei Guo, Ming Guo, Wenjie Guo, Xu-Guang Guo, Andrea A Gust, Åsa B Gustafsson, Elaine Gutierrez, Maximiliano G Gutierrez, Ho-Shin Gwak, Albert Haa, James E Haber, Shinji Hadano, Monica Hagedorn, David R Hahn, Andrew J Halayko, Anne Hamacher-Brady, Kozo Hamada, Ahmed Hamai, Andrea Hamann, Maho Hamasaki, Isabelle Hamer, Qutayba Hamid, Ester M Hammond, Feng Han, Weidong Han, James T Handa, John A Hanover, Malene Hansen, Masaru Harada, Ljubica Harhaji-Trajkovic, J Wade Harper, Abdel Halim Harrath, Adrian L Harri, James Harri, Udo Hasler, Peter Hasselblatt, Kazuhisa Hasui, Robert G Hawley, Teresa S Hawley, Congcong He, Cynthia Y He, Fengtian He, Gu He, Rong-Rong He, Xian-Hui He, You-Wen He, Yu- Ying He, Joan K Heath, Marie-Josée Hébert, Robert A Heinzen, Gudmundur Vignir Helgason, Michael Hensel, Elizabeth P Henske, Chengtao Her, Paul K Herman, Agustín Hernández, Carlos Hernandez, Sonia Hernández-Tiedra, Claudio Hetz, P Robin Hiesinger, Katsumi Higaki, Sabine Hilfiker, Bradford G Hill, Joseph A Hill, William D Hill, Keisuke Hino, Daniel Hofiu, Paul Hofman, Günter U Höglinger, Jörg Höhfeld, Marina K Holz, Yonggeun Hong, David A Hood, Jeroen JM Hoozeman, Thorsten Hoppe, Chin Hsu, Chin-Yuan Hsu, Li-Chung Hsu, Dong Hu, Guochang Hu, Hong-Ming Hu, Hongbo Hu, Ming Chang Hu, Yu-Chen Hu, Zhuo-Wei Hu, Fang Hua, Ya Hua, Canhua Huang, Huey-Lan Huang, Kuo-How Huang, Kuo-Yang Huang, Shile Huang, Shiqian Huang, Wei-Pang Huang, Yi-Ran Huang, Yong Huang, Yunfei Huang, Tobias B Huber, Patricia Huebbe, Won-Ki Huh, Juha J Hulmi, Gang Min Hur, James H Hurley, Zvenyslava Husak, Sabah NA Hussain, Salik Hussain, Jung Jin Hwang, Seungmin Hwang, Thomas IS Hwang, Atsuhiro Ichihara, Yuzuru Imai, Carol Imbriano, Megumi Inomata, Takeshi Into, Valentina Iovane, Juan L Iovanna, Renato V Iozzo, Nancy Y Ip, Javier E Irazoqui, Pablo Iribarren, Yoshitaka Isaka, Aleksandra J Isakovic, Harry Ischiropoulo, Jeffrey S Isenberg, Mohammad Ishaq, Hiroyuki Ishida, Isao Ishii, Jane E Ishmael, Ciro Isidoro, Ken-ichi Isobe, Erika Isono, Shohreh Issazadeh- Navika, Koji Itahana, Eisuke Itakura, Andrei I Ivanov, Anand Krishnan V Iyer, José M Izquierdo, Yotaro Izumi, Valentina Izzo, Marja Jäättelä, Nadia Jaber, Daniel John Jackson, William T Jackson, Tony George Jacob, Thomas S Jacque, Chinnaswamy Jagannath, Ashish Jain, Nihar Ranjan Jana, Byoung Kuk Jang, Alkesh Jani, Bassam Janji, Paulo Roberto Jannig, Patric J Jansson, Steve Jean, Marina Jendrach, Ju-Hong Jeon, Niels Jessen, Eui-Bae Jeung, Kailiang Jia, Lijun Jia, Hong Jiang, Hongchi Jiang, Liwen Jiang, Teng Jiang, Xiaoyan Jiang, Xuejun Jiang, Ying Jiang, Yongjun Jiang, Alberto Jiménez, Cheng Jin, Hongchuan Jin, Lei Jin, Meiyan Jin, Shengkan Jin, Umesh Kumar Jinwal, Eun-Kyeong Jo, Terje Johansen, Daniel E Johnson, Gail VW Johnson, James D Johnson, Eric Jonasch, Chris Jone, Leo AB Joosten, Joaquin Jordan, Anna-Maria Joseph, Bertrand Joseph, Annie M Joubert, Dianwen Ju, Jingfang Ju, Hsueh-Fen Juan, Katrin Juenemann, Gábor Juhász, Hye Seung Jung, Jae U Jung, Yong-Keun Jung, Heinz Jungbluth, Matthew J Justice, Barry Jutten, Nadeem O Kaakoush, Kai Kaarniranta, Allen Kaasik, Tomohiro Kabuta, Bertrand Kaeffer, Katarina Kågedal, Alon Kahana, Shingo Kajimura, Or Kakhlon, Manjula Kalia, Dhan V Kalvakolanu, Yoshiaki Kamada, Konstantinos Kamba, Vitaliy O Kaminskyy, Harm H Kampinga, Mustapha Kandouz, Chanhee Kang, Rui Kang, Tae-Cheon Kang, Tomotake Kanki, Thirumala- Devi Kanneganti, Haruo Kanno, Anumantha G Kanthasamy, Marc Kantorow, Maria Kaparakis- Liasko, Orsolya Kapuy, Vassiliki Karantza, Md Razaul Karim, Parimal Karmakar, Arthur Kaser, Susmita Kaushik, Thomas Kawula, A Murat Kaynar, Po-Yuan Ke, Zun-Ji Ke, John H Kehrl, Kate E Keller, Jongsook Kim Kemper, Anne K Kenworthy, Oliver Kepp, Andreas Kern, Santosh Kesari, David Kessel, Robin Ketteler, Isis do Carmo Kettelhut, Bilon Khambu, Muzamil Majid Khan, Vinoth KM Khandelwal, Sangeeta Khare, Juliann G Kiang, Amy A Kiger, Akio Kihara, Arianna L Kim, Cheol Hyeon Kim, Deok Ryong Kim, Do-Hyung Kim, Eung Kweon Kim, Hye Young Kim, Hyung-Ryong Kim, Jae-Sung Kim, Jeong Hun Kim, Jin Cheon Kim, Jin Hyoung Kim, Kwang Woon Kim, Michael D Kim, Moon-Moo Kim, Peter K Kim, Seong Who Kim, Soo-Youl Kim, Yong-Sun Kim, Yonghyun Kim, Adi Kimchi, Alec C Kimmelman, Tomonori Kimura, Jason S King, Karla Kirkegaard, Vladimir Kirkin, Lorrie A Kirshenbaum, Shuji Kishi, Yasuo Kitajima, Katsuhiko Kitamoto, Yasushi Kitaoka, Kaio Kitazato, Rudolf A Kley, Walter T Klimecki, Michael Klinkenberg, Jochen Klucken, Helene Knævelsrud, Erwin Knecht, Laura Knuppertz, Jiunn-Liang Ko, Satoru Kobayashi, Jan C Koch, Christelle Koechlin-Ramonatxo, Ulrich Koenig, Young Ho Koh, Katja Köhler, Sepp D Kohlwein, Masato Koike, Masaaki Komatsu, Eiki Kominami, Dexin Kong, Hee Jeong Kong, Eumorphia G Konstantakou, Benjamin T Kopp, Tamas Korcsmaro, Laura Korhonen, Viktor I Korolchuk, Nadya V Koshkina, Yanjun Kou, Michael I Koukouraki, Constantinos Koumeni, Attila L Kovác, Tibor Kovác, Werner J Kovac, Daisuke Koya, Claudine Kraft, Dimitri Krainc, Helmut Kramer, Tamara Kravic-Stevovic, Wilhelm Krek, Carole Kretz-Remy, Roswitha Krick, Malathi Krishnamurthy, Janos Kriston-Vizi, Guido Kroemer, Michael C Kruer, Rejko Kruger, Nicholas T Ktistaki, Kazuyuki Kuchitsu, Christian Kuhn, Addanki Pratap Kumar, Anuj Kumar, Ashok Kumar, Deepak Kumar, Dhiraj Kumar, Rakesh Kumar, Sharad Kumar, Mondira Kundu, Hsing-Jien Kung, Atsushi Kuno, Sheng-Han Kuo, Jeff Kuret, Tino Kurz, Terry Kwok, Taeg Kyu Kwon, Yong Tae Kwon, Irene Kyrmizi, Albert R La Spada, Frank Lafont, Tim Lahm, Aparna Lakkaraju, Truong Lam, Trond Lamark, Steve Lancel, Terry H Landowski, Darius JR Lane, Jon D Lane, Cinzia Lanzi, Pierre Lapaquette, Louis R Lapierre, Jocelyn Laporte, Johanna Laukkarinen, Gordon W Laurie, Sergio Lavandero, Lena Lavie, Matthew J LaVoie, Betty Yuen Kwan Law, Helen Ka-wai Law, Kelsey B Law, Robert Layfield, Pedro A Lazo, Laurent Le Cam, Karine G Le Roch, Hervé Le Stunff, Vijittra Leardkamolkarn, Marc Lecuit, Byung-Hoon Lee, Che- Hsin Lee, Erinna F Lee, Gyun Min Lee, He-Jin Lee, Hsinyu Lee, Jae Keun Lee, Jongdae Lee, Juhyun Lee, Jun Hee Lee, Michael Lee, Myung-Shik Lee, Patty J Lee, Sam W Lee, Seung-Jae Lee, Shiow-Ju Lee, Stella Y Lee, Sug Hyung Lee, Sung Sik Lee, Sung-Joon Lee, Sunhee Lee, Ying- Ray Lee, Yong J Lee, Young H Lee, Christiaan Leeuwenburgh, Sylvain Lefort, Renaud Legoui, Jinzhi Lei, Qun-Ying Lei, David A Leib, Gil Leibowitz, Istvan Lekli, Stéphane D Lemaire, John J Lemaster, Marius K Lemberg, Antoinette Lemoine, Shuilong Leng, Guido Lenz, Paola Lenzi, Lilach O Lerman, Daniele Lettieri Barbato, Julia I-Ju Leu, Hing Y Leung, Beth Levine, Patrick A Lewi, Frank Lezoualc'h, Chi Li, Faqiang Li, Feng-Jun Li, Jun Li, Ke Li, Lian Li, Min Li, Qiang Li, Rui Li, Sheng Li, Wei Li, Xiaotao Li, Yumin Li, Jiqin Lian, Chengyu Liang, Qiangrong Liang, Yulin Liao, Joana Liberal, Pawel P Liberski, Pearl Lie, Andrew P Lieberman, Hyunjung Jade Lim, Kah-Leong Lim, Kyu Lim, Raquel T Lima, Chang-Shen Lin, Chiou-Feng Lin, Fang Lin, Fangming Lin, Fu-Cheng Lin, Kui Lin, Kwang-Huei Lin, Pei-Hui Lin, Tianwei Lin, Wan-Wan Lin, Yee-Shin Lin, Yong Lin, Rafael Linden, Dan Lindholm, Lisa M Lindqvist, Paul Lingor, Andreas Linkermann, Lance A Liotta, Marta M Lipinski, Vitor A Lira, Michael P Lisanti, Paloma B Liton, Bo Liu, Chong Liu, Chun-Feng Liu, Fei Liu, Hung-Jen Liu, Jianxun Liu, Jing-Jing Liu, Jing-Lan Liu, Ke Liu, Leyuan Liu, Liang Liu, Quentin Liu, Rong-Yu Liu, Shiming