42 results on '"Vitalii Yanovych"'
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- Author
Vitalii Yanovych Savka
- Subjects
європейська інтеграція, гнучка інтеграція, просунута співпраця, єс, спільна зовнішня політика та політика безпеки, європейська політика безпеки і оборони ,Political science ,Philosophy (General) ,B1-5802 - Abstract
У статті проаналізовано практику застосування в ЄС гнучкої інтеграції у сфері спільної зовнішньої політики та політики безпеки / європейської політики безпеки і оборони (СЗППБ/ЄПБО). Визначено, що гнучка інтеграція у рамках Європейської політики безпеки і оборони в реальності з’явилася раніше самої політики, правда, поза інституціональними рамками ЄС. У середині 1990-х рр. найбільш перспективною для застосування майбутніх положень про просунуту співпрацю вбачалася сфера «другої опори» (СЗППБ). Виявлено, що на практиці Спільна зовнішня політика і політика безпеки була виключена зі сфери застосування просунутої співпраці в Амстердамському договорі. У рамках СЗППБ була передбачена можливість конструктивного утримання. Крім того, в цій сфері Амстердамський договір залишав відкритим значний простір для співпраці ad hoc поза договором. До набуття чинності Ніццького договору реалізація гнучкої інтеграції у сфері безпеки і оборони багато в чому здійснювалася поза правовими рамками ЄС. Такий стан речей був обумовлений, з одного боку, відсутністю необхідних положень в Амстердамському договорі, а з іншого боку, об’єктивною необхідністю і бажанням держав-членів розвивати співпрацю в цій сфері. Результатом стала участь країн Євросоюзу в різних об’єднаннях, що займаються забезпеченням безпеки і оборони і створених на базі міжурядової співпраці. В ході дослідження з’ясовано, що Ніццький договір істотно розширив можливості використання гнучкої інтеграції в правових рамках ЄС. У той же час продовжувала розвиватися і міжурядова співпраця поза інституціональними рамками ЄС. Оскільки впровадження просунутої співпраці в сферу оборони не відповідало положенням Ніццького договору, то глави чотирьох держав запропонували внести відповідні зміни в майбутню Конституцію ЄС, яка не набула чинності. Досліджено, що Лісабонський договір створив інституціональну і правову базу для функціональної єдності СЗППБ і ЄПБО і одночасно істотно розширив можливості застосування просунутої співпраці (у вигляді постійної структурованої співпраці) в цій галузі, що стало відповіддю на реально існуючу проблему розвитку гнучких форм інтеграції у військовій сфері поза інституціональними рамками ЄС. Згідно з положеннями Лісабонського договору, в цій сфері відкриті найбільші можливості для реалізації проектів просунутої співпраці.
- Published
- 2021
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3. Structural Deformation of a Running Wind Tunnel Measured By Optical Scanning
- Author
Vitalii Yanovych and Daniel Duda
- Subjects
wind tunnel ,aramis system ,deformation of construction ,displacement of part ,flow velocity ,stiffness of construction ,Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General) ,TA1-2040 - Abstract
Nowadays, the development of wind tunnels for the study of various aerodynamic phenomena is actively developing. It is possible to generate a highly laminar flow only under the condition of structural stability of the construction parts of the wind tunnel under the action of sharp pressure drops. The aim of this research is to investigate the deformation and displacement of the structural parts of the developed wind tunnel capacity of 55 kW depending on the velocity of the generated airflow. To estimate the amount of deformation and mutual displacement of the structural elements of the wind tunnel depending on the airflow velocity, we used the ARAMIS optical system.
- Published
- 2020
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- Author
Vitalii Yanovych Savka
- Subjects
європейська інтеграція, гнучка інтеграція, просунута співпраця, ЄС, диференціація в ЄС, політизація ,Epistemology. Theory of knowledge ,BD143-237 - Abstract
Метою дослідження є з’ясування загальних та новітніх теоретичних і практичних трендів із приводу наслідків, ризиків та перспектив застосування й розвитку гнучкої інтеграції в ЄС, які, в тому числі, можуть бути доволі цікавими для України у контексті її євроінтеграційного поступу у майбутньому. У статті проаналізовано позитиви, негативи і перспективи розвитку та застосування гнучкої інтеграції і просунутої співпраці в ЄС в цілому й в окремих його країнах зокрема, в тому числі у контексті з’ясування місця та ролі гнучкої інтеграції у розвитку ЄС. Оцінено загальні наслідки й ефекти гнучкої інтеграції в ЄС за період до і після 2009-2010 рр. – тобто до, під час та після моменту підписання рамкових договорів ЄС. Виявлено загальні і специфічні ризики та перспективах застосування й розвитку гнучкої інтеграції в ЄС у період після 2009-2010 рр. – тобто після підписання вищеозначених рамкових договорів. У ході дослідження виявлено, що теоретики і практики європейської інтеграції зазначають, що вона (інтеграція) й надалі продовжує набувати все гнучкішої форми; а відтак це підтверджує багатовимірність, багатогранність і багатоаспектність європейської інтеграції та структури ЄС, що, від зворотного, теж зумовлюють потребу гнучкої інтеграції й надалі. Встановлено, що диференціація всередині ЄС ніколи не буде тимчасовою, а натомість потрібно очікувати тривалої диференціації між усіма чинними та всіма гіпотетичними новими країнами-членами ЄС. Зазначено, що дискусія стосовно диференціації інтеграції стала дуже політизованою, але не з приводу факту чи потреби диференціації і гнучкості, а з приводу сутності і вибору серед різних форм диференціації. Виявлено, що в майбутньому гнучка інтеграція в ЄС має потенціал стати двонаправленим процесом, зокрема спрямованим на посилення або послаблення рівня інтегрованості в тих чи інших сферах політики. Гнучка європейська інтеграція довкола ЄС, в ЄС чи з ЄС не повинна сприйматись і розглядатись як «побічний продукт» еволюції європейської інтеграції, а натомість повинна розумітись як основна теоретична і практична модель майбутнього динамічного розвитку ЄС.
