25 results on '"Verbum Domini"'
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2. The Emergence of 'Dialogue' as a Core Concept of Revelation in Magisterial Teaching.
- Author
McAleer, Ryan K.
- Abstract
This article analyses key magisterial documents, investigating the emergence and development of the concept of dialogue in the teaching of the Church since the Second Vatican Council, demonstrating how this concept is central for an articulation of revelation and its dynamic outworking in salvation history. Beginning with Vatican II's Dei verbum (1965), and its recognition that revelation is a dialogical word-event reality, an overview of magisterial documents in the years immediately following the Council will show how dialogue was reduced to a functional practice for the Church's mission. Verbum Domini (2010) marks the beginning of a return towards dialogue in magisterial teaching with its re-reading of Dei verbum, bringing the concept of dialogue from the edge of the Church's life back to the centre of fundamental theology. The social teaching of Pope Francis has continued to deepen this recovery of the dialogical dynamic of revelation. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2024
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3. Hacia una animación bíblica de toda la pastoral frente al ascenso de la secularización en África.
- Author
Yoboue, Georges
- Abstract
En un contexto de mutaciones socioculturales y de pluralidad de creencias en África, la propuesta del Evangelio, ¿tendrá muchas posibilidades? En efecto, teniendo en cuenta el panorama sobre los peligros de una secularización sutil gestándose en el continente, se ve uno abocado a cuestionarse sobre la autenticidad de la efervescencia religiosa y sobre el arraigo profundo de la fe en los cristianos africanos. Ha sido en este contexto donde la segunda Asamblea Especial Africana del Sínodo de los Obispos invitaba a explorar nuevos métodos de evangelización cuyo reto sería llegar a lograr una pastoral y un enfoque catequético que favoreciesen la transformación integral y un compromiso socio-eclesial del africano (Cf. AM 164). En este contexto, la animación bíblica de toda pastoral es una urgencia. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2024
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- Author
Kasperowicz, Paweł
- Abstract
What does the Holy Spirit say to the Church? At the Second Vatican Council it was noticed that the Church must accept the word of God fully, i.e. the entire revelation, because its identity is contained in it, however, in order to belong to God’s people, knowledge alone is not enough, the need for familiarity is not enough. These conclusions were made at the XII Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, paying special attention to the liturgy of the Word of God, the sacramental dimension of the sacred texts, the need to study them in depth, to put the word into practice, and to indicate human situations that particularly suit the situations in which the word of Christ was preached. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2023
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5. Él hijo único del padre nos ha hecho la exégesis (juan 1,18)
- Author
Hernán Cardona Ramírez
- Subjects
Juan ,Jesús ,Verbum Domini ,Hijo de Dios ,Judaísmo ,The Bible ,BS1-2970 ,Practical Theology ,BV1-5099 ,Doctrinal Theology ,BT10-1480 - Abstract
A partir de la Exhortación Apostólica Postsinodal Verbum Domini, el artículo examina el texto de Juan 1, 18. Se comparan múltiples traducciones del citado pasaje a fin de proponer una traducción adicional que hace recaer en Jesús la auténtica exégesis. Esta condición hace posible diferenciar la concepción cristiana de Dios respecto de la concepción judía y griega: su desarrollo en los evangelios muestra la vida de Jesús como la Palabra del Padre.
- Published
- 2020
6. Inspiración y verdad de la sagrada escritura: la aportación del reciente documento de la Pontificia Comisión Bíblica
- Author
Díaz Rodelas, Juan Miguel and Díaz Rodelas, Juan Miguel
- Abstract
La Exhortación postsinodal Verbum Domini del papa Benedicto XVI sobre la Palabra de Dios en la vida y la misión de la Iglesia, incluye los conceptos sobre la inspiración y la verdad de la Sagrada Escritura la encontramos en el título de su nº 19: “Sagrada Escritura, inspiración y verdad”. Leyendo este número de la Exhortación se percibe que el título anuncia, como es lógico, que se va hablar de los temas de la inspiración y la verdad de la Sagrada Escritura; pero también adelanta la perspectiva desde la que, según la Verbum Domini, debe abordarse aquel tratamiento, a saber, la estrecha relación entre aquellos temas.
