55 results on '"Veli Gök"'
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2. Mechanical and microbiological properties of natural casings using in meat products
- Author
Abdullah ÇAĞLAR, Yasemin BOR, Oktay TOMAR, Mehmet BEYKAYA, and Veli GÖK
- Subjects
natural casing ,water vapor permeability ,mechanical properties ,tensile strength ,elongation break ,microbiological safety ,Veterinary medicine ,SF600-1100 - Abstract
The aim of this study is to investigate microbiological and mechanical specifications of the 21 natural casings were provided from various retail markets, slaughter houses and meat processing plants in Turkey that is ready to process. The ash content of the casings were varied between 0.61-3.07% (P
- Published
- 2018
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3. Identification of enterobacteriaceae and staphylococcaceae at turkish sucuk
- Author
Mukadderat Gökmen, Recep Kara, Levent Akkaya, and Veli Gök
- Subjects
enterobacteriaceae ,staphylococcaceae ,turkish sausage ,sucuk ,Veterinary medicine ,SF600-1100 - Abstract
Aim: In this study, the species from Enterobacteriaceae and Staphylococcaceae families have been identified in Turkish fermented sausages samples of five different corporations which are produced in Afyonkarahisar. Materials and Methods: Turkish fermented sausages of five different corporations which are produced in Afyonkarahisar were used as the material. In order for the calculation of Enterobacteriaceae, inoculation was made into Violet Red Bile Glucose Agar medium (ISO 21528-2 2004) and for the calculation of Staphylococcaceae Baird Parker Agar medium (FDA BAM, 2001) was used. Enterobacteriaceae were identified at species level with API- 20 E test kit (bioMérieux Inc API-20 E 2006). Staphylococcaceae were identified with APIStaph test kit (bioMérieux Inc API-Staph 2009). Results: Isolation and identification of Staphylococcaceae and Enterobacteriaceae species in Turkish sausage flora were done. 90 Staphylococcus isolates were derived from the Turkish sausage samples in the research. S. aureus (12.94%), S. epidermidis (15.29%), S. simulans (12.94%) and S. carnosus (11.76%) from Staphylococcaceae family have been identified. 235 Enterobacteriaceae isolates from Turkish sausage samples were identified at the species level as Citrobacter diversus (5.96%), Enterobacter sazazaki (11.91%), Enterobacter gergoviae (17.87%), Klepsiella ozaerae (6.38%), Salmonella arizonae (6.38%), Salmonella spp. (8.94%), Escherichia coli (8.94%), Serratia marcescens (6.81%), Serratia liquefaciens (6.38%) and Yersinia enterocolitica (4.26%). Conclusion: S. simulans from Staphylococcaceae family which can be used as a starter culture has been found in Turkish sausages for the first time. Pathogenic bacterium species from Staphylococcaceae and Enterobacteriaceae families determined in Turkish sausages indicate a risk for food safety and public health.
4. Investigation of some heavy metal presence in the milk of cattle
- Author
Gülçin Algan, O. Cenap Tekinşen, and Veli Gök
- Subjects
heavy metals ,cow's milk ,konya ,Veterinary medicine ,SF600-1100 - Abstract
Aim: There was no enough research about the presence of heavy metals in the milk a source of important nutrients. In this study, some heavy metal existence was investigated in the milk obtained from Konya region. Materials and Methods: Lead (Pb), cadmium (Cd), arsenic (As), selenium (Se) and zinc (Zn) levels of 61 milk samples obtained from 19 places in Konya region were determined by Atomic Absorption Spectrometer. Results: Average lead, cadmium, arsenic, selenium and zinc levels were 0.0000001, 0.0000388, 0.0000839, 0.0000331 and 0.0026681 ppm, respectively. Conclusion: Determined lead, cadmium, selenium, zinc and arsenic levels are much below the maximum levels recommended by Joint Food Codex. These levels are not a threat against human health and the contamination risk for dairy cattle is not high. Further research needs to be conducted by taking more samples and studying more element types.
5. Cumhuriyet Halk Partisi İktidarı Döneminde Büyük Doğu’nun Türk İnkılabına Bakışı (1943-1950)
- Author
Hacı Veli GÖK
- Subjects
General Medicine - Abstract
26 Mayıs 1904 tarihinde İstanbul’da dünyaya gelen Necip Fazıl Kısakürek düşünsel, ideolojik, edebi ve politik arenada Türk toplumu üzerinde önemli bir etkiye sahip olmuştur. Kısakürek yaşamının bir bölümünü özellikle 1943 yılında Büyük Doğu Dergisi’ni çıkarana dek katı bir İslami ideolojiden uzak geçirirken özellikle Abdülhakim Arvasi ile tanışması ve ardından gelen süreçte Büyük Doğu Dergisi’ni çıkarması ile birlikte CHP ve Türk inkılabına karşı eleştirel bir tavır takınmıştır. Çalışmanın konusunu teşkil eden Büyük Doğu Dergisi’nin Türk inkılabına karşı bakışı çerçevesinde Kısakürek’in Büyük Doğu Dergisi aracılığı ile Türk inkılabına karşı sert bir tavır takındığı görülmektedir. Kısakürek’in ve Büyük Doğu Dergisi’nin Türk inkılabına karşı takınmış olduğu bu sert tavrın muhtevasını ise yapılan inkılapların madde planında kaldığı ve manevi anlamda Türk milletine hitap etmediği yönünde düşünceler oluşturmaktadır. Öyle ki, Büyük Doğu Dergisi, madde planında kurtarılmış olan vatanın manevi planda İslam ile uyuşmadığını, inkılapların Türk milletinin talep ve ısrarı üzerine değil jakoben bir yöntemle uygulamaya sunulduğunu bundan dolayı da Türk milleti nezdinde kabul görmediğini iddia etmiştir. Öte yandan inkılapların Batı temelli bir yaklaşımla tatbik edilmesinin eleştirildiği Büyük Doğu Dergisi’nde bu gibi yaklaşımların “kopyacılıktan” ibaret olduğu ve Türk milletinin ruh planına kesinlikle uygun olmadığı da sıklıkla dile getirilmiştir. Büyük Doğu Dergisi’nin inkılaplar karşısındaki bu sert tutumu muhtelif tarihlerde derginin kapatılması ile sonuçlanmış ancak dergi kapatma kararlarından bir süre sonra tekrardan açılmıştır. Burada dikkat çekilmesi gereken nokta derginin tekrardan açıldığı tarihlerde kapatma gerekçelerine neden olan değerlendirmeleri yinelemesi ve CHP’nin iktidar olduğu dönemde CHP’yi ve inkılapları sert bir şekilde eleştirmesidir. Şüphesiz ki, Büyük Doğu Dergisi’nin CHP ve inkılaplara karşı takınmış olduğu sert tavır devlet mekanizmasını harekete geçirmiş, derginin CHP iktidarı ile iyi ilişkiler kuramamasına neden olmuş, Necip Fazıl Kısakürek ve derginin Devletin yakın takibine alınmasına yol açmıştır. Bu bağlamda çalışma, Cumhuriyetin ve inkılapların halka benimsetilmeye çalışıldığı CHP iktidarı döneminde Büyük Doğu Dergisi ile devlet mekanizması arasındaki çekişmenin ayrıntılı bir şekilde ortaya konulması açısından önem arz etmektedir
- Published
- 2023
- Author
Hacı Veli GÖK
- Subjects
General Medicine - Abstract
1939 yılında Almanya’nın Polonya’yı işgal etmesi ile başlayan II. Dünya Savaşı, tüm dünyayı olduğu gibi Türkiye’yi de etkilemiştir. Bu doğrultuda iç ve dış güvenlik meselesi Türkiye için elzem bir durum olmuştur. Türkiye bu dönem içerisinde bir yandan savaşa girmemek için gerekli diplomatik adımları atarken öte yandan da iç istikrarın sağlanması adına güvenlik teşkilatlarına ve iç güvenlik anlayışına önceki dönemlere kıyasla daha özen göstermeye gayret sarf etmiştir. Ancak tüm bu çaba ve gayretlere rağmen güvenlik teşkilatlarında meydana gelen aksamalar ve eksiklikler devlet yönetiminin ve milletvekillerinden gözünden kaçmamış ve bahse konu aksaklıklar TBMM’de gündeme gelmiştir. Bu bağlamda Dâhiliye Vekâleti ve bağlı kuruşlar bütçe görüşmeleri, güvenlik teşkilatlarının sorunlarının Meclis kürsüsünde görüşülmesi ve tartışılmasında yegâne araç durumuna gelmiştir. Bahse konu görüşmelerde milletvekilleri ülke çapında güvenlik teşkilatları ile ilgili görmüş oldukları eksiklikleri doğrudan bu teşkilatların bağlı bulundukları Dâhiliye Vekilleri önünde gündeme getirme şansı elde etmiş ve bu konuda çözüm önerilerini sıralamışlardır. Çalışmanın konusunu teşkil eden 1939-1960 seneleri incelenerek, aslında Cumhuriyet Halk Partisinin son yıllarını Demokrat Partinin ise ilk yılları baz almıştır. Böylece gerek tek parti iktidarı döneminde gerekse çok partili yaşamın bir sonucu olan Demokrat Parti iktidarı döneminde, Türkiye’nin güvenlik teşkilatlarını teşkil eden Emniyet Umum Müdürlüğü’nün mevzuat ve işleyiş bakımından ne gibi sorunlarının olduğu ve iki iktidar döneminde bu sorunların aşılması adına ne gibi mesafelerin kat edildiği ortaya konulmaya çalışılmıştır. Zira böylesi bir çıkarımda bulunulması, polis teşkilatının Cumhuriyet dönemi içerisinde yaşadığı sıkıntı ve sorunların ortaya çıkmasını sağlayacak, polis teşkilatının sorunlar anlamında dününü ve bu gününü ortaya çıkarmış olacaktır. Bu amaç doğrultusunda Dâhiliye Vekâleti ve Emniyet Umum Müdürlüğü bütçe görüşmelerinin ayrıntılı bir şekilde incelenmesi önem arz etmektedir.
