46 results on '"Viktorsson, Lena"'
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2. Oxygen Survey in the Baltic Sea 2023 : - Extent of Anoxia and Hypoxia, 1960-2023
- Author
Hansson, Martin, Viktorsson, Lena, Hansson, Martin, and Viktorsson, Lena
- Abstract
In 2011 SMHI published the Report Oceanography No 42 with a climatological atlas of the oxygen status in the deep water of the Baltic Sea. Subsequently, annual updates have been released as new data have been reported to the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) data centre. This report provides an update for 2022 and presents the preliminary results for 2023. The oxygen data for 2023 were collected from various sources, including ICES coordinated trawl surveys, national monitoring programmes, and research projects involving Poland, Estonia, Latvia, Denmark, Sweden, and Finland. For the autumn period, each profile in the dataset was analyzed for the occurrence of hypoxia (oxygen deficiency) and anoxia (total absence of oxygen). The depths of onset of hypoxia and anoxia were then interpolated between sampling stations to produce two surfaces that represent the depths at which hypoxic and anoxic conditions are present, respectively. The volume and area of hypoxia and anoxia were then calculated and the results transferred to maps and diagrams to visualize the annual autumn oxygen situation during the analyzed period. The updated results for 2022 and the preliminary results for 2023 show that the severe oxygen conditions in the Baltic Proper after the regime shift in 1999 continues. Levels of anoxia and hypoxia decreased somewhat 2023 compared to the high results for 2022. The increase in 2022 was mainly due to large areas in the south eastern Baltic Proper are added, areas were data is sparse and results are uncertain. In 2022 anoxia was found at 23% of the bottom areas and 35% suffered from hypoxia including anoxic areas. Preliminary results for 2023 show that anoxia affected 18% of the bottom areas and 32% suffered from hypoxia (including anoxic areas). The concentration of hydrogen sulphide is extremely high in all the basins around Gotland. In the Eastern and Western Gotland Basin hydrogen sulphide in the bottom water has reached levels not r, I SMHI rapporten Oceanography nr 42 publicerades en klimatologisk atlas över syresituationen i Östersjöns djupvatten år 2011. Sedan dess har årliga uppdateringar släppts när nya data har rapporterats till International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES). Denna rapport ger en uppdatering för 2022 och preliminära resultat för 2023. Syredata för 2023 samlades in från olika källor; ICESkoordinerade trålundersökningar, nationella mätprogram och forskningsprojekt med deltagande från Polen, Estland, Lettland, Danmark, Sverige och Finland. Under höstperioden analyserades varje profil i datamängden för förekomst av hypoxi (syrebrist) och anoxi (total frånvaro av syre). Djupet där hypoxi respektive anoxi först påträffades interpolerades sedan mellan provtagningsstationer för att producera två ytor som representerar djupen där hypoxiska respektive anoxiska förhållanden förekommer. Volymen och ytan för hypoxi och anoxi beräknades sedan och resultaten överfördes till kartor och diagram för att visualisera syresituationen under hösten under den analyserade perioden. Resultaten för 2022 och 2023 visar att de allvarliga syreförhållandena i Östersjön efter regimskiftet 1999 fortsätter. Nivåerna av anoxi och hypoxi minskade något 2023 jämfört med de höga resultaten för 2022. Ökningen under 2022 berodde främst på att områden i sydöstra Östersjön lagts till, områden där data är knapphändig och resultaten osäkra. År 2022 påträffades anoxi på 23% av bottenområdena och 35% drabbades av hypoxi (inkl. anoxiska omr). Preliminära resultat för 2023 visar att anoxi påverkade 18% av bottenområdena och 32% av hypoxi (inkl. anoxiska omr.). Koncentrationen av svavelväte är extremt hög i alla djupbassänger. I Östra och Västra Gotlandsbassängen har svavelväte i bottenvattnet nått nivåer som inte tidigare registrerats. De inflöden som inträffade under 2022-2023 påverkade endast syresituationen i södra delarna av Östersjön. Inga inflöden nådde de djupare bassängerna runt Gotland. I slutet a
- Published
- 2024
3. Gaps in current Baltic Sea environmental monitoring – Science versus management perspectives
- Author
Kahlert, Maria, Eilola, Kari, Mack, Leoni, Meissner, Kristian, Sandin, Leonard, Strömberg, Helena, Uusitalo, Laura, Viktorsson, Lena, and Liess, Antonia
- Published
- 2020
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4. Oxygen Survey in the Baltic Sea 2022 - Extent of Anoxia and Hypoxia, 1960-2022
- Author
Hansson, Martin, Viktorsson, Lena, Hansson, Martin, and Viktorsson, Lena
- Abstract
In 2011 SMHI published the Report Oceanography No 42 with a climatological atlas of the oxygen status in the deep water of the Baltic Sea in 2011. Subsequently, annual updates have been released as new data have been reported to the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) data centre. This report provides an update for 2021 and presents the preliminary results for 2022. The oxygen data for 2022 were collected from various sources, including international ICES coordinated trawl surveys, national monitoring programmes, and research projects involving Poland, Estonia, Latvia, Denmark, Sweden, and Finland. For the autumn period, each profile in the dataset was analyzed for the occurrence of hypoxia (oxygen deficiency) and anoxia (total absence of oxygen). The depths of onset of hypoxia and anoxia were then interpolated between sampling stations to produce two surfaces that represent the depths at which hypoxic and anoxic conditions are present, respectively. The volume and area of hypoxia and anoxia were then calculated and the results transferred to maps and diagrams to visualize the annual autumn oxygen situation during the analyzed period. The updated results for 2021 and the preliminary results for 2022 show that the severe oxygen conditions in the Baltic Proper after the regime shift in 1999 continues. Levels of anoxia increased somewhat compared to the results for 2020, while the extent of hypoxia remained largely unchanged 2021 but increased in 2022. The increase in anoxia was seen in the southern Baltic Proper and in the Gulf of Finland. In 2021 anoxia was found at 21% of the bottom areas and 31% suffered from hypoxia. Preliminary results for 2022 show that anoxia affected 21% of the bottom areas and 34% suffered from hypoxia. The concentration of hydrogen sulphide is extremely high in all the basins around Gotland. In the Eastern and Western Gotland Basin hydrogen sulphide in the bottom water has reached levels not recorded before. The inf, I SMHI rapporten Oceanography nr 42 publicerades en klimatologisk atlas över syresituationen i Östersjöns djupvatten år 2011. Sedan dess har årliga uppdateringar släppts när nya data har rapporterats till International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) datacenter. Denna rapport ger en uppdatering för 2021 och presenterar preliminära resultat för 2022. Syredata för 2022 samlades in från olika källor; internationella ICES-koordinerade trålundersökningar, nationella övervakningsprogram och forskningsprojekt med deltagande från Polen, Estland, Lettland, Danmark, Sverige och Finland. Under höstperioden analyserades varje profil i datamängden för förekomst av hypoxi (syrebrist) och anoxi (total frånvaro av syre). Djupet där hypoxi respektive anoxi först påträffades interpolerades sedan mellan provtagningsstationer för att producera två ytor som representerar djupen där hypoxiska respektive anoxiska förhållanden förekommer. Volymen och ytan för hypoxi och anoxi beräknades sedan och resultaten överfördes till kartor och diagram för att visualisera syresituationen under hösten under den analyserade perioden. De uppdaterade resultaten för 2021 och de preliminära resultaten för 2022 visar att de allvarliga syreförhållandena i Östersjön efter regimskiftet 1999 fortsätter. Utbredningen av anoxi ökade något jämfört med resultaten för 2020, medan omfattningen av hypoxi i stort sett förblev oförändrad 2021 men ökade 2022. Ökningen av anoxi observerades i södra Östersjön och i Finska viken. År 2021 påträffades anoxi på 21% av bottnarna och 31% drabbades av hypoxi. Preliminära resultat för 2022 visar att anoxi påverkade 21% av bottnarna och 34% drabbades av hypoxi. Extremt höga svavelvätehalter, de högsta som påträffats, noterades i både Västra och Östra Gotlandsbassängen. De inflöden som inträffade 2021-2022 påverkade enbart de södra delarna av Egentliga Östersjön. Inga inflöden nådde de djupare delarna omkring Gotland.
- Published
- 2023
5. The Swedish National MarineMonitoring Programme 2022 : Hydrography, Nutrients, Phytoplankton
- Author
Skjevik, Ann-Turi, Wesslander, Karin, Viktorsson, Lena, Skjevik, Ann-Turi, Wesslander, Karin, and Viktorsson, Lena
- Abstract
Sammanfattning Temperaturen i ytvattnet (0-10 m) var över det normala flera månader under 2022,temperaturer under det normala uppmättes endast vid några få tillfällen på sommaren.Dessa köldknäppar orsakades av uppvällning. Årets lägsta temperaturer i ytvattnetnåddes i mars i Skagerrak, vilket är en månad senare än normalt. I Kattegatt uppmättesden lägsta temperaturen i januari och i mars i Egentliga Östersjön. Temperaturer över det normala uppmättes även i de djupa och intermediära vattnen iEgentliga Östersjön. I Egentliga Östersjön visar temperaturen i djupvattnen en ökandetrend. Issäsongen klassificerades som mild men varaktigheten var längre än normalt. Denförsta isen observerades runt den 25 oktober och den sista isen den 2 juni. Närsaltskarteringarna på vintern visade att halterna av löst oorganiskt kväve var underde normala. Kisel och fosfat var över det normala i Bottenviken. Det senare stämmeröverens med en trend med ökande fosfat- och silikatkoncentrationer i Bottenviken. Näringsämnena minskar på våren när vårblomningen startar, 2022 skedde detta i mars iKattegatt och i april i Skagerrak. I Egentliga Östersjön inträffade vårblomningen mellanfebruari- och marsexpeditionerna i de södra delarna av havsområdet medan den varungefär en månad senare i bassängerna runt Gotland. I Bottenhavet saknas näringsdataför den period då vårblomningen inträffade. Men artsammansättningen och biomassaifrån växtplanktonmätningar visar att vårblomningen inträffade i april. I Bottenvikensjönk oorganiskt kväve till nivåer nära detektionsgränsen i juli. Den potentiellt giftiga dinoflagellaten Dinophysis acuta observerades i cellantal övervarningsgränsen under hösten stationerna på Västkusten. Det största området med cyanobakterieansamlingar observerades med satellit den 28juni då cirka 83 300 km2av Egentliga Östersjön och Finska Viken påverkades. Inga inflöden inträffade under 2022 som var tillräckligt stora för att påverka djupvattneti centrala Östersjön och därför fortsätter de pr, Summary The temperature in surface layer was above normal in several months during 2022,temperatures below normal were measured only on a few occasions in the summer.These occasions were caused by upwelling events. The minimum temperatures in thesurface layer in 2022 were reached in March in Skagerrak, which is a month later thannormal. In Kattegat the temperature reached its minimum in January and in March inthe Baltic Proper. Temperatures above normal were measured in the deep and intermediate waters in theBaltic Proper. In the Baltic Proper the temperature in the deep waters show anincreasing trend. The ice season was classified as mild but the duration was longer than normal, with thefirst ice observations around 25th of October and the last ice seen on 2nd of June. The nutrient surveys in winter showed that the concentrations of dissolved inorganicnitrogen were below normal, whereas silicate and phosphate were above normal in theBothnian Bay. The latter is consistent with a trend of increasing phosphate and silicateconcentration in the Bothnian Bay. The nutrients decreased in spring as the springbloom started, in 2022 this happened in March in Kattegat and in April in Skagerrak,which is later than normal. In the Baltic Proper it occurred between the February andMarch cruises in the southern parts while it started about a month later in the basinsaround Gotland. In the Bothnian Sea we lack nutrient data for the period when thespring bloom occurred, but phytoplankton data shows that the spring bloom occurred inApril. In the Bothnian Bay inorganic nitrogen dropped to levels near the detection limitin July. The potentially toxic dinoflagellate Dinophysis acuta was found in cell numbers abovethe warning limit during autumn at the stations situated in Skagerrak and Kattegat. The largest area of cyanobacteria surface accumulations was observed by satellite onthe 28th of June when about 83 300 km2 of the Baltic Proper and Gulf of Finland wereaffected. No new inflows oc
- Published
- 2023
6. Oxygenation of an anoxic fjord basin strongly stimulates benthic denitrification and DNRA
- Author
De Brabandere, Loreto, Bonaglia, Stefano, Kononets, Mikhail Y., Viktorsson, Lena, Stigebrandt, Anders, Thamdrup, Bo, and Hall, Per O. J.