- Published
- 2023
7. Human Speech and God's Word: On a Latent Divine Attribute.
- Author
Tóth, Beáta
- Subjects
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The idea that God speaks to humans and responds to their call is often taken for granted in the Judeo‐Christian tradition. This paper reflects on the significance of the fact that God is Deus loquens: one who speaks in revelation and who is also inner Trinitarian eternal utterance. To outline an anthropology and a theology of speech, two Hungarian interlocutors are summoned: twentieth century poet János Pilinszky (1921‐1981) and exegete and literary critic István Jelenits (b. 1932), whose accounts are instructive concerning the nature of human and divine communication. As a next step, the post‐synodal apostolic exhortation Verbum Domini (2010) by Pope Benedict XVI is examined, which can be seen as providing the outlines of a systematic "theology of the word." Such theology is aware that the word of God is an analogical concept rooted in the Trinitarian reality of divine communication. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2020
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8. Osobowe spotkanie z Jezusem w słowie Bożym. Aktualność adhortacji „Verbum Domini'
- Author
Krzysztof Bieliński
- Subjects
Verbum Domini ,słowo Boże ,sprawczy i sakramentalny charakter słowa Bożego ,osobowa obecność słowa ,lectio divina ,Christianity ,BR1-1725 ,Doctrinal Theology ,BT10-1480 - Abstract
Punkt wyjścia artykułu stanowi przedstawione w adhortacji Verbum Domini współczesne rozeznanie i przeświadczenie Kościoła o potrzebie głoszenia chrześcijanom na nowo i z przekonaniem słowa Bożego, „by mogli konkretnie doświadczyć mocy Ewangelii” (VD 96). Przypomniana w dokumencie nieprzedawniona możliwość „ponawiania spotkania” z osobą Jezusa Chrystusa w słowie Bożym ukazana została na podstawie dwóch aspektów misterium słowa Bożego: jego skutecznego i sakramentalnego charakteru. Autor przestrzega przed zawężonym rozumieniem misterium słowa, które opowiada się za jego skutecznością zarezerwowaną jedynie do sprawowania liturgii i wskazuje na przeżywającą dziś renesans praktykę modlitwy słowem Bożym na drodze lectio divina.
- Published
- 2017
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- Author
Johan Konings
- Subjects
Dei Verbum ,Verbum Domini ,Vaticano II ,Hermenêutica ,Leitura bíblica. ,Doctrinal Theology ,BT10-1480 - Abstract
Aos cinquenta anos do Vaticano II recorda-se o caminho que levou até a Constituição Dei Verbum e, daí, até a Exortação Verbum Domini. Considera-se a questão hermenêutica: a leitura da Bíblia centrada em torno do Evento Jesus e tendo seu “lugar” na vida da Igreja, que herdou o Espírito de Jesus. Como a leitura das Escrituras deve ser a alma da teologia, não se pode separar a crítica históricoliterária da hermenêutica teológica. Esta se inscreve na racionalidade ampliada do ser humano, tendo na mira não as palavras, mas a “coisa”. Unindo o horizonte original do texto ao de hoje, abre-o em diversos níveis e direções, enquanto a exegese histórico-literária segura o sentido primeiro e referencial. Descreve-se a circularidade dessa hermenêutica. Por fim, consideram-se a experiência latinoamericana, bem como e a leitura bíblica como alma da pastoral hoje. ABSTRACT: Fifty years after Vatican II we remember the way unto the Constitution Dei Verbum and from there to the Exhortation Verbum Domini. Then is treated the issue of hermeneutics: the lecture of the Bible centred around the Jesus Event and having its “locus” in the life of the Church, heiress of His Spirit. Since Scripture reading must be the soul of Theology, historical-literary criticism cannot be separated from theological hermeneutics. These are inscribed in amplified human rationality, that aims not at the words, but at the “thing”. They unite the original and the today horizon, opening the text in several levels and directions, while historicalliterary exegesis warrants the original and referential meaning. Attention is drawn to the circularity of hermeneutics. Finally is lighted the Latin American experience, and Scripture reading as the soul of pastoral praxis today.