- Published
- 2022
7. Turkish Foreign Policy during the World War II According to the Official Journal of the Great National Assembly of Turkey
- Author
Hacı Veli Gök
- Subjects
General Earth and Planetary Sciences ,General Environmental Science - Abstract
Türkiye İkinci Dünya Savaşı’nda tarafsız bir dış politika izlememiştir. Onun dış politikasını en iyi tanımlayan ifade savaş dışı kalmasıdır. Savaş sürecinde İngiltere, Fransa ve Almanya ile çeşitli antlaşmalar imzalanmıştır. Bu durum Türkiye'yi taraflı bir ülke konumuna getirmesine rağmen Türkiye savaşan ülkeler arasında yer almamıştır. Cumhurbaşkanı İsmet İnönü savaş süresince korumacı ve tedbirli bir politika izlemiştir. Milli Mücadele Dönemi'nde önemli görevler üstlenmiş ve Türk milletinin sıkıntılı zamanlarına tanıklık etmiş olan İnönü, Türkiye'yi böyle bir savaşa sokmanın olası neticelerini öngörmüştür. İnönü'nün liderliğinde, TBMM'de savaş döneminde önemli kararlar alınarak hayata geçirilmiştir. Kararların önemli bir kısmının oy birliği ile alınmış olması, Türkiye'nin savaş yıllarındaki birlik ve beraberliğini göstermesi açısından önem arz etmektedir.
- Published
- 2021
- Author
Hacı Veli GÖK
- Subjects
General Earth and Planetary Sciences ,General Environmental Science - Abstract
Bu çalışmanın amacı tek parti döneminde yürütülen Türkçe ezan uygulamasını dönemin İslamcı basınının bakış açısından değerlendirerek İslami ideolojiyi benimsemiş bir takım basının Türkçe ezan uygulaması bağlamında tek parti yönetimine karşı göstermiş oldukları reaksiyonu ortaya koymaktır. Tek parti döneminde gerçekleşen Türkçe ezan uygulaması ile ilgili olarak birçok akademik çalışma meydana getirilmiş olmasına rağmen, bu çalışmalar uygulamanın gelişim süreci ve CHP iktidarının bu süreçteki rolü ve önemine yer vermiştir. Oysaki niteliği ve niceliği azımsanmayacak derecede olan İslamcı basın ve temsil ettiği kamuoyunun bahse konu tek parti dönemi uygulamasından duyduğu rahatsızlık ve bu doğrultuda CHP iktidarına karşı yöneltilen eleştiri ve önerilerin göz ardı edildiği saptanmıştır. 1947 ve 1950 arası dönem İslamcı basının incelendiği bu çalışmada temel kaynaklar olarak arşivler, süreli yayınlar ve dönemin en büyük süreli İslami yayın organlarından faydalanılmıştır. Bu bağlamda bahse konu yayın organlarının tamamının Türkçe ezan uygulamasına karşı oldukları ya da ezanın Türkçe tercümesinin yanlış yapıldığını savundukları gözlemlenmiştir.
- Published
- 2022
- Author
Hacı Veli Gök and Bengül Bolat
- Subjects
Social ,Kültür Politikaları,CHP,Mustafa Kemal Atatürk ,General Medicine ,Sosyal - Abstract
Osmanlı Devleti farklı kıtalarda uzun yıllar hakimiyet kurmuştur. Ancak zamanla değişen dünya düzenine ayak uyduramamak ve uzun süren savaşlar nedeniyle gücü sarsılmaya başlamıştır. Bu sancılı süreç 20. yy'a gelindiğinde devletin ömrünü tamamlaması ile sona ermiştir. Osmanlı Devleti'nin tarih sahnesinden çekilmesinin ardından Türkiye'de cumhuriyetin ilan edilmesi ile birlikte birçok alanda yenilik yapılmıştır. Bu yeniliklerin yanı sıra kültürel anlamda da bir dizi değişikliğe gidilmiştir.Dil, tarih,edebiyat, Halkevleri vb. alanlarda yapılan yenilik hareketlerinde Batı medeniyetinden de belli ölçüde faydalanılmıştır. Atatürk’ün Cumhurbaşkanı olduğu 1923-1938 dönemi yürütülen kültür politikalarında Türk Milliyetçiliği ön plana çıkarılmıştır. Bu dönem, Dünyada da milliyetçiliğin oldukça yükseldiği, hatta İtalya ve Almanya başta olmak üzere Faşizm boyutuna geldiği dönemdir. Dolayısla henüz çok genç olan yeni Ulus devletin gerek yeni sisteminin yerleşmesi, gerekse de milliyetçiliğinin gelişmesi ço önemsenmiş ve Tarih, dil, edebiyat gibi alanlarda yapılan çalışmalar bu doğrutuda şekillendirilmeye çalışılmıştır. İnönü dönemi (1938-1950)nde ise yine Dünyadaki gelişme, değişime bağlı bir politika izlenmiştir. II. Dünya Savaşı ve sonuçları Kültür politikalarına da etki etmiştir. Bu dönemde Faşizmin yıkılması, Batı’nın ve sisteminin yükselmesi, İnsan hakları, özgürlükler, vb alanlardaki değişim İnönü dönemi kültür politikalarında, önceden beri devam eden Milliyetçilik vurgusunun yanı sıra Batı ve Hümanizma vurgusu yapılarak Türk kimliği ile Batının bütünleştirlmesi çabası etkili olmuştur. Atatürk ve İnönü dönemlerinde uygulanan kültür politikalarında yöntemsel olarak önemli farklılıklar görülür. Bu durumun nedeni hem değişen şartlar ile hem de dönem liderlerinin farklı bakış açıları ile açıklanabilir.
- Published
- 2021
10. Yabancı/İkinci Dil Olarak Türkçe Öğretiminde Öğreticilerin Öğretimi Destekleyici Materyal Kullanım Durumları
- Author
İbrahim Fatih DEMİREL and Veli Gök
- Published
- 2021
- Author
Hacı Veli GÖK
- Subjects
General Medicine - Published
- 2022
12. The effects of packaging materials on the fatty acid composition, organic acid content, and texture profiles of Tulum cheese
- Author
Gökhan Akarca, Oktay Tomar, M. Yusuf Çağlar, and Veli Gök
- Subjects
030309 nutrition & dietetics ,Linoleic acid ,packaging ,fatty acids ,Palmitic acid ,03 medical and health sciences ,chemistry.chemical_compound ,0404 agricultural biotechnology ,Cheese ,Hardness ,medicine ,Animals ,Humans ,Lactic Acid ,Food science ,chemistry.chemical_classification ,0303 health sciences ,Sheep ,Goats ,Food Packaging ,Fatty acid ,04 agricultural and veterinary sciences ,040401 food science ,Small intestine ,Lactic acid ,skin bag ,Oleic acid ,medicine.anatomical_structure ,chemistry ,Taste ,Chewiness ,Tulum cheese ,Acids ,texture ,Food Science ,Organic acid - Abstract
WOS:000564350300001 In this research, Erzincan Tulum cheese was packaged in its original packaging material, the skin bag, small intestine, and appendix to observe the changes in its physical, chemical, and textural properties during storage day. Lactic acid% values increased in all Tulum cheeses throughout storage stage. At the end of the storage period, the highest value was determined in the sample filled in the small intestine (20.10%). All fatty acid values were increased, and the highest increase was identified in oleic acid (C 18:1) (skin bag 2.18%), linoleic acid (18:2) (appendix 0.41%), and palmitic acid (C 16:0) (small intestine 0.34%), respectively. All organic acids increased in stored sample. The highest increase among organic acids was determined to be 4.47% in lactic acid. As a result of the Texture Profile Analyses (TPA), the hardness, and adhesiveness of Tulum cheeses increased during storage periods, whereas the springiness, cohesiveness, and chewiness values decreased. Gumminess value declined in the sample filled into the appendix (with a value of 36.01), whereas it increased in the other two samples. The highest increase in hardness values was 2,520.27 N at given storage time was in the samples filled into appendix while the highest adhesive values of -49.82 were determined in the sample filled into small intestine. Practical Application Tulum cheese is usually produced by filling sheep or goat skin bag. Goat or sheep skin bag are not always available, and the amount of cheese produced in them is excessive. Therefore, cheeses were also filled to small intestine and appendix. At the end of the study, there were no negative effects on cheeses filled with intestine and appendix. The use of small intestine and appendix has helped to develop a product that will be appreciated by the consumers with no adverse effects in the physicochemical and textural properties of cheese.