- Published
- 2021
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5. Effect of Manufacturing Inaccuracies on the Wake Past Asymmetric Airfoil by PIV
- Author
Daniel Duda, Vitalii Yanovych, Volodymyr Tsymbalyuk, and Václav Uruba
- Subjects
particle image velocimetry ,wake ,3D scanning ,NACA 64-618 ,turbulent kinetic energy ,spectrum ,Technology - Abstract
The effect of manufacturing geometry deviations on the flow past a NACA 64(3)-618 asymmetric airfoil is studied. This airfoil is 3D printed according to the coordinates from a public database. An optical high-precision 3D scanner, GOM Atos, measures the difference from the idealized model. Based on this difference, another model is prepared with a physical output closer to the ideal model. The velocity in the near wake (0–0.4 chord) is measured by using the Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) technique. This work compares the wakes past three airfoil realizations, which differ in their similarity to the original design (none of the realizations is identical to the original design). The chord-based Reynolds number ranges from 1.6×104 to 1.6×105. The ensemble average velocity is used for the determination of the wake width and for the rough estimation of the drag coefficient. The lift coefficient is measured directly by using force balance. We discuss the origin of turbulent kinetic energy in terms of anisotropy (at least in 2D) and the length-scales of fluctuations across the wake. The spatial power spectral density is shown. The autocorrelation function of the cross-stream velocity detects the regime of the von Karmán vortex street at lower velocities.
- Published
- 2022
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6. Wake Width: Discussion of Several Methods How to Estimate It by Using Measured Experimental Data
- Author
Daniel Duda, Václav Uruba, and Vitalii Yanovych
- Subjects
wake ,wake width ,Particle Image Velocimetry ,NACA 64-618 ,skewness ,flatness ,Technology - Abstract
Several methods of defining and estimating the width of a turbulent wake are presented and tested on the experimental data obtained in the wake past an asymmetric prismatic airfoil NACA 64(3)-618, which is often used as tip profile of the wind turbines. Instantaneous velocities are measured by using the Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) technique. All suggested methods of wake width estimation are based on the statistics of a stream-wise velocity component. First, the expansion of boundary layer (BL) thickness is tested, showing that both displacement BL thickness and momentum BL thickness do not represent the width of the wake. The equivalent of 99% BL thickness is used in the literature, but with different threshold value. It is shown that a lower threshold of 50% gives more stable results. The ensemble average velocity profile is fitted by Gauss function and its σ-parameter is used as another definition of wake width. The profiles of stream-wise velocity standard deviation display a two-peak shape; the distance of those peaks serves as wake width for Norberg, while another tested option is to include the widths of such peaks. Skewness (the third statistical moment) of stream-wise velocity displays a pair of sharp peaks in the wake boundary, but their position is heavily affected by the statistical quality of the data. Flatness (the fourth statistical moment) of the stream-wise velocity refers to the occurrence of rare events, and therefore the distance, where turbulent events ejected from the wake become rare and can be considered as another definition of wake width. The repeatability of the mentioned methods and their sensitivity to Reynolds’ number and model quality are discussed as well.
- Published
- 2021
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7. Experimental Investigation of the Unsteady Stator/Rotor Wake Characteristics Downstream of an Axial Air Turbine
- Author
Daniel Duda, Tomáš Jelínek, Petr Milčák, Martin Němec, Václav Uruba, Vitalii Yanovych, and Pavel Žitek
- Subjects
Particle Image Velocimetry ,turbine ,turbine test facility ,length-scale ,PIV ,turbomachinery ,Mechanical engineering and machinery ,TJ1-1570 - Abstract
A feasibility study of velocity field measurements using the Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) method in an axial air turbine model is presented. The wakes past the blades of the rotor wheel were observed using the PIV technique. Data acquisition was synchronized with the shaft rotation; thus, the wakes were phase averaged for statistical analysis. The interaction of the rotor blade wakes with the stator ones was investigated by changing the stator wheel’s angle. The measurement planes were located just behind the rotor blades, covering approximately 3 cm × 3 cm in axial × tangential directions. The spatial correlation function suggests that the resolution used is sufficient for the large-scale flow-patterns only, but not for the small ones. The scales of fluctuations correspond to the shear layer thickness at the mid-span plane but, close to the end-wall, they contain larger structures caused by the secondary flows. The length-scales of the fluctuations under off-design conditions display a dependence on the area of the stator and rotor wakes cross-sections, which, in turn, depend on their angle. The obtained experimental data are to be used for the validation of mathematical simulation results in the future.
- Published
- 2021
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8. Three-Dimensional Mathematical Model of the Liquid Film Downflow on a Vertical Surface
- Author
Ivan Pavlenko, Oleksandr Liaposhchenko, Marek Ochowiak, Radosław Olszewski, Maryna Demianenko, Oleksandr Starynskyi, Vitalii Ivanov, Vitalii Yanovych, Sylwia Włodarczak, and Michał Doligalski
- Subjects
separation layer ,gas–liquid ,interfacial surface ,velocity field ,dimensionless parameters ,Technology - Abstract
Film downflow from captured liquid without wave formation and its destruction is one of the most important aspects in the development of separation equipment. Consequently, it is necessary to create well-organized liquid draining in areas of captured liquid. Thus, the proposed 3D mathematical model of film downflow allows for the determination of the hydrodynamic parameters of the liquid film flow and the interfacial surface. As a result, it was discovered that the interfacial surface depends on the proposed dimensionless criterion, which includes internal friction stress, channel length, and fluid density. Additionally, equations for determining the averaged film thickness, the averaged velocity vectors over the film thickness, the longitudinal and vertical velocity components, and the initial angle of streamline deviation from the vertical axis were analytically obtained.