Liu, Shuwen Liu, Wei Liu, Xian-De Liu, Xiangguo Liu, Xiao-Hong Liu, Xinfeng Liu, Xu Liu, Xueqin Liu, Yang Liu, Yule Liu, Zexian Liu, Zhe Liu, Juan P Liuzzi, Gérard Lizard, Mila Ljujic, Irfan J Lodhi, Susan E Logue, Bal L Lokeshwar, Yun Chau Long, Sagar Lonial, Benjamin Loo, Carlos López-Otín, Cristina López-Vicario, Mar Lorente, Philip L Lorenzi, Péter Lõrincz, Marek Lo, Michael T Lotze, Penny E Lovat, Binfeng Lu, Bo Lu, Jiahong Lu, Qing Lu, She-Min Lu, Shuyan Lu, Yingying Lu, Frédéric Luciano, Shirley Luckhart, John Milton Lucocq, Paula Ludovico, Aurelia Lugea, Nicholas W Lukac, Julian J Lum, Anders H Lund, Honglin Luo, Jia Luo, Shouqing Luo, Claudio Luparello, Timothy Lyon, Jianjie Ma, Yi Ma, Yong Ma, Zhenyi Ma, Juliano Machado, Glaucia M Machado-Santelli, Fernando Macian, Gustavo C MacIntosh, Jeffrey P MacKeigan, Kay F Macleod, John D MacMicking, Lee Ann MacMillan-Crow, Frank Madeo, Muniswamy Madesh, Julio Madrigal-Matute, Akiko Maeda, Tatsuya Maeda, Gustavo Maegawa, Emilia Maellaro, Hannelore Mae, Marta Magariño, Kenneth Maiese, Tapas K Maiti, Luigi Maiuri, Maria Chiara Maiuri, Carl G Maki, Roland Malli, Walter Malorni, Alina Maloyan, Fathia Mami-Chouaib, Na Man, Joseph D Mancia, Eva-Maria Mandelkow, Michael A Mandell, Angelo A Manfredi, Serge N Manié, Claudia Manzoni, Kai Mao, Zixu Mao, Zong-Wan Mao, Philippe Marambaud, Anna Maria Marconi, Zvonimir Marelja, Gabriella Marfe, Marta Margeta, Eva Margittai, Muriel Mari, Francesca V Mariani, Concepcio Marin, Sara Marinelli, Guillermo Mariño, Ivanka Markovic, Rebecca Marquez, Alberto M Martelli, Sascha Marten, Katie R Martin, Seamus J Martin, Shaun Martin, Miguel A Martin- Acebe, Paloma Martín-Sanz, Camille Martinand-Mari, Wim Martinet, Jennifer Martinez, Nuria Martinez-Lopez, Ubaldo Martinez-Outschoorn, Moisés Martínez-Velázquez, Marta Martinez- Vicente, Waleska Kerllen Martin, Hirosato Mashima, James A Mastrianni, Giuseppe Matarese, Paola Matarrese, Roberto Mateo, Satoaki Matoba, Naomichi Matsumoto, Takehiko Matsushita, Akira Matsuura, Takeshi Matsuzawa, Mark P Mattson, Soledad Matu, Norma Maugeri, Caroline Mauvezin, Andreas Mayer, Dusica Maysinger, Guillermo D Mazzolini, Mary Kate McBrayer, Kimberly McCall, Craig McCormick, Gerald M McInerney, Skye C McIver, Sharon McKenna, John J McMahon, Iain A McNeish, Fatima Mechta-Grigoriou, Jan Paul Medema, Diego L Medina, Klara Megyeri, Maryam Mehrpour, Jawahar L Mehta, Yide Mei, Ute-Christiane Meier, Alfred J Meijer, Alicia Meléndez, Gerry Melino, Sonia Melino, Edesio Jose Tenorio de Melo, Maria A Mena, Marc D Meneghini, Javier A Menendez, Regina Meneze, Liesu Meng, Ling-hua Meng, Songshu Meng, Rossella Menghini, A Sue Menko, Rubem FS Menna-Barreto, Manoj B Menon, Marco A Meraz-Río, Giuseppe Merla, Luciano Merlini, Angelica M Merlot, Andreas Meryk, Stefania Meschini, Joel N Meyer, Man-tian Mi, Chao-Yu Miao, Lucia Micale, Simon Michaeli, Carine Michiel, Anna Rita Migliaccio, Anastasia Susie Mihailidou, Dalibor Mijaljica, Katsuhiko Mikoshiba, Enrico Milan, Leonor Miller-Fleming, Gordon B Mill, Ian G Mill, Georgia Minakaki, Berge A Minassian, Xiu-Fen Ming, Farida Minibayeva, Elena A Minina, Justine D Mintern, Saverio Minucci, Antonio Miranda-Vizuete, Claire H Mitchell, Shigeki Miyamoto, Keisuke Miyazawa, Noboru Mizushima, Katarzyna Mnich, Baharia Mograbi, Simin Mohseni, Luis Ferreira Moita, Marco Molinari, Maurizio Molinari, Andreas Buch Møller, Bertrand Mollereau, Faustino Mollinedo, Marco Mongillo, Martha M Monick, Serena Montagnaro, Craig Montell, Darren J Moore, Michael N Moore, Rodrigo Mora-Rodriguez, Paula I Moreira, Etienne Morel, Maria Beatrice Morelli, Sandra Moreno, Michael J Morgan, Arnaud Mori, Yuji Moriyasu, Janna L Morrison, Lynda A Morrison, Eugenia Morselli, Jorge Moscat, Pope L Moseley, Serge Mostowy, Elisa Motori, Denis Mottet, Jeremy C Mottram, Charbel E-H Moussa, Vassiliki E Mpakou, Hasan Mukhtar, Jean M Mulcahy Levy, Sylviane Muller, Raquel Muñoz-Moreno, Cristina Muñoz-Pinedo, Christian Münz, Maureen E Murphy, James T Murray, Aditya Murthy, Indira U Mysorekar, Ivan R Nabi, Massimo Nabissi, Gustavo A Nader, Yukitoshi Nagahara, Yoshitaka Nagai, Kazuhiro Nagata, Anika Nagelkerke, Péter Nagy, Samisubbu R Naidu, Sreejayan Nair, Hiroyasu Nakano, Hitoshi Nakatogawa, Meera Nanjundan, Gennaro Napolitano, Naweed I Naqvi, Roberta Nardacci, Derek P Narendra, Masashi Narita, Anna Chiara Nascimbeni, Ramesh Natarajan, Luiz C Navegante, Steffan T Nawrocki, Taras Y Nazarko, Volodymyr Y Nazarko, Thomas Neill, Luca M Neri, Mihai G Netea, Romana T Netea-Maier, Bruno M Neve, Paul A Ney, Ioannis P Nezi, Hang TT Nguyen, Huu Phuc Nguyen, Anne-Sophie Nicot, Hilde Nilsen, Per Nilsson, Mikio Nishimura, Ichizo Nishino, Mireia Niso-Santano, Hua Niu, Ralph A Nixon, Vincent CO Njar, Takeshi Noda, Angelika A Noegel, Elsie Magdalena Nolte, Erik Norberg, Koenraad K Norga, Sakineh Kazemi Noureini, Shoji Notomi, Lucia Notterpek, Karin Nowikovsky, Nobuyuki Nukina, Thorsten Nürnberger, Valerie B O'Donnell, Tracey O'Donovan, Peter J O'Dwyer, Ina Oehme, Clara L Oeste, Michinaga Ogawa, Besim Ogretmen, Yuji Ogura, Young J Oh, Masaki Ohmuraya, Takayuki Ohshima, Rani Ojha, Koji Okamoto, Toshiro Okazaki, F Javier Oliver, Karin Ollinger, Stefan Olsson, Daniel P Orban, Paulina Ordonez, Idil Orhon, Laszlo Orosz, Eyleen J O'Rourke, Helena Orozco, Angel L Ortega, Elena Ortona, Laura D Osellame, Junko Oshima, Shigeru Oshima, Heinz D Osiewacz, Takanobu Otomo, Kinya Otsu, Jing-hsiung James Ou, Tiago F Outeiro, Dong-yun Ouyang, Hongjiao Ouyang, Michael Overholtzer, Michelle A Ozbun, P Hande Ozdinler, Bulent Ozpolat, Consiglia Pacelli, Paolo Paganetti, Guylène Page, Gilles Page, Ugo Pagnini, Beata Pajak, Stephen C Pak, Karolina Pakos-Zebrucka, Nazzy Pakpour, Zdena 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Frederick Quinn, Nina Raben, Hannah Rabinowich, Flavia Radogna, Michael J Ragusa, Mohamed Rahmani, Komal Raina, Sasanka Ramanadham, Rajagopal Ramesh, Abdelhaq Rami, Sarron Randall- Demllo, Felix Randow, Hai Rao, V Ashutosh Rao, Blake B Rasmussen, Tobias M Rasse, Edward A Ratovitski, Pierre-Emmanuel Rautou, Swapan K Ray, Babak Razani, Bruce H Reed, Fulvio Reggiori, Markus Rehm, Andreas S Reichert, Theo Rein, David J Reiner, Eric Reit, Jun Ren, Xingcong Ren, Maurizio Renna, Jane EB Reusch, Jose L Revuelta, Leticia Reye, Alireza R Rezaie, Robert I Richard, Des R Richardson, Clémence Richetta, Michael A Riehle, Bertrand H Rihn, Yasuko Rikihisa, Brigit E Riley, Gerald Rimbach, Maria Rita Rippo, Konstantinos Riti, Federica Rizzi, Elizete Rizzo, Peter J Roach, Jeffrey Robbin, Michel Roberge, Gabriela Roca, Maria Carmela Roccheri, Sonia Rocha, Cecilia MP Rodrigue, Clara I Rodríguez, Santiago Rodriguez de Cordoba, Natalia Rodriguez-Muela, Jeroen Roelof, Vladimir V Rogov, Troy T Rohn, Bärbel 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- Subjects
[SDV]Life Sciences [q-bio] ,autophagosome ,Review Article ,ddc:616.07 ,stress ,stre ,LC3 ,MESH: Animals ,Settore MED/49 - Scienze Tecniche Dietetiche Applicate ,Settore BIO/06 - Anatomia Comparata E Citologia ,chaperone-mediated autophagy ,ComputingMilieux_MISCELLANEOUS ,Settore BIO/11 ,Pharmacology. Therapy ,Settore BIO/13 ,standards [Biological Assay] ,autolysosome ,MESH: Autophagy*/physiology ,lysosome ,methods [Biological Assay] ,Biological Assay ,Settore BIO/17 - ISTOLOGIA ,Erratum ,Human ,Biochemistry & Molecular Biology ,Settore BIO/06 ,physiology [Autophagy] ,Chaperonemediated autophagy ,[SDV.BC]Life Sciences [q-bio]/Cellular Biology ,NO ,autophagy, guidelines, molecular biology, ultrastructure ,flux ,macroautophagy ,phagophore ,vacuole ,MESH: Biological Assay/methods ,MESH: Computer Simulation ,ddc:570 ,Autolysosome, Autophagosome, Chaperonemediated autophagy, Flux, LC3, Lysosome, Macroautophagy, Phagophore, Stress, Vacuole ,Autophagy ,Animals ,Humans ,Computer Simulation ,Settore BIO/10 ,ddc:612 ,Biology ,MESH: Humans ,Animal ,0601 Biochemistry And Cell Biology ,MESH: Biological Assay/standards ,Human medicine - Abstract