- Published
- 2015
7. An Experiment with Forced Oxygenation of the Deepwater of the Anoxic By Fjord, Western Sweden
- Author
Stigebrandt, Anders, Liljebladh, Bengt, de Brabandere, Loreto, Forth, Michael, Granmo, Åke, Hall, Per, Hammar, Jonatan, Hansson, Daniel, Kononets, Mikhail, Magnusson, Marina, Norén, Fredrik, Rahm, Lars, Treusch, Alexander H., and Viktorsson, Lena
- Published
- 2015
8. A New Phosphorus Paradigm for the Baltic Proper
- Author
Stigebrandt, Anders, Rahm, Lars, Viktorsson, Lena, Ödalen, Malin, Hall, Per O. J., and Liljebladh, Bengt
- Published
- 2014
9. The Swedish National Marine Monitoring Programme 2021
- Author
Skjevik, Ann-Turi, Wesslander, Karin, Viktorsson, Lena, Nilsson, Madeleine, Skjevik, Ann-Turi, Wesslander, Karin, Viktorsson, Lena, and Nilsson, Madeleine
- Abstract
2021 was a year with more normal temperatures compared to 2020, which was record warm. Not a single classified storm occurred in our Swedish coastal waters during the year. There were no larger inflows to the Baltic Sea, but three smaller inflows were observed during the autumn.The temperature in the surface water was above normal throughout the Baltic Sea during the winter, and the coldest month was March which is normal for this sea area. In the Skagerrak and the Kattegat, it was colder than in the Baltic Sea and the coldest month was February and, unlike the previous year, the surface water temperature was not above normal. In mid-February, the entire Gulf of Bothnia was covered in ice, which did not happen last season. The ice winter of 2021 was classified as normal. In the Bothnian Sea, the minimum temperature was unusually high this winter. The highest concentrations of nutrients, although within the normal range, were measured in January in the Skagerrak and the Kattegat and in March in the Baltic Sea. Silicate levels were still high and above normal in the Baltic Sea.Surface water temperatures were normal during spring and in May it started to get warmer. The spring bloom started earlier in the Skagerrak than in the Kattegat this year, normally it is the other way around. In the Baltic Sea the spring bloom started later, in March-April which is normal for this sea area. In the Bothnian Sea the spring bloom started in April and in the Gulf of Bothnia in May-June.Surface water temperatures were at their highest and above normal in July at many stations in the Baltic Sea, the Skagerrak and the Kattegat. In August, surface water temperatures were below normal in coastal parts of the Bornholm Basin, which was caused by upwelling of colder deep water. The nutrient levels were mostly normal, but an interesting detail was the unusually high silicate content measured in the Kattegat in June, which was the result of outflowing water from the Baltic Sea. This summer’s, 2021 var ett år av mer normala temperaturer jämfört med 2020, som var rekordvarmt. Inte en enda storm inträffade i våra svenska kustfarvatten under året. Det förekom inga stora inflöden till Östersjön under året, men tre mindre inflöden observerades under hösten.Temperaturen i ytvattnet var över normal i hela Östersjön under vintern, men kallast var det i mars vilket är normalt för havsområdet. I Västerhavet var det kallare än i Östersjön och kallast var det i februari och till skillnad från föregående år så var inte ytvattentemperaturen över normal. I mitten av februari var hela Bottenviken istäckt, vilket inte skedde förra säsongen. Isvintern 2021 blev klassad som normal. I Bottenhavet var minimitemperaturen ovanligt hög den här vintern. De högsta koncentrationerna av närsalter uppmättes som vanligt under januari månad i Västerhavet och under mars i Östersjön. Kiselhalterna var fortsatt höga och över det normala i Östersjön.Ytvattentemperaturerna var normala under våren och i maj tog uppvärmningen fart. Vårblomningen startade i februari i Västerhavet och något senare, i april, i Östersjön vilket är normalt för havsområdena. Avvikande var att vårblomningen startade tidigare i Skagerrak än i Kattegatt. I Bottenhavet startade vårblomningen i april och i Bottenviken i maj-juni.Ytvattentemperaturerna var som högst och över det normala i juli på många stationer i både Östersjön och Västerhavet. I augusti uppmättes ytvattentemperaturer under det normala i Bornholmsbassängen som orsakades av uppvällning av kallare djupvatten. Närsaltsnivåerna var mestadels normala i båda havsområdena, men en intressant detalj var den ovanligt höga silikathalt som uppmättes i Kattegatt under juni som var resultatet av utflödande vatten från Östersjön. Sommarens cyanobakterieblomningar var mindre intensiva än föregående år. Som intensivast blommade det i Bottenhavet och södra Östersjön, framförallt sydost om Öland. I mynningen till finska viken var blomningarna också intensiva.Hösten var fö
- Published
- 2022
10. Oxygen Survey in the Baltic Sea 2021 - Extent of Anoxia and Hypoxia, 1960-2021
- Author
Hansson, Martin, Viktorsson, Lena, Hansson, Martin, and Viktorsson, Lena
- Abstract
A climatological atlas of the oxygen situation in the deep water of the Baltic Sea was first published in 2011 in SMHI Report Oceanography No 42. Since 2011, annual updates have been made as additional data have been reported to the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) data centre. In this report the results for 2020 have been updated and the preliminary results for 2021 are presented. Oxygen data from 2021 have been collected from various sources such as international ICES coordinated trawl survey, national monitoring programmes and research projects with contributions from Poland, Estonia, Latvia, Denmark, Sweden and Finland.For the autumn period each profile in the dataset was examined for the occurrence of hypoxia (oxygen deficiency) and anoxia (total absence of oxygen). The depths of onset of hypoxia and anoxia were then interpolated between sampling stations producing two surfaces representing the depths at which hypoxic and anoxic conditions respectively are found. The volume and area of hypoxia and anoxia were then calculated and the results transferred to maps and diagrams to visualize the annual autumn oxygen situation during the analysed period.The updated results for 2020 and the preliminary results for 2021 show that the severe oxygen conditions in the Baltic Proper after the regime shift in 1999 continues. Levels of anoxia decreased somewhat compared to the record years 2018-2019, while the extent of hypoxia remained largely unchanged. The decreased in anoxia was seen in the southern Baltic Proper and in the Gulf of Finland.The hydrogen sulphide that had disappeared from the Eastern and Northern Gotland Basin due to the inflows in 2014-2016 continues to increase in the deep water. No major inflow has occurred during 2021., En klimatologisk atlas över syresituationen i Östersjöns djupvatten publicerades 2011 i SMHI:s Report Oceanography No 42. Sedan 2011 har årliga uppdateringar gjorts då kompletterande data från länder runt Östersjön har rapporterats till ”International Council for the Exploration of the Sea” (ICES) datacenter. I denna rapport har resultaten från 2020 uppdaterats och preliminära resultat för 2021 tagits fram. Resultaten för 2021 baseras på preliminära data insamlade under internationella fiskeriundersökningar koordinerade av ICES, nationell miljöövervakning och forskningsprojekt med bidrag från Polen, Estland, Lettland, Danmark, Sverige och Finland.Förekomsten av hypoxi (syrebrist) och anoxi (helt syrefria förhållanden) under höstperioden, har undersökts i varje mätprofil. Djupet där hypoxi eller anoxi först påträffas i en profil har interpolerats mellan provtagningsstationer och kombinerats med en djupdatabas för beräkning av utbredning och volym av hypoxiska och anoxiska förhållanden. Resultaten har överförts till kartor och diagram för att visualisera syresituationen i Östersjöns djupvatten 1960-2021.Resultaten för 2020 och de preliminära resultaten för 2021 visar att den extrema syrebristen som observerats i Egentliga Östersjön, efter regimskiftet 1999, fortsätter. Utbredningen av syrefria områden har minskat något jämfört med rekordåren 2018-2019, medan områden påverkade av syrebrist var ungefär lika stora. Minskningen i utbredning av syrefria bottnar var tydligast i södra delen av Egentliga Östersjön samt i Finska Viken.Mängden svavelväte, som på grund av inflödena 2014-2016, helt försvann från Östra och Norra Gotlandsbassängerna, fortsätter att ökar i dessa bassängers djupvatten. Inget större inflöde till Östersjön har inträffat under 2021.
- Published
- 2022
11. A Regime Shift Toward a More Anoxic Environment in a Eutrophic Sea in Northern Europe
- Author
Almroth-Rosell, Elin, primary, Wåhlström, Iréne, additional, Hansson, Martin, additional, Väli, Germo, additional, Eilola, Kari, additional, Andersson, Pia, additional, Viktorsson, Lena, additional, Hieronymus, Magnus, additional, and Arneborg, Lars, additional
- Published
- 2021
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12. Recent regime of persistent hypoxia in the Baltic Sea
- Author
Kõuts, Mariliis, primary, Maljutenko, Ilja, additional, Elken, Jüri, additional, Liu, Ye, additional, Hansson, Martin, additional, Viktorsson, Lena, additional, and Raudsepp, Urmas, additional
- Published
- 2021
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13. The Swedish National Marine Monitoring Programme 2020 : Hydrography, Nutrients, Phytoplankton
- Author
Skjevik, Ann-Turi, Wesslander, Karin, and Viktorsson, Lena
- Subjects
Oceanography, Hydrology and Water Resources ,Oceanografi, hydrologi och vattenresurser - Abstract
Despite a year of pandemic, the environmental monitoring in the pelagic could be done largely as planned in 2020. It was the warmest year on land since national statistics started in 1860. This was also shown in the sea where especially the surface temperature in winter was higher than usual. In the Baltic Sea, the lowest winter temperature was two degrees above normal and the maximum distribution of sea ice was the lowest ever measured. The autumn was also warm and in November the surface water in the Baltic Sea was about 1 degree warmer than normal.In the Kattegat, there were signs of the spring bloom in February with high chlorophyll levels and high species diversity. In March, the nutrients were largely depleted in the surface water and the spring bloom of diatoms was over for this time. At one occasion, in April, toxins were reported in mussels along the West Coast that exceeded the warning limit. In the Skagerrak, the spring bloom started a little later than in the Kattegat, and in the Baltic Sea even later. In April, the spring bloom was observed in the Western Gotland Basin with high chlorophyll concentrations and typical dinoflagellates species for the season. In the Gulf of Bothnia, there was an early spring bloom of diatoms in April. This early bloom may have been an effect of the mild winter. The bloom of cyanobacteria in the Baltic Sea started already in May when cyanobacteria were observed at several stations. In August, cyanobacteria were also observed along the West Coast. These had probably been transported out with water from the Baltic Sea. A late bloom of the microzooplankton Noctiluca scintillans was observed at several sites along the West Coast in December. N. scintillans turns the water red during blooms and when it is dark, its fluorescence causes beautiful bioluminescence.Throughout the year high levels of silicate were observed in the Baltic Sea and low levels of DIN in the surface waters of the Gulf of Bothnia. Otherwise, the levels of nutrients did not deviate much from normal.In the bottom water of the Baltic Sea, no direct improvement of the oxygen situation was seen. In December 2019, there was a small inflow to the Baltic Sea that temporarily raised oxygen levels in the southern and south-eastern parts at the beginning of 2020. But this increase in oxygen was consumed quickly. In the East Gotland Basin, there was an acute lack of oxygen from 80 m and hydrogen sulphide was measured from depths exceeding 125 m. In the Western Gotland Basin, acute oxygen deficiency was found from 70 m and completely oxygen-free conditions from 80 m. An effect of stagnation in the deep basin parts is, in addition to increased levels of hydrogen sulphide, also increased levels of ammonium. Ammonium levels in the deep water increase in both the Eastern and Western Gotland Basins. The highest concentration of ammonia was observed in the eastern parts, but in the western parts they were above normal levels and closer to the levels in the eastern parts than they have been before. In the Kattegat, oxygen concentrations just above the limit for acute oxygen deficiency were found at some stations during August-October. Trots ett år med pandemi så kunde miljöövervakningen i pelagialen göras i stort sett som planerat under 2020. Det blev det varmaste året på land sedan nationell statistik startade 1860. Detta visade sig även i havet där i synnerhet yttemperaturen vintertid var högre än normalt. I Östersjön blev den lägsta vintertemperaturen två grader över det normala och den maximala utbredningen av havsis var den lägsta som någonsin uppmätts. Även hösten var varm och i november var ytvattnet i Östersjön ca 1 grad varmare än normalt.I februari observerades de första tecknen på att vårblomningen hade startat i Kattegatt, med höga klorofyllhalter och hög artdiversitet. I mars var näringsämnena i stort sett slut i ytvattnet och vårblomningen av kiselalger var över för denna gång. Vid ett tillfälle, i april, rapporterades gifter i musslor längs Västkusten som översteg varningsgränsen. I Skagerrak startade vårblomningen aningen senare än i Kattegatt och i Östersjön ännu något senare. I april observerades vårblomningen i västra Gotlandsbassängen med hög klorofyllkoncentration och för våren typiska dinoflagellater. I Bottenviken var det en tidig vårblomning av kiselalger i april. Denna tidiga blomning kan ha varit en effekt av den milda vintern. En början på blomningen av cyanobakterier i Östersjön startade redan i maj då cyanobakterier observerades vid flera stationer. I augusti observerades ytansamlingar av cyanobakterier även längs Västkusten, vilka hade transporterats ut med vatten från Östersjön. En sen blomning av microzooplanktonet Noctiluca scintillans observerades vid flera platser längs Västkusten i december. N. scintillans färgar vattnet rött när den massförekommer och när det är mörkt orsakar dess fluorescens vacker mareld.Generellt så var det under året höga halter av kisel i Östersjöns och låga halter av DIN i Bottniska Vikens ytvatten. I övrigt avvek inte halterna av näringsämnen från det normala.I Östersjöns bottenvatten syntes ingen direkt förbättring av syresituationen. I december 2019 skedde ett mindre inflöde till Östersjön som höjde syrenivåerna tillfälligt i de södra och sydöstra delarna i början av året. Men denna syreökning konsumerades snabbt. I Östra Gotlandsbassängen var det akut syrebrist från 80 m och svavelväte uppmättes från 125m. I Västra Gotlandsbassängen var det akut syrebrist från 70 m och helt syrefritt från 80 m. En effekt av stagnation i de djupa bassängdelarna är förutom ökade halter av svavelväte även ökade halter av ammonium. Ammoniumhalterna ökar i både Östra- och Västra Gotlandsbassängerna. Högst koncentration återfanns i de östra delarna men i de västra delarna är de över det normala och närmre de högsta koncentrationerna i de östra delarna än vad de varit tidigare. I Kattegatts bottenvatten var syrenivåerna som lägst under augusti-oktober då det vid några stationer var strax över gränsen för akut syrebrist.