- Published
- 2012
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10. ÉL HIJO ÚNICO DEL PADRE NOS HA HECHO LA EXÉGESIS (JUAN 1,18) Unas consideraciones a propósito de la Verbum Domini.
- Author
Ramírez, Hernán Cardona
- Subjects
GOD in Christianity ,GOD in Judaism ,FATHERS - Abstract
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- Published
- 2012
- Author
Konings, Johan
- Subjects
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BIBLICAL criticism , *HERMENEUTICS , *HOLY Spirit , *HISTORICAL criticism (Literature) , *CHRISTIAN historiography , *PRAXIS (Process) ,VATICAN Council (2nd : 1962-1965) - Abstract
Fifty years after Vatican II we remember the way unto the Constitution Dei Verbwn and from there to the Exhortation Verbum Dornini. Then is treated the issue of hermeneutics: the lecture of the Bible centred around the Jesus Event and having its "locus" in the life of the Church, heiress of His Spirit. Since Scripture reading must be the soul of Theology, historical-literary criticism cannot be separated from theological hermeneutics. These are inscribed in amplified human rationality, that aims not at the words, but at the "thing". They unite the original and the today horizon, opening the text in several levels and directions, while historical-literary exegesis warrants the original arid referential meaning. Attention is drawn to the circularity of hermeneutics. Finally is lighted the Latin American experience, and Scripture reading as the soul of pastoral praxis today. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2012
12. Consideraciones actuales sobre interpretación bíblica. Un acercamiento a partir de as proposiciones previas a la Verbum Domini.
- Author
Arias J., Mario Alejandro
- Subjects
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DIALECTICAL theology , *FAITH & reason , *THOMISM , *PHILOSOPHY - Abstract
The synod of October 2008 had as a slogan: "God's Word in the life and mission of the Church". After two years, the definite document appeared (November 2010). This wait served as an excuse to have a close look to the Bible-Magisterium relationship, before publishing the Verbum Domini. The first part of this article, analyzes text and contents of the proposals given by the Synod to the Pope, and the novelty of the "biblical" language applied to not necessarily exegetical instances, as for the Magisterium. Then, in the second part, we'll determine those dialectics that took to a conflictive situation, where the separation of exegeses and theology stands, because of subjacent philosophies in opposition to theological contents. The third part gets into the dialectic difficulties such as: a strong criticism against the Historical critical Method, an option for the canonic exegeses and its difficulties, a search for a philosophy of being, a theological - philosophical position of the current Papacy and, finally, some theoretical and practical conclusions. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2011
