Manabu Nagayama, Kenya Honda, Xiao Zhang, Marta Galán-Díez, Seiko Narushima, Ivaylo I. Ivanov, Koichiro Irie, Brian K. Coombes, Leandro Pires Araujo, John Gerardo Veltri, Pamela J. Bjorkman, Iliyan D. Iliev, Salima Soualhi, Sheila Bandyopadhyay, Ronaldo P. Ferraris, Elisha Y. Pinker, Wael Elhenawy, Mark S. Ladinsky, Nan Gao, and Carolyn Lee
INTRODUCTION: Although commensal microbes populate our barrier surfaces without causing obvious disease, they nonetheless modulate host physiology and immunity. Commensal bacteria can regulate host T cell differentiation and function and a large fraction of mucosal tissue-resident T cells are thought to recognize commensal antigens, which triggers the T cells’ participation in the maintenance of mucosal homeostasis. Therefore, the mechanisms by which commensal antigens, or other microbiota-derived immune mediators, are acquired and processed to activate specific types of host T cells are of significant interest. Understanding commensal-host communication and commensal antigen acquisition is crucial for understanding the mechanisms of tissue homeostasis and for the design of alternative strategies for specific regulation of mucosal health and pathologies. RATIONALE: Host-microbe interactions at the cellular level have been almost exclusively studied in the context of invasive pathogens. Our study explored whether non-invasive commensal microbes may possess previously unappreciated modes of antigen acquisition or communication with the host for maintenance of mucosal T cell homeostasis. RESULTS: We examined the interaction of segmented filamentous bacteria (SFB), well-characterized Th17 cell inducing epithelium-associated commensal microbes, with intestinal epithelial cells (IECs) by electron tomography. SFB were not phagocytosed by IECs and did not penetrate the IEC cytosol. SFB and IEC communicated through the generation of endocytic vesicles at the tip of the SFB-IEC synapse. The vesicles were released into the host IEC and contained an SFB cell-wall associated protein, which is a known immunodominant T cell antigen for generation of mucosal Th17 cells. Endocytic vesicles were present in virtually every SFB-IEC synapse in healthy animals, suggesting a highly dynamic process that occurs at steady state. SFB antigenic proteins were transferred through this process inside IECs and shuttled throughout the IEC endosomal-lysosomal network. Mechanistically, the endocytic process was clathrin-independent, but dependent on dynamin and the actin regulator CDC42. Chemical inhibition of CDC42 activity in vivo led to disruption of the endocytosis. Genetic deletion of CDC42 in IECs resulted in disruption of endocytosis induced by SFB, loss of transfer of antigenic proteins inside IECs, and significant decrease in the activation of SFB-specific CD4 T cells and SFB-induced Th17 cell differentiation. An examination of a few other epithelium-associated or Th17 cell-inducing intestinal microbes showed dissimilar interactions with IECs, and therefore, currently SFB are the first and only example of this process. CONCLUSION: Our results reveal a mechanism of interaction between a commensal microbe and the host that directs transfer of microbial proteins inside host cells. They also describe a previously unappreciated pathway for antigen acquisition from luminal commensal bacteria through IECs. Our results underscore that the study of the interactions of key individual commensal microbes with the host may uncover unappreciated biological pathways. Targeting such pathways may allow for ways to specifically regulate commensal versus pathogenic interactions, regulate the immunomodulatory effects of individual members of the gut microbiota or design alternative strategies for mucosal vaccination.