- Published
- 2021
14. A Regime Shift Toward a More Anoxic Environment in a Eutrophic Sea in Northern Europe
- Author
Almroth-Rosell, Elin, Wåhlstrom, Irene, Hansson, Martin, Vali, Germo, Eilola, Kari, Andersson, Pia, Viktorsson, Lena, Hieronymus, Magnus, Arneborg, Lars, Almroth-Rosell, Elin, Wåhlstrom, Irene, Hansson, Martin, Vali, Germo, Eilola, Kari, Andersson, Pia, Viktorsson, Lena, Hieronymus, Magnus, and Arneborg, Lars
- Published
- 2021
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15. Recent regime of persistent hypoxia in the Baltic Sea
- Author
Kouts, Mariliis, Maljutenko, Ilja, Elken, Juri, Liu, Ye, Hansson, Martin, Viktorsson, Lena, Raudsepp, Urmas, Kouts, Mariliis, Maljutenko, Ilja, Elken, Juri, Liu, Ye, Hansson, Martin, Viktorsson, Lena, and Raudsepp, Urmas
- Abstract
Oxygen deficiency, in the form of hypoxia and anoxia, is a direct consequence of the eutrophication of the Baltic Sea. There is ongoing debate concerning the increasing extent of hypoxia. We analyse the integral metrics of hypoxia and anoxia: (1) temporal evolution of the hypoxic and anoxic area and volume, (2) the spatial distribution of the probabilities of hypoxia and anoxia occurrence in the Baltic Sea. The results are based on the state-of-the-art coupled physical and biogeochemical numerical model reanalysis data from Copernicus Marine Environment Monitoring Service for the period of 1993-2017. Statistical analysis showed that the variability of hypoxic and anoxic areas since the year 2000 represents stationary processes around their respective mean levels. From 2000 to 2017, the hypoxic area varies between 50000 and 80000 km(2) and the anoxic area varies between 10000 and 50000 km(2). Different methods and data sources indicate that the uncertainties of the estimates account for about 10000 km(2). We suggest that the loss of stationarity of the time series of the hypoxic area would be an indication of the regime change of hypoxia development in the Baltic Sea. Probability distribution maps of hypoxia and anoxia provide detailed information about the persistency of hypoxia and anoxia in different parts of the Baltic Sea. The probability of hypoxia exceeds 0.9 in the eastern and western Gotland basins and in the deep area of the Bornholm basin. The Gulf of Finland and the shallower areas that connect different deep basins of the Baltic Sea exhibit seasonal and episodic hypoxia. The 80 m and 120 m isobaths are the approximate bathymetry limits of hypoxia and anoxia occurrence, respectively. Our study supports previous knowledge that hypoxia development is controlled to a large degree by the depth of the permanent halocline.
- Published
- 2021
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16. Particle shuttling and oxidation capacity of sedimentary organic carbon on the Baltic Sea system scale
- Author
Nilsson, Madeleine, Hylen, Astrid, Ekeroth, Nils, Kononets, Mikhail Y., Viktorsson, Lena, Almroth-Rosell, Elin, Roos, Per, Tengberg, Anders, Hall, Per O. J., Nilsson, Madeleine, Hylen, Astrid, Ekeroth, Nils, Kononets, Mikhail Y., Viktorsson, Lena, Almroth-Rosell, Elin, Roos, Per, Tengberg, Anders, and Hall, Per O. J.
- Abstract
Continental margin sediments receive most of the particulate organic carbon (POC) deposited on the global seafloor, making them crucial locations in the carbon cycle. However, the complex environments in coastal oceans make it challenging to predict the fate of sedimentary organic carbon (OC) in these areas. Here we use data from 21 sites in the Baltic Sea, representing different biological and physiochemical regimes, to explore controls on sedimentary OC cycling. To this end, we combine in situ measured benthic fluxes of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC; proxy for OC oxidation) with data on sediment properties. In the Gulf of Bothnia, low sedimentary OC oxidation capacities (yearly DIC flux divided by sedimentary POC inventory) were likely caused by a large fraction of terrestrial material in the POC pool, indicated by low sedimentary chlorophyll a content and high (> 10) carbon:nitrogen ratios. The highest OC oxidation capacities were measured at shallow, permanently oxic sites in the Baltic Proper, where bioturbation likely stimulates OC oxidation. The other sites in the Baltic Proper and all stations in the Gulf of Finland displayed increasing OC oxidation capacities with increasing normalised water depth (station depth divided by maximal depth in the basin). This pattern suggests that substantial quantities of POC are shuttled, through repeated cycles of resuspension-redeposition, from shallow erosion-transport (ET) areas to deep accumulation (A) areas. This interpretation was supported by decreasing sediment age and increasing sedimentary inventories of POC and chlorophyll a with normalised water depth. Our calculations indicate that particle shuttling redistributes almost half of the deposited export production from ET areas to A areas in the Baltic Proper, and that substantial amounts of terrestrial organic material are transported through particle shuttling to the deeper parts of the Gulf of Finland and Gulf of Bothnia. Depositional setting and POC origin
- Published
- 2021
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17. Benthic Phosphorus Dynamics in the Gulf of Finland, Baltic Sea
- Author
Viktorsson, Lena, Almroth-Rosell, Elin, Tengberg, Anders, Vankevich, Roman, Neelov, Ivan, Isaev, Alexey, Kravtsov, Victor, and Hall, Per O. J.
- Published
- 2012
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18. Oxygen Survey in the Baltic Sea 2019 - Extent of Anoxia and Hypoxia, 1960-2019
- Author
Hansson, Martin, Viktorsson, Lena, and Andersson, Lars
- Subjects
Oceanography, Hydrology and Water Resources ,Oceanografi, hydrologi och vattenresurser - Abstract
A climatological atlas of the oxygen situation in the deep water of the Baltic Sea was firstpublished in 2011 in SMHI Report Oceanography No 42. Since 2011, annual updates have beenmade as additional data have been reported to the ICES data center. In this report the results for2018 have been updated and the preliminary results for 2019 are presented. Oxygen data from2019 have been collected from various sources such as international trawl survey, nationalmonitoring programmes and research projects with contributions from Poland, Estonia, Russia,Denmark, Sweden and Finland.For the autumn period each profile in the dataset was examined for the occurrence of hypoxia(oxygen deficiency) and anoxia (total absence of oxygen). The depths of onset of hypoxia andanoxia were then interpolated between sampling stations producing two surfaces representingthe depths at which hypoxic and anoxic conditions respectively are found. The volume and areaof hypoxia and anoxia were then calculated and the results transferred to maps and diagrams tovisualize the annual autumn oxygen situation during the analysed period.The updated results for 2018 and the preliminary results for 2019 show that the severe oxygenconditions in the Baltic Proper after the regime shift in 1999 continue. In 2018 the largestbottom areas and volumes affected by anoxia was recorded during the analysed period startingin 1960. Anoxic conditions affected ~24% of the bottom areas and ~33% suffered from hypoxiain 2018 and similar values just below was noted during 2019. The results from these two yearscould be the beginning of a new trend as the anoxia has reached another stage and new areas areaffected regularly. In the southern basins of the Baltic Proper, such as the Gulf of Gdansk, HanöBight and in the Bornholm Basin, hypoxia has previously been found in the deep water butanoxia is now found regularly in the deep water. The hydrogen sulphide that had disappearedfrom the Eastern and Northern Gotland Basin due to the inflows in 2014-2016 is now steadilyincreasing in the deep water again. No major inflow has occurred since 2016. En klimatologisk atlas över syresituationen i Östersjöns djupvatten publicerades 2011 i SMHIsReport Oceanography No 42. Sedan 2011 har årliga uppdateringar gjorts då kompletterandedata från länder runt Östersjön har rapporerats till ICES datacenter. I denna rapport harresultaten från 2018 uppdaterats och preliminära resultat för 2019 tagits fram. Resultaten för2019 baseras på data insamlade under internationella fiskeriundersökningar, nationellmiljöövervakning och forskningsprojekt med bidrag från Danmark, Estland, Sverige, Finland,Ryssland och Polen.Förekomsten av hypoxi (syrebrist) och anoxi (helt syrefria förhållanden) under höstperioden,har undersökts i varje mätprofil. Djupet där hypoxi eller anoxi först påträffas i en profil harinterpolerats mellan provtagningsstationer och kombinerats med en djupdatabas för beräkningav utbredning och volym av hypoxiska och anoxiska förhållanden. Resultaten har överförts tillkartor och diagram för att visualisera syresituationen i Östersjöns djupvatten 1960-2019.Resultaten för 2018 och de preliminära resultaten för 2019 visar att den extrema syrebristen somobserverats i Egentliga Östersjön, efter regimskiftet 1999, fortsätter. Under 2018 noterades denstörsta utbredningen av syrefria bottnar sedan tidsseriens start 1960. Omkring ~24% avbottnarna var syrefria och ~33% var påverkade av syrebrist. Liknande nivåer återfinns 2019.Resultaten från de senaste två åren indikerar en ny fas då utbredningen av syrefria bottnar harnått nya områden. I de södra områdena av Egentliga Östersjön; Hanöbukten, Gdanskbukten ochBornholmsbassängen har syrebrist förekommit i djupvattnet tidigare men nu återfinns syrefriaområden regelbundet. Mängden svavelväte, som på grund av inflödena 2014-2016, heltförsvann från Östra och Norra Gotlandsbassängerna, ökar åter i dessa bassängers djupvatten.Inget större inflöde till Östersjön har inträffat under perioden 2017-2019.
- Published
- 2020
19. The Swedish National Marine Monitoring Programme 2019 : Hydrography Nutrients Phytoplankton
- Author
Wesslander, Karin, Viktorsson, Lena, Thor, Peter, Nilsson, Madeleine, and Skjevik, Ann-Turi
- Subjects
Oceanography, Hydrology and Water Resources ,Oceanografi, hydrologi och vattenresurser - Abstract
The Swedish national marine monitoring programme of the pelagic, the water column, includes monthly measurements of hydrography, nutrient concentration and phytoplankton for the seas around Sweden; the Skagerrak, the Kattegat, the Sound, the Baltic Proper and the Gulf of Bothnia. Data is collected, analysed and reported on behalf of SwAM (Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management). This annual report describes interesting observations from the monitoring and summarizes the main results of 2019. At the end of the report and in the Appendix time series from 1960 to 2019 are also presented. 2019 was the 10th warmest year since reporting started in 1860 and the precipitation was also higher than normal, despite this; groundwater levels were low, especially in southern Sweden. Two stronger storms passed Sweden during the beginning of the year, Alfrida (January 1-2) and Jan (January 10- 11). This year's winter was very mild and the maximum ice spread was only 88,000 km2 which is less than normal, the ice season ended in mid-May. There were no autumn storms in 2019 and the autumn was slightly colder than normal in the north but warmer in the south. During the year, only a few minor inflows of water from the Kattegat to the Baltic Sea occurred through the Sound. Three inflows were large enough to improve the oxygen situation in the southern Baltic Proper. The largest occurred in late November to mid-December. The effects of this inflow will be observable in spring 2020. A small change was observed in the oxygen concentration in the Eastern Gotland Basin at the beginning of the year, as a result of an inflow during the fall of 2018. The spring bloom started in February in the Kattegat and sometime between March and April in the Skagerrak. In April, a small bloom of the fish toxic genus Pseudochattonella was observed at stations Anholt E and N14 Falkenberg. The nontoxic coccolitophoride Emiliania huxleyi was found in the Kattegat and Skagerrak from May to November in varying quantities. The potentially toxic diatom genus Pseudo-nitzschia was present in high cell numbers in October and November. In the Baltic Proper, the spring bloom was observed from March to April with high cell numbers of diatoms and a dinoflagellate typical for the spring, Peridiniella catenata. Cyanobacteria were observed in elevated quantities as early as May and increased in late June to culminate at the end of July when they had also spread into the Bothnian Sea. The amount of filamentous cyanobacteria decreased in August, and colony forming pico cyanobacteria increased. Nutrient concentrations in the surface water were mainly within normal levels except in the Skagerrak and the Kattegat at the start of the year when slightly lower levels of phosphate, silicate and dissolved inorganic nitrogen were measured. Even in Skagerrak's and Kattegat's deep waters, the levels of dissolved inorganic nitrogen were lower than normal during parts of the first half of the year, and in the Kattegat and the Sound phosphate levels were also low. The levels of dissolved inorganic nitrogen were also low during the beginning of the year in the Baltic Proper, while phosphate levels were more normal. In the Baltic Proper, elevated silicates and phosphate levels were observed in deep water with little or no oxygen. Det svenska nationella marina övervakningsprogrammet av pelagialen, den fria vattenmassan omfattar månatliga mätningar av hydrografi, halten av näringsämnen och växtplankton för haven runt Sverige; Skagerrak, Kattegatt, Öresund, Egentliga Östersjön, Bottenhavet och Bottenviken. Uppdraget att samla in, analysera och rapportera data kommer från HaV (Havs och vattenmyndigheten). Den här årsrapporten tar upp intressanta observationer från övervakningen och sammanfattar de huvudsakliga resultaten från 2019. I slutet av rapporten och i appendix redovisas även tidsserier från 1960 till 2019. 2019 blev det 10e varmaste året sedan rapporteringen startade år 1860 och var också rikare på nederbörd än normalt, men trots det var grundvattennivåerna låga framförallt i södra Sverige. Några kraftigare stormar passerade Sverige under början av året, Alfrida (1-2 januari) och Jan (10-11 januari). Höststormarna uteblev under 2019 och hösten var något kallare än normalt i norr men varmare i söder. Årets vinter var mycket mild och den maximala isutbredningen blev endast 88 000 km2 vilket är mindre än normalt, issäsongen klassades också som mild. Issäsongen var slut i mitten av maj. Under året skedde endast några mindre inflöden av vatten från Kattegatt till Östersjön genom Öresund som beräknats genom vattenståndsskillnader mellan norra (Viken) och södra (Klagshamn) Öresund (Accumulated inflow through the Öresundl). Tre inflöden var tillräckligt stora för att förbättra syresituationen i södra Egentliga Östersjön, men hade ingen effekt längre in i Egentliga Östersjön. Det största skedde i slutet av november till mitten av december, effekterna av detta inflöde kommer att kunna observeras under våren 2020. I början av året observerades en liten förändring i syrekoncentrationen i Östra Gotlandsbassängen till följd av ett inflöde under hösten 2018. Vårblomningen startade i februari i Kattegatt och pågick mellan mars och april i Skagerrak. I april observerades en mindre blomning av det för fisk skadliga släktet Pseudochattonella vid stationerna Anholt E och N14 Falkenberg. I Egentliga Östersjön observerades vårblomningen i mars-april med höga cellantal av kiselalger och en dinoflagellat typisk för våren, Peridiniella catenata. Cyanobakterier observerades i förhöjda mängder redan i maj och ökade i juni för sen att kulminera i slutet av juli då de även hade spridit sig upp i Bottenhavet. Mängden trådlika cyanobakterier minskade i augusti, och kolonibildande pico cyanobakterier ökade. Näringsämneskoncentrationer i ytvattnet var i huvudsak inom normala nivåer förutom i Skagerrak och Kattegatt under början av året då något lägre nivåer av fosfat, silikat och löst oorganiskt kväve uppmättes. Även i Skagerraks och Kattegatts djupvatten var halterna av löst oorganiskt kväve lägre än normalt under delar av första halvåret, i Kattegatt och Öresund var också fosfathalterna låga. Halterna av löst oorganiskt kväve var också låga under början av året i Egentliga Östersjön, medan fosfat halterna var mer normala. I Egentliga Östersjön observerades förhöjda silikat och fosfathalter i djupvatten med lågt eller inget syre.
