On December 18, 2022, the far-right neo-Nazi group Golden Dawn (GD) publicly reappeared and held a march and rally in Florina, Northern Greece. GD organized the demonstration in response to the approval of the "Macedonian Language Center" in Greece as an official NGO. In response to the GD's march, groups opposing far-right organizations, student organizations, and leftist political parties staged a counter-protest. GD and other Greek far-right have recently been rallying around the Macedonia issue, using it as a political asset. GD has had a cultural and political base in Greece since the 1973 military coup and regime. They try to find a place for themselves in the spectrum of political parties by prioritizing the issues that the majority of the people will be sensitive to during the periods when the mainstream political parties begin to falter. They also spread hatred against the Muslim Turks in Western Thrace and get involved in the Macedonian issue. Their activities in Northern Greece and the Western Thrace are likely to bring more political benefits and visibility than racist and xenophobic actions against migrants and refugees. The Golden Dawn has officially and on paper disappeared from the political life of Greece, but its political, cultural, and ideological legacy is still alive., {"references":["Κουταβά Σπύρου, \"Η ΧΑ 'επιστρέφει' με συγκέντρωση διαμαρτυρίας στην Φλώρινα. 'Είστε ανεπιθύμητοι' δηλώνουν ΣΥΡΙΖΑ, ΠΑΣΟΚ και τοπικοί φορείς,\" Veto News, December 23, 2022, https://web.archive.org/web/20221223023350/https://www.vetonews.gr/paraskinio/item/61905-h-cha-epistefei-me-sygkentrwsh-diamartyrias-sthn-flwrina-eiste-anepithymhtoi-sthn-polh-dhlwnoyn-syriza,-pasok-kai-topikoi-foreis.","Vangelis Theodorou, \"Η Χρυσή Αυγή «επιστρέφει» στη Φλώρινα;,\" TVXS - TV Χωρίς Σύνορα, December 16, 2022, sec. Ελλάδα, https://tvxs.gr/news/ellada/i-xrysi-aygi-epistrefei-sti-florina.","\"'Macedonian Language Center' Registered,\" Millet News, November 30, 2022, sec. Greece, https://www.milletnews.com/greece/macedonian-language-center-registered.","Nicholas Alex Isychos, \"Mapping the Greek Far Right One Year After Golden Dawn's Conviction,\" Occasional Papers, \"Transnational History of the Far Right\" Series (Washington, D.C: Institute for Europea, Russian, and Eurasian Studies, January 2022), https://www.illiberalism.org/mapping-the-greek-far-right-one-year-after-golden-dawns-conviction/.","\"Annulment of the Establishment Decision of the 'Macedonian Language Center' in Florina Requested!,\" Millet News, January 10, 2023, sec. Greece, https://www.milletnews.com/greece/annulment-of-the-establishment-decision-of-the-macedonian-language-center-in-florina-requested.","\"Annulment of the Establishment Decision of the 'Macedonian Language Center' in Florina Requested!\"; \"The Trial for the 'Macedonian Language Center in Greece' Begins,\" Hellas Posts English, January 17, 2023, sec. Local, https://hellas.postsen.com/local/245198/The-trial-for-the-Macedonian-Language-Center-in-Greece-begins.html.","\"Batı Trakya Fenerbahçeliler Derneği'ne kapatma davası açıldı,\" Millet News, sec. Batı Trakya, accessed March 14, 2023, https://www.milletgazetesi.gr/bati-trakya/bati-trakya-fenerbahceliler-dernegine-kapatma-davasi-acildi.","\"Εθνικιστικό Στέκι Θεσσαλονίκης 'ΣΑΡΙΣΑ': Επανέναρξη Λειτουργίας – ΑΝΤΕΠΙΘΕΣΗ,\" August 24, 2021, https://antepithesi.gr/2021/08/blog-post_23-2.html/.","\"Μέτωπο Νεολαίας - Χρυσή Αυγή: Η Χρυσή Αυγή Στο Πλευρό Των Μαθητών Της Σταυρούπολης,\" October 4, 2021, https://web.archive.org/web/20211004132716/https:/www.antepithesi.gr/2021/09/blog-post_28.html;","\"Neo-Nazi Group Golden Dawn Makes Resurgence in Greece,\" Unicorn Riot (blog), January 11, 2023, https://unicornriot.ninja/2023/neo-nazi-group-golden-dawn-makes-resurgence-in-greece/.","\"Golden Dawn-Backed Youths Involved in Clashes at Greek School,\" Euronews, September 29, 2021, sec. news_news, https://www.euronews.com/2021/09/29/golden-dawn-backed-youths-involved-in-clashes-at-greek-school","Kaki Bali, \"Golden Dawn Is down, but Greek Far Right Rises,\" Deutche Welle, October 17, 2021, sec. Politics/Greece, https://web.archive.org/web/20230126145031/https://www.dw.com/en/golden-dawn-is-down-but-far-right-rises-again-in-greece/a-59528529.","ΤοΒΗΜΑ Team, \"Golden Dawn to again rear its ugly head in Thessaloniki,\" Το Βήμα Online, October 6, 2021, sec. International, https://www.tovima.gr/2021/10/06/international/golden-dawn-to-again-rear-its-ugly-head-in-thessaloniki/.","Newsroom, \"Jewish Monument in Thessaloniki Vandalized Again,\" Kathimerini, December 29, 2022, sec. News, https://www.ekathimerini.com/news/1201231/jewish-monument-in-thessaloniki-vandalized-again/","\"Θεσσαλονίκη,\" 28 2022, https://t.me/hellasdefenders/23","\"Neo-Nazi Group Golden Dawn Makes Resurgence in Greece\"; Chris Schiano, \"Leaked: A Year Inside The Failed Neo-Nazi Traditionalist Worker Party,\" Unicorn Riot (blog), April 5, 2018, https://unicornriot.ninja/2018/leaked-a-year-inside-the-failed-neo-nazi-traditionalist-worker-party/"]}