Seuls les 100 premiers auteurs dont les auteurs INRA ont été entrés dans la notice. La liste complète des auteurs et de leurs affiliations est accessible sur la publication.; International audience; In 2008 we published the first set of guidelines for standardizing research in autophagy. Since then, research on this topic has continued to accelerate, and many new scientists have entered the field. Our knowledge base and relevant new technologies have also been expanding. Accordingly, it is important to update these guidelines for monitoring autophagy in different organisms. Various reviews have described the range of assays that have been used for this purpose. Nevertheless, there continues to be confusion regarding acceptable methods to measure autophagy, especially in multicellular eukaryotes.For example, a key point that needs to be emphasized is that there is a difference between measurements that monitor the numbers or volume of autophagic elements (e.g., autophagosomes or autolysosomes) at any stage of the autophagic process versus those that measure flux through the autophagy pathway (i.e., the complete process including the amount and rate of cargo sequestered and degraded). In particular, a block in macroautophagy that results in autophagosome accumulation must be differentiated from stimuli that increase autophagic activity, defined as increased autophagy induction coupled with increased delivery to, and degradation within, lysosomes (in most higher eukaryotes and some protists such as Dictyostelium) or the vacuole (in plants and fungi). In other words, it is especially important that investigators new to the field understand that the appearance of more autophagosomes does not necessarily equate with more autophagy. In fact, in many cases, autophagosomes accumulate because of a block in trafficking to lysosomes without a concomitant change in autophagosome biogenesis, whereas an increase in autolysosomes may reflect a reduction in degradative activity. It is worth emphasizing here that lysosomal digestion is a stage of autophagy and evaluating its competence is a crucial part of the evaluation of autophagic flux, or complete autophagy.Here, we present a set of guidelines for the selection and interpretation of methods for use by investigators who aim to examine macroautophagy and related processes, as well as for reviewers who need to provide realistic and reasonable critiques of papers that are focused on these processes. These guidelines are not meant to be a formulaic set of rules, because the appropriate assays depend in part on the question being asked and the system being used. In addition, we emphasize that no individual assay is guaranteed to be the most appropriate one in every situation, and we strongly recommend the use of multiple assays to monitor autophagy. Along these lines, because of the potential for pleiotropic effects due to blocking autophagy through genetic manipulation, it is imperative to target by gene knockout or RNA interference more than one autophagy-related protein. In addition, some individual Atg proteins, or groups of proteins, are involved in other cellular pathways implying that not all Atg proteins can be used as a specific marker for an autophagic process. In these guidelines, we consider these various methods of assessing autophagy and what information can, or cannot, be obtained from them. Finally, by discussing the merits and limits of particular assays, we hope to encourage technical innovation in the field.
- Published
- 2016
25. Ets-2 Is Induced by Oxidative Stress and Sensitizes Cells to H2O2-Induced Apoptosis: Implications for Down's Syndrome: Volume 287, Number 4 (2001), pages 1003–1008
- Author
Sanij, E., Hatzistavrou, T., Hertzog, P., Kola, I., and Wolvetang, E. J.
- Published
- 2002
- Full Text
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26. A scalable, spin-free approach to generate enhanced induced pluripotent stem cell-derived natural killer cells for cancer immunotherapy.
- Author
Rossi GR, Sun J, Lin CY, Wong JK, Alim L, Lam PY, Khosrotehrani K, Wolvetang E, Cheetham SW, Derrick EB, Amoako A, Lehner C, Brooks AJ, Beavis PA, and Souza-Fonseca-Guimaraes F
- Subjects
- Humans, Cytotoxicity, Immunologic, Receptors, Chimeric Antigen metabolism, Receptors, Chimeric Antigen genetics, Receptors, Chimeric Antigen immunology, Immunotherapy, Adoptive methods, Embryoid Bodies cytology, Female, Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells cytology, Killer Cells, Natural immunology, Cell Differentiation, Immunotherapy methods, Neoplasms therapy, Neoplasms immunology
- Abstract
Natural killer (NK) cells play a vital role in innate immunity and show great promise in cancer immunotherapy. Traditional sources of NK cells, such as the peripheral blood, are limited by availability and donor variability. In addition, in vitro expansion can lead to functional exhaustion and gene editing challenges. This study aimed to harness induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC) technology to provide a consistent and scalable source of NK cells, overcoming the limitations of traditional sources and enhancing the potential for cancer immunotherapy applications. We developed human placental-derived iPSC lines using reprogramming techniques. Subsequently, an optimized two-step differentiation protocol was introduced to generate high-purity NK cells. Initially, iPSCs were differentiated into hematopoietic-like stem cells using spin-free embryoid bodies (EBs). Subsequently, the EBs were transferred to ultra-low attachment plates to induce NK cell differentiation. iPSC-derived NK (iNK) cells expressed common NK cell markers (NKp46, NKp30, NKp44, CD16 and eomesodermin) at both RNA and protein levels. iNK cells demonstrated significant resilience to cryopreservation and exhibited enhanced cytotoxicity. The incorporation of a chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) construct further augmented their cytotoxic potential. This study exemplifies the feasibility of generating iNK cells with high purity and enhanced functional capabilities, their improved resilience to cryopreservation and the potential to have augmented cytotoxicity through CAR expression. Our findings offer a promising pathway for the development of potential cellular immunotherapies, highlighting the critical role of iPSC technology in overcoming challenges associated with traditional NK cell sources., (© 2024 The Author(s). Immunology & Cell Biology published by John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd on behalf of the Australian and New Zealand Society for Immunology, Inc.)
- Published
- 2024
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27. Superior Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell Generation through Phactr3-Driven Mechanomodulation of Both Early and Late Phases of Cell Reprogramming.