13. Verbum Domini: perspectivas teológicas actuales.
- Author
MANICARDI, Ermenegildo
- Subjects
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REVELATION ,BIBLICAL hermeneutics ,BIBLICAL theology - Abstract
«Dei Verbum» set in its time a really relevant landmark in relation to the comprehension of the nature of the Holy Scripture and its relation with the divine Revelation. The Post-Synodal Exhortation Verbum Domini, which continues in this line of trying to understand better the sacred books, is a profound reflection about the nature of the Word of God and about its place in the life of the Church. Benedict XVI collected in this document the propositions of the Synod, but he structured and expounded them in a very personal form, adding some proper valuable theological reflections, with relevant consequences for biblical hermeneutics. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2011
14. Postulat animacji biblijnej duszpasterstwa w dokumencie Papieskiej Komisji Biblijnej Interpretacja Biblii w Kościele i w adhortacji apostolskiej Benedykta XVI Verbum Domini
- Author
Wojciech Pikor
- Subjects
katecheza biblijna ,media_common.quotation_subject ,odnowa biblijna ,Context (language use) ,Interpretacja Biblii w Kościele ,inkulturacja ,actualization ,biblical apostolate ,biblical catechesis ,„Interpretacja Biblii w Kościele" ,apostolat biblijny ,Interpretation of the Bible in the Church ,Verbum Domini ,inculturation ,Theology ,media_common ,aktualizacja ,Constitution ,Interpretation (philosophy) ,Philosophy ,duszpasterstwo biblijne ,Religious studies ,biblical renewal ,biblical animation ,adhortacja Verbum Domini ,lcsh:B ,lcsh:Philosophy. Psychology. Religion - Abstract
Przedmiotem analizy jest dokument Papieskiej Komisji Biblijnej „Interpretacja Biblii w Kościele”. Jest on najpierw odczytany w kontekście odnowy biblijnej, jaka miała miejsce w Kościele katolickim w XX wieku, w szczególności w związku z konstytucją Dei Verbum Soboru Watykańskiego II. Nowością dokumenty PKB jest położenie większego akcentu na kwestię aktualizacji i inkulturacji Biblii, jak również zwrócenie uwagi na duszpasterską rolę wspólnot podstawowych podejmujących lekturę Pisma Świętego. Pewną słabością dokumentu „Interpretacja Biblii w Kościele” jest zauważalny w nim brak współpracy biblistów z teologiami pastoralnymi. Ten mankament jest przezwyciężony w adhortacji Verbum Domini, której główny postulat zawiera się w „ubiblijnieniu całego duszpasterstwa”. W konsekwencji adhortacja stwarza nowe możliwości animacji biblijnej duszpasterstwa, rozwijając i pogłębiając postulaty wysunięte wcześniej w dokumencie „Interpretacji Biblii w Kościele”. The first aim of the article is to place the document The Interpretation of the Bible in the Church within the context of the biblical renewal of the 20th century. Maintaining a continuity with the constitution Dei Verbum, the PBC puts in its document new elements which indicate the place of the Bible in the Church. It concerns mainly the actualization and inculturation of the Holy Scripture. Vital for pastoral work are recommendations on the biblical apostolate, above all those referring to basic communities that read the Bible. The analysis of the fourth chapter of the PBC’s document also yielded some critical comments concerning the presented postulates. The weakness of this document is, without any doubt, the fact that it was written from the biblical scholarly point of view, without the collaboration of pastoral theologians of various specialities. This fundamental deficiency of the document The Interpretation of the Bible in the Church is absent in exhortation Verbum Domini. Postulates presented by Pope Benedict XVI referring to “biblical animation of all pastoral work” show that the Bible is not an addition to pastoral work, but rather its source and essence. Proposals contained in the exhortation Verbum Domini give new opportunities for biblical animation in many areas of the life of Church.
- Published
- 2019
15. Verbum Domini as inspiration for the meeting the Bible
- Author
Souradová, Marie, Zimmermannová, Marie, and Dřímal, Ludvík
- Subjects
Bible ,Christian ,Verbum Domini ,farnost ,křesťan ,methodology ,parish ,metodika - Abstract
The thesis deals with the creation of the methodology of holding Bible discussion meetings for adults in the parish of Žamberk. The theoretical section focuses on the importance of the Bible in the life of a Christian and finds its resources in the documents of the Magisterium of the Church, especially in the Apostolic Exhortation Verbum Domini and in the dogmatic constitution Dei Verbum. The thesis selects the criteria for catechesis with the Bible from the documents. The objective of the project is to create its own methodology for a particular group of adult believers from the parish of Žamberk. When creating the metodology, results of a probe from other parishes are taken into account. The methodology is tested and its evaluation is based on the feedback of the participants. Keywords methodology, Bible, parish, Verbum Domini, Christian
- Published
- 2018
16. La Sagrada Escritura, alma de la teología e inspiración de la existencia cristiana
- Author
Cordovilla, Ángel
- Subjects
Biblical science ,theology ,Verbum Domini ,ciencia bíblica ,dimensión teológica ,Dei Verbum ,teología ,theological dimension - Abstract
Thanks to Dei Verbum, the Sacred Scripture became the soul of Theology. Fifty years later, due in its most part to the epistemological statute that claims and defends Biblical science, things are not so clear. In order to overcome this shortcoming, according to the author, the Bible should maintain its historical dimension within the Church, respecting its hermeneutical dimension and assuming the theological dimension, the one that «takes in human words as a Divine Revelation». Con la Dei Verbum la Sagrada Escritura se convirtió en el alma de la teología. Cincuenta años después, debido, en buena parte, al estatuto epistemológico que reclama y defiende la ciencia bíblica, las cosas no son tan claras. Para salvar este gran inconveniente, en palabras del autor, conviene que la interpelación de la Biblia en la Iglesia mantenga su dimensión histórica, respete su dimensión hermeneútica y asuma la dimensión teológica, «que acoge en la fe unas palabras humanas como revelación de Dios».
