11 results on '"Veličković Miljan"'
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2. Influence of parenteral application of beta-carotene on fertility in cows
- Author
Veličković Miljan and Vuković Dragan
- Subjects
beta-carotene ,vitamin A ,cows ,Veterinary medicine ,SF600-1100 - Abstract
Thirty Holstein breed cows from the breeding stock of high yielding dairy cattle were selected for testing. The cows were selected during their high gravidity and fell into two groups. The i.m beta-carotene, Carofertin, of 20 ml (200 mg of beta-carotene) was applied to the experimental group (n=15) two weeks before the expected parturition date. Another injection of the beta-carotene preparation was applied to the experimental group two weeks after parturition. Simultaneously, a physiological solution of 20 ml was injected i.m to the experimental group (n=15). The blood samples for testing of the beta-carotene and vitamin A concentration were taken during high gravidity and in the early puerperium two days after the beta-carotene application and on the day of parturition. Two-of parenteral application of beta-carotene before parturition does not have an impact significantly on the frequency of the occurrence of retained placenta in experimental cows comparing to the cows of the control group (x=33.3 % and x=20.0 %) and length of the service period (x =97.20±31.64 and x=98.8±35.8 days). Based on the results obtained during this research, it can be concluded that the parenteral application of the beta-carotene (Carofertin) as 200 mg per cow, which is meant for protection of the reproductive disorders of cows, does not affect the level of carotinemia when its concentration in the blood serum is within the physiological limits. Therefore, no significant discrepancy in values of the reproduction figures between the cows of the experimental and control group was found. All in all, its usage is advisable only during scarce feeding.
- Published
- 2008
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3. Concentration of beta-carotene and vitamin A in blood serum of cows in peripartal period
- Author
Veličković Miljan and Vuković Dragan
- Subjects
beta-carotene ,vitamin A ,cows ,Veterinary medicine ,SF600-1100 - Abstract
In a herd of high-productive dairy cows of the Holstein breed, 40 cows were selected for an experiment. The animals were chosen at the period of advanced gravidity. Data on mean values of beta-carotene concentrations in blood serum of the cows show that significantly higher values (p
- Published
- 2005
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4. Uticaj različitih doza prepartalno aplikovanog selena na smanjenje učestalosti zaostajanja posteljice kod visokomlečnih krava
- Author
Veličković, Miljan N., Jovanović, Ivan, Gvozdić, Dragan, Radovanović, Anita, Vakanjac, Slobodanka, and Joksimović-Todorović, Mirjana
- Subjects
zaostala posteljica ,tironini ,cows ,kortizol ,estradiol ,thyronines ,krave ,selen ,cortisol ,progesterone ,progesteron ,selenium ,placental retention - Abstract
periodu kod krava čiji je porođaj indukovan preparatima prostaglandina F2α. Cilj je bio da se utvrdi efekat Se na učestalost zaostale posteljice (RP), oksidativni/antioksidativni status, stepen opšteg stresa, uticaj na koncentraciju tireoidnih i steroidnih hormona, kao i da se uporede vrednosti istih parametara kod životinja sa i bez zaostale posteljice, nezavisno od tretmana. Ogled je izveden na trideset tri (33) krave Holštajn-Frizijske rase koje su metodom slučajnog izbora podeljene u tri grupe kojima je jednokratno, intramuskulurno, apliciran suplement natrijum selenita (NaSe) i tokoferol acetata (TAc) na sledeći način: kontrolna grupa (n=9) nije dobijala suplement i služila je kao negativna kontrola; grupa 1 (n=11) je dobila 10 mg NaSe + 400 mg TAc; grupa 2 (n=13) je dobila 20 mg NaSe + 800 mg TAc, 21 dan pre očekivanog porođaja. Porođaj kod svih krava je indukovan sa PGF2α, ali ne pre 275-og dana graviditeta. Heparinizirana krv je sakupljana za određivanje aktivnosti glutation peroksidaze (GPx), koncentracije Se, malondialdehida (MDA), tiroksina (T4), trijodtironina (T3), kortizola, estradiola, progesterona, β-hidroksibutirata (BHBA) i aktivnosti