- Published
- 2020
13. The Effect of Figs and Orange Albedo Addition on the Quality Properties of 'İncir Uyutması', A Traditional Dairy Dessert
- Author
Gökhan Akarca, Abdullah Çağlar, Oktay Tomar, and Veli Gök
- Subjects
Horticulture ,media_common.quotation_subject ,Environmental science ,Quality (business) ,Orange (colour) ,Albedo ,General Agricultural and Biological Sciences ,media_common - Abstract
In this research, “incir uyutması”, a local dairy dessert, was produced by adding figs (10%, 15% and 20%) and orange peel albedo (0.2%, 0.4% and 0.6%) layer at different ratios. Produced dairy desserts were stored at 4ºC for 7 days. As a result of the physicochemical analysis, it was determined that dry matter, viscosity, a* (redness) and b* (yellowness) values increased related to the increase in figs ratios whereas pH and L* (lightness) values decreased (p0.05) whereas the total aerobic mesophilic and psychrophilic bacteria counts increased during storage (p
- Published
- 2020
- Author
Hacı Veli GÖK
- Subjects
Tarih ,History ,Министерство внутренних дел,Главное управление безопасности,Главное командование жандармерии,Великое национальное собрание Турции (TBMM),переговоры по бюджету ,Modeling and Simulation ,Dâhiliye Vekâleti,Emniyet Umum Müdürlüğü,Jandarma Umum Komutanlığı,Türkiye Büyük Millet Meclisi,Bütçe Görüşmeleri ,Ministry of Interior,General Directorate of Security,Gendarmerie General Command,Grand National Assembly of Turkey,Budget Discussions - Abstract
Участие Османской империи в Первой мировой войне и события после Мудросского перемирия были наиболее важными факторами в начале национальной борьбы. В этом процессе турецкая армия и народ вступили в тотальную борьбу и борьба началась на основе защиты родины. Исчезло различие между внутренней и внешней безопасностью в период национальной борьбы и осталась только одна стратегия безопасности для освобождения родины. Согласно этой стратегии, в результате борьбы за независимость под руководством Мустафы Кемаля-паши империалистические державы потерпели поражение и были изгнаны с родины. Но в ходе этого процесса в стране вспыхнули бунты , бандитизм и беззаконие , что вызвало беспокойство и волнение среди населения. Чтобы устранить это беспокойство , Министерство внутренних дел и его подразделения взяли на себя важную миссию. Одним из важнейших условий обеспечения внешней безопасности жизненно важное значение имеет создание прочной внутренней безопасности. Из-за этой важности Министерство внутренних дел и его подразделения вступили в важную борьбу. Неудачи, пережитые во время этой борьбы нашли отражение в Великом Национальном Собрании Турции, и этот вопрос время от времени обсуждался. В этом исследовании их цель - направлен на получение здоровой оценки путем изучения структурных дефектов в организациях безопасности в Турции 1921 года, понимания внутренней безопасности того периода и организаций внутренней безопасности в центре парламентских протоколов. Основным направлением этого исследования является подробный анализ переговоров по бюджету с Министерством внутренних дел, который дал очень важную информацию об организациях внутренней безопасности и проблеме внутренней безопасности в Турции в 1921 году., Being included in the First World War of the Ottoman Empire and developments after Mondros Armistice Agreement were the most essential factor in the beginning of National Struggle. Within this period, the Turkish army and public got into the fight and a struggle on the basis of nation defense had started. In the period of the National Struggle, the difference between internal and external security was disappeared and it was tried to find a strategy under the one security concept about the liberation of the homeland However, thuggery, lawlessness and rebellions broke out and this situation led to uneasiness and anxiety among the people. With the aim of removing this uneasiness, the Ministry of Interior and establishments undertook an important mission. In this study, it is aimed to evaluate the structural problems of the establishments mentioned, the internal security concepts and internal security governances properly by analyzing official reports. The internal security governances and budget discussions of establishments affiliated with Ministry of Interior, giving important information about internal security issue, in 1921 are comprised the main theme., Osmanlı Devleti’nin I. Dünya Savaşına dâhil olması ve Mondros Mütarekesi sonrası yaşanan gelişmeler, Milli Mücadelenin başlamasında en önemli etken olmuştur. Bu süreçte Türk ordusu ve halkı topyekûn bir mücadele içerisine girmiş ve vatan savunması temelinde bir mücadele başlamıştır. Milli Mücadele döneminde, iç ve dış güvenlik ayrımı ortadan kalkarak vatanın kurtuluşuna yönelik tek bir güvenlik stratejisi söz konusu olmuştur. Bu strateji doğrultusunda Mustafa Kemal Paşa öncülüğünde verilen İstiklal mücadelesi neticesinde emperyalist güçler hezimete uğratılarak vatan topraklarından çıkarılmışlardır. Ancak bu süreçte ülkede eşkıyalık, asayişsizlik ve isyanlar patlak vermiş ve bu durum halk üzerinde tedirginlik ve kaygıya yol açmıştır. Bu kaygının ortadan kaldırılması amacıyla Dâhiliye Vekâleti ve bağlı kuruluşlar önemli bir misyon üstlenmişlerdir. Zira dış güvenliğin sağlanmasının en önemli şartları arasında güçlü bir iç güvenliğin tesisi hayati öneme sahiptir. Bu öneme binaen Dahiliye Vekaleti ve bağlı kuruluşları önemli bir mücadele içerisine girmişleridir. Verilen bu mücadele sürecinde yaşanan aksaklıklar TBMM’de yankı bulmuş ve bu konuda zaman zaman tartışmalar yaşanmıştır. Bu çalışmada, 1921 Türkiye’sinde güvenlik teşkilatlarındaki yapısal bozukluklar, dönemin iç güvenlik anlayışı ve iç güvenlik teşkilatları Meclis zabıtları merkezli incelenerek sağlıklı bir değerlendirmeye varılması amaçlanmıştır. Türkiye’de 1921 yılında iç güvenlik teşkilatları ve iç güvenlik meselesi ile ilgili çok önemli bilgiler veren Dâhiliye Vekâleti ile bağlı kuruluşlar bütçe görüşmelerinin ayrıntılı analizi bu çalışmanın ana eksenini oluşturmaktadır.
- Published
- 2022
- Author
Hacı Veli GÖK
- Published
- 2021
- Author
Hacı Veli GÖK
- Subjects
Social ,Mustafa Kemal Atatürk,30 Ağustos 1922,Zafer Bayramı ,General Medicine ,Sosyal - Abstract
30 Ağustos 1922’de Gazi Mustafa Kemal Paşa liderliğinde, Türk ulusunun ve ordusunun üstün çaba ve inancıyla Başkomutanlık Meydan Muharebesi kazanılmıştır. Bu savaş, Türk milletinin bağımsızlığına gem vurmaya kalkışan güçlerin topyekûn vatan topraklarından çıkarılması ile sonuçlanan bir zafer olarak tarihe geçmiştir. 26 Ağustos günü verilen taarruz emri sırasında Mustafa Kemal Paşa’nın yanında Genel Kurmay Başkanı Fevzi Paşa ve Batı Cephesi Kumandanı İsmet Paşa da bulunmaktadır. Taarruzun ilk gününde Türk ordusu hızlı bir ilerleyişle on beş kilometrelik bir alanı geçerek Yunan ordusunun birinci hat mevziini ele geçirmiştir. 28 ve 29 Ağustos’ta düşman ordusunun beşinci tümeni tamamen çevrilmiştir. Bunun üzerine durum değerlendirmesi yapan Mustafa Kemal Paşa ve kurmayları savaşın hızlı bir şekilde sonlandırılması gerektiği kararını almışlardır. Bu istikamette yapılan plan doğrultusunda 30 Ağustos günü gerçekleştirilen Türk taarruzu neticesinde, muharebe Türk ordusunun kesin zaferi ile neticelenmiştir. Şüphesiz ki, ulusların tarihlerinde dönüm noktası olan böylesi şanlı zaferlerin gelecek nesillere armağan olarak bırakılması elzemdir. Bu bağlamda Türk tarihinin dönüm noktalarından birisini teşkil eden Başkomutanlık Meydan Muharebesinin kati olarak zaferle sonuçlandığı 30 Ağustos gününü anma etkinlikleri ile alakalı ilk resmi tören 1924 yılında bizzat Mustafa Kemal Paşa’nın katılımlarıyla Dumlupınar/Çal Köyü’nde yapılmıştır. 1926’ya gelindiğinde ise 30 Ağustos Zaferinin milli bayram olarak kutlanmasına karar verilmiştir. Bu süreç günümüze kadar kesintisiz devam etmektedir.
- Published
- 2021
17. Chemical composition and antifungal potential of apricot, sour cherry, and cherry tree bio-products (resins) against food-borne molds
- Author
Oktay Tomar, Gökhan Akarca, Veli Gök, and Ömer İstek
- Subjects
Biochemistry ,Food Science - Published
- 2022
18. Comparison of chemical properties, antioxidant capacity, and phenolic acids of autoclaved and unautoclaved ground mustard seeds
- Author
Veli Gök, Oktay Tomar, and Muhammed Yusuf Çağlar
- Subjects
0106 biological sciences ,food.ingredient ,Sinapis ,Brassica ,antioxidant capacity ,01 natural sciences ,Autoclave ,0404 agricultural biotechnology ,food ,010608 biotechnology ,Brassica juncea ,T1-995 ,TX341-641 ,Food science ,Medicinal plants ,Chemical composition ,Technology (General) ,biology ,integumentary system ,Chemistry ,Nutrition. Foods and food supply ,Brassica nigra ,food and beverages ,04 agricultural and veterinary sciences ,Mustard seed ,Proximate ,biology.organism_classification ,040401 food science ,Sinapis alba ,Composition (visual arts) ,mustard seeds ,Food Science ,Biotechnology ,phenolic composition - Abstract
This present research, the proximate analyses, the antioxidant capacity and phenolic composition of Sinapis alba (yellow mustard seed), Brassica nigra (black mustard seed), Brassica juncea (brown mustard seed) and their autoclaved samples were evaluated. The antioxidant capacity of mustard seeds was analysed by examining antiradical activity, Fe2+ chelating activity, H2O2 scavenging and total phenolics. The mustard seeds were autoclaved to inhibit myrosinase activity. The level of antioxidant capacity and the phenolics of the mustard seeds were increased with autoclave treatment. The antiradical activity of mustard seeds were determined ACL×YM (0.810) followed by ACL×BRM (0.750), UNACLxYM (0.680), UNACLxBRM (0.600), ACLxBLM (0.590) and UNACLxBLM (0.450) types respectively (P < 0.05).