- Published
- 2018
17. 'Verbum Domini': perspectivas teológicas actuales
- Author
Mons. Ermenegildo Manicardi
- Subjects
Verbum Domini ,Religious studies ,Hermenéutica bíblica ,Palabra de Dios - Abstract
«Dei Verbum» set in its time a really relevant landmark in relation to the comprehension of the nature of the Holy Scripture and its relation with the divine Revelation. The Post-Synodal Exhortation Verbum Domini, which continues in this line of trying to understand better the sacred books, is a profound reflection about the nature of the Word of God and about its place in the life of the Church. Benedict XVI collected in this document the propositions of the Synod, but he structured and expounded them in a very personal form, adding some proper valuable theological reflections, with relevant consequences for biblical hermeneutics. La «Dei Verbum» marcó en su día un hito realmente relevante por lo que respecta a la comprensión de la naturaleza de la Sagrada Escritura y a su relación con la Revelación divina. La Exhortación postsinodal Verbum Domini, que continúa en esta línea de intentar entender mejor los libros sagrados, supone una profunda reflexión sobre la naturaleza de la Palabra de Dios y sobre su lugar en la vida de la Iglesia. Benedicto XVI ha recogido en este documento las proposiciones del Sínodo, pero las ha estructurado y expuesto de una forma muy personal, añadiendo unas valiosas reflexiones teológicas propias, que tienen consecuencias muy directas sobre la hermenéutica bíblica.
- Published
- 2015
18. Conciencia canónica de Pablo en la Primera Carta a los Tesalonicenses
- Author
Andrés Ferrada
- Subjects
Inspiration ,1 Thessalonians ,Paul ,Religious studies ,Pablo ,Canon ,Palabra de Dios ,Canonicity ,Inerrancy ,Canonicidad ,Inerrancia ,Word of God ,Verbum Domini ,Inspiración ,Primera Carta a los Tesalonicenses ,Dei Verbum - Abstract
Resumen: La canonicidad de los textos biblicos es una propiedad intrinseca («canonicidad pasiva») que corresponde a la autoridad divina que los hagiografos les han impreso, gracias al carisma recibido del Espiritu Santo («canonicidad activa»). La comunidad eclesial ha reconocido esta propiedad en un proceso historico rico y complejo en tiempos primitivos del cristianismo. Este reconocimiento eclesial se refiere a la conciencia canonica («canonicidad activa») que los autores biblicos tuvieron al momento de componer sus obras y que la dejan ver o entrever en sus escritos. Ellos fueron conscientes de que transmitian palabras divinas en palabras humanas. El presente escrito intenta poner a la luz esta conciencia en Pablo respecto de 1Ts, para lo cual analiza pormenorizadamente dos pasajes de la carta. Palabras clave: Pablo, Primera Carta a los Tesalonicenses, Canon, Canonicidad, Palabra de Dios, Inerrancia, Inspiracion, Dei Verbum, Verbum Domini. Abstract: The canonicity of the biblical texts is a quality of the texts themselves (“passive canonicity”) depending on the inspiration their authors received from the Holy Spirit (“active canonicity”). The church communities acknowledged this quality of the texts during a historical process of early Christianity. This ecclesiastical recognition refers to the “active canonicity”, that is, the conscience the authors had as they composed the writings that can be appreciated in the texts they wrote. They realized they were expressing divine meanings in human words. The present paper shows that conscience through two excerpts in Paul’s 1 Thessalonians. Keywords: Paul, 1 Thessalonians, Canon, Canonicity, Word of God, Inerrancy, Inspiration, Dei Verbum, Verbum Domini.