- Published
- 2020
20. The Swedish National Marine Monitoring Programme 2018. Hydrography Nutrients Phytoplankton
- Author
Wesslander, Karin, Viktorsson, Lena, Skjevik, Ann-Turi, Wesslander, Karin, Viktorsson, Lena, and Skjevik, Ann-Turi
- Abstract
This report presents the main results of the Swedish national marine monitoring programme of thepelagic during 2018. The monitoring data of hydrography, nutrients and phytoplankton are analysedfor the seas surrounding Sweden: the Skagerrak, the Kattegat, the Sound, the Baltic Proper, theBothnian Sea and the Bothnian Bay.The national environmental monitoring of the pelagic is carried out by SMHI (SwedishMeteorological and Hydrological Institute), Stockholm University and UMF (Umeå Marine SciencesCentre). Data is collected, analysed and reported with support from Swedish environmentalmonitoring and on behalf of by SwAM (Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management). TheSMHI monitoring is made in cooperation between the national environmental monitoring of thepelagic and the SMHI oceanographic sampling programme for the seas surrounding Sweden and is cofinancedby SwAM and SMHI. This annual summary of the national monitoring is made by SMHI andis financed by the contract between SwAM and SMHI.The weather in 2018 was characterized by high air temperatures and a few storms that impliedconsequences for the state in the sea. The spring arrived quickly and the sea surface temperatureincreased rapidly from April to May. In August and September two storms, named Johanne and Knud,passed the region and the surface layer was well-mixed at several stations. At the East coast upwellingevents were noted in both the Baltic Proper and the Bothnian Sea.During the year there were two small deep water inflows to the Baltic Proper that temporarilyimproved the oxygen condition in the southern parts. No improvements of the oxygen condition wereseen in the Eastern and Western Gotland Basins, instead the amount of hydrogen sulphide increased inthese basins during the year.The spring bloom had arrived in the Skagerrak and the Kattegat in March and concentrations ofdissolved inorganic phosphorus (DIP) and dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) were close to or at thedetection limit from April to, Den här rapporten sammanfattar de huvudsakliga resultaten av det svenska nationella marinaövervakningsprogrammet av pelagialen under 2018. Resultat från mätningar av hydrografi,näringsämnen och växtplankton diskuteras för haven runt Sverige; Skagerrak, Kattegatt, Öresund,Egentliga Östersjön, Bottenhavet och Bottenviken. Den nationella miljöövervakningen inomdelprogrammet fria vattenmassan utförs av SMHI (Sveriges meteorologiska och hydrologiska institut),Stockholms Universitet och UMF (Umeå marina forskningscentrum). Data är insamlade, analyseradeoch rapporterade med stöd från svensk miljöövervakning och på uppdrag av HaV (Havs- ochvattenmyndigheten). SMHIs övervakningsprogram sker genom ett samarbete mellan den nationellamiljöövervakningen inom delprogrammet fria vattenmassan och SMHIs oceanografiska mätprogramför övervakning av haven runt Sverige och samfinansieras av HaV och SMHI. Denna årligasammanställning av den nationella miljöövervakningen görs av SMHI i en rapport som finansierasgenom avtalet mellan HaV och SMHI.Vädret under 2018 präglades av hög värme och ett par stormar som fick konsekvenser för tillståndet ihavet. Våren kom snabbt och havsvattentemperaturen ökade mycket mellan april och maj. I augustioch september drog två stormar förbi, benämnda Johanne och Knud, och ytlagret blev på flera håll välomblandat. På östkusten noterades uppvällning både längs med kusten i Egentliga Östersjön och iBottenhavet.Under året var det två mindre djupvatteninflöden till Östersjön och dessa förbättrade syresituationentemporärt i de sydligaste delarna. Ingen förbättring av syresituationen noterades i Östra- och VästraGotlandsbassängen och istället ökade mängden svavelväte i dessa bassänger under året.I mars var vårblomningen igång i Skagerrak och Kattegatt, och koncentrationerna av fosfat och löstoorganiskt kväve var nära eller på detektionsgränsen från april till september. I Skagerrak ochKattegatt dominerades vårblomningen av kiselalgen Skeletonema marinoi. I Östersjö
- Published
- 2019
21. Knowledge and monitoring gap analysis with respect to the EU Directives
- Author
Kahlert, Maria, Sandin, Leonard, Strömberg, Helena, Eilola, Kari, Viktorsson, Lena, Liess, Antonia, Kahlert, Maria, Sandin, Leonard, Strömberg, Helena, Eilola, Kari, Viktorsson, Lena, and Liess, Antonia
- Abstract
This report presents the results of a review on gaps in Baltic Sea monitoring based on two different information sources: peer-reviewed scientific articles, and BONUS and HELCOM project reports. The reviews are part of the BONUS project FUMARI. Our main questions are: (1) does the current monitoring of the Baltic Sea sufficiently address the requirements set by the Marine Strategy Framework Directive, the Water Framework Directive and the HELCOM´s Baltic Sea Action Plan? (2) what are the most critical shortcomings (gaps) in the current Baltic Sea monitoring programs? We found that scientific articles dealing with Baltic Sea monitoring present a view on main monitoring gap occurrence, that differs from the view presented in reports dealing with the same topic. Both scientific articles and reports agreed that many thematic assessment categories are not monitored sufficiently, often due to insufficient spatial coverage. However, whereas articles often highlight both that a category is not sufficiently monitored, and that there is a lack of indicators, the reports focused more on gaps in data storage or handling, coordination of monitoring, or highlighted plans for new but non-operational indicators. Articles mainly mentioned gaps in relation to Eutrophication, Contaminants, Biodiversity, Commercial fish and shellfish, Food webs, Hydrographical conditions, and No alien species. Reports however indicated primarily Biodiversity gaps, followed by Contaminants and Healthy wildlife, Marine litter, and Sea-floor integrity. Our review also showed that certain categories are underrepresented in the scientific literature, i.e. with few scientists developing indicators or assessing data related to them, potentially indicating a knowledge gap in these fields., Other funder: EU, the Academy of Finland, BONUS FUMARI: Future Marine Assessment and Monitoring of the Baltic
- Published
- 2019
22. The SwedishNational MarineMonitoringProgramme 2017 : HydrographyNutrientsPhytoplankton
- Author
Wesslander, Karin, Viktorsson, Lena, and Skjevik, Ann-Turi
- Subjects
Oceanography, Hydrology and Water Resources ,Baltic Sea ,nutrients ,Oceanografi, hydrologi och vattenresurser ,Oceanography ,Gulf of Bothnia ,Skagerrak ,Kattegat ,marine monitoring - Abstract
This report presents the main results of the Swedish national marine monitoring programme of the pelagic during 2017. The monitoring data of hydrography, nutrients and phytoplankton are analysed for the seas surrounding Sweden: Skagerrak, Kattegat, The Sound, Baltic Proper, Bothnian Sea and Bothnian Bay. The monitoring is carried out by SMHI (Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute), SU (Stockholm University) and UMF (Umeå Marine Sciences Centre) and the monitoring programme is co-funded by SwAM (Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management), SMHI, SU and UMF. Data is collected, analysed and reported with support from Swedish environmental monitoring and commissioned by SwaM. The Baltic current along the Swedish west coast implies large variations in surface salinity and the unusually large outflow of brackish water from the Baltic Sea in 2017 was reflected as low surface salinity in Skagerrak and Kattegat in the beginning of the year. There were no major deep water inflows to the Baltic Sea during 2017 but a few inflows of minor magnitude. These minor inflows only temporarily improved the oxygen condition in the Bornholm Basin and in the southern part of the Eastern Gotland Basin. The salinity below the halocline was above normal in the Gotland Basins and in the Northern Baltic Proper, and also in the surface layer in the Eastern Gotland Basin for almost the whole year. In Skagerrak and Kattegat, surface concentrations of phosphate and dissolved inorganic nitrogen were normal while dissolved silica concentrations were elevated especially in spring. In the Baltic Sea, the concentration of silicate in the surface water was elevated in all basins. According to the estimated total content of silicate there has been an increase in silica content in the Baltic Sea since the early 1990’s. Surface concentrations of phosphate were above normal in the Gotland basins and the Northern Baltic Proper while inorganic nitrogen content was above normal in parts of the Arkona and Bornholm basins. During spring and summer, the inorganic nitrogen was consumed at greater depths than usual in the Baltic Proper. In particular concentrations of phosphate and dissolved silica were generally lower than normal in the bottom layer. Instead of diatoms, the flagellate genus Pseudochattonella, which is potentially toxic to fish, bloomed in the Kattegat and Skagerrak areas in February – April. During autumn there was a prolonged diatom bloom though. In the Baltic Sea spring bloom occurred in April. The cyanobacteria bloom began in May already with Aphanizomenon flos-aquae. During June and July all three of the filamentous cyanobacteria, A. flos-aquae, Dolichospermum lemmermannii and the potentially harmful Nodularia spumigena were found in the phytoplankton samples in various amounts. In the Bothnian Sea, the sea surface temperature during summer was lower than normal and the oxygen conditions in the bottom layer was not critical but still below normal levels. Den här rapporten sammanfattar de huvudsakliga resultaten av det svenska nationella marina övervakningsprogrammet av pelagialen under 2017. Resultat från mätningar av hydrografi, näringsämnen och växtplankton diskuteras för haven runt Sverige; Skagerrak, Kattegatt, Öresund, Egentliga Östersjön, Bottenhavet och Bottenviken. Övervakningen utförs av SMHI (Sveriges meteorologiska och hydrologiska institut), SU (Stockholms Universitet) och UMF (Umeå marina forskningscentrum) och övervakningsprogrammet samfinansieras av HaV (Havs- och vattenmyndigheten), SMHI, SU and UMF. Data är insamlade, analyserade och rapporterade med stöd från svensk miljöövervakning och på uppdrag HaV. Den Baltiska strömmen längs Västkusten medför stora fluktuationer av salthalten i ytan och det ovanligt höga utflödet med bräckt vatten från Östersjön under 2017 avspeglades som låg ytsalthalt i Skagerrak och Kattegatt i början av året. Det var inga stora djupvatteninflöden till Östersjön under 2017 men ett par av mindre storlek. Dessa mindre inflöden förbättrade syreförhållanden endast temporärt i Bornholms-bassängen och i södra delen av Östra Gotlandsbassängen. Salthalten under haloklinen var högre än normalt i Gotlands-bassängerna och i Norra Egentliga Östersjön samt även i ytlagret i Östra Gotlandsbassängen. Koncentrationen av fosfat och oorganiskt kväve i Skagerrak och Kattegatts ytvatten var normal medan silikatkoncentrationen var hög, speciellt under våren. I Östersjöns ytvatten var det höga nivåer av silikat i alla bassänger. Enligt det uppskattade totala innehållet av kisel i Östersjön har det pågått en ökning av kisel sedan början av 90-talet. Koncentrationen av fosfat i ytvattnet var över normal i Gotlandsbassängerna och Norra Egentliga Östersjön medan koncentrationen av oorganiskt kväve var mer än normalt i Arkona- och Bornholmsbassängen. Under vår och sommar var det djup där det oorganiska kvävet tar slut i Egentliga Östersjön större än normalt. I djupvattenlagret var det lägre koncentrationer än normalt av särskilt fosfat och silikat. I stället för de sedvanliga kiselalgerna var det det för fisk skadliga flagellatsläktet Pseudochattonella som blommade på Västkusten i februari till april. Under hösten förekom däremot en utdragen kiselalgsblomning. I Östersjön förekom vårblomningen i april. Cyanobakterieblomningen startade redan i maj med Aphanizomenon flos-aquae. Under juni och juli fanns alla tre av de filamentösa cyanobakterierna, A. flos-aquae, Dolichospermum lemmermannii och den potentiellt skadliga Nodularia spumigena, i växtplanktonproverna i varierande mängd. I Bottenhavet var ytvattentemperaturen lägre än normalt och koncentrationen av syre var under normala nivåer, men ändå högre än kritiska.
