Drascic, Martina, Versic, Ivana Ilijasic, Bishop, Libby, Hansen, Mathilde Steinsvåg, Kleemola, Mari, Brvar, Irena Vipavc, Inkret, Ana, König, Alexander, Broeder, Daan, Eskevich, Maria, Tijdens, Kea, Fišer, Darja, Maiti, Kristina Pahor De, Monachini, Monica, Degl'Innocenti, Emiliano, Sanesi, Maurizio, Striova, Jana, Larrousse, Nicolas, Petitfils, Clara, Cao, Isabelle, Luca, Livio De, Schmidle, Wolfgang, Barbot, Laure, Fischer, Frank, Durco, Matej, Illmayer, Klaus, Ďurčo, Matej, Buddenbohm, Stefan, Agasøster, Bodil, Bottoni, Gianmaria, Behr, Dorothée, Rojas, Diana Zavala, Sorato, Danielly, Kushch, Olga, Bekiari, Chryssoula, Tsoulouha, Eleni, Koops, Judith, Braukmann, Ricarda, Leenarts, Ellen, Wittenberg, Marion, Kalaitzi, Vasso, Yankelevich, Tatsiana, Buunk, Iris, Padfield, Joseph, Morales, Laura, Saji, Ami, Bristle, Johanna, Weiss, Luzia, Pettinicchi, Yuri, Kaltenböck, Martin, S.E. Pennings, Willems, Marieke, and Wright, Holly
This deliverable is the second annual report for the SSHOC project. It states the progress and status of work in the second year of the SSHOC project (M12-M24). The report starts with a general plan for the SSHOC project in Year 2 (2020), and lists the main objectives set up to be achieved. The next section is the main part of this deliverable and focuses on the activities implemented in each Work Package, and describes the progress done in 2020. The section also contains a reference to the deviations from the DoA that happened in this period, and risk assessment status. The final chapter contains the summary on the delivery of project outputs (namely deliverables), achievement of project milestones, and the use of resources. An overview of all the SSHOC 2020 relevant events is added to the document as an appendix., Waiting EC approval, {"references":["Barbot, Laure, and Fischer, Frank, Larrousse, Nicolas, Petitfils, Clara, Illmayer, Klaus, & Buddenbohm, Stefan. (2020, July). 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DOI 10.5281/zenodo.3875985","Broeder, Daan and Maria Eskevich, Monica Monachini, in proceedings from the Workshop, the Language Resources for the SSH Cloud (p33) https://www.aclweb.org/anthology/events/lrec-2020/#2020-lr4sshoc-1","Buddenbohm, Stefan, Broeder, Daan, Eisner, Marthe Irene, Illmayer, Klaus, & Durco, Matej. (2020, November 5). Collaborative Use Cases between SSH Open Marketplace and the Language Resource Switchboard and Virtual Collection Registry. Zenodo. DOI 10.5281/zenodo.4442320","Dekker, Ron and Laura Morales. (2020, April 30). Response from SSHOC on COVID-19. Zenodo. DOI 10.5281/zenodo.4071701","Drascic, Martina and Ivana Ilijasic Versic, Carsten Thiel, Daan Broeder, Gianmaria Bottoni, Marieke Willems, … Vasso Kalaitzi. (2019). SSHOC D1.2 Quality Assurance & Risk Assessment Plan (Version V1.2). DOI 10.5281/zenodo.3595453","Drascic, Martina and Versic Ilijasic, Ivana, Willems, Marieke, Broeder, Daan, Eskevich, Maria, Bottoni, Gianmaria, … van der Eijk, Cees. (2020). 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