- Published
- 2020
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9. Vortex profiles in grid turbulence observed by PIV
- Author
Daniel Duda, Vitalii Yanovych, and Václav Uruba
- Published
- 2023
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10. Effect of vibration on the rheological properties of glycerin during its purification
- Author
Hamed Hashemi-Dezaki, Pavel Žitek, Yurii Polievoda, and Vitalii Yanovych
- Subjects
glycerin ,Materials science ,rheological coefficients ,Mechanical Engineering ,Stress–strain curve ,Deformation (meteorology) ,Strain rate ,Compression device ,vibrocentric purification ,Stress (mechanics) ,Vibration ,Rheology ,Scientific method ,TJ1-1570 ,stress and strain ,General Materials Science ,Mechanical engineering and machinery ,Composite material ,compression device - Abstract
In this paper, a new method using the experimental results is proposed to determine the rheological characteristics of glycerin purification by a vibrocentric machine. The experimental testings are reported based on the values of the unilateral deformation of the glycerin under different process modes. The Kelvin-Voight model is used for rheological modeling of the proposed vibrocentric purification of glycerin. A new compression device is presented for the experimental studies, which is useful to simulate different technological processing mods. The behavior of glycerin during the centrifugation and vibrationally separation could be simulated using the introduced compression device. Test results show that a 15 % increase in the deformation of the glycerin is achievable using the simultaneous vibration-based and centrifugation processes. The impacts of amplitude-frequency parameters of glycerin purification using the vibrocentric process on the stress, strain, and strain rate have been studies. The obtained test results illustrate that the specified rheological characteristics increase sharply due to the resonant mode of the vibrating machine’s operation.
- Published
- 2021
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11. The specifics of the provisions on enhanced cooperation in the European Union in the Treaty of Nice
- Author
Vitalii Yanovych Savka
- Subjects
business.industry ,Enhanced cooperation ,Political science ,media_common.cataloged_instance ,International trade ,European union ,business ,media_common ,Treaty of Nice - Published
- 2021
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12. Structure turbulent flow behind a square cylinder with an angle of incidence
- Author
Václav Uruba, Daniel Duda, and Vitalii Yanovych
- Subjects
Physics ,Internal flow ,Turbulence ,Kolmogorov microscales ,General Physics and Astronomy ,Reynolds number ,Geometry ,02 engineering and technology ,Mechanics ,01 natural sciences ,010305 fluids & plasmas ,Physics::Fluid Dynamics ,symbols.namesake ,020303 mechanical engineering & transports ,0203 mechanical engineering ,Flow velocity ,Angle of incidence (optics) ,0103 physical sciences ,symbols ,Cylinder ,Constant Temperature Anemometry, Square cylinder, Vortices, T-slot, Stream-wise velocity fluctuations ,Mathematical Physics ,Taylor microscale - Abstract
This article shows the results of a study of the structure of turbulent flow behind a square profile ALUTEC 45 × 45 mm with T-slots. The angle of rotation of the profile relative to its axis varied α = 0 ° , 15 ° , 30 ° and 45 ° . During the experiment, the flow velocity was 5 m⋅s − 1 , Reynolds number was 7 . 7 ⋅ 1 0 4 . The Constant Temperature Anemometry technique was used for experimental studies. To avoid backflow, the measuring plane was positioned at the rear of the profile at a distance of x ⋅ d − 1 ≈ 2 . 2 . As a result of the studies, it was found that the highest Taylor microscale Reynolds number and standard deviation for turbulent flow was observed in the area behind the cylinder. The width of this area is 3.5 times the width of the cylinder. With the distance from the center of the cylinder in the spanwise direction to flow the Taylor microscale Reynolds number and standard deviation sharply decreases. The maximum values of the Taylor microscale Reynolds number are observed at α = 45 ° is 426 and 398. It has also been found that behind the cylinder there is some area in which the some parameters of the turbulent flow vary greatly with the change angle α . The lowest energy dissipation rate in this range is observed for α = 15 ° − 68 m 2 ⋅ s − 3 and the largest for α = 0 ° − 138 m 2 ⋅ s − 3 . We also found that the minimum value of the Kolmogorov scale and the Kolmogorov time is observed at α = 0 ° . The minimum values of the Kolmogorov scale η = 71 μ m and the Kolmogorov time τ η = 0 . 33 ms . The maximum values for previous parameters observed at α = 15 ° is η = 84 μ m and τ η = 0 . 47 ms . We also found that the flow rate and standard deviation distributions between the ALUTEC profile and the ordinary square cylinder different. This can be observed when the upper part of the profile is tightly closed and the lower part is open. In this case, along with the profile inside of the T-slot, there is a generation of internal flow. This reduces the total backflow area behind the ALUTEC profile by 20% compared to an ordinary square profile.
- Published
- 2021
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13. Vorticity statistics in the near wake of asymmetric prismatic airfoil NACA 64-618 at negative angle of attack –10° at Reynolds numbers 1.6 ⋅ 104 and 1.6 ⋅ 105 in distance 0.0 – 0.4 × chord past trailing edge measured by Particle Image Velocimetry
- Author
Jan Narovec, Daniel Duda, Vít Horáček, Tetjana Tomášková, Václav Uruba, and Vitalii Yanovych
- Subjects
Turbulence ,Vorticity ,Airfoil ,Particle Imag Velocimetry ,Manufacturing Inaccuracies ,NACA64-618 - Abstract
The airfoil NACA 64-618 is realized by using two levels of quality: first the theoretical profile is printed on a 3D printer in a direct, “naive” way, this geometry has been scanned by using 3D scanner and based on the deviations, a better model has been processed. The flow within the turbulent wake is measured by using Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) technique at two velocities separated by one order of magnitude.
- Published
- 2022
14. Preliminary results of PIV measurement past a stator wheel inside the VT-400 test turbine
- Author
Daniel Duda, Vít Horáček, Marek Klimko, Petr Milčák, Václav Uruba, Vitalii Yanovych, and Pavel Žitek
- Subjects
Particle Image Velocimetry ,Stator wheel ,Axial turbine - Abstract
The feasibility study of Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) measurements inside a test turbine at the University of West Bohemia. The current VT-400 turbine is not prepared for optical measurement with seeding particles, thus several technical issues had to be addressed until low-quality data were obtained only at low speed of 2000 RPM (rounds per minute). Even the low quality data are able to show the fluctuation anisotropy or the size of fluctuation structures, which are quantities not measurable by classical pressure methods.
