2-(2-Benzofuranyl)-2-imidazoline (2-BFI) has recently been characterised as a selective ligand for the I2-type of imidazoline-receptor binding site(s) (I2-RBS). The present studies determined the relative levels of specific [3H]2-BFI binding to membrane homogenates of brain and kidney from rat, guinea pig and rabbit and identified the pharmacological characteristics of [3H]2-BFI binding sites in rabbit kidney membranes. Rabbit kidney membranes had the highest relative density of specific [3H]2-BFI binding of all tissues studied (2000 fmol/mg protein). Rabbit brain and guinea pig kidney had moderate levels of specific [3H]2-BFI binding (350-500 fmol/mg protein), while rat kidney and guinea pig and rat brain displayed much lower densities of binding (40-65 fmol/mg protein). Studies of [3H]2-BFI binding kinetics in rabbit kidney homogenates revealed binding to two distinct sites with Kd values of 0.10 +/- 0.01 nmol/l and 1.00 +/- 0.36 nmol/l respectively. Equilibrium saturation studies were also consistent with the presence of two binding sites-[3H]2-BFI (0.01-20 nmol/l) bound to sites with affinities of 0.10 +/- 0.01 nmol/l and 0.92 +/- 0.13 nmol/l and binding densities of 470 +/- 80 and 840 +/- 60 fmol/mg protein (n = 3), representing 36 and 64% respectively. Drug inhibition studies revealed that L-adrenaline; alpha 1-adrenoceptor drugs (prazosin, L-phenylephrine) and alpha 2-adrenoceptor drugs (rauwolscine, methoxyidazoxan, 2-(2,4-(O-methoxyphenyl)-piperazin-1-yl)-ethyl-4, 4-dimethyl-1,3-(2H,4H)-isoquinolindione (ARC-239) had extremely low affinities for [3H]2-BFI binding sites (IC50or = 10 mumol/l). Putative I1-RBS compounds, p-aminoclonidine, moxonidine, imidazole-4-acetic acid and cimetidine, inhibited [3H]2-BFI binding to rabbit renal membranes with low to very low affinities (Ki values 3 toor = 100 mumol/l), suggesting [3H]2-BFI does not label I1-RBS in rabbit kidney membranes. I2-RBS compounds-2- (4,5-dihydroimidaz-2-yl)-quinoline (BU224), 2-(4,5-dihydroimidaz-2-yl)-quinoxaline (BU239), idazoxan and cirazoline-potently inhibited [3H]2-BFI binding (Ki values 0.37-1.6 nmol/l), confirming the labelling of I2-RBS. Inhibition of [3H]2-BFI binding by certain compounds was consistent with their interaction with two binding site populations-for example (drug, Ki values) guanabenz, 0.65 nmol/l and 0.17 mumol/l; naphazoline, 0.94 nmol/l and 2.8 mumol/l; amiloride, 76 nmol/l and 26 mumol/l rilmenidine, 150 nmol/l and 50 mumol/l; and clonidine, 230 nmol/l and 70 mumol/l. The high affinity of amiloride for a high proportion (85%) of the binding is consistent with the presence of the I2A-subtype of I-RBS in rabbit kidney. These results demonstrate that [3H]2-BFI is a highly selective and high affinity radioligand for I2-RBS which should be useful for the further characterisation of these sites in mammalian tissues.