- Published
- 2021
19. Kastamonu Eğitim Araştırmaları Yıllığı (2021)
- Author
Seçil Tısoğlu, Burcu Karabulut Coşkun, Murat Meriçelli, İsmail Yıldız, Zeynep Piri, Ahmet Ünal, Halil İbrahim Akyüz, Arif Akçay, Kadir Yücel Kaya, Erkan Yanarateş, Esra Daşcı, Rabia Karatoprak Erşen, Emine Karasu Avcı, Adem Yılmaz, Ekmel Çetin, Okyanus Işık Seda Yılmaz, İlkay Aşkın Tekkol, Ezgi Mor Dirlik, Fatma Arıcı Şahin, Murat Konuk, Mustafa Kabataş, Sema Kara, İsmail Helvacı, Ece Tuncer, Hüseyin Uysal, Alkan Bayraktar, Eda Erdaş Kartal, Sevcan Candan Helvacı, Mahmut Sami Kılıç, Elif Sönmez, Volkan Atasoy, Hafife Bozdemir Yüzbaşıoğlu, Sümeyra Zeynep Et, Musa Sadak, Mehmet Koray Serin, Selçuk Şahingöz, Feyza Aliustaoğlu, Ezgi Çiftçi, Aysun Ata Aktürk, Serpil Recepoğlu, Burcu Öztürk, Kadir Coşkun, Berna Yiğitkaya, Şahin Şimşek, Melike Faiz, İbrahim Fatih Demirel, Veli Gök, Zehra Esra Ketenoğlu Kayabaşı, and Erkan Külekçi
- Published
- 2021
20. The effect of cooking methods on some quality characteristics of gluteus medius
- Author
Oktay Tomar, Muhammed Yusuf Çağlar, Veli Gök, Abdullah Çağlar, and Tamer Uzun
- Subjects
Lightness ,convection oven ,sous-vide ,Sous vide ,lcsh:TX341-641 ,complex mixtures ,lcsh:Technology (General) ,gluteus medius ,TBARS ,otorhinolaryngologic diseases ,Food science ,Quality characteristics ,Water content ,biology ,Chemistry ,Cooking methods ,technology, industry, and agriculture ,food and beverages ,biology.organism_classification ,beef ,Medius ,lcsh:T1-995 ,lcsh:Nutrition. Foods and food supply ,texture ,Food Science ,Biotechnology - Abstract
WOS:000499659400028 In this research, the effects of cooking by convection oven and cooking by sous-vide method on the physicochemical, textural, sensorial and microbiological of gluteus medius cuts were investigated. For the sous-vide method, the meat was vacuumed sealed in special packaging material (Mylar (R) Cook) before being stored at + 1 degrees C for 0, 15, and 30 days. The samples cooked with the sous-vide method had higher moisture content (P < 0.001) and lower cooking loss than oven roasted samples. TBARS content was affected by cooking method (P < 0.01) and storage time (P < 0.01). The 2-thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) values of the convection oven samples were higher than those cooked with sous-vide method. The WBSF values were affected by the cooking methods. The samples cooking with oven significantly lower shear (P < 0.0001) force values than those for the sous-vide method. Samples cooked by the convection oven had higher L* (lightness), a* (redness), b* (yellowness) than the cooked with sous-vide method (P < 0.0001). The sliced meat samples cooked by oven were given higher sensory ratings than those cooked by sous-vide except texture scores.
- Published
- 2019
21. Fig (Ficus caricaL.) fruit: some physical and chemical properties
- Author
Nilda Ersoy, Sadiye Gozlekci, Veli Gök, and S. Yilmaz
- Subjects
0301 basic medicine ,03 medical and health sciences ,Horticulture ,030109 nutrition & dietetics ,0404 agricultural biotechnology ,Ficus ,04 agricultural and veterinary sciences ,Biology ,Carica ,biology.organism_classification ,040401 food science - Published
- 2017
22. The effects of kefir grain and starter culture on kefir produced from cow and buffalo milk during storage periods
- Author
Mehmet Beykaya, Oktay Tomar, Veli Gök, Gökhan Akarca, and Abdullah Çağlar
- Subjects
0106 biological sciences ,buffalo milk ,Population ,Food storage ,lcsh:TX341-641 ,yeast ,01 natural sciences ,0404 agricultural biotechnology ,Starter ,fluids and secretions ,010608 biotechnology ,Lactobacillus ,lcsh:Technology (General) ,Leuconostoc ,Dry matter ,Food science ,education ,fermentation ,acidity ,Dairy cattle ,education.field_of_study ,biology ,Chemistry ,Kefir ,food and beverages ,04 agricultural and veterinary sciences ,biology.organism_classification ,protein content ,040401 food science ,lcsh:T1-995 ,lcsh:Nutrition. Foods and food supply ,Food Science ,Biotechnology - Abstract
The present study was aimed to determine the effect of different types of milk and kefir grains or starter cultures on the chemical properties, and microorganism counts of kefir samples. The type of milk had a significant effect on the acidity, dry matter, protein, and CO2 values. Acidity and CO2 values increased during storage period, while dry matter, fat and protein contents decreased. However, the type of milk had no significant effect on Lactobacillus, Leuconostoc and yeast counts. In the samples produced using starter culture microorganism counts except those of L. acidophilus of the samples increased (p < 0.05) during the 14 days of storage. Higher Lactobacilli (8.52 log cfu/ml) and Lactococci (8.84 log cfu/ml) was found in kefir produced using buffalo milk and starter culture in 21 days of storage, while higher L. acidophilus (6.41 log cfu/ml) was found in kefir produced using cow milk and starter culture. In general, due to the higher dry matter and protein content and yeast population, kefir made from buffalo milk may be preferred.
- Published
- 2019
23. Et Ürünlerinde Kullanılan Doğal Kılıfların Mekanik ve Mikrobiyolojik Özellikleri
- Author
Yasemin Bor, Abdullah Çağlar, Oktay Tomar, Mehmet Beykaya, and Veli Gök
- Subjects
0404 agricultural biotechnology ,General Veterinary ,Chemistry ,0402 animal and dairy science ,04 agricultural and veterinary sciences ,040401 food science ,040201 dairy & animal science - Published
- 2018
24. Effect of Different Packaging Methods on the Quality of Stuffed and Sliced Mozzarella Cheese during Storage
- Author
Veli Gök, Oktay Tomar, and Gökhan Akarca
- Subjects
Moisture ,Aerobic bacteria ,Chemistry ,General Chemical Engineering ,Modified atmosphere ,Dry matter ,Relative humidity ,General Chemistry ,Food science ,Vacuum packing ,Shelf life ,Food Science ,Mesophile - Abstract
Mozzarella produced with high moisture curd method was filled into a fibrous casing and was stored at 4C and 85% relative humidity for 5 days. Sliced cheese was packed in aerobic packaging (AP), vacuum packaging (VP) and modified atmosphere packaging (MAP) and was stored at 4C for 21 days. L* (lightness) value of the AP sample decreased, while an increased in other two treatments was detected. The a* (redness) values of VP and MAP samples decreased, while the values of AP samples increased. Mesophilic aerobic bacteria, yeast and mold counts increased in the AP samples, while that of the VP and MAP samples counts decreased. Lactic acid bacterial count decreased in all three samples and the greatest decrease with a value of 3.90 log cfu/g was detected in samples packed in aerobic conditions. Samples with MAP had significantly better sensory score (P
- Published
- 2015
25. Applications of Cold Plasma in Meat and Meat Products
- Author
Veli Gök, Recep Kara, Simge Aktop, and Mehmet Özkan
- Subjects
Gynecology ,medicine.medical_specialty ,business.industry ,medicine ,food and beverages ,Meat and meat products,Decontamination,Inactivation,Novel Technologies,Cold plasma ,business ,Et ve et ürünleri,Dekontaminasyon,İnaktivasyon,Novel (yeni nesil) teknolojiler,Soğuk plazma - Abstract
Et ve et ürünlerinin dayanıklılığının arttırılması için birçok yöntem kullanılmaktadır. Et endüstrisinde yaygın olarak kullanılan pişirme, haşlama ve soğutma gibi ısıl işlemler, ette bazı değişikliklere neden olabilmektedir. Bu ısıl işlemlere alternatif olarak ısıl olmayan teknolojiler ortaya çıkmıştır. Bu teknolojiler arasında, tat, koku ve yapıda önemli değişikliklere neden olmayan, çevre dostu olan ve proseste toksik maddelerin kullanılmadığı soğuk plazma teknolojisi ön plana çıkmaktadır. Radyo frekansı ve dielektrik (yalıtkan) bariyer boşaltıcı gibi plazma sistemlerinden elde edilen soğuk plazma, et ve et ürünlerinde mikrobiyolojik bozulmaya neden olan mikroorganizmaların inaktivasyonunda kullanılabilmektedir. Bu derlemenin amacı, birçok gıda ürününde denemeleri yapılan soğuk plazma teknolojisinin et ve et ürünlerindeki uygulamalarını inceleyerek, et endüstrisindeki uygulanabilirliği hakkında bilgi vermektir., Many methods are used to increase durability of meat and meat products. Thermal treatments such as cooking, scalding and cooling which are used in meat industry widespreadly, can cause to some changes in meat. Non-thermal technologies emerged as alternative to this thermal treatments. Cold plasma which do not cause to changes in flavor, odor and texture, is environvent friendly and do not be used toxic substances in process, attract attention among this technologies. Cold plasma which can be obtained from systems of plasma such as radio frequency and dielectric barier discharge (DBD), is used in inactivation of microorganisms which cause to microbiyological spoilage in meat and meat products. The aim of this review is to investigate that the applications of cold plasma technologies in meat and meat products and also to inform about its feasibility in meat industry.