- Author
Chowdhury MM, Zimmerman S, Leeson H, Nefzger CM, Mar JC, Laslett A, Polo JM, Wolvetang E, and Cooper-White JJ
- Abstract
Human cell reprogramming traditionally involves time-intensive, multistage, costly tissue culture polystyrene-based cell culture practices that ultimately produce low numbers of reprogrammed cells of variable quality. Previous studies have shown that very soft 2- and 3-dimensional hydrogel substrates/matrices (of stiffnesses ≤ 1 kPa) can drive ~2× improvements in human cell reprogramming outcomes. Unfortunately, these similarly complex multistage protocols lack intrinsic scalability, and, furthermore, the associated underlying molecular mechanisms remain to be fully elucidated, limiting the potential to further maximize reprogramming outcomes. In screening the largest range of polyacrylamide (pAAm) hydrogels of varying stiffness to date (1 kPa to 1.3 MPa), we have found that a medium stiffness gel (~100 kPa) increased the overall number of reprogrammed cells by up to 10-fold (10×), accelerated reprogramming kinetics, improved both early and late phases of reprogramming, and produced induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) having more naïve characteristics and lower remnant transgene expression, compared to the gold standard tissue culture polystyrene practice. Functionalization of these pAAm hydrogels with poly-l-dopamine enabled, for the first-time, continuous, single-step reprogramming of fibroblasts to iPSCs on hydrogel substrates (noting that even the tissue culture polystyrene practice is a 2-stage process). Comparative RNA sequencing analyses coupled with experimental validation revealed that a novel reprogramming regulator, protein phosphatase and actin regulator 3, up-regulated under the gel condition at a very early time point, was responsible for the observed enhanced reprogramming outcomes. This study provides a novel culture protocol and substrate for continuous hydrogel-based cell reprogramming and previously unattained clarity of the underlying mechanisms via which substrate stiffness modulates reprogramming kinetics and iPSC quality outcomes., Competing Interests: Competing interests: The authors declare that they have no competing interests., (Copyright © 2024 Mohammad Mahfuz et al.)
- Published
- 2024
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28. Cellular senescence and premature aging in Down Syndrome.
- Author
Peng L, Baradar AA, Aguado J, and Wolvetang E
- Subjects
- Humans, Cellular Senescence genetics, Comorbidity, Aging, Premature, Down Syndrome
- Abstract
Down syndrome (DS) is a genetic disorder caused by an extra copy of chromosome 21, resulting in cognitive impairment, physical abnormalities, and an increased risk of age-related co-morbidities. Individuals with DS exhibit accelerated aging, which has been attributed to several cellular mechanisms, including cellular senescence, a state of irreversible cell cycle arrest that is associated with aging and age-related diseases. Emerging evidence suggests that cellular senescence may play a key role in the pathogenesis of DS and the development of age-related disorders in this population. Importantly, cellular senescence may be a potential therapeutic target in alleviating age-related DS pathology. Here, we discuss the importance of focusing on cellular senescence to understand accelerated aging in DS. We review the current state of knowledge regarding cellular senescence and other hallmarks of aging in DS, including its putative contribution to cognitive impairment, multi-organ dysfunction, and premature aging phenotypes., Competing Interests: Declaration of Competing Interest The authors declare no competing interests., (Copyright © 2023 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.)
- Published
- 2023
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29. Noncoding RNA of Zika Virus Affects Interplay between Wnt-Signaling and Pro-Apoptotic Pathways in the Developing Brain Tissue.
- Author
Slonchak A, Chaggar H, Aguado J, Wolvetang E, and Khromykh AA
- Subjects
- Female, Humans, Pregnancy, Brain metabolism, Placenta metabolism, RNA, Untranslated genetics, Virus Replication, Wnt Signaling Pathway, Subgenomic RNA genetics, Flavivirus genetics, Zika Virus physiology, Zika Virus Infection
- Abstract
Zika virus (ZIKV) has a unique ability among flaviviruses to cross the placental barrier and infect the fetal brain causing severe abnormalities of neurodevelopment known collectively as congenital Zika syndrome. In our recent study, we demonstrated that the viral noncoding RNA (subgenomic flaviviral RNA, sfRNA) of the Zika virus induces apoptosis of neural progenitors and is required for ZIKV pathogenesis in the developing brain. Herein, we expanded on our initial findings and identified biological processes and signaling pathways affected by the production of ZIKV sfRNA in the developing brain tissue. We employed 3D brain organoids generated from induced human pluripotent stem cells (ihPSC) as an ex vivo model of viral infection in the developing brain and utilized wild type (WT) ZIKV (producing sfRNA) and mutant ZIKV (deficient in the production of sfRNA). Global transcriptome profiling by RNA-Seq revealed that the production of sfRNA affects the expression of >1000 genes. We uncovered that in addition to the activation of pro-apoptotic pathways, organoids infected with sfRNA-producing WT, but not sfRNA-deficient mutant ZIKV, which exhibited a strong down-regulation of genes involved in signaling pathways that control neuron differentiation and brain development, indicating the requirement of sfRNA for the suppression of neurodevelopment associated with the ZIKV infection. Using gene set enrichment analysis and gene network reconstruction, we demonstrated that the effect of sfRNA on pathways that control brain development occurs via crosstalk between Wnt-signaling and proapoptotic pathways.
- Published
- 2023
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30. Zika virus noncoding RNA cooperates with the viral protein NS5 to inhibit STAT1 phosphorylation and facilitate viral pathogenesis.
- Author
Slonchak A, Wang X, Aguado J, Sng JDJ, Chaggar H, Freney ME, Yan K, Torres FJ, Amarilla AA, Balea R, Setoh YX, Peng N, Watterson D, Wolvetang E, Suhrbier A, and Khromykh AA
- Subjects
- Pregnancy, Humans, Female, Animals, Mice, Phosphorylation, Viral Proteins, Placenta, RNA, Viral genetics, Antiviral Agents, RNA, Untranslated genetics, STAT1 Transcription Factor genetics, Zika Virus, Zika Virus Infection genetics
- Abstract
All flaviviruses, including Zika virus, produce noncoding subgenomic flaviviral RNA (sfRNA), which plays an important role in viral pathogenesis. However, the exact mechanism of how sfRNA enables viral evasion of antiviral response is not well defined. Here, we show that sfRNA is required for transplacental virus dissemination in pregnant mice and subsequent fetal brain infection. We also show that sfRNA promotes apoptosis of neural progenitor cells in human brain organoids, leading to their disintegration. In infected human placental cells, sfRNA inhibits multiple antiviral pathways and promotes apoptosis, with signal transducer and activator of transcription 1 (STAT1) identified as a key shared factor. We further show that the production of sfRNA leads to reduced phosphorylation and nuclear translocation of STAT1 via a mechanism that involves sfRNA binding to and stabilizing viral protein NS5. Our results suggest the cooperation between viral noncoding RNA and a viral protein as a novel strategy for counteracting antiviral responses.
- Published
- 2022
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31. Generation of human induced pluripotential stem cells from individuals with complex heterozygous, isogenic corrected, and homozygous Bloc1s1 mutations.
- Author
Wu K, Takanohashi A, Woidill S, Seylani A, Helman G, Dias P, Beers J, Lin Y, Simons C, Wolvetang E, Zou J, Vanderver A, and Sack MN
- Subjects
- Humans, Homozygote, Heterozygote, Mutation genetics, Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats, Nerve Tissue Proteins metabolism, Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells metabolism
- Abstract
Genetic studies show that BLOC1S1 modulates mitochondrial and endosome-lysosome function (Wu et al., 2021a). Furthermore, Bloc1s1 mutations are linked to leukodystrophy (Bertoli-Avella et al., 2021). The Vanderver laboratory identified additional individuals with leukodystrophy that harbored either complex heterozygous (Bloc1s1 c.206A > C and c.359G > A), or homozygous (Bloc1s1 c.185 T > C) point mutations. We generated induced pluripotential stem cell (iPSC) lines from these subjects, from parents of the complex heterozygous mutations patient, and from CRISPR isogenic (c.206A > C and c.359G > A) corrected iPSC-line. These complex heterozygous, homozygous, and isogenic-corrected Bloc1s1 lines were phenotypically normal and were capable of differentiation towards the three germ layers., Competing Interests: Declaration of Competing Interest The authors declare the following financial interests/personal relationships which may be considered as potential competing interests: Adeline Vanderver reports financial support was provided by Eli Lilly and Company. Adeline Vanderver reports financial support was provided by Biogen. Adeline Vanderver reports financial support was provided by Takeda Pharmaceuticals America Inc. Adeline Vanderver reports financial support was provided by Homology Medicines Inc. Adeline Vanderver reports financial support was provided by Passage Bio, Inc. Adeline Vanderver reports financial support was provided by Illumina Inc. Adeline Vanderver reports financial support was provided by PMD FOundation., (Published by Elsevier B.V.)
- Published
- 2022
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32. TDP-43 Mutation Affects Stress Granule Dynamics in Differentiated NSC-34 Motoneuron-Like Cells.