glutamat dehidrogenaze (GLDH). Procenat zastupljenosti RP kod krava u grupi 1 opao je na 38,2%, a u grupi 2 na 30,8%, u odnosu na kontrolu (66,7%), kao posledica dodavanja Se. Koncentracija Se i aktivnost GPx u krvi suplementiranih grupa bile su više u odnosu na kontrolu, ali se nisu međusobno razlikovale, dok je koncentracija MDA kod suplementiranih krava bila značajno niža u poređenju sa kontrolom. Plazmatska koncentracija T4 bila je značajno viša u grupi 1 u poređenju sa kontrolom, dok se koncentracija T3 nije razlikovala između grupa. Koncentracija kortizola u grupi 2 bila je značajno niža u odnosu na kontrolu i grupu 1. Pritom, kod nesuplementiranih životinja nivo kortizola je neprekidno rastao u periodu od 12h pre do 12h posle porođaja, dok se kod suplementiranih grupa nivoi nisu menjali. Koncentracije progesterona i estradiola nisu reagovale na dodatak Se. Plotkinje koje nisu razvile RP imale su značajno višu koncentraciju Se i aktivnost GPx u punoj krvi i, kao posledicu, značajno niže koncentracije MDA u krvnoj plazmi u odnosu na krave kod kojih je dijagnostikovana RP. Krave sa RP imale su značajno višu koncentraciju progesterona u poređenju sa životinjama bez RP, dok se nivoi ostalih steroidnih hormona nisu razlikovali. Plazmatska aktivnost GLDH i koncentracija BHBA kretale su se u fiziološkim granicama. This study analyzes the effects of pre-partal application of selenium (Se) to cows whose parturition was induced using prostaglandine F2α. The goal was to determine the effects of Se on the incidence of retained placenta (RP), oxidative/anti-oxidative status, level of general stress, thyroid and steroid hormones, as well as to compare the above parameters between cows with and without RP, independently of treatment. The experiment was carried out on 33 Holstein-Friesian cows divided randomly into 3 groups. The treatment consisted of a single term i/m injection of sodium selenite (NaSe) and tocopherol acetate (TAc), as follows: the untreated group (n=9) served as a negative control; group 1 (n=11) recieved 10 mg NaSe + 400 mg TAc; group 2 (n=13) recieved 20 mg NaSe + 800 mg TAc, 21 days before the expected parturition. In all cows parturition was induced using PGF2α, never before the 275th day of gestation. Heparinized blood was collected to determine GPx activity, concentrations of Se, malondialdehyde (MDA), thyroxine (T4), triiodothyronine (T3), cortisol, 17β-estradiol, progesterone, β-hydroxybutyrate (BHBA) and glutamate dehydrogenase (GLDH) activity. Percent of RP in group 1 was reduced to 38,2% and in group 2 to 30,2% compared to control (66,7%) as a consequence of Se supplementation. Blood Se concentration and GPx activity were higher in supplemented groups compared to the control, but did not differ between groups 1 and 2; plasma MDA content was significantly lower in supplemented groups compared to the control. Plasma T4 was significantly higher in group 1 compared to the control, while T3 did not differ between groups. Plasma cortisol content was significantly lower in group 2 compared to the control and group 1. In unsupplemented animals plasma cortisol level constantly raised from 12h before to 12h after parturition, while in the supplemented group it was unchanged. Plasma progesterone and estradiol levels were unaffected by Se treatment. Cows without RP had significantly higher blood Se concentration and GPx activity and as a consequence lower plasma MDA content compared to cows with RP. Plasma progesterone was higher in non-RP animals, while the concentration of other hormones did not differ. Plasma GLDH activity and BHBA concentrations were within physiological limits
- Published
- 2015
5. Efekat dodavanja selena (Promtselen®) na koncentraciju MDA i učestalost zaostajanja posteljice kod krava kojima je indukovan partus
- Author
Valčić, Olivera, Jovanović, Ivan, Milanović, Svetlana, Veličković, Miljan, and Gvozdić, Dragan
- Subjects
placenta retention ,retencija posteljice ,MDA ,krave ,dairy cows - Abstract