- Published
- 2022
15. Secondary flow of second kind in a short channel observed by PIV
- Author
Jindřich Bém, Petr Pavlíček, Daniel Duda, Vitalii Yanovych, and Václav Uruba
- Subjects
Physics ,Turbulence ,General Physics and Astronomy ,Boundary (topology) ,Laminar flow ,02 engineering and technology ,Mechanics ,Vorticity ,Boundary layer thickness ,Secondary flow ,01 natural sciences ,010305 fluids & plasmas ,Vortex ,Physics::Fluid Dynamics ,020303 mechanical engineering & transports ,0203 mechanical engineering ,Particle image velocimetry ,0103 physical sciences ,Particle image velocimetry secondary flow secondary flow of second kind Vortex Boundary layer Transition to turbulence Anisotropy ,Mathematical Physics - Abstract
By using the Stereo Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) technique we observe the secondary flow of second kind in a corner of a channel of square cross-section. The boundary layer thickness is much lower than the channel size. Therefore, the flow is still developing, not filling the entire channel cross-section, which is the case more widely reported in literature studied in a very long channel. The non-linear secondary effects of interacting boundary layers are observed as a single stream-wise vortex close to the channel corner in case of laminar boundary layers. In the case of turbulent boundary layers, the secondary flow takes shape of a symmetric pair of counter-rotating vortices. This pattern is observable only in the average velocity field, while the instantaneous ones display large amount of vortices, whose spatial distribution close to the corner in dependence on their orientation leads to statistically emergent net vorticity. At the same time, this pattern is reproduced by using a numerical simulation.
- Published
- 2020
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16. Experimentální výzkum nestacionárních charakteristik staorového/rotorového úplavu za axiální vzduchovou turbínou
- Author
Václav Uruba, Tomáš Jelínek, Martin Němec, Pavel Žitek, Petr Milčák, Daniel Duda, and Vitalii Yanovych
- Subjects
Stator ,020209 energy ,Energy Engineering and Power Technology ,Aerospace Engineering ,02 engineering and technology ,Wake ,Rotation ,01 natural sciences ,Turbine ,010305 fluids & plasmas ,law.invention ,law ,0103 physical sciences ,Turbomachinery ,0202 electrical engineering, electronic engineering, information engineering ,TJ1-1570 ,Mechanical engineering and machinery ,turbine test facility ,turbomachinery ,Ram air turbine ,length-scale ,Physics ,Rotor (electric) ,Mechanical Engineering ,turbine ,Mechanics ,PIV ,Particle image velocimetry ,Particle Image Velocimetry - Abstract
A feasibility study of velocity field measurements using the Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) method in an axial air turbine model is presented. The wakes past the blades of the rotor wheel were observed using the PIV technique. Data acquisition was synchronized with the shaft rotation, thus, the wakes were phase averaged for statistical analysis. The interaction of the rotor blade wakes with the stator ones was investigated by changing the stator wheel’s angle. The measurement planes were located just behind the rotor blades, covering approximately 3 cm × 3 cm in axial × tangential directions. The spatial correlation function suggests that the resolution used is sufficient for the large-scale flow-patterns only, but not for the small ones. The scales of fluctuations correspond to the shear layer thickness at the mid-span plane but, close to the end-wall, they contain larger structures caused by the secondary flows. The length-scales of the fluctuations under off-design conditions display a dependence on the area of the stator and rotor wakes cross-sections, which, in turn, depend on their angle. The obtained experimental data are to be used for the validation of mathematical simulation results in the future.
- Published
- 2021
17. Particle image velocimetry measurement inside axial air test turbine - Effect of window
- Author
Tomáš Jelínek, Pavel Žitek, Vitalii Yanovych, Daniel Duda, Václav Uruba, and Martin Němec
- Subjects
Materials science ,Rotor (electric) ,Plane (geometry) ,turbine ,data evaluation ,Mechanics ,Static pressure ,Radius ,Turbine ,law.invention ,Particle image velocimetry ,Particle Image Velocimetry ,law ,Seeding ,Focus (optics) - Abstract
We measure the two dimensional instantaneous velocity fields inside an axial turbine by using the technique PIV (Particle Image Velocimetry). The measured plane is located just behind the rotor wheel and it is oriented in axial × tangential direction. We measured a single overloaded regime as well as the nominal one at tip radius. We discuss several technical difficulties appearing during this measurement, mainly with the seeding particles and with the optical access into a massive steel body. The glass dividing the channel past rotor and the empty space of diffusor has been dirtied by large oil droplets condensing at the blades and splashed to this window. We “solved” this trouble by removing the glass, because it anyway divides volumes with same static pressure. Best quality result was obtained without this glass, but its removal changes the geometry. In our contribution we focus to the effect of such rude change to the trustworthiness of the results.
- Published
- 2021
18. Dimensional analysis parameters of turbulence in the wake of a square cylinder
- Author
Vitalii Yanovych, Václav Uruba, and Daniel Duda
- Subjects
Physics ,Angle of rotation ,Taylor micro-scale ,Turbulence ,Constant Temperature Anemometry ,wake ,Reynolds number ,Mechanics ,Wake ,Dissipation ,Standard deviation ,Physics::Fluid Dynamics ,symbols.namesake ,Energy dissipation rate ,symbols ,Range (statistics) ,Cylinder - Abstract
In this article, we show the results of a study of the structure of a turbulent flow behind a square cylinder. Namely, for the series of points that have the highest standard deviation value. During the experiment, we were changing the position of the square cylinder relative to the total flow. Experimental data were obtained using Constant Temperature Anemometry. As a result of the analysis, we obtained graphical distributions of the main parameters of the turbulent flow. They revealed that the maximum value of the Reynolds number based on the Taylor micro-scale is observed exactly at the cylinder angle of 30° and 45°. It was also found that the distribution of the energy dissipation rate, depending on the angle of rotation of the cylinder, has a certain sinusoidal character with local peak values. The results of the analysis also showed that the distribution of values of dissipation scale and dissipation time at some distance from the cylinder has the largest range of their values.