- Published
- 2013
19. ÉL HIJO ÚNICO DEL PADRE NOS HA HECHO LA EXÉGESIS (JUAN 1,18) Unas consideraciones a propósito de la Verbum Domini
- Author
Cardona Ramírez, Hernán
- Subjects
John ,Judaísmo ,Juan ,Exegesis ,Verbum Domini ,Jesús ,Hijo de Dios ,Son of God ,Jesus - Abstract
A partir de la Exhortación Apostólica Postsinodal Verbum Domini, el artículo examina el texto de Juan 1, 18. Se comparan múltiples traducciones del citado pasaje a fin de proponer una traducción adicional que hace recaer en Jesús la auténtica exégesis. Esta condición hace posible diferenciar la concepción cristiana de Dios respecto de la concepción judía y griega: su desarrollo en los evangelios muestra la vida de Jesús como la Palabra del Padre. This article studies the text of John 1,18 in the light of the Verbum Domini Postsinodal Apostolic Exhortation. Several translations of the passage are compared in order to propose another translation which devolves upon Jesus the authentic exegesis. It is under this condition that we may diferentiate the Christian conception of God from the Jewish and Greek conceptions: its development in the gospels shows the life of Jesus as the Word of the Father.
- Published
- 2012
20. Consideraciones actuales sobre interpretación bíblica. Un acercamiento a partir de las proposiciones previas a la Verbum Domini
- Author
Mano, Alejandro Anas J.
- Subjects
augustinianism ,thomism ,tomismo ,Verbum Domini ,Dialéctica fe/razón ,Dialectics faith/reason ,canonic exegeses ,exégesis canónica ,agustinismo - Abstract
El Sínodo de octubre del 2008 tuvo como lema "La Palabra de Dios en la vida y misión de la Iglesia". Después de dos años, apareció el documento definitivo (noviembre 2010). Esta espera sirvió de pretexto para mirar de cerca las relaciones Biblia-Magisterio, antes de la publicación de la Verbum Domini. La primera parte de este artículo analiza el texto y contenido de las propuestas del Sínodo entregadas al Papa y la novedad de un lenguaje 'bíblico', aplicado a instancias no necesariamente exegéticas, por parte del Magisterio. Luego, en la segunda parte, determinamos las dialécticas que llevan a una situación conflictiva, donde sobresale la separación entre exégesis y teología, fruto de filosofías subyacentes contrarias a los contenidos teológicos. La tercera parte entra en las dificultades dialécticas como tales: crítica fuerte contra el Método Histórico Crítico, 'opción' por la exégesis canónica y sus dificultades, búsqueda de una filosofía del ser, posición filosófico-teológica del actual pontificado y, finalmente, conclusiones teórico-prácticas. The synod of October 2008 had as a slogan: "God's Word in the life and mission of the Church". After two years, the definite document appeared (November 2010). This wait served as an excuse to have a close look to the Bible- Magisterium relationship, before publishing the Verbum Domini. The first part of this article, analyzes text and contents of the proposals given by the Synod to the Pope, and the novelty of the "biblical" language applied to not necessarily exegetical instances, as for the Magisterium. Then, in the second part, we'll determine those dialectics that took to a conflictive situation, where the separation of exegeses and theology stands, because of subjacent philosophies in opposition to theological contents. The third part gets into the dialectic difficulties such as: a strong criticism against the Historical critical Method, an option for the canonic exegeses and its difficulties, a search for a philosophy of being, a theological - philosophical position of the current Papacy and, finally, some theoretical and practical conclusions.