Vreme oko partusa kod mlečnih krava smatra se najosetljivijim periodom sa više aspekata, među kojima se posebno ističu prestrojavanje metabolizma u pravcu laktacije i posledično povećanje oksidativnog stresa organizma. Osim toga, indukcija porođaja uz pomoć PGF2α dodatno povećava učestalost retencije posteljice. U sistem odbrane od oksidativnog stresa ukljuceni su neenzimski molekuli (vitamini C i E i glutation) i enzimi: superoksid dismutaza, katalaza i glutation peroksidaza. Selenoenzim glutation peroksidaza redukuje nastale hidroperokside masnih kiselina, čime prekida lančanu reakciju oštećenja lipida ćelijske membrane. malondialdehid (MDA), nastao neenzimskim cepanjem lipidnih hidroperoksida, može ukankrsno da se veže za druge biološke molekule, čime dovodi do citotoksičnosti i mutagenosti. Koncentracija MDA u krvnoj plazmi predstavlja dobar indikator stepena oksidativnog oštećenja lipida u organizmu. Cilj našeg rada je bio da ustanovimo promene koncentracije MDA u krvnoj plazmi tokom teljenja i u peripartalnom periodu, 12 sati pre i nakon partusa, kao i uspešnost izbacivanja posteljice kod krava čiji je porođaj indukovan prostaglandinom. Ogled je izvršen na kravama Holštajn-frizijske rase podeljenim u tri grupe: 1) nesumplementirana kontrolna grupa (n=9), 2) grupa tretirana sa 20 ml (n=11) i 3) sa 40 ml (n=13) Promtselena® 30 dana pre partusa. Koncentracija MDA u krvi je određivana spektrofotometrijski. Koncentracije MDA u plazmi krava suplementiranih sa 20 ml Promtselena 12 časova pre porođaja (4,59 ± 1,20), tokom porođaja (4,44 ± 0,68) i 12 časova nakon porođaja (4,67 ± 0,80), bile su značajno niže u odnosu na kontrolnu grupu. Grupa tretirana sa 40 ml Promtselena je od svih posmatranih životinja imala najizrazitije smanjene vrednosti MDA u plazmi 12 sati pre partusa. Tretmani sa 20 ml i 40 ml Promtselena® rezultirali su značajnim smanjenjem učestalosti retencije posteljice (38,2% i 30,8%) u odnosu na netretiranu grupu (66,67%). Možemo zaključiti da aplikacija 20 ml i 40 ml Promtselena 30 dana pre indukcije porođaja rezultira statistički značajnim smanjenjem MDA u plazmi tokom peripartalnog perioda, kao i značajnim smanjenjem učestalosti zaostajanja posteljice. The time close to calving in dairy cows is considered as the most sensitive period from more aspects, among which most relevant are the metabolic shift due to lactation and subsequently increased oxidative stress. Besides, PGF2 induction of delivery additionally increases the incidence of retained placenta. The oxidative stress defense mechanisms consist of nonenzymatic molecules (vitamins C and E, glutathione) and enzymes: superoxide dismutase, catalase and glutathione peroxidase. The selenoenzyme glutathione peroxidase reduces the formed fatty acids hydroperoxides, thus interruptting the chain reaction of damage to the cell membrane lipids. Malondialdehyde (MDA), formed by nonenzymatic fission can cross link to other biological molecules which results in cytotoxicity and mutations. The concentration of MDA in blood plasma is a good indicator of the degree of oxidative damage in the organism. The aim of this study was to determine changes in MDA concentration in the blood plasma during calving and in the peripartal period, 12h before and after calving, as well as the success rate in the expulsion of the placenta in cows with prostaglandin induced delivery. The experiment was done on dairy Holstein Friesian cows allotted into 3 groups: 1) not supplemented control group (n=9), 2) group treated with 20 mL (n=11) and 3) with 40 mL (n=13) Promtselen® 30 days before calving. MDA plasma concentration was measured spectrophotometrically. Plasma MDA concentrations in cows supplemented with 20 mL Promtselen® 12h before calving were (4.59 ± 1.20), at calving (4.44 ± 0.68) and 12h after delivery (4.67 ± 0.80), were significantly lower compared to the control group. The group treated with 40 mL Promtselen® had the lowest MDA results of all groups at 12h after calving. Treatments with 20 mL and 40 mL Promtselen® resulted in a significant decrease in placenta retention (38.2% and 30.8%) compared with the control group (66.67%). It can be concluded that application of 20 and 40 mL Promtselen® 30 days before induction of calving resulted in a statistically significant reduction of plasma MDA concentrations during the peripartal period, as well as with a significant reduction in retained placenta.