- Published
- 2021
19. The structure of turbulent flow behind the NACA 0012 airfoil at high angles of attack and low Reynolds number
- Author
Václav Uruba, Daniel Duda, Pavlo Kosiak, and Vitalii Yanovych
- Subjects
Airfoil ,Physics ,Turbulence ,wake ,turbulence ,Reynolds number ,Mechanics ,Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General) ,HWA ,NACA airfoil ,symbols.namesake ,symbols ,NACA 0012 ,TA1-2040 - Abstract
This paper shows the results of a study of the turbulent structure behind the NACA 0012 airfoil. During the experiment, the flow velocity was 20 m·s−1. That corresponds the Reynolds number 1.3·105. The point behind the trailing edge was chosen for experimental studies. Measurements were performed at six angles of attack α = 0°, 15°, 30°, 45°, 60°, 75° and various cases of positioning the measuring section. Namely at a constant crosssection and a constant distance behind the airfoil. The NetScanner pressure system and hot-wire technique were used for experimental studies. The obtained data allowed us to investigate the wake topology. The average velocity and standard deviation distributions are clearly grouped depending on the angle of attack. Thus, flowing around the airfoil is better up to α ≤15°. Distributions by power density and dissipation spectra also have a similar grouping tendency. Finally, we investigated the turbulent structure according to the research program. We found that at α ≥45°, depending on the measurement case, there is a clear difference in the distribution of standard deviation, Eulerian length scale, Taylor micro-scale, and Reynolds number based on the Taylor micro-scale. The obtained values at the constant distance, in contrast to the constant cross-section, are reduced.
- Published
- 2021
20. Observation of flow structure past a full-stage axial air turbine at the nominal and off-design states
- Author
Daniel Duda, Pavel Žitek, Vitalii Yanovych, Tomáš Jelínek, Václav Uruba, and Martin Němec
- Subjects
Physics ,Jet (fluid) ,Rotor (electric) ,Stator ,Mechanics ,Vorticity ,Turbine ,law.invention ,Physics::Fluid Dynamics ,Turbulence ,Particle image velocimetry ,Particle Image Velocimetry ,law ,Turbulence kinetic energy ,Ram air turbine - Abstract
The air flow inside single-stage test turbine is studied experimentally by Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV). Here we report the measurements results at axial-tangential plane just behind the rotor wheel at middle blade radius. We studied one nominal state and two off-design states. We discuss the applicability of resolution of our PIV system to this flow – we can distinguish the largest vortical structures in the shear layers between blade wake and jet, but the bottom part of the cascade is invisible for us at this moment. Spatial distributions of statistical moments of vorticity show a non-classical behavior at the cross-points of stator and rotor jets. We use our previously published algorithm for calculating spatial energy spectrum and display the turbulent kinetic energy colored by different length-scales of the fluctuations.
- Published
- 2021
- Author
Savka, Vitalii Yanovych, primary
- Published
- 2021
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- Author
Savka, Vitalii Yanovych, primary
- Published
- 2021
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23. An Experimental Study of Turbulent Mixing in Channel Flow Past a Grid
- Author
Václav Uruba, Vitalii Yanovych, and Daniel Duda
- Subjects
020209 energy ,Agrawal decomposition ,Bioengineering ,02 engineering and technology ,lcsh:Chemical technology ,01 natural sciences ,010305 fluids & plasmas ,lcsh:Chemistry ,Physics::Fluid Dynamics ,symbols.namesake ,0103 physical sciences ,particle image velocimetry ,0202 electrical engineering, electronic engineering, information engineering ,Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous) ,mixing ,lcsh:TP1-1185 ,3D scanning ,Physics ,turbulent kinetic energy ,Turbulence ,Process Chemistry and Technology ,Isotropy ,Reynolds number ,Mechanics ,Vorticity ,Vortex ,Open-channel flow ,Particle image velocimetry ,lcsh:QD1-999 ,Turbulence kinetic energy ,symbols ,grid turbulence - Abstract
Grid turbulence is considered to be a canonical case of turbulent flow. In the presented paper, the flow structure is analyzed from the point of view of mixing properties, where vortical structures and their properties play a significant role. That is why the effect of various length-scales in turbulence is studied separately. The experimental study uses the Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) method. The original method for spatial spectrum evaluation is applied. Results on vortex spatial spectrum and isotropy are presented. The scaling of turbulent kinetic energy (TKE) is measured, furthermore, the TKE is decomposed according to the length-scales of the fluctuations. By this method, we found that the decay of TKE associated with the smallest length-scales is more sensitive to the Reynolds number than that at larger length-scales. The TKE at the largest investigated length-scales decays more slowly. The turbulence decay-law is studied for various Reynolds numbers. The second and fourth statistical moments of vorticity are evaluated at various Reynolds numbers and distances from the grid. The isotropy is investigated in the sense of ratio of fluctuations in stream-wise to span-wise directions as the used data are captured using the planar PIV method. The full 3D fluctuation invariants were investigated in a representative position by means of the Stereo-PIV method.
- Published
- 2020
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24. Hot-Wire Investigation of Turbulence Topology behind Blades at Different Shape Qualities
- Author
Vitalii Yanovych, Daniel Duda, Václav Uruba, and Tetjana Tomášková
- Subjects
asymmetric airfoil ,shape inaccuracies ,hot-wire ,wake topology ,the structure of turbulent ,aerodynamic characteristics ,Process Chemistry and Technology ,Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous) ,Bioengineering - Abstract
The scope of this paper is to perform a detailed experimental investigation of the shape error effect on the turbulence evolution behind NACA 64-618 airfoil. This airfoil is 3D-printed with predefined typical shape inaccuracies. A high-precision optical 3D scanner was used to assess the shape and surface quality of the manufactured models. The turbulent flow was studied using hot-wire anemometry. The developed force balance device was provided to measure the aerodynamic characteristics of the airfoil. Experimental studies were carried out for three angles of attack, +10∘, 0∘, −10∘, and different chord-based Reynolds numbers from 5.3×104 to 2.1×105. The obtained results show that the blunt trailing edge and rough surface decline the aerodynamic performance of the blades. In addition, the experimental results revealed a strong sensitivity of the Taylor microscale Reynolds number to the type of shape inaccuracy, especially at Re≈1.7×105. We also discuss the evolution of the Reynolds stress components, the degree of flow anisotropy, and the power spectrum distributions depending on the airfoil inaccuracies.