- Published
- 2015
26. Effect of Replacing Beef Fat with Poppy Seed Oil on Quality of Turkish Sucuk
- Author
Veli Gök
- Subjects
chemistry.chemical_classification ,Animal fat ,food.ingredient ,Chemistry ,Cholesterol ,food and beverages ,Ripening ,Poppy seed ,turkish sucuk ,Article ,poppy seed oil ,cholesterol reduction ,chemistry.chemical_compound ,food ,Chewiness ,Saturated fatty acid ,TBARS ,Animal Science and Zoology ,Food science ,fat replacer ,polyunsaturated fatty acids ,Food Science ,Polyunsaturated fatty acid - Abstract
Sucuk is the most popular dry-fermented meat product. Sucuk has a relatively high fat. Poppy seed oil as animal fat replacer was used in Turkish sucuk and effects of its use on sucuk quality were investigated. There was a significant (p
- Published
- 2015
27. Effects of Modified Atmosphere Packaging on Shelf Life of Turkish Delight (Lokum)
- Author
Ramazan Şevik, Veli Gök, Zeynep Dereli, and Ali Batu
- Subjects
Time Factors ,Atmosphere ,Chemistry ,Aerobic bacteria ,Carbohydrates ,Colony Count, Microbial ,Food Packaging ,Temperature ,Food preservation ,Starch ,Carbon Dioxide ,Shelf life ,Microbiology ,film.actor ,Candy ,Oxygen ,Turkish delight ,film ,Food Preservation ,Modified atmosphere ,Food Microbiology ,Colony count ,Nuts ,Food science ,Food Science - Abstract
Turkish delight is a sugar-based jellylike confection that has been produced for hundreds of years. In this study, four different modified atmospheres were created in order to extend the shelf life of Turkish delight. Microbiological analyses and sensory evaluations were conducted at the beginning of storage and at 7-day intervals thereafter. Microbiological analyses showed that the numbers of total mesophilic aerobic bacteria within samples stored in a modified atmosphere of 30% CO2 plus 70% N2 were lower than in the other modified atmospheres. According to sensory evaluations, the samples kept in a modified atmosphere of 50% CO2 plus 50% N2 were unacceptable after the 21st day of storage, whereas those kept in modified atmospheres of both 25% CO2 plus 75% N2 and 30% CO2 plus 70% N2 were found to be acceptable even after 30 days of storage.
- Published
- 2014
28. Some Na tional Antimicrobials Used in Food Preservation
- Author
Veli Gök, Gökhan Akarca, and Oktay Tomar
- Subjects
Doğal Antimikrobiyan ,Preservative ,Organik Asitler ,Food industry ,business.industry ,Biologic Preservation ,Food preservation ,Baharatlar Bakteriyosinler ,Business ,Food safety ,Spices Bacteriyocins ,Biotechnology - Abstract
Some National Antimicrobials Used in Food Preservation With humans beginning tol ive together, foods colud be contaminated due to several reasons following the production process. Therefore, the necessity of secure methods for preserving foods has occured. Food safety is the subject that the food industry has been interested and concerned most. For this reason, severeal preservatives are added during the production process. Although there are many applications in food preservation, preserving the foods through biologic methods isone of the most focused applications today. Unlike many applications, biologic preservation is carried out through natural antimicrobials and the number of these materials and theirusage is increasing anddeveloping. The materials used and studies for this purpose are classified as toxinology origin (lisosim, lactoferrin and magainins), plantal products (fitoalexins, herbs and spices)and microbial metabolits, İnsanların toplu halde yaşamaya başlamalarıyla birlikte gıdalar; üretim ve takip eden süreçlerde çeşitli nedenlerden dolayı patojen mikroorganizmalar ile kontaminasyona uğrayabilmektedir. Bu nedenle gıdaların korunması ve muhafazası amacıyla güvenilir yöntemlerin uygulamaya konulması gereksinimi ve zorunluluğu ortaya çıkmıştır. Gıda güvenliği, gıda endüstrisinin son yıllarda en çok ilgilendiği ve en çok kaygılandığı konudur. Gıdalara üretim aşamasında değişik koruyucu maddeler ilave edilmektedir. Gıdaların korunmasında pek çok uygulama bulunmasına karşın biyolojik yolla gıdaların korunması günümüzde üzerinde en fazla odaklaşılan uygulamalardan birisidir. Biyolojik koruma; pek çok uygulamanın aksine farklı kökenlerden gelen doğal antimikrobiyaller ile yapılmakta ve bu maddelerin sayısı arttıkça kullanımı giderek yaygınlaşmakta ve gelişmektedir. Bu amaçla kullanılan ve üzerinde çalışmalar yapılan maddeler; hayvansal kaynaklı (lizozim, laktoferrin ve magaininler), bitkisel kaynaklı ürünler (fitoaleksinler, otlar, baharatlar) ve mikrobiyal metabolitler (bakteriosinler, hidrojen peroksit, ve organik asitler) olarak gruplandırılabilir ●●● S U M M A R Y Some National Antimicrobials Used in Food Preservation With humans beginning tol ive together, foods colud be contaminated due to several reasons following the production process. Therefore, the necessity of secure methods for preserving foods has occured. Food safety is the subject that the food industry has been interested and concerned most. For this reason, severeal preservatives are added during the production process. Although there are many applications in food preservation, preserving the foods through biologic methods isone of the most focused applications today. Unlike many applications, biologic preservation is carried out through natural antimicrobials and the number of these materials and theirusage is increasing anddeveloping. The materials used and studies for this purpose are classified as toxinology origin (lisosim, lactoferrin and magainins), plantal products (fitoalexins, herbs and spices)and microbial metabolits.
- Published
- 2014
29. The effects of atmospheric cold plasma on inactivation of Listeria monocytogenes and Staphylococcus aureus and some quality characteristics of pastırma—A dry-cured beef product
- Author
Simge Aktop, Veli Gök, Mehmet Özkan, and Oktay Tomar
- Subjects
Atmospheric cold plasma ,Aerobic bacteria ,Chemistry ,04 agricultural and veterinary sciences ,General Chemistry ,medicine.disease_cause ,040401 food science ,Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering ,0404 agricultural biotechnology ,Listeria monocytogenes ,Staphylococcus aureus ,medicine ,Food science ,Quality characteristics ,Dry cured ,Food Science ,Mesophile - Abstract
In this study the effectiveness of cold atmospheric plasma (CAP) in inactivating two bacterial pathogens on inoculated pastirma was investigated. In addition, the effect of this treatment on the total mesophilic aerobic bacteria (TMAB) and yeast–mold counts was also observed. Pastirma samples were inoculated with Staphylococcus aureus and Listeria monocytogenes and subjected to CAP applications using oxygen (100%), argon (100%) and two oxygen/argon mixtures (25%O2/75%Ar and 50%O2/50%Ar) for 180 and 300 s. Maximum reduction of 0.85 log CFU/cm2 for S. aureus counts and 0.83 log CFU/cm2 for L. monocytogenes counts were found from starting level of 5.78 and 5.71 log CFU/cm2, respectively. However, it was determined that the TMAB and yeast–mold counts were reduced by 1.41 log CFU/cm2 and 1.66 log CFU/cm2, respectively. It was found that pastirma samples had a 7.34% decrease in moisture content as a result of CAP application due to evaporated water from the sample's surface. In the light of these results, this study showed that cold atmospheric plasma can be used to lower levels of S. aureus and L. monocytogenes in pastirma. Industrial relevance Thermal treatments can cause sensory and nutrient changes in meat products. Non-thermal food processing technologies are innovative applications that continue to attract attention. Cold plasma, which is one of the non-thermal technologies, is environmentally friendly and causes minimal changes to treated products. In this study, cold atmospheric plasma treatment was effective against S. aureus and L. monocytogenes inoculated on pastirma and reduced their counts. Moreover, it also succeeded in reducing counts of TMAB and yeast–mold in the pastirma.
- Published
- 2019
30. Enterotoxin production byStaphylococcus aureus(A, B, C, D) during the ripening of sucuk (Turkish dry-fermented sausage)
- Author
Levent Akkaya, Hilmi Yaman, Recep Kara, and Veli Gök
- Subjects
Chemistry ,sed ,General Chemical Engineering ,Ripening ,General Chemistry ,Enterotoxin ,medicine.disease_cause ,Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering ,Microbiology ,Staphylococcus aureus ,medicine ,Fermentation ,Food science ,Health risk ,computer ,Food Science ,computer.programming_language - Abstract
This study was conducted to determine the capability of Staphylococcus aureus to produce toxins in Turkish sucuk. For this purpose, the ability of four different reference strains of S. aureus (i.e., SEA 10652 FDA 196E, SEB 10654 FDA 243, SEC 10655 137, and SED 10656 494) to produce A-, B-, C-, and D-type toxins, respectively, was investigated during the fermentation period of Turkish sucuk by inoculating sucuk batter with these strains at 105 CFU/g level. As a result, no SEA, SEB, and SEC toxins were detected in the A, B, and C groups, respectively, during fermentation. In group D, SED was detected after 24 h and at the 3, 7, and 12 days of ripening. In conclusion, these results indicate that Turkish sucuk may pose an important health risk related to possible contamination with S. aureus (SED) during the production processes.