- Published
- 2011
6. Uticaj različitih doza prepartalno aplikovanog selena na smanjenje učestalosti zaostajanja posteljice kod visokomlečnih krava
- Author
Jovanović, Ivan, Gvozdić, Dragan, Radovanović, Anita, Vakanjac, Slobodanka, Joksimović-Todorović, Mirjana, Veličković, Miljan N., Jovanović, Ivan, Gvozdić, Dragan, Radovanović, Anita, Vakanjac, Slobodanka, Joksimović-Todorović, Mirjana, and Veličković, Miljan N.
- Abstract
periodu kod krava čiji je porođaj indukovan preparatima prostaglandina F2α. Cilj je bio da se utvrdi efekat Se na učestalost zaostale posteljice (RP), oksidativni/antioksidativni status, stepen opšteg stresa, uticaj na koncentraciju tireoidnih i steroidnih hormona, kao i da se uporede vrednosti istih parametara kod životinja sa i bez zaostale posteljice, nezavisno od tretmana. Ogled je izveden na trideset tri (33) krave Holštajn-Frizijske rase koje su metodom slučajnog izbora podeljene u tri grupe kojima je jednokratno, intramuskulurno, apliciran suplement natrijum selenita (NaSe) i tokoferol acetata (TAc) na sledeći način: kontrolna grupa (n=9) nije dobijala suplement i služila je kao negativna kontrola; grupa 1 (n=11) je dobila 10 mg NaSe + 400 mg TAc; grupa 2 (n=13) je dobila 20 mg NaSe + 800 mg TAc, 21 dan pre očekivanog porođaja. Porođaj kod svih krava je indukovan sa PGF2α, ali ne pre 275-og dana graviditeta. Heparinizirana krv je sakupljana za određivanje aktivnosti glutation peroksidaze (GPx), koncentracije Se, malondialdehida (MDA), tiroksina (T4), trijodtironina (T3), kortizola, estradiola, progesterona, β-hidroksibutirata (BHBA) i aktivnosti glutamat dehidrogenaze (GLDH). Procenat zastupljenosti RP kod krava u grupi 1 opao je na 38,2%, a u grupi 2 na 30,8%, u odnosu na kontrolu (66,7%), kao posledica dodavanja Se. Koncentracija Se i aktivnost GPx u krvi suplementiranih grupa bile su više u odnosu na kontrolu, ali se nisu međusobno razlikovale, dok je koncentracija MDA kod suplementiranih krava bila značajno niža u poređenju sa kontrolom. Plazmatska koncentracija T4 bila je značajno viša u grupi 1 u poređenju sa kontrolom, dok se koncentracija T3 nije razlikovala između grupa. Koncentracija kortizola u grupi 2 bila je značajno niža u odnosu na kontrolu i grupu 1. Pritom, kod nesuplementiranih životinja nivo kortizola je neprekidno rastao u periodu od 12h pre do 12h posle porođaja, dok se kod suplementiranih grupa nivoi nisu menjali. Koncentracije progester, This study analyzes the effects of pre-partal application of selenium (Se) to cows whose parturition was induced using prostaglandine F2α. The goal was to determine the effects of Se on the incidence of retained placenta (RP), oxidative/anti-oxidative status, level of general stress, thyroid and steroid hormones, as well as to compare the above parameters between cows with and without RP, independently of treatment. The experiment was carried out on 33 Holstein-Friesian cows divided randomly into 3 groups. The treatment consisted of a single term i/m injection of sodium selenite (NaSe) and tocopherol acetate (TAc), as follows: the untreated group (n=9) served as a negative control; group 