- Published
- 2022
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25. Grid turbulence studied by Particle Image Velocimetry
- Author
Daniel Duda, Jindřich Bém, Vitalii Yanovych, and Václav Uruba
- Subjects
Structure function ,Grid turbulence ,Particle Image Velocimetry - Abstract
We studied the grid-generated turbulence by using Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) technique. We test on this already well studied flow the new ways of analyzing spatially resolved PIV data, such as the spatial spectra and structure functions. We compare some of the turbulence characteristics with results of Laser Doppler Anemometry (LDA).
- Published
- 2022
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26. Expanding the PIV Spectral Range and the Turbulence Generated by Grid of Prismatic Circular Cylinders
- Author
Daniel Duda, Vitalii Yanovych, and Václav Uruba
- Abstract
The grid turbulence past a grid made of row of prismatic circular rods (rod diameter = 10 mm, rod spacing = 20 mm) perpendicular to the flow is observed by using a pair of PIV cameras. The first one has field of view larger (81 mm), the second one smaller (31 mm), which increases the dynamical range, where the spectral turbulence properties can be explored. Energy spectra displays usual behavior approximately following k −5/3 law, the anisotropy originates at larger scales and the flatness describing strong rare events is connected with smaller scales. The spectral properties of vorticity do not collapse due to the different lengthscale of differentiation, which make questionable the previous research based on the vorticity statistics. Research background: Grid turbulence is the best experimentally accessible prototype of ideal homogenous and isotropic turbulence, although it is known, it is not exactly the ideal one. Purpose of the article: This contribution explores the possibility of expanding the limited dynamical range of PIV method. Methods: Particle Image Velocimetry is based on observing the motion of small particles carried by the flow. Findings & Value added: Anisotropy connected with large scales, flatness with small scales; it does not work for vorticity.
- Published
- 2022
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27. Drag Estimation in the Near Wake of the NREL's Airfoils Based on Hot-Wire Data
- Author
Vitalii Yanovych, Daniel Duda, Václav Uruba, and Pavel Antoš
- Abstract
This paper presents the results of the drag coefficient estimations for different types of NREL airfoils based on the experimental data. Namely, it was S803, S807, S813, and S817 profiles with the same chord length. The investigations were conducted at three angles of attack α=0°, α=±5°, different chord-based Reynolds numbers 0.6×105, 1.3×105 and 2.6×105. While, measuring cross-sections were placed behind the trailing edge at x∙c−1≈0.2, 0.4 and 1.0. Experimental data were collected using a hot-wire split fiber probe 55R55, which allowed us to estimate the characteristics of turbulent flow in stream-wise and crosswise directions. According to the obtained results, the highest and lowest Cd values correspond to profiles S817 and S803, respectively. Moreover, the results show that more asymmetric profiles S803 and S807 have the lowest resistance at zero angles of attack. Research background: Application of Antonia and Rajagopalan methodology to drag assessment of various stream bodies. Purpose of the article: Comparative evaluation of the drag coefficients of the NREL airfoils based on instantaneous velocity distribution behind. Methods: Hot-wire anemometry with split fiber probe 55R55. Findings & Value added: The highest drag coefficient corresponds to the S817 profile. The asymmetry of the airfoil shape has a significant impact on its drag characteristics.
- Published
- 2022
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28. Wake flow past an ALUTEC profile
- Author
Daniel Duda, Yasar Dokak, Vitalii Yanovych, and Václav Uruba
- Subjects
Particle Image Velocimetry ,Wake ,Alutec - Abstract
Aluminum construction profiles become a standard construction material for short-term stands in science and in industry as well. It has the shape of square prism with an groove in each side to easy connecting the nut or bolt in any location. We studied the wake past the profile of 45 mm side. We studied the topology of the wake in the dependence on the angle of attack by using the Particle Image Velocimetry technique.
- Published
- 2022
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29. Turbulence topology behind different sections of the wind turbine blade
- Author
Vitalii Yanovych, Daniel Duda, Václav Uruba, Pavlo Kosiak, and Vít Horáček
- Subjects
wake ,Wind Turbine ,Structure of turbulence ,Airfoil ,Hot Wire Anemometry - Abstract
This work aimed to investigate the turbulence characteristics behind different parts of the wind turbine blade. Airfoils S807, S813, S817, and S803, which characterize the shape of the blade at different lengths, were selected for estimation. During the experiment, the chord-based Reynolds number was 2.6×105, while the angle of attack was zero. Measuring crosssections were placed behind the trailing edge at x·c-1≈0.2, 0.4 and 1.0. For the determination flow topology, we used a Hotwire anemometry with a split fiber probe 55R55 and a miniature X-wire probe 55P64. The obtained data allowed us to determine and compare the evolution of the wake behind different types of airfoils in streamwise and spanwise directions. Thus, the largest and smallest velocity deficit located behind S817 and S803 airfoils, respectively. This trend is also evident in the Normalized Reynolds shear stress distributions. Finally, we determined the spectrum and calculated the Integral length scale, the Taylor and Kolmogorov microscale of turbulent flow. According to the results, profile S817 contributes to the formation of a flow with a large scale of turbulence, while the S803 is contrary.