- Published
- 2013
31. Effects of dry, vacuum, and special bag aging; USDA quality grade; and end-point temperature on yields and eating quality of beef Longissimus lumborum steaks
- Author
Sally L. Stroda, Ersel Obuz, Michael E. Dikeman, Levent Akkaya, and Veli Gök
- Subjects
Meat ,Time Factors ,End point ,Food Handling ,Chemistry ,Marbled meat ,Food Packaging ,Temperature ,food and beverages ,United States ,Tenderness ,medicine ,Animals ,Cattle ,Cooking ,Food science ,Palatability ,medicine.symptom ,United States Department of Agriculture ,Flavor ,Longissimus Lumborum ,Food Science - Abstract
This study evaluated the effects of three aging methods: (dry (D), wet (W), and special bag (SB)); two quality grades [USDA Choice((≥Small(50) marbling) and Select); and two cooked end-point temperatures (62.8 °C and 71.1 °C) on physico-chemical traits of instrumental tenderness, color, and sensory properties of Longissimus lumborum beef muscle. Dry-aged loins had higher (P0.0001) weight loss than W or SB aged loins. However, D and SB aged loins had similar (P0.05) combined losses. W aged loins had higher (P0.01) L* values than D or SB aged loins. Warner-Bratzler shear force of steaks was not affected (P0.05) by aging method or quality grade but increased (P0.0001) as end-point temperature increased. Sensory panel evaluation also showed no effect (P0.05) of aging method or quality grade on myofibrillar tenderness, juiciness, connective tissue amount, overall tenderness or off flavor intensity. Steaks cooked to 62.8 °C were juicier (P0.05) than those cooked to 71.1 °C. Neither D nor SB aging had advantages over W aging.
- Published
- 2013
32. Nutritional Evaluation of Seasonal Changes in Muscle Fatty Acid Composition of Common Carp (Cyprinus carpio) in Karamik Lake, Turkey
- Author
Mustafa Cemek, Sait Bulut, Kazım Uysal, Mehmet Karaçalı, S. Feyza Kuş, and Veli Gök
- Subjects
chemistry.chemical_classification ,biology ,Nutritional value ,Chemistry ,Fatty acid ,biology.organism_classification ,Common carp ,Cyprinus ,Seasonal change ,Biochemistry ,Karamik Lake ,Fatty acid composition ,Food science ,Fatty acids ,Food Science ,Polyunsaturated fatty acid - Abstract
WOS: 000305488800001, The present study aims to determine seasonal changes of nutritional value of common carp in Karamik Lake by determining the fatty acid composition. The levels of saturated, monounsaturated, and polyunsaturated fatty acids in 100 g total fatty acid were found to be 28.73, 25.31, and 38.19 g in winter; 29.39, 24.06, and 35.75 g in spring; 31.05, 35.02, and 24.86 g in summer; 29.85, 32.39, and 30.92 g in autumn, respectively. Total omega 3 and omega 6 polyunsaturated fatty acid levels in 100 g fatty acid in muscle of the common carp ranged from 12.90 g to 25.97 g and from 10.73 g to 14.59 g, respectively. The ratio of total omega 3 polyunsaturated fatty acids was higher than that of total omega 6 polyunsaturated fatty acids in all seasons. The ratios of omega 6/omega 3 polyunsaturated fatty acids and arachidonic/eicosapentaenoic acids were the lowest in winter (0.41, 0.64) and highest (0.98, 2.72) in autumn. The amount of eicosapentaenoic + docosahexaenoic acids was also highest in winter and was composed of 22.50 g of 100 g total fatty acid in muscle of pike.
- Published
- 2012
33. Aging method, USDA quality grade, and endpoint temperature affect eating quality of beef longissimus lumborum steaks
- Author
Michael E. Dikeman, L. Akaya, Veli Gök, and Ersel Obuz
- Subjects
musculoskeletal diseases ,Computer Networks and Communications ,business.industry ,media_common.quotation_subject ,Marbled meat ,food and beverages ,Loin ,Affect (psychology) ,Tenderness ,Animal science ,Hardware and Architecture ,medicine ,Quality (business) ,Palatability ,medicine.symptom ,business ,Software ,Longissimus Lumborum ,media_common - Abstract
Introduction Tenderness is one of the most important factors affecting consumers’ perceptions and acceptance of palatability. Tenderness is affected by both myofibrillar proteins and connective tissue content and quality. Both marbling and carcass maturity can have a significant effect on beef palatability, with higher consumer sensory scores generally given to USDA Choice loin steaks than to Select steaks for tenderness, juiciness, and overall palatability. Endpoint temperature can also have a significant effect, with higher endpoint temperatures generally decreasing palatability.
- Published
- 2012
34. Effect of ground poppy seed as a fat replacer on meat burgers
- Author
Veli Gök, Ersel Obuz, Levent Akkaya, and Sait Bulut
- Subjects
Animal fat ,food.ingredient ,Fatty Acids ,Biology ,Poppy seed ,Fats ,Meat Products ,Cholesterol ,food ,Taste ,Seeds ,Meat burger ,Animals ,Plant Oils ,Cooking ,Papaver ,Food science ,Food Science - Abstract
Poppy seed paste was used in koefte production as an animal fat replacer and efficacy of using poppy seed was investigated. The use of ground poppy seed in formulation of meat burgers had no effect on the moisture content of uncooked meat burgers; however, it did have a significant effect (p0.05) on the fat content of meat burgers. Ground poppy seed addition significantly affected (p0.05) cooking yield, moisture retention, and fat retention of meat burgers. Ground poppy seed addition significantly decreased (p0.05) saturated fatty acid contents as the amount of ground poppy seed increased in meat burgers. A strong significant decrease (p0.05) on the cholesterol content of meat burgers with ground poppy seed addition was observed. Samples having 20% ground poppy seed had significantly better texture and juiciness score (p0.05) than any other sample which could be explained by increased moisture retention. Replacing animal fat with ground poppy seed paste is effective and may pave the way for an innovative meat product.
- Published
- 2011
35. Evaluation of Free-Radical Scavenging and Antioxidant Activity of Fruit Extracts of Three EndemicRhamnusSpecies inin vitro
- Author
Mehmet Musa Özcan, Ahmet Serteser, Veli Gök, and Mustafa Kargıoğlu
- Subjects
Pharmacology ,Antioxidant ,biology ,Traditional medicine ,Fruit extracts ,medicine.medical_treatment ,Plant Science ,Toxicology ,biology.organism_classification ,Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous) ,Complementary and alternative medicine ,Drug Discovery ,Botany ,Rhamnus petiolaris ,medicine ,Rhamnus ,Scavenging - Abstract
The antioxidant properties of Rhamnus petiolaris Boiss., R. rhodopeus Velen. subsp. anatolicus (Grub.) Browicz & Ziel., and R. thymifolius Bornm., three endemic species occurring at altitudes of 1000 – 1200 meters on volcanic rock around Afyonkarahisar was evaluated. Antiradical activity of Rhamnus petiolaris Boiss., R. thymifolius Bornm. and R. rhodopeus Velen. subsp. anatolicus (Grub.) Browicz & Ziel was found 0.47, 0.56, and 0.68 respectively. Chelation of the samples via Fe2+ ranged from 38.78 % to 54.79 %. R. rhodopeus Velen. subsp. anatolicus (Grub.) Browicz & Ziel showed the highest chelation via Fe2+, which was 54.79 %. Another method to determine the antioxidant activity of the samples was elimination of H O , which appeared to be 36.12 % in Rhamnus petiolaris Boiss., 53.89 % in R. thymifolius Bornm., and 68.732 %2 in R. rhodopeus Velen. subsp. anatolicus (Grub.) Browicz & Ziel. Also for this test, R. rhodopeus Velen. subsp. anatolicus (Grub.) Browicz & Ziel exhibited the highest antioxi...
- Published
- 2011
36. Organochlorine Pesticide Residues in Butter and Kaymak in Afyonkarahisar, Turkey
- Author
Levent Akkaya, Sait Bulut, Veli Gök, and Muhsin Konuk
- Subjects
General Veterinary ,Pesticide residue ,Heptachlor ,Pesticide ,Biology ,Contamination ,Toxicology ,chemistry.chemical_compound ,Dieldrin ,chemistry ,Endrin ,Aldrin ,Agronomy and Crop Science ,Endosulfan - Published
- 2010
37. Antioxidant Activity ofRibes multiflorumKit. ex Roem. & Schult (blackcurrant) Extract
- Author
Ahmet Serteser, Mustafa Kargıoğlu, Veli Gök, Yavuz Bagci, and Mehmet Musa Özcan
- Subjects
Fenton reaction ,Antioxidant ,Traditional medicine ,biology ,Chemistry ,medicine.medical_treatment ,Organic Chemistry ,Ribes ,biology.organism_classification ,Biochemistry ,Analytical Chemistry ,law.invention ,chemistry.chemical_compound ,law ,Botany ,medicine ,Potential source ,Hydroxyl radical ,Essential oil ,EC50 - Abstract
In this study, the antioxidant contents of Ribes multiflorum Kit. Ex Roem. & Schult (black currant) which was grown in Emir and Kumalar mountains in Afyonkarahisar were investigated. Ribes multiflorum Kit. Ex Roem. & Schult is found on 1700 m at Emir Mountain in Dumluca, on 1400 and 1600 m at Kumalar Mountains in Basoren. Antioxidant activities of samples were determined by free radical scavenging effect, chelating activity with Fe +2 and H2O2 inhibition methods. The lower EC50 value, the higher antioxidant power. In the presence of metal ions, super reactive hydroxyl radical may be formed by Fenton reaction. The findings obtained in the present work indicated that the Ribes multiflorum are potential source of natural antioxidant. Their antioxidant properties probably depend on concentration of sample.