1 (n=11) recieved 10 mg NaSe + 400 mg TAc; group 2 (n=13) recieved 20 mg NaSe + 800 mg TAc, 21 days before the expected parturition. In all cows parturition was induced using PGF2α, never before the 275th day of gestation. Heparinized blood was collected to determine GPx activity, concentrations of Se, malondialdehyde (MDA), thyroxine (T4), triiodothyronine (T3), cortisol, 17β-estradiol, progesterone, β-hydroxybutyrate (BHBA) and glutamate dehydrogenase (GLDH) activity. Percent of RP in group 1 was reduced to 38,2% and in group 2 to 30,2% compared to control (66,7%) as a consequence of Se supplementation. Blood Se concentration and GPx activity were higher in supplemented groups compared to the control, but did not differ between groups 1 and 2; plasma MDA content was significantly lower in supplemented groups compared to the control. Plasma T4 was significantly higher in group 1 compared to the control, while T3 did not differ between groups. Plasma cortisol content was significantly lower in group 2 compared to the control and group 1. In unsupplemented animals plasma cortisol level constantly raised from 12h before to 12h after parturition, while in the supplemented group it was unchanged. Plasma progesterone and estradiol levels were unaffected by Se treatment. Cows without RP h
- Published
- 2015
7. Effects of Different Amounts of Supplemental Selenium and Vitamin E on the Incidence of Retained Placenta, Selenium, Malondialdehyde, and Thyronines Status in Cows Treated with Prostaglandin F2α for the Induction of Parturition
- Author
Jovanović, Ivan, Veličković, Miljan, Vuković, Dragan, Milanović, Svetlana, Valčić, Olivera, Gvozdić, Dragan, Jovanović, Ivan, Veličković, Miljan, Vuković, Dragan, Milanović, Svetlana, Valčić, Olivera, and Gvozdić, Dragan
- Abstract
The incidence of retained placenta (RP) in cows increases in cases of parturition induced by prostaglandin F2α. We analyzed the effects of different doses of supplemental selenium and vitamin E on the incidence of RP, blood selenium, plasma thyronines, and malondialdehyde concentration. Thirty-three clinically healthy, multiparous Holstein-Frisian cows were assigned to 3 groups and supplemented with a single intramuscular injection of sodium selenite (SS) and tocopherol acetate (TAc) between days 250 to 255 of gestation: control—unsupplemented; group A—10 mg SS + 400 mg TAc; group B—20 mg SS + 800 mg TAc. Parturition was induced using PGF2α not before day 275 of gestation. The RP incidence was reduced from 66.7% in the control to 38.2 and 30.8% in groups A and B, respectively. Blood selenium and glutathione peroxidase activity in treated groups were significantly higher compared to control, with no significant difference between groups A and B. Plasma malondialdehyde in group B was significantly lower than that in control and group A, while thyronines levels were not affected. Comparison of RP and non-RP cows, independently of supplement treatment, revealed higher blood selenium and glutathione peroxidase activity and lower MDA and thyroxine in non-RP animals, while triiodothyronine level did not differ.