- Published
- 2022
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30. The specifics of the provisions on enhanced cooperation in the European Union in the Treaty of Nice
- Author
Savka, Vitalii Yanovych, primary
- Published
- 2021
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31. Structural Deformation of a Running Wind Tunnel Measured By Optical Scanning
- Author
Vitalii, Yanovych, primary and Daniel, Duda, additional
- Published
- 2020
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32. Three-dimensional mathematical model of the liquid film downflow on a vertical surface
- Author
Sylwia Włodarczak, Vitalii Ivanov, Michał Doligalski, Oleksandr Oleksandrovych Liaposhchenko, Vitalii Yanovych, Radosław Olszewski, Ivan Pavlenko, Maryna Demianenko, Marek Ochowiak, and Oleksandr Starynskyi
- Subjects
Surface (mathematics) ,separation layer ,Control and Optimization ,Materials science ,Flow (psychology) ,Energy Engineering and Power Technology ,02 engineering and technology ,lcsh:Technology ,01 natural sciences ,010305 fluids & plasmas ,Stress (mechanics) ,Physics::Fluid Dynamics ,Liquid film ,velocity field ,0103 physical sciences ,Electrical and Electronic Engineering ,Vertical velocity ,dimensionless parameters ,interfacial surface ,Engineering (miscellaneous) ,Dimensionless parameters ,Gas-liquidInterfacial surface ,lcsh:T ,gas-liquid ,Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment ,Separation layer ,Mechanics ,021001 nanoscience & nanotechnology ,Vector field ,Development (differential geometry) ,gas–liquid ,0210 nano-technology ,Velocity field ,Energy (miscellaneous) ,Dimensionless quantity - Abstract
Film downflow from captured liquid without wave formation and its destruction is one of the most important aspects in the development of separation equipment. Consequently, it is necessary to create well-organized liquid draining in areas of captured liquid. Thus, the proposed 3D mathematical model of film downflow allows for the determination of the hydrodynamic parameters of the liquid film flow and the interfacial surface. As a result, it was discovered that the interfacial surface depends on the proposed dimensionless criterion, which includes internal friction stress, channel length, and fluid density. Additionally, equations for determining the averaged film thickness, the averaged velocity vectors over the film thickness, the longitudinal and vertical velocity components, and the initial angle of streamline deviation from the vertical axis were analytically obtained.
- Published
- 2020
33. Vortices inside a single-stage axial air turbine captured by Particle Image Velocimetry
- Author
Daniel Duda, Vitalii Yanovych, Pavel Žitek, Václav Uruba, and Martin Němec
- Subjects
Physics ,Physics::Fluid Dynamics ,Particle image velocimetry ,Single stage ,0103 physical sciences ,Mechanics ,TA1-2040 ,010306 general physics ,Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General) ,01 natural sciences ,010305 fluids & plasmas ,Vortex ,Ram air turbine - Abstract
Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) is an experimental method of fluid research resulting into a spatially resolved two-dimensional velocity field. We measured the velocity inside a single-stage axial test turbine at the Czech Aerospace Research Centre. We studied the axial × tangential plane just behind the rotor wheel at the tip radius under three regimes: underloaded, designed and overloaded ones. We found individual vortices in the instantaneous snapshots and we analyze their properties statistically.
- Published
- 2020
34. Distribution of wind power generation dependently of meteorological factors
- Author
Vitalii Yanovych, Sergiy Shevchenko, Olena Rubanenko, Oleksandr Rubanenko, Dmytro Danylchenko, and Oleksandr Miroshnyk
- Subjects
Electric power quality ,Wind power ,Meteorology ,Power station ,business.industry ,meteorological factors ,Distributed power ,wind farms ,Turbine ,Renewable energy ,Electricity generation ,Power Balance ,wind energy generation ,Environmental science ,business ,renewable energy sources ,correlation coefficient - Abstract
Analyses of trends increasing annual wind power plant capacity and power generation in the World and Europe are presented in this paper. Investigated main problems of increasing the power generation of renewable energy sources in distributed power grids. Proposed ways to decide them by taking into account the supply of power balance, reliability operating of the power grid, and electric power quality. Observed the daily power generation during the 2019 year for typical onshore wind power plant, which consists of 1 turbine type V-100/2.00 MW. The influence of the meteorological factors on the power generation of RESs was determined with usage Spearman's rank correlation coefficient.
- Published
- 2020
35. Turbulent jet stability increased by ribs inside the nozzle – Stereo PIV measurement one diameter past the nozzle
- Author
Vladimír Abrhám, Vitalii Yanovych, Václav Uruba, and Daniel Duda
- Subjects
PIV ,Physics::Fluid Dynamics ,Jet (fluid) ,nozzle ,Materials science ,Turbulence ,turbulent jet ,Nozzle ,Mechanics ,TA1-2040 ,Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General) ,Stereo piv - Abstract
We observe that decreasing the inner nozzle surface by adding longitudinal ribs increases the jet stability in terms of the amount of turbulent kinetic energy in the near shear layer. We try to explain our observation as a stabilization effect of secondary flow vortices emerging in the corners of the ribs. These stream-wise vortices damage the development of larger-scale structures in the near shear layer. This explanation is supported by autocorrelation function of the stream-wise velocity component, which displays slightly smaller integral length-scale in the case with ribs than in the case of smooth nozzle. The experiment is performed at Reynolds number 2.2 × 105 (based on the nozzle diameter 50 mm); the Stereo-PIV (Particle Image Velocimetry) measurement takes place at the plane perpendicular to the jet axis one diameter past the nozzle exit. Optical 3D scanner controls the real nozzle geometry. This article presents preliminary measurement at single position and single velocity only; further exploration of this problem is needed.