- Published
- 2018
23. Revidering av fysikaliska och kemiskabedömningsgrunder i kustvatten : Underlag inför uppdatering av HVMFS 2013:19
- Author
Viktorsson, Lena and Wesslander, Karin
- Subjects
Oceanography, Hydrology and Water Resources ,Oceanografi, hydrologi och vattenresurser - Abstract
Detta är ett underlag för revidering av bilaga 5 i HVMFS 2013:19, Bedömningsgrunder för fysikaliskkemiskakvalitetsfaktorer i kustvatten och vatten i övergångszonen. Underlaget innefattar främst enuppdatering av referensvärden för näringsämnen samt förslag på uppdatering av viss text i föreskriftengällande syrebalans och siktdjup. Den generella metoden för var och en av stödparametrarna ibedömningsgrunderna bibehålls. I rapportens sista kapitel presenteras de uppdateringar av föreskriftenHVMFS 2013:19 som rekommenderas utifrån detta uppdrag.Efter en jämförelse av tidigare framtagna referensvärden för näringsämnen och de som tagits fram iden här rapporten rekommenderas att nya referensvärden i tillrinnande sötvatten används men atttidigare referensvärden för TN och TP vid utsjösalthalt samt att klassgränser behålls. En mindrejustering av referensvärden för DIN och DIP utifrån havsmiljöförordningens G/M värden föreslåsdock. De nya referensvärdena är framtagna med modellen S-HYPE (Lindström m.fl. 2010) förtillrinnande sötvatten och utifrån utsjövärden för oorganiskt fosfor och kväve (HVMFS 2012:18) samteffektsamband i mätdata. Det förtydligas också att ett konstant referensvärde för näringsämnenanvänds vid salthalter ≤2 psu.Den S-HYPE körning som använts för referensvärden i tillrinnande sötvatten är en bakgrundskörningsom är anpassad till definitionen av bakgrundsbelastning i PLC6 (Pollution Load Compilation 6,HELCOM).Utöver uppdatering av referensvärden för näringsämnen så föreslås en förändrad sammanvägning avkväve och fosfor i bedömningsgrunden. Det innebär att de ingående parametrarna för kväve och fosforsammanvägs var för sig. Bedömningsgrunderna ger då en separat status för varje näringsämne (kväveoch fosfor) baserat på de ingående parametrarna. Detta ger både en större möjlighet till att se vilketnäringsämne som bidrar till att eventuellt sänka status och stämmer överens med hur rapporteringentill EU-kommissionen ska ske.För syre rekommenderas en uppdatering om vilka mätmetoder som får användas, så att ävenmätningar med sensorer kan användas för statusbedömning. För siktdjup var ambitionen att ta fram etthumusgränsvärde för när kvalitetsfaktorn inte ska tillämpas. En fullständig statistisk analys har intehunnits med och en tydlig rekommendation kan inte ges.Det har under arbetet med att ta fram nya referensvärden för näringsämnen enligt nuvarande metodblivit tydligt att metoden för att bedöma näringsämnen behöver en mer övergripande uppdatering. Tillexempel kan metoden för salthaltskorrektion troligen förbättras med hjälp av en analys av mätdata ikombination med kustzonsmodellen.
- Published
- 2018
24. Oxygen Survey in the Baltic Sea 2017 - Extent of Anoxia and Hypoxia, 1960-2017
- Author
Hansson, Martin, Viktorsson, Lena, and Andersson, Lars
- Subjects
Oceanography, Hydrology and Water Resources ,Oceanografi, hydrologi och vattenresurser - Abstract
En klimatologisk atlas över syresituationen i Östersjöns djupvatten publicerades 2011 i SMHIs Report Oceanography No 42. Sedan 2011 har årliga uppdateringar gjorts då kompletterande data från länder runt Östersjön har rapporerats till ICES. I denna rapport har resultaten från 2016 uppdaterats. De preliminära resultaten för 2017 baseras på data insamlade under Baltic International Acoustic Survey (BIAS) och nationell miljöövervakning med bidrag från Sverige, Finland och Polen. Förekomsten av hypoxi (syrebrist) och anoxi (helt syrefria förhållanden) under höstperioden, har undersökts i varje mätprofil. Djupet där hypoxi eller anoxi först påträffas i en profil har interpolerats mellan provtagningsstationer och kombinerats med en djupdatabas för beräkning av utbredning och volym av hypoxiska och anoxiska förhållanden. Resultaten har överförts till kartor och diagram för att visualisera syresituationen i Östersjöns djupvatten. Resultaten för 2016 och de preliminära resultaten för 2017 visar att de extremasyreförhållanden som observerats i Egentliga Östersjön fortsätter. Utbredningen av anoxi fortsätter att vara konstant förhöjd till nivåer som bara observerats i Östersjön enstaka år före 1999. Trots ett flertal inflöden under perioden 2014-2016 beräknas ungefär 18% av bottnarna i Egentliga Östersjön, Finska viken och Rigabukten vara påverkade av anoxiska förhållanden och omkring 28% av hypoxi under 2017. Inflödena 2014-2016 har minskat poolen av svavelväte så att den nästan helt försvunnit i Östra och Norra Gotlandsbassängen. Dock är syrgashalterna fortsatt noll eller mycket nära noll i djupvattnet och tecken på ökade halter av svavelväte har noterats under 2017. A climatological atlas of the oxygen situation in the deep water of the Baltic Sea was firstpublished in 2011 in SMHI Report Oceanography No 42. Since 2011, annual updates have beenmade as additional data have been reported to ICES. In this report the results for 2016 havebeen updated and the preliminary results for 2017 are presented. Oxygen data from 2017 havebeen collected during the annual Baltic International Acoustic Survey (BIAS) and from nationalmonitoring programmes with contributions from Sweden, Finland and Poland.For the autumn period each profile in the dataset was examined for the occurrence of hypoxia(oxygen deficiency) and anoxia (total absence of oxygen). The depths of onset of hypoxia andanoxia were then interpolated between sampling stations producing two surfaces representingthe depth at which hypoxic and anoxic conditions respectively are found. The volume and areaof hypoxia and anoxia have been calculated and the results have then been transformed to mapsand diagrams to visualize the annual autumn oxygen situation during the analysed period.The updated results for 2016 and the preliminary results for 2017 show that the severe oxygenconditions in the Baltic Proper after the regime shift in 1999 continue. Both the areal extent andthe volume with anoxic conditions have, after 1999, been constantly elevated to levels onlyobserved occasionally before the regime shift. Despite the frequent inflows to the Baltic Seaduring the period 2014-2016 approximately 18% of the bottom area was affected by anoxia and28% by hypoxia during 2017. The hydrogen sulphide has, due to the inflows, disappeared fromthe Eastern and Northern Gotland Basin. However, the oxygen concentrations in the deep waterare still near zero and signs of increasing hydrogen sulphide close to the bottom have beenobserved during 2017.Sammanfattning
- Published
- 2018
25. Propagation of Impact of the Recent Major Baltic Inflows From the Eastern Gotland Basin to the Gulf of Finland
- Author
Liblik, Taavi, Naumann, Michael, Alenius, Pekka, Hansson, Martin, Lips, Urmas, Nausch, Gunther, Tuomi, Laura, Wesslander, Karin, Laanemets, Jaan, Viktorsson, Lena, Liblik, Taavi, Naumann, Michael, Alenius, Pekka, Hansson, Martin, Lips, Urmas, Nausch, Gunther, Tuomi, Laura, Wesslander, Karin, Laanemets, Jaan, and Viktorsson, Lena
- Published
- 2018
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26. Copernicus Marine Service Ocean State Report
- Author
Von Schuckmann, Karina, Le Traon, Pierre-yves, Smith, Neville, Pascual, Ananda, Brasseur, Pierre, Fennel, Katja, Djavidnia, Samy, Aaboe, Signe, Alvarez Fanjul, Enrique, Autret, Emmanuelle, Axell, Lars, Aznar, Roland, Benincasa, Mario, Bentamy, Abderrahim, Boberg, Fredrik, Bourdalle-badie, Romain, Nardelli, Bruno Buongiorno, Brando, Vittorio E., Bricaud, Clement, Breivik, Lars-anders, Brewin, Robert J. W., Capet, Arthur, Ceschin, Adrien, Ciliberti, Stefania, Cossarini, Gianpiero, De Alfonso, Marta, De Pascual Collar, Alvaro, De Kloe, Jos, Deshayes, Julie, Desportes, Charles, Drevillon, Marie, Drillet, Yann, Droghei, Riccardo, Dubois, Clotilde, Embury, Owen, Etienne, Helene, Fratianni, Claudia, Garcia Lafuente, Jesus, Garcia Sotillo, Marcos, Garric, Gilles, Gasparin, Florent, Gerin, Riccardo, Good, Simon, Gourrion, Jerome, Gregoire, Marilaure, Greiner, Eric, Guinehut, Stephanie, Gutknecht, Elodie, Hernandez, Fabrice, Hernandez, Olga, Hoyer, Jacob, Jackson, Laura, Jandt, Simon, Josey, Simon, Juza, Melanie, Kennedy, John, Kokkini, Zoi, Korres, Gerasimos, Kouts, Mariliis, Lagemaa, Priidik, Lavergne, Thomas, Le Cann, Bernard, Legeais, Jean-francois, Lemieux-dudon, Benedicte, Levier, Bruno, Lien, Vidar, Maljutenko, Ilja, Manzano, Fernando, Marcos, Marta, Marinova, Veselka, Masina, Simona, Mauri, Elena, Mayer, Michael, Melet, Angelique, Melin, Frederic, Meyssignac, Benoit, Monier, Maeva, Muller, Malte, Mulet, Sandrine, Naranjo, Cristina, Notarstefano, Giulio, Paulmier, Aurelien, Perez Gomez, Begona, Perez Gonzalez, Irene, Peneva, Elisaveta, Perruche, Coralie, Peterson, K. Andrew, Pinardi, Nadia, Pisano, Andrea, Pardo, Silvia, Poulain, Pierre-marie, Raj, Roshin P., Raudsepp, Urmas, Ravdas, Michaelis, Reid, Rebecca, Rio, Marie-hélène, Salon, Stefano, Samuelsen, Annette, Sammartino, Michela, Sammartino, Simone, Sando, Anne Britt, Santoleri, Rosalia, Sathyendranath, Shubha, She, Jun, Simoncelli, Simona, Solidoro, Cosimo, Stoffelen, Ad, Storto, Andrea, Szerkely, Tanguy, Tamm, Susanne, Tietsche, Steffen, Tinker, Jonathan, Tintore, Joaquin, Trindade, Ana, Van Zanten, Daphne, Vandenbulcke, Luc, Verhoef, Anton, Verbrugge, Nathalie, Viktorsson, Lena, Wakelin, Sarah L., Zacharioudaki, Anna, Zuo, Hao, Von Schuckmann, Karina, Le Traon, Pierre-yves, Smith, Neville, Pascual, Ananda, Brasseur, Pierre, Fennel, Katja, Djavidnia, Samy, Aaboe, Signe, Alvarez Fanjul, Enrique, Autret, Emmanuelle, Axell, Lars, Aznar, Roland, Benincasa, Mario, Bentamy, Abderrahim, Boberg, Fredrik, Bourdalle-badie, Romain, Nardelli, Bruno Buongiorno, Brando, Vittorio E., Bricaud, Clement, Breivik, Lars-anders, Brewin, Robert J. W., Capet, Arthur, Ceschin, Adrien, Ciliberti, Stefania, Cossarini, Gianpiero, De Alfonso, Marta, De Pascual Collar, Alvaro, De Kloe, Jos, Deshayes, Julie, Desportes, Charles, Drevillon, Marie, Drillet, Yann, Droghei, Riccardo, Dubois, Clotilde, Embury, Owen, Etienne, Helene, Fratianni, Claudia, Garcia Lafuente, Jesus, Garcia Sotillo, Marcos, Garric, Gilles, Gasparin, Florent, Gerin, Riccardo, Good, Simon, Gourrion, Jerome, Gregoire, Marilaure, Greiner, Eric, Guinehut, Stephanie, Gutknecht, Elodie, Hernandez, Fabrice, Hernandez, Olga, Hoyer, Jacob, Jackson, Laura, Jandt, Simon, Josey, Simon, Juza, Melanie, Kennedy, John, Kokkini, Zoi, Korres, Gerasimos, Kouts, Mariliis, Lagemaa, Priidik, Lavergne, Thomas, Le Cann, Bernard, Legeais, Jean-francois, Lemieux-dudon, Benedicte, Levier, Bruno, Lien, Vidar, Maljutenko, Ilja, Manzano, Fernando, Marcos, Marta, Marinova, Veselka, Masina, Simona, Mauri, Elena, Mayer, Michael, Melet, Angelique, Melin, Frederic, Meyssignac, Benoit, Monier, Maeva, Muller, Malte, Mulet, Sandrine, Naranjo, Cristina, Notarstefano, Giulio, Paulmier, Aurelien, Perez Gomez, Begona, Perez Gonzalez, Irene, Peneva, Elisaveta, Perruche, Coralie, Peterson, K. Andrew, Pinardi, Nadia, Pisano, Andrea, Pardo, Silvia, Poulain, Pierre-marie, Raj, Roshin P., Raudsepp, Urmas, Ravdas, Michaelis, Reid, Rebecca, Rio, Marie-hélène, Salon, Stefano, Samuelsen, Annette, Sammartino, Michela, Sammartino, Simone, Sando, Anne Britt, Santoleri, Rosalia, Sathyendranath, Shubha, She, Jun, Simoncelli, Simona, Solidoro, Cosimo, Stoffelen, Ad, Storto, Andrea, Szerkely, Tanguy, Tamm, Susanne, Tietsche, Steffen, Tinker, Jonathan, Tintore, Joaquin, Trindade, Ana, Van Zanten, Daphne, Vandenbulcke, Luc, Verhoef, Anton, Verbrugge, Nathalie, Viktorsson, Lena, Wakelin, Sarah L., Zacharioudaki, Anna, and Zuo, Hao
- Published
- 2018
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27. Influence of natural oxygenation of Baltic proper deep water on benthic recycling and removal of phosphorus, nitrogen, silicon and carbon
- Author
Hall, Per O. J., Almroth Rosell, Elin, Bonaglia, Stefano, Dale, Andrew W., Hylén, Astrid, Kononets, Mikhail, Nilsson, Madeleine, Sommer, Stefan, van de Velde, Sebastiaan, Viktorsson, Lena, Chemistry, and Faculty of Sciences and Bioengineering Sciences
- Subjects
Global and Planetary Change ,denitrification ,Ocean Engineering ,Geokemi ,Oceanografi, hydrologi och vattenresurser ,major baltic inflow ,Aquatic Science ,Environmental Science (miscellaneous) ,DNRA ,Oceanography, Hydrology and Water Resources ,Geochemistry ,internal P load ,Marine Science ,benthic nutrient and DIC fluxes ,oceanography ,Sciences exactes et naturelles ,Water Science and Technology - Abstract
At the end of 2014, a Major Baltic Inflow (MBI) brought oxygenated, salty water into the Baltic proper and reached the long-term anoxic Eastern Gotland Basin (EGB) by March 2015. In July 2015, we measured benthic fluxes of phosphorus (P), nitrogen (N) and silicon (Si) nutrients and dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) in situ using an autonomous benthic lander at deep sites (170–210 m) in the EGB, where the bottom water oxygen concentration was 30–45 μM. The same in situ methodology was used to measure benthic fluxes at the same sites in 2008–2010, but then under anoxic conditions. The high efflux of phosphate under anoxic conditions became lower upon oxygenation, and turned into an influx in about 50% of the flux measurements. The C:P and N:P ratios of the benthic solute flux changed from clearly below the Redfield ratio (on average about 70 and 3–4, respectively) under anoxia to approaching or being well above the Redfield ratio upon oxygenation. These observations demonstrate retention of P in newly oxygenated sediments. We found no significant effect of oxygenation on the benthic ammonium, silicate and DIC flux. We also measured benthic denitrification, anammox, and dissimilatory nitrate reduction to ammonium (DNRA) rates at the same sites using isotope-pairing techniques. The bottom water of the long-term anoxic EGB contained less than 0.5 μM nitrate in 2008–2010, but the oxygenation event created bottom water nitrate concentrations of about 10 μM in July 2015 and the benthic flux of nitrate was consistently directed into the sediment. Nitrate reduction to both dinitrogen gas (denitrification) and ammonium (DNRA) was initiated in the newly oxygenated sediments, while anammox activity was negligible. We estimated the influence of this oxygenation event on the magnitudes of the integrated benthic P flux (the internal P load) and the fixed N removal through benthic and pelagic denitrification by comparing with a hypothetical scenario without the MBI. Our calculations suggest that the oxygenation triggered by the MBI in July 2015, extrapolated to the basin-wide scale of the Baltic proper, decreased the internal P load by 23% and increased the total (benthic plus pelagic) denitrification by 18%.