- Author
Ding Q, Chaplin J, Morris MJ, Hilliard MA, Wolvetang E, Ng DCH, and Noakes PG
- Abstract
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) is characterized by degeneration of motor neurons in the brain and spinal cord. Cytoplasmic inclusions of TDP-43 are frequently reported in motor neurons of ALS patients. TDP-43 has also been shown to associate with stress granules (SGs), a complex of proteins and mRNAs formed in response to stress stimuli that temporarily sequester mRNA translation. The effect of pathogenic TDP-43 mutations within glycine-rich regions (where the majority of ALS-causing TDP-43 mutations occur) on SG dynamics in motor neurons is poorly understood. To address this issue, we generated murine NSC-34 cell lines that stably over-express wild type TDP-43 (TDP-43
W T ) or mutant forms (ALS-causing TDP-43 mutations TDP-43A 315T or TDP-43M 337V ). We then differentiated these NSC-34 lines into motoneuron-like cells and evaluated SG formation and disassembly kinetics in response to oxidative or osmotic stress treatment. Wild type and mutant TDP-43 appeared to be largely retained in the nucleus following exposure to arsenite-induced oxidative stress. Upon arsenite removal, mutant TDP-43 clearly accumulated within HuR positive SGs in the cytoplasm, whereas TDP-43W T remained mostly within the nucleus. 24 h following arsenite removal, all SGs were disassembled in both wild type and mutant TDP-43 expressing cells. By contrast, we observed significant differences in the dynamics of mutant TDP-43 association with SGs in response to hyperosmotic stress. Specifically, in response to sorbitol treatment, TDP-43W T remained in the nucleus, whereas mutant TDP-43 relocalized to HuR positive SGs in the cytoplasm following exposure to sorbitol stress, resulting in a significant increase in TDP-43 SG numbers. These SGs remained assembled for 24 h following removal of sorbitol. Our data reveal that under certain stress conditions the rates of SG formation and disassembly is modulated by TDP-43 mutations associated with ALS, and suggest that this may be an early event in the seeding of insoluble cytoplasmic inclusions observed in ALS., Competing Interests: The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest., (Copyright © 2021 Ding, Chaplin, Morris, Hilliard, Wolvetang, Ng and Noakes.)- Published
- 2021
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33. Leucine-rich repeat-containing G protein-coupled receptor 5 marks different cancer stem cell compartments in human Caco-2 and LoVo colon cancer lines.
- Author
Alharbi SA, Ovchinnikov DA, and Wolvetang E
- Subjects
- Animals, Caco-2 Cells, GTP-Binding Proteins, Humans, Leucine, Mice, Neoplastic Stem Cells metabolism, Receptors, G-Protein-Coupled genetics, Receptors, G-Protein-Coupled metabolism, Colonic Neoplasms genetics
- Abstract
Background: Colon cancer cell lines are widely used for research and for the screening of drugs that specifically target the stem cell compartment of colon cancers. It was reported that colon cancer carcinoma specimens contain a subset of leucine-rich repeat-containing G protein-coupled receptor 5 (LGR5)-expressing stem cells, these so-called "tumour-initiating" cells, reminiscent in their properties of the normal intestinal stem cells (ISCs), may explain the apparent heterogeneity of colon cancer cell lines. Also, colon cancer is initiated by aberrant Wnt signaling in ISCs known to express high levels of LGR5. Furthermore, in vivo reports demonstrate the clonal expansion of intestinal adenomas from a single LGR5-expressing cell., Aim: To investigate whether colon cancer cell lines contain cancer stem cells and to characterize these putative cancer stem cells., Methods: A portable fluorescent reporter construct based on a conserved fragment of the LGR5 promoter was used to isolate the cell compartments expressing different levels of LGR5 in two widely used colon cancer cell lines (Caco-2 and LoVo). These cells were then characterized according to their proliferation capacity, gene expression signatures of ISC markers, and their tumorigenic properties in vivo and in vitro ., Results: The data revealed that the LGR5 reporter can be used to identify and isolate a classical intestinal crypt stem cell-like population from the Caco-2, but not from the LoVo, cell lines, in which the cancer stem cell population is more akin to B lymphoma Moloney murine leukemia virus insertion region 1 homolog (+4 crypt) stem cells. This sub-population within Caco-2 cells exhibits an intestinal cancer stem cell gene expression signature and can both self-renew and generate differentiated LGR5 negative progeny. Our data also show that cells expressing high levels of LGR5/enhanced yellow fluorescent protein (EYFP) from this cell line exhibit tumorigenic-like properties in vivo and in vitro . In contrast, cell compartments of LoVo that are expressing high levels of LGR5/EYFP did not show these stem cell-like properties. Thus, cells that exhibit high levels of LGR5/EYFP expression represent the cancer stem cell compartment of Caco-2 colon cancer cells, but not LoVo cells., Conclusion: Our findings highlight the presence of a spectrum of different ISC-like compartments in different colon cancer cell lines. Their existence is an important consideration for their screening applications and should be taken into account when interpreting drug screening data. We have generated a portable LGR5-reporter that serves as a valuable tool for the identification and isolation of different colon cancer stem cell populations in colon cancer lines., Competing Interests: Conflict-of-interest statement: All authors have nothing to disclose., (©The Author(s) 2021. Published by Baishideng Publishing Group Inc. All rights reserved.)
- Published
- 2021
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34. Testing the Correlates of Consciousness in Brain Organoids: How Do We Know and What Do We Do?
- Author
Ankeny RA and Wolvetang E
- Subjects
- Brain, Humans, Morals, Consciousness, Organoids
- Published
- 2021
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35. Impaired endoplasmic reticulum-mitochondrial signaling in ataxia-telangiectasia.
- Author
Yeo AJ, Chong KL, Gatei M, Zou D, Stewart R, Withey S, Wolvetang E, Parton RG, Brown AD, Kastan MB, Coman D, and Lavin MF
- Abstract
There is evidence that ATM mutated in ataxia-telangiectasia (A-T) plays a key role in protecting against mitochondrial dysfunction, the mechanism for which remains unresolved. We demonstrate here that ATM-deficient cells are exquisitely sensitive to nutrient deprivation, which can be explained by defective cross talk between the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and the mitochondrion. Tethering between these two organelles in response to stress was reduced in cells lacking ATM, and consistent with this, Ca
2+ release and transfer between ER and mitochondria was reduced dramatically when compared with control cells. The impact of this on mitochondrial function was evident from an increase in oxygen consumption rates and a defect in mitophagy in ATM-deficient cells. Our findings reveal that ER-mitochondrial connectivity through IP3R1-GRP75-VDAC1, to maintain Ca2+ homeostasis, as well as an abnormality in mitochondrial fusion defective in response to nutrient stress, can account for at least part of the mitochondrial dysfunction observed in A-T cells., Competing Interests: None of the authors have a conflict of interest. This study was not funded by any commercial entity and has not attracted any intellectual property protection or patents., (© 2020 The Authors.)- Published
- 2020
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36. Telomere transcription in ageing.
- Author
Aguado J, d'Adda di Fagagna F, and Wolvetang E
- Subjects
- Aging genetics, Cellular Senescence genetics, Genomic Instability, Humans, RNA, Untranslated genetics, Telomere genetics
- Abstract
Telomeres, the ends of eukaryotic chromosomes, play a central role in the control of cellular senescence and organismal ageing and need to be protected in order to avoid being recognised as damaged DNA and activate DNA damage response pathways. Dysfunctional telomeres arise from critically short telomeres or altered telomere structures, which ultimately lead to replicative cellular senescence and chromosome instability: both hallmarks of ageing. The observation that telomeres are transcribed led to the discovery that telomeric transcripts play important roles in chromosome end protection and genome stability maintenance. Recent evidence indicates that particular long non-coding (nc)RNAs transcribed at telomeres, namely TElomeric Repeat-containing RNA (TERRA) and telomeric damage-induced long ncRNAs (tdilncRNA), play key roles in age-related pathways by actively orchestrating the mechanisms known to regulate telomere length, chromosome end protection and DNA damage signalling. Here, we provide a comprehensive overview of the telomere transcriptome, outlining how it functions as a regulatory platform with essential functions in safeguarding telomere integrity and stability. We next review emerging antisense oligonucleotides therapeutic strategies that target telomeric ncRNAs and discuss their potential for ameliorating ageing and age-related diseases. Altogether, this review provides insights on the biological relevance of telomere transcription mechanisms in human ageing physiology and pathology., (Copyright © 2020. Published by Elsevier B.V.)
- Published
- 2020
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37. Inflammatory responses to a pathogenic West Nile virus strain.
- Author
Huang B, West N, Vider J, Zhang P, Griffiths RE, Wolvetang E, Burtonclay P, and Warrilow D
- Subjects
- Australia epidemiology, Cell Line, Tumor, Chemokine CCL2 genetics, Gene Expression, Gene Expression Profiling, Humans, Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells cytology, Interleukin-8 genetics, Neurons virology, Phenotype, Virulence, West Nile virus pathogenicity, Disease Outbreaks, Immunity, Innate genetics, Inflammation genetics, West Nile Fever epidemiology, West Nile virus genetics
- Abstract
Background: West Nile virus (WNV) circulates across Australia and was referred to historically as Kunjin virus (WNV
KUN ). WNVKUN has been considered more benign than other WNV strains circulating globally. In 2011, a more virulent form of the virus emerged during an outbreak of equine arboviral disease in Australia., Methods: To better understand the emergence of this virulent phenotype and the mechanism by which pathogenicity is manifested in its host, cells were infected with either the virulent strain (NSW2012), or less pathogenic historical isolates, and their innate immune responses compared by digital immune gene expression profiling. Two different cell systems were used: a neuroblastoma cell line (SK-N-SH cells) and neuronal cells derived from induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs)., Results: Significant innate immune gene induction was observed in both systems. The NSW2012 isolate induced higher gene expression of two genes (IL-8 and CCL2) when compared with cells infected with less pathogenic isolates. Pathway analysis of induced inflammation-associated genes also indicated generally higher activation in infected NSW2012 cells. However, this differential response was not paralleled in the neuronal cultures., Conclusion: NSW2012 may have unique genetic characteristics which contributed to the outbreak. The data herein is consistent with the possibility that the virulence of NSW2012 is underpinned by increased induction of inflammatory genes.- Published
- 2019
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38. Determinants of Zika virus host tropism uncovered by deep mutational scanning.
