The topic of this dissertation are potentials for improvement of open spaces in high-rise housing complexes and defining of revitalization models, as a planning and designing instrument, in agreement with the contemporary development tendencies aimed at attaining the best possible quality of life. The research focus is devastation of open spaces in the high-rise housing complexes, which is a significant indicator of disruption of the quality of life, as well as absences of a revitalization model which unites various improvement instruments. The basic goal of this dissertation is establishment of a planning instrument and the model for improvement of open spaces in the function of prevention of further devastation, more efficient using, coordination with the users’ needs and with contemporary tendencies of planning and designing and improvement of the quality of life. The research goal assumes that the potentials for revitalization of open spaces in the complexes with high-rise housing are realized by establishment of an integrated planning and designing approach in correlation with the partnership approach, adequate organizational and institutional structure and financial instruments, with due consideration of the residents’ needs and inclusion in decision making about the character of open spaces. In this context the focus of the dissertation is on defining and clear structuring of the model of revitalization of open spaces, as a possible instrument for improvement of the quality of life. Regarding the complexity of the open spaces problem, which necessitates a multi-disciplinary approach in research, the dissertation employs several scientific research methods (method of acquisition of information, observation method, analysis and synthesis method, inductivedeductive method, classification and systematization and survey). The dissertation is divided into: 1. Theoretical part, in which the revitalization model of the open spaces is defined and 2. Practical part in which the potential for implementation of revitalization model in the highrise housing complexes in Nis are investigated, which is a special contribution of this research. In the dissertation, genesis of open spaces was analyzed, and they were redefined and the a typology in housing complexes in agreement with the contemporary paradigms of planning and designing was established. Potential directions of adequate treatment of open spaces were specified, and quality criteria (spatial-functional, environmental, psycho-social, technological and organizational and visual-esthetic) were systematized as an initial theoretical basis for defining of the revitalization model. Dilapidation of the open spaces is present in the majority of complexes with high-rise housing across Europe, and manifested by the wide range of issues. It is particularly manifested in the post-socialist countries (Serbia, as well). Negligent attitude towards open spaces in the design phase, sub-standard construction or poor maintenance, as a consequence has a constant disruption of its physical and social dimension and scenic quality of housing complexes. The consequences of negligence are unattractiveness for the residents, negative implications for health and social interactions, and they can initiate anti-social behavior. In the recent years, improvement of the open spaces is visible in the foreign practice in the form of numerous multi-disciplinary programs and designs. In the dissertation were analyzed the examples of best practice from the western European and post-socialist countries. Systematization of the results of analyzed examples, indicated a high diversity in terms of program concepts of revitalization in accordance with the levels of open spaces deprivation, socio-political system, financial potential, institutional system and planning tradition. It was established that here is no single, comprehensive pattern for revitalization of open spaces, which would encompass a variety of instruments to improve the quality of life. Defining of the model of revitalization of open spaces in the high-rise housing complexes comprised establishment of a new approach which unified the established criteria and aspects of quality of open spaces and innovative solutions of good practice examples. They paved the way for the synergic treatment of various instruments for improvement of the quality of life – designing, planning, institutional, legislative, organizational and financial. The model is based on following theoretical assumptions: 1. Multidimensional structure of open spaces and a complex problem framework; 2. Integrated approach; 3. Adoption of the models as legitimate planning and designing instrument for improvement of open spaces; 4. Existence of adequate financial, organizational and institutional framework.; 5. Partnership approach and inclusion of a wide range of stakeholders; 6. Participation of the residents in terms of integrating their needs and goals of revitalization of open spaces. The defined model of revitalization of opens spaces is realized in 4 primary phases which are realized through various activities. At the theoretical level, a significant contribution of the model is elaboration of potential applicable measures, activities and instruments in various spheres of the complex problem of open spaces devastation. In Niš, as well as in other cities in Serbia, open spaces are neglected both in theory and practice. The research found a long lasting continuous neglect, both in planning and in legislative instruments, and in the field of maintenance. It was also observed that in Nis there is no systematic approach, nor adequate instruments to prevent further degradation of the open spaces quality. The research of the potentials for implementation of the defined model of revitalization is limited to open spaces within the housing complexes constructed in the time of socialism. The analysis of representative examples, yielded that the spatial-functional, environmental, social and esthetic values of the open spaces are disrupted, that is, a high level of deprivation. The fundamental causes are an uncontrolled transition process and turbulent changes in economical, social and planning domains. For representative areas, the levels of open spaces deprivation were determined, key problems and goals of revitalization, possible measures and activities, participants and stakeholders and financing sources. Particularly important is a survey of the residents, which identified their needs and requirements on the open spaces. From the aspect of applicability of this model in Niš, there are numerous limitation both for momentary or long-term application of the program of revitalization of open spaces. There is a special focus on defining of developmental preconditions and guidelines for realization of model functioning in Niš. In the dissertation, it was confirmed that the defined model of revitalization of open spaces can be implemented as an efficient planning and designing instrument for the quality of life improvement. The research indicates that the potential for its implementation depend on the planning, institutional and financial framework and that strong professional and institutional support is crucial, as it affirms all the participants in production of revitalization of open spaces, with a considerable degree of flexibility in terms of individual and common resources. It should be particularly stressed that implementation of the revitalization programs facilitates sustainability of open spaces through strengthening of the potential of housing communities in terms of self-governance, participation of the residents in maintenance and initiation of improvement programs.