- Published
- 2013
8. Influence of parenteral application of beta-carotene on fertility in cows
- Author
Veličković, Miljan, Vuković, Dragan, Veličković, Miljan, and Vuković, Dragan
- Abstract
U zapatu visokomlečnih krava holštajn rase odabrano je 30 krava za izvođenje ogleda. Životinje su odabrane u periodu visokog graviditeta i podeljene su u dve grupe. Kravama ogledne grupe (n=15) je dve nedelje pre očekivanog datuma partusa aplikovan i.m preparat betakarotina, Carofertin, u količini od 20 ml (200 mg beta-karotina). Dve nedelje posle partusa, kravama ogledne grupe je aplikovana druga injekcija preparata beta-karotina. U isto vreme, kravama kontrolne grupe (n=15) i.m je ubrizgan fiziološki rastvor u količini od 20 ml. Uzorci krvi za ispitivanje koncentracije beta-karotina i vitamina A su uzimani u periodu visokog graviditeta i u ranom puerperijumu drugoga dana posle aplikacije preparata beta-karotina, kao i na sam dan partusa. Dvokratno parenteralno davanje beta-karotina u peripartalnom periodu ne utiče značajno na učestalost pojavljivanja zadržane posteljice kod krava ogledne, u poređenju sa kravama kontrolne grupe (x=33,3% i x=20,0 %) i dužinu trajanja servis perioda (×=97,20±31,64 i ×= 98,8±35,8 dana). Na osnovu rezultata dobijenih u radu može se zaključiti da parenteralno davanje preparata beta-karotina (Carofertin), koji je namenjen za profilaksu reproduktivnih poremećaja goveda, u dozi od 200 mg po životinji nema uticaja na nivo karotinemije u uslovima kada je njegova koncentracija u krvnom serumu u fiziološkim granicama. Isto tako, nije ustanovljena značajna razlika u vrednostima reproduktivnih pokazatelja između krava ogledne i kontrolne grupe. Po svemu sudeći, njegova upotreba je preporučljiva samo tokom perioda ishrane životinja hranom koja ne sadrži dovoljne količine ovog provitamina., Thirty Holstein breed cows from the breeding stock of high yielding dairy cattle were selected for testing. The cows were selected during their high gravidity and fell into two groups. The i.m beta-carotene, Carofertin, of 20 ml (200 mg of beta-carotene) was ap plied to the experimental group (n=15) two weeks before the expected parturition date. Another injection of the beta-carotene preparation was applied to the experimental group two weeks after parturition. Simultaneously, a physiological solution of 20 ml was injected i.m to the experimental group (n=15). The blood samples for testing of the beta-carotene and vitamin A concentration were taken during high gravidity and in the early puerperium two days after the beta-carotene application and on the day of parturition. Two-of parenteral application of beta-carotene before parturition does not have an impact significantly on the frequency of the occurrence of retained placenta in experimental cows comparing to the cows of the control group (x=33.3 % and x=20.0 %) and length of the service period (x =97.20±31.64 and x=98.8±35.8 days). Based on the results obtained during this research, it can be concluded that the parenteral application of the beta-carotene (Carofertin) as 200 mg per cow, which is meant for protection of the reproductive disorders of cows, does not affect the level of carotinemia when its concentration in the blood serum is within the physiological limits. Therefore, no significant discrepancy in values of the reproduction figures between the cows of the experimental and control group was found. All in all, its usage is advisable only during scarce feeding.