- Published
- 2011
21. Exhortación Apostólica postsinodal Verbum Domini
- Author
Manicardi, E. (Ermenegildo)
- Subjects
Verbum Domini ,Palabra de Dios ,Hermenéutica bíblica ,Arte y Humanidades::Filosofía [Materias Investigacion] - Abstract
La «Dei Verbum» marcó en su día un hito realmente relevante por lo que respecta a la comprensión de la naturaleza de la Sagrada Escritura y a su relación con la Revelación divina. La Exhortación postsinodal Verbum Domini, que continúa en esta línea de intentar entender mejor los libros sagrados, supone una profunda reflexión sobre la naturaleza de la Palabra de Dios y sobre su lugar en la vida de la Iglesia. Benedicto XVI ha recogido en este documento las proposiciones del Sínodo, pero las ha estructurado y expuesto de una forma muy personal,añadiendo unas valiosas reflexiones teológicas propias, que tienen consecuencias muy directas sobre la hermenéutica bíblica.
- Published
- 2011
22. Verbum Domini - Riječ Gospodnja. Prikaz postsinodalne pobudnice pape Benedikta XVI
- Author
Anto Popović
- Subjects
Verbum Domini ,the Word of God ,dialogical proclamation ,hermeneutics ,inspiration and truth of the Holy Scripture ,Bible and liturgy ,interreligious dialogue ,Riječ Božja ,dijaloška objava ,hermeneutika ,nadahnuće i istina Svetoga pisma ,Biblija i liturgija ,međureligijski dijalog - Abstract
Članak prikazuje apostolsku postsinodalnu pobudnicu pape Benedikta XVI. Verbum Domini - Riječ Gospodnja koja je objavljena 11. studenoga 2010. godine i artikuliran je u četiri dijela. U prvom dijelu izložen je proces nastanka postsinodalne pobudnice Verbum Domini: od saziva i priprave XII. sinode biskupa (2006. - 2008.), preko zaključaka sinode (2008.), do same pobudnice pape Benedikta XVI. (2010.). Iako se može govoriti o kolektivnom autorstvu tog dokumenta, ipak su jasno prepoznatljiva obilježja individualnog autorstva pape Benedikta XVI. U drugom dijelu članka kratko su i faktografski opisani glavni dijelovi dokumenta, zatim teološko značenje naziva Verbum Domini i nabrojeno je sedam ciljeva pobudnice. Treći dio članka je najopsežniji i donosi selektivni prikaz najvažnijih tvrdnji dokumenta. Najviše prostora posvećeno je dijaloškoj naravi biblijske objave i hermeneutičkim smjernicama (prvi dio pobudnice) kao i liturgijsko-eklezijalnom kontekstu Riječi Božje (drugi dio pobudnice). U zaključnom vrjednovanju (četvrti dio članka) istaknuta je specifična teološka i hermeneutička perspektiva postsinodalne pobudnice kao i doprinos pobudnice liturgijsko-sakramentalnoj aktualizaciji i globalnoj, evangelizacijskoj inkulturaciji Riječi Božje., The article presents the Verbum Domini - The World of the Lord, the Apostolic Post-Synodal Exhortation of Pope Benedict XVI, which was published on 11 November 2010. The article is divided into four parts. The first part presents the process of the creation of the Post-Synodal Exhortation Verbum Domini: from the convening and preparation of the Twelfth Synod of Bishops (2006 - 2008), through the conclusions of the Synod (2008), to Pope Benedict's Exhortation itself (2010). Even though we can speak of collective authorship of this document, nevertheless Pope Benedict's individual authorship is clearly recognisable. The second part of the article gives a brief factographic description of main parts of the document, followed by a theological explanation of the title Verbum Domini and the enumeration of the seven objectives of the Exhortation. The third part of the article is the most extensive and brings a selective presentation of the most significant claims of the document. A major part of the article focuses on the dialogical nature of Biblical proclamation and on hermeneutical guidelines (the first part of the Exhortation) as well as the liturgical and ecclesiastic context of the Word of God (second part of the Exhortation). The concluding evaluation (fourth part of the article) emphasises the specific theological and hermeneutic perspective of this Post-Synodal Exhortation as well as its contribution to the liturgical and sacramental actualisation and global evangelical enculturation of the Word of God.