- Published
- 2017
28. Summary of the Swedish National Marine Monitoring 2016 - Hydrography, nutrients and phytoplankton
- Author
Wesslander, Karin and Viktorsson, Lena
- Subjects
Oceanography, Hydrology and Water Resources ,hydrography ,Baltic Sea ,nutrients ,phytoplankton ,Marine monitoring ,Oceanografi, hydrologi och vattenresurser ,Skagerrak ,Kattegat - Abstract
Results from the Swedish national marine monitoring in the pelagic during 2016 are presented. The institutes who conduct the national monitoring are SMHI (Swedish meteorological and hydrological institute), SU (Stockholm University) and UMF (Umeå marine sciences centre). The presented parameters in this report are; salinity, temperature, oxygen, dissolved inorganic phosphorous, total phosphorous, dissolved inorganic nitrogen, total nitrogen, dissolved silica, chlorophyll and phytoplankton. Secchi depth, zooplankton, humus, primary production, pH and alkalinity are also measured but not presented. Seasonal plots for surface waters are presented in Appendix I. Time series for surface waters (0-10 m) and bottom waters are presented in Appendix II. The amount of nutrients in the sub-basins of the Baltic Sea is presented per season and year in Appendix III.Exceptional events 2016 A warm September due to several high pressure systems, with temperatures more than one standard deviation above mean in almost all stations from Skagerrak, Kattegat and the Baltic Proper. Low oxygen in Kattegat bottom water during autumn as can be seen in the seasonal plots for both Anholt E and Fladen. Improved oxygen condition in the East Gotland Basin, due to an increased frequency of deep water inflows in comparison to the period 1983 until the large inflow in December 2014. The inflow of 30 km3 in the beginning of the year could be tracked in the deep water in the Eastern Gotland Basin in June. Elevated levels of silicate have been observed in the Baltic Sea since 2014 and the silicate levels were also elevated this year but mainly in the central and the northern parts of the Baltic Proper. In July there were high cell numbers of the dinoflagellate Dinophysis acuminata, which caused high levels of toxins in blue mussels. During this period it was forbidden to harvest blue mussels along the Bohus coast. Unusual long period of cyanobacteria bloom in the Baltic Sea. Resultat från Sveriges nationella samlade nationella marina övervakning i den fria vattenmassan under året 2016 presenteras. De nationella utförarna är Sveriges metrorologiska och hydrologiska institut (SMHI), Stockholms Universitet (SU) och Umeå marina forskningscentrum (UMF). De parametrar som presenteras i rapporten är salthalt, temperatur, syre, löst oorganiskt fosfor, totalfosfor, löst oorganiskt kväve, totalkväve, löst kisel, klorofyll och växtplankton. Även siktdjup, djurplankton, humus, primär produktion, pH och alkalinitet provtas men de presenteras inte. Säsongsfigurer tillsammans med statistik presenteras för ytvatten i Bilaga I. Tidsserier för ytvatten (0-10 m) och bottenvatten presenteras i Bilaga II. Mängden närsalter i Östersjöns delbassänger under vintern presenteras i bilaga III.Speciella händelser 2016 Flertalet högtryckspassager orsakade en ovanligt varm septembermånad, vilket gav yttemperaturer mer än en standard avvikelse över det normala vid nästa alla stationer i Skagerrak, Kattegatt och Östersjön. I Kattegatts bottenvatten var det mycket låga syrgashalter under hösten men förhållandena återgick till det normala under vintern. Detta syns framförallt i säsongsfigurerna för Anholt E och Fladen. Syresituationen i Östra Gotlandsbassängen har förbättrats något och anledningen är att antalet inflöden har blivit fler sedan det senaste stora inflödet som skedde i december 2014. Inflödet på 30 km3 i början av året kunde senare under juni spåras i bottenvattnet i Östra Gotlandsbassängen. Nivåerna av kisel i Östersjön har under de senaste åren varit över det normala och så även detta år men främst i de centrala och norra delarna av Egentliga Östersjön. I juli noterades förhållandevis stora mängder av dinoflagellaten Dinophysis acuminata. Detta orsakade förhöjda halter av Dinophysis-toxiner i blåmusslor vilket i sin tur ledde till att Livsmedelsverket förbjöd musselskörd i vissa områden längs Bohuskusten. Ovanligt lång blomning av cyanobakterier i Östersjön.
- Published
- 2017
29. Förslag till plan för revidering av fysikalisk-kemiska bedömningsgrunder för ekologisk status i sjöar, vattendrag och kustvatten Del A: SJÖAR OCH VATTENDRAG (SLU) Del B: KUSTVATTEN (SMHI)
- Author
Wesslander, Karin, Viktorsson, Lena, Fölster, Jens, Drakare, Stina, and Sonesten, Lars
- Subjects
Oceanography, Hydrology and Water Resources ,Oceanografi, hydrologi och vattenresurser - Published
- 2017
30. Copernicus Marine Service Ocean State Report
- Author
von Schuckmann, Karina, primary, Le Traon, Pierre-Yves, additional, Smith, Neville, additional, Pascual, Ananda, additional, Brasseur, Pierre, additional, Fennel, Katja, additional, Djavidnia, Samy, additional, Aaboe, Signe, additional, Fanjul, Enrique Alvarez, additional, Autret, Emmanuelle, additional, Axell, Lars, additional, Aznar, Roland, additional, Benincasa, Mario, additional, Bentamy, Abderahim, additional, Boberg, Fredrik, additional, Bourdallé-Badie, Romain, additional, Nardelli, Bruno Buongiorno, additional, Brando, Vittorio E., additional, Bricaud, Clément, additional, Breivik, Lars-Anders, additional, Brewin, Robert J.W., additional, Capet, Arthur, additional, Ceschin, Adrien, additional, Ciliberti, Stefania, additional, Cossarini, Gianpiero, additional, de Alfonso, Marta, additional, de Pascual Collar, Alvaro, additional, de Kloe, Jos, additional, Deshayes, Julie, additional, Desportes, Charles, additional, Drévillon, Marie, additional, Drillet, Yann, additional, Droghei, Riccardo, additional, Dubois, Clotilde, additional, Embury, Owen, additional, Etienne, Hélène, additional, Fratianni, Claudia, additional, Lafuente, Jesús García, additional, Sotillo, Marcos Garcia, additional, Garric, Gilles, additional, Gasparin, Florent, additional, Gerin, Riccardo, additional, Good, Simon, additional, Gourrion, Jérome, additional, Grégoire, Marilaure, additional, Greiner, Eric, additional, Guinehut, Stéphanie, additional, Gutknecht, Elodie, additional, Hernandez, Fabrice, additional, Hernandez, Olga, additional, Høyer, Jacob, additional, Jackson, Laura, additional, Jandt, Simon, additional, Josey, Simon, additional, Juza, Mélanie, additional, Kennedy, John, additional, Kokkini, Zoi, additional, Korres, Gerasimos, additional, Kõuts, Mariliis, additional, Lagemaa, Priidik, additional, Lavergne, Thomas, additional, le Cann, Bernard, additional, Legeais, Jean-François, additional, Lemieux-Dudon, Benedicte, additional, Levier, Bruno, additional, Lien, Vidar, additional, Maljutenko, Ilja, additional, Manzano, Fernando, additional, Marcos, Marta, additional, Marinova, Veselka, additional, Masina, Simona, additional, Mauri, Elena, additional, Mayer, Michael, additional, Melet, Angelique, additional, Mélin, Frédéric, additional, Meyssignac, Benoit, additional, Monier, Maeva, additional, Müller, Malte, additional, Mulet, Sandrine, additional, Naranjo, Cristina, additional, Notarstefano, Giulio, additional, Paulmier, Aurélien, additional, Gomez, Begoña Pérez, additional, Gonzalez, Irene Pérez, additional, Peneva, Elisaveta, additional, Perruche, Coralie, additional, Andrew Peterson, K., additional, Pinardi, Nadia, additional, Pisano, Andrea, additional, Pardo, Silvia, additional, Poulain, Pierre-Marie, additional, Raj, Roshin P., additional, Raudsepp, Urmas, additional, Ravdas, Michaelis, additional, Reid, Rebecca, additional, Rio, Marie-Hélène, additional, Salon, Stefano, additional, Samuelsen, Annette, additional, Sammartino, Michela, additional, Sammartino, Simone, additional, Sandø, Anne Britt, additional, Santoleri, Rosalia, additional, Sathyendranath, Shubha, additional, She, Jun, additional, Simoncelli, Simona, additional, Solidoro, Cosimo, additional, Stoffelen, Ad, additional, Storto, Andrea, additional, Szerkely, Tanguy, additional, Tamm, Susanne, additional, Tietsche, Steffen, additional, Tinker, Jonathan, additional, Tintore, Joaquín, additional, Trindade, Ana, additional, van Zanten, Daphne, additional, Vandenbulcke, Luc, additional, Verhoef, Anton, additional, Verbrugge, Nathalie, additional, Viktorsson, Lena, additional, von Schuckmann, Karina, additional, Wakelin, Sarah L., additional, Zacharioudaki, Anna, additional, and Zuo, Hao, additional
- Published
- 2018
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31. Propagation of Impact of the Recent Major Baltic Inflows From the Eastern Gotland Basin to the Gulf of Finland
- Author
Liblik, Taavi, primary, Naumann, Michael, additional, Alenius, Pekka, additional, Hansson, Martin, additional, Lips, Urmas, additional, Nausch, Günther, additional, Tuomi, Laura, additional, Wesslander, Karin, additional, Laanemets, Jaan, additional, and Viktorsson, Lena, additional
- Published
- 2018
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32. The Copernicus Marine Environment Monitoring Service Ocean State Report
- Author