- Published
- 2009
- Author
Levent Akkaya, R. Telli, Veli Gök, Mustafa Alişarli, and Zafer Çetinkaya
- Subjects
Salmonella ,fluids and secretions ,Listeria monocytogenes ,medicine ,Biology ,medicine.disease_cause ,Immunomagnetic separation ,Escherichia coli ,L monocytogenes ,Food Science ,Microbiology - Abstract
Escherichia coli, O157, E. coli O157:H7, Listeria monocytogenes and Salmonella spp. are important foodborne pathogens, that some studies have demonstrated that cattle are a major reservoir of these pathogens. The main purpose of this study was to evaluate the prevalence of E. coli O157/O157:H7, L. monocytogenes and Salmonella spp. on slaughtered bovine carcasses. In this study, five abattoirs in Afyonkarahisar were visited between March and August in 2005 in the center of Afyonkarahisar Province, Turkey. A total of 250 bovine carcasses were sampled by surface swabbing the carcasses at four points. The presence of E. coli O157/O157:H7, L. monocytogenes and Salmonella spp. in the samples collected from 250 cattle was determined with the application of the immunomagnetic separation method. Overall, the prevalence of E. coli O157/O157:H7, L. monocytogenes and Salmonella spp. was 3.2, 0.8, 6.8 and 10%, respectively. Our results demonstrated that bovine carcasses can also be a source for E. coli O157/O157:H7, L. monocytogenes and Salmonella spp. infections for humans. The widespread occurrence of these pathogens in slaughterhouses reinforces the need for the implementation of effective control measures. PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS This study indicates that relatively high values, particularly Salmonella spp., and widespread occurrence of these pathogens in bovine carcasses require the need for the implementation of effective public health measures.
- Published
- 2008
39. Determination of antioxidant effects of some plant species wild growing in Turkey
- Author
Derya Arslan, Veli Gök, Yavuz Bagci, Ahmet Serteser, Mehmet Musa Özcan, and Mustafa Kargıoğlu
- Subjects
Turkey ,biology ,Plant Extracts ,Rosa canina ,Iron ,Biphenyl Compounds ,Crataegus monogyna ,Free Radical Scavengers ,Hydrogen Peroxide ,Crataegus orientalis ,Plants ,biology.organism_classification ,Antioxidants ,Crataegus ,Prunus cerasus ,Picrates ,Botany ,biology.hybrid_parent_classification ,Rubus ,Rubus canescens ,Chelating Agents ,Food Science ,Rosa foetida - Abstract
In this study, the antioxidant activity of 50% aqueous methanol extracts of Crataegus tanacetifolia (Lam.) Pers, Crataegus bornmuelleri Zaberi, Crataegus orientalis Pall. ex M.Bieb. var. orientalis, Crataegus szovitsii Pojark, Crataegus curvisepala Lindm., Crataegus monogyna Jacq. subsp. monogyna, Crataegus monogyna Jacq.subsp. azarella (Gris.) Franco, Crataegus micophylla C.Koch, Rosa foetida Herrm., Rosa hemisphaerica J.Herrm., Rosa pulverulenta M.Bieb., Rosa canina L., Rubus discolor Weihe & Nees, Rubus canescens DC. var. canescens, Rubus sanctus Screber, Rubus caesius L., Sorbus umbellata (Desf.) Fritsch var. umbellata, Prunus avium L. (Moench.) and Prunus cerasus L. Mespilus germenica was evaluated by various antioxidant assays, including free radical scavenging, hydrogen peroxide scavenging and metal-chelating activities. The extracts of R. hemisphaerica J.Herrm., P. cerasus L. and R. canina L. showed more stronger free radical scavenging and hydrogen peroxide scavenging activities, and the extracts of R. foetida Herrm. (62.54%) and P. cerasus L. showed stronger metal-chelating activity. The results obtained in the present study indicated that the R. hemisphaerica J.Herrm., P. cerasus L. and R. canina are potential sources of natural antioxidant. These antioxidant properties depend on the concentration of the sample.
- Published
- 2008
40. Microbiological quality and salmonella spp/listeria monocytogenes of spices in Turkey
- Author
Levent Akkaya, Mukadderat Gökmen, Veli Gök, Recep Kara, and Veteriner Fakültesi
- Subjects
Salmonella ,food and beverages ,Microbiological quality ,Biology ,medicine.disease_cause ,Antimicrobial resistance ,Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology ,Microbiology ,Listeria monocytogenes ,Infectious Diseases ,Antibiotic resistance ,medicine ,Food science ,Spices ,Salmonella spp ,Food Science - Abstract
Spices contaminated with pathogens may contaminate the food to which they are added and therefore, they pose a great risk to public health. In this study, 250 spices samples (50 samples each of red sweet pepper, red chili pepper, red pepper flakes, cumin and black pepper) were evaluated for Total Aerobic Mesophilic Bacteria (TMAB), Staphylococcus/Micrococcus, Coagulase (+) Staphylococcus, Yeast/Mold, Enterobacteriaceae, Coliform Bacteria, E. coli, Enterococcus spp., B. cereus, Salmonella spp. and Listeria monocytogenes. The means of total aerobic mesophilic bacteria (TMAB), Staphylococcus/Micrococcus, Coagulase (+) Staphylococcus, Yeast/Mold, Enterobacteriaceae, Coliform Bacteria, E. coli, Enterococcus spp. and B. cereus, counts were detected 5.50, 2.03
- Published
- 2015
- Author
Veli Gök, Semra Kayaardi, Ahmed Kayacier, and Akif Kundakçı
- Subjects
Chemistry ,Chewiness ,food and beverages ,Cold storage ,Food science ,Flavor ,Food Science - Abstract
Sensory and chemical properties of doner kebab made from turkey meat were determined during storage at 4 ± 1C. A sensory panel rated the samples using a hedonic scale for meat color, texture, off-odor, juiciness, flavor, chewiness and general acceptability of the turkey doner kebab. The thiobarbituric acid (TBA) values, peroxide values and total viable organisms of the samples were determined. It was found that turkey doner kebab would be acceptable for consumption by the panel after 12 days of cold storage and after that time, off-flavors considerably limited the acceptance. The TBA and peroxide values supported this finding as they increased with time. The TBA values doubled and the peroxide values quadrupled after 12 days when compared to fresh samples. Turkey doner, like beef or chicken doner, could be safely consumed.
- Published
- 2006
42. Effect of replacing beef fat with olive oil on quality characteristics of Turkish soudjouk (sucuk)
- Author
Veli Gök and Semra Kayaardi
- Subjects
chemistry.chemical_compound ,Vegetable oil ,chemistry ,Cholesterol ,Organoleptic ,food and beverages ,Ripening ,Fermentation ,Food science ,Water content ,Sensory analysis ,Soy protein ,Food Science - Abstract
Four formulation of Turkish soudjouks were produced in three replicates by traditional methods as follows; one control (C) using 85% beef and 15% beef fat and three treatments by replacing 20, 40 and 60% of beef fat with virgin olive oil incorporated as pre-emulsified fat (PEF) with soy protein isolate (SPI), respectively. It was found that the moisture content and pH decreased while fat and ash content increased on the 21st day of fermentation and in the ripening period. Cholesterol content decreased depending on the amount of incorporated olive oil to the formulation, which shows the addition of olive oil in soudjouks reduces the cholesterol content (P0.05). TBA values were affected by the amount of incorporated olive oil and the highest TBA value was found for with the 60% olive oil replacement. Oleic and linoleic acid contents were high while other fatty acid contents were low for the 40 and 60% olive oil samples compared with controls. Sausages with 40% olive oil received high evaluation from the panel for appearance and texture but there was no significant difference (P0.05) between samples in the terms of color and general acceptability. It is concluded that replacement of beef fat with olive oil had a positive effect on sensory quality and on reducing the cholesterol content of soudjouks.
- Published
- 2004
43. Effects of blade tenderization, aging method and aging time on meat quality characteristics of Longissimus lumborum steaks from cull Holstein cows
- Author
Veli Gök, Ersel Obuz, Levent Akkaya, and Michael E. Dikeman
- Subjects
musculoskeletal diseases ,animal structures ,Meat ,Time Factors ,Food Handling ,Color ,Animal science ,medicine ,Food Quality ,Animals ,Humans ,Cooking ,skin and connective tissue diseases ,Quality characteristics ,Muscle, Skeletal ,Longissimus Lumborum ,Chemistry ,food and beverages ,Hydrogen-Ion Concentration ,humanities ,Tenderness ,Longissimus ,Taste ,Cattle ,medicine.symptom ,Food Science - Abstract
The effects of blade tenderization (BT), two aging methods (dry (D) and wet (W)), and aging time (2 and 23 d) on tenderness, color, and sensory properties of Longissimus lumborum muscles from 12 cull Holstein cows were evaluated. Dry-aged loins had higher combined trim and aging losses than control (C) for both D- and W-aging, mostly because of excess trim losses. BT steaks had WBSF of 33.13 N while C steaks had WBSF of 41.46 N ( P = 0.09). Aging decreased WBSF. Blade tenderized steaks had higher cook loss than C steaks. Aging, W-aging, and BT × W-aging improved myofibrillar (sensory) tenderness scores. Aging and/or BT improves sensory panel tenderness cull cow Longissimus lumborum steaks. Aging and blade tenderization combined can increase tenderness and value of Longissimus steaks from cull Holstein cows.
