U članku se definira pojam šumskih voćkarica ili šumskoga voća koji je godinama prisutan u hrvatskom šumarstvu i navedeni pojam se uspoređuje s ostalim pojmovima koji nisu istoznačnice, a odnose se na šumsko drveće, grmlje i prizemno rašće jestivih i ljekovitih plodova, samonikle voćke i domesticirane voćke. Za svaki pojam navode se tipični predstavnici vrsta. Prikazana je proizvodnja po vrstama drveća u rasadnicima Hrvatskih šuma d.o.o. u 2019./2020. godini prema upravama šuma podružnicama (UŠP), organizacijskim jedinicama i rasadnicima. Što se tiče proizvodnje šumskih voćkarica, drveća jestivih i ljekovitih plodova, samoniklog voća i domesticiranih voćki ista je prisutna u samo tri rasadnika Hrvatskih šuma d.o.o. (Zelendvor, Oštarije i Lukavec). U navedena tri rasadnika ukupno se proizvodi (2019./2020.) svega četiri vrste iz navedene četiri kategorije: oskoruša, divlja trešnja, pitomi kesten i crni orah. Sve četiri vrste se proizvode u rasadniku Zelendvor, dok se u rasadniku Oštarije proizvode šumske sadnice oskoruše i divlje trešnje, a u rasadniku Lukavec samo šumske sadnice divlje trešnje. Prikazana je proizvodnja i isporuka sadnog materijala navedenih vrsta iz rasadnika Hrvatskih šuma d.o.o. za razdoblje od 2012. do 2017. godine. Na zalihama ili u proizvodnji, u svim rasadnicima Hrvatskih šuma d.o.o. za razdoblje od 2012. do 2018. godine najviše je bilo sadnica crnog oraha u iznosu od 183 670 komada, slijede sadnice divlje trešnje s 132 069 komada, pitomog kestena s 53 010 komada i divlje kruške s 4 882 komada. Najviše isporučenih sadnica, sukladno proizvodnji, bilo je kod crnog oraha i to u iznosu od 191 435 komada, slijede sadnice divlje trešnje s 71 954 komada, pitomog kestena s 28 515 komada i divlje kruške s 2 860 komada. U promatranom istraživanom razdoblju (2012.-2018.) u svim rasadnicima Hrvatskih šuma d.o.o. proizvodilo se samo 4 vrste iz navedenih kategorija, s ukupnom zalihom ili proizvodnjom od 373 631 komada šumskih sadnica i isporukom od 294 764 komada. Ukupno gledano za sve četiri vrste vidi se da je 78 867 komada sadnica više uzgojeno nego što je isporučeno. Zbog mogućnosti ekološkog uzgoja, dobre prilagodljivosti vrsta na globalne klimatske promjene, davanja državnih poticaja i ne previše zahtjevne njege, u bliskoj budućnosti bit će sve naglašeniji uzgoj vrsta za pridobivanje sekundarnih ili ne drvnih šumskih proizvoda u plantažama. Zbog promjene klimatskih uvjeta i sinergizma brojnih nepovoljnih biotskih i abiotskih čimbenika, mnoge autohtone vrste su danas ugrožene i postepeno se ili naglo suše i propadaju. Nekim će vrstama šumskih voćkarica, šumskog drveća, grmlja i prizemnog rašća jestivih i ljekovitih plodova, samoniklih voćki i domesticiranih voćki pogodovati promjena klime, što će dovesti do širenja njihovog prirodnog areala, uz povećanje potencijalnih površina pogodnih za umjetni uzgoj., The article defines the term forest fruit trees or forest fruits that have been present in Croatian forestry for years and compares the term with other terms that are not synonymous and refer to forest trees, shrubs and ground growth of edible and medicinal fruits, wild fruits and domesticated fruits. Typical species representatives are listed for each term. The production by types of trees in the nurseries of Hrvatske šume d.o.o. is shown. in 2019/2020 years according to Forest Administration (FD), organizational units and nurseries. Regarding the production of forest fruit trees, edible and medicinal fruit trees, wild fruits and domesticated fruits, it is present in only three nurseries of Hrvatske šume d.o.o. (Zelendvor, Oštarije and Lukavec). In these three nurseries, a total of only four species from the above four categories are produced (2019/2020): service tree, wild cherry, sweet chestnut and black walnut. All four species are produced in the Zelendvor nursery, while in the Oštarije nursery, wild cherry seedlings are also produced, and in the Lukavec nursery only wild cherry seedlings are produced. The production and delivery of planting material of these species from the nursery of Hrvatske šume d.o.o. is shown. for the period 2012 to 2017. In stock or in production, in all nurseries of Hrvatske šume d.o.o. for the period from 2012 to 2018, there were mostly black walnut seedlings in the amount of 183,670 pieces, followed by seedlings of wild cherry with 132,069 pieces, sweet chestnut with 53,010 pieces and wild pear with 4,882 pieces. The most delivered seedlings, according to production, were black walnuts in the amount of 191,435 pieces, followed by wild cherry seedlings with 71,954 pieces, sweet chestnuts with 28,515 pieces and wild pears with 2,860 pieces. In the observed research period (2012-2018) in all nurseries of Hrvatske šume d.o.o. only 4 species from the above categories were produced with a total stock or production of 373,631 pieces of forest seedlings and a delivery of 294,764 pieces. In total, for all four species, it can be seen that 78,867 pieces of seedlings were grown more than delivered. Due to the possibility of organic farming, good adaptability of species to global climate change, providing incentives and not too demanding care, in the near future there will be increasing emphasis on species breeding to obtain secondary or non-timber forest products in plantations. Due to changing climatic conditions and the synergy of a number of unfavorable biotic and abiotic factors, many indigenous species are endangered today and are gradually or abruptly drying up and decaying. Some species of forest fruit trees, forest trees, shrubs and ground growth of edible and medicinal fruits, wild fruits and domesticated fruits will benefit from climate change, which will lead to the expansion of their natural range with increasing potential areas suitable for artificial cultivation.