von Schuckmann, Karina, Le Traon, Pierre-Yves, Alvarez-Fanjul, Enrique, Axell, Lars, Balmaseda, Magdalena, Breivik, Lars-Anders, Brewin, Robert J. W., Bricaud, Clement, Drevillon, Marie, Drillet, Yann, Dubois, Clotilde, Embury, Owen, Etienne, Hélène, Sotillo, Marcos García, Garric, Gilles, Gasparin, Florent, Gutknecht, Elodie, Guinehut, Stéphanie, Hernandez, Fabrice, Juza,, Melanie, Karlson, Bengt, Korres, Gerasimos, Legeais, Jean-François, Levier, Bruno, Lien, Vidar S., Morrow, Rosemary, Notarstefano, Giulio, Parent, Laurent, Pascual, Álvaro, PérezGómez, Begoña, Perruche, Coralie, Pinardi, Nadia, Pisano, Andrea, Poulain, Pierre-Marie, Pujol, Isabelle M., Raj, Roshin P., Raudsepp, Urmas, Roquet, Hervé, Samuelsen, Annette, Sathyendranath, Shubha, She, Jun, Simoncelli, Simona, Cosimo, Solidoro, Tinker, Jonathan, Tintoré, Joaquín, Viktorsson, Lena, Ablain, Michael, Almroth-Rosell, Elin, Bonaduce, Antonio, Clementi, Emanuela, Cossarini, Gianpiero, Dagneaux, Quentin, Desportes, Charles, Dye, Stephen, Fratianni, Claudia, Good, Simon, Greiner, Eric, Gourrion, Jerome, Hamon, Mathieu, Holt, Jason, Hyder, Pat, Kennedy, John, ManzanoMuñoz, Fernando, Melet, Angélique, Meyssignac, Benoit, Mulet, Sandrine, Buongiorno Nardelli, Bruno, O´Dea, Enda, Olason, Einar, Paulmier, Aurélien, Pérez-González, Irene, Reid, Rebecca, Racault, Marie-Fanny, Raitsos, Dionysios E., Ramos,, Antonio, Sykes, Peter, Szekely, Tanguy, Verbrugge, Nathalie, von Schuckmann, Karina, Le Traon, Pierre-Yves, Alvarez-Fanjul, Enrique, Axell, Lars, Balmaseda, Magdalena, Breivik, Lars-Anders, Brewin, Robert J. W., Bricaud, Clement, Drevillon, Marie, Drillet, Yann, Dubois, Clotilde, Embury, Owen, Etienne, Hélène, Sotillo, Marcos García, Garric, Gilles, Gasparin, Florent, Gutknecht, Elodie, Guinehut, Stéphanie, Hernandez, Fabrice, Juza,, Melanie, Karlson, Bengt, Korres, Gerasimos, Legeais, Jean-François, Levier, Bruno, Lien, Vidar S., Morrow, Rosemary, Notarstefano, Giulio, Parent, Laurent, Pascual, Álvaro, PérezGómez, Begoña, Perruche, Coralie, Pinardi, Nadia, Pisano, Andrea, Poulain, Pierre-Marie, Pujol, Isabelle M., Raj, Roshin P., Raudsepp, Urmas, Roquet, Hervé, Samuelsen, Annette, Sathyendranath, Shubha, She, Jun, Simoncelli, Simona, Cosimo, Solidoro, Tinker, Jonathan, Tintoré, Joaquín, Viktorsson, Lena, Ablain, Michael, Almroth-Rosell, Elin, Bonaduce, Antonio, Clementi, Emanuela, Cossarini, Gianpiero, Dagneaux, Quentin, Desportes, Charles, Dye, Stephen, Fratianni, Claudia, Good, Simon, Greiner, Eric, Gourrion, Jerome, Hamon, Mathieu, Holt, Jason, Hyder, Pat, Kennedy, John, ManzanoMuñoz, Fernando, Melet, Angélique, Meyssignac, Benoit, Mulet, Sandrine, Buongiorno Nardelli, Bruno, O´Dea, Enda, Olason, Einar, Paulmier, Aurélien, Pérez-González, Irene, Reid, Rebecca, Racault, Marie-Fanny, Raitsos, Dionysios E., Ramos,, Antonio, Sykes, Peter, Szekely, Tanguy, and Verbrugge, Nathalie
- Published
- 2017
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33. Influence of Natural Oxygenation of Baltic Proper Deep Water on Benthic Recycling and Removal of Phosphorus, Nitrogen, Silicon and Carbon
- Author
Hall, Per P.O.J., Almroth-Rosell, Elin, Bonaglia, Stefano, Dale, Andrew W., Hylén, Astrid, Kononets, Mikhail, Nilsson, Madeleine, Sommer, Stefan, Van De Velde, Sebastiaan, Viktorsson, Lena, Hall, Per P.O.J., Almroth-Rosell, Elin, Bonaglia, Stefano, Dale, Andrew W., Hylén, Astrid, Kononets, Mikhail, Nilsson, Madeleine, Sommer, Stefan, Van De Velde, Sebastiaan, and Viktorsson, Lena
- Abstract
- Published
- 2017
34. Influence of Natural Oxygenation of Baltic Proper Deep Water on Benthic Recycling and Removal of Phosphorus, Nitrogen, Silicon and Carbon
- Author
Hall, Per O. J., primary, Almroth Rosell, Elin, additional, Bonaglia, Stefano, additional, Dale, Andrew W., additional, Hylén, Astrid, additional, Kononets, Mikhail, additional, Nilsson, Madeleine, additional, Sommer, Stefan, additional, van de Velde, Sebastiaan, additional, and Viktorsson, Lena, additional
- Published
- 2017
- Full Text
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- Author
De Brabandere, Loreto, Bonaglia, Stefano, Kononets, Mikhail Y., Viktorsson, Lena, Stigebrandt, Anders, Thamdrup, Bo, Hall, Per O.J., Analytical and Environmental Chemistry, and Analytical, Environmental & Geo-Chemistry
- Subjects
equipment and supplies - Abstract
Benthic nitrogen cycling pathways were studied in a euxinic fjord in western Sweden subject to artificial oxygenation as part of an environmental engineering experiment. Denitrification and dissimilatory nitrate reduction to ammonium (DNRA) were investigated in situ by means of 15N-nitrate additions to benthic chambers. At stations above the oxic/anoxic interface, denitrification dominated nitrate reduction and N2 production both before and after oxygenation, while DNRA accounted for
- Published
- 2015
36. The Copernicus Marine Environment Monitoring Service Ocean State Report
- Author
Von Schuckmann, Karina, Le Traon, Pierre-yves, Alvarez-fanjul, Enrique, Axell, Lars, Balmaseda, Magdalena, Breivik, Lars-anders, Brewin, Robert J. W., Bricaud, Clement, Drevillon, Marie, Drillet, Yann, Dubois, Clotilde, Embury, Owen, Etienne, Helene, Garcia Sotillo, Marcos, Garric, Gilles, Gasparin, Florent, Gutknecht, Elodie, Guinehut, Stephanie, Hernandez, Fabrice, Juza, Melanie, Karlson, Bengt, Korres, Gerasimos, Legeais, Jean Francois, Levier, Bruno, Lien, Vidar S., Morrow, Rosemary, Notarstefano, Giulio, Parent, Laurent, Pascual, Alvaro, Perez-gomez, Begona, Perruche, Coralie, Pinardi, Nadia, Pisano, Andrea, Poulain, Pierre-marie, Pujol, Isabelle M., Raj, Roshin P., Raudsepp, Urmas, Roquet, Herve, Samuelsen, Annette, Sathyendranath, Shubha, She, Jun, Simoncelli, Simona, Solidoro, Cosimo, Tinker, Jonathan, Tintore, Joaquin, Viktorsson, Lena, Ablain, Michael, Almroth-rosell, Elin, Bonaduce, Antonio, Clementi, Emanuela, Cossarini, Gianpiero, Dagneaux, Quentin, Desportes, Charles, Dye, Stephen, Fratianni, Claudia, Good, Simon, Greiner, Eric, Gourrion, Jerome, Hamon, Mathieu, Holt, Jason, Hyder, Pat, Kennedy, John, Manzano-munoz, Fernando, Melet, Angelique, Meyssignac, Benoit, Mulet, Sandrine, Nardelli, Bruno Buongiorno, O'Dea, Enda, Olason, Einar, Paulmier, Aurelien, Perez-gonzalez, Irene, Reid, Rebecca, Racault, Marie-fanny, Raitsos, Dionysios E., Ramos, Antonio, Sykes, Peter, Szekely, Tanguy, Verbrugge, Nathalie, Von Schuckmann, Karina, Le Traon, Pierre-yves, Alvarez-fanjul, Enrique, Axell, Lars, Balmaseda, Magdalena, Breivik, Lars-anders, Brewin, Robert J. W., Bricaud, Clement, Drevillon, Marie, Drillet, Yann, Dubois, Clotilde, Embury, Owen, Etienne, Helene, Garcia Sotillo, Marcos, Garric, Gilles, Gasparin, Florent, Gutknecht, Elodie, Guinehut, Stephanie, Hernandez, Fabrice, Juza, Melanie, Karlson, Bengt, Korres, Gerasimos, Legeais, Jean Francois, Levier, Bruno, Lien, Vidar S., Morrow, Rosemary, Notarstefano, Giulio, Parent, Laurent, Pascual, Alvaro, Perez-gomez, Begona, Perruche, Coralie, Pinardi, Nadia, Pisano, Andrea, Poulain, Pierre-marie, Pujol, Isabelle M., Raj, Roshin P., Raudsepp, Urmas, Roquet, Herve, Samuelsen, Annette, Sathyendranath, Shubha, She, Jun, Simoncelli, Simona, Solidoro, Cosimo, Tinker, Jonathan, Tintore, Joaquin, Viktorsson, Lena, Ablain, Michael, Almroth-rosell, Elin, Bonaduce, Antonio, Clementi, Emanuela, Cossarini, Gianpiero, Dagneaux, Quentin, Desportes, Charles, Dye, Stephen, Fratianni, Claudia, Good, Simon, Greiner, Eric, Gourrion, Jerome, Hamon, Mathieu, Holt, Jason, Hyder, Pat, Kennedy, John, Manzano-munoz, Fernando, Melet, Angelique, Meyssignac, Benoit, Mulet, Sandrine, Nardelli, Bruno Buongiorno, O'Dea, Enda, Olason, Einar, Paulmier, Aurelien, Perez-gonzalez, Irene, Reid, Rebecca, Racault, Marie-fanny, Raitsos, Dionysios E., Ramos, Antonio, Sykes, Peter, Szekely, Tanguy, and Verbrugge, Nathalie
- Abstract
The Copernicus Marine Environment Monitoring Service (CMEMS) Ocean State Report (OSR) provides an annual report of the state of the global ocean and European regional seas for policy and decision-makers with the additional aim of increasing general public awareness about the status of, and changes in, the marine environment. The CMEMS OSR draws on expert analysis and provides a 3-D view (through reanalysis systems), a view from above (through remote-sensing data) and a direct view of the interior (through in situ measurements) of the global ocean and the European regional seas. The report is based on the unique CMEMS monitoring capabilities of the blue (hydrography, currents), white (sea ice) and green (e.g. Chlorophyll) marine environment. This first issue of the CMEMS OSR provides guidance on Essential Variables, large-scale changes and specific events related to the physical ocean state over the period 1993-2015. Principal findings of this first CMEMS OSR show a significant increase in global and regional sea levels, thermosteric expansion, ocean heat content, sea surface temperature and Antarctic sea ice extent and conversely a decrease in Arctic sea ice extent during the 1993-2015 period. During the year 2015 exceptionally strong large-scale changes were monitored such as, for example, a strong El Nino Southern Oscillation, a high frequency of extreme storms and sea level events in specific regions in addition to areas of high sea level and harmful algae blooms. At the same time, some areas in the Arctic Ocean experienced exceptionally low sea ice extent and temperatures below average were observed in the North Atlantic Ocean.
