1. The Incidence of Comorbid Mental and Physical Conditions in Patients with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
- Author
Vučić Peitl, Marija, Palaić, Diana, Habibović, Fadil, Šešo, Bernard, Vučić Peitl, Marija, Palaić, Diana, Habibović, Fadil, and Šešo, Bernard
- Abstract
There is a small body of research about mental and physical comorbidity in post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) patients despite the fact that some psychiatric disorders and physical conditions are commonly comorbid with PTSD. In this study, we researched the relationship between PTSD and its mental and physical comorbidities by comparing the number of patient hospitalizations across two ten-year periods. Our sample consisted of 2761 patients with warfare PTSD hospitalized during the 20-year period (1999-2018). The results confirmed a higher number of hospitalizations in the 2009-2018 period than in the 1999-2008 period for the group of PTSD patients with both mental and physical comorbidity. Furthermore, no significant difference was found in the number of hospitalizations between the two ten-year periods for the group of PTSD patients with mental comorbidity. We argued that both mental and physical comorbidities along with PTSD are needed to induce a significantly higher level of distress in patients, resulting in a higher number of hospitalizations after a longer period of time. Patients with the most severe conditions and comorbidity have a greater need to seek help from mental health professionals as their mental and physical state deteriorates to a higher degree when not in the treatment of any kind., Postoji relativno manji broj istraživanja o mentalnim i tjelesnim subolestima kod bolesnika s posttraumatskim stresnim poremećajem (PTSP) unatoč činjenici da su određeni psihijatrijski poremećaji i tjelesna stanja učestali komorbiditeti PTSP-a. U ovom istraživanju ispitan je odnos između PTSP-a i njegovih mentalnih i fizičkih subolesti usporedbom broja hospitalizacija bolesnika u dva desetogodišnja razdoblja. Uzorak je činio 2761 bolesnik s ratnim PTSP-om koji su bili hospitalizirani tijekom 20-godišnjeg razdoblja (1999.-2018.). Rezultati su potvrdili statistički značajno veći broj hospitalizacija u razdoblju 2009.-2018. nego u razdoblju 1999.-2008. kod skupine bolesnika koji boluju od PTSP-a istodobno s mentalnim i tjelesnim subolestima. Nadalje, nije nađena značajna razlika u broju hospitalizacija između dva desetogodišnja razdoblja za skupinu bolesnika s PTSP-om i mentalnim subolestima. Moguće je objašnjenje da su i psihičke i tjelesne subolesti s PTSPom potrebne za stvaranje značajno veće razine tegoba kod bolesnika, što rezultira većim brojem hospitalizacija nakon duljeg razdoblja. Također, moguće je da bolesnici s najtežim stanjima i subolestima imaju veću potrebu tražiti pomoć stručnjaka za mentalno zdravlje, jer se njihovo mentalno i tjelesno stanje u većoj mjeri stalno pogoršava kada ne primaju neki oblik liječenja.
- Published
- 2022