- Published
- 2021
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36. Research of a wind tunnel parameters by means of cross-section analysis of air flow profiles
- Author
Daniel Duda, Vít Horáček, Václav Uruba, and Vitalii Yanovych
- Subjects
Physics::Fluid Dynamics ,Boundary layer ,Flow velocity ,Flow (psychology) ,Airflow ,Dynamic pressure ,Laminar flow ,Mechanics ,Aerodynamics ,Wind tunnel, Flow measurement, Data analysis ,Geology ,Wind tunnel - Abstract
Wind tunnel is constructed. It is characterized by a high degree of airflow laminarization. The main constructive element of this aerodynamic tube is the laminarization module. It allows the destruction of turbulent fluxes by providing a homogeneous laminar flow. In order to evaluate the performance of the developed aerodynamic tube, a series of experimental studies was conducted in the range of air velocity of 10-50?m·s-1. To establish the laws of the distribution of flow parameters relative to the section the cross-sectional analysis method was used. It consists of forming a series of measuring planes that characterize the distribution of dynamic pressure and air flow velocity relative to the testing section. After that, the received experimental data are interpreted as three-dimensional graphic dependencies of the studied quantities. There is clearly observed a certain local area of stable values of dynamic pressure and flow velocity, after which they are sharply reduced in the direction of the walls of the section for testing. As a result of the analysis, a series of digital profiles of the distribution of dynamic pressure in the measuring planes of the testing section were obtained. Analysis of the obtained graphic dependencies allowed establishing of the uneven distribution of the dynamic pressure difference in the boundary layer zone along the inner perimeter of the test section is worth noting. Because of the side of the upper wall of the test section, the dynamic pressure difference is greater than the sidewall. This phenomenon is due to the difference in area of their blown air. Consequently, at a wall with a larger contact surface, a constant air stream experiences more loss of its kinetic energy than a wall with a smaller area. Especially this tendency is observed in the turbulent boundary layer.
- Published
- 2019
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37. Influence of vibration of contacts on further operation of high-voltage switches
- Author
Rubanenko, O., Vitalii Yanovych, Zemčík, Robert, and Krystek, Jan
- Subjects
vibrations ,method of controlling speed characteristics ,spínač vysokého napětí ,metoda řízení rychlostních charakteristik ,high-voltage switches ,vibrace - Published
- 2019
38. Influence of secondary flow corner vortex to boundary layer in a channel flow
- Author
Jiří Kovařík, Vitalii Yanovych, Daniel Duda, Jindřich Bém, and Václav Uruba
- Subjects
Physics ,Boundary layer ,Mechanics ,Secondary flow ,Vortex ,Open-channel flow - Published
- 2019
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39. Creation of recombination corrective algorithm for research of a wind tunnel parameters
- Author
Vít Horáček, Daniel Duda, Václav Uruba, and Vitalii Yanovych
- Subjects
Aerodynamický tunel, tunel, proudové pole ,Wind tunnels, Tunnels, Flow fields ,business.industry ,Aerospace engineering ,business ,Geology ,Recombination ,Wind tunnel - Abstract
The blown down wind tunnel tube has been developed. It provides a high degree of air flow laminarization. The uniqueness of this design is the presence of a system of air vortices destruction. This system contains a complex of metal grids, honeycomb straightener and contraction nozzle. The combination of these elements allows for low turbulence level and promote the air flow relative to its axis. The complex of measuring equipment for the establishment of operational characteristics in the test section has been performed. A four-channel probe has been developed to analyze the total pressure and air flow velocity in the measuring tunnel area. The design of this probe makes possible to analyze the boundary layers of air flow in a wind tunnel. The corrective algorithm of recombination for the obtained data and software for their analysis is developed. A prerequisite for developing an algorithm for the recombination of the obtained data and their subsequent visualization is the idea of sectoral analysis and averaging of the data of common areas of the measuring area. Besides the developed algorithm, the correction function for leveling the aerodynamic resistance of the design of the four-channel probe was included. Whereas it approaches the nozzle of static pressure, there is a distortion of the real data distribution on each of the probe tube. To confirm the adequacy of the developed algorithm and the correct functioning of the software developed on its basis, a series of experimental studies was conducted, which were based on the measurement of total pressure when placing objects that create aerodynamic resistance in the measuring section. A profile analysis of the data allowed to visualize correctly the distribution of total pressure around the investigated bodies, even in the place of its sharp difference.
- Published
- 2019
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40. Visualization of secondary flow in a corner of a channel
- Author
Daniel Duda, Jindřich Bém, Vitalii Yanovych, Jiří Kovařík, and Václav Uruba
- Subjects
Physics ,Turbulence ,Reynolds number ,Laminar flow ,Mechanics ,Secondary flow ,Vortex ,Physics::Fluid Dynamics ,Boundary layer ,symbols.namesake ,Turbulence, Secondary flow, Boundary layer, Particle Image Velocimetry ,Particle image velocimetry ,Flow conditioning ,symbols - Abstract
We report observation of secondary flow in one corner of developing channel air flow. Length of the channel, i.e. length of boundary layer, is 400?mm, which is 3.2 times the channel cross-sectional size. Three components of velocity are measured by using a Stereo Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) technique in the measurement area of size 24×22?mm, which is perpendicular to the direction of main flow in the channel. The Reynolds number based on the length of the channel ranged from 4·104 to 8·105 and has been controlled via imposed velocity. At low Reynolds number we observe a laminar corner vortex having at all velocities the same orientation. This symmetry breaking is probably caused by an imperfectness of the experimental device. At Reynolds number around 8·104 this vortex starts to slightly variate its strength and position causing transition of boundary layers into turbulence at Re = 1.1·105. At higher Re this laminar vortex disappears from the instantaneous velocity fields, but it is still apparent in the averaged ones. It gets smaller and another oppositely oriented vortex forms; note that the second vortex is not observed in the instantaneous velocity fields, only in the ensemble average. At even higher Re, this secondary flow structure is smaller than the turbulent boundary layers, but its shape of a pair of counter-rotating vortices is conserved probably being a seed for secondary flow between fully developed boundary layers reported in the literature for longer channels with fully developed flow.
- Published
- 2019
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41. Development of a vibrocentric machine for raw glycerin purification
- Author
Vitalii Yanovych, Polievoda, Y., and Duda, D.
42. Development of the vibrocentric machine for the production of a basic mixture of homeopathic preparations
- Author
Vitalii Yanovych, Tsurkan, O., and Polevoda, Y.
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