- Published
- 2016
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37. The Copernicus Marine Environment Monitoring Service Ocean State Report
- Author
von Schuckmann, Karina, primary, Le Traon, Pierre-Yves, additional, Alvarez-Fanjul, Enrique, additional, Axell, Lars, additional, Balmaseda, Magdalena, additional, Breivik, Lars-Anders, additional, Brewin, Robert J. W., additional, Bricaud, Clement, additional, Drevillon, Marie, additional, Drillet, Yann, additional, Dubois, Clotilde, additional, Embury, Owen, additional, Etienne, Hélène, additional, Sotillo, Marcos García, additional, Garric, Gilles, additional, Gasparin, Florent, additional, Gutknecht, Elodie, additional, Guinehut, Stéphanie, additional, Hernandez, Fabrice, additional, Juza, Melanie, additional, Karlson, Bengt, additional, Korres, Gerasimos, additional, Legeais, Jean-François, additional, Levier, Bruno, additional, Lien, Vidar S., additional, Morrow, Rosemary, additional, Notarstefano, Giulio, additional, Parent, Laurent, additional, Pascual, Álvaro, additional, Pérez-Gómez, Begoña, additional, Perruche, Coralie, additional, Pinardi, Nadia, additional, Pisano, Andrea, additional, Poulain, Pierre-Marie, additional, Pujol, Isabelle M., additional, Raj, Roshin P., additional, Raudsepp, Urmas, additional, Roquet, Hervé, additional, Samuelsen, Annette, additional, Sathyendranath, Shubha, additional, She, Jun, additional, Simoncelli, Simona, additional, Solidoro, Cosimo, additional, Tinker, Jonathan, additional, Tintoré, Joaquín, additional, Viktorsson, Lena, additional, Ablain, Michael, additional, Almroth-Rosell, Elin, additional, Bonaduce, Antonio, additional, Clementi, Emanuela, additional, Cossarini, Gianpiero, additional, Dagneaux, Quentin, additional, Desportes, Charles, additional, Dye, Stephen, additional, Fratianni, Claudia, additional, Good, Simon, additional, Greiner, Eric, additional, Gourrion, Jerome, additional, Hamon, Mathieu, additional, Holt, Jason, additional, Hyder, Pat, additional, Kennedy, John, additional, Manzano-Muñoz, Fernando, additional, Melet, Angélique, additional, Meyssignac, Benoit, additional, Mulet, Sandrine, additional, Buongiorno Nardelli, Bruno, additional, O’Dea, Enda, additional, Olason, Einar, additional, Paulmier, Aurélien, additional, Pérez-González, Irene, additional, Reid, Rebecca, additional, Racault, Marie-Fanny, additional, Raitsos, Dionysios E., additional, Ramos, Antonio, additional, Sykes, Peter, additional, Szekely, Tanguy, additional, and Verbrugge, Nathalie, additional
- Published
- 2016
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38. BOX – complementary results obtained during 2012. Swedish Environmental Protection Agency, Stockholm, Sweden
- Author
Stigebrandt, Anders, Liljebladh, Bengt, Rahm, Lars, De Brabandere, Loreto, Ekeroth, Nils, Granmo, Å, Hall, Per O. J., Kononets, Mikhail, Viktorsson, Lena, Analytical, Environmental & Geo-Chemistry, Chemistry, Earth System Sciences, and Analytical and Environmental Chemistry
- Subjects
denitrification ,By Fjord ,oxygenation ,phosphorous - Published
- 2013
39. Phosphorus recycling in brackish and marine environments - Sediment investigations in situ in the Baltic Sea and the By Fjord
- Author
Viktorsson, Lena
- Subjects
sediment ,Baltic Sea ,benthic flux ,By Fjord ,fungi ,anoxia ,phosphorus ,humanities ,geographic locations - Abstract
The phosphorus load to the oceans from land started to increase since around 1950 when man started to mine phosphorus-mineral from phosphorus-rich soils and bedrock. The increased use of phosphorus fertilizers in agriculture together with the growth of coastal cities increased the load of phosphorus to the coastal ocean where plankton production flourished. In the Baltic Sea the increase in plankton production resulted in an increased frequency of harmful cyanobacterial blooms and in expanding areas of anoxic bottoms due to the restricted water exchange with the North Sea. Introduction of sewage treatment plants in major cities in the 1960’s and further improvements of these in the 70’s and 80’s decreased the phosphorus and later nitrogen loads to the waters. Despite the decreased loads to the Baltic Sea the water quality did not improve. Recently, this led researchers to focus more on internal feedback mechanisms instead of external sources to understand the eutrophication of the Baltic Sea. From a combination of in situ measurements of the phosphorus flux from sediment to water and a budget model for the Baltic Sea, the importance of the sediments as a source of phosphorus have been investigated. In situ measurements were performed in two basins of the Baltic Sea (the Eastern Gotland Basin and the Gulf of Finland) and in a small fjord on the Swedish west coast (the By Fjord). These measurements showed that the flux of dissolved inorganic phosphorus (DIP) was higher at anoxic bottoms than at oxic in all three areas. Furthermore the flux at anoxic bottoms was enriched in phosphorus compared to carbon (and nitrogen). At oxic bottoms, on the other hand, the flux was lower and at times also showed an uptake of DIP from the water to the sediment. The fluxes at oxic bottoms in the Baltic Sea did not show any correlation with the degradation rate of organic carbon while the fluxes from anoxic bottoms in the Baltic Sea and at all bottoms in the By Fjord showed a positive correlation with the degradation rate of organic carbon. This indicated that at the oxic bottoms in By Fjord the DIP flux was primarily controlled by the degradation rate. On the contrary, the fluxes at oxic bottoms in the Baltic Sea were controlled by secondary mechanisms like adsorption to iron-oxides or storage of poly-phosphates in bacteria. The flux measurements indicate that phosphorus is preferentially remineralised under anoxic conditions and the budget model shows that anoxic sediment act as a source of phosphorus in the Baltic Sea. This calls for further investigations of phosphorus remineralisation under anoxic conditions and highlights the importance of the anoxic bottoms for the on-going eutrophication of the Baltic Sea.
- Published
- 2012
40. An Experiment with Forced Oxygenation of the Deepwater of the Anoxic By Fjord, Western Sweden
- Author
Stigebrandt, Anders, primary, Liljebladh, Bengt, additional, de Brabandere, Loreto, additional, Forth, Michael, additional, Granmo, Åke, additional, Hall, Per, additional, Hammar, Jonatan, additional, Hansson, Daniel, additional, Kononets, Mikhail, additional, Magnusson, Marina, additional, Norén, Fredrik, additional, Rahm, Lars, additional, Treusch, Alexander H., additional, and Viktorsson, Lena, additional
- Published
- 2014
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41. A New Phosphorus Paradigm for the Baltic Proper
- Author
Stigebrandt, Anders, primary, Rahm, Lars, additional, Viktorsson, Lena, additional, Ödalen, Malin, additional, Hall, Per O. J., additional, and Liljebladh, Bengt, additional
- Published
- 2013
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42. Recycling and burial of phosphorus in sediments of an anoxic fjord—the By Fjord, western Sweden
- Author
Viktorsson, Lena, primary, Kononets, Mikhail, additional, Roos, Per, additional, and Hall, Per O.J., additional
- Published
- 2013
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43. Oxygenation of an anoxic fjord basin strongly stimulates benthic denitrification and DNRA.
- Author
Brabandere, Loreto, Bonaglia, Stefano, Kononets, Mikhail, Viktorsson, Lena, Stigebrandt, Anders, Thamdrup, Bo, and Hall, Per
- Subjects
OXYGENATION (Chemistry) ,ANOXIC zones ,BENTHIC ecology ,DENITRIFICATION ,EUTROPHICATION ,BOTTOM water (Oceanography) - Abstract
Hypoxia hampers eutrophication reduction efforts by enabling high nutrient fluxes from sediment to bottom waters. Oxygenation of hypoxic water bodies is often proposed to reduce benthic ammonium and phosphate release. This study investigates the functional response of benthic nitrate-reducing processes to a long-term engineered oxygenation effort in a density-stratified fjord with euxinic bottom waters. Oxygenation was achieved by mixing surface water with deep, euxinic water, which increased oxygen and nitrate concentrations in the deep water column. The presence of nitrate instigated benthic nitrate reduction in the newly oxidized sediments by equally stimulating denitrification and dissimilatory nitrate reduction to ammonium (DNRA). DNRA and total nitrate reduction rates, as well as the contribution of DNRA to total nitrate reduction, decreased with increasing exposure time of the sediments to oxygen. The relative importance of DNRA as a nitrate sink was correlated to nitrate concentrations, with more nitrate being reduced to ammonium at higher bottom water nitrate concentrations. Overall, engineered oxygenation decreased the net efflux of dissolved inorganic nitrogen from the sediments by stimulating net nitrate removal through denitrification. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2015
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44. Oxygenation of an anoxic fjord basin strongly stimulates benthic denitrification and DNRA
- Author
De Brabandere, L., Bonaglia, Stefano, Kononets, M., Viktorsson, Lena, Stigebrandt, A., Thamdrup, B., Hall, P. O. J., De Brabandere, L., Bonaglia, Stefano, Kononets, M., Viktorsson, Lena, Stigebrandt, A., Thamdrup, B., and Hall, P. O. J.
45. Processing 50 years of oxygen and hydrogen-sulphide observations in the Baltic Sea.
- Author
Feistel, Susanne, Naumann, Michael, Nausch, Günther, Hiller, Anne, Paysen, Philipp, Hansson, Martin, Andersson, Lars, Viktorsson, Lena, Lysiak-Pastuszak, Elzbieta, Feistel, Rainer, and Meier, H. E. Markus
- Subjects
- *
HYDROGEN sulfide , *SALINE waters , *CLIMATE research , *OCEANOGRAPHIC maps - Published
- 2018
46. The Copernicus Marine Environment Monitoring Service Ocean State Report
- Author
Simon A. Good, Roshin P. Raj, Tanguy Szekely, Yann Drillet, Pierre-Marie Poulain, Charles Desportes, M. Hamon, Irene Perez-Gonzalez, Sandrine Mulet, Lars Axell, Enrique Álvarez-Fanjul, Owen Embury, Gerasimos Korres, Clement Bricaud, Elin Almroth-Rosell, Bruno Buongiorno Nardelli, Jean François Legeais, Quentin Dagneaux, Vidar S. Lien, Shubha Sathyendranath, Angélique Melet, Marie-Fanny Racault, Marcos García Sotillo, Pat Hyder, Aurélien Paulmier, Nathalie Verbrugge, Stephen Dye, Robert J. W. Brewin, Jun She, Mélanie Juza, Antonio G. Ramos, Laurent Parent, Elodie Gutknecht, Isabelle Pujol, Jérôme Gourrion, John Kennedy, Jason Holt, Antonio Bonaduce, Annette Samuelsen, Clotilde Dubois, Stephanie Guinehut, Florent Gasparin, Begoña Pérez-Gómez, Jonathan Tinker, Benoit Meyssignac, Lars-Anders Breivik, Karina von Schuckmann, Peter Sykes, Enda O'Dea, Magdalena Balmaseda, Bengt Karlson, Michael Ablain, Fabrice Hernandez, Gianpiero Cossarini, Alvaro De Pascual, Lena Viktorsson, Emanuela Clementi, Herve Roquet, Urmas Raudsepp, Rosemary Morrow, Giulio Notarstefano, Pierre-Yves Le Traon, Rebecca Reid, Cosimo Solidoro, Joaquín Tintoré, Marie Drevillon, Gilles Garric, Andrea Pisano, Dionysios E. Raitsos, Simona Simoncelli, Eric Greiner, Einar Olason, Coralie Perruche, Hélène Etienne, Fernando Manzano-Munoz, Claudia Fratianni, Nadia Pinardi, Bruno Levier, von Schuckmann, Karina, Le Traon, Pierre-Yve, Alvarez-Fanjul, Enrique, Axell, Lar, Balmaseda, Magdalena, Breivik, Lars-Ander, Brewin, Robert J. W., Bricaud, Clement, Drevillon, Marie, Drillet, Yann, Dubois, Clotilde, Embury, Owen, Etienne, Hélène, Sotillo, Marcos García, Garric, Gille, Gasparin, Florent, Gutknecht, Elodie, Guinehut, Stéphanie, Hernandez, Fabrice, Juza, Melanie, Karlson, Bengt, Korres, Gerasimo, Legeais, Jean-Françoi, Levier, Bruno, Lien, Vidar S., Morrow, Rosemary, Notarstefano, Giulio, Parent, Laurent, Pascual, Álvaro, Pérez-Gómez, Begoña, Perruche, Coralie, Pinardi, Nadia, Pisano, Andrea, Poulain, Pierre-Marie, Pujol, Isabelle M., Raj, Roshin P., Raudsepp, Urma, Roquet, Hervé, Samuelsen, Annette, Sathyendranath, Shubha, She, Jun, Simoncelli, Simona, Solidoro, Cosimo, Tinker, Jonathan, Tintoré, Joaquín, Viktorsson, Lena, Ablain, Michael, Almroth-Rosell, Elin, Bonaduce, Antonio, Clementi, Emanuela, Cossarini, Gianpiero, Dagneaux, Quentin, Desportes, Charle, Dye, Stephen, Fratianni, Claudia, Good, Simon, Greiner, Eric, Gourrion, Jerome, Hamon, Mathieu, Holt, Jason, Hyder, Pat, Kennedy, John, Manzano-Muñoz, Fernando, Melet, Angélique, Meyssignac, Benoit, Mulet, Sandrine, Buongiorno Nardelli, Bruno, O’Dea, Enda, Olason, Einar, Paulmier, Aurélien, Pérez-González, Irene, Reid, Rebecca, Racault, Marie-Fanny, Raitsos, Dionysios E., Ramos, Antonio, Sykes, Peter, Szekely, Tanguy, and Verbrugge, Nathalie
- Subjects
0106 biological sciences ,Arctic sea ice decline ,State of the ocean ,010504 meteorology & atmospheric sciences ,Effects of global warming on oceans ,Antarctic sea ice ,Oceanografi, hydrologi och vattenresurser ,Oceanography ,Ocean reporting ,01 natural sciences ,Oceanography, Hydrology and Water Resources ,Copernicus Marine Environment Monitoring Service ,Sea ice ,Operational oceanography ,Ocean climate variability ,14. Life underwater ,0105 earth and related environmental sciences ,geography ,geography.geographical_feature_category ,010604 marine biology & hydrobiology ,Arctic ice pack ,Sea surface temperature ,13. Climate action ,Climatology ,Environmental science ,Thermohaline circulation ,Ocean variability ,Ocean monitoring ,Ocean heat content - Abstract
The Copernicus Marine Environment Monitoring Service (CMEMS) Ocean State Report (OSR) provides an annual report of the state of the global ocean and European regional seas for policy and decision-makers with the additional aim of increasing general public awareness about the status of, and changes in, the marine environment. The CMEMS OSR draws on expert analysis and provides a 3-D view (through reanalysis systems), a view from above (through remote-sensing data) and a direct view of the interior (through in situ measurements) of the global ocean and the European regional seas. The report is based on the unique CMEMS monitoring capabilities of the blue (hydrography, currents), white (sea ice) and green (e.g. Chlorophyll) marine environment. This first issue of the CMEMS OSR provides guidance on Essential Variables, large-scale changes and specific events related to the physical ocean state over the period 1993–2015. Principal findings of this first CMEMS OSR show a significant increase in global and regional sea levels, thermosteric expansion, ocean heat content, sea surface temperature and Antarctic sea ice extent and conversely a decrease in Arctic sea ice extent during the 1993–2015 period. During the year 2015 exceptionally strong large-scale changes were monitored such as, for example, a strong El Niño Southern Oscillation, a high frequency of extreme storms and sea level events in specific regions in addition to areas of high sea level and harmful algae blooms. At the same time, some areas in the Arctic Ocean experienced exceptionally low sea ice extent and temperatures below average were observed in the North Atlantic Ocean.
- Published
- 2016
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