- Published
- 2011
23. La palabra bíblica, camino de Dios al hombre y del hombre a Dios
- Author
Aranda-Pérez, G. (Gonzalo)
- Subjects
Tradición ,Verbum Domini ,Arte y Humanidades::Filosofía [Materias Investigacion] ,Inspiración Bíblica ,Escritura - Abstract
En la primera parte de Verbum Domini encontramos importantes orientaciones para comprender el concepto de «inspiración» aplicado a la Sagrada Escritura, aún reconociéndose la necesidad actual de una mayor clarificación. A partir de la mayor conciencia del horizonte trinitario e histórico de la Revelación impulsada por la Dei Verbum,se va exponiendo el valor de la palabra bíblica como Palabra del Dios que habla, en la perspectiva de la imagen cristiana de Dios y del Verbo hecho carne, y desde la consideración de la Escritura como parte muy especial de la Tradición viva de la Iglesia.
- Published
- 2011
24. The Place and Role of the Old Testament in the Exhortation Verbum Domini of Benedict XVI (on the Example of Quotations Used)
- Author
Nawrot, Janusz and Nawrot, Janusz
- Abstract
Benedict XVI underscores the unchanging validity of the Old Testament. In the exhortation Verbum Domini this is manifested by quotations of texts from the Hebrew Bible or the Septuagint in the context of problems discussed in connection with the theology of any of the New Testament writings. Moreover, the Pope shows Jesus himself as a new perspective of what is foretold by the text of the First Covenant and that is why the Old Testament becomes a lasting point of reference for the conduct of contemporary believers. It is also a unique and uniform source of revelation of the word for the Church. The Pope’s exegesis of the texts is decidedly more theological than literal so it is worthwhile to undertake the analysis of particular quotations in a broader perspective of biblical theology and the entire teaching of the Church. The exhortation sincerely recommends such a task., Benedict XVI underscores the unchanging validity of the Old Testament. In the exhortation Verbum Domini this is manifested by quotations of texts from the Hebrew Bible or the Septuagint in the context of problems discussed in connection with the theology of any of the New Testament writings. Moreover, the Pope shows Jesus himself as a new perspective of what is foretold by the text of the First Covenant and that is why the Old Testament becomes a lasting point of reference for the conduct of contemporary believers. It is also a unique and uniform source of revelation of the word for the Church. The Pope’s exegesis of the texts is decidedly more theological than literal so it is worthwhile to undertake the analysis of particular quotations in a broader perspective of biblical theology and the entire teaching of the Church. The exhortation sincerely recommends such a task.
- Published
- 2012
25. "Verbum Domini": perspectivas teológicas actuales
- Author
Manicardi, E. (Ermenegildo)
- Subjects
- Verbum Domini, Palabra de Dios, Hermenéutica bíblica
- Abstract
La «Dei Verbum» marcó en su día un hito realmente relevante por lo que respecta a la comprensión de la naturaleza de la Sagrada Escritura y a su relación con la Revelación divina. La Exhortación postsinodal Verbum Domini, que continúa en esta línea de intentar entender mejor los libros sagrados, supone una profunda reflexión sobre la naturaleza de la Palabra de Dios y sobre su lugar en la vida de la Iglesia. Benedicto XVI ha recogido en este documento las proposiciones del Sínodo, pero las ha estructurado y expuesto de una forma muy personal, añadiendo unas valiosas reflexiones teológicas propias, que tienen consecuencias muy directas sobre la hermenéutica bíblica.
- Published
- 2015
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