- Published
- 2013
44. Behavior of Brucella abortus and Brucella melitensis in Raw Meatball (Cig Kofte)
- Author
Veli Gök, Levent Akkaya, Beytullah Kenar, and Recep Kara
- Subjects
Veterinary medicine ,education.field_of_study ,Population ,Biology ,biology.organism_classification ,Microbiology ,chemistry.chemical_compound ,Brucella abortus ,chemistry ,Brucella agar ,education ,Incubation ,Food contaminant ,Brucella melitensis - Abstract
In the present study, we aimed to determine the survival and reproducibility of the said pathogenic microorganisms during the storage period (24 h) of raw meatball samples contaminated with reference strains of Brucella abortus and Brucella melitensis at levels of 10 4 and 10 6 cfu/g. Brucella abortus (NCTC 11363) and Brucella melitensis (NCTC 10094) strains were incubated in sterile full-cream milk with 12 % fat at 37°C for 48 hours under a 6% CO 2 aerobic atmosphere. Subsequent to the incubation, culture counts were performed on Brucella Agar Base using tryptose soy broth. As a result during our analysis at the 12th hour of the storage, it was noted that while pH remained 5.2, aw 0.96 and moisture %52.16, population of B. abortus in-group A2 rose from 10 4 cfu/gr to 10 5 cfu/gr (P
- Published
- 2012
45. Mold-Ripened Sausages
- Author
Veli Gök, Levent Akkaya, and Ersel Obuz
- Subjects
Chemistry ,Turkish ,White meat ,Meat spoilage ,language ,Product (category theory) ,Food science ,language.human_language ,Dry cured - Published
- 2012
46. Afyonkarahisar ilindeki yenebilir sakatatlarda Salmonella’nın prevalansı
- Author
H.I. Atabay, Hilmi Yaman, Veli Gök, Levent Akkaya, and Veteriner Fakültesi
- Subjects
Edible Offal ,Yenilebilir Sakatat ,Salmonella ,IMS ,General Veterinary ,Kesimhane ,technology, industry, and agriculture ,Microbial contamination ,Biology ,medicine.disease_cause ,Isolation rate ,Butcher ,medicine ,Food science ,Detection rate ,Veterinerlik ,Abattoir ,Food contaminant ,Kasap - Abstract
Akkaya, Levent (Balikesir Author), In this study, the prevalence of Salmonella sp. was examined using a total of 205 edible bovine offal samples collected from different abattoirs (n=105) and butcheries (n=100) by immunomagnetic separation (IMS) method. The isolation rate of Salmonella was found to be 8.57%, 5.71% and 5.71% for the liver, kidney and tripe samples collected from the abattoir, respectively. Of the offal samples obtained from the butcheries, the detection rate of Salmonella sp. was 16% in the liver and 4% in the kidney, tripe and brain samples. Overall, it was found that 8.29% of all the offal samples obtained from the abattoirs and butcheries were determined to be contaminated with Salmonella sp. The results of this study shows that edible offal are cross-contaminated by Salmonella sp. at the abattoirs and retail sale points until they reach to the consumer. It is recommended that adequate hygienic and sanitary measures be taken in these kind of places in order to protect public health., Bu çalışmada, farklı kesimhane (105 adet) ve kasaplardan (100 adet) temin edilen toplam 205 adet yenebilir sakatat örneği, Salmonella türlerinin prevalansını belirlemek amacıyla immunmanyetik ayırma tekniği (IMS) kullanılarak incelendi. Salmonella izolasyon oranı kesimhaneden alınan karaciğer, böbrek ve işkembe örnekleri için sırasıyla %8.57, %5.71 ve %5.71 olarak saptandı. Kasaplardan temin edilen sakatat örneklerinde ise Salmonella saptama oranı karaciğerde %16, böbrek, işkembe ve beyin örneklerinde ise sırasıyla %4 olarak belirlendi. Genel olarak, bu çalışma kapsamında kesimhane ve kasaplardan temin edilen tüm sakatat örneklerinin %8.29 oranında Salmonella ile kontamine olduğu belirlenmiştir. Bu çalışmanın bulguları, yenebilir sakatatların tüketiciye ulaşıncaya kadar kesimhane ve perakende satış noktalarında Salmonella ile çarpraz kontaminasyona maruz kaldığını göstermektedir. Halk sağlığını korumak amacıyla bu gibi yerlerde yeterli hijyen ve sıhhi önlemlerinin alınması tavsiye olunur.
- Published
- 2012
47. Organochlorine pesticide (OCP) residues in cow's, buffalo's, and sheep's milk from Afyonkarahisar region, Turkey
- Author
Levent Akkaya, Sait Bulut, Muhsin Konuk, and Veli Gök
- Subjects
Veterinary medicine ,Sheep ,Waste management ,Buffaloes ,Turkey ,Pesticide Residues ,food and beverages ,Organochlorine pesticide ,General Medicine ,Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law ,Pesticide ,Biology ,Pollution ,fluids and secretions ,Milk ,Hydrocarbons, Chlorinated ,Animals ,Environmental Pollutants ,General Environmental Science ,Environmental Monitoring - Abstract
In this study, it was aimed to determine organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) in three types of milk (cow’s, buffalo’s, and sheep’s milk) produced in Afyonkarahisar province of Turkey. The results indicated that these milk specimens were found to be contaminated by 21 different pesticides. Sixteen OCP residues were detected in sheep’s milk and it was followed with 14 pesticides in buffalo’s milk and 11 pesticides in cow’s milk. Dominant pesticides in all samples examined were beta-HCH in buffalo’s, cow’s, and sheep’s milk in the concentrations of 63.36, 91.32, and 122.98 ng/ml, respectively. Total OCP levels were found to be 243.81 ng/ml in sheep’s milk, 151.02 ng/ml in cow’s milk, and 133.38 ng/ml in buffalo’s milk. Some of the pesticides detected were found to be in the excess amount of the acceptable level regarding the EU regulations.
- Published
- 2010
48. Antioxidant properties of some plants growing wild in Turkey
- Author
Veli Gök, Derya Arslan, Ahmet Serteser, Mustafa Kargıoğlu, Yavuz Bagci, Mehmet Musa Özcan, and Selçuk Üniversitesi
- Subjects
inorganic chemicals ,Antioxidant ,Radical scavenging ,medicine.medical_treatment ,Chelating Activity ,Extractos ,Extracts ,Metal ,chemistry.chemical_compound ,Actividad quelatante ,Antioxidant activity ,Chelating activities ,Captadores radicalarios ,medicine ,TX341-641 ,Chelation ,Food science ,Hydrogen peroxide ,Scavenging ,Aqueous solution ,Plantas medicinales y aromáticas ,Nutrition. Foods and food supply ,Chemistry ,fungi ,Organic Chemistry ,Biochemistry ,visual_art ,visual_art.visual_art_medium ,Methanol ,Medicinal and aromatic plants ,Actividad antioxidante ,Food Science - Abstract
WOS: 000266714400006, In this study, the antioxidant activity of 50% aqueous methanol extracts of 38 plants growing in the Afyonkarahisar province of Turkey were evaluated by various antioxidant assay, including free radical scavenging, hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) scavenging and metal (Fe2+) chelating activities. The methanolic fruit extracts of the Cornus and Morus species (H2O2 and DPPH scavenging activities, Fe2+ chelating activity) and the methanolic leaf extracts of the Mentha species (DPPH scavenging activities) examined in the assay showed the strongest activities. These antioxidant properties depended on the concentration of samples., Selcuk University Scientific Research Project (S.U.-BAP, Konya-TURKEY)Selcuk University, This work was supported by Selcuk University Scientific Research Project (S.U.-BAP, Konya-TURKEY).
- Published
- 2009
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49. Effects of packaging method and storage time on the chemical, microbiological, and sensory properties of Turkish pastirma - A dry cured beef product
- Author
Levent Akkaya, Ersel Obuz, and Veli Gök
- Subjects
chemistry.chemical_compound ,chemistry ,Modified atmosphere ,Food preservation ,Conditioning ,Sensory system ,Food science ,Vacuum packing ,Hexanal ,Dry cured ,Food Science ,Mathematics ,Warehouse - Abstract
The effects of packaging method (aerobic packaging (AP), vacuum packaging (VP) or modified atmosphere packaging (MAP)), the form of pastirma (sliced or non-sliced) and storage time (0, 15, 30, 60, 90 or 120 days) on the chemical, microbiological and sensory properties of a Turkish pastirma were investigated. Overall, MAP preserved chemical, microbiological and sensory properties of Turkish pastirma better than AP or VP. Very high correlation coefficients (almost all >0.90) were observed between subjective quality parameters (sensory properties) and objective quality parameters (TBARS, hexanal content, L(∗), a(∗), and b(∗)), which suggests that sensory panel was able to determine the quality changes over storage time precisely. Based on the results of this study, MAP should be the preferred choice of packaging in order to preserve overall quality of Turkish pastirma and its implication for pastirma packaging may increase pastirma's current share in the processed meat product market.
- Published
- 2007
50. The effect of nisin onListeria monocytogenesin chicken burgers
- Author
Levent Akkaya, Veli Gök, Hilmi Yaman, and Recep Kara
- Subjects
General Veterinary ,Inoculation ,food and beverages ,biochemical phenomena, metabolism, and nutrition ,Microbial contamination ,medicine.disease_cause ,chemistry.chemical_compound ,chemistry ,Listeria monocytogenes ,polycyclic compounds ,medicine ,bacteria ,Chicken burger ,lipids (amino acids, peptides, and proteins) ,Animal Science and Zoology ,Food science ,Nisin - Abstract
In this study, the effect of nisin on the growth and survival of L. monocytogenes has been investigated in chicken burger samples. Chicken burger samples inoculated with L. monocytogenes(ATCC 7644) (L.m.) at the levels of 4 log cfu/g and 6 logcfu/g and were added nisin at the amounts of 25 μg/g, 50 μg/g and 100 μg/g to form eight experimental groups (C-1: 4 log cfu/g L.m., A-1: 4 log cfu/g L.m.+ 25 ppm nisin, A-2: 4 log cfu/g L.m. + 50 ppm nisin, A-3: 4 log cfu/g L.m. + 100 ppm nisin, C-2: 6 logcfu/g L.m., B-1: 6 logcfu/g L.m. + 25 ppm nisin, B-2: 6 logcfu/g L.m. + 50 ppm nisin, B-3: 6 logcfu/g L.m. + 100 ppm nisin). No nisin was added into the control group. They were stored at 4°C for 7 days.At the present study, although the amounts of nisin used did not totally inhibitL. monocytogenes, the numbers of L. monocytogenes were reduced average 1–2 log cfu/g in the experimental chicken burgers. Therefore, it might be necessary to explore other different amounts of nisin to ensure possibilities of using nisin in meat and meat products.
- Published
- 2014
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