- Author
Setoh YX, Amarilla AA, Peng NYG, Griffiths RE, Carrera J, Freney ME, Nakayama E, Ogawa S, Watterson D, Modhiran N, Nanyonga FE, Torres FJ, Slonchak A, Periasamy P, Prow NA, Tang B, Harrison J, Hobson-Peters J, Cuddihy T, Cooper-White J, Hall RA, Young PR, Mackenzie JM, Wolvetang E, Bloom JD, Suhrbier A, and Khromykh AA
- Subjects
- Aedes virology, Animals, Biological Evolution, Chlorocebus aethiops, Female, Host Specificity, Humans, Mice, Mice, Inbred C57BL, Models, Molecular, Mosquito Vectors virology, Mutation, Selection, Genetic, Vero Cells, Viral Envelope Proteins chemistry, Viral Envelope Proteins genetics, Viral Envelope Proteins metabolism, Virus Replication, Zika Virus chemistry, Zika Virus genetics, DNA Mutational Analysis methods, Viral Tropism, Zika Virus physiology, Zika Virus Infection virology
- Abstract
Arboviruses cycle between, and replicate in, both invertebrate and vertebrate hosts, which for Zika virus (ZIKV) involves Aedes mosquitoes and primates
1 . The viral determinants required for replication in such obligate hosts are under strong purifying selection during natural virus evolution, making it challenging to resolve which determinants are optimal for viral fitness in each host. Herein we describe a deep mutational scanning (DMS) strategy2-5 whereby a viral cDNA library was constructed containing all codon substitutions in the C-terminal 204 amino acids of ZIKV envelope protein (E). The cDNA library was transfected into C6/36 (Aedes) and Vero (primate) cells, with subsequent deep sequencing and computational analyses of recovered viruses showing that substitutions K316Q and S461G, or Q350L and T397S, conferred substantial replicative advantages in mosquito and primate cells, respectively. A 316Q/461G virus was constructed and shown to be replication-defective in mammalian cells due to severely compromised virus particle formation and secretion. The 316Q/461G virus was also highly attenuated in human brain organoids, and illustrated utility as a vaccine in mice. This approach can thus imitate evolutionary selection in a matter of days and identify amino acids key to the regulation of virus replication in specific host environments.- Published
- 2019
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39. Global Proteomic and Methylome Analysis in Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells Reveals Overexpression of a Human TLR3 Affecting Proper Innate Immune Response Signaling.
- Author
Requena J, Alvarez-Palomo AB, Codina-Pascual M, Delgado-Morales R, Moran S, Esteller M, Sal M, Juan M, Boronat Barado A, Consiglio A, Bogle OA, Wolvetang E, Ovchinnikov D, Alvarez I, Jaraquemada D, Mezquita-Pla J, Oliva R, and Edel MJ
- Subjects
- Epigenome, Humans, Immunity, Innate, Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells immunology, Signal Transduction, Toll-Like Receptor 3 immunology, Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells metabolism, Proteomics methods, Toll-Like Receptor 3 metabolism
- Abstract
When considering the clinical applications of autologous cell replacement therapy of human induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSC)-derived cells, there is a clear need to better understand what the immune response will be before we embark on extensive clinical trials to treat or model human disease. We performed a detailed assessment comparing human fibroblast cell lines (termed F1) reprogrammed into human iPSC and subsequently differentiated back to fibroblast cells (termed F2) or other human iPSC-derived cells including neural stem cells (NSC) made from either retroviral, episomal, or synthetic mRNA cell reprogramming methods. Global proteomic analysis reveals the main differences in signal transduction and immune cell protein expression between F1 and F2 cells, implicating wild type (WT) toll like receptor protein 3 (TLR3). Furthermore, global methylome analysis identified an isoform of the human TLR3 gene that is not epigenetically reset correctly upon differentiation to F2 cells resulting in a hypomethylated transcription start site in the TLR3 isoform promoter and overexpression in most human iPSC-derived cells not seen in normal human tissue. The human TLR3 isoform in human iPSC-NSC functions to suppress NF-KB p65 signaling pathway in response to virus (Poly IC), suggesting suppressed immunity of iPSC-derived cells to viral infection. The sustained WT TLR3 and TLR3 isoform overexpression is central to understanding the altered immunogenicity of human iPSC-derived cells calling for screening of human iPSC-derived cells for TLR3 expression levels before applications. Stem Cells 2019;37:476-488., (©2019 The Authors. Stem Cells published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. on behalf of AlphaMed Press 2019.)
- Published
- 2019
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40. Evaluation of variability in human kidney organoids.
- Author
Phipson B, Er PX, Combes AN, Forbes TA, Howden SE, Zappia L, Yen HJ, Lawlor KT, Hale LJ, Sun J, Wolvetang E, Takasato M, Oshlack A, and Little MH
- Subjects
- Cell Differentiation genetics, Clone Cells, Epithelial Cells cytology, Gene Expression Profiling, Humans, Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells cytology, Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells metabolism, Kidney cytology, Kidney Diseases genetics, Kidney Diseases pathology, Models, Biological, Organoids cytology, Reproducibility of Results, Single-Cell Analysis, Transcription, Genetic, Kidney metabolism, Organoids metabolism
- Abstract
The utility of human pluripotent stem cell-derived kidney organoids relies implicitly on the robustness and transferability of the protocol. Here we analyze the sources of transcriptional variation in a specific kidney organoid protocol. Although individual organoids within a differentiation batch showed strong transcriptional correlation, we noted significant variation between experimental batches, particularly in genes associated with temporal maturation. Single-cell profiling revealed shifts in nephron patterning and proportions of component cells. Distinct induced pluripotent stem cell clones showed congruent transcriptional programs, with interexperimental and interclonal variation also strongly associated with nephron patterning. Epithelial cells isolated from organoids aligned with total organoids at the same day of differentiation, again implicating relative maturation as a confounder. This understanding of experimental variation facilitated an optimized analysis of organoid-based disease modeling, thereby increasing the utility of kidney organoids for personalized medicine and functional genomics.
- Published
- 2019
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41. Identification of on-target mutagenesis during correction of a beta-thalassemia splice mutation in iPS cells with optimised CRISPR/Cas9-double nickase reveals potential safety concerns.
- Author
Alateeq S, Ovchinnikov D, Tracey T, Whitworth D, Al-Rubaish A, Al-Ali A, and Wolvetang E
- Abstract
Precise and accurate gene correction is crucial for enabling iPSC-based therapies, and Cas9-Nickase based approaches are increasingly considered for in vivo correction of diseases such as beta-thalassemia. Here, we generate footprint-free induced pluripotent stem cells from a patient with a beta-thalassemia mutation ( IVSII-1 G > A) and employ a double Cas9nickase-mediated correction strategy combined with a piggyBac transposon-modified donor vector for gene correction. Our approach further aimed to minimize the formation of adjacent single-strand breaks at the targeted allele through the destruction of the binding site for one guide and the use of a synonymous protospacer adjacent motif blocking mutation (canonical PAM sequence 5'-NGG-3' is changed to 5'-NCG-3', where N indicates any nucleobase) for the other guide. We show that this strategy indeed not only permits bi-allelic seamless repair of the beta-globin gene splice site mutation and negligible off-target mutagenesis or re-editing of the targeted allele but also results in unexpected on-target mutagenesis with some guide RNAs (gRNAs) in several targeted clones. This study thus not only validates a framework for seamless gene correction with enhanced specificity and accuracy but also highlights potential safety concerns associated with Cas9-nickase based gene correction.
- Published
- 2018
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42. PCDH19 regulation of neural progenitor cell differentiation suggests asynchrony of neurogenesis as a mechanism contributing to PCDH19 Girls Clustering Epilepsy.
- Author
Homan CC, Pederson S, To TH, Tan C, Piltz S, Corbett MA, Wolvetang E, Thomas PQ, Jolly LA, and Gecz J
- Subjects
- Animals, Cadherins genetics, Cells, Cultured, Cluster Analysis, Epilepsy pathology, Female, Humans, Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells pathology, Male, Mice, Mice, Knockout, Neural Stem Cells pathology, Protocadherins, Cadherins biosynthesis, Epilepsy metabolism, Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells metabolism, Neural Stem Cells metabolism, Neurogenesis physiology
- Abstract
PCDH19-Girls Clustering Epilepsy (PCDH19-GCE) is a childhood epileptic encephalopathy characterised by a spectrum of neurodevelopmental problems. PCDH19-GCE is caused by heterozygous loss-of-function mutations in the X-chromosome gene, Protocadherin 19 (PCDH19) encoding a cell-cell adhesion molecule. Intriguingly, hemizygous males are generally unaffected. As PCDH19 is subjected to random X-inactivation, heterozygous females are comprised of a mosaic of cells expressing either the normal or mutant allele, which is thought to drive pathology. Despite being the second most prevalent monogeneic cause of epilepsy, little is known about the role of PCDH19 in brain development. In this study we show that PCDH19 is highly expressed in human neural stem and progenitor cells (NSPCs) and investigate its function in vitro in these cells of both mouse and human origin. Transcriptomic analysis of mouse NSPCs lacking Pcdh19 revealed changes to genes involved in regulation of neuronal differentiation, and we subsequently show that loss of Pcdh19 causes increased NSPC neurogenesis. We reprogramed human fibroblast cells harbouring a pathogenic PCDH19 mutation into human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSC) and employed neural differentiation of these to extend our studies into human NSPCs. As in mouse, loss of PCDH19 function caused increased neurogenesis, and furthermore, we show this is associated with a loss of human NSPC polarity. Overall our data suggests a conserved role for PCDH19 in regulating mammalian cortical neurogenesis and has implications for the pathogenesis of PCDH19-GCE. We propose that the difference in timing or "heterochrony" of neuronal cell production originating from PCDH19 wildtype and mutant NSPCs within the same individual may lead to downstream asynchronies and abnormalities in neuronal network formation, which in-part predispose the individual to network dysfunction and epileptic activity., (Copyright © 2018. Published by Elsevier Inc.)
