A second victim is a healthcare provider who has been involved in a critical event. A critical event is a clinical situation in which an unforeseen clinical outcome occurs, or the clinical deterioration of the patient takes place for many different reasons. The patient and his/her family are the first victims. The healthcare provider(s) involved in the event are second victims. After such an event, the healthcare provider may experience a constellation of negative emotions, such as guilt, sadness, depression, somatic symptoms, hypervigilance, and fear. Most second victims require support to cope with the adverse clinical situation. Many of the studies addressed in this integrative review, revealed that having a trusted colleague or staff member with whom to discuss the critical event is therapeutic. Some organizations have developed programs to support second victims in which specially trained staff members are deployed to discuss critical events with those involved, if the participant(s) desire the support. Other clinical facilities do not have established support programs; however, healthcare providers have expressed desire to discuss the critical event with supportive colleagues., Competing Interests: Name: Michael Neft, PhD, DNP, MHA, RN, CRNA, FNAP, FAANA, FAAN Contribution: As lead author, Dr Neft designed and carried out the review and worked with co-authors regarding the synthesis, writing, rewriting, final editing, and approval of the manuscript to justify inclusion as an author. Disclosures: None. Name: Kathleen Sekula, PhD, PMHCNS, FAAN Contribution: This author made significant contributions to the conception, synthesis, writing, final editing, and approval of the manuscript to justify inclusion as an author. Disclosures: None. Name: Rick Zoucha, PhD, PMHCNS-BC, CTN-A, FAAN Contribution: This author made contributions to the writing, final editing, and approval of the manuscript to justify inclusion as an author. Disclosures: None. Name: Mary Ellen Smith Glasgow, PhD, RN, ACNS-BC, ANEF, FAAN Contribution: This author made contributions to the conception, synthesis, final editing, and approval of the manuscript to justify inclusion as an author. Disclosures: None. Name: Maria Van Pelt, PhD, CRNA, FAAN Contribution: This author made significant contributions to the conception, synthesis, writing, final editing, and approval of the manuscript to justify inclusion as an author. Disclosures: None. Name: Ann Mitchell, PhD, RN, AHN-BC, FIAAN, FAAN Contribution: This author made contributions to the final editing and approval of the manuscript to justify inclusion as an author. Disclosures: None. The authors did not discuss off-label use within the article. Disclosure statements are available for viewing upon request., (Copyright © by the American Association of Nurse Anesthetists.)