- Published
- 2008
9. Effects of Different Amounts of Supplemental Selenium and Vitamin E on the Incidence of Retained Placenta, Selenium, Malondialdehyde, and Thyronines Status in Cows Treated with Prostaglandin F2α for the Induction of Parturition
- Author
Jovanović, Ivan B., primary, Veličković, Miljan, additional, Vuković, Dragan, additional, Milanović, Svetlana, additional, Valčić, Olivera, additional, and Gvozdić, Dragan, additional
- Published
- 2013
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10. Concentration of beta-carotene and vitamin A in blood serum of cows in peripartal period
- Author
Veličković, Miljan, Vuković, Dragan, Veličković, Miljan, and Vuković, Dragan
- Abstract
In a herd of high-productive dairy cows of the Holstein breed, 40 cows were selected for an experiment. The animals were chosen at the period of advanced gravidity. Data on mean values of beta-carotene concentrations in blood serum of the cows show that significantly higher values (p<0,01) were established in advanced gravidity (x=9.53± 3.49 µmol/l) in comparison with the values on calving day (x=5.69±3.14 µmol/l) and in early puerperium (x=2.25±1.00 µmol/l). perium (x=2.25±1.00 µmol/l). The average concentration of vitamin A in blood serum of cows varied approximately the same as the concentration of beta-carotene. The highest average concentration of vitamin A in blood serum of cows was determined in advanced gravidity (x=1.856±0.52 µmol/l), and the lowest in early puerperium (x=0.988±0.31 µmol/l) (p<0,05) It can be concluded on the grounds of the reuslts obtained in this work that the average concentration of beta-carotene and vitamin A in blood serum of cows in advanced gravidity and on the day of calving is within the limits of physiological values and in keeping with the values cited in literature, and that concentrations of beta-carotene and vitamin A in blood serum of cows two weeks after calving are significantly lower than the values obtained in advanced gravidity and on the day of calving and are lower than the physiological values most often reported in literature for this animal specie., U zapatu visoko-mlečnih krava holštajn rase odabrano je 40 krava za izvođenje ogleda. Životinje su odabrane u periodu visokog graviditeta. Podaci o srednjim vrednostima koncentracije beta-karotina u krvnom serumu krava pokazuju da su značajno veće vrednosti (p<0,01) utvrđene u visokom graviditetu (x=9.53±3.49 mol/l) u poređenju sa vrednostima na dan teljenja (x=5.69±3.14 mol/l) i u ranom puerperijumu (x=2.25±1.00 mol/l). Približno isto kao i koncentracija beta-karotina. Najveća prosečna koncentracija vitamina A u krvnom serumu krava je utvr|ena u visokom graviditetu (x=1.856±0.52 mol/l), a najniža u ranom puerperijumu (x=0.988±0.31 mol/l) (p<0,05) Na osnovu rezultata dobijenih u radu može da se zaključi da je prosečna koncentracija beta-karotina i vitamina A u krvnom serumu krava u visokom graviditetu i na dan teljenja u granicama fizioloških vrednosti i u skladu sa vrednostima koje su citirane u literaturi, kao i da je dve nedelje posle teljenja koncentracija beta-karotina i vitamina A u krvnom serumu krava značajno niža od vrednosti dobijenih u visokom graviditetu i na dan teljenja i niža je od fizioloških vrednosti koje se najčešće navode u literaturi za ovu vrstu životinja.
- Published
- 2005
11. Effects of Different Amounts of Supplemental Selenium and Vitamin E on the Incidence of Retained Placenta, Selenium, Malondialdehyde, and Thyronines Status in Cows Treated with Prostaglandin F2α for the Induction of Parturition
- Author
B. Jovanović, Ivan, Veličković, Miljan, Vuković, Dragan, Milanović, Svetlana, Valčić, Olivera, and Gvozdić, Dragan
- Abstract
The incidence of retained placenta (RP) in cows increases in cases of parturition induced by prostaglandin F2α. We analyzed the effects of different doses of supplemental selenium and vitamin E on the incidence of RP, blood selenium, plasma thyronines, and malondialdehyde concentration. Thirty-three clinically healthy, multiparous Holstein-Frisian cows were assigned to 3 groups and supplemented with a single intramuscular injection of sodium selenite (SS) and tocopherol acetate (TAc) between days 250 to 255 of gestation: control—unsupplemented; group A—10 mg SS + 400 mg TAc; group B—20 mg SS + 800 mg TAc. Parturition was induced using PGF2α not before day 275 of gestation. The RP incidence was reduced from 66.7% in the control to 38.2 and 30.8% in groups A and B, respectively. Blood selenium and glutathione peroxidase activity in treated groups were significantly higher compared to control, with no significant difference between groups A and B. Plasma malondialdehyde in group B was significantly lower than that in control and group A, while thyronines levels were not affected. Comparison of RP and non-RP cows, independently of supplement treatment, revealed higher blood selenium and glutathione peroxidase activity and lower MDA and thyroxine in non-RP animals, while triiodothyronine level did not differ.
- Published
- 2013
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