- Published
- 2018
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43. Modelling ischemia-reperfusion injury (IRI) in vitro using metabolically matured induced pluripotent stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes.
- Author
Hidalgo A, Glass N, Ovchinnikov D, Yang SK, Zhang X, Mazzone S, Chen C, Wolvetang E, and Cooper-White J
- Abstract
Coronary intervention following ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) is the treatment of choice for reducing cardiomyocyte death but paradoxically leads to reperfusion injury. Pharmacological post-conditioning is an attractive approach to minimize Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury (IRI), but candidate drugs identified in IRI animal models have performed poorly in human clinical trials, highlighting the need for a human cell-based model of IRI. In this work, we show that when we imposed sequential hypoxia and reoxygenation episodes [mimicking the ischemia (I) and reperfusion (R) events] to immature human pluripotent stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes (hPSC-CMs), they display significant hypoxia resistance and minimal cell death (∼5%). Metabolic maturation of hPSC-CMs for 8 days substantially increased their sensitivity to changes in oxygen concentration and led to up to ∼30% cell death post-hypoxia and reoxygenation. To mimic the known transient changes in the interstitial tissue microenvironment during an IRI event in vivo , we tested a new in vitro IRI model protocol that required glucose availability and lowering of media pH during the ischemic episode, resulting in a significant increase in cell death in vitro (∼60%). Finally, we confirm that in this new physiologically matched IRI in vitro model, pharmacological post-conditioning reduces reperfusion-induced hPSC-CM cell death by 50%. Our results indicate that in recapitulating key aspects of an in vivo IRI event, our in vitro model can serve as a useful method for the study of IRI and the validation and screening of human specific pharmacological post-conditioning drug candidates.
- Published
- 2018
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44. Expression Pattern of the Aspartyl-tRNA Synthetase DARS in the Human Brain.
- Author
Fröhlich D, Suchowerska AK, Voss C, He R, Wolvetang E, von Jonquieres G, Simons C, Fath T, Housley GD, and Klugmann M
- Abstract
Translation of mRNA into protein is an evolutionarily conserved, fundamental process of life. A prerequisite for translation is the accurate charging of tRNAs with their cognate amino acids, a reaction catalyzed by specific aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases. One of these enzymes is the aspartyl-tRNA synthetase DARS, which pairs aspartate with its corresponding tRNA. Missense mutations of the gene encoding DARS result in the leukodystrophy hypomyelination with brainstem and spinal cord involvement and leg spasticity (HBSL) with a distinct pattern of hypomyelination, motor abnormalities, and cognitive impairment. A thorough understanding of the DARS expression domains in the central nervous system is essential for the development of targeted therapies to treat HBSL. Here, we analyzed endogenous DARS expression on the mRNA and protein level in different brain regions and cell types of human post mortem brain tissue as well as in human stem cell derived neurons, oligodendrocytes, and astrocytes. DARS expression is significantly enriched in the cerebellum, a region affected in HBSL patients and important for motor control. Although obligatorily expressed in all cells, DARS shows a distinct expression pattern with enrichment in neurons but only low abundance in oligodendrocytes, astrocytes, and microglia. Our results reveal little homogeneity across the different cell types, largely matching previously published data in the murine brain. This human gene expression study will significantly contribute to the understanding of DARS gene function and HBSL pathology and will be instrumental for future development of animal models and targeted therapies. In particular, we anticipate high benefit from a gene replacement approach in neurons of HBSL mouse models, given the abundant endogenous DARS expression in this lineage cell.
- Published
- 2018
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45. Targeted, Stimuli-Responsive Delivery of Plasmid DNA and miRNAs Using a Facile Self-Assembled Supramolecular Nanoparticle System.
- Author
Wong LY, Xia B, Wolvetang E, and Cooper-White J
- Subjects
- Cell Line, Tumor, Humans, Gene Transfer Techniques standards, MicroRNAs administration & dosage, Nanoparticles chemistry, Plasmids administration & dosage
- Abstract
Gene therapy is rapidly regaining traction in terms of research activity and investment across the globe, with clear potential to revolutionize medicine and tissue regeneration. Viral vectors remain the most commonly utilized gene delivery vehicles, due to their high efficiency, however, they are acknowledged to have numerous drawbacks, including limited payload capacity, lack of cell-type specificity, and risk of possible mutations in vivo, hence, patient safety. Synthetic nanoparticle gene delivery systems can offer substantial advantages over viral vectors. They can be utilized as off-the-shelf components to package genetic material, display targeting ligands, and release payloads upon environmental triggers and enable the possibility of programmed cell-specific uptake and transfection. In this study, we have synthesized three functional polymeric building blocks that, in a rapid, facile, tailorable, and stage-wise manner, associate through both electrostatic and noncovalent hydrophobic "host-guest" interactions to form monodisperse self-assembled nanoparticles (SaNP). We show that these SaNPs successfully package significant amounts of microRNA through to plasmid DNA, present desired ligands on their outer surface for targeted receptor-mediated cell-specific uptake and affect efficient translation of packaged plasmids. We confirm that these SaNPs outperform commercially available, gold standard transfection agents in terms of in vitro transfection efficiencies and have very low cytotoxicity. With facile self-assembly and tailorable composition, our SaNP gene delivery system has significant potential in targeted gene therapy applications.
- Published
- 2018
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46. FANTOM5 CAGE profiles of human and mouse samples.
- Author
Noguchi S, Arakawa T, Fukuda S, Furuno M, Hasegawa A, Hori F, Ishikawa-Kato S, Kaida K, Kaiho A, Kanamori-Katayama M, Kawashima T, Kojima M, Kubosaki A, Manabe RI, Murata M, Nagao-Sato S, Nakazato K, Ninomiya N, Nishiyori-Sueki H, Noma S, Saijyo E, Saka A, Sakai M, Simon C, Suzuki N, Tagami M, Watanabe S, Yoshida S, Arner P, Axton RA, Babina M, Baillie JK, Barnett TC, Beckhouse AG, Blumenthal A, Bodega B, Bonetti A, Briggs J, Brombacher F, Carlisle AJ, Clevers HC, Davis CA, Detmar M, Dohi T, Edge ASB, Edinger M, Ehrlund A, Ekwall K, Endoh M, Enomoto H, Eslami A, Fagiolini M, Fairbairn L, Farach-Carson MC, Faulkner GJ, Ferrai C, Fisher ME, Forrester LM, Fujita R, Furusawa JI, Geijtenbeek TB, Gingeras T, Goldowitz D, Guhl S, Guler R, Gustincich S, Ha TJ, Hamaguchi M, Hara M, Hasegawa Y, Herlyn M, Heutink P, Hitchens KJ, Hume DA, Ikawa T, Ishizu Y, Kai C, Kawamoto H, Kawamura YI, Kempfle JS, Kenna TJ, Kere J, Khachigian LM, Kitamura T, Klein S, Klinken SP, Knox AJ, Kojima S, Koseki H, Koyasu S, Lee W, Lennartsson A, Mackay-Sim A, Mejhert N, Mizuno Y, Morikawa H, Morimoto M, Moro K, Morris KJ, Motohashi H, Mummery CL, Nakachi Y, Nakahara F, Nakamura T, Nakamura Y, Nozaki T, Ogishima S, Ohkura N, Ohno H, Ohshima M, Okada-Hatakeyama M, Okazaki Y, Orlando V, Ovchinnikov DA, Passier R, Patrikakis M, Pombo A, Pradhan-Bhatt S, Qin XY, Rehli M, Rizzu P, Roy S, Sajantila A, Sakaguchi S, Sato H, Satoh H, Savvi S, Saxena A, Schmidl C, Schneider C, Schulze-Tanzil GG, Schwegmann A, Sheng G, Shin JW, Sugiyama D, Sugiyama T, Summers KM, Takahashi N, Takai J, Tanaka H, Tatsukawa H, Tomoiu A, Toyoda H, van de Wetering M, van den Berg LM, Verardo R, Vijayan D, Wells CA, Winteringham LN, Wolvetang E, Yamaguchi Y, Yamamoto M, Yanagi-Mizuochi C, Yoneda M, Yonekura Y, Zhang PG, Zucchelli S, Abugessaisa I, Arner E, Harshbarger J, Kondo A, Lassmann T, Lizio M, Sahin S, Sengstag T, Severin J, Shimoji H, Suzuki M, Suzuki H, Kawai J, Kondo N, Itoh M, Daub CO, Kasukawa T, Kawaji H, Carninci P, Forrest ARR, and Hayashizaki Y
- Subjects
- Animals, Gene Expression Regulation, Humans, Mice, Promoter Regions, Genetic, Species Specificity, Gene Expression Profiling, Genome
- Abstract
In the FANTOM5 project, transcription initiation events across the human and mouse genomes were mapped at a single base-pair resolution and their frequencies were monitored by CAGE (Cap Analysis of Gene Expression) coupled with single-molecule sequencing. Approximately three thousands of samples, consisting of a variety of primary cells, tissues, cell lines, and time series samples during cell activation and development, were subjected to a uniform pipeline of CAGE data production. The analysis pipeline started by measuring RNA extracts to assess their quality, and continued to CAGE library production by using a robotic or a manual workflow, single molecule sequencing, and computational processing to generate frequencies of transcription initiation. Resulting data represents the consequence of transcriptional regulation in each analyzed state of mammalian cells. Non-overlapping peaks over the CAGE profiles, approximately 200,000 and 150,000 peaks for the human and mouse genomes, were identified and annotated to provide precise location of known promoters as well as novel ones, and to quantify their activities.
- Published
- 2017
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47. Complement C5aR1 Signaling Promotes Polarization and Proliferation of Embryonic Neural Progenitor Cells through PKCζ.
- Author
Coulthard LG, Hawksworth OA, Li R, Balachandran A, Lee JD, Sepehrband F, Kurniawan N, Jeanes A, Simmons DG, Wolvetang E, and Woodruff TM
- Subjects
- Animals, Cell Polarity physiology, Cell Proliferation physiology, Cells, Cultured, Complement Activation physiology, Embryonic Stem Cells cytology, Female, Gene Expression Regulation, Developmental physiology, Humans, Male, Mice, Mice, Inbred C57BL, Embryonic Stem Cells physiology, Neural Stem Cells cytology, Neural Stem Cells physiology, Neurogenesis physiology, Protein Kinase C metabolism, Receptor, Anaphylatoxin C5a metabolism
- Abstract
The complement system, typically associated with innate immunity, is emerging as a key controller of nonimmune systems including in development, with recent studies linking complement mutations with neurodevelopmental disease. A key effector of the complement response is the activation fragment C5a, which, through its receptor C5aR1, is a potent driver of inflammation. Surprisingly, C5aR1 is also expressed during early mammalian embryogenesis; however, no clearly defined function is ascribed to C5aR1 in development. Here we demonstrate polarized expression of C5aR1 on the apical surface of mouse embryonic neural progenitor cells in vivo and on human embryonic stem cell-derived neural progenitors. We also show that signaling of endogenous C5a during mouse embryogenesis drives proliferation of neural progenitor cells within the ventricular zone and is required for normal brain histogenesis. C5aR1 signaling in neural progenitors was dependent on atypical protein kinase C ζ, a mediator of stem cell polarity, with C5aR1 inhibition reducing proliferation and symmetric division of apical neural progenitors in human and mouse models. C5aR1 signaling was shown to promote the maintenance of cell polarity, with exogenous C5a increasing the retention of polarized rosette architecture in human neural progenitors after physical or chemical disruption. Transient inhibition of C5aR1 during neurogenesis in developing mice led to behavioral abnormalities in both sexes and MRI-detected brain microstructural alterations, in studied males, demonstrating a requirement of C5aR1 signaling for appropriate brain development. This study thus identifies a functional role for C5a-C5aR1 signaling in mammalian neurogenesis and provides mechanistic insight into recently identified complement gene mutations and brain disorders. SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT The complement system, traditionally known as a controller of innate immunity, now stands as a multifaceted signaling family with a broad range of physiological actions. These include roles in the brain, where complement activation is associated with diseases, including epilepsy and schizophrenia. This study has explored complement regulation of neurogenesis, identifying a novel relationship between the complement activation peptide C5a and the neural progenitor proliferation underpinning formation of the mammalian brain. C5a was identified as a regulator of cell polarity, with inhibition of C5a receptors during embryogenesis leading to abnormal brain development and behavioral deficits. This work demonstrates mechanisms through which dysregulation of complement causes developmental disease and highlights the potential risk of complement inhibition for therapeutic purposes in pregnancy., (Copyright © 2017 the authors 0270-6474/17/375396-13$15.00/0.)
- Published
- 2017
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48. Rats with a missense mutation in Atm display neuroinflammation and neurodegeneration subsequent to accumulation of cytosolic DNA following unrepaired DNA damage.
- Author
Quek H, Luff J, Cheung K, Kozlov S, Gatei M, Lee CS, Bellingham MC, Noakes PG, Lim YC, Barnett NL, Dingwall S, Wolvetang E, Mashimo T, Roberts TL, and Lavin MF
- Subjects
- Amino Acid Sequence, Animals, Ataxia Telangiectasia genetics, Ataxia Telangiectasia Mutated Proteins chemistry, Brain pathology, Cell Death, Cell Nucleus metabolism, Interferon-beta metabolism, Longevity, Microglia metabolism, Microglia pathology, NF-kappa B metabolism, Phenotype, Protein Transport, Rats, Ataxia Telangiectasia Mutated Proteins genetics, Cytosol metabolism, DNA metabolism, DNA Damage genetics, DNA Repair genetics, Inflammation genetics, Mutation, Missense genetics, Nerve Degeneration genetics
- Abstract
Mutations in the ataxia-telangiectasia (A-T)-mutated ( ATM ) gene give rise to the human genetic disorder A-T, characterized by immunodeficiency, cancer predisposition, and neurodegeneration. Whereas a series of animal models recapitulate much of the A-T phenotype, they fail to present with ataxia or neurodegeneration. We describe here the generation of an Atm missense mutant [amino acid change of leucine (L) to proline (P) at position 2262 (L2262P)] rat by intracytoplasmic injection (ICSI) of mutant sperm into oocytes. Atm -mutant rats ( Atm
L2262P/L2262P ) expressed low levels of ATM protein, suggesting a destabilizing effect of the mutation, and had a significantly reduced lifespan compared with Atm+/+ Whereas these rats did not show cerebellar atrophy, they succumbed to hind-limb paralysis (45%), and the remainder developed tumors. Closer examination revealed the presence of both dsDNA and ssDNA in the cytoplasm of cells in the hippocampus, cerebellum, and spinal cord of AtmL2262P/L2262P rats. Significantly increased levels of IFN-β and IL-1β in all 3 tissues were indicative of DNA damage induction of the type 1 IFN response. This was further supported by NF-κB activation, as evidenced by p65 phosphorylation (P65) and translocation to the nucleus in the spinal cord and parahippocampus. Other evidence of neuroinflammation in the brain and spinal cord was the loss of motor neurons and the presence of increased activation of microglia. These data provide support for a proinflammatory phenotype that is manifested in the Atm mutant rat as hind-limb paralysis. This mutant represents a useful model to investigate the importance of neuroinflammation in A-T., (© Society for Leukocyte Biology.)- Published
- 2017
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49. DNA methylation in schizophrenia in different patient-derived cell types.
- Author
Vitale AM, Matigian NA, Cristino AS, Nones K, Ravishankar S, Bellette B, Fan Y, Wood SA, Wolvetang E, and Mackay-Sim A
- Abstract
DNA methylation of gene promoter regions represses transcription and is a mechanism via which environmental risk factors could affect cells during development in individuals at risk for schizophrenia. We investigated DNA methylation in patient-derived cells that might shed light on early development in schizophrenia. Induced pluripotent stem cells may reflect a "ground state" upon which developmental and environmental influences would be minimal. Olfactory neurosphere-derived cells are an adult-derived neuro-ectodermal stem cell modified by developmental and environmental influences. Fibroblasts provide a non-neural control for life-long developmental and environmental influences. Genome-wide profiling of DNA methylation and gene expression was done in these three cell types from the same individuals. All cell types had distinct, statistically significant schizophrenia-associated differences in DNA methylation and linked gene expression, with Gene Ontology analysis showing that the differentially affected genes clustered in networks associated with cell growth, proliferation, and movement, functions known to be affected in schizophrenia patient-derived cells. Only five gene loci were differentially methylated in all three cell types. Understanding the role of epigenetics in cell function in the brain in schizophrenia is likely to be complicated by similar cell type differences in intrinsic and environmentally induced epigenetic regulation.
- Published
- 2017
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50. A rat model of ataxia-telangiectasia: evidence for a neurodegenerative phenotype.
- Author
Quek H, Luff J, Cheung K, Kozlov S, Gatei M, Lee CS, Bellingham MC, Noakes PG, Lim YC, Barnett NL, Dingwall S, Wolvetang E, Mashimo T, Roberts TL, and Lavin MF
- Subjects
- Animals, Anti-Inflammatory Agents pharmacology, Betamethasone pharmacology, Brain drug effects, Brain metabolism, Brain pathology, Cells, Cultured, Disease Models, Animal, Humans, Inflammation pathology, Inflammation prevention & control, Microglia drug effects, Microglia metabolism, Microglia pathology, Neurodegenerative Diseases pathology, Neurodegenerative Diseases prevention & control, Neurons metabolism, Neurons pathology, Phenotype, Rats, Rats, Mutant Strains, Ataxia Telangiectasia complications, Ataxia Telangiectasia Mutated Proteins physiology, Inflammation etiology, Neurodegenerative Diseases etiology, Neurons drug effects
- Abstract
Ataxia-telangiectasia (A-T), an autosomal recessive disease caused by mutations in the ATM gene is characterised by cerebellar atrophy and progressive neurodegeneration which has been poorly recapitulated in Atm mutant mice. Consequently, pathways leading to neurodegeneration in A-T are poorly understood. We describe here the generation of an Atm knockout rat model that does not display cerebellar atrophy but instead paralysis and spinal cord atrophy, reminiscent of that seen in older patients and milder forms of the disorder. Loss of Atm in neurons and glia leads to accumulation of cytosolic DNA, increased cytokine production and constitutive activation of microglia consistent with a neuroinflammatory phenotype. Rats lacking ATM had significant loss of motor neurons and microgliosis in the spinal cord, consistent with onset of paralysis. Since short term treatment with steroids has been shown to improve the neurological signs in A-T patients we determined if that was also the case for Atm-deficient rats. Betamethasone treatment extended the lifespan of Atm knockout rats, prevented microglial activation and significantly decreased neuroinflammatory changes and motor neuron loss. These results point to unrepaired damage to DNA leading to significant levels of cytosolic DNA in Atm-deficient neurons and microglia and as a consequence activation of the cGAS-STING pathway and cytokine production. This in turn would increase the inflammatory microenvironment leading to dysfunction and death of neurons. Thus the rat model represents a suitable one for studying neurodegeneration in A-T and adds support for the use of anti-inflammatory drugs for the treatment of neurodegeneration in A-T patients., (© The Author 2016. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please email: journals.permissions@oup.com.)
- Published
- 2017
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